#Loft Angled
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toyastales · 5 months
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If you have an awkwardly shaped room placing your furniture on an angle can work wonders for your space.
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
You know what baffles me? People actually shipping Carlos with Iris?? Like wtf?? HE'S. GAY.
And them claiming that Iris has more right in that loft as Carlos' wife so she actually has a right about the divorce and to question TK??? TK's name is on the deed so Carlos (in Lone Star world) only own half of it like TK.
I really wish that Twitter will just stop existing.
is.. that... happening?
Ah ok... this made sense once I read that last bit. Twitter would be the place that kind of absolutely ridiculous shit would be occurring.
Not here to tell anyone how to live their fandom lives, but just putting it out there that my fandom experience became 1000x more fun and enjoyable when I deleted that shitty bird app. I don't know when it happened, but that fandom space became a breeding ground for absolute shit opinions and down right offensive content. I don't miss it one bit.
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wtfjosie · 1 year
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Cardiff Shaker Image of a medium-sized, elegantly decorated dressing room with carpeting and shaker cabinets
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modelsoffduty · 1 year
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Kids Room in Minneapolis Mid-sized eclectic boy's room idea with gray walls and carpeting.
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Living Room Loft-Style in Minneapolis Inspiration for a sizable, carpeted living room remodel in a transitional loft style with beige walls and a television stand
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kaleloverboy · 2 years
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Family Room (Nashville)
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toukomatsudaira · 2 years
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Loft-Style (Tampa)
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reat13 · 2 years
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Bedroom Loft-Style (Omaha)
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alchemistc · 3 months
"Is it okay if I call you my boyfriend?"
Tommy is - Tommy is maybe being ambushed. He's barely through the door, night five in a row of convincing himself (and then talking himself around under and through, and then re-convincing himself) that if Evan wanted a break, or time to himself, he wouldn't keep inviting Tommy over.
"Hi," Tommy says, overnight bag in his hands, the spare key Evan had given him on night three ("It's not too soon if we don't think about it too hard." "I'm just following your lead, psycho," Tommy had responded, but he'd gathered him in for a series of kisses, all the same.) still rattling amongst his own house and car keys in his hand. "How was your day, Evan? Mine was great, thank you for asking."
Evan shoots him a mildly snarky look in response, already rounding the kitchen table to grab for Tommy's bag. Tommy watches in something approaching dangerous levels of smitten as he hooks Tommy's keys next to his on one of the hooks above the sideboard, as he hefts Tommy's bag up out of Tommy's hands and behind him, four stairs up towards the loft, where one of them will inevitably trip over it when things get hot and heavy and they forget it's there. Tommy knows this, because it's happened four nights in a row already.
He should give Evan his spare. Let him nest by slowly bringing over pots and pans until he's satisfied with the tools available in Tommy's kitchen. They won't have anything to trip on in Tommy's ranch, Tommy lies to himself.
Evan hooks fingers in Tommy's belt loops, and tugs him in. This is where the real ambush happens. Evan will press his lips to Tommy's, slide his tongue to the roof of Tommy's mouth, bite down on Tommy's lip just when Tommy is thinking he might have a chance of coming out of it with his brain cells more or less intact, and then he'll pull a ridiculous move like sliding his hand into Tommy's back pocket and Tommy will lose the entire plot.
Evan tips forward and lets his lips linger over Tommy's, a beat, two, three, and then he tilts his head and rather than changing the angle of the kiss he pulls away, bright eyed gaze searching Tommy's face for - something. Tommy knows what the something is but they're moving at a pace that puts card carrying UHaul Caribiner Lesbians to shame so he's pretending he doesn't know. "Serious question, actually. I - you always use 'partner' when you're talking about your - the guys you - exes? and I don't want to make you uncomfortable but I - I kinda like boyfriend."
'Your - the guys you - exes' incorporates a fair number of pillow talk confessions Tommy's made about the overly casual relationships he's maintained in the past for months (years, sometimes) without a real label, so Tommy doesn't take offense to the way he stumbled through it. He's so utterly charmed by this man.
"Boyfriend is fine," Tommy tells him, because he doesn't really have a preference, either way. Partner is - easier. Partner had worked well for him when he was newly out and trying desperately to make it seem like he was a regular old member of the community, and not shitting his pants every time someone referenced Tommy dating a man, like it was a completely normal occurrence and not at all something he'd spent decades trying to hide. A transition phrase, really, only he'd gotten used to it and then he'd hit thirty-five, and then forty, and the first semi-serious relationship he'd had he'd used partner, and it'd stuck.
He's ready for a real kiss, now that that's decided, but Evan twirls away before Tommy can angle his head in for it. Something is sizzling in a skillet when Evan takes the lid off, and Tommy resorts to eyeing the pull of his shirt across his shoulders so he doesn't do something ridiculous like pout about not getting his mind-altering greeting kiss.
This is a pair of jeans Tommy hasn't seen before - lighter wash than Evan usually prefers, and doing absolutely amazing things for his ass as he shifts from foot to foot.
"Come taste," Evan says, darting a look over his shoulder and absolutely catching the way Tommy's eyes bounce up guiltily. They are apparently just blazing right past the 'boyfriend' thing.
It's - too early. Maybe. Tommy's never had the greatest idea for when relationship milestones are meant to happen, or in what order they should happen in. He's not about to ask Eddie, Mr. Move A Girl In And Have Her Watch My Kid While I Engage In An Emotional Affair With My Dead Wife's Doppelganger.
Which is a shame, because Eddie's one of the few friends he has that will really get into the nitty gritty of feelings conversations without a million no homo disclaimers, like Tommy isn't incredibly aware of how Not homo his friends are. Like Tommy has ever shown an inkling of attraction to ninety-nine percent of them (Sal, at his bitchiest east-coast moments, a glaring exception to a general rule).
He's too busy licking sauce off the spoon Evan's already blown on to cool for him to give it too much more thought. Screw appropriate timing.
"Mmm," he murmurs, when Evan raises a brow. "Needs more garlic."
"You always say that."
And Tommy feels a little warm, beneath his sternum, at the idea that they've done this enough times for Evan to be saying things like 'you always say that' with more than a hint of exasperation.
"Am I ever wrong?"
Evan pouts, and it's adorable in all the best ways. "No," he pouts some more.
Tommy finds himself a stool, and takes a moment to recalibrate, to resettle into his bones. He slides a finger along the edge of a leaf of the plant sitting front and center on the island, bought two weeks ago at a farmers market he'd had to drag Evan out of bed for. It's a little over watered. He's been meaning to tell Evan for three days now.
Tommy breathes, and breathes, and breathes some more. The plant - Geraldine, according to a very concentrated Evan, who'd stared at the thing until a name 'spoke to him' - stares back with the yellowed edges of her leaves.
"You don't mind partner, do you?" he asks, when he feels like he has his bearings again. He could... probably switch it up. Make an attempt, at least. The other option hovers over him like an anvil, just waiting for the Benny Hill music to cue up, for Tommy to think it a little too hard and a marriage proposal to come pouring out of his mouth in a comedy of errors that ends with them hitched in Vegas without any alcohol to blame. He doesn't need Eddie to tell him that is too much too soon.
Evan shifts his weight so that he can keep stirring while still maintaining eye contact. "No. It's - it's nice."
"A ringing endorsement. Evan, if you prefer -."
"I wanna be that. For you. Whenever - I mean I called you my boyfriend today on a call and Chim gave me shit for it the rest of the day but I started thinking about it. If - if you ever refer to me like that. Partner is... partner will be good." He's tiptoeing around the point, the whole reason he'd brought it up in the first place, no doubt.
Tommy can't remember ever having this specific conversation before. He'd so rarely needed it, had kept his work and personal life so separate that if the word slipped he never needed to worry about it getting back to the guy he was seeing at the time.
Tommy isn't reading into the preferences outlined. Partner, for Evan. Boyfriend, for Tommy.
"Am I --." Tommy pauses. He can tell based solely on Evan's reaction that he's doing a horrendous job of hiding the uncertainty in his expression. "Why boyfriend?" he finally settles on.
Evan's face flushes pink. "I...kinda didn't mean to say it? I - well it almost came out as My Tommy, and Hen would have died laughing and probably renamed you in the group chat. But. It was. I said it and it felt." He gestures, unsure himself now, which wasn't Tommy's intention. "I know we haven't talked about it. It's probably way too soon and you're just indulging me, but it felt like - like finally getting the last word in the Sunday Crossword. In pen."
He's constantly knocking it out of the park with contrived analogies that somehow make Tommy want to curl up under twenty blankets and watch Love Actually with a pint of Americone Dream. Tommy's gonna give him the extra spare that's been dangling off his keychain for a week and a half.
"Evan," he says, heart in his throat, the heavenly scent of garlic tickling his nose. "You gotta stop saying romantic shit to me or I'm gonna lock you in my spare room until I find a ring that doesn't come off."
It's not a proposal. They're - this is all - neither one of them has any chill about the other. He's shared secrets with this man he was sure he'd take to his fucking grave.
Evan smiles cheekily at him. "I always figured, with the job, y'know, I'd get a tattoo."
The hair on his arms stands on end, for a moment. Christ.
Jesus Christ.
"Sounds painful," he says, when he can't come up with a single way to bounce out of this conversation. He doesn't want to, is the problem.
He should want to, maybe. Probably.
"And, like, super permanent," Evan adds, still smiling, eyes doing that crinkly thing at the corners. "Definitely won't come off. Not without painful lasers, anyway."
"Better to just keep it, then," Tommy murmurs, voice a few registers lower than he usually speaks, doing everything in his power not to stare at the bare left hand Evan has settled on his own hip.
He blinks, and turns to stir the sauce. Clears his throat, and settles the lid back on the pan. "So. Boyfriend. It's - you don't mind- I can call you that."
Tommy watches him fidget and wonders how he'd ever managed to keep it cool for as long as he did. "For now," he says, and Evan swallows, and beams
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tawaifeddiediaz · 6 months
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[ID: 4 square gifs of Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz and Christopher Diaz from 3.03 and 7.04.
GIF 1: Christopher walking into Buck's loft, Eddie following close behind. Chris walks into Buck, angling for a hug while Buck's hands hover at his side. He says, "Hey, Buck!"
GIF 2: Eddie greeting Tommy before catching sight of Buck behind him. Tommy claps Eddie on the arm but Eddie's looking at Buck with gleeful surprise, one hand extended towards Buck. He says, "Hey, Buck!"
GIF 3: Buck looking down at Christopher, hesitantly smiling as they hug off-screen. He says, "He-hey, buddy."
GIF 4: Buck looking at Eddie and Tommy with confusion, greeting Eddie back with a crease between his brows. He says, "Hey, Eddie."
/end ID]
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robertseo2019-us · 2 years
We specialise in Loft Angled at Plenty of Kitchens and Bedrooms. For a free no-obligation design visit, get in touch today. Call us on 07976 949 214
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bonus-links · 4 months
YEAHHH lots to say for this update
there's a scene I didn't so much as cut from the beginning of this update as significantly shorten: Wolf, Loft, Wake, and Slate are changing into their lighter outfits. Loft says the same line as having the party, Wake begs them for this one day with his Gran Gran, and they all agree they can wait. I've been trying to get better about like, not putting a ton of work into unnecessary connecting scenes, which is why I cut it down. Wake sounding more cavalier also works better for the overall chapter. But i was sad to leave this joke out lol:
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may I present to you, Slate's picture gallery! he was mostly on task documenting flora and fauna but he gets a little sidetracked sometimes
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I love the idea that he's just, like, kind of terrible at photography. he documents stuff for Zelda and it's always weirdly cropped and kind of out of focus, but she appreciates it anyway.
Slate is also picking flowers for the party! so he is still helping out on that front lol
idk if i've mentioned this before, but beetle does still have pincers! they're just. idk what the right word is. retractable maybe? yeah. like the ancient weapon blades
the filling of the half moon pies is pineapple :-) i was. so worried about it looking like an egg HAHA.
I thought way too hard about how they were going to cook these pies. I was originally going to draw a clay oven or some other setup, but ultimately I thought the Zelda tradition of only having pots over fires to cook was a funnier nod lol. So, they're frying the pies
believe it or not, I wrote this scene before reading dungeon meshi HAHA but it certainly served as good reference for how to set up shots for it
Aryll did in fact eavesdrop on Wake telling Tetra The Situation
That's Champion's little sister in the memory! I like the headcanon that her name was also Aryll.
Champion and his sister are making meat pies instead of pineapple ones.
One again, made a bunch of layout mistakes I ended up having to fix, except this time I didn't catch them until I had already gotten to rendering :-( if you're a patron, you probably saw these versions in the WIP:
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problems here: Wolf is walking the wrong away. I was sad we'd be losing his expression but alas. And for the panels with Champion's sister, the angle is too low to be an actual POV shot. I could've left it and said he's just sitting or something probably but it was really bothering me lol so I redrew everything. and then recolored all of it. woof.
as a general rule, if he has scars, that's Slate. No scars is The Other Guy
I understand the complaint about this in BOTW, but I actually kind of like that weird moment that occurs after you finish a memory cutscene, and it just abruptly goes back to Link looking blank-faced like nothing happened. It implies this kind of....distance from the memories that I find interesting. Slate has complicated feelings abt the memories of Champion's life he gets, but like. there's pies to make
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shout out to peony she's a real one
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wileys-russo · 5 months
hi! laura freigang, 'can i use a picture of you as my phone's background?', locker room please?
lockscreen II l.freigang
you woke up to a flash in your face, ducking your head beneath the covers with a groan. "go away lau!" you moaned kicking out at your best friend who only grinned, tugging the covers away from you.
"it was for the collection!" laura explained as if that was completely normal as you tiredly glared up at her. "get out of my room, its not even eight yet!" you realised with a groan, shoving her a little harder than intended as she went rolling backwards off the bed.
you sat up with a start, covering your grin with your hand as the blonde moaned clutching her head which had collided with the carpet.
"sorry?" you tried with an innocent smile as she sat up and fixed you with a venomous glare. "idiot!" she huffed unappreciative of your efforts. "in my defense i have warned you before about not waking me before nine unless its an emergency." you reminded with a shrug.
"i was waking you because i made breakfast but now i think i will go give it to that cranky lady next door, she would be more appreciative!" the blonde grumbled standing to her feet with a shake of her head, stretching out her back.
"no no, no need! thank you." you shot up from bed, kissing her cheek in thanks before racing off toward the kitchen too fast to see the way the girls face burned beetroot red at the tiny gesture of affection.
laura had been pining over you for months now, and it was painful that it was obvious to absolutely everyone but you, even her teammates teasings only causing you to roll your eyes and dismiss them with a wave when they joked you were secretly dating.
laura could only wish to be so lucky, and only wish you'd finally see that all the little things she did for you was because she was crushing on you hard.
ever since you'd moved to the club the girl felt her knees wobble a little when you were introduced to the team, the first to put her hand up to show you around and within a couple of weeks the two of you were thick as thieves and laura had offered you her spare room while you hunted for a place of your own.
it was an offer which beat the pull out sofa you were currently sleeping on in an old school friends one bedroom loft who'd moved to germany for university and just never come back.
you'd be lying if you said without laura you'd have lost your mind and probably quit to move back home. she helped you set up everything, get better at the language, offered friendship and a comfortable bed beneath your back, cooked everyday for you and showed you around new places each weekend between matches.
you hadn't realized it just yet but you were also crushing hard on the blonde, only you'd grown up with four older brothers and attributed nearly every strong feeling you had toward a woman as just a longing for friendship.
it was idiotic how blind you were really.
"so." you looked up from your spot at your cubby, training finished for the day as you were icing your ankle you'd rolled, most of the team having already left for the day laura was kindly waiting around until the physio came back to check you over, currently in a meeting.
"as you know i've been making my phone look nicer." laura started as you chuckled, amused by her sudden interest in aesthetics which was spurred on by a late night tiktok doom scroll as you lay together 'hanging out' in complete silence in her room the other night.
"i found a lockscreen-" she turned to show you a photo she'd taken at the markets on one of her film cameras, smiling at the familiar setting. "-but, can i use a photo of you as my phone background?" she asked hopefully as you groaned.
"what!" she huffed, a little offended by your reaction. "not if its one of those awful pictures you always take of me sleeping, or eating, or at that gross zoomed out angle but super close and-" you started to protest making her frown switch to a grin.
"no schatz, not a bad photo." she patted your knee reassuringly, sliding closer to you as your head fell to her shoulder, missing the way she tensed up a little, clearing her throat.
"i have nice ones. i will even let you choose!" laura promised as you hummed and she clicked into her camera roll, selecting an album with a little sun emoji.
"see? look these are all candid ones of you. at the farmers market, out at dinner, cooking at home, when we went to ikea, when we went to the night festival, getting coffee-" as she scrolled slowly through, something suddenly clicked in your mind.
in nearly all of these you and laura had been hanging out, but always just the two of you. you took turns paying for things, you were always laughing, she was always surprising you with little adventures or taking you to new places and forcing you out of your comfort zone.
but it was always just with laura, and then it clicked for you, it was laura, you loved laura.
the girl was too busy recounting the story behind one of the hundreds of photos in the album with a soft smile on her face to notice you pull your head away to look at her, finally seeing the slight blush on her cheeks and not missing the twinkle in her eye.
so maybe, just maybe, laura loved you too.
"lau." you interrupted, cutting her off mid sentence as she looked up and caught your eye, blush intensifying as she did. "was i rambling? oh god i was rambling wasn't i? i told you when that happens to snap me out of it or tell me to shut up or-" she started again making you smile.
"lau?" "yeah?" "shut up." you grinned as she did too, tips of her ears flushed pink which you found quite cute, suddenly now noticing a lot of little features you'd taken for granted.
"do you trust me?" you asked softly and the blonde nodded without a moments hesitation, but in her most wild of dreams she'd never expected what came next as your hand moved to settle on the back of her neck and you leaned in until you were barely a hairsbreadth away.
"is this okay?" you whispered, checking one last time as all the german could do was nod, dumbfounded and unsure if this was actually happening until you leaned in just that tiny bit further and pressed your lips to hers.
this was really happening, and as laura dropped her phone into her lap, tugging you even closer and kissing you back like you were her last breath of air, you realised that yeah, your laura did love you back, and this was the start of a brand new adventure together.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Bucks loft still doesn't have a couch, we should be able to see it behind the weights in this image if there was one there
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because this still from 6x17 is from a similar angle and you can see the arm of the couch with the blue blanket draped over it
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proving that if Buck had a new couch, we should be able to see a little bit of it!
Couch theory is back baby!!!!
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firewasabeast · 23 days
Move In With Me
(idk guys it's Saturday so have some rated M feelings I guess) ao3 link
The scent of sex is heavy in the air. They're both out of breath, exhausted in the best way when Tommy pulls out and drops down next to Buck.
They're a mess. One of them will have to get up soon and get a rag to wipe them down. Tommy's pretty sure it's his turn. He's also pretty sure Evan won't be getting out of bed anytime soon.
Sure enough, Buck flops his arm down over Tommy's chest. There's a few inches of space between them though, so Buck's arm relaxes and falls to where it's barely touching his side.
“Mm,” Buck whines, eyes closed and face half smushed into the pillow. “Wanna hold you.”
“Scoot closer,” Tommy suggests with a laugh, tugging at Buck's arm.
“Nope. Can't. Can't move.”
“How about I move then?” He doesn't wait for a reply. He didn't really expect one in the first place. He raises Buck's arm enough to slide underneath it, resting Buck's hand over his heart. The pounding thud thud thud is beginning to calm now, but his heartbeat is never regular when Evan is beside him.
Buck wiggles ever so slightly until his head is resting against Tommy's shoulder. “Better,” he murmurs with a smile, pressing a kiss to the soft, warm skin. His eyes are still closed. He has no plans on opening them.
Evan's brain may be able to shut off post orgasm, but Tommy's can't always do the same. He loves being alert in these moments. Adores the closeness, the snuggles, the way it makes him feel small and protected in Buck's arms.
He runs his fingers through Buck's hair, listens to the pleased hum that comes from low in Buck's throat at the sensation. He can feel the vibrations of it against his shoulder and it gives him chills in the best way.
These last six months have been the best of Tommy's life. Evan had brought a light into his world that he hadn't realized was missing. As cheesy as it sounded, it really did feel like his world had gone from black and white to full of color the second Evan stepped inside of it.
He was love and he was joy and he did his damndest to see the good in people. He made Tommy feel worthy of a love he'd long given up on.
He loved Tommy's mess, and Tommy loved his in return. The lack of judgement from either side was so refreshing. To be able to confess all your past sins and still have the person sitting across the table with nothing but love in their eyes and adoration in their hearts was something they had both wanted, needed, craved.
Tommy loved that his place was open to Evan whenever he wanted to be there, which was the majority of the time. Occasionally they'd end up at the loft, but more often than not they were at Tommy's place. When Tommy would get off shift and come home to Evan's Jeep in the driveway his heart would skip a beat and a smile would be on his face before he even realized it. He was always hurrying a little faster to get out of his car on those days, opening the door to see where Evan would be. Sometimes, he was working out in the garage, or cooking in the kitchen, or sitting on the couch with a book in his hand, or on the back porch staring up at a nest in the neighbor's tree.
Wherever he'd end up, Tommy was just happy he was there.
Tommy twisted his head at a slightly awkward angle to press a kiss into Buck's hair. “I love you, Evan,” he whispers. Tommy's not even sure if he's awake anymore, but he needed to say it anyway.
Buck moves even closer, hitching a leg to rest over Tommy's, wrapping his arm fully around Tommy's waist and giving him a squeeze. “I love you too,” he replies just as quietly.
Tommy takes a deep breath, uses his other hand to give Buck's a squeeze. “Would you like to move in with me?”
There's a moment where Buck's body tenses, and Tommy has a flash of anxiety where maybe this is too much too fast now. But then Buck is propping himself up on his elbow and staring straight at Tommy. “F- For real?”
Tommy nods, the best he can anyway with the way he's laying. “For real. I mean, if you don't want to yet it's-”
He doesn't get to finish his sentence, because suddenly Buck's mouth is on his and it's a dirty, sloppy, wet kiss with tongues roaming and moans that radiate throughout their bodies. Buck moves until he's seated on top of Tommy, his ass pressed against Tommy's dick in a way that has all the blood rushing from his head.
“I thought you couldn't move,” Tommy teases, his hips already grinding up against Buck's ass.
“Sudden burst of energy.”
Buck moves down Tommy's body, kissing his neck, sucking just below his collar bone, moving down his pec, and lingering over his nipple. Tommy's letting out little gasps now, and Buck loves to watch the way he can make him fall apart so easily. He keeps moving down his abs, over his belly button, until he reaches Tommy's cock.
Breathlessly, Tommy asks, “Can I take this as a yes, then?”
Buck sucks on the head of Tommy's cock, eliciting a whiny, “Fuck,” out of him.
He pulls off with a pop, staring hungrily into Tommy's eyes. “It's a yes.”
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