#Lorenzo ISAT
eyeofthechasm · 3 months
Hi so
Ive got more writing ! More Renzo loop AU bc that’s all I’ve really got saved rn BUT. There’s Loop. Surprise
This ones from kinda a while ago & got retouched a little today so. Maybe not the greatest in the world? It’s pretty long too so get ready
Act 3(???) spoilers post the whole “say its name” thingy. And incredibly vague act 6 spoilers but like. Only if you squint really really hard.
You jolt in place, cough after cough ripping through your lungs.
You looped. You’re back; back in Dormont, back by the fences overlooking the surrounding forestry. You’re back, but you still feel it.
Your Country’s name mangled your throat. You can’t breathe. You’re struggling. Everything burns. Everything burns and you can’t b-
People are looking. They’re looking, staring, all at you. You’re making a scene, you’re drawing attention, stop it, stop stop stop stop stop s
You wave your hand, dismissing the concerns of the others, and hold the drink in your other hand up into view. The message delivers flawlessly. The onlookers relax. The eyes are off you.
Your throat burns. Your head hurts. Everything aches. You need to lie down, probably, but there’s no time.
You need to talk to Loop.
Once you recover a little, you very casually make your way over to the favor tree, careful to not draw any attention to yourself. Along the way, you catch sight of Siffrin sleeping in the field; peaceful, as if nothing had happened.
Good. You were sure he’d be fine, but…still.
You rush your interactions with Mira and Isabeau, despite their prying about your wellbeing. After all of that, you can’t get caught in a conversation with them without risking some slip-up.
Plus, your being is completely well. They don’t need to worry about anything.
It’s not like they’re gonna remember it, anyway.
You collapse on the tree stump. Loop’s already there. Their eyes are narrowed in…what is that, worry? Curiosity? Mockery, maybe? You can’t tell.
Silence stretches between you. It’s never been so quiet here. Loop isn’t even looking at you anymore, only the ground, like you. Thinking. Hard.
It kinda reminds you of-
“So,” they pick their head up. You jump at the break in silence. They’re..serious, despite the upbeat tone. Scarily serious. “You’re…uh…”
[“From the Country,”] you finish for them, the effort clawing at your throat. [“I…guess, yeah. Siffrin, and…and the King are, too.”]
“Yeah, yeah, I had a feeling about Siffrin, but you...”
They narrow their eyes, studying you. Particularly, they focus on your face: eyes, lips, nose; all of your distinctive features
Your throat tightens.
“…you were…unexpected.”
Ok. That’s totally not ominous. Not at all.
[“…what -“]
“Soooo~, wasn’t that fun?”
They change the subject before you can even blink, which just makes your head spin. Right back to usual, too, as if they weren’t just staring into your blinding soul.
“I told you that’d be a bad idea.”
You can practically smell the smirk they’d have if they had a mouth.
You sigh. [“…I’d..assume you already know-“]
“I do~.”
You sip your drink. It’s…lukewarm coffee, at this point. You nearly forgot what it was. You never bother to drink it anymore.
It tastes terrible, but still, it helps.
[“And…what does that-“]
“That’s for you to figure out!”
Could they stop with that?!
“No can do, stardust~.”
Right. Good gods. You’re never getting used to that.
You clear your throat. [“What did all of that even give me, anyway? Like what-what was the point? Besides…y’know. The obvious.”]
Loop ponders for a moment, a star-studded finger tapping their chin like a cartoon character would.
“Well…it gave you insight to your oh-so mysterious Traveler and your enemy, and…”
Silence, once again. They give exaggerated taps to their chin area.
This is getting irritating...
“…oh! Of course, how could I forget?”
They sit up, crossing their legs. Their voice rings through your skull once again…
[You’ve unlocked MEMORY OF HERITAGE! You’ll never forget this!]
[This memory grants you and your Traveler the ability to read your country’s language again! Have fun~!]
Ow. That…hurt.
“Sorry, sorry~!”
They’re not.
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pixxyofice · 14 days
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if I had a nickel for every oc I've seen which is a non-canon party member who has some island origins and has interest in both siffrin and isabeau I'd have two nickels, which isn't much but it's neat how it's happened twice!
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amazonianaruarecife · 4 years
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A Vandana Shiva (ecofeminista) uma vez disse: “Que nenhuma mulher seja violada, e que nenhuma espécie desapareça”.   Segunda a ONU, as mulheres são as mais atingidas pela as mudanças climáticas, uma vez que, são elas, com as maiores probabilidades de viver em condições de pobreza e menor poder socioeconômico. O irônico e triste é que são também as mulheres mais pobres em países menos desenvolvidos as que menos contribuem para o aquecimento global, de acordo com o Fundo para População das Nações Unidas. Hoje, não é só mais um dia de pedir respeito, refletir sobre as consequências negativas do patriarcado e celebrar as conquistas femininas. Hoje é o dia de exaltar a importância das mulheres, tomando as rédeas de seus futuros e também do meio ambiente que as rodeiam. Em tempos de “progresso” destrutivo, temos que lembrar que a natureza é a base de toda a vida na terra e são as mulheres uma das maiores agentes nos movimentos ambientalistas e sustentáveis,  exaltemos a força de Marina Silva, Dian Fossey, Dorothy Stang, Greta Thunberg, Maria do Socorro da Silva, Vandana Shiva, Célia Xakriabá, Wangari Maathai, Cristal Muniz, Jane Goodall, Sônia Guajajara, Isatou Ceesay, Isra Hirsi, Jamie Margolin, Catarina Lorenzo, as mulheres que compõe esse movimento lindo que é o Amazônia na Rua Recife (@amazonianaruarecife) e muitas outras que abdicam parte de sua vida em busca de um mundo melhor. JUNTAS PODEMOS FAZER A DIFERENÇA! RESISTIR PARA EXISTIR! ✊♀️🌱 #8M . . . #DiaDaMulher #DiaInternacionalDaMulher https://www.instagram.com/p/B9e2DyKnxD6/?igshid=17nv7af7gr4mt
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eyeofthechasm · 7 days
again and again. (Act 2->3 transition)
Ok this one has. Lots of warnings.
Cw for: blood, emotional numbness (still don’t rlly know. kinda????), suicide (not written but HEAVILY implied), self deprecation/self hate
> LOOP 33
Your body jolts.
You’re. back.
You’re leaned over the sink, hands on either side of the cool porcelain, staring down into the drain.
Again again again again again!
You did everything right, didn’t you? You got through the House without any road-bumps, helped Mira remember her carrot method, beat the King, talked to the Head Housemaiden, EVERYTHING.
You stare at your reflection. You look so tired. You are tired. You’ve memorized every detail of your face. Every wrinkle under your eyes, every stray hair, the way your choker sits juust off center.
Your expression is blank.
You wish you could be like this more.
Oh, how simple that would be, not having to force your expressions all the time. But no! You can’t! You can’t, because then your friends will get worried! About you! And then you’ll have to start all over again because stars blinding forbid you show anything other than normalcy. Than your laid back, carefree attitude they rely on to keep themselves together.
You’re being far too rude.
They care too much.
Too much for someone as rude and pathetic and incapable as-
The sink. cracks. under your hands. You watch as your blood runs down the cracked porcelain, catching in the newly formed grooves and gaps, staining the darkless surface an ugly shade of lightless.
Oh. You. must’ve been gripping that much harder than you . thought you were.
Oh well. At least it’s at the very start. Not a big deal.
You yank a dagger from your hip hand-
> LOOP 34
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eyeofthechasm · 1 month
Get fucking blended IDIOT 💥💥💥💥
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Hi so ive seen everyone loopifying the isat cast and I thought. What if Renzo,,,,,,
And so this happened. Augh
Its name is Asphodel. Named after the flower
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Ive got more in my brain i may draw later but. This is all ur getting for now. Plus a super shitass comic(under cut)
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This sucks so much ass bc i made it at 8 pm in 2 hours and I suck ass at comics BUT . Osis Asphodel. Agony
(Osis belongs to @basilpaste hi mutual)
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eyeofthechasm · 2 months
Atop the highest peak
[TW mention of death, cremation, self depreciation]
“If one of us bites the dust…what should we do with your body?”
Here again. That question. You’ve heard him ask that question enough times, surely you have an answer by now, right? You’ve already memorized the voice he uses, little breaths he takes between “dust” and “when”, for the love of the universe. Wouldn’t it just be so silly to not have an answer at this point?
But you don’t.
You don’t have an answer. No matter how many times you mull it over during runs, you can’t figure it out.
You suppose you’ve never thought about what would happen because you never imagined being constantly surrounded by five other people. Stars, you figured you’d just collapse and die on the side of the road one day and be found by some poor, unfortunate traveler.
You can’t just…say that, though. They’ll get concerned! For you! As if you’re worth showing concern for, at this point. So you lie. Every time, you say something different or ridiculous. “Throw my body in the ocean”, or “Use me as tree fertilizer.” “Throw my ashes to the stars.” Sometimes, you even steal one of the other’s ideas. But it’s never anything meaningful. You don’t have a belief to fall back on, a tradition you can follow.
You hate it. It makes your skin crawl.
What will they do with your body, you wonder, if you collapse and die but somehow don’t come back? Leave you? You doubt it. Maybe they’ll donate you to science, or ask Siffrin for advice, since he’s the most similar to you out of everyone. Maybe they’ll keep the ashes in your memory.
That’d be nice.
“What about you, Renzo?” Isabeau asks, which startles you from your thoughts. You look up at him, at his eyes. They look so sad.
“…hmmm.” you drum your fingers against the ground, feeling your uneven nails clack against the cold concrete as you mull over the answer you’re giving this time. “I…I dunno. I guess…cremate me, and…do whatever with my ashes.”
They seem surprisingly content with that. A little sad, but…content. Huh. You thought they’d have more questions or concerns.
Maybe you’ll stick with that for now.
Next up is Siffrin. They say their usual. “Burry me atop the highest peak.”
You wonder why that is.
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eyeofthechasm · 27 days
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Hi guys. Yall know that werewolf au going around
Ok yea i KNOW these aren’t TECHNICALLY werewolves BUT. Let me live. I like these
Anyway this is basically what kinda dogs i think my ocs would be. Renzo’s 100% doberman (aggressive and scary looking but actually Not That) and Marilou’s a golden retriever (good w kids, absolute sweetheart)
(Au made by @comfymoth teehee)
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eyeofthechasm · 2 months
points a mic at you. odile realizing renzo is hiding something from her
Lorenzo’s always been one to hold secrets. (Odile looping AU belongs to @tealgoat ) (& spoilers for like. Act 3 technically? Yeah.)
You’ve known that the entirety of your time in this party. He’s…selective, let’s say, on what information he shares with you all. He hasn’t really shared much about his earlier years.
Like Siffrin, in a way.
Except Siffrin, as you learned with your newfound abilities, doesn’t remember a lot of his life. Lorenzo…seems to keep it barred intentionally. All of his answers to the questions you’ve tried to ask are too vague for anything to be gathered from them.
You remember yourself asking, “Where did your last name come from?” a while ago; far before any of this...looping business.
You watched him think. Think long and hard. Far too hard for something as simple as his shattering last name.
Eventually, he settled on, “My mother. Where else?” and essentially refused to say anything else.
It’s…frustrating. You can’t fully trust him when he’s so uncooperative. You had the same situation with Siffrin, though he ended up proving he could be trusted eventually.
Lorenzo hasn't.
You see movement from the corner of your eye, interrupting your thoughts. Looking up, you see Lorenzo, the one and only, turning over in his sleeping bag.
Right. You nearly forgot you're still in the clocktower. How late is it now? Everyone’s still sleeping, so it can't be...
Everyone's still sleeping.
You have an idea. A terrible idea, you feel, but an idea that may ease your suspicions.
You climb out of bed as caefully as possible and creep across the cold floor, down the stairs. They creak, though there's a small chance anyone will hear you. If they do, there won't be any consequences anyway.
You feel sick for thinking like that. But it is true.
Reaching the bottom, you go straight for where you all ate. Lorenzo always leaves his bag here. You see it every loop.
You grab the bag, but freeze there. Going through other peoples belongings was never something you saw yourself doing. Were you really doing the right thing? Even if you suspected him of something, it's a low point to stoop to...
You shake your head and yank the frayed handle up. It doesn't matter. It's for a good reason. You're sure everyone else would understand.
Inside the bag is a pleathora of items. Personal, mostly. A sharpener for his knives, various hair ties scattered by the bottom, hygene products...
A journal. Perfect.
You grab it. Its cover is mostly a dark grey, with silvery raised designs: dots connected with lines, comletely nonsensical to you. It's held together with a worn, leather buckle. The text on the front is illegible. Trying to make sense of it hurts your head.
Carefully, you undo the buckle and open the book.
The entire thing is written in the same manner as the front. You can't make heads or tails of any of it. It all hurts your head in the same way the title did. You only recognize faint bits of Vaugardian placed between the pages. Most of the legible text is assortments of letters, like those learning sheets little kids get in school.
One part sticks out to you, though. It's incredibly messy, almost chicken scratch, but you can read it well enough.
"My name is:Lorenzo Silvana Halloran
My dad's name is: Peadar Halloran
I am 10."
Your breath catches. That's his name. And his...father's? He said he didn't have a father. Only a mother.
You hear the floor creak and slam the book shut, returning it to its original place. Someone must be awake. No more snooping.
This only confirmed your suspicions, though. He's hiding something. He's hiding something, and you're more determined than ever to figure out what it is.
You have all the time in the world, now, after all.
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eyeofthechasm · 3 months
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No matter how hard you breathe, your lungs never feel full.
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eyeofthechasm · 1 month
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URGH. I FINISHED THIS. I wanted to whittle away and die while doing this but. Its done. Somewhat shittily but it’s. DONE. Renzo dailogue meme. Augh.
Spoilers, closeups and IDs under read more
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Slider responses bc I don’t wanna clog up the ID
(Marker is a small, white drama mask with upturned eyes and a large smile)
Slider 1: Has never cursed - Swears constantly
Answer 1: Marker is basically on top of Swears constantly
Slider 2: Stiff and formal - Full of slang
Answer 2: Marker is all the way to Full of Slang
Slider 3: Simple vocabulary - Purple Prose
Answer 3: Marker is near the middle, though leans more towards Purple prose
Slider 4: Monotonous - Practically singing
Answer 4: Marker is 3/4 down the slider, closer to Practically singing
Slider 5: Talks around feelings - Emotions on sleeve
Answer 5: Marker is almost on top of Talks around feelings
Slider 6: Minimal body language - Gestures excitedly
Answer 6: Marker is closest to Gestures excitedly
Slider 7: More of a listener - Dominates the convo
Answer 7: Marker is closest to Dominates the convo
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eyeofthechasm · 2 months
tumblr froze in the middle of my last ask so i don't think it sent. so. where does renzo sleep. i'm asking because melodie is 5'0 and i've decided they sleep with isabeau and siffrin. but where does renzo rest in that three bed situation. on the ground?
HI omg so
Renzo has to sleep on the floor (unfortunately). He let odile have the bed, both bc she’s a lot older so he’d feel bad and I like to think he can’t even fit comfortably on the beds.
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For visual reference (Isabeau’s 5’11, Renzo’s 6’1/6’3)
The bed situations smthn like this methinks
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They’ve stepped on him. So many times.
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eyeofthechasm · 2 months
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Renzo redesign. AND new info about him. All under cut
Lorenzo is the third party member, proceeding Isabeau and preceding Odile. Uses a heavy-duty hand-ax, typically, though is never opposed to trying something deadlier more powerful
Nicknames, others to him-
Mirabelle -> Renzo
Isabeau -> Renz, Enzy
Odile -> Lorenzo
Siffrin -> Zo, Renzo, Enzy
Bonnie -> Zo/Zozo, Loren (he hates that and it makes them laugh)
He heavily prefers Renzo over Lorenzo, as his full name always feels too formal to him.
Nicknames, him to others-
Mirabelle -> Mira, Belle
Isabeau -> Beau, Ibabeau (hot stuff)
Odile -> D, Odile (shes intimidating ok leave him alone)
Siffrin -> Siffs, Rinrin, (pretty)
Bonnie -> Bons, Bonbon, Kid/Kiddo
Guitarist-Singer of a small rock band vibes. That’s literally the best way I can describe it. Confident, laid back, flashy and protective.
He’s fairly mellow in general, having a very “cool” and “calm” persona a majority of the time. Very nice and welcoming, though. More than most think at first
Very self-sacrificial, too! No one likes that, though.
Can be significantly louder when around the right people (ex. Isabeau). It always surprises people no matter what
Oh does he love puns. And teasing. Him and siffrin are a NIGHTMARE
(There’s more here but its. A lot. And its kinda minor stuff i can show later)
The first time the party saw Lorenzo visibly freak the fuck out was when Siffrin lost his eye.
He never does well with large amounts of blood or gore, unless it’s his own.
He’s the tallest party member. 6’1!
He used Craft to alter his teeth and vocal chords (he can basically just hit super high notes despite having a deepish n masc voice)
He likes chocolate, but would only try weird flavors if Siffrin did it with him
He’s called Odile “mom” on more than one occasion.
When drunk, (in the right environment and headspace) he’s…kinda loud. Moreso around Isabeau (they’re a nightmare). Very talkative and much more teasing than normal. And flirty with Siffrin and Isabeau but shhhhh
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eyeofthechasm · 2 months
Hi hello I know we've literally just met this very moment but please tell me everything there is to know about your isat OC, I crave knowledge.
HWIWHSIWHEKWNS HI OK !!! This’ll be extremely scattered tho so be warned
Also sorry this took so long 😭😭 i was havin a day yesterday lmao
(Full game spoilers under cut)
So!!! Lorenzo Silvana Halloran ! He/him pronouns, Scissors/Rock dual type with the title of The Performer. He’s 22, half portian and half islander. (Mom was Portian, dad was an islander)
Starting w backstory stuff: When the Country disappeared, he was only 12. He washed up on some random beach with only some tattered clothes, a notebook and a small ring. He stayed with his mom for a little while though left to venture on his own at 14 bc she actually sucks and is terrible.
Living in Portia, he’d grown fond of live performances of all kinds. Music, plays, comedy shows, etc. He ended up doing a few of his own and building somewhat of a name for himself. It became a fine source of money for him.
Isabeau and Mirabelle heard about him a little after Isabeau joined. He’d tagged along for navigation to find the second orb and greatly impressed the two with his skills and he joined ! (After getting proper clothes bc the only fitting ones he had were. Performance clothes and coverups plus one other set of clothes)
Ok !! Now onto everything else
Nicknames, others to him-
Mirabelle -> Renzo
Isabeau -> Renz, Enzy
Odile -> Lorenzo
Siffrin -> Zo, Renzo, Enzy
Bonnie -> Zo/Zozo, Loren (he absolutely hates this. Bonnie thinks it’s hysterical)
He heavily prefers Renzo over Lorenzo, as his full name always feels too formal to him.
Nicknames, him to others-
Mirabelle -> Mira, Belle
Isabeau -> Beau, Ibabeau (hot stuff)
Odile -> D, Odile (shes intimidating leave him alone)
Siffrin -> Siffs, Rinrin, (pretty)
Bonnie -> Bons, Bonbon, Kid/Kiddo
He’s incredibly kind, though a little obnoxious and incredibly closed off. He doesn’t really know how to be super genuine without being incredibly uncomfortable. Also doesn’t ever show fear ever at all. Never he’d rather die.
He hates any blood in large amounts not his own. Hates it. Not a phobia, but it makes him freeze up completely. He didn’t do that good when Siffrin lost his eye. That was the very first time they all saw Renzo actually scared ! Like visibly shaken ! He never did it again tho
He loves puns. Him and siffrin are an absolute fucking nightmare together
His hair is naturally darkless, but he dyes it a vast number of shades. It’s fun and covers up his grays (yes he has grays at 22. Genetics <\3)
He’s the tallest party member ! 6’1 without heels
He used Craft to alter his teeth, which are pointy as hell now, and his vocal chords, so he can hit ridiculous notes he really shouldn’t be able to hit.
His accent is a fucking mess. Similar to Siffrin’s, but mixed with both Vaugardian and Portian.
He really wants to craft more ridiculous stuff onto his body (like pointy ears n shit) but doesn’t. Remember how to do body craft. So he needs to re-learn (from isabeau hehehe)
He loves chocolate, but would only try super weird flavors if Siffrin was doing it with him
Chatty drunk. Absolutely will never shut the fuck up
Has called Odile “mom” on more than one occasion.
He sleeps on the floor bc he can’t fit on the clocktower beds 😞😞 leg too big
Haven’t exactly decided on weapons yet but his weapon will either be an old modified guitar that literally couldn’t play anymore OR these
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Thats all for now, but i’m absolutely adding more as i figure out more abt him. Official Renzo info post
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eyeofthechasm · 1 month
Get blended idiot (affectionate)
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Preview sketches of loopified Renzo. Straight up not havin a good time
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eyeofthechasm · 3 months
Im just thinkif of. Oc x canon stuff
Renzo and siffrin bonding over theater. Them freaking the fuck out when they realize they’ve got similar accents, quizzing each other, bonding over both of their broken pasts. Them being RLLY dramatic for fun bc they’re both theater nerds (bonus w Renzo literally performing on stage & building a stage persona for most of his life). Renzo singing and/or playing violin just because and Siffrin laying in the grass, listening.
Renzo and Isabeau bonding over jokes. Renzo being so awkward and closed off with Mirabelle and Isabeau at first (since he’s the third party member) but eventually warming up after Isabeau makes conversation one night around a fire. Them bonding over their fashion interests. Isabeau studying Renzo’s Poterian clothes and jewelry from the Island. Renzo finally gathering the courage to tease Isabeau and Isa just fucking imploding. Isabeau stitching up Renzo’s clothes when they get ripped and/or modifying them to make them look more masculine on him.
Just,,,,them. They’re so horrendously gay. And cute AND happy. Them <3
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eyeofthechasm · 3 months
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Yo. Renzo doodle i did during class today
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