#Lin x oc one shot
nerdycanible1 · 1 year
Hellos my little lovies!! Jskdjsdksjdksj
Here is some more art of Lin Beifong that I have promised. I do apologize it took me so long but I’ve been. . . Lazy XD
Anyways here is the art of Lin Beifong and my oc Gaia who is a sandbender. I have a few stories coming up with her in them so I hope you guys will be patient!
So here is the beginning of Gaia and Lin’s relationship, though it was not as bright and cheery as it may seem. Below the cut I’ll have a few headcanons so I hope you’ll enjoy them!! And I’m sorry they’re in grey coloring, I sort of got lazy XD.
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Alright without further ado, here are the hc’s you were waiting for and minor stories.
Gaia and Lin first met when Gaia was still new to the White Lotus. She was a prodigal sandbender but earthbender? Nope- 💀 You see, Gaia couldn’t bend earth as well as she would have liked. Just barely lifting a rock without straining and being in pain.
Gaia arrived to Republic City for the first time in her life in her early to late 20’s. First time she saw Lin she was fully stunned and was in a gay panic. Never in her life had she saw a woman that was beyond beauty.
First time looked at Gaia she was unimpressed, she didn’t know why they recruited someone so… weak. She couldn’t bend metal much less earth what was the whole deal with that.
Gaia was often times posted where Tenzin was located at. The White Lotus members thinking it would be a good thing for both Tenzin and Gaia to be assigned together. Lin at first was ready to bite Gaia’s head off for trying to flirt with Tenzin until she saw Gaia flirting with one of the older female guards (and terribly fail at it as Gaia was just a baby gay).
Lin also ignored the way Gaia stared at her at times. The way she’d turn her head and watch as Gaia looked startled and her face heat up in embarrassment as she tried to turn and hide her face, pretending she wasn’t just caught staring at Lin. “Do I have something on my face cadet?” And Gaia just turning more red all while the other guards just laugh at Gaia. “N-No ma’am.”
Gaia always acted like a goofball, always found climbing on top of the roof or pranking Tenizin in someway or another. She definitely got along well with Kya and Bumi.
Lin hated to admit it but, she found Gaia cute at times. Loving her care free attitude or the way she’d be a stuttering mess around Lin and tried to invite her out for drinking. Lin always gave her a hard time and never went but it made her heart happy to see how Gaia never took it to heart and always said there would be a next time.
It was one of those times Lin was on one of her fights with Tenzin when she ran into Gaia, Gaia is a pretty sturdy tall build and of course it caused Lin to land on her ass. Lin was still in the rage and snapped at Gaia for being in the way. Choice words were made and Lin commented on her lack of earthbending. Lin leaving before she could see the hurt in Gaia’s eyes.
After that encounter Gaia was seen actually doing her work, no messing about was made and she even made it to her posts on time and her trainings. Lin came by a few days later and it felt like the whole islands vibes were off. She found out why when she saw Gaia standing at her post, not talking or smiling and actually seeming serious for once.
Lin tried to apologize and Gaia just nodded her head and told her it was fine. Lin knew it wasn’t fine but waved Gaia off and left. The next few weeks was awkward and they didn’t make up at all until she found Gaia down at the beach trying to bend a giant boulder.
Lin has never seen Gaia so mad before, has never seen Gaia look so pissed off and hopeless. “Are you okay?”
Gaia just jumped before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. “Everything’s fine.” Gaia said curtly. Gaia sat down on the and running her fingers through the sand to try and calm herself. “Come here to tease me about not being able to earthbend? Might as well, I can’t even lift a pebble.” Gaia muttered.
Lin felt horrible but she wouldn’t ever admit it. “Well I was wondering who was screaming like a lunatic and being an officer it’s kind of my job to see why.” Lin said with a shrug of her shoulders.
Gaia just hugging her legs while glaring at the sand. “It’s not like I’m not practicing. I’ve been practicing for however long I can remember.”
“Why can’t you… bend. . . earth? I-I mean, I’m not being rude or anything but my sister was able to bend when she was 3.”
Gaia just giving her an annoyed look before she sighed and brought her braid to the side. A long, jagged-ish scar was seen on the back of her neck, straight across and even Lin could tell it was painful. “I was sort of in a bad home when I was younger, you had to steal and do all sorts of stuff in order to survive. I went into a house that was supposed to be a easy score and I was struck from behind.” Gaia just breathing out as rain began to pour down. “And growing up in the deserts, you only ever needed sand bending. I was the best, was supposed to be the best and boom-“
“I almost died, my father was mad and gave me to the old ladies of the village, and left. It took months to recover and all I know I was never the same after that incident. Every time I tried to bend any rock or boulder it would hurt, making it feel like someone was pulling on my nerves and it just hurts.” It was then Lin realized Gaia always rubbed the back of her neck or held her hand there after sparring or practicing her stances.
Lin and Gaia stayed quiet and listened to the rain pour down on them, not even bothered by the chilly rain or breeze. “Have you talked to… Aang? I’m sure he can help-“
“That’s why I’m here. I was going to become a guard for a prison but Kazaa promised me that he’ll help me learn earthbending. Avatar Aang is supposed to help but he’s been busy.” Gaia muttered hiding her face in her arms.
“That’s… shit. I’m sorry for what I said the other day. I was just pissed off at airhead and I took it out on you. Though I was pissed off at you because you looked so happy to see me and you..l confuse me.” Lin muttered laying her head on her arm looking at the boulder of a woman. Lin could feel her cheeks heat up but refused to decipher what it meant.
Gaia could feel the tops of her ears burn red and bit back a smirk. “Sorry, not everyone gets to see the badass Lin Beifong and survive. I like strong women that can basically kill me, arrest me if that’s illegal.”
Lin snorted and shoved the others shoulder gently. “Shut up, flattery gets you nowhere cadet. Now does this mean we’re okay or what?” Lin hoping it was because she missed the polarbear dog expressions and happiness.
“Nope.” Gaia deadpanned. Lin rose her brows ready to apologize more and ask why when the other interrupted her. “Take me out on a friend date and I’ll forgive you.” Gaia wasn’t going to budge or miss this opportunity.
“A date? You know I’m with Tenzi-“
“No not like that. Spirits no matter how badly I want no. I just meant a friend date. Take me to a bar you like, show me around the city. Anything fun, I’m stuck on this island 24/7 unless Tenzin randomly wants to go into the city for something and it’s always work. Let’s do something fun. I want my time here fun and exciting!”
Lin could feel her heart thump, hearing the excitement, the adventurous side of the other struck something inside of her and she couldn’t help but smile at the other. “Fine. But just this one time.”
It was definitely not the one time. They went on many friend dates and Lin realized she loved hanging out with the idiot. She wasn’t as bad as she first thought.
Throughout the next few months Lin and Gaia got closer and Lin even began to train Gaia, teaching her the basics and even made her meditate and learn patience along with discipline.
A year or two later:
Lin and Tenzin broke up and Lin stopped coming to the island. Gaia was missing her friend but she was stuck watching the asshole that broke Lin’s heart. Not to mention she’s heard about how Lin and her family were at odds and Lin was all alone.
One day Gaia decided to take a couple of weeks off and went to see Lin. Lin was a terrible mess. Was drunk, her apartment unkempt which was definitely not how Lin usually was.
Gaia decided to take care of the woman and cleaned up her apartment and nursed her through her drunken state. Of course Lin yelled at her and screamed at her to get out but like a huge idiot, Gaia didn’t listen and went about keeping Lin get better.
While Lin was in a bad mood and said choice words to Gaia, Gaia never took it personally and told Lin they were friends and promised she’d never leave her. It was the first time Lin has ever felt loved for who she was and she ended up crying in Gaia’s arms and slept in her arms. It was the most comforted and loved Lin has ever felt in her life.
It was a month or two and Lin decided she would give Gaia a shot, she wouldn’t exactly date her but more of a test drive, to see if she’d ever be able to date again.
Gaia seemed hesitant and told Lin she didn’t have to do this and that she didn’t want Lin to hurt or force herself. Lin told Gaia it was fine and they kissed. Lin didn’t feel anything really, maybe a little bit of happiness to have this intimate moment with someone again. For Gaia, she finally felt seen and thought Lin finally reciprocated her feelings.
For the next couple of months they were only kissing a couple of times and sleeping together (platonically you animals =w=) and Gaia felt happy. Lin on the other hand loved the comfort and felt, wanted. She felt like this was a safe place for her, that is until she found out she was pregnant- 💀
Lin was so upset, angry that she finally just got over the jerk that dumped her and she was pregnant. And with Gaia there it made everything more difficult.
Lin did the thing she thought was the best for the both of them and officially unofficially broke them up. Telling Gaia she couldn't handle relationships right now and told Gaia she wasn't the one she could settle for and that she may never get with anyone again.
It was safe to say Gaia was pretty broken seeing as this was her first every "relationship" and Lin straight up broke her heart. Gaia watched as Lin left her and Gaia could only sit there and watch. She didn't hold anything against Lin, she was just sad. It seemed like anyone she had ever loved always seemed to leave her.
Gaia gave up on dating, Lin disappeared from the public and from work and Gaia was now a skilled earthbender. No where as good as Lin or Toph but better than most.
By a couple of months, Toph and Katara brought a woman to the island and put it on the downlow, letting Gaia know that it was a secret and no one should know, not even Tenzin.
It was hours later that Gaia heard a cry of pain from a woman she definitely knew but couldn't put a finger on it.
At the breakfast table Gaia could hear the excited whispers between Katara and Toph and asked them who that woman was. Both the women seeing Gaia as a niece or a trusting family friend, they knew the girl was innocent and wouldn't do anything to hurt the family.
With excited whispers they told Gaia that Lin was pregnant and that she just had a baby. "The Beifong genes still run strong! We Beifong women only have girls!" Toph said like excitedly.
It took everything out of Gaia to not react and gave each of the women. She knew how hard it was on the women, each rooting on Tenzin and Lin to have a child and here the child was.
The next couple of days was torture on Gaia, the two women not knowing the relationship between Lin and Gaia so they didn't expect it. At least Katara did, Toph felt something from Gaia but didn't know if it were jealousy or what.
Throughout the months of the baby growing, Gaia gave the baby a little stuffed animal for her first birthday. Lin and Gaia got passed their little short lived romance but they never brought it up again.
Lin and Gaia had their little kisses here and there, Lin slightly hoping Gaia would pursue her again, hoping Gaia would ask her out officially even though she knew that would be wishful thinking.
Gaia enjoying their little get aways and little romances but knew she wouldn't be able to handle it if Lin kicked her away once more. She probably wouldn't be able to survive this time. Lin was her everything and loved her as if she were her soulmate only to have Lin crush her.
Gaia kept Lin at an arms length but loved her daughter with all of her heart. She absolutely adored baby Daiyu.
When they located the avatar in the south, (Daiyu being roughly 3 or 4 years old idk yet) Gaia knew that it would be the best for both her and Lin to take a break and find other things to do. Gaia promising Lin that she would always love her but knew Lin wasn't ready for romance, at least not now with a new baby.
Lin was hurt but understood where Gaia was coming from. Lin was hurt but she knew she probably deserved worse. Gaia gave her a kiss on her forehead their last day together and told Lin that she was worth the heart break and that Lin was perfect and that she never had to change who she was.
Before they parted, Gaia gave Lin a promise ring and wished both her and Daiyu well. Gaia was going to travel to the south and see just how crazy this new Avatar was.
If you want anymore stories between these two just comment below. I am always willing to write more, and if you want more fanart of these two do not worry because I plan to make more!!
I hope you guys like the babies name. I struggled to find one but finally settled on her. And thank you for reading!! I will definitely start posting more and actually get back to writing. I have many stories to update! :D
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And here are the sketches. I hope y’all like this and as always, see you all later.
All art belongs to me, so if reposted please credit. UwU
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chibikyo · 11 months
I will be soon posting a masterlist forall my kinktober entires for 2023. Even though October is over, I'm determined to hit 31 entries and tentatively have planned out most of the remaining stories. This is what i have planned though i keep moving shot around and writing a inspiration stilled so do not hold me to this.
Day 22 - Bondage (Kenshi X F!Reader)
Day 23 - Sex Pollen (Havik x F!Reader)
Day 24 - noncon (Noob Saibot x F!Reader)
Day 25 - Edging (Kung Lao x Reader)
Day 26 -  Threesome+ (Earthrealm Gang x F!Reader)
Day 27 - DP-2-holes 
Day 28 - Cockbulge (Shao x M!Reader)
Day 29 - Virginity (Smoke x Reader)
Day 30 - Free Use (F!Reader x Lin Kuei [Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas, Frost])
Day 31 - ?????
If anyone has ideas for day 27 (kharacter suggestions) or day 31 ( anything even if the link is a repeat) I'm not promising I'll use your ideas but i really need inspiration.
I've been trying to spread the love to as many characters as i can and I'm willing to write for any mk character (except meat please. Skin required)
Aside from skalet I've had no inspiration to write for female mk kharacter but will write male or female reader with female kharacters.
Send me an ask or comment on this post or send me a chat or go comment on AO3. I'm also on discord and have an MK thread with my friends to chat mk oc's which I'll be hopefully working on posting soon.
If you have an oc and an idea i can write it as kharacter/oc then change it to y/n when i post it and happy to share the original copy too. That's how I've written most of these just keeping descriptions generalizes XD
Anyway, happy so many people are enjoying my writing. Also if you send an ask and i don't reply for awhile it's likely cause I'm working on your ask not ignoring you and you can hit me up in chat if you really want to know. I have one molding in my inbox while i think of some ideas for it.
Lastly I've played mk since mk2 was out. In familiar with all entries, all lore, I'm like the wine aunt of mk history so when i say any kharacter i mean it. Been in the Fandom since i was 5 and my dad kicked my a** by spamming noob and kabal specials.
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Smoke & Ice Chap.1
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Hey guys this is the first chapter of the smoke x oc/reader, bi han x oc/reader fic. This is somewhat of a trial chapter to see how I like the direction I started with. Currently working on chap 2, so it should be out soon. I swear I heard smoke’s voice lines, and I folded so fast 😂
I apologize for the pace of this chapter, I had to get at least some of the exposition out of the way. I promise future chapters won’t feel this slow. Feel free to give feedback on the pace, if it feels too slow or too fast give me a heads up.
Word count: 1554
“Okay, explain it to me again” Kenshi rolls his eyes at Johnny’s incompetence. “For the last time; Lord Liu Kang is sending us along with the Lin Kuei on a recruitment mission”. “Well, ok. But it doesn’t exactly explain why we are the ones going” Kenshi sighs deeply, prompting Raiden to place a hand on his shoulder. “What Kenshi means, is that Lord Liu Kang requires both the Shaolin and the Lin Kuei to have leaders present to convince the Hamadryad to join their place as earth realms protectors”. “Right! Right right… But why not send actual Shaolin” at that, both Kenshi and Kung Lao let out an in-sync groan of defeat. “Because, Johnny Cage, as contenders to be champions of this century's tournament, you are best suited for the task at hand” Liu Kang smiled to the others as he approached, Bi-han, Kauai Liang, and Smoke in tow. 
The four bowed to the god of fire, albeit some slower than others. “Oh great, this guy. You know you still owe me for my Hichuli” Johnny points at Bi han. “You will get nothing from me, cage” Kauai Liang held an arm out in front of his brother to stop him from approaching the American. Johnny smirked at Bi han’s visible anger, “So, who exactly are these hama-whatchamacallit”. 
“The Hamadryad were once one of the three protectors of earth realm, along with their sister’s the Shaolin and the Lin Kuei” Liu Kang explained, “However, they left our order before the last tournament”. “But why would a clan of earth forsake their duty” the soft spoken Raiden asked. A regretful look spread on the fire god’s face, “During the prior tournament the Hamadryad sustained heavy losses to their people. So much so that the elders decreed their recession from their duty and participation in the tournament”. 
“Heavy losses? I don’t know why I’ve never asked this, but.. Uh… What’s our record at this tournament” Johnny said with less than his usual snark. “Earth realm and Outworld have long been evenly matched. But Outworld is gaining strength. Should it win, its more militant factions will be emboldened”. “I thought you admired outworld” Raiden remarked. “It is a place of great knowledge, wealth, and beauty. But our realms do not share goals and beliefs. We coexist peacefully because Outworld respects our strength. Should we show weakness… our rival will become our enemy”. 
“And… this requires the aid of the Hamadryad” Raiden asks. “...The Hamadryad have long been among the greatest forces of earth realm, now, however, they are lost. It would benefit us all if they were to return” Bi han scoffed at the praise of the Hamadryad. “Come” Liu Kang instructed the group to follow as he walked towards an open path of stone. The group watched as Liu Kang summoned a fire portal, presumably to wherever the Hamadryad were.
Stepping through the portal they were met with lush green as they are surrounded in forest. “Huh, kinda reminds me of this movie I was in a few years back, we shot the whole thing in Greece, it was a box office hit” Johnny, being himself of course, said while filming the entire thing and scanning the area. “While I will not reveal our exact location, for the safety of the Hamadryad, I will confirm your suspicions” Liu Kang said, walking past them with his hands behind his back. “Oh, hell yes. We have GOT to go to this gyro place in Athens” the others walked past him, causing him to run to catch up while promising the gyros were worth it after stomaching all the bland rice they had with the Shaolin. 
The three Lin Kuei, however, hung back, walking at a slower pace. “I do not understand why we are wasting our time here” Bi han said, fists clenched. “Lord Liu Kang has requested our help. If he believes the Hamadryad can ensure safety for earth realm, then I believe him” Kauai Liang said, attempting to placate his brother. “These Hamadryad are nothing compared to the Lin Kuei, it is a waste of my time. I am grandmaster, I should be leading the others” Smoke and Kuai Liang shared a concerned look. “Were he here, father would advise us to proceed without protest” said Smoke, earning a scowl from the cryomancer. “Mind your place Tomas. Father may have taken you in, made you one of us. But your blood will never be Lin Kuei” The harsh words made the ninja momentarily pause in his stride, choosing to remain silent the rest of the journey. 
After about half an hour of walking the group came upon a large stone arch. “And this is where we shall part ways,” Liu Kang says. “Wait, you’re not staying” Johnny asks incredulously. “No, Johnny Cage, I will not. But I wish you luck in this endeavor, I hope that you all will return soon”.
“Wait, how long will we be here before we go back?” Kung Lao asks this time. “As long as it takes to convince the Matron of the Mangrove to rejoin us. Knowing her… weeks… at least” Bi han pushed past his brothers at this. “You expect us to remain here and leave the Lin Kuei without leadership for weeks,” he asks angrily. “The Lin Kuei will not be without leadership” Liu Kang says, “Kuai Liang will lead them in your absence”. 
“I am the Lin Kuei’s grandmaster. I should be the one to remain-”. “No, Bi han. This requires a leader of the Lin Kuei to be present. And Kuai Liang, similar to myself, would not be granted entry”. Bi han seethed at the notion that his brother would lead the Lin Kuei in his stead. Raiden broke the silence, “Why would you and Kuai Liang not be granted entry”. “The Hamadryad are a people similar to that of your legends of nymphs. Their life force is connected to that of their brethren tree they are born with. Because of that, fire is strictly prohibited within the Mangrove, Kauai Liang and myself, would be turned away” Liu Kang explains. 
“So, do we just go on in?” Johnny asked leaning to get a better view beyond the arch. “Whatever decisions you make from here on shall be your own. But remember, respect the rules of the Hamadryad, and learn from them” With a bow, Liu Kang, followed shortly by Kuai Liang turned back to the way they came. “Well, that was no help” Johnny said, earning a punch to the arm from Kenshi, “What- hey!” Bi han shoulder checked the actor, moving past him to go through the arch. “Alright, find this mangrove, convince their leader to join us, and don't start any fires… simple enough” Johnny said following the others through the arch. 
“Bi han you’re moving too fast” Smoke said gesturing to the others who were a good thirty feet behind them. “Liu Kang couldn’t have portaled us closer?” Johnny panted. “The longer it takes for us to get there, the longer we shall be stuck here”. “I understand your ambition to return swiftly but-” the faint sound of the breaking of wood caught the two ninja’s attention. 
Turning to the sound they are met with what looked to be a boy no older than twelve, staring at them like a deer in headlights. “Easy there” Smoke held out his hands to calm the boy, who though still, breathed heavily, eyes darting to each of them. In a flash the boy broke into a sprint, diving into the brush. “It seems our work will be done for us”. 
“Shouldn’t we follow him?” Kung Lao asks. “No, following him would only make us appear a threat. Better to let them come to us, and prove our intentions” Smoke said, turning to the others. The group sprawled out, finding places to stand and sit in the small clearing of the path. “So what was all that brethren tree stuff Liu Kang was talking about?” Johnny asked, kicking back to lean on a log. “Are you aware of Greek history, or is your ‘expertise’ limited to my clan’s history” Kenshi asked, making a reference to Sento “Yes, for your information, I do”.
“The Hamadryad are a type of dryad that are bound to a tree or a plant” Raiden explains, “When one dies, so does the other”. “Wicked, that’s definitely going in the movie” Johnny used his hands to gesture at an imaginary billboard, “Attack of the tree people”. Kenshi rolls his eyes, “Don’t you pay attention to anything the monks teach you. It’ll take a miracle for the matron to agree to anything with you around”.
“And what’s the deal with this matron? What’s her deal?” The others swear they could faintly hear smoke stopping Bi han from ‘shutting up the fool who won’t stop talking’. “The matron is the leader of the Hamadryad. It is usually a title to be inherited, like that of grandmaster. However, the last matron did not have children. And it was instead given to the oldest of them”. 
“Brother,” Smoke said quietly under his breath. “I am aware. We are being watched”. “Woah, who is Ms. smoke show” Johnny drew the attention from the group to the female figure emerging from the trees. “You are not welcome here, Shaolin. Leave”.
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rayleeeen · 11 months
kulay ng tadhana "color of fate"
- jia x hobie (oc x canon) characters by @minquiec
"In the canvas of life, two soulmates find their colors in each other's presence, painting a masterpiece of love that knows no bounds."
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summary: In a world full of of black & white, he finds his ray of sunshine. his eternal, his daylight.
Hobie sees Jia in five colors, but orange is his favorite.
Alternate Universe - Soulmates Colors AU (Where they don't see colors until they have met their soulmate)
Side notes: This is more of a character study (?), I'm trying to explore all possible ways their fates can collide or get destroyed 🙇🏻‍♀️ focuses on Hobie's pov but will definitely make a Jia/Lin one soon. Another thing, this story will be divided into 6 parts, this being the first. I'll post one each day so do not worry— */worries
Chapter 1: soulmates & colors
For the first time in his living years, Hobie sees colors.
Miguel had assigned him on a solo mission in his universe. A giant peacock man— who had actual wings that could indeed fly— was terrorizing a part in England. What's more of a threat about this villain was the seemingly infinity amount of very sharp feathers being constantly shot his way. Hobie tries to avoid most of them until one had hit the upper part of his chest, causing him to fall onto a building from swinging.
The villain had been more agile and vigorous than expected, Hobie tries swings across the city to lead him away from civilians and to avoid getting attacked, however, this one had caught up to him, a massive kick from behind that sends him down hard, almost knocking him out unconscious.
Fortunately, Hobie had taken him to an uncivilized area filled with abandoned construction that would not pose any risk to innocent people. But despite that, he was cornered with no way of defending himself in an injured state. So he quickly went into the nearest inhabited building, one hand pressed to his chest to stem the bleeding as he tries to carry his body inside. As soon as he entered, he pulled himself away from the door and braced against the wall, with hopes of expediting his injury's healing.
As his eyes began to become unfocused and tired, he heard a sudden man curling scream that came from outside.
His eyes were jolted awake by the sound alone. Hobie tries to focus his vision, but he was already too fragile and tired to move any part of him, he doesn't know if he'll be able to make it out of here. His Spider senses weren't indicating any danger, so he couldn't feel it. Was it some other threat? Some accomplice?
He glances around the room looking for any indication of danger. For a few moments, there was silence. Leaning his head against the wall as his body begins to weaken and his vision becomes unfocused. The door opens, and a faint but visible sound of footsteps is heard coming towards him.
"I finally found you."
A young woman's voice has a gentle but firm tone, much like her footsteps. In silence, she stands there, then her steps coming closer. Hobie is unsure of what she's doing, so he attempts to lift his head and looks at the woman in front. That's when he see saw colors.
Out of nowhere, Hobie felt something warm and foreign run through his veins. Every bit of oxygen seemed to vanish from his lungs as though he'd been kicked once more in the chest, as the woman’s eyes sharply blinked into color.
Stunningly soft black eyes. The pain in his brain and aching in his limbs intensifies. He gasped for breath as the color spread across everything, starting from the woman's eyes. Her lips boast a beautiful peach hue, her raven-dark hair tied up in pigtails glistening like a starry night sky, and she looked just as stunned as Hobie was, who looks down on him with a metal stick on her right hand. Hobie briefly examines her, taking note of her suit, which he recognizes as the attire of a fellow Spider-Person. He admires the suit's beautiful orange shade, illuminated by the sun's rays from the window, which perfectly complements her.
After some time, he comes to the realization of why he is seeing colors.
"So it's you, huh.." Hobie whispers softly as he loses vision, and the woman in front of him suddenly becomes frightened. For a quick moment, Hobie thinks, maybe it's not bad, to die in front of his other half, his soulmate.
He thinks of his siblings, how he will miss their constant bickering.
He thinks of his best friend, who is probably on the other side waiting for him. Hobie begins to think of an apology for failing to save him.
He remembers Gwen, his drummer, whom he failed to keep his promise to her, his promise to help him find her muse, her Miles.
Then he thinks of the woman in front of him, how his soulmate will be the last person he'll ever see.
Hobie is certain he's on the brink of a grim demise. He can only hear the her urgently calling out for help. The sole memory etched in his consciousness is of warm hands cradling his face and soft words he struggles to recollect. But he does remember her voice, and he remains utterly captivated by its taste as it helps him drift off to sleep.
"Her voice, like a soft piano piece, grazes the soul with lulling notes of serenity." - rayleen
can you tell i have a complete addiction to these 2?
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atonalginger · 10 months
Here is something that so far has been a one shot. It's set up in such a way I could go back and forward and flesh it out more but for now it's just this. Starfield AU which changes to canon story beats because with Unity anything is possible!
Warnings: explicit language, light sexual suggestions (like the slightest this isn't spiced), kidnapping mention, missing child, mentions of past violence. Pretty mellow considering its centered around the Key/pirates OC(non-Starfarer) x Delgado Word Count: 3,095
Work-Life Balance
Bella and Delgado struggle to keep work and private life separate as things begin to boil over at the Key.
Just what had she gotten herself into, Bella thought as she walked down the corridor past Jazz’s office window. Jazz looked up from her terminal and waved, a bright smile flashing before going back to her work. Bella waved back and pushed on for the Cherry bomb with little Sophie waiting.
All she had wanted was to make enough creds to ensure Sophie was comfortable. It’s why she took that Argos job. Lin said there’d be desk work for Bella and soon they’d have a base she could bring Sophie along to. Lies. Then Constellation said Sophie would be safe at the Lodge while she worked and while not a flat out lie she didn’t like how they treated her over the situation. Ryujin was promising and the pay as a senior operative was nice but wasn’t the whole point of finding legit work to get away from the jobs that could land her in prison?
So then what was she doing now? What was this? She gave up on the idea of running with the Fleet when she got pregnant with Sophie and yet now she’d docked at the Key at least once a week trading loot and intel for creds. Even bringing her baby girl to the belly of the beast. And for what? Certainly wasn’t for that bastard Ikande. Filthy shark talking out both sides of his mouth, acting like she’s not expendable while forcing her to go undercover with the Fleet. As if threatening to disappear her daughter in the UC foster system wasn’t violent coercion. She thought about going to Fox and Jay but would MAST believe them over Ikande? Would they believe her?
She hugged her self as she waited for a crew to finish unloading their overstuffed crates of goodies. They each smiled and waved at her as well, most calling her Rook but their captain winked and greeted her as Cap Cherise. Not everyone was like this but she noticed those most loyal to Delgado were warm and welcoming to her and Bella couldn’t complain. It was jarring but a nice change compared to her time with the Syndicate.
Delgado. Her mind wandered back to the first real job on Suverov. How Mathis turned on her in the control room as Del opened the hanger bay. The way he threatened Mathis over the intercom before dashing for the surface. She had wondered if it was bravado as she clawed her way into the shuttle and closed the loading bay before Mathis could shoot his way onto ship, leaving the traitor as a peace offering to the creepy crawlies. But no, Delgado was waiting at the docking port when she got back to the Key, personally patched her up as she told him what she found.
She loved the way he looked at her. There was a hunger in his eyes, one that came through in his touch, his kisses, the way he fucked her. Good news or bad, he was always happy to see her. He talked her up to others around the Key. Demanded respect for her when Neava once again popped off at the mouth. She felt safest when in the arms of a man most called a monster. What was she doing? He was dangerous and if it was ever discovered she was docking at the Vigilance? She’d heard the talk about what Delgado did to rats.
Maybe ol’ Benny was right. Maybe she really did have a death wish and was just in denial.
Bella’s heart stopped when she reached the Cherry Bomb. The door was open wide and she could see the ransacked infirmary inside. How? The door was locked, only people who have the code are Jazz’s team and Bella. She climbed inside and hurried up the ladder. More mess. Every berth looked upside down. Clothes destroyed. And Mister Azure mutilated, hanging from the hatch into the cockpit. She did another pass of the ship, where was Sophie?
“Cherise?” a man’s voice called from the infirmary. Juan Wrecker, one of Del’s personal crew, “You in here? Sammy said you were heading this way.”
“Juan, how did this happen,” she looked down the ladder at him, fighting back tears, “I had it locked and…”
“Del has Jazz looking into that.” Juan motioned for her to climb down, “Me and Seumas are supposed to look for clues here while you head back to command. Del would have come down personally but he’s entertaining a little guest at the moment.”
Bella hopped down to the infirmary, “how’d she get…”
“Del had Mollie looking at the security footage. She said everyone acted like she wasn’t there. Little one also told us that mean men were wrecking your ship and she slipped away while they were busy.” Wrecker gave Bella a pat on her shoulder, “she was shaken up but she’s safe now.”
“I…Thank you…I need to go,” Bella wiped her eyes and hurried off the Cherrybomb.
Seumas called after her as she hustled past and started to sprint, “don’t worry, we’ll find who did this. They’ll pay.”
The Command station was quiet when Bella hurried in. Mollie was standing over a series of screens and Thrasher was working away at his usual console. Ever since Bella and Jay figured out the Legacy was lost in Bannoc IV and there’d be no retrieval Command had gone quiet. Mollie looked up and batted at chunk of hot pink hair out of her face, “they’re upstairs. Hope its okay, I fed Sophie some Chunks. A cheesesteak chunk and two cosmic red apples. Figured the apples would balance the scale.”
“She ate for you?” Bella’s jaw dropped slightly.
“Well not for me but I grabbed them for her. I saw her eating them while sitting with Del. He took her upstairs, said Thrasher and I were too much.” Mollie laughed, “oh and I already messaged Del and Wrecker, I saw who broke into your ship and Wrecker and the boys should be rounding them up quick.”
“That was fast.” Bella looked up the stairs and saw Sophie and Delgado in the window. He was holding her seated in one arm while they both waved at her. She blinked, shocked. Sophie didn’t like strangers and especially wouldn’t let one pick her up. Hell she barely tolerated her Aunt Jay some days. But there she was, smiling and half hugging Delgado, waving from the conference room. Bella waved back and turned back to Mollie, “who did it?”
“I don’t know him or his crew well, Captain Rusted Nail and some rooks he found. Only thing I know is that name is the most interesting thing about him. Don’t know why but Wrecker will find out. Go on, go hug your baby. I know you must have been scared.”
“Thank you,” Bella said in a quiet voice before hurrying for the stairs.
As soon as she opened the door Sophie ambushed her, hugging her leg tight, “Mama!”
“Sophie!” she leaned down and rubbed her daughter’s back and then slowly knelt down to hug her daughter close, “baby, how’d you get here?”
Sophie talked fast while tugging at her shirt hem and rocking back and forth, tripping over her words, “I ‘member you always saying you gotta go to command so when the mean men started throwing things and banging stuff I slipped away and asked a wobbly guy in red where Command was and he laughed and told me to go to the elevator and slap the top button and then go through the big orange doors and walk straight,” the little girl’s arm suddenly shot out to make a straight line, “until I saw the scrawny man with the red jacket with no sleeves and then go this way, “she swiped her arm away to one side, “and then ride another elevator up and then look for the big glowing table.”
“Wobbly man was one of Jazz’s techs off duty. Jazz is talking to him about maybe next time just walking the kid to Command instead of setting them loose in the Key but he still gave better directions than most.” Delgado joined them kneeling next to Sophie, “Sophie here walked in like she was Gran Jeffe looking for you. Said bad men ruined her nap.”
“They did,” Sophie nodded.
“That was very brave of you,” Bella said as she smoothed her daughter’s hair, “I’m sorry you were alone, baby.”
“S’okay, Mama. You did want me to stay with Auntie Jay.” Sophie hugged her mom. Bella held her close.
“That doesn’t excuse it.” Bella wondered just how badly she was fucking up her kid in this moment. That her five year old was rationalizing this already. Sophie was supposed to be playing at the playground with kids her age, not having to talk to drunken pirates while assholes ransacked her ship.
“Our ships are our safe havens,” Delgado took Bella’s upper arm in his hand and rubbed it with his thumb, “Plenty of the Fleet have their kids aboard to keep them safe. You did nothing wrong; I will see this is dealt with.” There was a fire in his eyes as he finished speaking.
“Mama?” Sophie tugged on Bella’s coat sleeve, “when you were on the Bomb did you see Zur? I forgot to grab him and I’m worried those mean men might have hurt him.”
The sight of Mister Azure, Sophie bright blue trilobite plush her aunt got her, hanging in mutilated pieces from the cockpit hatch hit Bella like a slap to the head. She stared at the big blue eyes staring up at her, struggling to find words.
“They hurt Zur, didn’t they?” Sophie’s voice broke, tears breaking instantly.
“I’m sorry baby.”
“Why?” She wailed, “he’s just a friend!”
“Because they are bad men,” Delgado spoke softly. He leaned in closer and placed a hand on Sophie back, “bad, bad men who are in a lot of trouble with me. I’ll have my guys get your friend and we’ll make sure he gets better, okay?”
“Del…” Bella started.
“I’ll handle it,” he looked up at her then back to her daughter. He wiped tears from Sophie’s cheek and pulled his red scarf from around his neck, “here. You wear this for now. It’ll keep you safe while I go talk to the bad men.”
Sophie’s cries had gone quiet as quick as they’d started and she now held one end of the silk scarf, running her fingers over the swirling patterns painted on it.
Delgado stood up and motioned for Bella to join him at the door. Once they were a few steps from Sophie he took her hand and leaned in, “I don’t know what those concha de su madres think they were doing but they will regret it. I promise you.”
“You’re doing a lot for a Rook who failed you,” Bella looked away to her shoes.
“Fleet comes first. You’re fleet, you come first,” Delgado chuckled and touched her chin with his other hand, lifted her head back up softly, “plus it’s not like you sank the Legacy into Bannoc IV yourself.”
“This is still a lot for a rook, Del. I told you I didn’t want you playing favorites. We’re suppose to be separating work with pleasure, remember?”
“One, you are not a Rook anymore and haven’t been since you successfully brought the Comspike back. No I don’t care what Neava said, I’m the boss not her. Two, those fuckers broke into one of my captain’s ships while docked on the Key and did who knows what to it. I want to know why, I want to know how, and I want to make them pay.”
They stared at one another. The fire in his eyes was intense. She hadn’t seen him this intense since he patched her up months ago. His gaze flickered to her lips and back to her pale green eyes.
Little Sophie voice broke the silence, “Bad men said Neav said look for Evan Dense. I don’t know who that is or why they thought he’d be on the Bomb but they were looking for Dense.”
They both slowly turned to look at the five year old standing near the table. She was looking up at them with a smile.
“Repeat that again, baby?” Bella turned to face her daughter.
“One of the bad men, the one in charge, kept scolding the others and saying Neav said to look for Evan Dense.”
“Evidence?” Bella asked, trying hard to not sound like she was correcting her.
“Yup, do you know who that is?” Sophie asked.
“I do,” Delgado said first, “don’t know why Neava thought he’d be on your Mama’s ship.”
Bella snapped her look back to Delgado and watched as he grinned so proudly. He leaned in and kissed Bella’s cheek and then looked back to Sophie, “I’m going to ask the bad men why they’re looking for Mr. Dense. Thanks for telling us that, sweetheart. You stay here with your mama. I’ll be back soon.”
Bella paced little circles in the back of Delgado’s private quarters on his ship as he talked. In the next berth Juan, Seumas, and Sophie were playing board games. Bella was spiraling. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen, just that the wind had finally blown and the house of cards was going down around her.
Sophie had been in the conference room with Delgado for nearly forty minutes when Bella finally got back to the Cherry Bomb. In that time Sophie had inadvertently outted her mother as a sysdef mole. Sophie had told Delgado the bad men who trashed the Cherry Bomb reminded her of the mean men who kidnapped her and her Mama in New Atlantis so long ago. She told him how a bully named Ikande made her cry when he wouldn’t let her see her Mama and how he made her Mama do work she didn’t want to do. Bella also learned that apparently Jillian Toft had been checking in on Sophie whenever she was staying with Jay and Sam and tried to get Sophie to talk when she was on the playground. Toft had told Sophie that Ikande and her cared about Sophie very much and they just wanted to help her.
“But Sophie’s a smart girl and knew Jillian was lying through her teeth and refused to talk.” Delgado was watching her pace, “Bella, come on, sit down, you’re going to wear a hole through the hull like that.”
“And somehow Neava figured this out too. And she’s trying to find anything to pass around the Key to rally people to kill me. I’m her latest mistake, it burns her ass that she fucked up and she’s going too…”
“Bella,” He was behind her, his arms now wrapped around her holding her still, “She won’t touch you.”
“I’m a rat.” Bella didn’t move.
“You’re not a rat. Sophie said you were always talking shit about those sharks, not her words, and saying you wouldn’t give them anything useful. And I believe it. You’re loyal.” He kissed her neck.
“Del, do you realize how crazy you sound, trusting a five year old’s word completely. She swore she met a pink miniature giant space frog last week in the park in the Embassy district. Her best friend is a neon green invisible ashta named Roxie.”
“Hey Roxie is cool, I got to meet her earlier when Sophie was eating one of her apples.” Delgado kissed her neck again, “I don’t think Sophie is lying about this. She’s not old enough know to lie about this.”
Bella turned around and looked at him. “What now then? Even without edgelord Rusted Nail finding “Mr. Dense” the rumors are already swirling. Why else are we here and not still on the Key? And how does that make you look, hiding a sysdef mole on your ship?”
He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard. She let out a surprised squeak and stumbled as he walked her back to the wall and pressed her against it. His hands ran down to her hips, one grabbing firm and the other quickly returning to her head, sliding behind and holding her still. “It will be dealt with.”
“You can’t deny everything has been falling to shit since I showed up. I won’t be the only one to notice.”
“Everything had been falling to shit for a while, Bella. Anything you did it a spit in the ocean.” He paused and kissed her again, lingering for a moment and then nibbling on her neck, “It’s why I was so focused on finding Kryx’s Legacy. I thought if I could bring it back to the Key then I could bring back the ideas, the values Kryx set in place when he founded the Fleet. I realized today, when Sophia said Neava gave the order, that those were gone, been gone for a long time. I’m a fool for not seeing the plots before and I’ll figure out what to do next tomorrow. Tonight,” he kissed her lips again, “tonight I just want to rest.”
A cheer in the other room drew their attention. Sophie had won the game and the guys were cheering her on. Bella stared off toward the commotion, “I should have told you sooner.”
“I understand why you didn’t,” Delgado brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek, “forced to walk a tight rope, probably fed all sorts of bullshit from sysdef.”
“I mean yes,” she looked back at him, “I just didn’t know how you’d take it. I don’t know where we stand and I didn’t want to make you feel pressured or…”
“We stand right here,” he tugged at her hip and rested his forehead on hers, “With you at my side we can take on the universe.”
“Didn’t think you the hopeless romantic type, Del,” Bella mused.
He threw back his head and laughed as he stepped away, “I’m the guy who sank millions of credits into finding crumbs about the Legacy hoping it would save a sinking ship.”
“Fair,” Bella looked once more toward the door. Sophie was singing her latest favorite song and Juan was trying to be backup but two off-key singers weren’t making a tune, “What if the ship really sinks?”
“It’s in bad shape but it won’t sink,” Delgado led her back to the couch and pulled her onto his lap as he sat down, “but those are all concerns for tomorrow.”
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reader6898 · 8 months
Meeting the Crew
Pairing: OC Amara x bad batch
Summary: Amara meets her new crew
Warning: none I think
A/n: this is the start of my one shot series that will lead up to my Hunter x Amara fic series that will take place after order 66 and follow the bad batch show
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"what do we even know about this Jedi?" The rest of the batch look back at Tech who pretty much knows everything. Tech looks at the info on their Jedi general.
"general Lin was previously general Kenobi's Padawan. They recently became a Jedi knight and that's why we've been assigned to them. Commander Cody was actually the one to suggest that Lin be assigned to us."
"can't believe we need a babysitter. We'll show this general Lin who we are." Wrecker laughs as he gets all excited to put their new Jedi general in their place. The batch keep walking and eventually meet up with Cody.
Cody and Hunter link arms. "Commander." "Good to see you boys again." "So, where's this general of ours." Cody laughs. "Probably getting one last lecture from general Kenobi." The small group talks amongst themselves while they wait for you.
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After five minutes Amara makes her way to her new crew. She had read up on them the night before and everything Amara read about them had intrigued her. Hunter: sergeant of clone force 99. Born with enhanced abilities and tracking skills. Wrecker: super strength and weapons expert, especially on blowing things up. Tech: the smart one of the batch . Last but not least Crosshair: enhanced sight and sniper of the group. All of it made Amara even more intrigued. She just hoped that everything went well.
Amara spotted them with Cody and made her way to the small group of clones.
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"Cody!" The group turns and all of them, minus Cody, look at their general with Suprise as she walks up to them. "Adi'ka. You're late." Amara rolls her eyes. "Sorry. Was getting one last lesson from Obi-Wan." Cody chuckles as he turns to the rest of the group. "This is Amara Lin. Your new general." Amara gave the group a small smile as she waved. "Hello."
The batch nod their heads at Amara and even without the force she could tell that she was immediately getting the cold shoulder from them. Amara turn towards Cody. "I'm just gonna go put my bag somewhere." Cody nods as Amara walks away and as she does she carefully avoids the four clones as she walked by.
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Once Amara comes back out she and Cody have a talk while the others talk amongst one another. "You didn't tell us she was a girl, Tech." Tech pushes up his goggles. "I did not know she was a girl." "So much for being smart." Tech sighs at Wrecker's statement. "Look, we don't have a choice in this. We have to work with her whether we want to or not. Let's just all hope that it won't be for long. Got it?" Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair grumbled but agreed with their sergeant.
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"I'm really going to miss you kid. It won't be the same without you around causing chaos with Skywalker and his Padawan." Amara chuckles. "Don't worry, Cody. I'm sure we will see each other again soon." Cody nodded. "I'm sure we will."
Amara hugs Cody and pulls away. "We have to get going now." Cody keeps his hands on Amara's shoulders. "Stay safe, adi'ka. You can comm me anytime." Amara smiles. "I will." "Good. And if those guys give you a hard time you let me know and I'll set them straight." Amara laughs. " I don't think I'll have to do that but I'll keep that in mind."
Cody sets his arms down and Amara walks over to the bad batch. "Everything is all set, general." "Thank you, sergeant. You can get onboard." Hunter salutes Amara. "Yes, sir." Hunter salutes Cody then gets on the marauder. The ship starts up and Amara gets on. She looks back at Cody one more time and he salutes her.
Amara smiles as she waves and enters the ship. Tech sets the course for their mission and once Amara gives the order they head off on the next mission.
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Tagging: @techs-stitches @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @the-rain-on-kamino @the-bad-batch-baroness @eternal-transcience @sev-on-kamino @wings-and-beskar @wizardofrozz @cw80831 @deejadabbles @523rdrebel @moonlightwarriorqueen @cloneloverrrrr @sunshinesdaydream
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strawwritesfic · 7 months
Hayato Gokudera x Female!OC: White Day Chocolates
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Summary: Gokudera can learn to endure anything given the right motivation.
Rating/Warnings: T (Post-Canon; high school!Gokudera; foul language; White Day; chocolates; dinner date request; Namimori Middle School; Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committee)
Relationships: Gokudera/F!OC; F!OC & F!OC; Hibari & F!OC; referenced Tsuna/Kyoko
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Notes: This is a very humble, very fluffy one shot written for my most long-time Internet friend, Selina. We've been buddies since something like 2006, and while our interests vary, we've both recently returned to our love of Reborn, and thus resurrected our old OCs. She draws sketches of my main OC, Daisuke Fukuda, regularly, so I wanted to return the favor and write her a quick one shot to celebrate her main OC, Lin-Mei.
Just a few quick notes to make here without going into lengthy descriptions of Lin-Mei's character:
1. There's is no actual love triangle involving her, Gokudera, and Hibari. Although there are some storylines we follow where she ends up with Hibari instead, in the Gokudera "route," if you will, he's just paranoid about Hibari because he doesn't like him, and Hibari is a smug asshole who won't go out of his way to assure Gokudera that he isn't interested in "stealing" Lin-Mei from him.
2. While Lin-Mei is slightly younger than the main cast, there's not a huge age gap here. My head canon is that Hibari is old enough to be in high school during the main plot of Reborn!, so it stands to reason that Lin-Mei stays a little longer after she takes over the Disciplinary Committee as well.
3. If it matters at all to you, Lin-Mei's flame attribute is lightning. She's more affiliated with the Cavallone than with the Vongola (having been under Dino's care for several years), but she actually belongs to a specific Chinese assassin family and works for hire.
White Day Chocolates
Hayato Gokudera never had enjoyed his walks to Namimori Middle School. What a shitty trek to what was inevitably wasted time learning from teachers that didn't know what they were doing—or have any idea the massive disservice their dumbass lectures did to the great man within their midst! And there were so many obstacles to get to that waste of time, too. If it wasn't Haru cropping up to annoy everyone, it was that stupid cow causing problems. If it wasn't that stupid cow causing problems, it was Yamamoto breathing in the Tenth's general direction. If it wasn't Yamamoto breathing in the Tenth's general direction, it was group after group of girls who couldn't seem to stop giggling whenever they caught sight of Hayato. And while the first three issues weren't cropping up that afternoon, the last aggravation seemed worse than ever before.
"What are they teaching these idiots these days?" he grumbled as the latest bunch all elbowed each other at his approach. When one dared to meet his eyes, he finally snapped, "Don't you have more important things to do?"
His anger only caused them to titter more. Gritting his teeth, Hayato stalked off on his way. Clearly, there was no getting through to girls like that. Even Haru hadn't learned her lesson yet, and now he and she shared the same homeroom!
Soon the tall, faded school building rose above him. Even more girls in navy sweaters walked past him as he neared the gate, but they didn't stop to giggle. These girls were in more of a rush, and the air of nervousness about them was almost palpable. None of them so much as glanced at Hayato when he came to stop to look up at the clock. The positions of its hands told him he'd made it right on time.
He hadn't been back to Namimori in a long time. Why would he bother? Hayato was in high school now. The responsibilities placed on the Vongola Family grew every day, thus the responsibilities placed on the Tenth's right-hand man grew every day as well. Only people with nothing better to do would bother coming to their middle school just to loiter around the place and reminisce about where they had met their friends, held so-called sumo tournaments, and nearly died countless times. But the one person he could think of like that didn't seem to be around right then.
"Hayato! This is a surprise."
A cheerful, girlish voice in his ear made him jump. He turned to level a glare at whoever dared to giggle at his shock—but the girl standing next to him didn't giggle. She simply hid a smile behind her sleeve before clapping both her hands behind her back.
"Sorry," said Lin-Mei. "I just didn't expect to see you here."
The minute Hayato spotted her, the urge to scream had left him. In fact, he couldn't find his voice at all. His stomach felt a little like it did whenever he spotted his sister sans mask, only more pleasant somehow—probably because he could actually appreciate the way Lin-Mei looked. She'd pulled her brown hair up into a sweeping ponytail, and her spotless uniform differed from the rest of the girls' solely by the vivid crimson band pinned to her upper arm. She had earned that armband, too, so Hayato felt more pleased than irritated to see it, despite his distaste for the person that had worn it before her.
Lin-Mei's smile faded a little as she cocked her head to one side. "Hayato?"
"Hey, jackass. She wants to know you're doing here. Besides trespassing, that is."
Much to his chagrin, Hayato started again. He hadn't bothered to pay attention to Lin-Mei's companion, a tall woman with bleached blonde hair and thin eyebrows that looked even older than he was. Probably he'd met this Disciplinary Committee member before; they were always trailing after their leader, after all. But he'd be damned if he went to the trouble of remembering her name now.
"If you don't have a good reason to be here, screw off," the woman went on.
"I—I have a good reason," Hayato managed to blurt out.
"Do you? Then why don't you cough it up?"
"Because it's none of your goddamn business!"
"Any business taking place on Namimori Middle School grounds is the business of the Disciplinary Committee."
Lin-Mei didn't raise her voice. Hell, she didn't even change her tone. With a single word and a motion of her hand, she shut her second-in-command's mouth. Arisa sent Hayato a look of purest venom, but marched away in silence, He hoped she'd been sentenced to patrol one of the less pleasant corners of the schoolyard—perhaps Ryohei's old haunt. Chances were slim they'd gotten all the sweat stink out of there yet.
This time, Lin-Mei grasped his wrist as she spoke. This time, he didn't jump. He just looked into her deep brown eyes—and felt vaguely, again, like he was going to throw up in some unimaginably satisfying way.
"What's the matter?" she asked as she released him. "Do you have a message for me from the Tenth?"
"Well —"
"You know we'll do whatever he needs, me and the girls."
"Right. But —"
"I don't have to tell them who the order comes from if that's what you're worried about. I'll be discrete."
"I didn't come on behalf of the Tenth!"
Why the hell did that take so much effort to spit out? Hayato wasn't a coward, and Lin-Mei absolutely was not his sister or anything like her. He ought to have been able to come in, say what he had to say, and move on. If Yamamoto asked him how things went later—and he certainly would just to spite Hayato—Hayato was not going to tell the Baseball Idiot that he'd chickened out.
"Okay," Lin-Mei said slowly. When he didn't launch at once into an explanation of why he'd come, then, she went on, "Then what gives? I will have to punish you for trespassing if you don't really have a good reason for being here."
Hibari would be pleased. Hayato knew she meant it when she said it, too. Before he could make an even bigger fool of himself then he already had, he screwed up his eyes and said:
"It's March 14th."
Of the whole host of reactions he had expected to result from this proclamation, last on the last was a blink and a curious, "What?"
"It's March 14th," he said again through gritted teeth. "Valentine’s Day was a month ago."
The most infuriating thing about this conversation was that Lin-Mei wasn't attempting to raise his blood pressure. She obviously did not understand what Hayato was trying to say. And since he'd come this far, he didn't want to walk away now.
"And I came by...to bring you...some chocolates."
With this last ludicrous confession out of the way, he produced the box he'd been carrying around in his school bag. Lin-Mei's eyes went wide. She gazed at Hayato with open astonishment.
"But Hayato, I didn't give you any chocolates for Valentine's Day."
"I know!" He shoved some hair from his face, hardly noticing when Lin-Mei lifted the box lid to examine the chocolates inside. "I just walked in on the Tenth making some for Kyoko last night, and Reborn was there, and he kept going on and on about the importance of White Day, and how Hibari would understand it, and if the whole chocolate-giving thing worked for the Tenth, it would definitely work for Hibari, and...and...I don't know! I just panicked!"
Lin-Mei swallowed a mouthful of chocolate before stating, "Hibari hasn't given me any White Day chocolate."
"He-he hasn't?"
"No." She pulled the box from his grip and took a bite of another piece of chocolate. "But did you really think a package of store-bought candy would have put you over the top if he had?"
"As though I could cook anything without Bianchi getting into it when she found out who I was making it for," Hayato muttered. Lin-Mei stare made him squirm. How could she just stand there mowing through the chocolates without saying anything? Before she could polish the whole damn thing off and be on her way, he took a deep breath and barreled forward: "That's why there's a part two."
"Part two?"
"Ye-Yeah. I also wanted to know if you'd...if you'd come to dinner with me tonight."
Lin-Mei said nothing. He fixed his eyes on his shoes and did not look up. The minutes crawled passed with nothing to break them up except for her continued chewing. At last, he could take it no longer. He risked glancing upward to see her reaction. Was she gawking at him, shocked that someone like Hayato would do something like ask her out? Was she bright red with embarrassment because he'd confused her signals? No. She really was just steadily eating her way through the box, though she paused long enough to ask:
"Can we talk about the latest post on Mysterious Universe over dinner?"
He could hardly believe his luck, or the fact that her question made him grin fit to put Yamamoto's usual expression to shame. "Of course!"
"It's a date!" Lin-Mei shoved the remains of her gift back into his hands. "But we'll have to go later. I already promised Arisa that we'd go over some budgetary concerns after patrol this afternoon."
Well, that sucked some of the buoyancy out of his grin. But he didn't dare try to talk her out of her Disciplinary Committee duties. He knew from experience that would only end badly for him. "Am I allowed to wait here?" he asked. Facing Yamamoto or the Tenth after this would be a nightmare. Better to put that off as long as possible.
Maybe she understood that, because Lin-Mei appeared to consider his request for a moment. Then she said, "Only if you promise not to smoke on school grounds."
It was the same tone she'd used on Arisa earlier. And just as Arisa knew better than to argue, so did he. "Fine."
Her final smile caused the butterflies from earlier to surge back into his stomach. Hayato thought the sensation couldn't get worse until she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. Before he could recover—hell, before he could even string two coherent thoughts together—Lin-Mei turned on her heel, looked at him over her shoulder, and fluttered her fingers in his direction.
"See you later, Hayato. Happy White Day!"
She was gone in a flash, leaving Hayato standing at the school gate and holding a half-empty box of chocolates, probably looking like the biggest moron in the world (and given his competition solely in the Vongola Family, that was saying something). A few straggling students leaving their approved after-school clubs laughed as they walked by him. He found he didn't care. As he settled against a wall to wait for Lin-Mei to return, he thought to himself that he would endure every agony of walking to Namimori every day, giggling girls and all, if it meant getting to see her smile...and to pull the rug out from underneath Hibari's feet.
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prfctparis · 11 months
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WITH FIRE AND LIGHT SERIES (Tolkien ‘Verse fanfics)
[original character-centric]
1. AMONG BRIGHT FLAMES | (The Hobbit movie trilogy — Kíli x OC) coming soon!
warnings: canon-typical violence; major character death(s); this is not a fix-it/everyone lives AU :(
summary: In the Fae Realm of Arda, things were changing, and not for the better. Their major enemy, Imps, were growing bolder in their schemes, as well as enacting them more frequently as the months go on. After a particular attack that left her people concerned and confused, and worried of a certain Darkness, the Fae Queen decided to let her two eldest daughters, the twins Melraen and Ziadún, leave their homeland to attempt to learn what was wrong.
They went their separate ways quite quickly: Ziadún went in search to find possible answers from Radagast the Brown, and Melraen went to do the same with Gandalf the Grey — only, Gandalf barely had any answers for her, and instead offered her a chance to help a company of dwarves reclaim their home from a dragon.
She accepted, knowing that her Gift would come in handy for them, as well as hoping to find answers of her own as they traveled. Unexpected were the growing feelings for a certain Dwarf Prince that formed along the way, though not entirely unwelcome.
But everything fire touched, burned; and everything shadow covered, darkened.
2. AMIDST THE SUNLIGHT | (The Lord of the Rings trilogy — Legolas x OC) coming after ABF!
summary: The world of Arda had darkness growing within it. For some, they knew and they were readying for war. For others, they knew and were already fighting in a war. For everyone else, they either didn’t want to know or didn’t believe such a thing was happening.
Princess Lináre of the Fae belonged in the second category. Thousands of years had gone by of the Fae fighting the Imps, continuously and tirelessly. But recently Orcs began to manage to enter their land, and no one knew how. So when Gandalf the Grey approached her and asked for her to aid some hobbits to Rivendell, she agreed. Perhaps this way she might find answers for her people.
And she did – in the shape of a little golden ring that held enough evil to end the world. Determined to help one Frodo Baggins journey to Mordor, she joined the Fellowship.
After all, they will all need a little light in these dark times.
3. EXTRA BITS & PIECES | (One-shots, AUs, bonus scenes & etcetera from the series)
OC Aesthetics: Mel’s / Lin’s /
Incorrect Quotes: Lin & Gimli /
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ikatako38 · 1 year
3. End of Part 2 Special:
TPWCH One-shot Requests!
Requests will be open until May 1!
SLOTS: ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( 5 )
Feel free to request any ship, AU, and/or tropes! Of course, I’m also free to reject a request if I don’t feel comfortable writing it. (For example, I won’t write things like incest, on-page non-con, gore, age gap*, etc. This event is also intended to be SFW.) You can be as specific or as vague as you'd like—I'll fill in the gaps! Each one-shot will be about 5000 words in length! (This is an estimate and not necessarily guaranteed.) You can make your request through an ask (preferred), as a reply to this post, or as a comment on AO3. Requests through reblogs will not be accepted.
*I’ll accept certain ships such as Agent 12 on the condition that they’re aged up
If you need some inspiration, here are some of the topics I’d be eager to write about! I want to get a good variety, so I put a cap on the number of requests I’ll take for certain categories. Vacant slots have a number in them like ( 1 ) or ( 2 ), and closed slots have an ( X ). Your request is more likely to be taken if you choose a ship/AU/trope that isn't already full. List items with no slots can be used as much as you want!
I will be taking 5 total requests, with a combination of first-come first-serve and which ones I like the best. So try to get yours in quick, but if you’re a bit late all hope isn’t necessarily lost so long as I like your idea! You can submit multiple requests, but unless I’m short on requests, I’ll only choose my one favorite request from each person. They'll be uploaded to AO3 in an anthology as I finish them!
If you already know what you want to request, you can stop right here and submit your requests! If you want some ideas, check under the cut!
Any of these can be platonic pairings instead! Just use an & instead of a / in the ask or specify platonic!
Agent 24 ( 1 ) ( 2 )
TurfTrio - Three/Eight/Seyu ( 1 ) ( 2 )
ApartmentTrio - Three/Eight/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
Thryle - Three/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
LoveSquare - Three/Eight/Seyu/Lyle ( X ) ( 2 )
Pearlina - ( 1 )
Cutttletavio - ( 1 )
SeyLeo - Seyu/Leo ( 1 )
SeyThree - Seyu/Three ( X )
SeyEight - Seyu/Eight ( 1 )
Lyli - Lyle/Eli ( 1 )
Yubrey - Four/Neo 3 ( 1 )
Lucilin - Lucía/Lin ( 1 )
Three&Tsuku ( 1 )
FourFam - Four&Kai&Miriam ( 1 )
Aubree - Aubrey&Three ( 1 )
Yukee - Yuki&Three ( 1 )
Or any other ship you want!
No non-TPWCH characters (Goggles, your OC, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.)
Modern/Human/High School/College AU ( 1 ) ( 2 )
D&D/Fantasy Setting ( 1 )( 2 )
Royals ( 1 )
Soulmates ( 1 )
Generic Wizarding School ( 1 )
Riordanverse Demigods ( 1 )
The Hunger Games / Other dystopia ( 1 )
Werewolf/Vampire/etc. ( 1 )
Umm… anyone into ABO/Omegaverse? I can try lol ( 1 )
(No mpreg tho. Or fpreg, or any other preg for that matter.)
No Metro AU (Three never fell into the Metro)
No OE AU (Neither Three nor Eight were sent to the Metro)
Civilian Three AU (Three never became an Agent)
No IU AU (self-explanatory)
The Siblings AU (Three was raised by Kai and Miriam as Aubrey’s sibling)
The Good AU (The Siblings AU and No OE AU combined)
The Best AU (The Good AU and No IU AU combined)
Genderbend (whole cast or individuals)
Cis characters stay cis and trans characters stay trans. If Yuki is involved, just pick the presentation you want him/her to have!
Species-bend (whole cast or individuals)
Sexuality-bend (whole cast or individuals)
Age-up/age-down (whole cast ages the same)
Any combination of these
Any other AU you want
None of these (set in a copy of the canon TPWCH-verse)
Enemies to Lovers
Friends to Lovers
Strangers to Lovers / Meet cute
First date (or a subsequent date)
Party Game (Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle, Werewolf/Mafia, Cards Against Humanity, etc.)
Accidental kiss / Accidental physical affection
Drunk confessions
Adding a third
Blind date / set up by friend
Met while Turfing (same team)
Met while Turfing (opposite team)
Hero x Enemy Soldier
Anonymous Valentine / Riddle
Coming out
First day of school
Childhood friends
Holiday Special
Beach Episode
I don't know, be creative! It's your request, so why am I doing all the legwork?
If you're not sure, you can leave it up to me and I'll come up with something!
I also reserve the right to take your request and run with it by adding on other things! For example, if you ask for romantic Seythree, I may automatically sexuality-bend Seyu. Or if you want Thryle in the present day, I may decide to use the Civilian Three AU.
Now get requesting!
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stitch1830 · 4 years
“A Typical Day”
Somewhat of a continuation of last chapter.
It's a nice day in Republic City, and Toph spends the day outside with Suyin while the whole Beifong family prepares for their newest addition.
Also, might be open to writing some Taang stories that you guys want me to write. Just lemme know!
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ggukkieland · 3 years
📕BTS Fic Reads - 2021 April pt. 1
Thank you dear authors for these gems. Words are not enough to express how much I appreciate these stories 🥰 And if you’re a reader who stumbled upon this list and liked any of the fics, please don’t forget to show appreciation by reblogging their work or giving positive feedback to these authors 😉.
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Note: Most of fics have smut content. FOR MUSLIM READERS, THIS IS NOT RAMADAN-SAFE (only few fics are SFW).  A lovely reader requested for SFW fic recs so please enjoy these lists instead:
🌷 Fic Recs (SFW) Fluff/Angst Stories:
Part 1 (Recommended Authors + selected fics) for fluffy/angst content (SFW)
Part 2 (Recommended Fics)
Taehyung | Jungkook
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 Tip: If link doesn’t work, click on author and go to their masterlist
🥕 S - smut | F - fluff | A - angst
🌷 with reaction/review on some completed fics (if reading these help)
--- Some are new, some re-reads, while some are past reads that haven’t been reblogged yet. Mostly mature (minors dni).  M x F pairing.
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🥕[Ongoing Series]
Ongoing fics will be in a separate post moving forward so I can better keep track of them. All fics listed are completed series or one shots I enjoyed reading and re-view-blogging this month.
🥕[Completed Fics/Series]
Always in my Dreams @sunshinekims - one shot | 15.4k | Soulmate AU, Dream AU | F, S, slight A 🌷
A Very Personal Assistant @mintjoonlep - one shot (with follow up drabble | 7k | CEO AU, Assistant!Reader, Idiots to Lovers, contract personal companion | S, F 🌷
Bewitched, Body & Soul @kithtaehyung - one shot/drabble | 4.2k | Pride and Prejudice AU, Husband AU, PWP | S (full fic to be posted)
Break Up with Your Girlfriend @lovetrivia - series [3/3] | 16.5k | College AU, TA!Namjoon, Tease OC | S, F 🌷
Closure @namjoonchronicles - one shot | 3.7k | hurt/comfort, Established Relationship, Husband AU | A, F
Discolorare @akinnie75 - one shot | 22k | Fantasy AU, Beast!Namjoon, accused witch Reader | F, A  🌷 #holygrailfic
Empiricism @papillonsgf - one shot | 7.5k | Med Student AU, Strangers to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers (themes) | S
Gardenia @tangerineyoongles - drabble | 1k | Florist AU, Strangers to Lovers | F 🌷
There’s a First Time for Everything - @jcwriting - one shot | 2.8k | Idol AU, Namjoon never experienced bj before | smut, pwp
Made Up Love Song @floralseokjin - series [10/10] | 94.9k | Single Dad AU, Teacher!Reader, CEO AU, dilf!seokjin | F, S, A 🌷
Royally Fucked @couture-kookie - one shot | 14k | Royalty AU, Prince AU, Personal Assistant, Hybrid AU, Dragon!Seokjin, Black Panther!Reader | S, A, F 🌷 (this is amusing too)
View @noteguk - drabble | 2.1k | CEO!Seokjin, Lawyer!OC, exhibitionism, established relationship | S 🌷
Withering Away @agustdjoon - one shot | 10.8k | Hanahaki AU, Idol!Seokjin x Staff!Reader, Heavy Angst | A
Come Home @kookiesjoonies - one shot | 3.2k | Exes AU | S, A, slight F (reblog of old faves)  🌷
Cut Me Open @hayjeon - two shot [2/2] | 30k | Divorce AU, Marriage AU, Doctor AU, Surgeon AU | A, S, F (reblog of old faves)  🌷
First Loves @yukheii - drabble | 2k | Dad!Yoongi, Daughter!Yoona (wife is mentioned), seriously this is adorable | F, F, F!  🌷
I Don’t Wanna Love You @moonnightyoongi - series [3/3] | 18.5k | Break Up AU, College AU | A, slight F
Playing With Fire @houseofdemi-blog - series [8/8] | 21.4k | Fake Dating AU, Rich Girl AU, Producer Yoongi, Bad Boy AU, lin | A, S, F (reblog of old faves)  🌷
links per chapter lead to author’s old url. to access the chapters, I posted the hyperlinks here
PS I Woof You @gimmesumsuga - one shot | 26k | Fur Parents AU, Pet Owners AU, Neighbor AU | F, S  🌷
Quickie in the Closet @xlovelyyoongix - drabble | 930 | established relationship, idol au | S, pwp (kind of crack-ish in the end) 🌷
Sticky Notes @threeletterslife - one shot | 5k | established relationship, on the rocks | A, slight F 🌷
Tears of a Villain @jimlingss - one shot | 15.3k | Superhero AU, feat Villain!Seokjin, don’t be fooled by the cute description this is Heavy Angst 😥) | A, F (an old read  and I don’t know why I tortured myself reading this again)
Upgrade @joonsgalore - one shot | 4.1k | FWB AU, feat FWB!Taehyung, one night with Min Yoongi was enough to ruin you for absolutely anyone else 🔥 | S (reblog because of an ask)  🌷
Coin Flip @flowerwrites06 - two shot | 17k | Butler!Hoseok, Spy AU, Royalty AU | A, S 🌷
Dance to This @bobagukk - one shot | 3k | dancer AU, fuckboy AU, kind of dom!reader | S, pwp 🌷
Get Wet @prolixitae - drabble | 2k | established relationship, shower sex, pwp | S (this is so amazingly written! As I was putting this list I just realized it’s only 2k and yet the level of details in the scenario ugh what an amazing writer) 🌷
Make Me a Match @btsarmy9593 - one shot | 4K | Dystopian AU, Arranged Marriage AU | F, S 🌷
Not Interested @sehunpeachy - one shot | 20k | Enemies to Lovers, Swimmer!Hoseok, Coach Assistant!Reader | A, F, S 🌷
Say, Cheese! @artaefact - drabble | 1.3k | photographer!hoseok, strangers to lovers, brokenhearted OC | F (really cute) 🌷
To The Beat of my Heart @jeonggukingdom - one shot | 7.2k | Dancer AU, mirror smut | S 🌷
Lost & Found @alpacaparkaseok - series [17/17] | 62.3k | Soulmate AU, Idol AU, red string of fate (OC cut the string) | A, F 🌷
Mile High Club + Business Meets Pleasure @geniuslab - two shot | 9.8k | Co-workers AU, Office AU, kind of strangers to lovers (both assigned to attend the conference and OC doesn’t interact with PJM before the “airplane smut”) | S, F 🌷
Moon Karaoke @singguks - drabble | 2k | Coworker AU, sudden outage | F (cute) 🌷
Sanctuary @chimchimsauce - series [16/16] | 20k | Hybrid AU, Wolf Hybrid!Jimin, Barista!OC, feat sanctuary staff Taehyung, hurt/comfort | F, A 
Unloved Letters @mintemps - one shot | 3.2k | break up AU, epistolary (letter form, but there were long dialogues in the letters, so more of half-letter?) | A
Allegro @ironicarmy - one shot | 10.9k | Enemies to Lovers, College AU, Music AU, Choir AU | F, A, S 
All That Glitters @/bobagukk - drabble | 1.6k | hybrid AU, dragon hybrid!taehyung, sugar daddy AU | S
All This Stigma @army-author | two shot | 14.9k | Heir AU, FWB AU, College AU, Unplanned Pregnancy AU, Arranged Marriage AU | A, F  🌷
Bibliotheque @joonbird - one shot | 15k | College AU, Librarian!Taehyung, Literature themes, Enemies to Lovers (more of rivals over scholarship) | F, A,S (a reblog of old faves) 🌷
Black Magic @chickenkooks - one shot | 18k | College AU, Magic AU, Magic School, Outsider!Taehyung, Fantasy AU, Witch AU, feat. annoying Jimin 🤭 | S, A, F (the smut scene in the magical world is 👌) 🌷
Do You Want More? @7deadlysinsfics - drabble | 1.6k | actor!taehyung x maid!oc, pwp | S
Guess Who @silhouetted-beauty - two shot [2/2] | 6.8k | established relationship, idol AU (I guess?), threesome with a mystery member (That was the fun part! Guessing who the other member is) | S 🌷
I Choose You @btsqualityy - one shot | 5k | abo dynamics, werewolf AU, Mating AU, soulmate AU | F, S 🌷
Komorebi @jungkookiebus - drabble | 1.1k | strawberry farmer!Taehyung, sensory fic (This is amazing! The way it was written has a real calming effect. Not much on plot but it is a sensory-focused writing 😅) | F 🌷
Love or In Love @rookiegukie - drabble | 1k | doctor AU, persistent Taehyung (really cute) | F 🌷
Moon Breaker @magicalsalamander - one shot | 17k | Werewolf AU, sort of forbidden love (humans and werewolf mates bring misfortune), Alpha!Taehyung - (part of my Taehyung Werewolf fiic recs) | F, A,S (reblog of faves) 🌷
The Time Traveler’s Playbook @/threeletterslife - one shot | 6.5k | Time Traveler AU, 389 times for Taehyung to set things right | A, F 🌷
The Watcher @yandere-society - one shot | 4.3k | feat Hoseok (it’s actually more on Hoseok x Reader but there’s a twist. Please, this is sooo goood), Yandere themes, Established Relationship (Taehyung), Ex!Hoseok | A 🌷
You + Me @full-of-jams - drabbles | 3.8k | ex-friends, longing, pining | A, F 🌷
posted here (had to separate due to bulk of fics)
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🥕 posted: 2021 Apr 23
🥕 link to other reading lists
🌹   I love to read so feel free to recommend a fic =)
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spookologys · 3 years
Hello!! I don’t see much Red dead content on here and there isn’t enough so I thought I’d hop on as I share a deep love and appreciation for this game!! This post is just rules and info! So do read!!
Who I’ll be writing for:
- Arthur Morgan
- Dutch Van der Lin
- John Marston
- Micah Bell
- Javier Escuella
- Sean MacGuire
If you wish to see more characters please do say so!
DO NOT SEND!!!: please don’t send in any form of abuse, rape/SA, pedophilia, etc. it makes me and many others very uncomfortable and they are actions that are not okay what so ever.
What I will write for!: NSFW, sfw, imagines/one shots, head cannons, oc x member, will write my own stories occasionally!!
Please send in some requests!!
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pokeasleepingsmaug · 4 years
First Line Tag game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors.
I tend to begin first sentences with names for some reason haha. My favorite is 18, because it really just sets the tone for that whole story so well!
I was tagged by @aadmelioraa, thank you darling <3 I'll tag @whenimaunicorn @raincityruckus @geekandbooknerd and @darkcloakedinfinitevoid
1. All That's Best of Dark and Bright, a Tam Lin-inspired Sihtric x Eahlswith AU: Eahlswith hates traveling with this rowdy, ragtag company of Danes a little less each day.
2. To Curse a King, a Sihtric x Skade dub-con knife kink crackship that you can't prove didn't happen: Skade does not flinch as the knife pierces the skin at the crook of her elbow, and she does not struggle against the firm hand holding her wrist in place.
3. Silver Hairpins, Sihtric x Eahlswith canon-compliant fluff: Sihtric was always happy to come home flush with victory, but this time he was even happier
4. The Heart of a Family, Sihtric captured and tortured by Kjartan and Sven, because this poor darling is too easy to whump: Sihtric can't remember how long it’s been since he's seen the sun, though he knows when night is because that's when Kjartan and Sven leave him alone.
5. The Weight Behind a Blessing, a one-shot exploring a bit of Sihtric's past and his blossoming bromance with Osferth: Osferth is not the first Christian to bless him for splinting an injured arm, although he is the ugliest, Sihtric thinks, smiling down at Baby Monk after he slips the sling over his head.
6. To Tame a Wildcat, a little bit of Sihtric x reader battlefield kink that I will never apologize for: There is no softness in him now, the son of a man known for his cruelty, a fierce man in his own right.
7. we keep pretending the sun will not rise, a piece that explores the entire relationship of Katy x Reilly x Jonesy, from when they're in high school until when they break up: Katy tries not to smile over her coffee cup at the two boys across the small plastic table, their arms pressed together, Reilly’s damp hair dripping onto his shoulders and Jonesy’s eyes wide and bright.
8. so fill to me the parting glass, Sihtric tries to comfort Beocca when he's mourning Thyra, and Beocca learns maybe the rat-faced Dane isn't so terrible after all: Beocca cannot even stand to look at him, the Dane boy that Uhtred keeps in his company, the son of the man who tormented his wife for years
9. Pulse of my Heart, she has been searching for Finan for years, and doesn't believe she will ever find him: It was a great sword, longer and lighter than most, designed to be wielded by a man who danced around his foes like a whirlwind give human form.
10. Blasphemy, Osferth, wounded and tired of Finan's incessant worrying, asks Sihtric to sing. Sihtric cannot sing: They were on the road somewhere in Mercia, and this was one of those times that Sihtric felt he’d ridden the entire length of this land, from Wessex to Northumbria, a dozen times over
11. To Throw Curses, a piece exploring Sihtric's childhood, that I wrote after wondering why Sihtric knew so much about curses: His mother is a good Christian woman and proud of the fact that she’s managed to maintain her faith despite her hardships, so maybe Sihtric shouldn’t be surprised when she crosses herself and leans forward to repeat the gesture over his body, too.
12. He Lacks the Courage, OC Thora x Ubbe, tons of angst, Bjorn is a jerk, but that's just who he is: The boat rocks to the motion of the small waves and the rowers’ work, the sun paints the sky in luminous pinks and oranges and the waves spark and dance with the color of flames, and usually Thora would love this but tonight it just feels like emptiness
13. To Lie Down With Wolves, Ubbe x OC Imogene, Ubbe is disgraced for betraying King Ivar long ago, and keeps the slave Imogene against his better judgment (co-written with @darkcloakedinfinitevoid!): Imogene hasn't seen a wolf since she was small, the winter the snow reached halfway up the side of her family's cottage.
14. Funeral Pyre, Sihtric returns to Dunholm, a lifetime after he's left it, and finally puts its ghosts to rest: When Sihtric sees Dunholm rearing up on its high crag, bile rises into his throat but he keeps his face impassive because his friends are watching him.
15. Fighting Lessons, Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers x Steve Harrington, Steve teaches his lovers to fight in the Wheelers backyard, because none of them feel safe even though the gate is closed. Post season 1: He’s had this fear in him, ever since the cabin, that someday Nancy would be without her handgun.
16. Counting Breaths, in the dark when she can't sleep after falling into that place, the only thing that keeps Nancy sane is the rhythm of Jonathan's breath: Inhale, one.
17. Slow Hands, modern AU, Ubbe x reader, reader runs a horse sanctuary and Ubbe is her new farrier.: Finding a farrier was always such a pain, and of course as soon as the horses had gotten familiar with John, he'd thrown his back out.
18. Captured, Ivar x shieldmaiden reader hate-fucking, AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED: “Do you really think that’s going to work?”
19. First Sight, a companion piece to my longfic Feed You the Sky. Ivar and Kára reminisce on the first time they saw each other: Ivar is an old man now, his black hair streaked with gray, and the fire in his wife’s hair is dulled but still he cannot resist running his fingers through it every chance he gets.
20. Hidden Daggers, Sihtric and Eahlswith meet-cute and first night together, and you can't prove it didn't happen exactly like this: Sihtric was the son of a dead slave girl and he loves being a free man, he loves carrying swords and serving Uhtred and wearing silver arm-rings.
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gold-onthe-inside · 3 years
rules: tag nine people you’d like to catch up with or get to know better
tagged by @morcias my beloved <3
favorite color: mostly cooler colours from green to purple
currently reading: crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo
last song: wait for it - written by lin manuel miranda and sung by leslie odom jr from the hamilton soundtrack
last movie: wow i think it might have been...captain marvel?
last series: grey's anatomy
coffee or tea: a nice hot cup of chai esp if my mum made it
currently working on: a cute tea-centred one-shot, a spencer x fem!oc request and a fic based on 'foundation' from criminal minds
tagging: @starry-eyed-spence @meganskane @temily @jasthefriendlyghost @ropoto @moreidstrobed @blurryreid @scandinavian-punk @moderatelydelusional
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the-a-word-2214 · 4 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
The Singer
Anthony Ramos x OC
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This chapter is pretty fluffy so get ready for cute stuff. @charming-charlie wrote part of this one.
Summary: Scarlett meets the Hamilton cast and has her first Broadway experience
1,063 words
Chapter 3: Friends and Good Times
Several months into their relationship, Scarlett noticed how Anthony liked to be spontaneous. He would often cook her impromptu meals with groceries that he would bring over. He would surprise her with date nights and would often perform kind gestures for her. She had already painted a self-portrait for him. She knew that she was in deep when she would simply stare at the unfinished painting and sigh. He made butterflies flutter in her stomach more than he’d ever know. She was still as nervous as ever but Anthony helped her cope with it.
One day before rehearsal, Anthony stopped by her apartment. He wanted to bring her with him to finally introduce her to some of his closest friends.
“I don’t know about this…” Scarlett said when she and Anthony approached the back door of the Richard Rodgers theater on Broadway. “C’mon, it’ll be fun. They want to meet you,” Anthony said as he opened the door for her. She walked in, followed by the young Broadway star. Instantly, she was greeted with the smell of metal, staircases going in both directions, and a long hallway. In the hallway were people, and rooms, important papers taped along the walls, and the bustling noise of music could be heard faintly from above. “But meeting them during rehearsals?” Scarlett asked, wondering deep down if it was too late to turn back. Anthony only laughed. “Follow me.”
He walked upstairs and she followed like a lost puppy. She was doe-eyed as she looked at everything. The backstage experience was one thing she never thought she would see in her lifetime and she was trying to retain all of what she could. Anthony gripped her hand tightly, guiding her through the hallways until he came to a dressing room door. It was open and crowded. After peering inside, he heard the booming voice of his friend, Oak. “Ramos, about time! Settle a debate for us,” Oak said while glancing at Leslie, who sat with a video camera in his hand. Anthony pulled Scarlett into view and she saw seven or eight people cramped and sitting in the tiny dressing room.
Oak and Leslie were next to each other by the window. Lin, Ariana, and Daveed took up all the space on the couch. Daveed was holding what looked to be a fan-made pillow in his lap. On the floor in between Lin’s legs sat Jonathan, and next to him was Renee. Everybody turned their eyes to look at Anthony and Scarlett the moment Anthony’s name was mentioned and the poor girl was growing anxious at the sudden influx of new people. “You brought Scarlett? Perfect, she can help settle this,” Oak said with a comforting smile, only for Leslie to shake his head. “No, no, no. That’s not fair. We agreed on Anthony being the deciding factor,” Leslie responded only for Oak and several other members of the cast to laugh at the banter.
“Come on in, you two. Plenty of room on the floor,” Renee said while waving an arm, inviting them in. There wasn’t but they made do, with Scarlett half on Anthony’s lap and half against Renee. “Did you come by to watch Anthony in action?” Lin asked with a teasing smile, nodding toward Anthony who was talking to Oak and Leslie about whatever dispute needed settling. “I actually didn’t know he was going to bring me here,” Scarlett answered truthfully. She felt sort of pathetic, attached to Anthony like a koala like if she let go, she would be dropped in the middle of unknown territory. “I’ll get you a backstage pass and you can stay all day. We have a show tonight. You’re welcomed to watch it. Not to brag, but I think it’s pretty good,” Lin said, his teasing grin never unwavering. “That’s because you wrote it, what?” Daveed responded with a bit of sarcasm, adding a look of confusion to play the part. Lin laughed, Daveed laughed, and Renee kicked Scarlett’s foot to get her attention.
Scarlett turned to look at the beautiful woman. “He talks about you non-stop, you know,” Renee said while nodding her head discreetly in Anthony’s direction, “we were all wondering when he was going to bring you by.” Suddenly, without warning, Oak shouted, “HA! I win!” and was doing some little dance in his seat. Leslie laughed, shaking his head in what could only be described as playful defeat. “Fine, fine. You win. This time,” he said while Oak was busy raising the roof in celebration.
Scarlett shot Renee a sheepish smile as she tucked a lock of her short hair behind her ear, a nervous tick that she did when she was uncomfortable or nervous. Anthony turned his attention to his shy girlfriend. She gave him a small smile as she rested her head on his shoulder. He whispered a “you okay?” She simply nodded in response. He knew that she was being overstimulated and took her nod as their cue to explore other areas of the theater.
“Okay guys, I’ll see you all in a bit.” Anthony promptly helped Scarlett up before sending a quick peace sign to his friends. He took her through the long and winding hallways into the small space of the backstage area. The stage was empty, a rare sight for Anthony. He sent Scarlett a cheeky smirk as he slowly started to pull her towards the middle of the stage. “Anthony Ramos Martinez! What are you doing?!” She whisper-shouted to him as she allowed him to pull her onto the stage. He stood in the middle of the turntable and looked out at the empty seats. “Would you look at that...” he trailed off as he stared ahead.
Anthony sent her a smile as he thought up a deviant plan. He started singing his serenade from 21 Chump Street. “What the heck I gotta do to be with you?” He gets down on one knee and tries not to laugh. Scarlett chuckles as he takes her hand. Suddenly, the turntable begins to spin and Anthony tries to keep his composure in between chuckles. He stands up and leans in to give her a kiss. She reciprocates and wraps her arms around his waist. “Well, Mister Ramos, you already have me so I’d say you won.” He pumps his fist in the air and leans in to give her another kiss.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
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nobie · 4 years
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Welcome to week three Writer Appreciation this one goes to my day one @labyrinth-runner​ 
Note: Everything written. in the writer portion of this post is stated by the writer and everything in parenthesis is me. Also please be respectful to all the creators I am showcasing and do not spread hate or negativity, it will be not be tolerated, Thank you :)
✨The Writer✨
Name: Abby or ABBY (thats how i start pretty much every convo) 
Pronouns: She/Her 
Writes for: Obi wan and Obidala (also has 50 days of fics for a bunch of dif characters)
Strengths: Dialogue ( the damn dialogue in any fic she writes is always on point and in come what may that shit makes me YEARN) 
Weakness: Describing settings/ appearances 
First fic: she described it as some fairy tail one shot, but her first sw fic was this.
Inspiration: Music inspires a lot what she writes but also just motivates her to write. She has playlists for everything she writes. Or if she doesn’t have a playlist she’ll just play the song on repeat while writing 
Fav Fic(s) Written so far: 
Series: Come What May - Modern AU Obi wan x Padme, this her baby (thats literally all i can about it cause you gotta read this series to get your heart ripped out its too good and i have been converted to a obidala stan because of it) 
The Greatest Thing - Christian x OC Estelle ,,, moulin rouge original story. Quick summary, when a woman reunites with an old friend during her first ever social season, she learned that the greatest thing she'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. (ya’ll read this story she has done soooo much research for it and the writing is literally poetic as abby put it jane austen tier and IT IS so damn good) 
One shots: Love Drunk -Rock Star AU Obi wan x Reader (S M U T thats it, well of course there is a set up before the sex but this is some of the best S M U T abby has written!!) 
Guys My Age - S M U T based of this song Obi wan x Padme (this had me HOT like whaaaat like hot oooooooh fuck and if you play the song while reading woah its too good) 
Thing they love most about writing: She mainly enjoys the catharsis of writing. If she wants to feel a certain write she’ll write about it. Also the mental exercise of writing is something she enjoys. 
OML WHAT TO FCKN SAY ABOUT ABBY there is soooo much I love about her! literally might start crying while writing this portion cause she has brought me so much joy and has helped keep me sane through the bullshit thats happening in the world. Her writing is always exceptional and its made me cry on many occasions. but also has made me HELLA happy. It’s a wonderful escape that everyone needs to take part in. The way she writes for Obidala is literally no damn words I am utterly obsessed with Obidala all because of how she writes for them the detail, the feeeeelings ugh the feelings, fuck me up the slooooow burns and the fast pace in other fics is fckn AMAZING. 
Abby has helped me through so many things serious and not so serious I am truly honored to be her friend. She gets me a lot of the time. and when we don’t get each other  we respectfully put them in the disagree box and dont talk about them. ok i started crying happy tears here cause there is nothing i can say to express my gratitude for abby. I really really love Abby and she deserves everything good that comes her way. *big big hugs* Abs <3 
Please go check her out the URL is at the top! 
Album: In The Heights by Lin Manuel Miranda 
tags for people who i think will be interested in this: 
@kaminobiwan​ @morganas-pendragons​ @thehighground​ @acciokenobi​ @dokoni-mo​ @kenobee​ @wille-zarr​ @cinna-wanroll​ @littlevodika​ @highlycommendable​ @skywalkerssolo​ @anakinswhore​ @xmidnightwritingsx​ @mytardisisparked​ @jediknightobiwan​
Note: this is a taglist for people who interacted with my announcement you can ignore or kindly ask to be removed from the taglist :) If anyone wants to be added let me know! 
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