#Like their tree dad did
ziskeyt · 7 months
thinking about how, in a lot of fics i’ve read with BotW Link he has a fear of caves. Or, well, trauma around them due to, you know, being dead inside one for a century and locked away.
and then in TotK the world collapsed and suddenly there are caves everywhere. But, they aren’t just new caverns, many of them have ruins inside and I just. I know Link is ~supposed to be a blank slate character~ and all that rot. But like, if this game full of caves and darkness below is supposed to be a sequel to BotW — I dunno. It just feels lacking that we get nothing, no reaction to caves in general, none to what happened to the Shrine, none when you discover what is below the Shrine. I mean, the way they did Link’s reactions to memories in BotW was laughable anyway and obviously I am craving for far more than nintendo will ever give — but what is courage without fear?
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bonefall · 4 months
You could play with the dirty part of the canon description by having Slash and his people roll in mud to hide their scent.
Parts of the Code labelling using weapons/traps as dishonorable could have started as agreements made that Slash's people wouldn't keep using their old tactics, maybe forced on Thunder's Clan to keep them from becoming too powerful, if they DID fuse.
I'm more liable to just remove the "dirty" thing entirely honestly; I just think it's so shitty I'd like to nuke it from orbit, you get me? Every single time they want you to hate someone, they make them fat and/or stinky. I'd rather just put that kind of rhetoric in the mouths of cats like Clear Sky and The Wind Runner, a lie to demonize their enemies, not really based on truth.
I think I might take the trap stuff though; that actually fits in nicely with how ThunderClan's the only one that uses spears. I won't have it be code yet, though, that's going to come a lot later. First two commandments of the code are Borders + Mercy, followed by Law 3 when Riverstar dies in some decades.
Also gonna need a name for Slash's new group. Hey, maybe THESE guys can be called Warriors, actually. Warriors of the Forest, like what the first arc used to be called before it was renamed TPB.
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alfiely-art · 4 months
I'm not the biggest fan of the found family trope BUT!!!! I 100% believe that Amaterasu does the "We're like a family here" thing that most bad businesses do, and then actually assigns each employee a role. Makoto is the dad. Yomi is the mom. They're divorced and Martina is also the mom. Seth is the baby who caused Makoto and Yomi to divorce. Etc etc
It's like when kids play house and have a super convoluted family history that only makes sense to them
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asjjohnson · 1 year
The ability to fly would open up a new dimension to explore (in the mathematical-physical sense—we already know Danny had opened one up in the other sense). Think of how much Danny would notice that no one else would?
Think of bees. (Not so much birds, because we see birds all the time, and also because they don't seem quite as graceful and maneuverable as bees.) When I did a search for how high bees can fly, I found something that said bees could fly higher than Mount Everest (little edit: may've misunderstood what it meant. They might not've been found flying that high after all, just that 'they could'). Bees can go anywhere they want, just for fun.
We as humans tend to (for the most part) view the world as six feet high. Anything six feet or under, we know about (or possibly up to eight feet. But it's not much higher than our height). And we don't really realize we're thinking this way.
Sure, we can look upward, we can see treetops from a distance, we can see what the sky looks like. But it's from the perspective of looking up from a distance. Our worldview is colored by looking up from six feet or less.
It's a flat surface. Despite us knowing it's not flat, we don't really internalize it as being 3D and navigable. And we also don't realize what's up there. Who would ever imagine there were bees buzzing around the top of a 200 foot tree? To get to flowers we didn't even notice were up there?
And, yeah, we have planes, but they fly in a set path and you can only look down at the very distant ground. Helicopters are probably more similar, but not many people fly or ride those.
But Danny... after the accident, he would've started out sticking close to the ground a lot, but as he started getting more comfortable with the ability to fly, his worldview probably would've changed gradually. From his preconceived idea of 'the world is six feet or less' to 'the world is spacious and easily explored and so very 3D'.
There's an episode where he's vacuuming the living room ceiling—as though he thinks his parents will notice that it's cleaner than before. And though I understand the 'I have to clean everything so I don't get in trouble' impulse better than I should, there's a chance it's partly from Danny seeing the house differently than before. The ceiling becomes just another wall for him. ...One that he might clean often when he has cleaning chores, because he's going to notice all those spiderwebs and cobwebs, and the little bugs gathering in the light fixtures.
(...He probably would realize the ground is also navigable at some point, too. Think of all the tunnels and moles and snakes and other creatures he'll see, and all the plant roots and such.)
#danny phantom#danny fenton#just some thoughts#it's not really a 'what if' idea because it just... is.#asj post#I'd looked at some red buds on a maple tree using binoculars and kinda thought aloud 'I wonder what pollinates maple flowers'.#Because I knew maples had flowers because I'd seen something about it online once. ...I hadn't really realized it before then.#And my dad said probably Honey Bees. And I was like... 'bees fly that high?'#When my dad said he guessed so; I said I've always only seen them around this high (and put my hand at shin-level).#So... that's what made me realize there's a lot I just don't realize exists. From only living in a world near my height and below.#Planted to the ground.#...There was a post I saw awhile ago about people with weird ideas. One was about an illustration showing people standing on top of#the Earth and a person had been surprised because they thought we'd lived inside the Earth.#And actually... I thought the person could've been partially right. We don't live On Top of the Earth. We live under the atmosphere.#We're stuck halfway inside it. Under the layers of atmosphere but above the solid layers. Actually we're on the teeny tiny Crust layer.#I thought it was weird because when we talk about gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn we don't measure them based on their core size.#We measure them based on the size of their atmosphere.#So yeah we actually do live inside the Earth and not on top of it.#There was also a post I saw with a closeup of Saturn. Those clouds looked so 3D and thick and invitingly explorable. They looked bottomless#my search engine had answered the bee question wrong. but I did find something that said they'd definitely found Flies over 19000 ft.'#Not as high as Everest but still really high.
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quaranmine · 2 months
in further context to the last post, re: very real emergency, today was the first time i ever had to call 911 for another person 🙃 basically to make a long story short(ish) my dad called my mom while at work super incoherent, we ended up calling 911, we were afraid it was any number of serious issues like a stroke or something, but what actually happened was that he inhaled too many fumes from the chemicals he was working with. so the EMTs declared him to be okay after he had like 20-30 minutes in fresh air. when he got home he told us that he didn't remember anything from 10 am - 4 pm, barely remembered calling my mom, didn't remember anything he said on the phone, and that the reason he called my mom was cause he basically passed out on the floor, woke up on the floor, and didn't know how he got there (he did not say that or share anything useful on the phone though lmao so we were pretty horrified to realize the situation was even worse than we'd assumed)
anyway he's fine now, just embarassed so much attention is being paid to him, and i have experienced Anxiety today
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 4 months
'yandere sebastian' 'yandere abigail' 'yandere wizard' give me yandere clint 🖐✊🖐✊
#random thoughts#stardew valley#love the idea of a clint who slowly loses interest in emily and starts fixating on the farmer#it wouldn't get violent so not REALLY a yandere he just gets kinda stalker-y and really passive-aggressive#about you talking to and romancing other people#i just wish more stardew mods kept the original kind of asshole-y personalities of the nonromancable characters#don't make morris a sympathetic guy whose dad died and he's 'just following orders' give me reasons WHY he thinks pelican town sucks#and make me be able to kiss him anyway#a character doesn't need to be morally good for me to understand their motivations!!!#GIVE ME ASSHOLE WIZARD!!!#actually you know what i love the idea of clint killing someone and immediately regretting it#like in a heat of the moment 'my crush's spouse is arguing with me while im forging and well.'#'i got mad and i had a hammer'#immediately freaks out but OBVIOUSLY he can't go to harvey about this!!!#so he takes the body (were they still breathing? he was so freaked out he can't remember anymore and he hates it)#and buries it in the grove of trees behind his house where you get that one statue#goes inside and cries himself to sleep or smth#gets all jumpy for a while until you trigger his next heart event#when you go to his shop while he's visibly upset and he's like#'would you still like me even if i did something really wrong? would we still be friends?'#and depending on how you answer he either gets moderately back to normal or kills himself#the ghost of your spouse starts haunting him btw. visible only to him#you can see inside his house before you enter during the cutscene and you (the player) can see the ghost#but when you go inside it's gone#if he kills himself you find a note saying to check out back to see what he did#my guilty pleasure is really fucking edgy character mods can you tell#anyway if you get married and have a kid after this the kid has your deceased spouse's name by default <3
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sealrock · 4 months
WIP wednesday
I was tagged by @chadhunkler @archaiclumina and @icehearts for this, ty for the tag! I've seen people post writing snippets for this, but I'm gonna showcase a new oc I've been cooking instead:
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meet pelleas myste, a former ishgardian knight that made the mistake of falling in love with a warrior nun who took a lifelong vow of celibacy
since I've reworked tauvane's backstory to something I'm personally satisfied with, I decided to do the inevitable and remake achille's dad entirely to address timeline and consistency issues for the final time, which means any lore I posted about him is now retconned (I'll figure out what to do with takami someday lol)
not tagging anyone so this is an open tag. feel free to jump in!
random wip facts I conjured up for him under the cut:
was an angry and bitter orphan from the brume that managed to eke out a living. he had no immediate family other than pet birds he kept for company
joined the temple knights at 17 to get out of poverty. he proved to be a prodigy and rose through the ranks fairly quickly as a lancer, but he could shoot a bow just as good
sole survivor of a dragon ambush, and his entire unit was killed. he lost his left eye and was grievously injured in the attack
tauvane and her swordsisters arrived too late to save his comrades, but they took pelleas back to their convent in order to save his life. he spent the next few years in recovery, but he was unable to wield a lance as proficiently as he did before the slaughter
had a massive crush on tauvane that lead to him falling in love with her. his relationship with tauvane was slow to take root; tauvane found him insufferable when he was able to walk and talk again. pelleas would tease and irritate tauvane because she was 'as stiff as a corpse' with no sense of humor
tauvane eventually abandoned her vows to run away with him, something that's akin to heresy in the order. they eventually settled in the eastern highlands, started a farm, and had their only child, a boy named achille
pelleas didn't live long; he was executed for heresy—which was false—when achille was still a baby. tauvane fled west with achille to avoid persecution from the order, but in the end she had to give achille to chiron when he accepted a bounty to kill her. tauvane, in her guilt-ridden rage and grief, swore to take revenge against ishgard for taking away the only person who truly loved her. her crusade against the city-state is in pelleas' memory
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astrxealis · 5 months
dear gods i adore horror tbh but i am way too sensitive to it
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#idk how to describe 'sensitive' rn i'm dying in the head i should be asleep but Man!!!!!#i search up tons of horror stuff for funsies. movies uhh creepypastas stories real life events etc. fun!#BUT it freaks me out wayyy too much. bcs i really don't deal well w Those feelings of paranoia.#my imagination too good i was scared at night going to sleep bcs i'd imagine what to do if an intruder came in from the bedroom door#or bathroom door and think of how i'd escape Death.........#Did Not Help my area before was kinda yk. chillax. chillax meaning grassy tree-sy backyard overgrown trees#old-ish in a filipino chill neighborhood that isn't very fancy ?????? idk.#and the fact one time my dad almost died and someone standing close to him Did die so. haha. traumatized from that.#I WASN'T THERE..... but i rmbr my dad coming home and the news absolutely terrified me. anyway!#wow... rambling on tumblr at 3 and a half am... Nostalgic.#anyway yeah i love love love horror stuff but i am !!! so bad w them !!! like jesus christ i adore resident evil and bloodborne#is my whole bloodline. or something. but i can't even watch my twin kill 1 zombie in a re game Demo (she can't do it either)#and i can only make it to killing the first monster in bloodborne and explore a tiny bit where there are still no enemies. god.#AAAGGGGHHHhhhh ... and the first point of horror in omori then i stop playing for months...... even tho i rlly wna play more :((#2024 ........ cmon... i will try to overcome my fears more.#i've improved somewhat at least! ...from when i was younger. like. man. i could never stay in night-time in games ever.#ffxv? nah i always have to travel at morning. only when i got strong enough that daemons were nothing to me did i stop#getting scared. ouuughhh... and i always try to be stealthy in games........... for many reasons ofc but 1. Scared#okay i shut up now. apollo rambles of tonight: done and over!
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cronagorgonzola · 4 months
Ok so Star Trek: Enterprise really seemed to be improving in season 3 ever since they abandoned the shapeshifting lizard people as the series villain and stopped trying to put T'pol and Archer together but then we came across an episode last night that baffled us so thoroughly we stayed up for an extra hour just yelling into the void about it
So, Enterprise comes across this destroyed insectoid ship. The crew are dead and most systems are down and they dont know why. And then on the ship they find a hatchery of insectoid eggs. Babies. It's the most fortified section of the ship and the only section that still has life support.
Turns out, the crew cut power to their own life support in order to keep the hatchery running. They sacrificed themselves to save these babies. Phlox analyzes their anatomy and learns that they reproduce asexually, concludes there is likely a hatchery like this on every insectoid ship. So now we know two things: these children were loved, and the crew of this ship was not especially negligent for having them onboard, because this is a normal practice for their people.
Archer says "we gotta save these babies." The crew is skeptical, because saving the babies would take a lot of resources and put Enterprise in danger. For once i agree with Archer - they gotta save the babies. He makes a lot of really good arguments, like "we have a chance to show the Xindi that we're not the monsters they think we are," and "if this was a nursery of primate babies, you wouldnt think twice about saving them." That good Star Trek shit. No one actually directly refutes this argument, they just say they dont want to save the babies.
The whole episode goes on like this, with Archer fervently trying to save these babies while the rest of the crew stands around saying "idk i think the captain's going crazy." T'pol refuses a direct order to help with saving the babies, so Archer relieves her of command. This is seen as evidence that Archer is going crazy. Another insectoid ship shows up, and Reed blows them out of the sky without even attempting to communicate, so Archer relieves him of command as well. This is further evidence that Archer is going crazy.
Then the senior staff fucking mutinies. They say, "captain, youve taken this whole 'save these babies' thing too far, let us kill the babies." The babies have started to hatch and Archer is getting weird with it. They drag him off to sick bay and scan his brain - turns out, he was infected with some kind of alien pheromone that gave him an irresistable urge to protect these babies. He was not, in fact, following a moral code that compelled him to protect innocent life, or trying to set a good example for humanity as they join the interstellar community. He was just crazy all along! No attempt is made to refute the (very good) arguments he made in favor of saving the babies, the viewers are just meant to accept the premise that saving the babies isnt worth it actually, because it would take a lot of resources. Archer even says "yeah if i was normal i wouldve just let the babies die" and leaves it at that - no slow zoom in on his face as he realizes what that means about him, no speech about how humanity needs to outgrow old prejudices to see the sanctity of diverse life, the episode just leaves off on "those babies were creepy it wouldve been fine to kill them."
But the episode still makes a point to tell the viewer that the babies will survive, because the writers understand that when you put a bunch of babies in danger, people will naturally worry for their safety. Not the crew, though. It's super fine and normal that they were totally willing to let those babies die, the captain was definitely the crazy one for trying to save them.
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bywandandsword · 7 months
Listen to me, listen to me If someone comes up to you, bouncing with excitement about an idea, but as they're explaining it to you, you realize the idea isn't feasible to achieve, DO NOT just pop this person's excitement bubble and walk away
You gently, tactfully, kindly point out the holes in their idea. Then offer solutions and/or get them to start brainstorming on how to make the idea feasible. At the very least, be encouraging
It sucks ass to be on the receiving end of someone popping your excitement bubble and leaving you totally deflated. And nothing will stop me from coming to you with things I'm excited about faster than it
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
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oh my god....
oh my god....
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 month
Watching a video on the woman who cleans graves on tiktok and oh my god, the inner used-to-walk-around-graveyards-when-visiting-dad-at-work is coming out of me in a bad way because holy shit, stop using products that will erode the grave stones faster??? Stop doing so many product placements while talking about someone whose dead??? Stop asking so many weird questions like, 'was she pretty?'??? Like, it'd be one thing if she was being respectful and using products that don't fuck up the grave stones chances further and actually not promoting other products and even her own, but she is only seemingly respectful to graves belonging to people who did stuff like fire fighter duties, everyone else just gets no respect.
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i swear i am THIS close to climbing out my window onto the roof and fistfighting that gosh darn squirrel if i hear it trying to chew its way into the attic one more time
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dirtcola · 4 months
I will always be a wild turkey stan. No other creature perfectly balances goofiness and genuine beauty quite like they do. Absolutely my favorite North American creature, and considering how much I love the others, that's saying something.
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weirdo-and-proud · 5 months
Guys! I came back from driving my grandma home after Christmas, and my mom was watching a random Christmas movie on tv. And I look, and ITS LESBIAN!! Right there! Randomly! On my tv! A blessing!
AND then I find out that ELISE BAUMAN is playing the lead role!!!!!!!!!
I feel like a Christmas miracle happened here tonight!
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banannabethchase · 11 months
Writing a college choice chapter and I just got walloped with the memory of my dad making an absurdly detailed spreadsheet with like 4 separate sheets to help me choose which college to go to. The apple does not fall far from the tree.
...but this apple still managed to choose the wrong college.
#I didn't even apply to the state school I ended up transferring to and loving#My guidance counselor made the state school I ended up loving seem like a dumbass school#Bitch I coulda gotten a full scholarship to go there had I applied in the first place!!! Why didn't you encourage me!!#They all knew I was in a 6 month long dissociative state during college shit#WHY DID NOBODY EXPLICITLY TELL ME KSC WAS A GOOD IDEA#Fun fact every time I write a high school AU#It's my attempt to relive my senior year without the trauma and the Extremely Bad Shit and the 6 months of dissociation#So that's why most of my HS AUs are fluffy fun with some angst thrown in#Because my senior year was mostly trauma and angst (it was So Bad) with a little fluffy fun. Prom was great#Anyway this post is to show that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree#Mom wanted me at the elite private school Dad wanted me to Just Choose A School Oh My God Sara#And I wanted to go somewhere with my friends#None of us got what we wanted#I chose UConn while high on NyQuil and I really think someone should have questioned that#Mom? Dad? Anybody?#Come on#Anyway#This turned into an essay#If you reach here send me a song lyric and a pairing and I shall fluff in thanks#Oh Daddums#Also my mom opened like 4 of my college letters without me then burst into my classroom while I was teaching to tell me#Still annoyed about that#'You got waitlisted at your dream school!!' 'COOL THAT'S BAD NEWS IT COULD HAVE WAITED UNTIL I WASN'T TEACHING????'
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