#Love the little Lamia in the 'thank you' note too
ottosuwuen · 5 months
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Two beautiful Lamia commisions I bought at a con!
Artists: Asukara and ZzzleepyBunny
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icemde · 1 year
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GONE. NO MATTER HOW HARD HE TRIED. THEY'RE GONE AGAIN. It was almost a joke to him at this point, that no matter how much he loves and tries to protect them, he's bound to loose his family. Bound to be alone and without the ones he loves by his side. It happened again, and to the hands of demons once again.
LOST. IT WAS THE ONLY WORD HE COULD FIND AT THIS TIME. What was one to do when everything you have ever known was gone. He knew his old habits, and as much as he'd love to say he has grown past them, there was something so deep within him that knew that no matter how much he grew, how much he thought he had moved on, he will forever be that scared little boy who lost his entire world in a single night.
HE RAN. RAN FROM THOSE WHO STAYED. RAN FROM HIS PRESENT. RAN TO HIS PAST. It all happened so fast that he wasn't even aware he ended up in Margaret Town, in front of the only family he had left. In front of the one link that remained from his past, ever present and steadfast.
HE WAS THANKFUL FOR LYON. THE COMFORT AND FAMILIARITY HE BROUGHT. They would never lie and say they were the closest, but their bond was always there, and Lyon's willingness to home Gray and stay with him while he processed the loss of another family was something the younger Ice Mage could never thank the other for.
"Why don't you join Lamia Scale?"
1 YEAR TIME SKIP AU: Instead of Gray heading back to Isvan post Tartarous, Gray is around long enough to hear the news of Fairy Tail's disbandment first hand. The news absolutely shatters Gray, thinking he's loosing his family all over again, and in a moment of panic and fear ends up fleeing Magnolia and the rest of his guild mates, not wanting to see them leave. He eventually ends up with Lyon in Margaret Town, where the older Ice Mage houses Gray and helps him through processing Fairy Tai'ls disbandment.
After a few months of Gray living with Lyon and accompanying him on the odd jobs, Lyon puts out the suggestion of Gray joining Lamia Scale. Gray is extremely hesitant about this at first, thinking that he'd be moving on from Fairy Tail far too soon, but Lyon continues to be a voice of reason for Gray, reminding him that he does still need to make a living and have a life, as well as Wendy's joining of the guild.
Eventually, Gray does take up Lyon's offer. He's very stand offish from the rest of the guild, choosing only to really interact with those he knows ( Primarily, Lyon and Wendy ) due to his resurfacing trauma thanks to Fairy Tails disbandment. When Natsu and Lucy start going around to reform Fairy Tail, Gray is extremely stand-offish towards them, and almost seems like he's against the idea of the guild reforming. It once again takes Lyon talking some sense into Gray for him to finally reopen himself up to the two and go with them to collect the rest of the guild.
NOTE: Because of Gray joining a Legal Guild and actively partaking in jobs, the events of the Avatar and Gray joining Avatar Do Not Happen in this au.
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void-kissed · 2 years
oh i LOVED reading about how alectra would fit into the genshin plotline... if she were an NPC id be visiting her during every major plot beat to see what shes up to. she sounds like a very fun easter egg, kinda like those fatui guys who hang out near the mondstadt city waypoint
aaah thank you so much!!!! yeah I got way too attached to the concept of her foreshadowing stuff going wrong, ‘cause like - the first time you see her is during Ending Note, and you can only see her right at the start of that specific quest; she’s waiting outside the cathedral, looking up at the Barbatos statue, and she won’t give any dialogue when spoken to by the Traveller (or, if she did, it’d be something short, like.. “Isn’t there somewhere else you’re supposed to be going at the moment?”). However, her being there means she’s then right there to be in the cutscene where Signora first appears and then gets Venti’s Gnosis, so if you noticed her waiting outside beforehand, that’d clue you into who she was without actually telling you much of anything about her. But she only appears in a very short interval, so she’d be easy to miss.
The next time she could be spotted would be during the part of the Liyue archon quests where you’re going around buying things with Tartaglia’s money, and the idea is that she’s sitting high up on the rooftops, so that if you wanted to go to try and talk to her it’d be a massive hassle (and she’s not very easy to spot). If you actually went out of your way to do it though, she’d maybe say something like.. “Ah, so you actually managed to make it up here? I must say, you’ve quite the keen eye to have sighted me. Even so.. you’re still setting the stage at the moment. So, please, carry on as you were. I wonder how ready you think you should be for the show.” This is foreshadowing the upcoming (though not as immediately upcoming) boss fight with Tartaglia himself - he’s her brother, or as close as she has to one anyway, so it’s no wonder she’s keeping an eye on what he’s up to.
I don’t quite know if there’s an opportunity for her to show up again in the game itself here, but one thing that I do know happens is that she has a bit of a confrontation with Tartaglia some time after the boss fight, because she didn’t realise he wasn’t in on the same things that she was regarding everyone’s plans. She then also runs into Zhongli again after the cutscene where he gives up his Gnosis to Signora, and she manages to get a lot of comfort - and a hug - that she needed from that interaction (since.. well, I associate Zhongli quite strongly with my grandad. for some reason. so I wanted to have him and Alectra (and Lamia because she visits Liyue with Yoimiya during Lantern Rite) be close, even if it makes little to no sense, because of that.)
When it then comes to Inazuma, Alectra has the first act of her story quest - “Luscinia Cineris Chapter - Act I: To Be Fooled By A Familiar Face” - slotted in to try and space out the pacing of that nation’s archon quests somewhat. Her story quest revolves around the Traveller being mistaken for Alectra by some guards, and subsequently having to clear their name by figuring out what was really going on (since all they saw was someone “fairly short, wielding a sword, with blonde hair” wearing either “dark clothes” if playing as Aether or “a sleeveless dress” if playing as Lumine). In the process they would probably find out more about Alectra by overhearing some Fatui working for her or something. The section of this quest where you get to play as Alectra comes right at the end, when everyone goes “okay so we’ve established it definitely wasn’t the Traveller who’s been causing the problem. But then.. who was it?” and then you switch to Alectra successfully breaking into some official building or other, taking care of all the guards there, and stealing some important documents. Something, something, be gay do crime? =P
..oh crumbs I’ve been writing for nearly an hour. Help. This was supposed to be a quick reply. I hope it was alright ;w;
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frogchiro · 2 years
Naga pierro and childe just <33
Pierro, I imagine, is a traditional man(snake-man??). Thus I believe he could very well be waiting for his life long mate, instead of entertaining the thought of screwing around for the sake of it. He wants a domestic life with a little mate who to cardle during the night and cherish during the day.
Childe however is somewhat opposite to his senior. He likes to live on the edge and goof around with other humans and nagas/lamias alike. He enjoys the thrill, but he would be lying if he said he never felt just a tad bit sad. He is a family man after all, and nothing would make him more happy than a mate who would stay by his side and rise his brood along him.
Enter you, sweet young lamia who is more than perfect. Childe takes a note of the fact immidietly when he lays his eyes on you. He notes how your body is perfect in every possible way, perfect to carry children and perfect for mating. He notes how your skin shines brightly in the moonlight and your eyes sparkle with wonder. He has to physicslly restrain himself, so he won’t take you right then and there. He wants you to covet him as he does you.
So imagine his grave annoyance when you catch the attention of Pierro. Loner Pierro who never seems to interract with anyone unless he has to. Pierro who always keeps his distance and newer seeks out anyone. But that seemed to change after you crashed into his life.
Suddenly the old man seemed always hang around you, helping you with the most useless of things, and gifting you small little trinkets that ”reminded him of you”.
Sooner rather than later, the two of them took notice of each others clear attraction. And neither one of them were gonna give up, because both of them had decided to take you as their mate.
And that’s how you got here. Pressed against two large and strong nagas, who were thrusting in and out your aching hole in turns, but every now and then, they would thrust in together, while snarling at each other. Childe would bite you all over, your neck, chest even your stomach that was bulging thanks to Pierro’s grith. The latter would be whispering sweet nothings to your ear, while rubbing your tender breasts (Childe’s merit of course) and aching stomach.
In the end you’d be so over stimulated, that tou eouldn’t be able to tell where the pain started and pleasure began, for it all had blended together. All you knew was that you were sticky and full, and to your each side was a strong and handsome naga wrapped up around you.
I-I truly apologize nonnie for this bc i know that you probably expected somethinf else but i'm feeling ANGST tonight....so please have this atrocity...
f!reader, smut, hybrids, breeding kink, knotting a/b/o-esque, angst galore but there's so much fluff too, rejection
Okay so imagine that everything is just like you described, pierro is a traditional snake-man; he's older already, silver hair, beard and the hair on his chest, his long, thick strong tail littered with scars and torn scales but he is a very stable and reliable person, has estabilished a large territory that no other naga dares to violate bc they know that if they fuck around they WILL find out and a confrontation with the enormous naga never ended up well for his opponent. And yet under all that tough exterior all pierro really wants is to find a mate, his soulmate, his one and only and cherish them, share his territory, feed together, snuggle on cold nights, wrap tails with and finally have eggs and bear pups...Yeah, this is what pierro wants from life.
Childe is his opposite, like literally everything; he's young, he's loud and boisterous, his many affairs and ekhem...*adventures* with all kinds of humans and hybrids were never hidden, he loved this life; free from any burden and not tied to anything or anyone. Still, after returning to his den after yet another night of goofing around and it sometimes gets his mind to wander, the strange sense of loneliness and sadness he feels is all too much oppressing. He loves this kind of life, wild and free he can do anything he likes! Stealing the tasty drinks from humans that make his head spin, adventuring, fighting bloody battles and sleeping around all he wants and yet he sometimes feels like a major thing is missing from his life. He blames this on him being a family man at heart, he can get angry and bury those feelings all he wants, and yet he knows that deep down he craves to have a mate and family to call his own, a lovely partner to warm his den and a nice bog clutch of eggs sitting all nice and cozy in their designated nest just waiting to hatch and greet their parents. If only....
And it all changes when he sniffs out a lamia. Initially childe thought that you'd be his next conquest for the week; you smelled so delicious, young and fresh and fertile, perfection in his eyes. All the dirty thoughts came to a screeching halt the second he saw you sunning on a patch of grass; you were...breathtaking to say the least, childe swore that if love at first sight existed....it was then and there.
You were laying on your back, your long slick tail curling deliciously, your full breasts and your clear skin littered with glistening scales, you were the definition of a perfect girl for him, the perfect mate and future mother of his pups.
And so began his long and tendious process of courting you, but you being the sweet innocent thing you were, you acted oblivious and shy as if his romantic advances were seen as a mere act of extreme kindness from a 'friend'. It was frustrating for childe to say the least, he wanted to mate with you and claim you as soon as possible but you unknowingly rejected all of his advances and he was loosing precious time! Moreover, he noticed a certain silver haired naga creeping dangerously close to your den, leaving behind freshly hunter animals to show off strength and prowess, skinned furs and a hand-woven wicker basket as if to prove that he'd be the perfect mate and provider for you.
'What a pathetic fucking joke' childe thought as he watched you slowly sliding from your den to shyly greet the big scarred naga in front of you as delivered yet another thick luxurious fur to you, a cooing trill escaping pierro's mouth as if trying to entice you further, and the banger? You actually did.
Childe watched from behind the tree and foliage with a frown as you slithered further from the safety of your den and loser to the silver scaled monster, an answering coo fell from your fanged lips as you accepted the gift from the naga before quickly returning to your cave to add yet another fur to your nest.
After that display Childe knew that he had to act, and he had to act fast before you were snatched right before his very eyes. He couldn't let that happen, he wouldn't! You were his, he noticed you first, he was the first to woo and court you! Not that old geezer! Sure he was much bigger and stronger, had a bigger territory and all of that crap but childe would provide you with a lifetime of adventure! You'd never be bored with him and he's be the best mate and father for your babies! Just you wait.
The very next day he asked you if you wanted to go on a small walk through the woods with him, y'know, just to talk and stuff. He wanted it to be perfect, the day he'll ask you to officially be his mate.
He brought you to a small lovely clearing with a stream cutting through it and wildflowers were in full bloom. Childe could see that you were enamored with the sight and could feel his heart growing with each time you looked back at him...if he only knew.
Childe could practically hear and feel his heart tearing in half and dropping to the bottom of his stomach, the ringing in his ears and the nauseating feeling only prolonging the utter heartbreak, your words replaying in his head like a broken record player.
He knew something was wrong the second he saw your angelic smile drop from your lips when he uttered those wretched words. The small downturn of the corner of your lips transforming quickly into a expression of embarrassed disappointment, combined with the quick movement of your slitted eyes made for a disastrous concoction.
But the true nail to his coffin were your words. You weren't condescending, you weren't angry or furious or even mad; if anything you were sad.
He wasn't the right man for you, you said. Of fucking course you knew about his many trysts, he wasn't a secretive naga, his lifestyle was known to anyone, human or hybrid alike and he was proud of it, always boasting about it with the flavor of the week under his arm but now? He regretted everything.
You wanted safety and stability. You wanted a mate to start a family with, a safe place for you and your pups, you wanted someone clever and smart but with their head firmly on their shoulders. You're absolutely not one to judge, everyone lives their life how they want but how can you expect him of all people to settle down with you and have a family? How do you know if he won't get bored with little old you after a year and seek out someone else? Someone new and more exciting? And besides....you actually were very well aware that he was courting you but were too polite to tell him off so you were just being nice to him, you see him as a friend and not a potential lover. And the best part? You were already courting someone; someone strong and reliable, focused and devoted and you actually lived him....and childe already knew exactly who you meant.
With a barely whispered apology and a broken into pieces heart childe silently slithered back into the wood leaving you behind, the weather seemingly symphatising with him as dark clouds shrouded the sky, the cloud weeping along with him as he drowned his emotions in fire water inside his den. The heavy rain was like war drums for his ears but it was a nice background sound when he was loudly crying in his nest, drunk off of his mind as he kept recalling today's events; the sunny morning, the happy afternoon and your sad quiet words that split his heart in two and the dark cold evening that perfectly reflected his feelings. But could he really blame you? You were perfect in his eyes, kind, considerate and polite, helping out others be it hybrid or even humans, espacially that little old lady living on the edge of the forest that he knew you loved to visit. What you needed was stability and a warm safe place to call home, not endless stupid adventuring that could easily harm you or even endanger you. Childe wasn't perceft by any means, he knew himself but if you really wanted he could try and change himself! Since the last 6 moons you arrived in the forest he stopped the heavy drinking and goofing around, he really could be the ideal man for you and papa of your babies!
But now it was all for naught. You rejected him and he wasn't going to harass you and guilt trip you about this, besides if pierro found out he has been fooling around you he's have his head on a pike. All that was left for him now is a broken heart and a half empty bottle of stolen fire water.
If only......
At the very same time pierro was panting heavily with you right next to him, your shaking arms and tail wrapping tightly around him, his silver-blue tail responding to the call of his mate and wrapping snugly around it. As you lied there in his nest, all spend and tired, pierro started to groom you thoroughly, nuzzling and rubbing his head and neck against your, rumbling growls of pleasure and satisfaction are exchanged between the now-mates. Pierro doesn't even dream about leaving you even for a second now that you're his, couldn't even if he tried you with his big pulsing knot deep inside your clenching pussy as you milked him from all his seed, ensuring it will settle deep within your precious womb and create your eggs. He heard about today's events, hell he literally was there, hiding in the shrubs and trying not to laugh at that brat tripping over his words of the shitty confession and your much too gentle rejection. He has been there already when you returned to your den upset, almost on the verge of crying feeling bad for making your friend feel shitty. He was there to comfort you and listen you you rambles and he was the one to passionately kiss you to shut you up before explicitly expressing his utter love and adoration for you, his desire to mate you and father your pups. One thing led to another and well...the rest is history as they say.
The sound of rain lulling you to sleep within the arms of your beloved mate, the deep purrs from his chest calming you as you yawned sleepily, nuzzling pierro's neck and one hand caressing your tummy with the hopes that soon you'll welcome your pups.
Yeah, life is perfect♡
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your-garden-rose · 2 years
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Ch 3: You’re all fucking pathetic
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Taglist : @crystal-yukio , @ruler-of-hades , @onigirinchanowo , @ellie3467 , @k1ngan0n , @demon-tears , @heizis , @soggywafle , @nukilol
(I’m so sorry if I couldn’t tag some of you <33)
Note: this idea is given by @obeyme-stuff so thank you for the wonderful idea<33
TW: Public humiliation, violence, minor cusses, mentions of disappearing forever [do let me know if I missed something angels <33]
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These past few days had been nothing but hell for the brothers, the royals, the angels, and the two humans. You continued releasing embarrassing material of everyone acting out of character. It was mostly harmless, you wanted to save the best for the last. You were ruthless when it came to them. Everytime they tried to bring you down you always shut them up with little to no remorse. It always brought a smile to your face as you watched their faces, along with Cecilia’s twist into a frown. You closed your eyes and remembered an interaction you had a few hours ago.
“What the fuck do you want”
“Has anyone told you how pathetic you actually are? Seriously, can you just disappear please?”
“Oh wow.”
“What? Don’t tell me it hurt you you pathetic bitch.”
“Nah, I sure do hope that you and your opinion means shit to me, Belphegor. Infact, why don’t you disappear? I’m sure no one needs a pathetic demon like you anyways.”
“How dare you, you-“
“Enough. You bore me. You always did.”
“Yea! You never knew? You were such a fucking loser you know, ever since I met you in that attic. Maybe, I should’ve let you rot in there for as long as time. Now get lost, you pathetic murderer. Disappear, just like how your dearest family member once did.”
“Now leave me alone, I could’ve finished a task without your interruption but no! Your lazy ass had to come in, get the fuck out and hopefully you’ll leave me alone. Get out you pathetic excuse of a demon.”
You watched his eyes, as a familiar sadness spread all over his face as he left with his fists balled. You smirked as you whispered loud enough for him to hear “what a loser, hope you get nightmares in your sleep you fucking baby.” His shoulders started shaking as you only giggled at his retreating form.
That interaction always put a smile on your face. Oh how you enjoyed tormenting them all. Especially Cecilia. You spread rumours about how she must’ve slept with all the brothers and the royals and the angels. Everywhere she went, all she was called now was a slut or a whore. And you? You ruthlessly manipulated her. You always pointed out how no one would love her or even look at her of it wasn’t for the brothers. You would also manipulate her into believing that if she didn’t try had enough, even the only source of live she had, would leave her too. It was fun, watching the initial pride she had in her, slowly fade as all she had was an empty look on her face. Like she wasn’t human. To rub even more salt in her wounds, you also instigated fights between you two just so her real nature would show, and it was more than successful considering how the demons would stick to you. As much as you did have fun with her, you couldn’t help but finally expose her once and for all, as you began the preparations for her unforgettable birthday party.
You skipped happily through the halls of RAD, to the newspaper club who were coincidentally incharge of today’s special day which was Cecilia’s birthday . “Mc!” Called Lamia as you happily walked towards her. “Hello human” greeted Mephistopheles as you nodded towards him. “That material you gave us was just pure gold, I got to tell you.” You merely nodded and smiled as Lamia clung to you. “Anyways, why was I called here?” “Lamia thought you would be perfect for today’s party . Plus, why would you turn away the opportunity to shame them all in front of RAD hmm?” Teased Mephistopheles. “Okay Barney.” You stated and walked off preparing for the assembly. He only chased after you while you laughed. Of course the angels noticed you laughing with the demons. “Didn’t know Mc was like that…” said luke. “Let them be luke. It seems like all they do is spend their time with demons, they have forgotten us. Let them be. Maybe they were always like that.” Said an irritated Simeon. “It’s time for the our Cecilia’s birthday, let’s go now.” He said as he gently dragged the little angel along. Of course as the assembly started, you came on the stage. “Hello RAD, how are you all doing on this fine day?” You were met with many cheers from the audience’s side. Cecilia was mad, of course. Even the prince’s smile vanished from his face as he saw you. His initial happiness and excitement was now replaced with Sadness and fear. “What are you planning Mc…”
“Now, as you all know, today is our THIRD EXCHANGE STUDENTS BIRTHDAY!! Let’s give her some cheers shall we?” You stated as you pointed at her. Cecilia, on the other hand, was feeling anxious. She shifted uncomfortably on her throne. “Stand up Cecilia! What’s wrong? We’ve prepared a surprise for you you know! Now stand up sweets~” you cooed as Mammon interrupted. “Hey human, you better stop this now. I’ll kill you I swear-“ “silence. Only speak when prompted, Mammon. I swear you are so crass.” You stated as you rolled your eyes and motioned him to sit down. “Now where were we? As yes! As you all can see, I’ve prepared a special video for not only Cecilia, but for the whole group there!” You stated as the lights shined on them. “Especially our beloved PRINCE DIAVOLO!” You stated as you immediately issued a command and a spell to keep the boys in place. “Now, start it please!” you stated as the lights went low and the video started playing. At first, it was all silly stuff Asmo wailed on about since it “ruined his flawless image.” It soon transitioned into highly controversial videos about everyone bashing or trash talking the entirety of RAD.
“Mc? Remember that one royal? They were horrendous. Who even runs their kingdom like that huh? Truly deplorable indeed. And not to mention how Diavolo always calls me into his shenanigans. Can’t he act like a proper prince for Devildom’s sake? I feel embarrassed whenever I’m with him.”
“Honestly, RAD sucks ya know? It’s nothing but a boring and a dingy place with Lucifer and Diavolo around. Like, how’s one supposed to even steal?! I’m glad I got away with stealing from the palace. Didn’t even know that Lord D could be that dumb.
“Ugh, I’d rather stay here than go physically to RAD. It’s lost it’s charm. That meeting the other day? What a bore really, I literally missed my ruri chan body pillow that day.”
And so on…
The brothers only became more infuriated. However, the next clip of the prince and his butler, was their final straw.
“RAD has been getting more and more disappointing lately Barbatos. I wonder why..”
“Maybe it’s because of the new exchange students young master. Everyone has been of no use to your plans.”
“That’s true. Not even Lucifer is of any help, since he’s nothing but a grumpy demon. Infact, the nobility is of no importance either. They’re just there doing nothing and sitting silly.”
“True. Maybe we should remove them?”
“I suppose you’re right. I’ll be taking the power into my hands then. Anyways let’s focus on our Cecilia’s party and then enact this. I’m sure she will love the new changes we’ve made. It’s her precious idea after all.”
“I suppose so too young master”
“Wow, hear that nobility? You all were just useless for them! And to think you would’ve lost everything if not for me! I wonder, just how much does he actually like you all RAD.” You stated nonchalantly as the video continued. Of course , the nobility of RAD immediately turned their sharp glares at Diavolo. You only giggled as you turned their attention towards you. “No bloodshed here demons~ you do understand it’s our queen’s birthday right~” “to hell with Cecilia” one member whispered. “Now. Finally, onto our Queen’s surprise!” You cheered as you ushered her to stand up. “Play the clip for me darlings~” you stated as everyone looked at the screen as Cecilia’s clip was playing.
“Honestly? Im surprised they chose me over Mc! I mean, who wouldn’t honestly, I’m much better looking than that pathetic sheep. Too bad though, imagine thinking I love them like come on! You think I’ll love a bunch of weirdos? Everyone here is ugly and it seems like I’m the only decent looking of the bunch! I even told Diavolo that he should fire the nobility of RAD! For what you ask? It’s because they bore me. So why not? The prince is so fucking dumb he believes everything I say! He’s so fucking dumb, they all are!”
“End clip please” and it immediately stopped.
The faces on everyone was hilarious, you only smiled as the video went on and as the atmosphere grew angry every second. Not at you, but at Cecilia and her “lovers” as she called them. Once the video ended, you immediately turned towards the audience as you asked with a bright smile on your face. “Well! Did everyone like it?”
Cecilia immediately shot up “How dare you! Were you invading my fucking privacy? You useless piece of trash! You bitch! You’ll pay for this!” only for you to glare at her. Mammon then shot up immediately defending her “Mc you pathetic bitch, how could you do this to us!” “Yes Mc, this is a matter of our privacy. You really enjoy riling us up don’t you? How low could you get really get” “Sit down.” “I’m still not done you know, can’t you keep your anger to yourself? Cecilia? You’re all fucking pathetic. There’s still so much to be said to you, you know.”
“The nights only started sweets~”
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fairy-serigala · 3 years
Wendy for the previous Gray + Dragon Slayer ask! (please and thank you)
of course!! apologies for this taking longer than the other two.
wendy is nowhere near as innocent as she seems. when she's with most people, she experiences a social pressure that tells her to stay quiet and polite and agreeable, but with gray? one of the people who actively encourages her to be herself? she's fucking feral.
you expect her to be one of the good ones that gray doesn't really need to worry about being a brat, but when she's in her element, she's up there with natsu and gajeel.
she's rambunctious and excitable and she has even less impulse control than sting.
it gets to the point sometimes where gray needs to actively hold her back whenever their team enters a room that they know is meant to be rigged with traps because she will go and look at the blinking light.
she's never actively malicious when she's like this, she's just having fun exploring and being a hatchling.
and when she gets excited, she'll wiggle about like a kitten and her eyes will go all big and goopy and she'll mrwls like a cat as she plays, and it's adorable.
we stan feral!wendy. -
that being said, wendy is the most cat-like out of the dragon slayers. she loves cuddling, obviously, but the times she's most likely to cuddle up with gray is when he needs it, himself.
if he's been injured and has to stay in the infirmary overnight? if he's suffering with nightmares? she'll go and curl up with him as a little teddy bear and purr them both to sleep.
and she's a very good teddy bear, too, she's a very clingy sleeper.
and, yes, she does the cat start-up noise whenever she's woken up or surprised. that's just a given, my dudes. -
so one of @jinx13gxa2 's headcanons is that the shoulder blades on a dragon slayer is THE most sensitive parts of their body, because that's where their wings would meet their bodies. so, that area is especially sensitive.
because of this, dragons tend to get cagey when that area is hurt (because it hurts like nobody's business) but getting pets there makes them melt into happy little blobs of purring dragon.
so when the dragon slayers get hurt in that area, gray is one of the only people they'll allow to get near because he is always safe and he always has the power to make it better.
because of this, wendy helped gray essentially become a medical professional, himself. so that if and when they get into situations where gray is the only one who can touch them, they can still be helped.
gray's very good at tending to them, he fosters kittens as a secondary source of income (because he loves cats), so he's very used to little wiggly creatures who need to be held still for their own good. at least the dragon slayers understand the concept of "hold still for a moment".
after this, gray and wendy make a brilliant medical team. since they can almost communicate telepathically, they're really, really good as an emergency medical team. (side note - i have a headcanon similar to this about natsu, so if anyone wants to hear about that you're welcome to remind me later.) -
since wendy is the sky dragon slayer and manipulates wind, she has a really good sense of balance, so unlike rogue, she took to ice skating really easily, and now its her favourite winter activity.
every year, there will be a guild-bonding winter activity camp sort of thing in which fairy tail, crime sorciere, lamia scale, blue pegasus, sabertooth, quatro cerberus and mermaid heel all have fun together for a week. and every year gray, wendy and chelia will put on a little performance and.... gah they're precious.
sometimes it's chelia and wendy performing as the sky sisters, whilst gray manipulates the ice to make their performances really cool to look at.
sometimes they do things as a trio, but they have so much fun planning it out in the weeks leading up to it. (you also cannot tell me that gray doesn't also have a massive soft spot for wendy's girlfriend - lyon actively complains that gray already has a wendy, and he doesn't need a second one, but does gray care? not at all! he's gonna let these kids be kids if it's the last thing he does.) -
going back to wendy's feral nature a bit, wendy was also one of the members of fairy tail, most actively supportive of gray finally shaking juvia off.
throughout that whole debacle, wendy would offer to poison juvia for him, whenever she pushed him too far.
or she'd step up to distract juvia if gray needed some space.
gray would always caution her to stop, because this was his problem, but wendy always insisted on helping. gray helps with her and the other dragon slayers' problems, so why shouldn't they do the same for him?
and it's for this reason that wendy was the wing-bearer at grayza's wedding :3
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ryqoshay · 3 years
FemslashFeb2022: Putting on Hairs: Rain Burn Away
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: 830 Rating: G Fandom: Love Live Nijigasaki AU: Monster, Cryptid, Eldritch Creature Prompt: Rain Parent Fic: Putting on Hairs Time Frame: Sometime early in the main story
Author’s Note: My first entry for Femslash February 2022, after missing a few already. This one is for the 6th.
Summary: Yuu and Ayumu catch up to Setsuna as they all leave the theater for the day.
Reminder: Setsuna is a Cthughan, Yuu is a Lamia and Ayumu is a Moon Rabbit.
“Mm?” Setsuna paused with her hand still on the push bar about to open the door.
She turned to see Ayumu and Yuu walking briskly toward her. It had been a long day of rehearsal, so Setsuna was tired and wanted little more than to head home, throw down a quick dinner and read a few chapters of her new light novel before turning in. However, she could certainly spare a minute or two to say goodbye to her new friends.
“Do you not have an umbrella?” Ayumu asked as the couple caught up.
Setsuna smiled at the concern before glancing back through the glass pane of the door at the rain that had been shifting back and forth between misting and drizzling all day.
“I didn’t bring one today.” She admitted. “But don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” Ayumu started searching through her bag.
“Did you walk here without one as well?” Yuu inquired.
Setsuna nodded. “So long as it’s not coming down too hard, I usually don’t bother with umbrellas.”
“You weren’t even the tiniest bit damp when we saw you this morning…” Yuu recalled before pondering for a moment. “Did you just heat yourself up to evaporate it all?”
“Exactly.” Setsuna confirmed.
“That’s awesome!” Yuu cheered.
“Well, anyway, just in case it does start coming down harder. Here.” Ayumu held out an umbrella.
Setsuna chuckled as she accepted. Though she still believed it to be unnecessary, she also knew it would be rude to reject the offer. Also, knowing that someone like Ayumu worried about her wellbeing made her feel happy. “Thank you, Ayumu-san.”
Setsuna turned back to the door, pushed it open with her forearm, held the umbrella outside and snapped it open. She then moved the umbrella up and stepped under it. Finally, she spun back toward her friends and smiled.
“Are you two headed home then?” She asked. “Want to walk to the station together?”
“Of course!” Yuu agreed as she stepped under a larger umbrella held by Ayumu.
Geez, they look cute like that. Setsuna thought to herself as they started walking.
“Well, first we need to head to the store to pick up stuff for dinner.” Yuu explained. “You got any good plans for food this evening, Setsuna-chan?”
Setsuna shrugged. “Just instant ramen. Nothing special, but nice on nights like tonight.”
“Mm. Soupy stuff is best when it’s raining.” Yuu agreed.
“I was thinking about making either soba or udon tonight, depending on what we found.” Ayumu explained. “You’re welcome to join us, if you want, Setsuna-chan.”
“Mm?” Setsuna hadn’t expected an invite.
“Yeah! You should totally come over tonight!” Yuu chimed in. “Ayumu’s soups are the best! I know Setsuna-chan is good at keeping herself warm and all, but Ayumu’s soup is on a different level. Oh, but speaking of warmth…”
Yuu suddenly took a larger step to put herself in front of the other two women.
“Yuu-san?” Setsuna questioned as the twintailed woman crossed in front of her.
“Let me just…” Yuu said, reaching for the umbrella Setsuna was borrowing while gently shouldering her closer to Ayumu.
“Yuu-chan, what are you…?” Ayumu seemed just as confused.
“Ne, Setsuna-chan,” Yuu said as she butted the smaller umbrella up against the larger one, creating a strangely functional larger shield above all three of them, though only if they squeezed in close “wanna do your heat thing?”
“Eh?” Setsuna blinked.
“Sorry, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu sighed. “Yuu-chan runs a bit cooler than most of us.” She explained. “So, she’s obsessed with anything, or anyone who can provide heat. But,” she leaned forward to direct her attention to her girlfriend on the other side of Setsuna “it’s rude to just do things like this, Yuu-chan.”
“Mmm…” Yuu pouted. “I’m sorry, Setsuna-chan…” She relented, her shoulders slumping as she started to hand the umbrella back to Setsuna.
Setsuna found herself giggling as she couldn’t help thinking Yuu’s sulking was adorable. “It’s fine.” She assured, pushing Yuu’s hand away. She then focused for a moment to increase her internal temperature.
“Ahhh… that’s comfy.” Yuu approved after a moment. “Right, Ayumu?”
“It… it is rather nice.” Ayumu admitted.
Yuu laughed. “Ayumu likes warmth too.” She said, leaning in as though telling a secret to Setsuna, but still speaking loud enough that the other woman could hear. “Thanks, Setsuna-chan.”
“Uhm, yes, thank you, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu added.
“Now, to the store!” Yuu proclaimed, pointing toward the train station as the three resumed walking. “<Rain, rain, burn away>” She began to sing in English. “<Setsu’ll keep us dry today.>” She used the nickname Ai had given Setsuna. “<To get soba, we’re on our way. Setsu’ll keep us dry today.>”
As she and Ayumu laughed at Yuu’s antics, Setsuna felt a different warmth within her that had nothing to do with her increased body heat. Eating with friends was not something she was accustomed to doing, but it was definitely better than eating alone. Tonight would be a good night.
Author’s Note Continued: So I guess I’m joining in on the fun of Femslash Februrary this year. Already missed the first five days, but it’s not like I can’t come back to them later. And with what I’m seeing on the horizon with work this month, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to match my production levels from back with Promptober late last year. But reviewing the list has already got ideas churning in my mind, so I will try to get at least a few written and posted, preferably on their respective days.
This event does not have a 4k character limit like Idol Fanfic Heaven’s Promptober did, but for the sake of getting stuff out in time, I will probably still focus on shorter scenes, likely under 1k words. And maybe later, I’ll come back and expand on the chapters before I figure out where to fit them in their parent fics, as I’ve already done with a couple Promptober entries and fully intend to do with more.
Anyway, I’ve an idea for a scene like this since a conversation with a fellow Niji fan. The topic dealt more with a snowy scene, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still write a similar scene later for this trio. I just really like the idea of Setsu, a descendant of a deity of living flame, being able to keep herself dry in light precipitation by evaporating the tiny droplets or snowflakes before they get her or anything she is wearing wet.
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askbittyerror · 3 years
Hi I was hoping to adopt a bitty if not that’s okay. I am a new owner. a little bit about me,
I’m a 19 year old artist, I have two moods stay inside all day and paint or take naps with some tv sprinkled in. And the other is outside just laying in the grass drawing or going for a hike. I do suffer from depression but i manage it as best I can. I tend to stay away from large crowds as they give me anxious. I have a large collection of soft blankets and pillows. My friends would call me the crack head mim friend meaning I will make sure to take care of everyone, but will forget to eat myself. Random facts that might not be needed but I’m 5’5 and can lift 140lbs . I work full time and live alone thank you again.
After looking at your info I would say out of the shop bitty these would be good options for you:
He is a good bitty. A classic Sans with a twist. As an avian type he has wings on his back,a feathered tail and bird like feet. His bird half is more related to raptors like hawks and falcons so be mindful of those claws! His colors are darker blues and a few browns giving him quite a fun range of colors on this big ol wings of his
Being a classic Sans type he is more than happy to laze about and just enjoy your company but with his wings he has enough energy to keep up on hikes and other outdoor activities. He is also a major dad type and if you trip his fatherly instincts he will totally go all paternal on you. 
If you do not have an issue with snakes. Dusty can be a good companion. He is a little shit but deep down a good boy who just wants to snuggle. As a bitty of a bad Sans he is a bit more abrasive than other bitty and much quicker to become aggressive but he is very careful about when and who to bite knowing it can hurt people. Dusty bitty can get quite protective over what is theirs including their people so you will always have someone ready to defend you and make sure you know you deserve “better than that”
Lamia(naga) bitty are well snakes. He lounges and enjoys his down time sunning is very nice for him. He cannot go out when it is too cold but summers and early fall/late spring are absolutely fantastic for him He will coil up on or next to you for hours while you do your stuff and is content to nap without much of a bother. 
Also the boy loves to collect stuff, is curious and, is very much into “testing” things. Little scientist that one.
This boy is a classic Papyrus with a twist. He is the brother to Gryph and is also his opposite. There was an attempt to make an “angel and demon” set and while it did not work we still have our wonderful dragon/demon papryri.
As a Papyrus you have the best cheerleader in your corner. He has the energy to keep up with anything you do and the smarts to keep himself busy when you need down time. He is going to help you with the chores even if he cant get very far the house will be clean he is determined! You have a bitty who is willing to help with anything you need. Seeing you thrive is his passion. As a side note he makes a decent service bitty because of these traits
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lord-tathamet · 3 years
Dinner Plans
A short story almost two years of age, that I once wrote for a university class. Found it again, dusted it off, polished it slightly, but let it retain that little bit of amateurish writing simply to marvel at how far I’ve come with my writing ever since. 
For the fifth time in the last two hours did the man with the moustache and sunglasses look up from his research and look at the face of the clock of the broken church. He scowled beneath the moustache, but forced himself to look at it regardless.
4:18 pm.
They were late, as per usual. He shook his head and focused back on his literature. He made the mental note to have a number of alarm clocks be send to each of them for next time. Flatteringly Photoshopped pictures of the Mexican coast reflected in his sunglasses while his eyes skimmed through the brochure's whimsical descriptions of the rich culture of its indigenous people and beautiful beaches.  He skipped through a couple of pages until he found what he was looking for. A decidedly too sharply fined and too pale fingernail stabbed into the page displaying the photograph of an ancient, grey pyramid.
The man sitting behind the shining aluminium table was tall, narrow and sharply dressed: a suit jacket with bloodstone cufflinks, black suit-pants, a clean white shirt only slightly wrinkled and  two buttons open. His legs ended in a pair of shiny, pointy shoes. His face was stern and angular, with pronounced cheekbones and a pointed chin. Bushy eyebrows sat above the pair of sunglasses that protected his eyes against the sun, and a long white moustache grew beneath the hooked nose which gave his appearance a certain roguish charm. A wavy mane of grey-white hair surrounded his face and hid the pointed tips of his ears, giving him certain qualities akin to an old lion. It was difficult to clearly guess his age, but anyone briefly passing by and glancing at him would take him for a very spry looking gentleman in his mid-fifties.
Leaning in on his read, the man with the white moustache made a few notes on a small block of paper. The pen he used was black, ornamented with silver filigree and absurdly expensive, as was the ink held within. Next to the note pad stood an untouched and by now cold cup of coffee, its content as pitch-black as a dark winter night and reflecting the bright afternoon sun above.  Disgusting in taste and disgustingly cheap in comparison, but he needed the table, and none of the waiters would bother him as long as he had at least one beverage in front of him, as maligned and untouched it was.
Cars rolled by exhuming grey fumes, the nearby fountain shot water into the air and people passed his table. Most of them in casual summer clothes, sundresses and cargo pants and shirts and some of them even with hats to gain some shade. For a moment, the man looked up from his notes and allowed himself a brief indulgence – the eyes behind the sunglasses darted from one healthy neck to another. A small, wolfish smile parted the pale lips and if there had been anyone to pay close attention, they would have gained a brief glance at his very pointed, very sharp and unusually long canines.
“Good afternoon, count.”
The man in the white moustache begrudgingly pulled his eyes away from his current mark – a lovely Turkish woman with streaming black hair that was climbing the stairs around the fountain just a shy dozen feet from his table, close enough for him to smell the sweet mixture of blood and perfume she exhumed – and he turned to the youth that had seated herself opposite of him, soundless and sudden as if she had appeared out of the thin air.
“And to you, countess. You are looking lively as always.”
She seemed young enough to be his granddaughter, though no one within their right mind would have thought to imagine a superficial familiarity between the two. A girl of fourteen years, with a healthy, rosy complexion and flowing, lush dark hair that curled at her shoulders, the sunshine twisting golden shimmers into its waves. Large doe-like eyes that projected innocence and hid a vicious intellect, a petite body that suggested fragility and cloaked the strength to bend iron bars as if they were straws. She was in white, of course she was, a pretty, knee-length dress and a white handbag in her lap and with her hands folded atop of it. The lid of her bag, the man with the moustache noted with a mild amusement, was riddled with numerous, colourful stickers and badges, and around her wrists hung several loops and bands of tiny gemstones like rainbow wreaths.
They were the only change about her since their last meeting.
“Thank you. My sincere apologies, there was an unfortunate delay with the train between Kassel and Hannover.” She shook her head. “More than five centuries since the invention of rail transport and still a simple thing like an open door may stall a train's journey for almost an entire fifteen minutes.”
She nodded at the travel brochure still open in front of him. “Are you already planning your next journey? I thought you would stay in Berlin a little while longer.”
“I am a traveller at heart, milady. Although my beloved home will always be in the heart of Europe, the other continents do possess their own charming allure,” he replied, setting the brochure and note block aside. “And besides, it has been a while since I have last visited the Americas. There must be much exciting game to be hunted there.”
“Always about excitement, is that the reason you wanted us all to meet here of all places?” The countess nudged her chin toward the broken church spire in the background, a disgusted sneer cracking her face. “And mirroring glass everywhere around us. One of these days, your thrill-seeking hunts might cost you your life.”
“How would the youth of your seeming generation say? No risk, no fun.” The count let his eyes wander around the square for a moment. “Where is Laura? The two of you were practically bound at the hip when we last met.”
The young-seeming woman stiffened in her seat. The snarl dissolved into a very neutral, very calm expression that seemed like it was carved from marble. “Laura is... no longer with us.”
A single eyebrow rose, but otherwise the count's face remained unmoved. “Hunters?
“No.” There was a subtle tremble of her lip, the count noted, before she continued: “She could no longer bear it, she told me, moments before she drove the knife through her own neck. She betrayed me, just like the others before her.”
“My condolences.”
She nodded, her face remaining neutral. “It has been over three decades since. I have moved on as best as I could.
“In fact,” she allowed herself a smile,” I happen to have a date just after we met up with our friends.”
“You still insist on fraternizing with your prey?” The count sneered. “Now that is a carelessness that will get you killed one day.”
“Because unlike you, I seek actual companionship?” Her eyes glinted like sharp icicles in the sun. “Because unlike you, I do not wish to to prolong myself in solitude and run afoul like some pack-less dog? Because I want to spend this blasted eternity with someone like myself?”
Blue flashed and briefly turned red. For a moment, the two stared at each other with an intensity not unlike of two big cats, every individual muscle tense and ready to pounce. Then as quickly as the moment came, it passed.
“I did not mean to insult you, milady. Forgive me. I only worry about others of our kind. We are already so very few remaining,” the count sighed.
“Do not kid yourself, count. You care for nobody but yourself,” the countess replied, but she too relaxed in her seat.
The next five minutes they spent in silence. The count returned to his brochure, only briefly looking up to take notes and to send another quick glance up at the clock tower. The young woman had produced a smartphone from her handbag and immersed herself in the screen, brief smiles lighting up her face in between her typing and the brief ping of sent messages.
“Empusa will be here in half an hour,” she said after little while and looked up from the screen. “She is picking up Lamia from the airport and helping her through customs right now.”
“What about Schreck?”
“The sun is still up, remember? He will meet us after dusk.”
“His mutation is as highly fascinating as it is impractical,” the count murmured. “Why didn't they update me about it?”
“We do possess a text chain, you know. I'm surprised you are not part of it, since you are always the one organizing our meetings.”
“I refuse to touch one of those damnable Apps ever since Lestat sent around pictures of his own rectum to everyone.”
“Suit yourself. Why the Americas?”
The count tapped his finger on the table. “The Mexica people of pre-Columbian America possessed fascinating religious rites related to blood sacrifice to honour their gods...I wonder if there might be others of our kind still in their old territory.”
The countess fiddled with her smartphone. “Sometimes, I admit, I envy your ability to travel without restraint. I tried everything, yet I still must return to my family's tomb ever so often.”
“Have you considered moving your tomb in its entirety, stone by stone? There are still many old woods and mountain valleys unmolested by human hand. I am sure the hags you usually travel with would be most grateful for the exercise.”
“I have tried, once, when Laura was still with me.” A twinge of sorrow crept across her face. “I wanted to go far, far away from home and take her with me. But then, my body began to wither, my senses to decay the longer I prolonged returning to my tomb for a night. Laura, too, could not go long without a place to return to. Horse-carriages can only get you so far. And when we tried to move a single stone, what little strength I had left in that moment was about to leave me.”
The count hummed. Then his own phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, swiped across the screen, read the message in silence. A wolfish grin split his face.  
“Then you'll be happy to know that I plan on putting an end to these laws that seem to bind us.”
“What to you mean?” The countess leaned forward, an eyebrow arched.
“I planned on surprising all of you when Schreck, Lamia and the others would be gathered with us, but I might just as well reveal it all now,” the count smiled and leaned back, hands tapered together. There was a red gleam to his eyes, behind the sunglasses. “In my studies of the Americas, I came across a new initiate to our little circle – one that shares many of my own tastes and wishes to help others of his kin. Among such, is breaking the accursed bindings placed upon us.”
He extended a pointing finger. “He is currently sitting on the other end of the Breitscheidplatz. The tall man, olive skinned, with the gold rings in his ears.”
The countess followed his direction, narrowed her blue eyes to a glint. “What is his name?”
“The old Mayan people called him Camazotz. And he might very well be one of the first of our kind to walk this earth.”
On the other end of the square, the tall, olive-skinned man with golden rings in both his ears turned his head and nodded at them. His eyes gleamed in a blood-red, and for just a moment, both of the undead nobles could catch a glimpse of his shadow flickering across the wall behind him.
For just a split-second, they saw the shadow of a bat the size of a small house, stretching its wings and enveloping the street within its grasp.
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Sexiled (Part 21/23) ~ Steve Rogers x Reader ~ College!AU
A/N: Hi my lovelies! Happy Friday!  
Summary: Finals hell is upon them. Nothing ever goes to plan. 
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader; others mentioned 
Rating: T
Warnings: Language probably, nothing really though. smidges of frustration. mostly FLUFF 
Word Count: 1375
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You really did wish that you could have stayed in that moment with Steve forever. Especially when you were catapulted right back into the final push for the semester as soon as you got back on campus.
On the plus side, Steve had toured Professor Erskine’s lab and fallen in love. He’d asked to start volunteering before they finished the visit and Erskine was thrilled to have him. Steve didn’t stop beaming for days. Although he wouldn’t officially start until next semester, he went in twice a week until classes ended for some trainings, which further limited your time together.
You were both so burnt out after classes ended, that the first day of the study period you binge watched the entirety of the Witcher without moving, only taking bathroom breaks.
On the second day of the study period, hour thirteen of studying you got asked a question that stopped you in your tracks.
“Will you go on a date with me?”
You looked up from your biology textbook in open confusion. “I’m sorry. What?”
“Will you go on a date with me?” the blonde asked with a grin.
You rolled your eyes and went back to your notes. “I think you’ve been studying too long.”
“Come on,” he pouted. “I’m serious.”
You put your highlighter down and stared at him.
“Steve. We’ve been dating for like two months.”
“I know.” He grinned. “But in all that time, I haven’t taken you on a proper date.”
“Huh,” you hummed as you thought about it. “I guess you’re right.”
“It’s a travesty really. So what do you say? Can I take you on a proper date?”
You cocked your head as you considered it.
“Hmm. I don’t know.”
“Please, sweetness.”
“I’d love to,” you finally agreed.
You held up a finger to halt his celebrations.
“But not until after finals.”
His smile didn’t dim in the least.
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Over the course of the week, Steve would mention the upcoming date whenever he needed a study break, but refused to give any details.
“So what should I wear for our first date? Since you won’t tell me where we’re going,” you pouted at him two days before it would take place.
“Something nice.”
“Nice like I wore to the ballet or nice like I wore to meet your mom?”
“Hmm. Like what you wore to the ballet.”
“Ooh, so you are taking me someplace fancy.”
“Maybe. Or maybe I just like seeing you all dolled up.”
“If you take me to the dining hall while I’m in my favorite dress, I am going to be so mad at you.”
He laughed long and loud, but shook his head.
“I promise it’s not the dining hall.”
“No other hint though? Please?” You batted your eyelashes at him, but to no avail.
“Not even a little one.”
“Fine,” you huffed, leaning back in your seat.
“I promise it will be worth your while.”
“Spending time with you always is.”
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After turning in your final writing portfolio, you were finally able to focus all of your attention on the Chemistry final. A group of eight of you met up in the library the day before the exam to review. As the day turned to night they packed it in one by one, until it was just you and Steve. It was well after three when the two of you finally called it quits.
“That is all of the information my brain can take in,” you groaned as you shut your binder.
“Same here,” Steve yawned, rubbing at his eyes. “We should try and get some sleep.”
“Probably a good idea.” You agreed nodding off in between words.
“Uh uh. Not here, sweetness,” he nudged you to your feet. “Come on. Pack up your stuff let’s get back to the dorm.”
Forgoing your usual organization, you shoved all of your study materials haphazardly into your backpack and slung it over your shoulder, blinking rapidly as you stood.
You were glad for the cold when you stepped outside of the library. It woke you up enough that you weren’t stumbling over your feet. Nevertheless, Steve took your hand, making sure to keep you on the inside of the sidewalk as you made the fifteen minute walk back to your dorm.
Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of people still awake as you made your way to the elevators. Some were cramming for exams while others were celebrating being done. You rolled your eyes at a group of particularly rambunctious fraternity pledges.
“So your room then?” he chuckled when you automatically pressed the button for your floor.
“Oh sorry. Did you want to go to yours?” you mumbled.
“No, it’s fine.”
“I just know Nat’s done with finals so she won’t be studying. She has an early-ish flight so she should be sleeping. But even if she’s still packing I’m tired enough to pass out with a strobe light,” you rambled.
Steve simply nodded.  
You had just reached your door and were about to slot your key in when you heard a low grunt followed by a moan.
“Damn it,” you groaned.
“My room it is then.”
“Let’s go.”
You shuffled past the crowded common room back towards the stairs.
“Please tell I’m seeing things,” you almost cried.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” he growled when he sported the sock on the door.
“Our friends suck.”
“Alright, come on. Let’s go to our spot at least then we’ll be close to the exam room.”
“Fine. Stupid horny roommates,” you grumbled under your breath.
You were relieved to find your usual study spot empty. Quickly shedding your hat, gloves, and parka, you flopped onto the sofa and pulled out your phone to set approximately thirty alarms for a mere three hours later.
Steve followed suit, settling for three alarms before slinging his arm around your shoulder and pulling his coat over the both of you.
“Good night, sweetness.”
You were already asleep.
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“Come on, sweetness. Time to get up. The exam starts in an hour,” Steve murmured shaking you shoulder gently.
“Go away,” you groaned.  
“No can do. But I have coffee to make you feel better.”
The smell of coffee started to penetrate your brain.
“Gimme,” you mumbled blindly reaching for the cup.
When you didn’t feel it in your hand and heard a low chuckle, you opened your eyes to glare at him.
“Gotta sit up for me.”
“You know you were a lot less annoying the last time I was sexiled.”
“And you were a lot nicer then. You called me cute. Maybe you were right about un-caffeinated y/n.”
You pulled yourself up into a sitting position as requested and Steve handed you the coffee. After two long pulls, you started to rejoin the land of the living.
“Thank you, handsome.”
“So I’ve been upgraded from cute to handsome. I’ll take it.”
You swatted at him weakly. “Can we take a nap after all this?”
A few more sips and you were mostly awake, and you finally noticed the logo on the coffee cup. “Did you walk all the way back to the tower for this?”
“Nah, I guilted Bucky into bringing it since he sexiled us.”
“Ooh good call,” you commended.
“He apologizes by the way. Since we said we were going to sleep early, he assumed we were in your room.”
You hummed your acknowledgment, too tired to really care.  
The two of you enjoyed a few quiet moments as you drank your coffee and the floors below started to fill up.
“We have less than three hours until we finish our first semester of college,” you remarked.
“That’s crazy. It’s been a hell of a semester.“
You patted Steve’s thigh absently.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Steve asked as he covered your hand with his.
“I’m just so glad Nat sexiled me that night.”
Steve’s smile was soft, almost lazy as he responded. “I am too.”
“I’m less glad she sexiled me last night. This couch killed my back.”
Steve chuckled low in your ear.
“I’ll fix it for you later.”
“My hero.”
You planted a quick peck on his lips before pushing yourself to your feet.
“Come on. I want to get my spot.”
“Yes ma’am.”
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed! Two more parts to go. lots of fluff and fun. 
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Sexiled Tag List
@yourspecialcrush @part-time-patronus​​​​ @impala-with-wings​​​​ @the-stories-in-my-head-95​​​​ @zlixlle @peter-parker-steve-bucky​​​ @encounterthepast​​​​​
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sw124 · 3 years
[Lamia-Birdy-Bitty Daily Life!22]
Hello my lamia lovers how you doing, good I hope… well everyone’s aware of Abby’s story and her predicament. Unfortunately there’s been another development, as Abby stated in her story..her family are jerks willing to keep a devastating secret to keep the peace and maintain a friendship with equally crappy people.
Recently she’s been staying with her cousin Casey and her husband Roy, she’s gotten two Lamias who have been making her life so much better but unfortunately something happened….well is about to happen.
Abby’s parents have discovered where she’s been hiding and are planning to come see her, whether its to bring her home, reconcile or what is a toss but I’m really worried for her. These people ‘BETRAYED’ her in the worst possible way! I don’t know how they found out but thank goodness Casey was given a heads up to this, the parents were gonna try and come down unannounced but someone [don’t know if it was Abby’s family or friend] called and informed them when they were going to come down.
The problem is the conflict…….
[Update 1]
Abby’s staying with me for the time being, Casey hid all her stuff in the attic to avoid her parents stealing it. [yes her parents planned to force Abby home by stealing her things.] Her babies are with me too and they’re getting along with my boys rather well, Matcha had a little trouble getting to know them but Dante and Chip are always there to give him comfort.
Padlock and Yan are fused to Abby’s side, Yan won’t leave her shoulders unless she’s in the bathroom [outside of bath/shower time] an will curl up around her chest and neck, if I didn’t know better I’d say he’s keeping track of her pulse. As for Padlock he’s always right behind her, ample space in case she turns around and such, I often see her sitting/laying in his coils for a nap or looking through her phone. I find it adorable.
She’s taken a spare room with her boys, she brought plenty of her clothes and personal documents just in case. I’ve entertained the idea of her moving in with me but only if my boys are alright with this…
[Update 2]
I’m posting from my car, I’m telling you this is the first time I’ve seen Chip so pissed off in my life. Matcha’s in the back, curled up with a can of whip cream, he’s hissing a little….
Sorry, I’ll tell the story now. We came to the local grocery store to get stuff for dinner, I brought Matcha with me to get him out of the house. [note I go when the store isn’t so pact, today it was sparse so a good thing.] We were getting stuff for the week. It was then we ran into Casey…and a older woman with her.
[take a wild guess who the woman is]
When I saw her I waved, said Hi but for some odd reason the older woman was giving me a death glare. Casey waved and growled something to the old lady, she turned away and walked off with her hand basket. I took that as a sign to ‘stay the hell away’ so we moved on with our shopping.
Matcha was actually having fun with the shopping trip…that is all they way up until we get to the dairy section. We were picking out eggs when I noticed Chip was glaring, he was looking behind me from the baby seat. [loves that spot.] I turn to see that very same old woman there…staring at me, great now I’m being stalked.
Without thinking I turn and give her the same look.
Me: Lady why are you following me?
Old Lady: I’m making sure your beasts don’t hurt any innocent children.
Me: Funny; considering your stalking me like some creeper, I bet you have pictures of little kids in that bag of yours ya pervert.
At this point old lady gets flustered and suuuuuper embarrassed, I almost laugh. Matcha pulls on my sleeve and motions me to keep moving and ignore the lady. We try to but she then storms up and blocks my way, ok so this is how it goes down.
She grabs my basket and then starts berating me for bringing dangerous animals into a grocery store…..she then grabs Chip, YES she GRABS CHIP and starts rips him out of my basket and haul him away to throw him outside. I freak but thankfully Chip teleported back into my arms, Matcha is holding us both by this point and Casey comes running up and grabbing the old woman by the arm and [I kid you not] slaps the woman across the cheek!
I made my escape then with the boys, Chip is hissing, Matcha’s shaken up….I grabbed like three cans of whip cream for him and jelly beans for Chip as we hurry to the register. We managed to get out of there and now we’re in my car. I can see Casey now walking out with the woman who…apparently is sobbing. I’m gonna call Abby and let her know what happened…
[mini update]
Ok its been an hour and Casey called me up to apologize for that, yes as you all can guess the old woman was Abby’s mother. Apparently she’s got this stigma against reptiles, Casey is just as pissed cause two times this woman tried to toss Zippy out the door. Roy an Zap are holed up in their room [as we all know how Cherries can react to bad stimuli] and won’t come out when that witch is around.
Casey’s trying everything to get rid of her, yes the husband is there and doesn’t mind the Lamias but is not doing enough to wrangle this devil woman in. So she’s told me the two of them aren’t leaving until Casey tells them where Abby is cause in their mind Abby needs to make amends to everyone and pretend everything is ok.
……I really wish I was making this up…..
I’m seriously contemplating bringing Roy and her Lamia over but….it seems like a bad idea, my place has way to many bitties at the moment but I may have a solution.
[mini update again]
My landlord is letting Roy stay in one of the vacant apartments until Abby’s parents leave, he’s bringing both Zip and Zap with him too. At least he’s not a prisoner in his own home.
[Update 3]
Ok things are getting really bad now, Abby’s mother has found out that Abby is staying with me…well ok technically doesn’t know she’s with ‘me’ but knows she’s staying in the apartment complex. She’s been stalking around outside like a hungry stray dog outside a fast food joint.
I saw her talking to the landlord who [bless his awesome heart] won’t tell her a damn thing about who lives in his apartments. He even threatened to call the police if he see’s her walking about. I warned Abby so she’s aware of this.
I’ve left the house a few times but she’s not recognized me since the store incident, so luckily I can leave when I please. Abby leaves too but when she’s disguised and accompanied by Padlock and Yan. Its awesome cause her mom doesn’t recognize her when she’s with her boys…but recently that bi-er that hag has been getting bolder. She’s starting to knock on doors asking of Abby is in one of them.
Guys I’m getting scared, this is getting really stupid and this woman is getting out of hand…bad enough she tried to hurt my Chip but I’m worried she’d hurt Abby’s boys too…
I could use some advice right now, got any?
[for information on Lamias please speak to @vex-bittys she’ll give you info on some lamia bitties for other breeds please see @selkiesbittybonanza ]
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inspectormila · 4 years
Mirror’s Edge || Sharmila & Erin
TIMING: Current (POTW)
PARTIES: @inspectormila​, @corpse--diem​
SUMMARY: Mila goes to discuss Erin’s recent fire. Things don’t go well, but not for the reason you think. 
Sharmila wasted no time once she returned to White Crest in opening and reinvestigating each and every fire that occurred in her absence. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her department to do a thorough job, it was just that they weren’t that great. They weren’t her. Every accidental fire and explosion case she could convince the chief to hand her was now splayed across her dining table in loosely organized chaos. Most looked like accidents, but there were a few questionables. The explosion at the morgue, for instance, but she would grill Cece about that later once they’d had a few drinks. The second was also close to home, Nichols’ Funeral Home. Not only were there people trapped inside, one of their own had actually been killed in the blaze. Mila didn’t know Roland well, but he had always been nice to her when they passed in the halls. It was still a tragedy. And it was still suspected arson. Why it had been shoved by the wayside was beyond Mila and she would make damn sure she got to the bottom of it.
She hadn’t given Nichols much of a heads up, calling the woman when she was already on her way, notebook and tape recorder in hand. If the reports were correct, she was seen having an argument with an unknown person just before the blaze broke out. Mila wanted to make sure she caught the woman off guard in case she had something to hide. Most arson cases in town were owner caused, more often than not because of insurance fraud. How silly. She would always find the truth, didn’t they know this by now? The sun was just beginning to dip low behind the trees when Mila’s louboutins clicked their way up the driveway. Reaching out a perfectly manicured finger, Mila rang the bell and called out. “Hello? Ms. Nichols? It’s Agent Darzi? I called on my way over?”
Erin didn’t have a chance to appreciate the anxiety that brief phone call had given her. Just knew that some Agent Darzi was on her way to her apartment right now with some questions regarding the fire that brought down half of the funeral home. This wasn’t her fault--not this fire, anyway--but how was she supposed to explain herself here? Sorry, some asshole with magic fingers and a vendetta torched the place? Also, please don’t worry about the recent arrest on my record? She probably didn’t need the caffeine but she put on a pot of coffee anyway to busy herself while she waited. When the doorbell rang, Erin ran a hand down her mouth, trying to steady her heartbeat, reminding herself she hadn’t been the one to physically set the building to flame. She wasn’t innocent but this part she couldn’t take all the credit for.
“Agent Darzi,” Erin smiled tightly, nodding her head in greeting, a little taken aback by how young the woman was. Age hardly mattered when it came to whether or not she had the ability to toss Erin right back into that depressing holding cell. “You can just call me Erin. Come in, please,” she insisted, moving aside to let her in. The coffee was already set up on the table and she guided her towards it. “Coffee?” She asked, trying to loosen some of the tightness in her throat and started pouring two mugs before Agent Darzi had the chance to decline or accept. “You said you had some, uh--questions? About the fire?”
Sharmila smiled and entered the apartment, glancing around casually before following her mark towards the coffee. She breathed in deep, inhaling the warm scent before placing her things on the table, making herself quite at home. “Oh I would love some, thanks!” She reached out, letting the cup warm her hands. “I didn’t get a chance to inject any caffeine this morning, so this is a godsend!” She chuckled, attempting to put the woman at ease. Mila knew all too well how stressful law enforcement home visits were and in her experience, you caught more flies with honey than vinegar. “Yes,” Mila frowned, taking a small sip. Dark and bitter, just like she liked it. “I’m so sorry about your losses, I’m sure it’s come as a great heartbreak. Unfortunately, as arson is suspected, we have to do a thorough investigation. You understand. Just making sure everything’s in order!” Mila set her coffee down and began rummaging through her bag, pulling out a few folders. “Now, did you have any insurance policies on the building or business? Unfortunately money is almost always the real cause for these things.” She raised her perfectly plucked brows in a gesture of innocence. “Not that I’m blaming you for that! Just the facts, really. We want to make sure whoever is responsible is dealt with accordingly and if you do have a good insurance plan, we want to make sure you can get back up and running as soon as possible!” She smiled, tapping her pen expectantly on her pad of paper.
The woman sure was eager, wasn’t she? Erin would’ve appreciated the enthusiasm more if it wasn’t her case she’d decided to double check. “Totally understand. You’re just doing your job, here,” she smiled, trying to be gracious about Agent Darzi’s efforts. God, that would be nice, though. Kicking the insurance into gear, getting construction underway, going back to work. Her smile lifted more genuinely at the thought. “I’ve got all of that information right here. All that I could find on such short notice, anyway. Not much from my office made it out.” She tried to ignore the crackling of fire in her ear or Blanche’s screams of terror. Still felt as real as it did two months ago. She cleared her throat and pushed the folder towards her. “The only thing that’s changed in the past few years is the policy owner, from Jack Nichols to myself. There’s a few extra things because of the nature of my business. Equipment’s expensive to replace, but that’s about--”
Erin took one short look at the coffee pot, then another, longer this time--and jolted back with a start. A woman’s face hovered beside her own, obscured and abstract due thanks to the shape of the pot yet horrifying. She looked… dead. Pale skin cracked around the curves of her face, darkening to almost black around the eyes. “Jesus!” She yelped, turning to look behind her, knocking her full cup of coffee all over the place. There was nothing there, and nothing in the coffee pot when she looked again. What the fuck? She jumped again when the hot liquid dripped onto her lap. “I--shit, I’m so sorry. I don’t know--” she started, standing up, limbs shaky from the sudden fright as she grabbed some towels from the kitchen and started to clean. The papers were covered in coffee. “I thought I saw--something.”
Mila nodded, her lips pouting a bit. “Of course, so sorry to spring this on you again, I guess I don’t know what to do when I’m not working so I like to dive in head first!” She reached out and began flipping through the documents. Nothing looked out of order, no expansive insurance policy that would pay for her second home in Cabo. But then there was that mention of an argument...Heated arguments were explosive in cases like this. “Now, I’m so sorry to ask but do you have any enemies? Old coworkers, competing businesses, anyone who would want to see your home burn? There’s a note here-” Mila looked down to her file a split second before coffee and papers went flying. She jumped back, swatting a few stray droplets from her Chanel pants. “Oh! Are you ok??” Mila set about drying off her papers, bristling at the idea that maybe there was something suspicious in here after all, but one look at Erin’s face told her maybe not to jump the gun. Her hands hovered over the papers. “Ms. Nichols, are- what’s wrong? Are you alright? You’re shaking...Here just hand me some paper towels, I’ve got this. No use crying over spilled coffee, right?”
“No, no, I’m fine!” Erin insisted, trying to take a deep breaths. She was just seeing things. That’s all. Stress, lack of sleep, and a trick of the light would do wonders to mess with anyone’s mind a little bit. That’s all it was. Besides, this place was fully warded against anything even resembling a ghosts. Even fires, thanks to Nell’s helpful addition. Blanche had even come to double check them all. They had nothing to worry about. Nothing. “God, I’m sorry. This probably looks… not great.” She had to laugh as the adrenaline slowly started to loosen itself from her limbs. Her nose crinkled at the ruined paperwork and she slid a worried hand down the side of her face. “Whatever you need from me, I’ll be happy to replace. I’ll get the insurance company to send over more copies too, if you need them?” She asked, hoping that her blunder hadn’t made her look even more guilty than before. With the table cleaned, and the coffee pot reflection free, she sat down once more, trying to smooth over this shamble of a meeting. “You were asking about… enemies?” She stiffened, narrowing her eyes, shrugging innocently. “Nope. None that I can think of. I mean, competition for funeral homes isn’t exactly stiff in this town, if you know what I mean.”
Mila knelt down and collected what she could, handing back a few of the more ruined documents to Erin. “It’s fine, really. I would like to have some copies, but maybe...let’s email those over to my office directly?” She gave a small smile. Whatever had spooked the woman seemed to be gone now, but it raised the question in Mila’s mind, what if something similar had happened with the fire in question? That would make it an accident, not intentional arson. She scribbled down a quick note before looking back up. “Luckily all of this,” she waved her folder casually. “Is backed up multiple times. Can’t work in the business of fire and destruction without assuming accidents might happen to you too.” The lamia tried to center herself back into the task at hand, hoping Erin wouldn’t be quite so jumpy for the rest of their meeting. “Are you- oh good lord.” Mila grinned, slapping a hand on her knee. “No, I suppose it isn’t is it? No one plotting for your business, hm? Now…” Her face fell a bit, shifting from her jokes. “There was a witness who saw a man speaking with you just before the fire. Can you tell me about that?”
Oh good, they were both full blown punning now. That was a good sign Agent Darzi wasn’t about to find her guilty and slap some handcuffs on right now, right? The thought was ridiculous of course but after her first go around, Erin wasn’t anxious for another. An easy laugh fell from her and she sat back in her seat, trying to push the image of the woman in the reflection out of her mind. This was fine. “Plotting for my business. That’s a good one,” she pointed towards the other woman. “No, no. Believe me, my life is ridiculously boring,” she answered, lying so seamlessly it almost felt true. More of a wish, than anything. Her nerves had finally seemed to settle when she saw it again--just behind Darzi in the mirror on the wall. There was no mistaking it this time. Erin froze, no longer listening, just stared back at the wretched and angry face locked on hers. The woman’s black lips parted, gaping open as a wail burst from her throat, inhuman and raspy. “MURDERER!” the voice bellowed, pointing in her direction.
Erin flew backwards in her hurry, taking the chair down with her, an icy fear shooting up her spine. What the fuck? What the fuck? Another scream left the woman in the mirror, her finger pointing in Erin’s direction. Suddenly, she was in every part of the room, all at once, in every reflection. Pointing and screaming “Murderer!” at the top of her lungs. It was almost as if she didn’t even see Agent Darzi. Murderer. Guess that was her. Fuck. “Run!” she hollered at the other woman anyway, scrambling over some of the moving boxes on the floor on her way down the hallway.
If she was honest, Mila hoped this woman was innocent. It was always hard to file a case against the good ones, nice people who maybe just needed some extra money or in an accidental passion sent their home or business up in flame. Hell, wasn’t she a little hypocritical at this point? Not that she ever lit up anything important or owned by someone else. “Ridiculously boring can still have it’s sharp edges,” Mila replied, tapping the end of her pen against her leg. Mila watched as Erin’s face went blank, white as a ghost. She was familiar with the look of horror, but it wasn’t aimed at her. Instead her eyes were focused on a point behind Mila’s head. “Ms. Nichols? Are you- what are you-” Before she could finish the question, Mila slapped her hands to her ears. The inhuman screeching echoed around her brain and she cursed her lamia parents for giving her perfect hearing. “What the hell was-” Mila didn’t have to ask. Suddenly in front of her were fractal images of a pale, horrific woman, screaming. Murderer. Mila’s eyes went wide and she jumped back from Erin. She’d never committed a single crime against another person, there was no way in hell she was a murderer. She’d never eaten a person, only animals, and nothing sentient. Her parents had always been adamant about that. Erin screamed at her to run, and while she was hesitant to follow an apparent murderer, she did just that. The alternative was to hang out here with a bloody mirror ghost and Mila wasn’t overly fond of that option. She dashed back through the hall, following Erin’s lead. “What is that thing??” She cried, wondering if this is what Ms. Nichols thought a ‘ridiculously boring life’ would entail.
Erin didn’t look back to see if the agent was following her, just booked it down the small hallway. This was absolutely the part of the movie where she’d be screaming at herself to run out of the apartment but--here she was anyway, fucking off into her bedroom. “Murderer!” The accusing, angry voice yelled again from the mirror above her dresser. From the window next to her bed. Even the half empty glass of water on the table. She was everywhere.  Pointing still, directly at Erin. She didn’t know how she knew, or even who the hell this woman was, but she was relentless in whatever the fuck this pursuit was. Justice? Truth? Erin reached for the closest thing near her, a lamp, and tossed it at the mirror. The glass splintered, breaking off into pieces, but the woman only appeared again and again in each fragment, like an inescapable nightmare. “What the f--” Her eyes were wide and she looked for Darzi. “I don’t know! I don’t know. You’re--you’re seeing this right?” The reflection shifted from a two-dimensional horror into a very tangible reality as the woman reached out from the picture frame directly beside Erin. She didn’t have time to dodge the cold hand that grabbed her, wrapping around her throat, holding her to the wall as the rest of her slowly eased out of the reflection.
Panic overwhelmed her better senses, pushing Mila further into the home after Erin. She toppled into the bedroom moments after she heard glass shattering, only to see even more ghastly faces reflected back. “Yes I’m seeing this! But what is THIS??” The ghostly woman had no heat signature, obvious that she wasn’t among the living, but Mila had never seen a ghost. That’s what this had to be, right? It’s not like zombies crawled out of mirrors and attacked people- which was exactly what this bitch was doing. “Oh my god!!!” Mila shrieked, throwing herself towards Erin, unsure what, if anything, she would be able to do here. “Get off her- you- BITCH!” Her hand wound around cold flesh that wasn’t really flesh and she yanked with all the strength she had. It wasn’t enough, not by a long shot. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for anything that might help. God, where was a giant sword when you needed one? “Hold on, Ms. Nichols!!” The woman’s gasping was sending new waves of panic through her. She barely knew this woman, but she refused to let her die, not like this. With no knowledge of whether or not it would work, Mila set her sights on the mirror the ghastly woman was currently climbing out of, raising a stilettoed heel and bringing it sharply down on the glass, sending the woman into fragments. “OK let’s get the fuck out of here!!”
Darzi was on her attacker, fast, and Erin was never more thankful for the agent’s impromptu visit. Her vision was beginning to blacken when she heard the mirror shattering beside her head. The air rushed back into her lungs the second the ghostly woman’s hand dissipated into thin air and she took greedy gulps, stumbling forward into a full out run. “What the fu--” Erin yelled hoarsely, starting and stopping through every turn in her relatively small apartment. It wasn’t big but every reflective surface taunted her with that face, again and again. She didn’t think, just booked it right out of the apartment, leading the way for the agent. The woman was everywhere still. In the windows, the framed stock art on the walls, even the full reflection in the elevator. Relief came in the form of a dim stairwell. No reflections--just concrete, steel and the low glow of the exit sign. She dared to pause, just for a moment to catch her breath, clutching her throat. The woman’s hand had been so cold--like Dale’s had been. A shot of anger piggybacked her sharp fears. “Shit--are you okay?” She managed to ask, leaning against the wall. “Thank you for that--christ, she nearly killed me,” she huffed out incredulously. Still trying to stabilize her breathing and heartbeat, eyes flickering constantly around the room, before landing on the other woman again. “What the fuck was that? Who the fuck--?”
Mila didn’t pause, following Erin out of the apartment as fast as she possible could. Everywhere they turned, there was the woman ‘s face, now staring menacingly at herself too. Fuck. Her heart hammered in her chest as they reached the stairwell, a blank canvas, not reflections in sight. She didn’t even dare pull out her phone for fear the woman would appear in the screen. “Yeah,” Mila replied breathlessly, her hands on her knees. Thank god she was used to running in couture footwear. “Yeah I’m ok...how’s your neck?” Her eyes scanned Erin, looking for any readily apparent damage, but other than the choking incident, it seemed more of a mental fuck than anything. “Do you...What- you didn’t recognize her or anything?” Mila leaned against the cold concrete and rested her head back, thinking. She’d lived in White Crest long enough to know a thing or two about strange occurrences, she knew there were ghosts and werewolves and vampires and obviously the more exotic creatures like herself, but this thing...it was undead. But unlike anything she’d ever experienced or heard of. It wasn’t possessing any one, it came out of a goddamn mirror.
“No, I’m fine,” Erin shook her head, rubbing her neck as if to emphasize the fact. Something was wrong--obviously, but there’s no way that a ghost could have gotten into her apartment, bypassing wards put in by an experienced exorcist. Blanche had even double checked her work to be sure. Was it even a ghost? “No fucking idea,” she raised a brow, her eyes still roaming the walls as if suddenly she was going to pop out again. Murderer. Murderer. Murderer. Her face burned as the words repeated in her mind, the woman’s finger and eyes locked on her. No, nope. She wasn’t going to think about it - she had done what she had to. That was all. She hadn’t allowed herself to sink her teeth into those emotions just yet and some murderous ghost bitch wasn’t about to get her to start now. Not with Agent Diaz already questioning her about the fire. Standing straight, she tried to shake off the nerves clawing at her bones. “We should, uh--we should go.” Erin sure as hell wasn’t heading back to her apartment tonight. The stairwell exit opened up to more barren concrete halls. This was fine. For now, this would be fine. “You know, you’ve got a hell of a right hook with that stiletto,” she tried to tease now that the air was coming back to her in shorter intakes. “I’m so impressed, I won’t even bill you for the damage.”
Mila nodded, running a hand through her hair. She hadn’t forgotten what she’d heard, what that thing had been rasping...but murder wasn’t exactly in her job descprition. She eyed the woman carefully, not sensing that she could be a murderer, but then again, you never really knew people and she’d only spent what, an hour at best with her? “Maybe...don’t stay at your apartment tonight,” she offered as they exited the stairwell, carefully checking for any reflective surfaces. “Is there someone who could take you in for a night?” She would offer, but the whole investigation would crumble, not to mention the whole murderer thing. Not that Mila couldn’t take care of herself. “Thanks,” she smiled, popping one of her feet into the air. “Not only fashionable, but a deadly weapon against mirror monsters,” she chuckled. Suddenly Mila felt the earth shifting. Tiny, miniscule grains, rolling against the smooth ground. She stopped in her tracks, throwing an arm out to halt Erin as well. “Stop...I don’t- something’s not right…” Slipping out of her heels, Mila felt the cold tile on her bare feet trembling. Something big was coming, growing, with each spec of...was that sand? “Ms Nichols, I don’t think we’re quite finished yet…is there another way out of here?”
If Mila had caught on to whatever the woman in the mirror had been screaming at her, she wasn’t pressing Erin on it. Not yet, anyway, and she was thankful for the reprieve anyway after such a close call. “Yeah, I’m good, I’ve got people,” she assured her, knowing she’d most likely end up crashing at Skylar and Nic’s again. Sounded pretty nice right about now, actually. She smiled her way, letting the relief trickle into her chest. “I’ll have to remember that. Maybe sharpen the heel on my pumps for when I get back to work--” she froze suddenly, realizing these jokes and this audience really didn’t mix. But Mila was barring her back, a new sense of alarm on her face. Sand? She didn’t know what to think, just knew on some level inside of her, the one had grown familiar with this sort of supernatural fuckery, that Mila was right. “What now?” She nealy grumbled, but there was no time to question it. Sand seeped into the stairwell from every nook and cranny, slicking the floor with a thin layer. The only other way was back where they came from--or up. “C’mon,” she grabbed the other woman’s arm, shielding her eyes and mouth from the sand trickling in around them as she made a run for the rooftop.
They just couldn’t catch a break today. Mila glanced over at Erin and wondered slightly if the woman was cursed, actually cursed. How else could you explain two clearly supernatural oddities attacking within an hour? Even for the Crest, that was pushing it. Taking a step back, Mila felt the sand growing, shifting and forming of its own volition, gearing up for something. This was not good. “Shit.” Holding her heels in one hand and Erin’s hand on her other arm, Mila spun and made for the stairwell again, hoping beyond hope they could get to the roof. Once they were there, she hadn’t the foggiest of what they would do next. How did you fight sand? Mila charged forward, sneaking cautionary glances around corners to make sure they didn’t run into that fucking mirror thing again. Sand poured in on them from all directions, gathering so loudly it was almost overwhelming. Mila threw a hand over her head, trying to shield her face. She’d never been so happy to have a third eyelid, praising her lamia heritage. Mila slammed her entire body weight against the metal door leading up to the roof and blinked against the sunlight, feeling a single grain of sand catch under her membrane. “Fuck,” she grumbled, ushering Erin out before slamming the door closed. For a moment, the sand trickled under the door, a thin layer of moving earth. The lamia rubbed at her eye, attempting to free it of the grating foreign matter. She couldn’t be distracted, not now, not when they were under attack. “Is it still coming?? What do we do now??”
Miraculously, Erin had burst through the rooftop door without getting even one grain in her mouth or eyes, thank god. Her hair, her clothes, her shoes? That was another story. She was still shaking it off as she ran behind a vent, waiting, watching with Mila. “I don’t know, I don’t hear anything,” she whispered, staying still and alert. She couldn’t wrap her mind around what ominous thing was awaiting them on the other side of the door that was capable of sweeping a small beach worth’s of sand. “You alright?” She asked, noting the red eye and the way Mila was rubbing her eyes. It was still quiet though, too quiet, even as the sand continued to blow out from under the door. Erin glanced around, grabbing a piece of rain-battered plywood that had been left up there. It wasn’t much but it was all they had, save for Mila’s heels. “Stay here,” she instructed. “But keep those heels ready?” She tried to smile, but she couldn’t hide how terrified she was of what was possibly waiting for them on the other side of that door. She knew she sure as fuck wasn’t going to wait around for it to pounce though. Taking a deep breath, she paused, then yanked the door open, holding the plywood up, ready to strike. The door opened to--nothing. Erin waited, gripping the wood harder, but the sand just blew quietly on to the rooftop. But nothing. It was quiet, again. Eerily so.
Mila crouched behind the vent, still rubbing furiously at her eye. She couldn’t see well normally, and this was really putting a damper on what little sight she had. Instead she turned to her other sense, letting her bare feet feel the vibrations. Erin’s footsteps echoed through her body, and the soft drifting of sand, but no thunderous rumblings, not like before. She peeked out from her hiding place, her heels at the ready. “Do we need the heels?” She called, wishing there was a way for her stilettos to actually help. “Is it...I think it’s gone? Whatever the hell it was?” Whatever had been moving the sand, maneuvering it after them, seemed to have abandoned it’s hunt. One eye blurry beyond belief, Mila glanced around for any reflective surfaces. “Are we- is it fucking over?” She stepped out carefully, slipping back into her shoes. “I swear, most of my home visits aren’t quite so...eventful.”
The hall was empty, save for the layers of sand wisping around Erin’s feet. For now, the danger seemed to be gone but the foreboding feeling left in its wake was hard to ignore. It felt… unfinished. They’d gotten way too lucky to have run from not just one but two mysterious whatevers that had decided to knock down their doors and mirrors today. Tentatively, Erin stepped forward into the hall doorway, ready to swing if necessary. “I think we’re… okay?” It didn’t feel right to say it either. Her heart was still racing and she kicked some of the sand in the stairwell, as if she was waiting for it to spring back to life. She looked to Agent Darzi, letting out a breath. “I hope not, otherwise I’m going to have to decline a follow up.” She ran a hand down her face, contemplated dropping the plywood, opting to grip it a little tighter. Nodding at the other woman, she kept her eyes on the stairwell. “Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked one more time.
Mila smiled lightly, brushing the sand off her clothes where the grains fell lifelessly to the ground. “Don’t worry, I think if I have any further questions I’ll just email.” They made their way cautiously back down the stairwell, the building looking menacingly...normal. “Me? Oh yeah, just...tired I think.” Tired was an understatement. The pain in her eye subsided, making way for an indescribable fatigue. Then again, she had just run from two mystery monsters, in stilettos no less. “And I’m not even the one who got strangled. Make sure you get some rest, and uh...drink some tea?” Mila shuffled closer to the exit. “And I’ll send my assistant by to pick up the paperwork, I really ought to get home.” She could feel her muscles aching to lay down and honestly, she wanted nothing more than to take a long, hot bath in a room with absolutely no mirrors.
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
Several of my stories have mentioned Canbe, a mortal living in the Borderland of Nightmare  with the Lamia Flowering Ash.  This is the tale of how they met.
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The Day After Nightmare Night
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
2284 words
© 2016 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
I really should have known better.  It was the day AFTER Nightmare Night.  Morgan and I were out strolling around, looking at the remaining decorations and assorted minor pranks that had been played.  
Sawnax's Lumber Yard office had got it by at least two or three pranksters.  It was covered in ribbons of cheap toilet paper and the windows had been painted over with egg whites and liberally dusted with dirt.  It was understandable, if not really excusable.   He was always too cheap to put out a Foal Bowl.
Passing Caramel Treat's Sweets, we saw that Ponyville's genuine werewolf was still in the form of the gigantic Everfree Ridgeback Wolf that was her when she was not a pony.  Smiling, she was passing out treats to any who were still in costume.  
A good many foals knew of her habit and were lined up, chanting, “Nightmare Night has passed away!  Now it is Nightmare Day!  Please give us something sweet to bite, to celebrate the daylight!”
She was happily giving treats out and posing for pictures with the assorted little ghouls, alicorns, very phony deer, liches, and witches.
We watched for a little and went on our way.
It was not long before we were passing the shoulder high stone wall of the Ponyville Cemetery.  We found a perfectly lovely and unusual gray mare staring at us, over the wall.  She smiled, keeping her lips shut, and said with mild humor, “So, looking over the wall between life and death?”
“Sort of,” Morgan replied.  “Canbe and I are out looking at all of the assorted pranks that have been pulled, that's all.”
She kept pace with us, she on the inside, and we out.  Her head swayed in a sort of undulating way, instead of bobbing a little, like a pony's usually does.  
She offered, “Are you just looking, or are you doing anything to help fix the pranks? I am not sure why, but some ponies think that it is fun to mess up the graveyard.  Do they think that they will disturb the rest of those who have passed beyond life or are they trying to upset the living by knocking over or wrecking grave markers?”
Actually looking across the wall, at something besides the lovely mare's head and shapely neck, I commented, “I don't see any damage here.  What happened?”
Sadly, she replied, “You can't see it from here.  There is a really ancient part of the cemetery.  Nopony knows how old it is.  It is far older than Ponyville.  It has crypts, tombs, mausoleums and markers that nopony around here now knows how to read.  It is over the hill, there, where those big trees show their tops.”  
She pointed to an area that I had never paid attention to before.
I sort of shook my head in surprise.  “I did not even know that those trees were in the cemetery!  Old stones that nobody can read?  That sounds really neat, actually.  If I come to help you, would you mind if I made some rubbings of those stones?  Maybe a scholar like Twilight Sparkle could read them.”
The gray mare raised her eybrows in polite surprise.  “That would be a true boon, if she could.  So many old things are simply forgotten.”
Morgan snorted, “Never could figure out why anypony bothers with history!  Basically, it is a pack of lies told by the winners to make them look better than they were!”
The gray mare gave Morgan a disturbed look.  “That is partly true.  The truth of what did happen can often be found out.  It is the best understanding of the past that can serve to guide you and help you to avoid the mistakes that your ancestors made.”
Bitterly Morgan snapped back, “I was one of those 'mistakes' that somepony made!  I was abandoned on the steps of the Ponyville Orphanage without even a note!  I don't want to know who my mother or dad was!”
Morgan rudely turned his rump and stomped off.
The lovely gray mare turned to me and gave me a beseeching look.  “Will you come to help us?  We cannot undo the work of the vandals alone.”
I shrugged and opened the gate.  Entering I offered, “Sure, why not?  What is to fear now that it is broad daylight?”
The mare had hidden behind a large stone monument.  She pointed a shapely foreleg and hoof skyward.  “That is a common misconception.  So long as the Moon of Nightmare remains in the sky, we can be abroad.  That, I fear may tell you who you are coming to help.
“I will guarantee your safety if you do come to help us do what we cannot do ourselves alone.”
I paused to think over this development.  “I will make you a small deal, my sweet pony. Show me yourself.  If you are an undead, as you have said, and guarantee my safety, I will aid you as well as I can to fix what the vandals have damaged.”
She nodded gracefully and slithered out from behind the stone.  Her body, from the navel back, was that of a huge serpent.  “As you can see, I am a Lamia. Had I not guaranteed your safety, I could easily crush and rend you. You may still leave and I will thank you for even considering giving aid to such as I.”
I kind of shivered all over but gamely offered, “Lead the way, my Lady Lamia.  I am known as Canbe.”
She led me across the hill.  If I remembered correctly, the back wall of the cemetery was down the hill only a little ways.  Before we got to where the wall should be, I noticed that the Lamia cast no shadow from the light of the sun.  She did, however, cast a shadow.  It was from the light of the moon, still in the sky, though getting low.
We passed under the trees without coming to the cemetery wall.  Long streamers of moss like stuff hung from branches that almost seemed to move of their own volition.  The foliage of them was a far darker green than it had appeared when seen from the street in Ponyville.  It almost looked black.  That was when I noticed that nothing here, not even me, cast any shadow but one from the full Moon of Nightmare which was now at zenith, rather than nearly set.
I nearly fled when I noticed that.  My promise held me.
I was led to a fallen obelisk about two or two and a half meters long.  I saw the marks where it had been pried from its base.  I pointed out, “I cannot lift this, it is too heavy for me.”
Several voices replied, “We can lift it if you will help us.  Lay your mortal hooves on it and keep them on it until we have restored the stone to its place.  This work takes the cooperation of both the mortal and those beyond.”
As I laid hooves to it, a little past the center, the stone was seized by hooves of several undead sorts.  I did try to help with the lift, but it was the strength of those ponies who were long past the grave who actually did most of it.  As the stone was properly replaced, the break appeared to simply vanish.  The stone stood tall and proud again.
As we were walking to the next damaged monument, I stumbled on a fallen slab of stone.  A simple grave stone.  I paused and asked, “What about this one?  It has fallen too.”
The Lamia looked back and replied, “True, it has.  Time did that, not vandals.  You agreed to help us to undo the vandalism.  This goes past your agreement.”
I sort of surprised myself by replying, as I scraped at the moss grown stone to get a better grip, “Not quite so, my lady Lamia.  Time is the greatest vandal of all.  Let us set to rights all that we can.  Even the simplest grave deserves to be remembered.”
The many undead here all looked at me thoughtfully and agreed, “What he wants to do goes beyond our agreement.  We should do the same for him.”  If appearance was any guide, faces that had not smiled since they died smiled in agreement.
As we were lifting the stone back up to standing in a well dug socket hole, one of the liches actually shed a tear.  He stated, “This stone and grave are mine.  Thank you, Mortal.”
I think that the others were astounded when I held his apparently rotting body and said, “You are welcome.  Now I am doubly glad that we did it for you.”
We all went on, from grave to crypt to mausoleum fixing and setting things to rights.  If I could touch even so much as a rotting bit of an ancient oaken and iron bound door, some one among them was able to make it whole again. We even did the same for the decayed remains of coffins in the ancient crypts.
It did take a long time to do.  I was bone tired at the end of our labor.  Not hungry. Not thirsty.  Proud.  The ancient necropolis was now well tended and all was as it ought to be.  
I looked up.  The Moon of Nightmare was unchanged in the sky.  It was still at its zenith.
My lovely Lamia saw my glance and spoke softly, “Our lives spring from and are ruled by Her.  The Princess of the Night.  We may be of the Nightmare Realm but our Ruler is not without compassion.
“We did notice something about you as you helped us to restore our ancient homes. Not only did you not shrink from us, going so far as to give comfort and share happiness with a zombie, you appear to like us.  Is that true?”
That sort of opened up my eyes.  I had been getting along with these once living beings far better than I ever had with any living ponies.  It just took Lamia's question to make me notice it!
I nodded sort of slowly as it sank in.  “That is true, my lovely Lamia.  If there was some way to stay with you, my friends, and keep this gift of helping you all, I would have no desire to return to ponies who do not care about me at all.”
The Lamia stood up, supported by her elegantly coiled snake body and said softly, “My name, Canbe, is Flowering Ash.  You have asked a boon of Our Princess of the Night and we in no way forced you to it or tricked it from you.
“Do you truly ask of Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night, Harbinger of Dreams and Sometimes the True Embodiment of All Nightmare, the boon to stay with us, keeping the ability to aid us in preserving our places of rest, our homes?”
I did not hesitate, “If it can be done, Flowering Ash, I do ask that boon of Princess Luna.”
There grew a shadow on the Moon of Nightmare overhead.  Gliding down to a landing as silent as a dream was Princess Luna.  She alighted before me and smiled.
“Canbe, I have favorably heard your request.  You are a creature of the Day.  A pony who grew up under the sway of my Sister, Celestia.  Would you renounce her to fulfill your request?”
I thought carefully and she gave me the time to do it.  “Princess Luna, you and your Sister Celestia are two parts of a whole.  I had not heard that you two are in contest.”  
I gathered the lovely Flowering Ash on one side and the zombie whose grave I had restored on the other into a hug.  Still holding them, I went on, “Knowing that you two Sisters are not in contest, I will willingly do whatever is necessary to fulfill my request.”
Princess Luna bowed her horn to just touch my forelock.  A fine wisp of midnight magic, shot through with stars flowed between us.
She straightened and proclaimed, “Canbe, as the subject of us both, Myself and my sister Celestia, you may stay here with your friends.  Here, you will retain your Mortal Gift to aid them.  Here, you will not age.  Here, you will not hunger.  Here, you will not thirst.  When you do much, as with this night's labor, you will tire.  A little rest will cure that.
“You may leave here and return at will but only through the Ponyville Cemetery.  While you are away, you will age.  While away, you will hunger.  While away, you will thirst.  While away, you will tire from labor as you always have.
“You have chosen more wisely than you know.”
With that, Princess Luna spread her huge wings and made a powerhouse of a downstroke. She flew up, seemingly to the Moon of Nightmare.
Luna alighted on a patio of the Palace of Canterlot and trotted into the Dining hall. There she found Princess Celestia happily munching on chocolate topped donuts.
Princess Celestia's snicker suddenly turned to a stricken look as she saw Luna's expression!
With a grin that showed her perfect teeth, Luna reported, “I WON!  
“Canbe did NOT renounce me when he was put in with those Nightmares!  Most interestingly, he chose to STAY with them but he was clever enough not to renounce YOU either!
“Now pay up!”
Luna hoofed over a substantially sized tray.
Glumly, Princess Celestia began to pile on tan topped pastries.  She returned the tray to Luna with a sad, “Farewell, my butterscotch treats!”
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trashtheater101 · 5 years
Been meaning to make this for a while: Free list of skele-prompts! No credit needed (although I’d love to read it if you make one, maybe drop me a note?), and feel free to change ANY of the details or ships. This list is meant to ✧INSPIRE✧ not restrict. 
These are largely old ideas that I realize I’m probably never going to get around to writing myself and thought I’d share. Mostly Papcest, but there’s some left open for Fontcest and Sanscest, and you can always change it up. I probably forgot some, so I’ll add to it as I remember them.
RoyalMoney (Poppy/Cash)
Poppy is a wealthy, and unbearably bored Nigerian prince. Kept safe and sound, a prisoner in the castle by his overprotective brother, Poppy is allowed only limited contact with the guards or servants, and nothing at all with the outside world. When a thief breaks in through his bedroom window (captured easily by the Great Prince Poppy! He’s sheltered, not helpless!), Poppy can't help being intrigued… [His brother can shove it; He’s decided to keep this one.]
Fellcest (Red/Edge)
Red is a scientist. Or at least he used to be. He’s studied the wonders of the universe, tested the limits of time-space, and even broken through the divides between worlds. […none of it compared to learning the way his brother reacts to flirting.]
SpicyHoney (Edge/Stretch(Rus))
Edge is a loyal knight, through and through, and Rus is the true heir to the throne. Edge is determined to protect him no matter the cost. Even now that the kingdom has been overthrown and they were barely able to escape with their lives. Even now that they must keep moving, and live in hiding, lest Rus be captured and executed. Even though Rus is used to being pampered and spoiled, and Edge is the only one left to treat him with the sort of devotion and reverence that a true prince deserves. [Originally a Edge x Anyone, but the pouty, stubborn prince kept morphing into Rus, soooo…]
Edge and Stretch are stuck in a car together for a long trip, and expect to bicker the whole time. Unfortunately 5 minutes in one of them accidentally confesses. Neither are prepared for this, and now the car ride is spent dealing with THIS instead... oh dear… 
Stretch needs to get a physical. Cool, no big, even doctors aren’t sure what to do with a pile of bones, so no point in being embarrassed, and—bonus!—most don’t know how skeleton magic works, so he gets to skip the more invasive stuff. Except—wait—this time his doctor is a skeleton? A really hot skeleton?? And since Stretch is missing so much from his chart, he’s getting a THOROUGH exam??? ...great… [Bonus points for Stretch aggressively flirting to hide his nerves, “w-wow doc. i don’t usually spread my legs before the first date, haha. guess you must be special.”]
SpicyBBQ (Edge/Slim)
Edge’s new lamia is a dominant type, strong, and eager to breed him. But Edge isn’t inclined to submit, and he’s pretty sure he knows exactly how to tame his horny pet. [Succeed or fail, both are tasty~.]
MapleBlossom (Slim/Papyrus)
Slim is the lead singer/guitarist/drummer in an up and coming band. Hanging out at an afterparty of one of his shows, some cute little groupie, or a fan, or whatever, catches his attention when they start chatting him up. Slim is charmed, and while he’s got a pretty firm rule about not fucking the fans, he’s gotta make an exception this time. He’s gonna rock this groupies world. [Except that Papyrus isn’t a groupie. Or a fan. He was just invited along by a friend and thought this stranger might want someone to talk to. But boy is he flattered by all the attention! Is this… flirting?!?] 
SweetMoney (Sugar(HT!Pap)/Cash)
Taking his first ever train trip to the big city, Sugar ends up sitting next to a stranger. Cash seems friendly enough on the ride, but when they get off he refuses to leave??? He keeps insisting it’s too dangerous for someone like Sugar to be alone in the city, and that all well and good, but Sugar’s pretty sure he has a stalker now??? Blood had warned him about this… oh well… For a stalker, Cash is awfully charming. 
Edge x _______
Edge is an Alpha. All the Papyruses are Alphas, so of course he’s an Alpha. He is the most Alpha-y-est Alpha to ever Alpha, thank you very much. And as long as he keeps taking his Alpha-supplements, surely no one will be any the wiser. But the supplements can only repress his instincts so much when he’s surrounded by so many fine, aggressively-dominant Alphas. And let’s be real, how long would it really take a group of Alphas to notice an Omega in their midst? [Easily could be one-on-one, but this prompt is feeling pretty gang-bang-y to me~] 
In hindsight I think I may have seen this idea around before (so let me know if it’s already a thing…), but Edge as a Heinz Doofenshmirtz-(Or like MegaMind, Dr. Horrible, fuckin.... Team Rocket??)-style villain! Over the top dramatic! But also pretty ridiculous... But definitely EVIL!!!!! But also is he though??? Red is his henchman. His love interest can be the Hero, but also could be his usual kidnapping victim, or the cute skele from the laundry mat, or I suppose his henchman, or a brand-new unique dynamic! 
Loud Top Edge. That’s really all I’ve got for this prompt. It really didn’t have to be under Edge specifically… you could make it anyone, but I was thinking of Edge. ...as just... a… noisy… really verbal top... yeah...~<3
Papyrus x _______
Someone has been stealing apples from Papyrus’s apple orchard, and he is determined to catch the culprit! [Well, it turns out the culprit happens to be very attractive and that is a whole new, very different problem!]
Papyrus x _______/Sans x _______
Undertale is Universe 0. It’s the base, the original, the one every universe is spun off of. As such, there is some sort of general law of attraction pulling all the copies towards their originals. Or at least, that’s Sans’s theory anyway. That would explain all these Sans’s that keep hitting on him and—don’t think i don’t notice the rest of you making passes at my bro-! are you looking for a b a d  t i m e ? 
Bonus Lamia prompt
[A]’s lamia goes into a submissive heat. No matter what they do, however, [A] can’t seem to satisfy them. A quick google search reveals their lamia is looking to be bred with eggs, but—uh—[A] can’t produce eggs, and neither of them really want kids yet anyways, and—hey, you can buy safe to insert pseudo-eggs!—Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna give you just what you need~ 
- - - - -
A list of loose themes and thoughts. Poke through and see if anything catches your attention. Or maybe mix some together? (Conveniently numbered for a random number generator!) 
1. Bitties
2. Asleep on shoulder
3. Shopping trip
4. Bandaging after sparring 
5. Broken down car
6. Attractive salesman
7. Trapped in a box~ 
8. Good old fashioned temporary amnesia 
9. Is that a dog in your jacket? 
10. “If you touch him I will END you...!”
11. Crossover
12. Lamias
13. The meal was unrecognizable...You eat it anyways. 
14. Classic fairytale, but with a twist! 
15. A more obscure fairytale. (With all the ‘wtf??’s they tend to entail.)
16. “Please tell me you meant to do that...”
17. Ectoboobies
18. “God, you’re so hot… You look hot! SWEATY! Do you want a drink!?!?”
20. Borrowed pajamas
21. Candle light
23. Someone not normally collared: collared~! 
24. “Sit down and shut up! ...I’m going to serenade you now.”
25. “What will it take to make you realize I’m no good for you?” 
26. Running out of water
27. Physically shielding from harm
28. Can’t stop staring
29. Broke something important
30. He only ever acted like this when he was covered in dust…
31. Well... people always say you should marry a doctor
32. “I think I’m falling for you” 
33. “Guess you fell for me~” 
34. A bad vacation
35. Missing the bus 
36. A WAY too fancy restaurant
37. Good morning kiss
38. That’s probably a serial killer chasing you tbh. 
39. Lost & alone… 
40. Annoying Dog is secretly a matchmaker
41. A goodbye note
42. Freezing cold
43. A slow dance after the lights go down
44. Exploring
45. Hey! You’re that actor/singer/etc I like-! Why are you grinding on me!?!? 
46. “I failed you…”
47. A non-traditional Heat symptom
48. Soul-bonding: the aftermath. 
49. 2 dudes sittin in a hot tub, 5 ft apart cause they’re very gay and sorta nervous and-gosh-it sure is hot in this hot tub… 
50. Flowey: “Okay, look. I don’t normally give advice but…”
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vex-bittys · 5 years
Do you have any adoptable cherry corals? i cant let such a poor, sweet bittybone without some sort of love. I woudn't usually adopt a coral lamia (personality) but my heart is set on a cherry coral.
*You’re standing in the Lamia Bittybones Adoption Center, reading a sign with information about the various adoptable lamia bitties. You’ve just read through the information on Coral lamias, and you think you’ll pass. The tantrums and mixed signals are a bit more than you can handle. Your eye catches a small note underneath the Coral sign though, a note that describes Cherry Corals.
*The Cherry version of a Coral has anxiety from going too long without being adopted (or possibly being returned), and that tugs at your heartstrings. Cherry Corals don’t throw tantrums because they fear rejection, and though they still struggle to ask for the affection they need, they are much softer about it. You have plenty of love to give, and plenty of gentle encouragement for a Cherry Coral. Your decision is made.
*You have a few gifts in your pocket, and as you walk to the front desk to ask about a Cherry Coral, you select a small worry stone made of green jasper. When Vex shows you an adoptable Cherry Coral, you see that you’ll have your work cut out for you. He has his back to you and doesn’t seem at all interested in being adopted… yet. Vex has recommended coming in to visit him regularly and win his trust, so you leave the gift next to him and tell him that you’ll see him soon.
*On your first few return visits to see the Cherry Coral, he still appears to be listless and skeptical, sure that you’ll find another lamia much better than he is and not daring to hope. Each time you notice that he clutches the jasper tightly in his tail and rubs his tiny hands on the smooth surface.  On one visit he even leans close and allows you to pet him. You’re making progress, and you plan on asking the little guy to come with you soon.
*A few visits later, and you feel like today is the day. You step into the shop… and it’s utter chaos. Your Cherry Coral (because you already think of him that way) is wailing and pointing an accusatory little finger at another Coral who has his arms folded across his chest and is pouting. Vex is scolding the other Coral as you rush over to comfort your little darling. He practically leaps from Vex’s arms into yours, holding his worry stone tight and wrapping his tail firmly around your arm. You quickly begin to rub his little shoulders, calming him down until he’s only sniffling and hiccuping.
*Vex explains that your Cherry Coral sat his worry stone down to take a bath, and another Coral mistook it for an available treasure. Apparently, your Cherry Coral really values your gift. You tell Vex that you’ll be taking him home today, thank you very much (mainly putting on a show for the little Cherry Coral). The Cherry Coral clings to you as you fill out the paperwork. His tears have finally stopped, and you want it to stay that way.
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(Artwork by redkammy)
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wildshadowtamer · 5 years
Home & Thunder (Reader)
Thanks to @thunderstruck-edgelord for the idea of a thunderstorm and reader fanfic! (Gotta say, i’m a bit obsessed with this blog)
Warnings: Mentions of Bitty Abandonment and off-screen character death
Notes: The Reader character is androgynous, that’s why everyone says “Them” (just so it makes it easier for you to imagine yourself)
Characters: Lamia bitties belong to @vex-bittys, ‘Beta’ belongs to Luna #MLT #ACT on UTAU Amino.
You were heading home in a horrible late-night thunderstorm, rain pouring down harshly and the wind stinging your eyes, you pulled your jacket closer to you as you run through the horrid weather when you suddenly stop.
A sharp whining hit your ears and you look around to see where it came from “Hello?” You asked worried, wondering if someone or something was crying for help, the whining got louder, whatever it was must have heard you.
It came from an alleyway, dark and dusty, you decided to approach carefully, despite the horrible conditions. Lightning struck, and a high-pitched scream came from a soaked through cardboard box labelled ‘FRAGILE’, Something alive was under it.
“Oh...You poor thing...” You mutter under your breathe as you approached, another flash of white and loud crack hit the air, making the creature under the box scream in fright again. “It’s alright, just...come out, I’ve got you.” You told it in a calm, quiet tone.
You soon realize it can’t lift the pathetic box it was hiding under, so you carefully lift it enough to look underneath and- ...its four tiny skeletons, about 8 inches tall.
“What…What are you doing here?” You asked, reaching your hand out cautiously towards them, the smallest quickly latched onto your hand and cried, to which you quickly put your hand to your chest and hold him calmly, your free hand once again reaching out to the other three.
“…I don’t trust you.” One of them spoke, crossing its arms angrily but another strike of lightning quickly changed its mind as it grabbed the remaining two skeletons and got onto your hand, so you could safely put them in your fluffy jacket, now soaked in water.
“Let’s get you four home.” You spoke to them silently, getting up and running at a slower pace than before back to your apartment, after about 20 minutes you arrived at the apartment block you lived in and unlocked the metal door, sighing as it closed with a dull thud.
The sound of rain echoed through the empty hallways as you hurried upstairs and opened your door “Here we are, you three.” You mutter to the tiny skeletons hidden in your jacket, which you now unzipped once reaching the Livingroom. You laid them down on the couch and realized only one had legs, the other three had beautiful snake tails:
One had a striking orange and red tail, the second had a beautiful black and white tail and the last, smallest one had a striped red and yellow tail.
“Oh…wow those ar-“ You got cut off by lightning and another scream from the smallest, who latched onto the orange tailed one quickly, Orange, as you promptly named him, hushed Stripe and stroked his skull, coiling around him protectively from the storm.
You decided to try your best at muffling the storm, drawing the blinds and curtains over the Livingroom window, holding the small skeletons close to your chest as you laid on the couch and put a lullaby CD into the old radio on your coffee table.
“Shhh, close your eyes and goodnight~” You sung quietly along with the music, the storm seemed to drown out quickly as the ball of skeletons on your chest purred softly, you draped a fluffy pink blanket over all of you before sleep claimed you all.
When you awoke, you saw the four tiny skeletons still laying on your chest, snoring. It was cute, to say the least, so sat up and adjusted them carefully.
“Oh, hello.” Stripe, as you named him, lifted his head and tried to smile but ended up stifling a sob, holding his hands to his face. “I-I’m not crying, s-shut up!” He hissed before you could even speak, seems like he didn’t like people seeing him upset.
“The storms gone, its okay.” You hushed the shaking skeleton, stroking him with two fingers, scared to hurt him on accident.
“I-I don’t care! Its not like it cared me…or anything.” He mumbled angrily, wiping the tears from his eyes quickly and jumped as Orange awoke.
“Huh? Oh, hello human!” Orange sat up quickly, grinning and propping both arms on his hips “I’m very thankful you saved us last night, your very kind!” Orange blush dusted his cheeks, hugged the happy skeletons side as soon as Orange awoke.
“Um, I don’t mean to be rude but why were you four under a box?” You questioned carefully, scared one of them might bite, they were snakes after all. “Well…” Orange began, keeping eye contact while rubbing circles into Stripe’s back “I’m not too sure about the others but from what Beta and the Krait had told me, most of us either got abandoned or lost.” He looked away, his smile fading.
“Oh…you poor-“ You stopped, realizing you had no idea what they were. “Lamia Bitties, except for Beta…She isn’t a Lamia” Orange helpfully explained, you took a mental note of researching these Bitties.
“Right. How horrible…” You frowned, stroking Orange’s tail with your fingers softly “Its alright! I know my owners name, so you can bring me right back him once we’re feeling better!” He beamed happily, Stripe whined at the mention of an owner which made Orange flinch slightly.
“H-Huh? Oh, h-h-hi!” The one Orange referred to as ‘Krait’ woke up and waved shyly, his eyes already filled with tears “I-I-I’m…” He trailed off, pulling the tiny scarf he had wrapped around his neck to his mouth “Most of us don’t have names, Beta’s the only one who had an owner who named her.” Orange once again helpfully added in softly, you already fixed that issue
“Well, I already kinda figured out names, if you want them.” You smiled, Orange and Krait’s eyes lit up with different emotions: Orange had excitement and Krait had hope.
“Really!? Well, go ahead!” Orange quickly cheered you on, bouncing with excitement “Alright then um…” You scanned the three lamias’, you already knew what to call Orange and Stripe, obviously but Krait was harder.
“Orange,” You pointed to him, he giggled happily “Stripe,” He grumbled and nodded “and Kayra” You smiled at Kayra, who teared up and squeaked before hugging you frantically “Thank you thank you thank you!” He kept repeating, shaking from crying and joy.
“Aw…it okay little…Kayra” The realization that you didn’t know their gender hit you, as they were skeletons, you just presumed they were all guys…oops.
“Umm, what…gender are you guys…?” You mumble awkwardly, Orange chuckled and grinned “Me and Stripe are guys, Beta and Kayra are girls. Don’t worry, I know its hard to tell” He reassured you, coiled around Stripe on your lap. Kayra was still shaking and hugging you, your damp jacket still on.
 “Oh, hah, good. Nearly misgendered ya, Kayra!” you joked, you felt Kayra shakily chuckle and then suddenly jump away when you sneezed “Oh…oops, sorry Kayra” You were quick to apologies, but she just seemed a bit shocked if anything.
“Ugh…I shouldn’t have slept in wet clothes…” You muttered, picking them up and putting them on the couch as you got up, a shiver ran down your spine from the cold you have, and Orange snickered behind you “I’ll be right back” You told them as you walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
[Orange’s POV]
The human walked off to what I presumed to be the shower, as soon as she was out of sight, the newly named Stripe spoke up “Their….nice, actually.” I Nodded in agreement, smiling “Mhm! Not everyone would rescue Bitties they don’t know!” I smiled at Stripe, who blushed slightly and looked away nervously “Hah…y-yeah.”
“I Wonder If they’ll keep us…” Kayra mumbled quietly, I turned to her and put my hand on her shoulder comfortingly “Don’t worry! I’m sure she’ll keep you three, I have an owner after all. If she doesn’t, I’m sure she’ll bring you to a nice home where you’ll be loved!”
Kayra smiled and fidgeted with her sweater sleeves, nodding shyly “Y-yeah, that sounds good.” She agreed, coiling around the still sleeping Beta “Is…she gonna wake up ooor?” I asked in a joking way, but it did seem she was fast asleep, I didn’t blame her, it was a bad night after all.
“Alright, I’m back!” The Human called, a towel wrapped around their body and hair, which was making it hard to tell what they were aside from human “Oh! Human, we forgot to do formal introductions!” I slither forward to the edge of the couch where the Human knelt, I held out a hand “Hello! I’m Orange, its very nice to meet you!” I grinned when the human took my small hand and bowed “Hey, I’m Y/N, very nice to meet you oh great Orange!” They joked happily, acting like I was a king, which I didn’t mind at all.
Stripe snickered at the sight and red blush dusted his cheeks, I couldn’t help but blush too and laugh, which sent Y/N into a laughing fit too. By the time we had settled down, all our ribs hurt, and we were struggling to catch our breathe
“Wow Haha…I haven’t had company like you three for a while!” Y/N sighed happily, still giggling a bit “So, do you know your Owners number?” She asked, looking at me since I was the one to mention knowing my Owners name, thankfully, I did. “Here, I’ll put it in your phone!” I gestured for the phone laying on the coffee table next to the radio “Oh yeah, forgot I left it here.” I heard Y/N mutter under their breathe, passing it to me carefully, I tapped in the number and started to text my Owner
???: Hey, it’s your Papython, got lost last night and a human helped me!
It took a few minutes of idle chatting between Me and Y/N for him to answer
Owner: Thank god Paps! I was so worried you got hurt in that thunderstorm! I’ll come pick you up!
I looked up from the phone and cocked my head at Y/N, quickly asking what the address was and texting it to my Owner, as well as Y/N’s name.
Owner: Right, be over there on my motorbike in half an hour, I know how much you love riding in the sidecar!
“Okay, he’ll be over in a half hour!” I told Y/N happily, they nodded, and I carried Stripe, Beta and Kayra to the floor to talk easier
“So, what’d you do with your owner?” Y/N asked quickly, I shuffled closer “Well I actually go on long rides with him on his motorbike and do woodcarving with him some days! We’ve gone paintballing and mountain climbing, we even went snorkeling a few times!”
I talked about all the cool things we’ve done for the half hour until the apartment door knocked and I heard my owners muffled voice “HI!” I yelled, making Stripe and Kayra flinch. Y/N got up and opened the door, to which I followed them.
[Regular POV]
You open the door to see a young blonde teen with beautiful blue eyes in black biker gear, he held out his free hand, the other holding his helmet under his arm.
“Nice to meet you sweetheart, I’m Owen, I presume you’re the one with my Papython?” He asked as you took his hand and nodded “Yup! I kinda gave him a nickname, actually.” You mentioned, putting your hands on your hips, not realizing you still were in a towel.
“Oh? I’ve been meaning to name him, actually. What’d you choose?” He asked, not even mentioning the towel “Orange, I thought it suited him!” You blush and laugh, shuffling to the side when you feel Orange nudge your leg “Speak a’ the devil”
“Hi Owen!” He grinned “Y/N’s been super nice to me!” Owen knelt down and picked him up, to which Orange sat on his shoulder “That’s great bud, hey,” He focused his attention on you “Thanks. It means a lot to me that someone would take him in like that.” You felt your face going red “Oh it’s no problem! Nothing I can’t handle” You laugh nervously, giving Orange a thumbs up.
“Anywho, we got a motorbike waiting, don’t we bud?” Owen glanced at Orange, who lit up and nodded excitedly, You two say your goodbyes and you close the door, clothing realization finally settling in.
“…oh my god Hes gonna think I’m so weird.” You shook your head, in disbelief that you just did that. “Pff- nice job.” Stripe snickered from the couch, you turned around, face as red as his tail, and quickly walk off to your bedroom to get dressed.
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