#lu fic idea
legendofzoodles · 2 years
Four: Try explaining your fight with Ganon or whatever evil was wrecking your kingdom, but without context.
Wind: Old-ass wizard kicks around some minors while the only other adult is a shapeshifting boat-man who prioritised claiming some triangles. Beat that. 
Four: I’m sorry, what?
Wind: That’s how Grandma saw it. But I get it, he did take a few pot shots at me and especially Tetra.
Time: [remembering when Ganondorf, chasing after Zelda on horseback, stopped his pursuit solely to blast a 9 year old in the face and monologue]
Time: Sounds like him.
Wild: Appointed knight finally fulfills his mission after waiting 100 years to reload his save.
The Chain: What?
Time: That sucks, I only waited seven. 
The Chain: What?!
Twilight: Local ranch-hand stops a nightmare induced apocalypse alongside an imp who’s a princess and a hermit, who’s also a princess.  
Time: [clears his throat]
Twilight: After screaming at the moon vocal coaching from a ghost stalking the entire journey, who wasn’t a princess. 
Sky: Local daydreamer wakes up, fights god, and wins. 
Wild: I mean...did you though?
Legend: Yeah, jury’s still out on that one.
Hyrule: Mute kid brutalises pigman after assembling wish granting triangles, and saves the princess. He does it again years later.
Wild: You were silent back then?
Hyrule: Well, I couldn’t speak because I didn’t know the language. After saving the first Zelda she asked members of the nobility teach me- and how to read and write.
Twilight: Did you bite them when they tried to scold you for getting an answer wrong?
Hyrule: You did that too?!
Warriors: Pairs of powerful fighters from across the ages band together to defeat creepy time sorceress, then conquer red-maned wizard. 
Legend: Ugh, the power of friendship. Really?
Warriors: Comradery, actually. 
Legend: [mimicking his tone] Cringe, actually. 
Legend: Which one?
Four: Choose your favourite.
Legend: [thinks for a moment] A scarf wearing hooded hobo breaks into my house on several occasions and stages a coup to save two worlds. 
Four: What...were you doing?
Legend: [sighing] All the hard work. 
Thanks for reading! 
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
Parkour team - LU drabble
How each member of the chain laughs - LU headcanon
I didn't know what to do for Time since I've already made the speedrunning puberty joke and I don't know much about Four's adventures.
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occasionallyprosie · 6 months
So... what if Wind just gets snatched from the Chain? Like, one second they're vibing together whenever, and the next he's falling through a portal and, huh, this isn't his era? But there's a green-wearing, blond haired, teenager over there with a familiar sword, and that scarf is familiar too...
And that's how Wind ends up in the War of Eras, and he's dropped back with the chain after it's over (now 16-17 years old) and immediately, without hesitation, outs Time as a complete gremlin and menace.
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candy8448 · 6 days
Just discovered that in the shower, if you cover your ears with your hair and then cup your ears with your hands and stick your head under the shower head, it sounds as if you are underwater in a storm
Cuz im feeling evil: fic where legend does this by accident (maybe he is already freaking out fron a memory or something so covers his ears to get away from it) and then he hears the sounds of hin drowning during the storm and panics and freaks out (even more)
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lightningqueen11 · 5 months
Thinking about LU Four & Shadow again. Because I'm obsessed.
So of course with a lot of Shadow meets the chain fics Four de-escalates the situation pretty fast and Shadow's welcomed as another party member, but I've been thinking. What if Four doesn't do that? What if it's early enough in the adventure that no one trusts Four & they insist on attacking? Or, what if Four doesn't even try, because he doesn't think de-escalation is even possible because of what they've said?
What if Four and Shadow run away together? Become a 3rd party in this adventure?
What if Four can't.. or just doesn't speak up when the chain attacks Shadow?
I want this fic so bad if you can't tell.
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hyde-nseek · 9 months
Fun fact for the Linked Universe peeps out there.
The Hero of Four has seen parts of the Hero of Legend's adventures as part of one of his games. Specifically, the Realm of Memories in Four Swords (Anniversary Edition) allows him to travel to ALttP Hyrule and Koholint Island!
So... What if Four knew a little bit about what Legend had to deal with?
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trippygalaxy · 9 months
Random fic idea
(Before marriage) Malon asks if Time would still love her if she was a worm, time says yes
She is now a worm, asking for smoochies
Time wakes up from the nightmare, seeing his soon to be wife -who is not a worm- and whispers ‘i can’t put a ring on a worm’
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fwoosheye · 11 months
*sighs* Not again
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Okay so it's another LU idea and can someone please adopt it so it will leave me alone? Anyone? I have too many projects already. Someone please save me!
Anyway. This is a "Legend is the last one to join the chain" idea. He was practically raised by Fi after he pulled the Master Sword for the first time (was it @bokettochild who came up with that? I know I've read some really good fics with that but I'm not sure I remember by who correctly. Please correct me if I've mixed people up), and it takes place on Lorule's Death Mountain. Link is a regular at the Treacherous Tower, because it's an easy way to earn money and with the Triforce restored the monsters aren't as mindless as before so he actually befriends them (though I hc the monsters in the T-Tower were the least mindless to begin with (at least the ones in the audience, maybe the ones one fights were caught mindless ones), probably around the level of Blind the Ex-Sage the Thief, and that they just became more "stable" and better att communicating when the Triforce was restored). Anyway when the story takes place, Link is actually filling in for the final boss because the Purple Moldorm is sick and their new Union demands sick time or something.
When the chain appears in Lorule it's fairly near the T-Tower and when they ask the Devilish Girl about the Hero and learn he's the final boss, they realize someone will have to get up there and defeat him for his shift to end. She will only let one of them enter, so Sky, Warriors or Wild traverse the Tower with the Master Sword in hand (and I'd pick one of those three because they're aware of Fi's presence. Wild might be post-TotK Wild).
When Sky/Wars/Wild finally makes it to Legend there's some brief chatting, and when they attempt to attack each other they simultaneously get their hands burned and Legend accidentally hisses an undignified "Mom!" at Fi making the other Hero realise this teen was practically raised by a sword (and yes this is the scene that gives me the urge to write this, please save me). It becomes a sword-less battle, because Legend shift won't end if he's not defeated and his (magical?) contract don't permit him to hold back more than making it non-leathal. Tri-Force Heroes might've taken place before ALBW for this fic so Legend actually can use doppels/doppel medallion/etc so there 3v1 for a bit. Surprising move from Sky/Wars/Wild eventually sees Legend defeated and he meets the rest of the chain. He probably offers to guide them to the Castle to talk with Princess Hilda, if it doesn't turn out they've managed to get the information they want from the monsters on the audience while they watched. Maybe the chain are chatting about different friendly/civil monsters they've met during their adventures while descending the mountain. And/or Sky/Wars/Wild asks Legend why he addressed his sword as mom.
And because I am utterly incapable of keeping a story idea short, I was also considering to make it so Link is stuck in Lorule because the bracelet only had enough power left to send one of them home to Hyrule and both Link and Princess Hilda agreed Princess Zelda should be the one to return. Ravio would in that case likewise be stuck in Hyrule because he didn't have enough magic. He had probably managed to sneak into Hyrule's Sacred Realm trying to go home and met Zelda as she came back so he knew Link had won, though he might've left before Zelda made her wish (or even woke up?) and thinks Lorule and Link is gone. Maybe. It has some sweet juicy angst potential to let Ravio think his home and hero are destroyed. But also including this would for sure make it a longer fic...
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crazylittlejester · 8 months
so occasionally i do this thing where i zone the fuck out for waaaaay too long and i get struck by the most cursed most awful insane ass ideas
today’s was: What if I made a Big Hero 6 AU in which Mask was Hiro and Wars was Tadashi- and the rest of the chain was the friend group helping him cope with the lost of his brother and then they fight the evil professor (Dink or Ganon maybe?)
I have sooooo many other fics I’m working on but like, should I make this one-
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freezingwhitefire · 16 days
I have the worst ideas actually but I figure I will share this one anyways because someone ( @hero-of-the-wolf ) asked for my latest idea for the boys.
Okay so... the boys end up somewhere before Twilight's Era but not long after Time 'died'. There they find Hylia who is acting oddly. Hylia is under the influence of something evil/dark and she attacks them. Time manages to separate her from the evil/dark something using light magic (no idea how exactly but light magic) and ends up having to seal it away... only he ends up being sealed away too (so he can actually get rid of it). It turns out that the Shade is actually Time from the Chain's Quest.
Time is in a partially aware state the whole time he was sealed and so isn't entirely able to speak or really deal with people very well after he is unsealed. The ghostly ether that he trains the Hero of Twilight in is actually a skill he picked up to keep himself from going insane unable to move or do anything else. It was how he kept his skills sharp and when he is finally reunited with the boys, a few portals for them and a few centuries for him, he doesn't speak much at first and is very skittish because he feel like he failed them in being sealed away.
At first one or two of them don't like or trust him because Time doesn't look like Time, he has no armor for one and for another the only weapon he has is the sword he was sealed with. The rest of his things are being carried by the boys who are all trying to keep an eye on him since they don't realize it is Time. He is also trying to keep his face hidden out of shame, again he feels like he failed them. Twilight figures out who he is really quickly because he remembers training with him and knows how the Shade moved.
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summertimemusician · 10 months
*downs coffee like a shot* Before we go back to our regularly scheduled Linktober/Linktober Shadow (because I don't leave things unfinished if I can help it), I gotta get the idea of Revenant First out of my system and y'all get to suffer with me until it eventually ceases being an idea and it turns into an actual story. For some reason we talk a lot about First already being alive or already a ghost by the time the Chain meets him, but I don't think I've ever heard someone talk about him actually coming back to life and so y'all get to suffer with my insane ramblings like I'm an 1800's psychic ward patient who believes themselves to be a witch.
Can be x Reader or not idk just an idea that won't leave my mind.
Might expand on this later so Part out of I/?
Revenant First, who died for his people and in the name of his Goddess. All alone on the surface, fighting, fighting, fighting, always fighting. Just to make the land a little safer before the next hero arrives, just to contain the Imprisoned for a little while longer with likely nothing than a ordinary, common sword to his name and a slowly rusting armor.
Always giving so so so much for his people, always doing his best to protect them, though they scorned him, loathed him, didn't believe or support him, rejected him.
With a spirit so strong and lovely that a Goddess fell for him, hated herself for having to manipulate and put him through such horrid experiences just to save the many, just to turn the diamond of his soul into an unbreakable lonsdaleite blade agaisnt a mad deity.
Someone whose will would be enough to keep him going, just one more fight right? Just one more kill right? Forward, forward, ever onward, it doesn't matter if the flesh decays, if the blood drips drips drips until he is dry of it, if the liver doesn't process nutrients, if the lungs don't draw air, if the nerves feel nothing but the cold cold numbness of the winter of his final years, if the heart doesn't beat. If the armor rusts or the sword breaks. He must keep going, he must keep fighting.
To keep them safe he must have faith, faith that he can keep going, to grasp onto that one.single.thread of purpose until the day that fiery, indomitable, determined will finally burns out. Even if his Goddess may have forsaken him knowingly or unknowingly, even if his people have rejected him to the point he isn't even human anymore, even though they reviled him, even if that rejection should by all intents and purposes chained his spirit to the land or ground the jewel of his unbreakable soul into dust, he still loves them, still adores them, still wants to protect them.
No matter how long he must keep going for it. He wishes to see those he holds dear happy, though they cursed and imprisoned him once.
The Chain getting dropped into a completely empty, desolated and undeniably dead version of Sky's Hyrule, only to find the only living thing besides monster is a single man, with rusted gold armor and an old sword, a faded tunic of green with a long, crimson scarf like a bloody banner. With hair and eyes like theirs, undeniably a Link. But so very frigid, so very silent they almost didn't notice him, that they can't help but wonder just how many years he has spent there, eroding away, ruined but still kind, kind, so very gentle. A shadow of his former self, yes, but still himself, still so so so good, doing all he can until Sky's Era comes and maybe, just maybe, he can finally rest.
Or maybe not, after all, someone has to keep the land safe until the Hero after Sky comes around, no?
Just Revenant First in general.
Or maybe we give him the House in Fata Morgana treatment, the House in Fata Hylia Au if you will- *collapses from sleep deprivation*
#linked universe headcanons#lu first#lu fic idea#Revenant First#lu first x reader#maybe? it's mostly just an idea lol#might expand on this later lol#Also knows as what happens when Summer is sleep deprived while doing essays takes a break by listening to The House in Fata Morgana OST#and suddenly gets First in the brain lol#still have way too much First Hero on the brain that man deserves the world but at the same time I want to put him into Situations lol#Feral Revenant First being protective of the Chain my beloved#Sky being so confused because Fi at the same time recognizes the man and has just started lowkey crying and screaming in chimes#Twi Wind Hyrule and Time not knowing wether to be morbidly intrigued or horrified because he registers as both dead and alive to them#Meanwhile First is just chilling#doing his own thing and probably bonding with Wild over 'Being Dead but Got Better'#Probably doesn't even register he shouldn't be moving anymore after taking a stab to the heart or something lol#if we want to make an X Reader kind of thing then it's literally his love for Reader which also allows him to keep going#alongside sheer force of will and determination#Michel and Giselle vibes ya know? lol#Wait would that make Hylia Morgana? Or could it be Demise or something? Eh#I dunno might expand on that later/write out that Au later on as a self indulgent thing#Anyway for now ya'll get this until I am finally not swamped with literature/language essays and fistfighting sleep deprivation#Summer Writes#Summer Writes Linked Universe Headcanons#Summer's Sleep Deprived Headcanons
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ixtaek · 6 months
Feel like writing a one-off LU fic based on one my ideas.
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legendofzoodles · 1 year
LU September art things I noticed:
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Main archer Wild getting the focus he deserves. Oh, and flexing on us mortals by preparing to dish out three arrows
Nice detail of all the lefties holding their bows one way, while right handed Sky and Wild hold it the other
Some like Hyrule hold their bow with a fist, others like Legend stick out a finger. To help with checking the trajectory?
I love that Time, Warriors, Twilight and Wild's bows look kinda similar
What enemy could prompt such an assault? Look at their faces!
Except Sky; I've never seen him look so calm and almost smug. Might this be an enemy from his world he knows how to deal with...?
I think either Time or Sky would make the call on when to let the arrows loose: "Ready? Aim! FIRE!"
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occasionallyprosie · 2 months
I've had the sudden impulse, like not even I read something and thought it was cool, it just appeared in my head, but I have had the impulse to write
a) blind legend,
and b) legend & warriors having a rise of the guardians jack and his little sister moment
like... why? idk, but it's gonna happen maybe?
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candy8448 · 12 days
Fic idea:
The chain, but their times reflect the times in real life
As in: time thinks to heal diseases like plague doctors do, crush up some green rupees and mix it with some murcury to heal ur disease
And so on (i dont remember much history, or what order everything comes in, but that's the idea
Leg, twi and wind are from the same period of time
Yhis is a completely half vaked idea that i just thought of
Ive seen this kind of energy in that trope where each link speaks a different kind of hyrulean because the language changed over time, and such
Wars is set during like... the hyrule equivilant of ww2 times with all those ideas
Just each link go further back in time.
Wild is set like maybe a few-10 years ago compared to now
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mariemaybe · 2 years
Ooooo what if Aryll joins the chain when she’s older than Wind is now because Wind was taken by Dink and he’s being held captive and she grabbed a weapon and followed through the portal only to land a little bit out from where the chain landed in the next Hyrule
So it’s like they’re situations are reversed where now Aryll is going on an adventure to save her brother
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arsonisticscholar · 1 year
I’ve got a very specific scene in my head where one of the boys Makes A Mistake and time or wars or someone goes too far in lecturing and stuff and then later they Have A Talk and they acknowledge that they both Messed Up and they’re sorry and they forgive each other and they set boundaries and theyre still brothers at the end of the day
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