#Long Tail Cast on
chthonicathenean · 5 months
Today I have yet another example of "There is ALWAYS something new to discover"!
I've been knitting for at least 15 years, and over the past couple of years have been exploring more cast-ons and bind-offs if my project is more than just a basic stockinette or garter stitch. I only recently learned to space out my stitches with long-tail cast on to end up with more stretch and now I've finally seen a wonderful solution to "how to figure out how long of a tail to start with"!
Instead of using a "tail", use another strand of yarn completely. If you have multiple skeins of the same color that's easy enough and if you only have one, use both ends. This is going to be an absolute game-changer for me, I had been avoiding any cast-ons using a long tail because I didn't want to end up with several inches of yarn dangling and tangling in my project during the fiddly first couple of rows or, even worse, having a project with a lot of stitches and running out of tail yarn before finishing the row!
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the actual fucking audacity I have when doing a long-tail cast on and its ability to come back and bite me in the ass
“oH i HaVe EnOuGh tAiL tHiS iS fInE” and then immediate smiting from the gods
and it’s always off by an inch so then there’s the super-over-compensated second attempt
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thecrochetcrowd · 2 years
Absolute Beginners Fade Out Knit Scarf + Tutorial
Absolute Beginners Fade Out Knit Scarf + Tutorial
DOWNLOAD FADE-OUT FREE PATTERN Fade Out Knit Scarf for Beginners The Knit Fade Out Scarf is designed for beginners. It’s a tube scarf using just one stitch, the knit stitch with colour fading transition of the brand new Caron Colorama Halo yarn.  Being new to knitting, the colour changing keeps me emotionally in balance with this as I want to see how the yarn goes from the o’go to the scarf…
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into-the-sock-of-it · 24 days
Hablemos del montado de puntos
Si me preguntasen (nadie nunca me pregunta pero para eso tengo este blog) cuál es el método más práctico, útil y famoso de montado de puntos para tejer a dos agujas, diría sin repetir y sin soplar: el método de hebra larga. Nuestrxs amigxs de habla inglesa le llaman long tail cast on, lo que significa literalmente montado de cola larga. Hermoso, me encanta ese nombre.
El montado de hebra (cola) larga es probablemente el más conocido y usado, el que te enseñó tu abuela cuando te vio mostrar interés por las agujas a los 5 años después de verla tejer como una ninja con sus palitos de la muerte.
Montado de puntos hay muchos, demasiados dirán algunxs (yo no 👀), cuyas diferencias más notables son la terminación y la elasticidad. En una palabra, cómo se ven y cuánto se estiran.
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Por eso es muy frecuente encontrar los distintos métodos rankeados por su elasticidad. Admito que es un dato importante cuando necesitas que un cuello te pase por la cabeza o un elástico de pullover no se te clave en el rollo de la panza (definitivamente no hablo por experiencia...).
En el caso que me compete a mi, ósea las medias, la elasticidad también es bastante importante. No sé si alguien se acuerda, porque probablemente le esté hablando al éter, pero hablé ya del calce negativo que requiere una media. Es decir, que tiene que ser mas pequeña que el pie para que quede ajustada. Por esa razón, la elasticidad es determinante.
Si van a tejer medias del puño a la puntera, que es la forma más usual de tejerlas (change my mind), necesitan un montado de puntos que les ofrezca una elasticidad razonable.
No se diga más, el montado de hebra larga vino a resolverles el problema. ¿Me voy a sentar acá a decirles que es el método más elástico jamás inventado? No. ¿Voy a fingir que utilizo otro método complejo y oscuro para hacerme la experta? Tampoco. El montado de puntos de hebra larga es fácil, cómodo y ofrece una elasticidad suficiente para el propósito de tejer un puño que pase por el talón. Listo, es todo lo que necesito.
¿Les voy a juzgar si se ponen a googlear otra técnica más elegante? Un poco, porque no es necesario. Si no está roto, ¿para qué arreglarlo? Pero chistontos al margen, por supuesto que pueden elegir otras técnicas que les resulten mejores, pero sepan también que con esta salen andando siempre.
Incluso tienen maneras de mejorar un poco la elasticidad si ven que no cede lo suficiente. Los dos mejores tips son no montar los puntos muy apretados y, si saben que tienen tendencia a apretar demás, montarlos sobre una aguja medio punto más grande o incluso las dos agujas que usen para el tejido. Ampliar el bucle del punto inicial va a darle más espacio para expandirse cuando los puntos estén fuera de las agujas.
La clave del éxito de esta técnica es saber calcular bien la cola (o la hebra larga) porque si calculan de menos...muerte, muerte y dolor. Bueno, capaz no tanto pero tienen que volver a empezar y una cosa es montar de nuevo 60 puntos y otra es montar de nuevo 310. Menos mal que acá tejemos medias (👀).
Una manera de calcular es enroscar sobre la aguja la hebra tantas veces como puntos necesitan montar. Esta forma funciona bastante bien pero puede fallar. Para las medias, medir la longitud de un brazo y un poco (un brazo y medio máximo) suele ser más que suficiente para no tener que volver a empezar nunca.
Hay personas (no sé quiénes son pero debe haber) a quienes les parece que la vista que da el montado de hebra larga no es muy estético. En lo personal, no comparto, a mi me parece bastante lindo pero cada unx es dueño de su buen gusto y de su mal gusto también.
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Si ya les vendí lo suficiente esta técnica o simplemente quieren aprender una técnica básica para poder empezar a tejer algo, he hecho mi trabajo. Les dejo un video tutorial para que vean el procedimiento (suscríbanse a mi YouTube así no me da tanto cringe hacer estos videos).
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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MDZS x Warrior Cats AU (part 1): That boy can meow!
Names and a huge inspiration credits to @clintbeefwoods!
(part 2)
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passionartx · 4 months
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A few days ago I got cast as Dorothy in my local theatre company’s production of The Wizard Of Oz and I just know this means I’m gonna be hyperfixating on @whotfletamothhyperfx’s @sonicwizardofozau 10 times harder! So I decided to draw their AU Tails design + T-Pup
!Defo check their au out if you haven’t already cause ahhh it’s so, so good! The world building, the character designs, the art, the everything!✨!
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castkorb · 7 months
I made this post a few days ago and was asked for more input on Sting's character in regards to future Rogue so here's some more thoughts:
enjoy <3
Future Rogue explicitly says he killed Sting and took his power but I have my doubts about that:
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f!Rogue said to Natsu that in one year from the games Frosch would be killed by Gray and thus his pillar would be gone and he would succumb to the shadow, meaning during Avatar Gray and Rogue would fight.
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But Tartaros happened before Avatar, and during this arc we witness Sting and Rogue's first shown improvement after swearing change in the name of Sabertooth, which culminates in both of them killing Jienma and erasing Sabertooth's ugly past for good. also using a unique unison raid that only they can do <3
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Which solidifies the fact that Rogue is no longer intimidated by his shadow because, as he said himself, Sting would be able to kill it. He no longer lives haunted by the thoughts of his shadow taking over him because he knows Sting will always be there to protect him.
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But this obviously all happened in the good future where the world didn't end and now THIS is where the fun begins.
What happened in the bad future where f!Rogue is from?
If my memory serves correct f!Rogue later revealed that his plan was to open the gate of Eclipse to let dragons from the past in and rule them to overcome Acnologia, who would soon descend and raise the world into chaos.
Now I don't think he gave an exact date as to when would this be but, Acnologia did indeed appear later during Tartaros so we're going to assume that's when the apocalypse started in the bad timeline.
And let's rewind for a sec to what happened in the good timeline's Tartaros: Sting and Rogue helped Fairy Tail, saved Minerva and killed Jienma, which is a direct consequence of what f!Rogue did during Eclipse.
I explain:
What would have happened after the games ended in this bad timeline? Would Sting have accepted to become Sabertooth's new master? His resolution begins when he gives up before Erza and the rest during the final battle but I don't think he really makes up his mind about it until the dragons are attacking the city and he fights to protect his guild, both he and Rogue do.
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It's not until both of them are fighting at the end of the world that they realise what made Fairy Tail the strongest guild, and even after having tecnically lost, this battle gave them something f!Rogue probably didn't expect.
It gave them hope.
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So can we really assume they would've followed the same path had they not fought the dragons? I find it absolutely marvelous and poetic how f!Rogue, having lost all sense of compassion, hope and having nothing left but rage, wanting to cast his revenge in this new timeline indirectly saved him and his beloved from the horrors he had to endure.
Which brings me back to my first statement. In the bad timeline Sting was left with nothing after the games ended, sure Jienma was gone, he got Lector back and he had Rogue but what was he supossed to do from there on? Without the cataclysm of the Eclipse gate I assume he'd want nothing to do with Sabertooth again, or maybe he did, but then as Tartaros arrived maybe the guild had not yet gone through the experience of truly fighting along your peers to protect them, none of the guilds had. except, yknow, fairy tail but they're literally the mcs here
We can't forget that they were fighting literal demons here, plus Acnologia himself. -Again taking in mind the experience of fighting dragons had also not happened here-
You could also argue that the FACE project the Tartaros gates had planned might've actually worked in this timeline, which would result in over half of the population or more being left without magic to fight, it's understandable the world fell into chaos pretty quickly and a huge number of people died, as we saw in f!Lucy's timeline.
And Sting and Rogue were probably neither mentally nor physically prepared to fight all of this right after the magic games, they didn't have time to bond with their guildmates after Jienma died the same way they did in the good timeline, hell I'd even argue Sting was probably in a worse state because he got his emotional and physical strenght tested back then and there's no way he'd recover from that in such a short time with only Rogue's help.
Throughout the manga we see how Sting is the uplifting half of this duo, he's the one who constantly reassures Rogue and the rest of the guild, he's taken his admiration for Natsu and learned from it in that sense, but is bad future Sting like this? Is he able to smile and shine a path to the people he loves, is he able to fight for them?
In my head f!Rogue didn’t kill Sting because Sting likely gave up fighting or chose to sacrifice himself. that being to give Rogue another chance to live or because he knew one of them would die and he knew he wouldn't be able to live without Rogue is up to interpretation :)
And this proves to me that neither can live without the other, when Sting died f!Rogue either lost his mind and gave into grief not fully, he would after Frosch's death and took his powers in order to survive or to preserve a small part of Sting with him, which makes this shit sadder when his shadow fully takes over him and he's no longer concious of this, using his partner's power, the only power able to guide him and subdue him to kill without remorse.
f!Rogue said that Frosch was his pillar but I refuse to believe Sting is not a pillar for him as well, he may have fully lost against his shadow after losing Frosch but his relationship with Sting having ended simply with a "I killed him amd took his powers" I will not accept, Rogue lost half his heart when Sting died/was killed and Frosh was the last bit of sanity that remained of him after that, which was ultimately but not the only reason he wasn't strong enough to fight his shadow.
As you can see I have a lot to say about this arc and I would've given anything for it to be explored more but alas I've spent the last 6+ years rewritting the entirety of this manga in my head and I love to dive into the possibilities, like what could have happened if Sting had lost Rogue in that future? what happened to the rest of the Sabertooth's members? I can be here all day.
But anyways I feel I'm not good enough at expressing my thoughts in written form but I hope it's understandable enough? I'm growing more confident though so hopefully I can puke more nonsense about this two <33
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justworm · 1 year
to anyone trying to learn how to knit. if someone tries to teach you something called the backwards loop or thumb cast-on that is the devil talking. do not listen you will have a bad time
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pareidoliaonthemove · 8 months
Finally found a tutorial for long-tailed cast on that I works for me, so I'm stashing it here to find next time I want to use it!
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junonreactor · 3 months
there has got to be a way to do the long tail cast on that doesn't fuck up my left hand
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
does anybody remember that time a couple years ago where half the main voice cast for sonic were on twitter like Im quitting this role goodbye everyone. and then a few months later they were like Haha nevermind hey guys. and they were all back for sonic frontiers
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I'm about to rename my blog "only cast ons" because I decided to start another project today lol I wanted something mindless I could take with me so I whipped up a quick lil leg warmer
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big mitered square or bottom up triangle shawl?
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lunaloothemew · 1 year
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Been meaning to make a sizing chart, mainly to get the size difference between Yen and Luna correct from now on. I threw Lint in there too cause why not. She is just slightly smaller than Luna (possibly older too but they are still around the same age, maybe just a year or two apart) I also positioned their tails as to show the size they are compared to the mews. Overall, I’m pleased.
Oh yeah I guess I should say the actual heights, these are all head to toes:
Yen- 3ft 6in
Luna-1ft 10in
Lint- 1ft 9.5in
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vioyume · 2 years
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Some Tails sketches.
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itslookingback · 10 months
german twisted cast on 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
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