#Lu king of red lions
luna-lovegreat · 4 months
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Have I ever mentioned how much I love Lu's incorporation of in-game canon? I think I could mention it more. Wind loves his friend he traveled with who was also a king -and brings it up several times
And here's Four (besties with the princess) being the one who asks about it
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Art credit to @linkeduniverse au :))))
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weepingtalecowboy · 13 days
I am surprised and kind of not surprised at all by how undeniably bad Hyrule's politics are
Like there is a demon knocking at your doorstep every decade or so
And instead of creating a system of actually destroying the demon again and again
You just throw your daughters at the problem and wait till a little blond boy comes and saves you
Like why is the whole kingdom so underprepared for calamity ganon
They had 10.000 years to prepare for it and instead chose to procrastinate till they had less then a year left and only then did they try to find a way to fix the situation
Like telling Zelda to get on and start zelding would have been useful when they had several thousands of years to prepare
But only like 17 years without a link to be found
Is just stupid they should have recovered the divine beasts the second that Zelda came to be or even earlier like several hundred years before the reawakening of the calamity
But that also makes total sense for a kingdom that won’t stop sacrificing daughters and relies entirely upon a single man (most Times a boy even)
And that is so fucking hilarious and pathetic
Like if I was an outside observer
I too wouldn’t want to involve myself into such a mess
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layraket · 1 year
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*makes your boat a dragon*
Link was still too young to be on the ocean by his own, he can barely glide for a certain amount of time
When he meets this giant dragon who appears to save him from drowning he gets his hopes to save his sister up
With the King of red Lions at his side, he can conquer the sea even if a storm hits them
I spent a centain amount of time thinking how to manage the boat thing with Wind, but now here we are!
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also i had the need to draw tiny CG!Wind
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ixtaek · 5 months
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Ezlo mention EZLO MENTION
From @linkeduniverse go read it please if you don’t
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laughingsour · 1 year
Wind’s father figures.
Okay, this is definitely one fic I gotta write when I finish my current one for One Piece:
Before meeting the Chain, Wind has had a total of three people he's considered his dad.
Everyone talks about Linebeck and how he's Wind dad even if he won't admit it, so for now I'll leave him be and focus on the other two.
-First it was his birth father that tragically died when he was 5. He was a famous cartographer from whom Wind inherited his love for the sea and navigation skills.
-Wind's father would tell him the legend of the Hero of Time himself and other stories about his journeys across the Great Sea while they would both stare longingly at the waves.
-When Wind was born, he stopped sailing for some time because he was afriad of leaving his family alone if something happened to him. But when Wind's mother got pregnant with Aryll, the family was suddenly in need of more money.
-It was then that someone offered Wind's father a huge sum for drawing a map to locate the infamous ghost ship of the Great Sea. He took the job because the money would be enough for the family, but he'd have to lie to say he wasn't happy to get back on the waves one more time.
-Wind's father was able to complete the map and even discovered what was the supposed treasure in it's cargo. But before he could tell anyone, he mysteriously died and his map dissappeared.
-Since the map was nowhere to be found, the rich man who commissioned him refused to pay his familiy. This is one of the reasons Wind started to embrace the pirate's life while sailing the Great Sea.
-Wind's mom died when she gave birth to Aryll and so her two children were left to be raised by their grandma.
-During Wind Waker, Wind bonds with the King of Red Lions/King Daphnes
-I imagine King Daphnes as an opposite to King Roahm, but just as tragic and unintentionally harmfull. While Roahm didn't make sure to let Zelda know that he was in her corner, Daphnes innocently put too much pressure in Wind by remaining supportive, but still placing all his hopes in him.
-Think of Shifu's line to Tai Lung in Kung Fu Panda, "I loved you too much to realize what I was turning you into. I'm sorry."
-King Daphnes is not only is the first to believe that Wind has the makings of a Hero, he remains his biggest supporter through their journey.
-King Daphnes is the one who teaches Wind how to navigate and sail and Wind is ecstatic to find out he inherited his father's skills as a natural navigator and cartographer.
-He also encourages Wind to explore the Great Sea as he's wanted to his entire life, on the basis that it'll help him become strong enough to face Ganondorf. More importantly though, Daphnes just wants Wind to be as much of a kid as he can be in their situation.
-It's not long before they start to see each other as father and son. Daphnes tells him that, even if the gods thought otherwise, to him he would always be as brave and heroic as any old legend and that he's proud no matter what happens.
-This does become a problem because Daphnes has such belief and pride in Wind that he fails to realize in how much danger he's dragging his boy into. A brave boy, yes. But still a boy who shouldn't have to fight a man's battle.
-Because of that, he never stops to think about persuading Wind to stop and let an adult handle it. Wind would've refused of course, but that conversation between them never happens.
-It's not until Wind's friends start to be chosen one by one to fullfill their duties as Princess and Sages that Wind starts to question Daphnes and the kingdom's importance.
-Makar becoming a Sage is the last straw for Wind and he and Daphnes have a terrible disagreement. In the end, Wind tells Daphnes that he'll keep fighting to save his friends but that he was a fool for getting attached to someone who's just using him.
-That serves as a wake-up call to Daphnes to what he's doing and he starts to wonder if this world would be better off without Hyrule.
-Wind not only discovers his father's ghost ship map but also manages to hunt the ship down and recover the treasure aboard: A piece of the Triforce. He still doesn't find out what truly happened to his father but he's glad that his final work wasn't for nothing in the end.
-His expirience aboard the ship leaves him very shaken, but he still refuses to speak or listen to Daphnes unless necessary.
-When Wind gets appointed as the new Hero Spirit before descending to Hyrule again, Wind no longer feels as excited as he thought he would be in that moment.
-When Daphnes wishes for Hyrule to be drowned, part of him wants to come with Wind to keep raising his boy, if he'll have him. But the other is too weighted down by regret over failing his kingdom before and his son in the present.
-To this day, Wind is still guilt-ridden over saying Daphnes never cared for him. He'd give anything to be able to take it back.
-Wind is very much aware that Daphnes put him and his loved ones in danger and he's conflicted on why he chose to stay to drown. But he can't find it in him to stop missing the King or loving him.
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for Wind's father figures, is it King of Red Lions/Daphnes Nohanson Hyrule, Linebeck, Time, and Oshus maybe?
Three of the 4 are correct but you are missing the very first one.
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wizard-finix · 8 months
LU Star Wars AU: Part 2
feeling very validated by the fact that people like this SO LETS CONTINUE
Next up, Four and Wind!
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A droidsmith and technician by trade, he and his grandfather run a shop dedicated to repairing ships. However, Four is also skilled enough to make his own technology out of parts when he sets his mind to it, and as a result he has expanded his skill set to making and repairing droids, and he's even learned how to forge and repair most kinds of weapons.
When Four was young, he met an older man named Ezlo and learned how to make droids in the brief time Four knew him. Four has made hundreds of tiny miniature droids in the years since, and is very fond of all of them. (Four named his first one EZ-10.) Ezlo also taught Four how to meditate and attune himself to his surroundings, but it wasn't until much later that Four learned that these were actually basic Jedi training techniques— and with that, the fact that Ezlo may have been a Jedi, and that Four himself had the ability to use the Force.
Four has no interest in having a lightsaber, and claims he has better weapons of his own suited to him. Vaati showed up shortly after Ezlo, and he causes problems for him and his grandfather. Four was also friends with Shadow until his death at Vaati’s hands.
Wind is young, but like Legend he has spent much of his life traveling across the galaxy, and he feels most at home in his small spaceship, the King of Red Lions.
Wind originally got his start as a crewmember of the famous intergalactic pirate Tetra of the Outer Rim territories as a way to rescue his sister Aryll after she was wrongly arrested by the Empire. He then later traveled on Linebeck's ship not long after parting ways with Tetra. Wind found** the Red Lion during his adventures, and has been traveling the galaxy with it since. He's still close friends with Tetra.
Wind is very in tune with the Force, especially spirits, and better learned how to use his abilities when he was traveling with Linebeck. He doesn’t have a saber, but he still has a weapon or two of his own and plenty of tricks up his sleeves.
**(stole it from spice traders)
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hero-of-fortune · 18 days
A few lu adhd headcanons?
I generally headcanon/project adhd onto link in most zelda games i play, and it carries over to lu a bit
Wind - adhd, inattentive type. Wind has never been able to just concentrate on one thing, he tends to leave tasks unfinished halfway through and give up on a lot of things. He often left dungeons that he couldn’t figure out halfway. He had to learn about paying attention to directions the hard way a lot, he always had to ask the king of red lions to repeat things he’d been told to do or ask him what someone said. Loses everything constantly, the king of red lions made him check he had everything he came onto the island with still with him before he’d let him leave.
Legend - adhd, hyperactive/impulsive type. I feel like leg has a hard time stopping something once it’s started. He hyperfixates on projects around the house a lot, fixing things, making new rings and enchantments, he’s just a big project guy. He also can’t sit still and doesn’t like sitting down, which is horrible for his chronic pain and arthritis (shhh yes it’s canon shhh) he also has a horrible circadian rhythm and ravio has to drag him to bed when he’s hyperfixated on repainting the windowsills at 11pm at night.
Time - adhd, combined type. I feel like time has adhd, but it’s unnoticeable unless you’re focusing on it. A combo of less intense adhd, knowing how to cope with his symptoms, and a good support system. Malon deff helped him understand himself a lot, the kokiri probably didn’t notice anything and just wrote him off as a happy, excitable kid with lots of energy. He has major time blindness, though, which stressed him out in termina. He stims a lot too, he used to hum a lot as a stim when he was younger.
Wild - adhd, combined type. He gets sidetracked a lot, side quests have mini side quests inside of them and he gets off topic a lot during his quest. He masked heavily pre-calamity, (the military makes you do that, dont ask how i know dude) but lost a lot of masking skills post-calamity. He talks out of turn a lot and blurts out his thoughts with little filtering. He’s bad at organization, but he swears he has everything in his slate in his own special system. Does things before thinking of consequences.
Most of these headcanons are based on my own experiences as a person with adhd.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 28 days
Classic LU, pit the boys against one of your favorite/least favorite Zelda enemies
Sky Link encountering unfamiliar creatures on the Surface and misjudging whether they’re friendly (could be funny or angsty)
HC boys on a really truly awfully busy couple of shifts, or on a strangely quiet shift
Pick one of Link’s companions and write from their perspective (Epona, Crimson, Navi, Proxi, Ezlo, Midna, King of Red Lions, Phantom Zelda, etc.)
Is Abel okay though (any of them, honestly)
Warriors had never experienced anything like this. He felt impossibly light and heavy, warmth seeping out of his very being, permeating the air and distorting it. He chest heaved in an automatic response to stress, but no air moved within his lungs. Looking around frantically, he saw one of his brothers-in-arms on the ground, motionless, and he hastily knelt down at his side.
"Come on, farm boy," he ground out, shaking Twilight. "Wake up!"
As he shook him, he noticed with alarm that his friend looked strangely... distorted. Waves of light akin to the reflections of water washed over Twilight, and as Warriors looked at his own hand, he saw similar movements. Everything was bathed in pale green, and he felt like he was swimming, floating, and pushed into the earth all at once.
Where were they?!
He was trying desperately to remember how they'd even gotten here, only recalling that he and Twilight had been patrolling the area when the world had faded away to wake up here. They'd been looking for Sky, who had been late returning from his own route.
Twilight groaned, sniffling and coughing, and Warriors noticed with alarm that the grass beneath his friend did not move in response to the action.
Were they... had they...??
"What in Hylia's name is going on?" the captain whispered, staring at his hand.
The hair on the back of Warriors' neck stood up, and Twilight sprang to his feet, nearly knocking the captain over. "Sky?"
Warriors jumped, whirling around to see their companion watching them silently. At this point, the captain also noticed that a strange ring was on the ground around them, alongside intricate patterns that glowed in a similar eerie green as the rest of the place, bright and ethereal. Sky also had that strange watery reflective nature to him as they did, but he... was... floating? His feet hovered just above the ground, hair waving about as if he were underwater. Strangest of all, he was dressed a little differently - his green tunic was the same, but it lacked his red sash and his treasured white cape, while he sported a green hat very similar to what many of them had worn in the past.
"Sky, are you okay? Where are we?" Warriors called, walking towards the teenager. Why was he dressed different? Why was he looking at them like that? Sky was never this somber, something was wrong.
As the captain moved towards him, Sky stepped forward to meet him halfway. The movement was specific, Warriors could tell from the ground he covered. It was an awkward gait, determined but too small for the usual stride he took. He practically stepped on Twilight's toes, blocking both their path, standing on the edge of the circled that encased the elder pair.
"Link, what's wrong?" Twilight asked softly, also noticing that something was very off about their friend. He reached out, placing a hand on Sky's shoulder reassuringly and worriedly.
Sky gasped, flinching away from the touch and hugging himself, bending over slightly as if he'd just been burned. Warriors and Twilight exchanged confused glances, and the captain's chest clenched even more.
"Let me see the wound," Warriors ordered, stepping forward.
The world turned red.
It was a gut lurching, disturbing feeling, and the strange, cool wateriness of the world became scorching hot. It was as if electricity was shooting through Warriors' entire body, something akin to adrenaline but somehow terrifying in the fear that froze his muscles for an instant. Twilight whirled around frantically, eyes wide, immediately searching for threats.
They didn't have to search long. Warriors could hear the clanging of heavy footsteps, metal armor clinking, swords being unsheathed. They were ambushed quickly, surrounded by beasts Warriors was completely unfamiliar with, all made of metal and bearing one to two massive swords. One beast came up behind Sky, putting a hand on his shoulder and pulling him closer, almost protectively, making Twilight call out in alarm. Warriors reached for his sword--
Only to realize he didn't have one. And Twilight wasn't armed either.
What had--where did their weapons go?!?!
Warriors swore uncharacteristically, looking at Sky once again to see how he was doing, but the metal beast protecting him was backing away a little as two others floated into range, swords raised in attack. Warriors and Twilight both moved to duck and roll, but they were quickly being surrounded and their maneuverability was limited.
This was bad this was bad--
The swords came down, but no pain followed.
Warriors could hear his and Twilight's frantic breaths, having both braced for impact when they'd had nowhere else to run. Looking up between his arms that he'd held to guard his face, Warriors saw... Sky. Sky was standing over them both, towering, posture strong and fierce, feet spread wide and arm raised as if in a block. His white cape was back, hat gone, red sash nearly imperceptible in the bloody haze all around them.
Sky bore neither weapon nor shield, yet all the monsters were held at bay with his arm held in the air. Wrapped around the extremity was what looked like ivy, a plant of some sort. Twilight gasped at the sight of it.
"Are those tears of light?" he asked, before continuing, "Sky, are you--what the heck is goin' on, you were--"
"What are you guys doing here?" Sky interrupted, the plant and petals glowing brightly, pushing the monsters away. Suddenly, as soon as the beasts were outside of the ring in the earth, the world turned aqua green once more, placid like a lake.
"We were... looking for you..." Warriors explained halfheartedly, looking around in bewilderment, heart still racing. "What's going on?"
Sky turned to face them now, helping them stand. Without an explanation, he moved them to the center of the ring. Warriors looked around, a vague sense of worry filling him as if they were missing something. The space that Sky had occupied earlier when he'd dressed a little differently and behaved strangely was empty, but the captain swore he saw movement where that one metal soldier had retreated with him.
When the three stood in the center of the ring, Sky directed them to place their hands on his shoulders. They did so without argument, both still trying to keep up with what was happening, and then Sky dug his right arm into the earth as if digging, the plant wrapped around it glowing in response.
Everything grew dizzyingly blurry, and Warriors felt the ground shift beneath him as the world faded to black. When he awoke, his body felt heavy and exhausted, but normal once more. Nothing was in a strange hue, he wasn't partly glowing or shining or whatever it was he had been doing before, and Sky and Twilight were both there, alive and safe.
"What was that?" Twilight demanded, shooting to his feet faster than the captain could even get his bearings.
"A silent realm," Sky answered, offering a hand to his elder knight. "Pieces of the sacred realm designed by Hylia. But I'd not seen one here before. I wonder if we're... somewhere... well, it doesn't matter. I'm just surprised you two managed to fall into one. It usually isn't open to anyone."
"Sacred realm...?" Warriors repeated, awed. That was... Sky was right, that wasn't supposed to be something mere mortals could access.
How did Sky know how they worked?
Sky smiled reassuringly at them, his face gentle in his care, and he pat both of them on the arms. "Come on, we should get to camp. Let's make sure nobody else stumbles into this area."
Shakily, Warriors nodded, looking back at the place, seemingly innocent amidst the forest. He'd... rather not face those beasts unarmed again.
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sweeteastart · 5 months
Wind (LU) A1?
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Here you go ! Couldn't help myself and gave him a king of red lions sweater--
Thanks for the ask ♪♪♪♪♪♪
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Tumblr's favorite animated movie, Round 1!
Classification round | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4
Round 1:
Results overview
A Monster in Paris vs Sailor Moon R: The Movie
A Silent Voice vs Shaun the Sheep Movie
A Troll in Central Park vs Rugrats in Paris: The Movie
Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods vs Lu Over the Wall
Astro Boy vs Ferdinand
Azur and Asmar: The Princes' Quest vs Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part III: Rebellion
Barbie & the Diamond Castle vs The Great Mouse Detective
Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus vs My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper vs Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Adolescence of Utena
Barbie Princess Charm School vs Turning Red
Batman and Mr. Freeze: SubZero vs Robots
Batman Ninja vs Barbie Fairy Secret
Belle vs 101 Dalmatians
Birdboy: The Forgotten Children vs The Princess and the Goblin
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie vs All Dogs go to Heaven
Chicken Run vs Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time vs Green Snake
Despicable me vs Wreck-it-Ralph
Fantastic Mr Fox vs Wendell & Wild
Fantastic Planet vs Anomalisa
Gnomeo & Juliet vs Ernest & Celestine
Home on the Range vs A Goofy Movie
Hoodwinked! vs Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro
Ice Age vs WALL-E
In This Corner of the World vs We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story
Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem vs The Tale of John and Marie
Isle of Dogs vs Weathering with You
James and the Giant Peach vs Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Klaus vs Summer Wars
Kubo and the Two Strings vs Bambi
Liz and the Blue Bird vs Tekkonkinkreet
Madagascar vs Encanto 
Mary and Max vs The Sea Beast
Monsters vs Aliens vs Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks vs Night Is Short, Walk on Girl
Night on the Galactic Railroad vs Metropolis
One Piece: Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island vs Star☆Twinkle Precure the Movie: Wish Upon a Song of Stars
Paprika vs The Secret of Kells
ParaNorman vs Suzume
Penguins of Madagascar vs The Sword in the Stone
Persepolis vs The Garden of Words
Phineas and Ferb: The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension vs Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus
Planet Hulk vs Zombillenium
Pocahontas vs The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
Pokémon Heroes vs Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva
Porco Rosso vs Meet the Robinsons
Quest for Camelot vs Digimon Adventure: Our War Game
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas vs The Nightmare Before Christmas
Spookley the Square Pumpkin vs Kirikou and the Sorceress
Tales of the Night vs Stormy Night
Tehran Taboo vs Emesis Blue
The Adventures of Tintin vs Bee Movie
The Book of Life vs The Aristocats
The Boy and the Beast vs Waltz with Bashir
The Brave Little Toaster vs Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker
The Breadwinner vs Millennium Actress
The Congress vs The Legend of Hei
The Fabulous Baron Munchausen vs Ringing Bell
The Jungle Book vs Wolf Children
The LEGO Batman Movie vs Kung Fu Panda 2
The Lego Ninjago Movie vs Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride vs Watership Down
The Little Prince vs Loving Vincent
The Pagemaster vs Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
The Phantom Tollbooth vs The Sorcerer's Apprentice
The Secret World of Arrietty vs 9
The Thief and the Cobbler vs Felidae
The Wind Rises vs Brother Bear
Tokyo Godfathers vs 5 Centimeters per Second
Trolls World Tour vs Promare
Unicorn Wars vs Batman: Gotham by Gaslight
Whisper of the Heart vs Batman: Under the Red Hood
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weepingtalecowboy · 27 days
Fanfic prompt :Everyone always makes the joke that Wild and Hyrule are the most likely to get kidnapped
But in their literal game mechanics and the lore of the games
Hyrule must run from anyone and trust nobody or someone could hand him over to ganon he definitely is really skittish about trusting anyone but when he sees someone help him he does trust them a bit more (he knows the concept of stranger danger and had to become a master at it or else it was game over)
Wild literally just has to throw a banana and you can almost always tell it is a Yiga even before you even pull out said banana (it is part of the game mechanics after all)
But you know who is the one who actually canonically is the most likely to get kidnapped and not notice it at any point during the entire process
Wind who has jumped on the boat of sketchy old man and pirates during both his adventures
Like he was extremely lucky that nothing ever happened to him
And he probably doesn’t know the concept of stranger danger because nobody on the island is a stranger or dangerous to him how would he even figure out if nobody is telling him about it or showing it
Like the first thing he does when the game starts is run up to a random girl who has fallen from a tree then she turns out to be a pirate and even if she has told him the truth about the kidnapped girls
You don’t jump on the boat of a pirate no matter how nice they seem (for all we know she could have orchestrated this situation to kidnap him and it is pure luck that she was just nice like that )
Essentially because later during the failed heist he gets throw across the sea he literally just wakes up on a different boat with no record of how he got there and instead of alerting anyone (because Wind fell island has a prison so he could have told the guards that a random guy had him on the boat and all that) he breaks fucking tingle out of the cell just to buy a sail for the weird talking boat and then continue on with just the two of them together (like I get desperately trying to save his sister but telling a guard or two that your sister got kidnapped and that you are saving her to make sure that at least a few people will know where you are like grandma definitely doesn’t know that you no longer are with the pirates)
And even more unhinged is the fact that tetra is not a good person at all she has interrogated a guy who wouldn’t sell her bombs which should have tipped Wind of as a red flag she has scammed a rich man out so much that he lives as a beggar with his daughter (also a thing that makes it more vague than ever to know what she would have done to his grandmother like a promise telling him she would bring his sister back safely is very dubious)
Also he canonically has repeatedly went to tingle's tower and asked him to translate the triforce charts (like that is tingle and nothing more has to be said)
Like Wind has the most luck known to mankind
It also somehow gets even worse because during phantom hourglass he and tetra are on the boat (which understandable because she proved that she is someone you can trust and a good friend)
And after waking up on a random beach the first thing you do is go into an old guy’s storage unit to get his sword (and somehow again not get mugged , kidnapped or trafficked because you never go somewhere alone when a single person is aware of it with no weapon especially when someone told you to go there )
Then he went with a different shady guy he just saved at the temple who genuinely looked like a problem in the making (and it was a problem in the making like I love linebeck he is a father figure for wind but also he did have the problem with his ex who wanted to kill him and he looked really shady and you would not have been able to escape if he did kidnap you because you are on the sea )
Like obviously Wind hasn’t learned his Lesson at any point in time because every time it went well
But with Yiga nothing goes well with them
He would probably hold hands with them as well and any other kidnapper would have a very easy catch
He probably joined the chain in less then a second without any form of self awareness (like everyone definitely was nervous with each other but not Wind he heard they said everyone else can sleep while another takes watch and planted his face on a pillow and was just out like that while everyone else was uneasy and didn’t sleep well or also took watch to make sure they won’t be killed in their sleep)
The chain really has to teach him that lesson (for the sake of like literally everything he has ever done because that luck will run out at some point)
Like Warriors definitely is seeing Wind go with literally everyone and not understanding why like that looks like a trauma response (it is just wind with over 12 years never learning about stranger danger and a big misunderstanding but also not really wrong )
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layraket · 1 year
i cant stop thinking abt what happend to Link's/Wind's parents
we never see something about them, we just know that grandma take care of him and Aryll since they were so little
where did they go? they had the chance to see their kids grow at least for some time?
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ixtaek · 6 days
I know Wind is an amalgamation of Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, and Spirit Tracks Link… so why not Tetra too?
She swears she won’t be helpless after PH, and is going with Link next time there’s trouble. And so, after being ripped from her body by a demon, she finds a suit of armor to possess and utterly wreck anyone who gets in their way.
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
Long and happy was their reign. The Pevensie children grew up and grew old. Twenty, forty, fifty years. A golden age.
They all bore scars: from when Lucy took an arrow to the shoulder and Susan took a fall from a horse and Edmund took a blade to the thigh. But Peter’s scars put all of theirs to shame. The various marks and aches of a warrior-king’s body are too numerous to name. Swords to the back and chest and arms and legs. Arrow to the foot. The point of a spear to the side. More than he could remember, after a while.
Peter began to gray before the rest of them too, which wasn’t surprising since he was the eldest. What was, perhaps, surprising was how early he began to gray. Threads of silver began to appear at Peter’s temple when he was scarce thirty-five. Yet this, Lune told him, was the way of kings. Tis a poor ruler whose concerns do not drive the color from his hair, he said. Peter laughed and shook his head, but he wore every gray hair with pride from then on.  
Peter was proud of all that Aslan had entrusted to his concern. His kingdom. His siblings. The images would come back to him in snatches later: Lucy, twenty-three, with the sun in her hair beneath the gold banner of Aslan. Edmund, forty-five, covered in red road-dust as he slid from his horse. Susan, sixty-two, twining silvery ivy through her silver-streaked hair
Long and happy. As any fairytale ought to end. Lucy would know.
She shot up fast like a flower in spring, but privately she always felt young for her age. It wasn’t until Tumnus chided her for it that she stopped appending “Mr.” to the front of his name. She never managed it at all with Mr. Beaver, for all the years of their friendship. He was too much like her father—wasn’t he? —well, too much like a father, at any rate.
All those years, Lucy saw Aslan the most, except for when she saw him the least. It was not all a fairytale, you know. For nearly ten years, between 1023 and 1034, Lucy saw neither mane nor claw of Aslan. The absence wrote creases into her forehead. Lucy watched the sunrise from her balcony each morning and whispered her fears across the sea.
When at last Aslan came to her again, Lucy felt each one of those ten years. She was angry, yes, but when the anger subsided, mostly she was just older. She longed for the Lion’s presence more than ever.
She would never forget the soft scratch of Aslan’s mane between her fingers, no matter how long it had been since last she touched it. She would never forget the warmth of Susan’s embrace upon returning to the Cair after an absence, nor the unkempt scruff of Peter’s beard after action, nor the liquid-cool stone of the architectural models Edmund kept arrayed on his desk.
Happy. Edmund had been horrified by Narnia for a week, but he was happy there for years and decades afterwards. Happy, like he’d never believed he could be.
The past was washed away with the ocean tide and Edmund found himself eager to build things. High towers for Susan, long bridges for Lucy, strong walls for Peter. He constructed roads all across the country, sealed them with his signet, and anointed them with oil and a song to Aslan. In youth, Edmund’s energetic fervor was nigh unmatched.
His health began to suffer in his later years. Joint pain, mostly, and restless legs after a while. Edmund drifted further and further back from the front lines of battle, eventually landing himself in a command tent that he never again left. He didn’t mind much. Edmund had fought bravely and well as a youth, and he had never been a warrior in his soul the way Peter and Lucy were. Edmund worked, and in rhythm, he rested.
He drank wine in moderation, ate Turkish Delight when it pleased him, and savored every nuance of the taste. He sipped chamomile with Su in the parlor, though he seeped his longer for extra flavor. Lu brought currants and persimmon from her wanderings, apples and blackberries from the yards outside the castle. On Peter’s fiftieth birthday, Edmund ate a decadent slice of the most ostentatious cake he’d seen in his life and tried not to laugh too hard at his brother’s expense.
Long. If she was honest, Susan imagined it would never end.
Oh, she made plans for the succession right along with the rest of her siblings. A proper monarch must make arrangements for the future, even if she’d rather not. All the same, Susan tried not to think on it overmuch. She was forever wishing to stay behind, even as time propelled her forward.
Susan struggled the most with aging out of all her siblings, not out of vanity but because she did not easily embrace change. When Cor was rediscovered, Susan loved him at once—but she also missed the bond that just she and Corin had shared. When her siblings strayed far from the Cair, Susan left candles in their windows and wished to have them back home. When Narnia’s boarders expanded, Susan missed the graceful slopes of old lines on old, outdated maps.  
And, Aslan help her, when Susan finally cut her hair, forty-five and practical enough to realize that it was time, she wept into her pillow that night.
So perhaps it was not surprising that Susan still held onto parts of Narnia even after she’d done her best to leave it behind. Years after they had all died far, far too young, Susan was sure she remembered what her siblings had sounded like old. She knew that at fifty Lucy’s laugh had spanned a whole octave, running up and down the notes like chimes. She knew that Edmund’s voice had softened with age while Peter’s had grown louder; that by the time they were sixty, Edmund had sighed like deep river and Peter had snored like a locomotive. She remembered, and she missed them.  
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
A little bit about my lu space au:
Time was exiled from the Kokiri because they accused him of having tried to kill their leader even if he proved multiple times that he was innocent, then a space traveler found him and adopted him, now they are wanted for some not very legal things.
Warriors and his Zelda won the war and now they are one of the most hated people in the whole universe, Warriors has been in jail several times due to false accusations, the last time he accidentally helped Time, Twilight, Wild and Wind to escape and now he is a real criminal.
Wind and Aryll were kidnaped when they were kids, Wind was saved by the King of red lions but Aryll is still missing, Wind was raised by the pirates and he barely remember his life before them, he knows that his parents were killed that day and his grandma is most likely to be dead but he hopes to find his sister someday
Legend is the son of a monarchy that has been annihilating and conquering other planets for generations. He grew up isolated from the world, his family was ashamed of him because he is the younger twin, also princes are seen as symbols of misfortune. His only company while growing was his personal knight
Sky was Legend's knight, he wasnt aware of the atrocities done by the royal family until they killed his fiance because he could only be loyal to the king, he tried to tell Legend the truth about his family but he didn't belived him and they had a discussion. Sky couldn't fix things with him because the king declared him a traitor and they were looking for him to kill him so he had to run from his planet
OUGH, THIS IS SO COOL!! we love wars bein a real criminal now good for him. AND SKY AND LEGEND?? im so excited to see where that goes
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