#Gaia is my oc
nerdycanible1 · 1 year
Hellos my little lovies!! Jskdjsdksjdksj
Here is some more art of Lin Beifong that I have promised. I do apologize it took me so long but I’ve been. . . Lazy XD
Anyways here is the art of Lin Beifong and my oc Gaia who is a sandbender. I have a few stories coming up with her in them so I hope you guys will be patient!
So here is the beginning of Gaia and Lin’s relationship, though it was not as bright and cheery as it may seem. Below the cut I’ll have a few headcanons so I hope you’ll enjoy them!! And I’m sorry they’re in grey coloring, I sort of got lazy XD.
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Alright without further ado, here are the hc’s you were waiting for and minor stories.
Gaia and Lin first met when Gaia was still new to the White Lotus. She was a prodigal sandbender but earthbender? Nope- 💀 You see, Gaia couldn’t bend earth as well as she would have liked. Just barely lifting a rock without straining and being in pain.
Gaia arrived to Republic City for the first time in her life in her early to late 20’s. First time she saw Lin she was fully stunned and was in a gay panic. Never in her life had she saw a woman that was beyond beauty.
First time looked at Gaia she was unimpressed, she didn’t know why they recruited someone so… weak. She couldn’t bend metal much less earth what was the whole deal with that.
Gaia was often times posted where Tenzin was located at. The White Lotus members thinking it would be a good thing for both Tenzin and Gaia to be assigned together. Lin at first was ready to bite Gaia’s head off for trying to flirt with Tenzin until she saw Gaia flirting with one of the older female guards (and terribly fail at it as Gaia was just a baby gay).
Lin also ignored the way Gaia stared at her at times. The way she’d turn her head and watch as Gaia looked startled and her face heat up in embarrassment as she tried to turn and hide her face, pretending she wasn’t just caught staring at Lin. “Do I have something on my face cadet?” And Gaia just turning more red all while the other guards just laugh at Gaia. “N-No ma’am.”
Gaia always acted like a goofball, always found climbing on top of the roof or pranking Tenizin in someway or another. She definitely got along well with Kya and Bumi.
Lin hated to admit it but, she found Gaia cute at times. Loving her care free attitude or the way she’d be a stuttering mess around Lin and tried to invite her out for drinking. Lin always gave her a hard time and never went but it made her heart happy to see how Gaia never took it to heart and always said there would be a next time.
It was one of those times Lin was on one of her fights with Tenzin when she ran into Gaia, Gaia is a pretty sturdy tall build and of course it caused Lin to land on her ass. Lin was still in the rage and snapped at Gaia for being in the way. Choice words were made and Lin commented on her lack of earthbending. Lin leaving before she could see the hurt in Gaia’s eyes.
After that encounter Gaia was seen actually doing her work, no messing about was made and she even made it to her posts on time and her trainings. Lin came by a few days later and it felt like the whole islands vibes were off. She found out why when she saw Gaia standing at her post, not talking or smiling and actually seeming serious for once.
Lin tried to apologize and Gaia just nodded her head and told her it was fine. Lin knew it wasn’t fine but waved Gaia off and left. The next few weeks was awkward and they didn’t make up at all until she found Gaia down at the beach trying to bend a giant boulder.
Lin has never seen Gaia so mad before, has never seen Gaia look so pissed off and hopeless. “Are you okay?”
Gaia just jumped before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. “Everything’s fine.” Gaia said curtly. Gaia sat down on the and running her fingers through the sand to try and calm herself. “Come here to tease me about not being able to earthbend? Might as well, I can’t even lift a pebble.” Gaia muttered.
Lin felt horrible but she wouldn’t ever admit it. “Well I was wondering who was screaming like a lunatic and being an officer it’s kind of my job to see why.” Lin said with a shrug of her shoulders.
Gaia just hugging her legs while glaring at the sand. “It’s not like I’m not practicing. I’ve been practicing for however long I can remember.”
“Why can’t you… bend. . . earth? I-I mean, I’m not being rude or anything but my sister was able to bend when she was 3.”
Gaia just giving her an annoyed look before she sighed and brought her braid to the side. A long, jagged-ish scar was seen on the back of her neck, straight across and even Lin could tell it was painful. “I was sort of in a bad home when I was younger, you had to steal and do all sorts of stuff in order to survive. I went into a house that was supposed to be a easy score and I was struck from behind.” Gaia just breathing out as rain began to pour down. “And growing up in the deserts, you only ever needed sand bending. I was the best, was supposed to be the best and boom-“
“I almost died, my father was mad and gave me to the old ladies of the village, and left. It took months to recover and all I know I was never the same after that incident. Every time I tried to bend any rock or boulder it would hurt, making it feel like someone was pulling on my nerves and it just hurts.” It was then Lin realized Gaia always rubbed the back of her neck or held her hand there after sparring or practicing her stances.
Lin and Gaia stayed quiet and listened to the rain pour down on them, not even bothered by the chilly rain or breeze. “Have you talked to… Aang? I’m sure he can help-“
“That’s why I’m here. I was going to become a guard for a prison but Kazaa promised me that he’ll help me learn earthbending. Avatar Aang is supposed to help but he’s been busy.” Gaia muttered hiding her face in her arms.
“That’s… shit. I’m sorry for what I said the other day. I was just pissed off at airhead and I took it out on you. Though I was pissed off at you because you looked so happy to see me and you..l confuse me.” Lin muttered laying her head on her arm looking at the boulder of a woman. Lin could feel her cheeks heat up but refused to decipher what it meant.
Gaia could feel the tops of her ears burn red and bit back a smirk. “Sorry, not everyone gets to see the badass Lin Beifong and survive. I like strong women that can basically kill me, arrest me if that’s illegal.”
Lin snorted and shoved the others shoulder gently. “Shut up, flattery gets you nowhere cadet. Now does this mean we’re okay or what?” Lin hoping it was because she missed the polarbear dog expressions and happiness.
“Nope.” Gaia deadpanned. Lin rose her brows ready to apologize more and ask why when the other interrupted her. “Take me out on a friend date and I’ll forgive you.” Gaia wasn’t going to budge or miss this opportunity.
“A date? You know I’m with Tenzi-“
“No not like that. Spirits no matter how badly I want no. I just meant a friend date. Take me to a bar you like, show me around the city. Anything fun, I’m stuck on this island 24/7 unless Tenzin randomly wants to go into the city for something and it’s always work. Let’s do something fun. I want my time here fun and exciting!”
Lin could feel her heart thump, hearing the excitement, the adventurous side of the other struck something inside of her and she couldn’t help but smile at the other. “Fine. But just this one time.”
It was definitely not the one time. They went on many friend dates and Lin realized she loved hanging out with the idiot. She wasn’t as bad as she first thought.
Throughout the next few months Lin and Gaia got closer and Lin even began to train Gaia, teaching her the basics and even made her meditate and learn patience along with discipline.
A year or two later:
Lin and Tenzin broke up and Lin stopped coming to the island. Gaia was missing her friend but she was stuck watching the asshole that broke Lin’s heart. Not to mention she’s heard about how Lin and her family were at odds and Lin was all alone.
One day Gaia decided to take a couple of weeks off and went to see Lin. Lin was a terrible mess. Was drunk, her apartment unkempt which was definitely not how Lin usually was.
Gaia decided to take care of the woman and cleaned up her apartment and nursed her through her drunken state. Of course Lin yelled at her and screamed at her to get out but like a huge idiot, Gaia didn’t listen and went about keeping Lin get better.
While Lin was in a bad mood and said choice words to Gaia, Gaia never took it personally and told Lin they were friends and promised she’d never leave her. It was the first time Lin has ever felt loved for who she was and she ended up crying in Gaia’s arms and slept in her arms. It was the most comforted and loved Lin has ever felt in her life.
It was a month or two and Lin decided she would give Gaia a shot, she wouldn’t exactly date her but more of a test drive, to see if she’d ever be able to date again.
Gaia seemed hesitant and told Lin she didn’t have to do this and that she didn’t want Lin to hurt or force herself. Lin told Gaia it was fine and they kissed. Lin didn’t feel anything really, maybe a little bit of happiness to have this intimate moment with someone again. For Gaia, she finally felt seen and thought Lin finally reciprocated her feelings.
For the next couple of months they were only kissing a couple of times and sleeping together (platonically you animals =w=) and Gaia felt happy. Lin on the other hand loved the comfort and felt, wanted. She felt like this was a safe place for her, that is until she found out she was pregnant- 💀
Lin was so upset, angry that she finally just got over the jerk that dumped her and she was pregnant. And with Gaia there it made everything more difficult.
Lin did the thing she thought was the best for the both of them and officially unofficially broke them up. Telling Gaia she couldn't handle relationships right now and told Gaia she wasn't the one she could settle for and that she may never get with anyone again.
It was safe to say Gaia was pretty broken seeing as this was her first every "relationship" and Lin straight up broke her heart. Gaia watched as Lin left her and Gaia could only sit there and watch. She didn't hold anything against Lin, she was just sad. It seemed like anyone she had ever loved always seemed to leave her.
Gaia gave up on dating, Lin disappeared from the public and from work and Gaia was now a skilled earthbender. No where as good as Lin or Toph but better than most.
By a couple of months, Toph and Katara brought a woman to the island and put it on the downlow, letting Gaia know that it was a secret and no one should know, not even Tenzin.
It was hours later that Gaia heard a cry of pain from a woman she definitely knew but couldn't put a finger on it.
At the breakfast table Gaia could hear the excited whispers between Katara and Toph and asked them who that woman was. Both the women seeing Gaia as a niece or a trusting family friend, they knew the girl was innocent and wouldn't do anything to hurt the family.
With excited whispers they told Gaia that Lin was pregnant and that she just had a baby. "The Beifong genes still run strong! We Beifong women only have girls!" Toph said like excitedly.
It took everything out of Gaia to not react and gave each of the women. She knew how hard it was on the women, each rooting on Tenzin and Lin to have a child and here the child was.
The next couple of days was torture on Gaia, the two women not knowing the relationship between Lin and Gaia so they didn't expect it. At least Katara did, Toph felt something from Gaia but didn't know if it were jealousy or what.
Throughout the months of the baby growing, Gaia gave the baby a little stuffed animal for her first birthday. Lin and Gaia got passed their little short lived romance but they never brought it up again.
Lin and Gaia had their little kisses here and there, Lin slightly hoping Gaia would pursue her again, hoping Gaia would ask her out officially even though she knew that would be wishful thinking.
Gaia enjoying their little get aways and little romances but knew she wouldn't be able to handle it if Lin kicked her away once more. She probably wouldn't be able to survive this time. Lin was her everything and loved her as if she were her soulmate only to have Lin crush her.
Gaia kept Lin at an arms length but loved her daughter with all of her heart. She absolutely adored baby Daiyu.
When they located the avatar in the south, (Daiyu being roughly 3 or 4 years old idk yet) Gaia knew that it would be the best for both her and Lin to take a break and find other things to do. Gaia promising Lin that she would always love her but knew Lin wasn't ready for romance, at least not now with a new baby.
Lin was hurt but understood where Gaia was coming from. Lin was hurt but she knew she probably deserved worse. Gaia gave her a kiss on her forehead their last day together and told Lin that she was worth the heart break and that Lin was perfect and that she never had to change who she was.
Before they parted, Gaia gave Lin a promise ring and wished both her and Daiyu well. Gaia was going to travel to the south and see just how crazy this new Avatar was.
If you want anymore stories between these two just comment below. I am always willing to write more, and if you want more fanart of these two do not worry because I plan to make more!!
I hope you guys like the babies name. I struggled to find one but finally settled on her. And thank you for reading!! I will definitely start posting more and actually get back to writing. I have many stories to update! :D
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And here are the sketches. I hope y’all like this and as always, see you all later.
All art belongs to me, so if reposted please credit. UwU
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minxinq · 7 months
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[ OC ] gaia
a demon adept in mimicry who escaped from hell and slaughtered a magical girl. she wears her skin and uses dark magic to preserve the image of her host in order to trick unsuspecting victims.
age: 70000
mimic form: 5’1
true form: 12’0 (including horns)
species: mimic demon
sexuality: aroace lesbian
in her mimic form, she uses a variety of weapons to dispose of innocents she doesn’t deem “worthy” to inhabit. her favourite is the chainsaw due to its messy tendencies. being stuck in hell for hundreds of centuries and only now escaping to the surface, she is fascinated with man-made weaponry, and finds it satisfying to kill humans with their own creations.
in her true form, she has sharp misshapen teeth, sunken eyes, long thin hair, sharp horns and claws. she is not made to be comprehended by humans, so to mortals, her body is a thin, constantly altering and pulsing mass of black vines. this is used to disorient victims.
gaia’s mimicry can be identified by the blurry/muddied, almost glassy eyes of her hosts. she has yet to find a way to disguise eyes properly. this detail is almost unnoticeable to mortals, however to other demons and hunters from hell like lynne, its very easy to spot.
as gaia is a runaway sinner, she is actively being hunted by lynne. however, despite lynne’s orders, she seems to have formed a strange bond with gaia. whether it is genuine or simply a form of deceit to lure in and dispose of the mimic is unknown.
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tulipsie-art · 2 months
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pokemon trainer smanfa
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creeperchild · 15 days
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She is not letting anyone getting close to her offspring...
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mori3322 · 22 days
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English language version↓
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dennydreadful · 4 months
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my half of an art trade for pikicharms on gaia
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trashasaurusrex · 11 months
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she visits the First every now and then to bake sweets for everybody <3
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mikufanclub · 1 year
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old touhou ocs, a kokeshi doll and jiangshi
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alterchaos · 4 months
The secret is out, but can her voice reach him through the persisting darkness? A promise is made…
(cn: this scene is one of my favorites in all of Alter Chaos and was one I poured every bit of my passion for this series into, I hope you enjoy)
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OFF PANEL: He sneezes like a kitten...
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goblinbugthing · 2 months
her name is gaia
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got the energy to draw her
bonus: her full gl2 concept design + live lamb reaction
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pathcrier · 1 year
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Sera just holds a special place in my heart🌼🍪
[Click for better quality]
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shegxox · 2 years
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greetings. | chamber
in which a simple greeting leaves the other in a flustered mess
cw: not proofread ;w;
wc: 1, 133
a.n: uh, enjoy? please do tell if you liked it ^^
++ gaia visual? anyone?
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EVERYONE within the protocol has a certain body type, most of which– particularly in men– have this large build of muscle full of strength. Heck, even a robot is built like a freaking brick, and since most of the members use firearms, it would only be natural for the body to build some arm muscles.
But there was this one particular agent that you have had your eye on ever since you discovered something about them.
"What the–" your eyebrows scrunched at the sudden feeling as your hands caressed Chamber's waist in disbelief.
You shot the man a look, "Why is your waist like this?"
Chamber looks down at you with that teasing smirk on his lips, "Like what, mon chou?"
Almost every day at three in the afternoon, Chamber graciously cleared out his schedule until five for your French lessons. And after two weeks in, Chamber started to have this new form of greeting you. Often you would arrive at his lab at least five minutes early than the agreed time and whenever the man catches you getting intrigued by his blueprints, he would sneakily make his way to you before snaking his arm around your waist and whispering close to your ear.
The first time it happened you accidentally slapped him hard to the point where you knocked off his glasses, but Chamber wouldn't let one head shattering slap get in the way of his new greeting.
Now, you wanted to do the same treatment he was giving you for once. It's not that you were uncomfortable with his greeting, it was just. . . it just. . . makes you. . .flustered?
Plus you're one jumpy person who flinches at any sudden noises, he knows this fact so he must be doing this to mess with you, right? This is just your little way of getting back at him– though there's an eighty percent chance that he would like it– but hey, at least not a hundred percent, right?
As you arrived at his lab, the door was slightly ajar and you took the opportunity to quietly peek inside. You immediately saw Chamber with his back facing you, his vest was rarely off and hanging from the chair with his sleeves rolled up just above his elbow. His hands were slightly spread out on the table as he reviews his blueprints.
Cackling silently to yourself, a mischievous smile tugged the corners of your mouth. Slowly slipping into the room, you carefully made your way to the man before quickly wrapping your left arm around his waist and tiptoed to reach his ears.
"Bonjou–" Unfortunately, your idea didn't go as planned.
You easily got distracted by the deep curve your hand just felt and that's just how all of this started.
"Li-Like. . . Y'know. . ." You stammered nervously as you tried to look away.
You could feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as Chamber shifted his body to face your own. His hands placed themselves on either side of your waist, caressing your sides with his thumbs.
"What the– why is your waist like this?"
Chamber smirks, "Like what, mon chou?"
"Like what? Come on, tell me." He husked as he leans in closer, clearly enjoying your flustered state. "Don't be shy."
The strong scent of his cologne hit your nose and shut your eyes as you covered your face with your hands.
"Like–Like a slut. . ." You managed to utter in a low tone. "You have that slutty waist, Chamber."
The man's eyebrows raised in amusement, his smirk almost seemingly not leaving its place.
"Oh really now?" He hummed. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
You slowly brought your hands down, holding them against your chest as you looked at him through your eyelashes.
"It's a good thing." You whispered. "A very good thing."
That slutty itty bitty waist of a man is gonna make you go insane. Literally the snatched waist that you've always wanted. Not too slim to the point of skinny, still toned and leaned with some muscle, but not too buff or big. And that cyrve he has? God. Totally to die for.
Chamber let out a soft chuckle, "What a vulgar way to describe something good, non?"
You gave him an apologetic look as little pink roses started to sprout around your head.
"Sorry, it's the first I thought of."
The man gave you a bewitching smile.
"No problem, ma chérie." His hands then travelled from your waist to the sides of your neck. His eyes turned soft as he gazed down at you with endearment. "I'll take it as a compliment."
You look perfect under him like this. The way you look up at him sent his heart pounding like crazy, and the scent of roses on your head only added to the atmosphere that he wanted. He's definitely testing the waters a little too deeply at this point given your current position.
Now, how will you react next?
You sighed in relief, "Ah, that's good to hear."
Good thing he didn't take that as offensive, or else you wouldn't know how to face the man next time.
"So, is this your new way of greeting me?" Chamber questions, his left thumb lightly brushing your jawline. He's relieved and a little surprised that you haven't said anything about his touches.
Were you ignoring it? Playing ignorant? Or were you just used to it?
"My plan to get back at you with that was ruined and I was surprised instead." You chuckled to yourself as you placed your hands again on Chamber's waist.
Chamber swallowed thickly at your comment, the light of the room reflecting his glasses white as he tried to maintain his cool.
'You and your blunt comments. . . '
Your smile suddenly turned into a smirk.
"But I have a backup plan."
Chamber raised a curious eyebrow, mirroring your smirk, "Oh? And what is tha–"
Before the agent could even finish his words, you tiptoed to reach his level before pressing your lips against his cheek followed by kissing the other side as well.
Chamber felt like his heart stopped for a moment as his mind tried to process what just happened. As soon as your lips touched his cheeks, jolts of electricity ran through his veins, there was a tight feeling in his chest and a twisting sensation going around his gut as he felt warmth spread across his face. He stared at your cheery expression with parted lips. Hands suddenly feeling tingly, and knees that almost got weak.
The poor man was stunned by your actions, and there you are, beaming at him.
"I hear the french used to kiss each other as a form of greeting." You laughed gently, clearly having no idea how much your actions had affected him.
"Did I do it right?"
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creeperchild · 7 days
《 Hmm- Tell Me Fred- How Does It Feel To Know Death Will Never Come- How Does It Feel To Learn You Will Live On While Your Friends Die- Watching As The Very Moments Are Fleeting As It Feels Like Your Own Sanity Is Being Eaten Alive? That Is If Heket Ever Let's You Make Connects- And What About Your Children- They Are Only Demigods- And... For Them... It Always Ends In Tragedy- I Wonder Apon The Day The Moments Come To A End Like All Else In This Wrecked World But- The Beauty In It- Is One Hades Given- "The Time A Life Holds Is Precious For Eternal Life Has No Value But A Hell To Endless Suffering" 》
Sincerely- A Old Friend
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Somebody forgot that the gods have an endless supply of those-
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aqualblue · 4 months
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a little wip of one of my hades ocs. I don't have a name for her yet but she's sort of the representation of optimism and relaxation if that makes sense. Before I converted her to a hades oc she was basically my original story's equivilant of gaia.
She lives in a spot called the goddless grotto between life and death where her and her friends mostly keep out of the olympian's business. I just wanted to draw her meeting moros just cos
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bb-enablefreebuild · 6 months
Does anyone else think it’s possible there’s other necromancers that have golden eyes? Corona and Ianthe have purple eyes (at least Ianthe did pre soul cannibalism). If they do I don’t think the Lyctors would really Know about it or care since they believe Alecto is dead. They also haven’t returned to the Nine Houses in thousands of years. Maybe there’s a couple of guys in the Cohort that have gold eyes and Mercy FREAKS OUT then realizes “oh it’s just recessive haha”, then she gets the idea for Dios Apate Major bc of that??? Idk dog.
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spookyoffduty · 6 months
i've been going through so much brain rot and silly content lately idek how i've yet to lose all my brain cells, i'm just like my roblox avatar rn frfr
anyways since it's april fools n everything is shitpost it seemed like a good time to post these doodles (super sonic might be the only normal thing here) enjoy!!
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closeups vvvv
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happy april fools day to all!!
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