#Lords of the Sith
ebc-art · 2 years
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Actually canon accurate fanart of Moff Delian Mors of Ryloth from 'Lords of the Sith'. Talk about 'expanded' universe, amirite?
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So small a shell, to hold such power. This is the holocron of Darth Cognus. A lord of the sith in the line of Bane, a student of his in fact. Cognus was known as 'the huntress', such was her skill in stealth and assassination.
The techniques it contains, such as silent movement and the production of senflax poison to disable force connection, are things I already know. I sought this particular holocron out because she, as I, had future sight. I wished to hear her recorded thoughts on the matter.
It was... enlightening.
Now I pass the holocron onto Lady Ventress, in a sort of... trade agreement. I cannot teach her whatever tricks she would-have, might-could learn from the sith she would have trained with originally... but perhaps these techniques will serve her just as well.
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iamanerd1 · 4 months
Hey I wonder if anyone cares about this but here is my book ranking of all of the star wars books i've read so far
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List of books: Aftermath Trilogy (Aftermath, Aftermath: Life Debt, Aftermath: Empires End), Heir to the Jedi, Ahsoka, Dark Disciple, Inferno Squad, Dooku: Jedi Lost, Thrawn Trilogy (Thrawn, Thrawn Alliances, Thrawn treason), Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy (Thrawn Ascendancy Chaos Rising, Thrawn Ascendancy Greater Good, Thrawn Ascendancy Lesser Evil), Lost Stars, A Crash of Fate, Catalyst, Queens Series (Queen’s Shadow, Queen’s Peril, Queen’s Hope), Lords of the Sith, Tarkin, Alphabet Squadron, Light of the Jedi, Leia: Princess of Alderaan, Rebel Rising, The Rising Storm, Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars, The Princess and the Scoundrel, A New Dawn
Number total: 30
To be read: Phasma, Galaxy’s Edge: Black Spire,  Last Shot, Bloodline, Canto Bight, Padawan, Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, Most Wanted (??), Battlefront: Twilight Company, Shadow of the Sith, Force Collector, Resistance Reborn, And the rest of the high republic books (what in the name of hell is the reading order)
These rankings are somewhat loose and not cemented in my mind, but I would be interested in other peoples (respectful please) thoughts.
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1346x2048 -- Spotlight on published cover art to "STAR WARS: Lords of the Sith" (published April 2015) canon SW novel, written by Paul S. Kemp. Artwork by Aaron McBride.
"He’d said that the relationship between Sith apprentice and Master was symbiotic but in a delicate balance. An apprentice owed his Master loyalty. A Master owed his apprentice knowledge and must show only strength. But the obligations were reciprocal and contingent. Should either fail in his obligation, it was the duty of the other to destroy him. The Force required it. Since before the Clone Wars, Vader’s Master had never shown anything but."
-- "STAR WARS: Lords of the Sith," published by Del Rey Books in 2015, written by Paul S. Kemp
Source: https://twitter.com/delreystarwars/status/459784173931085824.
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marvelstars · 1 year
“The Emperor said, “My name is Krataa, and this”—he gestured at Vader—“is Irluuk.” “Other than the Emperor, only Vader knew the false names were ancient Sith words that meant “death” and “fate.” ― Paul S. Kemp, Lords of the Sith
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Alright I started Lords of the Sith and Vader's opening is so dramatic, it went something like:
He was always destined for the suit, he welcomed the pain, and he knew he was destined to rule. The Jedi never understood but his master did, and he'd made him see it too, and thus they were the only ones capable of bringing order to the galaxy.
Like... I feel like there's some mental gymnastics going on here lmao
It feels like that thing where if something really bad happens the brain tries to find meaning in it because suffering without meaning leads to insanity. This is why some people with chronic depression develop a martyr/victim/superiority (or other) complex, because the brain can't stand hurting without reason and thus it makes you delusional in order to be able to process the pain, it's self-protection
Vader is trying so hard to like his suit and in the first two pages gives so many reasons why it's a good thing, and of course he does. If he accepted that he lost his body for no reason, he'd go insane, he needs there to be a reason for it
Also the fact that he still looks up to Palpy like that, like "We're the special people, no one else would understand, but he does, so I follow him because he'll make everything okay 🥺"
Like... Baby boy. Can he even still breathe under the cemented layers of trauma and grooming (no, duh, that's what he has 2 respirators for)? Can you imagine how much Palps must be enjoying himself seeing Vader still worship him like a father figure even after everything?
Palpy be like "Don't worry, everything will be better from now on, you're doing such a good job 😊" and Vader be like "Thank you for saving me 🥺"
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captainpirateface · 2 years
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miladythewinter · 2 years
in lords of the sith vader and the emperor pull that stunt that vader did in the kenobi show, grabbing a flying ship with the force and pulling it into the ground. although in this book they pull two ships down to crash them deliberately
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adragonsfriend · 4 months
It's always "the Jedi failed at this," "Anakin should've done that," and never "Darth Sidious is so good at his job, he deserves to get Sith Lord of the month."
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bisexualvader · 6 months
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tumblr was so easily corrupted by the dark side
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no1kylorenfan · 2 months
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creds: people on pinterest
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Update: Today I learned that there is a canon Star Wars character named Sergeant Deez
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Source: Lords of the Sith by Paul Kemp
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-Rules and interaction advice-
After an unexpected turn of events on Hypori, Darth Maul is... changed. His mind is dark, swimming with visions of past-present-future that scatter his thoughts and leave him restless. He does not always know when or where he is, but he is always dangerous.
Ask your questions, mind your words. Flippancy will have you barred. (Comment on any post to interact with him in character, either in RP style or as a holonet communication. Please use clean formatting of some kind. OCs, y/n, and canon characters are all welcome to run across him in the wilds.)
He knows his murderer. (Longs to meet him, to fight him again- and again- and again-) Mention that one at your own risk. If you are him, come prepared for instability.
Maul was made into a weapon, refined, for the explicit purpose to kill jedi. If you are from the order, be wary. He does desire to be more than what he was made to be. (Don't we all? And yet.)
This is not a place for the young. If you are, be gone.
The art herein is edited and originally from gffa media or similar sources. For the purpose of story telling, links are not often provided, but available via dm at any time. No AI has been utilized.
Filed under "maul's musings" you will find his journal entries, filled with the lore and sights of Dathomir. These tell an ongoing story, starting with the oldest post and moving forward.
Please use reblogs and tags to make silly or OOC commentary. The comments section is for character interaction.
For the sake of pleasant scrolling, this blog does not reblog other content, but you are welcome to send him links in the ask box.
You do not know him. No one knows him. If you wish to meet him here, introduce yourself. It is only polite.
He is hungry for company, but he is often poor company. Do not come looking for sweetness or regard you have not earned.
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karlydraws · 7 months
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Star Wars AU: the AU where all of my faves have to go through at least one time at some point.
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(still working on the blaster/lightsaber details)
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(Having too much fun and overdoing it)
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shapelytimber · 7 months
Do you think Vader keeps spare faces ?
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A shower thought that got away from me...which to be fair is how you could describe a lot of my art-
Process below vvv
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I should paint fleshy meat more often I had so much fun with it :))
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marvelstars · 1 year
“A thought flashed through Vader’s mind, a stray thought, just for a moment: his Master dead, Vader ruling the Empire, the galaxy, unconstrained by the leash of an old man…”
“Dissent has been crushed, and freedom is a memory, all in the name of peace and order.”
“Do you think treachery begins in the deed, my friend?” ― Paul S. Kemp, Lords of the Sith
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