#Lost chocolate (Chara)
Y'know, one aspect of the new Chara lore that just dropped that strikes me (besides uhhh, all of it lol) is that what we know about Chara for sure just really reinforces over and over again, how they really were a little kid. I know people headcanon them different ages because it makes sense to them or it seems to match their behavior or w/e, but really, 9 is their favorite number?? .... they even have a favorite number that they've discussed (apparently at length)???
Like, look at their sprite (and Frisk's) and then look at Kris'. Literal babies. And so much stuff little idiosyncrasies about them doubles down on them having these very childish likes and habits, like them overfilling their glass ("for efficiency!!!") and proudly toting it around, spilling it everywhere. (And the narrator theory, how excited they get over the toy chest in Home: "Look at all these cool toys!" Honestly, how much they talk/narrate in general?? Kiddo's here to A) chatter about everything they see and B) make fun of you. They're doing the Simpsons' HA HA point and laugh, you just can't hear it.)
Seriously, imagine them standing at the front of a classroom and introducing themself with the little things we know about them: "My name is Chara. I really like reading and drawing and golden flowers, my favorite food is chocolate, and my favorite number is 9."
I think that gets lost sometimes, with how Asriel is very clearly a little kid because of how he acts in the VHS tapes and how serious and eloquent Chara is when we see them at the end of the Murder Fun Times route, it seems like sometimes people think of Chara as much older and more serious than Asriel. I know their in-game lore is dark as shit, but there's so many little things that keep underlining that they're really a little kid who got in way over their head. Like, I seriously doubt they're even in middle school.
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Killer "Serrif"
Is he really a Sans? Does it matter? Killer doesn't think so, and it doesn't matter to him. After all, he's alone. Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone, Alone,
A L O N E....
- Official Height: 5'4
- He/Him
- Nihilist
- Perceptive, clever, confident, assertive, stubborn, cynical, blunt, optimistic, teasing, untrusting, deceitful, sarcastic, persuasive, erratic, social, cocky, dependant, careless
- Has a liking for the color green and red
- Can have a quick temper
- Named Killer because the nickname he had given Chara turned into an actual name for himself
- Curses often and his favorite word is shit
- Specially skilled with knives
- A little fucking shit
- Forgets things often, leaving him to knock on his skull when trying to remember something
- Talks to himself a lot, a habit he picked up
- Tries to "befriend" everyone
- Surprisingly quite patient when he chooses to be
- Constantly wipes away the ooze pouring from his eyes when it drips
- Black ooze spills from his eyes when crying, so he always has tissues in his inbox
- Laughs during inappropriate times
- He catches himself envying others sometimes, so he gets quieter when this happens
- Both internal sides of his soul argue about their opinions on things, so he usually has neutral opinions on things, leaving him indecisive on simple items
- He doesn't drink ketchup anymore
- Is quite lonely, especially after things went quiet for awhile
- Makes rude comments like the way a child is brutally honest
- He chugs energy drinks a lot to keep awake, he doesn't like sleep since he often has bad dreams
- Loves to mess around with instruments
- He's very touch oriented so he can't stand staying still. He tends to also get in people's space as a result
- Magic smells of iron, magic tastes of cranberries
- He would call his lover Doll
- He adores cats but does not own one of his own since he doesn't want them to get hurt
- When away from the underground he grows to have more fashion sense
- Drinks alcohol frequently, since he was left alone with it in the underground and grew thirsty
- Avoids getting emotionally invested in others
- Fucking eats chocolate UP
- He avoids yellow flowers like buttercups, but he likes roses and overall more red flowers. Yellow ones remind him of days long past
- Hates having anything to do with fate, so he often will get irritated if someone starts rambling about "fate". To him, it's all about chance and choice
- His soul turns back to a heart when he's feeling, and which then involves a lot of crying while one eyelight glows a white
- picks things from out of his teeth with his pinky, since he doesn't carry toothpicks
- Bro has a crusty dusty jacket, he needs a bath💀
- Can never get along with other AU's except very very very rarely
- I think he would listen to ICP
- Avoids hurting animals at all costs, despite his nature
- Would be a horrible babysitter for anything. Give him a baby? He lost it. Keep your keys in his pocket? He lost it. Your faith in him? He lost that pretty quickly
- His gaster blasters are fuzzy and slightly glitchy, not quite present. It is a last resort when he's out of knives since he uses a lot of magic already. His soul can visibly spike and he ends up feeling completely drained to the point it hurts using his magic
- Is able to detect FEAR when staring into another's soul, in which he'll mock them
- Hates being belittled or compared to others
- His magic bones are jagged and red tinted
- Hates seeing himself in reflections, so he avoids mirrors by cloaking them or shattering them
- He dreams of Papyrus and it feeds into his guilt. He gets shaken up by it every time
- A small white eyelight will show itself if he's either his 'normal' self or if he's super comfortable with someone
- He doesn't care for puns anymore, often teasing others or using dark humor instead
- Tends to play with victims during his sprees, as he enjoys teasing them and loves the chase
- He rarely feels remorse for hurting others, but it's possible
- It's not recommended to challenge him, as he feels that he has to win at all costs and tends to be quite tricky as a result through loopholes. He doesn't quite "cheat"
- Rarely does he lose or allow himself to admit defeat. Sometimes he'll even discard the challenge and deal unless they're stronger or best him in a way he finds acceptable
- He is a light sleeper due to paranoia, often waking up with a slightly jittery or skittish response
- Even if he has left others behind to chase a target, it's mainly because he's a chaser. His speed, dexterity, and stamina are his best qualities. He can outrun any other Sans, but he always makes sure to let them have some "leniency"
- Rarely does he quit chasing someone, not unless told not to (depending on different interpretations where he works for Nightmare) or if he's grown to become utterly devoted to those he's close with and decides to help them
- Rarely can be actually create emotional bonds with others, often having "partnerships" or "deals" instead
- Can only keep track of two things: his target of interest (monster, human, item, animal. For hunting or otherwise) and his knives
- Has fun executing those that he deems against his fucked up moral code. If he deems them horrible, then they must be. It's his preferred execution, and so he tends to actually avoid killing those that are aligned as neutral or good. He isn't against hurting them though, and only kills them if necessary
- He doesn't care for humans and seems to actually prefer attacking them instead, since they're not made of just magic. They bleed and can take more hits
-He is partially unable to feel pain, so even if his skull is cracked or if his bones are broken, he just laughs about it and even snaps things back in place
-He usually smiles, but there are times where he's absolutely pissed and is unable to force it. It's his default appearance, sometimes leaving him sore
- This based off my own little twist of the AT, and so this can be entirely ignored. I feel that there is more to his dynamic with Chara because I personally don't think that Chara is evil. In fact, I think that both were forced by the Player, thus bonding as they broke their coding in order to not only feel something, but to also make it nearly impossible for the Player to "win." In this version, I feel that Chara was just morphed into something else due to Hate and Spite. In the end, I feel that after Killer destroyed Chara's soul, a part of it consumed and molded within him, this leaving him and Chara to sort of share a soul
Closing Notes: I have a lot of fun working with him, even when I found him sort of boring when I was younger. Some of my own little twists on what my personal hc's do influence my perception of him. I hope you guys enjoy this and aren't disappointed, don't be afraid to ask questions or throw in your own hc's for him! Thank you for reading =)
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withered--s0uls · 2 months
🍫 💎 :3
Zeistyyyyy :3
🍫 - "Chocolate or Cheese"
Mostly depends on the type of cheese and chocolate and on my mood that day.
But I guess, logically, I'd go with cheese. I like more types of cheese than chocolate, so if I suddenly only had the option to eat one of them, I'd have more varieties left with cheese :3
That being said, I do tend to get random cravings so sweets like chocolate, so theres that 😭
💎 - "Most Prized Posession"
There are many things I'd get genuinely sad if I were to lose them. But circling through them, I suppose any art/fic my friends ever made for me. When one of my friends wrote a oneshot about my Genshin ship kids a year ago I genuinely teared up (/pos) knowing someone liked my little babies enough to write about them.
I also still keep drawings that friends & followers, or even art fight opponents, made of my ocs and AUs all the way back to 2015, both physical ones and digital ones, if I can (I also keep commissions I requested, even if they were of fav charas instead of ocs!).
They mean a lot to me and it genuinely makes me so happy to look at them.
I know @k1tt1xruby always seems surprised when I say I still have the drawings she made for me all the way back to when we were 12-13 & 13-14, but I do really still have most of them (if not all). They mean the world to me, knowing that someone cared enough and liked my characters enough to draw them.
I do still have drawings from my amino days and back when I was on FNaF Oc Instagram years ago too, and I'm sad to admit for many of them I lost the credits to the artists as time went on due to deleted accounts, or even lost drawings because they were made before I compiled the folder on my phone. I obviously don't share any I no longer know the credits of, and even the ones I know the artists of I do not share their older art publicly out of respect.
Idk, I guess it just really makes me happy to keep them as a memory. Even if I lose touch with these people, I'll always have something to remember them by even a little bit.
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These don't include the ones I own the physical drawing of & I'm pretty sure some of these I saved duplicates of (oops) plus some were lost before I made the folder, but regardless this is a folder I'll never clear out and that I probably should make a backup of eventually, in case something happens with my SD card. I also need to back up (my already backup) of my friends oneshot to my pc or a drive, in case google docs ever shuts down.
It just makes me really happy to look through it <3
You in particular may have noticed that one of my love languages is to draw my friends ocs or aus (or otherwise engage with them) :" so you can probably imagine how much it means to me if someone does the same for me.
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ponctua · 7 months
First post ???
i finally gained the courage to post, let us celebrate with my ramblings
so like, y'all like undertale, i do too, some of y'all like flowey, like me, some of y'all also like some AUs?? me too! and i've made some, around all our likings, and who is it surrounding??? FLOWEY!! well not mkae him evil or suicidal(thats my other au but i think ill remove it), it would be talking about his regretful decisions, they were so bad that someone(me) had to give him smth💀 but what?? not saving, but.... smth that works like a save, but it's called regret, you come back to whatever massive and dumbass mistake for you to fix, seems good, he could go back to his past and fix what he did with chara... BUT like in any other "would you rather" from yt shorts, comes a terrible catch, he needs to save determination, which is keeping him alive, to go back, and if for example, "accidentally eating vegemite thinking it was glossy chocolate"-20%, and he has 20 or less, if he goes back, he will die right after, it, why? it's like living with negative 5 heartbeats per second, you will die because your heart ain't pumping nor moving like you and your lover in valentines!(because we can agree that some of our lovers are not real, fictionally real but not realistically), ain't it's a good catch, it's like saving money, you have 20, smth is 20, then what do you get? nothing except that thing that will soon enough be eaten or lost.
well... im sure some will ask for the new characters like in any other au, no, not nyan sans or short papyrus, it's the human SOULs! i've tried to make some of them, and the names are boring bc they are normal human children with family or general trauma that made them run here, or were too dumb to know what to do for fun, who are they? here they are! Perservance: Lewis, emo boy(he's just quiet, don't be mean) Integrity: Susie, oldest in age but not first to fall Patience: Marine, the first, but i changed some stuff(from TFH by Brittninja on webtoons!, i asked for her permission on her discord server) Kindness: Alice, also a little young Justice: Clover, he has gun (UTY, i finally asked them if i could put them in my au! play the game!) Bravery: Atlas, our lovely young dumbass, with fists Here's your hints! that's for today!<3
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ask-dcf · 2 years
Chara’s Therapy Pt 6
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*For once the skeleton wrote into his notebook despite him not doing so before with Frisk*
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*Chara looks up seeing the skeletons eyes glow red…. And she feels… Guilty. Despite the orange blob that smelled of chocolate trying to calm her down*
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*It seems that chara not only dealt with the regrets she did in the past or the trauma of witnessing the resets of flowey. But also a multiverse existential crisis. Poplar blinks letting his eyes stop glowing*
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*An image comes to mind to Chara as she clenched her hands. The image of Frisk laying on the floor in a pool of blood. Their eyes… Lifeless… A scenario that she never wants to happen to Frisk… her biggest fear… As she had lost someone already close to her…. Her brother….*
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*She looks down trying not to cry…. Clearly scared…. not just of what happened… but it happening again… she doesn’t WANT to be… a “bad chara”….*
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Guilt Rescue
Name: Razzle
Species: Guilt (Underfell!Chara from Fantasy Fields)
Morph: Freckles Type D, Shark Teeth Type B, Pastel
Variant: No Variant
Age: Adolescent
Size: 3’0” (Larger than Average Fullsize)
Personality: Impressionable, Blunt, Greedy
Compatibility: Razzle and their older sister Dazzle are a dynamic duo that try to sell their baked goods to pretty much everyone that walks into the rescue center!
Razzle is a deceptively sweet kid with a serious skill in making baked goods! They’re especially good with pies and tarts, often filling them with chocolate and whatever fruit they’d think taste good! Their best seller so far has been their chocolate-strawberry tarts!
Over the years, Razzle has learned how to use their “sweet kid” persona to swindle people into paying ridiculous prices to buy their baked goods! Whether it be them and Dazzle faking being sick and needing the money for treatment, or them pretending to be a lost child, the two of them are always scheming something! Despite that, Razzle isn’t very good at outright lying. They can dodge the truth and act very well, but they’re horrible at just straight up lying to people, as they usually blurt out the truth accidentally when they try.
They’re very insecure about not being tricky enough for their sister to keep around, despite her insistence that she’d never abandon them. They think that, if they even slightly mess up, something will go horribly wrong. They need someone who can show them that they’re worth more than that.
Feeding habits: Razzle prefers to eat things that them and their sister made, rather than something made for them. They do, however, appreciate it when you help them cook something!
Additional info: When not baking or scheming, they can often be found reading fantasy books for little kids!
Injuries: N/A
Special requirements: Razzle is part of a bonded pair! This means they absolutely HAVE to be adopted with their sister, Dazzle! We will refuse to let you adopt only one of them!
Warnings: N/A
Reasons for rescue: Razzle and Dazzle were rescued from an overly cramped home where bitties died from neglect frequently.
Razzle was once bonded to a Toriel bitty, thinking of her as a mother. They were as close as can be, often baking together and sharing the treats with other bitties in the house. Unfortunately, one day, the Toriel bitty fell ill from eating something that went bad. Razzle tried to keep their mother alive for as long as possible, but inevitably, she passed away.
It was around that time that Dazzle experienced a similar tragedy. The two, who had barely known one another before this, saw themselves in the other and grew closer as a result. Razzle found an older sister in Dazzle, and they haven’t been separated since!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Color/Pattern: Light Brown hair, Fair skin, slight rosy cheeks, Pink eyes, Pink flower-shaped freckles, Two rows of sharp teeth.
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Chasriel Week Day 5
Day 5: Overworld/an AU *Deltarune AU*
OH glorious heaven. The sweet morning light beautifully bounced off the pure white clouds and the delicate rays of sunshine made the beautiful landscape shine bright with a thousand wing beats of different birds souring about to and fro. Not that he noticed. He was a little busy NOT-hiding maybe a little too far behind the tree to be casual. His curious eyes blinked and a worried expression came over him at the sight of them. Lounging on the bench, resting in sunlight. He bristled and slammed his back against the tree when she yawned and lifted her head up. To any other person, this was just random normal behavior for the goofy goat monster so no one paid attention too much, but if they did they would've noticed the sudden red spring up to his face. ..When he slowly looked back behind the tree she was sitting straight up now. Yawning and stretching out her back with so much grace. Oh sweet light, she was breathtaking. He was a fool for not thinking it-
But now came the rather hard part. When he had first noticed these little things, he was sure it was just an appreciation for another classmate like himself. He always admired other nice beings like himself, but then he started noticing other small factors during the few months. The way her eyes sparkled. How her laugh was like beautiful music. Whenever she did laugh at any small joke he told her. He had begun to receive tight warm feelings in his chest whenever he spoke to her. Stuttered even. Since when did he stutter?! He knew exactly what to do!! Ask his monster friend about it all-...That went as well as you'd think when he straight up told him that-
"You big fur brain! It's obvious you gotta crush on her."
A crush. Like romatical feelings. Whelp. What guy would he be if he didn't get involved in a few of these shennanigans..only he wasn't just the wingman this time. Instead he was the lost puppy staring at his crush from afar. So naturally he did the only thing he could? Avoid it all together until it built up and the guilt overwhelmed him to finally go and visit her again. Oh one of the single things he regretted. But now there was a clear path to her, she was reaching around behind her to pull grass pieces from her hair and didn't even notice him standing there. Perfect. All he had to do was act natural.
So when a shadow fell over her and she looked up at him. His fur fluffed up around his face and turned a pink. She smiled realizing who it was. "Oh. Hello, Asriel. Haven't seen you in a while."
He bowed and tipped his hat to her. "Greetings, Chara.~ You look absolutely lovely today!~" And he really meant it this time too.
She giggled she lit up a light pink when he kissed the back of one her hands. "W-Well you certainly know how to treat a gal."
"But of course. Which is why I couldn't help but notice that today is no ordinary day. I believe it's what's called....Valeo-tine's Day?"
She giggled more at his bad punctuation. "Well if you mean Valentine's Day, then yes. I-It's a pretty popular holiday."
This was it! His big chance. He chuckled nervously and put his hands behind his back. "W-Well, let me the first to say you shouldn't spend it all alone.~ Luckily I have the perfect solution." She rose a brow but blinked when a red heart flashed in front of her face and presented her with a box. The Monster smiled nervously and when she slowly took it immediately straightened back up. "I-I-I heard from a dear friend that people give each other candy like on Halloween..Enjoy."
She stared at it and silently opened the top off. He felt the nervous smile on his face wavering just slightly the more the silence went on..but soon a giggle escaped her throat and she looked back up to him. "I didn't take you for the chocolate type. But it's a sweet gift." Carefully placing the box onto the bench next to her and stood up. Wrapping her arms around him and he froze when her warmth enveloped him in a hug of giggles and those beautiful eyes looking up at him. "Thank you so much for the cute gift."
Of course he knew exactly what to do. A stream of his usual giggles came out of his moth and for the first time he wasn't snarky about it. His tail thumped wagged him and that she giggled at that goofy grin.
"W-Well when cupid's fly they say..."
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axmoth · 11 months
More lost tale facts!!! For asriel this time!!
• Asriel is based off one of those music playing plushies I'd think-
• His favriote pie is snail chocolate pie.
• was a total mama's boy.
• Thinks chara is the coolest ever, And there opinion cannot be swayed.
• They Groan in a overdramatic way when chara makes bad puns
• Cannot for the life of them solve a puzzle without a hint.
• Ironically his secound favriote toy was a puzzle.
• Every Snowfall year (Monster version of christmas.) for his list he'd always right down 'A super SUPER cool Death cape!!!!' In all capes always.
• He even had a original charecter named 'Flower death' "Who was the God of hyper death and was a really cool magician who was also the son of a God and a fallen angel and he had really big horns and demon wings." (In asriels words)
• Asriel falls over and plays dead whenever he's startled.
• Asriel was also seven when chara fell into the underground.
• And asriel was the same age as chara when they died.
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koizumicchi · 11 months
最近めっちゃかわいいね (Karen na Ivory) English Translation
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最近めっちゃかわいいね Saikin Meccha Kawaii Ne Very Cute Lately
可憐なアイボリー Lyrics: shito & nakanishi Composer: nakanishi
MV here.
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
んー↑ハイ!ハイ! N~ Hai! Hai!
キュンとしてる? あざとかわいく 涙とかハートとか使い分け 理想の彼女は私でしょ? 自信家?生意気?ご愛嬌!
Kyun to shiteru? Azato kawaiku Namida toka hāto toka tsukaiwake Risō no kanojo wa watashi desho? Jishin ka? Namaiki? Goaikyō!
Does your heart skip a beat? Slyly, so cutely Fittingly using my tears and hearts Your ideal girlfriend is me, correct? Confident? Saucy? A charming flaw!
まあ人間は中身とか綺麗事言うけど 君だって結局はかわいい子選ぶんでしょ? 平成も令和でも変わりゃしない それこそが現実 えーん
Mā ningen wa nakami toka kirei goto iu kedo Kimi datte kekkyoku wa kawaī ko erabun desho? Heisei mo reiwa demo kawarya shinai Sore koso ga genjitsu E~n
Well, people say things like what’s inside is beautiful, but You end up choosing the prettier lady, right? That’s not going to change in the Heisei or Reiwa era That is the reality of it
チョコレート我慢 君の為我慢 ご褒美に言って 「最近めっちゃかわいいね」 スタバだって我慢 かわいいは我慢 女の子は頑張ってんの! なでなでされたいニャン
Chokorēto gaman kimi no tame gaman Gohōbi ni itte ‘Saikin meccha kawaī ne' Sutaba datte gaman Kawaī wa gaman Onnanoko wa ganbatten no! Nadenade saretai nyan
Chocolate. I stop myself. For your sake, I endure it Say it to me as my reward “You are so cute lately.” My non-indulgence in Starbucks is worth it I endure to look lovely for you I’m doing my best to be a woman for you! I want you to caress my head, meow.
リズム乗って靴鳴らして 君に会いに行く 大好き大好き 待ち合わせ 気づかないふり 君が見つけて? 一番かわいい彼女
Rizumu notte kutsu narashite Kimi ni ai ni iku Daisuki daisuki Machiawase Kidzukanai furi Kimi ga mitsukete? Ichiban kawaī kanojo
Matching the rhythm, the shoes clapping I am coming to meet you I love it, I love it Our rendezvous I pretend not to notice Did you find it? The loveliest girlfriend
んー↑ハイ!ハイ! N~ Hai! Hai!
ムッとしてる! 他の子見てた セクシーで私より若そうな子 理想の彼女は私でしょ? 自信無くす 落ちてます…
Mutto shiteru! Hoka no ko miteta Sekushī de watashi yori waka sō na ko Risō no kanojo wa watashi desho? Jishin nakusu Ochitemasu…
I feel sullen! You were looking at another woman She’s sexier and younger-looking than I am Your ideal girlfriend is me, correct? I lost my confidence I feel down…
年を取るほど綺麗とか誰か言うけど 君だって結局は若い子選ぶんでしょ? 平成も令和でも変わりゃしない それこそが現実 えーん
Toshi o toru hodo kirei toka dareka iu kedo Kimi datte kekkyoku wa wakai ko erabun desho? Heisei mo reiwa demo kawarya shinai Sore koso ga genjitsu E~n
People say that the older you get, the prettier you become, but You end up choosing the younger one, right? That’s not going to change in the Heisei or Reiwa era That is the reality of it
おかわりも我慢 君の為我慢 ご褒美に言って 「最近めっちゃかわいいね」 ポテチだって我慢 かわいいは我慢 女の子は頑張ってんの! なでなでされたいニャン
Okawari mo gaman Kimi no tame gaman Gohōbi ni itte ‘Saikin meccha kawaī ne' Potechi datte gaman Kawaī wa gaman Onnanoko wa ganbatten no! Nade nade saretai nyan
Second helpings. I stop myself. For your sake, I endure it Say it to me as my reward “You are so cute lately.” My non-indulgence in potato chips is worth it I endure to look lovely for you I’m doing my best to be a woman for you! I want you to caress my head, meow.
カカオ80% 甘さ20% 頑張ればチャラ 今日だけは見逃してね?内緒
Kakao 80 pā Amasa 20 pā Ganbareba chara Kyō dake ha minogashite ne? Naisho
80% cacao 20% sweetness If I do my best, pretend it never happened Why don’t you overlook it just for today? It’s our secret.
チョコレート我慢 君の為我慢 ご褒美に言って 「最近めっちゃかわいいね」 スタバだって我慢 かわいいは我慢 女の子は頑張ってんの! なでなでされたいニャン
Chokorēto gaman kimi no tame gaman Gohōbi ni itte ‘Saikin meccha kawaī ne' Sutaba datte gaman Kawaī wa gaman Onnanoko wa ganbatten no! Nadenade saretai nyan
Chocolate. I stop myself. For your sake, I endure it Say it to me as my reward “You are so cute lately.” My non-indulgence in Starbucks is worth it I endure to look lovely for you I’m doing my best to be a woman for you! I want you to caress my head, meow.
リズム乗って靴鳴らして 君に会いに行く 大好き大好き 待ち合わせ 気づかないふり 君が見つけて? 一番かわいい彼女 Chu!
Rizumu notte kutsu narashite Kimi ni ai ni iku Daisuki daisuki Machiawase Kidzukanai furi Kimi ga mitsukete? Ichiban kawaī kanojo
Matching the rhythm, the shoes clapping I am coming to meet you I love it, I love it Our rendezvous I pretend not to notice Did you find it? The loveliest girlfriend
んー↑ハイ!ハイ! N~ Hai! Hai!
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arcsparkasriel · 1 year
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Vtubertale Profiles: Susie Dreemurr
You've heard the tales of my best friend/newly adopted brother Frisk, and my youngest blood brother Ralsei. Let me tell you the story of my newly adopted monster sister Susie. Now I still don't have all of the details from her about her time in the Underground, or her time on the Surface for that matter. While thankful for the love, support, and comfort from all of us, Susie is still having a hard time opening up. I may release a part two to this in the future when Susie gets to that point.
I got some of the details from Alphys. Apparently, she was only three years old when her parents volunteered for the Determination injection experiments. Watching Alphys recollect those memories wasn't pretty. She was stammering so much and had a mental breakdown every few seconds, so I went into her database. I still remember every password while inside the Flower. Goodman and Betty their names were. Sad as it is to say, it's probably for the best she was barely old enough to remember anything about them. Save for a few residual memories like a lullaby, a smell, and scattered images.
Needless to say, her parents died instantly upon being injected with a tainted batch of determination. I suspect that was Chara's doing...I can only hope they're watching over Susie from Paradise. As a result, Susie became an orphan overnight. I don't know how long she waited for her parents to return. Days? Weeks? Months? However long, she gave up at some point and ran out of food. Mom thinks she may have been forced to scavenge for scraps to survive. The thought made her want to give Susie extra significant portions every mealtime. That mother of mine. God bless her.
We've caught her at times eating pretty much anything under the sun. A cold jar of salsa, a bottle of mustard, moss, pinecones, chalk, and burnt crumbs from the toaster. She even tried eating one of Frisk's bottles of Apple Scented Shampoo before Mom swooped in to save her. Alphys says she developed pica from malnutrition and constant starvation. It's an eating disorder where one starts eating ordinarily inedible things.
What little we got out of her is what we expected. She heard about the barrier-breaking and made her way to the surface. Hearing about the tale of the Most Determined human and the "Angel that made the Underground go empty". Referring to me. She figured Frisk and I could help her. She found her way to the surface but got lost in the woods for a while. Apparently surviving off of some wildlife, some bits of trash on the side of the highways. But eventually made her way to the city where she spent a month scrounging through the trash, hiding in alleyways, and sleeping in dumpsters until the day Mom finally found her on the way home from work.
Mom tells me she was a little skittish at first but when she brought out a chocolate bar she wanted to bring home for Ralsei, Susie gave her a chance. Just like when Mom was guiding Frisk through the Ruins, when I looked out my window down to the sidewalk below, I caught my Mom holding Susie tightly by her little claw walking briskly down the street. Walking that signature little walk I always saw her doing.
I went to the door to meet them to see who this mysterious guest was going to be. Susie looked a little bit nervous, unsure of everything. That made two of us. But Mom insisted that Susie was going to stay with us for a while. None of us had any problem with that. When Frisk and Ralsei came out to see her though, that's when things got a little weird. The way they looked at each other, greeted one another. The whole atmosphere was just bizarre. It felt strangely...familiar in a way. But that was impossible. It was like I was watching a trio of long-lost friends greeting for the first time in centuries. I definitely don't remember Susie or her family from any of the resets. She became starry-eyed when she learned who we all were. The royal family of the Underground and the heroes of monsters all gathered together under one roof.
Only two months ago did we find out what happened to Susie's parents. Last month, Mom went through the proper channels and signed the documents to become Susie's new legal adoptive mother. And Ralsei, Frisk, and I all had a new sibling. And Dad a new daughter. Susan Dreemurr. But she still prefers Susie. The three kids are as tight as glue now. They do everything together. I completed the image by making them sea salt ice cream bars every week to eat while they watch the sunset on the roof. Mom has been extra attentive to Susie's needs. Just like the rest of us, Susie had also developed mental problems. Constant night terrors, fevers, it was never-ending. Like how my first few months were after coming back home with my soul.
Mom can't always be home to watch her, so I've allowed her to stay in my room when I'm streaming a lot. I even let her sleep in my bed with me when she wants to. All of this and more she's always embarrassed to admit though. It's pretty darn adorable. She's settled in nicely. I'm glad to have another member of the family. The more the merrier. Maybe next time, I'll get into more of her story. But its getting late and Mom is calling us all for dinner. So until then, I bid you aloha friends!
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Three Lost Souls: Archeia Lucillea, Flowey & Blitzo’s Mom (2023)
[Don’t Reblog Without Permission]
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
Credit for Undertale & Deltarune goes to Toby Fox
I think I want this version of Archeia Lucillea, to be both a Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss Type OC...
and even if it was just a guess that Lucifer’s Twin Flame was named Lucille,
and then thinking that the name Lucille could just be a nickname, and her actual name could be “Lucillea” , but it’s okay that not everyone believes that.
I didn’t really draw Lucillea’s eyes, because I wanted to put that thing over where her eyes could be, to show that she is a lost soul, you know like inspired from Undertale...
Blitz’s Mom is a lost soul in this drawing as well, and even Flowey...
and Flowey is the only one who is speaking in this drawing, and he is saying
“Don’t You Have Anything Better To Do?”
 also in this drawing, Lucillea is suppose to be laughing...
which I guess could be the happy laughing or the sad laughing.
ya know if Chara was doing a unhappy laugh after what happen to Asgore,
then Asriel shouldn’t of misinterpret it being that they were just “laughing it off”
and if what happen to Lucifer, if Lucillea was laughing in a unhappy way...
then her own unhappy feelings could be misinterpreted as well.
it be funny if Lucillea’s favorite treat was chocolate, just like Chara.
maybe in a Hazbin Hotel x Helluva Boss Fanon Timeline, after Lucifer fell and end up ruling hell with Lilith.
Lucillea could of went into a state of depression, closing herself off from everyone around herself.
even the Other Archeia couldn’t help her out of that state, even though they tried everything to make her the happy and sweet angel she was before.
 it could turn out in her depression, she went to stay in Eden and slept in or under a tree, that could of been called “The Tree Of Healing” like anyone who is under the tree, will be healed of their mental, emotional and spiritual pain.
also I know it is very unlikely the Archeia would be in both shows.
that is why the Fanon Timeline exists, where what would be impossible in the canon, can be in the fanon.
and only a few things in fanon work, end up being accidentally predicted in a canon timeline of a show or movie or video game.
like when a guy had accidentally predicted that Kris from Deltarune was going to eat all the pie, and that was even made into a animation before it showed that one scene in the game...
oh yeah, and I’m pretty sure even in one of the Deltarune AU, some stuff in it had also end up appearing in Chapter 2, but like maybe in a slightly different way, so that is another time a fan had accidentally predicted Deltarune’s canon.
best thing to ever happen, of all time....not when it’s the Simpsons though, they should just do reruns and stop making that show already....I mean fans can still like the show, but with some of the creepy predictions that are being said that involves that show, then it would be for the best that they stop making new episodes and seasons of it, and maybe just make a new season of Disenchantment, even if not everyone has to agree with me on it, but it is just how I think and feel about it....
and hopefully Teen Titans Go, wont pull a Spongebob...
at least they had stop showing the same episodes over and over of Spongebob, it was heck for me having to put up with that disgusting broken marathon, it even put me in a dark place, and I even cried not being able to take it anymore, I had to go to another room whenever it had to be on.
because of whoever was in charge of that stupid broken marathon, they basically ruined Spongebob for me, I guess it is still a little okay, but I don’t 100% love it like I use to, because whoever was in charge of that broken marathon....and kept showing the same episodes, over and over, without even changing it to any of the other episodes....
I can watch the same episodes over and over of shows I really like, even watch some movies as well, but how it was with Spongebob, it was a broken marathon and it was just so....I really couldn’t stand it, I’m fine now.
but whoever was in charge of running that marathon during that time, had ruined it and didn’t bother to make sure to change it to the other episodes.
I would rather watch the whole seasons of Lucifer Tv Series, or like watch all the Seasons of Transformers Prime and then Transformers Animated, and then all the seasons of MLPFIM to the Equestria Girls Movies in one day, or if it takes into it becomes early the next day, then yeah I will try that too...
but I would rather do that, than having to go through the heck I had been through during that time, cause I think I love those shows and movies more than I do Spongebob right now, and my like for the show is maybe around the 80% or maybe a bit lower than that now, because of the person or people who kept showing a broken marathon and basically ruining it for me.
at least they stop showing that stupid broken marathon, thank goodness.
and you know, if there was a type of Crossover of Lucifer Tv Series x Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss version of Chloe could be the reincarnation of Archeia Lucillea, then again maybe that would be too weird.
anyway, I’m sure some have notice that I gave Blitz’s Mom some wings in this drawing, I think it might be possible she could be a Imp-Succubus hybrid,
which might make her children a quarter succubus from her side.
     anyway I’m going to get ready to post another drawing I did, that has to do with a Unicorn.                        
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bat-under-a-bridge · 2 years
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The Humans in my Deltarune AU (name under production, thinking Linked or something?)
Info below! Its a bit long-
first off!
14 years old - they/them Soul - human/alive They like butterscotch cinnamon pie, their family, and chocolate. They are normally quiet and don't speak unless spoken to. They enjoy pranking others They like to be alone. Until Dark World 1. Has made many friends and at least 1 enemy. Now they talk a little bit more and auguring w/ others. Will protect friends with their fragile life. Found Dark World 1 w/ Susie, sealed fountain, made friends. Acted differently after that day. Unknown reason for change in behavior. Dark World 2 information unknown
12 years old - they/them Soul - Human/dead They like chocolate, snail pie, and their family.(NO FAMILY FOUND) They are loud and impulsive. They are quick to fight and argue w/ others. They enjoy play fighting. Despite their aggressive nature, they are surprisingly sophisticated and kind. Probably would kill for chocolate. Lost in the V O I D w/ the o t h e r s . . .
*#& yeAr3 o1d - they\them [HEART-SHAPED OBJECT] - [404] Lieks Pie, UNDerGrounsd, Not Me Soft--spoken, quiet, peaeful. Wants HOMme?[?] Kirs's freind[s]. Misses it. Needs SOul to be ReAl? [FILE CORRUPTED] Don't you have anything better to do? DaRK W[orl]D 1 - frinds DArk [worl]D 2 - frineds
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frisiunia · 2 years
Chara&Asriel(&Flowey) Trivia
Chara’s favorite chocolate is dessert 50% cacao.
Asriel didn’t wanted to kill humans not only because he thought it would be wrong. When he absorbed Chara’s soul he could feel Chara’s emotions and his hate. He tried to calm his friend, while Chara was trying to burn humans and the village.
Classic question: Which do you prefer? Cinnamon or Butterscotch? Asriel prefers butterscotch. Chara prefers cinnamon. No, Asriel do not dislike cinnamon, and no, Chara do not dislike butterscotch. No, none of them have any allergies.
Asriel didn’t know much snow games until he met Chara. He wasn’t in Snowdin very often until he met Chara.
Chara and Asriel often played in Snowdin, however most of their time, they spent in Waterfall and the Ruins.
If Flowey could feel emotions, he would probably feel guilt and sadness the most of the time. After all, he “betrayed” and lost his best friend. 
Flowey do sees Chara in Sofia a bit but that is not the main reason why he likes her. He likes her because she sometimes seems to be soulless like him. He feels like they are the same, although Sofia obviously has soul and can feel emotions.
Chara can do “creepy face”, but he can’t turn his eyes red.
Chara told Toriel and Asgore he doesn’t have any place to go on the surface anyway, so he doesn’t mind staying in the Underground. However, Chara’s parents haven’t die. But Chara wasn’t lying. The fact that they were alive doesn’t make his words a lie.
Chara had 7 brothers and 1 sister. He had only one younger brother, while his sister was older than him.
Chara learned to read when he was only 6 years old and he began reciting poems to his parents and siblings. However, none of them were listening to him, except his sister.
Asriel didn’t has many friends. Probably because he was too emotional which was weird for other kids, though of course no one would tell that to prince.
Asriel could never understand Chara but that made Chara even more interesting to Asriel.
While Chara hates Asriel, Asriel has never stopped loving Chara.
Asriel knew that Chara had problems with himself. This made Asriel feel responsible for Chara and think he can “fix” him.
Chara and Asriel’s relationship was not abusive, however Chara sometimes (more or less intentionally) manipulated Asriel.
A lot of humans in Chara’s environment and his own experiences made Chara realize he can avoid the consequences or get what he wants by playing on people emotions. However, he wasn't that bad.. There was at least few humans which let his kindness endure and after all...
Monsters taught Chara to love.
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charillyis · 6 months
Withered away(ASCtale)
Withered away
"Hey... have you heard if you wish upon a thousand flowers, your wish will come true!"
"hehe... well that's what I heard... but-"
*Long time ago, two races ruled earth MONSTERS and HUMANS peace was all around the world.
*But as we know, no good things lasts forever. A war was raged, but it could hardly be called a war, many MONSTERS soul lost. But no single soul was taken from Humans.
*In the end the HUMANS were victorious, with their powerful seven mages they sealed the monsters beneath Mt.Ebott
*Many years later...
An bed of thousand golden flowers dancing with wind, there stood out a single flower, he whispered to the flower.
"I miss you..."
An child laying above the grassy ground, opened their eyes it seems no flowers were there to cushion them. They stood up examining their hand. Thankfully it wasn't rotten, no burned mark or injuries. Feels weird to be alive they though.
They walk past the pillars.
*Twenty four hours left...
They are met with an Flower
"Howdy! I am Flowey the flower. You seem new here, golly you must be confused. Well your new pal Flowey will help you!"
Suddenly your soul appears, its quite bright even through your not an human.
"See that big red heart, that's your soul... it starts off weak but it can grow stronger if you gain lv. What's lv? why LOVE of course down here LOVE is shared through little white friendliness petals. Move around and run into the bullets petals!"
*I am quite suspicious, but its my best friend perhaps I should trust him.
*I ran into the bul- AHEM petals... but suddenly I feel an gust of pain which I had expected that. Suddenly I feel my Hope filled up and then Mom appears! Blasting off my brother Flowey, through an fire ball.
The goat monster speaks up "What an miserable creature, torturing an child. Don't worry my chi-"
I interrupted mom, and hugged her and called out "Mom!"
Toriel looks confused at the child as she keels to the child level.
"Ah... I am not your mother my child, but if your comfortable calling me that then I am fine with it."
*Oh... I forgot I am not Chara anymore...
"What's your name my child?"
*My name... a name, hmm there was an persona I made with him ah! I remember what I called them
I told mom "My name is Frisk!"
She held my hand and said "I see Frisk, come let me guide you through the ruins."
*Mom always said I don't need to act mature I can just be Kid... So then its fine if I ask these right..? after all only 23 hours are left..
"Mom... I want an piggy back ride!"
She looked taken aback a bit, I suppose its to childish. But! then picked me up hehe...
"Alright my child, here we go! hold on tight!"
22 hours left
Currently I was at moms home, she had baked me an buttspie hehe, through chocolate tart is still better hmph!
"Here my child, eat up! your one unique child! you eat half the pie."
*Well not eating for a hundred year sure makes you hungry, but can it really be digested hehe who knows!
Mom wipes away the crumbs from my face, I suppose I can't waste my time anymore
"Mom, how can I leave the ruins?"
"Huh... my child there... is something I must do wait here alright?"
As mom leaves towards the stair's downstairs... ah! those stairs lead to the exit... somethings not right. I follow her downstairs.
"You want to leave the ruins, don't you?"
*I am sorry.
"Ahead of us lie's the exit to the ruins."
*I have to make things right.
"But you wouldn't want to leave, would you? You naive child if you leave... Asgore... he would kill you..."
*Huh!? Dad would... what?
"So be a good child and go upstairs. These is my final warning."
*Mom... she knows what's best for me. But I am sorry I have to make things right.
*You go near toriel, it seems you have entered a battle what will you do? I don't... want to hurt you.
You dodge the circle of fireballs, ouch... you lost 5 hp.
She sends another set of fire attacks at you, you dodge it. You lost more 10 hp, you surly suck at these.
*You press the flee button.
"Good go upstairs."
*Is there really no way to leave without fighting or running away. No perhaps the only way to leave is to show a bit of mercy!
"So, your back again huh, what will it take for you to learn your lesson?"
*You press the spare button
She didn't say anything, but her attacks had become slopy. No... she is just missing me on purpose!
*You press the spare button
"You... what are you trying to prove?"
*Yo- no I pressed the spare button.
You call out "Mama! I don't want to fight you!"
"Mama, I don't want to die..."
Toriel looks bewitched, after all who wouldn't when a child begging you looks like your dead child.
"Haha... foolish is it not I can't even protect a single child."
I hug mom and tell her "It's not foolish to want to protect the one you love... but you have to make sure they do not feel burden out after all finding a balance is important right?"
Toriel hugs Chara back. "Your right Frisk, staying here, growing up here would not be good for you. I cannot make decisions for you. But promise me you would take care of yourself and don't lose yourself to anyone alright, my child?"
Chara smiles squishing toriel's fluffy cheeks, "Ahem alright it's a promise no need to worry!"
Mom looked at me, regret? worry? I could not find the word. She then kissed my forehead...! wait what?
Chara's cheek turned red like tomato, "w-what?"
Toriel giggled, "My child, take care of yourself."
She left; I walked out the exit a whole familiar place is waiting for me outside but I am filled with HOPE.
"Hehe.... Your Chara aren't you. We are still inseparable after all these years but your still an idiot! you were able to play by your rules, but DONT FORGET IN THESE WORLD ITS KILL OR BE KILLED! HAHAHAH!!!" Said Flowey.
And just like that, he left.
You headed towards the exit, hoping you could SAVE them all.
I walked out from door, it then closed. It's quite snowy here hope a flower like me wont wither hehe.
Chara walked further suddenly they heard a branch breaking, they turned behind, but nobody was there weird.
They walked further near open crossing with big gates like thing? Oh, right monsters are on human hunt.
"You sure like to think a lot Flower ."
Chara stumbled by the sudden voice, fell below the figure revealing to be a skeleton. "wow I really gave ya a scare didnt I"
Chara walking back a bit "hey no need to get all worked up flower, i am too lazy to fight ya."
Chara still guarded up but loses it "well blossom the names sans, sans the skeleton."
sans gave out his hand for a shake, "well dont ya know? how to greet a new pal hehe"
Chara sighs as they shake his hand.... But-
No way he did that- "pfft...hehe that was a good one."
Sans grin widened, as he spoke "well, the old whoopsie cushion in the hand its always funny"
He then continued, "well then flower, your a human right?"
I grinned "Well, do you think I am? I can just be a shapeshifter hehe."
He then spoke " welp a fleur cant be a shape shifter bud, plus a cluster would be a better word wouldn't it bud?"
He knows, or Perhaps he doesn't who knows. "Well, surely it would but wont a cluster flow away."
Sans pretends to think for a moment before he tells "welp only time can tell buttercup, for the time being would ya look there it seems my bro could need some entertainment, say would ya help?"
Chara thinks for a moment before telling "Sure, I have to get past snowdin anyway."
Sans grins "well thanks alot bud, how about we countinue my Bro made the gate to wide."
Chara nods, as both of them went through the bars, it was really sanstastic.
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ask-dcf · 2 years
Undershift Chara Ref and Bio
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art by gf @theyoshimister
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: She is stubborn at times but is usually quiet and nervous, She feels guilty of many of her actions when coming to the new world, but she wants to try and get better.... Despite what happened to her. (Old: Stubborn, very on edge due to trauma, is practically a no shit taker.)
Height: 5'7"
History: A story
New info: With Chara surviving the battle and Data saving her. She felt lost, but thanks to Data he gave her new hope to have a new life in this world. Though her trauma lingers. She now stays at the trio's home. Safe, somewhat happy, and…. Hopeful for a new future.
Likes: Her brothers scarf... Chocolate. The kids are nice. Data is nice too.
Dislikes: HIM, being reminded of who who ruined her life, purple jackets.
Eye color: Red.
AU: Undershift (Dead AU)
Magic: Magic Knives. Magic Roots and thorns. Judge sense.
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Art by @fiveminuterice
Quick Note: Undershift Chara is from a idea of a combination of storyshift. However she is NOT from the official Storyshift AU. Designs are similar but she is not from such an official AU.
Last pic of of Undershift Chara
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Art by @somedancingpineapple
Before her life was ruined:
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art by @xjunjox
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jonnychuone · 6 months
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Akaruitale toriel: female (she goat mom, the ex queen of the underground with a pure golden heart it the few monster not effective by the darkness) she lost both of both her children and regrets it and still live that memory in her mind.
She make like doing the what a mother do, she usually make chocolate marshmallow pies chara favorite, she confused frisk at first but realise it not him but sacred to let them go but have to she has a feel he can save everyone even in genocide, she lost hope but can still take care of a child. She will still call you to see if you need help or your sacred. She have new hope by yourself alone. Don't let her down.
Akaruitale toriel: mujer (ella madre cabra, la ex reina del subsuelo con un corazón de oro puro y los pocos monstruos que no son efectivos por la oscuridad) perdió a sus dos hijos y se arrepiente y aún vive ese recuerdo en su mente.
A ella le gusta hacer lo que hace una madre, por lo general hace pasteles de chocolate y malvaviscos favoritos de Chara, al principio confundió a Frisk, pero se dio cuenta de que no era él, sino que era sagrado dejarlos ir, pero tiene la sensación de que él puede salvar a todos incluso en el genocidio. perdió la esperanza pero aún puede cuidar de un niño. Ella todavía te llamará para ver si necesitas ayuda o si eres sagrado. Ella tiene una nueva esperanza sola. No la decepciones.
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