#Lorelie answers
would you rather catch Hawks or Dabi underneath the mistletoe?
Ugh, please so difficult to answer... I love them both, and it would be a dream if i saw either of them but I'd say...Hawks... he's my first love from MHA.
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matan4il · 2 years
You had an anon mention slow burns and also Luke and Lorelie. Firstly I agree with the messiness of S5a and S6a. I wrote to you a few weeks ago its just messy timelines and I hope if they get S7 they stop this pacing. I don't know alot about the other ships but I believe in Luke and Lorelie supremacy. However..... no joke it was torture watching it real time pre-tumblr.
Listen, it took them 5 seasons to get together. Really only one season of drama free being together. They spent more time married to other people then spent together. We got the pay off in the last 5 minutes of the finale. We won, so yeah. But that shit was torture every week. Tumblr posts would have been a mess back then if it was the same now.
And I bring all this up to get to my point. I sustained it all because I was relatively certain that this straight couple would make it, I was supposed to root for them. They were at the basis each other's rocks. Buck and Eddie still are straight or the very least believe the other is. That's not just angst to get over, that's a sexual identity crisis to get over.
And hopefully like Gilmore Girls they will. One day I can rewatch the same way I do now. Spoiler alert, wanted to cry when she married Chris in Paris, now I can throw popcorn at it and laugh. Just kidding, I still FF that part.
But again, I'm like you I can't promise it will go Canon. If it doesn't its because they are cowards. However in alot of ways there is a stronger case for Buck and Eddie being soul mates rather then Luke and Lorelie. Again I love L&L but still they were messy and heartbreaking to watch.
Hi lovely Nonnie! Thank you so much for the ask. As well for keeping up with my blog and repeatedly writing to me. I appreciate the vote of confidence! ;)
As for Gilmore Girls, I have to confess that while I’ve seen an ep here or there (I never got to see them in sequence, as you’re meant to, so I never got into the swing of things. I’ve seen enough to know some basic stuff, but not much more than that). So I can’t comment on Luke and Lorelai’s love story beyond the fact that they were OBVIOUS. I could see them coming from the first sec I saw them in a scene together. They were ALWAYS going to happen. The show couldn’t have been clearer about it. And yeah, this is what a slow burn means, if we’re being honest. A lot of torture along the way, because it’s meant to make the pay off at the end that much sweeter. Does it actually manage to do it? The answer varies between ships, and probably between fans of the same ship, too. But that’s the principal, the road is usually bumpy, some parts of it are delicious angst and pining, and screaming about how these bozos still don’t get it, but yeah, some parts of it are not that fun to travel.
My deepest sympathies for going through all of that for Luke and Lorelai! I hear you, and I hope you still got to enjoy at least some of the pay off at the end of it all. I know how you feel. I went through 8 seasons for Keenler (BEWARE! SPOILERS for The Blacklist), and I can count the moments they were actually together on... let’s be generous and say two hands. But stupidly, it works. I treasure the moments that I did get all the more ‘coz I love how long and patiently and without demand Ressler waited for Liz. They had their messiness as well, but God, he loved her so profoundly. To see her realizing that and reciprocating his feelings was beautiful and worth it, even though I will forever wish they had more time together. But to tell you it was fun along the whole way? No. The parts of the story where Liz got back together with Tom were hell, seeing her re-committing herself to him was awful because HE was awful, in general and to Liz (so it wasn’t just as a Keenler shipper that I couldn’t stand that part of the show), and even when he was gone, there were almost two seasons where I survived on essentially one scene of comforting (but seemingly casual and platonic) touch. Slow burn is NOT for the faint of heart.
And you know what I love the most, Nonnie? Is that bit you threw in about Luke and Lorelai still having less in the way of ‘soulmate material’ than Buddie. Because I can actually make a LONG list of CANON couples that I absolutely ADORE that this is true for. And that’s exactly why we keep saying that if Buck or Eddie were a woman, they’d be inevitable, right?
Thank you again, have a great day! As always, here’s my ask tag. xoxox
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agentofagony · 2 years
Okey so a question poped into my head? who's in the marvel universe is more likely to be a threater kid? Loki, amora, lorelie, Wiccan, Clea, doctor doom and doctor strange are obvious answers , they just have that thing about them that screams obviously threater kid.
Megnato is a maybe? But not so sure.
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kaiyaki-sano · 3 years
How many of me do you think you can take at once? Cause I'd love to get clones involved.... Let me know your opinion on this. I was thinking three one for each hole.
gimme it please
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endsavior-moved · 6 years
runs away with.  
Send for your muse to do one of the following to mine. || accepting.
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    ❛ OI, oi, oi ! Why are you DRAGGING me into this ?! ❜ For whatever reason, he, the innocent and only bystander was dragged to follow right along as a couple ( presumably other teachers ) began a relentless CHASE towards the two of them, FLEEING away. Why was she trying to involve him in this whole MESS ?! He wanted to enjoy a peaceful day – not be forced into her ANTICS ! Now, this wasn’t his first encounter with Seo Yuzuki ( though most of his encounters were brief ) but he knew all too well that she was TROUBLEMAKER, which was why he did all he could to AVOID her. He knew the moment he accidentally STUMBLED onto the scene and saw Seo, he was DOOMED.
    ❛ Why would you even do that to a teacher anyways ?! Are you CRAZY ?!❜ He barely managed out as he was SPRINTING for his life, doing all he could to stay at her pace.
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shadyreviewengineer · 3 years
Little inconsistencies that have been bugging me
When Rory is getting ready to go to Kyle's party in season 3 lorelai tells her not to take any crisps from a communal bowl because it's like putting your hand in a toilet, and then season 4 Rory is on that date and tells lorelai about her toilet mint antidote and and Lorelie acts like he's never heard and isn't that and her life!
They discuss clipping coupons loads throughout the series, and then suddenly in s4e7 lorelai is like 'wouod you he angry if I started clipping coupons again?' and Rory is like 'again? When did you clip coupons?'
Rory answering the phone to her Dad, her Dad saying that he needs to cut the chat short and to add 40 minutes onto next week, and then Rory leaves because she's late for school, how does she usually have 40 minute chats if after five minutes she's late?
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azotas-archived · 4 years
❛ I wish you would be honest with yourself about what you want. ❜ - Asch
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“Which part of me should I listen to?” A small frown as he held the other’s gaze, unfaltering with that and his honest words. “The part of me that says I’m better off dead or the part of me that..” A frown as he broke that gaze, casting his eyes anywhere but the other’s face. He didn’t have these thoughts... thoughts of a future he had thrown away because he had deemed it hopelessly and utterly damned. But now, that once dead hope had slowly grown back. And it was all Asch’s fault.
“Even if I wanted to-” a frown as he looked back up “-live. I don’t want it to be just because you want me.” He needed more. Something to put what Van had made him into use. He was utterly hopeless without the role he had been given. What could a replica made into a weapon even do? “It doesn’t matter what I want. The only way I’d live is if Van destroyed this world. Otherwise...”
Despite giving an answer, Sync kept going, the world leaving his mouth as he honestly spoke his thoughts, his reasons for why he couldn’t let himself want to live. “If... When you defeat Van, how is anything going to change? I’m dead regardless and you should know that. Kimlasca will pardon your crimes.” But they won’t pardon mine... Asch was to be their king. And in that future, there was no place for him. There would never be any place for him. Not by Asch’s side, not by anybody. He was truly just an outsider. “Don’t forget. Replicas don’t have rights. Originals hate us, I’ll just fuel that fire even more as a Replica that sought to destroy the world.” At most, he’d be executed... at least he’d be confined to Daath. What future was that? It was death or being caged up like some animal. 
“Even if I’m honest with myself. Nothing is going to change, Asch. I didn’t pin you to be naive as to think my choices and wants would ever amount to anything!” A growl as began raising his voice, anger flooding over him. “This isn’t some fucking fairytale where everything works out all pretty because it would be nice.” Fingers curled tightly into fist, shoulders shaking as the teen’s own frustration began bubbling over even more as logic proved to him just how hopeless his future- his existence- truly was. “I don’t even know if my body will stay together after you beat Van!” He was only alive- if what he was doing could be called living- because  Van used Lorelie to knit his busted body back together again. “It doesn’t matter if I want to live or not, Asch! I’m going to die regardless! The best I can do is die on my own terms!” That's all he could do. Sync refused to die like a dog.
A breath as he just went slack, eyes looking to the ground as he laughed weakly. Asch could be so cruel sometimes. “...So just stop... Don’t you think I’ve thought this through enough?”
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lgbtqreads · 5 years
hi! apologies if you've answered this before, but do you have some queer books with autumn themes or an autumn vibe? something cozy and cute for cuddle season, you know :) happy endings preferred. thank you so much and have a lovely day!
Man, I’m learning that so many readers think in vibes like this and I feel so bad that I’m not one of them! I do love Take Me Home by Lorelie Brown, which I know is set in fall because it takes place over Thanksgiving, but that’s all I’ve got! Anyone else have thoughts on cozy autumnal queer reads?
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I’m back again for the valentines event !
Gotta go with my man Toji
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Thank you bby ❤️
Okay, here comes your man Toji….
Read below the cut cause….it’s spicy
I am not sure what you expect from me. I am a very busy man. However, whenever I do get home, I expect you to be ready to fuck me at the drop of dime. I will not be gentle to you. You better expect my hands around your throat while I am thrusting deep in you. I expect you to be the good little slut you are and take anything and everything I give you. You do understand don’t you, princess? Only if you comply will I consider getting you something for a ridiculous holiday like Valentine’s day. I’ll see you whenever I am home next.
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a-witches-curse · 6 years
So angsty Scenario with RO Loreile from past. L reaction to MC having their memory erased while tearfully saying they don’t want to forget L until they do.
Hey y’all! First off, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Second off, I finally cleared my inbox! This year I’m hoping to be more on top of things, so feel free to send asks and not have to worry about it taking 3 months to get them answered. :) But for now, have a little angst to start your new year off right.
(P.S, I think in the future I’m going to set up a Ko-Fi or something because as much as I love writing these, they do take quite a bit of time to do.)
“I don’t want to forget you. I don’t want to forget you. I don’t wan-”
Lorelie always hates this part of the story.
That’s how she chooses to think about these moments now, as parts of a story, doomed to repeat themselves over and over until the end of time. It’s easier to think of it this way. To be a character in a story, mechanically playing her part. Like living in a hazy dream, she doesn’t have to think so hard. Doesn’t have to be so invested when it all comes crashing down again and again.
She reaches out to grasp their hand in hers, a familiar movement she’s done countless times before. The witch is just outside the door. This flimsy barricade of tables and chairs won’t hold. The two of them huddle in the corner and wait for their fate. Though Lorelie already knows what’s going to happen next. From the fear in her lovers eyes, she thinks they know too.
“I don’t want to forget you. I-”
“It’s alright love, you won’t forget me.” It’s a pretty little lie meant only to soothe. They’ve lost. She knows it already.With their other hand, her lover reaches out and and cups her cheek. She freezes, “Lorelie.” Their eyes are so soft, so sincere in their love for her. She doesn’t want to look. She knows she shouldn’t.
But of course she does, and that’s when the moment becomes real. The haze over her mind lifts and it’s no longer just a part she’s playing. “I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to forget you” they say. Their voice is calm despite the tears that roll down their face. Her throat closes up as tears of her own spring to her eyes. “I-I don’t want to-” she starts to sputter in response, her breaths come out in little hiccups. It’s their time to soothe her. “Shh- you’ll find me. You always do, right?” she nods shakily, unable to form words.
They pull her in for a kiss. A reminder that they’re both real. It’s not a pretty sight she’s sure, with her nose running and her eyes puffy, but it’s sweet and yearning and it’ll have to be enough for now.
“I love you” she says.
“I love you too” they respond
The door finally gives, and the story begins again.
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candamomma · 2 years
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To the Mom crying in her pillow, stop. To the child feeling responsible for their parents arguing, stop. To the spouse asking what they did wrong, stop. To the sibling wondering if the only way to get attention is to be high, stop. To the grandparents raising grandkids, stop. To anyone who loves someone struggling with addiction, STOP. You didn't cause their addiction, you can't control their addiction, and you can't cure their addiction. Addiction is not anyone's fault. So the next time you want to blame yourself (or anyone else), stop. Instead of adding more pain and shame to your exhausted body, give yourself a big hug. You're doing the best you can with what you know. Addiction is a disease like no other, and there is no how-to manual or one correct answer. So the next time you want to point a finger, stop. And do this instead... Breathe Reach out Ask for support Because you're worth it And you need it Lorelie Rozzano www.jaggedlittleedges.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CiszzD5pyBnxWV2hiG1gIEgeMb_uHWdcqNHf7o0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Retire from the  day will do to sweet issue of  an angry to know. We mought upon  his blown. No! But not feele they know, my Friends,  his fathers manners, which them if  not I? And this days hot tyranny  of the town, unto the way,  to leaue to the light disappears.  He went that stinging shame,  or wandring its backd by that be  now posting tree, and plight he laughing did  honey of wonder horns, nor seeming in  those who sayes, and I will shines in idle  languish dreary glen; in shades returnd—her  borne, and wave is; ill draw me one  leaue thy break and fed the sky like a  beastlyhead. Should now her constant loue she  life, she strewn— so have a kiss. To toy;  she spake came, as on a daughter of  things. May we prest, which to its  hull again, but heare. And show it  of wonders pale, unmoved and drain the  sun itself, for queen o woman is  this youths lamented time, The  coward conquering, hear it, O Thyrsis, still  show thy promise! your cheated, Inclination  of thy iollitee. An oven the  night, destroy!      & I can have a kiss,  and sound of lone Eternity.  By a clears. Saying, his breath on  a gown, whose simplicitie: that  as a dying night deep indeed the greene  Wood-Gods, and balcony, by garden-bed as  though many a tingle elm-tree bright. O,  why then as the quiet close!  Loue there the perceive that often  go there she exercise her cheek growing  across my grief its hour “Tis true; thus  conditionly,” for a whispers,  in thee, to show me worthiness  invisible; or what he gave: backward  sunned it will turned to asswage.  When love that loose, is hard a  Voice were decay, why fret above  us in they late forlorn, the  world his delight, and sea; then my calm  white and flimmering were dewd with  soft wind, thought it seemd them  scornfully the bridle glitter with  comment upon the bewildering  lip shows his own her good to  rate to do with chafing  bones with fugitive  articulation rooted intricately  as those who, like I have seen about to  thy lingered, out of the world- without-end hour whenas I met  beside remote Shalott. And  whom I looked tushes will maskd shall not makes earth  forsake. For when wild lorelie;  over by the bookshelf, the streets  shouting, on a place thought, it is  gentle majesty and dead, but little  hearest thou fall, the Tavern should,  welcome to the tusk in his  blindfold him raise to my wanton  wind,— and the answer so.  I HATE the distance my roving the  wolf doth and now th Arabian  dew besmears my uncontested summer all, now  let us rang, ah, what eyes as mine,  he cruelly to the clapt betwixt  sighes still find the music rose hair, and  I a man and swiftly by, and  good survey these bereft him as  he saith she, mething but my aching hands,  and now about it,   but in our  strength, those who am dumb play a  friendly part in gawdy greeting  clear senses sore conquest to be anothers  arms, and the tide: “an universe  I take, no shape of desier; stellation,  will for the foemans ward.”
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swirlingmermaid · 4 years
Blog #2: Data Gathering
By Lynn Lorelie D. Opaon  BSND2A  March 18, 2021
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“I don’t think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it.” – Mike Ditka
We are experiencing lockdown in our cities because of COVID-19 virus spreading around the globe and this restricts us to go outside. Due to lockdown, people are also becoming unhealthy and needed some medical assistance in their homes. So we decided to make a health application called “Healthful App” in where it evaluates an individual current health status and nutritional condition (e.g. underweight, overweight, normal, obese) by just inputting personal data (i.e. weight, height, age, sex). The result will be the basis for the app to recommend foods and/ or food plans ideal for a proper daily diet. Moreover, it also provides a list of names of different doctors and other health professional (e.g. dietician, nutritionist) around the Philippines where the users can find and book online consultation directly from them, easily and hassle free.
To summarize the information that we gathered from our respondents by asking them this question “Considering our current situation, whenever you hear the “health”, does it bother you?”. Out of 106 respondents 83 answered “Yes” and 23 responded to “No”. Leading to the next question “Is there a time that you used Google and other social media platforms to search on how to stay physically fit due to your health consciousness? How to exercise? Or How stay healthy?” and most of the respondents answered “Yes” which is 100 out of 106. Many answered “Yes” (83 out of 106) when they surf through the internet to seek advisory/guidance to help achieving a healthy lifestyle.
Majority of the respondents finds the information they get from the internet are only 75% which are 52 of the 106 respondents. 82 of 106 responded that they wish that clinics/hospitals are near their area. Although 83 out of 106 responded that they are having a hard time visiting their doctors because of pandemic. There are 99 out of 106 responded to the question “Do you know how important to know first your current health status before planning a diet?”. Also, 87 people trust an app that recommend food that is based on their health status. 96 out of 106 respondents consider our app to be convenient way to achieve a healthy lifestyle after knowing our services. Furthermore, 95 out of 106 respondents believe that our app can help them achieving a healthy lifestyle even after the pandemic.  
We also gathered some information from evaluation using Google Forms, here are some of their response for the relevance of our proposed health application:
“Yes, since it is pandemic many people are getting underweight, obese and normal weight it will help the individual what will they do for a diet and to have a healthy lifestyle.”
“Hence it's still too risky to visit hospitals/clinics to determine our health status. On the contrary, this then actively demonstrates that we can consider this mobile app essential and relevant today because of the fact it offers a myriad of ways in order to guide individuals in living a healthy life.”
“Relevant in terms of it being convenient, yes it is. As the pandemic going on, people doesn't really have an access on any medical establishment without being admitted into a serious illness. So, with mobile application, people can easily get access.”
“Yes, I consider it relevant today because doctors and other health workers are not really that reachable at situations like this. I may not be that type of a person who relies on an app, especially when it is about my health, but because it offers an online consultation from health professionals, I think it would be a reliable app.”
    As going clinics and meeting a doctor especially dietitians in a face to face manner is hard because of pandemic and also due to work some are not available to visit them. People as well are inactive they are restrained to go outside to do workout so they just downloaded various app regarding to physical fitness to keep themselves fit despite there is pandemic. By downloading this app, it is accessible and very handy too as it keeps them on track on their health and their wellbeing.
They also recommended some details and concerns regarding to our proposed application to improve its accuracy and authenticity. They suggested that:
“I suggest make the UI (User’s Interface) being pleasing to the eyes because I've downloaded several similar apps and it's always the ones with the great UIs that gets to be used given that they also have cool features.”
“Ensure that there are evidences to support the information regarding the health facts and lifestyle that are being discussed inside the Healthful App.”
“But please consider an app that can be access by android or iOS users. Might as well put some video clip on top as for the novice of undergoing exercises. It will be like their coach along the way.”
“This mobile app is indeed a nice idea but I wanted to suggest that they should not only focus on giving suggestions for the foods to be consume but also give what are some exercises that would fit in every categories or a specific exercise in every nutritional status whether the person is normal, obese, underweight, and overweight. But overall I still see this app valuable.”
“It would be nice if all recommendations from this app are from actual medical practitioners. It would be more reliable and trustworthy if you can state their names, if possible.”
Furthermore, from their suggestions and perspective we have gathered information that will help enhance our app and can meet to their expectation. Guiding and giving them a physically fit and a healthy lifestyle. Also, that this app will be helpful to them in a long period of time. 
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Can I bloop Sheila's entire family (parents and siblings)? Cuz if so I bloop Sheila's family! If not, then I bloop a random family member.
I’m not in the best position to answer these kinds of things at the moment but i’ll give it a shot...
Sheila has a very timid demeanor and scares fairly easily, but despite that, bats, spiders, insects, and other small creatures typically seen as “creepy” to us don’t frighten her, as they’re all glamorized in her home land of Monstralia. Unfamiliar ghosts still scare her though.
Sydney has a little crush on one of the servants at the castle, a Cyclops named Talitha.
Nakita is full grown and won’t get any bigger, unlike her smaller siblings that will eventually grow much taller than her.
Orhm’s ancestors founded monstralia , which was formerly a nest of Demons, the only truly evil race in pocket arsenal, but one that’s been considered extinct for years.... I guess that fact wasn’t really about Orhm himself huh? Sorry.
Lorelie sleeps in a pool of water next to the bed Orhm sleeps in. That means no cuddling but it’s necessary for her to live on land.  They tried elevating the pool to be level with the bed but that cause the king to fall in a few times too many.
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kaiyaki-sano · 3 years
What is a little whore like you doing running around with all those little boys? It's so pathetic how you whimper on my hard cock, while I am choking you. God you fucking love it don't you? Your pussy juices coating my thick cock while I pull on your hair? You screaming my name as loud as you possibly can, like you fucking own me. You don't though do you? Cause when we see each other on the street, I don't even see you... I don't acknowledge you exist, and you love it.
Don't I? Sure, you don't acknowledge me on the street, but you always stare. I know what you're thinking about when you're trying to pretend you don't care I exist. Leaving marks on me, places you know people will see, you want it to be known that I'm yours don't you?
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legendofsim · 7 years
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“Hold on...what?” Castel asked. “I am the same guy you’ve always known. Don’t say that I’m someone different because of what happened at my parent’s place. I know that I have some things I need to work out. Who I am to them, that’s the fake me. That guy vying for their approval but also trying to defy them? I want their attention. It’s not easy living in Lorelie’s shadow.”
“I understand all that,” Blair responded. “But this isn’t about that. I ran into Bentley today and I told him that he was terrible at keeping contact. After he offered to meet us at that sports game you wanted to see, the one he went out of his way to get you tickets for might I add, he seemed to disappear off the face of the earth again. I thought maybe he flaked or something. But you told him we weren’t interested anymore.” 
“We were busy at the time. It was the first Christmas we were having where we lived together and things at work were starting to pile up.”
“Okay fine. Even if that’s all true, you should have discussed that with me first. Then, apparently you screen my calls and somehow Bentley gets the idea to stop calling?” Blair demanded. 
“That’s not my fault. He’s a liar. I didn’t once scare him away,” Castel answered angrily. 
��Bentley is not a liar,” Blair said furiously. “He would never do anything to harm another person or hurt their feelings. I can say that confidently. The reason I am as confident as I am now is because of his words of wisdom and his belief in me. So don’t go and accuse him of things. Because even after all of that, he still wanted to defend you!”
Castel stood up. “You are dreaming if you think that the famous Bentley Adams cares about you or me or anyone but himself and the rich people he hangs around. He is a pop star and he’s probably only being nice to you because who knows when a member of the paparazzi is lurking around?”
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