#bunch of sith lords in my notes
bisexualvader · 6 months
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tumblr was so easily corrupted by the dark side
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attonposting · 1 year
I tend to think that for the most part, Atton has the Ebon Hawk's crew fooled. He's not perfect, he lets things slip, but overall he is good at playing the scruffy smuggler and the people around him don't see him as anything more than an unreliable and annoying pilot. Give credit where it's due, this guy managed to fool Kreia for the entirety of Telos, and then she cheated by using the Bash option on his brain while the Exile was stuck with Security: Impossible for a couple of planets.
Obviously those two know the truth, and Brianna had the benefit of Echani training to sniff him out, but that's not the baseline. Atton got astonishingly unlucky with his company between probationary Sith Lords and empathic black holes. I generally don't think anyone else looks at him and thinks something doesn't add up… minus one.
I really love Mira. I definitely have a thing for the scrappy irreverent ones, and Chaotic Good will always be my favorite flavor of hero-adjacent. But I'm not just playing with my favorites like a bunch of dolls (...though I also do that.) Mira outright calls Atton out on his bullshit in one of the Ebon Hawk 'btw, your crewmates hate each other' cutscenes, alongside roasting him within an inch of his life like he deserves, and even threatens that she's going to figure out what his deal is. She doesn't know what's up, and I don't think 'elite Sith assassin' or 'ex Jedi hunter' is high on her list of guesses. But she knows that something's wrong with the picture.
Part of it is that like him, Mira's very observant. Setting aside the actual Mandalorian slave childhood of working with explosives, wherein you are either alert or very dead... it's a simple fact of life on the Shad that you either shape up or you end up under someone's boot, and one of the first lessons the Smuggler's Moon teaches you is to keep both eyes on everyone around you. She watches people – heck, casing people is explicitly her Special Unique Force Power. So when Atton accidentally shares things he shouldn't know, Mira's watching.
But she also has the dubious benefit of keeping company with bounty hunters… and as she personally notes, the profession has, in recent history, lost its way. To the current guild, there's very little difference between a bounty hunter and an assassin, and many of her competitors on Nar Shaddaa are straight-up contract killers. I know that this was meant to be part of a cut plot involving the GenoHaradan... but also consider that a decade of full galactic war just ended, and there's a lot of restless ex-soldiers filtering into every profession where being good at killing is a job requirement.
So I think she'd recognize pretty quick that while Atton plays the idiot, when there's an actual situation underway, the act chinks. He's way more competent in a fight than your standard freighter pilot should be, illegal cargo or no. He's not especially strong or anything - if you've got a stuck jar of space pickles, you go to Bao-Dur - and his accuracy is decent but she's known better shots, but that's not really it. It's the way he moves. Mira's seen it before. It's too efficient for some two-cred Exchange runner. He's got professional training, and she's pretty sure they don't teach you to snap necks like that in the Republic Navy.
All of that to say, she's pretty sure he's on their side, or at least the Exile's side... but she's always got one hand near her blaster where he's involved.
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run-aled · 2 months
GORDON: Gordon Porlock, personal log. So, it turns out I'm not alone. Aubrey Wood is outside. Hiding in a camper van. We spoke a couple of hours ago over the comm Warren left her.
GORDON: I have no idea if I can trust this person. I've listened to the recording Warren gave me over and over but...I don't know. I can't think of any reason you'd go through what she's now going through unless you were sincere about trying to put something right. But then, my only friend is an amnesiac criminal whose fake wife threatened to cut my skull open with a bone saw the other week. There's a chance I'm not a great judge of character.
GORDON: We didn't talk very long. We weren't sure what to say to each other. Weird thing is that we haveactually spoken before. A lot. Online, a few years ago when I first heard the rumours about Red Valley. It was Aubrey. She was the source who first started getting me information. I think she thought telling me that would break the ice...If anything it made it more awkward to talk over the comm. I sound much cooler when you can't hear my voice.
GORDON: Aubrey told me a lot of wild stuff about Overhead back then. It's what got me hooked on Red Valley, on cryonics, in the first place. The utter madness of it all. The man who started it all was one of the founders of the company in the 70s, Malcolm Landry. He was the first head of R&D. To begin with it was all above board, boring cryogenics work on plants and amphibians. Aubrey's convinced he's behind everything that happens after that, but his name is nowhere near any of it. He's still at the company now though, on the board of directors.
GORDON: It didn't take many years for Overhead's work to get grisly. Testing extreme temperature endurance on the homeless in the 80s. Igniting a vat of hydrogen sulphide that blew up an entire cohort of test subjects in North Wales in the 90s. And then…this place. So, I thought, I've finally got the whole archive here. Going through all this is what Bryony asked me to do anyway. And if I can corroborate what Aubrey told me with what's in here, then maybe that's a step closer to trusting her. I mean...I assume half of it isn't true.
GORDON: Nope. It's all true. All of it. Here's a cutting of Malcolm Landry in 1972 barking on about suspended animation and how we're doomed to repeat our mistakes unless we 'harness the wisdom from past generations'. Here's a note from the lead scientist of those experiments on the homeless. Oh, good God. 'The vagabonds are a surprisingly cheerful bunch, which has made the liquid nitrogen immersion far less tedious than one might have anticipated.' Fuck.
GORDON: Photos of the burned down research station in Wales. The guy in charge of that one was so desperate to protect his work, he shot five members of the local volunteer fire service with a hunting rifle as they tried to put out the blaze and then injected himself with his own infusion.
GORDON: Here's my take on why cryonic preservation has been such a total bust (until Warren, obviously). It's not because the concept is ridiculous. Fringe science begets fringe scientists. Narcissists, control freaks, God complexes. Those are your entry level traits. It's not a long walk to get to sociopathy, psychopathy, and well, straight up Dark Lord of the Sith. In the end, it doesn't matter how gifted they are or what results they get. Maniacs gonna maniac.
GORDON: Wait. Is that - no fucking way-
GORDON: Here's a fun wrinkle. So, the brazen shithead running the homeless experiments disappears from the story once the project yields no decent data. Until you look at the photos of the victims in the Wales station fire 10 years later. He is one of the bloody test subjects. They turned the lead scientist on one project into a Guinea pig in the next.
GORDON: Which begs the question, what happened to the guy with the hunting rifle? Wait, what was his name? Umm... Hansmann. Alexander Hansmann. Where did I see that -
GORDON: So… here is where the past arrives unpleasantly at the present. At my present. To Red Valley being active as the new home of cryonic research. Before any Teddy Bears, before Warren Godby. Some dissection and analysis carried out on a selection of frozen internal organs. All clearly labelled. See… I thought Hansmann was the name of the physician who harvested them. No, he's the bloody subject. Their analysis was the first duty of the newly appointed cryonics lead. Doctor Bryony Halbech.
GORDON: It's hard not to look back at Malcolm Landry's words about being doomed to repeat yourself and think, yeah, no shit. You hire lunatics, expect lunacy. I guess recycling your lead scientists is economical. Creates a tidy little closed loop. Once you've started cannibalising your own staff though, where does that leave you? Where next can you turn?
GORDON: Bryony knows everything I learned here tonight. She knows how Overhead treat their own people. Does she even need it archived, or did she just want to show me? To show me who she is. Show me what she can do.
GORDON: Aubrey's stories match up at least. And if all of this is anything to go by, she might be the only person involved in this research that's ever managed to escape it. And she's come back. She's come back to stop it. I guess...I guess that's not nothing.
GORDON: Warren, I hope they wake you up soon. We need to talk.
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the time your Jedi Knight was possessed by the Emperor? My Knight is imperial so Vitiate had him walking around with the accent and insisting this was his true self. He also has some talents for torture that Vitiate got some use out of and a bunch of new scars. How did Corrain fair?
Ohhhh god. I have SO many headcanons...SO MANY...
So, headcanon 1: my Knight wasn't actually possessed - he fought it too hard. He was put under the same Castellan restraints brainwashing that my Imp Agent was, and turned into a perfectly-conscious weapon of mass casualty. Vitiate and the Emperor's Hand deployed him most often against civilian uprisings or rebel Imperial elements, because...a Jedi being forced to kill innocents or people fighting for their freedoms? Crunchy.
If he tried to resist orders or defy the brainwashing, not only would that hurt, but he'd also get uh. "corrected." by his Sith handler afterward. He has a lot of scars on his back due to that. But I thought it would be fun to have a knight who remembered the what the Sith made him do and have been completely incapable of stopping it. Bonus points for Cor being nineteen/twenty and a softhearted bean when he's taken prisoner for all this.
Headcanon 2: Bengal Morr is the only Jedi to come and try to rescue Corrain, but he's captured, and a brainwashed Corrain is forced to execute him.
Headcanon 2.5: Corrain actually falls to the dark side when this happens. He's been pushed to the breaking point prior to Bengal's murder, and this snaps him entirely, and he spends the rest of his time on the Fortress and in Chapter three swimming in blind hatred for Vitiate and a desire for vengeance. He gets really good at Force Lightning in the process. It's not until after he kills the Emperor that he finally allows the Jedi to try and help him heal. (It does Not Work Well lmao)
And headcanon 3: Once Corrain turns to the dark side and learns how to throw Force Lightning, he's named "Lord Lune" or the "Emperor's Blade" by Vitiate and is allowed to travel Dromund Kaas, Korriban, and other staunchly-Imperial worlds with Scourge and Chaskar, the Sith Overseer that the game gives you. So he actually ends up seeing a lot of the Empire that he wouldn't have known existed otherwise, and it helps him a lot as Alliance Commander to have that kind of insight. It also means that the Dark Council and many Sith know - and fear - Lord Lune, which turns out less-than-ideal later on.
These are three(ish) of my headcanons for Corrain and the Vitiate Trauma Arc (TM) But. He is also my Main Blorbo in the swtor Blorbo cast, and I have a fanfic plot outline for him that's easily like. 75k+ words of just plot points and worldbuilding notes, so. I could go ON LMAO
Thank you so much for the ask!!! I love getting asks 🥺🥺
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alintalzin · 4 days
A Dark Gambit of Stars and the Byzantine Fantasy for the WIP asks?
Thanks for the ask, @mihrsuri.
A Dark Gambit of Stars is my first attempt at writing a space opera and a reincarnation romance.
Since I have plans to self- publish after finishing it, the comp is rather tentatively pitched as Attack of the Clones meets Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords.
Plotline: In the vast and diverse consortium of Endonaa, six planets exist: the Earth-like planet of Saavan, the warrior planet of Isard, the peaceful planet of Alashe, the desert planet of Veruna, the smuggler's planet of Tammesin, and the volcanic planet of Corren, home to the Motijar warrior monks.
Kian Starkiller, a member of the Motijar, overhears a prophecy that Queen Rith Kalopsia of Saavan is destined to destroy the galaxy and will be murdered by his own hand. Fleeing from his order, he travels to Saavan to warn the queen and protect her from the impending doom.
Together Rith and Kian must expose the treachery of the Motijar with the help of trusted allies, and in doing so, discover that they knew - and loved each other - a hundred years before.
Currently being handwritten, with the worldbuilding written down on a separate piece of paper and a bunch of sticky notes.
There are six planets in the Endonaa consortium, and I'm constructing languages for five of them. (The villain's planet doesn't get a language.)
So, like I said, there are six planets. Saavan, Veruna, Alashe, Corren, Isard, and Tammesin.
Each main character comes from one of the planets.
The heroine, Queen Rith Kalopsia, comes from Saavan, and is the queen. Or, rather, was the queen. As of chapter 11, she's chosen a replacement and pulled a short term abdication so she can go find out why the Order of the Moitjâr want her dead.
The hero, Kian Starkiller, comes from Veruna, and is a member of the Order of the Moitjâr. He ran away from them when he learned they wanted Rith dead, and went to warn her. His mother was murdered by the Moitjâr when he was a child.
Aurin Kravall is the prince of Alashe. Shy and bookish, with a terrible stammer that is only made worse by his father's presence, this young man is a good friend of Rith, and a loyal ally.
Queen Thira Geslaan of Isard is Rith's other good friend and ally, and is a skilled fighter. She has to be, considering the constant feuding that goes on between the clans of Isard.
Mortil Jhame, the villain. Little is known of his past, and the only thing that is known is that he lives on Corren with the rest of the Moitjâr. He has ordered Rith murdered, as he believes that she will destroy the galaxy.
And finally, Endrassa Ridhorn, a pirate from Tammesin who's ship is enlisted by Rith and Kian so that they might travel to Corren.
Here's my main playlist for the story.
Previous posts I've made on the story:
Now, my Byzantine Empire inspired fantasy wip.
In comparison to A Dark Gambit of Stars and indeed, most of my currently - being - written wips, this one doesn't have a definitive plotline yet.
What I do know about it:
The setting is Byzantine inspired fantasy with angels who walk among humans, and I am currently figuring out how such a society works.
There will be a bodyguard romance between the main characters.
And that's it. Mainly because I'm trying to finish some of my other wips before I start writing my "Zonora" wip, as it's called.
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avarkriss · 4 years
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Fulminare; verb, Latin: to flash with thunderbolts
Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi x Female Reader (no y/n, no she/her in reference to the reader) 
Rated: EE for Extremely Explicit, 18+ only
Word Count: 5.008k
Summary: You’ve had a bad day and Sith!Obi comes to the rescue
Huge thanks to @beskars for encouraging my shenanigans and being an extra set of eyes! 
Warnings: alcohol, cursing, brief degradation (once, in italics so you can skip it), humiliation (again, italicized for easy skipping), oral fingering, vaginal fingering, oral sex (m/f receiving), unprotected sex (don’t be a fool), biting, spitting and saliva, overstimulation, electrostimulation, a smidgen of cumplay, Obes gets called Daddy, reader gets called darling/pet/little one/sweetness; very heavy praise kink - guys it’s dirty dirty porn without plot, 5k of sin
Image credits: unsplash
Author’s Note: This is my longest one shot and honestly I think it might be my favorite. Sith Obi gets called Daddy in this but there is zero (0) age play/age regression. There’s a lot in this fic and I tried to catch everything in my warnings but if I miss something please let me know and I will update accordingly. I won’t keep you here with my rambling. Enjoy, share what you can, and be well ~
Wistra was a dingy little moon on the edge of the Outer Rim, known for taking up space and hosting any number of the most dangerous criminals in the galaxy. Most people gathered at the Iron Hive, a dark cantina that played its music too loud and kept its lights too low, hiding anyone that didn’t want to be found. 
When you entered the building you were met by a female Rodian who blew a puff of carababba tabac smoke in your direction, forcing you to wrinkle your nose at the distinctive smell. 
“You seem busy tonight Janneesh,” you coughed at her, watching her take a slow drag of her cigarra. 
“Bunch of the Sith are in tonight,” she drawled, sauntering over to the bar counter with you. “You know how it gets when they’re here.” She paused for a brief moment before poking your side with her elbow. “I did see Maul stalking around, it seems like he hasn’t found a partner for the evening yet.” 
You chuckled at her, rolling your shoulders as you relaxed against a stool. The purple Twi’lek behind the bar casually made her way to you, nodding when you requested your usual drink. When she placed it on the counter you took a long sip before handing her your credits, enough for a second. 
“So you’ve had quite the day,” Janneesh joked, puffing out another low cloud of smoke. 
“My biggest bounty got away,” you grumbled, the disappointment weighing heavy on your shoulders. “Still have two to collect on but I wanted that third.” 
Janneesh gently patted your shoulder before rolling her eyes at her boss barking at her to get back to work. “Smoke break is over babe, but if you need me I can always take another.” 
You waved her goodbye before finishing your first drink, picking up the second and making your way to the lounge area in the back. Janneesh wasn’t kidding when she said the Sith were in tonight, identifying several of the crime lords before settling against a high backed purple chair. You sipped at the drink in your hand, absorbed in the throbbing base line that seemed to lay a blanket of sensuality across the whole cantina. 
You were swirling the ice in your glass as you looked out at all the people, unsure of what you were looking for until your eyes landed on the bare, chiseled chest of a man you weren’t certain you had seen before. You weren’t surprised to see him flanked by two pink skinned Zeltrons, one running her hands down his chest while the other held his chin and kissed along his neck, his dark hair making the man’s own auburn locks glow in the low light. Public affairs weren’t uncommon within the walls of the Iron Hive, and many seemed to prefer it that way.
No, what surprised you was how utterly bored he looked, until his eyes locked on yours. 
You were thinking of approaching him when you watched his tongue dart out to quickly lick the corner of his lip, drawn in by the way his golden eyes sparkled even in the dark. You were about to stand when a shadow fell across your gaze, looming over you and pulling your attention away.  
You were also not surprised to find that your interrupter was Maul, his eyes piercing as he began to crowd into your personal space. 
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing in place like this?” he rumbled at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You rolled your eyes at him, finishing the rest of your drink. 
“That line only works once, and you’ve already exhausted it,” you snarled, pulling away from him. 
Disappointment washed over you when you looked back at the couch to see that the man had disappeared, leaving the Zeltrons behind. 
You looked back to Maul to find him glowering behind you and turned to move to a new area of the club before you caught sight of the mysterious man, mischief written across his face as he straightened his tunic over his chest while walking towards you. 
“Maul!,” he proclaimed cheerfully, setting a heavy hand on the Dathomirian’s shoulder. “You should introduce me to your friend.” 
“We’re not friends,” you challenged, taking a step away from the pair. 
“Well in that case allow me to introduce myself,” he smiled, bowing his head towards you. “I’m Lord Kenobi, and to be honest, I’m not Maul’s friend either.” 
You couldn’t help but smirk at that, taking in the way Maul dragged his hand down his face. 
“I was here first Kenobi,” he fumed, stepping back towards you. 
“Ah,” Lord Kenobi countered, taking your hand and pulling you to his side. “I do believe they said your lines have been exhausted, and we wouldn’t want to force them into anything they don’t want, correct?” 
Maul growled at him before nodding in assent. “Of course not,” he muttered, turning to step away. 
“I did leave a pair of lovely Zeltrons on the couch if you desire,” Lord Kenobi offered, tilting his head towards where he had been previously occupied. “I promised quite the evening so… do be a dear and try not to disappoint them.” 
“You’re insufferable Kenobi,” Maul muttered, rolling his eyes before stalking off to find the company he had shed to come to your side. 
“I do believe I missed your name,” Lord Kenobi stated, taking a seat in your chair. He had spread his legs wide over the corners as he lounged against the armrest, beckoning you forward with a pat on his leg. 
You approached him slowly and stood between his legs, giving him your name quietly. 
“Ah, the bounty hunter,” he mused, looking up at you with a dark smile. “Why don’t you have a seat so we can chat.” 
There was really no question being asked as he patted his thigh for emphasis and when you sat against him, he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you to his chest. 
“Do you actually want to talk?” you questioned, running a finger across an exposed section of his clavicle.  
“Not particularly,” he shrugged, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger to bring you in for a searing kiss. 
You moaned into him as he licked into your mouth, holding you so tightly you were certain a few small bruises were going to form. When he pulled away he trailed a finger down your jaw.
“You feel happier now than when you first sat down,” he mumbled, kissing underneath your ear. 
“I was disappointed,” you sighed, tracing small circles over his skin. “My best paying bounty got away.” 
“I’m certain you have many talents,” Lord Kenobi offered, nipping at your earlobe. 
“I am good at a number of things,” you returned, shifting against his thigh. 
“Is that so...” he paused, cradling your head to look into your eyes. “Would you like to show me how good you can be?” 
“Please my lord, it would be my pleasure.” 
When you reached the cab station Lord Kenobi tossed a few credits to the Kubaz in charge of dispatch, telling him to keep the change before pulling you towards the approaching hovercab. 
He stepped in first, sliding across the seat before you climbed in after him, sitting close for the quick journey to the shipyard. You found yourself leaning heavily into him, hands fisted tightly into his cloak, humming when his fingers danced across your thigh. You spent the ride discussing your limits, listing a few of the things you each enjoyed partaking in. 
Once you arrived you took his hand as he exited the craft, guiding him across the yard to your modified YT-2400, giving him a quick squeeze while you lowered the boarding ramp. He looked at your ship curiously, noticing the way you nervously rolled your lip between your teeth. 
“She’s changed ownership a couple of times, some less legal than others. But she’s all mine now,” you said proudly, walking towards the ship's door. 
He lazily followed after you, smirking when he saw you impatiently waiting with your hand on your hip. Once inside you closed the door behind him, tugging him through the ship towards your quarters. 
You noticed how his eyes hardened while he glanced around your room, finally settling back on you as he entered his own headspace. His grin was feral as he ran his tongue over his teeth, taking off his cloak and dropping it on top of what looked to be your dresser. When he unfastened his lightsaber he set it down on his cloak before leaning against the fixture, beckoning you over with a crook of his finger. 
“You’re not much of a talker,” you observed, lifting your hands to touch his chest again before he caught them and returned them to your sides. 
“More of a man of action,” he stated coolly, rolling his head to the side. “Now remind me darling, why have you brought me here?” 
“I wanted to show you a few of the things I’m good at,” you smirked at him, quickly licking your lips. 
“And?” he questioned. 
You stammered for a moment, walking backwards as he stalked towards you, crowding you against the far wall. 
“Don’t be shy now pet,” Lord Kenobi murmured, caging you between his arms. "What is it you desire?" 
You swallowed heavily before meeting his golden eyes, watching his pupils dilate as you leaned into him. 
“I want you to give me what I deserve,” you whispered, the words heavy on your tongue. “I want to take it all - want to be… want to be good for you.” 
You could feel yourself entering your own headspace and you tried to look away from him but he caught your chin, holding you in place. 
“And what will you say if something hurts, or if you want me to stop?” 
“Moonglow,” you whispered, watching him nod his head before crashing his lips to yours once more. 
He had you pinned against the wall, bringing his hand up to sit at the column of your throat as you opened for him, giving him full access to your mouth. There was something different about this kiss from the last and the way his tongue felt gliding against yours - a tingle that started at the tip of your tongue and traveled all the way to your toes.
Before you could identify the feeling a gentle crackling sound filled your senses from the inside out making you shudder against him. You could taste the electricity on your tongue, moaning into his mouth as you felt static dance across your neck where his hand was languidly resting. 
When he pulled away you whined, leaning closer to feel his mouth on yours. You stopped when you felt his thumb press against your lower lip. 
"Now, now darling. If you want more, I expect you to ask nicely." 
"Please kiss me again?" you asked sweetly, gently batting your eyes while he ran his thumb underneath your lip. 
"Getting warmer," Lord Kenobi grumbled, inching closer - "try again." 
"Please," you trembled, the heat of his breath fanning across your cheek. 
He hummed before tapping your lips, slowly dragging his fingers down your chin to rest against the pulse below your jaw once more. 
"You're holding back, pet. If you want to get what you deserve, you need to give me everything you have. There’s no sense in hiding." 
The way he growled against your cheek left you clenching, a low groan caught behind your teeth. You shivered, remembering the rumors you had heard when you were young - something about the Sith reading minds. The thought had been a mere flicker in your mind, snuffed out and never spoken into existence on the cab ride over. Few ever indulged that particular thing.
"Please," you breathed, splaying your hands against the wall; "please, daddy." 
He took in a sharp breath before slowly looking you up and down, his eyes dark with hunger. 
"Very good little one," he smirked, flexing his hand around your throat while you gave into him, letting him take your lip between his teeth. 
You moaned as you dug your fingertips into the cool wall of the ship, aching to wrap your arms behind his neck. When he slid his tongue back against yours that tingling feeling returned, the taste of warm copper filling your mouth as each of your hairs started to stand on its end. 
The static shock surprised you as the feeling of electricity bit into your skin, making you shiver against him. 
“You like that?” he taunted as he pulled away, squeezing your throat harder when you nodded your head. 
“Use your words pet,” he spat, relaxing his grip around you. 
“Yes daddy!” you mewled, wriggling under his grip. 
“Someone’s an impatient little slut aren’t they?” he challenged, holding your eyes with his. 
“I am, I want to taste you so bad,” you begged, knees threatening to buckle before him. 
He barked out a quick laugh before sliding two of his fingers into your mouth, holding them still between your teeth. 
“Since you’re so desperate for me darling, show me you deserve it,” Lord Kenobi sneered, lips turned up in a feral curl when he felt you glide your tongue along the underside of his fingers. 
When you reached the tips of his pointer and index you moaned low in your chest, taking his fingers back into your mouth and swirling your tongue around them. You bobbed your head when you got to his hand, swallowing hard while you looked at him with pleading eyes. 
You sucked against the pads of his fingers hard when you pulled away from him, quickly returning to kiss his fingernails and lick along the side of his pointer when you felt him grab the back of your neck, giving it a small squeeze to turn you back to him. 
You wordlessly sunk to your knees, eagerly watching him undo his kama and remove his belt. When he untucked his cock you reached for him, only to receive a scathing glare. 
“Did I say you could touch?” he growled low, slowly stroking himself in front of you. 
“No daddy,” you said quietly, folding your hands behind your back as you straightened in front of him. 
“That’s right,” he cooed, brushing a hand along your jaw before resting his thumb on your lower lip. You opened for him as he bent over, spitting onto your tongue. When he returned to his full height he let his cock rest on your lips before sliding into your mouth, groaning deeply as you flicked your silken tongue against him. 
Once you were sure he had settled you swallowed around him before you began to move, gliding your tongue along each ridge you found. When you reached his head you teased along the tip, leaving feather light licks before sucking him into your mouth once more. 
You heard him rumbling above you, pulling away for a moment to throw him a wink before spitting on his cock and taking him to the back of your throat before he had a moment to recover. 
“You dirty little thing,” he growled, holding the back of your neck tightly as he began to thrust into your mouth at a punishing pace. 
You could feel the saliva dripping into your cleavage and tears threatening to fall as your throat was rubbed raw, gasping for breath when he gave you a moment's reprieve before bringing his cock back to your lips. 
He watched you shift for a moment, searching out that friction as you licked your lips - obediently parting them and sticking out your tongue to take him in once more. You moaned around him as he watched you take his cock, bringing his hand to the front of your throat to feel the way he filled you. 
You shifted again, chasing, and he stilled. “Do you need to be touched darling? Need to come?” 
The condescending edge to his tone sent a shiver down your spine, your answer garbled around his cock. He smirked as he thrust hard against you again, moaning as your whines vibrated around him. 
“I’m going to-” he started, hips faltering as you eagerly nodded around him. He spilled down your throat and you swallowed dutifully, sticking your tongue out to show him that you took all he offered. 
He pulled away and crouched in front of you, taking in the path your tears had made and the way your lips had swollen; the drop of cum hanging from the corner of your lip. He swiped it away with his thumb, bringing it to his own mouth while he watched the way you tensed your thighs, need apparent in the subtle whine you made while you watched him. 
“Since you need to come so badly I’ll help you,” he offered, straightening for a moment to tuck himself into his pants. He moved to take a pillow from your bed, tossing it on the floor in front of you. 
“You have five standard minutes by the count of my chrono to make yourself come, no hands allowed.” 
You stared at him for a moment before looking at the pillow in front of you. “I don’t think I can-” you said desperately, aching to feel his hands on you. 
“You will darling, but you better get started. Time is ticking.” He tapped the chrono on his wrist as he leaned against your bed, watching your every move. 
You grabbed the pillow and folded it over, quickly straddling it as you looked over at Lord Kenobi, finding him idly playing with the hem of his tunic. 
You craved the feeling of his eyes burning into your skin and so you resolved to put on the best show you could, slowly rocking your hips with your hands planted firmly on your thighs. With a slight adjustment of your hip you began to catch the friction you had been reaching for earlier, your pants rubbing against your sensitive bundle of nerves. 
Your fingers were digging into your flesh, determined to follow Lord Kenobi’s instructions, the rush from hearing him say you were good still fresh in your mind. You threw your head back with a moan, rubbing faster as you chased the release you craved. 
You moaned loudly with a particularly firm roll of your hips, lifting your head back towards where he stood, watching you patiently as he checked the chrono on his wrist. “Two and a half minutes,” he observed with the same excitement one might have to comment on the weather. 
“Daddy please,” you begged, rolling your hips faster, the friction inconsistent and unsatisfying. 
He stalked towards you and crouched so you could easily meet his eyes. “You have two minutes,” he said coldly before standing back up and removing his tunic, dropping it with the rest of his things before he returned to watch you with slightly more interest than he had before. 
You groaned with frustration, readjusting your legs until you found a spot that gave you the friction you needed. You closed your eyes and let your imagination run wild, thinking about how his tongue would feel between your folds; how his cock would fill you and the way his fingertips would leave a map across your body. If he truly could read minds, you hoped he could see into yours. 
You were climbing higher now, reverie interrupted by his voice calling out thirty seconds. You ground against the pillow, breath hitching - close; almost there. 
“Open your eyes and look at me when you come,” he commanded, and your eyes snapped to his as he started to count back from ten. 
You fell apart as he reached one, soaking through your pants and onto your pillow. You panted hard as you waited for his next move, licking your lips in anticipation. 
He returned to his place in front of you, mercifully offering a hand off the floor before he pulled you tight against him, teeth nipping at your neck. He gathered your tunic in his hands and lifted it over your head when he pulled away, tossing it to the side before working your pants down, yanking your boots off with them. 
You went to pull at the tie on his pants, caught off guard when he shook his head no. Instead he guided you to the bed, climbing between your legs and kissing down your sternum. 
“You were so good for me,” he lauded, rolling a nipple between his fingers. Your back arched at his touch and his praise, a heady moan filling what little space remained between you. He lazily worked his way down your body, savoring the way you sighed and moaned each time he marked your skin. 
When he approached your center he placed your legs over his shoulders, teasing around your entrance with the tip of his finger as he bit against the soft muscle of your thigh. 
“Daddy,” you moaned, hoping maybe this time he would be charitable; “daddy please.” 
“What do you need darling,” he questioned softly, turning his attention towards your other thigh. 
“Need to- need to feel you in me,” you begged, gripping at your sheets to stop yourself from tangling your fingers in his auburn hair. 
He laughed at that, bringing his thumbs towards your center to part your folds, licking his lips as he watched you clench with want. 
“We’ll get there,” he smiled, spitting on your clit before suckling it into his mouth. 
You sobbed at the contact, back arching as you cried out for him. With every lick against your aching pussy you trembled, fighting the urge to touch him as he lapped against you. He held you firmly to his mouth, groaning as he tasted you. When his tongue found your entrance your head rolled to the side, your breathing unsteady as you groaned. 
“Maker above,” you pleaded, lifting your hips to get closer to him, chasing another release before his hand pushed you down, a sinister smile playing on his lips. 
“There is no such being that can help you now,” he growled. A familiar taste of copper filled your mouth while he brought his finger to your clit, sending a gentle pulse of electricity through you. Your body quaked with pleasure, hips rolling upwards, mouth open in a silent scream. 
When you relaxed back against the bed you lifted your head to meet his eyes, hunger growing in them as he scrambled back up your body, lightning dancing on his fingertips as he swallowed your moans. He sent small shocks across you, teasing each pleasure point he had previously found with his lips.  
“I’m going to ruin you,” he rumbled, sending another shock to the side of your breast making you shiver. Every atom of your being felt like it was alive for him - vibrating on the edge of being torn apart in his hands. 
“Please,” you mewled below him as he sunk his teeth into your neck, rolling your body up against his. 
He kissed along your neck until he reached your breast, taking your nipple between his teeth while white sparks arced across the other. Each time his lightning brushed your skin you quaked with pleasure, bringing your release to new heights. You could feel his hardness rubbing against you, lifting your hips to get closer - the urge to be overwhelmed by him taking full control. 
“Now, now,” Lord Kenobi asserted, tracing his fingers down your torso to push firmly against your hip. “I need to make sure you’re ready for me.” 
“I am ready!” you cried, widening your legs as you felt him tease at your entrance. 
“Is that so?” he quipped, thrusting two fingers into your dripping pussy, smiling broadly as your face contorted with pleasure. 
“I’ll be the judge of that, darling.” 
He pressed his fingers deeply into you, letting you feel every ridge of his knuckles before slowly pulling out to slam back in again. 
“Fuck,” you yelled, throwing one arm over your eyes as tears started to form in the corners. 
He paused for a moment to pull your arm away. “Such naughty language,” he observed, working in a third finger as you bucked in his hands. 
He waited until you stilled to slowly move his fingers, searching out that spot hidden along your upper wall. You gasped when he found it, writhing below him until he placed a firm hand on your chest. 
“If you can’t take this, what makes you think you can take my cock?” 
His voice was sweet like honey, thick and dripping with condescension. You sniffled for a moment before nodding resolutely. 
“I’ll be good daddy, I can take whatever you give me.” 
“Yes you are, pet,” he smiled, brushing the rough pad of his finger along the spot that had you seeing stars. “Yes you are.” 
His thrusts punctuated his words, long sighs and moans falling from you as you fisted the sheets below you. He knew he had you from the way you clenched around his fingers, bearing down with all your strength as he beckoned forth your orgasm with a deftly curled finger. 
You were about to break, the waves of pleasure reaching their full height before crashing, when he placed his thumb against your clit and sent another shock of lightning through you. Your vision went white as you cried for him, no force strong enough to stop your tears from falling the second time that night. 
The pleasure overcame you and he gently worked you down, quiet whispers of praise breathed against your skin. When the aftershocks of your release subsided he slipped his fingers from inside you, placing them against your lips. 
You devotedly took them into your mouth, licking away each drop of your pleasure. You moaned at how you tasted mixed against the metallic tang of his skin, licking a broad stripe across his open palm when you were finished. 
He ran his tongue across his teeth before exiting your bed, discarding his boots and trousers. He took the hand you had licked and began to stroke himself, hard and red with need. 
“Roll over sweetness,” he asked, climbing into the bed behind you. 
He placed wet kisses down your spine as he lined himself up with your entrance, groaning with pleasure as he eased himself in. You had long passed the point of coherence, stuttering broken words and curses until he stopped against you, buried in your soft warmth. 
With a quiet grunt he sat back on his knees, pulling you flush against him - his tattooed chest pressed tightly to your back. Once his lips had found the skin below your ear he started rutting up into you, one hand below your breasts as the other sought out your clit. 
“You can touch me,” he grumbled, moaning as your fingers dug into his thighs in a determined attempt to find purchase as he rocked against you. 
In mere moments you were falling apart around him, supported by him alone as your skin burned and your thighs shook. He held you tight while he whispered in your ear, telling you how good you felt, how tight you were - “this pussy was made for me.” 
“Yes, daddy,” you moaned, head rolling back to rest on his shoulder before that familiar tingle started to spread across your skin, bolts of static settling on every nerve in your body. You succumbed to another orgasm, losing count at this point, one hand clinging lamely to his arm while the other stayed firmly locked against his thigh. 
Before you even had time to recover another wave was already cresting as he thrust up into you, chanting your name in your ear. Your words were broken, unable to match his prayer. You were all consumed by him, his power, the way he made you quake with such force you thought the shaking might never end. 
Why seek any deliverance at all when you had already found paradise at the tips of his fingers? 
You felt his hold tighten around you as he brought his lips to your ear. “Obi-Wan, my name, say it,” he commanded, your senses momentarily returning to give him one last thing. 
“O-Obi, Obi, Obi-Wan,” you sobbed, clutching tightly against him. 
“May I come in you,” he asked and you fervently agreed, your cries of pleasure symphonizing with his roar as he released inside of you, pulling you down onto the soft sheets after his high subsided. 
Obi-Wan stayed buried within you as you each waited for your heart rates to return to normal, small shivers running down your back as the heat on your skin finally paled. He gently slid out of you and asked for your refresher, absorbing your instructions before pulling your blanket up and over your shoulders. 
You woke to the feeling of a warm damp cloth being pressed between your thighs, eyes fluttering open to see Obi-Wan standing above you, cleaning the mess he had made. 
“I found your gally and got you some water and a ration bar,” he offered, gesturing with one hand towards your night table while he finished dabbing your skin with the other. You sighed out your quiet thanks, reaching for the cup to take a small sip. 
“Is there anything else you need?” he asked, dropping the cloth to the floor before turning his full attention on you. 
“I’m far more satisfied than either of those Zeltrons must be right now,” you laughed, sinking into the deep timbre of his own as he joined you. 
Slowly he climbed back into the bed, slipping underneath the blanket and wrapping you in his arms. 
“You don’t have to stay,” you said soberly, regretting the words as soon as they left your mouth. 
He tightened his hold on you before placing a firm kiss to your temple. 
“I know that darling.” 
He didn’t say anything else and neither did you, letting yourself be lulled into sleep by the cadence of his heartbeat. 
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Anakin Skywalker an Analysis
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A deeply misunderstood character? Or simply evil?
Before I dive into my analysis I need to address two things. 
First, The definition of “the force” 
The Force is a metaphysical and ubiquitous power in the Star Wars fictional universe. A "mysterious energy field created by life that binds the galaxy together".
The force in physics is defined as “A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object.”
The force in our world is measured in Newtons, which are units that equal 1 kg * m/sec2. (You can calculate the amount of force that an object experiences with the equation force = mass * acceleration)
While the Force in this world is measured in Newtons the Energy in this world is measure in Joules.
If you need to convert any number from joules to newtons, all you have to do is multiply it by 1
Which raises the question: can energy be converted to force?
*(Energy and Force are not interchangeable terms in physics lingo but what do I know I only took one class in college)*
The answer to my question that I found during my research was: yes.
It narrows down to this, how force and energy (can be) convertible to each other. 
For example, throwing a stone up to the sky that then falls back down to the floor.
You see, what I learned through reading a bunch of article at 2 AM was that while the stone is thrown up to the sky its kinetic energy converts to force, and when it is coming back down the force converts to energy.
So then  we establish that  the same object can use force AND energy taking different actions. That in our world force and energy are part of our daily lives even when they are intangible.
It is through scientific evidence that I have come to my own conclusion: the Force from Star Wars universe is real in our World. 
It just behaves in a different way. Or perhaps there is untapped potential that humanity has yet to discover? 
Life is full of Push-Pull moments and no, I’m not talking about every-time you push when the door clearly says “pull”. I am talking about the moments where the force of an action creates a chain reaction that lead to an specific event. An isolated singular event that, HAD ONE single action being done completely differently could’ve altered that isolated singular event.
Could’ve Padme prevented Anakin from turning to the dark side?
Anakin’s mom death unleashed a series of events that created (what i analyzed) a chain reaction. 
Perhaps, Anakin just need someone, someone with the duality to understand  both sides of the force and not fear the dark side. Someone who could feel his pain, anger and fear. 
A pure white heart (what I later ended up evaluating as such to women written/portrayed like Padme) is a lovely story but is it enough to subdue a man like Anakin? 
I feel that he needed Padme to be a bit more dark, just a bit more cynical and twisted, enough to understand Anakin’s own dark side. He needed that duality from a person that’d help him understand that both sides of the force are part of our lives at every moment of every day even when existing on either of the extremes. 
Was he simply misunderstood? Or pure evil? 
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In my analysis I couldn’t find Anakin to be pure evil. Yes, as Sith lord he committed many atrocities. Alone, misguided, deeply miss-understood, often forced to a doctrine with discouragement to questioning. 
To my eyes it was his actions at the end that gave me the confirmation. That he had spiraled down a chain effect from which he was not able to scape. 
Can I narrow down my extensive research to the simple fact that the entire life of a man could’ve possibly changed based on the simple fact of NOT having the right partner?
   Yes, I absolutely can.
Author's Note (aka me, additions to this Analysis) : In the development of this analysis I went on and created a poll on my Instagram page (@dianitalv), for research purposes of course. To open up a conversation but also to open my self up to different perspectives and point of view? Out of the 100 people that saw my story, 12 answered my poll from which 10 voted that Anakin was a "misunderstood character" and 2 voted that "he was evil".
I then proceeded to interview then each one of them, with different perspectives, argumentations and point of view.
The answers where far from shocking but what stroke me the most is the similar yet different intake each one of us took from the same material and how we use our own personal experiences, emotions to dissect and process this fictional characters and hypothetical situations.
This is what I love from art.
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mightydragoon · 5 years
Tiny Luke and Dad Vader fanfic recs
As of @silvereddaye request . 
1 A Simple Twist of Fate By: TheRealThing
Destiny brings Darth Vader's twin son and daughter, who he has believed dead for ten years, into his life unexpectedly.
2.   Force Bond 1: Orphan By: KittandChips 
AU After Owen and Beru are killed by a mysterious stranger, young Luke ends up as an orphan on Coruscant. It's a race against time as Obi-Wan struggles to find Luke before Vader realizes the boy is his son.
3.  Force Bond 2: Threat By: KittandChips 
Luke finds himself moving in with a moody, secluded Sith Lord who is also his newly found father. Vader has his own set of challenges to overcome, as he struggles to come to terms with his fatherhood.
4.  Force Bond 3: Son By: KittandChips 
Third in the series of an AU where Luke is raised by Vader on Coruscant. Luke is getting older and struggling to come to terms with what awaits in the future.
5. Force Bond 4: Jedi    By: KittandChips 
AU. Fourth in a series where Luke has been raised by Vader on Coruscant. Luke is caught between his loyalty and love for the man who raised him, and his desire not to become a Sith.
6. The Father By: frodogenic 
Ten years after ROTS, tormenting nightmares of his unborn child drive Darth Vader to extraordinary measures with unexpectedly drastic consequences. Clearly, experience has taught Darth Vader nothing... L/V, the gang, and a few OCs for flavor. COMPLETE!
7.  Dark Father By: JoieMaris 
Four years after ROTS, Vader is haunted by nightmares from the Force. His dreams lead him to two special children. AU.
8.  Silence By: Shy Snootles 
AU story, set four years after ROTS. Darth Vader has become the Empire's very image of death and destruction. But a fortuitous encounter with a little boy will shake the until then rock solid foundations of his Darkness and hatred.
9.  Free to Fly  By: Mahina 
Luke is nine and a slave in Jabba's palace when Darth Vader returns to fulfill an old promise. LV list challenge.
10.  Dissociative Identity Disorder By: T. Alana M 
Formerly titled "The Good Son". DID: a condition wherein a person's identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personalities. Or, where Anakin Skywalker makes it his life's goal to drive Darth Vader to the brink of insanity. His four year old son spectates.
(Note* Incomplete) 
11.  Darkness's Son One: But Light Was Always the Son of Darkness By: The Hope Lions
After getting caught at a rebel rally, ten year old Luke Skywalker is arrested and brought to Coruscant. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi will do anything to prevent Darth Vader from discovering his son's existence, but will the Jedi be too late?
12.    Darkness's Son Two: The Darkness Is There By: The Hope Lions 
Sequel to "But Light Was Always the Son of Darkness" Luke Skywalker has been living with his father for four years, but that doesn't mean it's gotten any easier. Now that Luke is no longer a child he has to deal with a whole host of new problems. Sooner or later he's bound to crack under the pressure of what it means to be Darth Vader's Jedi son. Updated daily!
13.  Far From Over  By: Above the Winter Moonlight 
COMPLETE AU, Eight years post ROTS. When Darth Vader learns that his son is still alive, he is determined to find him. All the while, Obi-Wan Kenobi is struggling to hide the young boy from his father's prying eyes…FS inside, R&R
14. Second Time  By: Brievel 
Darth Vader finds a five-year-old Luke Skywalker wandering the dunes of Tatooine, lost, and realizes the child is his son. What is he to do with the boy?
15. every planet, every star, every single grain of sand --- loosingletters
In which Darth Vader finds 9-year-old Luke on Tatooine, proceeds to have a breakdown, kills Palpatine and makes his preteen son Emperor, as you do. Otherwise known as the Adventures of Teeny Tiny Emperor Luke and his Royal Dad Guard Darth Vader.
16. In Which the Force Finally Becomes Proactive --sparklight
Better late than never, right? This has gone on long enough, and the Son of the Suns need some help to get out of that poisoned swamp he's stuck in. What better help than his own son, and the planet he was born on?
Luke starts out dreaming, first about his father, then about his grandmother. She wants him to help save his father, but his father is dead, isn't he..?
17. Skywalker Family Values --Ariel_Sojourner
Camp Chippewa is proud to be the Empire’s foremost camp resort for privileged young adults. Located on the picturesque forest moon of Endor, your child will have the opportunity to participate in wholesome outdoor activities and socialize appropriately with their peers. We invite your offspring to join us for the experience of a lifetime and a bright future in service of the greater glory of the Empire.
On opposite sides of the galaxy, on opposite sides of a civil war, Darth Vader and Padme Amidala unwittingly send Luke and Leia to the same camp during school break. Chaos naturally ensues.
(note* Comedy freaking gold) 
18. The Necklace  By: Ellisaed 
What if Padmè's japor snippet hadn't been buried with her on Naboo? What if it had somehow been able to bring together the children that had been torn apart? And with her husband - now a notorious Sith Lord - on a endless search to regain the necklace back, will it end up being the galaxy's greatest mistake? *NEW: Chapter 10!*
19. Chiaroscuro -- SpellCleaver
A series of oneshots focusing on Luke and Vader's relationship, with other characters occasionally thrown into the mix.
20.  Visiting Shmi Skywalker’s Grave --Iva1201
Darth Vader decides to visit his mother's grave one last time to finally get rid of all his attachments. Can he succeed when there is one more person visiting the tomb at the same time, this person being his own young son? Or will Anakin Skywalker resurface when meeting the boy?
21.  Glove --Superheronerd_1
It wasn't as though he wanted to murder the younglings, that he wanted to murder those around him that he had seen in battle. Those who have had his back, who have saved him and he then countless of times.
But sacrifice was necessary.
“-dodged a large rock-”
Yet this, this he could not sacrifice.
He will not sacrifice.
“-flew over, no Luke, don't nibble my cape.” Vader said, amused.
22.  Imperial Babysitters -Laivaaja
Star Wars Fan Comic: Luke Skywalker is raised by his father Darth Vader on a star destroyer. The young officers Piett and Veers are Luke’s awesome uncles who constantly end up babysitting him (and worrying too much when he gets into trouble).
23. Between the Light and Shadows: Luke & Vader One-Shots -SilverDaye
One-shot collection focused on Luke and Vader. All AU.
(Note* Silver has a bunch of these so here we go, not all but godamn I would say the vast majority of these are.  ) 
24. Sent Out for Safety-- throwawayflames
At the age of eight, Luke Skywalker and his sister, Leia, are split up for their safety. Leia stays with their Uncle Ben, and their mother, to learn how to be a Jedi. Luke, on the other hand, is sent to the Organa's, where he will pretend to be their adoptive son who was orphaned. Ben had only given Luke one rule to live by while he was away from his family, don't tell anyone his last name, and he followed that.
It wasn't his fault that Darth Vader sensed that he was a Force Sensitive and now he wants to train him, as a Jedi no less. That's the complete opposite of what Ben had told Luke. And after asking Darth Vader about his dad, Luke can't help but say yes to Darth Vader training him. After all, Luke's always wanted to be a Jedi like his father.
25. For Want of a Skywalker --acuteneurosis
After the miracle of having survived Bespin, Piett does not ask why they are stopping on Tatooine. Or why Lord Vader suddenly has acquired a small child. Or why this child's name is Luke. Or how long they are going to keep him.
He probably should have.
26. Where Our Intrepid Hero Doesn't Get Away- sparklight
One-shots surrounding either AU situations of canon/legends works where Luke would normally have gotten away (or Vader is simply inserted into the action to come pick his child up) but in these instances doesn't, or completely new scenarios of the same. Any time an AU is mentioned to be based on a comics issue it's from the new Marvel Star Wars comics (2015) (unless otherwise noted).
There are no deep ruminations on consequences of the situations here, just our awful Sith dad picking his son up when he'd rather not be.
(note* again not all include Little Luke but they do involve Luke and Vader) 
27.  Runaway SilverDaye
Imperial Prince Luke runs away from home to escape his overprotective father Emperor Vader. Jumping from planet to planet he finds himself creditless on Tatooine. While working for more money to leave the planet, Luke meets an old man named Ben Kenobi. But Luke knows he can't stay in one place for long for surely his father is hunting him down.
28. Bring Him Home -- KeeperofSeeds
Vader is sent to Tatooine by his Master after a series of failures. While there he discovers the existence of Luke. He meets Luke, convinces him to come with him off planet, and manages to hide him away for a while. He knows his Master won't tolerate a powerful force sensitive like Luke running around as a free agent once he's old enough to be a threat, and he also knows exactly how horrible it is to serve Palpatine. He won't let Luke be taken and used like that.
Eventually though, his deception is discovered.
Vader knows he isn't powerful enough to protect Luke on his own, and he isn't ready to overthrow Palpatine yet. He decides the only safe place for Luke is with the Rebel Alliance, the very people who've managed to stay out of his reach so far. So he takes Luke and defects.
29. Stranger Danger LadyVader23
When Vader is suddenly given custody over the five year old son he didn't know he had, he attempts to get his daughter, Leia to befriend him. But as soon as his back is turned, Luke runs away, hiding in the mall that Vader owns. Vader tries frantically to find his son while Luke enjoys exploring the mall on his own. Shenanigans ensue.
30.  A Mother's Decision -- Valerie_Vancollie
What if Padmé had brought Luke to Vader when Luke was only nine months old?
Other Links 
Luke and Vader
Founder: Moyima - Stories: 198 - Followers: 573 - Staff: 3 - id: 5265Stories featuring the father and son relationship between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader a collection of fics inspired by the vivicious yahoo group: The Luke Vader Writers.
(Note these ones include Luke and Vader though not all are Tiny Luke. Good place to start though) 
Luke and Darth Vader Tag 
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chancelloramidala · 4 years
Across The Stars In A Galaxy Far Far Away ★ Star Wars & Marvel Crossover AU
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Despite her Jedi training, Ahsoka couldn’t help but be have a child-like excitement of their surroundings. She sat in the window seat beside Anakin and pressed her face against the glass, staring at the big flashy lights and people they passed. From what she saw, Manhattan looked like a smaller version of Coruscant, and lacked the many, MANY, skyscrapers, flying speeders in the air, and alien species walking around. In fact, Ahsoka could only see the human species on the streets and in the cars they passed. Were there no other alien species on Earth? Was she the only alien species here?
Padmé, who was on the other side of Anakin, grinned at Ahsoka’s visible enthusiasm and constant pointing at something new she didn’t recognize but thought it resembled something back home. She nodded along to the teenage Torguta’s animated hand movements and tried to answer as many questions as she could. But the Senator, once Queen, was equally as curious about this planet they were on as Padawan, but dimmed down a couple of notches.
Anakin on the other hand, didn’t like any of this. He was one to throw original plans out the window and improvise, but this was a completely different territory for the Jedi Knight. Hell, this was a completely different part of the galaxy that didn’t know anything about the Jedi or the Force.
Obi-Wan, who was sitting in the front seat with the chair slightly reclined backwards (not that Ahsoka was complaining), could sense his former student’s anxiety about their new environment. Their bond never diminished as time passed, but fortified and became a constant in their lives. He turned his head to look at Anakin and gave him a small smile, sending him soothing waves of warmth through their bond and then closed his eyes for a moment.
Rex was stuck in the back with Artoo, and even if the SUV was roomy, he did not like the tight space. It was different, nothing like a speeder or ship he’s been in. Even Artoo was quietly grumbling about how much he hated this stupid speeder because with each turn and stop, Rex had to outstretch his arm(s) to make sure the astromech droid didn’t topple over and hit Anakin in the back of his head.
Their driver, Clint, stared at the strange bunch. Now when he was expecting a couple of aliens that had kidnapped Peter, he was expecting something along the lines of the Chitauri that he faced all those years ago. But these aliens, weren’t anything like them. Most of them were human, the teenage girl though, she was definitely an alien, for she had orange skin, white face markings and something that resembled horns? She also didn’t have any hair, which wasn’t an issue for the man, but it was different than what he was used to seeing.
But then again, after joining S.H.I.E.L.D. and becoming an Avenger, normal wasn’t in Clint’s vocabulary anymore.
After they finally reached the garage of the Tower, Clint parked the SUV and lead everyone to the elevator, including the beeping robot, which somewhat resembled a rolling trash can, that he forgot they had.
“They have turbolifts here, Master,” the orange skinned humanoid female commented as the elevator started to move. “Fascinating,” she mumbled under her breath.
“It’s slower,” the shaggy-haired human male said with a small smirk.
Clint chuckled softly, “Don’t let Stark hear you say that, he’s already an insufferable bastard as is.”
“I take it this Stark person made this turbolift?” Padmé inquired.
“Yup,” Clint popped the ‘p’, “and the entire building along with a lot of other technological gizmos. He’s the one in the metal suit from earlier that wanted to blast your asses on the spot,”
“Comforting,” Anakin said dryly.
Then, the doors to the turbolift or also known as elevators, opened revealing a red and gold skinned being. Vision smiled amicably at the newest arrivals and stepped aside to let them through. “Welcome, my name is The Vision or just Vision. I’m a synthetic android made from vibranium that was once an A.I for Mr, Stark. He also told me to lead you to the medical labs to be checked up on and to provide you with clothes to change into.”
“Thank you, Vision.” Padmé smiled back at the man and decided to walk beside him, introducing herself and the rest of her group to him.
Anakin then took Obi-Wan off of Rex’s hands, allowing his former teacher lean against him as they followed after Vision and Padmé down the long corridor. When they finally arrived at the doors to the lab, Vision input something into the panel before the doors slide open. There was a man in a purple shirt with his back to the rest of them, staring at a holographic screen and rubbing his chin anxiously.
“Dr. Banner, may I introduce our guests?” Vision told the man, causing him to turn around with blatant surprise.
“Vision, hey,” the Doctor nodded his head and curiously glanced at the group behind him.
“This is Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, and their astromech droid, R2-D2,” Vision carefully gestured to each and every being clearly making sure that each brief description Padmé gave him correlated correctly.
“Nice to meet all of you, my name is Bruce Banner,” he raised his hand slightly to wave. “I’ll be doing some basic scans and check-ups on all of you, Tony guessed all of your sizes and has some clothes stacked on the bench over there,” he pointed to said bench, “that you can change into. There’s an bathroom connected through that door,” again, pointing to where said door was.
“I’ll go first,” Ahsoka stepped forward with a bright and eager smile.
Bruce eyed the young Torguta with a great amount of curiosity before nodding firmly and gesturing to the table he’d be examining her on. “Thank you, and you’re... Ahsoka, correct?”
“You’re right, doc!”
An hour or so later, everyone had changed out of their clothes and into Earthly outfits. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Rex were given gray, black, and blue sweatpants along with white, green, and gray t-shirts. Ahsoka and Padmé wore black leggings paired with red and blue tees. They’d also been given black sneakers and socks which were surprisingly comfortable.
Obi-Wan, despite his initial injuries, was given a thorough check up by Dr. Banner. His chest was wrapped and he was given some pills for the pain. Everyone else had a clean bill of health, and vaccinations just in case.their space bodies couldn’t handle whatever illnesses Earth had to offer.
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé were then tasked with trying to explain their situation to the Avengers (which Anakin was absolutely floored to learn that was their actual team name.) Ahsoka and Rex lingered in the background, keeping to themselves and talking to each other about how weird this all was.
An eccentric billionaire who used all of his high-technology to make the world a better place. A super soldier that was frozen alive for 70 years with a heart of gold. Two assassins with a deep history with one another. Super-powered twins, one was weird, the other was fast. A Doctor that turned into an alternate person which was green and severely muscular when angered. A former assassin that was brainwashed to be a human weapon... and many other team members that they haven’t met because they weren’t on site according to Vision.
“Sorry if I find it hard to believe... any of that.” Tony blinked after Obi-Wan and Padmé spoke about the Clone Wars that had recently ended in their galaxy. “And sorry, that you two and the kid are... um... space wizards?”
“Some find that the Jedi are sorcerers with our magic-like abilities through the Force,” Obi-Wan nodded patiently.
“What about this War you had? You said it was caused by the secession of star systems from your government, the Republic to the Confederacy and for the War, the Clone Troopers were created for the Republic to be used for battle... but there was another alternative plot beneath it all?” Steve asked, particularly eager about the war they had fought.
“Yes, the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Sheev Palaptine, was actually a Sith Lord who orchestrated the entire War. He wanted the Republic to crumble along with the Jedi Order so he could restore the Sith Empire... and...” Padmé carefully glanced over at Anakin who was now staring at his hands, gripping them tightly.
Padmé frowned softly and then reached forward and put her hand over his, giving it a small, reassuring squeeze.
“Palpatine... Darth Sideous was grooming me for years and nearly seduced me into the dark side of the Force to become his new apprentice...” Anakin announced in a soft voice as he tried to steady himself from lashing out or leaving the room.
“He had chips put in Rex and all of the clones that when activated, would massacre any and all the Jedi they served.” Obi-Wan added, quick to take attention away from Anakin, knowing all-to-well that the revelations of Palpatine’s true nature was a hard pill for his former student to swallow.
The room went silent for a moment, allowing the information they were receiving to float in the air. It was clear that this group had been through hell and back again for the three years that the Clone Wars raged on.
Steve looked at each and every person, taking note of what kind of role they played. Padmé was a senator, the former Queen of her planet Naboo, who didn’t agree with the War from the start. Obi-Wan and Anakin were generals who watched hundreds of soldiers die under their command for a worthless war. Rex was one of those soldiers who didn’t know where his place was without the War and had survived it but not without a few battle scars. And Ahsoka, she was only a child when the War started, now a growing young woman who not only shouldn’t have never stepped foot on a battlefield, but never had a real childhood.
"I still don’t understand how you got here though. I know space is huge, but out of all the planets to land on, you really chose Earth, huh? And New York nontheless!” Tony chuckled lightly, doing his best to make light of the situation.
“It’s possible that during our escape, we got sucked into a wormhole.” Obi-Wan suggested. “There’s been no records of anyone travelling through one before.”
“Yup, now you’ve lost me,” Clint blinked blankly before getting up to walk into the kitchen. “Anyone want some beers? Don’t answer that, because everyone is getting one. We’ve deserved it.”
“Like I said before, there are Separatist sympathizers that want us dead. They hit our hyperspace drive right when Ani put in the coordinates while we were escaping the skirmish and... here we are.”
Clint then returned from the kitchen, handing out beer bottles to everyone before stopping in front of Ahsoka and eyeing her warily. “How old are you anyway?”
“Galactic Standard would have me at 17,” Ahsoka replied as she eyed the beer bottle in his arms. “It’s the legal age to drink in most of the galaxy,”
“Ah, sorry little lady, but the legal drinking age here is 21,” Clint patted the space between her montrals ever-so carefully in a playful manner before continuing to pass out drinks.
Ahsoka scrunched her face together in annoyance and turned her head in the direction of Anakin. “What a bunch of bantha-poodoo! Master, you’ve seen me drink before! Tell the sleemo,”
“Sorry Snips, but if their legal age is different here then...” Anakin shrugged his shoulders to indicate that the situation was simply out of his hands before popping open the top of the beer bottle and taking a sip.
Rex laughed loudly and slapped his hand over his mouth to stifle it. He’s seen his fair share of the Torguta drinking, many times he had to drag her back to base over his shoulder because she was a bit of a lightweight. And if he was going to be honest, this was the peek of entertainment.
The teen crossed her arms over her chest and huffed as she watched him drink. “This sucks, Skyguy.”
“Ah, I’ll have to decline from drinking.” Obi-Wan gestured to his chest. “I’m on medication and I don’t know how well that would mix with alcohol.”
“I can make some tea instead, I don’t drink anyway,” Wanda waved her hand as strings of red floated from her fingertips and towards the kitchen, where the stove turned on and a tea kettle started to bottle.
“Splendid,” Obi-Wan nodded his head in her direction, thankful that they at least had tea here. “Might want to make some for Ahsoka here, she looks like she needs a calming tea.”
Ahsoka stuck her tongue out at the older man in a childish manner. “Oh you think you’re so funny, Master.”
Whilst everyone was busy conversing and sharing stories, Padmé would discreetly pass her beer to Ahsoka, knowing that a few sips couldn’t hurt. The teenage girl was more than happy that the Senator was giving into her whims. Plus, the two have had their fair share of nights spent sharing a bottle of Alderaanian wine towards the end of the War.
Though, this act didn’t go unnoticed by everyone. Tony thought it was funny when he first noticed the exchange, recalling how his first few drinks were at home with Jarvis. He didn’t say anything, just smirked behind his bottle and went on with their night.
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jarael · 4 years
Asation, 1 1/2 years ago
Arisa had decided that she had stumbled upon something larger than just a disturbance as the Gree ambassador had informed her. That giant worm had been one thing, but now she was facing 3 Sith. Well, she assumed they were Sith. They definitely didn't look like Jedi, with dark, ornate robes. But those golden, intricate masks...
She gave the signal to her comrades and the beatdown began. Mandalorians had to prepare themselves for anything, including Force users of all kinds. These would surely be no different.
Arisa finally had the woman of the trio pinned down, her target's breathing labored. "Wretched Mandalorian," the Sith hissed. "You could have served a higher purpose. We are more forgiving than the Masters."
What "Masters"? "Shut up, aru'e. Do not ever insult my people." She brought her elbow down on the woman's neck and that battle was over. Arisa got up and went to ask Torian for water when--
"The shield is broken, but the sword is drawn."
Torian reflected some concern in his welcoming brown eyes. "What was that?"
"Dar'jetti, probably."
"I get that. Something's wrong."
Oricon, present day
"So that was my first brush with the Dread Masters." Arisa leaned towards the outer most part of her perch, watching for the Dread Guard.
"Did you really fight Kephess? I'd heard rumors." Lehusa was making notes of what they'd encountered so far.
"Oh, the Trandoshan? Yeah, I did. Don't think you'd recognize him. I think they 'roided him. You met him?"
"On Denova. That was my first encounter with the Dread Masters."
"Oh, so you put the shabuir in his place, huh?"
"One way of putting it. They paid me and Ursulina a visit afterwards. Not a nice bunch of folks."
"No shit." The Chiss mercenary knelt to address the eager Jawa waving whatever was in his hand. "What cha got for me, Blizz?"
"Blizz bring bad man's tech for Boss! Uh...Blizz no like Dread Guard. They chase Blizz and friend around."
Torian approached his wife and embraced her. "He exaggerates. Nothing we can't handle."
Lehusa was looking at the device. "Did he--"
"Blizz bring one for Soldier Lady too!"
"Oh." She was caught off guard. "Thanks. Dorne? Take this to Forex and have him take it to the camp."
"Yes, sir." Elara Dorne was a striking, fit blonde who carried herself with poise and courage. She was born Imperial, but defected in adulthood after realizing the cruelty of the Empire. She was admittedly nervous about the new war. Lehusa had killed Kephess once, and more importantly, she had killed Lord Styrak. And with Elara herself being a defector, they would both be targets of the Dread Guard.
Arisa handed Lehusa her canteen. "So is this your second time encountering the Dread Masters or?"
Lehusa accepted the drink. "No. My third. I led the op on Darvannis and killed Lord Styrak."
"You should be proud. These aren't ordinary Sith."
"I'm not. He..."
"Sir, should you tell her?" Elara interrupted.
"It's fine, Elara. Styrak and Brontes are the parents of Master Ursulina. She told me before we headed out today."
Pure silence. Lehusa wanted one of Bestia's beasts to come swallow her whole.
Torian spoke up first. "Ouch. At least you didn't have to kill your own dad."
"You what?" Elara was incredulous.
"Yeah. Jicoln was a traitor. Mando business. Didn't like it."
More silence. Then, "that's rough, Torian," mustered Dorne.
Suddenly, a tentacle emerged from the ground and grabbed Blizz, causing the Jawa to flail and panic. Arisa dived in to save her friend, pummeling the dread creation until it died. "Enough for today. We need to head back."
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hothian-snow · 4 years
Sparagmos: First Draft
To celebrate me reaching 32K with my WIP, here’s a bunch of drabbles which inspired the initial first draft. I might reuse one or two scenes, but not the stuff with Darth Zhorrid. Both Yen and her master has changed a lot through my second revision of the fic too, and so has my writing style. Enjoy!
Darth Kharopos knew damn well that he was intimidating. He must be, lest all the other Darths devour him whole. He was also acutely aware of the effect he had on Yennevyr. It was almost amusing, the sudden change in her posture, her back snapping straight the moment he stepped into the room. Her deference towards him, the soft words and lowered eyes. Was she eager to please, or eager to survive?
From her quick feet and mind, he thought it was the latter. Self-preservation was a necessary trait among the cutthroat Sith, but for his apprentices - his legacy - he wanted more. He thought with her keen eyes and her outsider’s perspective, she’d be able to see the Empire for what it was. To see beyond the rabble, beyond the rat’s race and see what truly mattered. Instead, her eyes were puffy and pink, the next morning they met during saber practice.
And it wasn’t a one off occasion too. Every time she’d come back from a particularly grueling mission, her mind was elsewhere, her blows lacking the conviction he’d expect from an acolyte worthy of being called his apprentice.
Drawing his attention back to the current practice, he swung a saber at her, the saber deflected mid-swing by a well-placed parry. He stepped aside, and noted how her feet were firmly planted into the ground, readying the body to absorb the weight of a heavy thrust or jab. A defensive stance- again. Must he truly hurt her for her to finally switch to the offense?
The tip of her saber was shaking, her stamina running low.
With the ease of swatting a fly, Darth Kharopos knocked the saber out of her hands. Scowling, he walked away, not pausing to glance back..
Something was different. Clearly, something had changed.
Yet, it was less of a change or a growth and more of a pot bubbling over, the pressure and the heat exploding, the fragile cage of a badly crafted glass teapot cracking, its jagged shards flying into the wall before smashing into sharp little pieces.
Something flared in her eyes and her single red blade came to life, slashing in his direction.
He stepped right and striked left. She jumped back, moving like a spooked jungle-cat, before bouncing back forward with an unexpected speed and thrusted her saber towards his form. He blocked her, catching her blade with the end of his own. Her stance buckled under his strength, and so she slid her saber away but not before suddenly twisting her grips - shifting form, right in the heat of combat, inches away from her enemy - and plunging the blade into where he stood. Darth Kharopos spun his double-bladed saber, creating a quick shield that deflected away Yennevyr’s weapon.
The weapon flew out of her hand.
He felt her clearly. Frustration. Loathing. Wrath.
Their force bond was never this strong, but now he could feel her closer than ever. The way her heart raced, the blood thumping in her ears, her ragged breath and barely held back sobs- it was a dam broken loose, her force presence like a whirlpool throwing the cold serenity of his mind into chaos. Decades of careful restraint and calculating control kept him from drowning in the waves of her emotions.
Yennevyr, with her lithe form and dancer physique, sent a butterfly kick towards his head. Darth Kharopos reeled back. He could’ve blocked her again, that he was more than capable of- but his senses were screaming, alarm bells ringing.
With that distraction - that uncharacteristic distraction, that daring, was so different from the cautious acrobat who used to dance in and out of his range - she summoned her saber back, the hilt smacking into her palm with a loud slap. Fluid like water, she leaped and swung the saber like a guillotine axe above his head. Eyes wide, Darth Kharopos raised his saber up to form a cover, digging his feet into the sand below as the impact hit him. Yennevyr was not relenting.
Her eyes were scarlet. Those amber orbs now glowed red, the color looking like freshly spilt blood against her snow-pale skin. It reminded him of the first time he saw a total lunar eclipse: the moon bled red, as if someone had stabbed its white soil and the wound began gushing glistening ruby.
He let her hit him.
Despair was an emotion Darth Kharopos never experienced, not truly and certainly not personally. Whether that was an indication of mental strength or privilege, he didn’t know.
Lord Atala’s death hit them all hard; the empty space where his mother once stood still felt like a void. Darth Kratais second marriage with Darth Labrys could never fill that gnawing, missing hole, but the woman’s hands were tender and her gaze was warm and when she whispered words of comfort to him, it felt like he had a mother again. Her presence had gentled his father’s severe disposition, and when she brought about his half-sister - Tatyan - into the world, the younger Sith Pureblood felt like a tiny bird fluttering in his palms. She truly was worth protecting.
When his father passed, it felt like a bad dream had come again.
Except this time, mother was grieving and Tatyan was bawling and they all cried together.
“Never show weakness in front of outsiders”, Darth Labrys said. “But here, we’re family.”
Because of family, he’d never known despair.
He was used to inflicting it upon others, though.
Hearing prisoners beg for death, attempting to gouge their eyes out as if the act could wipe away the vision of seeing their loved ones writhing as lightning tore through them, was something he’d grown accustomed to. He saw it coming like a holofilm in slow-motion: the moment where a war veteran’s mind was about to break, their will and determination ready to be shattered into dust at just a single jab. He always made sure their descent into madness was quick- no need to prolong the suffering. Genuine torture was only reserved for the worst of his enemies. It was satisfying, forcing some arrogant Republic general to their knees and making them scream, or exposing some tough Jedi for the weakling they were, like ripping open a bandage to reveal the ugly pus beneath.
How then, had he become so numb to the agony of others, that he missed seeing the same signs in his apprentice?
She was in despair, so upset she wished she’d died.
The circular burns on her arms looked like the ones he was used to inflicting upon Republic foes. It was an easy interrogation technique: stamping a recently deactivated lightsaber onto bare skin, the still-hot metal like a sizzling brand. And when he gazed into her eyes (oh sweet Yennevyr, when was the last time he truly looked at her?), they were dead. Empty glass orbs that had given up on life, if only her heart would just stop beating and give up on her too.
“Do I disappoint you, my lord?”
There was no mockery, no snippy retort in her voice, only pain.
“I’ve always wondered how the law would work out in the long run,” Darth Labrys said, her voice lilting through the holocall. She was referring to the law to bolster Imperial ranks with worthy slaves and aliens, the law which also applied to the Sith. “You can’t expect a slave or a foreigner with no background, no exposure to Sith culture or history to integrate smoothly into Sith society without intervention, much less demand top performances from them.”
Not to mention the consequence of overwhelming power suddenly awakening within someone never taught to wield it, Darth Kharopos thought. The dark side was intoxicating, and one could lose themselves to everything from bloodlust to misery.
“I’m not advising you to go easy on her… but do be understanding, Tyrkos.”
His mother warned that even with the best medicine or therapy available, it would take time, and heavens knew that the Sith journey was already difficult enough, requiring one to fall apart and be reborn from the ashes, to kill who you were for what you could become.
Trust between Sith, especially master and apprentices, was rare. Now, he doubted she’d ever place her faith in him beyond hoping to one day take his place.
Is this how I die? Darth Kharopos thought.
Every breath felt like hot knives stabbing his lungs. The rebreather was dying on him, for he could taste soot in his mouth. Collapsed against the cool floor of his hideout, back leaning against a bloodied wall, his apprentice loomed over him. How embarrassing, for his apprentice to see him so helpless.
“What’s the meaning of this?” she cried out. “Master!”
He thought he’d take that secret to the grave, to ensure that the fallout was minimal. Sith Pureblood, heir to the Rosokor family, involved in a light-side conspiracy. Should he be exposed, the Dark Council would have his mother’s and sister’s heads.
He pleaded for her to understand.
And if she didn’t, he wouldn’t blame her.
Her left hand clutched his holocommunicator where the damning evidence of his treachery laid, and in her right hand was the scarlet lightsaber, poised for execution. In the months under his tutelage, she’d grown into a stunningly beautiful Sith assassin indeed.
He closed his eyes.
“Tell me how to help.”
In shock, his eyes snapped open.
Her eyebrows were scrunched up but whether in anxiety or concern, he could not tell. There was a flush in her cheeks, and wildness in her eyes. Against his every expectation, Yennevyr chose mercy. She chose a chance at the Light. She chose him.
Master, did you not choose me, on Korriban? You saw something in me. I see something in you, too.
Yennevyr hated mopping up blood. She had watched her late father’s maids do it all the time, his underlings scrubbing a crime scene clean. She later played the role of the domestic servant, doing the same back when she was enslaved under the Hutts, whether it be with spilled drinks or bloodstains from a brawl. She wasn’t afraid of blood- the coppery stench just smelled revolting.
Her master bled liters, the liquid forming sticky pools beneath his broken body. Sealing the wound wasn’t too difficult once she found the medkit, although her clumsy handiwork would definitely leave a scar. What was even more concerning was her master’s breathing, the fact that it sounded agonizingly labored and worryingly irregular.
With effort, they managed to haul their way to the hideout’s medical wing before he slipped into unconsciousness.
When his armor was stripped away and it was only his form in plain robes on the simple bed, her master looked more exhausted than she’d ever seen him. Heavy fatigue was written all over his sleeping face. It reminded her of those times she woke up especially early to see the Kaasian sunrise, the soft orange peaking through grey, stormy clouds. Some days, she deduced how master had been running some secret errands the night before, and she’d spot him limping home, his feet dragging, with an uncharacteristic slouch burdening his usually proud posture. Logically, she knew her master was no more or less a person than her, but to glimpse him tired and worn out had shocked her.
She spent the night by his side, the implications of her actions becoming clearer with each passing moment.
To reform the Sith society from inside out, she thought. A lofty dream. When did I become such a cynic?
With curious eyes, she glanced at her master’s resting form, the sound of his still ragged breathing filling the room. She wouldn’t even need a lightsaber; all she had to do was wrap her hands around his neck, and squeeze. She wondered if suffocation felt like sleep.
Oh, will I ever see you this vulnerable again?
Instead, she gingerly placed a palm on top of his limp hand, entangling her fingers with his. His hand was warm.
After the suspicious death of Darth Jadus, Darth Zhorrid - in her sick ways - sought to consolidate her position as a Dark Lord of the Sith.
As if the Council would stand her, Yen scoffed. After they’ve sucked her dry of whatever knowledge Jadus may have passed down to his daughter, she’s dead.
It was no secret that her master disagreed with many of the actions taken by Darth Jadus, but he’d always respected the chain of command, bowing whenever the Dark Councillor requested his presence, amicable before his superiors. This time, however, Darth Zhorrid asked for her master and would not expect anything less than absolute submission.
“Wait outside, Yennevyr. Do not interfere no matter what happens.”
Many may claim force cloaking to be an act of defense, like the Jedi Shadows who’d rather sneak past their foes than needlessly spill blood. Perhaps she truly was like that, in the past. Eager to run, to dart in and out unseen. Conflict-avoidant.
But a cloak was also a tool, like a viper’s green scales that blended into the grass, obscuring fangs and venom. To take it a step further: force cloaking was manipulation. It was to force upon someone a false visage, to bend the mind of onlookers to the point of them rejecting the evidence of their own eyes, denying the existence of a sword pointed at their head. On Korriban, Yen had figured out how to twist her force cloak, inverting it so that her opponents’ visions were plunged into darkness and the world became invisible to them.
It only took hearing her master scream for the first time for her cloak to become a dress.
The scent of ozone reeked through the semi-closed office door. By god, no matter how many times in the past she’d angrily fumed - fantasizing of sweet it would be to give her master a taste of his own medicine - actually hearing her master who had just barely recovered from his previous ordeal now screaming under the powers of some bratty Darth who probably did not even deserve that title...
Yen’s hands curled into a fist, and she was surprised by the anxious lump that formed in her throat. She took in a sharp inhale and when she breathed out, the Force coiled around her like serpentine tendrils, slick and cool. Shadows rested around her shoulder blades like a fashionista’s scarf.
Or for her enemies, a noose.
When her master stumbled out of Darth Zhorrid’s office, a hand clutching at his side, she took the opportunity to peer into the slit of the half-opened office door and caught the Dark Councillor’s sadistic gaze. Yen gave a smile.
Yen had always been good at force cloaking. But this time, instead of projecting the lie of invisibility, she’d chosen an illusion- a glamour, a mirage. To project something false into the world required unwavering will and mastery over that image.
Her mask was fueled by hatred.
Never had she thought she’d one day hate anyone more that she hated the Hutts or herself, until she met Darth Zhorrid. That pathetic mix of insecurity and sadism was infuriating. She had read up on Darth Jadus’ treatment of his daughter. It took everything for her not to barge into that office and wring that sick woman by the neck and ask her if she thought she was the only one who had ever faced abuse. Everyone faced pain at some point in their life. Suffering was the story of all beings, especially so if you were Sith. Yet, when she hated herself, Yen only hurt herself. Unlike Zhorrid, she’d never tortured others as a way to lessen her own pain, to hide her weakness.
And for that, Yen wished Zhorrid was dead.
But not before providing use for her and her master, of course.
Wearing the Force - the fabric of the universe - as if it was a garment, was an act of complete domination. With a smile, she had sparked a flame of interest within Zhorrid. With a light touch of her fingers, she’d quicken or calm the Dark Lord’s pulse, the woman’s heartbeat hers to command at her pleasure. In a blink of an eye, Zhorrid would forgive her master for any misdeeds he’d supposedly done, and most importantly, Zhorrid would leave him alone.
Why pay attention to some grumpy old Sith when the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen was standing there in front of her eyes?
A drugged cupcake ready to be eaten.
Darth Kharopos felt his stomach sinking when he received the holocall requesting that Yennevyr go meet Darth Zhorrid in her chambers. His muscles tightened, as if readying for battle. He wasn’t scared of that snooty brat; anything she threw his way he could take. But Yen, his student, his ward, his protege, his apprentice-
She was smiling.
The Force swirled around her, draped all over her form like a dress blowing in the wind. It was as if she wore a robe of woven flesh, of slithering serpents and tendrils that wrap and cling and coil. There was a gleam in Yen’s eyes, her russet eyes mirthful, radiating confidence. The last time he remembered seeing his apprentice so self-assured was when he was bleeding on the cool tiled floors, her red lightsaber hanging over his head like a bloody guillotine.
“My lord, I am every bit your apprentice. Trust that you’ve taught me well.”
When Darth Kharopos was later summoned to Darth Zhorrid’s office, Yennevyr sat on Zhorrid’s lap like an overpriced poodle. What Zhorrid did not see was the undulating threads latching onto her, their ends sinking into Zhorrid’s skin like a snake’s fangs, or parasites whose teeth pierced her bloodstream, draining her dry.
“Ah, you’re here, Darth Kharopos,” Zhorrid said with a grin. “Very good, you look very nice indeed, perfect for the job.”
Darth Kharopos only nodded, his eyes glued to Zhorrid’s pale hand which stroked Yen’s hair as if she was some exotic pet.
“I need you to look into two places: Belsavis, and the Arcanum.”
Belsavis was a tightly guarded secret he was privy to knowing, but his heart skipped a beat when he heard the name ‘Arcanum’. The Emperor’s property. Jedis have died to get a glimpse of the space station, and there were words of a rogue Dread Master recently robbing the place. Was it even under Intelligence’s jurisdiction?
A squeal snapped him from his thoughts.
“So you do know about the Arcanum!”
Her voice went from a slimy purr to an abrupt shriek. He felt a hard shove and invisible cold fists pinning him to the wall. His legs hung in the air, and he glared at that wretched woman.
“My lord,” Yennevyr murmured, her doe-like eyes widening at Darth Zhorrid. “My master’s a Darth of Imperial Intelligence. Is it not his role to know all that is going on?”
The pressure released and soon he was free. Zhorrid made a noise of agreement, muttering ‘Yes, yes… you’re right, of course.”
Zhorrid began ranting, a semi-coherent monologue punctuated with giggles and sudden screeches on the unfairness of her fate and the need to prove her worth to the Dark Council. Before her anger boiled over, a force tendril planted soft kisses on Zhorrid’s lips, quieting the woman’s anxiety in one swift move.
When the Dark Councillor appeared distracted, Darth Kharopos broke eye contact and glanced at his apprentice. He suppressed a shudder, seeing the predatory glint in Yennevyr’s eyes. Everyday, they grew more scarlet.
You will drink my words, or I will pour them down your throat.
Belsavis he took care of alone, but as per Darth Zhorrid’s orders, he allowed Yennevyr to accompany him on the mission to the Arcanum. It was perfect: with every eye glued to the young rising-star commander, a Sith not-yet-a-lord with the bewitching presence of a black hole, nobody noticed him slipping away, leaking whatever information he could find on the Emperor to Republic SIS. His heart thundered the whole way, but every time he looked at Yennevyr - black hair tied up in a bun, a saber and light armor ready for combat - he felt like he could breathe easy again.
The mission was a success. They tracked the thief, Lord Tagriss, down to Ilum. His dualsaber stabbed a hole in the Sith Lord’s chest, and he felt his apprentice’s pride flared through their bond the moment Lord Tagriss’ dead husk fell into the snow.
When they returned home, she was ready to be a Lord.
“From this day onwards, you are known as Lord Soteira,” he declared, his apprentice kneeling before him. “It means savior.”
His apprentice stood up. When she looked at him, something swirled in his chest.
You honed my blade and sharpened my edges until they are lethal. You scrubbed away the rust, and revealed the blood-soaked truth. Master, don’t feel guilty thinking you turned me into something I already wasn’t. I’ll try to reach for the Light as you want me to, my lord, but don’t pity me if I fail.
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gothwarlocks · 4 years
I wonder which one of your OCs is your favourite/has the most developed story? You can share some random facts about them too, I love reading about your babes ☻
dkfjash you are so sweet wth thank you!!!! 🥺😭😭💞💞💞 please tell me about your OCs too, I love their designs sm!!!
I’m sure everyone can tell that it’s a tie between Valen’tin, Lev’rani, and Andras. I talk a lot about my Twi’lek Men the most because I do love them lots and they give me the absolute most serotonin, so I’d like to actually take a turn to talk about Andras. If anything sounds a little jumbled my bad, I’m actually just squishing a bunch of notes I have on them together lol.
I doubt I talk about anything too at length to do any harm but to be safe:
TW (all mentions of these things, no images): suicide, eugenics, dismemberment, psychological abuse, some specifically transgender-related abuse/discussion
Here’s some notes I have on a significant event from their past.
(At the time, “Lord Andras”) Darth Atrox’s vile and abusive mother who valued Sith (species) blood purity and Imperial eugenics programs spearheaded a number of research initiatives in that field as a Darth in the Sphere of Biotic Science. She would eventually cut off Atrox’s left hand as they engaged in their final duel (Andras is in their early 20s at this point).
It’s doubly symbolic because:
1. Andras initiates the fight with the intent to murder their mother (with their lightsaber which they hold with their left hand, the hand of glory is among my favorite gothic symbols/imagery), who is absolutely volatile and deteriorating at that point, and because
2. Purebloods are naturally predisposed to left-handedness and that orientation is inherently weaved into their culture, so it’s their mother essentially saying they are no longer “one of us” for not upholding and directly undermining their genetic superiority (and I mean, she explicitly says it to them, but the action carries that meaning at well). This is heavy considering she altered Andras while having been pregnant with them, genetically modifying them for traits she found favorable and removing undesirable ones (y’know, eugenics), which Andras still struggles to reconcile with.
Their mother ultimately ends her own life in the duel to rob them of the satisfaction of committing the act by their own hand. Andras realizes this and unleashes their force lightning upon her corpse, which I imagine in their unfiltered rage and grief they release from both their intact hand and their severed hand’s arm stump for minutes, wounding it beyond repair and rendering reattachment impossible.
They had a cybernetic left hand/forearm constructed to replace the lost limb and used tattoo ink to black out their arm from the severed point to their elbow to cover the lightning burn scars they sustained from that deed. This is mainly for aesthetic purposes. The blackout tattoo turns into an intricate sleeve that ends at their shoulder.
Other bits about the aforementioned event and their life that reflect why they’re the way they are:
I headcanon that their Darth title is an old Sith word for something monstrous and wretched. Really it’s just the Latin root for “atrocious/atrocity”. But basically after their mother dies, they are anointed as a Darth and there’s a lot of gossip saying that the envious and inferior Andras did everything willingly to their mother, a respected and valued scientist. Their friend, Lord Azmodai at the time (it’s Verentis) encouraged them to roll with it and just adopt the word some of the Pureblood Sith have been calling them. So that’s where they get their Darth title.
Going back in time again: Their mother allowed them to change their presentation and pronouns when they came forward about their gender identity (in their mid-teens) out of respect for its ties to Sith culture, but that was the extent of it. Their mother strictly forbade them from pursuing anything permanent/medical, specifying that if they had their reproductive organs tampered with she would kill them herself (because of course, she valued those genes that she worked so hard on). Andras of course makes all their desired transition choices after her death, so it's not all gloom and doom. Sometimes your abuser just has to die!
I headcanon a little bit here, but: I imagine the ancient culture of the Sith allowed for a myriad of gender identities and expressions so long social castes and order was respected. Andras discovers this in their research of their people and everything suddenly clicked. Their gender identity is suddenly so much more tangible in their mind, knowing it’s an experience commonly lived by their ancestors. I don’t believe LGBTQ+ identities don’t exist in current Imp space (bro, space is gay), but it’s clear that non-Human cultures and practices aren’t always taken into consideration. There are normally no words in Basic to properly describe their gender, but there are in High Sith! This is a formative and healing experience for them.
I'm obsessed with Force ghosts and how they appear to people as they wish to be remembered (as per Darth Marr’s words). That means there’s gotta be infinite ways that dead Jedi and Sith present themselves when they manifest, right? Vengeful or sexy Jedi ghosts! Benevolent, beautiful Sith ghosts! Anyway, Andras’ mother appears to them (haunts them, really) every once in a while as a charred, bloodied corpse like a receipt of their transgressions made manifest and because she was truly wicked and her dying wish and only motive in the Force afterlife is to retraumatize Andras whenever she can because she knows that in death she no longer holds any power over them <3
Although appearances can be very misleading, Andras is ultimately a Light-sided Sith and with the whole inquisition (haha) that the Sith lead to weed out Light-siders they are pretty hush-hush about it. That being said they often lend their aid to fellow like-minded Sith, like a benefactor. They believe their ideology is superior and inherently less cancerous to the Empire than true Dark Side adherents. They (along with Verentis) tend to help Light Sith connect with acolytes that would otherwise be executed for “weakness” or “flawed ideology”, or altogether help those acolytes escape into neutral territories (like they did with Zaleos, my sentinel). That’s why Andras, their closest contacts and confidants, and their apprentices are all neutral or Light-siders.
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@swtorpadawan tagged me in this meme, and I am hella into it. This is my favourite musing bc swtor in the canon of star wars is fucking hilarious. On a side note, for anyone who does this and chose only one oc, but has thoughts about the others oh my god do and let me know. Im a snoopy bish give them all to me. In this case I’m going to try to keep it brief while covering my main four, Viticalia, Thomsyn, Belville and Montym. Partly bc I’ve been thinking about their dynamics for a joint Alliance Commander AU lately
This got really long, bc I couldn’t choose one, and Im a wordy bish, so I’ve put the actual answers under the cut, so as not to kill everyones dashes
What would your OC do if they were thrown through time and into Star Wars the Clone Wars:
1. Who would they fight for?
I think most of them would either end up going independent or siding with the Republic. Montym and Belville would actually be the most likely to commit to the Republic, they’re both two people who value loyalty and understand that sometimes things need to be changed from the inside out. Thomsyn I think would stay with the Republic, but may end up with the Grey Jedi. She isn’t inclined to this whole “just peacekeepers” deal and would want to take the fight to the Sith directly. Viticalia would be an independent, committing to neither except for who would pay her most, or just destroy the CIS and take her place at the top of it. She would not be willing to submit to being ordered around by Dooku, or lord forbid Grevious or Ventress, and she definitely wouldn’t appreciate Sidious being unwilling to step up on the frontline with his troops.
2. If not a force user, would they keep their job (Would a trooper still work for this new Republic and would an Agent be loyal to the Separatists?)?
Bel would probably make a play to join the SIS. And then immediately question how the SIS went from agents like Theron to seemingly having the capabilities of two people and paperclip. I’m just saying how did no one put any of the diddly dang dots together. He’d be the type to pull off an op and then basically drop it at the Jedi’s feet like “here, give me a job.” I’ll get into why he would go to the republic in a bit.
3. Who would they hate?
Vits would despise Dooku and Sidious. She would like Ventress but find her training considerably lacking. She understand some cunning, undercover work, and what it can do, that’s why she and Bel get along, but the lack of commitment to stand beside your men and fight with them is something she despises.
Thomsyn would have some problems with the way the Jedi, but she and Montym would both have a much bigger problem with Senate oversight. They’re both used to working with politicians, but the inability to work without that oversight would bother them. Neither of them think the Jedi are infallible, but they both have a big problem with the idea of needing politicians to greenlight things like humanitarian missions. 
Bel would have a huge problem with the Jedi that he keeps under lock and key. Part of it would be due to Kothe. The other part is...well he’s seen what happens when Sith lead, he doesn’t really think the Jedi should be given military power for their ability with the Force either. 
4. Who would they get along well with?
Bel would actually get along really well with GAR Specforces. I think he’d adjust pretty easily to them, and people like Skirata and Vau would be comfortingly familiar as Bel actually got along really well with Shae and Torian. And he would very much enjoy the troopers, he understands their mindset, and especially with the Commandos, they understand the importance of intel people like Bel are meant to provide. He’d also be all in to spar with the ARC’s, and hone his skills against theirs.
Montym would have had a romantic crush on Obi-Wan within five seconds of the man dramatically dropping his cape and that’s really all there is to it. He would also get along well with Senator Organa.
Like I said earlier, I think Vits would have liked Ventress, and probably tried to poach her as an apprentice in a damn second. Thomsyn I’m not really sure who she’d get along with best.
5. What would they think of the Jedi Order?
Viticalia has, and always will be fascinated by the Jedi in that sort of detached, research-esque way. Otherwise she doesn’t care about them much, although she does find it a bit amusing to watch some of them tout the ideals of the Republic as things go down hill. She at least never had any misconceptions about the Empire. Thomsyn and Montym sort of understand how the Jedi could have come under such heavy control of the Senate. They both would have hoped for better, but aren’t that surprised, not after Saresh.
Bel could not care less about the Jedi. Likes them well enough individually for the most part, but that’s his approach to any and all force users really.
6. What would they think of the “rule of 2” Sith?
Viticalia thinks its the stupidest thing ever. Probably starts taking on as many slightly sensitive people as she can and calls them her Apprentices just to piss off these new “Sith”. Really she’s just adopting herself a bunch of children, but it counts and that’s all she cares about.
7. What would they think of having a clone and droid army fighting instead of typical soldiers?
Bel understands what its like to be treated as less than a person. As an asset only. It’s still something he does to himself, thinking about himself as only an asset or a liability, which is a mindset Theron’s working on having him get rid of. So he would sympathize pretty heavily, which is part of why he’d go to the Republic. He’s turned the tide of a war and saved countless of his coworkers in the military before, he would try it again.
Viticalia and Thomsyn would have more practical issues with the idea a droid army. They aren’t creative, they can’t interpret, and they aren’t built for every situation. Thomsyn however would have a lot of problems on the legality of clones, whereas Vits is used to slavery and is prone to forgetting about how that works.
Montym thinks the whole idea on either side is terrible, for various reasons, but cannot stand that clones are not legal citizens but the Republic uses them anyhow.
8. If Republic - if they became a general in the army what would their relationship with their clones be like?
I think Montym would accept a position as a General, Thomsyn...maybe for a while. Montym is a little better with handling the cost of war, whereas Thomsyn counts on herself to keep everyone around her alive. I think they’d both be on good terms with their troopers, Montym would take a bit longer, he’s quiet and a bit...odd, but when he likes people he makes it clear. Thomsyn would get close to them quickly, and each death would hit her pretty hard.
9. If Imperial - what would they think of the complete lack of sith and excess of droids in the Separatist army?
Viticalia has soooo many problems about tradition with the way the Sith operate, but in particular thinks the CIS is...stupid. The idea of a civil war is fine, sure, but their execution is lacking. Bel thinks they’re stupid but also finds it very funny. Terrible tactics, questionable leadership, not a good spy in sight... but he also thinks the way the Republic has alienated so many of their own...well he’s seen it before with Imperial worlds, and after Saresh it isn’t surprising. He’s largely disillusioned and just wishes someone would learn from their mistakes already. Part of what would push him to join the Republic in this case would be that he values peoples lives a lot more than droids, and he hasn’t valued the Sith as leaders in a long time, so he has no reason to go to the CIS and as far as he’s concerned, Republics got the better chance. 
10. Consider they were born in this era - where would they fit in Clone Wars canon?
This I’ve actually thought about this a bit. Thomsyn and Montym would be still pretty much the same, Jedi, although Thomsyn would not have joined the Grey Jedi in that AU as she would be more accustomed to what this Republic is like. Viticalia I would go with a Jedi who leaves the order eventually, simply because it would be really fun to explore a much more light-sided Vits. Bel’s a bit more difficult to place, in a society that doesn’t put as much importance on genetics and perfection, he would have the chance to do whatever he liked, which he didn’t in the Empire. In an au that follows his canon life a little better, he would probably join the SIS, but more likely as an anaylst or undercover agent, not as a sniper and agent. 
Honestly time travel and born in that era, they’re def aus I’ve thought about writing
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fictionsthings · 5 years
Anakin for the character meme?
First of all: *insert incoherent screeching*
Second: This is a lot and I apologize (especially if it doesn't make sense.)
How I feel about this character: Ok, I have a lot of feelings about Ani and they're not all coherent so bear with me. I love him so much but he makes me so sad. Anakin is such a tragic character. So much shit happens to him.
Age 9: Freed from slavery (which is good) and taken from his mother, who is still enslaved (not good AT ALL). He is thrust into a new environment with a bunch of strangers, the majority of whom are hostile towards him. (*coughTheJediCouncilcough*)(HE'S NINE, YOU ASSHOLES! OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO BE SCARED!)
Little Ani is so brave. I never would have been able to leave everything and everyone I cared about, even if my mom wanted me to, even if it meant a better future for me. Not to mention that he literally goes in to battle THE NEXT DAY and NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING!
Age 19: Has nightmares about his mother's death which eventually come true when she dies in his arms, and then kills every Tusken Raider he deems responsible for her death (and not just the men. But the women- and the children too.) He then loses his hand to Count Dooku the next day.
Since my grandfather died this year, I find myself tearing up when Shmi dies. Sure, my grandpa and I weren't super close, but I still loved him very much and for weeks after his death, I could hardly bring myself to do anything. I can only imagine what it must have been like to lose a mother and then have to hide the fact that you were even grieving from the majority of the people in your life.
Age 22-23: Has nightmares of Padme dying in childbirth and becomes reasonably terrified of losing her and their child(ren). He goes to Yoda for advice, but unfortunately, Yoda's advice is shit and doesn't help him at all in any way, shape or form. Palpatine uses Anakin's fear to manipulate him and make him come over to the Dark Side, making Anakin think that it's the only way to save Padme, only for Ani to lose everything he ever loved instead. When Anakin first woke up in the Darth Vader suit, one of the first things he asks is "Where is Padme? Is she safe?" When Palpatine said that Padme was dead, Anakin literally destroys almost every thing in the Medcenter in his grief. Palpatine then relied on Anakin's attachments to ensure that he would remain Palpatine's slave apprentice because Palpatine was the only thing Anakin had left. Not only that, but Anakin felt that he was too far gone to redeem himself. (Note that it was Luke's belief in what goodness Anakin had left that helped him return to the Light. More on that later.)(I fucking hate Palpatine. He has literally been manipulating Anakin since he met the kid on Naboo.)
I would like to say that the majority of people I've seen/talked too agree that it was Palpatine who killed Padme. Anakin was supposed to die on that beach on Mustafar. Palpatine wanted Anakin's power leashed to him, so Palpatine saved him by using Padme's life force. It makes sense. Palpatine has known Padme for years. He mentored her in politics. He knows her, and so it would be easy to identify her in the Force and then steal her life, even easier if she is already weakened from emotional (Anakin's fall and use of the Force on her) and physical stress (her pregnancy and labor). The parallels between Anakin's "repairs" and revival and Padme's childbirth and death make it subtle but obvious all at once. (I also want to punch Palpatine's damn teeth in for smiling at Anakin's pain.)
I'm also half convinced that Palpatine planted those nightmares of Padme in Anakin's mind to draw him closer to the Dark Side.
Age 41-42: Finally kills Obi-wan Kenobi and feels so lonely (and maybe sad, I'm not sure) that Yoda can feel his pain all the way from Dagobah and Yoda feels sorry for him. (I would also like to note that Anakin knew to be off the Death Star in ANH because he had a Force Vision and decided not to tell anyone else because everyone else sucked and you can't change my mind.)
If you- a Dark Lord of the Sith- can make Yoda- Grandmaster of the Jedi Order- feel bad for you, then goddamn you must feel awful. (I'm feeling even more sad, wtf? I didn't realize it was possible)
Age 44-45: Finds out that he has a son and that Palpatine lied to him for literally half his life. Think about that. He has spent approximately 22 to 23 years as Darth Vader and he had a son out there. Literally, nothing is more important to Anakin than Family. He is angry that Luke was kept from him and he is vengeful. (In the Darth Vader comics, he goes to the Lars Homestead to punish the people who "stole" Luke, only to find out that they're already dead.) He singlemindedly searches for Luke for years, and then he finally gets to him on Bespin (after he hurt his son's close good friends.) There's the fight, then he literally cuts off his son's hand and THEN he tells Luke that he is his father. (Anakin, I love you, but you have pretty bad timing.) Then Luke literally chooses to fall, choosing the possibility of death over taking his father's hand.
Even if you're a Sith Lord, that has to hurt. Note that Anakin only made the offer to take down the Emporer and rule the galaxy as father and son once. Luke rejected him (which, I'll admit- perfectly reasonable) and I'm not sure why Ani rejected Luke when Luke pretty much offered the same thing in ROTJ, but something happened and I need to find out what. I may tear my heart out in the process, but it's whatever.
Age 46: Emperor Raisin Face keeps on saying that Luke will either join them or die (which granted, Anakin said in ESB, but still) and so Anakin is reasonably desperate to get Luke over to the Dark Side so he doesn't die. Anakin senses Luke going to the Forest Moon of Endor and decides to pop down for a visit when the Emperor says that Luke will go to him. Luke does indeed go to Anakin, and immediately tries to appeal to Anakin's goodness, to his paternal side. Anakin tries to deny him, says that the name Anakin Skywalker "no longer has any meaning" to him and that "I must obey my master" and continues to deliver his own son to the Emperor. During their fight in the throne room, Anakin finds out that he not only has ONE child, but TWO. He then makes the happy mistake of trying to provoke Luke into fighting him. It works and Anakin loses his hand again. And just when he thinks that Luke might kill him, with the Emperor egging him on, Luke tosses his saber away, rejecting the Emperor and saying, "I am a Jedi, like my father before me." When the Emperor attacks Luke with the Force Lightning and Anakin literally crawls back to the Emporer's side, Anakin eventually answers Luke's calls for help and tosses the Emporer down a chasm. Anakin dies just before Luke can get him off the Death Star and after telling telling that he (Luke) was right about him (Anakin) and that Luke already saved him.
Can I just say that the "I must obey my master" line breaks my heart? Because it absolutely shatters it. As I've gotten older and understood more as I've watched these movies, I have cried at this scene and I will cry when I watch it again. That is not just a threat, it is a promise. It breaks my heart. He sounds so defeated. And I always feel so relieved and happy when he comes back to the light.
Moral of the story is: I want to give him a hug and officially adopt him as my son. (Real talk though, if I met him in real life, I would just do my best to not piss him off.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
- Padme
That's it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I have many.
- Obi-wan and Anakin
- Ashoka and Anakin (I have yet to see Clone Wars but I've seen a lot of fan content)
- Captain Rex and Anakin (I have yet to see Clone Wars but I've seen a lot of fan content)
- Luke and Anakin
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I'm not sure if this counts as an unpopular opinion, but if you didn't notice, I don't call Anakin by Darth Vader in this and that is because he was always Anakin Skywalker, he was just in denial. Also, it doesn't feel right for me to call him Darth Vader. I used to clarify if I meant Vader or Anakin, but at this point it's just... Why seperate the two? They are the same person. I call the suit "Darth Vader", yes, but honestly it's just to clarify when I'm talking about in ROTS because Anakin is "Darth Vader" both in and out of the suit in that movie.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that Anakin can't go back to being the man he was, but he never stopped being Anakin. He changed, yes, drastically even. He went by a different name, yes. But he was still Anakin Skywalker. It just took him awhile to figure that out. (Hence why he wasn't in the Darth Vader suit as a Force Ghost)
One thing I wish would happened / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish that he and Leia had been able to make some sort of peace. Leia doesn't have to forgive him, Force knows she has every right not to, but it would've been nice if she could have made peace with her parentage in canon.
I actually read a fic like that here on tumblr recently. I'll have to see if I can find it for y'all.
Found it! -> x <-
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swtorramblings · 4 years
Vaylin: Spirit of Vengeance - 2
Note that these things are generally self-contained and not exactly continuing stories, so I’m going to be a bit sloppy with them and not have links, but the tag should bring them up.
Brief gore.
She had explored this world for years, when she was allowed the time and the choice. It filled her with longing, to be able to touch, but she had squandered that in blood, and was content enough. And she had found a new purpose here, one more to her liking.
She walked through one of the great forests, through the traces of snow that clung to the ground, reaching up to the low branches. It was beautiful. It always had been, even back when her only view was a tiny photograph that they had never found. She smiled at the cleverness of that child. It was a small victory, amid so much misery, but she had decided she shouldn’t spend eternity dwelling on her pain. She had plenty of reminders of how much she had caused. Her attention drifted and she found herself far from the forest, on a snow covered peak. Out of old habit, she brushed herself off, and sat on a nearby rock, looking down on the small city below. She reached out with her senses, feeling the people milling about their homes, staying out of the cold as much as they could. She watched as speeders made their way down the gleaming roads, the great flying beasts that were used for long-distance travel flying overhead. Like in the forest, there was a light dusting of snow down in the city. Still, even at the beginnings of winter, there was green, given artificial light and heat to keep the plants growing. Probably a home of some noble or other, they seemed to like being able to see greenery all year round. Mostly, though, the leaves had turned to brown or were gone altogether. Everything had a season. There was a wrenching feeling, a sharp pain through where her heart would be. She sighed. She had received her next orders. For once, it was close. Again, she allowed herself to drift, allowed her “benefactors” to guide where she arrived. Soon, she was at a small farmhouse, further up toward one of the poles if the thicker snow was any indication. The side of the house had collapsed, and parts were on fire. She looked, and swiftly picked out the group of pirates that had apparently picked this isolated spot to make a base in. Remaining unseen, she explored, trying to determine what she was here to do. Shortly, she found the house’s former owners. Two men, a woman, three children. They were laying, cooling, in the snow. Even the youngest, a young boy, his eyes shut forever. So, her task clear, with no innocents to protect this time, she began her work. She did not have the power she had in life, she couldn’t simply call the entire group of villains to her and snap their necks or engulf them in lightning. The spirits that guided her and empowered her wouldn’t like that, anyway. They wanted their victims to suffer. She was happy to oblige. And she was technically invulnerable. It was only because nothing worse could happen to her, but it was still a benefit. The first of the invaders she came across was laughing. He had trapped someone in a room and was chuckling as he pulled a knife and stepped in. One of the family? It was a small, furred creature whimpering in the corner. The pirate licked his lips and took another step, holding out a hand to try to beckon the animal. Then it sensed her and began to bark wildly. She rolled her eyes. Animals tended to be afraid of her. This house’s small pet wasn’t an exception. “Where was all your barking when these fraggers turned up?” The bark turned to a low growl, and the fragger in question turned to her. His eyes widened, but he didn’t panic as she smiled at him. She was almost impressed as he swung his long knife through her. Courage wasn’t going to save him, if this was courage and not just another type of panic. She swooped down over him. Knowing that she had quite a bit of work to do, she wanted to conserve her strength, but suddenly she withdrew in delight. “Oh, you have grenades!” The last thing he ever heard with the clattering of the small metal pins hitting the floor. She carried the small animal to safety as the workshop exploded. Vaylin settled with the household pet nearby, hopefully far enough for it to be safe while she did what she was commanded to do, and what it was her pleasure to do. She returned to the farmhouse, searching for more prey. She’d expected them to be scattered, possibly even panicked. Some foe had come amongst them, invisibly, and caused considerable destruction already. And they appeared to be a rag-tag bunch, not disciplined troops. Instead, they were already acting in good order, searching for their enemy with efficiency, covering each other. And there was something else, something that felt familiar, something nagging at her about them. Oh. They weren’t speaking. Oh, no. She felt herself being grasped by a field of energy and dragged upward. On a nearby roof, a Sith Lord was waiting, using his Force powers to pin her in place. “So, spirit, you are responsible for this?” He had dark red skin, black tattoos, and small horns jutting out of his face. What were these called again? “Zabrak,” one of her handlers whispered in her mind. “Darth Clador” came another unasked for piece of information. She could do without the commentary, really. His name would most likely be irrelevant soon. “Most recent master of the Sith spirit binding rituals,” came a third, with a small sneer in its voice. Ah. Wonderful. He grew impatient. “You will answer me!” She sighed a bit. Or did her best impression of it, anyway. She’d never looked into how that worked. “Yes, it was me. I’m only sorry I didn’t get more of you.” He stepped back, pulling her along behind him. “Well, then, since you killed one of my troops, I suppose you will have to replace him. It is good that you seem to have some small power so my effort won’t be wasted.” Darth Clador pulled out a small knife, steeled himself for a moment, and slashed a part of his forearm, spilling blood on the ground between them. She watched with some interest. She’d heard of this. The Commander seemed to have some knowledge of it, in fact. What was her name? V’lerian, she remembered. Vaylin tried to go through some of little bits of information she’d picked up in her killer’s mind. A memory floated by as the blood burned away. Too late, she saw what was about to happen. Too late, that is, for this upstart Sith. She was pulled into his body and mind. He had done similar to a few other spirits, cautiously, waiting until each was integrated into himself well. He knew what would happen if he acquired too much power too quickly. She almost warned him, but it was too late, anyway, and really, why should she care? She was here to make sure he died painfully, after all. Her power filled him to overflowing. His eyes glowed with purple light, then burst from their sockets. His flesh began to dry, expand, crack. Before the end, realizing his mistake, he asked, almost screaming, “Who are you?” She had meant to mock, but instead was almost gentle as she answered, “Vaylin, former Eternal Empress.” Was that horror in his face? It really should be. With that, he screamed, and finally fell face first to the roof. She’d almost expected him to explode. That would have been fun. And she didn’t even have hair to clean him out of. Oh, well. She took some care with the pirates after that. Some of them had been controlled, weak-minded but largely innocent, as innocent as anyone in this galaxy ever got. She ultimately let them go. Some of the others, though, were willing participants, monsters in their own right even without being attuned to the Force. She found numerous creative ways to end their lives. Finally, her work done, she settled onto a nearby hill and watched the aftermath. The people from whatever community existed nearby eventually reached the farm, found the dead, drew conclusions. The pirates murdered the family, then horrible things had happened. They rounded up the survivors, but weren’t sure what to do with them, since they didn’t seem to remember much. A gentle push here and there to give them a chance was all that was needed. She stood, and turned to leave, and there was the small creature, the household pet, wagging its fluffy tail. She let out another breathless sigh, and asked, “Fine, do you have a name?”
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legobiwan · 5 years
 Cestus Deception review: Part 2 (now with less wine):
Finished up Cestus Deception while taking a much-needed drive around town (by myself, not getting out except to take some pictures of mountains in a remote area, in a car no one else ever gets into because...well, one I am terrible about keeping a neat car and two I tend to hoard strange, partially disassembled instruments in my backseat along with exercise clothing, power tools, and books. #socialdistancing please do it, my friends).
Kenobi’s plan! Was to...visit an opium den, collude with a criminal, and then fake a Sith acolyte attack on a bunch of commerce families with Kit Fisto playing the role of evil!being? All in the name of getting the ruler of the planet to sign an accord with the Republic to stop manufacturing Jedi-killing droids? But, it was all a fake? Kenobi! Your deviousness is showing. 
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I CAN’T, YOU GUYS. Who came up with this name for Kit? How did they not both start laughing hysterically? Kit “Nemonus” Fisto roleplaying as a lightwhip-wielding Sith battling Obi-wan Kenobi. This was your plan, Kenobi? Honestly.
And then Ventress gets some footage of Kenobi’s machinations and he is totally exposed in front everyone at the signing of the accord and ordered offworld. I mean, 100% caught in his own bullshit.
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And then he doubles-down, I don’t know, I kinda dig this intense version of Obi-wan. He’s very...I hate to say it (lie, I *love* to say it) Dooku-ish in this novel. ...eeeehhhhh, *shrugs aggressively a la Larry David* can’t complain?
Okay, so Obes and his barrister friend are ordered offworld. Not even two minutes out of the atmosphere, Obi-wan is basically like, yeah, no, I’m going back down and peaces out on an escape pod while ordering a clone to take law-friend back to Coruscant.
And then Ventress attacks the ship. Xutoo, the clone...well, it doesn’t end well.
Surprisingly, Doolb Snoil (who I keep wanting to call Sny Snootles which I know is incorrect) survives this encounter and escapes on his own via pod to the surface. I was 100% expecting him to bite it because all of Obi-wan’s friends tend to bite it in tragic manner...
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Okay, so I feel like the audiobook was abridged because I would have remembered this exchange. I think. Or I was distracted. Not unprecedented. Anyway, this is the kind of philosophical debate about free will in this universe I love and it does raise some very interesting ethical questions about the Jedi practice of taking children at that age. (Granted, no one was ever a prisoner of the Jedi Order, but it is far more difficult to escape an institution when you have been brought up in it. But then again, perhaps that child would have had a far worse life on their home planet. Or not. And it’s rare we see any insight into that decision, beyond Dooku in Dark Rendezvous, and of course, Rael, to a certain extent and Anakin. (If you know of others in Legends or Canon, let me know because I find it to be a fascinating question with no good answer.))
Meanwhile, Obes and Kit’s little Onderon-esque insurrection is drawing the attention of the local authorities. 
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Why, yes, I agree, Dura. Brilliant, ferocious, tactically diverse, respectful, knows the Alderaanian Reel, *ahem*
Can we briefly talk about the spider-friend army attacking the Jedi Killer droids and defeating them because the droids, like recent Apple products, had a shitty battery life? Gotta get that portable battery/USB for your genocidal droids, Dooku. That was some Class-A Star Wars bullshit. 
Speaking of the JK droids, Obi-wan battles one himself later, and two things about this encounter: 
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JFC, of course he did.
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Did...did Obi-wan just...punch a droid to death? I mean...well, that is to say...not very civilized, is it, Kenobi?
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Sorry, but the love story between Jangotat (Nate) and Sheeka Tal was...less than inspiring. Maybe it was the narration or the editing (as I am realizing going through the pdf that they cut some stuff for the audio version), but I was not so into it. Then again, romance isn’t really my thing in general. But Obi-wan Kenobi being a living Jedi pregnancy test...(okay, okay so I’m sure all Jedi were able to sense little life Forces forming themselves in people’s reproductive systems, but the fact that Star Wars feels compelled to come back to this idea of Obi-wan pointing out secret pregnancies is pretty hilarious, in my mind. Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi Master and aspiring OBGYN. Good lords.)
I love the confrontation between Ventress, Obi-wan and Kit. Kit is such a third wheel here, his only reason for being is to make vaguely threatening comments towards Ventress and for her to ignore them so she can continue to villain-monologue at Kenobi. Also, Dooku wanted Obi-wan alive? WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED.
Okay, but Obi-wan and Ventress have the most EXTRA duel ever. They have a lightsaber battle...underwater? And then somehow rip each other’s rebreathers out at some point, which, let’s be honest, kiiiinda feels like a euphemism and then Ventress just gets frustrated with Obi-wan’s lack of coronavirus, meaning he can hold his breath underwater a really long time and peaces out in an angry cloud of random underwater smoke. Hilarious. THIS LINEAGE, I SWEAR, DOOKU IS THE INSTIGATOR OF SO. MUCH. DRAMA.
Can we appreciate that Obi-wan’s “backup plan” is to buy a half-million credit radiation suit form a opium addict gangster and sabotage a commercial production plant singlehandedly? And he shows up with credits! The Council must have loved that request. Half a million credits. The audacity of this man.
All this to sabotage a plan, that apparently, was a total smokescreen. It turns out that no, the CIS wasn’t trying to mass-produce Jedi killing droids, but pretending to in order to lure the Republic and engage them in combat where they would be framed for mass civilian casualties. That is some 4D chess, right there. Well played, both Dooku and Sidious. Well fucking played. 
Okay, I think (think) audiobook cut the part where Obi-wan:
 a) negotiated for spider clemency from Dura, who is so smitten by Kenobi she’s totally going to go with it even though Obi-wan is totally representing large, poisonous spiders this is FANTASTIC. (side note, I love spiders) Obi-wan Kenobi, Friend to Large Animals is probably the truest thing I have ever posted on this hellsite, so now we add gigantic spiders to the list. Have I mentioned I love this man? And who else but the student of Qui-gon fucking Jinn would be like this? Of course. Of. Course.
b) where he admitted to at one point being in love (what?!?) and 
c) where he was the sole preoccupation of Ventress’s thoughts as she left Ord Cestus, just...what???? Amazing. Truly amazing.
Overall, I really enjoyed the Obi-wan characterization, it was nice to see Kit in action (and Kit, by the way, didn’t totally approve of Obi-wan’s methods but went along with it), the Jangotet/Nate storyline was okay. Some of the machinations of the overall plot were a little muddled (which was probably due, in part, to the audiobook cuts) even if I did like how they tried to deal with the free will aspect of being a clone (even if it was not totally deftly handled). 7/10 would have been 7.5 but the audiobook cut some things that were important to me. (Or I zoned out and didn’t catch them :D
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