#Lottie vs Laura thoughts
misty-caligula · 1 year
Y’know it’s funny... Lottie’s correct about 50% of the time, which is pretty good but not exactly reliable. The rationalists have a similar success rate.
But is it possible that Laura Lee specifically is wrong 100% of the time on every single thing?
She believes wholeheartedly that she crashed the plane with her thoughts which is... probably wrong. She tells Lottie her hallucinations are God’s visions, with nothing to back that up at all. She just... thinks it. She tells Lottie that she thinks that past prophets “knew because they believed.” And she doesn’t seem to understand psychosis, so... she doesn’t get that Lottie can’t tell what’s real or not. She believes... everything. She just doesn’t know if she can trust what she believes. Or believe what she knows? She’s mixed up.
So Laura baptizes her, believing that God will guide her if she does. And Lottie has a vision of Laura exploding, and Laura misinterprets it as her seeing the holy ghost, because she’s not interested in LISTENING to Lottie, she’s just so excited to be guiding a saint. Her own confirmation bias is really guiding Lottie as well, it’s the blind leading the blind.
Then she believes that flying a plane is “easy.” and that you can literally just book learn your way through it.
(notably her grandpa didn’t learn to do it from a book - he couldn’t read.)
Then she believes that God will protect her and that she can fly a glorified scrap pile to their salvation and... well she’s VERY wrong about that.
This is WHY Laura Lee died, because she was so blinded by her own empty faith that she was willing to believe absolutely anything without question without any amount of proof or even suggestion. Her pure lack of skepticism meant that she couldn’t see the dangers right infront of her face, and she just walked off the cliff peacefully, absolutely confident that if she didn’t believe in gravity it couldn’t hurt her.
I think that’s why Lottie succeeds where she failed. Because Lott’s afraid, constantly, of everything. It makes her question what she sees, it makes her an unwilling and hesitant leader, and it’s only the faithful around her that really push her towards becoming more comfortable in trusting her intuition and letting go of that uncertainty. By the time she’s completely confident in her perception she’s going to have a powerful core of disciples around her who will manifest her reality and confirm everything she says, and the process to becoming a full on priestess/prophet/saint will be complete.
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lesbianlotties · 1 month
the world needs to hear your thoughts on lottienatlee 🎤🎤
lottielee vs. lottienat debate OVER. we're all winners here
you don't have to choose between saint/worshiper and antler queen/antler queen. we can have it all
lottie matthews. in love with two blondes that are on opposite sides of the faith spectrum. her number one believer and her fiercest non-believer
two girls that think they're irredeemable in love with a girl that believes god made them perfect as they are
we literally don't talk enough about natlee. complete opposites. you'd think they'd hate everything about each other. but plot twist! they have such soft spots for each other <3
unfortunately there are zero self-preservation instincts in this house. my god why we are putting together three girls that show suicidal tendencies on screen
in the pilot, you see lottie and nat laughing at laura lee. me, an intellectual: it's an inside joke. they're in love with her. they're both fiercely protective of her
can you imagine them ruling the wilderness cult together? literally a holy trinity!!
they would balance each other perfectly! with lottie, nat keep her grounded, and laura lee always believes in her. with nat, lottie challenges her, and laura lee bring her comfort. with laura lee, lottie inspires her faith, and nat reminds her they're all human
they're this boygenius quote: Lottie: The difference between Nat and Laura Lee is Nat thought she was damned to hell from birth and Laura Lee was like, “Can’t wait to meet my BFF, God”. (God might also be Lottie btw)
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captaindanvers89 · 4 months
Just saying I need an afterlife AU where Jackie meets Callie cause we know Jackie’s the other bio parent.
Jackie and Callie would team up to annoy Shauna. Callie would call Jackie “Mom” and Shauna “Shauna” or “Mrs Sadecki” for kicks.
And Jackie would only refer to Shauna as “Sadecki”
Jackie and Callie would also wear matching outfits for a long time. And when Jackie and Shauna fight and need Callie to be the deciding factor, even if Jackie’s wrong, Callie would still side with her again for kicks.
Adding to the afterlife AU is Nat, Laura Lee, Lottie and Misty.
Having spent close to a lifetime with Jackie in the afterlife, Laura Lee is now a savage and thinks she’s in hell because Jackie showed up.
She’d be like “I prayed everyday and atoned for my sins but I called my piano teacher a cunt once and Lottie’s right, I am in hell” and Jackie would say, “Excuse me? I am the best thing to ever happen to you”
Then when Nat shows up, Jackie’s like “oh my god I am in hell”
Cue Laura Lee adding “told you”
Then Nat saying, “oh fuck you guys too”
Jackie and Nat would become friends cause I say so.
Also imagine Callie has a kid and Jackie finds out and is excited to meet her grandkid but the kid arrives and favors Shauna more. Jackie gets jealous.
Oh and I need Simone showing up and Tai who thought she escaped her panicking cause Van’s also in the afterlife. Jackie finds out and cause she needs entertainment, decides to host a mma fight.
Simone vs Van. Jackie as the announcer, Shauna gets roped in as the ref, Callie as the ring girl, Nat, Misty, Lottie and Laura Lee as the judges. Van’s scrappy but Simone’s all about the fury cause hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
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griddlebait · 7 months
i was backreading your page and saw you mention that you were once considering a tlt yellowjackets AU and assigned some characters to different roles. as a TLT and YJs fan i was wondering if you could maybe share what roles you assigned who?
oooh fun! thank you so much for asking this. i’ll put it below the read more because i will definitely get carried away and this is pretty niche lol. also spoilers for yellowjackets!!
i mostly assigned the roles based on necro/cav pairings so that’s how i’ll format this. also i’m basing this on the teen/wilderness versions of the characters.
taissa - necromancer / van - cavalier
i think that their dynamic in the show (especially as of s2) can easily lend itself to the necro/cav dynamic and i think it would be interesting to examine their relationship through that lens. also tangential but van palmer would love gideon nav as a character someone give her a copy of GtN
lottie - necromancer / nat - cavalier
i KNOW most people’s go-to here would be mistynat because of misty’s protectiveness over and devotion to natalie, however i just can’t see nat as a necromancer and i think there’s more room for juicy drama that could also play off their canon dynamic if nat is (begrudgingly) lottie’s cavalier. admittedly i am also a lottienatter so i might be biased here.
shauna - necromancer / jackie - cavalier
this one was a bit difficult for me because it can also be the other way around and still make sense, it really just depends on which parts of YJ canon you want to take into account. on all levels except for how their story canonically concludes, shauna should be the cavalier. i definitely see the merit of switching the roles, especially if you consider jackieshauna’s interpersonal conflict (particularly shauna’s feelings/resentment towards jackie) and the positioning of necromancers vs cavaliers in tlt - there’s plenty to work with there. but their storyline just kinda lends itself to this interpretation, at least in my opinion. and also when coming up with this (spoilers) i was thinking about shauna in the meat shed with jackie’s corpse and just the idea of reanimation/puppeting and the Seventh’s practices/expertise … it made sense to me for her to be the necromancer. (i did in fact think about placing them in the seventh house for that reason specifically lol)
misty - necromancer / crystal - cavalier
my thought process here is that i see misty as being the type of character to attain lyctorhood due to there being a convenient ‘whoopsie’ and being like well what else was i going to do? she was already dead! and with what happened to crystal … i mean. yeah. (although i did contemplate the idea of necro misty / cav nat and i think misty’s potential ascension/reaction to the cost of lyctorhood would change drastically if nat were to be her cavalier)
those are the only pairings i came up with but i definitely see laura lee as a Cristabel type of cavalier - if i moved nat to a different pairing or role i would have laura lee be lottie’s cav (potential for absolute devastation here).
thank you for asking this, it was really fun to think about again! i hope one day someone actually writes this au as i do not have the skill, talent, nor patience for such a thing. any other yellowjackers here please feel free to give me your thoughts
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storytellervan · 1 year
daily yellowjackets thoughts to the void… today is about laura lee and van being two sides of the same coin when it comes to faith and pure devotion
hm just thinking about LL going into the woods with unwaverable faith in an external higher power and dying as a result vs van being converted while in the woods to an internal organic spirit (or more honestly to the physical girl speaking for that spirit) and surviving … both of them being instruments of a greater plan… LL being the one who started lottie on the path to recognizing her visions as spiritual and giving her legitimacy by taking her seriously vs van giving her legitimacy by being a true believer… LL in some ways dying because she was trying to save van!! (van needs serious medical attention being one of the reasons she gave)! something something one of you is always drowning and one of you is always burning
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lottieurl · 1 year
HI me again i had a paper to write but i'm back actually talking about the lottie point i was originally going to write about before getting possessed by the urge to write mari nolastname analysis. but basically i was thinking about how passive lottie was throughout old wounds, something that has been talked about quite a bit already. i was sort of thinking about that in relation to what we see in lottie's flashback episode as well as what we see in the s2 premiere of like... lottie is always spoken for, she is silently resigned to other people telling her what these visions mean and whether they're good or bad, something to hide or something to listen to and indulge in. like the scene of lottie at the top of the stairs listening to her parents argue about what to do with her vs lottie watching silently as the group argues about her in the cabin vs lottie catatonic and letting her dad decide what to do with her post rescue like... not only is she never a voice in the conversation but these are also SUCH polarized messages she's getting like. there is something wrong with her she's sick but then she's a prophet and a god in those woods and then it's right back to there is something wrong with lottie we need to fix her. and then something about adult lottie and all her guilt about everything. "we are the ones making ourselves sick". lottie takes all of the accountability and yet has none of the agency. like she Does make decisions for sure, she's not a passive character, but she lets other people decide what position to put her in and then acts from there. and like... how confusing and awful are all of these strong, loudly voiced, opposed opinions (that are honestly both dehumanizing in a way) for someone who is already scared and uncertain of their own experiences and what they mean? i love lottie matthews she makes me sooo. yeah. -cannibal laura lee anon
okay so. seems like the right time to discuss something i don't think i've seen discussed because i think people aren't sure how to talk about it. which... honestly i'm not sure either. everyone can judge for themselves whether they think how the show deals with mental health related issues is good or bad, there's for sure stuff to criticize or at least be aware of. but that's not really what i want to talk about. i want to talk about lottie in-universe and what are my thoughts and interpretations of her character and what she's going through. so! with that out of the way
lottie starts the show as a character who - i assume based on context clues with her childhood flashback and the meds we see her take in the days following their plane crash - has been on what i assume are antipsychotics for years (haven't researched how were psychiatrists prescribing those to minors in the 90s in usa but the show has lottie go through shock therapy after plane crash which is just. pretty damn unrealistic for the 90s so i think we can safely assume those meds are meant to be antipsychotics). my personal take on her character is that what happens to her is a mix of actual mental illness and something paranormal and regardless of that she's forced to quit her meds cold turkey after a traumatic event. even if her body and her mind dealt with it relatively well that's just horribly stressful for a 17yo who's been told for most of her life to fear her mind essentially and that she NEEDS those pills. she's so clearly anxious and then i think she's going through those rapid mood changes and then she's DRUGGED without her knowledge. like quite frankly that sounds horrifying especially in the context of what she's been through? and you're right it's this character we sort of see "in power" a lot in some ways but she doesn't actually have that much agency over herself and her life and i think she's trying to reframe it and change it in her adulthood through what she's... created and i think it's.. fascinating how she's trying to BE what people need her to be and who they think she is? at least so far in season 2. like jokes aside the fact that she's using things she's definitely learned in therapy before plane crash hurts me a little because to me that means she did find those techniques helpful and so she's trying to grasp at what might help her and others out there
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Yellowjackets episode 2.04 "Old Wounds"
Title sequences are so important. If it’s a good one, you shouldn’t have to look any further to get a sense of what the show is ‘about’, in the philosophical sense of the word. I’ve been so impressed with the Yellowjackets title sequence from the beginning, so when they played a different version of the theme song for this episode only, I knew there was a reason. The title sequence is off-putting, jarring, and jumping through time in every way possible from frame sizes to character ages- a fast paced dose of the overarching tone of the show. They really put a lot of work into it, so throwing in a new version of the theme song is certainly deliberate. And doing it for just one episode doesn’t mark the beginning of a new direction in the story, as I thought before watching the next episode; it means this one in particular is significant.
So what’s so special about this episode? I would argue that the confirmation of there being ‘something’ in those woods came and went in season one when pilot Laura Lee exploded moments after takeoff. Leonard the teddy bear ignited for no reason whatsoever, and that explosion is the first major event with no real logical explanation. While that was a blow, and things have certainly been pretty eerie since the shrooms doomcoming party, I think the events of this episode are the real turning point in the Yellowjackets’ time in the wilderness.
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Liv Hewson and Jasmin Savoy Brown in "Old Wounds". Image courtesy of Showtime.
A few things happen, but most loaded is Natalie and Lottie’s duel to bring home the most food. The survivors have created such an emotional division into two camps of logic vs spirituality, with Lottie being the fearless leader of the latter, but I don’t think the situation- or Lottie- is that cut and dry. Natalie’s biggest gripe with Lottie is her perception that she and Travis are the only ones providing for the group, but I have to say that both Laura Lee and Lottie are very spiritual people who don’t overlook physical needs and their physical solutions. Laura Lee wasn’t waiting for divine intervention to rescue them; she read a technical manual and learned how to fly a plane. I don’t know yet what all Lottie is getting herself into (and I don’t think she does either), but she’s only ever tried to enable the group’s vital, practical chores. When Natalie scoffs at her pre-hunting ritual, she replies “you’ve come back alive every time, haven’t you?”.
But, like most cult leaders I suppose, teenage Lottie has found herself some followers more insistent than she is herself, and she agrees to this head-to-head between her and Natalie. The two part ways in the woods, Nat with the gun, Lottie with a little knife to perform a blood sacrifice. As they press on, they both make some pretty crazy discoveries. I’ll start with Lottie’s: the plane we all watched explode in midair, intact right where they found it. She gets inside and opens a hatch, revealing a ladder down into a well-lit, clean, cozy restaurant. She descends and joins her friends, including Laura Lee, at a table, but soon she’s shivering again, covered in snow, soaking wet, and seemingly in another world from her friends despite sitting right next to them. Finally, it’s Laura Lee who tells her she needs to go, or she’ll freeze to death. She pushes Lottie, who falls backwards into the snow, where there is no evidence of her experience in sight. Not even the plane. Whole thing was a hypothermia-induced hallucination from the start.
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Courtney Eaton in "Old Wounds". Image courtesy of Showtime.
Nat, meanwhile, has been much more productive. She found a moose frozen into the surface of the lake- the same moose she saw for an instant while out hunting the other day, confirming that she is in her right mind, then and now. She rushes back to the cabin to enlist help breaking the ice and pulling it out. Some people (ahem, Misty) aren’t pleased with Nat getting help in what was supposed to be a one-on-one competition, but everyone else instantly puts the contest aside, as I’m confident Lottie would herself. The group is great at teamwork, honestly, and they’re a well-oiled machine working to break the ice, tie ropes to the moose’s antlers, and heave in unison. Yet despite a truly great effort, they lose their grip and the moose sinks down to the unreachable depths of the lake. Nat is devastated, contest or no contest, just sobbing “we need it” over and over.
This is a really emotional moment, and a huge blow for the group emotionally and physically. This was the first glimmer of hope they’ve had in so long, and now the question still remains: what are they going to eat? I don’t know exactly how things are going to progress, but we all know where this show is going, right? I really think this event is going to be the turning point that sends things in that direction. The thing that really puts into perspective that they are out of options. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear Nat say at some point that none of the unspeakable things they did in those woods would have happened if they hadn’t dropped that moose.
After a demoralizing, empty handed return, the group returns to the cabin to find Lottie still isn’t back. Nat recovers in a warm bath while team Lottie goes looking for her. When they stumble back in, Lottie barely conscious, Nat jumps out and helps Lottie into the tub. The two hold hands, no hard feelings. The group has made them the symbols of two very different philosophies, but really, Nat and Lottie are both pro survival. They just have different skills.
The results of this competition seem to suggest that Nat, and everything she’s come to represent, are correct. The woods made a fool of Lottie, and even though they both came back empty handed I don’t think anyone can disagree that Nat came out on top. The pair’s present-day storyline also plays a big role in this episode, and I think the timelines really come together well to take us a solid step forward towards understanding what’s going on in the wilderness.
Present-day Natalie has found the cult of the purple people, and their leader Lottie. Clearly some bad blood has formed between the two of them since their good-natured competition because Nat is hell bent on exposing Lottie’s cult. But so far, Lottie seems bulletproof. Her followers know what they’re getting themselves into and honestly Lottie is so likable that I find myself rooting for her even though I’m sure the rest of the gang’s skepticism of her will be warranted in due time. A lot goes on within the cult in this episode, but the really significant part comes at the very end. Lottie is outside in the dark alone, slicing her hand open and dripping blood into an altar, just like she did in the woods, but this time she’s saying, “please let this be enough”.
Teenage Lottie has no idea what she’s praying to, and the events of their hunting competition suggest that the answer might be nothing. But this present-day development sheds a new light on those events: there is something in the woods, but it is not a friend.
But Van and Taissa already knew that. Taissa is staunchly team Natalie- I’d say because she doesn’t want to acknowledge what she already knows deep down- but she indulges Van by attending Lottie’s little spiritual groups. On a personal note, Van is the best character, and I am thrilled to see her join the present-day timeline- played by Six Feet Under’s Lauren Ambrose no less.
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Lauren Ambrose in Yellowjackets. Image courtesy of Deadline.
I can’t ignore that major development, but while Taissa’s storyline is the most terrifying, it’s also maybe the least complex. The Leftovers comparisons abound with her character- the practical, good-natured bystander who’s been chosen by a force against their will and beyond their understanding. And the fallout gets worse the longer they ignore it.
So, after hiding from her nighttime escapades that have already left her son terrified of her, adult Taissa wakes up in her car with no gas and no cell phone battery. She deduces her alter ego’s destination and hitchhikes to Van’s place- something that will surely be reaching the press very soon. Whatever’s lying in the woods, Taissa will be the one really in the center of it. Her and Van’s discovery of Javi in the wilderness, in the exact spot that Van and Nighttime Taissa knew was significant, confirm that.
The really interesting thing about this show to me is that I really can’t figure out who to root for. Shauna, Natalie, and Taissa seem to be the heroes, but these ladies are all so nutty. Right now, we still have a lot to learn about what exactly goes down in these woods, but we have a pretty good idea and it’s safe to say that no one survived without getting their hands dirty.
But the best thing about this show is that literally anything goes! So what do you think is next for the Yellowjackets? Which characters are the kind of crazy you can get behind? What will become of poor coach Ben? And dare I even plant the seed that Shauna might eat her baby…
And I’ll end with a friendly reminder to support TV writers! The creators of Yellowjackets have closed the writer’s room for season 3 that had only just gotten started last week and are now picketing as I type. The Writer’s Guild strike means we might get an abridged season 3, as is the case for many current shows, but writers are getting shafted in this behemoth of an industry, and they’re fighting for the conditions that will let them both do their best work and live their best lives.
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rappaccini · 1 year
multiqueens x2. even more incoherent, this round.
regarding the natural vs supernatural debate, my thought process is 'both work, but need to be executed right.'
though at this point, consider most of the unanswered questions:
who is javi's friend?
what does the symbol represent?
does shedding blood (on the symbol or otherwise) actually result in making a pact with the wilderness?
why are the symbols scattered in such a way as to make one giant one with the cabin as its nexus?
where did crystal's body go?
what's going on with tai's fugue state, where is she going at night, and how does she know about javi?
who is the man with no eyes/what does he represent?
how did misty learn the french song shauna heard in her dream?
what was cabin guy doing?
[why were his sequences cut in s2? is it because they confirm the supernatural elements and need to be saved for later?
if so, when cabin guy died inside the circle of symbols in his attic, did he seal the entity up with him?
and therefore, did jackie's seance unintentionally set it free... and sprinting right into lottie's arms?
there's a lot that needs to be answered, and most of them seem to lean towards a supernatural explanation.
and if these questions are resolved in a manner that leads to the confirmation that supernatural shit IS happening in the wilderness, and some malevolent being is responsible, the essence of the central conflict dividing the girls evolves from rational vs supernatural to do we survive by giving the being what it wants or do we defy it and try to escape?
so, assuming there IS a sentient entity manipulating events in the wilderness...
yellowjackets is a show about trauma. it follows that the wilderness entity, should it exist, is representative of it. trauma occurs cyclically, and it keeps resurfacing throughout your life, just as the entity overtakes the girls in 1996, they eventually escape and try to move on, even though it's still lurking in the background of their lives, and eventually gains prominence when they're adults. encountering trauma is often unavoidable, and sometimes it's necessary to endure it. but you should never assume you can bargain with or befriend it, let alone embrace it and let it define you. trying to placate trauma only lets it deeper into you and allows it to eat more of you away.
and trying to deny or defy it makes it want you even more. that's the only in-universe explanation i can find for why lottie thinks that natalie shutting down the doomcoming sacrifice ritual somehow made her the wilderness's chosen one, as opposed to the girl leading the sacrifice in its honor: it chose the girl who defied it because it wanted to break her will. and as of 209, it succeeded, at least for now.
telegraphing this onto the multiple queens theory:
the entity was sealed up in the attic symbol circle by cabin guy, then set free by jackie (queen 1) during the seance, by the question of whether they will die in the wilderness.
it initially latched onto lottie (queen 2), who is extremely vulnerable.
she was at first terrified of it (and was right to be), but after laura lee told her to embrace her 'visions' (/ delusions), she began to embrace it. "i'm not broken, or crazy. i'm special. i'm chosen. the entity chose me. it's misunderstood. it's my friend, and i can make deals with it." says the schizophrenic off her meds who swung from total repression to total embrace of a mental disorder, who later goes on to found a cult centered around trauma, and invites the entity back into her life... which of course immediately goes terribly wrong and gets people killed.
and for a minute, it had fun with her. it nearly got a sacrifice out of her during doomcoming.
but because lottie is so receptive to it, it got bored. it wants a challenge. so it set its eyes on natalie, who more than anyone else, came to the wilderness with an intense understanding of how trauma can destroy you, and was the only girl to directly defy it during doomcoming (ergo she's its biggest obstacle, and therefore the biggest victory if it succeeds in corrupting her).
so it spent a few months breaking nat down, before finally getting her to cave and accept it (queen 3).
my hope is that it'll get tired of her quickly now that it has her, and start moving on to a new girl. probably taissa, who had the man with no eyes following her since before she even came to the wilderness and is overdue a prominent plotline.
[and hopefully, nat will piece together that the entity shouldn't be placated, start to break away from it, and lead the anti-entity clan if the cannibal war still happens]
finally, it'll come after shauna, either shortly before rescue, or in the present day (... or hey, if it's the latter, maybe it'll pick callie instead; trauma can be passed down as well as acquired). and presumably she will be the one to figure out how to defeat it.
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spookyjudgement · 4 years
GBBO 2020 reactions Episode 3, don’t mind me
I get the concept of the opening skit but my Paul Patience has already worn out this season so.
Why? Do they also have to make a butter???? They’re making 2 breads already? Was having the bakers wait for their breads to prove and letting them have a break not exciting enough?
Prue saying that it would be interesting to get a “really different” butter as though she would actually like the taste of a “really different” butter *eyeroll*.
So this episode we get the explanation for Mark’s Ethiopian travels. It’s nice to see Irish and Welsh inspiration though!
I’m disappointed they’re not calling Marc Hamish. I will continue to call him Hamish. and URGH the thought of BUTTERMILK in his EAR!
Hermine’s evil laugh as she describes salmon and cheese is top quality. I love her. We also stan a knitter.
I’m rooting for Laura’s pizza stone!
Paul stop glaring at people’s bread you weirdo.
OF COURSE PETER STUDIES FINANCE I felt the VIBES! I FELT THE V I B E S! Also Paul really...loves him and it’s weird to see it. Glad to see the comment redirected to slamming Paul, though.
They’re making them...WHIP??? THE BUTTER???
The apprentice kills the master lol if this ends in a Peter vs Paul death match I’d pay to watch it. Badminton finance boy, come through and kick his ass.
Rowan reinventing his story as he goes is Hilarious with the flatness.
Matt with the blueberry suggestion for Lottie. I agree with Lottie that Matt should be the one to mush blueberries in Paul’s face.
I’m glad Laura’s marzipan decision worked out!
It’s not fair that they seem to excuse underflavoring so much more than overflavoring. The Britishness really jumps out huh.
Hermine shaped her butter! So cute! Also...ew Paul’s sweaty hands. I’m glad he liked her breads.
Sura accepting her throne as flavor queen! QUEEN!
Wait. Are they serious. Fucking rainbow bagels??? RANDOM INSTA/COOKING INFLUENCER FOOD IS APPARENTLY BAKE-OFF CONTENT NOW. Not to roast Rosanna Pansino or any of the other creators who made them but like. Why.
wha...”I think the rainbow represents the NHS” ??? More like you’ve decided the rainbow represents the NHS for you now I guess? Those look fucking neon?? guh.
Those colors...all their hands are a mess...fuckin wild...actually COMPLETELY colored with that neon mess.
I support Rowan for thinking in inches in the UK. It’s the chaotic choice. Matt’s look into the camera when Rowan said it was hilarious, like yes Matt, a contestant out-chaosed you.
I hope Hamish isn’t serious about the show making him start drinking...I would be really sad if it did :’(
Dave’s hands are still...blue. The water for many people’s bagels are...colored. Rowan’s water is straight up a witches’ brew.
I’m nervous for Dave? This doesn’t feel like his week...
It’s good to see Hamish seem like he’s in his element? It’s calming. Linda too!
Rowan and Dave at the bottom for the technical...predictable but unfortunate. But Hamish did well in the technical and was proud of himself! <3 wholesome.
ROWAN I love him, like...I didn’t do well but it was so much fun! His attitude is great, honestly. Not playing any of your anxiety games Paul.
Noel >:( Don’t make fun of Lottie. She is swan-like!
OK. Time to brace for their bullshit showstopper idea.
Bread plaque. Thing you’re most grateful for. Are you. Serious?????????
Rowan pointing out that it is traditionally inedible...bro why did they set this challenge.
“It’s probably curtain’s but I’m gonna have fun anyway” Rowan once again being iconic.
So Matt’s comment about Paul being gay got me looking because I didn’t think he was gay and...yeah he’s not AND in 2019 he broke up with a 24 year old WHY IS HE SO CONSISTENTLY HORRIBLE JESUS CHRIST SHE’S LESS THAN HALF HIS AGE alsdkjhfaskldfhj.
Sorry not over it yet. From wikipedia: “In August 2019 Hollywood split from 24-year-old girlfriend Summer Monteys-Fullam, ending a two-year relationship.” what a miserable creep ugh ugh ugh.
Dave’s having a BABY! I am excited for him.
Peter’s making a bagel dough...and he didn’t get first in bagels the day before...that makes me nervous for him.
“There is a plan. I know that’s surprising” Rowan, you are my icon.
I’m rooting for Hermine’s brioche. Stick it to the MAN Hermine!
Hamish coming in with actual Buddhist philosophy and not random fetishized shit? That’s good stuff. I’m pretty sure the production team prodded him into saying it because of his Tibetan bread though.
Prue coming in with more sense in judging Hermine’s bake than Paul. Screw you Paul, like you could have (or would have) done that quick-dash enriched dough.
Sura’s bread is good!!!! Also her asking if she could go at the end is really funny, she gives off such presenting to teachers vibes.
I’m glad Hamish did well!!!!! <3 So good!
I’m very worried for Dave...but also since when has bake-off judged based on the ideas???
Paul. Shut up about Hermine’s enriched dough. It worked well enough.
I support Matt in that comment on how much flavor bread needs anywy. Fight Paul on bread flavor, Matt. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!
bro. send rowan home. I love him but send him home.
Ok. Good. My hand has been stayed.
Family?? I thought they were isolated????
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It’s 11:27 and the inbox is now open again! We closed the inbox on February 1st, and we’ve now had it closed for almost three weeks which has given us time to work through requests and get the inbox count down. We have gone from having 508 messages to 130 ( which is honestly amazing, that means we’ve managed to get through 378 asks). We now have 312 drafts instead of the original 370, and our current queue has 3 things in it. 
We’ve also accepted 11 new helpers into hoi, which is super exciting! They’re all super precious, so please give them a warm welcome! We’re all very happy to have them join the hoi team and I hope you all enjoy the resources they release on this blog!  While we have gotten the inbox count down to 130, we feel that we need a fresh start ( and a lot of the messages left now are old ones that no one has claimed ). Thus, we have decided to delete the inbox, so the inbox count is now at ZERO. A list with the deleted requests can be found below the cut. We ask that you do not resend the ones that weren’t aimed at a specific helper, BUT if you really want a request that you requested from someone you can resend it to someone else (or without a name).
We’d like to thank everyone for their patience during these 3 weeks, and also ask that you remain patient, since we still have a lot of requests in the drafts, and quite long to do lists. We hope everyone is having a good week and we’re excited that the inbox is now open once again.
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remember, if you see your request in this list and would still like them to be done, then feel free to resend the request and hopefully one of the helpers will complete it for you! 
edit: only requests that were directed to specific helpers******
Hello! Could any of the helpers please make a gif hunt of Jonathan Hyde as Eldritch Palmer from the Strain? They can be normal and don't need any style. Thank you in advance!
Could someone familiar with wrestling do some rp icons of Randy Orton? More recent ones preferably. Thanks a million!
Can I request a manip of Ciara Baxendale and Grant Gustin? Thank you so much.
to anyone, I was wondering if someone could possibly make some 100x100 plain icons of tyler young in eyewitness? thanks if anyone can!
Hi! Could I request some icons of Ayase Haruka? If possible, from the movie "Umimachi Diary (Our Little Sister)". If not, any role would be perfect! Thanks!
Hi helpers, happy holidays<3 I was wondering if I could have a crackship of Tyson Houseman and Evan Peters please?
hello helpers! is there a helper who'd be willing to possibly help me out and make some base icons of Melanie Tran? ;w; And if not, could you please direct me to where I might be able to find some? Any help is appreciated! <3
Hi guys, I was wondering if I could request some icons of Tanc Sade in his role in Gilmore Girls pretty please?
Hey! Can i please a crackship of Finlay MacMillan and Freya Tingley? Thanks!
hey can i request an aesthetic of m/m interracial couples from lottie if she doesn't feel way too busy? thank you
Hi! Can I please get a manip of Jeremy Irvine and Xavier Dolan please? Thank you in advance!!
Could I please get a lovelt mannip of cory michael smith and eiza gonzalez? <3 <3 <3
Can I please request Rahart Adams icons from Every Witch Way, Liar Liar Vampire, and Nowhere Boys? Preferably border-less 100x100 HQ/HD? Forgot to add border-less in. x.x
Hey Gillan! Can you make some circular icons of Mune from Mune Guardian of The Moon?
Dear Jay and smutty-gif-hunt-anon, Thank you for helping out with what I'd be too embarrassed to request!! Rock on!
Hello if possible could I get gif icons of James paxton of eyewitness. any style works who ever seems inspired to do this works. thank you. I'm easy to please. Thank you again for all your hard work.
Will you make some Faith Wladyka icons?from Blue Valentine? Only if you're up for it :)
Hi Jay! Since you're the resident wrestling related helper I was wondering if you could help me with something. Could you make me a manip of Taylor Swift with the Raw women's title, please? Something similar to when Charlotte visited Today after wrestlemania? I didn't see manips on your WID, but I thought I'd seen you do a manip request before. Thanks in advance for your time!
I don't know if my request was received before or after the inbox was deleted so my apologies if this is a duplicate. Can I please get some roleplay icons of (Tristan Milligan) Lyle Lettau from season 13/14 of Degrassi? Thanks! <3
could i request some Darby Stanchfield rp icons as her role from abby whelan in scandal? preferably 70x70 white a light grey psd thank you so much in advance and god i love this blog - the indie community salutes you
Good evening HOI, could I request a man up of Shin Hye-Jeong and Jessica Parker Kennedy please?
Hi, Lottie! May I request some RP icons of Ryan McCartan as Brad Majors in the TV version of Rocky Horror Picture Show in style "scarlett," please? Thank you so much!
Hey guys! I was wondering if you could please do a manip of Kacey Musgraves and Derek Theler of them and some party or award show? Thanks, love ya bye!
Hey! I'd pretty please like to request plain static rp icons of Korean actor Jo Jung Suk if possible!
Hello! Could I please request an icon pack with Lily James in Downton Abbey using Blue's B6 style? Thank you so much! <3
This message is to anyone who has space on their todo. Culd i request some rp Icons of Keir O'Donnell on Wedding Crashers please ?
hey lovelies! I was wondering if someone was willing to do a manip of Emily Rudd and Matthew Daddario for me (sibling/friends vibes)? thank you in advance :)
hey there lovelies!! could i please request plain 100x100 rp icons made of christina masterson? thank you so much lovelies!
Hey there Samantha! Just wondering if you were up to making a gif icon hunt of recent Kat Mcnamara? Thank you! xxxxx
May I please request standard sized gif icons of Laura Vandervoort from the film Damage, please?? :333 Thank you, and Merry Christmas! <3
Thanks for being helpful and understand about my technical issues & letting me send my gif pack request here (Which admin would you like to complete the request? Anyone What is the url from the video? If it’s about a movie/tv show, tell me which the name of the movie/tv show+episode so we can find suitable download links.- skins 6x07 "alo" Who's the faceclaim?- holly earl as poppy champion Any specific PSD? Vibrant, Pale, Dark, or a link to one posted. " just 160x160 QUOTE text moodboard gifs
Hi Maxie! Could I request some icons of Taylor Dearden as Ophelia Mayer in Sweet/Vicious, in the mx17 style? Thank you!
Hello Ellen. Is it possible that I could het Dylan O'Brien gif icons in EL*013? Thank you in advance! :)
Hey Helpers! Is it possible I can get a twin Lin Miranda manip, one with short hair and one with long? Thanks!
May I request some Amy Nelson rp icons? [ underused face claim ] in any psd you want, I would appreciate it :D
Hello! Is it possible I could get roleplayable icons of Kalel Cullen? With a light psd and such?
Hello lovely helpers, can I please request for a manip picture of Elizabeth Olsen (brunette) with Evan Peters please? As a couple. Thank you so much. <3
Super random but can you pretty please make me some gifs of matthew daddario doing magic. Like instead of crackship gifs of him with another person , it would be of him and a faceless gif of magic aka gifs of wizard matthew daddario lol.
May I request a family template for Rachel Hilbert fc?
Hi, can i please request gif icons of Travis Fimmel in her role in Vikings (Ragnar)??? Thanks you very much. Oh, without border pls.
may i have a family template for sarah shahi? if you can, could her father be the one who's persian/iranian and her mother be the one who is spanish? but, if not, that's totally fine! thank you so much, helpers! xx
May I pretty please request a moodboard or aesthetic of Matthew Daddario and Cameron.Monaghan as Even x Isak from skam ?
Hello, there! First of all, I absolutely love your icons! I was just wondering if it was possible to ask for gifs/icons of Daniel Miller from Berlin Station? Thank you. Have a lovely day! :)
hey helpers! i'm currently working on creating a werewolf multimuse, and i want to have two packs represented- but for the life of me i can't think of pack names beyond the cliche "moonstone/bloodstone" kind of thing. so could you help me come up with names? if it helps, the packs are kind of opposites- good vs evil kind of thing. thanks so much!
Hello!! I was wondering if you guys could make me a manip of Tom Felton as Draco and Elle Fanning. As siblings.. Please and thank you! :3
Ayo! Can u make manip of Luke Hemmings and Dua Lipa, pls? Ty. ♡
Hi I was wondering if someone could make an Angelique Boyer gif hunt? I'm wanting to use her as a FC but realized there's hardly any gifs of her out there. I would appreciate it so much <33! Thank you to whoever decides to take it on.
Hi anyway! Can i request some Jun-ji hyun gif icons from The Legend of the Blue Sea please?
Would anyone be willing to make a gif hunt of Travis Fimmel in the the 2003 Tarzan, please?
You all are super talented and super awesome. i was wondering if any of you helpers could possibly do a manip or aesthetic of david gandy and helen owen as a power couple. Whichever would be easier. It's for a story i am currently writing.
Hello, can I please request icons of model and actress Nicole Fox? For whomever reads this I know her movies can be potentially triggering, so if you aren't comfortable with those, that's completely fine (frankly I'm just glad you're reading this). She was also in s13 of ANTM. If there's anything problematic about her, I am not aware, but please let me know. Thank you very much and have a great day x
Hi! I was wondering if any of you would be willing to do a family template for Romanian Actress Madalina Ghenea.
can i please request herman tømmeraas gif icons? thank you in advanced !
may i please request icons for maxence danet-fauvel?? Thank you!!!!
Could you please make some static rp icons of Ben Barns from By The Gun? Thank you!
Sorry, ignore my last message. Could I please request crackships of Britt Robertson and Jeff Goldblum from around Jurassic Park and The Lost World era? Thank you!
hey babes! i love all the manips you all do, so i was wondering if i could request a romantic-y manip of alec lightwood and max ehrich? preferably from under the dome for max, but really anything is fine for him! thank you so much
hello helpers! would someone be willing to make plain 100x100 icons of tom austen in his role as jasper frost from the royals?
I hope I'm not bothering any of you. I hope you all have a great holiday season. I was wondering if anyone would do a manip of Jessica Lowndes and David Labrava as a couple. You all do amazing work and should get more credit for all the hard work you guys put in. You are all talented.
Hey! I was hoping one of you would have the time to help me out with something. I've got all the human icons I need for my muse, but I'm seriously lacking in phoenix icons. I know there's Fawkes in Harry Potter, but I was hoping there would be manga/anime and/or other movies/shows with phoenixes in them that I could get icons from? Or if there are any icons/gifs out there already? Anything would help, please and thank you.
Hello is it possible to get Henrik Holm RP icons in G15 from his role as Even in SKAM?
do you guys make rp icons of animes and mangas? If yes can I ask for rp icons of Sarada Uchiha please? With a tiny white and grey border?
happy 2017 helpers ! hope you all are well c: i was wondering if i could possibly request a manip of seola from cosmic girls and hyungwon from monsta x ? please and thank you so much !
Hi there, can I please request a gif hunt of Jonas Nay from his role in Deutschland 83?
If possible could I get some Icons of the French Model Johan Akan the 3d scan for Nyx Ulric of Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive? Please and thank you
Hello lovely helpers, can I please request for crackship gifs of Lily Collins with Evan Peters? They relationship is similar of Rosie and Alex's relationship in Love, Rosie. Thank you. <333
I lovely helpers! I was wondering if I could please request a manip of David Giuntoli as an X-Wing pilot from Star Wars? Thank you for your time <3
Hi :) Could you please do some Brent Antonello icons from the tv show Hit the Floor? I'd love that.
Hey helpers! Can I request a manip of Freddie Highmore as a Blue Lantern (or a green lantern if it's easier)?
Good morning helpers! Can I ask for a manip of Hunter Parrish and Robbie Amell please?
Can I have a manip of Kristine Froseth and Evan Peters? I'd like it if it was done mid-90's Polaroid style with using Evan's AHS Season 1 resources.
Hello helpers can someone make a manip of Zach Roerig and Matt lanter as best friend please?
hi, could i possibly get crackship gifs of america ferrera with long hair and chris (the guy) from the tv show skam? thank you in advance xx
Hey guys. I was wondering if any of you would do a manip of Rhiannon Fish and Scott Eastwood as a couple.
hello ! first of all, i'd like to thank all of u for putting in time to make resources for the indie community ! u guys are awesome ! secondly, i'd like to ask if any of you would be willing to make a manip of herman tømmeraas and ariana grande as friends ? thank u in advance !
Hello, can I please request a romantic "instagram-post like" manip of Zendaya and Cristiano Ronaldo? Thank you!
hi there! i hope you're all having a lovely day! could i please request gabi demartino gif icons?
Hey helpers! Can I request a (romantic) manip of Keahu Kahuanui (preferably with facial hair) and Nick Jonas? Thanks!
Hi, can I please request rp icons of Vika Bronova?
Hi guys, I was wondering if you could help me with a url for a Lord of the Rings elf original character, I'm using Emilia Clarke, primarily in her role and Daenarys Targaryen? thnx
Hi Helpers! I would like to know if any of you could do somes gif icons or icons of Trè Samuels, if is not a trouble. Thank you very much in advance <3
Hello! Could you guys suggest first and surname's for Naressa Valdez? ( I'm not sure if this counts as two asks? ) Thank you so much!
Hello, may I please request plain ( with pixel texture) gif icons of Jan Lisiecki ? Thanks in advance !
hello dearies! can i request some plain icons (bases, to be clear) of spencer macpherson in american gothic please?
could you please give me some ronan lynch urls? tysm, i love your blog!!
Could someone pretty please make a manip of Eva Green and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, by any chance? Thank you
hi love, can you do some gif icons of ryan gosling with beard and some from crazy stupid love? tysm <3
Hello can someone please make me some crackship gifs where it looks like Matthew Daddario has super powers.
hi i'd love some simple rp icons of alex steele in her role as tori santamaria in degrassi please <3
Oops! Sorry, I didn't realize there was a form! I recently changed my mind, though, and was wanting just plain RP icons (Robby Benson from The Chosen). Is that doable? Ahh sorry and thank you!
Can I pleeaaasseee get 100 x 100 black and white light textured rp icons of Amandaschronicles/Amanda Mckenna? It would mean so much to me! Thank you sm for all you guys do!
Could I please request some rp icons of Rodrigo Santoro? Thank you!
May I have an aesthetic (or a moodboard which ever you'd like to make) of Kristine Froseth and Evan Peters (AHS season one resources pls) as heads of a mafia known as the Gemini Mafia pls?
hello, could i request icons of Çağatay Ulusoy in a plain style, please? hope you guys have a great day and thanks for all that you do!! ♥
Can I please request some gif icons or a gif hunt, I'm not sure which is easier/preferred, of Raúl Esparza, please?
Hi! I was wondering if it was possible for someone to do a manip of Lady Marian (BBC Robin Hood) and Prince Arthur (BBC Merlin) ? Thank you. :)
Hello, yes! If you're still dong manila, can I have one of Katey Sagal (as Gemma Teller) and Norman Reedus. Preferably as a couple.
Is there any chance you could do a faceless gif hunt of a couple with a blonde female and a male who has dark skin? Thank you so much in advance!
can i request a manip of ryan potter and keiynan lonsdale?
can i please get a dominic sherwood x ashley moore manip? thank you
Hello helpers! I was hoping someone would be able to make regular, 100x100 RP icons of Morgan Lily! I would be much appreciated! Thank you for all of your help!
I'm not sure If you are still doing manipulations but if you are could I please request one of Matt Ryan and Marie Avgeropolous. Thank you. You guys are flawless.
hello! hope you're all doing well! i would like to request icons of Sophie Stuckey (from any and all ages, please). I did put in a request before, but i'm not sure if that's been done (and i haven't seen them) or rejected or forgotten about? so if anyone could make them or direct me to them or .. anything else? that'd be greatly appreciated. <3
Hi helpers! I was wondering if I could ask one of you lovelies to make a family template for Alex Brooke? Thank you so much!
could i ask for billy cranston from mighty morphin power rangers (David yost) icons? thank you thank you thank you :)
hey lizzie! thanks for opening your requests again. could i please request some icons of daniel sharman in the style L6? thanks so much!
hi lizzie!!! hope you're having a brilliant day! could i please ask you for some icons of jeremy irvine in the style L7? thanks so much!
hi hello lizzie! hope this isn't too much of a bother, but would it be possible for me to request some icons of Sean O'Pry in L7? thank you x10000 !!!!
lizzie could you pls make rp icons in L7 of chris wood as jake riley? :)
hey lizzie, could i please get rp icons of ivana baquero as eretria in L1?
could i please request gif icons of bellies during various stages of pregnancy? in short, gif icons of pregnant bellies? nothing fancy style-wise, but maybe a light texture, since i think those look best! thank you so much to whoever takes this up! (and another thank you to the rest of you, since you guys help the community so much!)
Hello! I have been unable to find any resources of Maeda Goki. He's a sadly underrated FC. If you know of some that already exist, could you link me please? And if not, could you please make some plain (no texture/border) icons of him from any role? Thanks for your help!
Hi Lia, could I possibly re-request the Toby Regbo as young Jaime Lannister aesthetic I asked for, if you'd like to do it?
can you make some icons of dean and renee kissing on total divas plkease??
I'm not sure if you've answered this but I I use Marie Avgeropolous as an fc and I know Olivia Steele-Falcone played young Octavia in The 100 but I don't know if she has enough films to create an icon pack.I know you have a gif pack form but I didn't see one for icons. Is it possible for anyone to do these for me, I would much appreciate it. Or if you have already done them can you link me? Many thanks in advance. You guys have been fabulous so far.
Is it possible for someone to make some PNGs? I need some supernatural creatures/scared/crying PNGs but I can't really find any. A mix of those would be great but just scared/crying PNGs are absolutely cool too.
hello! I was wondering if i could please request some icons of Tahlena Chikami? Possibly base icons? Or at least very little editing? I'd really like to use her as an fc, but she has almost no resources that i could find. thank you for your consideration and your time!!
would anyone be willing to make a manip (preferably a selfie) of cody saintgnue and ashley moore? :)
Could someone possibly make a manip of Jon Hamm and Michelle Forbes? They are married in my roleplay so possibly something of them cuddling or anything would be fine. Just a picture of them together would be amazing all together.
hey there lovely helpers!! i was hoping i could please request some 100x100 plain rp icons be made of ming na wen in joy luck club? thank you so much!!
Hello! If icon requests are open, may I please request plain 100x100 icons of Lulu Antariksa as Rowan in t@gged? It's on go90 :)
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lottieurl · 1 year
anon here who didn’t know how they felt about the episode.
felt like i overreacted a bit too much lol. just needed the episode to sit with me for a while. and yeah, wow.
shauna and callie’s relationship is just something i don’t fully understand rn but rewatching the interrogation scene gives so much insight into it.
shauna breaking down about the affair and how she never wanted to be a mother (she only did it to save her marriage with jeff) admitting that her marriage with jeff is because of the guilt and shame she will forever carry (jackie) being vocalised for once, the quiet part being said out loud.
i’ve rewatched the entire dream sequence and my thoughts have changed. shauna spent all her time in there trying to get the baby to feed and when it finally starts, i think in that moment the baby dies. similar to the jackie death dream scene of drinking the hot chocolate.
the show seems to be messing around with unreliable narrators and maybe an alternate timeline and so much of the awful shit that’s occurred this season comes from hallucinations right? what if those hallucinations are actually real events. like they actually ate shaunas baby in idk, another timeline? this is incoherent as hell but it’s definitely an interesting scene that brings up a lot of questions.
and yeah, as much as i wanted the baby to be eaten, i don’t think it makes sense for them to have gone down that route, not in this episode at least. maybe it will happen or maybe it won’t, i don’t believe critics have seen the next episode so we’re all going in blind which will be exciting.
mmm yea true. i'll most likely rewatch in a few hours and see how i feel about it then. i just still do think they didn't do a good job building up to this plus i guess i spent over a year with a much different sort of idea about how shauna feels about her wilderness baby. purely symbolically i see the appeal of laura lee in lottie's vision stopping her from eating the food vs shauna making her baby drink and this entire interpretation of food in this in between world being something that dooms you. but as i talked about before the symbolism is something i find appealing only when it's paired with characterization i really like and that makes sense in my head and this just still doesn't. like i can do mental gymnastics to understand this but.. also. again. they didn't even show the dead baby
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