#Loki x ec
herzesca · 7 years
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Loki x EC
Der EC gehört @xbakanekox
Und nein, es ist kein Daenerys x Loki.
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Venus Ambassador - Prologue
(Loki x reader)
Reader is gender neutral
Btw spoilers for the Loki tv show
You’re not quite sure how you got into this mess.
Well, you were there when it all happened, but that doesn’t mean you completely understand it. At least, not yet. For now, let’s just say you may have dug yourself into a hole that you had no way of getting out of all by yourself. Afterall, you weren’t expecting anything to actually happen, let alone cause a butterfly effect that would tug you this far away from home and normalcy. Though, as they say, curiosity killed the cat. Kidnapped the cat? Would that be a more appropriate phrasing for this situation? Yes, you think so. It seems that from now on, your life is going to be anything but mundane.
Well, it looks like the universe just loves to prove you wrong. Paperwork. So much paperwork. You have to admit, when you offered this position (read: ultimatum), you weren’t expecting to be sitting in an office all day, reading and signing paper after paper. Although sometimes you got to read something interesting, something you’d never heard of before. Of course, all the overcomplicated legal jargon that filled them made you grow bored of them quickly.
There was one set of documents that appeared at your desk one day that made you question once more if you were dreaming, something you hadn’t done since the first week you were here. With but a few words, your excitement increased tenfold, knowing by now that whatever information held within the papers that met your desk were the truth.
You were the Dimension 007-Venus Ambassador for the Time Variation Authority. Specifically, the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Time Variation Authority.
Name: (y/f/n)
Aliases: Venus Ambassador
Birthplace: Earth (Dimension 007-Venus)
Sex: (your sex/gender)
Race/Ethnicity: Human
Height: (y/h)
Weight: (y/w)
Eye Color: (y/ec)
Hair Color: (y/hc)
DOB: (your birthday)
Age: (y/a) (Reader is an adult in this fic.)
Chapter 1
No multiverse doesn't mean there aren't other dimensions.
Come get y’all juice. Yes, the title is based off of a song I like, but that’s pretty much all the influence the song will have on this fic. It’s not gonna be a song fic. Oh no. It’s gonna be a slow burn, baby. AND it’s an isekai because I’m a whore for isekai fics. (It happened when I was teaching myself how to like me for who I am and it’s stuck because woo body positivity.)
…Okay I lied, this will be the last reference to the song because it's a good line.
We’ll meet you at infinity
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suddeninklings · 5 years
New Fic!
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Hide Your Fires. A little over a year after the events of the Dover-Birch case, Detective David Loki has a chance run-in with a former classmate. Equally lonely souls, burdened with pasts they would like to forget, the two reconnect in ways neither expected. Detective Loki x OC. Romance, Thriller, Comfort. 
Spring had come to Conyers, Pennsylvania. Winter had finally released its grip on the city, dragged away kicking and screaming by the force that was Mother Nature. Citizens braced for the warmth and the wet that the season would bring. The streets, once desolate and achingly monotone, took on new life as greenery flooded the landscape. Deer returned from the isolated centers of the forests, flowers began to bloom, children ventured out into the open finally free of heavy coats and worry-stricken parents. Soon summer would come and people would venture back in doors to escape the humidity. But for now, the city would revel in the pleasantries of the season.  
Detective Loki looked up from the trunk of his car. The first day of his HR-mandated paid time off had been decidedly mundane. He had his car washed, gone to the market for groceries, and taken care of the other errands he had been putting off. He stood in his driveway, playing with the idea of transporting all the bags in one trip, when someone called his name.
It was a woman. She stood in the drive across the road, a small but warm smile on her face. He hadn’t seen her before. So how did she know his name? His neighbor, as far as he knew, lived alone. His daughter, maybe? David thought. She looked to be in her early thirties, around his age. But David was under the impression his neighbor had no children. Or family. The only person who ever came to the house was an older man who always wore scrubs. A caretaker, most likely. There was something about her though, some shred of familiarity that tugged at the back of his mind.
She was fairly lanky, with broad shoulders and long legs for her height. Her hair was a light honey brown, several pieces of it clipped back out of her face. She wore slim, black jeans and a somewhat crumpled denim blouse. A bulging leather messenger bag hung on her shoulder and a tan trench coat was draped over her arm. Odd, as it was a fairly cold day given the date. Patches of heavy, dark clouds hung low in the sky; a stark contrast to the traces of surrounding blue. The first of the spring rains could not be far off. 
“David Loki, right?” She said, stepping across the road between the two lots, not bothering to look in either direction. She came to a stop at the end of the drive. 
“Yes?” He said, still trying to place her. He let his hand fall from the raised trunk door and fit both of them into the pockets of his coat. 
“Grace.” She said, gesturing to herself. “Grace Abbott? Georgia High, class of ‘99?”
The name sparked something in his memory, but the details remained elusive. 
“I used to wear glasses.” She offered. Shrugging the coat up higher into the crook of her elbow, she lifted both hands up to her face, creating small circles with her fingers and planting them playfully around both eyes. 
“Oh yeah,” He said, blinking as an image of a much younger girl flashed in the back of his mind. She had longer hair then, usually tied back in a long ponytail or braid and yes, a pair of round, thick-rimmed glasses. They had not been friendly in high school, he hadn’t really been friendly with anyone, but he remembered that they had shared several classes together. Algebra, Chemistry, Gov & Ec, Composition…
“Grace, Hello.” He stepped forward and took her outstretched hand, shaking it once. Her skin was icy against his. 
“Do you live here?” She said, eyes shifting to his house. The two homes were similar in style. Both were crafted of white wood, with the same roofing and basic layout. While hers was a two-story, his was a ranch. He had chosen it mainly for its location. After five years of apartment living, he had grown tired of sharing his space, craving something of his own; both indoors and out. The street, Lakeview Drive, backed up against one of the states many gaming lots. Far from the main road, it was long and winding, the homes one each side were spaced several dozen feet from one another. It offered the privacy and quiet he craved. And, true to its name, the northern side of the street was set against Bonner’s Lake. One of his first improvements to the home was to build a deck in the back. In the warmer months, he would sit out there, taking in the calming atmosphere of the water below. It did mean a longer commute into town, but he did some of his best thinking in the car and the time it allowed him was more welcomed than not.
“Uh, yeah.” He said, following her gaze. 
“For how long?” She asked. 
“About four years.”
“The Browns used to live there.” She said, a nostalgic gleam in her eye. “I used to have such a crush on Wyatt’s older brother. You remember them?”
David nodded, even though he didn’t. High School had been...a failed experiment in his mind. Having spent most of his schooling days at the St. Francis’ School for Boys, he’d practically begged his foster mother for a chance at public school away from the rigors and rules of the private system. The culture shock proved difficult to navigate. He didn’t do well in most of his classes, choosing instead to focus his attention and energies into more unseemly ventures. It was a period of his life that he wasn’t proud of. One he was happy to bury. 
“I’m surprised you’re still here.” Grace said. “In Conyers.” 
“You are?” 
She clasped her hands together in front of her and shrugged wistfully. “I don’t know. You just had that look about you. Wanting to escape or something.”
The comment struck a nerve. He could remember her more clearly now. She had been a nice girl. A good student with a close group of friends, but she was always watching people. Scribbling in notebooks. Most people paid him little mind, aside from the occasional sideways glance, thanks in no small part to the rumors that spread around school upon his arrival as a sophomore, but every so often he would catch her looking. Observing. Not just him, but anyone and everyone. 
“Just visiting?” He asked. 
“Um, well, Martin died.” She said, drawing the coat up in both arms to her chest. 
Martin Howser. His neighbor. 
“My step-father.” She clarified, sensing the question before he could ask it. 
He hadn’t even realized the old man had passed. Was he even all that old? Of course, he had hardly been home in the last few weeks, choosing instead to focus on his work. It was what prompted HR to enforce his paid time off in the first place. The hours had been piling up, they said. If he didn’t use them, it could mean trouble. For them. Not for him.  In David’s opinion, it was the last thing he needed. On the first of the month, word of Keller Dover’s sentence had finally come through. The trial had been a waking nightmare. Both sides had aimed to drag it out. It wasn’t uncommon for cases such as these. But it didn’t stop David from loathing the process. He had been forced to testify. As had the Birch family. And the Dovers. Reporters from all around the county crowded the courtroom. Sensationalists made themselves known. Even though the verdict was what he had been expecting, it still ate away at him. Gnawing at wounds that were still fresh, both figuratively and literally. 
He had been lauded for his work on the case. The offer came down from PSP, even government recruiters had reached out to him. He had rebuffed them all. Anna and Joy were safe. For that he was tremendously grateful. But he could not forget Alex Jones or Bob Taylor. The case was over, the guilty party was dead, but the suffering would continue. David could not, would not, forget it. He should have pushed back on Keller. He should have searched the entire apartment complex at first suspicion. Procedures been damned. He could have found Alex Jones earlier. Stopped things from escalating as they did. His chief had told him not to shoulder the blame; had even taken the weight of the responsibility with the public. But David knew the truth. Work was the only thing that could keep him afloat. And now, to be denied even that...he knew he wouldn’t last long at home. But he had no desire to go anywhere else. He felt tied to this town in ways too strong to overcome. 
“I’m sorry.” He said, leaning against the back of his car and crossing his arms over his middle. 
Grace shook her head. “Don’t be. He had a heart condition. When he was a kid they told him he wouldn’t live to see his thirties. I think he always felt he was living on borrowed time.”
She looked over her shoulder at the house, her feet shifting underneath her. Her hand went to her head, tugging absentmindedly at a loose lock of hair that curled up over her ear. David sensed that she was hesitant to go inside. He couldn’t blame her. Even after nearly eight years with the department, the sight and feeling of a dead body never grew easier to stomach. The weight of it always lingered, even after it had been taken away. 
“Umm,” She glanced at a watch wrapped around her wrist. “I know it’s kind of early but, I just took the train in from the city and...I’m starving. Would you want to grab a bite? Catch up?”
David didn’t bother to look in his trunk. He knew what was there. Microwave friendly meals. Most either too bland or too salty. Nothing he was looking forward to. All that waited for him in the house was a television...and quiet. Neither of which could distract him from his thoughts, a barrage of “what-ifs” that haunted him day and night. From Keller Dover or Bob Taylor or Alex Jones.  
He nodded. “Sure.”
He took her to The Mystic, a bar in the town center. It was situated below the only hotel in the city. The interior was all done in dark woods, with old Tiffany-esque lanterns hanging over each table. It was quieter than most of the places, especially given that a game was on that night. They sat themselves in the back corner away from the bustle and chatter of people at the bar. 
“Boy, this town hasn’t changed at all.” Grace said, her eyes traveling from one side of the room to the other, taking it all in. “I remember Julie Dawes and I tried to sneak in here once when we were kids. Mitch chased us out so fast, I thought my lungs would collapse.”
She spoke with an expected fondness, but there was something hollow behind the words. As if they weren’t entirely genuine. Forced. David managed a smile. 
“Thanks for this,” She said, hitching her elbows up on the table and resting her chin in one hand. The bags under her eyes were more prevalent in the low light. 
She must have traveled far. David noted. 
“I felt weird going somewhere alone and...I don’t know, it’s strange being in that house after all this time.”
“When was the last time you were here?” He asked, his thumb tracing the rim of his glass. 
“Oh,” Grace said, her free hand went to her ear, tugging gently on the small ring of rose gold. A nervous habit. He didn’t mean to note it. Catalogue it. But he found it was harder and harder for him to turn off that part of his brain. He relied so heavily on it. To understand his work. And people. Was it irony? That he could so easily gauge the fault lines of a person’s soul based purely on their little ticks and peculiarities and yet connecting, truly connecting, with the heart of a person seemed like an impossible feat?
“Not for...ten? Eleven years maybe?” She said, just as their food arrived. “It’s not that I avoided it...completely. But work takes up so much of my time- Thank you,” She said, smiling up at the waitress. 
“What do you do?” He asked after she had swallowed her first bite. 
“I’m a reporter.” She said. “I work at the Inquirer.”
“In Philadelphia?”
“MmHmm.” She said, beaming with pride. “I was at the Daily News for a while, but my boss got an editor’s position and he brought me along with him three years ago.”
David fought the frown. She didn’t seem like the type. Usually, he could spot a reporter as easily as he could a lawyer these days. There was something about them, always searching for that story. It showed in their eyes. She was poised and articulate, but she was missing that aggravating verve that he was used to. 
She’s note working now, though. He reasoned. And she doesn’t know that I’m a-
“What do you do?” She asked before taking another bite of her sandwich. Despite her best efforts, he could tell she wasn’t particularly interested. What could be interesting about an old classmate from Conyers? He almost wished he had another answer prepared. 
“I’m a cop.” He said. 
“Really?” Her attention shifted from her plate and back to him. 
There it is. He thought. It was quick, like a bold of lightening, but he had caught it. That flash of hunger in her eyes. It bordered on desperation. Sometimes he hated being right. 
“I wondered,” She said, suddenly reminding him of a fox. “What with your car and all.”
Normally he wouldn’t dive into a pool such as this, but after a few sips of beer (a rare indulgence for him) he was feeling more generous than usual. 
“And all?” He asked, his own curiosity slipping past his carefully constructed walls. 
“Well,” She started, mulling it over. “The clothes, the shoes, you have that look about you, I guess. All buttoned up. It’s surprising, don’t get me wrong. I mean if you told me David Loki would become a cop...you never seemed like the uniform type.”
“I’m not,” He said, the first genuine grin snaking across his face. 
Grace nodded as she swallowed down another bite. “A detective?”
He nodded back. 
“That...makes more sense.” Grace said with a wry wink. “Any interesting cases?”
In what way. He thought, but chose not to voice it.
“Here and there,” He said. The walls were rebuilding themselves. He never liked to talk about his cases with civilians let alone reporters. He made a note to look up her work when they were done here. 
Surprisingly, she didn’t press him any further. 
“So how long are you here?” He asked. 
“Just a few days.” She said. “I have to go through all the stuff in the house tomorrow. I’m meeting with a couple agents on Thursday...hopefully, I can get the house on the market by the end of the week.
“Is there a funeral?” He asked. It seemed like the proper thing to do. He wondered if he was expected to attend. 
“No. He didn’t want one, actually specified it in his will. He was cremated on Friday. His hunting buddies took the ashes up the campgrounds off Mayberry. They’re going to spread them around their usual spots. It’s...all he asked for.”
“Were you close?” David asked. 
“Not really.” She said, running a hand through her hair before attempting to wave down the waitress. “I mean, he really loved my mom. They got married when I was seven. He was nice and all, but I don’t think he ever planned on having kids. He never really knew how to talk to me. But, he’s got no family left so...someone’s got to clean up the house.”
“What about your mother?”
She swallowed hard. Her body shifted in her seat, going stiff. She folded her hands in front of her, her eyes boring into the table. All manner of ease and warmth faded away. 
“Well...she passed.” Her voice was flat but charged. As if it was obvious. As if he should already know. “A long time ago.”
“Right.” He said, blinking. Did I know that? He thought back. No. Why should I?
She stood suddenly, sliding out of her chair and reaching for her bag. Her free hand went to her hair again, tugging and twisting. 
“I’m ready to go.” She said, her eyes still directed towards the floor. 
“Alright.” David said, rising as well. 
The drive home had been quiet. Almost painfully so. Grace had kept her eyes trained on the view outside the passenger seat, her elbow hitched up on the door, her chin in hand. She didn’t say a word until they had reached Lakeview. Even then, she only managed a quiet ‘thanks’ before drifting across the street and up to the Howser door. David had watched her go, unsure of what to do or say. 
He stood in his bathroom, brushing his teeth and avoiding his reflection in the glass above the sink. He couldn’t understand it. Why should be expected to remember details about an old classmates family? If they had been friends, maybe...but he couldn’t remember socializing with her outside of school; aside from the occasional class-wide party. 
Something. There had to be something he was missing. Grace Abbott. He thought, running the name through his head again and again. Do I even know her mother’s name? Abbott...Martin Howser was her step-father so...she remarried. Grace Howser. Abbott....Howser. An image flashed through his head. Abbott-Howser. A newspaper. And a headline. He caught his own eye in the mirror as he scrubbed at his teeth before spitting a large, foamy glob into the sink. 
“Shit.” He hissed under his breath. 
After washing his face, he headed into his room, searching the sheets for his phone. After finding it, he typed in the name, scrolling through the results until he found what he had been searching for. His heart dropped into his stomach. The date on the archived article was May 28th, 1998. In bleak, black bold print, the headline read:
Helen Abbott-Howser, Beloved Mother & Teacher at Conyers Community Center, Latest Victim of Suspected Serial Killer.
Thank you for reading! I hope to post the next bit very soon. I’d love to hear from you! I used a gif for now cause I’m still working on the title card but I was too excited to wait! >.<
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ao3feed-stucky · 5 years
by abc761012
Words: 3052, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), X-Men
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Charles Xavier, Scott Summers, Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, James Jimmy "Logan" Howlett, Steve Rogers, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, Thor, Loki
Relationships: 史蒂夫/巴奇, 索爾/洛基, 金鋼狼/獨眼龍, 萬磁王/X教授, 盾冬, 錘基 - Relationship, 狼隊, EC - Relationship
Additional Tags: 星際戰警AU, 黑衣人AU
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ao3feed-thorki · 5 years
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Xj70tk AnnaLu1128
by AnnaLu1128
霍格沃茨AU 格兰芬多锤x斯莱特林基
简介: 无法打败博格特的Thor找弟弟要安慰。
注意事项: *微EC *下一章开车 *充斥着小孩子吵架 *可能ooc,标签可能有疏漏,不喜勿看
Words: , Chapters: 1/2, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Thor (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Xj70tk
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vz4iH6f
by greentreasure
等级:PG-13(意向微PWP) 配对:Steve/Bucky;Thor/Loki;Erik/Charles 原著:《美国队长》、《X战警》、《雷神》等系列电影 谢绝KY。即兴短文。po主真爱crossover一贯he。
Words: 3529, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文-普通话 國語
Fandoms: 锤基 - Fandom, 盾冬 - Fandom, EC - Fandom, 站街梗 - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vz4iH6f
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ao3feed-cherik · 7 years
【锤基】【EC】所以这竟然不是在演习(穿越 ABO 微RPS)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sghu2I
by lclove
Words: 640, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel), Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Additional Tags: Thorki - Freeform, 锤基 - Freeform, 海森, EC, fassvoy, 鲨美
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sghu2I
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jackielanternart · 7 years
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school? - Fenrir was never really one for studies, however he was a legend in his home ec. class. 
B: Do they have any allergies? - Although he likes to make you think its his destructive disposition, the REAL reason Fenrir doesn’t like flowers is because the pollen makes him puppy-dog sneeze relentlessly. 
C: Can they swim well? - He can doggy paddle pretty well, however there gets a point where his fur gets too soggy and heavy. Also the heat coming off his body probably causes the water to seam which can be incredibly annoying. 
D: How they react to being flirted with? - Obliviously. 
E: How are they with children? - Actually not too terrible. He has his own puppies, and had to look after his younger siblings, so there is a soft spot for the younger ones. Although, that can easily be dismissed in regards to food/hunting, and you know. Complete annihilation of the world.  
F: What’s one thing they’re really bad at? - Keeping his temper under control. 
G: How do they flirt? - Every part of me is trying not to say “Sniffing butts first” but I have lost that battle. 
H: What is their deadly sin? - Gluttony
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves? - I’m going to say 6, because I don’t think self-love was n the mind much after he was bound. “Revenge” was the focal point. 
J: What’s their sense of humour like? - Dry and kinda demented. “I like belly rubs from the inside.” 
K: How do you know when you’ve upset them? - If missing a limb or two isn’t a clear indicator that you’ve upset them, then you’re either dead or really clueless. 
L: What is their favourite board game? - Fenrir is always a slut for yahtzee. 
M: What is their favourite dessert? - He definitely cant have chocolate. But Loki once gave him peanut butter and was thoroughly amused at how long it was taking him to get it down. Ever since, Fenrir has LOVED peanut butter. 
N: What do they usually eat for breakfast? The sky and the earth, helpless animals, or peanut butter. 
O: What would it take to break them, inside and out? He was broken a long time ago after being ripped away from his mother, father, brother and sister and bound because of a prophecy. And I think it was that breaking point that spurred him to decide that if he’s going to fulfill his role, he is going to do it nightmareishly.  
P: How do they handle money? - Meaningless to him. 
Q: Are they patient? - Absolutely not. do not test this. 
R: What are their hands like? - Eaten. (couldn’t resist) 
S: How stealthy are they? -Stealth? Stealth is for the puny two-legged assassins who don’t have the brute strength to maul someone and jump away, and have to rely on illusion magic to prance away from their problems! 
T: Where are they ticklish? - Extremely. DO NOT TRY.
U: What’s their voice like? - Like freaking gargling nails.
V: What’s the easiest way to annoy them? - Booping the snoot. Loki almost found this out the hard way, and still has the bite marks to prove it. 
W: Can they dance? - *inhales* Okay everybody now..... IT’S CLOSE TO MIIIIDNIIIGHTTT----
X: What’s their most petty little secret? - That he is a good boy. 
Y: What is one question they’ve always wanted an answer to? - When? When can he finally be free?
Z: How do they sleep? - Curled up with one paw over his eyes. 
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30tCv6x
by abc761012
Words: 3052, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), X-Men
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Charles Xavier, Scott Summers, Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, James Jimmy "Logan" Howlett, Steve Rogers, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, Thor, Loki
Relationships: 史蒂夫/巴奇, 索爾/洛基, 金鋼狼/獨眼龍, 萬磁王/X教授, 盾冬, 錘基 - Relationship, 狼隊, EC - Relationship
Additional Tags: 星際戰警AU, 黑衣人AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30tCv6x
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ao3feed-starker · 6 years
by SwallowHu
Words: 9065, Chapters: 3/3, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Peter Parker/Tony Stark
0 notes
ao3feed-stucky · 6 years
by SwallowHu
Words: 9065, Chapters: 3/3, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Peter Parker/Tony Stark
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ao3feed-thorki · 6 years
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2GFRzXw SwallowHu
by SwallowHu
Words: 9065, Chapters: 3/3, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Peter Parker/Tony Stark
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2GFRzXw
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ao3feed-superbat · 6 years
【综欧美CP crossover】时空崩坏(含复联/正联/X-Men/BBC Sherlock/FB/银河组)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SBFS7p
by Yanmila522
*脑洞开大了的产品,只是先试写,如果写不下去就删掉~ *本人肯定嫌不够忙才会有这样的想法吧? *内含CP:(复联+X男)锤基,盾冬,铁虫,EC,狼队,可能有牌快?,奇异玫瑰/(正联)超蝙/(Sherlock)福华,麦雷/(FB)Scamander骨科组,GGAD, 不知有没有暗巷组/ BCMF 银河组/除了这些其它都用官方CP *有些Cp已经确认关系,有些只是友达♂以上 *可能是中篇,逻辑崩坏,时间线有些乱,甜虐不定,通常为,HE
Words: 187, Chapters: 1/?, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Captain America (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016), Black Panther (2018), X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Movieverse), DCU, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League - All Media Types, Sherlock (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005), Justice League (2017)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, F/M
Characters: Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Stephen Strange, Everett Ross, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Logan (X-Men), Scott Summers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander, Newt Scamander, Khan Noonien Singh (Star Trek - All Media Types), Arthur Dent, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Hank McCoy, Raven | Mystique, Arthur Curry (DCU), Flash (DCU), Diana (Wonder Woman), Victor Stone, Percival Graves, Credence Barebone, Remy LeBeau, Shuri (Marvel), Guardians of the Galaxy Team, T'Challa (Marvel)
Relationships: Thor/Loki(Marvel), Steve Rogers/James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark/Peter Parker, Stephen Strange/Everett Ross, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Logan (X-Men)/Scott Summers, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Gellert Grindelwald/Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander/Newt Scamander, Khan Noonien Singh/Arthur Dent
Additional Tags: Crossover, Cross-Generation Relationship
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SBFS7p
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 6 years
Fatal Attraction(致命诱惑)【3】
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2CMpwDC
by YXS05
教父锤x特工基 强强小长篇 车速非常高(超高能预警) 多cp:主锤基,副盾冬EC
Words: 2899, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Gay Sex
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2CMpwDC
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ao3feed-cherik · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30tCv6x
by abc761012
Words: 3052, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies), X-Men
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Charles Xavier, Scott Summers, Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, James Jimmy "Logan" Howlett, Steve Rogers, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, Thor, Loki
Relationships: 史蒂夫/巴奇, 索爾/洛基, 金鋼狼/獨眼龍, 萬磁王/X教授, 盾冬, 錘基 - Relationship, 狼隊, EC - Relationship
Additional Tags: 星際戰警AU, 黑衣人AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30tCv6x
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2O20EKt
by kuroba_kasumi
Words: 291, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Charles Xavier, Jarvis, Tony Stark, Loki, Bucky Barnes
Relationships: Jarvis (Iron Man movies)/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Loki/Thor (Marvel)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2O20EKt
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