#Like I respect the hustle but I couldn't live like that. And then they move to Australia like a year later like
valeechtine · 5 months
I never grew up as a lego kid like I never played with them or really hung out with people that did but at times I kind of wish I was bc then I could justify getting these really huge and expensive sets cuz like the actual lego building process seems So fun I love putting kits together but like. I don't want to keep these after the only one I'd really want to keep is like the bugs and maybe some of the other cute non standard sets? Like if I made a huge lego thing like the titanic or something could I just resell that because that'd be heavenly. I want the fun of making a huuuuuuge lego set but then I won't have the hassle of that big money and space sink
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roxxie-wolf · 2 months
𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒪𝓇𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓈 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒
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Pairing: Human!Alastor x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your parents want you to marry someone of their choice, but you already have eyes on someone else. Will you follow what your parents think is best for you or will you go with what your heart desires.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: human!alastor x fem!reader, slow burn, this story may contain mature sexual content. Your in your late 20's, Alastor is in his early 30's, you still live with your parents idk. If I forgot anything else please let me know.
Note: Idk what to say, but if I miss anything please let me know ^^
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟧
Early morning painted the town in hues of orange and pink as you walked through the quiet streets. You had ventured out to gather some necessities your mother needed for the day. The butcher shop, a familiar stop on your errand route, welcomed you. The scent of fresh meat mingled with the earthiness of sawdust, a combination that was strangely comforting. The man at the register had hands like hams and a smile that was surprisingly gentle for such a rugged exterior.
"Hello, what can I do for you, young lady?" his voice deep and resonant, like the low rumble of distant thunder.
You approached the counter, the list of items your mother needed clear in your mind. "Yes, I was wondering if you have some chops," you looked at him, trying not to seem intimidated by the butcher's imposing presence.
"Of course," turning to the display behind him. "We have a fine selection this morning. Chops, ribs, tenderloin—whatever you need."
You watched as he laid out the cuts of meat, each piece neatly trimmed and wrapped in paper. "I'll take some chops and a tenderloin, please," you decided, thinking of the meals you could prepare.
The butcher nodded, his skilled hands moving deftly to prepare your order. "Coming right up, Anything else I can get for you?"
“No, that would be all, thank you”
As he worked, you couldn't help but notice the care he took with each cut, the respect he showed for his craft. It was a reminder that every person you meet has a story, a life as rich and complex as your own.
With your purchase in hand, you left the butcher shop, the morning sun warming your back as you continued your errands, the town slowly coming to life around you.
After getting everything your mother needed you decided to stop at a cafe, your personal favorite. The cafe, a cozy haven of warmth and the scent of freshly brewed coffee, was a welcome respite from your errands. As you settled into a chair, the weight of the bags reminding you of the morning's hustle, you allowed yourself a moment of rest.
Your gaze wandered, taking in the familiar comfort of the cafe, when suddenly, it landed on a sight that sent a jolt of surprise through you. There, entering the cafe, was Alastor—the very man who had been occupying your thoughts more often than you cared to admit.
He moved with an effortless grace, his attention momentarily caught by the barista's greeting. You watched, almost without thinking, your hand coming to rest beneath your chin as you admired him from afar. He was the picture of charm, his eyes holding a depth that seemed to pull you in.
And then, as if drawn by some unspoken connection, Alastor turned and his eyes found yours. His smile, wide and genuine, was like a beacon cutting through the ambient noise of the cafe. He didn't hesitate, making his way over to you.
"Well hello, we meet again darling," his tone gentle yet filled with the joy of the unexpected meeting.
You looked up at him, your heart fluttering despite your best efforts to appear composed. "Hello, it's good to see you again," your voice a whisper of softness to match his gentle tone.
“May I sit with you” you nodded. Alastor took the seat opposite you, his eyes never leaving yours. "I must say, I didn't expect to find you here," he admitted, his grin widening. "But I'm certainly not complaining, ma cherie.”
Alastor's new word, a soft murmur that you couldn't quite grasp, lingered in the air, adding to the tapestry of the moment. You caught his eyes, those deep pools of mystery, and for a heartbeat, you considered the thought of leaning in closer, of bridging the gap between thought and action.
But the world has a way of pulling us back, and so you turned away, a flush creeping up your cheeks as you wrestled with the sudden rush of emotions.
"May I know what are you thinking?," Alastor's voice broke through your reverie, as gentle as the touch you imagined.
You laughed, a nervous sound that did little to hide the turmoil beneath. "I’m sorry, it’s nothing, just random thoughts," the smile on your face belying the intensity of your previous thoughts.
Alastor's gaze softened, a hint of understanding—or was it curiosity?—flickering within. "Random thoughts are often the most interesting dear," his tone inviting, encouraging you to share more if you wished.
But some thoughts are meant to be kept close, treasured in the silence of one's heart, and so you simply smiled, the color in your cheeks a silent testament to the words left unspoken.
“I see you didn’t order anything” you said, a casual observation to mask the whirlwind of thoughts. The shift in conversation was a welcome reprieve, a chance to steer away from the edge of confessions not yet ready to be shared.
Alastor's response was immediate, his attention shifting from the missed order to your presence. "Ah yes, well I saw you and I decided to make my way to you. I forgot all about ordering. Do you want something, my dear?" His question was simple, but the way he said "my dear" made it feel like an endearment meant only for you.
The hesitation was brief, a moment's pause before you voiced your request. “Yes, coffee please." It was a simple order, one that might bring a smile to some, but Alastor took it in stride.
"Of course, darling" he stand with a fluid grace. He moved towards the barista, and you couldn't help but watch him, each step a silent note in the melody of your admiration.
As he spoke to the barista, you found yourself studying him anew, noticing the subtle gestures, the confident stance, the easy smile. It was as if seeing him in this mundane act peeled back another layer, revealing more of the man who had become a constant in your thoughts.
Alastor returned, the coffees cradled in his hands as if they were precious cargo. He handed you your cup, and as you whispered your thanks, there was a softness in the air, a gentle exchange of more than just pleasantries.
"I see you have groceries, my dear. Would you like me to help you with those when you leave?" His offer was casual, yet it carried the weight of a gesture that bridged the gap between acquaintance and something more.
You considered for a moment, the practicality of accepting his help mingling with the desire for his company. "Yes, of course, if you don’t mind," the decision made easier knowing your parents wouldn't be home to question his presence.
As you sipped your coffee, the world outside the cafe's window seemed to slow down, the hustle of the town taking on the quality of a distant backdrop. "So Alastor, what do you do for a living?" you asked, curiosity coloring your tone.
He smiled, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Well, I’m a radio host, of course."
The revelation struck a chord, and your eyes widened in recognition. Memories of an evening spent in the company of your mother and the radio came flooding back. She had spoken of the host's voice, rich and captivating. And now, with the pieces falling into place, you realized that the voice that had filled your home with stories, and music belonged to Alastor.
“That sounds like an interesting job," you remarked, the steam from your coffee curling up into the air
Alastor's eyes met yours over the rim of his cup, a spark of passion in his gaze. "It is, trust me, dear" taking a sip of his drink, the words punctuated by the clink of the cup returning to the table.
The hours had flown by, each moment spent with Alastor was a moment where the rest of the world seemed to fade away. As the afternoon waned, and the cafe began to empty, the barista starting to clean up for the day. Alastor glanced at the bags beside your chair. "Shall we, darling ?" gesturing towards the exit.
You nodded, and together, you stepped out into the golden hue of the setting sun. The town was quieter now, the bustle of the day settling into the calm of the evening. As you walked, Alastor carried your bags, his presence a comforting constant by your side.
The walk home was leisurely, filled with light banter and laughter. When you reached your doorstep, the sky was painted with streaks of pink and orange, a beautiful end to an unexpected day.
"Would you like me to put these on the table for you?" He nods towards the bags heavy with the day's purchases.
You shook your head, stepping forward to relieve him of the burden. "Oh no, it's ok. I got it. You have done a lot for me today," you insisted, your hands reaching out to take the bags from him.
"Alright, as you wish, darling," Alastor acquiesced, placing the bags into your outstretched hands with a care that spoke of his respect for your independence.
"Thank you, Alastor, for everything," your voice sincere. The smile on your face a mirror of the warmth that his kindness had kindled in your heart.
"It was my pleasure, ma cherie," his smile genuine. The word of endearment slipping into the conversation as naturally as a leaf falls to the ground in autumn.
Alastor’s hand was gentle as it brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary.
His eyes, deep and searching, met yours, and for a second, the world seemed to stand still. The space between you was electric, his face so close to yours that you could feel his breath on your skin. His hand, warm against your cheek, tilted your chin up, an invitation to a moment of vulnerability. Your heart pounded a frantic rhythm in your chest.
You could see the hesitation in his eyes, the conflict of emotions that played across his features. It was as if he was wrestling with a decision, one that could change the very nature of your relationship.
Then, as quickly as the moment came, it passed. Alastor looked away, releasing you from his gentle hold. The air felt cooler without his touch, and you were left with the echo of what might have been.
He stepped back, a polite smile replacing the intensity of before. "I should go darling," his voice steady but softer than usual.
You nodded, unable to find the words to express the whirlwind of feelings inside you. "Yes, of course.” The words managed to leave your lips, your voice barely above a whisper. You didn't want him to go; you yearned for him to stay, if only for a moment longer.
With a final nod, Alastor turned and left, leaving you with the memory of a moment that was both too much and not enough.
The bags now in your possession, you stood at the threshold of your home, the door closing behind you. The silence of the space around you was a stark contrast to the lively banter that had filled the air just moments before. Yet, in that silence, there was a sense of contentment, a feeling of gratitude for the unexpected joys that life sometimes brings.
As you placed the bags on the table you replayed the scene in your mind, his hand reaching out, the warmth of his touch, the intensity of his gaze. Probably you had something on your face and he didn’t dare to tell you. You ran to the bathroom to get a closer look.
The reflection in the mirror showed nothing amiss, confirming that Alastor's gesture had been prompted by something other than a blemish on your face. With a sigh of relief, you turned away from your reflection and made your way to the kitchen, the sanctuary where you could immerse yourself in the familiar rhythm of cooking.
As you unpacked the groceries and began to prepare the evening meal, the actions were automatic, allowing your mind to drift back to Alastor's touch.
The kitchen was filled with the comforting sounds of sizzling and the aromatic promise of a delicious dinner. You moved with purpose, chopping, stirring, tasting, all the while pondering the complexity of feelings that Alastor had stirred in you.
With each stir of the pot, you found your thoughts simmering along with the ingredients. *What did that moment mean? Was it a sign of deepening affection, or simply a fleeting impulse?* The questions mingled with the steam rising from the dishes you were preparing.
As the aroma filled the kitchen, you set the table, each plate placed with care, a reflection of the care you wished to convey to your parents. Dinner would be ready for them, a warm welcome after a long day. As you awaited their return, the memory of Alastor's near-kiss was tucked away, a secret smile playing on your lips.
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🌸𝒫𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈🌸 🌸𝒩𝑒𝓍𝓉🌸
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list so you be updated every time.^^ I do try to proofread but if I missed something please let me know.
Also I sometimes tend to make minor changes to the chapters.
Thank you! For reading I hope you enjoyed it.💖
TAGLIST: @magictoebean @little-slyvixen @bitchywitchygardener @diffidentphantom
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WIBTA for reporting my neighbours for running a hack shop mechanic operation? [Long post, sorry!]
I live in a somewhat "bad" area. I really don't mean to judge people for who they are or what they do with their lives, but living here isn't pleasant. Unfortunately, the price divide between the "two sides" of my area is steep. You go from $60,000 houses to $400,000 houses with no middle ground, so moving isn't really an option unless I want to just change where I am in the "bad" side.
I live on a straight stretch of road, houses on one side of it, a wall on the other. This is relevant to the story. Its not a very long straight, but its straight, with two blind corners on either end.
Now, onto my neighbours. They're not good people. They deal and use drugs, there seems to be an endless supply of people moving in and out with them, they have uncontrolled and aggressive dogs that have caused issues in the area, they're known for fighting at maximum volume on the streets at 4am, they ride loud illegal (and stolen) bikes up and down the street at dangerous speeds and other things.
(With the latter, they've already caused two accidents, almost caused a lot more, and have already killed two animals by hitting them as they race up and down the street.)
Their latest thing, for the last year or so, seems to be running some kind of illegal workshop on bikes and vans right outside their house. At all hours. I've been woken up at 11pm and 4am before by insanely loud engine revving, and when I've looked out of the window they're on the street with torches, elbow-deep in engines.
This is a daily thing. And the engine revving seems to be a constant part of it. Even with my windows closed, I had to call off a work meeting once because it was so loud my team couldn't even hear me talking properly.
At least twice a day they have a van or motorcycle, sometimes more than one, that they're working on. They'll rev it a ton, rummage around, speed it up and down the street, then the cycle begins again the next day. Multiple people in my area have complained to them, but all they do is tell you to fuck off or threaten to beat you up.
Now the noise and the dangerous driving is one thing, but I'm also extremely dubious about the quality and safety of their so-called repairs. None of them seem to have any actual training in mechanics or how to properly fix what could be a legitimately dangerous issue in a vehicle.
If you know anything about vehicles you know that something "fixed" improperly can be deadly. If something fails in a vehicle when you're doing high speeds on the freeway, you can not only take your own life but possibly those of others, too.
And my neighbours do not seem like the kind of people who care about that.
I've seen them using duct-tape to fix up a motorcycle once.
Now normally, I've just turned a blind eye to anything happening in my area. The people who have been relocated due to their behavior have just been replaced by people equally as bad, if not worse, so I've learned to just stay in my lane, save my money and hope I can leave one day.
However this... Seems like something I should speak up about. I can respect a hustle and a little under the table income, but I cannot respect risking people's lives for some quick cash. Nor can I respect the fact that it triples the dangerous driving and dangerous people in the area.
So... My question is would I be an asshole if I at least tried to get the police to do something about this? Or, is it even worth it? Can anything be done about an unlicensed mechanics operation?
What are these acronyms?
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wildechild3 · 8 months
Modern Maurice AU
Part 4: The Kiddos!
(Re-posted because someone decided to leave a rude comment on the first one. Please keep in mind, this is for fun. It's fanfiction. It's literally not a big deal.)
This part is background information about Maurice and Alec as parents. Like I said in part 1, none of this is spoilers for the fic I want to write. Also, feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions, these are just my headcanons!
The Kiddos:
Early on into dating, Maurice mused to Alec about being a father. But he only spoke about it in a hypothetical way. It was only the one conversation, and he didn't think Alec was really listening anyway. (Alec was. That's the biggest difference between Clive and Alec, he listens.)
After they got married, they took a short vacation to the countryside and found they liked it a lot more there than in the hustle bustle of the city. Maurice is already working from home at this point (I'm thinking this is late 2020-2021) and Alec's construction company had an opening closer to the small country town they were interested in moving to. They decided to take the chance, and found being closer to nature and out of the city was much better for their mental health (especially Maurice's, who's in therapy by this point).
They've lived in this country town for about a year when Alec gently broaches the subject. He brings up the conversation they had early in their relationship (to which Maurice replies, "You remember that!?"). He ends by saying he never saw himself as a father, but now that him and Maurice are settled and happy, he couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else.
Maurice is thrown off and doesn't give solid answer at first - which Alec is confused by but respects and gives the topic space. Maurice isn't against the idea, in fact he very excited by it. He just never thought he'd get this far - and he sits Alec down to tell him as such. He talks about how deep his depression was and his suicidal ideation - both of which convinced him that he'd never live long enough to see thirty. Yet here he was. Freshly thirty and the happiest he'd ever been. He ends by telling Alec that he'd love to be a father with him - but is scared of being too 'muddled' to be any good at it.
Alec responds by assuring him that he doesn't have to be perfect. That he wouldn't be alone. That he and Maurice would be a team. He tells Maurice that they can take their time and suggests they start small and work up to actually doing it.
So they do. First, they talk about which rooms in their little house would be a good spot for a nursery/child's room. Then they talk about how'd they fix it up. (Alec comes home to Maurice painting his once beige office a pale yellow.) Then they talk about where they would go to school (and Alec pretends to not see Maurice looking through reviews of local schools on his phone while they watch a movie.) They talk about how they would raise a child, which leads to a conversation about their own childhoods (both agree to never use spanking as a punishment.) Finally, Maurice brings up the subject on Halloween night after a little boy dressed as a cowboy comes to their door with his two fathers.
They decide to go the adoption route and after almost a year working through the process, they adopt a four year old boy - Archie - and his 6 month old sister - Winifred ("Winnie"). They agree to an open adoption, and by 2022, they become their legal guardians.
*Just a quick note about the names: I know they're older sounding names. I chose them based off of the 1913 UK census of the most popular names to help blend them into the story. I just felt like it would be weird to have classic names like Maurice and Alec paired with Brandon and Mckeighlynn.*
Both of them go on paternity leave to help the kids get settled into their home and to help Archie get ready to go to school. It's the wildest, weirdest, and best two weeks of their lives.
Alec is so sad when he has to start going back to work, but the first time he comes home and sees Maurice and Archie making dinner together- it's all worth it.
They get in the habit of taking the kids to the park after dinner. Sometimes Maurice will hang back if there's something he didn't get done for work during the day, which happens more often than Maurice would like.
On the weekends, they go to the bigger park near the center of town. It's usually a 20 minute walk and they'll pack a lunch since they're usually there all day.
Final details: Alec is insanely good at clamoring around the play-sets. Maurice jokes that it's because he's the shorter one, but Alec is a pro at running around these structures built for people far shorter than him. Maurice usually hangs out with Winnie at the swings. He's the best at giving those big dad-pushes that'll make you feel like you're flying.
And that's the world building I've sketched out for the AU! Like I said, feel free to correct me on my American-isms or add suggestions.
(Also, I'm trying to be very respectful of adoption. I don't know how different it is in the UK, but in the US it's a very complicated thing to say the least. If you're an adoptee and I said something ignorant please let me know so I can fix it.)
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bubblepopsims · 8 months
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" Oh baby... you need a pacifier for that big mouth of yours? here let mama shut you up.. ahahahah"
Name: Carlee Daniels aka Ceys (pronounced like keys) "Because I got every key to shut your BS up, real quick." Lives: Windenburg The Fighter & The Real Girl Self-assured, High-maintance, evil, Active, Hot-Headed(brawler)Age: 28 years old Taurus, Scorpio, and Gemini. "Nothing goes unnoticed under my eyes." Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship status: Main bitch to the famous boxer in Windenburg "While I am also sleeping with your daddy and mommy" Seduction: 5 Physical Strength: 5 Mental Strength:3 Manipulation: 3 Anger management: 2 Carlee is the definition of "I don't give a fuck. Pull up outside if you're all big and bad." She has been like that since before she was born, growing up in a house full of older brothers, she learned quickly to not carry her feelings on her sleeve. There was no point of crying and whining about something when you could get it yourself. Her father and Mother are both hardworking High-income civilians. Houses in the hills, Vacation homes in all the exotic countries, theaters in the basement attached to the indoor pool. Yeah, Carlee lived and lived lavishly at that. but don't mistake her for a prissy stuck-up diva who relies on Daddy for his money. No Carlee was birthed into a family of you need to make your own money in order to earn a place at the table. Would you consider that insensitive? maybe but to Carlee this was the foundation of who she was today. A self-employed Owner of multiple thriving businesses at the age of 28. Hooking in one of the most famous Boxers in WIndenburg. He is ready to put a ring on her but Carlee ain't about the family right now, she is still in her Hustling era, with no time for relationships on her brain "You are my stress reliever, baby that's it, I don't have time for your needy shit, your insecure shit, your whinny shit, if I have more balls than you, get the fuck out of my face because I will WALK. ALL. OVER. YOU." Carlee Is the type to take on a challenge, easily overcome it, and move on to the next celebrating with a glass of champagne while laughing in the faces of the people that told her she couldn't. She will speak her mind freely hoping that someone will step up to her. Yet that day has yet to come. "I wish a bitch would. HA. My hands were registered, think on that" This brings us to her favorite pastime, Laughing in someone's face after they decided to throw a tantrum. "silly bitches, especially when they start yelling around and throwing their arms around ahhhh. what a fucking joke, I am the type that won't argue with you all day, because the second you make one wrong move... I am not afraid to get my hands dirty. don't let this pretty face fool you, baby, I am not for hair pulling and slaps on the ass, no ma'am I will hit you straight in your fake ass nose with your fake ass clothes." Production asked who Carlee was: Carlee is I"'m a classy, booshie, ratchet, sassy, moody, and nasty bitch. I own my own businesses, make my own money, and still spend yours. I know I am a bad bitch for 4 reasons, this face, this ass which is all real baby so are my double D girlies, my confidence, and the fact that nobody can tell me shit. None of these girls is above me, none of them will ever be above me. best believe that. These hoes can't tell me who I am, because I know who I am and I am a bad bitch, I don't need followers, boyfriends, girlfriends, and rich daddies to tell me that." Carlee smirks "But it is nice though. I don't even need to pay my bills because I got all my ducks in a row, knowing this pussy is pricey make it worth my time." I keep my rocks spotless And my hoes topless Take time try to figure out who da Lox is Fear no one Kick rhymes like Shoguns You scared to blow one Get robbed wit' your own gun If I don't respect you I'mma check you And if I don't kiss you I'mma peck you Right before I wet you I sneeze on tracks an' bless you I'm special 🎵🎶
(I hope I covered everything. @plumbewb)
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thatsneakymedic · 8 months
People are not joking when they say that time flies when you do what you like. In June it shall be five years since we are free. FREE. I never hoped to even live to know the meaning of that word. I paid a small price to be free after all...besides my doctor is my life companion.
"Kabuto stop taking pictures I know what you are doing"
The day already started...already but I don't want to get up. When did I become this lazy? I am turning into a wife slowly but sure..." ahh no Kabuto move your foot you are tickling me, alright alright I am up" We have our own space now close to the sea, a small apartment with a big terrace looking out to the sea. The scent of coffee would lure even the dead up. While Kabuto kept his old job as a doctor, he also still had a pile of books still learning more and more, how much more info that nerd head can take? Surprisingly he learned Italian fast so that I or my cousins couldn't prank on him. He adapted to family really quick. His fear of being rejected because of religion and the way Italians think is always a bit present, and their fear of accidentally offending Kabuto as well. Sometimes they are so funny and I can't help but laugh. They avoid religious subjects and Kabuto just being himself quiet and shy.....
"No Kabuto put the damn camera down...now I don't like to take so many pictures...Come back here..."
With only a little it's so easy to be happy, Shisuu had an empire and was never happy. Now he had a stupid job as an icecream seller and occasionally a bartender at the beach parties...a few euros in his pocket and Kabuto... he was always happy.
"come back will you I am too old to run all there after you..."
(Mafia verse 👀)
*click* *click*
"You're talking to yourself again, I did mention that making a video diary would do you good. Since it sounds like you're in some kind of interview. Besides, I want to take as many pictures of you. Because we may never know when we would want to look back at them in the future. The years are passing by so fast after all." Kabuto chuckled with a smile as he places his foot on them to use his toes to tickle at their side.
Shisui.... Beautiful Shisui...
How the hell did he manage to get so fortunate (or unfortunate) to marry such an incredible and exciting man who many others wished to claim for their own selfish reasons? It felt like years since they first met, when he was an pathetic unfortunate young man who was desperate for money by taking that degrading job as an exotic dancer to the now famous and very well respected doctor that even other doctors, college professors, and medical students from various countries in the world seek him or his books out to learn to become as good as he is.
5 years...
That's all it took for his soft features to begin to shape into that of an incredibly beautiful but tired 27 year old man. He was worried about if Shisui would lose interest in him, but he was reassured by them. Saying how he's become even more beautiful than before.
Unlike Shisui who had lost his eye days after they moved to Italy thanks to the unexpected side effect of the drug. Since then, Kabuto has been keeping a sharp eye on Shisui and would often regularly give him check ups, even after years since that happened. Looking for any behavioral or mental issues that could happen since the eye IS connected to the brain. But he's also working on restoring the eye since it can be fixed as well.
He loved his new home, far away from the hustle and bustle city of Japan. Since the people here are so friendly (or not in some cases) with each other, the salty sea air always refreshed him upon waking up and it soothed him to sleep. And their home is rather quite humble and cozy, just for the two of them since living in the large fancy apartment back then made him feel incredibly lonely and small. And that included Shisui's beautiful mansion. Least now that apartment belongs to Urushi and his mother so that they can have a place to live in while also resuming their work in a much more comfortable modern and respectable orphanage facility with better workers with intensive background checks on both workers and newfound parents to avoid giving a child to potentially abusive parents.
Kabuto and Nonou also made sure that religion would not be seen as mandatory among the children and the workers as well. Even the new children are told to relax their views on it and the adults working there are told to not influence them as well.
From outside their relationship and family, not many people know about Shisui's mass wealth that could keep the two living comfortably for as long as they live so they assume that Kabuto is the one who's making the money and around the area, he has made a name for himself.
"El Grigio" or in short "The Grey One" in Italian among Shisui's relatives, neighbors, and friends when they forget his name. Not that he minded but it did make it easier for people to know who they are talking about in conversations. Kabuto was extremely nervous that they wouldn't accept him nor his relationship with Shisui or his aversion to religious topics like the church. But after his success as a doctor and his contributes to the community by creating a better and much more affordable health care plan for those struggling to pay for medicines or treatments, they wholly accepted him even more than before. It's refreshing that he's become more popular than he was in the past when such talent was always judged by background and social status and not by actions.
Sage is still alive and living with them very comfortably, but their age has been showing in their behavior these days. It's upsetting to know that in a few more years, Kabuto's first and only companion who was with him at his lowest is more likely to pass away from old age so Kabuto makes sure to take plenty of pictures of them too. After them, Kabuto isn't sure if he would want a new dragon to keep since Sage will always be the dragon for him.
"Nope, you missed out on your morning walks today and I didn't want to wake you up till now. So now you have to make up for it by catching me." He gets up from the bed to walk ahead of them now, his ash grey hair was now flowing behind his back that reached his hips, much longer than he used to have before.
While it's a hassle to take care off, it's always worth it since he did look so captivating with it. Not just his hair, Kabuto since then has also perfected his self-defense and gun shooting to the point that he can not only protect himself and Shisui, but other people who would need that kind of strength. When words won't work and only physical karma would be enough to stop a situation. And because from what Kabuto learned, is that he won't ever let anyone take what is precious to him. Not ever again.
He and Alustriel still work closely together, but as of recently a mysterious message from an anonymous person from Brazil has invited Kabuto and Alustriel to have a meeting with them. And while Kabuto has no idea who it is, judging by Alustiel's excited expression. It is obvious who the messenger is and even then, Kabuto is looking forward to their talks. Hopefully Shisui would like a mini vacation to Brazil since Kabuto likes to take Shisui to various places and countries during work.
As he watches Shisui pace after him, he grins his biggest smile as he hurries out of reach for them playfully. Not minding the June summer sun on his face.
How far they both have come despite their pasts and even if it does feel like happily ever after, their adventure together has yet to end and it has only begun. And as long as he has Shisui, he will never want anything more in life.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Just a Flight Away
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Ilvermony!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Request N/A
Summary: Neville has a cutie who lives in America but no one seems to believe him.
Warnings: None! 
A/N: This isn’t a request but it’s based off of me rambling here and slightly off of the vibe telepatia by Kali Uchis gives off.
If there was one thing Neville was thankful was it was the absolute goddess he got to call his girlfriend. It was funny the way they first began talking to one another. (Y/n) had been trying to contact a friend at Hogwarts but after the long trip from Ilvermony to Hogwarts, her owl was quite exhausted and ended up bringing the letter to Neville instead. Neville saw the poor bird, giving it a bit of bird seed and water that he kept in the green house before he set off to find the rightful owner of the letter. Luckily he had 3rd period with the girl who thanked him before excitedly yanking the letter from his hands. When Neville went to go check on the owl, he saw that it had already left, leaving a heart shape in the bird seed.
After that day, Neville hadn’t really thought about the incident that much. Well, that was until he saw the same owl fly towards him with a letter in its mouth. He smiled fondly at it rubbing under its chin with his finger before going to give the letter back to the owl until he noticed it had his name on it.  He ripped it open, careful to not damage the envelope before reading the letter.
Dear Neviile,
Thank you so so so much for getting the letter to Gwen! Gwen is a good friend of mine who I had been missing dearly and if not for your kindness she would have never received my letter. 
As you may be able to tell from the seal on the letter, I attend Ilvermorny school of witchcraft and wizardry. I've heard of how grand and great the infamous Hogwarts is, is it true? How is England in general? I've never had the pleasure of traveling out of America.
Oh yes! The main point of this is as a thank you, I've attached a package of my favorite American sweets as a token of my gratitude. The package is enchanted which is why it's so small. To restore it to its original state, place it on a flat surface before tapping it with the tip of your wand.
(Y/n) (L/n)
Neville felt his face grow warm at the girl's kindness. (Y/n). 'What a beautiful name..' he thought to himself before pulling out the galleon sized package from the envelope. He pushed aside a few plants on the table in front of it before placing the package down, tapping the top with his wand. He gasped, watching in amazement as he saw the package expand. Neville wasn't quite familiar with this enchantment, perhaps he'd ask her about it in his response. His cheeks turned a brighter red. Response?
Did she want to speak to him more? He didn't want to assume but by her letter and her asking questions, it made it clear that this wasn't the last exchange she wanted to have. Was this a prank? Were the Weasley twins up to this? There was only one way to tell. Neville reached a shaky hand forward, opening the package as he closed his eyes expecting something to pop out at him but when he opened his eyes there was nothing but a box of snacks he had never seen before. He let out a sigh of relief, ignoring the racing in his heart.
After that, Neville and the girl started to talk quite a bit. Months had turned into years and he couldn't have been happier. It felt nice to have someone he could talk to, someone far away from all the hustle and bustle of the castle. To her he wasn't the kid with unfortunate luck or the "cowardly" boy in Gryffindor. He was just Neville, her boyfriend. Neville, her kind boyfriend in another continent, far away. 
(Y/n) loved Neville just as much. It wasn't that she never had suitors approach her. In fact, she had quite a few. (Y/n) was what you could consider popular, not that she cared. She was kind, smart, and beautiful. Who wouldn't want that? However, she always felt like none of the men who'd approach her got her. They all just saw her as a beautiful woman instead of what she was, a normal girl deserving of love. That's why she liked Neville so much. No matter what he always treated her with the utmost respect and that hadn't stopped when they started to date either. 
When the two had first exchanged photos, Neville was stunned. He had been talking to that beautiful of a girl? He couldn’t believe it. It was as if Olivander himself had sculpted and carved her out of the best of wood. She had glowing (s/c) skin, soft healthy looking (h/c) (h/c) hair, and a smile that could compete with the sun on its brightest of days and win. And when he found out she was single? He would’ve been a fool not to make a move. Angels as sweet as (Y/n) didn’t come around that often. 
And although their relationship was as great as can be there was the underlying sadness: they lived across the world from one another. Every time either of them would see a couple hug or kiss in school, they’d feel a twinge of jealousy pierce their hearts. It wasn’t fair that the most perfect person in the world was off enjoying themselves in their respective countries. Although (Y/n) tried to ignore it, Neville was the type to bring it up. He’d describe in the most beautiful of words what he’d do if they were together. How he’d hold her in his arms and show her off to all of his friends. Where he’d take her on a date, the plants he wanted to show her as they were both herbology geeks. Meanwhile she’d end each of the letters discussing this topic with the same phrase as usual. ‘You know I’m just a flight away. If you wanna I could take a private plane.’ He could never ask that of her though. As much as he’d love everyday to be filled with his flower, he wouldn’t wanna rip her away from the things she had going on in her own life.
It wasn’t all bad though! After the girl had taught him the charm she used when she first sent him something, they both would send each other gifts back and forth as much as possible. Neville sent her sweaters with his scent embedded, charmed flowers, chocolate frogs, anything she wanted was hers. She’d send her own things to remind him of her as well. Her favorite stuffed animal, loads of photographs, little crochet hats she made for Trevor, more...unsavory things as well definitely not her underwear. Despite the increase in objects Neville owned, none of his friends had questioned it until he started to wear a necklace with a heart shaped piece of onyx on it with the letter (Y/f/i) carved into it.
“Oi! Neville. Where’d you get that necklace from?” Ron questioned his friend who sat across from him in the Gryffindor common room. The boys had all decided to study together which of course turned into Neville studying as they goofed off. Neville tensed as his cheeks heated up turning a pink color.
“O-oh um..it’s from my girlfriend.” He said, saying the last word as soft as possible. He prayed to Merlin that his friends hadn’t heard him but unfortunately for him they had. It wasn’t that he didn’t want anyone to know about her. It was far from that. He was just a bit protective, he didn’t want anyone to try and steal her from him. Even though it was impossible since they had no contact with her, he never knew when it came to his friends. They always found a way to make the impossible possible.
“What year is she in?!”
“Who is it?!”
“No way, is she fit?!”
He finished at the chorus of voices, trying to calm them down so he could speak. They all scooted closer to him, looking up at him expectantly. “Well you see..” he trailed off, looking away as he played with the pendant around his neck. “She doesn’t go here. She attends school in Ilvermorny. But to answer your question, yeah she is bloody fit.” he responded, turning his attention back to the scroll of paper in front of him. Dean, Ron, and Seamus exchanged a look with each other trying to suppress their laughs.
“Yeah I’m sure she does Nev.” Dean said sarcastically as he joined the other two in laughter. Neville looked up at his friends confused at their behavior.
“Yeah Nev, if your nan sent it you could’ve just told us! Better than saying you’ve got a girl halfway across the world.” Ron said, pushing the boy slightly as he continued to laugh at him. Seamus was doubled over, snorting with laughter as fire whiskey shot from his nose causing the other two to howl with laughter.
“It’s not from my nan! My girlfriend really did send it to me.” he exclaimed, smacking Ron on the back of the head, before doing the same to the other two men. “Besides, you have some fucking nerve accusing me of lying when none of you have birds yourself.” he sneered, causing the boys to quiet down some.
“So harsh Neville, you didn’t have to go there mate! Well what’s this ‘girlfriend’ of yours called.” Seamus asked, doing air quotes as he mentioned the topic at hand. “You’d think it was a bit strange too if your friend suddenly mentioned a girlfriend who lived all the way in the states too wouldn’t you.”
“(Y/n). And I’ll have you know this isn’t a new thing. We’ve been dating since around 2nd year. Sure, I’d find it a bit strange if you mentioned a girlfriend in America that you had never brought up prior, but I wouldn’t find it impossible! Now if you excuse me, I have to go.” he quickly stood up, packing up his materials as he stormed off to the direction of his dorm. He sped up, ignoring the protest and begging of his friends to come back and continue to hang out with them. He had enough of them and he wasn’t gonna sit there and let himself be called a fucking liar by Hogwart’s biggest ones.
“Did you guys hear? Students from Ilvermony are supposed to be coming to visit!” Ron said, running up to the other four boys. “I’m just picturing how hot all the girls from the states are gonna be. All hot and leggy with those bloody accents. I could combust just thinking of it!” he exclaimed, flopping down on the couch. Neville gasped softly, looking up. Did he hear him correctly? 
“Where’d you hear that from? I didn’t hear anything of the sorts.” Hermione questioned, looking up from her book at the interesting news she had just heard. However, Neville was still frozen. Was this true? And if so, why hadn’t (Y/n) mentioned it. No, no it couldn’t be. She surely would have told him.
“I just overheard it from Dumbledore himself. They should be arriving in a few minutes! They’re staying here for a few months. It’s a part of this new thing that they’ve set up. Something about wanting the students to learn different methods and what not. They decided it’d be a good idea since summer is coming soon.” he said nonchalantly, looking over at Neville who hadn’t moved since the news left his mouth. He went to question what was up with him before his eyes lit up, recalling the conversation they had a few months ago. “Hey Neville? Didn’t your supposed ‘girlfriend’ go to Ilvermony.” the boys all suddenly interested began to ‘ooo’ exchanging looks with each other.
“See Neville, this is why you don’t lie. Lies will always come back to bite you in the rear. Perhaps Ronald i-”
“I wasn’t lying, Hermione! She really does go to Ilvermony.” he exclaimed, standing up as he wiped his hands on his pants. All of a sudden, there were the sounds of a bunch of American accents speaking which caught all of their attention. Many different students in Ilvermorny uniforms (some without them) roamed freely to explore the large and intense castle.
“God you weren’t kidding Ron, the girls are bloody fit.” Dean muttered, eyeing some girl who gave him a wink before giggling and running off with her friends. “Woah look at that one, are you kidding me? She’s a fucking goddess!” Neville’s curious hazel eyes followed his friend's words as he saw a familiar shade of (h/c) hair styled in the way his girlfriend wore it. Wait, was that his sweater? 
“That’s not just some fucking girl, that’s my girlfriend!” Neville exclaimed, standing up from his seat.
“No chance.”
“You couldn’t pick a more believable one?”
“Prove it then.”
Neville went to say something before the girl turned around, locking eyes with him. She gasped, tearing up some as she pushed through the crowd of people running to him as quickly as possible. “Nev! Neville babe, is that you?” she exclaimed. Neville’s face flushed brightly taking in the girl’s appearance. She had worn the first sweater he had given her, a mossy green sweater with an obscure pattern, with a pleated skirt pairing it with a pair of boots. Neville nodded his head quickly, holding his arms out as the girl ran into him almost knocking him over. He picked her up, spinning her around quickly before setting her down, holding her soft face between his hands.
“W-what are you doing here?! You never told me you were coming to visit!” he exclaimed, wiping at the stray tears that had left her eyes. He moved his hands from her face securing them around her waist as he stared down at her. God she was even more beautiful in person.
“I wanted to surprise you! I actually found out a few weeks ago and let me tell ya, it was SO hard not to tell you!” She giggled, reaching up to stroke his cheek. He leaned into her touch, smiling at her. “I didn’t think it was possible for you to get even more handsome but bloody hell. You’re so fucking hot, Nev.” she said, feeling her face heat up. Neville flushed a bright red before leaning down, kissing the girl on the lips. She pulled him down more, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed back. The kiss was full of the love and affection they had both been craving from one another. (Y/n) tangled her hands in the back of his hair as he deepened the kiss, moaning softly. They both jumped away from one another at the sound of someone clearing their throat. “Ah sorry! Nev, are you going to introduce me to your friends?” she asked looking up at him as she intertwined his large hand with her smaller one.
“I suppose I will, even though for some reason they thought you weren’t real.” he quipped, glaring at the four boys who looked away ashamed. “From left to right there is Harry, Ron, Dean, and Seamus. And over there,” he said pointing to the big arm chair in the corner. “That is Hermione.” he said as they all muttered ‘hi’ and ‘sorry’ from some of them. (Y/n) giggled some, waving at them all.
“It’s very nice to meet you all! Nev talks about you guys all the time in his letters. Oh!” She said, eyes looking at his chest. She reached a hand forward, grabbing the engraved onyx in her hands. “The necklace I gave you!! You like it? I think it looks really good on you.” she exclaimed with a smile, happy her boyfriend enjoyed the gift she gave him. Neville once again looked at his friends chuckling some at their wide eyes.
“Of course I do, petal. I wear it everyday, everywhere I go. Right guys.” he teased, watching as they all stuttered out ‘yes ‘yep’ ‘sure does. “Come on flower, I’ll show you around the castle. I know you’ve been looking forward to that for a while. Also, you look quite cute in my sweater.”
“Thank you. I wear it quite often, even though the smell of you has worn off it still brings me good memories.” she said, playing with the slightly worn out sleeves of the sweater. “I’d love to!! Can we check out the greenhouse first? I wanna see that plant you were talking about. Maybe we can work on identifying what species it is!” he nodded in response, taking her hand once again as they began to walk off. Before they turned the corner, he quickly turned his head around using his unoccupied hand to flip off his friends before turning his attention back to his lover.
“Who would’ve thought? Longbottom with an absolute fox.” Ron said, slumping back down as he frowned. Hermione took the book she was reading smacking him upside the head.
“Maybe if you knew how to treat women you’d be with one too.”
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Look, if you can watch science fiction like Avatar or even some of the MCU movies (the Thor movies come to mind), you should be able to understand the criticism surrounding "cottagecore."
And look, I get the appeal of cottagecore. I get the appeal of escaping it all and starting over in nature. In fact, I'm not the only one who has noticed there's been an increase in the interest in witchcraft that can sometimes intersect with the interest in cottagecore in this last year or so, and it makes sense. Many of us were scared and imprisoned in this state of uncertainty. We couldn't go out. Everything was closed. So, yeah, it makes sense that many of us fantasized about being out there in the wild. It makes sense that we would envy people who had always been living a life without the hustle and bustle. We viewed them as people who had an essential connection to nature that we had all lost.
But here's the thing...those people? Those disenfranchised people? Indigenous people? They don't get to be tourists, and whether you want to believe it or not, that's what we "city folk" are. We are tourists. And in the year 2020 alone, those places that are more often ignored by city folk (especially white city folk) increased in popularity. Nature walks, hiking, and camping suddenly became favored hobbies of people who had no interest in it all before, but unfortunately, many who took these hobbies did so with little respect for the land or the people who lived in these areas. Everyone likes to joke about that "gender reveal" party in California, but the truth of the matter is that fire burned for almost a month. And let's be honest, "gender reveal" parties are a product of mostly white suburban culture. It's for clout. It's about throwing a big party to celebrate traditional gender roles that we should have moved past enforcing. It's about being able to post your "big shebang" on social media to outdo the other suburban white people. But what makes this case special is that these suburban white people decided to take this "tradition" outside of their own space to someone else's, and they ended up damaging an ecosystem because of it, and they had no regard for the people who actually LIVED here.
But again, I get it. I get the appeal of cottagecore and the great outdoors. It's not bad to see the appeal of it. It's not bad to want to visit these places mostly untouched by modernization. However, you can do so while also being respectful. You can do so while acknowledging that these places don't really belong to you. I mean, even if you have no desire to travel to these places (or don't have the means to), you can still make yourself aware of the consequences that occur when people have no respect for the places they are traveling to or the local people and/or indigenous people who live there.
And no...white Europeans are not excluded from this conversation.
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scorpionwins · 2 years
Julio and Diablo are my new faves 💕 - any hcs? 👀
Diablo be like " I know a place" and boom, drives straight into your heart
So! The eldest bitches gotta start first, everyone say respect your elders-
Real name is Dominic, but he's named after his father whom he diswoned, so its more like a slur than anything. I love love love to think Pebbles called him ' diablolito' when he was little bc of his mischievous nature and that's why he goes by this moniker to this day
So he's the eldest son but Pebbles isn't his biological mother! He lived most of his life around ghettos and violence and crime until he was about 14. His birth mother and Pebbles happened to be friends and he worked for the guy she was seeing back then. Once Pebbles made up her mind to run away when a gang war reared its horns, Alma (Diablo's birth mother) asked her to take him with her
Out of all the kids their relationship is probably the rockiest, simply because of Diablo's survivor guilt, but not even for a second did he stop loving Pebbles or ever stopped considering her his mother. He's a complete momma's boy and he's a wholesome bitch and we love him
Designs all of his tattoos by himself and is an amazing artist. Bam Bam literally begs him to design ink masterpieces and Diablo ONLY does it if Bam Bam sends him jewlery
Very direct, very blunt, really can't hide it when he dislikes someone but is overall a tough teddy bear
Actually really romantic????
Lives outside of Riverdale and has his own tattoo parlor, but once he understands his mama and siblings are down in this nothing town, he moves places and all of a sudden he can't leave???
Like, even when he does it's like something just keeps dragging him back and he finds it spooky as fuck. " So we just not gonna talk about this witchery? "
Has gun related trauma due to his past, therefore proffering hand to hand combat as self-defense (Pebbles absolutely thought him to box)
Couldn't graduate but is trying to pass his SATs under Jughead's class and they debate on every subject possible. " Mr. Darcy was a bitch, actually." " THAT'S WHAT MADE HIM A GOOD LOVE INTEREST!"
Very protective over his brothers, naturally, but especially over the youngest. Raffy may say he doesn't NEED defending but aha, his older brother would DISAGREE.
" I love all my hermanitos equally. " *turns to Barney* " It's you. And by far."
In conclusion, he's a good egg, just hard boiled.
Ah, the ~☆♡ Pretty boy ♡☆~
" How can I be messy? I'm an Aquarius!"
He's a little thief because he's- been raised by a group of scammers stolen my HEART
Love to imagine Julio as this little pocket thief orphan who met Pebbles when he tried to steal from her. Oliver Twist could NEVER
Very Jason Todd of him, truly
She basically chased him until he was dragged back to her place and she fed him soup. " You're a smart kid. I can tell. Let's do something with that."
Basically he's been team '' I WOULD die for Pebbles Fratelli, actually" and never changed since.
I wanna say second second oldest and always gives life lessons despite being, like, one year older than Bam Bam and Barney lol
" Listen. Life sucks. It sucks harder when you're poor. Hustle till you can't anymore."
verytime someone asks abt his job, he's like " oh I work in computers" aka he hacks for money (but only if they're really really bad)
Ceritfied genius but still a Dumbass
" That's why your shoes raggedy" " That's why your daughter got ran over by that car"
Convinced he was the baby who sneaked in Pebbles' room and tried on her heels and make up. Still, he says he's " flexible" with his sexuality (he's gay)
Would probably get along with Veronica the most ngl, - I can see them sipping on skinny Margueritas and gossiping abt people in Spanish
Half puppy half cat full bitch
Loves Pebbles SOOOOO much like, - I'm convinced this brat of a man does a background check on anyone she's dating.
Calls her like everyday like " HIII MOMMY 🥺🥺🥺🥺" hates that he lives alone tbh shshs
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honeyymistt · 3 years
hey honeyy! i just wanted to rant for a hot minute simply bc idk how to handle this situation; i'm 20, and will move out soon to go to uni (in october, presumably) and my parents will pay for rent and food, which is v nice of them. but despite their reassurances that they'll pay for it, they are so passive aggressive, especially my mom. she just straight up told me today that "enough is enough" and basically said i need to move out asap bc i'm such a burden on them financially + i'm so spoiled and dumb and don't know how to real world works and she does (which ugh,, not to brag but they're loaded and i feel so heartbroken bc as a child they would spoil us rotten), but now she just wants to kick me out. i know at 20, i'm long overdue for moving out — and i will, soon, in like 2 months — yet my mom acts as if she couldn't wait for me to leave (which, okay, fair. same tbh) but idk what she wants me to do about it rn?? like i'm looking for jobs & am in the process of applying to different jobs, but that's somehow a time consuming process. it's just v stressful bc i feel betrayed, bc they always told me i should focus on school instead of getting a job, and it's my fault for not thinking for myself, but now i have no money saved up and i'll probably work a minimum wage job for the rest of the year every month (and the next years, like my whole uni time which is a-okay, it just stresses me out a bit). i think you're younger than me, so maybe this is very out of line for me to complain to you about?? feel free to just delete this ask, but i wanted to ask if you have any advice on how to deal with "loveless" parents and a dysfunctional family, where respect is requested but you as 'their child' are not brought the same respect bc you're 20 and still living at home. it's sooo funny bc i'm so gullible; my mom used to tell me the exact opposite for years — ‘no, it's fine that you're still living at home with 19’ and now she holds it against me bc she moved out at 17. my dad is also v mentally unstable, he has anger issues and never sees that he behaved wrongly, basically gaslighting me into believing it's all my fault for everything's that happening to me when something goes wrong. idk how to deal w/ this, everyone in this household is toxic and i feel trapped, despite my plans to hustle on the side and earn my own money. i'm stupid for feeling betrayed, but that's how it feels like. i think my mom stopped loving me a long time ago, like until i was 11 she loved me, but then i grew up and developed my own opinions, character etc. i just hate her so much. same with my dad. i hate relying on them for rent though and idk what to do (😭ik, this is a very, very privileged standpoint but idk how to handle all this hate; it's been getting worse these past weeks) — sorry for the lang rant!! 😭✋ hope your life is going great, though <3 -💌
hiii 💌-anon!!! im happy to hear from you :) i’m sorry to hear you are having a hard time 🥺 i'm sending you a virtual hug. i hope it cheers you up! <3
it makes me sad to read that you think that you're long overdue for moving out because you really aren't!! where i live, a lot of people are living at home until they graduate from university (possibly because it is very expensive to live where i live and no 20 year old is able to afford it🥴) but anyways, i actually don't think you're long overdue for moving out. i know that there a bunch of YouTube videos titled "MOVING INTO MY DREAM APARTMENT AT 19!" and yes, it's such a milestone but it's also so unrealistic. YouTube and being an "influencer" in general, pays really really well. not a lot of people are able to do what is "normal" to them. you are right on track! don't worry :)
reading about your parents really made me upset because you don't deserve to be talked to like that at all. a good parent takes care of their kid because they love them. they don't guilt trip them and tell them that they are a financial burden or that they're excited for them to move out. like your mom offers to pay for your rent and food but then tells you that you're a financial burden ?? like ma'am, where is the logic in that 😐 i'm sorry that she makes you feel unloved,, you don't deserve that at all :( i hate that you feel like once you developed your own opinions and character, she started to dislike you. that's what makes you wonderful!! you're a beautiful person, inside and out. don't let her opinions and actions tell you otherwise.
as for not knowing how the real world works, literally same. to be completely honest, i'm probably worse than you 😭 . i think i wrote this in one of my posts about my insecurities but basically i wrote that i don't know anything beyond school. i feel like i've been working so hard on being the "perfect student" that i'm so book smart but when it comes to very basic life skills, i feel like i'm lacking. i feel like i'm unprepared. whenever i tell this to my mom, she tells me that it's okay and that it's her job to take care of me and provide for me. one time she said "you have a whole life ahead of you to learn about taxes and cleaning and bills and finances and cooking. just enjoy the time right now. enjoy your life where it is. you're going to learn all of these skills eventually. the best way to learn them is just to experience life and make mistakes." so listen to my mom and try not to worry!! no one is born knowing how the real world works. you're going to be okay!
i think when it comes to dealing with loveless parents, you make up for it through your other relationships. one of my friends doesn't have the best relationship with her parents and whenever i ask her about it she says, "it's sad that i don't have the love that most people get from their parents but i get so much love from you, my other friends, my boyfriend, my cousins, etc. i know that there are people who care for me. these people are my family." maybe you and your family just need time apart. maybe your absence will make them realize that they didn't really treat you all that well. or maybe you'll realize that you deserve a lot better and that you don't want to be in contact with people who make you feel badly about yourself. time apart will give you time to come to terms with what you need! 🤍 if i were you, i'd get really excited for moving out in october because you're going to be removing yourself from this environment. you won't have to deal with feeling like a burden or dealing with your parents being cold towards you. you're moving out!! this is exciting!!! i'm excited for you!! everything will align and fall perfectly into place, i just know it.
i'll be by your side every step of the way - packing, moving out, moving in, unpacking, and we'll experience the harsh reality of the real world together :) i'm right by your side 🥺🌟🍯🤍
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ali-707 · 5 years
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Pull up in motorcades, I got a show today
It's all I'm tryna do, hustle and motivate
Choppers a throwaway, hustle the Hova way
That's why they follow me, huh, they think I know the way
'Cause I took control of things, balling the solo way
And if you counter my trend, I make you my protege
Slauson Ave soldier race, niggas don't know them days
Take you in back of the buildings, make you expose your age
Take you across the tracks, make you explode a face
Now you official now, but you got a soul to save
I just been cooking that new, I'm 'bout to drop in a few
Think if I call it the great, the people gon' call it the truth
Ain't really trip on the credit, I just payed all of my dues
I disrespected the game, now my name all in the news
Tripping on all of my moves, quote me on this, got a lot more to prove
Remember I came in this bitch, fresh out the county with nothing to lose
Nigga I don't do this for nothing, no
From the ground up, yeah
Well, I don't do this shit for nothing, no
Not at all, yeah
My money real, money real
So I don't do this shit for nothing, no, not at all
I told her I got it, yeah
So I don't do this shit for nothing, not at all
Where the green now?
Hustle and motivate
Back in this bitch like I never left
Stand for some shit that you never rep
Passing through stages in life, through the ups and downs, like it's all just another test
Live by the rules like a fucking ref
I got respect in a hundred sets
Too many chains, need another chest
Playing no games if it wasn't chess
Cut from that cloth that you couldn't stretch
Cut from that serpent you couldn't test
Heavily pressured and under stressed
Even though niggas ain't show up, it was a mess
Honest and template to the left
Judge a young nigga by they address
Left us no option, what they expect?
Only thing we knew for sure was to bang the set
Fuck living basic, I'm taking risks
Fuck what they saying, I'm saying this
Don't waste your time, it don't make you rich, it don't mean nothing
Fuck 'em so let's make a grip
Double up, triple up, make assist
Balling so hard, you could play your bitch
Lead to the lake, if they wanna fish
Make sure them niggas around you stick to the script
This should be written in stone
You should come visit my zone
Don't take my word, double check all of my flows
Ask 'em how Hussle got on, but fuck what you heard
This is for everybody who walked down that road
Sold everything but they soul
Straight off the curb, real niggas rich as you nerds
Addressed to whom it may concern
Nigga I don't do this for nothing, no
From the ground up, yeah
Well, I don't do this shit for nothing, no
Not at all, yeah
My money real, money real
So I don't do this shit for nothing, no, not at all
I told her I got it, yeah
So I don't do this shit for nothing, not at all
Where the green now?
Hustle and motivate
Hustle and motivate (Cut the bass off)
Hustle and mo'
Hustle and mo'
Hustle and motivate
All Money In
Hustle and mo'
Hustle and mo'
Hustle and mo'
Hustle and motivate
(Victory Lap)
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Nothing new so I'm posting the portrait of Akeem (face reveal!) I made last week. In case you wanna full view...
*.He's a singer who works as a DJ cause it's easier, it's good and quick money, and he's too much of a perfectionist to release his mixtapes atm.
*.Not a native New Yorker. He comes from Baltimore, left his hometown around the age of 18.
*.He's HIV positive, caught the virus in utero, has always been under treatment. No one knows about this cause he's extremely secretive. He's got an undetectable viral load so as long as he can't infect anyone, he thinks it's nobody's business. He told a few people, a couple times, but no one was willing to believe he was born with the disease.
*.His tattoos on his shoulders and chest mean "in the name of God, most gracious, most merciful" it's traditional islamic calligraphy. He's not religious, but he comes from a Muslim African American family.
*.He's got a dreamcatcher tattooed in his back, Ani was very surprised when she first saw it ; she also has a dreamcatcher tat, on her neck. "It's fate ! We're like, dreamcatcher twins!" "I honestly don't think anyone's ever gonna mistake us for twins babe." She paused "it's funny I've never seen a guy with a dreamcatcher tattoo. I always thought it was kind of a girl thing." "Bullshit. Men have nightmares too, you know."
*.He first met Ani in a club. They were both here to make money ; he was spinning, she was a gogo dancer. He didn't notice her at all ; it was a rather fancy club downtown Brooklyn, and there was all those raver bimbos swaying their hips, each one locked inside a cage up above the dancefloor. Ani just happened to be one of those girls. At some point someone fired a gun and everyone became crazy hearing the gunshots. Akeem was busy gathering his equipment (that shit is way to expensive there was no way he was gonna split without his sound mixer) as he was about to runaway like everybody else he heard one of the gogo dancers crying for help. It was Ani who couldn't get out of the cage. He put his gear down and set her free. They quickly escaped through the back door as they heard the police sirens.
*.Ani was only wearing a bikini and stockings that night. Akeem gave her his jacket and walked her home. He was extremely polite and respectful, he didn't look at her almost naked body and he didn't try to take advantage of the situation one second. He didn't even ask for her number. Ani was heart eyes, only thing she had in mind after that was to see her mysterious saviour again.
*.He's not exactly a gentleman, but he always treats girls right, especially if he likes them. He figured that he had a lot more chances to get it on by actually paying attention to what girls say and not objectifying them.
*.He's kind of a fuckboi orz. A very classy and well behaved fuckboi but still. He's always very explicit about his intentions. He's not willing to fake being in love with someone just because he likes that person and that person likes him back. He doesn't understand why people feel the need to be in a relationship, to invent a love story when clearly there's nothing here.
*.He wrote a song for Ani called "Cry For Me" after a few months of relationship. Obviously she cried when she heard it. He said to her : "Before I met you I only ever wrote fantasy love songs, but this time, damn I mean it. Every single word." She's his first serious gf. He often calls her Princess.
*.He's a lone wolf who likes to disappear for a few days/week and being completely unreachable by phone.
*.Before moving in with Ani, he was living in a squat in Harlem. It was mostly occupied by homeless people, artists and activists.
*.Like most of my characters he's a recreational drug user, but he actually likes weed a lot better than cocaine. He smokes menthol cigarettes as well.
*.His HIV treatment is extremely expensive and he occasionally does some hustling to make more money and finally being able to get those damn pills.
8 notes · View notes
From the ground up, yeah Well, I don't do this shit for nothing, no Not at all, yeah My money real, money real So I don't do this shit for nothing, no, not at all I told her I got it, yeah So I don't do this shit for nothing, not at all Where the green now? Hustle and motivate Back in this bitch like I never left Stand for some shit that you never rep Passing through stages in life, through the ups and downs, like it's all just another test Live by the rules like a fucking ref I got respect in a hundred sets Too many chains, need another chest Playing no games if it wasn't chess Cut from that cloth that you couldn't stretch Cut from that serpent you couldn't test Heavily pressured and under stressed
Things been straight, been kicking it with homies more often and came up with a new concept. Over the weekend took some time to reflect after tryin to holla at someone ain’t work and started to reevaluate my life. Talked to Jermaine the og and he kicked some game talking about all these plans and the method in which to finesse grad school and a doctoral and gave valuable advice five days ago. That was before all that occurred, decided to make a ten year plan, either gonna move to Cali or Texas to get this music career to take off. Gonna use it to relocate without paying for all that and getting payed while I’m doing it, its finna be a nice play. Unless I change plans gonna drop an album as my senior thesis and see how that goes, might drop a mixtape a few months before that, gonna play the social media game to gain a platform and a following that will create opportunities for me. Gonna start competing in USAPL Powerlifting in Ct to set state records and get paid, gonna work on these albums and mixtapes and see where life goes, gonna keep on journaling daily and get back into my book of rhymes, gonna build upon this foundation and see where it goes, the one finna come when she comes, we’ll see. Gonna keep on hustlin and hustlin, it’ll pay off in due time.
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xxxsex75837 · 5 years
With regards to my very own (non-existent) love life, I am incredibly customary. I've never been to a swingers club with my accomplices, could never have an open relationship and I can get envious. One sweetheart worked that out when he wrongly gawped at a lady for around 45 seconds excessively long. I swiped his Prada sunnies off his face, woke up them into equal parts and tossed them from the (moving) vehicle window. 
In my previous years as an escort, I've met couples who are NOT the envious sort. Ladies who wouldn't fret their spouses taking a gander at other ladies yet greet a lady wholeheartedly (and legs) into their conjugal bed. 
  I've met ladies who get turned on by watching their spouses have intercourse with other ladies. 
What's more, I've met ladies who have booked escorts for their spouses as a birthday present. 
I know this since I have been that other lady. Furthermore, brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you, couples that play together, remain together. 
A couple I've referenced already are Sway and Belinda, in their 50s, who have been as one 17 years. Their mystery - separated from not living respectively - is to book an escort to invest some energy with at regular intervals. 
  When I met them, they turned up radiating in their Sunday best, with chocolates and a container of non-alcoholic wine for me, with a little thankyou card. 
Belinda did the majority of the talking. She conceded she cherished Weave so much, seeing him turned on turned HER on. 
They found escorts a year back and didn't simply hit the sack with them, they believed they fortified with them. 
  "What was that name of that decent escort we met in Brisbane Sway? The one with the huge phony boobs. Goodness she was a stunning young lady, so all around voyaged … " 
Their eyes would illuminate as they related each understanding. 
"We got to a phase in our relationship where our sexual coexistence was getting stale so we chosen to have a trio." 
In any case, why pay for an escort when you can meet somebody in a bar or ask a sweetheart? 
I read some place stressing an escort is going to take your better half resembles thinking an instructor needs to take your children. 
  It's an occupation, that's it, not all that much. What's more, when the escort leaves, she isn't pining for your significant other, trust me. She is pondering what she will have for supper or at long last farting in the wake of holding it in for a couple of hours. (Escorts fart as well). 
There is no enthusiastic connection and limits are immovably set up. 
  My inquiries would consistently be for the lady. What are your guidelines? What isn't permitted? 
I would measure from the lady whether it was her choice - or his. In the event that it was his, I wouldn't consent to see them. The lady must be the one in control. On the off chance that there was even a little gleam, only an indication, that she was doing this for him, I'd be out. 
No escort could ever need to be in a room with a spouse who would not like to be there. Truth be told, it goes the other way. The man is practically undetectable (a lot to his alleviation, as the spouses are constantly petrified). 
  Another couple that stays in my brain is Thorn and Linx from Perth. They came to me when their marriage was at stalemate. They had no clue how to fix it. The adoration was there however so was the smugness. They had three children, occupied occupations and no sexual coexistence. 
They even conceded separation was a choice. Welcoming an outsider was a hazard. 
In my years as an escort, I met with them multiple times more than three years. Also, the last time I saw them, they resembled a fresh out of the box new couple. The flash had returned. 
  They disclosed to me they had kept on observing escorts together; they would make a night of it. They'd advise the children they were headed toward night out. Supper, drinks - and a lodging. Yet, it wasn't simply female escorts, Linx needed Thorn to encounter male escorts as well. 
Spike resembled another lady. She had shed her mumsy skin and I could tell she felt sure and provocative. Linx was simply glad he had his better half back. 
  I've not met one couple where connecting with an outsider hasn't worked. I would go as far to state it has improved their relationship significantly. 
I additionally comprehend it isn't some tea. I likewise get it's a hazard. So everything comes down to arrangement and arranging. 
For the spouses out there - be exceptionally cautious how to word it to your significant other. "I need to do this for you, I couldn't want anything more than to see you with another lady," is superior to looking through a site slobbering saying, "I need that one … " 
What's more, spouses, you take control. This is your gathering. You pick the woman, you be the contact, and you are the one to issue the principles and limits. In case you're disturbed, nobody is cheerful.
  In my eight years spent as an escort, one of the most well-known misguided judgments about me is that I should be some sort of sex crack with a wide range of unusual deceives at my disposal. 
That I can swing from ceiling fixtures, shuffle, twist around in reverse (actually), perform bizarre and wacky sex deceives you just observe on more than 18 destinations, all with sucking my belly in and blazing a phony grin. 
I prefer not to break your fantasies. (Alright, I realize how to hold my belly in … ) 
Provided that there is one thing I have found out about what men don't need in bed, truth be told, it's energy. 
  In the event that anything, and I would say, they run a mile from anything excessively unusual. Their needs, sexual and enthusiastic, are in reality incredibly, basic. As I said in my first book Snared, the effortlessness of men is here and there unreasonably complex for ladies to get it. 
I recall once a customer named Daz, a delicate and kind man who had headed out 312 kilometers to go through three hours with me, rang me the following day after our date to grumble. 
"Sorry Samantha, yet I discovered you excessively explicitly forceful," he said. 
I wound up saying 'sorry' to Daz for my sexual fierceness (which truly was me attempting to sprightly things up in the room or else I would no uncertainty nod off). 
Try not to misunderstand me, men love sex. In any case, with respect to pornography star moves? Spare that for dream. 
I would say, and I can just discuss my experience, this is what men love the most when the room entryway closes. 
  THE Sweetheart EXPERIENCE 
 Alright, I'm not discussing the sort of sweetheart that has a migraine consistently similarly as the lights go off. In any case, the sort of sweetheart that kisses, nestles and takes things gradually in the room. 
"Hustle just a bit and get it over with", "Is it in yet?" and "I don't need my tea to get cold" are not things that men like to hear in bed. 
They are very mindful that the genuine demonstration of sex keeps going only a couple of minutes, so they like to develop to that minute gradually. The most widely recognized inquiry they pose to me is "Do you kiss?" At that point they state, "I simply need somebody I have association with, who I can converse with." 
One customer rang me to gripe about "a portion of these youthful escorts who simply need to have intercourse!" 
"There's no discussion, no visiting. They simply need to get directly at it!" they said. 
Clever truly, astonishing no. Men like a kiss, a nestle and a visit considerably more than ladies do. 
  THEY Cherish ORAL 
 On YOU. Men appear to be famished of it. The wedded ones says the missus has taken that dish off the menu for good. The single ones can't get enough and like to learn. 
Furthermore, quit agonizing over what you look like and taste down there. They Couldn't care less. 
They couldn't care less about whether you've had a two-piece wax or whether you've quite recently douched yourself or you're not wearing attractive enough underpants - they truly couldn't care less. 
All they care about is would they say they are doing it right and would you say you are getting a charge out of it? 
Actually, the main solicitation I used to get as an escort was not to spruce up in tights and suspenders however to wear my sweat-soaked old exercise center apparatus - the sweatier the better. 
  MAKING YOU Climax 
 Nothing - and I don't mean anything - turns a man on more than giving his accomplice delight. He needs you to get muddled, clingy, grimy, sweat-soaked and to have some good times. Most men get off on their accomplice getting off, instead of making it about them. 
Truth be told, I've had men state they couldn't care less about whether they climax or not as long as their accomplice is having fun. 
You can wear the hottest underwear, the most noteworthy heels, the most costly scent, the ideal blow dry; yet toward the day's end on the off chance that you aren't having a ball in the room, he won't.
The Lebanon local, who presently lives in the US, worked in the porno business for a quarter of a year, yet regardless of her "brief" spell, she's as yet perhaps the greatest name subsequent to picking up shame for partaking in an intimate moment while wearing a hijab. 
A long time in the wake of stopping, Khalifa keeps on being positioned No. 2 on Pornhub for most looked through stars in 2018, as indicated by Bad habit. 
  "Individuals believe I'm racking in millions from pornography," Khalifa, 26, said a tweet. 
"I made an Aggregate of around $12,000 in the business and never observed a penny again after that. "Trouble getting an ordinary line of work in the wake of stopping pornography was … terrifying." 
Her remarks copped significant fire online with some Twitter clients saying the cash she has made since doing pornography was an immediate outcome from her X-evaluated previous vocation. 
"Actually nobody knew who you were before you did pornography, and positively nobody would know who you are today on the off chance that you never did pornography. You're just preposterous on the off chance that you don't understand that," one individual said. 
  "Would you have 2.8 Million supporters without the Business however?" asked another. 
"Despite everything she utilizes her stage name meaning regardless she benefits off of her time in the business regardless of whether she's not doing pornography," a third remarked. 
Khalifa, who in 2018 functioned as a games moderator on YouTube channel Complex News, hit back saying she's "not mourning" on what she earned. "In any case, you obviously have further issues with me past this, so good karma with your harsh life," she included. 
The online life star, who tweets as Mia K. what's more, has 2.7 million Twitter adherents, proceeded to clarify she was "never guaranteed millions" of dollars nor did she "anticipate" it. 
"I'm simply explaining normal misinterpretations about me, and thus, about the business," Khalifa stated, while including she was associated with pornography "so quickly". 
"Be that as it may, my activities spread quickly and I keep on being positioned (genuinely bewilders me) 5 years in the wake of leaving the business. 
"This is the reason individuals think despite everything I perform." 
  The tweets got Khalifa to incline on Twitter on Monday night and were joined by a YouTube video, including a meeting she allowed not long ago where she "reveals to her story just because". 
"In 2014, Mia Khalifa made world news when she got demise dangers from ISIS subsequent to showing up in a porno wearing a hijab," a portrayal peruses. "Unexpectedly, Mia plunks down with Megan Abbott to disclose to her story." 
In the meeting, Khalifa depicted her change out of pornography - calling it "alarming". 
"I didn't have a clue what I would do," she said. 
Her notorious hijab scene - which was all the while earning Islamic State dangers as of August 2018 - is the thing that at last made Khalifa leave the business. 
"The defining moment, obviously, was the point at which I did the hijab scene," she said. "That is the point at which the ISIS demise dangers came in, the majority of the news broke out, all around. Not simply in America. 
  "It was slanting on Twitter, it was everywhere throughout the news. I was restricted from a bunch of nations … Egypt … Afghanistan … " 
Khalifa clarified numerous Muslim nations were profoundly insulted by it - "and I'm Catholic". "What I really said when they proposed the scene to me, and this is verbatim, was: 'You motherf***ers will get me executed.'" 
Depicting her brisk discovered notoriety, Khalifa said the day after the scene dropped is when everything exploded. 
She went from having only 400 devotees on Instagram to 200,000 in only three days. 
"At that point it simply continued snowballing until I was at 2,000,000 like a half year later," she said. 
"This was after I had stopped pornography. It simply continued developing, and developing, and developing - and afterward my Instagram record was hacked by ISIS." 
Khalifa proceeded to turn into a moderator on Outside the field of play, a day by day sports appear on Complex News' YouTube channel, in the wake of leaving the pornography business and she wants to keep working in that field. 
"I unquestionably need to develop my vocation," she said. 
 In May, Khalifa likewise got drew in to her intensely inked Swedish culinary expert beau Robert Sandberg. 
In an Instagram post, he stated: "We went to Chicago this end of the week and had a brilliant supper at Smyth. I proposed to @miakhalifa and she said YES! 
"The ring was covered up in a bowl of dried fixings and turned out as 'another serving'. Mia was excessively inquisitive and to anxious to taste so she began to eat the unpalatable fixings. 
"I advised her not do it and afterward I put the ring on the finger. I adore you so much :heart:" 
The Lebanese-conceived pornstar turned games moderator, appeared to be energized after she took to her very own Instagram saying she didn't see it coming.
0 notes
xxxsexporn473873 · 5 years
With regards to my very own (non-existent) love life, I am incredibly customary. I've never been to a swingers club with my accomplices, could never have an open relationship and I can get envious. One sweetheart worked that out when he wrongly gawped at a lady for around 45 seconds excessively long. I swiped his Prada sunnies off his face, woke up them into equal parts and tossed them from the (moving) vehicle window. 
In my previous years as an escort, I've met couples who are NOT the envious sort. Ladies who wouldn't fret their spouses taking a gander at other ladies yet greet a lady wholeheartedly (and legs) into their conjugal bed. 
  I've met ladies who get turned on by watching their spouses have intercourse with other ladies. 
What's more, I've met ladies who have booked escorts for their spouses as a birthday present. 
I know this since I have been that other lady. Furthermore, brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you, couples that play together, remain together. 
A couple I've referenced already are Sway and Belinda, in their 50s, who have been as one 17 years. Their mystery - separated from not living respectively - is to book an escort to invest some energy with at regular intervals. 
  When I met them, they turned up radiating in their Sunday best, with chocolates and a container of non-alcoholic wine for me, with a little thankyou card. 
Belinda did the majority of the talking. She conceded she cherished Weave so much, seeing him turned on turned HER on. 
They found escorts a year back and didn't simply hit the sack with them, they believed they fortified with them. 
  "What was that name of that decent escort we met in Brisbane Sway? The one with the huge phony boobs. Goodness she was a stunning young lady, so all around voyaged … " 
Their eyes would illuminate as they related each understanding. 
"We got to a phase in our relationship where our sexual coexistence was getting stale so we chosen to have a trio." 
In any case, why pay for an escort when you can meet somebody in a bar or ask a sweetheart? 
I read some place stressing an escort is going to take your better half resembles thinking an instructor needs to take your children. 
  It's an occupation, that's it, not all that much. What's more, when the escort leaves, she isn't pining for your significant other, trust me. She is pondering what she will have for supper or at long last farting in the wake of holding it in for a couple of hours. (Escorts fart as well). 
There is no enthusiastic connection and limits are immovably set up. 
  My inquiries would consistently be for the lady. What are your guidelines? What isn't permitted? 
I would measure from the lady whether it was her choice - or his. In the event that it was his, I wouldn't consent to see them. The lady must be the one in control. On the off chance that there was even a little gleam, only an indication, that she was doing this for him, I'd be out. 
No escort could ever need to be in a room with a spouse who would not like to be there. Truth be told, it goes the other way. The man is practically undetectable (a lot to his alleviation, as the spouses are constantly petrified). 
  Another couple that stays in my brain is Thorn and Linx from Perth. They came to me when their marriage was at stalemate. They had no clue how to fix it. The adoration was there however so was the smugness. They had three children, occupied occupations and no sexual coexistence. 
They even conceded separation was a choice. Welcoming an outsider was a hazard. 
In my years as an escort, I met with them multiple times more than three years. Also, the last time I saw them, they resembled a fresh out of the box new couple. The flash had returned. 
  They disclosed to me they had kept on observing escorts together; they would make a night of it. They'd advise the children they were headed toward night out. Supper, drinks - and a lodging. Yet, it wasn't simply female escorts, Linx needed Thorn to encounter male escorts as well. 
Spike resembled another lady. She had shed her mumsy skin and I could tell she felt sure and provocative. Linx was simply glad he had his better half back. 
  I've not met one couple where connecting with an outsider hasn't worked. I would go as far to state it has improved their relationship significantly. 
I additionally comprehend it isn't some tea. I likewise get it's a hazard. So everything comes down to arrangement and arranging. 
For the spouses out there - be exceptionally cautious how to word it to your significant other. "I need to do this for you, I couldn't want anything more than to see you with another lady," is superior to looking through a site slobbering saying, "I need that one … " 
What's more, spouses, you take control. This is your gathering. You pick the woman, you be the contact, and you are the one to issue the principles and limits. In case you're disturbed, nobody is cheerful.
  In my eight years spent as an escort, one of the most well-known misguided judgments about me is that I should be some sort of sex crack with a wide range of unusual deceives at my disposal. 
That I can swing from ceiling fixtures, shuffle, twist around in reverse (actually), perform bizarre and wacky sex deceives you just observe on more than 18 destinations, all with sucking my belly in and blazing a phony grin. 
I prefer not to break your fantasies. (Alright, I realize how to hold my belly in … ) 
Provided that there is one thing I have found out about what men don't need in bed, truth be told, it's energy. 
  In the event that anything, and I would say, they run a mile from anything excessively unusual. Their needs, sexual and enthusiastic, are in reality incredibly, basic. As I said in my first book Snared, the effortlessness of men is here and there unreasonably complex for ladies to get it. 
I recall once a customer named Daz, a delicate and kind man who had headed out 312 kilometers to go through three hours with me, rang me the following day after our date to grumble. 
"Sorry Samantha, yet I discovered you excessively explicitly forceful," he said. 
I wound up saying 'sorry' to Daz for my sexual fierceness (which truly was me attempting to sprightly things up in the room or else I would no uncertainty nod off). 
Try not to misunderstand me, men love sex. In any case, with respect to pornography star moves? Spare that for dream. 
I would say, and I can just discuss my experience, this is what men love the most when the room entryway closes. 
  THE Sweetheart EXPERIENCE 
 Alright, I'm not discussing the sort of sweetheart that has a migraine consistently similarly as the lights go off. In any case, the sort of sweetheart that kisses, nestles and takes things gradually in the room. 
"Hustle just a bit and get it over with", "Is it in yet?" and "I don't need my tea to get cold" are not things that men like to hear in bed. 
They are very mindful that the genuine demonstration of sex keeps going only a couple of minutes, so they like to develop to that minute gradually. The most widely recognized inquiry they pose to me is "Do you kiss?" At that point they state, "I simply need somebody I have association with, who I can converse with." 
One customer rang me to gripe about "a portion of these youthful escorts who simply need to have intercourse!" 
"There's no discussion, no visiting. They simply need to get directly at it!" they said. 
Clever truly, astonishing no. Men like a kiss, a nestle and a visit considerably more than ladies do. 
  THEY Cherish ORAL 
 On YOU. Men appear to be famished of it. The wedded ones says the missus has taken that dish off the menu for good. The single ones can't get enough and like to learn. 
Furthermore, quit agonizing over what you look like and taste down there. They Couldn't care less. 
They couldn't care less about whether you've had a two-piece wax or whether you've quite recently douched yourself or you're not wearing attractive enough underpants - they truly couldn't care less. 
All they care about is would they say they are doing it right and would you say you are getting a charge out of it? 
Actually, the main solicitation I used to get as an escort was not to spruce up in tights and suspenders however to wear my sweat-soaked old exercise center apparatus - the sweatier the better. 
  MAKING YOU Climax 
 Nothing - and I don't mean anything - turns a man on more than giving his accomplice delight. He needs you to get muddled, clingy, grimy, sweat-soaked and to have some good times. Most men get off on their accomplice getting off, instead of making it about them. 
Truth be told, I've had men state they couldn't care less about whether they climax or not as long as their accomplice is having fun. 
You can wear the hottest underwear, the most noteworthy heels, the most costly scent, the ideal blow dry; yet toward the day's end on the off chance that you aren't having a ball in the room, he won't.
The Lebanon local, who presently lives in the US, worked in the porno business for a quarter of a year, yet regardless of her "brief" spell, she's as yet perhaps the greatest name subsequent to picking up shame for partaking in an intimate moment while wearing a hijab. 
A long time in the wake of stopping, Khalifa keeps on being positioned No. 2 on Pornhub for most looked through stars in 2018, as indicated by Bad habit. 
  "Individuals believe I'm racking in millions from pornography," Khalifa, 26, said a tweet. 
"I made an Aggregate of around $12,000 in the business and never observed a penny again after that. "Trouble getting an ordinary line of work in the wake of stopping pornography was … terrifying." 
Her remarks copped significant fire online with some Twitter clients saying the cash she has made since doing pornography was an immediate outcome from her X-evaluated previous vocation. 
"Actually nobody knew who you were before you did pornography, and positively nobody would know who you are today on the off chance that you never did pornography. You're just preposterous on the off chance that you don't understand that," one individual said. 
  "Would you have 2.8 Million supporters without the Business however?" asked another. 
"Despite everything she utilizes her stage name meaning regardless she benefits off of her time in the business regardless of whether she's not doing pornography," a third remarked. 
Khalifa, who in 2018 functioned as a games moderator on YouTube channel Complex News, hit back saying she's "not mourning" on what she earned. "In any case, you obviously have further issues with me past this, so good karma with your harsh life," she included. 
The online life star, who tweets as Mia K. what's more, has 2.7 million Twitter adherents, proceeded to clarify she was "never guaranteed millions" of dollars nor did she "anticipate" it. 
"I'm simply explaining normal misinterpretations about me, and thus, about the business," Khalifa stated, while including she was associated with pornography "so quickly". 
"Be that as it may, my activities spread quickly and I keep on being positioned (genuinely bewilders me) 5 years in the wake of leaving the business. 
"This is the reason individuals think despite everything I perform." 
  The tweets got Khalifa to incline on Twitter on Monday night and were joined by a YouTube video, including a meeting she allowed not long ago where she "reveals to her story just because". 
"In 2014, Mia Khalifa made world news when she got demise dangers from ISIS subsequent to showing up in a porno wearing a hijab," a portrayal peruses. "Unexpectedly, Mia plunks down with Megan Abbott to disclose to her story." 
In the meeting, Khalifa depicted her change out of pornography - calling it "alarming". 
"I didn't have a clue what I would do," she said. 
Her notorious hijab scene - which was all the while earning Islamic State dangers as of August 2018 - is the thing that at last made Khalifa leave the business. 
"The defining moment, obviously, was the point at which I did the hijab scene," she said. "That is the point at which the ISIS demise dangers came in, the majority of the news broke out, all around. Not simply in America. 
  "It was slanting on Twitter, it was everywhere throughout the news. I was restricted from a bunch of nations … Egypt … Afghanistan … " 
Khalifa clarified numerous Muslim nations were profoundly insulted by it - "and I'm Catholic". "What I really said when they proposed the scene to me, and this is verbatim, was: 'You motherf***ers will get me executed.'" 
Depicting her brisk discovered notoriety, Khalifa said the day after the scene dropped is when everything exploded. 
She went from having only 400 devotees on Instagram to 200,000 in only three days. 
"At that point it simply continued snowballing until I was at 2,000,000 like a half year later," she said. 
"This was after I had stopped pornography. It simply continued developing, and developing, and developing - and afterward my Instagram record was hacked by ISIS." 
Khalifa proceeded to turn into a moderator on Outside the field of play, a day by day sports appear on Complex News' YouTube channel, in the wake of leaving the pornography business and she wants to keep working in that field. 
"I unquestionably need to develop my vocation," she said. 
 In May, Khalifa likewise got drew in to her intensely inked Swedish culinary expert beau Robert Sandberg. 
In an Instagram post, he stated: "We went to Chicago this end of the week and had a brilliant supper at Smyth. I proposed to @miakhalifa and she said YES! 
"The ring was covered up in a bowl of dried fixings and turned out as 'another serving'. Mia was excessively inquisitive and to anxious to taste so she began to eat the unpalatable fixings. 
"I advised her not do it and afterward I put the ring on the finger. I adore you so much :heart:" 
The Lebanese-conceived pornstar turned games moderator, appeared to be energized after she took to her very own Instagram saying she didn't see it coming.
0 notes
xsexxxx8375837 · 5 years
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With regards to my very own (non-existent) love life, I am incredibly customary. I've never been to a swingers club with my accomplices, could never have an open relationship and I can get envious. One sweetheart worked that out when he wrongly gawped at a lady for around 45 seconds excessively long. I swiped his Prada sunnies off his face, woke up them into equal parts and tossed them from the (moving) vehicle window. 
In my previous years as an escort, I've met couples who are NOT the envious sort. Ladies who wouldn't fret their spouses taking a gander at other ladies yet greet a lady wholeheartedly (and legs) into their conjugal bed. 
  I've met ladies who get turned on by watching their spouses have intercourse with other ladies. 
What's more, I've met ladies who have booked escorts for their spouses as a birthday present. 
I know this since I have been that other lady. Furthermore, brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you, couples that play together, remain together. 
A couple I've referenced already are Sway and Belinda, in their 50s, who have been as one 17 years. Their mystery - separated from not living respectively - is to book an escort to invest some energy with at regular intervals. 
  When I met them, they turned up radiating in their Sunday best, with chocolates and a container of non-alcoholic wine for me, with a little thankyou card. 
Belinda did the majority of the talking. She conceded she cherished Weave so much, seeing him turned on turned HER on. 
They found escorts a year back and didn't simply hit the sack with them, they believed they fortified with them. 
  "What was that name of that decent escort we met in Brisbane Sway? The one with the huge phony boobs. Goodness she was a stunning young lady, so all around voyaged … " 
Their eyes would illuminate as they related each understanding. 
"We got to a phase in our relationship where our sexual coexistence was getting stale so we chosen to have a trio." 
In any case, why pay for an escort when you can meet somebody in a bar or ask a sweetheart? 
I read some place stressing an escort is going to take your better half resembles thinking an instructor needs to take your children. 
  It's an occupation, that's it, not all that much. What's more, when the escort leaves, she isn't pining for your significant other, trust me. She is pondering what she will have for supper or at long last farting in the wake of holding it in for a couple of hours. (Escorts fart as well). 
There is no enthusiastic connection and limits are immovably set up. 
  My inquiries would consistently be for the lady. What are your guidelines? What isn't permitted? 
I would measure from the lady whether it was her choice - or his. In the event that it was his, I wouldn't consent to see them. The lady must be the one in control. On the off chance that there was even a little gleam, only an indication, that she was doing this for him, I'd be out. 
No escort could ever need to be in a room with a spouse who would not like to be there. Truth be told, it goes the other way. The man is practically undetectable (a lot to his alleviation, as the spouses are constantly petrified). 
  Another couple that stays in my brain is Thorn and Linx from Perth. They came to me when their marriage was at stalemate. They had no clue how to fix it. The adoration was there however so was the smugness. They had three children, occupied occupations and no sexual coexistence. 
They even conceded separation was a choice. Welcoming an outsider was a hazard. 
In my years as an escort, I met with them multiple times more than three years. Also, the last time I saw them, they resembled a fresh out of the box new couple. The flash had returned. 
  They disclosed to me they had kept on observing escorts together; they would make a night of it. They'd advise the children they were headed toward night out. Supper, drinks - and a lodging. Yet, it wasn't simply female escorts, Linx needed Thorn to encounter male escorts as well. 
Spike resembled another lady. She had shed her mumsy skin and I could tell she felt sure and provocative. Linx was simply glad he had his better half back. 
  I've not met one couple where connecting with an outsider hasn't worked. I would go as far to state it has improved their relationship significantly. 
I additionally comprehend it isn't some tea. I likewise get it's a hazard. So everything comes down to arrangement and arranging. 
For the spouses out there - be exceptionally cautious how to word it to your significant other. "I need to do this for you, I couldn't want anything more than to see you with another lady," is superior to looking through a site slobbering saying, "I need that one … " 
What's more, spouses, you take control. This is your gathering. You pick the woman, you be the contact, and you are the one to issue the principles and limits. In case you're disturbed, nobody is cheerful.
  In my eight years spent as an escort, one of the most well-known misguided judgments about me is that I should be some sort of sex crack with a wide range of unusual deceives at my disposal. 
That I can swing from ceiling fixtures, shuffle, twist around in reverse (actually), perform bizarre and wacky sex deceives you just observe on more than 18 destinations, all with sucking my belly in and blazing a phony grin. 
I prefer not to break your fantasies. (Alright, I realize how to hold my belly in … ) 
Provided that there is one thing I have found out about what men don't need in bed, truth be told, it's energy. 
  In the event that anything, and I would say, they run a mile from anything excessively unusual. Their needs, sexual and enthusiastic, are in reality incredibly, basic. As I said in my first book Snared, the effortlessness of men is here and there unreasonably complex for ladies to get it. 
I recall once a customer named Daz, a delicate and kind man who had headed out 312 kilometers to go through three hours with me, rang me the following day after our date to grumble. 
"Sorry Samantha, yet I discovered you excessively explicitly forceful," he said. 
I wound up saying 'sorry' to Daz for my sexual fierceness (which truly was me attempting to sprightly things up in the room or else I would no uncertainty nod off). 
Try not to misunderstand me, men love sex. In any case, with respect to pornography star moves? Spare that for dream. 
I would say, and I can just discuss my experience, this is what men love the most when the room entryway closes. 
  THE Sweetheart EXPERIENCE 
 Alright, I'm not discussing the sort of sweetheart that has a migraine consistently similarly as the lights go off. In any case, the sort of sweetheart that kisses, nestles and takes things gradually in the room. 
"Hustle just a bit and get it over with", "Is it in yet?" and "I don't need my tea to get cold" are not things that men like to hear in bed. 
They are very mindful that the genuine demonstration of sex keeps going only a couple of minutes, so they like to develop to that minute gradually. The most widely recognized inquiry they pose to me is "Do you kiss?" At that point they state, "I simply need somebody I have association with, who I can converse with." 
One customer rang me to gripe about "a portion of these youthful escorts who simply need to have intercourse!" 
"There's no discussion, no visiting. They simply need to get directly at it!" they said. 
Clever truly, astonishing no. Men like a kiss, a nestle and a visit considerably more than ladies do. 
  THEY Cherish ORAL 
 On YOU. Men appear to be famished of it. The wedded ones says the missus has taken that dish off the menu for good. The single ones can't get enough and like to learn. 
Furthermore, quit agonizing over what you look like and taste down there. They Couldn't care less. 
They couldn't care less about whether you've had a two-piece wax or whether you've quite recently douched yourself or you're not wearing attractive enough underpants - they truly couldn't care less. 
All they care about is would they say they are doing it right and would you say you are getting a charge out of it? 
Actually, the main solicitation I used to get as an escort was not to spruce up in tights and suspenders however to wear my sweat-soaked old exercise center apparatus - the sweatier the better. 
  MAKING YOU Climax 
 Nothing - and I don't mean anything - turns a man on more than giving his accomplice delight. He needs you to get muddled, clingy, grimy, sweat-soaked and to have some good times. Most men get off on their accomplice getting off, instead of making it about them. 
Truth be told, I've had men state they couldn't care less about whether they climax or not as long as their accomplice is having fun. 
You can wear the hottest underwear, the most noteworthy heels, the most costly scent, the ideal blow dry; yet toward the day's end on the off chance that you aren't having a ball in the room, he won't.
The Lebanon local, who presently lives in the US, worked in the porno business for a quarter of a year, yet regardless of her "brief" spell, she's as yet perhaps the greatest name subsequent to picking up shame for partaking in an intimate moment while wearing a hijab. 
A long time in the wake of stopping, Khalifa keeps on being positioned No. 2 on Pornhub for most looked through stars in 2018, as indicated by Bad habit. 
  "Individuals believe I'm racking in millions from pornography," Khalifa, 26, said a tweet. 
"I made an Aggregate of around $12,000 in the business and never observed a penny again after that. "Trouble getting an ordinary line of work in the wake of stopping pornography was … terrifying." 
Her remarks copped significant fire online with some Twitter clients saying the cash she has made since doing pornography was an immediate outcome from her X-evaluated previous vocation. 
"Actually nobody knew who you were before you did pornography, and positively nobody would know who you are today on the off chance that you never did pornography. You're just preposterous on the off chance that you don't understand that," one individual said. 
  "Would you have 2.8 Million supporters without the Business however?" asked another. 
"Despite everything she utilizes her stage name meaning regardless she benefits off of her time in the business regardless of whether she's not doing pornography," a third remarked. 
Khalifa, who in 2018 functioned as a games moderator on YouTube channel Complex News, hit back saying she's "not mourning" on what she earned. "In any case, you obviously have further issues with me past this, so good karma with your harsh life," she included. 
The online life star, who tweets as Mia K. what's more, has 2.7 million Twitter adherents, proceeded to clarify she was "never guaranteed millions" of dollars nor did she "anticipate" it. 
"I'm simply explaining normal misinterpretations about me, and thus, about the business," Khalifa stated, while including she was associated with pornography "so quickly". 
"Be that as it may, my activities spread quickly and I keep on being positioned (genuinely bewilders me) 5 years in the wake of leaving the business. 
"This is the reason individuals think despite everything I perform." 
  The tweets got Khalifa to incline on Twitter on Monday night and were joined by a YouTube video, including a meeting she allowed not long ago where she "reveals to her story just because". 
"In 2014, Mia Khalifa made world news when she got demise dangers from ISIS subsequent to showing up in a porno wearing a hijab," a portrayal peruses. "Unexpectedly, Mia plunks down with Megan Abbott to disclose to her story." 
In the meeting, Khalifa depicted her change out of pornography - calling it "alarming". 
"I didn't have a clue what I would do," she said. 
Her notorious hijab scene - which was all the while earning Islamic State dangers as of August 2018 - is the thing that at last made Khalifa leave the business. 
"The defining moment, obviously, was the point at which I did the hijab scene," she said. "That is the point at which the ISIS demise dangers came in, the majority of the news broke out, all around. Not simply in America. 
  "It was slanting on Twitter, it was everywhere throughout the news. I was restricted from a bunch of nations … Egypt … Afghanistan … " 
Khalifa clarified numerous Muslim nations were profoundly insulted by it - "and I'm Catholic". "What I really said when they proposed the scene to me, and this is verbatim, was: 'You motherf***ers will get me executed.'" 
Depicting her brisk discovered notoriety, Khalifa said the day after the scene dropped is when everything exploded. 
She went from having only 400 devotees on Instagram to 200,000 in only three days. 
"At that point it simply continued snowballing until I was at 2,000,000 like a half year later," she said. 
"This was after I had stopped pornography. It simply continued developing, and developing, and developing - and afterward my Instagram record was hacked by ISIS." 
Khalifa proceeded to turn into a moderator on Outside the field of play, a day by day sports appear on Complex News' YouTube channel, in the wake of leaving the pornography business and she wants to keep working in that field. 
"I unquestionably need to develop my vocation," she said. 
 In May, Khalifa likewise got drew in to her intensely inked Swedish culinary expert beau Robert Sandberg. 
In an Instagram post, he stated: "We went to Chicago this end of the week and had a brilliant supper at Smyth. I proposed to @miakhalifa and she said YES! 
"The ring was covered up in a bowl of dried fixings and turned out as 'another serving'. Mia was excessively inquisitive and to anxious to taste so she began to eat the unpalatable fixings. 
"I advised her not do it and afterward I put the ring on the finger. I adore you so much :heart:" 
The Lebanese-conceived pornstar turned games moderator, appeared to be energized after she took to her very own Instagram saying she didn't see it coming.
0 notes