#Liv Mammone
atombombicarus · 22 days
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I keep forgetting to post on here but I got to meet @via-whitmore the other night at Slam Free or Die??? I love getting to meet poets who’ve been part of the scene a lot longer than I have and hear their work. I loved Liv so much and I’m so glad to get to know them!
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Advice to the Able-Bodied Poet Entering the Disability Poetics Workshop -  Liv Mammone
For Jennifer Bartlett and Shira Erlichman
1. Let's just save time—Yes I have seen Rain Man, The Miracle Worker, My Left Foot, or, more recently, The Theory of Everything. I wanna fuck Daniel Day Lewis too but can we not? 2. If all the the Special Needs Kids everybody's mom/cousin/friend/friend's mom/cousin's friend's mom has ever worked with got together, they could overthrow the government and we'd see some real change. Those people aren't reference points for me. There are no reference points for me. 3. This isn't the Whose Life Sucks More game. You have seen moments I can never imagine. 4. When asking about my disability, please remember you have Siri. What you really need to know will come up in the poems. 5. Similarly, if you decide you need to ask my diagnosis, I can guarantee those ugly sounding words are all I have in common with whoever you know. If you don't know anyone, asking me what does that mean isn't ingratiating. I'm not a painting by Warhol. Asterisk: if you're just meeting me and that's your opening? That, or so what happened to you—you're suspect. I have a favorite band, a gaggle of furry children. Let's start there. 6. The words disability, disorder, and disease aren't synonymous. 7. And while we're at it, let's talk about language. You're here for that above all right? Me too. But I get to decide how it's done, not you. If I say cripple, it's because I like how the consonants break like bones. I'm not handing you a membership card. If I say call me "special needs" and I'll roll over your foot, it doesn't mean that softness won't comfort others. Political correctness is kind of like using correct pronouns. So many words have been made up and thrown onto my flesh. None were my name. 8. If you didn't get the above reference to pronouns, I'll write a separate piece for you. 9. Your ear will need to curve around the rhythm of speech. Your pace will hunger to leave me limping. You will want to catch me as I lurch forward; lead me by elbow or hand; not to repeat yourself; to talk as fast as you do out there. Slow down. Slow everything down. 10. The phrase but you don't look sick can go fuck itself with a moving train covered in chainsaws. 11. Don't use the word inspiration unless you're talking about Whitman, Langston Hughes, John Keats or Jesus. 12. Matter of fact, leave Jesus out of it altogether; he's busy enough. 13. It isn't a wheelchair; it's a fully automated battle station. It isn't a cane; it's a dowsing rod. It isn't a limp; it's a swagger. It isn't a stim—it's how my fabulous self is pulling magic out of the air. 14. I'm not your metaphor. Phantom limbs, deafness, or blindness as figurative language in your poems will result in my unhinging my fucking jaw. 15. If you find yourself saying something that begins with no offense, but I want you to stop. Take a breath. And say to yourself these three sentences: Does this need to be said? Does this need to be said right now? Does this need to be said right now by me? If the answer to any of those is no, return to start do not collect $200. 16. Laugh. 17. Be honest. 18. Your head had best be a microscope. Ask yourself why you're here. But question my motives, too. Slam your hand hard on my buttons. 19. Some kind of dragon needed slaying to get to this room, whether it be the nasty bus driver or the thoughts of suicide. So somebody's probably gonna show up in pajamas, crocks, mismatched socks, un showered, hair falling loose from ponytail—whatever. Either they're embarrassed or don't give a fuck. Either way, they don't need you mentioning it. 20. Speak for me, not over me. 21. Yes, I can have sex. I hope everybody in here writes a jam so graphic it makes your goosebumps mambo just so you never ask a disabled person that ever again, unless you're offering. 22. I don't think shy people become poets, but in case you are, you best chill if you fear the body. If I'm gonna write a colostomy bag free verse or a pantoum about how hard it is to negotiate my period on crutches, I wanna do it in peace. 23. You need Advil? Guaranteed, somebody got you. 24. If I have to leave the room while you're reading, sorry in advance. 25. Let me point out, Tiny Tim has been fucking me over since 1843. If I'm happy, it's taken for a miracle; if I'm not, I remind them of all they have and all the work they have to do. I could be a big smile, a raised fist, an eye glittered with tears. 26. This is the place I come to sharpen my teeth; to weep until I am the Danube. I don't care if you're frightened. 27. Trigger warnings. That is all. 28. Halle Berry, Harriet Tubman, Orlando Bloom, Clinton, Christie, Darwin. A lot of your faves are disabled. Just like a lot of your faves are actually bisexual. (More breaking news at 11.) 29. And while we're on that, being disabled doesn't mean you've checked off your minority box on the form. Just saying. 30. I don't want to talk about me; how's my stanza structure? 31. Intersectionality isn't a buzzword. 32. I will ask if I need your help. Repeat this a billion times. 33. Related note: you wouldn't grab someone on the subway. You'd let your face smash into the pole before steadying yourself on the person next to you. So why in the name of God's teeth would you touch me or whatever apparatus I may have without asking?! 34. Remember, you're one slip in the shower, doctor's visit, missed turn away from being me. 35. If I fall, the way you gasp hurts worse than impact. 36. I'm not blaming you. I'm saying pay attention. 37. Inevitably, someone will be forced to stop coming. Email them; that'd be cool. 38. Even if you pity me, don't mess around when it comes to editing. 39. Your body is so damn fucking beautiful. It's like nothing else. 40. Please remember that compliance with any or all of the aforementioned will not result in praise of any kind, cookies, medals, or otherwise. Thank you. 41. People are like poems. They don't get finished, they just stop.
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missedstations · 25 days
"Fear" - Liv Mammone
If the pain doesn’t come back,  what will I write about? Will the poems  have tendon and teeth? I didn’t get  right the sonnet of all its colors.  I did not find the exact dagger of phrase  about the long loss of my life.
Hope is all I do and am.  I don’t think I’m poet enough  to make you taste this mango;  or see that sutured sunset unless  from a hospital bed.  I was good for carving. 
There will be kisses, music, street names.  Loved ones will go where the gone do.  What if I don’t want to (write it: can’t)  write about these things.  What if I would rather feel  than create feeling?  What then? Go ahead. 
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skelingtonsderek · 2 months
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thenervebible · 3 months
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specialink · 1 year
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marxistmiku · 1 year
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reposted with permission
I'm going to try and shift from saying "my disability" to "my access needs" when speaking about accommodation. I think it will make it easier for me to ask for assistance if my brain shifts the language away from my body. I think it will feel less as if my body is creating a circumstance and more like the world's conditions are.
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chronicpaingirlie · 4 months
would love to hear about your books and poems recs about disabilities!!!
<3 !!
books i really liked & highly recommend:
- being heumann (judy heumann)
- disfigured (amanda leduc)
- disability visibility (alice wong)
- the cancer journals (audre lorde)
- klara and the sun (kazuo ishiguro)*
- how to keep house while drowning (kc davis)**
*fiction, but i think it deals really well with the subject of chronic/terminal illness; it really struck a chord with me
**not necessarily about disability but it’s got a lot of tips for being gentle & working kindly & effectively with your neurodivergent self & it’s genuinely one of the best nonfiction books i’ve ever read
books i haven’t read but want to:
- capitalism and disability (keith rosenthal)
- black disability politics (sami schalk)
- show me where it hurts (kylie maslen)
- brilliant imperfection (eli clare)
- allies and obstacles (pamela block)
- the tiger and the cage (emma bolden)
- the care we dream of (zena sharman)
my favorite poems about disability:
- ode to the chronically ill body (camisha jones)
- cachexia (max ritvo)
- the cancer diagnosis & chronic illness (fortesa latifi)
- upon receiving my inheritance (william fargason)
- ode to plastic cups (naomi oritz)
- i’m rewatching the she-ra episode where glimmer gets sick for the first time (arianna monet)
- advice to the able-bodied poet entering the disability poetics workshop (liv mammone)
a few miscellaneous things:
- my spirit burns through this body (an essay by akwaeke emezi)
- things that able me (an essay by christy tending)
- grappling with cure (a recording of a speech by eli clare)
(ps, if anyone has any recommendations or thoughts on any of these, please share!! i’d love to hear)
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kennypurrson · 4 years
Sins and Virtues
An idea I had where the brothers battle between their sin and the corresponding virtue. This is the first time writing for obey me!, enjoy reading!
Lucifer put his brothers before him. He showed them affection and put their needs before his. The protective eldest, slowly moved away from this after the fall. Humility easily corrupted into Pride. While he still cares for his brothers, he does not show it. It comes out more as him being very overbearing and possessive over his younger siblings. He does not show much care towards them other than making sure everything is alright with them. He became more self-absorbed, making sure he was held higher than the others. That he was the best and everyone knew. His pride ruins relationships and can stop him from starting new ones or deepening the relationship. He holds his reputation highly, and it isn’t something to be messed with. He’d do anything to protect it, even if this means hurting others. Controlling and calculated, he watches over as the eldest, making sure things are proper with his brothers. It takes a lot for his pride to be pushed aside and the small amount of humility left in him to shine through. He would only do this for someone he holds close and you are lucky if this is you get to see that from him. Which you seem  to be the only one he’s shown humility to. He puts you first, thinking of you before he does himself. He lets his guard down and shows the softer side from long ago to you. He doesn’t care about his reputation, only how to gain your respect and affection. While he does want to be the only one to have you, pride flaring up each time he sees you with one of his brothers, he doesn’t let you see that side of him. He won’t let it tarnish his reputation and everything he’s built with you and gaining your trust. Pride is hard for him to ignore and can’t help it, but around you it’s a little easier for the virtue to take over again.
Before being known as the money hungry and always in debt brother, Mammon was known for his generosity. He never held onto things, only keeping them for a short period of time before handing them off to someone in need. His actions were noble and gave whatever he could. Charity quickly got eaten by greed once in the Devildom. The demon now hoards anything with an expensive price tag. He’s always looking for the next way to gain something of value and keep it for himself or sell it for a high price. He’s easily blinded by green that he doesn’t always notice when he’s being bribed or falling for a trap. He takes every bet placed in front of him, trying to beat the odds in front of him and come home with a large prize. Until you bring out the charity in him again. Something about you makes him want to give everything up. He rather find ways to give you small gifts or anything you’d ask for. Mammon is not one for giving into his feelings for someone, always pushing them away and ignoring them. Yet with you he’s greedy for your affection only. He forgets everything else around him when it comes to you. He wants to do everything to gain your heart and wants to give you everything. You make him a better person, someone that’s more than just wanting wealth, someone who can be more than scum that his brothers drag through the mud.
Envy easily fills the third eldest brother. He becomes consumed by it the moment he reaches the Devildom. Envy takes over and easily makes him hostile towards anyone who has more than him and something he wants. Until you show up. While his envy got the better of him against you, that was before he knew you. Before you began to hang out with the otaku. Around you his envy faded, and kindness showed. The virtue attributed with admiration. He didn’t envy you, he admired you for everything you are. He offered friendship and showed you compassion when alone with you. Around his brothers envy quickly came back. If he saw you around one of them the sin took over making him extremely envious that they had your time instead of him. Working to bring out the virtue in Leviathan will take time, and you are willing and ready. You enjoy the kind and caring Levi that only you get to see. 
Satan didn’t have the same upbringing as his brothers. He was never a former angel as he was born a demon from Lucifer’s wrath. The demon when enraged lashes out harsh and unforgiving. Wrath consumes him and has little care for those who are hurt in the process. Oddly around you that anger subsides. He doesn’t understand but when around you he leans into being the voice of reason more than letting himself get worked up and resort to a more violent manner. It's easier to forgive someone when you are around him, to show mercy to those who have wronged him. He does not understand the change but the virtue of patience begins to take over the wrath that is held in his heart. His relationships with Lucifer grows, something he never thought would happen, from your involvement.  While he still will be vengeful and spiteful, his wrath isn’t as strong as it was before you came.
The once pure and pious angel slowly fell to lust. His change being the slowest of his brothers. He held his morals high but after spending more and more time around the demons in the Devildom, he gave into the desires. The demon now cared only for his looks and beauty. Putting all of his effort into making sure he would win the beauty crown. He flirts and charms anything that crosses his path, even you. Yet when his charm doesn’t work he still is a flirt, trying to gain your affections. As Asmo spends more time with you his flirtations turn more pure. Dirty lines and jokes turn into more wholesome and sweet lines. He seems to have more courage and holds back against anything lustful around you. His actions are sweeter and pure, holding you close to him or even taking your hand in his when standing close. He pampers you, using the beauty rituals he learned for himself on you. Asmodeus craves your love and affection, wanting to be adored by you. He wants a pure and loving relationship with you. You let him forget about lust and everything accompanied with it. While he does get thoughts of lust that involve you, but he never would try anything with you until you both agreed to it. He doesn’t want to push that on to you, holding a high moral with you. You bring the good out of him, he likes the person he is around you. Wishing only for romance and companionship with you, something he never thought he could achieve while a prisoner to lust.
Beel’s gluttony manifests quickly while in the Devildom. He easily gives into food. He’s always seen with something to eat or is hungry and lets that fact be known to those around him.While many only see gluttony as an obsession with food and drink, yet it is any overindulgence to the extreme. His gluttony could also be seen in the excessive amount of working out that he does. Beelzebub’s gluttony most likely manifests from the guilt he feels from Lilith's death and from thinking Belphegor won’t be able to forgive him for it. When he starts warming up to you, temperance starts to show. He learns from you to let go of the guilt and sees that his twin is back and doesn’t hold the grudge against him. He takes more care about how you and Belphie feel. He openly shares with you and later on Belphie as well. He instead cooks for you and shows his feelings through it. He focuses more on making you happy than his own fixations with food.
Belphegor, like his twin, falls easily into sloth. Lilith’s death causes him to fall into a deep depression that leads to being hurt and taking on another sin: wrath, taking his anger out on a “hatred” for humanity.  He’s so hurt and lost that he falls into a deep state of sloth which causes him to be lazy and lack joy. After regaining your trust, he opens up more to you. He slowly begins to come out of the depression he has lived in for so long. He begins to want to be around you more and more, as you bring joy back into his life. He’s finding love again, and doesn’t want it to leave him again. Diligence causes him to show enthusiasm towards your interests and takes more care about his work. Something about you energizes him and causes him to want to avoid the lazy lifestyle he had before getting to know you.
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irishvampirelady · 2 years
Requests Open! Artwork and Writing!
Season listings are for anything related to canon plot.
What I will write for:
The Walking Dead (Seasons 1-4)
Daryl Dixon
Shane Walsh
Carol Peletier
Michonne Hawthorne
Abraham Ford
Supernatural (mainly Seasons 1-4)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby Singer
John Winchester
Tales From The Gas Station
Jack Townsend
Jerry Pascal
Spencer Middleton
Amelia O'Brien
Eric Riggins
iZombie (Seasons 1-2)
Liv Moore
Ravi Chakrabarti
Blaine DeBeers
The IT Crowd
Maurice Moss
Roy Trenneman
Dangerous Fellows
Obey Me!
Brothers (Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Asmo, Satan, Beel, Belphie)
Undateables (Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon, Simeon)
You can request any of these as x reader stories, just random short stories between characters, or with my characters. You can also request doodles of these characters.
I don't write smut, non-con stuff, discrimination, or character death.
You can ask about other characters not listed, including my characters, or about any other boundaries I may have.
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pinkoloco · 3 years
Willy’s Wonderland / Seven Princes
So I have an Headcanon about the satanic ritual and the seven Prinnces of Hell.  not In the movie, in the satanic suicide ritual, they are 7 not 8, Sara isn’t in the ritual (I don’t know if it’s intentionnal or they just forget her, or if they didn’t get her an actor). (And I’m going to put that headcanon in my AU because i really like this idea)
So I have adventured my self in the Bible Mythologie and here what I have now :
Jerry = Lucifer, sin of Pride (the fact that he rather die than get caught by the police it’s definitly Pride, and just, Jerry is a pride men.)
Rafael = Asmodeus, sin of Lust (in the movie he seems really charming (the way Tito acted with Liv), but in my AU he is a flirt and is really intense with Tony)
? = Leviathan, sin of Envy
? = Beelzebub, sin of Gluttony
? = Mammon, sin of Greed
? = Satan, sin of Wrath
Camelia = Belphegor, sin of Sloth (this might be suprising, but Belphegor isn’t the most terryfing or imposing, but they are cunning and deceitful, this is why I relate them to her)
And this is what i have yet, if you want to help me, you can ! I will be glad to know them :)
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devilishsahbi · 4 years
the sin of pride
diavolo x fem! reader
one-sided! lucifer x fem! reader
DIAVOLO'S DINNERS HAD started to become more frequent ever since the exchange program had started. Lucifer noticed more and more that he, his brothers, [Name], and the residents of Purgatory Hall had been called to dine with the Prince more than once a week after the first, with an unusual emphasis on [Name]─Barbatos had been suspiciously adamant that she come, despite Lucifer knowing that she had more than enough work to finish for her R.A.D studies.
     He had been surprised to see that she did not, in fact, have any work at all to do when he knocked on her door, contrary to what she had told him when she had returned home after lunch with Beelzebub. She had told him she finished it faster than she had thought, a smile on her lips─the same one she gave Belphegor when she wasn't quite comfortable with the topic at hand or his presence specifically. Lucifer didn't take it to heart; he knew that [Name] was prone to rushing her work when faced with the ultimatum of sleep or food, so he had dropped it and told her to get ready for dinner.
     But now, he had to wonder if something else was amiss.
      The seating arrangements had been changed once again. [Name] sat at Diavolo's right where Lucifer would have been sitting had there not been placards; he, himself, sat at his left, an unusual placement, but both changes spoke louder than words. He had assumed, as he sat down to converse with Simeon halfheartedly, that [Name] had done something to earn Diavolo's concern. The demon was, after all, unusually fascinated with her─not to as an abnormal degree as Belphegor, of course─and spent most of his time with her inquiring about human world customs and habits that Solomon, in a bizarre twist, was not privy to. If she had said something out of the blue, it was perhaps of a worry to the Prince of the Devildom.
      When everyone had taken their seats, Asmodeus oddly at [Name]'s side and Satan at his, dinner began with an excited smile from Beel. Barbatos set out [Name] and Solomon's human food first as a courtesy, taking their compliments in stride with a brighter than normal acknowledgement.
      But as the angels' food was beginning to be set out, Lucifer caught [Name] raising both her eyebrows as she took a sip of her drink. She looked to nearly have choked, but she smoothed it over gracefully by taking a neat swallow of her water. If he had been so undignified and looked under the table, or at Asmodeus's mildly surprised face, he would have seen Diavolo's hand sneak up [Name]'s thigh and rest there.
       Food was set and dinner finally began. Lucifer spent most of his time speaking with Simeon or Solomon on the history of humanity, sometimes sending Beel a warning glare when he ate too fast and sent food all across the table.
       When dinner was over, dessert was presented. Barbatos took pride in the creation he set before the humans─a sweet treat from the human world a banana split─and puffed up a bit when [Name] grew overly excited and clapped her hands at the presentation. Lucifer didn't understand why; it was just a banana choked in ice cream, cherries, and whipped cream, but she seemed to be enjoying it at any rate, as was Solomon, but at a more discreet level.
       The second time─and Lucifer only noticed it because Asmodeus drew his attention by pointing to the delicious glazed nightshade pie he had on his plate, asking if he wanted his extra before Beel ate all of it─[Name] had smeared cream on her cheek in her greedy effort to eat all of her dessert, patting her belly when she was full. Diavolo's laugh was quiet and soft, only noticeable because he was so close, and he reached over and wiped it from her skin with his thumb.
       Lucifer didn't comment on it. Diavolo's odd behavior extended well past that; he was very friendly and had no issues at all with skinship, so it didn't surprise him that he would take any chance he could at making sly quips when the opportunity arose. He supposed it had something to do with his father's absence, but took that thought with a hefty grain of salt.
       As dessert was finished, the party was led to their rooms for the night. Barbatos led them to the same suite they had frequented before, allowing them the use of the royal baths if they had need of them.
        Lucifer paused to speak with Levi, who was getting ready to go straight to bed on a full stomach, and he watched─in plain sight of the candelabras mounted on the walls─as Diavolo walked in step with [Name] and placed a hand well below the middle of her back, firm against the skin that was exposed from the fabric bunching up around her pants.
       [Name] either didn't notice, absorbed completely in the paintings around her, or didn't mind it at all, because she kept pace with him evenly, even stopping to remark upon one of the larger paintings depicting a chimera. She pulled her hair to one side mindlessly, but Lucifer watched as Diavolo's gaze darted to the side of her neck, eyes narrowing dangerously with an easy smile on his lips as he explained the painting's origins. His hand slipped higher up her shirt, splaying across skin, and she leaned into it with a sigh so quiet it would have been nothing but air.
       This was the third time he had witnessed it.
        Lucifer put the pieces together more quietly after that, especially after learning that [Name] was to be rooming with Solomon and not himself, as had been agreed upon since he was never in his room anyways.
       The fourth instance was as he was entering his room to get himself situated, rattled by what he had seen that evening and his pride unable to cope with the ideas running rampant through his mind. Through the barest crack in the door as it was swinging shut, exposed by the light yet again, Diavolo leaned down and pressed a light kiss to her exposed throat. Then the crack was sealed and Lucifer was left alone to ruminate.
       He had thought, on some level, that [Name] favored him above all despite their rocky start. Despite the several times where he had almost killed her, apologizing as poorly as his pride would allow him. He had assumed that her happiness was because of him. He had assumed wrongly.
      And his pride, his damnable pride, was wounded.
     All because of a foolish human.
      Lucifer left his room and paced down the hall a quarter after twelve, assured that everyone was asleep and unable to witness the conversation he was soon to have with the Prince. He hadn't heard a peep from Solomon and [Name]'s shared quarters, not even the faintest creak of a door opening, and found himself rudely surprised once more when he found her in Diavolo's personal study.
       Curled up in an expensive kashmere throw upon one of the more comfortable couches in the room, [Name] gazed into the fire sparking in the fireplace. It was the only source of light in the room besides the dimmed candelabras in the hall and Lucifer took care not to stand in the light and reveal his presence too early.
       Diavolo─appearing more relaxed and at ease than Lucifer had ever had the grace of seeing him, his hair ruffled to slight disarray─stood at his desk, pouring golden whiskey into a crystal glass. His royal uniform had been discarded in favor of the loose slacks and black button up he wore beneath, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and top three buttons undone.
       There was no tension in his shoulders as he corked the bottle back up and walked over to [Name], crossing the study in a leisurely stride. He handed it to her with his fingers gripping the rim, and lowered it into hers when she reached for it. The firelight illuminated the alcohol with a gentle glow as she brought it to her lips, taking a small sip and sinking further into the couch.
        Instead of sitting across from her, as Lucifer had expected him to, Diavolo crouched in front of her and rested his elbows on the section of couch in front of her that she wasn't resting upon. She lowered the glass from her mouth, setting it on the table beside the arm of the couch with a tink that was suffocated by the crackling of the fire.
        There was silence for some time between them. The fire was the only source of noise in the room and Lucifer felt that if he breathed even too loud, they would hear him and he would ruin this moment; this gloriously intimate moment that was secret from everyone except, and he thought this guiltily, from him.
       [Name] smiled, then, a sweet gesture. One more full and happier than the ones she gave the students at R.A.D. The ones she gave Lucifer. "What is it, Dia? You've been quiet tonight."
       For some awful reason, Lucifer wished that the man would get angry at her for the nickname.
       Instead, he smiled lazily at her, fueled no doubt by the atmosphere in the room. "Nothing. I'm just taking you in. It's rare that we're left alone like this, after all."
        "That's true." Her laugh was breathy as she moved her hand to touch Diavolo's cheek, moving to thread through his hair and to the back of his scalp in soothing motions. "I think the last time was after that pillow fight and Mammon's punishment, wasn't it?"
       Lucifer swore he heard a purr kick up─a foreign and bizarre sound that told him all he needed to know, and that he wasn't welcome here in this moment─but wasn't sure over the fire. He didn't want to be sure. His stomach, his pride, twisted into unforgiving knots.
       "It was quite a while ago." Diavolo captured her hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles one at a time. "But it's as humans say, isn't it? Waiting makes it that much more sweeter, in the end."
       "I'm surprised you remembered that." [Name]'s laugh was startled and fond. "I told you a lot of things over the last few months and that's what you remembered?"
       Lucifer watched him shrug loosely, a completely unusual movement on the Prince.
      "I remember everything you tell me." Diavolo watched her take another sip of her whiskey, their gazes never parting, and then return to playing with his fingers. "Demons in particular remember much of what happens in their lives."
      "Really?" She leaned forward, shifting from her lazing position to look at him more fully. He didn't lean back even when she was invading his personal space completely. "Then…"
      "'Then…' what?"
       "Do you remember what you asked me last week?"
       Lucifer had to swallow the urge to walk away. He had no business being here, watching them, when it was clearly something that was being kept secret. And yet he couldn't resist, wishing that he was in Diavolo's place, whispering all of those things to her like the sweetest of lovers.
     "That depends," Diavolo's tone was teasing as he laced his fingers with hers. The shadows produced that cast them in darkness didn't allow for much sight. "I asked you a lot of things. You'll have to be specific."
       "Hmm." [Name] hummed and leaned forward. Their shadows blurred and became intangible from one another, but he heard the kiss being touched against Diavolo's cheek and the shaky inhale he took because of it. She whispered something in his ear, quiet and hushed, and Lucifer couldn't make it out. "Do you remember that?"
        It was minsicule, but his eyelashes fluttered when he shut his eyes. The fire popped and sparked near them. "I do. What of it?"
      "I have an answer for you. If you want it."
     Lucifer's stomach rolled to a complete stop. Dread overtook him suddenly. He shouldn't be listening to this. He shouldn't. He felt like he couldn't breathe.
       "And what is that answer?" Diavolo lifted her other hand to kiss the pulse in her wrist. But the muscles in his shoulders belayed his nervousness, tensing and bunching up like a live wire.
      [Name] pulled one of her hands free and smoothed the tension out of his shoulders with a smile. She leaned forward again and whispered in his ear, but Lucifer could make it out this time, even over his heart breaking because he knew what the question had been.
       Diavolo took a deep inhale and buried his nose in the curve of her collarbone and neck, dragging his lips up the column of her throat. All of the apprehension melted away from him like a glacier under a hot sun until all that was left was a man in love with the woman before him.
       "Thank you," the Prince whispered, reaching up and touching the side of her face. She caught his hand in hers, squeezing. "I don't deserve it. Any of it."
       "Of course you do." [Name] hummed and ran her hand up and down his back, nuzzling his temple reassuringly. "I know you do, no matter what the nobles say. You're a good man, Diavolo. In more ways than one."
        The very words that Lucifer had wanted to hear, yearned to hear from her lips, being pointed at Diavolo, the man who held his life in his hands like a leash─it was the last that his pride could take.
      He left them there, in the study and the shadow of the fire, and headed to his room.
      Instead he found Barbatos standing in front of his door. The butler looked neither kind or obliging, and there was an edge to the demon that Lucifer had never seen before.
       "Barbatos," he greeted him as friendly as he ever did. But he was wary when the greeting fell flat. "Is there something you needed?"
       "I will only warn you once." The butler's dark frown grew even more insidious. Whatever he had glimpsed of the potential future, it had not been good, or even remotely something he would sit idly by for. "Do not try and stop fate, Lucifer. This is the one thing that Lord Diavolo will not stand down for you on."
       "I don't know what you speak of."
       "Play the fool, as you will." Barbatos turned to look down the hall towards the study. "But if you try and take her from him… Be warned that it will end in your demise."
        The butler left, vanished into the darkness of the palace as if he had never been there to begin with.
      Lucifer unlocked his room and stepped inside.
       His pride wouldn't let him take [Name] from Diavolo. And if it did…
       His pride would be the death of him.
let me know what you think!
requests: open.
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human-antithesis · 5 years
Solbrud - Øde Lagt
Jeg føler jeg vandrer på fremmed jord Blandt din art - ophøjede og forblændede I har kilden til, evigt liv Løgnen dræber, men med hovedet højet i følger Ført bag lyset, i slaveri Illusionen - de slette værdier Pryder dig med mammon, og hyler med flokken Dine øjne ser ej mere end en blinds Du fjerner dig fra dit urtidsfundament Du rager op men dine ben er slået af Så vogt jer i forblændede skarn Imens i hovedet holder højt I stadig forbliver en pestbyld på jorden i betræder Jeg jagter ej mammon, men urrytmen i mit kød og blod Så sig farvel til den verden du kender En svunden tid skal hæve sig igen Vil du ej føje flamme ord Da må du smage mit sværd skarpe tunge Mod strømmen jeg går, i ensomhed jeg drager For hvad jeg søger er ej at finde her Jeg hidkalder oldgamle kræfter For jeg græmmes over tidernes komme Min sjel skal trækkes ej, i ussel forfald Du forkaster og bespotter det simple Jeg begræder kun din uvidenhed Blændede øje, bag et dumhedens slør I latter du drukner, i hån du ser min vej O, salige, er de som enfoldige er
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Dream cast for the Princes?
((Leviathan = Ryan PotterAsmodeus = Colin O’DonoghueMammon = Liv HewsonBelphegor = Adam Driver))
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yespoetry · 8 years
Liv Mammone: Special Feature
Synonyms for Broken in the Key of Depression
Afraid. Afraid. Advisory.  Bloody feathers. Dead finch. Swallow. Adult(eress).  Nailscratchmoon. No metaphor. 4 am.  Asylum night.  Hysterical. Two days' unbrushed teeth. Bi. Goodbye.  Good Friday. Possum pissing in Daddy’s bookcase.  Sober. Sea glass. Stealing Xanex. Chocolate for breakfast. Poison. Freed.  Chest scream. Chewed skin.  4 showers. Body pillow. Wet dream. Sallie Mae. Drama Queen.  Stage door. Gold chain from a dead girl. Toothless lioness. No moon. Oldest.  Dandruff. Dark haired Edward Hopper girl. Mojo Risin'. Madrid.  Never redhead. Sleep with the TV.  Rooster-mad. Harmonica moan.  Brother. God damn.  Acne. I can't. Suburbs. Shut up and dig. Smash the phone. Home. Unwashed hair smell. Coming of (r)age.  Midnight oil. Deathwish.  Daughter. Separate. Crumpled,  bloody, first draft mouth.
Liv Mammone is an editor and poet from Long Island, New York, where she lives with her parents, brother, family of feral cats and geriatric dachshund. She has previously taught creative writing at Hofstra University and Queens College. Her poetry has appeared in wordgathering, Wicked Banshee, the Medical Journal of Australia, Rogue Agent and QDA: a Queer, Disabled Anthology, and is forthcoming in the anthology Grabbing the Apple and Typo Magazine. As a spoken word poet, she has featured at Sip This, Artists Without Walls and Tache Chocolates and is the winner of Union Square Slam’s 2015 Nerd Slam. She is the third visibly disabled poet ever to place as a finalist for a national slam
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via-whitmore · 5 years
“Liv Mammone is a poet, disability activist, editor, and will be a novelist as soon as she gets her Xanax dosage right. Follow her on Facebook to find updates, friendship, and opinions about Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
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