#Loki (cat)
screamqueen13 · 5 months
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Loki the Goddess of Mischief. 💚
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scathstudios · 5 months
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Feed Me! | Procreate
Cat Loki demands for your possessions... Pwease? Possible new print huhuhu.
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mooooooosicals · 1 year
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Claw and Order
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: cat mischief, loki being loki but as a cat, use of the word "purr" a ridiculous amount, established relationship, sub/dom dynamics, collars, shenanigans, spells gone wrong, the loss of Steve's favorite cup....
Summary: An argument between Thor and Loki about his new "accessory" causes Loki's anger to rise.. when the good captain tries to help....
A/n-graphics by @harlequin-hangout and a special shout out to @soubi001 for helping with the title!!! Your amazing!! And @vbecker10 for listening to my nonsensical rambling!! Love you!!!
Part of the lokitty series-
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You watched Loki roll to his back, the small gold bell of his collar jingling as he moved. He had changed back some time ago but he hadn't woken up yet, so you patiently waited. You crossed your legs, biting your lip as your eyes took in his bare form. A few loose strands of his hair gently draping across his face, the collar moving ever so slightly as his Adam's apple bobbed, a small groan passing his parted lips. You eyes traveled further down, watching his chest rise and fall with each breath, his large hands splayed across his stomach, your thighs clenching remembering the last thing he did to you with those hands.
You felt your cheeks heat up seeing his stomach flex as he shifted again, your eyes traveling further down when Loki cleared his throat "you know I love how you admire me love." He purred, turning to his side facing you snapping you out of your trance "loki..." you said crossing your arms "oh dear, you aren't upset with me are you?" He smiled propping himself up on one elbow "loki, you destroyed the lab." You said sternly seeing his smile widen "improved is more like it." He said swinging his long legs off the bed sitting up "but, i am at your mercy. you may punish me as you see fit my queen." He said watching you. "Oh, I already have...darling." you said mimicking his accent smiling widely seeing him furrow his eyebrows.
You stood up, swinging your hips as you walked to the bed, stepping between his parted legs you reached out running a finger under the green collar, tugging him slightly forward as you leaned down to his level. "You've been a bad boy loki." You purred, hooking your fingers under the collar "now, what should I do with you?" You smiled seeing his eyes widen "well I have a few....suggestions if your interested." He smiled, quickly regaining his composure as you straightened up, his head tilting up looking at you making a shiver run up your spine, this man was going to be death of you. You gently pulled him forward, his eyes never leaving yours as his knees met the carpet, his back straightening placing his hands on his thighs
"first, you are..." you were cut off as Jarvis spoke "Mr Laufeyson, your presence is requested in the conference room." It said making you roll your eyes "Jarvis, can it wait?" You called out to the ceiling "I'm afraid not, It is rather urgent." It said. "Dammit." You muttered hearing Loki laugh "to be continued I guess" He snarked as you crouched down to his level "you may go, but this." You said tugging the collar "stays...on." you said sternly seeing him swallow "now darling, really. I can't wear this out there, they will..." you cut him off "will what? Know your mine...know that I can bend you to my will at any moment...that I can bring a prince to his knees?" You asked smiling "i..well you see.." he stuttered "it stays, am I understood?" You purred y...yes ma'am, understood." He said watching you straighten up
"good, we will discuss your punishment when you return." You said smiling as you turned back taking a seat in the chair as Loki stood clearing his throat, biting your lip as his clothes materialized on his long frame, the collar visible under rhe collar of his tunic "Darling, could we atleast remove the bell?" He asked, it jingling lightly as he talked "no, it stays as it is." You said "now hurry back, my patience is wearing very thin." You said hearing him sigh as he turned walking out the door. You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face as be left, ideas of what you were going to do to him running rampant through your mind.
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Loki huffed, walking into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea. The captain had been utterly insufferable, droning on and on about rules and regulations, how they needed to be a team and stop lone wolfing evey mission when he told them there was a team building trip this weekend and everyone was required to participate. Loki rolled his eyes remembering the end of the meeting "now laufeyson, don't be like that. It'll be fun." The man said smiling. Loki wanted nothing more then to slap the smile off the man's smug face. "Righteous imbicile." He grumbled setting the kettle on the stove.
"Brother, there you are." Thor said walking in. "I was looking for you after..." he trailed off, his eyes meeting Loki's neck "have my good looks left you speechless Thor?" Loki snapped crossing his arms. "I didn't think you the type Loki." He laughed sitting on a stool "what is that supposed to mean?" Loki snapped glaring at him "the type to allow a woman, a mortal no less...to collar you." Thor laughed again making Loki's face heat up "jealous are you?" Loki snarked feigning indifference "Loki, prince of asgard...rightful king brought to his knees by a mortal." Thor laughed, slapping his hand down on the counter. Loki rolled his eyes grabbing a cup from the cupboard "as much as I looove our little chats." Thor cut him off with another laugh, grating on Loki's nerves.
"D..does she..." Thor leaned forward holding his hands up "you know." He winked, making a lewd gesture with his hands as Loki slammed his and on the counter "what I do in my private chambers is not your concern!" He yelled as Thor sat still staring at him "I will thank you to stay out of my affairs." He said walking around the island towards the hall "loki don't be like that, I was only...." loki turned glaring at him "what...mocking me, making jest of my relationship?" Loki snapped stepping forward "atleast I have one, brother." Loki sneered as Thor stood up "what happened with your mortal...oh that's right, she dumped you." He smiled as Thor stormed up to him, standing nose to nose. "You do not know the story." Thor said glaring at him.
"Well, one can only assume you couldn't please her." Loki snarked when Thor shoved him "woah you two?" They both snapped their heads seeing Tony walk in "I don't need you destroying my tower." He said walking to them, smiling as his eyes landed on Loki's neck. "I see you got your present." Tony snarked "I don't have to stand here and take this." Loki said pushing past Tony storming towards the hallway "atleast I know where you are now!" Tony yelled at him when they both laughed. "Morons." Loki muttered hitting the button for the elevator feeling his anger begin to boil over.
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Steve walked towards the elevator, pressing the button as he shifted through a small stack of paperwork from his last mission, tucking it under his arm when the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. He walked in, his eyebrows furrowing seeing a pile of clothes in the corner when they shifted making him jump back dropping his paperwork as a small black car emerged from the pile, hissing and snarling. "Oh, hey little guy." He cooed, a shiver running up his spine as the cats deep green eyes met his. "Where did you come from?" Steve asked kneeling down holding his arms out when the cat hissed and ran for the doors as they closed.
"Hey...hey calm down little fella." He said watching the cat claw at the doors leaving deep gashes in the metal. He reached out, quickly grabbing the cat holding him to his chest as it hissed and growled, digging its claws into his chest "god...bless America!" Steve yelled twisting the cat around trying to keep the cats razor sharp claws away from his skin. "Who is your owner little guy?" He asked, running a finger under the green collar as it began twisting again. "Ok, ok I'll take you to my room until we can find your master." He said as the doors slid open, Steve held the cat out into the air as he walked to his room "Alright, you stay here and I'll be right back." He said opening the door setting the cat down quickly shutting it so it didn't get out. "Sheesh, someone's upset." He said hearing the snarling on the other side of the door.
He hurried back to the elevator grabbing his paperwork, shifting through it he pressed the button for the labs, the sooner he got the paperwork to Tony the sooner he could take care of his new friend. Rushing out as soon as the doors opened he walked into the lab seeing Tony hunched over his latest project "Hey, I'm gonna leave these here, I've got something to take care of." He said as Tony looked up at him "where's the fire cap?" He asked grabbing the stack of papers "oh, I found this cute little cat in the elevator and I need to find his owner." Steve said smiling.
"wait...black cat?" Tony asked freezing "yeah, big green eyes, do you know it?" Steve asked "green collar I'm assuming?" Tony continued "yeah, do you know who the owner is?" Steve asked "I think so, but your gonna wanna get back to your room...like now." Tony said standing up "what do you..." Tony cut him off "trust me...I've got a call to make." Tony said rushing to his desk. Steve stood there a minute trying to figure out what Tony's issue was before he shrugged and headed back towards the elevator "scientists..." he sighed stepping inside pressing the button for his floor. His phone ringing as he stepped out "Steve! Where are you?" He heard your panicked voice through the speaker "y/n? I'm heading to my room." Steve said stopping in front of his door.
"Steve, listen to me...the cat." He pulled the phone away hearing a loud bang behind the door "y/n, I'm gonna have to call you back." Steve said hanging up as he opened the door to his room, his eyes widening at the scene in front of him. His clothes had been drug out of the closet, spread across the floor in shreds. His favorite chair sat in the corner, deep gashes slashed through it as the cotton stuffing poured out and into the floor. His eyes traveled further, seeing the deep blue duvet that was on his bed now on the floor ripped apart, the same gashes traveling across his mattress the insides pulled out when he saw the blank space on the wall where his shield had been.
"No no no.." he said, closing the door he rushed across the room seeing his shield on the floor, long deep claw marks traveling across it. He dropped to his knees, running his fingers along the gashes "why..." he sighed, picking it up holding it to his chest when he heard another noise come from the kitchen. He got up, still holding his shield he slowly walked into the kitchen, seeing the cat sitting on the counter twirling a long knife on the counter with its paw. "H..hey little guy." Steve cooed walking forward as the cats eyes met his "Let's just stay calm." Steve said as the cat batted the knife hard with his paw, launching it into the air lodging in the wall next to Steve's head "woah! What are you.." he trailed off seeing the cat jump into the cabinet and begin knocking the plates down onto the floor.
"Hey! Stop that!" Steve yelled as the cat kicked a stack of bowls, glass shattering across the floor. "Steve, open the door." He heard your on the other side of the door as he watched the cat slither along his coffee mugs, his tail whipping around each one as it knocked one by one out of the cabinet, glass flying everywhere when he stopped, placing his paw on the last cup...Steve's favorite, the dark blue cup with his insignia on it that bucky had given him "Please..." Steve tried as the cat looked into his eyes, pushing the cup forward. "No..." Steve whispered as the cat tipped it over the edge. Steve dropped the shield, diving for the cup but barely missed as it shattered in small pieces across the kitchen floor. He picked up a few of the larger pieces, leaning against the cabinets when he heard the door open.
"Steve, where are you?" You called out hearing a noise in the kitchen you walked in seeing glass covering the tile floor, a knife lodged onto the wall and Steve's shield "Steve, are you..." you trailed off seeing the super soldier hunched over on the floor "i..I was only trying to help." Steve said looking up "are you crying?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows "no! I got something in my eye." He said wiping his face "riiiight." You said looking around "Where's the cat?" You asked "i..I don't know, he was here a minute ago" Steve said standing up. You walked out, sighing seeing the destruction when you heard a ripping sound in the closet. You looked to Steve holding your finger to your lips as you stalked closer, peeking inside you saw loki digging his claws into Steve's uniform. Steve tried to storm in when you punched him in the arm making him wince "shh...stay here." You whispered as you kneeled down, slowly crawling forward.
You waited until he turned to pounce, lunging forward your wrapped your arms around his small frame pulling him to your chest. "Loki....I swear.." you growled, his eyes widening as he looked back at you. "Oh...you just wait..." you said hearing him purr as you stood up. "D..did you get him? Are you ok?" Steve called out as you sighed "yes, im fine." You said stepping out of the closet. "I'm so sorry Steve, I'll replace all of this." You said looking around the room. "It..it's fine." He said looking down, still holding the pieces of his cup. "No, it's not. I'll make sure it's taken care of." You said patting his shoulder. "I'll come back with Loki, I'm sure he'll he more then happy to help." You said hearing Loki hiss.
"It's ok, I'm pretty sure he hates me." Steve said sitting down in his chair, shifting as a spring poked him "He does not hate you, he's just..." you trailed off looking down at Loki purring against you "no, he's does. I know I can be a bit...much." Steve said with a sad smile. "I'll talk to him, I promise." You said seeing Steve nod. "Ok, I'll call you in a little bit." You said as you walked out, making your way back to your room. "I have a surprise for you.." you snarked, seeing loki look up at you. You walked into your room, shutting the door you walked across the room holding him tightly. "I had a talk with your brother today." You said walking into the bedroom flipping the light on "and he had a....suggestion...in how to get you to behave." You smiled, walking towards the corner.
"He even helped me set it up, said it came from Asgard." You smiled. You looked up at the six foot structure, three glass walls forming a rectangle with runes you didnt entirely understand etched into the glass. stepping in you set him down on the fluffy green pillow, watching him sit down looking up at you as you stepped back, your fingers pressing the buttons on a small keypad on the outside wall as a bright orange light covered the opening. "Now you sit here and think about your behavior." You said sternly watching him walk towards the energy field, pressing his paw against it when he looked up at you, his eyes squinting at you. "Don't look at me like that, you did this to yourself." You said walking over towards the bed.
"It's a shame really..." you sighed, slowly sliding your shirt over your head "I had so many plans for tonight." You said. Standing up you slowly pulled your jeans down your legs, looking up seeing Loki stalking back and forth across his little cell. Turning around your slid your panties down your legs, kicking them to the side as you stood, removing your bra leaving you bare as you glanced over your shoulder seeing loki clawing at the wall. "Goodnight Loki." You purred, blowing him a kiss as you climbed in bed hearing him mewl and whine. "Maybe next time you'll.......behave." You said grabbing your earbuds you hit play on your phone.
He was going to learn his lesson, one way or another.....
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@mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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Loki Cat Adventures from Marvel Meow
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lokidanger · 10 months
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meow... hiss hiss
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anonymousfiction211 · 2 years
Idk if you are taking requests but what if y/n and Loki are trying to have some adult time and thunder and mischief keep interrupting them.
A/N: Thunder&Mischief requests are always open :)! Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: mentions of sex
Interrupted Day 1 *Loki and Y/N heavily making out on the bed*
Loki *whispering seductively*: I can’t wait any longer
*Thunder&Mischief entering the room with a ball of yarn*: meow
Loki: Go away, we’re busy
Y/N: Awh, Loki stop! We can’t do that here in the same room with them
*Loki grumbling frustrated, while Y/N starts playing with Thunder&Mischief*
Day 2 *While watching a movie together, Loki starts distracting Y/N with kissing her neck and letting his hands wander*
Y/N: *moaning* hmm, Loki
*The sound of Mischief running from the catio inside. Dropping a dead mouse at Loki’s feet and meowing proudly*
Y/N: Well, that’s a.. surprise. I thought you had fixed the catio?
Loki: I did… 5 times, already.. but, where were we?
Y/N: You don’t think the dead mouse killed the mood a little?
Loki: *grumbling frustrated*
Day 3 *Loki fixing the catio again, hoping Mischief can’t find a way to escape*
Y/N: You look very sexy when you are busy with tools
Loki: Hmm, do I? *very slowly picking up one of the tools, so Y/N can get a good look at his ass*
*Y/N walking towards Loki, starting to kiss him*
*Thunder, suddenly meowing judginly*
Y/N: O, sorry didn’t see you there..
Loki: You know, we can take this to the bedroom
*Loki and Y/N entering the bedroom to see Mischief sleeping on there*
Y/N: Well, it was your idea to let them sleep in the bed…
Loki: I hate myself…
Day 4 *Y/N coming home to find Loki, Thor and the cats sitting on the couch together*
Thor: Great news lady Y/N, Loki has asked me to watch your precious children again. And he trusts me so much, he has dropped all the ridiculous check-in-rules.
Y/N *smirking*: Really? How surprising
Loki *feigning innocence*: Well, if you can’t trust your brother, who can you trust? Thanks for watching them, and remember you really don’t have to call how it’s going. I’ll see you in two days.
*Thor excitingly leaving with the cats*
Y/N: You really asked Thor to babysit, so we can have sex?
*Loki snapping his fingers, being completely naked*: Yes, now we only have two days, so we have to make the most of it.
*Thor re-entering the room*: I think I forgot….
*Seeing Loki naked and quickly closing the door again*: That was fast…
Thunder&Mischief taglist: @lokiestorch @shereighties @littlemortals @fandoms4life-always @high-functioning-lokipath @briarrose26 @lilyevans1 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @geeky-politics-46 @vbecker10
I recently started over with my taglists. If you want to stay in the Thunder&Mischief taglist, let me know. Otherwise, I will remove your name in future posts. No worries, no obligations :) Thanks for reading!
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rsclopez · 11 months
Know your place
Stephen:(on speakerphone with Tony & Loki listening) Darling! Who do you love more? Me or Loki?
Y/N: Hi you!?Wait, which Loki are we talking about?
Loki and Tony: (gets confused looks)
Stephen: You know,tall dark and mysterious Reindeer Games.The one with goat horns and a penchant for world domination.
Y/N: Oh that Loki! Yeah hands down its you sweetheart! Even if I had a teeny tiny crush on him. I’d still pick you in any universe!
Stephen: (Smirks at glaring Loki) Well, what about your cat Loki! Do you love me more than him?
Y/N: Bish! Know your place (hangs up).
Tony & Loki: starts laughing
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xixixoo · 3 months
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of-asgaard · 2 years
I drew this a long time ago, I decided to post it
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screamqueen13 · 5 months
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No filter at all, just Loki's eyes in the sunlight. 🌞 💚
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scathstudios · 5 months
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Boxes <3 | Procreate
Nothing like the genocidal meow meows and their boxes, breaking hearts of their loved ones... HAHAHA
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mooooooosicals · 1 year
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Loki streetch
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popcornforone · 10 months
December 8th: Pie
Cooking with Loki
Master list
Who doesn’t love a pie? Sweet, savoury, home made, on the terraces before the football kicks off. All of those are amazing & it’s now cold & we need comfort food right now.
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Loki isn’t sure how to share this first pie. His custard is glistening & his latte is nice & hot for him to drink. But he can hear the purring behind him. They can smell it & are hoping to scoop up the crumbs themselves. You walk in & hand loki a knife. “I know you’ve given the knives up baby, but we need a clean slice each”.
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This Loki is ready to put this pie in the oven. But he looks concerned. Why is he adding cream now? Has he missed something. Even the cat looks concerned. It rolls its eyes as loki says outloud the recipe for the 3rd time in 2minutes. It’s only after the 5th time that loki realised he is wearing his mother’s apron.
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Two pies for loki. Both steaming hot. Both crisp. Both smelling the room so much. He’s just trying to help the steam out before he takes them to the table. You get the cutlery to set the table to eat pudding. “Smells delicious loki” you say. “I hope so” he replies “I hope it’s as delicious as me”. “Nothing is as delicious as your lips loki… well except your custard”
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This final loki doenst want to dish his pie up. It’s Instagram ready. The little smirk says it all. He’s proud. He doesn’t actually care if when you start eating you don’t like it. He’s just proud he has made all of this from scratch. His apron maybe a mess but it’s all been made of love. Even the cat is standing away, it knows not to mess with Lokis creation.
Thanks as always for the viewing peoples. I hope you are enjoying these.
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Cat Loki & Trjegul in Marvel Meow Infinity Comic #18
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miss-mama-wolf · 2 years
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when I send my friend pictures of a cat biting another cat, she always says: redraw them into sylki! here we go :)
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