#mew mew oyster
Hey! Hope your having a good day! If you want to, could you do a story where a supervillain typically goes easy on a group of rookie heroes, as he usually fights them just for fun, and could destroy them if he wanted.
He just lets them think they can beat him.
Then, something happens (maybe they cross a line, and one of the heroes tries to stop their team from crossing that line but they don't listen) where the supervillain shows them just how powerful he actually is?
Sure. Do you mind if we stop for ice cream?
A Taste of Revenge
“You’ll never get away with this!” yelled one of the three Heroes from afar.
Supervillain smiled and just waved at them while flames and energy beams hit his forcefield without leaving a scratch. It was, in fact, the third time this month he was getting away with this.
The heroes were all new, of course. The town was too little for the closest hero agency to care about what was happening here, so they’d only sent their three youngest. Sometimes they popped in while he was minding his business. They always thought they’d found a way to break through his defenses, and were always wrong. He didn’t care much, amused by these three overgrown teenagers who were looking equally embarrassed and proud of their muscles, trying to speak loud to cover their awkwardness. There was no use hurting them. The hero agency would have sent someone competent in their place. If Supervillain was only mildly inconvenienced by them, and they were convinced to gloriously fight against evil, everyone was happy.
It was sunset. There was no time to sleep before another night’s work, but enough to take a break. Supervillain went home, put his citizen clothes on, called his cat who jumped on his shoulders, and went in his favorite ice cream shop. Coincidentally, it had a magnificent view on the shiny new heroes headquarters.
The door bell rang. The shop owner raised her head and smiled at him. He was a usual customer.
“Hello, Citizen.”
“Hello, sir. Hello to you two,” she added, nodding politely to his pet.
Supervillain smiled in return. To make sure he wouldn’t be ever recognized, he’d gotten a cat. Mister Whiskers was more than happy to follow him in his ice cream adventures, especially since Supervillain was the one who walked for them both. People asked to pet the kitty sometimes, but never gave his face a second glance.
“What will you take, sir?”
Supervillain pondered for a moment, answering then:
“When I was eight, my mother took me to see the ocean for the first time. I want three scoops of that memory flavor in a cup, please.”
“Right away, sir.”
She took a cup that she filled three times with white ice cream, then gently set her opened palms over it and closed her eyes. The scoops changed into a lovely turquoise. Mister Whiskers mewed with anticipation, opening and closing his mouth.
“And for the cat?”
“A kid scoop of Oyster-Caviar, lactose-free.”
She gave his orders to him. Supervillain thanked her and settled in his usual corner. While Mister Whiskers ate his own treat like he hadn’t already eaten thrice today, Supervillain took his time, glazing by the window. For the Heroes headquarters, it was the end of the day. Secretaries were pouring down the establishment. He looked at them with interest, wondering how many people was needed to manage three baby heroes. Sometimes they went in the ice cream shop, looking harassed, not giving him a second look. They never stayed long. It was just enough for him to memorize their faces and note their schedules.
Supervillain bit his lip to hide his smile when he saw the Heroic Trio getting out of the agency, their faces crumpled. Every time he saw them by the window, he wondered what would happen if they were coming here. Today, he realized that he was going to find out. After pausing, all three opened the door and went into the line that had been forming.
Supervillain took a spoonful of ice cream. It melted on his mouth as lightly as foam. It was a flavor of pure joy, with an aftertaste of melancholy. These holidays had not lasted long. Why rush his break, then? He was more than convinced that he wouldn’t get noticed, and if he was, well, that was too bad for the customers. Most of them didn’t linger anyway. They thanked Citizen and went out, hastily eating out outside, maybe because the Heroic Trio grumbled louder and louder about the wait. The line went down quickly until the moment a little boy asked for a cone.
“I can make all the flavors you want in the world, young man,” said Citizen. “Every memory, every feeling, every object, the weather, time itself, everything has a taste.”
The little boy thought long and hard, reading out loud the suggestions. After fifteen minutes, he made his choice:
Ignoring the loud groans behind, he was about to merrily go out, when one of the heroes caught him by the shirt:
“You haven’t paid, kid.”
“She gives it to me for free,” explained the boy, pointing at Citizen.
“Really? Why is that?”
The kid shrugged, licking his cone.
“Sometimes, I do the dishes.”
“He’s right,” intervened the shop owner. “He’s done nothing wrong, let him go.”
Hero released the kid, who went away trotting and licking his prize, and turned back to the owner with a frowning face:
“What sort of business are you running here?”
Citizen raised an eyebrow:
“I don’t understand.”
“Do you see these suits, ma’am?”
“Well, yes-”
“That means we’re heroes. He-roes, you understand? We protect you all day, putting our lives in danger for you. We’ve just escaped the most dangerous criminal of this town. We’d like to give us a little respect.”
“But I didn’t-”
“You made us wait to indulge a kid who can take anything he wants? It’s bad business practice. Terrible, even. How can you make profits like that? It’s a wonder this shop is still open.”
The three heroes towering over her, the woman tried to look at Supervillain, the only customer remaining, but he avoided his gaze. He wasn’t about to blow his cover for that. Furthermore, Mister Whiskers had finished his cup and was now interested in Supervillain’s ice cream. He put it away, but as he avoided the cat’s insistent paws, he was still listening to the conversation, quietly readjusting his perception of his self-proclaimed foes. Kids they were, but bullies are of every age. He heard them making their choice (one Nova scoop, two Oncoming Storm scoops, one First Prize cup), and refusing to pay.
“ If you give free food to the bloody kid, I think you can afford to give us a free pass, too.”
The shop owner made the effort to laugh, throwing her red braid off her shoulder.
“You have a good sense of humor,” she said politely.
“I’m not joking.”
Ah, thought Supervillain, there you go. Citizen raised her tone, but they laughed at her:
“What are you going to do, use your power?”
“That’s not our fault if all you can do is ice-cream flavor', said another. “I’m sorry you can’t be a Hero, but not everyone is born equal, don’t take it on us.”
Supervillain stared at his blue ice cream melting, waiting for the shop seller to burst in tears and give in. That didn’t happen. Instead, she clenched her fists and said:
“I am more useful than you.”
The booming laughter of the Heroic trio filled the room, but the shop owner was fed up. She hit the counter with her little hand and yelled, covering their voices:
“I feed children who are hungry. I give people the taste of things they’ve forgotten and can’t have otherwise. I give people shelter when they need it. You’ve just set foot in the neighborhood and do nothing but cause property damage. I am the better Hero. Now get out of my shop.”
The laughs died out. With a stony face, one of the heroes went behind the counter, pushing her away, and took their orders by force.
“Keep telling yourself that,” he said.
The doorbell rang when they left. A heavy silence fell.
The shop seller rocked slightly on her heels, burying her face in her hands. Supervillain looked at her, then at his now melted ice cream. His mom had offered him to see the ocean to cheer him up. He remembered why, too. Because of the day before. A school day. A bitter taste in his mouth. The wall behind his back. Kids with frowning looks and mocking smiles.
“Forcefield is not even a real power.”
“You’re so uncool.”
“What can you do, uh? Hiding like the coward you are?”
Supervillain sighed, shaking his head. No, that wouldn’t do at all.
He stood up, holding out a handkerchief to the ice cream seller. She took it without looking at him. While she blew her nose, he turned his eyes towards the Hero headquarters, looking at the Heroic Trio walking away.
“They’re kids,” he said. “They don’t know a lot of things.”
“That doesn’t give them an excuse to-”
“I know. They have no respect for powers that aren’t flashy enough for them. They’re the kind of people thinking that forcefields are for defense only.”
He smiled. All the windows on the first floor of the Hero headquarters exploded.
People screamed in the streets. The Heroic Trio came back running despite the glass shards flying, trying to localize the culprit.
“They have no imagination,” he explained pleasantly at the shop owner, who was looking at the scene with wide eyes. “They don’t know how impenetrable shields that can be projected from everywhere could be used otherwise.”
He glanced at the building now cut in two, shaking his head:
“I mean, how can they realize that this kind of shield could pierce any matter like a knife through hot butter?”
The heroes wanted to rush towards the headquarters, but bounced back. The forceshield was now covering the whole building, slightly buzzing. It didn’t stop there. It got tighter and tighter until the walls cracked and collapsed under the pressure.
“People inside-” squeaked Citizen.
“It’s the end of the day, my dear.”
The heroic trio was running around, getting people away, swearing and not knowing what to do. The forcefield didn’t vanish until the building was in ruins. Only then Supervillain turned towards the show owner. She flinched hard, but he only pulled out his wallet.
“Now, how much do we owe you?”
Back to the Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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causewayguy · 8 months
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For @asdestrious , the Angeline lover.
Part 2:
Sex is a tiring exercise. More so for Jon's friends after they played 90 minutes of their weekly game as well as the hour long fuck session with the unknown Angeline. However, with the help of Jon's secret elixir, everyone was starting to feel rejuvenated. Within a few minutes, the Malay brothers' cocks hardened as they stared at Angeline delicious naked body. Without asking for any permission from Jon, they walked towards their prey.
Angeline, who was still tied up and masked, shrieked as she suddenly felt 2 pairs of hands groped her tits and ass. They freed Angeline from being tied up but kept the mask on. Amir and Aiman have average cocks but they are super athletic. Amir lifted one of Angeline's leg and started to fuck her hard. Angeline couldn't scream as Aiman stuffed his cock down her throat. Angeline looked like an acrobatic, standing on one leg tip toe while the other angled upwards. Her body stretched and twisted downwards, her boobies bouncing away as she fucked by Amir and facefucked by Aiman. This carried on for a few minutes with no break, and Angeline already cum twice from the brothers onslaught.
Doing this multiple times before, the brothers suddenly shifted position. Amir now hugged Angeline upright, and she could feel his breath in her ear as he whispered how horny she was making him. Angeline mewed softly as she felt Amir's cock slowly making love to her abused pussy. Little did she know...
Aiman has already lubed up and teased his cock up her ass. NO NO NO N-UHHHHH!!?! The Malay brothers DP-ed her standing up. Angeline felt so full! She felt each and every move the brothers as they slowly plowed both her holes together. Angeline had to tip toe as the brothers angled their cocks upwards, letting gravity do the work. She was drooling so much like a dog in heat at this new sensation.
Not long later, both brothers signalled to each other. They started pumping into her one after the other, making sure either one of her holes were filled. This was the last stray. Angeline screamed through her gag and had her largest orgasm of the night, her mind now empty. She could barely registered the brother shooting their load into her, creaming both her holes (ginseng + oyster 👍💪). They pulled out of her, dumping Angeline's buck naked, tired body on the mattress. Breathing hard, Angeline felt satisfied but yet so empty inside... What a slut.
Part 3...?
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cruxymox · 9 months
tag game for the poets and poetically inclined ( by @definegodliness )
i've changed the order of these as the last one is by far the longest.
2. one line in a song
"Some day we'll catch a glimpse of eternity"
- Apoptygma Berzerk, from Eclipse
3. one line in a movie
"You shall not pass!"
- Gandalf, from The Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring ( but you probably knew that already )
4. a word you'll avoid for fear of over-usage
'and' / '&'.
( i don't avoid it well at all, perhaps obviously, but it is one of the most common words i actively try to control )
5. one word that is you, metaphorically (no explanation)
1. a poem that tends to pop into your mind
the following piece is from TS Eliot's Murders in the Cathedral, spoken by the Chorus
( note: i've not read the whole play. mostly just "the death-bringers" pops into my mind, as well as the repetition of "i have seen, i have tasted, i have felt" etc. )
I have smelt them, the death-bringers, senses are quickened
By subtile forebodings; I have heard
Fluting in the nighttime, fluting and owls, have seen at noon
Scaly wings slanting over, huge and ridiculous. I have tasted
The savour of putrid flesh in the spoon. I have felt
The heaving of earth at nightfall, restless, absurd. I have heard
Laughter in the noises of beasts that make strange
noises: jackal, jackass, jackdaw; the scurrying noise
of mouse and jerboa; the laugh of the loon, the
lunatic bird. I have seen Grey necks twisting, rat tails twining, in the thick light
of dawn. I have eaten
Smooth creatures still living, with the strong salt taste
of living things under sea; I have tasted
The living lobster, the crab, the oyster, the whelk and
the prawn; and they live and spawn in my bowels,
and my bowels dissolve in the light of dawn. I have smelt
Death in the rose, death in the hollyhock, sweet pea,
hyacinth, primrose and cowslip. I have seen Trunk and horn, tusk and hoof, in odd places;
I have lain on the floor of the sea and breathed with
the breathing of the sea-anemone, swallowed with
ingurgitation of the sponge. I have lain in the soil
and criticised the worm. In the air
Flirted with the passage of the kite, I have plunged
with the kite and cowered with the wren. I have felt
The horn of the beetle, the scale of the viper, the
mobile hard insensitive skin of the elephant, the
evasive flank of the fish. I have smelt
Corruption in the dish, incense in the latrine, the sewer
in the incense, the smell of sweet soap in the wood-
path, a hellish sweet scent in the woodpath, while
the ground lieaved. I have seen Rings of light coiling downwards, leading
To the horror of the ape. Have I not known, not known
What was coming to be? It was here, in the kitchen, in the passage.
In the mews in the barn in the byre in the market place
In our veins our bowels our skulls as well
As well as in the plottings of potentates
As well as in the consultations of powers.
What is woven on the loom of fate
What is woven in the councils of princes
Is woven also in our veins, our brains.
Is woven like a pattern of living worms
In the guts of the women of Canterbury.
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oi oi hello it was gay month and i had changed the layout of my tumblr for the first time since i created it :)!! then i drafted this post and only just found it now lol
decided to introduce myself a little and make a list of the non-male characters i like since my bio is a list of the fictional men i like >:)
hi im jules (u can also call me volantis), im 23 and im a non binary lesbian, i use they/them pronouns (and iel/yel in french), im british-french 😔✊ and i also speak some german
here are some of my favourite non-men!!!! (any characters who don't use he/him and/or identify as men) fictional characters:
genshin-> keqing, yanfei, klee, yoimiya, hu tao, shen he, yae miko, qiqi, xinyan, mona, lumine, arlecchino, beidou, collei, diona, dehya, faruzan, fischl, lisa, kujou sara, nahida, ningguang, xiangling
honkai star rail-> hook, natasha, bailu, seele, march 7th, herta, jingyun, kafka
honkai impact-> herrscher of sentience
mha-> himiko toga, mina, mei, ragdoll
proseka/vocaloid-> tenma saki, gumi, kagamine rin, hinomori shizuku, shiraishi an, yoisaki kanade, shininome ena, mayu, seeu, kaai yuki
magnus chase/percy jackson-> alex fierro, hazel levesque, piper mcclean
great pretender-> cynthia moore, abby jones
professor layton-> katrielle layton, flora reinhold, lucy baker, goldie potsby-mahn
love live-> tsushima yohane, yazawa nico, arashi chisato, emma verde, hanamaru kunikida, haruka konoe, kanata konoe, nakasu kasumi, tang keke, minami kotori, ohara mari, yoneme mei, mia taylor, tojo nozomi, tennoji rina, kazuna sarah, heanna sumire, watanabe you, ranpha, shirase koyuki, shitara fumi, kirihara yuuka, miyashita coco, hasekura kasane, kikkawa mizuki, tanaka sachiko, saeki reine, nishimura fumie
homestuck :') -> terezi pyrope, latula pyrope, rose lalonde, kanaya maryam, nepeta lejion, meulin lejion, roxy lalonde, calliope
tokyo mew mew-> aizawa minto, huang bu-ling
little witch academia-> diana cavendish, constanze albrechtsburger
bungou stray dogs-> yosano akiko, lucy montgomery
vanitas no carte-> dominique de sade, chloé apchier, amelia
black butler-> meyrin
pandora hearts-> alice, sharon rainsworth
vampire princess miyu-> miyu
tangled the series-> cassandra
it-> bev marsh
ensemble stars-> anzu, narukami arashi
x-men-> kitty pryde, rogue, mystique, emma frost, jubilation lee, polaris (lorna dane)
moomin-> little my, snorkmaiden
saiki k-> mikoto aiura, imu rifuta
dyslite-> feng nuxi, bai liuli, camille, catherine, yuuhime, discboom, elaine, heng yue, intisar, jiang man, li guang, mona, lin xiao, ye suhua
taz-> lup taaco, aubrey little, dani, lydia, lucretia, N0-3113, irene baker, gandy dancer
the raven boys-> blue sargent
pokemon-> jessie, lillie, blanche, acerola, mina, plumeria, klara, marnie, melony, nessa, sonia, opal, iono, nemona, tulip, mela
yuukoku no moriarty-> miss hudson
the magnus archives-> basira hussain, george barker, helen richardson, melanie king, jane prentiss, nikola orsinov, sasha james
teen titans-> raven, starfire, terra, jinx, bumblebee
bee and puppycat-> bee, cas wizard, toast
stranger things-> max, robin, erica
cookie run-> latte, strawberry crepe, scorpion, hydrangea, snow sugar, bellflower, black garlic, spinach, captain ice, snake fruit, kumiho, starfruit, moon rabbit, lychee dragon, pond dino, angel, black pearl, oyster, sea fairy, moonlight, pumpkin pie, cotton, cream puff, pinecone, milky way
idolm@ster-> hoshii miki, kikuchi makoto, takatsuki yayoi
etc... cause if not we'll be here for years (watch me add more when i think of them)
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verm1c1de · 1 year
Wait. Irkens could perhaps have less negative effects to war and propaganda if they are simply less empathetic naturally. They could still experience bad effects yes but they are not human! They could truly just not be as effected by these kinds of things
fool that mew are, to think mew need empathy to have guilt
mew know that one tumblr post? about crushing an oyster to death with a rock? the oyster did not feel pain. the oyster did not suffur. but mew, who killed it, still felt guilt
ANYWAYS nyeah thats true theyre not humans but even mewr afurage human can be so loaded with purropaganda that theyll do the same thing :// like i do not have to see "kill all gays" beclaws those who wrote it are inhuman. they are human. they just suck
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sanfielle · 2 years
5, 8, 17 for a character of your choice; 38 for at least 5 prolegomenon characters, and 44 for tryxie
a grab bag.... hmm.... world is my oyster...!! i tihnk for the first 3 ill random gen soemone. smile. ok i got sa!ytk so ill do this i guess forrrrr dusty? the protag. the killer.
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
pretty mcuh a handful of useful stuff. defintiely has a swiss army knife, a pack of gum, a spare band-aid... his wallet with like 3 diff identities on drivers licenses or smth. he ususally likes to be prepared for stuff ykwim.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
LOL he is a former hitman...!! i havent really thoufht about his past hits though. i think maybe his first was jsut some random person in debt to whoever hired him... thats probsbly usually what these things are about after all.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
in my head dusty used to have thsi old firetruck that he loved so much adn carried around everywhere. and it barely works because its so aged and the plastics all brittle adn the paints faded but it was so important to him. his son has it now
ok gd. prolegomenon time. lets see...
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
yua. in her head tehre are no problems or threats that cant be overcome so she will throw herself with gusto at things, though strategically... she wont just do this blindly. she knwos everything has a soft spot though.
cherry. mew cannot conceptualize the fact taht there are threats and problems mew cannot solve by mewself, or at all even with friends' help. mew is unkillable. mew is unstoppable. mew is cherry freakin' thaxton. etc.
sofie. everythinf in the world can be solved by being annoying enough and a little luck. aslo now that bud can explode stuff bud is like Well ill just fucking blow it up? and buds right. most stuff can be solved by blwoing it up. bud IS the threat in this scenario...
dina. dina is similar to yua inthe way that itll back off to approach things strategically adn see what other avenues can be taken, though it also isnt scared to get a little dirty in there. it will take advatnage of every tool at its disposal to do wahtever has to be done.
diego. unmovable object, once it's mind is latched onto soemthing it will not let go until the roadblock is removed or it is bascislly dead. its a very stubborn person who works at something until stuff goes its way.
rhett. hes like diego but worse in every way. there is only one problem/threat on earth wehre he conceded and removed hismelf and his brother from it but ithink if he were ever faced with that same issue today he would beat it to death with a rock.
aldrich. everything in the world is a puzzle to them and they have the key in their head, ifthey can just think it through. sure it will take a few tries adn some failrue but at the end of the day theywill unlock the key factor to make it work. or theyll die. either or
roy. he is a pretty straightforward kind of guy who can recognize when hes in over his head. also wehn faced with an issue he cant handle he usually just has a little upset about it.
jesse. theyre like water in the way taht theyll always take the path of least resistance, mostly becasue they dont like to be challenged in a lot of ways (isnt life challenging enough!?)...
amada. she gets overwhelmed easy and isnt very confident in herself and her ability to tackle stuff. if she has friends by her side MAYBE its a different story but mostly... she will just back down when stuff gets too hard.
isa. it kind of depends on the issue becasue if its something they feel can be handled wiht minimal issue/harm, theyll do it, but generally most thinfs cannot be handled this way lol. if stuff looks a little too big for them to chew theyll back off as far as they ccan.
julio. he doesnt like to cause any sort of fuss over stuff, so if he cant handle something (esp by himself), hell just walk away and try something esle. theres always anotehr safer/easier avenue to take!
reed: i mean theyll TRY. theyll chew on it and think it through but generally theyd prefer to go around stuff if possible. tehy dont really like to pushthemself to overcome anything or whatever, they think thats an easy road to hurting yourself....
OK. that waseverything i cared to say. whatever. tryxie.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
i think... tryxie is a very deeply self obsessed persson. it doesnt say 'love you!' very easiky this is thekind of thing resevred for wehn it thinks it will never see this person again or soemthign onthat level of importance. even for family and stuff. its said that only once before when not meaning itt and it ledto so much drama taht it has vowed never to say that without meaning it ever again. normal guy x
oc questions!
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aricastmblr · 5 months
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Lofficiel_SG X 10 may. Revealed by the man himself at #Montblanc's Meisterstück centennial celebration,@MSuppasit is L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Singapore’s May '24 cover star! 🖋️✨The dashing Thai artist is captivating the world one smile at a time. Stay tuned for more!
MewSuppasit #MST100 #มิวศุภศิษฏ์
Lofficiel_SG X 10 may. Calling all Mewlions! Beloved Thai actor & singer, @MSuppasit is rewriting the rules this May 2024 as L'OFFICIEL HOMMES Singapore's cover star. Stay tuned for our exclusive interview & pictorial with #Mew and #Montblanc.📚
MewSuppasit #มิวศุภศิษฏ์ #MST100 #LetsWrite
Lofficiel_SG X 11 may. Thai stars have been taking the world by storm and are being featured on the global stage in all realms from fashion to entertainment. L’OFFICIEL HOMMES May cover star, @ MSuppasit is no exception! 😎✨
MewSuppasit #มิวศุภศิษฏ์ #Montblanc #MST100 #LetsWrite
Lofficiel_SG X 11 may.
Our HOMMES May 2024 cover star,@ MSuppasit weighs in on the recent T-wave, “I’m really happy about it. I also hope that the world will get to see more works by Thai people. I’d like to thank everyone who has been supporting our work” #MewSuppasit #มิวศุภศิษฏ์ #Montblanc #MST100
Lofficiel_SG X 11 may. As the spotlight grows, @ MSuppasit shares how he deals with the pressures of stardom, “Be focused, be open to feedback, and better understand what’s going on around me, all while staying true to myself.” 🖤
Full story: https://tinyurl.com/3eshytrr
MewSuppasit #Montblanc #MST100
Lofficiel_SG X 13 may. We’ve got one more surprise for #Mewlions! A rapid fire round with L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Singapore cover star,@ MSuppasit ! 🔥 From celebrity crushes to extra terrestrials, check out our candid chat with the Thai star!
MewSuppasit #มิว #มิวศุภศิษฏ์ #Montblanc #MST100 #LetsWrite
lofficielhommessg y lofficielsingapore instagram sale mewsuppasit (entrevistaamew) 13 mayo 2024 (https://www.instagram.com/p/C65-6ouyinI/)
We’ve got one more surprise for Mewlions! A rapid fire round with L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Singapore cover star, @ mewsuppasit! 🔥 We sat down with the dashing Thai actor and singer for a fun segment where we ask the true “hard hitting questions”. 😉
From celebrity crushes to extra terrestrials, check out our candid chat with Mew and head over to hommessingapore.com for the cover story and photoshoot!
#Mew#MewSuppasit#มิว#มิวศุภศิษฏ์#Montblanc#MST100#LetsWrite -
Editor-in-Chief @ 1anlee Styling @ FelixWoei Grooming @ armytoast Hair @ nnoteterrr Photography assistants @ szen.cheah and @ maxong15 Fashion assistants SHANNAHLETTE, @ muhammadsyazil and @ amelia.tann
lofficielhommessg y lofficielsingapore instagram sale mewsuppasit 11 mayo 2024 (fotomewdepie)
The world is @ mewsuppasit’s oyster! The Thai actor and singer continues to expand his global reach, collaborating with stars like Honne and most recently, EXO’s Suho. 🌏
As the spotlight grows for our HOMMES cover star, Mew reflects on his philosophy when handling the pressures of stardom, “Be focused, be open to feedback, and better understand what’s going on around me, all while staying true to myself.” 🖤
Head over to hommessingapore.com for the full interview and pictorial!
#Mew#MewSuppasit#มิว#มิวศุภศิษฏ์#Montblanc#MST100#LetsWrite -
Editor-in-Chief @ 1anlee Photography @ Chee__Wei Styling @ FelixWoei Grooming @ armytoast Hair @ nnoteterrr Photography assistants @ szen.cheah and @ maxong15 Fashion assistants SHANNAHLETTE, @ muhammadsyazil and @ amelia.tann
lofficielhommessg y lofficielsingapore instagram sale mewsuppasit 10 mayo 2024 (mewportadaprincipal)
Recently revealed by the man himself at @ montblanc’s Meisterstück centennial celebration, @ mewsuppasit is L’OFFICIEL HOMMES Singapore’s May 2024 cover star! 🖋️✨
The dashing Thai actor and singer is rewriting the rules and captivating the world with his charm and talent, one smile at a time. Stay tuned for our cover story which includes an exclusive interview and pictorial with Mew the multi-hyphenate. 📚
#Mew#MewSuppasit#มิว#มิวศุภศิษฏ์#Montblanc#MST100#LetsWrite -
Editor-in-Chief @ 1anlee Photography @ Chee__Wei Styling @ FelixWoei Grooming @ armytoast Hair @ nnoteterrr Photography assistants @ szen.cheah and @ maxong15 Fashion assistants SHANNAHLETTE, @ muhammadsyazil and @ amelia.tann
lofficielhommessg y lofficielsingapore instagram sale mewsuppasit 11 mayo 2024 (mewrecargadopuerta)
Thai stars have been taking the world by storm and are being featured on the global stage in all realms from fashion to entertainment. L’OFFICIEL HOMMES May cover star, @ mewsuppasit is no exception! 😎
The beloved actor and singer weighed in on the T-wave that’s happening right now saying, “I’m really happy about it. I also hope that the world will get to see more works by Thai people. I’d like to thank everyone who has been supporting our work, and I’m looking forward to having more opportunities globally in the future.”
#Mew#MewSuppasit#มิว#มิวศุภศิษฏ์#Montblanc#MST100#LetsWrite -
Editor-in-Chief @ 1anlee Photography @ Chee__Wei Styling @ FelixWoei Grooming @ armytoast Hair @ nnoteterrr Photography assistants @ szen.cheah and @ maxong15 Fashion assistants SHANNAHLETTE, @ muhammadsyazil and @ amelia.tann
1anlee instagram sale mewsuppasit
(Same floor neighbour from LA) @ mewsuppasit for @ lofficielhommessg May with @ montblanc 🖤
Photography Chee Wei Styling Felix Woei Grooming @ armytoast Hair @ nnoteterrr Photography assistants Max Ong and Szen Cheah Fashion assistants Shannahlette, Syazil Abd Rahim, Amelia Tan
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bbasscatt · 10 months
Character Intro #1: Madrone
Before we get into it I wanted to restate my purpose for these intros. They are meant for me to “meet” some of the important characters in pre/early clan life as well as flesh out the world they live in without doing hard worldbuilding. I honestly found this really fun and would highly recommend you to do this if you are struggling to flesh out your characters or their world. I want to say more about Madrone specifically, but I will in her intro review. Enjoy!!
Word Count: 1593
Madrone watches from the broken window as Widgeon and Tide walk off into the town. She couldn’t help but to stare. Even as they journeyed further and further out of her vision she still watched like she could see them. As much as she wanted, her paws refused to move. Tap, tap, tap. Her claws tapped the ground as she unsheathed and sheathed them against the hard floor. She wanted to dig her claws into the ground to anchor herself to the window. Tap, tap, tap. She knew she had to move. Tap, tap, tap. She knew she had to care for the kits—tap, tap, tap, but she couldn’t move. Tap, tap, tap. She couldn’t get herself to leave the window. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, the taps began to grow louder. Tap, tap, tap, and louder. Tap, tap—Madrone was shoved into the wall. She stumbled forward and growled at the cat behind her only to find it was her own mother.
“Get your eyes off the window and get busy,” Madrone’s mother, Cedar, demanded. She quickly twisted around and a tuft of dense fur made its way into Madrone’s mouth.
In the main area of their den, 3 kittens were fighting. On top of a black kitten, Coromant, was a large gray kitten, Oyster. The tom dug his paws into the she-cat with a yowl. “Where are the dried fish you owe me,” he hissed.
Coromant squirmed and scraped her paws against Oyster’s belly fur. “Get off me! I don’t owe you anything.”
Behind the two was another gray kitten. He bundled himself on his hind legs and was preparing to pounce. The other two were too busy in battle to notice. In an instant, the two were broken apart by Gull, the third kitten. He separated the two and took off toward Oyster who darted off to the other side of the room. Madrone walked to sit next to Coromant and wrapped her tail around her kit. The two watch Oyster and Gull dart around the room and knock into the furniture. Eventually, Oyster was able to climb onto a large, tall box. Gull put his paws onto the box and began to taunt Oyster.
“Get down, minnow.”
“You can climb up here and fight me.”
Gull walked back and ran into the box. It barely moved, but he continued to push it over and over again.
Madrone looked to her side. Coromant had left her side. She looked around and still could not find her. Madrone got up and stretched. It would be a good idea to find the kit. This whole event was a daily occurrence. Before she could look for the kit, Cedar walked up to Madrone.
“I see you still haven’t gotten busy,” She mewed. Cedar’s eyes went across Madrone’s fur and to the kits.
“I was about to go find Coromant.”
“She can wait. I saw her leave with Puffin.”
“Leave for where?”
Cedar flicked her tail, “It does not matter. We need to have a discussion.”
“I have to find Coromant…and Puffin. Where have they gone?”
“Nowhere unsafe.”
“Everywhere is unsafe.”
“I promise you they have not gone far.”
“They’re only five moons.”
“They’re almost six moons and need to explore the world.”
“Not yet.”
“Stop being so difficult Madrone and follow me.”
Cedar began to walk off to the other room. Madrone looked over to the window. As much as she wanted to find where the two kits had gone, she knew better than to disobey her mother. As she walked into the room, it felt like she had entered a completely different den. Cedar kept the trinkets she had gathered over the years in her room. As the cat who found this den for them, Cedar insisted that she needed her very own space within it. On the floor, vines and moss made the hard floor soft. Lined up against the walls were bright gemstones. While a couple small kittens could fit in between the space between each gem, it was more than Madrone had ever owned. In the middle of the room was a container slightly taller than her. It has originally been open, but Cedar filled it with dirt and moss to make a nest. Cedar jumped onto the nest and curled her paws under her body.
“The kits are almost 6 moons,” Cedar said.
Madrone did not respond.
“They will have to find themself role soon.”
Madrone still did not respond. She tightly wrapped her tail around her paws and looked straight at her mother.
“I’ve been thinking of what would best suit them. Oyster could do well as a fetcher. Gull possibly as well. If they could just get along they could be a great team.”
Cedar paused her speech for a moment, but continued after Madrone continued her silence. “Widgeon is a smart cat. Even though I don’t see many she-cat fetchers, she is among the best. I bet she could do a great job training—if only she wasn’t training that orphan.”
Madrone’s fur bristed as she spat at Cedar, “Tide is the reason Widgeon and the kittens are here today.”
“I’m not saying anything bad about him. I’m just saying we have a lot of mouths to feed. How can we afford to feed a cat none of us even raised.”
“That’s not his fault. You want to leave him denless just because he isn’t either of our kit.
“Well, I mean there’s a reason the only cat who wanted him was pregnant and couldn’t hunt or fetch for herself.”
“It’s not his fault nobody could see his potential.”
“It’s his fault he didn’t show it off enough to let it be seen.”
Madrone stood up and brought her muzzle to her mother’s face. She bared her teeth and growled. Cedar turned her face and revealed one of her paws to place on Madrone’s muzzle.
“Now don’t throw a fit, please.” Cedar told Madrone, “This discussion is about the kits.”
Madrone stepped back and sat down again.
Small bits of the moss on Cedar’s bed flew off as she readjusted herself. “Now, I understand your attachment to that cat, but Oyster and Gull will need to be trained and there aren’t many cats who can do that. I can see Widgeon taking on one of them, but both on top of that cat? That might be too much, even for her.”
“They don’t both have to start training now.”
“Don’t be silly, Madrone. They are already late by you keeping them cooped up in this den. You can’t put off their training any more. We’ve seen what that’s caused.”
Madrone had to hold back a hiss at her Ma’s comment. “Maybe they could train to be something else?”
“Like what, I am already the den-maker, there is no reason to have them be dedicated hunters, and you and I can do the crafting.”
Madrone sighed. “So what do you want?”
“You should train one of the kits”
“Don’t you want them to be fetchers?” Madrone hissed. Her tail swiped against moss.
“It is nothing against you. You were barely a mediocre fetcher. I’m not saying you need to completely become one again, but just to train the kits. At least until that cat is trained, so Widgeon can take on both of them.”
“I really don’t want to go out there.”
“You will have to eventually. You can’t keep yourself cooped up in here. There is a world outside and you need to train your kits for that world. It was your choice to take them in. Your choice to make yourself responsible for the kits of a she-cat you barely knew. Your choice to keep the litter together.”
There was another moment of silence. Her Ma kept her away from her kits for what? To criticize her life choices. To belittle her? Why did she ever even listen to what her mother had to say? What was the purpose of letting any of her ideas come into her head? Madrone let her hiss come out, “Widgeon didn’t want to give any of them away.”
“We are not talking about Widgeon,” Cedar spat. Her voice began to raise. “I can’t control that she-cat. We are talking about you. Why are there seven cats in my den meant for four?”
“You told me I could bring in her kits.”
“I told you to give out the runts.”
“They’re Widgeon’s. I can’t give away her kits.”
“I thought they were yours.”
“They are!”
“I thought you were their Ma.”
“I am.”
“Then why don’t you do your duty and give some away?”
Madrone stepped back. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“I’m talking about our future Madrone. We have to plan for it.”
“Plan on abandoning my kits?”
“Plan on thriving in this awful world.”
“How can I thrive after giving away the kits I love?”
“You should have done it before you had an attachment.”
“I always have!”
“And now you’ve made it my problem.”
Madrone turned around. She couldn’t face her Ma anymore. “That was your choice.”
Madrone couldn’t help but to feel bitter towards her mother. She had encouraged her to bring Widgeon and the kits into their home only to bring up so many issues. All she wanted was to have a place for the cats she loved to stay, but it seemed so incredibly impossible. How could she call this place a home when there were so many cats against her. Not just from the outside, but in her own den.
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theloveinc · 11 months
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dabi x reader - where in which he tries to name a cat
(warning - mentions of dabi's past + abuse, so spoilers in that sense. g/n i think, but you're primping in this and called babe. this is NOT my dabi fic that i've been talking abt)
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Dabi is your Wednesday to Saturday boyfriend.
The rest of the of the days, you’re not sure what he is. All you know is those are not the days he spends bumming around at your apartment, eating your leftovers, and using your Wi-Fi to stream a seemingly endless amount of TV that he doesn’t actually sit down to watch.
This most recent Wednesday, he brought you a cat. More of a kitten, really. White and black, rather plump for a terrified little street thing, probably barely five or six weeks old. They look a bit like each other, both both scruffy and dirty, and Dabi capitalized on the fact that you have a normal amount of compassion in your heart to present you with it like a gift and not another mouth to feed. Surprise!
(...Pulling it out of his jacket by the scruff of its neck, little feet scrunched into its own body as in mewed in terror. You found the sight quite ironic, knowing Dabi’s somewhat good intentions must’ve thoroughly been betrayed by the fact he was treating the kitten a bit like… meat.)
And today, now Friday, you wake up with it on your face. Dabi’s hand resting on your sternum, his hair floppy and tangled with bedhead, it's tucked between your chin and cheek, snuggled into a little ball that only rouses when you happen to get a few of its hair in your mouth and you rustle around trying to get them out.
Unfortunately, Dabi rouses too, snickering at the sight of you held down by two, stubborn creatures.
“Yes, Touya,” you mumble, trying not to get another hair down your throat. “The cat. Are you happy?
He wiggles a hand out from under the blankets and rubs one finger across the bridge of its spine. It chirps, but doesn’t stir and Dabi glances at you, his eyes still crinkled with sleep, and nods (his head barely tilting) without any of his usual hesitations. His lips curl with the smallest of smirks, and he begins to doze, just like that, sly grin still present as his fingers brush kitty’s soft fur.
“What are we gonna name it?”
Dabi asks that Saturday evening, barely fifteen minutes before one of your friends is supposed to pick you up for oysters and cocktails on the water. You’re in your bra, right in the middle of fixing your hair while he’s in a dirty shirt, underpants, and socks, sat next to the cat who is snoozing very comfortably on your unmade bed.
He has a habit of doing that, this, starting conversations right before you’re meant to go off and do something else. Maybe it’s because he’s too scared to find out where things would end naturally if he allowed them to play out, or maybe it’s because he enjoys making you be the villain (and how you always kiss him in apology for cutting things short).
Because it’s a Saturday, however, you won’t be seeing him when you get home, so this chat is somewhat crucial if you want to save yourself from a dramatic fit when he comes back to find out that you named the cat on your own. He watches your eyebrow raise in the mirror.
“We?” you say, glancing back at him in the silver. “Touya, who is ‘we?’”
His face immediately flattens as he shoots you a look. Actually doesn’t shoot anything, just stares at you straight, blankly, like he does when he wants something or knows you already know what it is he wants to say… which in this case is most likely, “you and I. But mostly I.”
You roll your eyes at the dramatics. His bullheadedness. The shine of blue eyes over wrinkles and under his surprisingly nice eyebrows.
“Not gonna happen,” you say before he can even try to beg (not that he really would, but he would, in his Dabi-ish way. Pouting and grunting and stubbornly waiting for you to submit to something that was always going to happen). “We’ll never agree on a name and you know it.”
There is no but from him.
“He’s gonna be living in my house, eating food I paid for—“ you remember how, on one of your walks home together, Dabi nudged you into the local pet store and racked up quite the hefty bill on a litter box, cat bed, and the most expensive cat food they had, all in rainbow colored tins with funny names that didn’t actually make you (or him) laugh.
Paw Lickin’ Good. Catsu Curry and Gravy. More Pur-lease, “—it would be kind of you to at least let me pick what we call him.”
Dabi doesn’t relent however, turning his bottom lip downward in a pout that makes him look about seven years younger, especially when he proceeds to look at the cat as if the two of them were brothers.
“I found him.”
He says it petulantly, like a child, and then it’s your turn to stare, hot tool suspended in midair, and let the silence stretch until, as always, he gets his way.
You turn back to the mirror.
“Fine,” you reply. “Humor me.”
He pipes up instantly, like the topic has been on his mind, like he already knows his answers, though now his focus isn’t on you but intently on the cat (kitten, you remind yourself) and how it’s woken up to lick it’s armpit slowly.
“Chicken Nugget.”
You can’t help but laugh.
“What? Are you twelve?” you look at him incredulously, hairspray can now in hand as he stands his ground (he told you once that’s how old he was when he started using his quirk alone, running off to the very same forest where he was later left behind before being left to die). “You wanna eat him or something?”
He frowns.
“You never had neighbors with a cat named Mittens before?”
(You know he said his father’s house was cut off from the neighbor’s once. This big expanse of a property that took up an entire block: traditional, Japanese architecture the size of a football field. He also told you how the very same man would beat his mom and younger brother until they both threw up.)
The cat chews on a paw. He glares.
You stare, taking a minute to look at Dabi like the child he's revealing himself to be… and though you could compete forever, deny his ideas the entire day… your standoff is interrupted by a beep, your phone brightening with the words, “2 mins away! Be ready this time!!!”
“Shit, I gotta go,” you throw down your brush and run to put on the shirt lying across the top of the hamper in your closet.
“I can pick then, babe?” Dabi asks, ignoring the fact that you’re leaving him and he won’t see you for another four days (even though normally, he’d kick up a fuss about the fact you’re abandoning him instead of giving him a real goodbye. You like to think you’re past that point in your relationship).
“I already told you, I’ll think about it,” you shove your phone in your purse, shimmy to adjust your arms in the fabric of your shirt and lean in quickly to hold Dabi's shoulders and give him one small kiss on the cheek like it’s something he deserves. “See you on Wednesday?”
He nods, eyelids heavy as he sinks back into your mattress and the cat settles back to sleep right next to him.
And that’s how you leave them.
“Again, I am so sorry for the lack of notice, Mrs. Kabu," you say to the landlord, thinking of your friend’s aunt, the market owner down the street, even Dabi’s friend… To-Tenko, was it? Though maybe it was dogs he said he liked. “If it’s really not okay, as soon as I can find someone, I’ll find it a new—"
She waves a wrinkled hand through the air, the crinkling of her crows feet hushing you immediately. “No need, dear. My grandson loves cats.”
You set down her groceries just as she stops at her door, one floor above your own apartment.
“He’s has a white one named snowball,” she laughs. “He’s only ten.”
“How cute,” you smile nervously, hoping to god she doesn't end up changing her mind, and that if she does, Dabi will spare her his wrath.
“What did you decide to name yours, dear?”
You think about last Saturday night, this Wednesday now fast approaching.
“Well…” you hesitate, thinking of the little black and white kitten currently scratching up your couch. “I was sorta thinking about the name… Nibbles.”
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ochoislas · 2 years
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Sobre las chatas rocas gris elefante, plagadas de bálanos, frisa el primer escarceo de la marea, avanzando, casi insonora, hacia mí, corriendo cabe los angostos surcos de la playa, las ringleras de berberechos muertos; luego un regajo detrás de mí, rampando más cerca, vivo con diminutos peces listados, y cangrejillos que trepan fuera del agua.
La bahía áfona. Sin violencia. Hasta las gaviotas callan lejos en las rocas, silenciosas, en la luz que afonda, cesó su mallar de gato, su jipiar de niño.
Por fin una larga cresta undosa, negriazul desde donde estoy sentado, forma casi una ola que rebasa la barrera de guijarros, batiendo leve contra un madero hundido. Chapaleo los pies en el salsero que avanza resbalando, luego me retiro a una roca acantilado arriba. El viento afloja, tenue como una polilla que abanica una piedra: un viento crepuscular, tenue como el aliento de un niño que no vuelve hoja, ni riza onda. El rocío revive en el barrón; chasquean los leños salumbrosos de un fuego; un cuervo pescador vira en su percha (un árbol muerto del estero), y sus alas captan un último viso de sol reflejo.
El yo perdura como astro moribundo, en sueños, asustado. La faz de la muerte se alza de nuevo, entre tímidas bestias, el ciervo en el salegar, la corza de hombros gachos que cruza al trote la carretera, la culebra nueva, apostada en hojas verdes, que aguarda su mosca, el zunzún, rumbando de la flor del membrillero a la ipomea... con tales estaría.
Y con el agua: las olas que se adelantan, sin tregua, las olas, trastornadas por bajíos, lechos de sargazos, maderos a la deriva, desmochadas por vientos cruzados, tironeadas por sinuosas revesas, la marea que entra murmullando, resbalando entre rengas de piedra, las lenguas del agua, rampando, calladas.
En esta hora, en este primer cielo de conocer, la carne asume la pura esbeltez del espíritu, adquiere, un instante, la frescura del zarapito, la precisión del zunzún, la maña del guardarrío... me revuelvo en mi roca, y pienso... en el primer tremor de un arroyo de Michigan en abril, bosando el labio de piedra, el regato minúsculo; y aquella cascada no mayor que la muñeca cayendo de una peña hendida, su rocío levantando un doble iris por la mañana temprano, tan pequeña que puede abarcarla, acogerla, un abrazo... o el Tittebawasee, entre invierno y primavera, cuando el hielo se funde por el filo en la siesta temprana. Y el tablar empieza a agrietarse y pulsar con la presión debajo, el hielo que se amontona contra las estacas aherrojadas, reluciendo, arreciéndose de nuevo, chirriando a medianoche... Y anhelo el estampido de dinamita, el súbito rugido cuando la alcantarilla traga restos de ramas y broza, revoltijo de latas, baldes, nidos viejos, un zapato infantil montado en un tronco, mientras el hielo apilado se desprende de las vapuleadas estacas, y el río entero rompe a correr, zarandeando sus puentes.
Ahora, en esta merma de la luz, me mezo con la moción de la mañana; en la cuna de todo cuanto es, me arrulla a un entresueño el guachapeo de las aguas, los gritos de los zarapitos. El agua es mi querer y mi querencia, y el espíritu corre, a raptos, dentro y fuera de las olas menudas, corre con los intrépidas aves playeras... ¡Qué airoso lo pequeño ante el peligro!
Con primicias de luna todo es dispersión, relumbrar.
Over the low, barnacled, elephant-colored rocks, Come the first tide-ripples, moving, almost without sound, toward me, Running along the narrow furrows of the shore, the rows of dead clam shells; Then a runnel behind me, creeping closer, Alive with tiny striped fish, and young crabs climbing in and out of the water.
No sound from the bay. No violence. Even the gulls quiet on the far rocks, Silent, in the deepening light, Their cat-mewing over, Their child-whimpering.
At last one long undulant ripple, Blue-black from where I am sitting, Makes almost a wave over a barrier of small stones, Slapping lightly against a sunken log. I dabble my toes in the brackish foam sliding forward, Then retire to a rock higher up on the cliff-side. The wind slackens, light as a moth fanning a stone: A twilight wind, light as a child’s breath Turning not a leaf, not a ripple. The dew revives on the beach-grass; The salt-soaked wood of a fire crackles; A fish raven turns on its perch (a dead tree in the rivermouth), Its wings catching a last glint of the reflected sunlight.
The self persists like a dying star, In sleep, afraid. Death’s face rises afresh, Among the shy beasts, the deer at the salt-lick, The doe with its sloped shoulders loping across the highway, The young snake, poised in green leaves, waiting for its fly, The hummingbird, whirring from quince-blossom to morning-glory— With these I would be.
And with water: the waves coming forward, without cessation, The waves, altered by sand-bars, beds of kelp, miscellaneous driftwood, Topped by cross-winds, tugged at by sinuous undercurrents The tide rustling in, sliding between the ridges of stone, The tongues of water, creeping in, quietly.
In this hour, In this first heaven of knowing, The flesh takes on the pure poise of the spirit, Acquires, for a time, the sandpiper’s insouciance, The hummingbird’s surety, the kingfisher’s cunning— I shift on my rock, and I think: Of the first trembling of a Michigan brook in April, Over a lip of stone, the tiny rivulet; And that wrist-thick cascade tumbling from a cleft rock, Its spray holding a double rain-bow in early morning, Small enough to be taken in, embraced, by two arms,— Or the Tittebawasee, in the time between winter and spring, When the ice melts along the edges in early afternoon. And the midchannel begins cracking and heaving from the pressure beneath, The ice piling high against the iron-bound spiles, Gleaming, freezing hard again, creaking at midnight— And I long for the blast of dynamite, The sudden sucking roar as the culvert loosens its debris of branches and sticks, Welter of tin cans, pails, old bird nests, a child’s shoe riding a log, As the piled ice breaks away from the battered spiles, And the whole river begins to move forward, its bridges shaking.
Now, in this waning of light, I rock with the motion of morning; In the cradle of all that is, I’m lulled into half-sleep By the lapping of water, Cries of the sandpiper. Water’s my will, and my way, And the spirit runs, intermittently, In and out of the small waves, Runs with the intrepid shorebirds— How graceful the small before danger!
In the first of the moon, All’s a scattering, A shining.
Theodore Roethke
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merveiilles · 2 years
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// Does anyone want a SMALL starter? probably gonna be one or two sentences. But first call since I’m feeling better. Probablyyyy? wont cap it, but I probably should. Hoping that since they’re small starters it wont be so bad. MUTUALS ONLY pleaseeee and thank you~ *** friendly reminder i do have a clause in place. If I have made you starters in the past and you have not responded to them, i will not make you another. Sorry, I dont want to be putting effort into making a bunch of starters just for them to go unheard. If you have a problem with said starter, I can edit/change it.***
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[desktop muse selection here!]
Mobile selection under the break!;;
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Original Characters;; - ewan mckenzie (fc: liam.neeson) - emily karlen (fc: grace.phipps) - merrick bently (fc: johnny.depp) - elijah (fc: matt.bomer) - utaki mizukawa (fc: shion.kamiya) - emmet lewis (fc: colin.farrell)
Anime / Manga;; - alala (mermaid melody) - hanon hosho (mermaid melody) - mimi (mermaid melody) - hayate gekko (naruto) - hinata hyuga (naruto.) *genin only. sorry i’m bias. - temari (naruto) - kojiro (pokemon) - reika aoki / cure beauty (pretty cure 2012) - bel (pretty cure 2013) - rikka hishikawa / cure diamond (pretty cure 2013) - raquel (pretty cure 2013) - chiyu sawaizumi / cure fontaine (pretty cure 2020) - pegitan (pretty cure 2020) - shindoine (pretty cure 2020) - asuka takizawa / cure flamingo (pretty cure 2021) - kokone fuwa / cure spicy (pretty cure 2022) - pam-pam (pretty cure 2022) - souseiseki (rozen maiden) - ami mizuno / sailor mercury (sailor moon) - miki (shugo chara) - torii mifuyu (shugo chara) - mint aizawa / mew mint (tokyo mew mew)
Avatar (Bryke);; - opal beifong
Chicago Med;; - dr. ethan choi usnr - monique lawson rn
Cookie Run;; - blackberry cookie - frost queen cookie - knight cookie - werewolf cookie - oyster cookie
Detective Comics;; - garth of shayeris (aqualad/tempest) - ravenna renda (raven) *civilian re-named - lt. col. slade wilson (deathstroke)
Di$ney;; - denahi (brother bear) - lord milori (fairires) - spike (fairies) - kalabar (halloweentown) - shan yu (mulan) - princess su (mulan ii) - princess snow white (snow white at7d) - irma lair (w.i.t.c.h.) - xion (kingdom hearts)
FBI;; - ian lim
Fortnite;; - halley - shade - the order - the scientist
Frotnier;; - sokanon
Harry Potter;; - garrick ollivander - nymphadora tonks - rolanda hooch - rubeus hagrid
Marvel Cinematic/Tv Uni.;; - loki laufeyson (no correlation to tv show.. sorry.) - mantis - peter parker / spider-man (fc: tobey maguire) - samuel chung / blindspot
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children;; - claire densmore (no fc) - jack “caul” bentham
Netflix;; - nick jakoby (bright)
Nintendo;; - princess mipha (the legend of zelda) - purah (the legend of zelda)
Power Rangers;; - jamie gilmore (comics #20) - kelsey winslow (lightspeed rescue) - trip regis (time force) - lt. taylor earhardt (wild force) - kaylee bishop (dino charge) *surname hc - calvin maxwell (ninja steel)
Seasonal - Christmas;; - buddy hobbs (elf) - marv merchants (home alone) - the grinch (the grinch 2000) - mrs. holly claus (the christmas chronicles.) *name hc - jojo (the christmas chronicles) - st. nicholas claus (the christmas chronicles.) - hobo (the polar express) - dr. niel miller (the santa clause trilogy)
Shrek;; - prince charming fortuna
Supernatural;; - sam winchester
The Beatles Cinematic Uni. (ONLY CINEMATIC. NOT IRL);; - ringo starr
The Covenant;; - reid garwin
The Nevers;; - augustus bidlow
The Twilight Saga;; - alice cullen // cullen coven (est. 2008) –formerly on ning. formerly a couple tumblr urls i no longer remember. - alistair // nomad (est. 2010) –formerly on ning, and tumblr falkenar - amun // egyptian coven (est. 2012) –formerly amunofegypt - charlotte // nomad (est. 2013) –formerly on ning - embry call // wolf pack (est. 2011) –formerly on ning - james // nomad (est. 2012) –formerly on ning and tumblr url i can no longer remember. - mike newton // human. (est. 2012?) formerly a tumblr url i can no longer remember. - liam // irish coven (est. 2013) –formerly a tumblr url i can no longer remember. - petey // wolf pack (est. 2012) – formerly xpeteyx
The Vampire Diaries;; - kol mikaelson (seasons 3-5 of tvd only) (Fc: thomas.hayes) - rose-marie
The Walking Dead;; - jerry westerlund (surname hc) - kal zhou (surname hc)
9-1-1;; - kevin lee
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ksmaggie · 3 years
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Chinese (Pinyin) | English | Norwegian 食用蕈(Shíyòng xùn) | Edible mushroom | Spiselig sopp 灰樹花 (Huī shù huā) | Maitake | Maitake 秀珍菇 (Xiùzhēn gū) | Oyster mushroom | Østerssopp 銀耳 (Yín'ěr) | Snow fungus | Snø sopp 草菇 (Cǎo gū) | Straw mushroom | Grå Sliresopp 茶树菇 (Cháshù gū) | Tea tree mushroom | Poppelåkersopp 菜花 (Càihuā) | Cauliflower | Blomkål 抱子甘蓝 (Bào zǐ gānlán) | Brussels sprouts | Rosenkål
Note: Here are Red, Blue, Pikachu, Eevee, Mega Charizard X, Blastoise, Bulbasaur, Mewtwo, and Mew. These drawings are part of a fanart series, called Vegan Foods from A-Z, which lists different plant-based foods in English and Chinese. More Vegan Foods from A-Z: #veganfanartAZ. More Pokemon: #Pokemon
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ahedderick · 3 years
Meadow Monday
   Meadow is 15 months old and due for her ‘big girl’ vaccinations. This sunny Monday morning I surprised her napping on the bed and poured her semi-liquid body into the cat carrier. On the way to town she didn’t yowl, just let out a couple of very plaintive mews. She has been with us since a about 6 weeks of age, but she still has a very timid personality based on Kitty Trauma as a very young kitten. I dragged the carrier into the vet’s office and decanted her trembling body. Sort of like shelling an overly-emotional oyster. When the vet came in she was trembling pathetically in my arms and gave him the world’s most dubious look. Her checkup was extremely quick, and within minutes we were back outside and ready to come home. I let her out of the carrier to creep into my lap. Observation; on a cold morning, a lap cat improves one’s comfort and warmth as a driver quite a bit. She was distinctly relieved to be home, and sprawled elegantly on the carpet to nap and process her adventure. As errands go, it was quick, easy, and painless. I hope we all go through the week in that same vein;
Quick, Easy, Painless.
Nov 8, 2021
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muse-ruininga · 3 years
Muse Page
Italicized muses are genderbent
Other blogs: @muse-fuckery (Main Blog) @mun-fuckery (Self Insert OC)
Discord:  karmin#9309
BNHA Shouta Aizawa Tomura Shigaraki Nomu Dabi Keigo Takami (Hawks) Jin Bubaigawara (Twice) Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) Pro Hero! Izuku Midoriya/Villain! Izuku Midoriya Pro Hero! Bakugou Katsuki Pro Hero! Eijiro Kirishima
Black Clover Lemiel Silvamillion Clover Klaus Lunettes Finral Roulacase Zora Ideale
BOTW Link Zelda
Boyfriend to Death Rire
Bungo Stray Dogs Atsushi Nakajima Doppo Kunikida Jun'ichirō Tanizaki Osamu Dazai Ranpo Edogawa Akiko Yosano Chūya Nakahara Ryūnosuke Akutagawa Edgar Allan Poe Mark Twain Fyodor Dostoevsky Nathaniel Hawthorne Nikolai Gogol Ōgai Mori
Cells at work! U-1146 Cancer Blood Cell AA2153
Creepy Pasta Jeff the Killer Eyeless Jack
Corpse Party Yuuya Kizami Yoshiki Kishinuma Kou Kibiki
D. Gray Man Yu Kanda Lavi Toraido Tyki Mikk Wisely Kamelot Jasdero Devit
Danganronpa Monokuma  (Human or Regular) Junko Enoshima Celeste Ludenberg Byakuya Togami Chihiro Fujisaki
Demon Slayer Kagaya Ubuyashiki Giyu Tomioka Obanai Iguro Muzan Kibutsuji Hotaru Haganezuka
DDLC MC Monika Natsuki Sayori
Dramatical Murder Aoba Seragaki Noiz Koujaku Clear Mink Virus Trip Mitzuki
Durarara!! Shizuo Heiwajima
Fate Astolfo Emiya Robin Hood Diarmuid Ua Duibhne Bartholomew Roberts Merlin Sasaki Kojiro Henry Jekyll & Hyde Sherlock Holmes
Food Fantasy B-52 Caviar Chocolate Champagne Croissant Sweet Tofu Salty Tofu Bloody Mary Boston Lobster Anzu Ame Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake Junmai Daiginjo Oyster Raindrop Cake Awamori Jinhua Ham Takowasa Pretzel Souffle Century Egg Gyudon Mashed Potatoes Muenchner Weisswurst Red Wine Salt n’ Pepper Shrimp Steak Sukiyaki Tortoise Jelly Zitui Bun Coffee Ginseng Haggis Hibiscus Tea Bingfen Mackerel Ichiyaboshi
Fullmetal Alchemist Ling Yao Edward Elric (end of manga vers only) Greed Greed Ling Envy Roy Mustang Solf J. Kimblee Jean Havoc
Genshin Impact Kaeya Alberich Diluc Ragnvindr Aether Zhongli Childe Kaedehara Kazuha Gorou Thoma Albedo Xiao Arataki Itto Eula Lawrence Hu Tao Jean Gunnhildr Kujou Sara Lisa Minci Rosaria Yanfei Geochanter Pyroslinger Electro potioneers Pyro Potioneers Pyro Fatui Agent
Gravity falls Bill Cipher (Human or Regular)
Haikyuu!! Keishin Ukai Kōshi Sugawara Tetsurō Kuroo Tōru Oikawa
Hatoful Boyfriend Shuu Iwamine
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Alastor Angel Dust Blitzo Stolas Valentino Robo Fizz Striker Fizzarolli Asmodeus
Hetalia Italy Japan America Russia Austria
Homestuck Gamzee Makara
How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord Diablo
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Kazuya Souma
Hunter x Hunter Illumi Zoldyck Hisoka Shalnark Chrollo Lucilfer Kurapika Kite Feitan Portor
Jujutsu Kaisen Satoru Gojo Mahito Pseudo-Geto
Mario Prince Peach
Marvel Peter Parker
Mystic Messenger Zen Jumin Han 707 V Ray
Nekopara Catboys Paradise Laurier Fennel Sage Dill
No Game No Life Sora
Obey Me Mammon Leviathan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Satan Lucifer Simeon
Persona Akira Kurusu Yuuki Mishima Ann Takamaki Haru Okumura Makoto Nijima Tae Takemi Yu Narukami Yosuke Hanamura Kanji Tatsumi Tohru Adachi Naoto Shirogane
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Rimuru Tempest Souei Benimaru Diablo Guy Crimson Leon Cromwell
Tokyo Mew Mew ole! Aoi Shibuya
Undertale Mettaton W.D. Gaster Nabstablook (Human or Regular) Mad Dummy (Human or Regular) Jevil
Yandere Simulator Yandere-kun Nemisis-kun Hana Yamamoto Amao Odayaka Kizano Sunobu Oko Ruto Mujo Kina Mido Rana Megamo Saikou Info-Kun Taro Yamada
Yarichin Bitch Club Itsuki Shikatani Koshiro Itome Kyousuke Yaguchi Keiichi Akemi Ayato Yuri Toru Fujisaki Yui Tamura
Other Slimes Tentacle Monster
Ocs Ace Jax Cyan Grey Gayle Kasei Kaede
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aidendh · 3 years
Magic Mi Mi {Crossovers/TMM}
{Tokyo Mew Mew}
Alias based on food
(Zyna Hyanokai)
Alias: Cherry
Animal: Pygmy hog (Pig)
Color: Pink
Weapon: Cherry Charm - Tambourine
Power: Ribbon Cherry Charm!* Shaking and tapping the tambourine to build up energy, she then hits it against her target and makes them lucky
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Animal: Pygmy hog
Weapon: Cherry Charm (Tambourine)
Attack: Ribbon Cherry Charm!* Makes her target lucky
(Tai Georgia)
Alias: Pepper
Animal: Iberian lynx (Cat)
Color: Red
Weapon: Pyre Stick - Batton
Power: Ribbon Spice Inferno!* Spinning her batton around, it builds up a spark that grows into a flame and unleashes a fire attack
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Animal: Iberian lynx
Weapon: Pyre Stick (Batton)
Attack: Ribbon Spice Inferno!* Fire attack
(Avery Harmony)
Alias: Plum
Animal: Bali myna (Bird)
Color: Blue
Weapon: Star Flute - Flute
Power: Ribbon Plum Note!* Playing an enchanting melody, the music dances around her before seeping into her target, healing them
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Animal: Bali myna
Weapon: Star Flute
Attack: Ribbon Plum Note!* Heals her target
(Lilly Camerie)
Alias: Lemon
Animal: African wild dog (Dog)
Color: Yellow
Weapon: Wind Tube - Groan Tube
Power: Ribbon Sour Wind!* Covering the two ends and shaking the tube, an energy starts to build up before releasing a wind attack
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Animal: African wild dog
Weapon: Wind Tube (Groan Tube)
Attack: Ribbon Sour Wind!* Wind Attack
(Jackson Hyanokai)
Alias: Bean
Animal: Brookesia micra (Chameleon)
Color: Green
Weapon: Prism Shield - Steel Drum (Shield)
Power: Ribbon Bean Prism!* Spinning his drum around him, the light deflects off of it and onto him, making him invisible
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Animal: Brookesia micra
Weapon: Prism Shield (Steel Drum)
Attack: Ribbon Bean Prism!* Invisibility
(Daniel Harriet)
- With the Aliens
Alias: Amon! (Oyster)
(Oyster - What the Aliens call him[he doesn't like it])
Animal: Urial (Ram)
Color: Grey
Weapon: Shell Bell - Cow Bell
Power: Ribbon Shell Surge!* After banging his bell, he can bring one (non-mew mew) into a feral state
(they won't see friend from foe)
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Animal: Urial
Weapon: Shell Bell (Cow Bell)
Attack: Ribbon Shell Surge!* Brings their target into a feral state
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kth1 · 4 years
jungkook + 12! 🙊
Jeon Jungkook 15) “this sofa costs fifteen thousand dollars, dont you dare ruin it” ‘guess ill just have to cum in you then’
WC: 1k (remember when i said these were going to be short? go figure) Warnings: Smut, dick goes inside vajayjay. Brief fingering.
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Jungkook whips you around, pushing your back further into the wall with his chest. His hair fell over his eyes as they scanned around your chest. “Fuuuck, Y/n. Why did you have to tease me like that at dinner?”
You grinned, hands clutching around his shoulders to draw him near. “Why else, silly?”
Jungkook grounded his hips into yours, latching his delicate lips to the expanse of your jaw. They were moist, silky, though he kissed with harshness – a rush of urgency coursing through him. “And those oysters… you just had to slurp them down like that?”
“Like what?” You faked innocence. Your teasing all night only gave Jungkook the dirtiest of visions, was it really the slippery oysters, maybe the wine… or was it that deadly deep red spaghetti strap dress you dare wear which plunged so low it peeked out your back dimples. As much as he wished to cover you up from wondering eyes, he could not help but stare himself.
“You know what. Don’t play coy with me.” Jungkook embedded his head into the crook of your neck, sucking into the supple of your skin. He couldn’t stop his hands from raising the fabric of your dress, hoisting it higher along your legs to allow access for his leg to slide between yours without restriction.
Running your hands through his locks, you giggled until you felt a sharp pinch along the column of your neck. Jungkook marking his territory with a bold signature hickey on your soft skin.
“Kook –“ you whined, smiling into the air. You shoved your chest further to match his, showing your neediness and impatience. “You know why I did it. I just wanted you. All night.”
Jungkook gripped the thin band of your underwear, yanking it down just enough to shove his fingers in the place you were needing him the most. Your center all warm, wet, and ready for Jungkook. You hummed feeling his nimble fingers glad through you, past your dripping lips and right onto your bundle of nerves.
“Yeah?” He breathed, peppering kisses all the way up to your mouth to enclose you in a passionate kiss. You controlled the way his head tilted, left one way for a few stroked of your tongues – then changing to the right to spice it up a bit. “Keep talkin’ like that babe. You might just get me.”
Your teeth dragged out Jungkook’s bottom lip, just to let it release and snap back. “All night, Kook…” you mewed, “I just couldn’t stop thinkin – Oh!” Your breath heightened from Jungkook plunging in two fingers into your cunt. What were you thinking about? Was it this?
Jungkook smirked, leaning his head back to watch your face contort into flashes of pleasure with each stroke of his fingers. “Hmm? Couldn’t stop thinkin’ of what?”
Involuntarily your hips rutted against his hand with the same rhythm, his digits filling up your empty space – but you needed more. You wanted more.
“Y – you” You admitted, forcing your body further into Jungkook and causing him to stumble back along with your body. You nearly jumped your legs around his waist, widening his access to your pretty little pussy. “Now!” Your lips latch back onto his, sliding your tongues across one another.
His legs hit the edge of the couch as he dragged you along – smiling as he plants more kisses to your pouty lips. He laughs, facing his body towards the leather cushions just to plop you down. Jungkook hovered over you, hand fast at his belt to unbuckle himself. “Damn, Y/n. If you really needed me this bad we could have just skipped the dinner.”
You were already lifting the skirt of your dress high enough to expose your bottom half. He helped shimmy you out of those dainty panties in seconds, gliding them down your legs in a swift motion. Urgency took over top priority, the persistence of your small whines giving him the hint to hurry up.
Jungkook tugged you to the edge of the cushion, leveling your legs to match the height of his hips. There was such a rush to release the sexual frustration the two of you didn’t bother caring for the rest of your clothes at this point. All the sly teasing you sent Jungkook’s way throughout the night, signaling him all of your naughty mind motives.
Jungkook flung his zipper open, pushing down his pants enough to pop out his aching dick. He was swollen, clearly holding this bad boy back for a long time throughout the night. And he wasted no time aligning himself up at your entrance just to push forward into your velvety smooth walls.
It filled you up, he filled you up just how you like it. How you always like it, and how you always needed it. Your teeth dug dangerously into your bottom lip as Jungkook pushed all the way to the hilt, groaning at the immense pleasure your slippery cunt gave him.
“Shit – Y/n. You see what you’ve done? Worked me all up.” He set a strong pace, favoring a forceful thrust every now and then to keep you on your toes. Jungkook raised your left thigh, bringing your leg to lean against his shoulder and granting him even more access to submerge his stiffened dick inside you.
You moan wantonly, “Fuck – fu yes!” You choked out, seeking stability with your hands on Jungkook’s biceps. “Ke – keep going!”
“I can’t last long…” Jungkook groaned, slowing his pace to savor the time. He’s been so painfully hard all night he was about to burst at the seems if he kept at it. “I’m gonna… I might – where do you want it?“ His ragged breath was showing his lack of control of the situation. His releasing only mere moments away if your cunt continued to clench around him like that.
“Jungkook!” Your loud voice forced him to snap his eyes to meet yours. You looked at him pleadingly, “this sofa costs fifteen thousand dollars, don’t you dare ruin it!”
The most hilarious form of confusion crossed over Jungkook’s flushed face. “The hell are you thinkin’ about the couch for at a time like this?” Bewildered, he halted his movement – dick snug inside you - and stared down at you.
“It was expensive!”
Jungkook shook his head, snorting. It only too a second for him to make a decision as you watched him draw his thumb up to swivel rapid circles onto your clit. “Guess I’ll just have to cum in you then.”
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