#Loyalist Volunteer Force
seachranaidhe · 2 years
'King Rat' - Billy Wright's rise as a loyalist icon and LVF chief (Part One)
‘King Rat’ – Billy Wright’s rise as a loyalist icon and LVF chief (Part One)
December 26th, 2022. LIVED LIKE A RAT AND DIED LIKE A RAT Thousands of people involved themselves in paramilitaries during the Troubles, taking thousands of lives.The names of those gunmen are unknown or mostly forgotten but a handful live on in infamy, one of them is Billy Wright, aka ‘King Rat’.Charismatic, religious, ruthless, cold, Billy Wright was feared by most people but respected by…
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missbrunettebarbie · 5 months
Descendants Sortings
Mal is a burned Lion Primary. It isn’t obvious at first, but the more her character developed over the course of the series, the more clear it became she is not a Snake -frankly, this girl would have been better off if she would have taken a more self-serving Snake mentality (uo, I know!) in the latter movies- and no Bird, as she shows none of the signs. I did debate whether she might be a Badger primary or no, but both her ‘I want’ songs (If Only and My once upon a time) show she is a burned Lion who is desperate to unburn, but well, her internal compass has been skewed by being raised by Maleficent: “I can't decide/ What's wrong, what's right/ Which way should I go?”/“You had a cause to serve, but did you serve it?”
Mal really really needs a Cause to work for. In Descendants 1, her Cause is making her mother proud by stealing the wand. In Descendants 2, her new Cause is to be the perfect lady of the court and girlfriend for Ben. And she feels like she’s failing miserably at it, which is why she lives for the Isle. This and the fact that Mal is pretty much facing an identity crisis here and feels like her entire life is being caged by the life everyone else is planning for her. Both nightmarish situations for a Lion who isn’t entirely unburned yet. In the third movie, Mal’s Cause is to be a good queen for Auradon, no matter the price. I personally find Mal’s arc very compelling and intriguing as I think we rarely see a protagonist who is loved by the narrative supporting a point of view the narrative disagrees with, but still be treated with empathy by it.
Her Secondary is even more interesting to me cause before rewatching, I would have never thought she is a Bird Sec, but yet it is so plain! Mal uses magic as a very efficient tool despite never being formally taught. She just gets handed a book and is told to figure it out on the fly. And she does it spectacularly … by paying attention to the instructions like with the love potion. She’s also the planner of the group, some of the plans being better than others (drugging Ben, giving Uma the fake wand etc.). And last, but not least: Mal is an information gatherer. One seemingly insignificant scene that showcases a great lot about Mal is in the car in the first movie, when she asked which button opens the barrier. They almost died, witnessed magic for the first time and are leaving their homes, yet this is on her mind.
Evie is the textbook Badger Secondary. She is defined by her sewing and hard work. The girl is so good at it, she manages to buy her own castle with the money! I do think she has a Snake Secondary Model in order to play the role of The Temptress that was forced on her.
I had a harder time figuring out the primary, but one thing is clear from the start: Evie is a Loyalist. She’s the one who is more or less keeping the group together and she sometimes clashes a little bit with Mal, as Loyalists don’t see the bigger picture the way Idealists do, which in Evie’s case, is a very good thing. I contemplated Badger, but I’m pretty sure she’s a Snake actually. Evie may be one of the biggest advocates for the Isle kids, but she only becomes one after she says Dizzy again. In D2, Evie is willing to go to the Isle to save Mal even though she’s afraid she might get stuck there. And yet she still volunteers to stay with Mal there, because Mal is her best friend. Evie is a Snake through and through and I think it’s very interesting how in the third movie, which shows the darker side of Lion primaries, it’s Snake!Evie (and Uma) that are framed as being right.
Jay has a Snake secondary he uses to steal and charm people. And sometimes to exploit loopholes eg. making Lonnie captain in the second movie. He is a Lion Primary, of the Glory Hound variety in the first movie. His entire arc there is to learn how to work inside a team.
Carlos de Vill
Carlos is also an immature primary, but unlike Jay, he is a Hedonistic Snake. When they first arrive in Auradon, he’s mostly interested in eating chocolate and playing video games. He’s also the one most annoyed later on by Evie and Mal always going off to chat amongst themselves leaving him and Jay out of the loop. Bird secondary: he is a tech genius and knowledge gatherer (see how he tries to see if his clapping can make the statue change in D1).
King Ben
Let’s make one thing clear, D1!Ben is smart. And a troll (see him introducing Mal to his parents or how he tells Mal he knew about the love potion). He is framed as the Big Damn Hero in both the first and the second movie, which of course made me think he had one of the ‘heroic’ primaries: Badger or Lion. I settled on Lion, as it is incredibly easy for him to go against the grain. Something not a lot of people can say in this franchise. He’s also extremely concerned with upholding his role as a good king. He forgives Mal for the love potion because she risks her life to save him, which convinces him she is not an evil person. Ben has very firm convictions. He is the only one who stands up for the VKs at Family Day despite being the one with an actual reason to hate them.
He definitely has a Fluid Secondary, as a huge part of his charm is the fact that he tries to make himself liked. But he’s also a hard worker who disapproves heavily of taking shortcuts (see his fight with Mal over her using magic for everything) which made me go with Badger.
Uma is a classic (exploded) Snake primary. It seems to be all about Mal in D2. She’s enraged when Mal says she’s never given Uma a thought since she left. Ben offers her to come to Auradon and be part of a solution for saving other VKs. But Uma refuses. And I think it’s both because she wants to do things her way, but also because Uma is not exactly looking at the bigger picture here the way Ben is. ‘You don’t get to win everytime.’ These are her words to Mal when she realizes she had been tricked with a fake wand. Her secondary is a little trickier but I’m going with Bird because, here’s the thing, Uma is Mal’s mirror. Ben clocks it almost immediately: “She’s an angry girl with a bad plan. Not so different from you when you first came to Auradon.” Mal also constantly shows that she understands Uma and her methods better than anyone. Uma even uses the same plan as Mal when she uses the love spell on Ben. These girls are two sides of the same coin. (A bit of a side note, but I’m really curious how they are going to handle Uma as the Principal of Auradon Prep in D4. The clips we’ve seen so far make me really optimistic. Plus, since I’ve been hopelessly contaminated by TVD and never cured, Uma as principal reminded me of Caroline as headmistress in Legacies and yeah, I’m very optimistic this means good things for Uma xDD).
Li Lonnie
Lion Secondary as she is extremely honest and straightforward: “I know you hate us. And you are evil. But I’ve got money.” she says when she wants Mal to give her a new haircut. You don’t really get more Lion than that. Her primary was harder but from the first movie she looked to me like an Idealist with the way she saw the world: “Even villains love their kids.” I’m thinking Lion as in D2, she clearly goes to the Isle to prove herself by saving the king. Sounds familiar? Well, Lion primary Mulan did the same.
Princess Audrey
Audrey is another Lion Secondary girl in Auradon. Seriously this girl’s attempts at manipulation, make Mal look subtle: “Make me your queen and I’ll wake everybody up.” Villain!Audrey was a hammer: all raw power, no finesse. D1!Audrey was no better either, see her very blunt introduction to the VKs.
Audrey is a Badger Primary, no doubt in my mind about it. She’s very upset when the VKs disturb the Auradon Prep hierarchy and she exhibits some very typical Badger prejudices. “And then everybody looks good. So where would I be?” Audrey asks when she realizes Mal is giving the other girl make-overs, because she needs the social validation from being the prettiest princess there. In D3 it kills her that she did everything right and still someone else gets to be queen. I find it super interesting that Audrey asks Ben to ‘make [her] queen’ when she definitely had the power to crown herself. You might think it was because she loved him, but Queen of Mean ,which is her ‘I want’ song, shows very clearly that it was never about Ben the person. What she wants is his validation, because Audrey was raised to believe that his opinion, as the King, is the most important one. Audrey isn’t a Snake looking to have Ben for herself, a Lion seeking glory or a Bird trying to ‘rectify’ a system that is wrong; she is a Badger who is working within the confines of her society to achieve the status she wants.
Jane is so so Burned, I can’t help but wonder what the hell was Fairy Godmother doing cause she sure as hell wasn’t parenting her daughter the way she was supposed to. Jane is a Badger Primary who was ostracized by her only community so of course she latches onto Mal and Evie the first time they show her kindness. But D1 is a story about the failings of Badger primaries and the sheep mentality, so when she gains status and the VKs lose it following the events of Family Day, of course Jane aligns herself with the popular kids. She’s not gonna risk becoming an outcast again. This is also the driving force behind her stealing the wand. Her secondary is also super burned, but I’m betting on Lion. Not only is she extremely honest and impulsive, but Lion seems to be the default secondary for Auradon girls. Which is super interesting since generally Lion is not the secondary framed as the most feminine, but here it is.
...I just realized Jane is the burned version of Audrey. Oh, the irony!
Harry Hook
Double Snake, most likely. He is loyal to Uma and Uma only. He also has the ~vibe of a Snake secondary.
Prince Chad Charming
Chad is such a Snake Primary with Audrey as his person. He’s also pretty hedonistic as seen in D2: Ben might be dying, but the most important think is well, could Chad be second in line for the throne? I was a bit unsure of his secondary, but I think it is Badger as the only two times he’s successful (getting Evie in trouble for using the mirror, snapping at the VKs at Family Day) is when he involves other people.
Another Badger Primary. After Family Day, he gives into the peer pressure and shuns the VKs like everyone else. Maybe Badger Secondary too? Who knows, honestly this guy doesn’t have that much of a personality. But he seems to be a Bookkeeper Badger with the way he and Evie understand each other.
Gil doesn’t get to shine much, but I think he may be another Double Badger, and probably one of the sweetest Badger in the whole series. And considering he is the son of Gaston, I can’t help but appreciate the irony.
Dizzy is framed as a mirror for Evie in the second movie: the girl who could be so much more, if only she got the chance. This makes me think the two house share and Dizzy is a Snake Badger too. Which honestly tracks with the way she works at the salon and seems to hold no grudge on Evie getting to achieve her dreams while she doesn’t. Because Evie is her person, so of course Dizzy can’t be mad at her.
Celia Facillier
Celia is a Snake Primary who wants the guarantee of being able to see her father after she comes to Auradon, because she loves her father. It’s that simple. Considering how she throws the ember in the water out of rage when she realizes Mal has been lying to her, I’m thinking Lion Secondary.
Tl; Dr
Mal - (burned) Lion/Bird
Evie - Snake/Badger with Snake model
Jay - Glory Hound Lion/Snake
Carlos - hedonistic Snake/Bird
Ben - Lion/Badger
Uma - (exploded) Snake/Bird
Lonnie - Lion/Lion
Audrey - Badger/Lion
Jane - burned Badger/bunred Lion
Harry - Snake/Snake
Chad - Snake/Badger
Doug - Badger/Badger
Gil - Badger/Badger
Dizzy - Snake/Badger
Celia - Snake/Lion
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werewolfetone · 2 months
i apologize for all the asks but i have a question: is there any difference between using “ulster” and “northern ireland”? i’ve seen both used pretty interchangeably here in belfast. i assumed that “ulster” might be a bit controversial because of its reference to the plantation but i could be wrong. what are your thoughts?
- @iron--and--blood (ps did you get my ask about the museum? i was on spotty wifi and idk if it went through)
Yes, there is a difference. Ulster is a province of Ireland which consists of the counties of Donegal, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Cavan, Monaghan, Armagh, Down, Antrim, & Londonderry (nine counties)
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Northern Ireland is a country in the UK which only consists of Tyrone, Fermanagh, Armagh, Down, Antrim, & Londonderry (six counties)
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When the partition happened some ppl wanted to include all of Ulster in the new state of NI, but eventually several counties were excluded, primarily iirc because the excluded places were majority nationalist & catholic, where the creators of NI wanted to create, in the immortal (derogatory) words of James Craig, "a protestant parliament and and protestant state" -- it was easier to keep catholics out of government if the state was carefully constructed to only include counties where protestant unionists could ensure they either had or could create a majority. This is why it's called "Northern Ireland" rather than Ulster, because all of Ulster isn't technically included (of course, NI also doesn't even include the northernmost points of Ireland so that name is also incredibly stupid but I digress).
Anyway while I wouldn't say that the use of Ulster in any context is controversial (since that's literally what the geographic area is called!), many people who identify themselves with it over Ireland are loyalists. Groups with Ulster in the title like the Ulster Defence Force or Ulster Volunteer Force or Ulster Protestant Volunteers are loyalist groups. Additionally, although technically just called the Ulster flag this flag ⬇️
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Is often a literal red flag for someone's political beliefs. Think that covers the basics of it but if any of my mutuals want to add on obviously feel free
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carcassarkis · 4 months
Big Idea
Been rewatching Star Wars with my grandma (she’s only seen ANH until now) and had an idea I kind of like.
So you know how, in TFA, it is established that the stormtroopers of the First Order were taken as children for brainwashing purposes?? I propose that the same goes for half the officers there. Several volunteers, of course, but many of the extreme loyalists are part of this group of people conditioned into being members. And any kids of those who are part of the Order would be inducted into the group, too.
Here’s where the idea changes the sequels a bit (read: a lot):
Ben Solo was one of those who were taken and brainwashed. He would not be called Kylo Ren; in fact, he’d probably have some number like the troopers did. It’d be easy to make into a name though, like Finn. And, as a Force user, he’d have a different numbering system than those used for troopers or officers. He’d probably have something (hypothetically) like KR-00.
In this scenario, he’d have been given to Luke for Jedi training, as is canon. Then BOOM some terrible entity (Snoke) reaches his nasty little fingers out one night and takes little Benny boy right out from under the nose of the last Jedi. He’s probably like 8 or 9, idk. To cover his tracks, Snoke burns the school to the ground. Luke and a few students manage to survive, but seeing as there is no Ben, Han and Leia lose their shit.
They distance themselves from Luke, seeing as he got their kid killed (or so they think). Luke, along with the select few survivors of the fire, try to rebuild elsewhere. They vanish.
Several years pass (like 15 idk stop asking bro) and, in that time, the First Order has become an immediate threat to the New Republic. One of the most notable threats is their masked, Force-wielding attack dog. Someone with clear training and skill in the art of swordsmanship and wielding of a lightsaber, who has (seemingly) deliberately teamed up with this terrorist group/cult to destroy the New Republic.
The Resistance refers to this person as the Knight due to their armor and fighting capabilities.
The Knight has a reputation to keep. A brutal and bloody one. They’re Snoke’s right-hand (in a Palpatine-Vader way) and are expected to act as such. No one knows what they look like. They’re a perfect anonymous figure. They could go undercover and no one would know.
So, when word gets out that a Force-user claiming to be a Jedi has appeared, the Knight starts to track them down. Luke Skywalker is a valuable man, dead or alive. A First Order battalion is sent out to the planet this was reported on, which brings the Resistance to doing the same.
Which is how we begin our scene on Jakku…with the Knight, a stormtrooper, a pilot, and a Jedi.
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stairnaheireann · 7 months
#OTD in 1922 – Michael Collins secretly authorised the formation of a specially paid unit of seventy IRA volunteers, known as the Belfast City Guard, to protect districts from loyalist attack.
In the north of Ireland there were continual breaches of the Truce by ‘unauthorised loyalist paramilitary forces’. The predominantly Protestant, Unionists government supported polices which discriminated against Catholics in which, along with violence against Catholics, led many to suggest the presence of an agenda by an Anglo-ascendancy to drive those of indigenous Irish descent out of the…
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himbeereule · 7 months
This may be too spoilery, but I'm trying to plan out my MC and it would be helpful to have a little more context. I'm wondering how exactly we got from being a refugee to building an army? It seems like that would take quite a lot of time and effort. Do we play through that experience or is it something that has already occurred at the start? If it has already occurred, how did it happen?
Not really a spoiler, I feel like I maybe should've put this in the story overview...
Basically, like any coup, this one was somewhat shaky and spawned not only a bunch of warlords all over the country, but also loyalists seeking to restore the old regime.
Four of the latter are in the Capital when the coup happens, and gather some initial forces as well as find and rescue you after your botched execution (you can choose who's the one finding you) -
Yakov/Liliya, who's a powerful noble;
Semyon/Selena, who's the commander of the Capital's Guard Cavalry Garrison Division (in the case of Selena, acting as replacement for her severely ill father);
Mikhail/Marina, who's a somewhat-high ranking official in the War Ministry, and a celebrity in military circles;
and Leon/Leah, who's a powerful noble and has connections to the top brass of the army.
So you'll start out with a few thousand men (the Guard Cavalry Garrison is not actually division-strength, as it was meant to be more of a ceremonial formation for parades etc.; the rest are volunteers and mercenaries/soldiers of fortune), and have to flee (and, in order to be able to do that, capture the cargo train station on the Capital's outskirts, which will be your first battle) to another region where you have more sympathizers (later in development, you can choose the order in which you visit the regions, but it will be railroaded first since it's a lot of work to branch them); the strategy component of the game also includes judging when to stay put in a controlled region and grow your forces, and when to attack and expand your territory (though the enemies will grow their forces as well, and attack you themselves if they are strong enough).
The game starts with a few scenes from before the coup, then there's a timeskip and the "proper" story begins with you being woken up for your execution. You'll play through everything from there.
Prologue/initial demo ends with victory (hopefully!) at the train station and your forces retreating from the Capital.
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dougielombax · 3 months
30 years ago today.
I’m posting this because I study history.
And in case any stupid British armchair historians start bleating on about the usual crap.
The details are as follows.
Members of the UVF armed with machine guns (supplied by apartheid South Africa (who in turn bought them from Israel after they raided a PLO arms depot, idk the exact details beyond that) and the British government) burst into a pub in the village of Loughinisland and murdered 6 people. All of whom were innocent unarmed civilians.
It was also during the 1994 World Cup but that’s not strictly relevant.
It was believed that the attack was organised in cooperation with the RUC as well, with investigations pointing to evidence of collusion.
Why did they do this? Because they felt they ought to.
So they killed innocent people simply because that’s all they were capable of.
Because they viewed Irish people as being subhuman, soulless monsters deserving of death.
Which btw far too many idiots today still believe for some baffling reason, like what is this? 1875?
And which by the way we AREN’T!
Away with that shite!
Such attacks were hardly unusual for the UVF, most people they killed were innocent unarmed civilians.
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Above: A memorial site dedicated to the victims of the attack.
Here’s an article from a few years ago too.
Also a link to one of the relevant investigations along with a relevant article.
Before any loyalists, or British or American far right fascist types or stupid Tories show up to bitch at me for posting about this, keep in mind that I study history!
I have an obligation to post about this stuff. As I’ve done for prior events on relevant dates.
So kindly shush up!
Feel free to reblog as well.
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orassian · 11 months
Testing reception... 1... 2...
Actually, I think that's no longer necessary, seeing that we are able to penetrate the Matriarchy's frequency cyber-coverage with little difficulty these days.
Start the video feed.
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Yshiradh, Orassian nation and aliens from the beyond. Broadcasting currently from Libertopia, @union-replicants space. Weather here is lovely with occasional rainfall. A prime time to hit the beach and enjoy the light of the parent sun, since it's predicted to shine bright today, as it is for the Orassian Liberation Front in home space.
This is 'People's News Republic', an independent news agency geared towards unbiased coverage about current events happening in the Orassian space. I'm your hostess, Erhrdra D'Kara, and here are the latest developments.
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The liberation forces have made significant advancements in the west of Gaurdis system and have secured ample space and time for the OLF to install a defensive station in the system.
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The fight was hard, but the competency of the Liberation Front, and the help lent to them by the aliens not indifferent to our fight for democracy, had pulled them through the struggle. The push is currently moving to Oros and the broken ruins of the homeworld, but the resistance and the presence of the loyalists there is still significant. The potential capture of Orassia is anticipated to improve morale among the fighting forces, and the OLF needs what it can muster to bring an end to one of the only oppressive dictatorships in the Eastern Quadrant.
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Among the greatest news today is the complete liberation of the H'Oumukh Region! In their strategic push, and with the aid of many volunteers from other interstellar states, the OLF managed to secure the region and clear it of all presence of loyalists. According to the words of the soldiers, it was "as if the whole comms network of the Matriarchy's forces in H'Oumukh started malfunctioning, which allowed for the offensive to be successful in the first place." It is unknown at the moment who was responsible, but, whoever it may have been, they have just helped to bring the tyranny of the Matriarchy one step closer to its end.
In other news, our news network, with the help of our allies, have reached out to Region of J'Horrim to spread the message of truth. When we heard that they still believe that no civil war is currently happening on their doorstep at all, we were shocked. The propaganda wall of the Matriarchy had certainly worked wonders for them at the time, but not at that moment.
At least some of the citizens in the region got to hear the realities of what was happening, and they would share them with the rest gradually. Our agency certainly received potential points of contact, which we will gladly share with our allies.
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We have received word that the OLF is to hold memorials to the fallen soldiers in the capitol city of the region, Atasaŋ. The insurgents have suffered their share of losses they intend not to be forgotten by the fighters. We, the free Orassian people, will keep on pushing against the tyranny of dictatorships, and our promise to never stop fighting will never be broken.
For tonight, this concludes our news coverage. Thank you for listening. This has been 'People's News Republic'.
Truth to the people.
Freedom to the Orassian people.
Peace to the fallen.
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bignaz8 · 1 year
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This was a rallying cry during the Battle of Yorktown, the final struggle of the American Revolution. What is Fort Griswold? What horrors happened on September 6th, 1781 to earn the respect of the troops? It is also personal to my family, as my wife has a direct ancestral family connection to this conflict.
Let's examine the events leading up to the Battle of Fort Griswold, also known as the Battle of Groton Heights. After turning coat, Benedict Arnold received a commission as a brigadier general in the British army as part of the deal that he made in order to betray his country.
In August 1781, George Washington decided to shift forces in order to attack the army of Lt. Gen. Lord Charles Cornwallis in Virginia. Washington began pulling troops from the New York area. Lt. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, the British commander-in-chief in America, realized on September 2 that Washington’s tactics had deceived him, leaving him unable to mobilize quickly enough to help Cornwallis. Further, there was still a significant force of Continentals facing him in front of New York, and Clinton did not feel that he could detach troops to reinforce Cornwallis as a result.
Instead, Clinton decided to launch a raid into Connecticut in the hope of forcing Washington to respond. Clinton intended that this be a raid, but he also recognized that New London on the Thames River could be used as a permanent base of operations into the interior of New England. Clinton appointed Arnold to command the raid because he was from Connecticut and knew the terrain.
Arnold commanded about 1,700 British solders, divided into two battalions. Lt. Col. Edmund Eyre commanded a battalion consisting of the 40th and 54th Regiments of Foot and Cortland Skinner’s New Jersey Volunteers, a Loyalist unit. Arnold himself commanded the other battalion, made up of the 38th Regiment of Foot and various Loyalist units, including the Loyal American Regiment and Arnold’s American Legion. Arnold also had about 100 Hessian Jägers, and three six-pound guns. This was a formidable force anchored by the three Regular regiments.
Arnold and his command sailed from New York City on September 4. The British fleet anchored about 30 miles west of New London to make its final preparations, and then sailed for New London late on September 5, hoping to make a nighttime landing. Fortunately for the defenders of New London, the winds did not favor Arnold’s plan, and the British force did not arrive until daylight on September 6.
Rufus Avery, a Continental officer stationed at Fort Griswold, on the opposite side of the Thames River, and positioned on commanding high ground, witnessed the arrival of the British:
“… about three o’clock in the morning, as soon as I had daylight so as to see the fleet, it appeared a short distance below the lighthouse. The fleet consisted of thirty-two vessels…. I immediately sent word to Captain William Latham, who commanded [Fort Griswold], and who was not far distant. He very soon came to the fort, and saw the enemy’s fleet, and immediately sent a notice to Col. William Ledyard, who was commander of the harbor, Fort Griswold, and Fort Trumbull.”
43-year-old Lt. Col. William Ledyard commanded Forts Griswold and Trumbull. Ledyard, a Connecticut militia officer, quickly sent a messenger to notify Gov. Jonathan Trumbull and to muster troops. He then went to Fort Griswold to assume command of its defenses. The fort’s guns fired twice to signal the enemy approach, and a British ship answered with a third shot, changing the meaning of the signal to suggest the arrival of a victorious friend, thereby confusing the local militia commanders and delaying the mustering and deployment of their troops.
Fort Griswold began being constructed in late 1775 in response to the outbreak of hostilities. It was completed in 1778, and was known as “Groton Fort.” It sits atop a high hill and could bombard any ship attempting to enter the Thames River or the town of New London. Approximately 165 Connecticut militiamen manned its defenses, organized into two companies, and a detachment of the 8th Regiment of Connecticut Militia. Ledyard and his soldiers faced a stern task—they were badly outnumbered by veteran British troops including Regulars of some of the best regiments in Clinton’s army.
A British officer described Fort Griswold’s defenses:
“The fort was an oblong square, with bastions at opposite angles, its longest side fronting the river in a north-west and southeast direction. Its walls were of stone,and were ten or twelve feet high on the lower side, and surrounded by a ditch. On the wall were pickets, projecting over twelve feet; above this was a parapet with embrasures, and within a platform for cannon, and a step to mount upon, to shoot over the parapet with small arms. In the south-west bastion was a flag-staff, and in the side near the opposite angle, was the gate, in front of which was a triangular
breast-work to protect the gate; and to the right of this was a redoubt, with a three-pounder in it, which was about 120 yards from the gate. Between the fort and the river was another battery, with a covered way, but which could not be used in this attack, as the enemy appeared in a different quarter today.”
Six-pound cannons bristled from the western side of the fort, overlooking the Thames. The northern side by the main entrance was level and played a major role in the coming battle.
At sunrise on September 6, British troops landed on both sides of the mouth of the Thames River. Arnold’s battalion of 800 men occupied New London with no resistance. The 23 soldiers manning Fort Trumbull on the New London side of the river fired a single volley, spiked their guns, and then fled across the river to Fort Griswold. Shapley lost 7 men wounded while Arnold’s troops sustained four or five casualties. After chasing off the defenders of Fort Trumbull, Arnold’s troops entered the town and began destroying supplies and naval stores. Parts of the town were spared, but when a storehouse that contained a large supply of gunpowder was set ablaze, the resulting explosion triggered a huge fire that consumed 143 buildings in New London.
Lt. Col. Edmund Eyre’s battalion of 800 Regulars and Loyalists landed on the east bank of the Thames River, facing tangled woodlands and swamps. The New Jersey Loyalists, in fact, had so much difficulty moving the artillery that they did not participate in the assault on Fort Griswold.
Eyre sent a Captain Beckwith to the fort under a flag of truce to demand its surrender. Ledyard called a council of war and consulted with his officers. The Americans believed that a large force of militiamen would answer the call, and that this augmented force could defend the fort. Ledyard responded by sending an American flag to meet the British flag bearer. The American told Beckwith, “Colonel Ledyard will maintain the fort to its last extremity.” Displeased by the response, Eyre sent a second flag, threatening no quarter if the militia did not surrender. Ledyard gave the same response even though some of the Americans suggested that they should leave the fort and fight outside instead.
Arnold ordered Eyre to assault the fort, assuming that it would be taken easily. Once he reached a hill that allowed him to see the entire fort, Arnold realized that the stout fort would not fall easily. Arnold tried to recall Eyre, but it was too late. The British assault was about to begin in earnest.
Eyre split his force. Some moved to the southern side of the fort while others went around the east side to the northern face. A diversionary force feinted toward the western side. Naval captain Elias Halsey, an experienced artillerist, manned the main cannon on the eastern face of the front as Eyre’s troops approached Ledyard ordered his men to hold their fire until the first British detachment arrived at a point that gave his men the best opportunity to kill as many as possible. As the British moved to assault the fort, Halsey pulled the lanyard on his 18-pounder loaded with grapeshot. Twenty British solders fell to the ground, either dead or suffering from ghastly wounds from being torn apart by the grapeshot. Halsey’s well-aimed shot tore a gaping hole in the British line, but the well-disciplined Regulars closed ranks and filled that gap, continuing their advance.
Sgt. Stephen Hempstead of Ledyard’s command recounted, “When the answer to their demand had been returned … the enemy were soon in motion, and marched with great rapidity, in a solid column … they rushed furiously and simultaneously to the assault of the southwest bastion and the opposite sides.”
The large force of British soldiers moved on the southwest bastion under heavy fire from the fort’s defenders. The British officers goaded their men on toward the ramparts of the fort, even though their men were suffering heavily at the hands of the defenders. Colonel Eyre fell mortally wounded, and was carried from the field.
Maj. William Montgomery of the 40th Regiment of Foot was now the senior British officer. He led his men forward in solid column formation, and advanced on the east side of the fort. Montgomery ordered an attack on the eastern redoubt. Ledyard’s Nutmeg State men stoutly resisted, inflicting heavy losses on the British attackers. The Regulars attempted to scale the 12-foot high ramparts, but were cut down. As the men of the 40th Regiment poured over the top of the walls, defender Jordan Freeman, an African-American free man formerly owned by Colonel Ledyard, killed Montgomery with a long pike. The enraged Regulars then killed Freeman to avenge the death of their commander.
The concentrated fire of the British Regulars cut the fort’s main flag from its stand, which the British soldiers construed as the flag being struck in surrendering the fort. Thinking they had won the day, the rushed the main gate of the fort, only to receive a thunderous volley of shot and shell. The enraged Regulars tried to open the fort’s main gates to allow the rest of their comrades to enter, but a sheet of musket fire cut many of them down—supposedly, the first man to try to open the gate was killed instantly by a musket ball to the brain. Some of the British troops forced the gate open, and the Regulars poured into the fort.
Despite losing their two highest-ranking officers in the assault on the fort, the British carried the day. However, their successful assault now set the stage for the tragedy that followed.
With British soldiers pouring into the fort, Colonel Ledyard ordered a ceasefire and prepared to surrender Fort Griswold to the victorious British. However, the British disregarded the ceasefire and continued pouring fire into the American garrison, killing or wounding nearly all of the fort’s defenders. “I believe there was not less than five or six hundred men of the enemy on the parade in the fort,” claimed American soldier Rufus Avery. “They killed and wounded nearly every man in the fort as quick as they could.”
Maj. Stephen Bromfield, the ranking British officer after Montgomery fell, called out, “Who commands this fort?” Ledyard stepped forward and responded, “I did, sir, but you do now.” Another American, Jonathan Rathbun, watched Bromfield run Ledyard through the heart and lungs with Ledyard’s own sword:
“…the wretch who murdered him [Ledyard], exclaimed, as he came near, “Who commands this fort?” Ledyard handsomely replied, “I did, but you do now,” at the same moment handing him his sword, which the unfeeling villain buried in his breast! Oh, the
hellish spite and madness of a man that will murder a reasonable and noble-hearted officer, in the act of submitting and surrendering!”
Another African-American soldier, Lambo Latham, avenged Ledyard’s death by killing the British officer responsible for Ledyard’s death.
Ledyard fell, and those nearest to him tried to support the dying colonel. Capt. Peter Richards, seriously wounded, but still on his feet, held Ledyard while others moved forward to try to avenge their fallen commander. The British cut them all down with their bayonets, with some receiving as many as 30 stab wounds.
In the meantime, on the southwest side of the fort, some of the Regulars turned one of the fort’s cannons on its defenders and opened fire, killing Capt. Adam Sharpley and another officer.
“Never was a scene of more brutal wanton carnage witnessed than now took place,” recalled American Stephen Hempstead. “The enemy were still firing upon us… [until] they discovered they were in danger of being blown up.” Rufus Avery believed that the attack was called off due to the chance that further musket fire might set off the fort’s powder magazine.” Hempstead noted, “After the massacre, they plundered us of everything we had, and left us literally naked.”
Horrified by the carnage around him, a British officer demanded that the butchery end. “Stop! Stop!” yelled the officer. “In the name of heaven I say stop! My soul cannot bear it!” The officers soon regained control of their men, and the slaughter soon ended.
The best explanation for the massacre of the fort’s defenders by the British was an angry reaction to the casualties taken by them after the fort’s colors were shot down, leading the British to believe that the fort had surrendered. Furious at the continued resistance after the supposed surrender, the British punished the American defenders in an atrocity.
They killed and wounded every man they possibly could… one mad looking fellow put his bayonet to my side, swearing “by Jesus he would skipper me!” I looked him earnestly in the face and eyes, and begged him to have mercy… he put his bayonet three times into me… I think no scene ever exceeded this for continued and barbarous massacre after surrender. (Rufus Avery’s account of the storming of Fort Griswold by British regulars, September 6th 1781).
American casualties were appalling: 85 killed, 35 wounded and paroled, 28 taken prisoner, 13 escaped, 1 captured and released (12 year old William Latham, Jr.). Total: 162. British losses numbered 48 killed and 145 wounded.
An American named F. M. Calkins reported that American dead were loaded into a cart and were carried away from the fort:
“About twenty soldiers wee then employed to drag this wagon down the hill, to a safe distance from the expected explosion. From the brow of the ridge on which the fort stood, to the brink of the river, was a rapid descent of one hundred rods, uninterrupted
except by the roughens of the surface, and by scattered rocks, brushes, and stumps of
trees. The weight of the wagon after it had begun to move, pressing heavily upon the soldiers, they let go their hold, and darting aside, left it to its own impetus. On it went, with accelerated velocity, surmounting every impediment, till near the foot of the hill,
when it came against the trunk of a large apple-tree, with a force that caused it to recoil and sway round. This arrested its course, but gave a sudden access of torture to the sufferers. The violence of the shock is said to have caused instant death to some of them;
others fainted, and two or three were thrown out to the ground. The enemy, after a time, gathered up the bleeding men, and carried them into a house near by, belonging to Ensign Avery, who was himself one of the party in the wagon. The house had been previously set on fire, but they extinguished the flames, and left the wounded men there on parole, taking as hostage for them, Ebenezer Ledyard, brother of the commander of the fort.”
The British lit a trail of gunpowder that they hoped would destroy Fort Griswold’s magazine, but a daring militiaman entered the fort and extinguished the fire, leaving the fort intact. The British then loaded their prisoners onto their ships and withdrew, leaving chaos in their aftermath.
This was the final major battle in the northern theater of the American Revolution. General Clinton praised Arnold’s “spirited conduct”, but also complained about the high casualty rate suffered by Arnold’s forces—about a quarter of the troops sent to attack Fort Griswold became casualties. A British observer likened the fight for Fort Griswold to the debacle at Bunker Hill. Many British soldiers blamed Arnold for the losses at Fort Griswold, even though he was not present on the battlefield. Arnold next proposed a raid on Philadelphia, but Cornwallis’ surrender at Yorktown the next month ended the active fighting of the American Revolution.
Today, Fort Griswold is a Connecticut state park. The fort’s earthen works are well maintained. There are monuments to both Montgomery and Ledyard within the boundaries of the fort. The site of the former barracks located in the fort is marked. Large gates bear the names of all of the American defenders who fell defending Fort Griswold. The Groton Monument, erected in 1830, towers 130 feet over the battlefield in commemoration of the fort’s gallant defenders, and a plaque affixed to the monument provides:
There is a small museum nearby that includes artifacts and a detailed diorama and model of the British assault on Fort Griswold. It is well worth the visit. One can also hike up the spiral staircase of the 130 foot obelisk to view the fort and battlefield through the small windows at its pinnacle. (I did this in the hot and humid summer and was very thankful to be back on the ground).
The Battle of Groton Heights is largely overlooked and forgotten today but was nevertheless an important battle, representing the final significant combat in the northern theater of the Revolutionary War. It also represents the only battle where Benedict Arnold faced his fellow countrymen.
The militia were farmers and fishermen that left their homes to defend their new country to become patriots. I was honored and humbled to visit this historical site in 2016. It is a great reminder of the ultimate sacrifices made to attain our freedoms.
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seachranaidhe · 2 years
Brother of man murdered by UVF paramilitaries to sue police and the Ministry of Defence.
Brother of man murdered by UVF paramilitaries to sue police and the Ministry of Defence.
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methethgfan · 3 months
Vote on the next Hunger Games Comp(act)!
You can find the teasers for all Games here.
(Of course Cashmere is from District 1 - but Tumblr doesn't allow editing polls. 😭)
A short summary of the victors' stories:
"Impossible": A deaf-mute girl with an uncanny ability to communicate with animals, especially dogs, Barbet finds her unique talent to be a lifeline in the deadly Hunger Games arena.
"Overjoyed": A morally corrupt girl from a family of poor cereal growers, Farina is the first volunteer of her district, viewing the Hunger Games as her path to fame and fortune - stopping at nothing to claim her crown.
"Honor": Brutus' allies regret joining forces with him after betraying him, as he begins to hunt them down one by one in a display of unforgiving brutality.
"High Price": Originally a devoted Capitol loyalist, a fateful experience in Lyme's Games and a traumatic loss shatter her views of the Capitol, leading her to eventually become the leader of her district's rebel forces.
"In My Blood": Looking up to her victorious older brother her entire life and determined to prove her equal worth, Cashmere volunteers for the Hunger Games, unaware of the terrible agonies awaiting her.
"Potential": Despite scoring a measly three in training, Ohm survives his lethal opponents and a hostile arena, shocking the viewers and proving that numbers mean nothing.
"Remedy": Beaten and forced into begging by his family, Mayhem sees the Hunger Games as a way to escape his tormentors - and as an opportunity to unleash hell on them.
Voting ends on June 19!
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
can you explain the “brothel queen” thing?
It was at the end of the war, after Rhaenyra captured King's Landing.
The situation was that Daemon had left Rhaenyra for Nettles, and Rhaenyra had sent assassins to kill them. Aemond was setting fire to the Riverlands and all those loyal to Rhaenyra. And - most importantly - Daeron and the main Green Army was moving fast on King's Landing after completely destroying the Blacks outer defenses and had recently eviscerated the town and keep of Bitterbridge along with all the people and Black loyalists in revenge for the murder and savage butchering of Prince Maelor.
At the time most of the Black Council - Corlys being their chief - were begging Rhaenyra to sue for peace with Daeron and release Alicent back to him as a sign of good faith. But Rhaenya sees the suggestion that they couldn't best Daeron as treason and imprisons Corlys Velaryon in the Black Cells, blaming him for the death of Jace.
At the time, morale on Team Black was at an all time low. Daemon had abandoned them and the war to run off with an underage girl. Aemond was burning alive many of their families and destroying their homes while they were stuck in King's Landing. And Daeron was routing the Black Forces, and there was a growing panic among Rhaenyra's loyalists about his coming.
Also, many of the Dragonseed riders flat out refused to face Daeron in open battle - most of them were terrified of him and Tessarion who at this point seemed invincible.
It was then, as it seemed that Rhaenyra was on the verge of losing everything, that Alicent approached Rhaenyra and tried to talk her into releasing her and Helaena and sending them to Daeron. Alicent offered to negotiate on Rhaenyra's behalf and to divide the realm into three. With Aemond ruling the Riverlands from Harrenhal, Rhaenyra ruling King's Landing, and Daeron ruling the Reach from Oldtown - which Alicent would join him.
In the book it is said that Alicent was genuine and truly wanted peace - she wanted to be returned to and reunited with Daeron.
But Rhaenyra, who at this point is half-mad after Daemon left her and was sick from being cut many times by the Iron Throne, instead, mocked Aemond and insulted Daeron - saying basically that she won't stop till she's killed all of Alicent's children. Already grieving Criston's death, and angered by the insult to Daeron, Alicent snaps and goes on a bitter rant about how Rhaenyra's dead sons were bastards and that she dare not lay a word upon Alicent's boys.
To this, Rhaenyra flies into a murderous insane rage about bringing up the Strong Boys and their paternity. She orders that Alicent's tongue be cut out for speaking 'lies' about the late Princes. But the White Worm instead, suggests that since Alicent was so obsessed with bastards that perhaps its time for her to have one of her own. So, basically, the White Worm and Rhaenyra take Alicent and Helaena to a brothel, chain them up, and charge a small fee so that anyone could come and rape Alicent and Helaena while Rhaenyra watches. This supposedly happens nightly for a forenight.
It is contested heavily as to if this really happened. But it is believed to be true by the Common People of the realm till even the time of "Game Of Thrones".
This turns out to be one of the greatest mistakes ever made politically by Rhaenyra, because, the tale spreads throughout the realm and gets all the way to Daeron who is moving like the devil into the Crown Lands.
Now, any peace that could've been negotiated with Daeron is lost to the Black Council. Also, Daeron's army swells on the road with thousands of volunteers that pick up the ride to King's Landing to avenge the depravity. Thus, when the main Black Army finally confronts Daeron and the Greens at Tumblestone - a suburb of King's Landing - they are vastly outnumbered and are confronted by an angry and highly motivated fighting force that basically tears them to pieces.
The anger is so palpable off of Daeron and Tessarion that two of the most power Dragonseed Riders - Hugh Hammer and Ulf the White - shit their pants at the prospect of fighting him and instead turn cloak on Team Black and join in the massacre of the Stark and Riverland army and the people of Tumblestone who declared for Rhaenyra steadfastly despite the "Brothel Queens".
Daeron tries to stay the Massarce and restrain his men, but he is so filled with rage and hate over the death of Maelor and the rape of Alicent and Helaena, that he gives up trying and lets his men butcher, rape, and massacre both Rhaenyra's soldiers and her loyalists while he goes off alone to vent his rage in private.
The massacre of Tumblestone and the dark avenging reputation of Daeron on the road leads to a mass panic in King's Landing over the Brothel Queens, fearing what The Green's Champion will do to them when he arrives. It fosters a deep anti-Rhaenyra sentiment in the capital that starts to boil over.
But when Helaena kills herself after Aemond dies ... people believe it was over the "Brothel Queens" incident and the people of King's Landing go into complete and open rebellion against Rhaenyra to avenge Helaena and her babies, rioting and killing any Black they find ... including Joffery Velaryon and all the Dragons in the Dragonpit.
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ustalav · 1 year
Havard Gideon Trevelyan
age as of dai: 24 zodiac: cancer height: 5'11 sexuality: bisexual alignment: lawful good class: mage - rift magic (+ spirit healing)
Key Relationships
lady trevelyan (mother)
lord trevelyan (father)
judith trevelyan (sister)
ophelia trevelyan (sister)
hector trevelyan (brother)
hessarian trevelyan (brother)
lydia † (mentor)
minerva (ex-girlfriend)
dorian pavus (romance)
vivienne (friend)
cassandra pentaghast (friend)
cullen rutherford (friend)
Gideon was born into a large family of devout Andrastians. He grew up singing the Chant, volunteering with the local Chantry, and praying for his older brothers in their fight against Maleficarum in their roles as Templars.
Magic was seen as a bad word in the Trevelyan household. The day his sister's magic manifested was permanently branded in his mind. He was 9 and mostly he remembered yelling and one of his mother's rose bushes on fire. And then never seeing Judith again.
His own magic manifested two years later. It felt like a brand of shame, some sign that he hadn't been faithful enough.
Gideon struggled to adjust to Circle life, although Judith was there. She was older and she'd started believing all these radical things he vehemently rejected. Proposing theories like Andraste herself was a mage, or that perhaps there shouldn't be any Templars.
Thankfully, Senior Enchanter Lydia took him under her wing before his sister could corrupt him too far. She began to mentor him in spirit healing and encourage his magical talent. He was no prodigy, but when she put him to tutoring his fellow apprentices, she saw him really start to glow.
Soon after, Judith was transferred to the Gallows after an escape attempt, at Lord Trevelyan's discretion, lest she go apostate and sour their name in the minds of local nobility.
His parents paid the Circle off to allow Gideon to come home every once in a while. It was mostly to keep a watchful eye on him, but he treasured the opportunity to see his siblings, despite the wall his status as a mage put between them.
He began a relationship with a mage his age, Minerva. She was a prodigy. Naturally gifted and whipsmart and his first love.
Senior Enchanter Lydia brought Gideon in on training days with the young apprentices and let him teach them basics. He was excellent with the children and she started pulling him out of his own lessons to teach more and more.
At 19, Lydia pushed the idea of Gideon taking his Harrowing. It was earlier than the Ostwick Circle tended to do it, but with her express permission, he was put through. He came out of it a fully fledged mage.
At 21, Lydia convinced the other Enchanters to let Gideon teach the young apprentices full-time and thus he was given the title Junior Enchanter and his own private dorm in the Circle.
Gideon loved his life. He loved teaching the children. He flourished in the Circle, his off days spent in quiet contemplation in the small Chantry on the grounds or studying in the library.
Minerva chafed at the attention showered on Gideon, given only because of his connection to the Senior Enchanter and her blatant favoritism. Their relationship struggled.
The Kirkwall Chantry was destroyed and the rebellion began in full force. The Ostwick Chantry remained passive for a long time but tensions were brewing.
A group of mages including Minerva planned their escape, she knew Gideon was a lost cause, a loyal member of the Loyalist fraternity by this point. She left him a note wishing him the best and appealing to him about the need for change in the Circle.
On the night of the rebel mage's escape, a fight broke out. The Templars attempted to reign the mages in. In the fighting, Senior Enchanter Lydia was killed. Gideon, distraught, jumped in front of her body. He was not skilled in combat magics. Putting himself in the fray put him right in the blast of fireballs and lightning being launched at the Templars and loyal mages (earning him the burn and scarring that now marks the right side of his face). Gideon retreated, he took the children and hid with them deep in the fortress of the Circle walls until the fighting was over.
He remained there with the children, Templars, and remaining loyal mages until the Conclave was called.
They elected him and a few others to go and speak on behalf of the Ostwick Loyalists, to show there was still sanity in the Free Marches.
Next thing he remembered was waking up in shackles.
Gideon is soft-spoken and diplomatic. He's willing to hear anyone out even if he's calling them all sorts of pejoratives in his mind. He's deeply tied to his faith and although he does become less of a Loyalist throughout Inquisition, he remains faithful.
Life as the Inquisitor is a lot for him. He's entirely unused to being looked upon as a leader and finds himself deferring often to advisors. Often found in his room, studying tomes and penning correspondence in an effort to make sense of Corypheus and everything else being thrown at him.
He tends to be merciful in his dealings with prisoners ("andraste loves you") and is willing to hear out the nobles of Thedas, perhaps even when he shouldn't.
Gideon fully believes he is the Herald of Andraste. He believes she sent a mage during this time of crisis to set the world to rights again.
To those close enough to him to see him out of his shell, he is petulant and irritable. Prone to bouts of self-righteousness. He meddles in the business of his friends in an attempt to be helpful, and it tends to backfire horribly.
In his romantic relationships, he is sentimental and adoring. Willing to see the best in people, especially those who don't see the best in themselves.
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in 1998 – The three Quinn brothers, Richard, 11, Mark, 10, and Jason 9, are burned to death by a Loyalist firebomb in Ballymoney, 40 miles northwest of Belfast. 
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha. Jason, Richard and Mark Quinn were three brothers killed by the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) in a firebomb attack on their home in Ballymoney, Co Antrim. Garfield Gilmour, was found guilty of murdering the three brothers 15 months later and sentenced to life imprisonment after admitting that he had driven three other men to the house to commit the fatal…
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dirjoh-blog · 4 months
Remembering the Victims of the Dublin-Monaghan bombings.
The Dublin and Monaghan bombings were a series of coordinated bomb attacks that took place on May 17, 1974, during the Troubles in Ireland. These attacks are considered the deadliest in the history of the conflict, resulting in the highest number of casualties on a single day. 34 people were killed that day, 33 civilians and an unborn child. The Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF), a loyalist…
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dougielombax · 6 months
Today marks 32 years since the beginning of the Bosnian war.
I’m gonna include links for information and resources in this post.
Thousands of innocent civilians, mostly Bosniaks would be slaughtered, raped and/or interned by Yugoslav army troops, Bosnian Serb fascist militias and foreign volunteer mercenaries (mostly Russian and Greek christofascist types).
This would lead to the Bosnian genocide which consisted of atrocities such as the Srebrenica massacre where 8,372 men and boys would be killed en masse.
Among many other atrocities (too many to list here)
Atrocities which continue to be defended and/or denied by politicians among the Serbian far right, Bosnian Serbs, and far right fascist monsters in Europe, America, Israel and other places.
Including British loyalists in my own country, lionising figures like Miloševic and calling for my own people to be slaughtered like the Bosniaks. (Ironic since the UK they claim loyalty contributed troops and resources to the NATO and UNPROFOR missions against such forces in Yugoslavia at the same time)
Defending or denying such atrocities saying “tHe SErbS wERe ONLy deFEndinG THEir hOMeLanD¡” (if I hear another kebab removal joke I will NOT hesitate to get violent). Lionising the perpetrators in the process. Even to this day.
The war would end in 1995 with the signing of the Dayton Agreement. Which has since led to a lasting but uneasy peace but denialism still continues.
I’m including a few more links in a followup post too.
Reblog the shit out of this.
I bring this up because I study history myself.
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