#Lizbeth Myles
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Big Finish has announced that the 12. Doctor Who: Goth Opera to get audio adaptation. The guest cast will include Richard, who reads the prologue as Rassilon. The audio will be released on July 2024.
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downthetubes · 1 year
Launching Today: PJ Holden’s Null Space
Null Space is a new weekly webcomic beginning today, Friday 6th October, the brainchild of 2000AD artist PJ Holden, featuring a veritable feast of big name writers from science fiction and fantasy, some making their debut as comic writers
Null Space is a new weekly webcomic beginning today, Friday 6th October, the brainchild of 2000AD artist PJ Holden, featuring a veritable feast of big name writers from science fiction and fantasy, some making their debut as comic writers with this project. “Each story will be self contained, set in its own world and be a delicate little gem of a one pager,” says PJ, whose many comic credits…
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Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor Faces Off Against the Sea Devils
Christopher Eccleston's Ninth #DoctorWho Faces Off Against the Sea Devils for @bigfinish
Not only will the Ninth Doctor meet up again with his Eighth Doctor companions, Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and Tania Bell (Rebecca Root), in the next box set from Big Finish; he’ll also be facing off against the Sea Devils — only this time, they’re in space! Plus, the Doctor meets the first woman awarded the Nobel Peace Prize! The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Hidden Depths also stars Jeremy Swift…
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tindogpodcast · 2 years
TDP 1140: THE WORLDS OF BLAKE'S 7 Allies and Enemies
  From the start of the rebellion to its brutal conclusion, Arlen has hunted for Roj Blake.
Cally fights beside her. Jenna Stannis works for her. Space Commander Travis is her mentor. As she plays each side off against the other, how will Arlen decide who are allies and who are enemies?
Saurian Major by Lizbeth Myles Saurian Major is a key Federation communications hub. Federation Officer Arlen undertakes an undercover mission to destroy the rebel factions that threaten it.
The last person she expects to find is an Auron outcast among the humans. Will the mysterious Cally disrupt her plan?
No Name by Simon Guerrier Everyone on Vanstone is hiding something. That’s why they are there. Hiding from her own past, Arlen wonders what has brought Roj Blake to this remote outpost.
Has Arlen uncovered a buried secret? And what does Space Commander Travis want on Vanstone?
Sedition by Jonathan Morris Jenna Stannis knows that smuggling guns will help free Solta-Minor from the Federation. And she suspects that’s not the only reason why Arlen wants her help. But Jenna doesn’t know who else is on the planet.
How can Travis have survived Star One?
A new Tin Dog Podcast
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danbenzvi · 3 years
Just listened to: “The Diary Of River Song Series Nine: New Recruit”
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UNIT – the secret organisation established to deal with the odd and unexplained on Earth and beyond.
The redoubtable Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart leads the troops, and for scientific guidance relies on two brilliant advisors: Cambridge genius Dr Elizabeth Shaw, and UNIT’s newest recruit - that mysterious traveller in time and space known as... River Song.
All stories starring Alex Kingston as Professor River Song and Daisy Ashford as Elizabeth “Liz” Shaw.
9.1 The Blood Woods by Lizbeth Myles
With the Doctor indisposed, Liz is a little put out to find that the Brigadier has brought in another scientific advisor to take his place.
But when Liz and River investigate otherworldly goings-on in an English village, they soon find themselves relying on each other to survive.
Special guest star Jon Culshaw as Brigadier Alisdair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.
Starring Michael Chance as Sir Edward Hawkins and Abigail McKern as Beatrice Gray.  All other roles played by members of the cast.
9.2 Terror of the Suburbs by James Kettle
Liz has moved house. It seems she’s found a suburban utopia - until River Song arrives.
There is more to Fetter Bailey than manicured lawns and endless soirees. Dangerous creatures prowl the hedgerows, and something lurks in the freezers...
Starring Claire Wyatt as Lucy, Holly Jackson Walters as Yvonne and Dale Superville as Tony.  All other roles played by members of the cast.
9.3 Never Alone by Helen Goldwyn
River believes Intertraxia is ahead of its time, but it’s already shipping innovations in entertainment and computing around the world.
When a dead man is found with alien technology implants, UNIT investigates. Liz and River are about to discover that those connected to the network are never alone...
Starring Karen Archer as Professor Allen, Jack Holden as Marco and Emma Swan as Pippa.  All other roles played by members of the cast.
9.4 Rivers of Light by Lisa McMullin
In a Yorkshire mining town, strange temporal distortions and rivers of light crossing forests are enough to get the Brigadier’s attention, and UNIT is mobilised.
But the Doctor is back, and he wants to know who’s been messing around in his laboratory. River’s reasons for being on Earth are about to be revealed...
Special guest stars Tim Treloar as The Third Doctor and Jon Culshaw as Brigadier Alisdair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart.
Also starring James McNaughton as Simon and Dominique Moore as Gemma.  All other roles played by members of the cast.
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happymeishappylife · 4 years
Big Finish Audio Adventure Review: The Astrea Conspiracy
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What a great story highlighting my one of my favorite parts of the Twelfth Doctor’s personality: The I know everything and nothing at the same time and you and I are going to like and hate each other because you never know what side I’m playing as I try and save the univers, lol. But seriously this is a well told tale that feels like your watching Peter’s performance, even though its only narrated by the lovely Neve McIntosh.
It begins with an introduction to Aphra Behn, who is spying for Charles the Second in hope of turning her lover William Scott against his co-conspirators aiming to murder Charles. However, instead of getting to talk to Scott, she ends up talking to the Doctor who informs her that he himself talked to Scott which caused the man to flee for fear for repercussions. Aphra is more than annoyed, as she already is losing her livelihood trying to be the good English servant, but before she can yell at the Doctor, they get ambushed by the local guard who thinks their traitors. To quote the Doctor, “Luckily, they aren’t smart,” so the two get away and part ways when Aphra refuses to tell him where the meeting is for the group of traitors she’s trying to spy on.
To her surprise and my delight, the Doctor immediately shows back up after having parted, now knowing where the meeting is and dressed in his fancy burgundy coat. I don’t know if its ever been done with such lack of flourish or showing off, but I do love that the Doctor uses Time Travel for his own benefit, such as learning where the meeting is being held, and carrying on a conversation like nothings wrong though it may have been hours since he last saw Aphra. They sneak in, he busts them which gets them tied up in a room, but then he also helps Aphra escape, which not only solves her problems, but solves his which is to save the future of English literacy since she also is a famous playwright (something cool to learn). Gotta love that this is what motivates the Doctor to get involved too.
The humor in the Twelfth Doctor’s deadpan sarcasm is felt loud and clear throughout and I really do love the idea that when he travels on his own, he acts like this with everyone he meets. It’s a treat and funny, but still a very compelling and coherent Doctor Who story. Too bad it was a Short Trip, but I’m looking forward to more stories with Peter’s doctor in the future (and if we’re lucky, the man himself in the future; fingers crossed!)
Overall Rating: 10/10
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ulugs · 4 years
Doctor Who: The Eighth Day
Doctor Who: The Eighth Day
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Earlier in the lockdown, a few of us collaborated on a Doctor Who fanfic. We call it “Doctor Who: The Eighth Day” and it features the Eighth Doctor and Charley. If you’ve listened to Big Finish audios, the authors might be familiar: 
Joshua Winisko (@CBoogerjuice)
Selim Ulug (@SelimPensFctn)
Harry Draper (@bowtieanimation)
Ben Tedds (@BenTedds42)
Sophie Iles (@sophilestweets)
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magicofthepen · 3 years
listened to the Eighth of March boxset, and I’m obsessed with that scene of Romana staring into the mirror of her futures but not being able to clearly see any of it….the whispers almost too soft to make out, but not quite soft enough (“I am not Unit 117, I am Romanadvoratrelundar!”)….we know the story of what’s swirling in that mirror, but Romana herself has no idea. and the only true glimpse of her future that she gets is (presumably) the Time War, death and devastation. 
and the episode is about true choice vs. being forced down a path (is the future fated or not?), but it’s full of messy contradictions: Romana is told that what’s in the mirror is The Future but she rejects that notion….and yet the same person tells her the vision of war is only a possibility, but we know it is the path she ends up on. (so which is right? was there ever a timeline where she escaped that death and devastation?)
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isagrimorie · 3 years
Listening now to The Grey Man and the Mountain by Lizbeth Myles, Big Finish, Seventh Doctor and Ace with Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.
And then this part:
“You’ll find, Doctor, that’s there no one who abhors war so much as a soldier whose fought on the front lines.” - Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.
Now I really wish we could have had a scene onscreen between the Doctor post-Time War. I think they would understand each other on a deeper level more.
Also, Ace Got A Love Interest. And a Kiss!
I love that she continues to attract a girl in every adventure!
(Again, Thirteen and Ace would be… really chaotic).
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alexkingstonflirt · 3 years
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The redoubtable Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart leads the troops, and for scientific guidance relies on two brilliant advisors: Cambridge genius Dr Elizabeth Shaw, and UNIT’s newest recruit – that mysterious traveller in time and space known as… River Song. 
9.1 The Blood Woods by Lizbeth Myles
9.2 Terror of the Suburbs by James Kettle
9.3 Never Alone by Helen Goldwyn
9.4 Rivers of Light by Lisa McMullin
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thecomicon · 3 years
Audio Drama Review - ‘Doctor Who: The Grey Man Of The Mountain’
Audio Drama Review – ‘Doctor Who: The Grey Man Of The Mountain’
Doctor Who: The Grey Man of the Mountain Directed by Samuel Clemens Written by Lizbeth Myles Starring Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), and Jon Culshaw (Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart) Cover Art: Ryan Aplin The grey man at the top of Ben Macdui might not have the name recognition of a yeti or a sasquatch but he is a real legend in Scotland where The Grey Man of the Mountain takes…
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ryfkah · 4 years
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Consolation Songs: Speculative Fiction For A Time of Coronavirus is an anthology of speculative short fiction on an optimistic theme, edited by Iona Datt Sharma & featuring stories from Iona, Aliette de Bodard, Stephanie Burgis, Iona Datt Sharma, Jeannelle M. Ferreira, Marissa Lingen, Freya Marske, Lizbeth Myles, Katie Rathfelder, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Adrian Tchaikovsky, Llinos Cathryn Thomas, and me.
My story is called “This Is New Gehesran Calling” and is about diaspora and pirate radio in space; other stories involve such things as selkies and changelings and slipstream universes and sentient spaceships and queer families and communities and survival. All proceeds will be donated to the COVID-19 appeal being run by the UCLH Charity, the charity supporting the University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, so if any of this sounds of interest and you have the means, please consider purchasing!
Purchase links
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thethirddoctor · 4 years
I’m now on Ko-Fi! :)
Hey all, I don’t always do this but I just wanted to let you all know that I’m on Ko-Fi now! https://ko-fi.com/jsinghsound
I'm a freelance sound designer and content creator. Having being fascinated by the medium of sound and growing up with stellar shows like Doctor Who and Star Trek. I decided long ago that I wanted to do what I can to work in the industry, recreating the sounds which fascinated me as a child.
Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to be asked to produce this awesome Doctor Who audio for the MindOut charity (MindOut Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Queer Mental Health Service). Narrated by star Conrad Westmaas (voice of C'Rizz in the Big Finish audios) and written by Joshua Winisko, Selim Ulug, Harry Draper, Ben Tedds, Sophie Iles, Max Curtis, and Lizbeth Myles. The audio is in support of https://www.mindout.org.uk. Please give what you can. The written version can be found here:  https://selimpensfiction.com/fanfiction/doctor-who-the-eighth-day/
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The Ninth Doctor to Meet Liv and Tania for Big Finish's Upcoming Hidden Depths
The Ninth #DoctorWho to Meet Liv and Tania for @bigfinish's Hidden Depths
The Ninth Doctor runs into his former companions in Big Finish’s The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Hidden Depths, due for release in November 2022. In the third adventure of the set, Flatpack, Nicola Walker and Rebecca Root return as Liv Chenka and Tania Bell, respecively – most recently heard in the Eighth Doctor Adventures series, Stranded – now happily living together in London. While shopping,…
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tindogpodcast · 2 years
TDP 1122: #DoctorWho 9th Doctor2.3. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Hidden Depths
  This title was released in November 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date.
Sometimes things lurk below the surface which only the Doctor can see...
From a moon with poison seas, to a 19th-century health spa, even somewhere as everyday as a furniture store on a Sunday afternoon - there are always hidden depths and unseen dangers to uncover!
3.1 The Seas of Titan by Lizbeth Myles Out on Saturn's moon, Titan, an outpost all-but-forgotten by Earth struggles on against the odds.
As the Doctor joins explorers deep in the methane seas, they discover a hidden civilisation. But will the Sea Devils prove to be the colony’s salvation or its final destruction?
3.2 Lay Down Your Arms by Lisa McMullin 1864. Instead of relaxing at the Bad Homburg Spa, its visitors are fighting. And Bertha Kinzky, housekeeper to Alfred Nobel, is appalled. Perhaps the mysterious Herr Schmidt can help?
Soon, Bertha is contending with aliens, as well as her mother’s matchmaking, as she and the Doctor try to keep the peace.
3.3 Flatpack by John Dorney Liv Chenka and Tania Bell are spending Sunday afternoon on that most traditional of couple activities. Furniture-shopping!
But just how long has London's newest Flatpack store been open? Who is its mysterious manager? And is it even Sunday? Liv is about to run into a very old friend...
A new Tin Dog Podcast
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sophia-sol · 4 years
Consolation Songs, edited by Iona Datt Sharma
A lovely collection of short stories being sold with all proceeds going to support UCLH Charity's COVID-19 appeal. A thoroughly enjoyable book, with an intention that the stories within are at least somewhat optimistic. Also they're all various flavours of sff. Also a high percentage of queerness. All of which is WHAT I WANT out of a story so YAY.
The stories I loved the most (I HAD FEELINGS) were, in order of appearance:
Storm Story by Llinos Cathryn Thomas, about people working together to survive on a generation ship crossing an endless ocean in search of land
Bethany, Bethany by Lizbeth Myles, about changelings and sisterhood
Seaview on Mars by Katie Rathfelder, about having survived the early hard years of a colony establishing itself on a new world, and how to live in it now that you're old and the colony's thriving
A Hundred and Seventy Storms by Aliette de Bodard, about a spaceship who's a person and her human cousin, doing their best to support each other in difficult circumstances
This is New Gehesran Calling by Rebecca Fraimow, about a diaspora being connected to their community and their identity in various ways via underground radio
My second-favourite stories (still all very good!) were:
Upside the Head by Marissa Lingen, about a concussion researcher with an experimental treatment to help people with post-concussion syndrome recover, and the hockey players who grow in new directions as a result. I felt invested in the concussion researcher and her work, but I felt a bit distant from the experimental subjects.
Four by Freya Marske, about seeing the good in the world and in other people and continuing on, even when there are still bad things that happen, and also about the four horsepeople of the apocalypse. I struggled with remembering names because three different significant characters had names with very similar vibes to me, so I kept getting Felicity and Patricia and Olivia mixed up with each other, which made it challenging to follow. And I was sad that uh Olivia's (I think??? it was Olivia?) story didn't have a happy resolution within the narrative, but the overall feel of the story was still really lovely and great.
St Anselm-by-the-Riverside by Iona Datt Sharma, about an alternate-universe Earth dealing with a Chilling instead of global warming, and a completely different pandemic. A little too close to home for me to be fully into it right now, and I had a brief moment near the beginning where I thought the fantasy plot stuff was going in a COMPLETELY different direction than it actually was and now I secretly want that story instead, but as a story it's still very good despite the things I was bringing to it.
I found The Girls Who Read Austen and Love, Your Flatmate to be just kind of boring to me, I didn't love the (unintentional?) thematic implications of Low Energy Economy that the abject suffering of workers under capitalism is worth it because the work they do allows other people to thrive, and I don't feel like I quite followed enough of the beginning of Of A Female Stranger for the payoff to be successful for me.
So yes, not every story worked for me, because that's just the nature of short story collections, but a very respectable percentage of them did! Sometimes I finish a collection having only felt strongly about a couple stories in it, but this one didn't have that problem. A good collection, very worth reading, and your money goes to a good cause!
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