#Limited Vegetarian
tojosuggestionbox · 9 months
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If I were to host a dinner party, it would be with an incredibly restrictive guest list.
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I would hope any theoretical guests behave themselves enough to wait for dinner to be served before picking at things.
Either way, while I do appreciate that this is actually a suggestion for once, it is not the kind of suggestion that belongs in the box.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 6 months
I'm glad we had a conversation about the real important topics in shul: whether or not we do kosher minecraft runs and why it is/isn't permissible to not follow kashrut
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sirazaroff · 10 months
Faunus that are just... more, is my favourite part about your work. Cannon faunus while okay, people are so fucking afraid to give them better justice in fanart and writing. Faunus deserve fluff too
Ye the single trait is rather sparse and fur is def something I don’t see often in fan interpretations (which is a shame cause it’s fun! It’s a built in blankie) but I guess to each their own.
I didn’t have much thoughts about canon Faunus until we started seeing more of them in the series, and sometimes I just could not tell who they were based on. It just made me want to explore and I’m glad you guys are enjoying it! I got some future ideas.
I’ve mentioned wanting to draw some of the other characters like neon. Also something with Blake and Vel that has to do about fur and learning to be comfortable with being a Faunus. And there’s a silly winter themed hc I wanna post about soon that I’m excited to share with you guys :D Here’s a totally not surreal preview:
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More to come but ye!
Thanks for your kind words friend!
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ante--meridiem · 11 months
Making a genuine attempt at vegetarianism again but unfortunately the cafeteria vegetarian options are not always good.
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the-shy-artisan · 10 months
the god of war cookbook has a recipe for olive bread and i've never been more excited to make something oh my god
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greeds · 2 months
every day i wish i didnt have food trauma like it would significantly improve my quality of life if i had a normal relationship to food and cooking and eating but noooooo this most essential part of life is one big weeping wound that keeps getting infected and refuses to heal
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roguemonsterfucker · 1 year
I decided to try to be a vegetarian a while back and early on I had this conversation with my mom about a meal she fixed me:
Me: does this have meat?
Mom: no
Me: good, I’m a vegetarian now so I’m avoiding meat
Mom: …. It has chicken broth
Me: ….
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fffinnagain · 8 months
Finding Korean food i can eat as a non-korean vegetarian living in Norway is a bit difficult. I am learning to make things from combos of online recipes and a lot of substitutions, conversions, and creativity. The results aren't Korean in any proper sense, but they are often very tasty.
Here is one of my favourites, generically called Korean-spiced chickpeas because i hacked together some recipes for jokbal (aka braised pigtrotters) but without meat, the name doesn't really make sense. (@drinkingcocoa-tpp and i talked through what i might call this mash up. here we are.)
The recipe as i have recorded for home use in the image. More normal version below.
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Korean spiced chickpeas
500 g dried chickpeas, soaked overnight
6-10 cups water (top up as needed)
1/2 c each: mirin, soy sauce, brown sugar
2 tbsp deongjang (fermented bean paste)
2 tsp instant coffee
1 onion, quartered
1 apple, quartered
5 cloves of garlic, split
2 cm ginger root, sliced thick
2 bay leaves
1 cinnamon stick
and in a herb pouch: 5 cloves, 7 dried chilies, 5 star anis, 1 tbsp peppercorns
Most of the water and everything else goes into a big pot. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2-3 hours, topping up water as needed until chickpeas are cooked through, skimming foam as it accumulates. Remove surviving solids (herb pouch, bayleaves, what remains descernable of onion and apple) and simmer at medium/medium high for 20-30 minutes, till the broth is reduced to a thick sauce around the chickpeas.
Slow but simple.
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These chickpeas are great to eat with lettuce (though they like to roll away so fold carefully) or with rice and whatever banchan. I've also had them wrapped in various flat breads because nothing is sacred in my humble kitchen.
And although i have listed proportions for the spices, this ends up on the mild side for me, given the ingredients as available. Maybe your dried chilies are more powerful.
Lastly, if anyone tried this, I'd love to hear how it went, or what you choose to modify. Like I added ssamjang instead of deongjang one desperate time when i couldn't find the latter, and that was hotter but still tasted good.
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crowley1990 · 8 months
Email about the work party asking about any dietary restrictions and being like well I’m not allergic to anything so no worries there before remembering oh yeah. I don’t eat meat anymore. I have a dietary restriction now.
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theoniprince · 6 months
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grimark · 2 years
when tofu recipes are like “it’s okay, we get it, you probably don’t like tofu because tofu is bland and gross but we promise this recipe is SO good it’ll completely change your mind about tofu, this recipe is almost as good as meat, i know tofu is usually bad and understandably you normally wouldn’t eat it but this time it’s going to be good!” like ok well maybe i am looking up tofu-centric recipes because i just like tofu. if i wanted to eat meat for dinner then i would eat meat for dinner but instead i’m looking for a new tofu recipe to try because. i like tofu.
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jakeperalta · 2 years
going for a work lunch tomorrow with my whole team but they haven’t told us where which means i can’t look at the menu and prepare in advance
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naturenaruto · 1 year
once i finly get my ebt card i am blowing it all on one (1) one item a single pack of bottled tea
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unganseylike · 1 year
dont get people who dont like tofu i cld gobble down an entire pack
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gender-snatched · 1 year
mild sandwich insanity. sorry about that. i simply like sandwiches
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katya-goncharov · 1 year
just once i would like to be able to buy some chicken to cook with that does not literally still have FEATHERS on it!!
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