#Love others
avengers-21 · 2 months
today’s verse ✨
“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭KJV‬‬
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elsaqqa-4ever · 5 months
Good morning 🌹
Sometimes we give others what we lack.
We send a grin even when we're sad.
We offer them our attention when we are distracted.
We give them hope when we are in despair.
We offer them things that we sorely need because we have a kind heart that enjoys giving.
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cephalopod-celabrator · 4 months
One of my more unusual philosophical takes is that it is impossible to have an immoral thought/feeling/urge. Without exception. Morality is a fuckin complicated thing sometimes but I do firmly believe it is action and intent that matter, not merely thought. A person can have the most "evil" thoughts and beliefs possible but if they don't put harm into the world then they're fine. Even if they believe that. And to be clear, this does not mean you can say whatever you want, saying things counts as an action, but your mind is utterly your own.
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hehasplans · 2 months
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jingleshoes · 1 month
here is something interesting that i find very odd,
i hate many things about myself, we all do its a pretty known fact that we all have things we hate about ourselves because we just look at ourselves so much, but whenever you see other people with those same features you find those features cute or pretty , its a strange thing and it really does speak to the fact that we as people are way to hard on ourselves
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soltalks · 5 months
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the0nlyallison · 6 months
I wish I could hug every single person in the world and absorb their sorrows and worries and sadness to make them feel better
I wouldn't give two thoughts about it. If someone else is sad I'd give up my entire happiness to make them all happy.
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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John 5:24 (NIV). “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.” John 5:24 (NLT)). “I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” John 5:24 (AMP). “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, the person who hears My word [the one who heeds My message], and believes and trusts in Him who sent Me, has (possesses now) eternal life [that is, eternal life actually begins—the believer is transformed], and does not come into judgment and condemnation, but has passed [over] from death into life.”
“What does John 5:24 mean?” By BibleRef.com:
“Verse Commentary: The word amēn in Greek is taken directly from older, ancient languages such as Aramaic. It survives in many modern languages as well. Here, it is often given a fairly literal translation of "truly," or something similar. Using this word at the end of a sentence is a way of emphasizing truth, or hopefulness. This is why we often end prayers with the word "amen." Used at the beginning of a statement, however, it means something very different. In that culture, Jesus' use of "Amēn, amēn, legō hymin…"—"truly, truly I say to you"—means He is claiming absolute, first-hand, personal knowledge. This is not something He has learned or been taught. Rather, this is a fact He knows personally to be true.
This verse goes hand-in-hand with the statement made by Jesus in verse 23. Those who accept Christ are accepting God, and that means accepting eternal life. Rejecting Jesus means rejecting God. Those who reject God are under His judgment (John 3:36). Jesus' power over spiritual life and death is proven, in part, by His power over physical life and death (John 20:30–31).
The words Jesus uses place this eternal life in this moment—in the present. That is, those who put trusting faith in Christ have eternal life, right now. Their passing from "death to life" has already happened. This description of passing from death to life is only used in the New Testament by John, and only in two places. One is here, and the other is in 1 John 3:14.”
1 John 3:14. (NIRV) “We know that we have left our old dead way of life. And we have entered into new life. We know this because we love one another. Anyone who doesn’t love still lives in their old condition.” 1 John 3:14 (AMP). “We know that we have passed over out of death into Life by the fact that we love the brethren (our fellow Christians). He who does not love abides (remains, is held and kept continually) in [spiritual] death.”
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usagi-best-boy · 1 year
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Listen to me. You can never completely understand someone. Most people live and die without even understanding themselves. Nevertheless, it is for that very reason people seek each other out to share the warmth of an emotional bond. Or should I say, I'm sure there will be such a person as long as you do not close your heart. Open your heart, and you will never be lonely even when you are alone.
Vanitas no Carte
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awesomecooperlove · 8 months
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lemonytofu · 2 years
☾Sixteen Goddess Guidelines☽
Meditate - Morning Meditation Practice: Do meditations that are aimed specifically at connecting to the divine feminine. Practice sanskrit mantra chanting and experiment with different mantras. Visualize an orb of light above your head, your higher self, merging with your physical body as you meditate. See if you can connect this orb with your womb consciousness.
Pray - Evening Prayer Practice: Pray to the moon, divine cosmic mother, mother earth, the elements, or any deity or goddess who resonates with you (preferably one from your ancestral heritage.) State your worries, wishes, and gratitude for their presence, love, and protection.
Create - Create, Create, Create: Find a creative medium you can immerse yourself within. Whether it's painting, pottery, playing music, singing, dancing, knitting or crocheting, needle work, or whatever; create, create, create.
Mystify- Daily Divination Practice: Tarot, Pendulum, Numerology, Astrology, Stream-of-Consciousness Journaling, etc; perform divination practices with tools you're called to and impress deeper into the divine unknown. Practice using and trusting your intuition.
Move - Move Your Body. Do Pilates, Yoga, Dancing, Walking, Trail Running Weight-Lifting, etc; whatever gets your body moving in a way that feels energizing for you. Pro tip: Move according to the lunar cycle and your menstrual cycle.
Nourish - Nourish Your Body with Food: Maintain a healthful diet that is suited to you. There is no one perfect diet that works for everyone, but focusing on eating a variety of real (non-processed) food is universal. Opt for plant-based as much as possible.
Bathe - Take Care of Your Body: Dry brush, massage warm oils (like grape-seed, olive, or sesame) into your skin, fill your baths with herbs, milks, teas, and crystals that correspond to the season the moon, and your intentions, treat yourself to foot and back massages, maintain dental and nail health, whisper to your body when you find it attractive and when you find it less so, just how beautiful, worthy, and holy you find it and how grateful you are for its numerous functions and abilities.
Connect - Connect Socially. Not just online. We are social creatures who need to connect with others irl and often. Collaborate and come together with other women. Create room for serendipitous encounters, be open to genuine connection wherever you go, recognize that while you may be separate, you are never alone.
Pleasure - Maintain a Pleasure Practice. Explore your sexuality and sensuality. Masturbate in front of a mirror, light candles and set a mood, experiment with your fingers and pleasure toys. Journal your experiences. Be patient, gentle, and kind to yourself.
Sleep - 8 - 10 Hours A Night, preferably. Create rituals and habits in the evening that draw you closer to bed and make going to sleep feel luxurious; dress in a robe, take warm baths or showers, give yourself mask and gua sha facials, drink moon milk or tea, play calming or sultry music, read, etc.
Care - Care for the Pets, People, Places, and Things You Are Surrounded By: pour love into the food you make and sure, take time to listen and be present with whomever you're engaging with, give things away often, say "Hello," to your House when you arrive and "Thank You," when you leave, sing to your houseplants, maintain your belongings and surroundings, etc.
Abstain - Don't Smoke or Drink Alcohol and Beverages High in Caffeine: Green teas, black teas, and the occasional decaf coffee is okay. If you decide to drink, keep it to a moderate amount (one drink a day or less.)
Discern - Don't Engage in Sexual Activity with Energy Vampires. These are people who: don't have your best interest or pleasure at heart, drain you of your inner peace and energy, are not secure within themselves and who are not doing inner work to improve themselves or their surroundings. Remember when you have sex with someone, you exchange energy, karma, and soul ties. Be extremely discerning with whom you share your divine bodies (physical, energetic, emotional, etc.)
Preserve - Preserve Your Sacred Sacral Chakra Energy; for your projects, dreams, inner muse, and sexual partners who have earned your trust and respect consistently. Prevent leaks in your sacral chakra by establishing and holding boundaries, prioritizing internal over external validation, and establishing your own pleasure practice.
Embrace - Embrace That Perfection Does Not Exist. Hold yourself accountable to progress with your habits, not perfection.
Enjoy! - Life is absurd. Being alive is absurd. Enjoy as much of it as you can, when you can. Eventually, we will all return to the great cosmic nothingness/everythingness. If you align with the Goddess in this lifetime, let her work through you, for you. Receive. Embody. Behold. Be here now as much as you can with as much love as you can hold.
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Liba W. Stambollion, Goddess As Mother: Creation
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andstillwelove · 1 month
shabbat inspired playlist 🤍 but beautiful music anyone can enjoy, celebrating or not!
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devkikisworld · 2 months
My favorite animal is me when people check in with me to let me know they're safe and ok🤍
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kittycatlukey · 2 years
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Everyone, just be good humans. I’m so tired…
People who are “anti-woke” are people that are asleep— they’re sheep. It's ignorance and fear. They like to deceive… manipulate. Don’t let them brainwash you.
Just be kind. It’s not hard.
Love your neighbor.
Stay woke.
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squidincsstuff · 2 months
Love flows through me like water in a steam that leads to an ocean It’s up to you to adcept it
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breadonthestreet · 4 months
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