#Lincoln Navigator Black Label
savageonwheels · 9 months
2023 Lincoln Navigator Reserve
Lincoln delivers luxury in large and extra large sizes with its Navigator and Navigator L. And the price tag is equally large. But look what you get!
Luxury looms large in Lincoln’s full-size 3-row SUV … Luxury comes in all sizes, but if you’re needing a luxury SUV in large or extra large, Lincoln has the answer in a big way. Navigator is a full-size 3-row luxury SUV with, as my aunts used to say, all the trimmings. Tested was the mid-range Navigator Reserve with 4-wheel-drive and enough plush leather inside to insight a stampede at any…
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Chapter 4: Into Fire Brings Light
Chapter Word Count: 3,246
Death Threats? Yeah sure. That happens.
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You accepted a deal, Seokmin promised that it would keep you alive and you needed to trust him. He didn’t give you too many details, promising that he would tell you more after you calmed down and he discussed some things with the rest of the group. That didn’t make you feel safe at all but you did hold trust. He hasn’t wronged you before even though he was in the mafia…He had saved you from the horrible date too… 
“We have to go to the 'safe house', can’t really discuss this over the phone with them.” 
Now, calmed down and holding a cup of orange juice he graciously provided from your fridge, you deadpanned at him. “Oh yeah, because taking me into the line of fire is the best idea.” 
Seokmin only rolled his eyes at your comment. “I’ll have to blindfold you for your own protection.” 
“What, so you can live out some kinky fantasy you’ve joked about?” 
“No you idiot, because if anyone is to interrogate you, you won’t know the location.” He mimicked your deadpan expression, taking the empty glass from you and going to the sink to rinse it out. 
“You are making this sound like some movie.” 
Seokmin came back over to you and had you stand up, ushering you towards your room to change. “Honey, this is better than the movies. Change into something comfortable, some of the guys should be there.” 
You followed his suggestion, closing the door to change into your most comfortable, soft black jeans and a plain t-shirt with a sweatshirt over it. A self soothing mechanic in your head had you washing your face and putting on perfume to calm the nerves within, anything familiar to ground you moving forward. 
Stepping back into your living room, Seokmin was standing by the door, tapping away on his phone as he waited. He perked up at your footsteps and nodded his head to the door. “ Let’s get going.” 
Quickly you slid on your sneakers, grabbing your phone, keys, and wallet and shoving them in your pocket. Seokmin led you down to your apartment’s garage and to his car parked in one of the guest spots. 
You’ve ridden in his car before – an expensive Lincoln Navigator – but this time felt a little suffocating despite its size. The tinted windows, just below legal standards, made more sense now. It was the top of the line model, Black Label displayed on the screen each time he turned it on. You knew vaguely of the money that SVT made, it wasn’t a secret with any discussion you had read online, and it was terrifying to think. 
As he pulled out of the spot and began driving, he opened the middle console and handed you a strip of fabric. “Put it on tight and just keep your eyes closed, I’ll take it off of you when it’s safe.” 
Holding the fabric, you were at least happy it wasn’t scratchy. You took a moment to just hold it but soon raised it to your eyes and tied it tightly like he said. With your one sense cut off, you grabbed the cuffs of your sweatshirt and crossed your arms over yourself. 
“It should only be about twenty minutes.” His voice was soft and soothing as he started the journey down the late streets of the city. 
You stayed relatively curled up on yourself, letting the muffled sounds of the car appease some of the tension in your shoulders. Each break or stop had you wondering if you arrived, taking in a long breath to mentally prepare for anything and everything. When he actually came to a stop and parked the car, he opened the door but told you to stay as he shut the door. In a moment of silence, you let your nails dig into your palms, your eyes darting around but only darkness was seen. 
Your door was pulled open and a hand gently was placed atop your own, causing you to flinch. “Come on, I’ll lead you to the elevator and I’ll take it off.” Hearing his voice was a relief and he helped you out of the car.
With your hand in his, he closed and locked the car before leading you through what you assumed was the door. He kept you close and got you inside the elevator. You heard the beeping of a keypad and soon you were moving. After a few floors, Seokmin reached up behind your head and removed the blindfold. You winced at the bright light and frowned, taking in the gold and white walls of the lift. Looking around quickly, you refocused on Seokmin who faced the front, staring at the slightly morphed reflection in the elevator doors. 
When a ding sounded and the doors opened, you were met with a similarly color-schemed, somewhat short hallway and a large set of dark colored double doors. You stepped out behind him, noticing the camera at the end of the hall that faced the lift and instinctively hid behind your companion. 
“Seokmin, did you tell them we were coming?” 
A low rumble of a laugh left him as he strided closer and closer towards the door. “Nope.” 
“Wait you can’t just do that, can y-” 
He pushed the door open, calling out that he was home and a series of heads whipped towards the door. 
“Why are you home lat- Who is that?” The blond you recognized from the other night was staring directly at you, you couldn’t see anything below his chest, but you could see his arm move towards his side. 
Seokmin ushered you inside and closed the door, smiling like nothing was wrong and led you further in. “Oh this is my wife, I forgot to tell you guys about it. It was a whole thing that just happened and I wanted to introduce her.” 
If you weren’t so terrified you’d smack him. 
Another man on the couch recoiled and frowned, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. The one was much larger than the blond, shoulders wide and arms thick, made of pure muscle. “Wait- Wife- Huh? Does Seun- King know about this? Why are we just learning this now?” 
The man beside you only laughed, placing a hand on your lower back and winking. “That’s why we are here, stupid. Gotta tell the big boss and have him meet her.” 
You turned your head to him and glared, hitting him on the shoulder. “ Can you stop joking at a time like this?”
“Ah, relax, honey.” The tone in his voice made you really want to smack him across the face. “You can just sit here and hang out with my friends and I can go tell the big man.” 
Terror flashed in your eyes as you reluctantly let him lead you around to one of the free couches, patting your head. Five sets of sharp eyes watched in silence, some more confused than others.  
Seokmin turned to his friends , smiling wide but his tone dropped. “ If you lay a single hand on her, I can and will shoot each of you in the forehead without an ounce of regret or care for consequence.” 
And he left you alone with them. 
You kept your eyes trained on the floor but you could feel their staring. No one moved, hell you barely breathed. 
Someone shifted and you flinched, grimacing at your reaction. You really needed to get this under control. 
Confidence, bitch, you thought, Fake it until you make it.  
You rolled your shoulders back and lifted your head, dropping whatever fear your face held and settled on a typical resting bitch face. The first set of eyes you made contact with were bright yet studying every move you made, able to be seen through the medium length hair that half covered his eyes. He was leaning forward with both elbows on his knees, stare piercing but some part of you just leveled his gaze and raised an eyebrow. While dressed somewhat casually, joggers and a t-shirt, a thin jacket rested beside him and it was clear there was a weapon hidden beneath by the outline.
Tearing your gaze from his, you took note of the other four in the room, the two you saw earlier, big beefy with the sharp jaw and what seemed like playful eyes and the blond that still didn’t look too pleased to see you. The gun at his hip wasn’t helping your nerves but you didn’t let it show. To Blondie’s right was one of the men from last night, tall and skinny, he looked a little mixed. He seemed more relaxed but high enough alert to have his phone placed down on his lap and his arms crossed over his chest 
The last man you took in had you gulping. You’d never forget one of the faces who just killed those two men. His chestnut colored hair was still in that same bowl cut, face just as otter-like but eyes narrowed. You turned your gaze back to the one staring into your soul. 
Joggers – what you will call him until you learn some semblance of a name – leaned back on the couch, the sharp eyes shifting to something softer but still analytical. “So, we can finally place a face to who Honey is. He has been keeping you from us for so long.” 
You had to suppress the urge to roll your eyes and sighed, “You know him, always keeping the pretty things close. Good taste in women.” 
Big and Beefy snorted, apprehension still in his gaze but he didn’t seem so threatened, even if you weren’t a threat. 
“He said you were funny.” Joggers snickered. 
You went to say something again but a muffled yell was heard from down the hall. The confidence you showed faltered and it cracked even more when you could hear Seokmin’s voice reply back nearly just as heated. 
“Boss isn’t happy.” Blondie huffed, glaring at you. “ Tempest was stupid for bringing you here.” 
“Even more stupid not to give a warning.” You muttered, pinching the bridge of your nose. “God I hate him sometimes.” 
More yelling followed and something was slammed. Soon after the door was opened and Seokmin was clearly annoyed but smiled once he saw you.  “Alright so he is a little mad, but he wants to speak with you.” 
You gave him a look that showed you didn’t believe him but he reached for your hand and pulled you up. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He walked down the hall with you, leaning close to whisper. “ King might seem mean and kinda like an asshole but deep down he is a big softy.” 
“That doesn’t instill any comfort in me.” 
The hall was decorated with a few paintings, the white walls complemented well by the gold frames holding the beautiful art. Further down was a handful of doors, probably leading to bedrooms or bathrooms, but there weren't enough rooms for however many there was with them. Though you also didn’t really look around the place when you first walked in and sat on the couch… 
Seokmin stopped at a set of double doors and pushed it open. Looking into the room, the dark gaze of King was paralyzing you. He sat behind a dark wooden desk, elbows resting on the table and fingers laced together in front of his face that covered his mouth. 
“Close the door.” He spoke up, the same dark and deep voice you remembered from Friday night. 
You stepped inside and let Seokmin close the door behind you. You only broke King’s gaze to sit down, not once feeling his stare look away and goosebumps rose on your skin. 
“So this is-” 
“ Shut up, Tempest.” He seemingly growled out, anger in each word directed at Seokmin. When King looked at you, he dropped his hands and sat back in his chair, one elbow resting on the arm rest, still covering his mouth with his hand. “Name.” 
Gulping, you cleared your throat, “Y/N L/N.” 
“You work with him?” 
“Mind telling me why the fuck he brought you here? And don’t give me half truths like him.” 
For a moment, you looked at Seokmin but the other spoke away. “Don’t look at him, look at me.” 
Sighing through your nose, you looked back towards King . “I found information at work in regards to Friday night and I snuck in since no one was sent there by my- our supervisors.” You shot a glare to Seokmin. “I saw just about everything and Seokmin saw me there.” 
“He said you were willing to take a deal in return for your life.” You nodded. “Did he tell you anything about it?” You shook your head. 
He took a deep breath in, jaw set in anger that he tried to calm. “ Tempest , out.” 
Seokmin went to argue but you reached a hand out, nodding to him. He took a moment to stare at you, clear in his eyes that he didn’t want to leave. You nodded your head towards the door and he reluctantly got up and left the room. You knew he would be standing outside until you got out of here. 
“I can’t tell if you are stupid or smart.” 
“What if we agree I’m both?” 
King laughed quietly under his breath, just a simple shake of his shoulders. “I think I can take that. Willing to put your life on the line isn’t something we see often. Typically people are begging for their life at my feet.” 
“I have nothing left to lose, King,” You said his call name like it offended you, “I’d like to keep my life as long as possible. And if Seokmin talks about me like one of your guys outside implied, I think you also know I’m not one to back down.” 
He nodded at your words, eyeing you from head to toe. “We need someone else on the inside feeding us information on what the state plans.” That one you expected. “You are someone proficient enough in computers to help build our firewalls up. I believe you and I both know that we’ve built it up as much as we can against you . Our tech guy is impressed that you have broken some of our walls when Tem- Seokmin told him.”  
You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself, covering your mouth with a hand. “Ah- Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh at a time like this-” Shaking your head, you let out a breath. “I’ve been joking for a bit now that Seokmin lives a double life and somehow SVT knew I was slowly breaking down their firewalls. Now I know I was right.” 
King found some amusement in that himself, huffing out his laugh. “We also need someone to attend a Gala with us in a few months, someone easier to blend into the crowd and listen around for any information that can be helpful for SVT.” 
“Is it that easy? If it’s a Gala regarding the grounds of the under city, wouldn’t it be more covert and quiet?” 
“Women and men are brought in to fill the space, many of them end up going home with someone, it’s more a social gathering more than anything.” 
You tilted your head side to side in thought, processing all the information. It sounded so simple but of course he wasn’t going to show the cards in his hand until necessary. 
“Your every move will be watched from here on out. While Seokmin is your friend, he is still part of this group and will listen to me .” That same low tone returned. “You step one foot out of line, attempt to give any information, you will be dead by my hand.” 
There it was, one of the cards. 
“I understand.” 
“Good, now get out, you will be called upon when needed.” 
You stood and made your way to the door, stopping when he called your name. Looking over your shoulder, you raised a brow, once again he eyed you up and down.
“Tell Seokmin he was right about you.” 
Furrowing your brow, you gave a nod and opened the door. As suspected, Seokmin was pacing back and forth, practically throwing himself at you once the door was closed. He grabbed your head and moved you about, checking for anything. You began swatting his hands away and whined. 
“Stop touching me, I’m fine-” You started back down the hall, wanting to go home. “You owe me dinner by the way, asshole.” 
“Come on! Can’t I be a little bit worried?!” He followed after you, whining like a child. “Honey-” 
“Oh, oh, they are fighting!” Joggers snickered, watching you enter the living area from the hallway and make your way to the door. 
“Shut up, Soon- Ace!” Seokmin huffed, closing the door behind you when you pulled it open. 
“You are getting me Thai food!” You yelled over your shoulder, waiting by the elevator since there was a keypad. 
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“And then he said that if I fuck up, he will kill me.” You said, using your chopsticks to move the food around your half eaten plate.
Seokmin had picked up food for you before returning back to your apartment, both now sitting on the floor on either side of your coffee table. Since getting inside, you felt all your energy fade away and were exhausted by the entire weekend. 
“That’s expected, he is protective of his people, specifically the main group of us. We are his family and he is our brother.” He explained, take a bit of his food.
Your face twisted. “Seokmin, why do you-” You paused, unsure how to continue, feeling like the question would be intrusive. 
“What? Why did I join the mafia? ” He snorted, looking across the table to you and spoke again when you nodded. “It’s…a complicated story, not something I really talk about even with the rest of them much. It didn’t start out like how it was now, we were just a small group of guys trying to stay alive and keep food on the table. One thing led to another and we got good at some bad stuff and it never changed. You might think I’m sick for saying it but some part of me enjoys what we do. The adrenaline that rushes through me makes me feel like I can do anything. I feel… powerful and important. ” 
You could kinda understand what he meant. In such a large, unpredictable world where someone probably holds everyone over your head, it must be invigorating to feel in charge and above the weaker people. You wouldn’t lie and say that you didn’t feel something similar at one point in your life. You didn’t lie to King when you said you had nothing to lose. 
The rest of the night was filled with idle chatter. You had told Seokmin that you were still taking the week off like you planned which he said he could handle without an issue. He also told you that if anything comes up that King needed from you, he’d let you know. 
He had given you a tight hug before going to leave, slipping his shoes and jacket on at your entrance way. 
“Oh- Hey, before I left the room, King said to tell you that you were right about me. What did he mean by that?” 
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isfeed · 1 month
Lincoln’s massive digital dash fits right into the new Navigator
The 2025 Lincoln Navigator Black Label in crystal white. | Image: Lincoln Lincoln is making a big change to the largest vehicle in its lineup by adding a panoramic display across the dashboard. The 2025 Navigator SUV is the automaker’s second vehicle to get the Android-based digital dashboard developed by Ford, with its first implementation introduced in the 2024 Lincoln Nautilus. The new…
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ronexmark · 5 months
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https://www.sclincoln.com/new-San+Jose-2023-Lincoln-Navigator-Black+Label-5LMJJ2TG1PEL04742 - Experience top-tier automotive care at Stevens Creek Lincoln Service & Parts, the go-to spot for Lincoln owners in San Jose, CA. Trust our certified technicians for precision maintenance and repairs using genuine parts. Enjoy unmatched customer service and reliability.
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automotivesblog · 7 months
Unveiling the Top Reasons to Choose a Lincoln
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In the realm of luxury automobiles, one name that stands out for its timeless elegance, cutting-edge technology, and a legacy of excellence is Lincoln. Synonymous with sophistication and comfort, choosing a Lincoln goes beyond the acquisition of a car; it's an investment in a lifestyle. Let's delve into the top reasons why more and more discerning drivers are gravitating towards the allure of Lincoln.
1. Timeless Design and Elegance:
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Lincoln vehicles are a testament to the marriage of art and engineering. The design philosophy at Lincoln revolves around creating vehicles that stand the test of time. The exterior styling is characterized by clean lines, a signature grille, and attention to detail that exudes a quiet, confident luxury. Step inside, and you'll find interiors crafted with precision, featuring high-quality materials and intuitive layouts that create a sanctuary on wheels.
2. Exceptional Comfort and Craftsmanship:
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Luxury is not just about appearances; it's about the experience. Lincoln understands this deeply, and it reflects in the craftsmanship of their vehicles. Plush leather seats, ambient lighting, and thoughtful details contribute to an atmosphere of refined comfort. The attention to detail is evident in every stitch, every surface, making every drive a sensory delight.
3. Innovative Technology Integration:
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Lincoln has consistently been at the forefront of integrating cutting-edge technology into its vehicles. From advanced infotainment systems to driver-assist features, Lincoln cars are equipped with the latest innovations aimed at enhancing both convenience and safety. Features like Lincoln Co-Pilot360, a suite of driver-assist technologies, demonstrate the brand's commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its drivers and passengers.
4. Effortless Performance:
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Behind the wheel of a Lincoln, you're not just driving; you're gliding. The brand places a premium on delivering a smooth and powerful driving experience. The engineering excellence under the hood ensures that whether you're navigating city streets or cruising on the open highway, the performance is not just powerful but also refined.
5. Personalized Ownership Experience:
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Lincoln believes in providing an ownership experience that goes beyond the transaction. The Lincoln Way app exemplifies this commitment, offering a range of services from remote vehicle start to concierge services. This personalized approach extends to the Lincoln Black Label program, where owners can enjoy a host of exclusive benefits, including access to premium maintenance services and curated dining experiences.
6. Environmental Stewardship:
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In an era where sustainability is a key consideration, Lincoln is making strides towards a more eco-friendly automotive future. The brand is committed to incorporating sustainable practices in its manufacturing processes and has introduced hybrid and electric options in its lineup. Choosing a Lincoln is not just about luxury; it's about aligning with a brand that values environmental responsibility.
7. Heritage and Legacy:
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Lincoln's storied history is a testament to its commitment to excellence. With a legacy dating back to the early 20th century, Lincoln has evolved with the times while staying true to its core values. Choosing a Lincoln means becoming part of a legacy that spans generations, a legacy built on innovation, craftsmanship, and a dedication to providing a luxurious driving experience.
In conclusion, choosing a Lincoln is not merely a transaction; it's an invitation to a world of refined luxury, where comfort meets cutting-edge technology, and every drive is a celebration of craftsmanship. However, like any automobile, Lincolns are not immune to lincoln common problems. From reported issues with electronic systems to occasional concerns about suspension components, it's essential for Lincoln owners to stay informed and address any potential issues promptly. Despite these challenges, owning a Lincoln means embracing a legacy of excellence that continues to redefine what it means to drive in style. So, if you're in search of a vehicle that transcends the ordinary and offers a truly extraordinary driving experience, a Lincoln might just be the perfect choice.
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freelessofficial · 9 months
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Lincoln Black Label Car. [2022]
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Lincoln Navigator Reserve. [2020]
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Nissan Rogue Crossover SUV [2011]
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Nissan Rogue Red. [2021]
Dang look at these cars out there!
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buildpriceoption · 1 year
🚘🔥 The 2023 Lincoln Navigator has arrived with a bang! Explore its unique trim levels in our latest blog. You don't want to miss it!
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samuelbelman · 2 years
2023 Lincoln Navigator Black Label Central Park Interior Theme
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supercartube · 7 years
2018 Lincoln Navigator 
2018 Detroit Auto Show
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heaaaaather · 5 years
2021 Lincoln Navigator Redesign, Pictures, Spy Photos
2021 Lincoln Navigator Redesign, Pictures, Spy Photos
2021 Lincoln Navigator Redesign, Pictures, Spy Photos | Allowed for you to my personal website, in this particular moment I am going to teach you with regards to 2021 Lincoln Navigator. And after this, this is actually the primary picture:
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2021 Lincoln Navigator Pictures | 1024 X 576
Think about picture earlier mentioned? is actually which remarkable???. if you feel therefore, I’l t teach you a…
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wildroseofarran · 3 years
Into the Umbra || Pete, MJ, Guildias, Abel, & Rosmond || March, 2020
MJ/Guildias: Midas would be good from this night forth, with designated things to knock down to make his point. Abel in his rat terrier form, sitting menacingly on MJ's shoulder while they conversed, paying no mind to him whatsoever, like a looming promise, seemed to do the trick. Staying the night at Peter's felt surreal, and in a sense, wrong. Their relationship wasn't as clean of a slate as he would have liked, but he couldn't deny himself a glance through rose-tinted lenses at what had been.
He would have insisted on a room of his own with Abel, distancing himself enough not to feel completely guilty come the next night, when Guildias knocked on Peter's door. Together, they excused themselves for a quick trip to Gertrude Draegan, establishing his presence and, against Peter's judgement, explained his intended rescue operation. The two returned an hour later, pulling up in front of Peter's house in a black Lincoln Navigator. James Rosmond, dressed in a black felt jacket, remained behind the wheel.
Pete: Even had MJ not insisted, Pete still would've set him up in the guest room. They were starting fresh and that meant a romantic relationship between the two of them didn't currently exist. As such, the guest room was the only option.
He'd looked on in amusement as MJ gave Midas a talking to with Abel's silent but very present assistance, pleased that it seemed to have worked.
The next day when Midas wanted attention, he only knocked over what he was allowed to and was rewarded handsomely with treats and affection.
Pete was in the middle of doling out said affection when the SUV pulled up.
"Looks like a goddamn mafia lieutenant," he muttered to himself, turning away from the window so his glare wouldn't be seen.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: MJ and Guildias came to the door as one. No Callum in sight. The SUV remained warm and rumbling. Rosmond's first field operation since the Embrace. Waylon Dahlberg and Leslie Issott a few taps on his antiquated cellphone, should the expertise of a witch be required.
There he would wait, as Peter and the familiar named Abel were gathered for their expedition.
"Gertrude insisted," MJ explained. "Said it would be good for him. Probably t'keep an eye on us."
Guildias leaned against the doorway. "We represent Edenton, whether we like it or lump it. If something catastrophic were to happen, Raleigh mustn't be privy to the embarrassment."
Pete/Abel: Pete opened the door with a frown that was matched by Abel's as he appeared behind him.
"Dude, come on," said Abel, his tone heartily disapproving. "I thought we agreed you were gonna go in, observe the niceties, and get out. Why'd you go and tell her? She's not the boss of the Umbra!"
A sentiment Pete echoed. "The only catastrophe will be if we fail to get that kid, I couldn't care less about Gertrude's potential embarrassment. Like Raleigh gives one single shit about a human child, they probably didn't even notice."
MJ: "Since when did the two of ya start parroting each other? This be a sewin' circle while we were out?"
Abel: "He fed me chicken and rice casserole," said Abel. "We bonded. But still! Now some goon is gonna watch us the whole time and learn shit about us. It's like taking a cop on a heist."
Guildias: "More akin to taking a bodyguard and former assassin," said Guildias. "Trust me, Mr. Harrington, the man has no personality to speak of."
Abel: Abel peeked around Guildias at the SUV and turned to Pete. “You’re right, it does look like a mafia lieutenant car.” The windows were so dark he couldn’t even see the goon.
“All right, so. Is Mr. No Personality coming in or what?”
MJ/Guildias: MJ just snickered. "If it weren't for ya breakin' physics we'd have a Scooby-doo van. Ya know, for work."
"We have hours of drive ahead of us and little night. Rosmond encourages you to bring water," Guildias smirked at Peter.
Pete/Abel: “If we did have a Scooby-doo van, it would have to break physics, too, so we wouldn't have to drive around for hours. Does the mafia lieutenant really want to drive?”
Pete just sighed and went to the kitchen to fill up a water bottle.
MJ/Guildias: "Expect the unexpected." And a lack of trust for a familiar's magic from both Setite and Giovanni. Being backed by a Ravnos did little for confidence; less post-merge.
"Stopped by the RV for some shit. Should have everything," said MJ. "Let's go, Abe. Come meet the mafia."
Abel: "You said yourself we only have a little bit of night to do this and he wants to spend a chunk of it driving." Abel shook his head and grabbed his jacket. "This is why you don't bring a cop." He heaved a great sigh. "All right, let's go meet the mafia."
MJ/Guildias: "We got gear. Got shit if the kid needs moved. Can't just show up at a place ya ain't even seen. Can ya even move five people n'gear t'some place ya ain't even been, dude?" Asked while tugging him by the shirt. No standing and talking. Movement.
Guildias waited quietly for Peter.
Pete/Abel: "I can move four people and gear thanks to the booster spell and talismans I got from X and Ramsay. You know, like we planned. The news reported on it, pictures of the house and the kid are everywhere and the address wasn't hard to find. How do you think I grabbed your ass from that scary place with the giant glass tank? Magic, my guy."
Pete returned a few moments later wearing a jacket and carrying a small pack. "What are my chances of not having to ride with the prince's goon and just following behind in my own car?"
MJ/Guildias: "Magic - ya read my mind! Kinda different from pictures on a screen." Or in Rosmond's case, a printed map to a craftsman foursquare a few miles outside of Raleigh. The route was simple enough and already memorized.
MJ pulled from his inner jacket pocket a long enticing stick of LaffyTaffy. A peace offering handed over without word.
"Let's not over-complicate matters," said Guildias. "Has he outwardly wronged you?"
Pete/Abel: Abel opened his mouth, fully prepared to say more, but the appearance of the candy had it closing again. He accepted it with a smile. "Okay, I love you again. Let's meet Mr. Wet Blanket. Does he actually have no personality or was Guildias exaggerating?"
"Matters are already complicated," said Pete. "We're dipping into the Veil. I'd just rather not have Gertrude's ears and eyes adding to the tension. But I guess it doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done and we have shit to do."
MJ/Guildias: "Ya tell me," MJ smirked, opening one of the doors for Abel. Black interior and spacious, which was the point. Easy to label safety measures as cliche, but there they were.
"That still doesn't answer my question. Seems to be the one area you and Callum disagree."
Pete/Abel: Abel poked his head into the car and looked around. 'Woowwwww,' he thought to MJ. 'It's very la cosa nostra in here.' Out loud, he greeted the driver. "Hey, man."
"You of all people should know why I don't think fondly of the prince. Isn't that reason enough to not want him to be part of this?" He was almost certain telling Gertrude had been Guildias' idea, or maybe even his doing. "Let's just go."
Pete locked the door behind him and walked to the car, hearing his mentor's voice in his head telling him to take things in stride.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: Abel was gently shoved forward. He wasn't going to bother reminding him to mind his manners.
A youngish-looking man, blond, eyes like dying grass, observed from the rear-view mirror. Chiseled from some other era. Stoic as a garden statue.
"Mr. Harrington," he greeted. Something in those two words was not quite North Carolina. Something more melodic and silky than one might expect from that face.
"For the man he once was," said Guildias, waiting to fall into step with the Fera. The door was opened for Peter, and it was Guildias climbing into the backseat. A choice made so MJ didn't have to. Rosmond watched expectedly as MJ took his place in the front passenger seat.
"I'll be y'all's DJ for the next hour(sss). We start our adventure with some Reba."
Pete/Abel: Having spent so long in the company of an alias-loving demon, it was more than a little unsettling to be called by his actual name, especially by someone that looked so...stony. Abel wasn't entirely sure he liked it. "Yep, that's me. You don't have to call me mister. And your name...?"
"Rosmond," said Pete, settling in between Abel and Guildias. "His name is Rosmond."
MJ/Guildias: The drive would have been quiet if not for MJ's music. Their driver offered nothing by means of conversation. Neither did Guildias, content with tilting back in his seat and adjusting large gold and brown hexagonal Ray-Bans.
MJ took initiative to sing. Juggling lemons which disappeared randomly, forced back with a bit of concentration. Minutes before arrival, Abel was finally given attention by the Setite.
"Is he always like this?"
Pete/Abel: While Pete didn't normally go for country, MJ's singing provided both distraction and entertainment. The ride was giving him way too much time to think.
Abel shook his head. "Nope. Sometimes he juggles oranges."
MJ/Guildias: "An improvement, then. It's time you upgrade to grapefruit."
"Ha. Easy." But what materialized in his hands looked too yellow. One looked more like Jupiter with various rings of decay. Not quite. He stared for some time, trying to find the appropriate color of a citrus he'd forgotten.
Abel: Abel leaned forward in his seat for a better view.
"Too yellow. Go for a slightly bigger orange that's a yellowy orange color."
MJ/Rosmond: Bigger than this? Roughly the size of both fists, then, and now a rotten lemon in shade.
"Too brown," said Rosmond.
Abel: "Slightly smaller. Think softball or....yeah no, just think softball."
MJ/Guildias: Guildias pulled his phone from pocket. Many years out of date. Complete with keyboard. He leaned forward and presented a stock photo.
"Huh," MJ sighed, trying one more time with Abel's advice and Guildias' image.
The texture wasn't quite there, but an improvement.
Abel: "Ah, you got it! Well done, well done. We're gonna have you juggling citrus of all persuasions before you know it."
To Guildias he said, "I thought your people hated tech?"
Guildias: "We're not part of the ivory tower; but it comes with its own set of rules."
Abel: The hell was the ivory tower? Something to ask MJ later on.
"Gotta live the burner phone life, man."
Guildias/Rosmond: "What makes you think I'm not?"
Rosmond had nothing to add. With the same silence, he drove the SUV quietly onto a dirt road and into a snug patch of forest. The engine was killed, keys stuffed in his pocket.
"Mr. Harrington, I would appreciate your assistance." A brief look back to Guildias. Both men climbed out of the vehicle.
Abel: "That phone you have has internet access. I'm talking the circa-2004-Nokia-phone-that-only-has-Snake-on-it burner phone life."
He peered out the windows at their destination, metaphorical antenna up for anything out of the ordinary.
"I'm all ears, but really, please call me Abel."
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: The driver's side door was shutting. Guildias gestured for Abel to follow him. Meanwhile, MJ climbed into the back with Peter.
"Stake out shit," he sighed. Normally his forte in the duo, and normally Xavier's forte in the trio. For now, grapefruit had been replaced by pink and blue golf balls, rolled in a single hand.
"You won't be getting a first name from our acquaintance, my friend," Guildias whispered. "That is not a hill to die on."
"Cameras and other security systems need to first be addressed. By any means." Rosmond looked expectedly to the snake, already stepping deeper into the woods where Rosmond pointed. To the house hidden behind a near quarter mile of bracken and sagging branches.
Pete/Abel: Pete nodded, peering out the window as Abel had. "Kinda wanna roll the window down and see if I can smell anything else that might be out there. It occurred to me about fifty miles ago that we might not be the only ones with an interest in this."
Abel looked from Guildias to the man called Rosmond. Did the guy ever crack a smile? Or a joke? Or blink? "I'm annoyingly persistent," he whispered back. "But I'll take your word for it."
He was itching to turn into his animal form but that wasn't wise for two reasons: one, he felt uncomfortable doing so without MJ around. Two, he wouldn't be able to communicate with them.
"There's a few spells for that. Glamours that could hide us while we do what we need to do without being seen."
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: "What, like fae? Ain't that their thing, stealin' children n'shit?" MJ reached over Peter's lap for the door, opening it a crack. He wanted to take his rebirth behind the masquerade seriously.
Rosmond followed behind by a few feet. "Observation," he reminded. "Mr. Calloway and Graham will utilize your information."
"Still the bodyguard?" Guildias looked over his shoulder, smirk in his eyes.
"Supervision." With Gertrude's insistence. Field work with new capacity. A test of responsibility he would not take lightly.
The same craftsman foursquare from the printed page. New paint job. Manicured lawn. A plastic colorful play set in the backyard. A silver truck and red sedan in the front yard. Porch light on. Lights off save for the second floor in two rooms.
Pete/Abel: "Some of them, yeah. Could be anyone though, including some weirdo human." It was never a good idea to underestimate the weirdos.
Pete scooted close enough to the door to where he could stick his nose out and scented the air.
Well, Abel thought, these two seemed fairly uninterested in magic. Which begged the question of why Rosmond had asked for his assistance.
He looked at the house with a frown. It looked so normal. Nothing about it gave away what had happened inside.
"Poor souls," he sighed to himself.
MJ/Guildias: "You were called 'pup' last night. We'll need that right now, if you're willing to oblige," said Guildias, softly for the semblance of privacy.
Meanwhile, MJ watched Peter with fascination. "What can ya smell?"
Pete/Abel: Abel turned to Guildias, ignoring the knot in his gut. Although whether it was more to do with the impending journey into the Umbra or the thought of transforming without MJ, he couldn't say for sure. "I am--" sort of, "--but I won't be able to communicate with you. Unless you practice telepathy?"
Pete inhaled deeply. "You. Soil. Some sort of body of water nearby. Vampire."
MJ/Guildias: "We'll be right here. You see what you see and come back to us. Door cams, police surveillance. Do not put yourself in unnecessary danger. I'll be right behind you."
MJ smiled privately. "That all? Lions, tigers, bears, oh my?"
Pete/Abel: "I'm not putting myself in any danger at all," Abel said with a grin, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little silver pendant. It was small, about the size of a nickel, and inscribed with what appeared to be several runic symbols.
Abel clipped it on the necklace he was already wearing so it rested beside his 'A' pendant.
"Okay, so this is gonna hide me from view and muffle any sounds I make, but you should still be able to hear my footsteps if you listen close."
Pete chuckled. "None of them around, only us. Good sign I guess."
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: "A little more elaborate than a stray dog wandering about," said Guildias. "If the task is completed, then by all means."
Rosmond remained nearby a tree, hands to his sides, observing like the statue Abel imagined him as.
Guildias took a step forward, disappearing behind a tree and then altogether.
"The more borin' the better," MJ nodded. "Ain't supposed t'be a heist."
Pete/Abel: "People tend to approach small dogs, to either pet them or to try and help them. Sometimes I'll get a treat out of the deal but we've gotta be stealthier today." Abel took one more second to make sure the necklace was secure before chanting a small incantation.
He hadn't quite finished when he slowly started to fade from view, his voice growing fainter and fainter as if he were moving far away. A moment later he was gone completely, and only once he was hidden did he feel safe enough to transform.
'I'm in dog form,' he thought to MJ, chain and pendants jingling as he shook himself off. 'Also invisible. Just wanted to give you the head's up.'
Pete nodded as well. "Yeah. Sure feels like one though. Still can't quite believe we're gonna do what we're about to do. It's like my brain can't process it."
MJ/Guildias: Guildias remained on the outskirts, watchful of sinking grass under invisible feet that would be Abel. Watchful for a police car, something. After a bout of silence, he pulled from his coat various colored loupes, bringing each to his eye as he searched for an outward sign of entry. Some indication of where to begin.
MJ sat up straight, looking off to nowhere as though suddenly lost in thought. And then like that, it was over.
"This is sorta been my thing for a while now. Not rescuin' kids, but I mean, the weird shit it comes with."
Pete/Abel: The movement in the sinking grass would indicate a methodical survey around the house. Abel slowly circled it, alternating between sniffing around and watching and listening for any movement or sign that something was amiss. Aside from the obvious, of course.
Since he couldn't speak to Guildias, he thought his observations at MJ. 'Everything's pretty quiet. I smell new paint but I can still smell two kids. One scent is stronger than the other. There's another scent too, can't identify it just yet.' A few beats of silence. 'It's so frustratingly normal.'
"You're sounding more like Robin Hood by the second. Does your demon friend help too?" Pete looked over at MJ. "You okay?"
MJ/Guildias: Every image given to MJ was filed away. This would be vital later. One thing to look out for. That new trend.
'Check the door for one of them cams. I don't think they'll have anything else.'
After a wide circle of the entire property, Guildias returned to Rosmond's side. Reappeared as easily as a blink, and waited for the familiar.
"Yeah," MJ smiled. "N'yeah, m'good. We can start headin' over."
Pete/Abel: 'Copy that.'
Abel looped around again to check out the back door. That's where people tended to have cameras and other security measures, since it couldn't be seen from the street. Of course, humans didn't realize the real threats didn't need cover to attack.
'I see it. Small camera pointed at the back door. Simple, the kind an alarm company would offer to their customers. Fixed position, probably connects to their Wi-Fi network.'
Pete took a deep breath. "All right, let's do this, Robin Hood."
MJ: 'To zap the power lines or do my cloak shit.' To fuck the power lines would bring someone out and shorten their window further. 'Keep sendin' me a view. Check the front door, too. We're headin' that way.'
MJ looked back for Peter, a look on his face as though surprised to see him. Telepathy was disorienting.
"What's your plan?"
Pete/Abel: 'Cutting power attracts attention and utility people. I think cloaking is the way to go.'
Back again to the front of the house. A few of the windows had stickers with a company logo on them; probably the same company that had supplied the camera.
Moving as silently as he could, Abel climbed the front steps and inspected the porch. 'They have a doorbell camera too. Movement usually triggers the censor on those.'
Pete sighed as he zipped up his jacket and adjusted his bag on his shoulder. "Honestly? I don't fuckin' know, man. Abel's got this spell to turn me into a beacon or a lighthouse so this kid can find me but what if it doesn't work?"
MJ: "He's got a what now?" MJ laughed. "I'll bet ya real money that light freaks out the snake."
Which reminded him, speaking with Abel, to find a path with the least amount of trees.
'We'll focus on the backyard. I need the cam's perspective real quick and I got it.'
Pete/Abel: "I only understood about half his explanation but basically it's going to make it easier for us to find the kid in the Umbra so we're not there longer than we absolutely have to be. Time's already fucky over there."
'Good call. Tread lightly,' Abel added before rejoining the two vampires. A quick incantation to reverse the spell and he slowly blinked back into existence, once again in human form.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: "I wouldn't know." They came upon two figures. Guildias handing over the various colored loupes to Rosmond. Green glass was brought to his eye.
"Ya get the cam's perspective?" whispered to Abel, not the least bit surprised by his sudden appearance.
Rosmond looked back for Peter. He offered the glass by its brass handle. Pointed towards the furthest wall of the back of the house. A small opening like smears on the glass broken by some nonexistent void light. The glass of course was spotless.
"That is where you will breach."
Pete/Abel: ‘It’s pointed at the back door,’ Abel thought to him. ‘At most it’s getting a tiny bit of the backyard and the back porch. It’s not super sophisticated.’
Pete accepted the glass and held it to his eye.
So that was what a portal into the Veil looked like. It was nothing like he would’ve expected. Didn’t even look sinister.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: The telepathy put another smile on his face. "Ros ain't so fast t'kill us all." Two different expressions turned their attention upon the pair. One of bored neutrality, the other a smirk.
"Which of you can lure the occupants inoffensively?" asked Rosmond.
"I got that," said MJ. "Goin' in." Rosmond waited several steps before following behind. Watched as the trickster honed in on the small white device near the ceiling of the small back porch. His hands came together. Middle fingers wrapped over index fingers and touched. A halved orb, no bigger than a snow globe, attached itself to the camera.
'Actually, I ain't got that. Busy here. Can ya bark?'
Pete/Abel: "Hey!" Abel gave MJ a smack on the arm. "Be an agent of chaos after we finish our mission," he whisper yelled, though there was amusement in his eyes.
Pete studied the portal a moment longer and handed the glass back. He felt like starting at it too long would make him lose his nerve or fry his brain or something. Everything about this felt completely out of his depth.
Abel, who had made his way over to stand by Pete, suddenly seemed to lose himself in thought.
'Do you just want me to bark or should I make myself known and distract them?'
MJ: 'Nothin' human. We need sweet lost animal.'
Abel: 'Invisible innocent barking, gotcha.'
"Be back in a sec," Abel announced out loud before activating his spell again and transforming back into a dog.
He wanted to stay close enough to the house to be heard while also not drawing attention toward any of them, so he moved a few feet away in the opposite direction of everything before letting out the most pitiful little bark anyone ever did hear.
MJ/Rosmond: A sound which worked almost instantly to stir the house. Another bark and the porch light switched on. MJ knelt in place, focused on the camera as Rosmond waited around the corner. A woman with deep warm skin and tired eyes first looked out the window before opening the back door. She clicked her tongue.
Abel: Gotcha, Abel thought to himself.
He changed locations to give the illusion that he was wandering around lost and barked again, even adding a whine for good measure and shaking himself so his pendants would jingle.
He sort of felt like the pied piper but not sinister.
MJ/Rosmond: It was enough for her to descend the steps. She turned her head this way and that in search of what sounded like a little dog, to be greeted instead by a blond figure twice her size, hand clasped firmly over her mouth.
"You didn't see my face. You're exhausted. You deserve to sleep. Dream of your son."
Her expression softened, and Rosmond removed his hand. Her arms fell to her sides, and she turned, walking slowly back inside with the vampire at her heels.
MJ, caught up in what he'd just witnessed, damn near dropped his glamour.
Abel: It caught Abel by surprise as well. He very nearly barked for real and ran toward the woman and whatever the hell Rosmond was doing to her until she calmly walked back inside.
'What the fuck was that!?' he thought to MJ. 'Did you know he was going to do that?'
MJ/Guildias: 'Knew he was gonna do somethin'. Didn't know it was fuckin' that.' How the fuck did he do that? It felt familiar. Something he knew, or seen, or experienced. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on.
One by one, the upstairs bedrooms darkened.
Guildias took to the porch, patting MJ's shoulder along the way.
"It's your time to shine, Peter."
Pete/Abel: 'Well shit, that's an important detail to keep to himself. Is he always this bad at communicating?' Abel returned to where Pete was, making himself human and visible again.
"Oh no it's not," he said, reaching back into his pockets and pulling out even more pendants. Some were round, some polygonal, but all were made of perfectly clear crystal. The ones that were on short strings were placed on Pete's wrist and the one on the longer string was put around his neck. "Can't go walking in there without activating you first."
MJ/Guildias: 'He's the boss right now. Ain't gotta tell us shit.' It was still jarring, watching a mere ghoul rank before his very eyes. Someone he'd been forced to steal from Guildias' basement years ago under Victoria Harrak's orders, now working in tandem. Felt less real than what they were about to do.
"Activating him?" asked Guildias.
Pete/Abel: 'Says who? We're all bringing something to the table. He's being withholding, plain and simple.' It was just the sort of behavior he expected from someone with the demeanor of a statue.
Abel focused back on the task at hand, nodding at Guildias' question. "Yep. Sending him into the Umbra blind is a suicide mission, so I found something to help." The origin of which he would keep to himself. Wouldn't do to go revealing privileged information willy-nilly.
"These crystals are gonna turn our Petey boy into a lighthouse so he can find the little boy, or so the little boy can find him. Petey, did you bring your flashlight like I told you?"
Pete nodded.
"And a weapon?"
"I have a pocketknife?"
"That'll do. Extra sweater?"
Another nod.
Yet another nod.
"Good man."
Guildias: Guildias took Peter's wrist in three fingers, gently, to examine the crystals. Sunglasses resting on his head, hair now in a bun.
"If the Umbra will have me, I intend to go with him," he said. "Whatever you face will not be alone."
Pete: The crystals, though beautiful, looked completely innocuous. Indeed, it was hard to tell how something so unremarkable could serve as anything but an adornment.
But then that was the beauty of magic.
That caught Pete by surprise. "You want to come with me?"
Guildias: "Did you think you were walking into the unknown alone? That I or anyone here would allow that?"
Pete/Abel: Rosmond would certainly allow it, Pete thought.
"I mean, I assumed Abel might join me."
"Which I will," said Abel.
Guildias: "That will leave what remains to guard in our absence. Shall we?" Guildias opened his hand towards the still open door.
Abel: "Not so fast there. If the Umbra does let you in, you'll need this."
Abel reached into another pocket for yet another pendant, or rather three. These were again shaped like coins and each was on a silver chain. He put one on and offered the other two to Pete and Guildias respectively.
"From what I understand, it's very easy to get lost in there. These will help us find each other if we get separated. They feel warm when we're together and colder the farther away we get from each other. Magical buddy system."
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: "And you just happened to have three." Guildias smiled.
Rosmond filled the doorway, looked between the three and their shared necklaces. That answered his intended question.
"This way." To the laundry room just behind the kitchen.
"Don't y'all come back armless n'shit," called MJ in whisper, watching Peter for as long as he was able.
The small room was unassuming, plain white, and saturated in the scent of fabric softener. Two cat dishes sat atop of the dryer, already opened by Rosmond.
"It's the wall itself," he explained. "Spills outside." The green loupe was offered to Peter. "Keep it with you to find your way back."
Pete/Abel: "I have five actually!" Abel produced another two from his pocket. "One for MJ if he wanted to come and one for the kid so we don't lose him once we manage to get him."
Pete made to follow Rosmond, but not before shooting MJ a smile. "I'll do my best," he whispered back, finally following Rosmond to the laundry room.
God, it looked so normal. Unsettlingly so. Why of all places had a portal opened here?
He accepted the glass. "Thanks. Guess there's nothing left but to do it."
Guildias/Rosmond: "Manage your breathing. Keep calm. Do not separate." Words of advice Gertrude had given to pass along, and while sound, still seemed hollow coming from inexperienced lips. This would not always be the case, but Rosmond's experience would not begin tonight.
There was no sense in asking which would be the first to enter. The choice was only one to Guildias' knowledge. Quietly, he took a knee near the wall, looking up expectantly to Peter.
Pete/Abel: "Just focus on the necklace, Petey," said Abel. "Warm is good, warm is safe."
Pete nodded and tucked the buddy system pendant into his shirt. "Warm is safe. Okay."
Manage his breathing and stay calm. Pretty much what his mentor had told him over and over when he was struggling. He tried to hear Gaetan's voice now, tried to feel as centered as he had in Gaetan's presence.
Like stepping into the river, he told himself, taking a few deep breaths. This was just stepping into cool rushing water.
He entered the portal.
Guildias: A stench like primordial soup thick enough to taste. A heavy, cold, gel-like substance clung to Peter's entire being. Underneath his clothes and against his scalp. In his teeth, wet on his tongue, and seeped between fingers, toes, and thighs. The sensation threatened his nostrils and stung at his eyes.
Behind, someone grabbed his foot. Their only line into the Penumbra. That place where walking serpents were not welcome, and those covered in the dust of demonic ash were shunned.
Guildias held useless breath. Pupils slit in the limited light, finding their scenery drastically changed. They were outside. Outside somewhere else, but not. The same number of trees. The same three trees in a near perfect triangle. These trees were larger, older. Almost touched. The plastic playground, once colorful and clean, now covered in moss and mounds of dirt. Aged many years. Half swallowed by the earth.
Guildias got to his feet, reached for Peter and felt for Abel.
The ground was soft. Grass rich and healthy. The world saturated in color, though still blanketed in the same darkness of night.
"Come here," Guildias whispered to Peter, removing his scarf from around his neck.
Pete/Abel: What had he been expecting the Veil to be? Pete couldn't even begin to imagine.
But he did know that whatever slimy reek was covering him head to toe was most certainly not water and boy, did he want to fucking panic.
Would panicking help? No. Did it ever? No. So what was he to do?
Suck it up and pretend it was water. This first and hopefully only foray into the in-between was not about comfort.
Abel felt similarly. This place stunk like nothing had ever stunk before and every single cell that made up his being was absolutely screaming with protest at being here. God, he really hoped the Umbra didn't bounce them out. Could it even do that? Probably.
It was certainly unsettling being here, with everything looking the same but not. Felt like an episode of the Twilight Zone.
"Buddy system," he said, whispering as well. He grasped Guildias' searching hand and reached out for Pete's.
Meanwhile, Pete was moving closer to Guildias.
Guildias: Abel's hand was stuffed in the vampire's jacket. He then proceeded to wrap his black scarf around Peter's neck, careful around his mouth and nose to aid his breathing. Not a concern of his, and Peter was better use to them conscious.
Pete/Abel: Pete gave Guildias a grateful nod and focused on his breathing. He didn't want to speak just yet and tempt fate on the panic attack front, so he just tried to get his bearings and re-center himself.
Abel wasn't faring too much better, but he had the advantage of more magical experience.
"Wonder if I can make a barrier around us," he wondered aloud. "X does it all the time for privacy. Maybe it can work for Umbra lube."
Guildias: "I think the word we're looking for is Gauntlet." That uncomfortable veil which deterred most, but Peter was stronger than that. At least, so far.
"Slowly," he whispered. "Slow and shallow." A thick brown curl was pushed from between his eyes. "When you're ready, you lead."
Pete/Abel: "Gauntlet? Nah. That may be the technical term but this shit has the consistency of lube with none of the fun implications. So, Umbra lube. How we doing over there, Petey?"
Pete gestured with his hand to indicate 'so-so'. The scarf was helping the breathing situation, though. He was massively uncomfortable but no longer in danger of passing out from lack of oxygen.
"Hang in there, champ," said Abel. "We need to wipe his face so he can see."
Guildias: "Keep your eyes closed." The end of the scarf, the side which had been hidden during transition, was used to wipe at his eyelids and around his sockets. The substance was thin, and wiped away relatively easy.
"I assume for your kind this becomes easier."
Finally, Guildias looked back. "How are your eyes?" he asked Abel.
Pete/Abel: Pete didn't have to be told twice; he could barely open his eyes as it was.
"Thank you," he managed, sounding slightly breathless, like he was recovering from a workout.
Abel took a second to assess. "They're good, not great. Tried to duck my head as much as possible when we passed through, so only a little lube got in them."
Pete snorted. "Lube?"
"What else would you call this?"
Guildias: "Indulge the pup. Now, let's assume the child underwent the same treatment. Frightened, cold, in a broken mirror image of a familiar world. Where do you assume a child would go? I have but one theory."
Pete/Abel: Pete slowly blinked while he let his eyes adjust. They didn't sting or anything, but they very badly wanted to water.
"Uh...well. If I was a kid and I was lost, I'd try to find my house. Or at least something that looked familiar and safe."
Guildias: Guildias turned from whence they came. To a house without paint. Sagging with the weight of a tree growing on its roof. Its roots pierced through the ceiling and out through various windows. Spilled out from all sides of the roof and into the ground below. Only one window had stood the test of weight. Opened just wide enough for a little body to wriggle through.
"My assumption went through there."
Pete/Abel: Abel looked uneasily upon the tree. "There's no telling what the inside of that place looks like if this is what the outside looks like. Got your beacons out, Pete?"
Pete looked down at the crystals around his neck. Despite being covered in the same substance as the rest of him, he could swear they were glowing. "Apparently."
"Okay. Time to squeeze through the window. Hold on tight to Gil. I'll hold on tight to him too. Absolutely do not let go of each other."
Guildias: "Do you intend to each claim a foot as some golden prize?" His smile was brief but genuine. The window - kitchen window, from the looks of things - was pushed up until resistant. A tight squeeze, but manageable. They would only need to do this once. Assuming their way home was also in the sham of a laundry room here.
The vampire turned himself into a sitting position halfway through, body shifting in a manner almost unnaturally smooth. The house was blanketed in a dust thick enough to scrape away. Floating in the air in a kind of stasis. The handprint of a child on the fractured marble counter-top. Not a footprint in sight.
Pete/Abel: "In this world it might as well be," said Abel. Contact was the absolute name of the game right now; if they had that, they had a maybe decent chance of getting out of this okay.
Pete grunted as he squeezed through the window, the complete opposite of Guildias' inhuman grace. How'd he get here? How was squeezing through a window in the Veil something he was actually doing?
"Already sick of this place," he muttered in a whisper as he looked around. The handprint was a good indication that they were on the right track; the lack of footprint was not. "What, did this kid fly through here? Does anything look remotely disturbed to either of ya'll?"
Guildias: Guildias took a false breath. The air was stale, and thick with musk. The scent of rust and toiled earth blended almost seamlessly. His olfactory wasn't nearly as keen as he knew the Ravnos' to be. Might have come in handy, but he was otherwise occupied.
"That," he said. His tone suddenly quiet, as the only disturbance was that of roots. Roots which seemed to be breathing.
Pete/Abel: Abel looked uneasily to the tree. Other than the handprint and the open window, there were zero signs of life in here. Except, of course, for the tree. "Normally I'd say no way, buuuuut...."
Pete turned the tree as well. "What, you think the tree grabbed him? Wouldn't there be signs of that?"
"Not necessarily," said Abel. "Should we start hacking away at it? That seems like a bad move. It might attack us."
Guildias: "I think the best course of action would be to explore it. From bottom to top. We know he came in here, so I doubt he'd be on the roof. We can make that our last stop if we haven't found him."
Pete/Abel: Abel nodded. It seemed like a solid enough plan even though they weren't exactly spoiled for choice on how to proceed.
"Okay. So. Who's gonna be the first to touch the tree?"
"I'll do it," said Pete. "Any advice?"
"Uh...don't hurt it. Maybe--would it be weird to ask it for permission? I feel like it can definitely hear us."
Guildias: "No option is off the table. We'll see how it reacts to your nearness."
Guildias considered a moment before stepping down from his counter perch.
"I'll stand behind you. Follow Abel's idea. Hover your hand and ask."
Pete: Pete nodded and took a deep breath. "All right, here goes nothing."
He stepped closer to the tree, moving as cautiously and non-threateningly as he possibly could. If Abel was right and the tree was...sentient? somehow, then it couldn't hurt to be careful and respectful.
"Hello," he said softly, stopping just a couple steps away from the roots. "I'm looking for someone. Could you help me?"
Guildias: Guildias remained just behind, hand hovering over Peter's shoulder the same as Peter to the root. Ready to snatch at the first violent response.
The breathing root recessed from his presence. The tip of the root coiling defensively. A sound like a long hot exhale from within. A sickly-sweet stench blended with the scent of toiled earth.
Pete: So the tree was sentient. Good to have confirmation of that; gave him some idea of how to proceed.
"We're not here to hurt you," he said gently. "We won't hurt you. We just want to take this child home. He doesn't belong in this world. He belongs in our world."
Guildias: Guildias wanted to look back to Abel, but refused to remove his gaze. He would much rather have been wrong. Defense meant the capability of offense. Having any sense of emotion included anger and fear and worse.
A smaller root, hanging uselessly from the middle of the dining room ceiling began to lengthen, coiling away and tightening.
"Get away from it."
Pete/Abel: Pete didn't have to be told twice.
He took a few giant steps back from the tree, instinctively reaching for Abel and Guildias' hands.
Abel, meanwhile, had all his senses on high alert, trying to detect any hint of the little boy beneath the scent of dirt and decay.
Maybe the tree just smelled like that, or maybe they were already too late.
"Is he alive?" he asked the tree.
Guildias: Peter's elbow was gripped firmly, pushed just behind Guildias' arm. The tree his only attention.
The roots breathed again. As the one defensive coil relaxed by an inch, more roots curled. The thickest, larger than their combined mass, seemed to suck in a giant reluctant breath. Its exhale exuded more rotted stench. A low octave sound with humming vibrato. Words, but unintelligible.
Pete/Abel: A few beats of silence followed the...response? After which Pete said, "Either of you happen to speak tree?"
Abel shook his head. His face was set in serious lines, a rare display. "No. But that smell? It's either the tree itself or decomp," he said softly. It didn't necessarily mean it was the kid, but it was definitely something. That smell was unmistakable.
"Gil, any ideas on communication with sentient trees?"
Guildias: Guildias watched the root expand with every alien syllable, becoming impossibly large, beyond any tree of their world to his knowledge. It appeared wet. He suspected its surface sticky. The stench had remained consistent, but there was no conspicuous sign of a struggle, torn clothes, nor smears blood.
"Another time. Up the stairs."
Pete/Abel: Abel nodded. "All right. Come on, Petey, you heard the man."
He grabbed onto each of them and started backing out of the room, not taking his eyes off the tree until they were well clear of it. That wasn't to say one of those freakish roots couldn't stretch out and grab them but Abel felt better being away from it and the smell of death.
"Should we look in the kid's room?" Pete asked, compelled to whisper. "Might be worth a shot. There's no footprints leading this way but maybe...?"
Guildias: "Exactly why we're going upstairs." Through the kitchen, to the stairs separating the living room and kitchen. Stairs partially destroyed by roots and patched by the same. Caked dust on each step but that between the roots. Without disturbance to any of the floor, no area of the house could be overruled.
"Do you wish to sweep what remains of the first floor?" he asked Abel. "I'm more concerned with Peter's respiratory."
Pete/Abel: "Sweeping this much dust is gonna kick it up," said Abel. "I'd need to vacuum and I doubt the Umbra has power, but I'll have a looksee."
Pete shook his head. "I'm fine. Dust is the least of my worries right now. Let's just go to the kid's room. Together." This place was giving him the creeps. He spent a lot of time in the woods, surrounded by trees, but seeing all the branches holding everything together was just...unsettling.
Guildias: "Sweep - surveillance, searching, pup." He supposed his military background had caught the familiar, or this was just a familiar being idiosyncratic as usual. His tone remained patient just the same.
Pete/Abel: "Oh! You soldier types and your jargon." He gave a light smack to Guildias' arm. "In my defense, you mentioned breath--never mind. I'll give the place a once over."
"Abel, maybe you shouldn't--"
"Relax, buddy." Abel smiled. "Ain't going anywhere." He had magic; he didn't need to walk around to sweep the first floor.
He just had to listen, scent the air, put his feelers out for auras and energy signatures and other minds besides theirs. He wasn't looking to go poking around inside anyone's thoughts, he just wanted to get a feel.
For other people and for magic, and hopefully, for the little boy.
Guildias: What he sought would not be found on the first floor, but there was something. A sensation like static from the tree, damp with sentience, and if Abel were to consider above his head, where the static worsened...
Abel: Abel's brow furrowed. He turned his head to the left, waited. To the right, waited again. It wasn't coming from either direction. Then he looked up.
"We're not alone," he whispered after a moment. "I can feel something else here with us besides the tree. Up there somewhere." He pointed up the stairs. "We need to get into that room, it might be the kid. I can't quite make it out."
But first he needed to put out one more feeler so they wouldn't get a nasty surprise.
'Is anybody up there?' he thought in the direction of the second floor.
Guildias: A sleeping mind. That of a dream state. Alive, buzzing as youth often did. Peter's hand was directed to Guildias' jacket, heading up the stairs slowly, lingering on each step for a beat before attempting the next, pausing at the smallest groan of wood. The roots were no hurdle, only a humped bridge of breathing bark.
Abel: There was no response but that could be for any number of reasons. "I'm trying to talk to whoever it is," he told his companions, grabbing Pete's other hand. "They aren't saying anything back. I'll keep trying."
'We're coming up the stairs. It's okay, we aren't here to cause any harm. You're safe.' He reached out with his mind, letting the person or being's energy guide him to where they needed to go.
"This way."
Guildias: "I doubt they'd find much comfort in an invasive thought," Guildias muttered, looking back to inspect Peter's aversion of the root.
Pete/Abel: "Not barging in, Gil. Just ringing the doorbell."
Pete was trying very hard not to step on any bit that looked like it was made of tree root and being only partially successful. For all he knew the tree could feel all of them stepping on it and was waiting for the right time to strike. Maybe it was making Abel believe there was something upstairs when it was really just a trap designed to keep them all here, or worse, devour them whole.
"Are you ringing the doorbell on a person or another tree thing?"
"Jury's still out."
Guildias: "I think hearing a voice not your own in your mind is quite more than a doorbell." Had been his opinion since his most important murder.
The bedroom to the right, above the living room and kitchen, had long ago caved under the immense pressure. The bathroom visible by just a few feet. Its tile shattered and resigned from the walls. To the left, a small bedroom. The blue paint of the door crackled and chipped away. The breathing of the mother root, its stench, louder and more prominent.
Pete/Abel: "Not directly in it, just gently brushing against it. A whisper, like hearing something from far away."
Guildias probably didn't need a thorough explanation but Abel's babbling was more for his benefit than anyone else's. Anything to distract from the ruined house and smell of rotting flesh and the possibility that they were about to come upon a small little decomposing body.
"Guessing that's the one?" Pete asked, making an effort to breathe through his mouth. "Should we knock or just walk in?"
Guildias: "I'll go." Of those present, to his knowledge and current experience, Peter was most welcome in this umbral reality, but he'd risked enough.
His steps remained careful and deliberate, checking noisy floorboards as though hunting, mindful that the wrong step would dissolve their efforts.
The child's bedroom was as dust laden as the rest of the house. The roof collapsed by an enormous mother root.
Guildias reached behind for Peter. If ever there was a moment in which to keep a close grasp on the man, it was in seeing a boy, barely out of his toddling years, curled against the breathing black root, cradled between giant arm-like appendages. Eyes closed, breathing, suckling on a smaller thumb-like finger from one of the wrapped arms. This was not an appropriate moment for reflex action; perhaps his grasp of Peter was for himself.
Pete/Abel: Pete nodded. "Carefully, okay?" With the floors and everything else in the state they were in, he didn't like their odds of coming out of another altercation with those branches unscathed. Hell, he didn't like their odds of successfully walking across this floor without falling through.
He could see sky through the ceiling of the little boy's room. It had the same stench, the same lack of any sort of life apart from those damn--
"Oh..." he said softly. There he was. The little boy. Seemingly unharmed and sleeping peacefully as anything among the sentient roots.
Pete squeezed Guildias' hand just as Abel squeezed his. Much as he'd hoped this is what they would find, it was still a shock to see the kid safe. And alive.
He took a deep breath. "Thank God. We should..."
Abel nodded. "It should be you that goes and gets him."
Guildias: Abel was right, of course. Peter was the key to this going smoothly, whether he realized his capability or not. He would keep his mouth shut, being so near the entity. He hadn't realized how deep into the room he had stepped until needing Peter to take front and center.
Pete: "Guildias?" Pete barely whispered, squeezing the vampire's hand again. "How are we gonna do this?" Because he seriously doubted the tree was just going to let them take the little boy. For all that it was creepy and sentient and smelled like a rotting corpse, it seemed to be protecting him.
Guildias: "As you would... relieve an exhausted mother." The hold of the child was not hostile. There was no way to determine what was being fed to the boy, if anything. Something had rendered the child unconscious, evident by the gentle rise and fall of his stomach.
Pete: "I usually relieve an exhausted mother by taking her kids and watching them for a few hours so she can shower and sleep. But she doesn't have roots that'll kill us all for attempting to take him."
Guildias: "She's fallen asleep with her baby in her arms. I'm right behind you."
Pete/Abel: Pete took a deep breath. "Abel, any ideas?"
"Approach as non-threateningly as you can," Abel whispered. "Gil's right, the tree is protecting him. Look. It's cradling him, like a parent does. I don't think we're the only beings down here who care about that kid. Maybe that's why the tree tried to attack us downstairs. Here, let me--"
Abel took off his jacket and gave it to Pete to hold so he could take off his shirt. It was cleaner than the jacket and it would do to keep the little boy warm until they could get out of here.
Guildias: Guildias remained between them, kept his eyes on the root, studied its breathing, location of every hung and piled root, its grip on the child. He considered every possible angle, every reaction. They were in the heart of this house. Magic was unpredictable here. All of this on the suggestion of a Ravnos. He almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity.
Pete/Abel: Abel handed his shirt to Pete and put his jacket back on. "Remember, Petey, non-threatening. Come from a gentle, caring place, not a 'rescuing a tiny prince from a dragon' kind of place. The tree's kept that little kid safe down here and for that, I think it deserves our respect."
Pete nodded. Abel was right; whatever the circumstances, the tree was caring for that child. He turned to Guildias. "You have any advice?"
Guildias: Guildias forced half of his attention back to the pair, gestured with his free hand to keep their voices low. One of the reasons he was of few words.
"No. Fall back if something happens."
Pete: Another nod. "Okay," he whispered, taking a silent deep breath. Despite his apprehension, it didn't take much effort to approach the tree from a caring, gentle place. All he could see when he looked at that little boy was Graham. He couldn't begin to imagine how he'd feel if it were his nephew down here, lost and scared and away from everyone who loved him.
He had to bring this kid back to his parents.
Pete approached as slowly as he could, intending to crouch down when he was close enough and bundle up the kid.
Guildias: Still and silent he watched, ready to snatch for whatever bit of clothing he could fist. The surface objective was this child, but for the sake of others it was the well-being of the man in front of him. A promise not only to Callum, but the avoidance of Ravnos ire.
The tree exhaled a familiar musky odor. Contempt in its shiver for Peter's nearness. The child was lifted to a standing height, roughly shy of Peter's shoulders, and bundled with thin wispy black roots. The frequency of its rattling hiss turned Guildias' head in mild discomfort. Reminded him of a rattle snake. It was almost language, but the intent was clear.
Pete: Pete didn't let himself get agitated or make any sudden movements; he imagined he was in the serenity garden in the woods and forced himself to stay calm.
"I know you care about him," he said softly. "I know you've kept him safe and warm while he's been down here with you. If his mother knew that, she'd be grateful for it. She'd be grateful you kept her baby safe. She and his father miss him, they love him. He belongs up there with them, on the other side. I'm not here to hurt you, or him. I just want to take him back to his family."
Guildias: Peter's phrasing left him wondering. Was this, in fact, down or parallel to their reality? The association of down with Hell gave him pause. This was extrinsic, but nothing he could associate with the nightmares of Hell itself. Those of this reality must find their own as alien.
The sentient tree exhaled vibrations akin to words. Watching thin dark roots slowly covering the child's face and neck, a curious realization began to dawn on him.
Peter was slowly released; Abel pulled to replace him. He began to circle the enormous girth.
Pete/Abel: Both Pete and Abel looked to Guildias with identical looks of confusion.
"Gil, what are you doing?" Abel whispered, trying to move his lips as little as possible. It didn't seem like a good idea to draw attention to themselves when Pete was trying to reason with the tree. "We're at a delicate point in the process."
Guildias: "Hush." He placed his hand on the wall as a guide. The air between them thick enough to lose sight of all but their outline. He looked behind the tree, then turned towards the door, intent on inspecting the next set of sagging sleeping roots.
Pete: All right, okay, Guildias was doing this. Whatever the hell this was. Abel very much wanted to ask him what he was doing again but decided against it. He could always think it at him, but they probably wouldn’t be well received.
He’d just go with what was happening and keep one eye on Pete and the other on Guildias and keep his supernatural senses on the tree and the kid.
Guildias: There was a connection between what was happening to the child and the unpleasant lingering odor. He would not yet voice suspicions without evidence. He'd keep his hand to the wall, ribbed along a curtain of inky roots shivering from his dead touch. They recoiled, dissatisfied with what little they could learn from him. He watched, touched again, and then breathed life into his body. The shivers and low frequency hisses calmed with his growing warmth.
Guildias continued down the hallway, brushed his fingers along where a window should be, long since broken, dust covered, mostly replaced by the same living root.
The bathroom near the stairs. The same stench. He peered inside and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, irises becoming pale.
He almost missed it. A thin gray hoof peeking from a massive swallowing root. All that remained of an ungulate mammal.
Keeping his movements calm, Guildias turned, replaced his right hand to the wall and began the short journey back.
Pete/Abel: While Guildias did his thing, Pete debated his own next move. He'd said his piece to the tree and the tree hadn't seemed particularly receptive. It didn't seem particularly receptive to Guildias either, so saying more would only risk pissing it off and making it attack one of them or worse, hurt that little boy.
So...all he could do was wait.
He was doing a much better job of that than Abel, who was starting to feel antsy. Should he mentally ask Guildias what was happening? Probably not. He hadn't seemed thrilled with the idea of mental communication earlier.
Guildias: For a moment, Guildias wondered if the rooms had changed. The hallway felt longer than his initial roam. By at least twenty feet. The floor was layered by a thick blanket of roots. They breathed, reaching like long skeletal fingers for his boots, gripping with anemic strength to his clothes.
He reached down to brush away a particularly curious root. A gambler's knife, wrapped tightly in black tape, was pulled from his boot.
"Get away from it," he called, keeping his voice above a whisper.
Abel: Abel didn't need telling twice. He barely needed telling once, already on edge and itching to do something when he heard Guildias' voice. A voice that was absolutely not whispering like it had been before which meant something bad had happened.
He grabbed Pete's arm and yanked him a few giant steps back. "What?! What is it!?"
Guildias: "Follow my voice." He reached out into the mist, his knife-hand to the wall to continue guiding him back to the little bedroom.
Pete/Abel: "Follow--okay." Abel wouldn't question or hesitate, he just grabbed Pete's arm and held it tight. "Okay, okay. Come on, Petey."
Any hesitation was on Pete's part. It didn't feel right leaving the little boy behind, even if it was only for a short while. At least he hoped so. He also hoped to God that Guildias had an actual plan because what they had tried thus far just wasn't going to cut it. The Umbra might have accepted them, the tree might be standing down, but no way in hell was it going to let them leave with the kid just like that. They weren't that lucky.
Still, he'd do as he was asked; holding onto Abel with one hand and reaching out for Guildias with the other. "Keep talking so we can find you."
Guildias: What he grabbed was warmer than root, and fleshy. He assumed Abel for no reason. He pulled. Keeping close to the wall, he pulled his foot, breaking several clingy bits of brittle bark.
"Have you two remained in each other's sights?"
Pete/Abel: It was Pete’s hand, and it squeezed Guildias’ and held tight.
“Yes,” said Pete.
Abel nodded whether Guildias could see him for not. “The whole time, scout’s honor. What have you been doing? Are you okay?”
“What was that noise?” Pete looked around at the walls, the ceiling, the floor.
Guildias: He would answer all questions with a single-minded explanation. "I've regarded it as Mother of this house. If so, it's the kind of mother that eats her children. Loves them to death. What was it doing to the child last you saw?"
Pete/Abel: “Fucking fantastic,” Abel muttered under his breath.
Pete felt his heart leap into his throat. “It was covering him in more roots. Little ones, like it was trying to hide him. I thought it was trying t—we have to go back in there. We have to go, right now!”
Guildias: "I'm thinking we will be its next children if we don't act soon."
Pete: “Great, what do we do? Got a hatchet so we can cut the kid free?”
Guildias: "Can you conjure a hatchet?" Another root was pulled from his shoe. He lowered to give similar treatment to the pair.
Pete/Abel: “Magic works differently here but I can try,” said Abel. “Pete, you got anything hatchet-like?”
“I’ve got a pocketknife.”
Abel turned to Guildias. “Do you need the hatchet for the roots or for something else?” He needed to know how strong the blade needed to be. Altering was easier than conjuring; there was a slightly better chance of being able to magically alter Pete’s knife than conjuring up something else entirely.
Guildias: "It's for you... and what you're going to do to me." Guildias sat up again. "Don't remain stagnant." He began to remove his jacket, handed to Peter to wear or hold.
"If you're going to make attempt, do so now."
Pete/Abel: “Don’t remain—?” Right, the creepy fucking roots trying to mother them to death. Couldn’t stay still and let them.
“What exactly are we going to do?” Pete asked, accepting the jacket while Abel rooted around in his bag for the knife.
Guildias: "You're going to be quick taking the child. It should be occupied by mine and Abel's efforts. When he takes the child, Abel," he paused to make sure he was heard, "you need to be the leader back to the exit. Understood?"
Abel: Abel gave Guildias his full attention right up until he nodded that he understood. He didn't know what the vampire planned to do but he had to trust him; there was no room for hesitation or uncertainty on this side of the Veil.
"Pete, give me your wrist. I put three beacon crystals on you, there are three of us, and I'm not leaving anything to chance." He took the crystal from one of Pete's wrist and put it on Guildias'. The crystal on the chain was taken for himself. "Remember we have our other pendants that are warm when we're together. Tuck those into your shirts so you can feel them." He held up the knife. "Gil, I need you to tell me exactly what this is going to cut so I can make it strong enough."
Guildias: Guildias felt for Abel's gifts and nodded. He told himself this was an irrational leap, but the alternative was failure and it would haunt Peter for too long. If they tried to snatch the child, it could be as mothered as the unfortunate in the bathroom. Their efforts already brought the child closer to his death.
This was arduous no matter the plan. Efficiency was key.
Guildias began rolling the sleeve of his left arm. Two thin scars peeked from his shoulder.
"You're going to remove all of this. It'll be easier as you go along."
Pete/Abel: Pete's eyes widened. "Your arm? You want Abel to cut off your whole arm?!"
Abel blew out a long breath and tried to concentrate on the magic and not on the fact that he was pretty sure Pete was right and Guildias meant for him to lop off his arm. What he planned to do with the arm, Abel had no earthly or godly idea but dammit, this knife was going to do the job. No hesitation, no uncertainty.
He'd just hurl later.
Guildias: "Compose yourself. It'll grow back. We don't have time to be repulsed."
Pete: There was so much wrong with that statement Pete didn't know where to even begin. But Guildias was right, they were up against the clock at the moment.
"Fine, fine. What exactly are we going to do with you down an arm?"
Guildias: "You won't do anything. Your focus is the child, and ignoring everything else. Look away if you need to."
Pete: "Dude, we've gotta stop doing things that scar me for life when we hang out."
Guildias: "I'll always disturb you. We're on opposite sides of the page."
His gaze returned to Abel. "Are you ready?"
Pete/Abel: "You're a lot less disturbing when you've got all your parts attached."
Abel was deep in concentration and thus didn't answer. A hatchet sure as hell would've made the task easier and if he wanted to avoid carving that arm off like a butcher with a turkey, he knew he had to do his best to get this knife as close to one as possible.
He closed his eyes and held the blade in both hands, silently moving his lips as he recited a spell. The blade would lengthen, grow stronger, and fall heavier. Not a hatchet, but as close as he trusted himself to get. He was just grateful it seemed to work in this unpredictable environment.
"At the shoulder or the elbow?" he asked at long last.
Guildias: Guildias had intended shoulder, but he looked one last time to reconsider.
"Shoulder," he affirmed. He needed something he knew would be a worthy distraction. A little smaller than the child, but formidable.
"Ignore what I do next." He had to concentrate on his own spell. One he had to pull from memories from another body. A spell deliverable in every language, more potent in its original form, but tonight, spoken in the tongue of a former devoted student.
He reached for Peter, ignored his hand and squeezed his jacket. When the edge of the blade dug into dead flesh, he began to whisper in hissed, stuttered Hindi.
Pete/Abel: "Copy that," Abel sighed, steeling his nerve. He had to put some distance between himself and what he was about to do or he'd never be able to do it. "Petey, close your eyes and cover your ears, okay?"
This was venison. He was carving into venison, not the flesh of a friend. He'd done it a hundred times with his grandma and with his old mistress. He was just preparing dinner and definitely not separating this man's arm from his body with a magically enhanced blade.
Thankfully, the lack of blood helped that particular delusion.
Pete was way ahead of him. He was being flooded by deja vu, thinking back to the Draegan house and the last time he'd had to shield himself against something awful. The last time Guildias had tried to shield him from something awful.
Guildias: The Setite refused to scream. Forced his prayer to continue, stumbling from Hindi to Coptic and back with a slam of his fist to the living wall. The roots shivered and lashed defensively, retreated by an inch to avoid another bashing.
The drooped frozen fingers began to move, twisting backward and forward in sharp unnatural convulses.
"raakshason kee maata. raakshason kee maata."
His head bowed, loose strands hiding his face as he dry-heaved. Words hissed and spat as dead flesh mangled itself and reshaped, thickening as it gurgled like a monstrous coo of a child.
"Get the child." Blindly, he offered his knife to Peter. "Move."
Pete/Abel: "You're okay, Gil. You're okay, promise."
God, the noises. It was like when he'd gone hunting with Callum's family only a million times worse knowing it was Callum's husband and not an animal.
Pete only dared open his eyes when he was certain the cutting noises had stopped but he still didn't look. There were other noises happening and he really didn't want to know what was making them. He just kept his head turned and his feet moving and told himself there was nothing out of the ordinary.
He was off like a shot when Guildias gave him the word, just barely managing to take the knife from him in his haste to get back into the room and back to the kid. Pete had no fucking idea what was happening but what he did know was that he was going to cut that child free of those creepy fucking branches and take him back to family come hell or high water.
You can't have him. I won't let you. I'm taking him back.
Guildias: Peter was not alone. Guildias stumbled behind, keeping Abel within sight, but it was not the vampire trailing at the Gurahl's heels. The screech of what followed rang through the desolate house and down the Setite's throat. His intent woven into its resolute action. A hideous taupe creature a quarter Peter's height slithered on its thick lepidote tail and two bony hand-like appendages. Fangs curved and so large it could not close its mouth. Its tiny claws dug and splintered the hardwood floor to propel itself. Torso violently undulating with every snatch of the floor. Its breathing came rapid, chittering with sanguineous excitement.
It waited impatiently for Peter to attempt for the child before throwing itself upon the sagging mother root with a scream so shrill Guildias would swear hurt his eyes. It tore at the smaller surrounding roots. Sunk its fangs into fleshy bark and clawed like a rabid animal. The tree reacted quickly. Exhaling a stench so foul the air became thick and acrid. Desperate roots from above and below whipped at the creature, tried to grab its unruly tail. Its new insolent child was enough to occupy its conscious.
Pete/Abel: Ungodly. That was the only way Pete could describe the noises and the screeching and the sensations creeping over his skin as surely as if whatever was behind him were crawling all over him. It didn't matter what horrible magic Guildias had done to help him and he sure as hell wasn't about to look and find out.
Not when it gave that blood-curdling shriek that threatened to scramble his brain or tore at the roots and made the tree release a stench that could be nothing but the smell of rotting, burning Hell itself. Pete just kept his eyes on that little boy, wrapping him in Abel's shirt and tucking him close to protect him from the stench and the screaming and the few remaining roots that clung desperately to any part of him that they could before Abel stepped in to slice them away.
"We're going now! NOW!"
Guildias: Guildias swallowed down the false effort of breathing. He wanted no part of that stench. The guardianship of his monster was relinquished to the tree. Whatever it intended to do was or no consequence, so long as they reached the way out.
Don't stop. Not for the clingy roots or the noises upstairs. Keep moving.
Abel: That's exactly what Abel planned to do. He wanted out of this upside down, creepy ass Alice in Wonderland nightmarish hellscape and the smell of decomposing flesh and god only knew what else.
Down the crumbly stairs and over all the holes and rotting wood and dust to the gate. If a tiny part of him wondered if that fucking tree had the power to close the entrance it was quickly and viciously tramped down. He had even less time to dwell on that than he'd had to dwell on Guildias' missing arm.
Guildias: When this was finished, Guildias intended to have a laugh at Abel's choice of words. Seemed quite appropriate for a familiar. Just a little too obnoxious.
He held to the back of Peter's clothing, glanced back to observe the shriveling roots, reflecting the upstairs turmoil.
Abel: This couldn't be over soon enough. It almost seemed like the house had grown somehow while they'd been upstairs, no doubt having intended to trap them all here until it could absorb them into its maw. Made perfect sense now why this place smelled like decomp.
It wasn't like decomp, it was decomp, from what were probably untold masses of beings from their realm and countless others who'd had the misfortune of getting trapped here with that tree since time immemorial.
But not them.
They had arrived at the exit. Abel climbed through as quickly as he could, shouting for whoever was near to help him pull out Pete and Guildias and the little boy.
MJ/Rosmond: MJ looked back towards the sound, hesitant to move due to the camera. Rosmond was Abel's first responder, grabbing hold of what he could see and pulling with calculated strength. Now was not the time to begin questioning the strange sticky substance covering their bodies from head-to-toe.
Pete/Abel: Having known what to expect the second time around, Pete did his best to shield his face and the kid’s from the Umbra lube, as Abel had proclaimed it. If he couldn’t shield himself completely, then at least he could for the kid, who was safely bundled in Abel’s shirt and half tucked into Pete’s jacket.
The first thing Pete did as soon as they were free—after wiping his face as best he could—was check to make sure the kid was breathing and okay.
Guildias/Rosmond: Guildias' eyes remained closed as he emerged. His missing limb went unnoticed as Rosmond inspected the child, only taking pause when he caught the Setite holding an empty space at his shoulder.
He would ask later.
"We were not here. Leave the child in the grass. Don't touch anything on the way out."
Pete: Pete was only half paying attention to Rosmond.
He needed to see that tiny little chest moving up and down with each breath, needed to feel the reassuring thump of a pulse in that tiny little wrist.
“You’re okay, buddy,” he whispered, using the shirt to clean off any goop that had managed to cover the boy. He wasn’t sure if this was why Abel had asked him to bring an extra sweater, but this was as good a reason as any to finally take it out of his bag.
Spring was right around the corner but it was still chilly at night and in the mornings. Too chilly for a little boy to just be out here in his pajamas. He’d survived the Umbra and a sentient tree; Pete wasn’t about to let the elements get him.
Guildias/Rosmond: Guildias turned to check the wall for residue. Rosmond was right of course; there could be no suspicion. They'd covered most of their tracks; the last mile was the most arduous.
Rosmond studied the child and Peter's worried brow, assessed their quiet acquaintance and turned back.
"A message to Charon and an anonymous phone call will be made. None of us are doctors. You must trust the plan."
A gentler, less chilly approach was required. This much Guildias understood, placing his hand on Peter's shoulder.
"Calloway or I can stay and watch from the woods, but the child is not under Rosmond's influence."
Pete: “I’m not leaving him,” Pete said softly, bundling the little boy into the sweater as gently as if he were a newborn. “I’m not going anywhere until this child is back in his mother’s arms. I’ll watch from the woods.”
Guildias: "They will search these woods. I'm at no strength to conceal you."
Abel: "I am," Abel finally piped up. "I can hide us with magic, we don't even have to rely on the cover of the trees."
MJ/Rosmond: "That FBI SUV's gotta go," said MJ.
"I can trust you to keep them safe, Mr. Harrington?" Rosmond stared forwardly.
Abel: "You can bet your life on it, Rosmond. I have all kinds of tricks up my sleeve." And demonic backup just a thought away as well as in his pockets.
MJ/Guildias/Rosmond: Rosmond studied those eyes, finding nothing of fault, he nodded. Turned his expression on Guildias.
"You're coming with me. Mr. Calloway-"
"I got em. I'll text ya."
Another nod. The two began to retrace their steps back to the SUV. Only a glance back from the Setite.
Abel: Abel gave Guildias a smile and a wave. “See you soon, Gil. Sorry about the whole...” He gestured at where the vampire’s arm was supposed to be. “I’ll make it up to you after I get very drunk and repress that memory.”
MJ: "Told y'all not t'come back armless. What the fuck happ - after. After. We gotta put him down somewhere noticeable."
Pete/Abel: "You had to go and put it out there," Abel muttered, digging in his pockets. After would have to wait for both the boy to be found, Abel to get drunk, and several days to pass. He needed time to process what the hell kind of night he was having.
Pete was already carrying the little boy to the front porch. He couldn't bring himself to leave him on the lawn; made more sense that he'd fall asleep on the porch after wandering out of the woods. That's the story he assumed Rosmond and Prince were going to go with, and as far as mysteries went, it was the simplest.
MJ/Rosmond: The point, Rosmond believed, was not to implement the family and have the child taken away on suspicions. Whatever the intention, in truth he did not care. The call would be made by Charon saying a child had been spotted. From there it was out of their hands. This mission had been about the people within, not the child in Peter's arms. His assessment found him impressed with Guildias' willingness of both life and limb. Everyone in some capacity played their role well.
MJ gently tugged on Peter's sleeve, encouraging him from the slumbering little boy. The sweater had to go. Fuck if he could tell if any hair had transferred from Peter. A last minute thought.
"You're probably leavin' trace." He looked to Abel. "Is there anything ya can do?"
Pete/Abel: Pete didn't move. He couldn't. He was frozen to the spot, imagining all the ways this could've gone so much worse than it did, seemingly unable to keep from picturing Mary and Graham in the clutches of that tree.
Abel nodded at MJ. "I'll cut the labels from the sweater so it can't be ID'ed. Feel like slipping in and seeing if they have tape or a lint roller? I'll keep Petey company."
MJ: "Easier t'just take the damn thing. I dunno how long them people are gonna stay asleep."
Abel: Abel subtly nodded toward Pete and gave MJ a look that said that wasn’t going to happen.
“Be fast. Most people keep lint rollers in the laundry room.”
MJ: "I can't magic away a hair of yours in his own. They'll comb it, Peter. Don't hover over him."
Abel: “Wait, I can—ugh, this night.” For a moment he’d forgotten he could teleport. “I’ll go, you stay.”
And he was gone.
MJ: "Well no shit!" The fuck happened, he thought. All three of them with flies and haze in their head. Faraway looks in their eyes. Lack of critical thinking.
"Y'all were only in there five minutes. What was it?"
Pete: Pete finally looked up, brow furrowed slightly, as though deep in thought.
“It was five minutes for you?”
MJ: "Yeah... So how long was it?"
Pete: “I don’t know. Longer.”
MJ: "Kay. Where was it?"
Pete: “Here, but different. Wrong.”
MJ: "God y'all are rubbin' off on me. Where was he?"
Pete/Abel: “In his room with the tree.”
Abel reappeared in almost the exact same spot he’d disappeared from with lint roller in hand.
“Back! Okay okay okay.” He began gently—and quickly—going over the sweater, paying close attention to the areas most likely to have any stray Pete hairs. Chances were that any hairs would come up very bear-like when examined but even so, it paid to be on the safe side.
MJ: "In a room with the tree. Okay. We gotta move him to the front of the house. I'll finish with the cam here. Wait for me 'round the corner. Don't go t'the front yet."
Abel: Abel nodded. “Yeah, yeah, okay. Just let me...” He carefully cut the label off the neck of the sweater. “Okay, done. Come on, Petey, let’s go wait for MJ.”
MJ: The backyard was untouched. No one had been there. The final bit of illusion belonged to the front yard, moving carefully to the next camera for the same treatment. The child was given a once over. Something of his likeness needed to walk from the eastern woods to the porch and lay in the most natural position Peter could place him. Had to be natural, he reminded. Not swaddled.
Pete/Abel: Pulling the sweater over the little boy's head--after Abel had smeared some dirt on it to make it seem like it had been found in the woods--was as natural as Pete could make it. On his side, with the too-long sleeves providing some cushion for his head.
"How's that?"
MJ: It would have to do. "Kay. Let's go." With little consideration, he took hold of Peter's hand and tugged. Free hand still directed towards the last camera, praying to no one that he'd maintained concentration enough.
Pete/Abel: Pete was still reluctant to go but he knew it would do no good to linger. What that kid needed more than anything else in the world was to be back with his family and if all went well, he would be before long.
"Come on, Petey," said Abel. "He'll be okay. Let's head for those bushes there so I can hide us until he's found."
MJ: MJ was last to follow, walking backwards carefully until reaching the woods. Certain that Abel could shield him when the moment was right. Finally dropping his hand, he took an unneeded breath and made the text to Rosmond.
Abel: Of course Abel could shield them; he was Xavier Atlas' familiar. Half his time was spent breaking into some house or private collection or another with his master. Pulling one over on human cops? Just another day.
When they were all settled, he took a talisman from his pocket and began murmuring a chant. He'd done it without the talisman before but it was a good safety net just in case. If anyone were to look in their direction once he was finished, all they would see would be shadows.
"And now we wait."
MJ: Not his first time observing Abel's magic. He made it look so effortless. So real. Far better than his version of concealment, having to memorize surroundings in order to mimic. Superior magic. For now.
Still waiting. And would wait for some time. After Rosmond had made certain to place distance between his vehicle and the house.
"Ya good, Peter?"
Pete: Pete shrugged, only half paying attention to what Abel was doing or how much time had passed. His eyes and his brain were glued to the porch.
“Been worse.”
MJ: "The call's been made. Just a little longer."
Abel: Abel wrapped an arm around Pete’s shoulder and squeezed. “Hear that? Won’t be long now. Then we can get a huge bottle of tequila and process our PTSD.”
MJ: "Y'all make it sound like y'all came outta Hell."
Abel: “We didn’t not not go to Hell, at least that’s what it felt like. I cut off a man’s arm. It’s been a stressful night.”
MJ: "You cut Guildias up?"
Abel: Abel gave a single nod. "He asked me to."
MJ: "Fuckin' why?"
Abel: "To save the kid from a horrifying sentient tree."
MJ: "Just threw his fuckin' arm at it?"
Abel: He shook his head. “Not exactly. It—he did...something and his arm wasn’t...an arm anymore. It was something else and that—something distracted the tree so we could grab the kid and get the hell out of that creepy Alice in Wonderland hellscape.”
MJ: "Huh." Maybe that was why Rosmond spoke the way he did, and why he'd been suggested for the mission. Another reason, he thought.
Abel: “Then there was the Umbra lube and the dust that didn’t behave like dust should behave and the smell of the decomposing flesh of the other unfortunate beings who’d found themselves in the clutches of the tree and been mothered to death by it.”
MJ: "Sounds like a Tool video." He tried to laugh. Came more as a cough.
Abel: “God I wish. That would’ve been easier to deal with. And less scarring.”
MJ: "Since when'd ya ever watch -" Hands clasped down on Peter and Abel's shoulders. Tires. Old, terrible oil. Had to be the oldest damn squad car he'd ever seen. He braced himself between the two men, half-standing and ready to react.
Abel: "In that dive bar in Colorado with that dude with the skunk stripes in his hair."
Abel turned toward the sound of the car and sighed. Finally. "Don't worry, they won't be able to hear us. We'll sound like wind to them."
MJ: "Baby boy's been found. So we should..." MJ considered a moment, dropped his hand from Peter's shoulder. "Mafia gave ya lookin' glass. The loupe. Check it."
Pete/Abel: Pete seemed to stir from a trance that broke the moment MJ moved his hand. His attention was still focused on the boy and the house, and he wasn't ready to move until he saw the parents come out and hug their child.
"Looking glass? Oh, right." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the loupe.
"Want to check the portal?" Abel asked.
MJ: "Yeah. Or this'll just start again."
Pete: Pete held up the loupe and turned in the direction from which they'd come, holding there for a moment before scanning the rest of the house.
"I don't see anything. Does that mean it closed?"
MJ: "Guess so. Rosmond would know more. S'why I went t'them. We make our money differently."
Pete: Some of the tension drained from Pete's shoulders. He still wasn't thrilled about how much information the prince had, but knowing that damn portal had closed made him feel a lot better about this whole situation.
"You made the right call. On Rosmond and on going in to save the kid. Thank you."
MJ: "Ya hate him, right? Rosmond. Gertrude. Ya hate em on my behalf or some shit." He watched the cop as he continued to bang on the front door. Lights upstairs switching on. Sirens in the distance.
Pete: Pete shook his head. “I don’t hate them. I dislike what they represent and I resent it, but I don’t hate them. Hating takes energy I’d rather spend on something else.”
Some more tension eased as the house started waking up. Soon, very soon.
MJ: "I know a little thing 'bout artful wordin'." His eyes fell to the bracken. "Part of the job. I don't hate any of em, either."
Abel was given a pat. "Let's start backin' out."
Pete/Abel: “I know it sounds like bull,” Pete sighed. “But it’s the truth. I have no beef with the mafia lieutenant or with the don.”
Abel shook his head. “Not yet. We haven’t gotten our emotional resolution yet.”
MJ: "Then read a book! Probably gonna put em on an ambulance, first."
Abel: "They better," said Abel. "No telling what he went through before we got there." He caught MJ's eye and gave him a look. 'Petey needs this,' he thought to him. 'All this struck close to home.'
MJ: 'Why though?' He didn't mean to seem callous, but their priorities were going in separate directions. His job had been the outside of the house, their mission finished in five minutes from his perspective. His urgency was in leaving, and the safety of the crouching men.
Abel: 'He's got a nephew and a little baby niece. Their photos are all over his house, they've got their own room for when they stay over. I saw his face in there. He was looking at the little boy but he was seeing his family.'
MJ: 'Too long.' A thought for himself, projected accidentally. Peter's reaction solidified his reason for being so adamant about renewing their relationship. A few years and circumstances had changed them into different men. The fumbling angry boys at a carnival were ghosts.
MJ took a step back, slowly retreating in their initial direction.
Abel: 'What's too long? Hey, don't move! This spell's got a range and it's not that big!'
MJ: MJ took to crouching a ways away, where Abel began his mental shout. Still watchful, ready to protect, but from here he felt more perceptive.
Pete: Pete was completely unaware of the silent conversation happening around him. He was too busy watching the house and the lights from the police cars, listening for the approach of an ambulance.
Despite the presence of help, he still didn't feel completely at ease. That wouldn't happen until that little boy's mother finally came out of the house. Pete watched the confusion and delight and relief play over her face as she was briefed by the officers and finally, finally got to hold her baby again. He heard her grateful prayers and thanks through her sobs and finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"We can go now," he said.
MJ: Peter was ready, at last. His willingness to engage loosened a knot in MJ's shoulder. He wanted to reach for him again. Take his hand and pull him under his arm and back them way they came. They would do all of that, but not hand-in-hand. He wanted to, but the gesture in the moment felt empty.
"Come on, then."
Abel: "And that has made this all worth it," Abel said cheerfully, getting to his feet and helping Pete do the same. "Okay, everyone grab a hand. We going back to Pete's?"
MJ: "Sure." What he really wanted was a large rock in the middle of a lake to lay on. Smoke a cigarette and listen to stories of the world he'd been denied. He wanted to watch Guildias grow his arm back. Listen to Peter's voice and fall asleep with Abel's head in his lap.
Pete/Abel: “Actually...” Pete looked between them. “Can we go to the river? I want a swim.”
Abel nodded. “Sure. You and MJ can swim and I’ll get us some supplies and we can get really drunk.”
MJ: "Y'all get really drunk." He shouldn't have been surprised by Peter's request, but its lost familiarity took him from his guard. "Let's do it. Behind Callum's place is safe."
Abel: “We’ll get drunk for us and for Gil and for you.” Abel took their hands and gave them each a squeeze.
“Brace yourselves.”
He gave them a moment and in an instant, the burgeoning crime scene was replaced by Callum’s dock and the tranquility of the river.
MJ: Not a moment after his feet landed upon soft grass did he begin to strip of his heavy jacket and boots. Hopping on one foot to remove socks and waddle towards the dock while arguing with his old belt. A trail of evidence left behind without once looking back towards the house.
Pete/Abel: Pete followed soon after, but not without taking a moment for the world (and his stomach) to settle. Impossible to get used to that feeling.
“You okay, Petey?”
Pete nodded. “Yep, I’m good. I’m gonna...” He gestured toward the river.
“Yes, swim. I’ll be back.”
And Abel disappeared again.
MJ: MJ remained crouched at the very edge of the dock. Arms against his knees as he watched the water. Waited for Peter to join him, looking over his shoulder to smile.
Pete: Finally being able to take off clothes covered in Umbra slime was the best Pete had felt all night. There was no way in hell a wash was going to save these. They needed burning.
He sighed in relief as he went to join MJ. “What?” he chuckled.
MJ: "Ya ever seen that film, uh, Poltergeist?"
Pete: “Yep, and I’ve hated clowns ever since.”
MJ: "That's you right now, with the shit all over ya."
Pete: “Goddamn Umbra lube. Felt like I was being waterboarded when we first went in. Ready to get it off.”
Without ceremony, he leapt into the water.
MJ: MJ watched a moment, as though waiting for something to happen. Some unforeseen reaction. Only when Peter emerged did he drop with dead weight into the water.
Pete: Pete’s entire body seemed to sigh in relief. The river felt just as good as any shower, maybe even better. Cold be damned.
“Fucking—it’s in my chest hair!”
MJ: "It sure is." He reached for his chest and flinched back - tried to play his retreat back by combing his own hair.
Pete: “Ugh...” He scrubbed at his skin, trying to get it off and trying not to notice that MJ had wanted to touch him.
“My skin and the water around me aren’t reacting, right?”
MJ: "Can't tell, honestly. Ain't got that sweet ass night vision like ya."
Pete: He scrubbed some more. “Well, no itching, burning, or glowing so far. I’ll take that as a good sign.”
MJ: "Guildias'll probably keep some, or Rosmond'll make him keep some. For science n'shit."
Pete: Pete squeezed some slime out of his facial hair and examined it closely. "I wonder what actual science would come up with if this stuff was tested. I'm guessing the kind of science they would do is actually magic."
MJ: "The kinda shit Giovanni do is like Frankenstein's madhouse. Science n'magic sorta become the same shit."
Pete: "I've been to Frankenstein's madhouse, it sucks."
MJ: "Talkin' 'bout Umbra?"
Pete: He nodded. "Yeah. Worse place I've ever been and I was in a microscopic part of it."
MJ: "I can't say from experience it's better or worse. It reflects. That's all I got."
Pete: "Sure does, like a funhouse mirror from hell." Some more scrubbing at his skin and hair and back below the surface he went.
MJ: "Ya know-" He'd wait for his return. "If ya feel that gross just go take a shower. His place is right there."
Pete: Pete shook the water from his head. “I’ll get around to it. I wanted a swim first. You know my thing with the river, always helps clear my head.”
MJ: "Yeah. Got a love-hate relationship with em."
Pete: “You currently on the love side or the hate side?”
MJ: "Got love for it right now."
Pete: “Glad to hear it.” Pete shifted to float on his back and heaved a long, content sigh.
“....So this whole time Guildias has been able grow limbs back like a lizard?”
MJ: Peter was watched for a moment before joining, staring at the sky. "We call can."
Pete: “Wait, seriously?! Is it magic or?”
MJ: "I mean, it's the blood. Takes a bunch, but he'll be his old cobra-self in no time."
Pete: “It’s crazy isn’t it? All blood does for the living is get oxygen everywhere so tissue and organs stay alive. Give some to a vampire and limbs grow back.”
MJ: "The moon's a rock in outer space n'ya become a fuckin' bear."
Pete/Abel: He snorted. "Touche. Never thought life would be so goddamn weird."
The rustle of plastic bags and clinking of bottles signaled Abel's return. "I'm back! I've got tequila and snacks and a snack for MJ!"
MJ: MJ looked towards the sound and smiled again.
"Your wrist? Fuckin' delicious."
Abel: "Nope, not mine, although good to know I have the appeal to you that a cheeseburger does to me. How would you feel about a taste of our own lovely Isabel, who was all moony-eyed over you going into the netherworld on a rescue mission? Don't worry, I didn't tell her you didn't actually go in."
MJ: "Mm, moon-y blood. Probably tastes better. I mean way better. It's Isabel."
A wink to Peter. Harmless teasing, he swears.
"Hey, I kept y'all from gettin' caught. The mafia and I are essential workers!"
Pete/Abel: Pete gave a good-natured chuckle. “I’m gonna go ahead and guess that Isabel is cute?”
Abel nodded. “Oh yeah, super cute with an adorable accent. She’s from Mexico.” He grinned over at MJ as he started unpacking the bags. “Damn right, Aquaman. You earned this moony blood and Petey earned his tequila. Come and get it.”
MJ: MJ climbed back onto the docks, allowing his feet to dangle.
"Ya know the whole 'if ya don't use it ya lose it'? She keeps me honest with my Spanish." He didn't have his mother and sister to speak to anymore. Not like that. The quick texts he could manage in good conscience with Kenna were in English. No phone call in years now.
"So what ya do with all the uh... goo?" he pointed over Abel's body.
Pete/Abel: After allowing himself one more dunk, Pete followed suit. It wasn't a shower and it was cold as fuck but the water felt great.
"We all need someone like that," he said as he hoisted himself up. "My mentor and his family still help me with my French." He accepted the bottle of tequila from Abel with a grateful nod.
Abel looked down at his chest. Most of the slime was gone but some still remained. "Isabel sprayed me off with the hose in the garden after Xavier took a sample."
MJ: "Of course he did." MJ smiled privately to Peter. "Sprayed ya down with a fuckin' hose. I love our life."
MJ glanced back to the house one last time, expecting a light; expecting to see Rosmond's SUV round the corner. Too soon. Abel had taken advantage of fewer numbers and now they'd have some explaining to do to Callum should he spot them first.
He kept those thoughts to himself and enjoyed a bit of Isabel.
Pete/Abel: Pete chuckled to himself. 'Took a sample' sounded like Rosmond and Gertrude weren't going to be the only ones doing some magic-science.
"Hey, it did the job. Petey, I got us some goldfish and hot fries and nachos. And stuff to turn the tequila into margaritas!"
A laugh this time. "You brought margarita supplies?"
"Hells yeah! Want one?"
"Hit me."
MJ: "Fuck, how much did ya fuckin' buy?" It all smelled... interesting. Food but not food. Familiar but unwholesome. A scent of memories and nothing more.
Abel: "A good bit. We've earned it." The only thing he hadn't bought was ice but that was no problem for someone with magic; as long as he had the essentials, they were golden. "Some lime juice, some salt, some tequila, and a dash of magic combined in the finest cocktail shaker the liquor store could offer. We shake it up." He shook it. "And we've got some much-earned catharsis. Hand me a solo cup."
MJ: MJ handed the cup over, watching the river as he supped. He could smell everything described and then some. Still smell the moisture of Umbra over Abel's skin and hair; could smell Xavier's cologne. Something about it was peaceful.
"Xavier ask 101 questions?"
Abel: Abel poured Pete’s margarita and handed it over. “Only a few,” he said, pouring his own. “Told him we would answer the rest tomorrow after I got really drunk. He’s probably coming up with more now that he has the lube.”
MJ: "We didn't not tell him what we were doin'," he felt the need to remind.
Abel: “We gave him a general idea. He’s a detail kinda guy, an exhaustive detail kinda guy. We basically went to Disneyland and didn’t take him, he’s curious.”
MJ: "Wonder where the fuck that comes from." A quick look back to his clothes before remembering he was fresh out of cigarettes. He missed pot. Alcohol was also acceptable, but he had no intention to bite either of them if offered. Teasing was one thing.
"He'd probably want a piece of your hair, too."
Pete/Abel: “This is the same man who breaks into places for fun. He likes to get into locked places and learn their secrets.”
Pete downed half his margarita and hummed thoughtfully. “So he’s a cat.”
MJ: "Ya know, if he were any animal... I imagine, like... a German shepherd, or Doberman. Somethin' overly groomed n'got that stance at dog shows."
Pete/Abel: “A show dog with the curiosity of a cat.”
“I’d say Doberman for sure,” Abel said, nodding sagely. “They always look intimidating.”
MJ: "He doesn't scare me." Maybe he should have. The night of merge, it was not MJ's body curled in a corner, shivering and mumbling, awaiting for capture. It was a handful of salt and a determination to flee no matter the cost. A chapter in his life more surreal than memory could recount.
Abel: “Well of course he doesn’t. He loves you. Scary people don’t look scary to their families and friends.”
MJ: "Isn't that what God's supposed t'be?"
Abel: “Which one?” Abel asked around a handful of goldfish.
MJ: "Respect is fear or some shit."
Pete: Pete shook his head. “They’re not. Fearing someone and respecting them are two different things but there are always people who think they’re one and the same.”
MJ: "Depends on the person. Not the one lookin', but the one they're lookin' at." He thoughtfully stared at the half-empty blood bag.
Abel: Abel shook his head. “This is too deep a conversation after the night we’ve had. We need more booze.”
MJ: "Right. So how 'bout them Knicks?"
Pete/Abel: “Which sport do they play?”
Pete chuckled. “Basketball.”
“Ah, the tall sport!”
MJ: "Yeah. The that," he laughed.
Pete/Abel: “Either of you ever play?”
“Nope.” Pete shook his head. “I play soccer.”
MJ: "Baseball."
Abel: “Look at you two, so athletic.” Abel mixed another round of margaritas, refilled their cups. “That must be why Xavier gets you that primo Olympian blood.”
MJ: "Never gonna be an athlete." It was a nice gesture, though. "Just get t'keep the body of it."
Abel: “And you don’t have to be sweaty and sore! That’s gotta be a nice bonus. Speaking of, are you still hungry? I’ve got more Isabel.”
MJ: "She a fuckin' mummy now? How much did ya take?"
Abel: “Nah, she’s fine. Did you see that the bag is smaller than normal? She gave a couple small ones, not two normal size ones.”
MJ: "All this for the kid?"
Abel: “All the nice girls like an Indiana Jones type.”
MJ: "Just wait 'til she hears 'bout Peter."
Pete/Abel: “I’m an Indiana Jones type now?”
Abel clapped him on the back. “Of course you are! Sure you can’t ever tell anyone and have them buy you drinks because of it but it still counts.”
MJ: "I'll buy ya a drink," he grinned.
Pete: Pete grinned right back. “Imma hold you to that. Getting covered in Umbra slime’s gotta be worth something.”
MJ: "Your real prize is a job well done," he laughed.
Pete/Abel: "You're absolutely right. Slime's a small price to pay for getting that kid back safely. With any luck he's not horribly scarred for life."
Abel shook his head. "Don't worry, Petey. Chances are if he does remember and does tell someone, they won't believe him. They'll chalk it up to a nightmare or to trauma, like humans always do, and if he hears it enough he'll start to believe it."
MJ: "That's how it goes," sighed MJ. "For their own good." For the most part, he believed that. More than he had initially. He didn't care to dwell on the why.
Pete: "In this case, I'd say that's the best case scenario," Pete sighed. "What we managed to see was horrible. Imagine what he saw before we got there."
MJ: "Well I can't. Y'all won't tell me."
Pete: "Did you miss the part where Abel told you about the sentient tree and having to cut off Guildias' arm?"
MJ: "I want the juicy details, goddammit."
Abel: "They're such gross details," said Abel, making a face. "I used to hunt with my dad, I can prep an elk or a bird but a person? That was fucked up."
MJ: "It's Guildias though. Bet he didn't even whimper."
Abel: "I don't fucking know how he managed to stay quiet. I know he wanted to scream. Man's got an iron will."
MJ: "Could the tree, ya know, hear y'all?"
Pete: Pete nodded. "Yeah. It could talk too, in some weird tree language that barely sounded like a language."
MJ: "Did y'all fight a fuckin' Ent?"
Abel: Abel shook his head. “It didn’t move around or have a face. It was rooted to one spot like a normal tree and the creepy roots extended everywhere.”
MJ: "Mmkay. Scratch one off of Ent." Another sip of sweet-metallic vitae, staring out across the river.
"I think we've earned a four-day weekend."
Pete/Abel: Pete polished off his second margarita. “I also wouldn’t call it much of a fight. Guildias distracted it and I just moved fast.”
“We have,” said Abel. “We’re starting on it right now.”
MJ: "Could it have gone without Guildias loppin' an arm off?"
Pete: They both shook their heads but it was Pete who said, “I don’t see how. We didn’t have any bargaining chips.”
MJ: "That bad, huh? Shit..."
Abel: Abel shrugged. “Maybe we would’ve had a chance under different circumstances but the tree was getting ready to kill the kid. We didn’t have time to think up an alternative, and we weren’t armed for a sentient tree.”
MJ: "I'll keep that in mind for the next Umbral mission." He watched the two of them a moment, suddenly taken by gratitude to find them in one piece.
Abel: "I am not getting covered in lube again unless it's for a damn good reason," said Abel, mixing yet another round of margaritas. "We need to find a rescue mission in like...Hawaii."
MJ: "I ain't ever been," MJ said. "Ain't crossed my mind."
Abel: "We should go! Petey and I will drink rum out a coconut and you can drink blood out of a coconut and we'll all sit on the beach for days on end doing nothing."
MJ: "Y'all do days, I'll do nights. But coconuts yes. N'Peter can get lost in the mountains on the full moon."
Pete: Pete snorted. "Or we could go when it's not a full moon. All that fur in that heat? I'd spend the full moon hiding in the ocean."
MJ: MJ looked to Abel. "Know any were-peeps Peter can hang out with on the full moon?"
Abel: "In Hawaii? No. But I can hang out with Pete on the full moon."
MJ: "You're hardly a were-anything."
Abel: “Neither is Callum and he hangs out with Pete on the full moon. It’s about companionship.”
MJ: "How d'ya know so much?"
Pete: “I told him,” Pete chimed in, devouring a handful of Goldfish. “We had time to talk before ya’ll came to pick us up.”
MJ: "A shit ton." Apparently.
Abel: “We talk fast,” Abel said cheerfully. “We needed to bond. Plus ya’ll took forever.”
MJ: "I like that." He wasn't surprised; this was Abel, after all. The man befriended a snake just because he could.
"I don't think I've ever heard ya talk fast," he smiled at Peter.
Pete/Abel: Pete chuckled. “I usually don’t. Didn’t think I could. I blame Abel, I was just trying to keep up.”
“Very few can.” Abel poured them another round and toasted Pete with his. “Here’s to you, Petey. L’chaim.”
MJ: "Ya've joined the club. Welcome. We don't have tee shirts or hats; we got loyalty and free arguments."
Pete/Abel: “I’ll take both.” He clicked solo cups with Abel and downed the contents. The world was beginning to take on a very pleasant haze. His head had started to feel lighter, more floaty. The perfect place to be after the night they’d had.
“What if we got T-shirts? Everyone lives a T-shirt.”
Abel nodded. “They do.”
MJ: "Shirts just for us, or the whole crew?" He couldn't imagine Rosmond wearing one, nor Guildias for that matter.
Pete: “For everyone!” Pete said cheerfully. “I’d pay good money to see Guildias in a T-shirt.”
MJ: "Ya'd know more than me at this point. I ain't seen it."
Pete: “I bet Cal’s seen him in a T-shirt since they’re married.”
MJ: "I don't think 'bout that shit." Not for some years now. Didn't seem fair to even consider.
Pete/Abel: Pete giggled to himself imagining Guildias in something as casual as a T-shirt. It seemed way too normal a thing for Mr. GQ.
“Oooh! I know what we should put on the shirts!” Abel announced. “How about, ‘I went to the Umbra and all I got was lube and this lousy T-shirt’?”
MJ: "Ha. Hell yeah. Xavier'll have t'wait for the next mission, then. He ain't gettin' shit this time."
Abel: Abel snorted. “There’s a man who would never wear a T-shirt. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in any shirt without buttons and a collar.”
MJ: "I think s'time we steal his clothes."
Pete/Abel: He gave a dramatic gasp. “That’s so sneaky! He’d be so pissed,” Abel laughed. “We should steal everything and only leave him the T-shirt, some jeans, and tennis shoes so he has no choice but to wear it.”
Pete snorted. “Or he’ll just be naked until ya’ll give them back.”
MJ: "Wouldn't put it past him t'just walk 'round naked. He'd make some artistic excuse for it. Pretend the clothes aren't missin'."
Abel: “Or, or!” Abel laughed again. “He’d make us go suit shopping with him as punishment and stick you in another tie.”
MJ: "He'd still have t'walk 'round in a tee shirt. Worth the punishment."
Pete/Abel: “Say the word and we’ll raid his closet.”
Pete turned his attention toward the hot fries. “What if ya’ll just ask him to wear it? Pretty please with extra sugar on top?”
Abel waved the notion away. “That’s not nearly as chaotic and potentially hilarious.”
MJ: "Nah. Fuck that," MJ laughed, overlapping Abel's retort. "Gotta make your own fun, man!"
Abel: “Exactly! And trust me, this is going to be a lot of fun. Oh, we can’t forget his robes,” Abel added to MJ. “He’s got a bunch and if he doesn’t have his clothes he’ll try to just wear those. Should we also steal his underwear and make him wear American flag boxers?”
MJ: "Oh fuck, you're right. I'll get the boxers. Walmart's on the city limits."
Peter was given a grin. "Want a way-too expensive robe?"
Pete/Abel: Pete snorted and just decided to roll with it. He'd blame the tequila, which he was just drinking in shots now. "Why the hell not. Take his socks, too. Walmart's got novelty socks."
Abel's face lit up. "Yes!"
MJ: "Ain't there a shop here that got em? Ones that say, 'fuck this shit'?"
Pete: Pete nodded. “Yep, that gift shop on the way out of town.”
MJ: "Let's go tomorrow. Oh! Ya know, Guildias'll be next."
Pete: “You’re gonna steal poor armless Guildias’ clothes?” Pete chuckled.
MJ: "Maybe talk Callum into it - when he's, ya know, whole."
Pete: “We might be able to get him to get Guildias to wear a T-shirt. Stealing his clothes not so much.”
MJ: "Maybe m'just in a stealin' mood."
Abel: Abel shoved a handful of chips in his mouth. “You can help Devlin steal cookies from the kitchen when Christine isn’t looking. Or break into a fancy museum with Xavier.”
MJ: "Both. I'll do both. Maybe the underwear at Walmart, too."
Pete: Pete squinted. "I feel like I should be discouraging this, but Walmart's a giant corporation, so..." He shrugged and downed more tequila.
MJ: "Now you're gettin' it," MJ chuckled into his bag of blood.
Pete: "I'll scold you tomorrow if I remember. Gotta keep up them good and righteous publican appearances."
MJ: "Good n'righteous I guess is your MO now. Maybe it always was, but ya ain't punchin' people anymore."
Pete: "Got lectured by the law. Then the law's boss. I still punch people though. Aren't enough lectures in all the world to keep assholes from being assholes."
MJ: "Was wonderin' when ya were gonna get canned."
Pete: “Last time I got close was when I got the lecture. Around here it’s considered a miracle that I don’t have a lengthy rap sheet and a couple lawsuits under my belt.”
MJ: "S'part of your charm! I fell for it," he winked.
Pete: Pete laughed. "Next time there's an asshole in the pub, I'll call you before I punch their lights out."
MJ: "Hell yeah. So sexy." A glance was given to Abel, his smile fading a bit at the link between Abel and a certain witch in California. His mind wasn't made up one way or another, but little reminders tickled an annoying sense of guilt behind his neck.
"Y'all ready t'go home?"
Pete/Abel: Abel was just gonna keep eating his chips and let them flirt. Any opinions he had in any particular direction about any particular situation would be kept to himself.
Pete nodded after taking another drink. "Yeah, we probably should. Still gotta shower, and work tomorrow. Or...later today. Is it today?"
Abel nodded. "Yep, it's today."
MJ: "Let's get ya home, then. Ya damn near drank a whole bottle. I mean ya earned it, but s'way past your bedtime, old man."
Pete: Pete’s dramatically offended gasp lost some of its effectiveness when he just barely avoided falling into the river as he staggered to his feet.
“I am a great and mighty bear! Bedtimes are the stuff of mere mortals!”
MJ: "Mighty bear gonna go down river if he keeps stumblin'." MJ got to his feet and began gathering Peter's things. Offered his hand to keep the bear upright.
Pete/Abel: Pete laughed again, taking MJ’s hand. “Thanks very much. Been a loooong time since I had that much tequila. Come on, Abel!”
“Yep, I’m here, I’m up.” He took the hand that Pete offered and smiled at all of them. “Look at us, a drunken daisy chain and a sober vampire. Onward to Petey’s! Petey, be a champ and try not to hurl, okay?”
“Copy that.”
MJ: MJ watched. Didn't think to look back if they'd gathered every bit of trash. Callum could yell at them later. Probably would, given Guildias' condition. Right now, Peter was the only priority.
"Want us t'stay?"
Pete/Abel: “Yeah, stay! I have blackout shades and stuff to make French toast for breakfast.”
“Sold!” Abel said cheerfully. “Okay, everyone gird your loins.”
He did some girding of his own, making sure he was steady before transporting them to Pete’s.
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savageonwheels · 2 years
2022 Lexus LX 600 F Sport Handling
It's big, it's bold and it's expensive. But the new LX 600 will go off road, like its predecessor, the Land Cruiser.
A Land Cruiser in fancier duds and an in-your-face grille … Big comes in all sizes. That may sound counterintuitive, but consider the new Lexus LX 600, which replaces the LX 570 that had grown old in styling and tech. Not to worry, the LX 600 looks massive with possibly the industry’s biggest, most intimidating grille while featuring a whole host of new tech slathered into its high-end luxury…
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Review: The 2019 Lincoln Navigator Black Label is a brilliant return to American luxury roots The formula for an American luxury vehicle has always been simple: huge size, tons of features and a soft-sprung ride that makes no attempt to be sporty.
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uncrate · 4 years
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2021 Lincoln Black Label Navigator SUV
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mikethepec-blog · 7 years
2019 Lincoln Navigator Price
2019 Lincoln Navigator Price
What exactly has not altered with regards to all of the Lincoln Navigator is that: It is nonetheless gigantic. Lincoln provides the quickest and least heavy edition in that shape on framework monster at 210 inches prolonged then one offensive tackle bashful of about three all kinds large. Along Lincoln Navigatorwith-wheel commute can be purchased in at 221.9 inches and well over 6000 lbs. Ford…
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allcarnews · 5 years
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2020 Navigator 🇺🇸 ______________________________________ [7/15/19] The super successful new Navigator has gotten some small upgrades for the 2020 mode year to put it in line with the incredible new Avoator and baby Corsair! One of the main updated features is a Monochromatic pack which is sort of a blacked out package only available with Pristine White, Ceramic Pearl and Infinite Black paints. ⚡️ @Allcarnews Spec Sheet: The Navi continues to be powered by a TwinTurbo 3.5L EcoBoost V6 making 450HP paired to a 10 speed auto and can do 0-60 in an unusually quick 5.4sec with a 8,700lbs towing capacity 🔥 Lincoln also added their “Phone as a key tech” that debuted on the Aviator to the 2020 Navi. Loads more options are now made standard like heated & ventilated seats, power running boards, a wireless charger, and updated Lincoln CoPilot 360 safety and assistance features! The Navi will start around $73k and the more popular Black Label starts around $95k! It’s main competition, the BMW X7 also starts around $73k and the 2020 GLS around $76k. _______________________________________ ACN EXTRA: The Navi needs a rear facelift to make it as sexy as the Aviator! ________________________________________ - - - #Lincoln #SUV #V6 An #allcarnews post #USA #SUV #Navigator #Aviator #Truck #X7 #carbon #exotic ||#powerful #performance #turbocharged #supercharged #advanced #SupercarsRevamped #Supercar #HyperCar #ItsWhiteNoise #CarLifeStyle #MadWhips #CupGang #Carstagram #BlackList #AmazingCars247 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz84kTthqic/?igshid=ulxra9zq0q8e
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