#Lloyd Garmadon and Ninja team
writer-room · 1 year
Rewatching the earlier, and even pilots episodes, of Ninjago are so WILD man. First of all, you notice all the things that are just plain forgotten about or pushed aside in later seasons. Kai originally being the main character, sure, we all know that one, but Cole was heavily implied to be, or become, the leader of the Ninja, that was Cole’s thing. Zane was automatically described with having a sixth seer sense, when nowadays it shows up very, very infrequently. Lloyd used to basically be the Avatar, does anyone remember that? This kid was just the Avatar.
And then you remember the silly things. Like how the skeleton army was once a threat. Like...the skeletons. We battled a giant snake, smaller snakes, robot armies, sentient video games, Garmadon a billion different times, the Overlord, Oni...and the skeletons used to be a worthy adversary. The skeletons.
Did you all remember that Cole’s earth dragon used to...breathe earth? I’ve been forced to remember. Rocky used to breathe earth as a form of attack. It was shown through brown swirly wisps in that beautiful, incredibly shitty 2011 effect. The Underworld used to be implied to be the place where all dead people went, or at least the bad ones. We never heard of a Departed Realm. Do we remember the time Cole had a scene that was a direct parody of Michael Jackson? I sure do. Genuinely the highlight simply because I don’t know how to describe the emotion I felt upon seeing it.
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gen-z-ninja · 4 months
The LEGO Ninjago Movie | Ninja Team | Secret Identities | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Online Articles | Conspiracy Theories
Oh, Haven’t You Heard? by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro)
"Speaking of which," says Nya with a wide grin. "Have you checked YouTube recently?"
"Speaking of what?" Lloyd asks, before a phone is shoved in his face. He blinks. The video is frozen on a screen with the word 'UNSOLVED' stamped across it in bright red letters.
This week we will be investigating the alleged existence of a child of Lord Garmadon.
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akariarda · 3 months
Best team and family
Request from ao3.
Llyod won't come out of his room for a while, it made the Ninjas, Master Wu and Sensei Garmadon got worried and when they checked his room and he has a fever.
"Where is Lloyd?"Sensei Garmadon asked when he came out from the training room.
"I haven't seen him all day.
"He doesn't want to come out of his room," Kai spoke while he and the rest of the ninja were playing video games.
"Why?" Sensei Garmadon asked.
"I don't know," Nya shrugged her shoulders. "He just keeps saying he wants us to leave him alone."
"That's strange," Jay said. "Lloyd doesn't usually behave like this."
"Maybe he just needs some time alone," Zane suggested.
"Watch out, Jay, we're going to lose," Cole said as they all continued playing games.
"Who gave you permission to play games all day?" Sensei Wu angrily asked. "You were supposed to come to training."
"We thought of taking the day off because of Lloyd and everything," Kai tried to save the team.
"Okay, that's enough," Sensei Garmadon came and knocked on Lloyd's door.
"Lloyd,son, are you okay?"
"Just leave me alone," Lloyd grumpily said.
"See, Zane was right," Cole shrugged. "He wants to be alone."
"I'll go see what's happening," Sensei Garmadon exclaimed and opened the door to Lloyd's room.
"Are you okay?" Nya was the first to reach him and saw that he was lying on the bed.
"I just need some rest," Lloyd mumbled.
"Lloyd, buddy," Kai looked worried. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Come here, son," Sensei Garmadon gestured as he reached Lloyd's bed.
"I was thinking the same thing," Sensei Garmadon said after checking his forehead.
"Is he okay?" Sensei Wu asked.
"He has a fever, a high one," Garmadon said worriedly. "It's best for him to lie down."
"I'll bring you tea," Kai said and ran to the kitchen.
"I'll get the blanket, and Zane and Cole can get the cold compresses," Nya said.
"And me?" Jay asked.
"You can keep him company until we come back," Nya replied.
"Okay, then," Jay said as they all left.
"I don't think he's up for talking," Sensei Wu said.
"I know," Jay agreed, sitting by Lloyd's bed across from Sensei Garmadon.
"It will be fine," Sensei Garmadon said, gently patting Lloyd. "You have a great team looking after you."
"That's true," Sensei Wu proudly said. "They have matured a lot."
"Of course we care for him," Jay said. "In a few days, you'll be back and playing games with us."
"And training," Sensei Wu added.
"Here's the blanket," Nya said, entering the room. "Are you cold?"
"A little," Lloyd shivered, his teeth chattering.
"Then here, have more blankets," Nya tried to sound carefree, but it was obvious she was worried.
"I'll call Misako to bring fever-reducing tablets when she comes back from work," Sensei Garmadon stood up.
"In the meantime, apply cold compresses. Where are those two?"
"Here we are," Cole said as he and Zane brought the cold compresses.
"Let's apply them."Sensei Wu said.
"Here's the tea," Kai exclaimed and went to make Lloyd rest, but accidentally spilled it on himself.
"Are you okay?" Zane asked.
"No, I spilled the tea all over because of this..." Kai looked as if he were about to strangle Jay.
"Enough!" Sensei Wu exclaimed. "How aren't you ashamed! Your friend is sick, and you're yelling as if you're on the street. Apologize to Lloyd."
"Sorry, Lloyd," Kai came and sat next to him. "How are you?"
"I really didn't mean it. We are all worried about you," Jay explained.
"Thank you for caring about me. You are truly the best," Lloyd said.
"Of course, we will always look out for you," Cole said.
"You would do the same for us," Nya added. "We know that."
" I think it's best to let Lloyd rest," Sensei Wu said as the ninjas started leaving the room, saying goodbye to Lloyd.
"My sensors say you might recover soon," Zane said as he left.
"Thanks, Zane," Lloyd smiled. "Dad, can you stay with me?"
"Of course," Sensei Garmadon said, sitting beside him.
"Your mother will be here soon and will bring the tablets. Until then, you'll be fine. Everyone, take care of you."
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Yknow I think Lloyd should be good at devising plans. He went to evil school he should be good at scheming. The reason why he’s leader of the ninja is because he’s the one that makes the plans and comes up with ideas.
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localguy2 · 1 year
Oi may I please request some zane head cannons (I need some variety )
Sure thing, here's a teeny tiny list of headcanon for your enjoyment:
- Heavy sleeper imo, probably the heaviest on the team, it may be confirmed that Cole snores, but in my eyes Zane will always be the heavier sleeper cuz of Crystalized and Seabound
- he's actually a pretty good leader, but self doubt and worry fuck him over more then anything, that combined with how his plans sometimes don't take into account the people around him makes him scared shitless of leading at times
- examples of mostly good leading is in Season 5 where he's mainly the one spear heading the team in Stiix, although to be fair to Zane, Kai did also fuck up a lot of his plans (*cough* making Ronin raise the price & unintentionally hitting him with the crane which broke his voice box *cough*)
- examples of bad plans/leadership is possibly Sons of Garmadon where he basically throws Cole under the bus to get into the SoG (poor Cole lmao), and while he did get a good amount of info for the ninja, in the end it ended up with him at the bottom of the canyon (although again to be fair to him, if it wasn't for Harmui then the Sons of Garmadon would have probably not found about his true identity)
- on the topic of whole SoG plan, he's really fucking embarrassed about it and is also really guilty, and he apologises constantly to Cole for it, because not only did his plan get his brother in danger, in his eyes it was all for nothing since he got beat by Mr.E and almost died for it, depression!
- sorta linked with the last one, Green Ninja complex! (this time Nindroid edition), Basically like Lloyd, he feels like he should be more responsible, as such he holds himself to ridiculously high standards at times, which can be a determent of his own health at times, physical and mental, physical as in throwing himself into danger, and mental as in not wanting to fail at anything, because in his eyes "I'm a nindroid, I should be much better at this then the avgrage person.", fun all round ey?
- Can communicate with PIXAL without having to say anything, basically messaging PIXAL just by thinking about it, which has lead to some very obscure and random moments where he and PIXAL break out into laughter all of the sudden (yes they have inside jokes about everyone including each other)
- will not allow himself any rest if any of the ninja is hurt in any shape way or form, and if everyone is injured? Well fuck me he's staying up for at least 2 weeks with no sleep just to watch over them, something that Wu doesn't approve of because he probably needs as much rest as the rest of the injured ninja, but he can't do anything since-
- Zane is stubborn, stupidly stubborn at times, if he's focused on a task oh he WILL get it done and he will not let shit get in his way
- has won a chess championship because he thought it would be an "intertsing expiernce.", he hated it because of how people showed up and asked for pictures and shit lmao
- has both the most and least amount of control over his element, most as in being precise and accurate with freezing his targets and landing his shots, least as in the Ice Emperor trauma overwhelming him and causing him to lose control sometimes (although with Quest for The Lost Powers, he's since regained full control over his element)
- when the others found out that he was a nindroid (and that he didn't have a mom), they all decided that the next best thing would be to make him the mom of team, as such they celebrate mother's day in his honour (he finds it weird but at the same time amusing asf)
- mother's day when he was dead after Season 3 was possibly one of the most depressing times for the ninja, >:)
- makes ice sculptures for everyone randomly, which sorta leads into the next action
- he's the "Shows affection through actions" type, he doesn't have a problem saying that he loves his family out right, but he prefers physical actions to show his affection (making ice sculptures, cooking a favourite dish, heck perhaps even knitting clothes)
- occasionally lets his falcon out just to talk and hand out with it, he loves his berb a lot since its his last link to his father
- an absolute Disney princess with animals, "Awwww look at this horrifying abomination!" *pets the creature* "Can we keep him? <:)"
- still chills out at the bottom of cold lakes (this task has become significantly easier ever since Nya became the elemental master of water)
- is locked in an endless war with Cole over the title of "biggest brother in the family", it is yet to conclude despite all the shit they went through
- speaking of big brother and shit, I see a lot of people talking about Kai and Lloyd or RGB siblings, and believe those are really damn good I can't argue about that, BUT, hear me out: Lloyd and Zane with Lloyd as the little brother and Zane the big brother.
I mean it's just waiting to happen at this point, shared trauma alone is enough to make these 2 understand each other really well, here's a few examples:
1) the overlord, they've both faced the overlord alone and they damn well know how terrifying it is having the weight of the entire world on your shoulders
2) loving thier fathers, and having to watch thier legacies be destroyed, Sensei Garmadon's sacrifice was all for nothing when Harumi brought back the evil side of him, and all of Julien's good work was now sorta in bad name because of the Nindroid army, after all the nindroid army was based on Zane's design, which was made by Julien
3) both are scared of what they might become, in Season 11 Lloyd is scared that he might becomes like his father, an Oni, which is one of the reasons he hates embracing his Oni side so much in Crystalized, and Zane is scared of becoming just lines of code (personal interpretation is that it's the Ice Emperor, the Staff's influence and Vex's manipulation basically render him a set of lines of codes, constantly repeating the same cycle of attacking innocents and trapping them in his ice)
4) they've both died, Zane god knows how many times and Lloyd briefly in March of the Oni (shared death expiernces hellll yeaaaah)
This headcanon is a hill I'm willing to die on proudly
- on the topic of the nindroid army actually, Nindroid hate SKYROCKETED during Rebooted, and Zane wasn't spared that hate, fortunately for him and unfortunately, most of the hate went away after he sacrificed himself, yeah he might be fuckin dead but hey at least the word nindroid now isn't ruined anymore!
- has a sort of secret agreement with Kai of looking out for each other constantly, while Kai is a goofball at most times, he and Kai both are extremely serious about protecting their family, thus they understand each other super well, if Zane needs to have a serious talk with anyone, it's not Wu or Cole or anyone else he goes to, it's Kai, and vice versa
- stays up the entire night sometimes because he's having an existential crisis about how he's gonna outlive all his friends and loved ones, have fun with that one
- and now for a rapid fire set of HCs when it comes to his relationship with the other ninja:
Lloyd - a little brother he has to protect at all costs
Cole - the best costumer he could ask for, if Zane opened a restaurant Cole would be there every single day, will cook 5 cakes for Cole's birthday
Nya - tech and fighting bestie, Nya used to be Samurai-X so she knows her way around technology, as such they love talking about the latest stuff from Borg, also fighting besties, aside from their elements working well together (and especially if Kai is there, helping melt Zane's ice for Nya to control) they also are the most dangerous and well coordinated duo on the team, they will bust out fighting moves like it's nothing, and they are especially good at pinching their enemies and overwhelming them with constant attacks
Kai - mature brother he can trust at all times without hesitation, they both easily have the most shared secrets out of everyone, a testament to show how much they look out for each other
Jay - video games and random talks bestie, Zane has no issue spending hours at a time just to listen to Jay talk about anything cuz he genuinely finds it fun, plus it kills the time if there's nothing better to do
Wu - Wu still has a soft spot for Zane (bring back that season 1 and 2 dynamic writers c'mon), and Wu has special tasks reserved for him, and some secrets as well (Lloyd and Cole also have soft spots in Wu's heart)
PIXAL - do I seriously need to explain PIXAL? I mean fuck she's literally the love of his life, she understands him more then anyone im the world, and she knows everything about him thanks to living in his head for a while (vice versa with how he knows everything about her since she lived in his head), she's also the one to repair him most of the time (and again vice versa), the love for each other goes way beyond a nomal relationship because they just understand each other so well, and if harm falls on any of one of them, the cookie will indeed, crumble like a stack of playing cards
Oh and also vehicle building besties loool
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anns-works · 1 year
16yo Jay with 14yo Lloyd on his shoulders. They have a trenchcoat on in a cartoonish atempt at a disguise. Going to a store in the middle of the night to purchase candies and one (1) alcoholic beverage (neither old enough to legally do so). They make the cashier's day and get grounded by Kai when they get home.
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clambuoyance · 2 years
don’t mind me, I’ve just become obsessed with this scrapped fight scene that Jackie Chan helped choreograph from an old version of the movie 🥲🥲🥲 I am always a sucker for fight scenes that use their environment in fun and creative ways, and it makes me sooo curious to see what the old drafts of the movie were like.
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sea-jello · 2 years
seeing lloyd take the leadership role is always so weird to me cause like,, that is a CHILD. you’re letting a CHILD tell you what to do. personally i wouldn’t take that kind of disrespect but that’s just me
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sketchalicious · 10 months
doomed au timeline thing? idrk
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uhh okay so . i saw that the doomed au kinda popped off n i figured i'd go into a bit more depth for fun so i doodled out this crappy comic thing. i think i saw a homestuck comic do something similar LOL.
im gonna give like. aftermath of the ninja's deaths and such for the sake of clarity , since i know this is just an angsty clusterbump.
Kai: The real ignition for Lloyd's downfall. The staff was destroyed moments before the transformation ritual by the green ninja himself. In Lloyd's mind, his friend would return to normal. But he was met with something else as Kai desperately took the shards and ran away instead, too far gone into his ego and insanity. Returning home they remain the same in quantity, with Lloyd and Nya heartbroken, and Zane blaming himself.
Cole: He acted as the stable rock of the group. He brought the ninja back to their high spirits again, acting as a replacement flame for Kai to reunite his team. He even began the trend of looking for the missing ninja, with hope they were still out there. Yet despite being the very reason they stabilized, no one seemed to realize he disappeared. Instead they suddenly felt lost, like they were missing something. The grief returned, and the dots never connected.
Zane: His disappearance set the team on course for failure. With him, Asphera never explained where she had banished him, and the others were left to believe he was really, truly gone this time. He acted as the caretaker for the group, tying them together once more as he tried to bring back the joy they lost through menial tasks and the small details of the world. Even back to when Kai disappeared, Lloyd could be a leader with his help. With the last light in the tunnel gone, no one had any more confidence to step up.
Nya: Jay and Lloyd's breaking point. Without her, they lost their drive to keep searching. Her disappearance plays the same as canon, becoming one with the sea. Though she was less hesitant now, understanding that this was just fate, that the team wasn't meant to survive. If that was the case, she'll go out with a bang, knowing that with her gone they would understand too. At least she knew they would be safe for now.
Lloyd: His disappearance happened long after he recognized his Oni form. After having to fight the overlord alone, he went on a downwards spiral. Jay couldn't be there, and frankly, Wu couldn't get through to him like Garmadon did. Lloyd hated the idea of fate. He felt too, like Nya, that the team wasn't meant to last. As such, in his last effort to feel control, he caved into what came easy.
Pixal: Like Zane did in canon after Nya, she turned off her emotion meter. She knew some of the ninja could be saved, and she knew she had to stop grieving in order to even try. In a frustrated effort, she attempted to bring the ninja to her level, only to blame herself for Lloyd's snap. After realizing she couldn't do much for a grieving Jay, she leaves to find the others.
Jay: Who knows where he is. Wu entered his quarters to find only a pair of nunchaku, and his gi laying on his pillow. Maybe he joined Pixal, maybe he existed as a criminal like Lloyd now. All Wu knew is he lost his last student and the last defender of Ninjago. It's likely Jay quit, afraid of becoming next in fate's cruel hand. He'd only learn after the merge.
okay thats it lmao. i might add more ideas in the future but im not creative enough to plot it out properly gO NUTS
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Some doodles of the Ninja, as well as some of my Chad Headcanons™ on the Ninja Team and what characteristics they retain after turning into something non-human:
Zane and Pixal: well. They're Nindroids. They've got cool metallic platings and armour. On a bad day they might quite literally glitch and spark. On a good day they'll recite random facts due to having access to the Internet.
Cole: He still has that scar after travelling through the Rift of Return; it often flickers or just starts ""smoking"" whenever he's stressed or anxious, and to calm himself down he listens to the songs his parents danced to.
Lloyd: He's part oni and dragon so of course he's going to have characteristics from both. Horns from the oni, pointed ears from the dragons, and that Zagreus eye colour scheme because he's Garmadon's son and the Green Ninja.
Jay: He may be human now but he was /so close/ to turning into a Fangpyre. Hence, his canines are still elongated to resemble fangs, and the freckles that miraculously appeared are actually scales that never fully managed to disappear.
Nya: Since she was stuck as the ocean for a whole year, she still retains the horns of her dragon form, as well as pointed ears because she was a /dragon/. Sometimes, when it's really dark, the markings of the ocean on her skin just. light up. Bioluminescent girl
Kai: literally nothing. He gets trauma for seeing everyone lose their humanity
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teeful-corner · 7 months
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ How? .ᐟ. . . (THE FUCK ARE YOU ALIVE!?) Lloyd Garmadon x Reader | Gender Neutral Reader
ੈ˳light Dragons Rising (s1) spoilers, reference to previous seasons; Ghosts of the past come to haunt Lloyd in the future, while somehow also quelling a long-term ache in his heart. ੈ˳tags / warning: implied relationship, death (slightly detailed), dealing of lost and angsty Lloyd, Jay and Cole are still not back :(, not proof read! 4.9k words.
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"Hey Lloyd!" Arin called from the library, catching Lloyd's attention sharply as he tried to pass by. The call didn't seem urgent, yet Lloyd wasn't going to do anything of particular urgency either, so he decided to peak inside; he was also wondering why (and how) Arin was in the Library. Not that it had been locked, or anything of the sort, yet because the Library somewhere that Lloyd would have thought Sora would be, not Arin. Hmm, maybe scratch that. Arin would probably be in the Library if it meant he could learn anything about the ninja. Good dedication, he had to admit, albeit it a tad weird. "Yeah Arin?" Lloyd called back when Arin didn't turn his attention over to him, still engrossed in whatever he was looking at. When Lloyd entered the room, walking over to Arin to peer at the book from behind, he would soon notice it was an old photo album. Zane, Pixel, and Nya used to keep it up to date with adventures and general family outings. "Who's that? I don't think I ever remember a ninja wearing purple on your team before." Arin asked, pausing for a minute before he added on quite proudly. "And I know more about you guys than anyone should know!"
The photo that Arin was looking at was a group photo, one in front of the Monastery before one of the countless times it got burnt down. Sometimes Lloyd couldn't help but wonder why they didn't rebuild the Monastery out of something that was inflammable; though he guessed Master Wu always enjoyed coming back to a Monastery that hadn't changed. And Lloyd had to admit, it was also a nice change of pace of the constant changing world outside. It felt like a part of the chaotic world was standing still; even if that feeling was usually a brief one. Yet, in the photo, Arin would point at a Ninja who was piggy-backing off of Lloyd back. Well, maybe not piggy-backing. It was more of, at the time of the photo, they had jumped onto Lloyd's back and he was in the process of falling down. Meanwhile, Kai had burst out laughing and Nya was elbowing him, rather harshly, with a snicker. Though her efforts were rather targeted as seeing the rest of the team was already bursting out in bubbly laughter. Lloyd swore he could hear all their laughter echo in his pointed ears, like the day had just happened. But he knew he was wrong. His eyes became saddened as much as he tried to smile; if not to soothe Arin, then to soothe himself. "Ah, well, that's the Master of Crystals." Lloyd began to explain to Arin, who craned his neck back to look up at Lloyd. "...um, shoot. What can I say about them?" Lloyd tried not to laugh at his own short comings, a habit that he was constantly teased for yet he couldn't help. "The Master of Crystals?" Arin mumbled in echo to Lloyd's statement. His eyes filtered back down to the frozen photo, taking in how blurry everyone looked from moving. He couldn't help but crack a smile. "You two seem close!" "We were!... we really were." Lloyd's voice drew off a bit, his eyes glancing to the side as he still tried to wrack his mind on what to say. He knew if he said too much he would start crying, yet he also knew that Arin would want to know as much as possible. Yet how could he sum up them in words? That task, Lloyd thought, was impossible. "I wish you could have met them," Lloyd would find himself mumbling. "They were amazing, well as great as a person can be." Lloyd started as Arin turned to face him again, photobook still supported in his hands. "They were rather talented, some of their paintings are actually hung around the Monastery - well those that didn't burn in the fires. They were. . . wonderful, incredibly funny at all the wrong times. Fearless, in their own way, and yet reckless at the same time. Master Wu always scolded them for jumping head first into situations instead of using their head. "They were rather passionate as well, yet somehow managed to be a total introvert; they would not speak to the press, nor anyone they were uncomfortable with. Always gave one of the Ninja this stare that screamed 'help me'. Social awkwardness, that's the word for it." Lloyd couldn't help but smile as memories began to surface themselves after being dormant for years. Arin kept his eyes on Lloyd as he spoke, only occasionally glancing down at the picture to look of the Ninja that Lloyd spoke of. Arin couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't heard of them before. "They were also kind... maybe too kind." Lloyd paused in his speech, he had been rambling for a while before his words fell short. So much so Arin had noticed that Kai stopped to listen from the doorway; he seemed curious on the conversation, yet soon realized who Lloyd was talking about and grew the same solemn look. "What happened to them?" Arin was compelled to ask when he noticed all the past-tense that Lloyd was using when describing the Purple Ninja; furthermore the solemn look that the two grew when speaking about them. Yet, Arin wasn't sure if those looks were because the Ninja got lost during the merge. . . or if something before the merge happened.
The silence was more deafening than a rock-n-roll concert. Arin's brain was flooded with reasons for the sudden silence, ranging from the simplest answer (they were lost in the Merge) and the most complex scenario his brain could possibly think of. He would gingerly close the photo album and try and place it back into the shelf, "We don't have to talk about it if you guys don't want to!" He was quick to rush out. He didn't want to cause any sort of discomfort, and the silence suggested he had; that or he had just resurfaced some horrible memories that were being shoved away. Arin didn't hear when Kai had came over to the two, jumping when he felt the sudden warm hand on his shoulder, and gingerly glancing back over to Kai. He seemed in a much better shape about the question than Lloyd was. Arin knew Kai was trying to offer some sort of smile to soften the anxiousness that coursed through Arin - yet his smile wasn't very convincing. "They gave their life to try and protect us, kid." Kai explained, ruffling Arin's hair in another attempt to soften the mood. Yet, somehow Arin felt worse in hearing the news, turning to look over at Lloyd with apologetic eyes. Lloyd wasn't facing them.
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Sora was quick to pick up on the more solemn mood that Lloyd seemed to be slumped in, not being as attentive during training or flat out spacing out - which tended to cause multiple accidents. Sora knew she wasn't the only one who caught on either. During her training with Nya, the Water Ninja continued glancing back at Lloyd with frowned eyebrows and eyes swimming in worry. Nevertheless, they both saw how careful Arin was around Lloyd, and Sora half wondered if some sort of stress caused Lloyd to crack and snap; she's heard from a few sources that he could have a temper on him. Yet, Nya pointed out how Kai acted around Lloyd and claimed that something happened that wasn't Lloyd snapping at Arin. Something much bigger. "How can something bigger than Lloyd snapping at Arin make Lloyd so. . ." Sora fished for the right word. Distant didn't feel right. ". . .I don't know! Not-Lloyd and Arin so cautious?" Nya glanced over at Sora, lips pierced in a frown, before her eyes returned over to Lloyd, "I don't know, but something did happen. Not Lloyd snapping happen, yet something. I've only seen Lloyd this despondent since-" And Nya stopped, causing Sora's interest to peak. She waiting for Nya to continue, dutifully noticing the rise of suspicion mixed with realization that swirled in Nya's eyes. When Nya did not continue, though, Sora asked with a cocked eyebrow. "Since some big even that caused Lloyd to lose someone close to him, and he somehow still blames himself over all these years?" It was a rhetorical question, laced with some humorous sarcasm, as Sora went back to her work. She was fixing up her mech, trying to add some enhancements on it so it would run smoother. All the while she was also trying to channel her elemental power without Riyu's help. This allowed Riyu to be able to lay in the sun nearby while intensively watching Sora's work, ready to bounce onto his feet if Sora needed his help. Sora noticed the silence from Nya, yet ignored it at first as she tightened a screw. Yet, after the third, the silence got a tad awkward. Sora glanced back at Nya, who was staring at her with a baffled look; almost as though she had seen a ghost. "What. . .?" Sora glanced behind her, seeing if she had missed something. Yet, she only saw her mech and came to the conclusion that she didn't. "How did you?" Nya's posture straightened as Sora glanced back at her. Now Sora was positively confused, "How did I what?" And Nya would roll her wrists, acting like that had carried the answer to Sora's question. It didn't and Sora was left just puzzled. Yet Nya seemed to get the hint that, maybe, Sora didn't know what she was talking about and happened to just take a rather accurate jab in the dark with her rhetorical question. As for Nya shook her head, clearing the baffled look on her face, before actually waving off Sora's puzzled look this time. "Nothing, nothing. I just thought-" And again, Nya wouldn't finish her sentence as her eyes drifted back to Lloyd. Sora would notice as she rubbed her neck, her eyebrows frowning more so than before, and a frown tugging deeper on her lips.
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"I LEFT YOU GUYS ALONE FOR ONLY A SECOND!" Kai's shouting filled the court yard as Sora, Arin, Wyldfyre, and Riyu stood away from the gigantic hole in Monastery wall. Kai had gone inside only a a few minutes before a merge portal had appeared right above the Monetary; which both frightened and confused the four, seeing as Lloyd had used the dragon cores a few weeks ago! "It wasn't us!" Arin started, instantly trusting his hands up in the same way a cop would ask you to. Kai gawked at the four before rushing down the Monastery steps as Zane peaked door behind him, confused. Sora was quick to add to Arin's plea for innocence, yet she was cut off by Wyldfyre. "This was not our faults!" Wyldfyre crossed her arms, "Someone just fell out of the sky, crashed, and broke the wall! It was not me this time." Sora resorted just to agreeing with the two at this point. Kai groaned, and Sora wondered if it was out of laziness (for not wanting to deal with another broken Monastery wall) or out of 'I'm going to be killed for leaving you all alone!'. Either way he rushed past the four and over to the wall, but to Riyu's concerned growls, to check out the damage. He drew his sword just encase. "Fell out of the sky? But Lloyd should have stopped the rifts from reopening." Zane said as he walked over to Arin's left, staring at the rubble with confusion before he began to analyze the rubble as Kai began to carefully climb onto of it. "That's what I thought!" Arin shouted, thrusting his hands out at the crashed wall, "but then someone just- FELL FROM THE SKY!" Sora would add, "While being spit out of a rift. Though it disappeared after they got spat out." "Again, none of this was Wyldfyre's fault." Wyldfyre stated again, nodding in agreement to her own statement as though to add value to it. Nya didn't seem too amused as she rushed out with Lloyd to the hole in the wall and the proclamations of rifts and people falling out of them. Kai swore he was getting a headache from listening to Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre explaining the situation again; not from their voices, yet from the sheer annoyance that these rifts were causing trouble again. Especially when they had all thought that they were taken care of. And just as he thought life was getting back to normal, or as normal as life after the Merge could get, life slaps him in the face. Again! Thanks life, you're really helpful. Yet Kai's sour thoughts towards life didn't stop him from checking the rubble and coming to a quick stop after he noticed a familiar gi lying on top of the white stone. His body froze at an instant, the grip on the Monetary wall tightened, both out of fear and unknowing how to process who laid in front of him. "Lloyd-" Kai called into the flurry of voices that tried to figure out what had happened. Gaining no response from Lloyd at first, Kai tried calling him again despite not being able to tear his eyes away from the person. Finally, "LLOYD!" "What?!" Lloyd shouted back to Kai, turning to face the Fire Master both confused and more aggressive than he intended. Though his stance quickly softened as he noticed Kai's face: pale white. A beat. Lloyd gingerly, yet with as much confidence as he could muster, walked over to Kai and where he stood on the rubble. As he approached behind him, Lloyd called out again: "Kai?" Yet the only response he gained was a shaking hand that Kai pointed towards the rubble. Concerned, and with adrenaline now rushing through his blood like crazy (the held silence from the others not helping his nerves at all) Lloyd climbed upon the rubble to come face to face with a haunting face. In an instant, it felt like Lloyd's world was turned upside down as his eyes flickered over every detail of the familiar body that was no longer mangled or torn, no longer gruesomely defiled in the most repulsive way.
Lloyd could still remember how their limbs hung on like strings, or were disconnected entirely. How their blood stained the concrete road blacker than it had been, how the rotting smell filled the streets before the war had ended and they were safe to burry their friend. The details rushed back to Lloyd quicker than he wanted; more graphic than Lloyd remembered it being. The shock, horror, terror, slight disgust all made him recoil away from the stones wall; it forced him to completely turn his back and cup his mouth in fear of puking. His eyes were wide, his pupils shrunk as he tried to get those horrible, god awful memories out of his mind. The smell he remembered that coated the streets hit him, causing him to hunch over. He knew this was all in his head, old trauma resurfacing to bite him in the ass for never fully recovering from that scene. He could hear the voices, panicked and just as disturbed (mostly from the original Ninja) when they realized who laid in the rubble. Lloyd distantly felt a hand on his back, but his mind swirled and circled as he felt like his gut had been punched. "What's going on? What's happening?" Arin panic sounded so far to Lloyd, and Arin seemed further when Lloyd turned to look at his student. Arin grew fearful as he saw the detailed horror on Lloyd. Nya was trying to calm the situation. Zane was examining the body, trying to make sense of what was happening. He first ran a diagnostic and the only words Lloyd picked up were "Alive", "Breathing", "Vital". They weren't mangled and torn and tattered, they breathed and were whole and alive. That was a wild concept to Lloyd, caused his knees to buckle. His hand slid down roughly on the Monastery wall as he crashed to his knees. He was trying to keep the tears from spilling over, hiccupping escaping his throat as he choked back sobs. "Can someone explain to use what's going on?!" Sora shouted as Lloyd balled his hand into a fist against the Monastery. Sora sounded distressed, Lloyd couldn't blame her. He couldn't blame any of the new students for how they felt at the moment, after all this was slowly turning into a shitshow of emotions. Lloyd could feel Nya trying to snap him out of his engrossing thoughts yet the felt all consuming; It's like Lloyd felt everything all at once and yet, somehow, nothing at the same time. He blanked out at the explanation the students were given. He blanked out for a while. He wasn't sure when someone had managed to move him, yet he now sat in the living room of the Monastery with his fists clenching at his pants and this sickening feeling still in his stomach. How can you possibly explain that the fact that someone who had died, gave their life, to protect something greater than them (yet somehow also meaningless after they gave their life) to students who hadn't heard of them before? Lloyd moved his hand to cup his mouth, trying to control his breathing as his eyes zooned out on the floor. His knee bounced now without the weight of his arm. He could hear Nya next to him trying to explain the seemingly impossible to the three students: "A long. . . long, time ago, during one of our last fights with Lord Garmadon, after Harumi had resurrected him, we were almost cornered." Nya explained, "Well, we had been running from their joint forces for a while, taking refugee in abandoned building of Ninjago, yet this time we had no were to truly run. I suggested we split up, confuse Lord Garmadon and Harumi and Lloyd said we needed to all stick together." Nya would pause, allowing Lloyd to notice how she had rambled a little and how Kai had to place a hand on her shoulder. There was a silent nod that was shared from Kai to Nya, something to reassure her. Nya took a deep breath before she continued, "To make a long story short, the Ninja you saw crashing through the wall was the Purple Ninja, Master of Crystals. . . (y/n). "They had, despite much protest, said they would ward off Garmadon and give us a chance to escape; promised that they would meet us back at the base-"
"Garmadon tore her to pieces." The growl in Lloyd's voice didn't go unmissed as he interrupted Nya. His hand pulled down from his mouth, pulling at his skin a little before he rubbed his neck. "Left her to die rotting on the street, limbs hanging on by threads. . ." His statement was followed by silence, stunned if not horrified silence. Lloyd didn't look up at the three students, who sat or stood nearby. He couldn't bare to catch their eyes, to catch the horror that their mind was crafting after the vague description that Lloyd left hanging in the air. The silence was thick, thicker than Lloyd would have wished. "But... but they seemed.. fine?" Arin choked out, trying to get some sort of positivity back into the room; or at least to get some people to start looking on the bright side. Despite the gruesome topic. "We don't know how." Nya answered, shaking her head. "The best explanation would be that she was fixed when their soul moved on to the Departed Realm? But we haven't seen much trace of that realm in the merged... nor have we seen many traces of other realms for souls, like the Cursed Realm." "Yes, and it is rather odd that she would appear now." Zane walked into the room, cleaning his hands with a cleaning cloth. Attention snapped to him in a unsettling way (from his standards) yet he guessed it was just worry for the Ninja he had just been taking care of. "Especially after Lloyd stopped the MergeQuake. We can only hope that means that the Realms are settling into their new place, and returning people to where they're meant to be. Yet, that would not explain how (y/n) managed to resurrect." Zane noticed how Lloyd didn't look in his direction when he spoke, yet he couldn't blame Lloyd, not after all they've been through. Not after all he's been through; Especially since he was the closest to (y/n). "Well, the only thing we can do now is just wait for them to wake up, yeah?" Sora pipped up after a moment and she would receive a nod from Zane. She made sure to think on her next words, as well as her tone, before she crossed her arms, "So then let's go do something! I'm sure your friend wouldn't want to wake up after being dead for so long to see you all depressed!" "OH!" Arin pipped up instantly. "I have just the thing!"
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The smell of some sort of bread was the first thing that came to mind, the second would be the warmth of a weighted cover that was tossed up to my shoulders, and the third would be the softness of the pillow at my head and the mattress under me. The warm and softness coaxed me back to sleep, yet my mind made it feel as though I had been asleep for decades. Decades. A soft murmur escaped my mouth as I rolled onto my side, my brain slowly registering the sounds that echoed from where I laid. The sound of birds nearby, the clattering of pans, the sound of laughter and chatter and talking; Feet on wood floors and sliding doors. The smell of different ingredients mixing with the smell of baking bread or maybe pie. It was like the sweetest dream. I grabbed at my covers and turned again on the mattress below me. It was so tempting to go back to sleep, to let the soft, warm sounds bring me to a dream where I was with everyone again. That was until I had fully registered what was happening. With a quick motion I shoved the blanket off of me, sitting up, and looking around feverously. I stared at the room in front of me, all too familiar and all too haunting. My hands had a mind of their own at they first touched the sheets under me, then my cheeks and face, and slowly my whole body as I began to register something: I was. . . alive? How was this possible? Hadn't I died, oh I don't remember, a few years ago? This shouldn't be possible, it shouldn't-. Thoughts circled around my mind like a storm that could not be tamed, panicked and frightened, terrified and horrific. I tried to remember what I could not, at the time, and my only last thoughts were those of the moments before I had died. The feeling of my bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles all pulling apart are screams ripped out of my throat in a piercing way that still haunting me. The tears that streamed down my cheeks, the pain; oh the unbearable pain, all suffered to make sure that everyone else could hopefully see another day. So Lloyd could see another day. I raised my hand, feeling my damp cheeks. I didn't even realize I had been crying, and I frowned my eyebrows as I couldn't understand whether it was because the memories or the confusion. And I couldn't help but sit on the bed, my bed, as I reeled in all that was happening. I was alive, I was back. Yet was everyone else here? What had happened after I died? Did the resistance work? Is Ninjago City back to how it had been? Is- The thoughts brought me onto my feet and tugged at my gi, taking in a shaky breath as I felt it. My feet guided themselves, my mind in a foggy trance, to the door and out the room, down the hallway of the Monetary while following the sounds of voices and laughter. I was led to the kitchen, were I would stand at the door and look in at the scene: Lloyd, Nya, Zane, Kai, and four people I didn't know; three kids, one frog guy. They all were making Pies, from what I could tell, and they were laughing and smiling and joking. Kai had flicked flour at Nya, who sneezed and glared playfully at Kai. Zane was putting pies into the stove, helping as the kid with pink hair read a book out loud. Lloyd with a kid in orange stood at a counter nearby, seemingly racing to make the pie that the pink-haired kid was shouting. The frog guy stood nearby. I didn't noticed as tears flowed back down my cheeks as I stared at the scene, my mouth slightly agape. Everything seemed so peaceful, so right. I could only guess Jay was in his room changing because there was a massive pile of flour on the floor and on Kai and Lloyd. Cole probably in the bathroom from having eaten too many of the sweets, with all the empty pie tins that laid on the table. Nya was the first to notice me, she was about to throw water at Kai yet paused as her eyes caught a glimpse of me and looked back. I could see the way her eyes widened, realization and relief and overwhelm wash her. All I could give her in response was a small smile, a weak bit of laughter.
There was a brief moment were we just stared at each other, and the next thing I knew Nya had rushed away from her spot and enveloped me in a hug. And I couldn't help but hug her back, feeling tears form in her eyes as I choked on mine. "Oh fuck-" Kai mumbled, and I could only guess he had realized why Nya had not shot him with water and instead rushed towards the door. The room grew quiet, confused then realized, as attention darted over to Nya and I. Lloyd's eyes. Oh, his eyes. Despite the pain that rang through them, they way they scrunched and drew out lines on his face. Despite the way he could only meet my eyes for a few seconds at a time. Despite the way they reddened, looking like he was about to cry. His eyes were still lovely as ever. I tightened my grip on Nya, "What did I miss?" I mumbled softly to the shocked silence. I let out something akin to a airy-chuckle. "Most recently, the ending of MerqeQuakes which occurred when all the realms were merged together into one big realm; before that,-" Zane began to respond yet he stopped himself. He couldn't help but smile, and I swear he was about to cry (if he could). "Actually, that does not matter. What matters now is that you're back... and awake." Nya slowly let go of me, I could feel as she tried to break from my grip and I slowly loosened her. She was smiling, yet she was crying; choking on her own tears. I couldn't help but give Nya one last reassuring squeeze before I slowly moved around her and towards Lloyd. The silence seemed thicker as I reached Lloyd, his hesitance more noticeable as his brows thickened and frowned. A thin frown spread across my lips, I knew what this was about (that much didn't take me being alive for years to know). "Lloyd I-" My voice felt weak as I started, reaching out to Lloyd with my hand yet stopping. I balled it into a fist, seeing Lloyd turn away from me, and slowly dropped my arm back to my side. What words could you say to someone who you betrayed? Nevertheless someone like Lloyd, who's been through so much and the last thing he wanted (I knew) was to see my body on the concrete floor. Blood staining the road. Limps ripped apart by his father. I knew that so much that my last thoughts had been about Lloyd had how he would react when he saw the scene. My mouth twitched as I stood there, next to Lloyd, in silence as my head fell. Sorry was not good enough, it would never be good enough; no apology would be good enough to start trying to make up for the time I had missed. For lying, as I knew that I wouldn't meet them back up. For everything. For leaving him alone and making him bear the world without me for so many years. For not being there for him for whatever he had to go through while I was gone; it had aged him so, I could see the aged pain in his eyes. It would never feel enough. "I'm-" And yet, somehow Lloyd turned to face me. And somehow, he came to embrace me, hugging me tightly as though he were afraid I would die again. And somehow, he managed to be near me after everything I had done. And somehow, I had a feeling, we would slowly get through this. Slowly, I wrapped Lloyd in a hug and gripped onto his gi, just as tightly. I buried my face into his shoulder as he did the same and we just stood there and hugged tightly. And everything felt right, even if it was for a brief moment. Everything felt like it had and how it should here in the Monastery, with Lloyd: It felt like home.
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©this work belongs to teeful-corner.ᐟ please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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akariarda · 8 months
Garmadon taught Lloyd how to shapeshift. Lloyd doesn't really like lessons.
"Try again." Garmadon said to Lloyd as they were training. "If you ever want to achieve your true form and learn how to shapeshift, you need to focus more."
"I'm getting frustrated. I've been trying to teach you for days, but it's not working. I'm losing patience."
"I'm trying my best," Lloyd replied, also feeling tired. "It's not that easy, you know."
"You're not trying your best," Garmadon angrily responded. "You need to release more anger, more rage.
" You also need to do the opposite of what I've taught you." Wu told him.
"That's not so simple," Lloyd protested again.
"I know, Lloyd, I know," Wu said gently. "But now you need to focus on your father and listen to his lessons."
"What if I don't want anger to consume me?" Lloyd asked.
"You see, that's what I'm talking about," Garmadon said. "You're not trying your best."
"It's best if we leave you two alone," Wu said. Garmadon nodded, and Wu signaled the other ninjas to leave the room.
"Now remember all the unfair things in your life," Garmadon told Lloyd after the ninjas and Wu left.
"There is a lot..." Lloyd sadly said, clearly not wanting to talk about it.
"Let me help you," Garmadon suggested. "Remember when you were little, when Misako and I still took care of you."
"I can't remember," Lloyd said sadly.
"That's the point. Just don't be sad, be angry," Garmadon suggested. "Remember how the poison took over me, and we had to leave you alone. Then you were betrayed by that snake..."
"Pythor!" Lloyd angrily said, losing control.
"Yes, yes. Remember that I was once a Sensei and had to leave," Garmadon said, watching as Lloyd stood angrily before them.
"That's right, son," Garmadon said. "And now focus on shapeshifting. You did it!" Garmadon happily exclaimed, and everyone rushed inside.
"Seriously?" Kai asked when he saw a small mouse in the place where Lloyd was standing before. "A mouse?"
"The first transformation is a big deal for a young one," Garmadon replied.
"Yes, I think we're done for today," Lloyd said as he transformed back into his true form. "I'm tired."
"Well done, Lloyd." Wu said. "I must say, you did well today."
"He was more than good," Garmadon confirmed, patting him on the back. "Now go rest. We'll continue tomorrow."
"Okay, dad," Lloyd said, allowing the others to lead him out of the room, patting him a" congratulating him.
Tell me what you think and feel free to request.
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feliks-grayscayl · 10 months
some ninjago fic recommendations i have
I've been writing down ninjago fics on ao3 in my notes app and i might as well post them here. there is about 75 of them as of now idk
i will be adding as i read
some of these you'll need an ao3 acc to access
‌"Meet Again" by northpen - Zane and Cole can't die. They can be killed but not die of natural causes. 3000 years into the future they meet their friends again [this fic left me in shambles for a few days in the best way possible] (https://archiveofourown.org/works/12308709/chapters/27981705…)
‌"The Grass is Always Greener" by Sunnylighter - pre-tea Lloyd switches places with post-movie Lloyd, now show!ninja and movie!Lloyd have to find a way to the movieverse; a lot of references to different media along the way (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18779539/chapters/44553559…)
‌"If you could date any of the ninja, which one would you date?" by Pyr0_Kat - movieverse pre-movie, the exact question gets asked during a class (https://archiveofourown.org/works/13661316#main…)
‌"Green Empathy" by Nation_Ustria - movieverse 3 oneshots series pre-movie and pre identities reveal, Lloyd Garmadon is both the Green Ninja and the most hated person in Ninjago City and also an empath (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2178393)
"Visionary" by K1ngtok1 - the ninja are forced to see, spectate the events that blocked their Full Potentials. They talk it out (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38732838/chapters/96844887…)
"Those Linked By Destiny" by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 - movieverse, how the ninja met even before they were ninja (https://archiveofourown.org/works/26303986/chapters/64045669…)
"Unfamiliar With What's Not Mine" by AlexaAffect - after Tomorrow's Tea Lloyd feels like his body isn't his anymore. Kai helps him see it is; brotherly feels (https://archiveofourown.org/works/37520761)
"An Impromptu Little Brother" by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 - set in s1, Kai decides to become lil Lloyd's big brother (https://archiveofourown.org/works/26238865)
"A Strange Bet" by ilovelegendsalot - the ninja make the bet that whoever finds out the samurai x's identity is the Green Ninja. While staying at the Bounty with Nya, Lloyd starts to notice a few things (https://archiveofourown.org/works/15715200)
‌"The Sun Rises Every Single Night" by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro) - time travel, post s6 Lloyd lands in s2 time (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28530306/chapters/69911859…)
"Ruler From Another Realm" by CyberSearcher -Nice Ice Emperor AU, when Zane lands in the Never Realm he doesn't immediately find and try to repair the mech, instead he finds a village (https://archiveofourown.org/works/23239126/chapters/55643689…)
‌"Land Of The Living" and "Shores of Restless Souls" by CaptainBrookeworm - Morro is brought back to life by a scientist using Lloyd's energy; eventual cousins vibes; Morro redemption with Lloyd and the team (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2524495)
‌"Prodigal Prince" by TeuthidaRegina - movie verse au, Lloyd lives with his father. Has hybrid features but can shift into a human form. As Lloyd he's a feared warlord in the making, son of Garmadon. As Green he's Ninjago's greatest hero and protector. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/41470281/chapters/103999554…)
‌"Reference Letters" by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro) - movieverse pre-movie - Kai is tasked by Green to find someone who could join the Ninja Force. He thinks Lloyd is a perfect candidate (https://archiveofourown.org/works/41823636)
"You Give Me The Strength I Need (To Cry)" by fruitcasket & "And there you were" by Cherry_dynamite - we touch on Lloyd's trauma and him seeing Kai as a father figure (https://archiveofourown.org/works/35553694/chapters/88633630…) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39483225/chapters/98822580…)
"Secret Flame" by ObsessedBee - college au, no powers, everyone is human, lavashipping getting together; **warning for sexual themes** (https://archiveofourown.org/works/31559843/chapters/78080618…)
"Fear and Loathing" by ObsessedBee - series of one shots to "Secret Flame", the main 7's problems, bad habits and traumas and them sorta dealing with them; **mind the warnings** (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38156269/chapters/95323741…)
"Just a Little Bit Before" by Evil_Potato Ninja - Morro is back as a ghost before s1 and finds lil Lloyd living on the streets; green cousins (https://archiveofourown.org/works/44882287/chapters/112927045…)
"forget-me-not" by lloydenthusiast - greenflowershipping one shot, after 10 years they meet again (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45058972)
‌"marigold" by lloydenthusiast - greenflowershipping, probably post crystalized, Lloyd struggles with a lot, he and Brad meet by accident. They both struggle with a lot; **mind the warnings** (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45814168/chapters/115296334…)
‌"Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die" by BumblebeeEnby - Morro centric, eventual citrusshipping, he's brought back but literally into his own skeleton; Morro redemption (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29320173/chapters/72007536…)
"Taking Shape, Letting Go" by BumblebeeEnby - set after "Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die", having discovered his dragoni origin Lloyd's body starts suddenly changing (https://archiveofourown.org/works/46434775)
"Way of the 21st century ninja", sequel "Born to be a 21st century ninja" and other works in series "The Surprising Life of Jesse Marvel" and "Legacy Sidestories" by weekend-whip (nightbreakers) - all are mix of show and movie verses, canon rewrite with attention to a lot of minor things and very interesting concepts expanded upon, Jesse is an oc however he fits into the story amazingly (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28742124/chapters/70476210…) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/34013053/chapters/84598372…) (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2946552) (https://archiveofourown.org/series/3113685)
"Undo the Golden" by GigglingAsIfIdidntWriteThis - crystalized ended BADLY and Lloyd managed to go back in time to the beginning of s1 to try and save everyone including himself (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45778291/chapters/115202566…)
"The Color of Glory" by banannamuffin - AU, Lloyd is an orphan in the foster system where he meets Harumi who he now sees as a sister. Then he finds out he's supposed to be the Green Ninja and that a group called Sons of Garmadon is on the rise (https://archiveofourown.org/works/44138211/chapters/110989083…)
"On the Outside" by SunflowerAro - set in early s1, lil Lloyd doesn't trust the ninja he has to live with. Slowly that trust is built and traumas acknowledged (https://archiveofourown.org/works/44929669/chapters/113050273…)
‌"All of Their Interests" by ilovelegendsalot - ninja bonding with lil Lloyd over things they enjoy (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18958873/chapters/45014614#workskin…)
"All the work, None of the money" by SirShroomie - short, kai-centric, we delve a bit more into his life and struggles before he became a ninja (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42818652/chapters/107565903…)
"Five Times Everyone Thought The Green Ninja Was Dating Lloyd Garmadon" by Anonymous - movie fic, secret identities au, exactly what the title says (https://archiveofourown.org/works/44554888)
"Lloyd Gets a Ransom Note" by BumblebeeEnby - post crystalized, Lloyd gets "invited" to a dinner with his dad and Vinny; survivalshipping (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45267544)
‌"we've all got scars" by brainrotprofessional - short Lloyd and Kai brothers trans interaction (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45679432)
"Shogun: Becoming" by NickelWick - instead of Zane being sent to the Never-Realm, Kai is sent into the movieverse (https://archiveofourown.org/works/44418760/chapters/111722089…)
"Enchanted Opportunities" by Arco_Harrison03 - if marrying a Djinn gives him unlimited wishes, what happens to you when you kill one? (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42570066/chapters/106927911…)
‌"Thank You, For Giving Me Wings" by weekend-whip (nightbreakers) - Wu POV of how he's come to see the ninja as his kids and they him as their father figure (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39650496/chapters/99260295…)
‌"Say You Won't Let Go" by orphan_account - as Jaya wedding gets close everyone tries to get Kai and Cole together bc apparently they don't know they love each other and everyone else does; lavashipping (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18606391/chapters/44112619…)
"We Saved Each Other" by orphan_account - continuation of "Say You Won't Let Go" but about a year later. now it's Cole's time to ask the question; lavashipping (https://archiveofourown.org/works/19191547)
‌"Everybody Talks Too Much" by letters_from_elwind - lavashipping one-shot taking place in s8 together with the scene where Cole sings but it's "Everybody Talks" instead (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38946051#main…)
"Everhearth" by Butterpony100 - takes place after Nya is brought back but the Crystal King doesn't happen; seabound Kai au with lavashipping (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42634206/chapters/107094609…)
"The Rights Of A Nindroid" by Anonymous - what if after Dr Julien's death, the government considered Zane its legal property, he's a robot afterall; **mind the warnings** + with a sequel (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28669479/chapters/70281465…)
"just the two of us (we can make it if we try)" by writing_hat - lavashipping fic, pre and post s7, two pining idiots; **mild sexual content** (https://archiveofourown.org/works/47800510?view_adult=true#main…)
‌"The little things" by newtlovesyouso - lil Lloyd starting to trust the ninja as he lives with them. Should be early s1 but the small events indicating the timeline are all over the place, still very much readable; background lavashipping pining (https://archiveofourown.org/works/44529601/chapters/116416195#main…)
"Would You Like To Enter Stardust?" by AureAllegories - what if Jay became part of Prime Empire upon entering it? minor bruiseshipping (https://archiveofourown.org/works/37798150/chapters/94374718…)
‌"Play to Win" by sadisthetic - s6 oneshot, what if after Cole, Lloyd and Nya are caught, instead of having them walk the plank, Nadakhan decides on another round of Scrap-N-Tap (https://archiveofourown.org/works/46263796#main…)
‌"Son of Garmadon" by orphan_account - movieverse au, Lloyd was raised by his father who has now captured the ninja and left Lloyd in charge of them (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18226388#main…)
"Cool Down" by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 - Kai's emotions are tied to his powers, Zane helps him cool down with hugs (https://archiveofourown.org/works/25916767#main…)
"Echoes of a Broken World" by Stargaze_Sunflower - a few weeks after s6 the ninja find out about the erased timeline (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29410818/chapters/72252897…)
"Little Brother" by SummerStormFlower - s1 Lloyd learns that he's loved and wanted (https://archiveofourown.org/works/22261093#main…)
"Home Is Where You Are" by lloydshoulddyehishair - movieverse pre-movie oneshot, Morro helps his cousin after he got stabbed (https://archiveofourown.org/works/29490180#main…)
‌"The Master of Fire and the Cold Don’t Mix Well" by Nation_Ustria - a series of oneshots of what the title says (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2154861)
"late night bathroom sibling therapy" by YouAreDeadRetry - s1 trans Lloyd, Kai catches him cutting his hair and decides to help out gaining a lil brother in the process (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28855188#main…)
"Oh, can I be your Bibilly Hills?" by Fabro-de-omres (Fabro) - movieverse pre-movie, after finding out that their leader is Lloyd and seeing the bullying up close, the ninja decide to make a surprise blanket fort for Lloyd (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27822187#main…)
‌"And the Vocab Word of the Day Is..." by fishoutofcamelot - early s1 before Zane regained his memory but with Lloyd living with the ninja, someone taught Zane how to swear (it's a funny oneshot) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36502231#main…)
"Devil's Horns" by TeuthidaRegina - au and sorta rewrite of s10, the cloud has a bit of an effect on Lloyd and his oni traits start showing; background survivalshipping + with a sequel (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38756427/chapters/96906630…)
"The Not-So-Warm Winters." by JayJay_07936 - short oneshot of everyone cuddling up to Kai on a cold winter night; some lavashipping (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33884434)
"Four Nights, Three Crushes, One Bed, what else do you need" by fizzysugarwrites - polyninja, jay pov; the title is pretty explainatory (https://archiveofourown.org/works/25866772/chapters/62850451…)
"Masking and Unmasking" by HelloThere3306 - movieverse, Lloyd accidentally loses his mask during a fight and the team finds out his identity. He runs (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42865698#main…)
"Kind" by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 - movieverse au, the words people think about you appear on your skin, Lloyd decides to do some good with that (https://archiveofourown.org/works/26722576)
"Look what you’ve done // Fucked up, hope you’re proud" by Just_ATrigger - Sora blames herself for creating the Photac. Lloyd talks to her (https://archiveofourown.org/works/47996062#main…)
‌"Real Life" by Anonymous - Sora is curious about Zane and asks some questions which make the other ninja worried; master of tech and a guy made of tech? yeah (https://archiveofourown.org/works/47781802/chapters/120452491…)
‌"There's Always Tomorro" by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 - Morro redemption fic (a lil Morro apologist vibe? might just be me. still a good read), Morro living with the ninja after s5 and slowly becoming part of the family (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27635941/chapters/67617703#workskin…)
‌"she was my sister before she was your lover" by SeraStars - set at the very beginning of s15; Kai tries to help still mourning Jay and push his own grief away but eventually snaps (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39271809#main…)
"Piggyback" by Echo_K - Kai gives Lloyd a piggyback ride to a candy stash to cheer him up, first after he finds out he's the Green Ninja and second after they put Garmadon in Kryptarium (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36230257#main…)
"lloyd garmadon discovers the ninja's inability to bargain with vendors" by sanology - exactly what the title says with some RG brothers (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39982485)
"lloyd garmadon makes kai smith cry on his birthday" by sanology - exactly what the title says with some RGB siblings and found family (https://archiveofourown.org/works/40838994)
‌"69 boughs of mistletoe on the wall" by lloydenthusiast - polyninja; Lloyd is tired of the ninja dancing around each other so he buys some mistletoe (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36942319#main…)
‌"The Candy Aisle" by VioletPixels - lil Lloyd gets lost in the store looking for the candy aisle and the panic ensures (https://archiveofourown.org/works/32092543#main…)
"The Idiots' Guide to Not Despising Your Cousin" by lloydskywalkers - green cousins go for a road trip (https://archiveofourown.org/works/24932815#main…)
‌"All the Little Things" by IAmStoryteller - a few drabbles of Kai being Nya's parent; mostly set before canon (https://archiveofourown.org/works/22992283/chapters/54970162…)
‌"The Skirt" by Spinchip (Thatkindghost) - Zane would love to wear a skirt but boys are not supposed to wear girl clothes, right?; gnc Zane oneshot (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30447384#main…)
"Stormbound" by Taddy_Maesson - post s15, sorta Seabound Jay AU; Jay hears the call of the storm and decides to follow it, however, doing so has its own consequences (https://archiveofourown.org/works/44427397/chapters/111745534…)
‌"the flames in the hearth" by sanology - post s7; the ninja get invited over by Ray and Maya who want to spend some time with their kids and their friends, but Kai and Nya are not little anymore and their parents forgetting about it grates on Kai (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39025779#main…)
"Bucket List" by Mattecat - after DotD Morro stayed in Ninjago, after s7 he stumbles onto Kai who lets him possess him for 2 weeks so he can live a life he didn't get to when he was alive (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18925009/chapters/44928871…)
‌"Days Go By" by thahash - lavashipping, coffee shop au; barista Kai and fashion designer Cole meet after Cole moves to Ninjago City and continues his routine of morning coffee (https://archiveofourown.org/works/47334079/chapters/119270812…)
"Lloyd’s guide to surviving the merge (and finding new family through it)" by BlueberryPeach - Dragons Rising AU where Lloyd met Arin and Sora shortly after the merge,,and kinda adopted them (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48632041/chapters/122672911…)
"you're on your own, kid (yeah you can face this)" by chaniinobu - the 5 times lloyd got sick and didn't ask for help and the 1 time he did (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48855328)
"Tend to the Flame (Lavashipping)" by Pieris_rapae - series, pirates and mermaids au; after his encounter with a pirate named Cole who steals and loses Kai's (a merman in the hiding) pendant, he, together with some others, ends up on a pirate ship (https://archiveofourown.org/series/3627736)
"Autopilot" by swordofsanctuary - greenflower, Brad and Lloyd finally manage to meet up again. Brad asks Lloyd for some help
"King's Gambit" by shoepermario - citrusshipping, Echo finds half dead (even more?) Morro post s5. With no one else in the lighthouse they become close
"The Struggles of having an Alter Ego" by ladc70_2003 - movieverse, the ninja don't know each other's identities and sometimes that might lead to a few problems. Delves into every ninja's life and their issues
"Coinverse" by Mattecat - a series, after getting resurrected by Lloyd, Morro is given into Borg's care. It's a free child to adopt
"Morro's Spooky Cafe" by coa_trees - movieverse au, Lloyd and his friends are regulars in Morro's cafe. He starts to care for the kids. Unfortunately they're also the ninja
"Starlight, Heritage, and Stupid Self-Sacrificing Humans" by WritingMadness13 - Lloyd, Arin and Sora end up in season 9 Ninjago
"i'm scared cause it means / i'm a little bit soft" by shoepermario - citrusshipping drabbles
"Got Room For One More?" by kooki18 - polyninja, after getting into a fight at his new school Kai is sent to help out at a ranch for the summer to avoid suspension. Too bad he falls for 3 other guys there who are already in a relationship
"moonlit mugs and tacit love" by holographicknife - lavashipping, a two-shot of the two ninja pining and then being an adorable old couple
"No Wu AU" by IdkWhereIAmWhatAmIDoing - the ninja found each other by pure coincidence (and Lloyd in a trash can) without Wu, they also found out they have powers. Quite a rewrite fic
"Post-Crystallized Sillies" by shoepermario - post-crystalized, one shots focused on Harumi, Echo (Mr E) and Morro (sorta set in an au?, check out @ataraxixx love his take on the papaja trio)
"A Dance" by GravyHoney (@gravyhoney ) - bumblebeeshipping, while Arin makes a list of things for Percival to do after Beatrix's defeat, he decides that dancing is a pretty good start
"look to the rising sun" by stars_brownies_and_metaphors - Arin and Sora chat and some coming out happens
"cold nights and starlight" by stars_brownies_and_metaphors - Lloyd and Sora have a discussion about some habits current and past; **discussion of sh, mind the warnings**
"Ice Skating" by phantombasketofmuffins (@phantombasketofmuffins ) - bumblebeeshipping, short oneshot of Arin and Percy ice skating :3
"Hoodie stealin'" by RoseLock22 (@roselock22 ) - bumblebeeshipping, oneshot; Arin can't find his hoodie and calls Percy to see if maybe he knows where it went
"The Junkyard" by citrus_stoner - oneshot; after Jay and Nya go to see a movie while visiting Ed and Edna, Ed and Kai talk, set after s1
"May I request him by my side?" by Tensoserensei - greenflowershipping oneshot; the ninja are invited to a fancy party, Lloyd finds Brad working there as a server and just this once decides to use his status
"Blue and Green Make Aquamarine" by Finn_M_Corvex - greenflowershipping oneshot; Lloyd tries to figure out what to gift Brad back
"A song and a spin" by RoseLock22 - bumblebeeshipping oneshot; Percival comes over to the Monastery to help Arin with training. One thing leads to another
"Dancin'" by RoseLock22 - bumblebeeshipping oneshot; Arin teaches Percy how to dance
"Starlight, Heritage, and Stupid Self-Sacrificing Humans" by WritingMadness13 - Lloyd, Arin and Sora land in the past during s9
"Permanently Marked" by Tensoserensei - canon divergent, some bumblebeeshipping; Beatrix manages to capture Percival when he was leading the ninja into the resistance hideout. Percy doesn't want the facial markings that would give him a role in Imperium. Too bad that's about to be his punishment for being a traitor
"Sacrificial Jacket" by Tensoserensei - greenflowershipping; Lloyd is hanging out with his old friends from Darkley's when suddenly his period hits. Brad helps out
"Here We Go Again" by Inverse_Me - Cole ends up in the "monastery", a 'last chance' group home for,,special kids with lots of heavy issues **mind the warnings**
"Getting that Couples Discount" by Tensoserensei - greenflowershipping, lavashipping; there's a couples discount in Chen's noodlehouse for Valentines. It stacks up with more couples in the group. But Kai, Cole and Lloyd aren't dating anyone. Fake (?) dating ensures
"What Does it Take for a Hero to Break?" by Blue1Phoenix - oneshot, DR; despite it having been years, trauma from Morro's possession still has some grip on Lloyd. A wrong question from Arin sets it off
"Wobbly Hearts" by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 - movieverse soulmates au; Kai doesn't like soulmates. He knows he has three of them but he doesn't need them and they don't need him. High school is hard enough with letters floating off the page and writing anything being an almost impossible task. Too bad the universe doesn't care
"you're on your own, kid (yeah you can face this)" by chaniinobu - the 5 times lloyd got sick and didn't ask for help and the 1 time he did
"Lloyd after Seabound" by Tensoserensei - series, Lloyd dealing with Nya's sacrifice post-Seabound, eventual greenflowershipping
"I Still Remember (All the People I Love)" by shoepermario - post-s3, Lloyd is cooking with Sensei Garmadon, it reminds him of Zane
"We were supposed to be training, weren't we?" by RoseLock22 - bumblebeeshipping, boys in love during a break in training
"Recursion" by shoepermario - s5, Swap AU where instead of Morro possessing Lloyd, Zane gets possessed by a different ghost
"steadier footing" by cherieflower - movieverse, pre-relationship greenflower; Lloyd is not used to cute boys being nice to him
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a-butterfly1 · 1 year
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This is an AU I've been working on, I will actually work on it on writting ( on AO3 ) instead of making a comic/manga because I tend to procastinate when it comes to drawing panels ( if you have been keeping up with other pojects of mine you would know this), hopefully I will keep this updated.
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon
Age- 1000+ (immortal) Height: 5'8 (1,73m)
Lloyd has lived many years, of course, now he's immortal, he doesn't have much of a choice but to continue living on. He was many things throughout his life: a bratty child, a son, a master, a hero and now he's nothing more than a myth, while still a part of ninjago history many actually question if he ever really existed or not. He ostracized himself from society for a reason, after all,- it's painfull to make relationships when they are so short lived. He is considered a god by many, but he denies that being the case, maybe the embodiment of the balance between good and evil but he wont try to call himself anything more. Lloyd now lives with the spirits of his family with the occasional visits from Morro and Garmadon, his father.
Jay Walker
Age- 1000+ (spirit) Died at 115 Height: 5'10 (1,78m) Status: Nya's husband
He was a man of the spotlight, he shined brithly- TV shows, TheyTube channels, he was knowed worldwide. Not that he minds the retirement, he lived his life; he had two beautiful twins with the love of his life, Nya. He died happy, even if he was the last one to die, 3 years after Nya had passed. His last years were spent with Lloyd. In his many years in the Ninja team, he's come to realise he doesn't exactly have the same type of strengh like the others so he created a different weapon one that creates iron alloy strings, that resemble spider webs. He also practiced racing with his wife in his free time and created all kinds of machines and weapons which ranged from house equipment to ninja tech, like mechs, weapons and transport.
Kai Smith
Age- 1000+ (spirit) Died at 95 Height: 6'2 (1,88m) Status: Skylor's husband and Nya's bio brother
Kai was a little bit of an influencer in his younger years, but as the years went by he settled more into being a family man with his wife Skylor and his little girl. How did he become a spirit? Well it was his idea; well his plan was to become immortal like Lloyd but he was intersected by Morro, so he opted for the second best option: giving his powers to Lloyd, so even if he was dead he would be with Lloyd through his power; what wasn't part of the plan was he actually becoming part of Lloyd as a spirit, not that he is complaining, he got what he wanted in the end; and since he was the one that piched the idea to the ninja, he just involved them all into the mad plan- one that Lloyd was unaware of. He trully is a mad man, no one, and I mean, no ONE, puts themselves between him and his family, the last person who did so, is no longer amoung us, the last thing they saw was Kai becoming a demonic ball of flames.
Nya Smith Walker
Age- 1000+ (spirit) Died at 112 Height: 6'0 (1,83m) Status: Jay's wife and Kai's bio sister
Nya, famous racer, only had to step down from the hobbie/carrer when she got into a small accident, while she wasn't gravelly wounded that was enough for her to be proibited from competitive racing. From that day on she still raced but became more of an idol than a racer per say. She ended up working on engineer projects, solo or with Jay, mostly out of boredom. Now, since she is dead, she has more free time than ever, and uses it to learn and explore every digital corner of the internet, catching a few criminals in the way. Many say she is mystical and her strengh is as crushing as the waves in a storm can be, yet calm and relaxing as the days in the beach, others, like the Ninja themselves just see her as they're beloved sister.
Cole Brookestone
Age- 1000+ (spirit) Died at 87 Height: 6'8 (2,03m) Status: Vania's husband
Cole, King of the Kingdom of Shintaro, Husband of Queen Vania, father of the prince of Shintaro, and our beloved cake lover, sadlly passed away early, well earlier than his siblings at least, the unknowed illness that had taken the life of his mother had decided to claim another. Cole fell gravelly ill, bedridden in his late stages of life. Bedridden in the castle, he invited Lloyd over for most possibly a final goodbye, although he didn't think that Lloyd would stay around the whole time it wasn't completly unexpected, right there he was the first one to execute Kai's plan, and the first to discover the side effects of the plan; from then on he was part of Lloyd and made sure to let the others know of the end result.
Zane Julien
Age- 1000+ (nindroid) Height: 7'0 (2,13m) Status: P.I.X.A.L's husband
Caretaker of the rest of the Ninja team and their children, especially since those little kids sure liked uncle Lloyd a whole lot and would visit constently. He stayed with Lloyd in the monastery alongside P.I.X.A.L and Morro (who visits soo much he pretty much lives there, has a room and everything). Him and Lloyd share house chores, and Zane is in charge of looking at news around ninjago, to ensure it's safety, as well as helping in some researches since Lloyd is only one person and can only intake soo much information at a time. He is the only one that hasn't partaken in Kai's plan, since there is literally no reason to, Zane obviously doesn't die of old age, one may claim that he could possible get rusty and need repairs at some point but Lloyd and P.I.X.A.L are always around is any issue is to come.
The Ninja team, many years after most of the team's death, has move the location of the monestary far away from the main ninjago island, and instead now lives in a far away island that Lloyd created west of Ninjago city, around the middle of Ninjago and the dark island (thats has been sealed away by Lloyd). The reason for that change is because of something rather strange, it's not just to ensure Lloyd's ever soo wished isolation but also because a merchant had attented to buy the place, with the intention of turning the monestary into a tourist attraction. Lloyd got a bit peeved and decided to pick up the mountain where the monestary was on top of and relocated it;
The only reason the Jay was living with Lloyd in his last moments, was because he genuenly belived he would miss the mark to execute Kai's plan, because he belives himself to be quite clumsy and distracted; either way he didn't miss it and now is with the rest of the team (which is a way to say that he can now torment the Ninja forever);
Lloyd has a cute nickname for all the Ninja's kids, and spoiled them to no end (he is the fun uncle who takes everyone to Disneyland), he calls Kai's daugther "munchkadee", Jay and Nya's twins has "Starlight" and "Moonlight" for the girl and boy respectively, and Cole's son is "Duckling";
the age diference of the Ninja are, from youngest to oldest: Lloyd - Nya - Jay - Kai - Cole - Zane ( to say, with maybe the idea of the 1 season, Lloyd (8->15) - Nya (15) - Jay (16) - Kai (17) - Cole (18) - Zane (30-40? he is old);
(conceivable for change) As of right now, Lloyd's power is one that could rival gods, the source of said power is something OP is still considering but the possible main reason might be related to "source dragons", has to why the other Ninja's had powers even after having kids is related to Lloyd giving them an artifact that has their specific element embodied into them (the artifacts are not phisical and can only be visualised when the Ninja have already passed, the artifact will most likely have the form of a card); (the reason of this possible change is the development of the plot of "Dragons Rising").
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averagesadperson · 1 year
hi! could i request a fluffy Lloyd garmadon x reader scenario where they’re waking up together? (established relationship) im just a sap for lazy morning kisses and snuggles 😭
anyways love ur writing!! 💗💗
Early Mornings
Lloyd Garmadon x Reader
oh my gosh, thank you!! so sorry this took so long, I'm trying to get to answering my asks rn since I have a bit of a break from work. This was so cute, thank you for this ask! <3
The gentle rocking of The Bounty roused you awake, much as it had soothed you to sleep the night before. Sunlight streamed in from the open window, silk curtains swaying gently in the breeze. It was nice, serene, calm.  There weren't many mornings where you were able to wake up like this, being a part of the ninja team required sacrifices; like the sacrifice of a quiet morning.
You shifted under the covers, reaching a hand up to rub the sleep out our eyes. You pulled your other hand out from under the pillow, shaking the pins and needles away as you reached down to the covers; they had been pushed down around your waist during your sleep. Warmth enveloped you once again.
A yawn forced its way from your throat as you flipped over to face the man next to you. Lloyd looked beautiful in the morning light; you were glad he had time to relax like this, even if the opportunities were sparse. He was laying on his side and you took that as a silent invitation. You scooted closer, snuggling into his chest, hoping for just a few more minutes before you had to get up and start your, no doubt, exhausting day to come.
Lloyd groaned when you wrapped your arms around his slim waist, burying your face into the crook of his neck. You imagined his lashes fluttering as his eyes opened, adjusting to the gentle light, licking his dry lips, and ruffling his bed head with steady hands.
You felt his breathing change, slightly faster and more aware. His arms circled your pajama clad body, one hand settling on your hip, the other trailing upwards to trace shapes into your exposed shoulder. 
“G’morning, sweets….” He mumbled into your hair. You smiled into his neck and tightened the hug briefly as your own greeting. “How long have you,” he paused to yawn, “been up?”
“Not long.”
“Hm,” Lloyd brought a hand up to your face, cupping your cheek and tilting it to face him. Your neck craned painfully, but you didn't complain when he pressed his lips to yours; you could feel him smile into the kiss. It only lasted a few moments, but that didn't make it any less wonderful. He pulled away, hand still resting against your cheek, thumb rubbing underneath your eye. “You look really pretty right now.” He kissed your forehead before you both laid back down into your previous positions.
“Can we stay like this for a little longer?” you asked, playing with the ends of his hair between your fingers. You felt a laugh rumble deep within his chest.
“You read my mind.” You smiled softly, and pressed your ear to his chest. His heart beat thrummed loudly, steady, there. You loved your day to day, you were so proud of Lloyd and all he’s accomplished, and you wouldn't have anything any other way. But, you couldn't help but wish for more moments like this as you began to slip into sleep once again.
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firstfirerebel · 5 months
Sumary: Lloyd is having a sleepover at the monastery of his father. Reader is close to Lloyd but struggles with the other ninjas
Pairing: Garmadon x reader (platonic), Lloyd x reader (mentioned crush)
Warnings: feeling outcasted, mention of past toxic friends, social problems, fluff
Readers gender/pronouns aren't stated, so read it as you ❤️
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Standing in front of the monastery was harder than you first assumed. You weren't too keen on a sleepover with the ninjas. To everyone else, this would sound mad. A sleepover with THE ninjas! Others would kill to have that! It's just that you're not good in groups. You just always ended up being the outcast.
The poor friend that just swang along. Meanwhile, all the others were bffs.
Besides, you didn't even know the other ninjas. You were only close to Lloyd, and he wanted you to be there. After some of his puppy eyes, you accepted.
You were at the monastery before. You even knew Lloyds Father, but that didn't linger your fear. Maybe you could just turn around and go -
"Hey, (Y/n)! I'm glad you could make it!"Lloyd yelled of his window from his room and waved at you.
Great, no turning back now...
In Lloyds room, you unpacked your bag. The others were already there. Kai had his stuff in front of Lloyds bed. Zane was next to Lloyds bed. Jay and Cole slept across, but still near, of Kai. And Nya was next Zane.
You put your stuff in the left corner, near Lloyds bed. You unpacked your pillow and blanket on the small mattress that was prepared for you. The last detail was your favorite stuffed animal, Lloyd gifted it to you when you two were at a funfair together. (Imagine it as what you want, I personally imagined an Eeyore type of stuffed animal)
Your bag with your other stuff was at the end of your sleep area.
"Okay, then let's get downstairs!"Jay screeched like a little kid.
"F-For what?" You asked quietly, but they either didn't hear or ignored you.
As the others ran downstairs, Lloyd turned around. He noticed that you weren't coming along.
"Are you coming (Y/n)? We want to play some video games, " the blonde explained.
Forcing a smile upon your lips worked as you followed him quietly.
"Okay, guys. What shall we play?" Cole asked into the group.
"How abo-"
"Our Ninja Video Game!" Kai suggested, not noticing that he had interrupted you.
Since only four could play, the plan was to switch the consoles from time to time.
Lloyd, Kai, Jay and Zane were playing meanwhile Cole and Nya watched them.
You sat on the ground a little away from the others. You didn't get this game. But they seemed to love it. Maybe you could change the game later to something you actually liked to play.
"Oh no!" Kai whined as he got shot by the enemy.
"Yes! My turn!" Nya took the controller of her brother and started to play.
Jay got shot next so Cole got to play. As Zane was game over, you stood up to get the controller, but Jay was in your place faster.
"Ehm, isn't it my turn?" You asked, but they played that stupid game so loud they couldn't even hear you. No, all eyes were on the screen.
'Nothing will change. I'm just not cut out to be with others. I should just accept that.' With this thought, you silently left the living room and went to Lloyds room.
You saw how all the other sleeping areas were connected, except yours. It was away from the others. And that's how it was in real life. You didn't belong to them, they were a team and you? You were just someone who was friends with one of them.
As fast as you could, you packed your stuff back into your bag. Expect your stuffed animal. You needed to hug it now.
"(Y/n)? Shouldn't you be down with the others?" When you turned around, you saw Lloyds Father, Sensei Garmadon.
You kept quiet, hoping he'd go and mind his own business.
"You don't look good. Wanna have a tea?",
You didn't want to decline his nice offer, but on the other hand you wanted to get home as fast as possible.
"Come with me, you can tell me what's bothering you", with that he left Lloyds room and obviously intended you to follow him. You let out a sigh and took your plushie with you.
"So, what is it?"
"I don't know what you mean, Sensei. I'm fine", Carefully you took a small sip of your cup to see that it still was too hot to drink. Your stuffed animal was on your lap, so Garmadon didn't see it.
"If anything is fine, then why aren't you with the others?" A worried look was on his face.
"Ehm, I just don't like the game, so..." You felt how you slowly crumpled down. You already could feel the hot tears in your eyes. And Garmadon obviously knew that it was a lie.
"You know that you make my son verry happy, right? He loves to spend his afternoons with you, and when he's home, he never stops talking about you. I think you are what makes him feel normal sometimes. Lloyd would never do something to hurt you, so if this sleepover is a problem for you, I guarantee that he doesn't know it, "
"T-that's not it, Sensei. I also really like Lloyd, but bonding with others is really hard for me. I just can't do anything right! If I say my opinion, I'm rude. If I keep quiet, I'm too shy. And it goes on and on. I'm just tired of trying to win a war, I know I'll never win, " It felt good to finally say this out loud. You always had to keep it to yourself, so you wouldn't annoy somebody.
"And I don't even know the others. Lloyd is the one who made me come here in the first place. And now .... I don't know, I just want to go home, "
The elder let out a sigh and took a sip of his teacup before his attention was back on you.
"I won't force you to stay here just because you make my son happy. Making sure that you feel good is more important. If you aren't okay, you can't help anyone else. Alas, nothing will change if you keep hiding your emotions. Bottling up the bad feelings and forcing up a smile just for others will only make you sick. Both physical and emotional, "
As you slowly took a sip of the tea, you tasted a little bit of cherry and cinnamon and some herbals as well. It made you feel warm from the inside, or maybe his words caused this feeling?
"But won't that be intrusive?" You almost whispered. All your past friends said that you were a bad friend cause you wanted to get some advice, help or maybe just talk about it. On the other hand, they never bothered to tell you about their hard life and their problems...
"A true and loyal friend would never call you that. You have a special place in their heart, and friends always have their backs and can trust and rely on each other, "
So Lloyd was a true friend. He never expected you to play a role and just wanted you to be you. Sometimes, he was your reason to smile, and so were you his.
"Thanks, Sensei. This talk helped me a lot. It might take some time for me to make friends with others, but now I know what my worth is, " With that, you drank the rest of your tea, and at the same time, Lloyd came inside the room.
"I've been looking for you, (Y/n)! I'm sorry that we ignored you! It really wasn't our intention! It's just that - "
"It's okay, Lloyd. So! Wanna explain this nonsense making game to me?" You asked as you stood up and held your stuffed animal in your right hand.
"Sure!" With that, he took your left wrist and ran downstairs with you.
Garmadon just smiled at the two of you and drank another cup of his tea.
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