#Sith Lightning
lbibliophile-sw · 1 year
Out of Clear Sky
Also on AO3 [650 words] @whumptober - day 4: shock @clonefandomevents - Coruscant Guard bingo: memory loss
Even as he follows the Jedi and their Commanders through the Senate Dome, Fox can’t quite believe it.
The Chancellor, a traitor, playing both sides of the war. The Chancellor, a Sith, the Sith, the one they have been searching for. Surely not. Surely not the kindly, if frequently frustrating, man he has spent the last two and a half years protecting.
Fox hadn’t believed it, when the Jedi had first called him into a meeting to reveal their investigation and its findings. It seemed almost traitorous to even consider the possibility. But then they laid out their evidence, and he had to admit that he doesn’t like the picture it forms. Either the Chancellor is a traitor - as preposterous as the very phrase sounds - or they have leaks at the highest levels that he must be made aware of. It seems that all this time he has been closer to the war than he realised.
Besides, if the Chancellor is indeed a Sith that makes it the Jedi’s jurisdiction as much as his own, and they are set on their path. His invitation is a courtesy not a request. So here Fox is, following along to ensure that proper procedure is followed, and desperately hoping for an explanation that makes sense.
Fox can’t quite believe it, but as soon as the Jedi present the Chancellor with their accusations, Palpatine proves their claims without a doubt.
The first bolt of lightning sends Cody straight to the floor, twisting and writhing with a strangled scream. The second is caught against General Windu’s lightsaber, tangling around the glowing blade before overwhelming it and knocking back the Jedi behind. The third lightning bolt, Fox registers as a flash in his peripheral vision as he instinctively collapses.
Then… pain. Liquid fire coursing through his veins, whiting out all other awareness. He does not hear his voiceless gasp, does not feel the carpet against his cheek. For what could be a moment or an eternity, nothing exists except the burning light.
Awareness returns in fragments, beginning with the distant recognition that he is pulling himself to his knees. An odd rhythmic snap-hiss echoes in his ears and he blinks his eyes until he can make out bright smears of red and green and blue dancing wildly.
Oh. Lightsabers. Jedi. Sith. He should do something.
His arms are numb and twitching spasmodically, but he forces them to move in the direction he needs them. It takes several tries to retrieve his blast from its holster, to switch it to stun – can’t take the risk, not like this – to aim it at the red lights at the centre of the whirlwind of movement, and fire. It doesn’t hit, a crimson blade flicking away the blue ring contemptuously. But the moment of distraction is enough. A body hits the floor. The red light goes out.
Fox… drifts for a bit, then. He knows there is movement in the rest of the room, but he ignores it. Focuses only on steadying his breathing, on flattening shaking fingers against the cool plastoid of his armoured thighs.
“Fox. Fox!” Wolffe calling his name finally gets his attention. “Are you alright? I mean, of course you’re not, but…”
He could be, if he needed to. They are trained to keep going regardless of physical or emotional pain. But here and now… he looks up at his brother and lets himself be vulnerable.
“The lightning… It… Why did it feel familiar? I don’t understand.”
He feels lost, and yet there is a part of him that maybe does understand. A part that remembers missing hours, inexplicably trembling hands, and a haunting sense of dread. Thinks of the control chips removed from their brains. He doesn’t want to consider what it means.
Strong arms wrap around him, and he buries his face against Wolffe’s neck, hiding from the sad and terrible expression in his eyes.
“Oh, Fox’ika. I’m so sorry we left you with him.”
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aldahi-rp · 1 year
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1346x2048 -- Spotlight on published cover art to "STAR WARS: Lords of the Sith" (published April 2015) canon SW novel, written by Paul S. Kemp. Artwork by Aaron McBride.
"He’d said that the relationship between Sith apprentice and Master was symbiotic but in a delicate balance. An apprentice owed his Master loyalty. A Master owed his apprentice knowledge and must show only strength. But the obligations were reciprocal and contingent. Should either fail in his obligation, it was the duty of the other to destroy him. The Force required it. Since before the Clone Wars, Vader’s Master had never shown anything but."
-- "STAR WARS: Lords of the Sith," published by Del Rey Books in 2015, written by Paul S. Kemp
Source: https://twitter.com/delreystarwars/status/459784173931085824.
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hi i just wanted to say i really really love sith lightning! you do a really good job of balancing anakin’s care for others (like obi-wan) with his anger and self doubt. you can see how he could become darth vader, but also how he could have been a good man. the relationships are a refreshing take on anakin v. the rest of the order, and the disaster lineage is always great! amazing job!!
Thank you so much!
Anakin is an interesting character for sure. I personally despise his Canon rep tbh but I really enjoy the challenge of "how could this character have made different choices" (even if the Anakin/Vader divide can be a challenege to write) 😂
All the credit goes to @phoenixyfriend for the amazing prompt and for giving me permission to play in the sandbox!!!
Thank you again for the lovely comment and for stopping by! 💜
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swevenfox · 2 months
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Look, a day and even 2 blog post? Amazing -
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robinade · 5 months
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May the fourth be with you!
Brought to you by the question: what if Obi-Wan was wearing really slutty underclothes?
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sithfox · 5 months
A drabble that wouldn't shut up until I wrote it:
“It’s a Kiffar thing.” Quinlan’s voice is soft as he traces the branching scars on Fox’s skin. “We’re naturally attuned to electricity. Useful, with all the lightning storms.”
Fox shudders as fingertips drag across a particularly sensitive patch of skin. He wants to turn himself inside out and feel that electricity in his bones, but there’s no way to say it that doesn’t make him sound insane, so he stays quiet. “Why does it bother you so much?”
“Because it was proof to those who thought I was tainted by what Tinte did – proof I was doomed to be Dark.”
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
I've had a thought about sith lightning that I thought I would share. In nature, lightning mainly happens when there is an imbalance of electrical charge (or forces ;) ) between the sky and the earth. So mayhap a bit of clever world building some could do is the reason it known as SITH lightning is because they are unbalanced themselves.
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charmwasjess · 10 months
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pictured: me waking up bright and early each morning and logging onto Tumblr dot com to continue my campaign of frenzied propaganda for this evil loser
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hoth-and-cold · 11 months
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On a scale of one to absolutely bonkers, how would a mechanical bull ride run in the galaxy? I imagine it would involve a lot of force lightning We're back with a commission for @teacakes1799 of their pureblood bounty hunter Gayusar, absolutely killing it on a mechanical bull!
Thank you so much for commissioning me! I had a blast drawing him and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
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la0hu · 2 months
i just binged the acolyte instead of getting a good night's sleep. and i know nothing about star wars. did she literally invent force choking??
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dankmyfarrik · 2 months
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Sith Luke Skywalker (02)
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dethberrie · 2 years
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❝ we bury ourselves in each other,      scream, shudder,               shatter. ❞                       — R.N.
twitter | carrd
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on "STAR WARS: Unleashed” Series 3 Darth Sidious six inch premium action figure/statuette card artwork by Clark Mitchell, released by Hasbro® in July 2003.
BOX DESCRIPTION: "Darth Sidious is a chilling specter of evil who casts his oppressive shadow over the galaxy. Long ago, before war shattered the Republic, Darth Sidious rose to power under an unassuming identity, using political machinations and the dark side of the Force to place himself in a position in which he could wield unlimited power. He worked in small, unseen steps to foment discord and incite greed so that these divisive forces would corrode the peace that had unified the galaxy.
PART II: Succeeding in this Machiavellian task, Sidious began to build his terrible empire upon the crushed remnants of the Jedi Order and the shattered remains of the war-torn galaxy. Just when his control of the dark side of the Force seemed insurmountable, the completion of his corrupt conquest was torn from his grasp by the redemptive power of a father's love for his son."
-- "STAR WARS: UNLEASHED" by Hasbro®, c. summer 2003
Source: www.pinterest.com/pin/333618284872881565.
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ciphernull · 1 year
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the new boy is comprised primarily of anger and purple
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fangirlforeversthings · 5 months
So this is what i think happened at force ghost heaven after they all died.
*Narrator voice*
Somewhere in force ghost heaven after his death a tired obi wan kenobi sat down and prepared a cup of tea, ready to drink it and enjoy his finally well deserved peace and rest for all eternity to come as suddenly an ear pinching, to him oh so well known, voice disrupted the harmonious silence and before he turned his head he already knew who it was and started silently praying: "oh my force no please, please no." But it was too late: "Oooh maaaasteeeer. Guess who felt so sorry that they let him iiiiin." And before he knew a pair of familiar arms one of them metal hugged him tightly, squishing him. Obi wan twists his face in an annoyed, desperate grimace a familiar headache crawling up his head. "oh force no."
"Obi wan i missed you sooo much and also i an so sorry for what happened i know this makes it not better but: my bad. Yoou, are not angry anymore? R..Right? *traumatisedly remembering the pain after his master beat him up twice after losing his pantience* I mean i love you so i wanted to tell you that back on mustafar that i love you and you are my brother aswell *dramatic sobs*. And i am back now. And i have to tell you soo many stuff soo many years of storys and adventures i have to tell you, and Luke and leia by the way you met them, knew them, tell me about them luke is as strong as his father isnt he? *muffled sobs* AND HOW IN THE WORLD YOU LET MY DAUGHTER HOOK UP WITH A SMUGGLER? also dang how did you got so old like what happened to you you old hermit fart? hahaha and....." and he kept on talking and talking and talking without a point or taking a breath once. Having missed his beloved master so dearly. Cause the moment obi wan was gone he stood there, not having a purpose anymore. shure he wanted to defeat him but he had never actually really thought he would get that far and now that he was gone he was lonely and lost. "Naur. iF OBi waN iS nOt hEre I dOn't LIkE iT. Bye b*tches i'm out. Imma follow him🥰 maybe if i say that i am very very sorry they'll let me in👉🏻👈🏻"
meanwhile obi wan asked himself what he ever did to deserve this. He didn't knew if he should be happy and cry because his beloved brother and best friend was finally back with him as back then in their best days, as if nothing had happened. Or if he should cry cause he was back with him. FoR aLl EteRnItY TO ComE. He ultimately decided to cry.
In the meanwhile a well known, now metal, hand grips the hilt of his purple lightsaber tightly, trying to calm his rage down and stares with a dead expression in his infamous glare with two words on his mind: "skywalker" and "motherf*cker".
Yoda: "oh heck. No, rid off you we thought we got. Mace: " it was MY FREAKING HAND. if you had more patience M*THERFUCKER WE SOME DAY WOULD HAVE GRANTED YOU YOUR STUPID ASS RANK. Like i can't believ you murdered us all just because you had a bad dream and didn't got a rank. Yoda Was about to teach you force healing:"ThE POwEr tO SavE HeR" IF YOU PSYCHOTIC ASS M*THERFUCKING M*THERFUCKER JUST WOULD HAVE HAD A LITTLE MORE PATIENCE. And mental stability." Yoda Petting his leg trying to calm him. Anakin, hiding behind obi wan who is yet done again: "really? Oh. My bad then i guess heh sorry." Mace: " *eye twitching aggressively, heavy breathing* Aaaaaaaah........*distant long scream*"
But obi wan was just about, to have his yelling moment, and that was when his former master stood infront of him a nervous smile on his face waving him hello: "obi wan my dear boy i'm so happy you made it here. I meant to tell you i was there obi wan *putting his hand to his own heart* the whole time you were never alone." A slap and sharp pain caused through gui gons cheeks as he realised that obi wan had slapped him. "what was that for??" Obi wan: "I CALLED FOR HELP AT LEAST 200 TIMES AND NOT EVEN A SINGLE WHAT DO YOU WANT WHAT DO YOU NEED NOTHING!" "Listen here i.." "NO YOU LISTEN HERE YOU OLD FART I WAS BASICALLY STILL A KID MYSELF AND YOU LEFT ME WITH THAT SACK OF CHAOS -*pointing on anakin who looks up at them and smiles, waves happily at qui gon*- no how to parent your padawan book left for instruction NOTHING!!! what were you even doing? I HOPE THE MILK TASTED GOOD!!" "Hey don't yell at your master!! I tell you.." qui gon tries to defend himself but obi wan just continues letting his feelings out:" you cant bring that up on me anymore i am a master myself now!" Qui gon:"AS LONG AS YOU LIVE IN THIS HOUSE..!" Obi wan:"THIS IS NOT THE TEMPLE AND I AM A COUNCIL MEMBER." Qui gon *gasp*: "i can't believe you are bringing this up to me" *shocked* obi wan:"Well i'm sorry but you forced me to. its your fault all of this IS YOUR FAULT." Anakin interrupting him: "so its not mine anymore?" Obi wan: "Sh*t up anakin. The council told you he was to old we should not train him, yoda told you his future was clouded, i told you it was a bad idea BUT YOU HAD TO INSIST and now LOOK WHERE THAT BROUGHT US!!"
Moment of silence. Yoda: "right you are maybe his fault it all was not skywalkers." Mace having finished yelling at anakin: "eh you know what? You're right obes. *pointing at qui gon* YOUR FAULT IT IS M*THERFUCKER" *loud dispute starting.*
I desperately dare someone to make a comic pretty pls
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