#Love themmmmmmmmmm
anas-tasiaa · 1 year
I'm getting better at least! Slowly but surely. I hope I get more ideas about writing for the twins but some ideas do come to my mind, I just need to do the writing SJDJSJDJ
And please feel free to ramble about them to me! It can be through my asks or even DMS, I'm always happy to hear about the Choi twins!!
I'm also super happy that they get a happy ending, it makes me feel satisfied and the urge to protect them and spoil them with gifts and love hhhhh!!
Especially Saeyoung cuz I'm a huge ass simp but shhhh
I'm just happy they can live their life now and even together! :D
While I have read some fan fiction featuring them, I have yet to come across a story in which they magically travel back in time to meet each other as children. Just think about it! Kid Saeyoung would be all tearing up seeing Saeran has become an adult. A heartwarming reunion. Well, I enjoy them regardless of genre, but I am especially fond of those that depict everyday domestic life. Tbh I like them better in OS universe than AS, OS could kill you million times and you're still be hurting. Oh also, you can always tag me in any fanfiction you create involving them. It would mean the world to me! ♥️🫶🏻
Yes! Saeyoung is just 😭👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Saeyoung's dogged determination and perseverance when he sets his mind to anything are qualities I admire. Everything about him is just a green sign, including his love, care, trust, and patience. He gave up his own life so that Saeran may have the best of everything. His willingness to give up on his life to protect saeran is just, sobs. I can talk at length about Saeyoung, gosh. He...he is an excellent brother and a person you can count with. I appreciate it, Saeyoung. Thank you ♥️
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patepaka · 9 months
I miss Earthspark ya'll
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h20milk · 9 months
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i’ve noticed that i smile more when i’m around you. was that a little too much? sorry, i can’t help it when it’s with you.
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d0not-disturb · 5 months
grumbo...in love.... inneed them
They love each other very much
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raapija · 4 months
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The admin.... The admin knows my name.... 😭😭💚
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malwarechips · 11 days
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another boy besties moment to kill the girlies everywhere 💞
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xhanisai · 2 years
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lumiereandcogsworth · 8 months
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they are, indeed, everything to me (x)
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storge · 2 years
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You really are persistent. You can’t escape us.
Lan Fan, Ling Yao, Fu Fullmetal Alchemist: The Revenge of Scar
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frostiifae · 1 month
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soooo ive been enjoying honkai star rail
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Lance gushing to someone about how adorably cute Keith is but then Keith overhears and decides to tease him please please pleeeeeease
Thank you, I hope I did it justice <3
"Hunkkkkkkkkkkkkk" Lance flopped down on his friend, ignoring the noise he made. "Why is he sooooo attractive?"
"Talking about Keith again?" Hunk continued to work on the blueprints on the tablet he was holding.
"Of course I am. Do I ever talk about anything else?"
"Sometimes," he closed the tablet down,
"Did you see him in training today? How he slid between the bots leg and they sliced them in the back?!"
"Then he pushed his hair back while catching his breath?" Hunk replied with a smirk on his face.
"Ohmygosh he was so hot when he did that," Lance nearly rolled off his friend.
"You okay buddy?"
Lance sighed, "no of course I'm not. My crush since the Garrison happens to be stuck in space with us and I swear to god he gets hotter everyday. Plus have you seen his pouty face? When he tried to help you cook and accidently burned the dish I almost kissed him right then and there...he looked so sad but he was so cute."
"I felt bad for him that day."
"But you made it better Hunk. And when he's concentrating his nose scrunches up every so slightly and I just wanna pull him in for a hug whenever I see it. Plus when he get's excited about something his eyes light up and his voice raises a pitch I swear to god."
"He's so cute I can't handle it. How I haven't exploded is a mystery to me."
"More like how you haven't kissed him."
"I daydream about it too much."
"I know buddy."
"And have you seen him with a ponytail? Takes my breath away every single time. And when he gets mad I swear I get weak in the knees."
"Is that why you pick fights with him all the time?"
Lance stumbled over his words, "no!"
"Then why do you?"
Lance rolled off the couch, laying face first on the ground, "I like the attention okay?"
"From Keith or in general?"
"Do you really need to ask?"
Hunk gave a soft chuckle, "just tell him how you feel."
Lance gasped and sat up, "and embarrass myself? No thank you."
"Maybe you'll be surprised."
"Don't think I will. Why would someone like that like someone like me?"
Keith knew it wasn't okay to spy on people. Unless he was doing a mission and was spying for intel, he knew it wasn't okay. Especially spying on the team.
But in his defense, as weak as it might be, they were talking in the common room and he just happened to walk by and hear his name.
"Why is he sooooo attractive?"
"Talking about Keith again?"
Keith pressed himself against the wall, Lance and Hunk chatting to each other about him. Specifically about Lance's feelings for him. Keith forced himself to breath as the conversation went on between the two boys; hanging on to every word the two were saying.
Lance likes me? In a crush way? Keith couldn't believing what he was hearing but he quickly ruled that it was a prank since neither of them knew he was there.
Lance gasped and sat up, "and embarrass myself? No thank you."
"Maybe you'll be surprised."
"Don't think I will. Why would someone like that like someone like me?"
Keith felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Did Lance really think that lowly of himself that he couldn’t fathom Keith liking him back? Or did Keith not do a good enough job conveying his own feelings towards the blue paladin?
He quickly stepped away from the door, turning back the way he originally came, he needed a game plan. 
“Alright paladins, circle around.” Shiro stood in the center of the training room, “for todays training, I want us to focus on really working together. Fighting together as a team. Watch each others backs and communicate.” 
Everyone nodded and began to take their stances, Keith taking a moment to tie his hair up in a ponytail. 
Hunk nudged Lance, “dude you’re staring.” 
Lance tore his eyes away from his fellow teammate, his face immediately feeling red when he realized how obvious he was in fact staring. 
“You okay Lance?” Keith gave him a smirk. 
Lance felt his heart jump in his throat, just breathe, in and out just like we’ve been doing our whole life. “Fine mullet. Now watch my back.”
Lance walked into the common room, Keith and Pidge were cleaning their equipment, chatting away about random things. 
“Hey guys.” 
“Hey Lance! Keith and I are just polishing our stuff.” 
“Sounds boring.” He flopped down next to Keith who gave him a small smile before returning to his work. 
Pidge began rambling about a topic that Lance had no knowledge of. He sat back and let the younger paladin talk, his eyes slowly making their way towards Keith. 
He made sure to count his breathing, Keith was making that face again. His nose was slightly scrunched up, his eyes focusing on on a particular spot on his bayard. He felt a tingle in his arms, he wanted to badly to wrap his arms around him, to coo over his expression. 
“Lance are you even listening to me?” 
He eyes snapped back to Pidge, and he could see a small smile form on Keith's face. Was he doing that on purpose? “I’m sorry Pidge, what?” 
Lance thought he was going to die. Not literally die, but Keith was pushing his buttons everyday. He was ramping up his moves in a sense. God Lance was so tired. Everyday was a struggle to not pull Keith into his room or the nearest closet and kiss him. 
He found himself having to leave the room when Keith was doing whatever he was doing; Lance wasn’t convince it was a coincidence. He was convinced Keith was doing this on purpose, which was probably a sick joke. 
“And then my mom totally came up behind the Galra and was like ‘don’t touch my fucking kid jackass,’ and sliced him borderline in half. She looked pissed.” Keith was telling a story to the others, his hands moving a bit while he talked, his eyes light up in that way. The fucking way that entranced Lance every time he saw it. 
Keith gave him a small glance, more acknowledging that he entered the room than anything else. He kept telling the story and there it was. It was subtly but Lance had memorized enough about Keith to recognize that subtly shift. That slight shift in pitch that Keith did when he was really excited. 
He quickly turned around and left the room, Keith was going to be the end of him at this rate. He went back to his bedroom, hugging his sides as he walked. He didn’t know how Keith found out about his feelings for him, he knew neither Hunk nor Pidge would tell Keith so how did he know. 
He laid down on his bed, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He knew Keith didn’t like him back, so why was he doing this? 
A knock came on his door a bit later and he stood to answer it. Keith stood on the other side, messing his the bottom of his zippers on his jacket. “Hi.” 
“Sup Mullet? Did I miss a training or something?” 
“No. I just wanted to talk to you. If that’s okay.” 
Lance had never really seen nervous Keith before but even that side of him was enough to make him feel like a puddle. “Sure.”
Keith blinked at him, “can I come in?” 
“Oh yeah yeah,” Lance stepped off to the side, letting Keith step into his room for the first time. Don’t freak out, just the boy I like is in my room. “So what do you want to talk about?” 
Keith stood a bit awkwardly in the room, his hands balling into fist every couple of seconds. “You left pretty fast earlier.” 
“I didn’t know you were timing me.” 
“I wasn’t. I just noticed you leaving.” 
Lance crossed his arms, “well I feel fine.” I want to kiss you do bad. 
“Okay,” Keith took a couple of steps towards the door. “One more thing.” 
“Do you have a crush on anyone?” 
Lance stumbled over his thoughts, “that’s random.” 
“I’m curious.” 
Lance took a small step towards Keith, not missing how he leaned forward ever so slightly. “And if I did? Then what?” 
Keith looked him up and down, his throat bobbing slightly as he swallowed, “I would ask if I knew them.” 
Lance took another step, “and if I said yes?” 
“I’d asked who it was.” 
Lance took another step, their chest were nearly touching. Both of them holding their breath. “I think you know who it is.” 
Keith was staring at his lips, then back at his ocean eyes, then his lips again. “What would you do if they liked you back?” 
Lance released a shaky breath, “I’d kiss them.” 
Keith met his eyes once more, when did they get even closer? “The what are you waiting for sharpshooting?” 
I love my boys sm 
I had to sneak in some langst I’m sorry
I hope you liked it! 
Thank you <3333
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seventh-fantasy · 7 months
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他居然是朕的儿子里面最像朕的。// 这个臭小子资质不错,的确有我当年的风范。
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voiceofsword · 1 year
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i will never fully recover
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itmightrain · 7 months
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scatterpatter · 18 days
Woodman's and Cutman's QPR,,,
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