#Loose Pearls
a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
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i swear to cod at this rate Pearl is 1 freestyle attempt between songs away from from rapping about Marina (again), spitting out the first rhyme her mind jumps to when she thinks of the word "life" in the context of spending hers WITH Marina, and she's gonna propose to Marina on stage on live squid TV without even noticing it
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cosmicwhoreo · 6 days
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fuck it. More Sea Glass characterization
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universalchemlab · 2 years
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crazysnor1ax · 3 months
Unanswered things in Side Order
After finishing Side Order, unlocking all the dev diaries, and getting/seeing what I believe is all dialogue lines, I still have several lore questions that never got answered. Figured I’d put em in a post for folks to either answer or speculate about :3
Major main game and post-game spoilers below:
If Acht willingly got sanitized like promotional material confirmed years ago during Octo Expansion’s release, why does Acht suggest that they were forcefully sanitized? One of their early game quotes says that “someone or something there took [their] will away” and that they “were forced to DJ for it”. The way I interpret this is that Acht suggests they were unwillingly sanitized (their final dev diary also kind of suggests this, especially in the art), but it could also be implying that Acht’s sanitization isn’t what they expected it to be…? It could also just be a lore retcon which would suck but. Yknow.
How and why is Acht in the Memverse to begin with? We know that they weren’t there when Pearl, Marina and Eight tested out Dramatic Days in Orderland for the first time, so were they pulled in by Order? If so, how long ago? And how did Marina not know they were in there?
What’s Acht been up to in between Octo Expansion and Side Order? How long after Tartar was defeated did Acht break out of sanitization?
Relating to the above kinda, Acht says they heard a voice that snapped them out of sanitization. It’s later implied to be Pearl’s killer wail in Octo Expansion (Acht later says “I just get the feeling I’ve heard Pearl’s voice before somehow”), but the conversation where it’s first brought up (and Marina talks about developing the Memverse to help sanitized Octarians) Marina says, “…since we’re having this conversation, that means it must’ve worked!” to which Acht replies, “Huh. So that was you, was it?” I could 100% be misinterpreting this but which is it? If it wasn’t Pearl, whose specific voice was it and how did Acht hear it? Also did they regain their pre-sanitization memories back instantly or did they never lose them (I haven’t memorized exactly how sanitization works tho I know it’s explained in Haikara walker). My understanding was that Acht heard Pearl’s killer wail and it snapped them out of sanitization because it killed Tartar, but now I’m not sure.
When were each of Acht’s dev diaries/letters written? The first two seem like they were written before Side Order (implying Acht could’ve been in touch with Marina before they got pulled in), and the final one is definitely after.
How did Acht get to the surface, like their final letter mentions?
Are Order and Smollusk the exact same entity? I know they kind of are but why do they act so different? And why does defeating Order causes it to “transform” into Smollusk? Could it be that Smollusk was an AI originally coded into the Memverse but it got corrupted because of Marina and the octoling’s desire for order?
When was Order created in the Memverse dev timeline? How long had it existed prior to Pearl, Marina and Eight testing it out?
What in the ever-loving FUCK is Parallel Canon? I’m half-joking in saying that and I do like how vague it is, but is it Agent 4 or just using their soul or likeness? The fact that we get its mask does NOT bode well for 4 I think
Does. Does Marina force sanitized Octarians to go through the Spire and fight the Jelletons to get their will/memories back. Do they have to fight Overlorder at the end why are we traumatizing them more-
Why the hell did Pearl and Marina shit on 4 for no reason at the beginning of the game that was so uncalled for 😭
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screwpinecaprice · 3 months
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@glowweek Day 5 FAMILY | FRIENDS
Peridot and specially Lapis do not trust the racoons.
Specifically chose this angle so I don't draw feet. _(:,3」∠)_
Mi own connverse kids Ebony and Rohini are there! And technically Sakura and Zachary. (Please until now I don't know what else to name them. 😭)
And sorry the older Maheswarans aren't there. I don't know where to put them and I already had character overload. 😞
Hibiscus print on Bismuth's shirt is from ManMadeOfGold!
Speaking of shirt, another thing I avoided was thinking of their outfit designs. 😅 It's somewhere a little over a decade of timeskip since SU:Future and I'm sure at least one or two would've reformed during the time. So I'm gonna say they wanted to keep the vibe of a casual outdoors picnic-type event so they wore the casual themes.
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everydetailofher · 3 months
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@m00nm4rr on Pinterest!!
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beatriceportinari · 1 year
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Oyster, origami, one square of paper. Loosely modelled on the black-lip pearl oyster.
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arty-e · 10 months
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Pearl Joel having a wonderful time on Earth
Corruption on the fingers are based off his last life red skin where he had ‘blood magic’ fingers
Joel design and au by @chrisrin
Backgrounds from Steven universe
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codiciarr · 4 months
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so ill be the loser in this game / ill be the bad guy in the play
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lunarr-stuff · 2 years
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hrokkall · 11 months
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Ship of Fools
Attack for @smangethe
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floweroflaurelin · 2 years
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Huevember day 2: Mother of Sunflowers 🌻☀️💛
How many times am I gonna paint Saint Pearl this month? Only time will tell…
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incorrect-splatoon · 2 months
Normie: "MaRiNa Is NoT gAyS, nOt EvEn Bi"
Me awaken:
She has an undercut
She wear boxer from the splatoon in universe Calvin Klein (not the cheap or feminine kind)
She has a moto
She used to be a mecanic
She is obsessed with a tiny pink women.
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asfodeltide · 2 years
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goldensunset · 9 months
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everyone told me she was terrifying but they didn’t tell me she was so cool and nice
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dearsvdghostt · 19 days
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