#Lu colours
cheatsylu · 16 days
Omg..... for requests maybe any of the boys playing dress-up, or the colors :]]] your style is soooooo cute i love it!!! 💙💙
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Red is a victim
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r4zzberry · 1 year
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idk if u guys are ready for the truth
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twilight-linkess · 11 months
Hello there! ^w^
Is it okay to art request four and the colors together?
When Four is Four the Colours are together? So I'm not sure I fully understood this one. I hope this suffices
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(Four knows all of their tells (they all have the same tells))
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undertheopensky · 26 days
I literally just found your blog yesterday through your focus on Four and went 👀
Studies in red sounds so cool! Is any of it finished and posted anywhere? I don't see it on your ao3 and you have a loooot I haven't looked through on your blog but the one where the chain meets the colors instead of four sounds so fun
Sadly none of Variations is complete enough to be posted yet! At present I only have Whumptober fills (Heart and Soul Asunder and Still Haunts Us All) up, some of the point of this exercise is to get my motivation up to finish some other stuff.
And I actually have several 'the Colours meet the Chain' fics! Here's an excerpt from the one that's summarised as "Four meets the Chain. It goes about as badly as is physically possible."
The boy snatches up his abandoned hammer and slams it down on the anvil. The noise it makes is nothing short of a thunderclap. “Back off,” he snarls, face eerily lit in the leaping flames of the forge. Behind him the other boy has leapt from his chair, scattering links of mail over the stone floor. He moves to back up his brother, standing behind and to the side, sour face gone sharp and wary. “Whoa, whoa, easy! We don’t want a fight,” Warriors is saying, hands held up in peace. He’s not having any of it. He brandishes the hammer like the weapon it is and shouts, “What do you want with my brother?!”
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birdmomblogs · 2 years
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quotes from my university program server :)
photo IDs:
1. LU comic panel of Wind in battle thinking "I'm gonna kick your ass so bad." end of ID.
2. LU comic page of Dink falling off a cliff and Warriors thinking "yeah he can rest in piss." end of ID.
3. LU comic panel of Twilight talking to Wild. His speech bubble has been edited to be a discord screenshot reading, "genuine question, does straight equal hetero?" end of ID.
4. a comic panel of a sad LU Time. the panel is captioned with a discord screenshot that reads, "this is just how the lord left me." end of ID.
5. LU comic panel of Hyrule saying a discord screenshot that reads "when i was in the third grade, i thought i was gay because i could draw." Warriors, Wild, Four and Sky look at him concerned and confused. end of ID.
6. LU comic panel of the colours fighting. Green's response is edited to be a discord screenshot. he yells back "I'll eat all of you if this doesn't devolve into a less hostile topic." end of ID.
7. LU comic panel of Warriors saying a discord screenshot that reads "every morning i sit outside my house and throw a rock at the first hetero i see. "for marsha P johnson!" i yell. they cry." end of ID.
8. LU comic panel. Twilight says, "There's a lot I need to figure out," the rest of his speech is edited to be a discord screenshot reading, "some guy i met online asked me to be their pet..." Four then goes "hmm." end of ID.
9. LU comic panel. Time says "There is a darkness roaming in Hyrule and we must be rid of it." Legend's response is edited to be a discord screenshot reading "also if you're proposing any solutions, I prefer to ignore my problems." end of ID.
10. comic page from LU of Four handing Wind a minish and Wolfie approaching. Wind's speech bubble is edited with a discord screenshot to say "i want to put them in my mouth but in a friendly way... like a human uber." end of ID.
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chain-gc · 2 years
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russeliarat · 1 year
Imagine the potential if Four could like half-merge? Like say in a worst case scenario, three Colours got separated from one. That isolated one got extremely injured and can't pick up his sword to merge, so the other three force themselves into his body's mind so instead of Four, you get one very distressed Colour and the others guiding him along. Neat party trick.
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ultimatedirk · 9 months
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modern au but its just legend making songs about his terrible luck with love
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dragkbluire · 7 months
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I wanted to de-stress, so I did this
I added some headcanons (hope you don't mind xd)
Anyways, enjoy my slow descent into madness
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linkvcr · 4 months
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drew four in celebration of finishing minish cap the other day \o/
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wilimia · 6 months
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I could’ve sworn I had a request for Four in my ask box but apparently not. Here he is anyways.
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cheatsylu · 6 months
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Pony chain because why not!
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theecholegend · 3 months
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Eepy bunny
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jetpackgeneratedcat · 2 months
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Some recent practice.
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legendofzoodles · 3 months
This post is a little gory, reader discretion is advised.
Sky: Would you help me hide a body?
Hyrule: No I am not helping you! I want nothing to do with this!
Hyrule: [curious] ...But why? Is hiding bodies a fad in society now? Dang I'm really out of touch.
Sky: In what Hyrule is that a fad?!
Wild: [coughs]
Time: [sighing] I'm always cleaning up after you boys.
Sky: Wait Old man it was just—
Time: [pulling a trash bag from his adventure pouch] Where is it?
Wild: Hide...a body? O-Okay sure, I'll help you...
Wild: [muttering] Oh but not all of it I'm sure I could find uses for at least a few of the body parts...
Wind: [thumb up] Yeah of course! We'll just toss it into the ocean.
Sky: Ok but what if the Hyrule was landlocked...?
Wind: What if what? I'm a pirate.
Sky: Is that really how it works?!
Warriors: [polishing his sword] Huh? Dispose of a body? I can do that.
Sky: You...can?
Warriors: [glancing at his reflection] Eliminating traitors is a bit sporadic with its state funding so, I've had to get my hands dirty.
Sky: ...oh buddy.
Legend: Whose body is it? Under what circumstance? Who did the killing?
Legend: Sorry, I need to know if I should do it with enthusiasm or not.
Sky: [voice crack] Ledge...
Legend: Well I'm sorry, you keep telling me to find joys in life. I am trying!
Twilight: A-A body?! W-Why would you want me to...?!
Twilight: Wait, this one of Wild's pranks? Is he in that bush with his Sheikah Slate?
Four: [deadpan] Here's a list of ten efficient ways to dispose of a body.
Four: [very deadpan] It was my best self study project when I was a kid.
Four: [we all know this is Vio talking] The example body wasn't human, but that can't be too different.
Sky: [disturbed] ...No you can have it back. That question was just...
Warriors: [dutiful in improving his craft] Great can I have it?
Sky: Ok this is the last hypothetical! Between Wind's magic box thought experiment, Four's out of context question and this?! We're clearly really bad at these.
Twilight: Not sure what kind of responses you were expecting with that one to be honest.
Sky: ...You're right this one's on me.
Thanks for reading! Based off this
Sky got the fun hypothetical question from a friendly bar patron.
Wild coughed in that first one because with the restoration of his Hyrule ground in Hyrule field is being built on and, well, they are unearthing a lot of 100 year old skeletons. Not exactly hiding bodies, but...
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