author-a-holmes · 1 year
Romantic Snippet Tag Game
Thank you @kaiusvnoir for the Tag.
Time to share some romance... Tagging forward, with no pressure, to; @faelanvance, @minamoroz, @queen-kass-the-writer, @sylhorn, @talesfromaurea, @withlovelunette, @mr-writes, @jasmineinthenight, @tyne-sharrow, and @afoolandathief
As for my own share...
Changeling is the first act of a slowburn romance between Lizzy Hail and Andric Roche, so there's not too many instances of outright romance in the first book, and only one kiss.
And call me a miser, but I don't want to share Lizzy and Andric's first kiss out in a public platform. It's one of my favourite scenes and if anyone wants to read that specific climactic moment, then Changeling's for sale on all ebook platforms, with physical books also available through Amazon.
But there are some earlier moments that imply romance, and build the slow burn between Lizzy and Andric, one of which is another favourite scene of mine. It's a really raw moment for Lizzy, who very rarely allows herself to be emotionally vulnerable, and this revelation that there's a gentle heart beneath her rock hard surface endears her to Andric and brings out every protective tendancy he has.
"So... you're just— you're going to do nothing?" Lizzy spluttered, and Andric smiled before letting himself take another, closer, look at her.
She was small, but there was an inner strength to Lizzy. He should have seen it the first night they'd met, when she'd recovered from her fear fast enough to stand her ground and argue with him, but he'd dismissed it. He'd assumed it was due to shock, or the woman not being aware of how close to death they'd been.
But even now, even believing she'd revealed a secret he could wield against her, even after breaking apart just a little, she stood with her chin raised.
Lizzy met his gaze and held it. She was terrified, it was hidden there in the darkest depths of her gaze, but she refused to flinch. Andric couldn't help but find that deeply impressive.
"I'm going to guard your vulnerabilities," he said, "as per the terms of my employment contract with you," he added, smile widening teasingly. "And maybe, if I'm very lucky, earn a little of your trust."
"Why?" she asked, and Andric's smile faded as he sighed.
"Because you're clever, funny, and you've got potential... and I don't think I was too far off the mark. Apart from your mum and Booker, do you have anyone back in Arbaon?"
She didn't flinch or order him to be silent this time, but she went very still. Like an animal startled in the wild. Andric waited, not pushing her, and a second later her mouth tightened and she glanced away, shrugging one shoulder.
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Book Review: Changeling (Fey Touched #1)
Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of Changeling by the author and voluntarily leaving an honest review of the book.
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@author-a-holmes, MY HEART!
From the very first page all the way through the closing pages, Arista Holmes tugged at not only my heartstrings but my intrigue as well. Guiding readers through a well-developed world, main characters Lizzy, Booker, and Andric have an interesting dynamic that kept me on my toes almost as much as the twists woven into the plot as they searched for Lizzy’s mother.
I wasn’t certain what to expect of this portal fantasy novel, or what the relationship between the fey and the vampires would be (as past reads like The Shadow Falls series have been touch and go for me), but the way Holmes skillfully balanced necessary details about the setting and the history between the Fey Court and Vampire Council without interrupting the plot had me turning page after page.
My only disappointment with Changeling is actually no fault of author’s, but my own. I finished this much too quickly and am eagerly looking forward to book 2 because I desperately need to know where Lizzy, Booker, and Andric’s search for Madeline Hail will take them next!
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ellatholmes · 2 years
Invitation to gush, accepted?! <3
It feels like all I do is talk about my WIP's so forgive me if I'm repeating myself, but I'm currently falling in love with my OC's Lizzy Hail and Andric Roche all over again.
Changeling is my romantic portal fantasy debut novel, and it has taken me longer to write than I expected it to, twice as long as my epic fantasy manuscript, 'Stolen', but I finally feel like I've gotten a handle on the plot and the character's voices, and their motivations.
A quick run down;
Lizzy, her best friend Booker, and her mother Madeline are all Fey from the realm of Arbaon.
When Madeline travels to the mortal realm, for what should have been a brief two week trip, and doesn't come back, she is declared "Missing, presumed dead." This is standard practice in Arbaon as the Court Ruling is that any fey taking the risk of travelling to the mortal realm is doing so at their own risk.
But Lizzy wants to find out what happened to her mum, and why she went there in the first place.
When Lizzy and Booker get to the Mortal Realm however, they find out that not only are there humans and vampires, but also rabid, monstrous versions of the vampires, poisoned by human blood, called kavians.
Their first encounter with a kavian brings them to the attention of Andric Roche and plot ensues...
My deadline for finishing the first draft of the manuscript, with the intent to publish next year is the end of this month, and I'm making super progress. I'm currently 32k into Nano, and 53k into the total manuscript.
But, the reason I'm falling in love with Lizzy and Andric all over again, and the reason I'm taking full advantage of your invitation to gush, is because my two darling idiots just went waaaaay off script.
I just wrote a scene last night that appears nowhere in my outline.
Even as I was writing it, I just kept thinking; "I'm going to have to figure out how to fit this scene in. I might have to move it to later in the story. Need to check how much plot they've skipped to get to this point in the outline."
And it's made Chapter 19 my biggest chapter in the entire book, but I really liked the end result.
So I finished the chapter. Went and looked at my outline to see what I needed to edit... only to find that my glorious idiots had, by going off-script, solved a plot hole that was about to appear 2 chapters along in my outline, that I hadn't noticed was a plot hole yet!
So I thought they might be moving a little fast, but it turns out I know nothing. At least my characters know what the hell is going on!
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Chapter 19 Sneak Peek
Because I can't resist sharing. No impulse control. That's me <3
She was small, but there was an inner strength to Lizzy. He should have seen it that first night, when she'd recovered from her fear quickly enough to stand her ground and argue with him, but he'd dismissed it. Assumed it was due to shock, or the woman simply not knowing how much danger they'd been in.
But even now, even believing that she'd revealed a secret he could wield against her, even after breaking apart just a little, she stood with her chin raised.
Lizzy met his gaze and held it. She was terrified, it was hidden there in the darkest depths of her gaze, but she refused to flinch, and Andric smiled.
"I'm going to guard your vulnerabilities," he said gently, "as per the terms of my employment contract with you," he added, smile widening teasingly. "And maybe, if I'm very lucky, earn just a little of your trust."
"Why?" she asked, and Andric's smile dropped a little as he sighed.
"Because you're clever, funny, and you've got potential... and I don't think I was too far off the mark. Apart from your mum and Booker, do you have anyone back in Arbaon?"
She didn't flinch, or order him to be silent this time, but she went very still. Like an animal startled in the wild, but Andric waited, not pushing her and a second later her mouth tightened and she glanced away, shrugging one shoulder.
"Mia wasn't... wrong. Entirely," Lizzy muttered. "All female fey are supposed to have wings. The fact that I don't... well. Until Booker, I'd only ever had my mum. And now I only have Booker."
Arbaon was, as far as the stories went, a single realm with a small population, but Andric couldn't imagine living your whole life knowing that your entire world thought you lesser because of an accident of birth. That same urge from earlier rose up again, the desire to help, to guard, and to protect.
"Trust me?" he asked, letting just a hint of playful challenge enter his voice and hoping it rallied her stubbornness back to the surface. Instantly, her head whipped back around to study him, her eyes fluttering slightly as she considered his question, but eventually offered a tiny nod, and Andric let his lips curl into a smile.
"Your hands. At least one of them is bleeding," he said, holding out his own. "I can smell it," he added carefully, watching Lizzy swallow hard before she slowly put her hands back in his. Andric lifted them slightly, the motion tugging Lizzy close, just a step, as he inspected her palms, and he hummed.
"It's just the right," he told her, releasing her left hand and cradling her right in both of his, before lifting his eyes back to hers, and letting a smirk creep through his walls, hoping the challenge would keep her focus.
"Vampires have a venom in their teeth that can stop a wound from cotting and closing. It's how we used to feed on humans... but our saliva counteracts it, and encourages injuries to heal over at an advanced rate," he explained, pausing to give her a moment to absorb his words, before he grinned again. "Still trust me?"
"Not as much as before you grinned at me like that," Lizzy muttered, scowling at him, and Andric laughed, prompting her to roll her eyes in response. "But... enough," she added, despite the nervous swallow he caught sight of.
He didn't give her a chance to second guess her decision, or worry about what he planned to do. Instead brought the pad of his right thumb to his lips, and ran his tongue over it, before bringing it down to her hand.
His thumb swept gently across her palm, pressing featherlight across the four crescent shaped wounds where her nails had sliced into her hand, and Lizzy gasped. He hoped it was surprise and not fear, but he didn't look away from her hand, waiting until he could see the small cuts sealing up and leaving only faint red lines in their wake, before he released her.
"There. Good as new."
yoooo this sounds amazing 🤩🤩🤩
I love when scenes just come to you, especially when they prompt some sort of change or resolution of a plot problem 😁 that's so great!
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oceanwriter · 5 years
Last Line (tag)
Annnnd yet again I’ve fallen insanely behind on my tags. I’m sorry!! Life’s been crazy.
I was tagged by @silenciawrites @ratracechronicler (x2) and @hartkinsao3 -- thank you all so much!!
Here’s a snippet from a new wip I’ve been working on (I’ll make a proper post soon, but essentially it’s a teen fiction story based on a twelve-year-old idea an old friend and I came up with that never left my mind)...
School was a little better today. I looked at some of the clubs they have and signed up for the book club. Hopefully I’ll make a friend or two. I really need one. Lizzie gets to have a break from all of this with her? Me? I’m still left waiting for Mom to arrange riding lessons. I asked her about them again at dinner tonight. No different answer. Tomorrow I’m going to look up the closest stable and pray it’s within walking distance. Better yet, I should see if Mom will let me start biking to school. I know the way now. It isn’t too far for her to worry. I just need something to be mine again. No step-sister. No step-father. No Mom even. I’ve made enough sacrifices and it’s time I do something for myself. I’ll probably get in trouble, but I’ve asked Mom for help too many times and all I got was an empty promise in return.
I tag (if you’d like) @cawolters @paladin-andric and @raevenlywrites
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author-a-holmes · 10 months
It's December 13th!
Am I sharing some gorgeous, thought provoking, Van Gogh Quotes this month?
Absolutely I am.
Am I also sharing a Question of the Day inspired by the daily quote, and then inviting you all to answer them with me?
I absolutely am doing that too!
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If you want to play the rules are simple. Answer the question, and then tag forward! I'm leaving all my posts this month as open tags so feel free to join at any time. <3
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Question of the Day!
Tell us about something that your protagonist finds beautiful?
My Answer:
At the risk of getting a little romantic up in here, Lizzy finds Andric’s hair beautiful. A rich red colour, it’s unlike anything she’s encountered. The fey are all blonde haired, blue or green eyed. Very pale, almost transluscent skin. The closest they fey come to Andric’s dark red hair is a soft strawberry blonde. Combined with eyes that remind her of the clouds after a storm, Lizzy just finds Andric beautiful to look at.
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author-a-holmes · 9 months
It's December 31st!
Am I sharing some gorgeous, thought provoking, Van Gogh Quotes this month?
Absolutely I am.
Am I also sharing a Question of the Day inspired by the daily quote, and then inviting you all to answer them with me?
I absolutely am doing that too!
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If you want to play the rules are simple. Answer the question, and then tag forward! I'm leaving all my posts this month as open tags so feel free to join at any time. <3
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Question of the Day!
To celebrate the end of 2023, and the start of a new year...
Share the beginning of something.
Whether that’s a work in progress, a chapter, a coversation between characters, or something else entirely...
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My Answer:
After six weeks on the road together, watching Lizzy had become something of a habit for Andric Roche. He'd been mid-conversation when he spotted her, standing across the road from the hotel he, and the two fey he was travelling with, had spent the night in. He'd been questioning one of the residents of the vampire clan they were currently visiting, but all of that suddenly felt inconsequential. Andric couldn't decide if he should be irritated or amused at the distraction Lizzy posed. She'd shoved her way out of the hotel, pushing the door open sharply and stepping out onto the pavement, his attention instantly diverted to her.
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author-a-holmes · 9 months
It's December 28th!
Am I sharing some gorgeous, thought provoking, Van Gogh Quotes this month?
Absolutely I am.
Am I also sharing a Question of the Day inspired by the daily quote, and then inviting you all to answer them with me?
I absolutely am doing that too!
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If you want to play the rules are simple. Answer the question, and then tag forward! I'm leaving all my posts this month as open tags so feel free to join at any time. <3
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Question of the Day!
What are your protagonists thoughts or opinions on ‘Love’?
My Answer:
Love is a complicated matter for fey. Because they are capable of dying from a broken heart, they tend towards avoiding emotional attachments. Combined with Lizzy’s trust issues and she never thought she’d want to fall in love, but the more she’s growing to know Andric, the more she might be beginning to think that Love is worth the risk.
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author-a-holmes · 23 days
Height Comparison Tag Game
Thank you @winglesswriter for the tag! (HERE)
Tagging forward, with no pressure, to; @jasmineinthenight, @tyne-sharrow, @rumeysawrites, @world-of-fire-and-flight-admin,
@cycleofash, @innocentlymacabre, @aalinaaaaaa, and anyone else who wants to play, consider this an open tag <3
Link to the Height Comparison Website
How To Play: List the heights of your OCs, add any notes you'd like, and make a chart
Lizzy Hail; 5'3 or 160CM
Lizzy's small, but mighty. Her mum's short too, so not knowing who her father is, she assumes she gets it from her mum.
Booker Reed; 5'10 or 177CM
Booker is in the upper end of height for a Fey. When he shot up in his early teens, he enjoyed lording it over Lizzy for a while, and it's where the habit of slinging his arm around her shoulders originated.
Nameer Khatri; 6'0 or 182CM
Nameer is exactly one inch shorter than his best friend, Andric, and it pisses him off. I think he'd have tolerated it better if there had been a bigger gap, but that one inch is so negligable, it irritates him.
Andric Roche; 6'1 or 185CM
Andric doesn't really think about his heigh much. It is what it is. It's why Nameer's only brought up his irritation once. The genuine look of confusion on Andric's face had been enough to deflate Nameer's whining.
Cara Evelyn; 5'6 or 170CM
Cara wishes she was taller. Mainly because she hates being forced to look up at people. She's fought long and hard to be respected in her kavian training classes, and she thinks if she were more imposing she wouldn't be underestimated or dismissed as easily.
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You can meet Lizzy, Booker, Andric, Nameer, and Cara in Changeling.
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author-a-holmes · 11 months
Darkling Sneak Peek
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Darkling sneak peek beneath the cut...
Fey Touched Trilogy Taglist:
@faelanvance @noirepersonal @queen-kass-the-writer @athenswrites @thelaughingstag @minamoroz @bardic-tales @outpost51 @talesfromaurea @ettawritesnstudies
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"You're kidding?" Lizzy asked, finally turning to face him again, frowning at him as he grimaced. "Lizzy—" "Andric," she cut him off, "this is the eighth vampire clan we've visited in the last six weeks, and we have nothing to show for it." "I know it seems that way, but—" "Seems?" Lizzy growled, because no matter how much she felt drawn to Andric, he could still get under her skin faster than anyone else she'd ever met.
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author-a-holmes · 12 days
Friday Kiss Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @winglesswriter (Here)
Tagging forward, with no pressure, to; @cwritesfiction, @theunboundwriter, @foxys-fantasy-tales
@acertainmoshke, @avrablake, @lassiesandiego, and anyone else who wants to play, consider this an open tag ^_^
How To Play: From your Story/WIP, post a kiss. It can be any kiss, from familial pecks on the cheek, platonic smooches, forehead kisses, to full-blown makeouts.
Darkling Spoilers beneath the cut. But only Little Ones. I chose a scene that didn't give too much away :D
[...]he paused as he tried to think of something that would reassure her. It was difficult when he was fairly sure he was about to get a painful lesson in humility, but after a moment Andric tugged his leather jacked off and draped it around her shoulders, the leather half drowning her as he offered her a playful wink. "Look after that for me, alright?" he asked her, the ache in his chest easing as she slipped her arms into the sleeves and the hint of a smile tugged the frown off her face. Andric let one hand rest on her elbow before he dropped a gentle kiss to her temple. Turning, he stalked after the other vampire, refusing to let himself glance back at the fey woman and taking comfort in the fact that at least his beloved jacket would come out of this encounter unscathed.
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author-a-holmes · 26 days
OC Questionaire Tag Game
Thank you @winglesswriter for the tag (HERE)
Tagging Forward, with no pressure, to; @cwritesfiction, @theunboundwriter, @foxys-fantasy-tales,
@acertainmoshke, @avrablake, @lassiesandiego and anyone else who wants to play, consider this an open tag <3
Your questions are;
What is your favourite comfort food?
What is something that your caregiver/s did for you as a child, that brings you instantly to a happy place when repeated now you're grown?
What is your least favourite form of exercise?
I'll be answering my questions for both Lizzy and Andric beneath the cut <3
What's your earliest childhood memory?
Lizzy: Flying with mum. She'd carry me through the forest, since I can't fly myself. It was... nice.
Andric: My dad teaaching me how to blur across the back lawn. I must have been about one or two years old. Something had scared me, I don't remember what exactly, and he was teaching me to run away faster than anything that might have been able to chase... Except kavians, but no one tells their kids about kavians that young.
Do you dance?
Lizzy: Uh, no. Never learnt.
Andric: Hmm. I can dance... but I do not dance.
What is a smell you cannot stand?
Lizzy: Burning Herbs. Whenever we'd go to Central City, it seemed like every stall holder was burning a different type, and the smells all mixed together until all I could make out was ash. Absolutely disgusting.
Andric: I can't tolerate neat bleach. It's too overpowering for my senses. Most vampires can handle it if watered down, but I struggle with that too.
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author-a-holmes · 14 days
Random Headcanon Generator Tag Game
Thank you @rumeysawrites for the tag (HERE)
Tagging forward, with no pressure, to; @duckingwriting, @oh-no-another-idea, @faelanvance, @elliottsbigstrongboyarms,
@mr-writes, @pluttskutt, @thatfunkylilfey, and anyone else that wants to play, consider this an open tag <3
How To Play: Use this headcanon generator to make headcanons for your OCs! Then talk about how accurate they are.
Lizzy Hail
"Lizzy drank an almost toxic amount of coffee once"
While this isn't actually true, I could believe it to be true. She is not a morning person. She relies on coffee to move from conscious to awake. I could believe it.
Booker Reed
"Booker is a horrible liar."
Untrue! Booker is actually a really GOOD liar. The fact that he doesn't like to, is probably his saving grace, but Booker could excell the two-talking, double-speak, that is natural within the Fey Court.
Cara Evelyn
"Cara will remind others in the midst of chaos how good they're being."
I can see it. Cara's quite a naturally sweet person. If she thought someone needed to hear it, to get them up and fighting again in the midst of said chaos, the words would come easily to her.
Andric Roche
"Andric can drive."
This one is so simple it feels like a cheat. Yes, Andric can drive. It's seen in the first book, and it's important to the plot in book two as Andric's car is the only way Lizzy and Booker can get to all the places they need to be.
Nameer Khatri
"Nameer has chronic nightmares."
Not something I'd thought about but, again, I can see it. Nameer is a kavian hunter. He's very good at his job. But that does mean he's witnessed, and done, some truly horrendous things. But Nameer's also a genuinely good soul, so I think they could definitely weigh heavy on his mind. Might also explain why he's so often laughing and joking, and taking those small pleasures where he can.
Mia Harris
"Mia does not know what sleep is"
This is an interesting one. It's true. Sort of. Mia does work herself to the bone, but it's not entirely willingly. She has a lot of demands and expectations placed on her from her home life. So she pushes, and she should sleep more than she does. And while her attitude isn't naturally the friendliest, all those sharp edges are only eenhanced by the pressure she's under, and the drastic lack of sleep she operates on.
Connorbar Moore
"If Connorbar was presented with an intergalactic portal, they would enter it without question."
If 'Intergalactic' was 'portal to Arbaon', then the answer is yes. 1000%. Without question or hesitation. Unfortunately for you all reading this, the reasons why are spoiler territory.
Olwen Pryce
"Olwen has fallen asleep at their desk while working in the middle of the night."
Another easy one to end on. Yes. Olwen is Connorbar's right hand, and she takes it very seriously. She's absolutely fallen asleep trying to keep on top of work, and Connor has absolutely ordered her to bed when he's found her.
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author-a-holmes · 1 month
Manuscript Search Tag Game!
Been a hot minute since I've done one of these!! thank you for the tag @oh-no-another-idea <3
Tagging forward with no pressure; @ashen-crest @world-of-fire-and-flight-admin @tisiphonewolfe
@talesfromaurea @withlovelunette @worldsfromhoney
Your words are; Last, Chill, Hand, Work
Darkling Spoilers beneath the cut, read on at your own risk <3
The waves lapping at the sandy shoreline told her that she was looking at an ocean, but the vastness of it had escaped her when she was doing nothing more than reading about it in her books on the mortal realm. There was a soft, almost rumbling sound, as the water crashed up against the beach, and Lizzy found herself heading towards it in genuine fascination. There were no people on the seafront. No vampires to question, but for a brief moment she was able to forget. About her argument with Booker, about the fact that she needed to find Moore to save her mum. Instead she let herself savour the discovery of something new.
"Once. A long time ago. This is Connorbar Moore," she introduced, as though the situation was little more than a formal ball. Lizzy wanted to shout and scream, to do something that would relieve the tension thrumming through her, and ease the pain in her chest from the rapid beating of her heart. But the look of fear that flashed across [REDACTED's] features, for just an instant, kept her silent.
"[REDACTED]!" Lizzy snapped, interrupting the furious back and forth between the two men, "it's not Andric's fault and, no offence, but you weren't there. You can't say what they would or wouldn't have done." He backed down faster than she'd expected considering the anger in his voice, but within seconds [REDACTED] had sunk back against the seat, and lifted one hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose.
She stepped closer, her hand outstretched and Andric felt the knot around his heart loosen as he sat up and reached for her, curling his fingers around hers gently as she settled beside him, her hip against the table. "I lied to you at Speculo because I didn't trust you," Lizzy said softly, her free hand lifting to settle softly against his neck, her thumb running along the line of his jaw. "I lied to Booker because I thought he'd betrayed me when he agreed with Walcott about mum." "I know," Andric said softly, "and it's not like you hid that you didn't trust us," he agreed. "I trust you," Lizzy whispered, large blue eyes watching him as she began to offer a small, hesitant smile. "I'm with you. We're a team."
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author-a-holmes · 1 month
Nine Lines, Nine People Tag Game
Thank you @noblebs for the tag <3
Tagging forward to the following lovelies, without any pressure ^_^
@innocentlymacabre @aalinaaaaaa @kittensartswriting @vesper-roux @shellyscribbles
@charlesjosephwrites @moonscribbler @dyrewrites @winglesswriter
Darkling Spoilers beneath the cut :D
Reaching out, she let her hand run over the ancient stonework, trailing her touch between the grooves like entangling her fingers with Andric's. The wards hummed, but they weren't the same wards that surrounded the Island. The wardstone that supported the protections surrounding Stormsend had always felt strong, but distant. Wherever the wardstone for the keep itself sat, Lizzy felt like it was much closer. Almost as though she could follow the resonance through the halls and track it down. The warm, comforting, care that had been placed here had sunk into the very bones of the building, and it summoned to Lizzy's mind the way she'd woken up. Strong arms curled around her, soft but secure. The scent of sleep in the air, and the warmth of Andric's skin against her lips where she'd tucked herself against his neck in the night. She almost walked into Olwen when the woman stopped in front of her, and Lizzy shook away the memories; She couldn't afford to be distracted if she wanted Moore to hear her out.
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author-a-holmes · 1 year
Good Lines Tag
Thank you @avrablake for the Tag. I've not seen this one before but I love it, so I'm going to pass it onto a few people...
Tagging forward, with no pressure, to; @faelanvance @charlesjosephwrites @authoralexharvey @acertainmoshke @queen-kass-the-writer @sylhorn @ashen-crest @world-of-fire-and-flight-admin @afoolandathief @fictionalbullshitter @artbyeloquent @ettawritesnstudies @sleepyowlwrites @duckingwriting @kaiusvnoir and @tisiphonewolfe. Also anyone else who wants to play, consider this an open tag.
What's a line that you're tremendously proud of writing, and what's a line that's just out-of-context ridiculous?
CW for the snippets: One talks about death and dying. The other talks about womens monthlies.
Line I'm Proud Of
It's a line Andric Roche says to Lizzy in Changeling, and I remember writing it, pausing and going. "Wow. Where did that come from?". It's stuck with me as a very quoteable line, and it's one of my favourites in Changeling.
"Survival is always about chance, Lizzy. Everything in the world wants to kill us. Even time."
Out-of-Context Ridiculous
I wasn't sure what to share for this one, but then earlier this evening (May 9th) I was doing a bit of writing practice with some characters from a future book and one of them spat out a line that's just perfect.
"Are you asking me to... to speed up my moonflow?!" she hissed out, and something on her face or in her voice must have warned Nik how close he was to igniting her fury because his hands raised fully, palms out, as he shook his head.
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author-a-holmes · 11 months
Darkling Sneak Peek
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Darkling sneak peek beneath the cut...
Fey Touched Trilogy Taglist:
@faelanvance @noirepersonal @queen-kass-the-writer @athenswrites @thelaughingstag @minamoroz @bardic-tales @outpost51 @talesfromaurea @ettawritesnstudies
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"Seemed like a stalemate down here," Booker said simply. "Thought I could help out." "You travel with two fey?" the tall vampire asked. "Andric's helping us look for someone," Lizzy explained, beginning to shiver now from the cold. The icy water had saturated through her shoes, and her trousers were soaking it up like a wick. Combined with the chilling wind, she was so cold it almost hurt.
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