#Love Mahjong! 2
posthumanwanderings · 10 months
Love Mahjong! 2 (Tamsoft / D3 Publisher - PS2 - 2004)
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fluffalpenguin · 1 year
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the mean girls of duel academia
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
I understand why Nanba and Ichiban are broke but why does Adachi have no money lmao
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ripeossis · 2 years
Free roaming gods in arknights are fucking hysterical. The chinese-equivalent pantheon god of painting is an extradimensional squatter. She'll show up and draw an entire room on your wall and live in it forever. That's kind of what she did. The residential weirdo shut-in from Engineering who routinely forgets to eat for several days called her 'some weirdo shut-in' in an official document. This tendency was partly a coping mechanism to the fact that her gf is in fact mortal and will die; their names are literally 'Dusk' and 'Dawn'. Girl deadass came in Doctor's room to sketch and insisted it's hers, being confronted with the fact that it's Doc's office, she went 'but what is personal property, really? Am I not also inhabiting this room, Participating In Labour? How are we fundamentally different?'
Nian technically represents metallurgy but constantly churns out shitty b-list movies and tempts people to play mahjong with her on their work shifts, this is partly a coping mechanism in response to the constant existential dread that herself and siblings will suffer ego death one day after being alive for centuries. Same. She's a mere professional squatter but I still love her.
Ling -allegedly- took a thousand (not projectiles) shots in a go in front of the entire Rhodes bar and spewed pure poetry. Just vandalises a random fucking wall with some archaic meters, tail dipped in ink, while making up songs at top lung capacity. Probably weekly. Everyone thought it was kinda rad and want her to stay - this is also by far the strongest reaction Rhodes Island has toward one of these goobers. She lounges around mountains all day looking at the moons or some crap, blood alcohol level perpetually minimum 200%, still insists to Doc she never got drunk her entire life. Her canon superpower is not giving a fuck and Dusk is concerned with the metaphysical consequences of her stop giving a fuck about the laws holding the universe together. She slew a dragon-god vestige by not really giving a fuck about it. Other than this she's a surprisingly well adjusted person, as opposed to the two giga failgods.
Kjera founded a nation in the mountains. Their culture is centered around her as a religion and the country is named after her. They think she's the best thing that happened before sliced bread and she's convinced it was an enormous blunder. Her public status and legal station is her pope's maid and both of them snuck off to some roving hospital as temp workers. There are currently two (2) other people in Terra who seem at all aware of this. Her pope is the person equivalent of a moderately lazy housecat and HG tried to hide they're in deep gay love but i suceeded a heroic int check and now know otherwise.
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marchiekana · 1 year
Sunset lover.
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What they'd be like as you lover.
Tingyun x f! reader
Jing Yuan x f! reader
✨ fluff, slightly suggestive, established relationships,
Not proofread.
Requests are open!
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As your lover Tingyun would also be your best friend. Her favourite pastime would be spilling all the tea she heard around the loufu while you both are out shopping for dresses or trinkets.
She would also take you on her trips outside the loufu sometimes. She'd buy you little souvenirs when she's out of the xianzhou, thinking about how good it would look on you or how happy you'd look when she gives it to you.
Tingyun is quite clingy, and a lot curious too. She'd ask you what you're doing and why you're doing it. If you have a hobby like painting,carving or anything like that she'd already be by your side, admiring your work and asking how you started it and why you did. She's like a curious child who just learned about something new.
She loves cuddling with you. A lot. Be it night or the middle of the day. If she wants cuddles. She gets cuddles. End of story.
Your dates with her would be so cute too. She'd take you to newly opened cafes or shops and buy you anything you want. She'd take you to watch the sunset near the starskiff harbours and give you tiny pecks all over your face. And of course you kiss her more in return (you better.)
She also loves seeing you in dresses. She can't explain it but she just loves it. She thinks you look so pretty with a cute fluffy dress and loves seeing you in lingerie too. She might buy you some for.....just cause.
In the end of the day the both of you have a really healthy relationship and live happily ever after. The end😌
Jing Yuan
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Jing Yuan is a busy man. But he makes sure he has lots of time to spend with you!
Just like Tingyun, this man is clingy too (more so than Tingyun) always sticking to you like gum whenever he can.
He absolutely loves spending time with you by playing Mahjong or checkers while you both have some good tea. He also loves teasing you and annoying you too when he gets too bored(which is never when he's with you)
This man is a sucker for cuddles. He'd drag you to bed when he's tired, totally ignoring your soft protests of how you still have some work that needs to be finished. They dont call him to dozing general for nothing.
Yanqing would drag you and him to do some training in your free time. The way Jing Yuan would look while he's slightly sweating, his hair a bit disheveled and his skin glowing. You couldn't help but let your thoughts wander back to those moonlit nights when he'd- ahem. You get it .
He'd just accompany you to wherever you were going. While you'd be buying basic necessities for the house, he'd be near a tea stall, checking out what flavour of tea he should buy or he'd be by some ceramic store, buying a new set of teacups.
Dates with Jing Yuan would be the sweetest. He'd take you out to a fancy restaurant or a street food cart. He'd also take you to a high place to watch the sunset as you just sit with eachother, hand in hand.
All in all you both are hopelessly in love. The end(2)😌
Methinks Tingyun is really pretty (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡
I lost my motivation near the end lol.
© marchiekana do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize my work.
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strawberry-jan · 7 months
I had thought that my days of writing long fandom effort-posts were behind me but then I finished Gaiden and welp, here I am. I ugly sobbed at the ending and then spent the next several hours ugly sobbing in textual form at friends. I have some thoughts; I am going to put a few spoiler-heavy ones (read: a lot of them) under the cut after this brief (read: lengthy) spoiler-free introduction.
Y6 and Y7 left me feeling like the writers should’ve just retired Kiryu from the series after Y5, even if it meant leaving him lying there in the snow and never following up on whether he’d actually made it back to Haruka or was just dreaming. I have complained at length about nearly every aspect of Y6, but since it’s directly relevant to my feelings about Gaiden, let me state my gripe with the ending specifically: it was an absolutely bizarre move to position that game’s ending (1) after Y5 and (2) within a game that hits the player over the head repeatedly with the message that setting yourself on fire to keep other people warm is a mistake that hurts not only you but also those around you.
Kiryu walks down the sunny path away from Morning Glory at the end of Y6, and everything about the framing suggests that even though it’s bittersweet, it ultimately tends toward sweet: the old generation has made way for the new, Yuta is there to look after Haruka in Kiryu’s place (don't get me started on this), and his family is safe for good. The problem with this is that it’s a shit resolution considering the game’s themes and also a devastating ending specifically for Kiryu. We’ve just come off the heels of Y5, where it’s more obvious than ever that despite his gruff, stoic exterior, at heart he’s a warm, caring man who badly needs to be with the people he loves. Exiling himself to Nagasugai made him unspeakably unhappy; what he wants, and what everyone in his family wants, is to be together, and this is something that Y6 harps on initially and then forgets in its ending. Walking away from Morning Glory forever is condemning himself to a lingering death and neither Y6 nor Y7 acknowledges this meaningfully. (Y7, in fact, is infuriating about this; Kiryu’s cameo there felt so cheap and unnecessary that I, one of the man’s biggest fans, was irritated at seeing him there.) It would have been kinder to just kill him outright at the end of Y6.
In that context, Gaiden feels like an apology that also tells you, gently, that we're at the end of an era - for real this time.
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Still Thinks Sunglasses Are a Proper Disguise is a roughly 25-hour outing (depending on how much time you sink into mahjong and whether you can get over your embarrassment long enough to close your blinds and watch the painfully awkward live-action hostess videos) in which the writers spend most of the run-time reassuring you, “Yes, actually, we do understand this character and the ramifications of his decision.” There are so many points in the story where it comes up that his family is the one thing that Kiryu wants and the one thing he can’t have. He’s explicit about his desire; you can go so far as to ask a wish-granting vagrant in a silly substory full of Dragon Ball (and also ball) jokes to give him his happy, peaceful life back, because even when Kiryu’s up to his balls in testicular puns, that’s what’s on his mind. There’s no façade that he puts up; the game simply acknowledges this want and goes, “Yes, that was the lesson you learned and discarded; sorry that you can’t act on it anymore, but that window closed in 2016 when you decided to die instead of taking the briefcase full of cash.”
So. This is sad enough. But what really broke me about the ending – and what I know really broke a lot of other people – was the fact that it’s so devastatingly clear that even if Kiryu were to have taken the Omi’s terrible offer to do away with Hanawa and get himself back to Okinawa, it wouldn’t have mattered. I think the writers were very deliberate about having everyone refer to the “kids in Okinawa” (yes, also in Japanese) when they make threats toward Kiryu’s family or talk about his desire to see them again. Kiryu thinks of them as his kids, but when he looks at the recording on Hanawa’s tablet, he sees adults with adult jobs and adult lives of their own. They love him, but their world has moved on without him, and there are no “kids in Okinawa” to return to; all this time, Kiryu has been clinging to a vision of his peaceful life with his kids that doesn’t exist and, in fact, cannot exist anymore. The series has always taken place (barring the spinoffs) roughly in the present moment with real time passing between entries, and I’ve never felt it so painfully acutely as I did in that moment when Kiryu realizes that Haruto can write.
And this is all of a piece, I think, with the speech he gives earlier in the game about wanting to do right by Kazama, Nishiki, and Yumi – more idealized visions of people he once knew and still loves. Hell, even though I’m disappointed not to get the fanservice that would’ve been Kiryu talking to Daigo, Majima, and Saejima at length, none of those members of the old guard have interacted with him since he left the hospital and went to jail at the start of Y6. It’s not just his kids who have moved on: Daigo is doing things for himself without sneaking back into Suzuki Taichi’s life to beg him for advice, and though Majima does roll his eye at Kiryu and tell him to stick around for a bit after the brawl (and the little knife-throw made me go hohohoh because I'm shameless and will take whatever scraps the studio deigns to give me), he and Saejima are bickering and joking around with each other like an old married couple. They’ve moved on, too, and Kiryu’s world is ghosts all the way down.
It's not all miserable, of course. I do genuinely love that Kiryu’s kids are happy, and although Kiryu sobs that he needed them more than they needed him, that seems more like a function of his chronically low self-esteem than anything based in reality. You can tell that the Morning Glory kids regarded him as a positive force in their lives and that they still do as adults – Taichi, for instance, says that he decided to be a firefighter because he wanted to protect people like Kiryu did. Kiryu’s family looked up to him but, crucially, without falling into the cycle that Kiryu did when he looked up to his own father figure. And it really warms my heart that clearly Haruka has been telling Haruto about her dad, such that the kid knows enough about oji-san to draw a picture of him with the rest of his family. I think a lot of other media’s writers would have chosen to make the Morning Glory kids bitter about Kiryu’s absence, to have them resent their dad for repeatedly disappearing on them. Maybe they did in fact feel upset with him for a while, but the video presents them all as happy and hopeful that maybe someday their not-dead dad will come back to have a drink with them – and I do hope that Y8 allows this to happen in some way. It wouldn’t be a return to his old life, but it would be something.
Anyway: I’d feel weird about talking at such great length about all of this without talking about the Big Dissolution Brawl and everything around it. It's all connected, after all. Just as Kiryu comes to the painful acknowledgement that his little world has moved on, so too does he have to beat it into Shishido’s skull that the organization that he’s still clinging to is a thing of the past. It’s not just that anti-Yakuza laws are making it more difficult for them to function and that the police and politicians have found ways to use them as scapegoats and pawns. It’s also that everyone who’s been in the business long enough understands that even the best men among them are still bastards and their organizations aren’t worth saving. Tsuruno – probably my favourite new character – is a fiercely loyal man who’s known for taking guys like Shishido under his wing; he also has no compunctions about plotting to murder Hanawa, threatening Kiryu’s family as a manipulation tactic, threatening Kiryu himself with a red-hot branding iron, and using Kiryu as an accessory to murder. Notable cool dude Watase made use of the Kijin Clan because their assassination services were necessary for him to get ahead, and he and Tsuruno readily discard Nishitani III the second he becomes a liability – gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet, after all. (I am not going into anything else about whatever the writers thought they were doing with Nishitani. I think there was something to do there with the game's interest in names and legacy but then, in classic RGG Studio fashion, they forgot to elaborate on it in any meaningful way.) For the first time since the late 80s, Kiryu is even forced to explicitly consider Kazama’s faults – albeit only briefly, and only in a substory.
Shishido himself wants to be the final boss of a previous game as if there's some kind of throne left to contend for (and his final fight is actually pretty reminiscent of the brawl with Aizawa, a high point in the series). And, at Kiryu’s insistence, he’s allowed to get out his blustering final speech about it – but he shouts about refusing to allow the old guard to dismantle the structure he’s ascended while everyone around him who actually matters is standing there, like, “Dude, the Tojo and Omi are over; read the room.” We're playing through the epilogue to Kiryu's saga, and we're seeing everything that drove that saga's conflicts being tied up or taken apart as needed. The kids will be alright no matter what happens to Kiryu, and while we already saw the Tojo Clan bite it in Y7 after its long decline over the course of the series, we're finally seeing that from the perspective of the guy who prolonged things by shoving Daigo into the chairman's seat and coming back to Kamurocho once a year or so for a Millennium Tower punch-out. Kiryu even acknowledges that, like Shishido, he loves this shit - "You hear someone out there's stronger... And soon your only thought is how to defeat them," he tells the man. But he goes on to say that that dream is meaningless in the face of other people's daily struggles. Again, it's time for everyone to move on. It's time for you as the player to move on, and you're being given one last real-time shirt-rip brawl against a man who won't accept that the era is over in order to underscore the point that it's over.
I’m not entirely sure how to finish this already too long post. There's a lot I haven't even touched on. I will say that I love Hanawa and Akame and Tsuruno. I love going back to Sotenbori. I love yet another game in which I can slam through the koi-koi and mahjong completion lists. I love all the callbacks and the sequence in the castle where you fight not-Kiryu and they've given him Gun and Sword like some kind of budget Sakamoto Ryoma. I love playing dress-up with my big burly guy. I love everything about the big boys’ night out in Chapter 4. I love that immediately after being tortured by Daidoji agents Kiryu can wander into the next room over to ask for a turn on their Sega Master System. I love how funny this game is when it's not socking me repeatedly in the gut. More than anything, I love that even though Kiryu’s enduring the world’s most drawn-out death sentence he’s still Kiryu and he’ll still snark at people and get really into little cars and involve himself in people's problems at the drop of a hat. I wish that I’d gotten to see Kiryu getting tripe with the old Tojo guard at the end of the game, but that’s what fic is for. I will not be writing that fic any time soon because I’m still way too deep in my feelings about this game to write anything cheerful about it. As I said, Gaiden feels like an apology, and while it made me cry harder than a video game has ever made me cry before, I’m so happy to have received it.
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vani-candy · 6 months
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After a number of personal tragedies, a young woman named Mitty leaves her home in Highwind to properly kickstart her career as a Builder in Sandrock. While she's still unsure of herself and hampered by her low self-esteem, she begins to find true happiness again as she meets the people around her. Someone who catches her eye in particular is the town's only doctor, Fang, a young man who seems just as lost as she is, if not more so. Feeling he needs companionship more than anything, Mitty vows to bring happiness to his life, little by little. However, she won't be able to suppress her growing feelings for him forever...
Swan's Treasure is my ridiculously ambitious blatantly self-indulgent personal fancomic series for My Time at Sandrock starring Fang and my OC, Mitty. I very much simply make this for fun, but this series grew much bigger than I was expecting, so I decided to make this index page to make it easier to navigate to each comic, especially since they're becoming less and less self-contained as I continue!
It is highly, highly recommended that you have played My Time at Sandrock before reading, as it is necessary to better understand the characters and story more. (I will die if i try to adapt every last piece of lore in the game, lol). That, and it is genuinely a fun game and I highly recommend it if you enjoy crafting sims + RPGs + both! As such, these comics will contain major spoilers for the game, so proceed with caution!
I may hop around to tackle story beats I may have missed or skipped over, so these are listed in chronological order.
Pushing Forward [part 1] [part 2] - Mitty leaves Highwind and moves to Sandrock to begin her career. She meets and makes several new friends, including the town's only doctor...
Earrings and Diagrams - Mitty continues to work for the people in Sandrock, which leads to her crossing paths with Fang again when X steals her earrings to try to impress CoCo.
Cheery Picnic - With some ideas from X, Mitty and Arvio invite Fang to a picnic to get to know him better. (The one that started it all!)
Mapo Tofu Weekend - After she and Fang get into a bit of an argument during a sandstorm, Mitty’s convinced he won’t want to see her again, so she’s surprised when he visits her and asks her to try the Mapo Tofu he made for her.
A PSA in Overwork (And Also Interfacing With Your Bestie's Boss) - Mi-an faints due to overwork and is ordered to take a week off by Fang. Yan uses the opportunity to shove all the commission work onto Mitty.
Doctor's Orders, Don't Interfere - A short follow up comic to A PSA in Overwork, Mitty and Fang go for a walk on a particularly hot day.
Shiny Hunting - In an effort to get them together, X and CoCo go out looking for jewels for Fang and Mitty. Things go downhill from there.
Season 2 Episode 36a Graveyard Shift - At Mort’s request, Mitty helps Fang tidy up the cemetery.
I Still Love You, Even Though I Miss You - Fang and Mitty spend the Day of Memories festival together and talk about their passed loved ones.
I’d Love More Dress Options - Fang wants to gift Mitty something, but doesn’t know what.
Painful Memory - A certain bandit attack in Sandrock triggers a harsh memory for Mitty.
She Clearly Feels Better, Doctor - A short follow up comic to Painful Memory, Mitty finishes sewing her new work outfit and shows it to Fang.
The Validity Test - Mitty gets a surprise visit from Nia. However, she seems pretty suspicious of Fang...
Regrets That Don't Disappear - Elsie asks Mitty to ask Fang about the incident that led to Logan becoming a bandit, but he won't say a word, even to her...
Bird Cage - Mitty tries to check up on Fang after their last meeting, but he seems to be doing even worse than before...
Things Changed While You Were Gone - Trudy comes back to Sandrock, noticing something has changed while she was away.
Don't Lose Your Patience - Fang listens in on a fireside meeting that quickly goes south.
Mahjong Break - Fang goes to check up on Mitty and gets roped into a Mahjong match at the Game Center.
That Legendary Mission - Mitty helps Fang with a couple errands...which also involves talking to a certain talkative rancher.
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fabiansociety · 7 months
i started playing yakuza 0 in August last year, and I've been playing my way through the entire series ever since. it's been a wild ride — a lot of nonsense plot has flowed through and out of my brain, a lot of janky combat, a massive amount of characters i've come to love, and hundreds of warmly empathetic substories that have pressed themselves into my brain. it feels like i've crammed an entire found family into my life, speedrunning through decades of character growth, major triumphs and minor failures. what it all means, in retrospect, i couldn't quite say. the series hasn't had a consistent point of view, except for an increasing melancholy of how life's narrative opportunities narrow with age and poor decisions, of the ways that childhood trauma lives with us forever, the ways that young men are brutalized into something useful for the powerful men at the top—but that's all a shadow passing over the true landscapes of the games, the long period hanging out in arcades or pool halls or drinking in a favorite bar, or singing karaoke alone or with someone. of watching kamurocho and sotenbori shift with the years, of the new cities we've visited and the food we've eaten. i remember the takoyaki place on the corner that got replaced with a gelateria much more than i remember any of the yakuza heavies that have driven the plots of these games, and that may actually be the point?
it's so weird to not have another yakuza game to immediately start playing. i've gotten so used to opening the next game as soon as i finish the previous one that it feels wrong to just be… done, for now? like, what am i to do with myself now? these games have been such a major part of my leisure time this last year. i've still got Ishin, but that's not really the same thing. the faces will be familiar, but the people will be strangers.
it feels right that the man who erased his name was the only one of these that i've actually 100% completed, from achievements to in-game trackers. they've lowered the bar for completion substantially with this latest game, and frankly it feels like an act of grace for people who have played through the entire series. i'm never going to get good at virtua fighter 2, no matter how many times it shows up, so it's nice to not have to get good at everything in order to round everything out. i've already taught myself mahjong for this series, is that not enough? LADG says, yes, it's okay, you've done enough, and i appreciate that tremendously, here at the end of this loooong road.
i spent *50 solid days* this last year doing nothing except playing yakuza games, that's ridiculous. i read every single nero wolfe book in significantly less time than that! this is the problem with doing this sort of run-the-board project for a video game series, it just takes so long to get even a basically thorough experience. running through the entire MCU, including all the D+, Netflix, Hulu, Freeform, and ABC shows, only takes 424 hours, by comparison. you could watch all of it in less time than in took me to get from Y0 to Y4. i read all the nero wolfe books a couple of years back, and i was ripping through those at a book a night. video games are massively more decompressed as a medium, which makes them much harder to approach. i've loved doing this, and really valued the experience, but how do i even begin to recommend someone approach this, when so much of the specific pleasure i get is from seeing these characters and locations grow and change over time? how do you even begin to read a work of that scope? what is even meaningful out of that time to convey to another person? and yet it is meaningful, having lived through it, in the way living in another city is meaningful. i can tell you what i did there, and the important things that happened to me, but the only way to really get it is to move there yourself, and that's a lot to ask of someone.
stats under the cut, if you're curious about just how much time i've spent on each individual game
yakuza 0: 115:45 started 8/10/22, completed 9/7/22
yakuza kiwami: 66:24 started 9/9/22, completed 10/10/22
yakuza kiwami 2: 73:20 started 10/10/22, completed 10/30/22
the majima saga: 2:49 started 10/18/22, completed 10/26/22
yakuza 3: 103:20 started 10/31/22, completed 2/20/23 (with a break from november to february)
yakuza 4: 124:14 started 2/20/23, completed 3/17/23
yakuza 5: 168:17 started 3/18/23, completed 4/27/23
yakuza 6: 76:05 started 4/30/23, completed 5/20/23
judgment: 114:29 started 5/22/23, completed 7/16/23
yakuza like a dragon: 131:31 started 7/16/23, completed 9/2/23
lost judgment: 131:10 (shocking how close this is to YLAD) started 9/17/23, completed 11/4/23
the kaito files: 12:59 started 11/5/23, completed 11/10/23
the man who erased his name: 75:17 started 11/11/23, completed 11/27/23
total time, across the entire series: 1195:40
i benchmarked these against the completionist starts on HowLongToBeat, and i was actually under par that way until about yakuza 4, when my times suddenly got much longer than estimated. what changed? mahjong. i learned how to play mahjong, and that was great (mahjong rules), but it's added dozens of hours to my games, easily, and even with that LADG is the only one of the games where i managed to complete the in-game mahjong objectives. y4 has four separate tournaments you can climb your way to the top of, one for each main character, and i never even got close, but i spent a lot of time trying!
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Best Underrated Anime Group B Round 4: Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time vs Run with the Wind
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#B7: Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time
Kid epicly procrastinates during class
#B5: Run with the Wind (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru)
Amateur college track team aims for big race
Details and poll under the cut!
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#B7: Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time
All Rumi Yokoi wants to do is focus during school, but she is constantly distracted by Toshinari Seki, her neighboring classmate. Paying attention during class is the least of Seki's worries, as he obsesses over intricate setups created using an assortment of items, from an elaborate domino course on his desk to a treacherous war played out with shogi pieces. Yokoi desperately attempts to focus in class, only to be repeatedly sucked into his intriguing eccentricities; however, they always seem to end up with her getting in trouble with their teacher. Fortunately, lessons will never be dull with Seki's antics around!
Propaganda 1:
Seki-kun is the sort of anime that stays underrated because it seems overly simple, but it really shines in its simplicity. The episodes are short tales of Seki’s epic procrastination and they’re absurdly amusing. Both the opening and ending are super funny and really well-thought-out.
It’s the anime equivalent of a hard candy. You can have an episode at the end of the day or between tasks, and it entertains you well without asking for much.
Propaganda 2:
It is a really short anime with very short episodes but is still very entertaining, and we never hear the character whose name is in the title speak but we still get a really good feel of his personality. It’s just really funny and a lot of fun to watch.
Trigger Warnings: None
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#B5: Run with the Wind (Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru)
Former ace runner of Sendai Josei High School, Kakeru Kurahara is chased away from a convenience store for shoplifting. Shaking off his pursuer, he runs into Haiji Kiyose, another student from his university. Haiji is impressed by Kakeru's agility and persuades him to live in Chikusei-sou, the run-down apartment where Haiji resides along with eight other students. Having lost his entire apartment deposit at a mahjong parlor, Kakeru accepts the offer reluctantly.
However, Haiji reveals a secret during Kakeru's welcoming party: the apartment is actually the dormitory of the Kansei University Track Club. He unveils his ultimate goal of participating in the Hakone Ekiden—one of the most prominent university marathon relay races in Japan. Unfortunately, all the residents apart from Haiji and Kakeru are complete running novices. Worse still, none of the inhabitants are even remotely interested in being involved with Haiji's ridiculous plan! With only months before the deadline, will the fourth-year student be able to convince them otherwise and realize his elusive dream of running in the Hakone Ekiden?
Propaganda 1:
Okay so, finally a sports anime that isn’t set in high school. (There aren’t nearly enough set in college.) MC is basically Older Running Kageyama, in both looks and personality. He has to overcome his past issues with his old track team, and learn to open up. I love the relationships that form between the team members. There’s one who is just Not Here for It and struggles A Lot, who just wants to go home and read manga. (Hey it me.) There’s also a cute dog, and a lot of the bg music is by the same folks as Haikyuu.
Propaganda 2:
I genuinely think this might be the best sports anime out there. It’s an amazing anime in general, with good animation, a beautiful art show, and a great premise, though what really makes it stand out is the characters.
RWTW is a character-driven story at heart, with all the main characters given their time to shine. The main cast is very lovable, and their relationships with each other are depicted in a sweet but realistic way. The protagonist, Kakeru, goes through a great character development over the course of the show, from being a lonely outcast at the start to accepting the other team members into his heart as found family.
While I’m not a runner personally, I still found this interesting to watch, since along with the training there’s a lot of thoughtful discussion on the nature of running: what it means to run, to be a runner. There’s a very philosophical aspect to it, which makes sense considering that RWTW is actually adapted from a book. The last thing I’ll say is that as a college student myself, it’s really nice to watch an anime focused on people in college and not high school. Oh, and the soundtrack is incredible.
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol and Smoking
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
New: Starting round 5, screenshots will be included in the poll post. You can submit screenshots through the form linked above, or through here, via ask or dm.
Guidelines in submitting screenshots:
No NSFW or spoilery images.
Pick some good images please. Don’t send any blurry or pixelated ones.
You may send up to 9 screenshots, but not all may be used.
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holo-sims · 1 month
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Families: Plainore
During my Tumblr absence Arabella and Kumo had a kid! I was pleased to see she’s just as mischievous as her father and as kind as her mother. She’s an avid mahjong player and loves to challenge the guests at Weeping Willow Tavern.
Dahlia Plainore
Species: Human/Witch
Gender: Female
Age: Child
Zodiac: Libra
Aspiration: Grow Up
Sexuality: ?
LTW: ?
OTH: Nature
Personality: Neat 2, Outgoing 7, Active 3, Playful 7, Nice 7
Traits: Perfectionist, Light Sleeper, Daredevil
Turn-Ons: ?
Turn-Offs: ?
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azurecrystalz · 1 year
[Translation] Bon Appetit! (Niki FS2) / Chapter 2
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Niki: My time off, just what is it~…?
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Niki: (I just kept Nee-san in the dark for a while and in the end the only thing I could think of was cooking...to be fair I did try to think of something apart from cooking, but I all I could come up with was mahjong and pachinko with Rinne-kun!)
Niki: Sigh. Being optimistic is harder than I thought...
Niki: (...Even when it came to my "personalized outfit"[1]. I kept talking about cooking only because it's something I love and am interested in. I couldn't think up of any ideas. This time I really want to come up with my own ideas without Nee-san's help, even if it's just a bit.)
Niki: But, the more I work my brain the hungrier I get~...good thing I decided to make a night snack. I'll think about all this once the bowl is empty. Mogumogu.
???: Kunkun[2]...what's that tasty smell?
Niki: Harukawa-kun? What are you doing here at this hour?
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Sora: Oh nothing~. But, it kind of smelled like rice so Sora found himself wandering over...?
Niki: If you're walking around without a thought, then surely you're hungry. Here, I made this so you're free to eat some if you want?
Sora: Haha~? Now that you mention it, Sora does feel a bit hungry. Could he eat together with you?
Niki: Absolutely~ Just sit an wait a sec please, I'll bring it over~
Sora: Hihi~, it's super warm and tasty! Chef Onii-san[3], you make a really good cook!
Niki: Fufuuun~ That's because I am a cook.
Sora: Right now it seems like something is bothering you though, Chef Onii-san.
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Niki: Mugu!? ...Ngugu, gokun! [4] H-how could you tell?!
Sora: Because that's what the "colors" looked like? It's hard to put into words but..
Niki: Ohhh, Harukawa-kun could you tell from your senses? I'm the same way, since I can tell a lot of things by smell.
Sora: Eh?
Niki: I'm pretty sensitive to that kind of thing. No matter how much someone disguises themself, I can smell it out and see right through it~
Sora: Huhu~. Unexpectedly, we're closer than Sora thought~? It's surprising, but it's delightful...Sora wants to hear your story, Chef Onii-san!
Niki: My story?
Sora: Right~ Sora is a magician that makes everyone happy! If there's any trouble with using the magic, then he can guide them to a happier direction! That's why, why don't you try telling Sora about what's wrong? Sora wants to help Chef Onii-san with his cooking.
Niki: If you insist...I'm starting to feel like I want you to listen to me too. It's a silly personal problem of mine, but I want you to listen and keep this between you and me. So--
A few minutes later
Niki: ...And so, I don't know what my time off is!
Sora: So that's what's wrong~ Chef Onii-san, you're lost on what your off time is?
Niki: That's right. When I have time off, when I'm not working as an idol or in the kitchen...I've thought about it so much, but everything I do is for cooking: eating out, thinking up of a recipe, and going abroad to find new ingredients. Even "Niki's Kitchen" is a Circle based on cooking. With the "Overnight Outdoor's Club" too, I was in charge of cooking. Everything just comes back to cooking...! I'm buried from head to toe in food!
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Sora: Chef Onii-san you really like to cook...no, you really, really, really love cooking don't you~? Sora thought it was amazing, so what would be wrong with it?
Niki: Because, if all I can think up of is cooking then no matter how you look at it that's not an idea right?
Sora: Not at all! You love it so much that you never get sick of it, you think about it everyday and get carried away with it. It's wonderful to keep constantly exploring something~ That's why, we should show that love to everyone. It would make you happy if you showed that "love" to others...wouldn't it?
Niki: ...It wouldn't make a difference.
Niki: Thank you, Harukawa-kun. It's my call now...so I'll think about it for just a bit longer~
A few days later
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Niki: Nee-san! Sorry to call you so suddenly when you're busy. I really wanted to have lunch with you today, Nee-san. I'm happy you came!
Niki: Now? I'm finishing everything up, it'll be ready soon~ ...Yep, perfect. Nee-san, I'm sure this'll suit your tastes~ Ah, that's right. Could you take a picture of me now? For the pamphlet's offshots...How do I look? "Well, like a cook"?--
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Niki: That's right, I'm both an idol and a cook. I was thinking about that for a while, but then I thought if all I could think off was cooking I'd just make one ingredient called food. That picture you just took is of me and food. It's a in different taste than the picture of me eating sweets the day before right? My face expression changes depending on the kind of food I make and eat. No matter what, I love cooking. I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea for my fans to see me like that but...what do you think?
Niki: ....? "Sounds like you, but it's going to make for one hungry pamphlet"? Nyahaha. It really would make people hungry if all they saw was pictures of me and my food right? But, that's all I've got. Please give the pamphlet a read, and get as excited as you can for the live--I'll perform a live that will make the dinner after the show taste even better! Well then, thank you for waiting. For lunch today is my very own special, a lunch plate with a side of sweets~ I want to think about everything together while we eat. About a "Feature Live" that will leave everyone full and satisfied...~
(1): Referring to his FS1 story. Anzu helped completely with the design. (2): JP onomatopoeia for "sniff sniff" like taking a short whiff of something. (3): I think this is the first time Sora has interacted with Niki so for anyone editing the wiki this is the nickname used! (4): Choking noises, written exactly as shown in the dialogue box (・・;)
TL Note: I realized I have literally never translated Sora before ever JFHSKS I tried to use the same method as I did for HiMERU just less formal. Please forgive me for any errors in the way he refers to himself + if he doesn't sound "animated" or if he sounds stiff :') Also, I changed the way I indicated footnotes as you can see, please let me know which method is better :D
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Simple 2000 Series Stream Pt.4 (D3 Publisher - PS2 - 2000s)
0:00 Pre-Stream Jams (Love Upper!) 7:00 Street Golfer 1:11:55 Love Smash! 1:43:55 Snowboard Racer 2 2:21:55 Come on Baby! 3:37:55 Yakuza Fury 3:56:30 Metropolismania 2 4:26:50 Love Mahjong! 4:41:20 Love Mahjong! 2 5:07:55 Taxi Rider 5:27:45 The Maid Clothes & Machine Gun 6:05:20 Love Songs 6:27:30 Runabout 3: Neo Age 6:35:20 The Fire's Fighting Banchou 6:49:10 The Men's Machine Gun Base 7:19:20 Intermission 7:30:00 The Japan Special Forces ~Violent Crime Archipelago 7:41:45 Steel Dragon Evolution 8:14:20 The Meoka Pichi Trap Book ~Oharu-Chan GOGOGO! 8:31:40 Let's Go By Train! 3 9:16:15 The Let's Talk to Aliens! What is Uchu-jin?~ 9:50:50 Monster Attack / Earth Defense Force 10:20:35 Demolition Girl / The Daibijin
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blueberrybluestar · 9 months
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after 2 and a half years and over 1200 hours of playtime across all games, i now have all the achievements on every rgg title available on steam.
i don't regret a single one of those hours. these games showed me what it was like to actually have fun playing video games again. even with their flaws (some having more than others), i love all these games with all my heart and soul, and i'm sure i'll still be replaying them many times in the future.
special shoutout to Y:LaD for being one of the best things that ever happened to me, and to Y5 and Ishin for nearly destroying my soul with the 100% requirements <3
also mahjong is fun and i'm tired of pretending it's not.
now i'm all set for the next games - looking forward to adding gaiden and infinite wealth to this list!
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7grandmel · 2 months
Todays rip: 24/04/2024
Guardian of the Ride Chasers
Season 4 Episode 1 No Album Release (Read More)
Ripper Unknown
I really don't know what it is, but I woke up earlier this week with Black Parade (MMX Remix) specifically stuck in my head. I guess that's a disadvantage to running this blog - in writing, I tend to listen to the rip in question on repeat to get a good feel of the tone I want to go for, and in the process get tunes stuck in my head (Raft Ride, for instance, has still not left my innermost thoughts ever since The Incident.) But althesame, getting a Mega Man X arrangement rip stuck in my head got me fervently looking for more like it - because really, I think it was just my brain's way of telling me that it misses listening to Mega Man X music. It was through this that I wound up stumbling onto something big, a rip I'd entirely forgotten about and one that's STILL lacking a ripper credit even five years later - Guardian of the Ride Chasers, with no attachment to its origin or its ripper, fucking OWNS.
Mega Man X2 has a pretty different sound to the original Mega Man X in a way that's controversial in a lot of ways, yet the ripper has leveraged those differences to absolutely incredible lengths here. You can TELL that the guitar samples used are different, in some's eyes "whinier" - yet they lend themselves to the dramatic flair of the arranged track ever so well. So then...what is that arranged track? Funny enough, it's a source of music I was only made aware of through a SiIvaGunner project later in the same season - Guardian of the Former Sea, or the theme of the Desert Scourge boss, from the Terraria Calamity Mod. The game is as far away from my area of knowledge as you could come - I've hardly ever even touched the BASEGAME Terraria - but its legendary composer, DM DOKURO, was a name I got very familiar with entirely thanks to SiIvaGunner. Remember the King for Another Day Tournament? Yeah - amidst many other guest arrangers, DM DOKURO lent his incredible skills to a bevvy of arrangements for the event, including one I've covered on here before - September!
And like, that was how I was initially introduced to the Terraria Calamity mod as a whole! I've talked numerous times about how following SiIvaGunner has given me exposure to so many things I wouldn't have checked out otherwise, be it with Aphex Twin Snakes, Plantasia 2, Owner of a Mahjong Board or countless more, but its an entirely new level of cool to discover a composer through their guest contributions on the channel. As I mentioned before, Guardian of the Ride Chasers was already bound to work for me as someone hopelessly attached to the specific sound of the SNES Mega Man X games, but the rip only works as WELL as it does due to DM DOKURO's incredible work with the original track. I love how Mega Man X2's more varied sound in particular compared to the former and latter game resulted in the track being adapted pretty differently, in particular using the particular plink-plonk sounds from Bubble Crab's theme for a lot of the track to give the rip some really nice texture. It can be easy for a banger melody to be lost amidst samey instrumentation, a lot of lower-quality "but in the (blank) soundfont" have shown me just how bad it can really get - but the ripper went above and beyond in making the entire track sound absolutely brilliant in the conversion here.
All in all, Guardian of the Ride Chasers was a two-for-one kind of rip - both being an incredibly cool rip to listen to in its own right, and helping spread DM DOKURO's exceptional work outside of his target audience. Hopefully in making this post, you as the readers will now ALSO be reminded to go check out the other music from the Terraria Calamity Mod, or the other stuff by DM DOKURO in general - this rip is truly only scratching the surface.
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callgespenst · 25 days
Acen Day 2: Literally Just Guest Signings and Panels
probably in chronological order:
woke up early to get to the 10 AM PILI/Thunderbolt Fantasy panel. They paraded around the puppets, showed some cool new footage and behind the scenes stuff, and I got an exclusive can badge! for telling everyone how much I love Rou Shinkai.
Went to the signing for SYNERGY, or, for me and most of the people in line, the signing for Bemani artists Ryu* and kors k. There were like, six other DJs there, but everyone just wanted the rhythm game guys, I kinda felt bad. I bought two CDs, one from each artist, and got them signed. They liked my itabag!
Side note, I was by myself in line for that signing, and the whole time the dudes behind me are like "haha I bet they brought CDs again, who even buys those" me, motherfucker, I like physical media! I also still have a car that only plays them, but that's just a nice bonus.
Went to Tomo Sakurai's signing, got a Macross 7 book signed for a friend. She had the Gubaba plush I made with her!!!!! I guess she really does like it.
Meandered around, went into the dealer's room again, bought Saint Tail on blu-ray and the Wave Tekkaman Blade kit. Met some new people and chatted with some old friends.
Went back to our lodgings at 8 PM because we were exhausted and had already done everything we wanted to do.
Skipped Sunday and just went home.
I only slightly regret skipping the last day (but not as much as I'm glad I got home before midnight), but I'm also glad I have the maturity to realize "I've done what I want to at this event, there's no need to stick around, spend more money, with no guarantee of getting to do anything else fun".
....but also, I promised the Chicago lads I'd play mahjong with them on Sunday. There'll be other chances.
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calviyv · 8 months
Liu Kang HCs for @chewbokachoi , Thanks for asking!
— General headcanons ,
1. Although loves playing games like chess or mahjong in his free time, he is also so good at video games. No one has ever beaten him in Super Smash Bros. Until Raiden.
2. Enjoys game nights with earthrealm champions. They're so chaotic but he feels so alive when he's among the people he cares for.
3. When having dinner at Madame Bo's, Liu Kang and Raiden would be the quiet ones giggling and just watching the chaos Johnny, Kenshi and Kung Lao cause. Though he usually has to apologize Madame Bo for disturbing her customers.
4. Gossips with Geras about literally everything. (besties)
5. At the endgame while gathering champions, he was so done with Shang Tsung's bullshit he was so shocked when he met good Shang Tsung, He had a hard time trusting him.
6. Actually enjoys watching movies very much. Accepted Johnny's offer to bring a huge projector to Wu Shi so everyone can watch movies together. (It was definitely one the best experiences they all ever had)
7. He sent the death package (UNO) just to mess with the Outworlders. The outcome wasn't the most pleasant but definitely so funny.
— Relationship headcanons ,
1. He's a literal walking human heater. Are you cold? He's more than happy to help!
2. Gives the best hugs. Will hold you for hours whenever you're having a hard time, will gently caress your hair and rub your back.
3. Is very gentle and patient with you, he'll never push you to tell him your problems, will patiently wait for you to explain what is bothering you to him and will give the best advice and guidance.
4. Gentle kisses. Specially forhead kisses. He loves kissing his lover more than anything, makes him feel joy and peace.
5. Everyone at the Wu Shi academy respect you so much. He loves sitting at the Wu Shi gardens with you and watch the others train. Will be so proud whenever you try to join the others for training.
6. Dinners with him are usually at Madame Bo's, you can walk in the gardens of Wu Shi at night, stargazing or he will teleport you to wherever you want to be in the world.
7. At his free times when you are both alone, you will share funny stories about the Wu Shi's shenanigans to eachother and laugh. Mostly from the times when Johnny and Kenshi visit the Wu Shi and their funny moments with Kung Lao and Raiden.
8. Will teach you chess or mahjong if you are interested so you can play with eachother and enjoy your time.
9. Will share stories from past timelines with you, he trusts you so much but he also knows the limit of your understanding so he will be cautious.
10. Will teach you kombat if you ask him to. Literally the best teacher.
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