#Lucifer Hazbin hotel x reader
mimicmimikyuwrites · 3 months
Jealousy - Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) x Fem!Sinner!Reader SMUT
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Summary: Lucifer's jealousy emerges when your Ex from when you were alive enters the hotel in search of you. Lucifer makes sure to claim you as his.
Contents/Possible Warnings: P in V sex, dom!Lucifer, cream pie, Lucifer being possessive, marking, unprotected sex, degradation (it happens like once), SMUT, MDNI
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A typical day in Hell was far from calm, so whenever a peaceful moment occurred, even a small one, you made sure to savor it, appreciating it for what it was. For example, you intended to let the wonderful moment you were currently in last for as long as you possibly could. You had been watching a movie in your room in the hotel, but by now your attention had turned away from the movie in question and onto Lucifer. The king of Hell had snuggled up closer to you than he already had been, his head resting on your shoulder as he watched the show.
The simple gesture made you melt, and you couldn't resist gently turning his face to look at you. Lucifer looked at you curiously, waiting for your next move. You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, enjoying the smile it brought to his face.
"Hmm, that was nice, but I think you missed, love." He leaned in, closing the gap between you two, kissing you lovingly. You moved to deepen the kiss and— a knock came at the door. You parted from the kiss and looked towards your room door as Lucifer let out a disappointed sigh. "I'll make sure to give you as many kisses as you want later, alright?" You whispered to him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up and answering the door.
"(Y/N)!" Charlie exclaimed in excitement. "The hotel has a new guest! They said that they know you. You two must've been friends before! Come on, let's go see them!" Without warning, Charlie eagerly grabbed you by the hand, pulling you through the hallways of the hotel and towards the main lobby.
In the lobby, you saw them. The fucker you had hoped would never die purely so you would never have to see them again. Yet, here they were in all of their trashy, shit glory. "Hi." You said with a fake smile, trying to remain civil and hold back the resentment that had since been dormant.
"(Y/N)! Baby!" Your ex grinned, approaching you with wide, open arms. "I'm so glad I found you after all these years. It took some asking around, but we're together again!" They wrapped their arms around you, squeezing you tight enough that it felt like you might suffocate.
"Woah, haha! Hands off, please!" Lucifer appeared next to you, poking at your ex with his cane, annoyance seeping into his forced, polite tone. They finally released you, glaring at Lucifer as he stepped between the two of you.
"And just who the hell are you?" Your ex questioned, watching as Lucifer wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side. "I feel like I should be asking you that question." Your boyfriend replied snidely, any attempt to be polite despite the situation now far gone.
"Alrighty!" Charlie said with a nervous laugh, wishing that she had gathered more information about her hotel's newest guest and their relationship with you before allowing them to see you. "Let's all just relax, and maybe (Y/N) can introduce the two of you to eachother."
You let out a sigh. You loved how sweet Charlie was taking in any sinner, you really did, but sometimes it did more harm than good, usually to no fault of her own. You motioned to your ex, "Lucifer, this is my ex." Then you motioned to your boyfriend, "This is Lucifer. King of Hell...And my boyfriend." The last part felt almost weird to say, the surrealness of dating the Hell's king and the man sometimes known as the devil himself finally setting in.
Your ex only laughed in response, earning an angry, growling-like noise from Lucifer. You grabbed his hand, squeezing it in an attempt to calm him down which only partially worked.
"There's no way this little guy is Hell's king! He's so fucking short. I really thought you had better standards in who you date, babe."
"Fuck you." You hissed, anger bubbling up inside of you as you felt yourself slipping into your more demonic form. "He's certainly better than you ever were." By now the other inhabitants of the hotel had gathered around, some more entertained than anything, while others, particularly Vaggie, were preparing for the brawl that was surely about to happen.
"Woah! Look at the time." Charlie intervened. "It's getting pretty late, why don't we all start heading to bed?" You responded only by turning around and heading towards your room, in desperate need of calming yourself down. Lucifer followed behind you, the walk to your room quiet with no words spoken.
You opened your door, nearly throwing it open in your still-present anger, before flopping down onto the bed with a loud, frustrated groan. You looked to the side, taking notice of the way Lucifer refused to look at you, his arms crossed.
"Honey?" No answer. "Love?" No answer, yet again. "Luci?" That did the trick. He always melted whenever you called him that.
"Your ex is fucking annoying."
You let out a small chuckle at his bluntness, a smile making its way onto your face. "They are, Luci. That's why they're my ex." You sat up, pulling him down onto the bed with you, kissing him, causing both of you to relax, some built-up tension leaving.
"You're all mine, aren't you?" He questioned, already knowing your answer. "Mine to love. Mine to claim." His mouth moved to your neck, sharp teeth grazing the skin, and you let out a soft moan as he began to nibble and kiss at the skin, his teeth leaving a mark you were sure he'd take pride in.
Your head fell to the side, giving him more access to your neck as you took his hat off, throwing it to the side, your fingers running through his hair as he continued to mark you.
"I'm going to ruin you for anyone else. You'll only ever want me." He whispered, lips returning to yours in a fervent kiss. Your lips remained locked together, only occasionally parting for a few seconds so you could help rid each other of the clothes that separated you from what you both craved.
He moved between your legs, the tip of his hardened cock teasing at your wet entrance. Usually, you two would've done more before the main act, but you two were more than ready to indulge in the other right now.
"Don't be a tease, Lucifer." You purred, spreading your legs wider. "Can't you feel how wet I am? How ready I am for you to fuck me senseless?"
He smirked before finally slipping in, biting his lip to prevent an almost embarrassingly loud moan that threatened to surface at the way you felt wrapped around him. He has been in heaven before, and he could say with confidence that being deep inside of you felt better than anything his former home could've offered him.
He began to thrust, his pace starting slow, still teasing you. He wanted you to beg, and you already knew it.
"Faster, harder, please, Lucifer—" You pleaded, giving in to what he wanted from you. "I know you want to pound me into this bed, Lucifer—Ah! Fuck!—" His pace sped up, and the sound of hips meeting yours in rapid succession filled the room. "Fuckfuckfuck–yes!"
"You always feel so fucking good." He growled, wings slipping out as he lost himself in the ecstasy that was your pussy. You ran your fingers through the red and white feathers, and he let out a pleasured whine at the feeling. His wings had always been sensitive.
"Fuck me—Let them all know I'm yours!" You cried out, losing yourself in the feeling of his cock fucking you with quick, deep strokes. You gripped the sheets in your hands, back arching as he angled himself just right, hitting your sweet spot head on.
"Mine. Mine to ruin, mine to fuck, and mine to fill up. All mine." His hands found yours, pinning them down against the bed as he began to fuck you even harder, his climax nearing. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him in closer.
"I'm gonna cum–You're going to make me cum so hard–"
"Then fucking do it." He demanded with a growl. "Cum around my cock like the little slut you are for me." You came around him, cunt spasming as your orgasm coursed through you. Lucifer's wings fluttered as he followed you soon after, filling you up with his hot cum.
You pulled him down into a sweet kiss once your climax subsided, cupping his face in your hands. God, you loved him more than anything. The kiss ended after a good moment, leaving you both to bask in your shared, post-coital bliss.
"You lost a few feathers," You observed with a giggle, holding one up. He chuckled warmly, lying beside you. You rested your head on his chest, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. You'd have to deal with your ex in the morning, but for now, you were both satisfied with knowing that you were entirely Lucifer's, and that's how you'd always want it to be.
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writeyouin · 4 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners
Chapter 1 - Hate For All Sinners
A/N – I couldn’t stop thinking about this short King after episode 5 of Hazbin Hotel came out. This is mostly a fic for me, to get me back into writing. (WILL DO A MALE AND NONBINARY ONE SOON!)
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“Who’s that?” Lucifer asked, pointing you out to Charlie.
In truth, he would’ve likely asked that of the next person he saw. As Charlie’s father, Lucifer was trying desperately to show how interested he was in his daughter’s project, even if he was barely holding onto anything she said. It wasn’t that he was disinterested, or too ignorant to understand the situation, but rather that after spending so much time as a recluse, locked away in the protective space of his workshop where he wouldn’t have to see the sinners or the Hell he was responsible for creating, Lucifer could barely comprehend what was going on around him. He knew it was because he was depressed, but he was trying and he had to make Charlie see that, even if it meant feigning fits of hypomanic excitement.
Yet, Lucifer found himself genuinely… horrified by you. He had seen many types of Demon over the millennia. Typically, they tended to represent Earth’s animals, such as that annoyingly powerful Deer Demon, Alistair, whom Lucifer had met thanks to this very tour… not that Alistair was worth mentioning, piece of shit that he was, mingling with Lucifer’s daughter when he had no right to even breathe the same air as her-
Lucifer caught his snowballing thoughts, turning them back to you. You weren’t an animal Demon. There were other types of Demons of course, though Flora and Fauna were the most common; object Demons also existed, such as that rather famous one that people talked about, the TV Demon, V-something? Lucifer couldn’t remember his name. He didn’t watch Television… he didn’t do much of anything these days.
“Oh,” Charlie sidled over to you, wrapping her arm warmly around your shoulder as she corralled you towards her father, “Dad, this is (Y/N). She’s one of the hotel’s, uh, allies I guess, right (Y/N)?”
“That’s right, Sir,” You held out your hand for Lucifer, who was staring dumbly at you, uncertain what to make of you.
As the ruler of Hell, fuelled by angelic power, Lucifer could always read a Demon, or rather, he could read their strength. For example, he knew after only one meeting that the bartender, Husk was a strong Demon, though his power was clearly being dampened by a soul contract, whereas that little snake fellow Sir Pentious was rather weak, though he had potential if he could manage to claim even a few souls of his own, but you? You were entirely different.
First off, you didn’t resemble an animal, plant, or object… You were the most human-looking Demon that Lucifer had ever seen; frankly, he found that disturbing. Secondly, you didn’t seem to have much if any power. What was wrong with you? To come off as human with little demonic power… Well, if Lucifer didn’t know any better, he would guess that you weren’t a sinner at all, but you had to be. You were definitely dead; that much he could tell. And, you were in Hell.
Dead and in Hell - those were the only two qualifications for becoming a Demon, so why were you like this?
“Dad, are you listening?” Charlie said exasperatedly, clearly annoyed that Lucifer’s thoughts seemed to have trailed off once again.
“Oh, yes, of course,” Lucifer stated, staring at your hand which you had seemingly retracted when he wasn’t paying attention. Damnation! Now Charlie was going to think he had snubbed her friend on purpose.
“So, (Y/N) is another one of your patrons. That’s nice.”
“What? No. Dad, I just told you, (Y/N) has no interest in being redeemed.”
“Oh,” Lucifer looked you up and down disapprovingly. It figured. Even this non-Demon was looking for power in Hell, probably so you would finally be a killer worth bragging about – Honestly, what was the point? All sinners were the same. Greedy, destructive forces who wouldn’t stop until there was nothing left to break.
“Yep, she’s our only permanent resident who wants to help rehabilitate other souls. Isn’t that great? She helps with everything here, and she doesn’t ask for anything in return.”
“That’s not true,” You blushed at Charlie’s praise. “Your daughter is very generous, Sir. She lets me stay here rent-free.”
“And that’s all you want?” Lucifer asked suspiciously.
“Honestly? Yeah.”
Lucifer shook his head but didn’t argue. He didn’t want to know what your real motivations were. It was probably as simple as hoping for regular boons from the Princess of Hell; you were clearly just biding your time. Besides, if you didn’t want to redeem your soul, then you must be just like Alistair, a sadistic monster just waiting to see Demons repeatedly fail in their attempts at redemption.
Now that his curiosity was sated, Lucifer decided that he didn’t want to lay eyes on you again. You weren’t worth his time. Only Charlie was… Well, Charlie and Vaggie, because any woman his daughter loved was practically family to him. He was glad when the tour continued, leaving you behind to catch Nifty who was trying to pull a piece of fabric from Lucifer’s coat, muttering something about the ‘Ultimate bad boy.’
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“Okay, I can get you the meeting,” Lucifer agreed, doing what he could to support Charlie’s dreams of saving her people, even though he didn’t think there were any redeeming qualities for any denizen of Hell.
It hurt him to tell Charlie that he wouldn’t be able to go with her to that lofty paradise, having been cast out; how he wished he could protect his daughter from those who carried out God’s will. Still, she never asked him for anything, and if this was what her heart most desired, he would do all in his power to help.
“Will you be okay?” He asked sombrely.
“I’ll be fine,” Charlie assured him, taking hold of his hands.
“That’s my girl.”
For a moment, it looked like Lucifer was done, but he paused, worried that this wasn’t enough to make up for the years he had been absent, leaving Charlie to fend for herself while he shut himself away.
“Is there anything else you need?”
Charlie couldn’t help but worry about her father. What would happen when he went back into isolation? He needed something to focus on, but… What was there for him when all of Hell was his prison?
She couldn’t help thinking about how little Lucifer thought of all the other citizens of Hell. If only he could see that they weren’t as terrible as he thought. Granted, they could be violent, and loud, definitely rambunctious, but these were his people, and he had to see that his gift of Free Will was a good thing, yet, if she said any of this, she was certain Lucifer would only laugh at her or tell her to get real while playfully pinching her cheek. There was no way that Lucifer would leave his home to hang out with any citizen of Hell.
Then it hit her. If Lucifer wouldn’t leave his manor to visit people, then people should be allowed to visit his manor. Or better yet, one person should be chosen to go and live with Lucifer so that he would learn just how good people could be, and Charlie knew just the person for the job.
“Actually, Dad, there is one more thing.”
“Name it,” Lucifer smiled, glad that his daughter wanted to ask things of him, as any normal child should want from their parents.
“I think it would be good for you to socialise, just a little bit.”
“Charlie,” Lucifer’s voice was strained at the thought of going anywhere else in Hell.
“I know,” Charlie reassured him, looking into his eyes; she looked so understanding that he relaxed slightly. Then, she continued in a more upbeat tone, “That’s why I think you should take (Y/N) to live with you, as your maid!”
She pounded her palm decidedly, much like a judge pounding her gavel.
“What? NO!” Lucifer sputtered.
You for your part, had seemingly been shocked into silence, watching the exchange uncertainly while Alistair grinned devilishly at you, and Angel Dust was holding in a snicker. Granted, you could have argued, but Charlie was stubborn, and she always had some kind of wild idea. Whatever she was thinking, you decided that you would go along with it; there was usually a method to her madness after all.
“It’s fine, Dad, (Y/N) doesn’t mind, right (Y/N)?”
You shrugged your shoulders passively, “I guess?”
“See? You should get to know your citizens, Dad. It will be good for you, I promise. They’re not all as bad as you think.”
Lucifer took one hard look at you. Honestly, he wished his daughter had picked the porn star or that psycho maid. You, as a very human-looking Demon, were a vicious reminder of his past mistakes. Still, he had told his daughter he would do anything for her, and he had already promised her a meeting with Heaven, and nothing could possibly be worse than that.
“Alright,” He agreed.
Then, he summoned a portal for you with the flick of his wrist.
“Good luck, kiddo.” He said to Charlie, and upon keeping a safe distance from you, he waited for you to step through the portal.
“Charlie, I’m assuming that you have a good reason for this,” You said before taking a step towards your newly appointed home, “Just call me if you need anything.”
With that, you were gone, followed closely (though not too closely) by Lucifer.
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hazbin-honey · 1 month
Words of Affirmation (nsfw/minors DNI)
Lucifer x Reader (female reader)
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“Tell me again,” He urged you as his fingers gently teased you through the fabric of your panties. Lucifer looked into your eyes with a purple half-lidded gaze, doing nothing to hide his desperation. His desire for you, his eagerness for assurance of your affection.
“I love you,” You repeated for the fourth time. A small whine left his lips and he gave you a satisfied, sharp toothed grin once he got what he needed. Lucifer rewarded you for your words of love by grounding his fingers against your cunt, finally providing friction after teasing you for so long. A soft mewl of appreciation from you fueled his fingers to venture up to the spot he knew would make you feel best.
His lips met yours in a kiss of pure desperation as he leaned over your body pressing closer against you. His teeth slightly nipping at your bottom lip out of excitement and lust.
“Fuck, baby, say it again,” He murmured against your lips as while his fingers rubbed circles against your clit. Lucifer’s tongue swiped along your lips eliciting a small moan of arousal and anticipation from you.
“Lucifer,” your eyes fluttered open and you took in the sight of your lover leaning over you. His red eyes with his pupils blown wide with desire and admiration, blonde hair slightly mussed from your hands running through it, his pale cheeks flushed.
“I love you so god damn much.” You could barely whisper the words out before he captured your lips in a heated kiss. His tongue slipped past your lips in an attempt to taste you, feel more of you, in any way possible. Swallowing up your sweet words of love and affection with a hunger that seemed bottomless. Lucifer’s finger slid your panties to the side and a deft finger slipped gently into you.
“Again. Please,” He said more desperately, “I need to hear it again.”
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 11 days
can I possibly ask for a Lucifer x gn!reader drabble where it’s super fluffy and cuddly?
Like maybe they just woke up from Lucifer’s alarm and he turns it off and instead of getting up to start his work as king of hell he turns back over and just hugs y/n closer to him and she tries to tell him that he has to get up then fails
I’m bad at requests (this is my first one 🤧) but I hope that’s a good amount of information :))
A/N — I LOVE THIS IDEA. It's so sweet 😭💖 sorry it's so short, I hope it's good regardless!
As always, my requests are open and since as of 5/22/24, I reached 50 followers, I will be doing a writing spree for Hazbin and Helluva requests. Refer to this post for more information (if you're interested). I've since reached 55 fantastic followers! <3
Mornings In | Lucifer x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, procrastination (guilty!)
Word Count: 346
Summary: With your partner being the literal King of Hell, he had duties he had to attend to. That didn't mean he wanted to, especially when the bed was so warm and you were right there.
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Peaceful quiet.
It was unheard of in a realm like Hell.
The only sounds in the room were two different breathing patterns and the occasional rustling of the sheets as one of you adjusted in the temporarily unconscious state. 
Even in sleep, you could smell Lucifer's sweet scent that enveloped you like a warm hug, influencing your dreams of a future filled with nothing but love. 
Though soon enough, the peaceful quiet was interrupted violently by the sound of Lucifer's alarm going off. 
Between the sound of ducks mixed with a circus song, you were quick to wake up. 
Before you could pull yourself from the warmth of the shared bed to start on your morning routine, the alarm stopped abruptly and you felt Lucifer's arms wrap around you, pulling you into him with his head resting atop yours. 
“Luci, Honey, you have to get up.” You said into his chest, sighing contently at the feeling of his arms tightening around you. 
“No.” He whined, burying his face in your hair. “Don't wanna.” 
You laugh lightly and kiss his shoulder. “You're the King of Hell, and as much as I would love to lay in bed with you all morning, you have a realm to rule. There's that meeting with Asmodeus—”
“Mentally canceled. Now hush and cuddle me, dammit.” 
You laid in silence for a solid minute before thinking of what to say next. He was being stubborn, but you love that about him. 
Defeated, you nestled into his hold, wrapping your arms around him in return. 
“What about the other meetings?” You whispered, listening to his heartbeat. 
“I'll reschedule. ‘M spending the day with my love.” He pulled you closer, as if it were possible, and wrapped his wings around you to act as an even softer blanket. 
You hummed in reply, unable to form words as tiredness overcame you once more. 
Just before you fell back asleep in your lover's arms, you caught the words he whispered into the silence: “I love you.”
And you knew that you loved him too. More than anything. 
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Hungry for Me?
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Lucifer x reader Smut One-shot
a/n: So, I may or may have not been struggling with a part on The Fading Star, so I wrote this shortly while I took a small break from it. (Next Chapter is coming out soon!) Also, it's smut, and it's my first-time writing smut like this but it was fun, so I'd like to try it again.
Summary: Lucifer gets desperate for you after a night out.
Warnings: 18+, mdni, smut, grinding, pet names, oral (f receiving), biting
Divider Source: cafekitsune
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You and most of the rest of the residents of the hotel were dragged out by Angel and Charlie out on the town for what Charlie called another “responsible fun night” and you soon arrived at a crowded club that Angel had recommended. Colorful strobing lights flashed down on the Hazbin crew as they walked past the dance floor and arrived at the bar to order. Before you even walked into the club Lucifer had already hooked his arm in yours to keep you close. Currently your sides were pressed tightly together as you maneuvered your way through the bustling crowd to order a drink for yourself and the King. Lucifer kept his arm around you as you ordered and looked toward a small booth leading you toward it as soon as they had gotten their drinks. The two of you claimed a small area for the crew to rest and held their jackets and bags as the rest walked off to dance. Before you could actually take your place in the booth Lucifer wrapped his arm around your waist to drag you over and into his lap. You laughed lightly under your breath as you turned your head to look back at the man. 
“Are you needy already?” 
You whispered lowly to the needy devil once you got a glimpse of the man. His flush that he already had from the heavy heat in the club grew further from your words as he leaned his chin onto your shoulder, and tightened his grip around her waist. With his other hand, he pulled your hair past your face. Then gently presses his lips to your ear.
“How could I not be, my love, looking as delicious as you do.”
His claws traced small shapes up your outside of your thigh into the black stockings that you wore and let out a hot breath onto the outer shell of your ear. Lucifer drove dangerously close to upper thigh that was exposed from your skirt riding up. You grasp his hand with your own, and let out a shaky breath as you feel overwhelming heat start to pool within your stomach. 
“I haven’t even got to dance yet, you clingy devil.”
He chuckled lowly against your ear and allowed his fingers to slip within yours. 
“We could be doing another type of dance all night long if you wished.”
You snorted at his response, and placed a hand to your face as you tried to conceal the laughter that threatened to erupt from his attempt to seduce you. Lucifer noticed, rolled his eyes, and pulled your back flush against his chest.
“Are you trying to make a devil’s tango joke right now?”
He huffed and pinched your side causing you to jump and giggle in response. 
“Brat! That was a perfectly good line! I’m trying to be all sexy for you, and you ruined it!”
You only laughed in response, and turned yourself around to straddle his lap, and to pepper kisses across his face with the last once being on his forehead.
“It’s alright, besides Charlie wanted us to have fun tonight. Y’know dance, and spend time with her friends. You can wait, can’t you? Won’t you wait for me my king?”
You put  more emphasis on your last words by gently holding his chin, and running the pad of your thumb across his bottom lip. He sent a small glare towards you as you teased him. He knew you knew the torture you were going to put him through as soon as you left the bedroom in the outfit you wore. The little red number you wore exposed your backside and shoulders, eluding to the marks and scratches that normally laid there but you had covered up. 
You smirked back at him and shrugged. Then as you leaned back slightly, you reached out to the abandoned drinks that sat on the table behind you before bringing them back to the two of you. You tilted your head back, and allowed the chilled alcohol help cool your system before handing over his own apple cocktail. Lucifer took it from your grasp and placed the edge of the glass to his lips, allowing the cool liquid to flow past. 
“Be a good boy and drink up, I’m going to find the crew.” 
You watched as Lucifer almost spit out his drink  from the title he was given, and felt the heat grow across his cheeks once again. Satisfied from his flustered reaction, you pushed yourself off of his lap, and out of the booth with a small peck to his cheek on the way out. Stunned, he continued to watch as you left. The light sway of your hips practically hypnotized him, feeling the harsh pull that urged him to get closer. He resists it and gulps down the rest of his cocktail, and the table almost shakes from how he roughly sets down the cleared glass and looks back toward you. 
You continued your pace, weaving through the crowd, as you searched for the group you had arrived with, but stalled as you felt a warm arm wrap around her shoulders. 
“You finally come to join us toots?” 
Her heart settled after hearing the spider demon’s voice, and looked up to Angel with a smile. 
“Of course!”
Angel grasped one of her hands, lifted it, and spun you in the space you were in before handing you a small glass filled with a strong alcohol. He urged you to drink it with a small push as he lead you back towards the welcoming group. You threw your head back, with the small glass’s edge pressed to her lips. A mixture of bitter and sweet forged its place on your tongue and to your throat, and it scorched its way down her throat, until the warmth filled your stomach. You looked back up to them and dropped off the clear shot glass on a nearby table as you watched the intoxicated group dance to the pop music that played over the blaring speakers. The mix of being with the people you grew to care so much about, the fuzzy feeling the alcohol, and explicit lyrics of the song helped boost your confidence enough to dance with an invigoration. As you mimic moves that you have see Angel do with your own style and flair,  Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel cheer you on and continue dancing themselves. Abruptly your hip movements stop as you feel familiar claws snake around your waist and pull you against a warm body. 
A dark giggle falls past your lips as you take a glimpse and see your little devil. On first instinct you were about to turn and immediately tease the man you loved, but your heart stutters in its spot as you see the dark blush that had spread across his face and the wanting look in his eyes. 
“Feeling ready to dance love?”
You wrap your arms around the king’s neck pull yourself flush against his chest. Aroma of sweet apples and alcohol intoxicated you, and lured you closer to him, and he purred and tightened his grip around you as he followed you through your combined dance of seduction. 
After a few more songs, and a few too many glasses, Lucifer looked past you to see Charlie was hanging over her poor girlfriend’s shoulder with a gleeful drunken grin spread across her face. Vaggie met his gaze with her own and walked over to the two of you. 
“Do you mind making a portal for us after I round up the others?”
Once you heard her, you turned your head to the fallen angel behind you and laughed lightly at the cheering princess over her shoulder. Lucifer nodded towards Vaggie and summoned a very needed bottle of water for the both of them before handing it to her. To the slight disappointment of Lucifer you allowed your arms to fall off of his neck, and pull yourself away the king. 
“We’ll help you Vaggie.” 
He followed after you and kept a hand to the small of your back as you weaved through the crowd back towards the  leather booth you had left behind, and spotted the smaller pink-haired demon crawling over the cat-like bar tender. Husk swirled whiskey around his glass, as he allowed Nifty to fidget and play with his ears. Husk turned his head looking towards the two of you, and gave you a questioning look.
“If you guys are ready to head back, we’re grabbing everyone to leave.” 
Lucifer didn’t pay much attention to the conversation as he arranged all of the belongings that stayed at the booth and encapsulated them in a golden flourish back to the hotel. Husk however didn’t hesitate to stand, making sure Nifty was able to keep balance over his head, as he walked with you through the bustling intoxicated crowd around you. 
After your small part of the group had arrived to the outside of the bustling club, it wasn’t long after Angel Dust and Vaggie had dragged the rest to join you.
“Vaggieeeee…. I just love you so so soooooo much!”
“I know Charls, I love you too.”
A light laugh tumbles  out your lips as you watched Charlie announce her love to her girlfriend loudly through her slurred words, and Vaggie turned to your boyfriend to give him the go ahead. He readily snapped his fingers, and flickers of golden light expand and reveal the lobby of the hotel through it. One by one everyone else stepped through and started to make their way back into there rooms. You stepped to follow the line, but were abruptly stopped as Lucifer took a tight hold onto your wrist. The portal snapped shut and fizzled away before you looked back at him. Hunger consumed his gaze as he stared back into your own, and you were wrapped back into his arms once again. 
“If you think that we’re going anywhere other than the manor right now, you’re dead wrong love.”
“Hmmm.. really?”
You teased back, and ran a hand down his chest. You notice as his teeth clench, and shudders below your touch. 
“And why is that?” 
He pauses and you watch as his eyes turn down ward, and he bites his lower lip. Lucifer knew what you you wanted from him.  You could practically feel the heat radiate over his face as he flushes. You wouldn’t let up however, a soft hum leaves your lips as you lightly trace your fingers over the edge of of his vest leading down to the buttons. Your other hand gently held his chin, as you led him back to look at you. 
“My king..?”
“I need you.”
His confession is only over a low whisper as he begged. His hands grip your waist enunciating his plea. Who were you to deny this man? 
“Well.. I guess I’d be happy to provide.”
You smirked and traced a small circles over his cheeks as you watch a sense of relief wash over his face. Not a second after you responded warmth encased the two of you as you were transported back to your shared bedroom. He needed you more than you could ever know. Faster than you could realize, Lucifer pressed you up against a wall and hastily pressed his lips against yours. Returning his set quick pace, you took a tight hold of the collar of his shirt and pulled him impossibly closer to you. After a few moments you pulled away, and kept your forehead against his. Your heated breath exchanged with each other, and you watched his flushed expression as he looked into your eyes. 
“You’re still okay with this?”
He’s so perfect. You knew he would stop in an instant if you had decided against continuing at any moment. Lifting one of your hands from his collar you returned to trace the red marks set over his cheeks and pressed a few pecks over his temples. A small sigh of relief escaped his lips as you return your gaze back onto his. His crimson eyes looked so full of adoration and love. 
Fuck.. Satan I’m so lucky
“Yes, love.”
His lips were back on yours in an instant once you answered. Clamping your eyes tight shut, the two of you fell fully entranced in each other once more. You decided to take initiative, even if you were trapped between his arms, and clenched your teeth over his bottom lip. Lucifer deliciously gasped, just as your desired, and you took the opportunity to roll your tongue over his. He only returned your advances, massaging your tongues together in a consistent pace. His growing desperation felt evident as you gently pressed yourself against him. Lucifer groans into your kiss from the pressure. To his dismay, you pulled away slightly from the kiss and wiped away the small string of saliva that connected you. However, he wasn’t even given a second to complain before you pressed slow open-mouthed kissed from his chin to down the side of his neck. His heated breath was heavy, and small whimpers flew past his lips. You needed to hear more. You pressed more continuous pressure against his bulge and clamped your teeth against the crook of his neck. A loud mixture of whimpers and moans escaped him from the welcome intrusion. His hips wantonly rutted against your thigh as the delightful twist of pain and pleasure almost overwhelmed him. You stared, pleased, with the marks that you had created, and caressed the small area. Making sure to clean off any of the shimmering blood that may have emerged.
“God you’re so pretty.”
The small sounds of heavy gasping breaths fell beside you, and he kept his forehead pressed further into your shoulder. To your surprise his small movements against you stopped, and it drew panic from you. 
“Was that too much? Do you want t-?” 
A small breathy mutter interrupts you, and you turn over to look at him, concerned. You couldn’t quite make out what he said, so gently you ran a hand through his blonde locs in an attempt to sooth him. A few long moments pass and you patiently you waited for his reply, fully prepared to stop and pull away if that is what he wished. 
A little louder now, he repeated himself.
“let me touch you… I need more.” 
His response caught you completely off guard and heat rushed your system as you looked over to him. He had slowly lifted his head once more and you were able to finally get another glimpse of his face. Lucifer eyes were half-lidded, cheeks were flushed, stains of your lipstick smears peppered across him, and he had a line of drool drying against his chin. Your eyes widened slightly from sight and you had to resist the urge to grind against him yourself. Fuck…
“D-don’t you want me to do you first?”
You cleared your throat after stuttering, and felt his hot breath against your cheek as he chuckled lowly at your response. This little brat used your concern against you to catch his breath, and settle himself. 
“Love.. I’ve been waiting to worship you all night.”
He pulled one of his hands off the wall, and drew small shapes around your bare shoulder. You bit your bottom lip lightly as he turned his eyes back onto yours. His smug smirk turned up further on his face, as you hesitated to answer. He loved how quickly he was able to to get you in this state.
“So I guess I’ll ask you again,
Lucifer leaned forward and mimicked your own teasing. His own lips were now on your shell of your ear as he spoke seductively. 
“May I taste you?”
The words rolled off of his tongue like butter, and it made you feel like you could combust. Your breath came out ragged and you hastily your knuckles to your lips as you attempted to soothe your own flustered state. He knew the exact effect he had on you, and he was relishing in it. 
Thankfully Lucifer allowed your quiet reply to be enough, and sank slowly to his knees with his hands following his the shape of your figure on the way down. His crimson eyes didn’t leave your sight until his knees hit the cool wooden boards. Delicately he started to slowly unbuckle the clasp on your black heel as he peppered small kisses to the lace of your stockings. Once he had helped you step out of your heel, He took delicate care of your other leg too and soon both of your feet were safely on the ground. Lucifer then was soon to whisper sweet words to you, as he nipped a trail up your inner thighs. Lucifer hiked up the scarlet dress up to your hips, revealing the soaked lingerie underneath. His mouth gaped at the sight, and hungrily switched his gaze back to your own. Your palm covered your flushed face as you stared back down to him. 
“All of this for me?”
He traced gentle kisses the dainty lace that lined the border as he watched you bite back desperate moans away from him. Slightly disappointed from the sounds kept away from him, he traced up your forearm and pulled your hand back down to his golden locs. 
“Don’t hide, you’re gorgeous my love.”
He continued down the flimsy panties until he reached the very top edge of your clit. Small whimpers escaped from you as he got closer. His smirk grew further and watched your face intently as he flicked his tongue over your clothed bud. Lucifer heard a louder gasp and moan from above him, as you threw your other hand to his hair to pull, and jolted your hips up against his face. He gripped your thigh lightly with one hand, keeping you against the wall. With the other, he hooked his finger through the bottom of your lingerie and gently rubbed his knuckle up and down your slit. He let out a low heavy breath as he felt you.
“Fuck.. you’re soaked beautiful.”
You whined and bucked your hips from the pleasure, wanting more pressure than what he was giving you. Lucifer tugged down the damp fabric past your stockings  and left it somewhere abandoned behind him. You shivered ever so slightly from the cold air hitting the slick area, and Lucifer was quick to be between your thighs. He started with only a slow gentle kiss to your clit, and the over grown frustration for more filled you. Breathily you looked down to scold him. 
“Lucifer, please ju-” 
A lengthy moan left you as he interrupted you by licking a long stripe up your sensitive slit. Your eyes clamped shut and the back of your head hit the wall behind you from the sudden wet pressure. He grinned up at you as he finished, and asked with a teasing tone.
“What was that?” 
You huffed a heavy breath through your nose as you heard his smug tone. 
“You… little.. shit. I thought you were “worshiping” me?” 
He chucked lightly from between your thighs, and the vibrations sent pleasurable waves through you that made your knees quake. 
“You make it too easy love.”
While he spoke, to your surprise, he lifted each leg to his shoulders, and guided you, wrapping your thighs around his head. You were now pressed between him and the cold wall, looking down at him with a slightly surprised expression. He pressed another gentle kiss to your clit before he continued. 
You bit your lip, nodded, and gripped his blonde hair a little as your prepared yourself for what came next. After Lucifer saw you nod, he ran his tongue up against you till he hit your sensitive nub. He repeatedly flicked his wet tongue up against your clit, sending deep shockwaves through you that had your toes curling. As he pulled away, he turned his tongue back down to your entrance. Lucifer lapped up all the slick that covered the area like he was a starved.
“Fucking delicious..”
He whispered lowly against you as he finished, and started to prod his tongue deeply into you. Your head hit the wall behind you once again, and Lucifer moaned against you as he felt you pull his hair tightly, causing his ignored arousal to twitch beneath you. He continued delving his tongue within you, hooking his tongue up to hit the sweet spongy spot that made your thighs quiver around his head. 
“FU-uuuCKkkkk Luci- Pleeaasee Right there!” 
Determined to pull your orgasm from you he angled and aimed his tongue with each thrust, consistently hit your g-spot every single time, and wrapped his arm up around your thigh to rub soft circles against your clit timed with his tongue. Your legs tremored from the overwhelming pleasure that continued to flow through you and squeezed around his head tightly. Quickly a twisting coil formed deep within you. 
“Shit- FUCk Fuck Luci- I’m goN-na Cum!” 
You tried to hold the coil together, desperate to stay within this deep pleasure for a little longer, but Lucifer’s perfect trained tongue was unrelenting, nudging you further and further till you fell off the edge. You felt like you could see heaven as your vision went white and sounds went fuzzy around as the deep twisted coil snapped. Lucifer felt your body shake against him, and above him as your walls pulsed and tightened around his tongue. He held your thighs tightly, halting your hip jerks,  and continued slowly to allow you to ride out your orgasm.  
As your vision fades back in and your thoughts were able to come back you focused on catching your breath as you looked back down to man who carried your weight. He looked back up into your gaze; your slick soaked his chin and cheeks shining from what little light that lit the dimly lit room, and he looked at you half-lidded  with a small smile as he cooed, slowly soothing you post-orgasm with gentle shapes traced against your inner thigh.
“Are you okay?”
Your legs continued to tremble slightly around him as you tried to anchor yourself back down from the high you were at.
“More than okay love, just a little shaky.” 
Your grip loosened from his hair, and your fingers started to softly run through the blonde pieces to affirm your sentence. Lucifer’s smile grew wider at this, glad he was able to have such an effect on you. To your surprise, he kept his arms locked around your thighs, and lifted himself back onto feet to walk over to his comfortable bed. You bent over, holding onto his head tightly as he  stepped over unit abruptly he leaned forward and dropped you onto his plush comforter, earning a laugh from you, as he sat himself with you. He gently pressed a few kisses over your temple, with the last one onto your lips. 
Lucifer stared down at your flushed glowing expression, and admired the smile that graced your face. His heart fluttered seeing you like this. He relished these soft moments with you every time, and it reminded him why he loved you so much. Lucifer pushed some of your hair to behind your ear, and smiled down at you. 
“I love you so much.”
You looked up at your little devil, and took a hold of his hand before he could pull it back. Allowing your eyes to flutter close, you press a gentle kiss to his palm, and rested your lips lightly against it. 
“I love you too, but..”
Lucifer’s hand dropped from your face, and yourself pulled over to straddle him. Softly you pressed down over his forgotten clothed arousal as you looked down hungrily at the breathless man below you. Lucifer was quick to grip your waist once again with a smirk.
“I think it’s my turn now.”
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t0rturedangel · 4 months
╭ . . . 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 ੭
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𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄, 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐎 ; ♰ ৎ﹕𝘦𝘹𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘢 𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘶𝘮
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but here is scene two as promised my lovlies, I'm sorry that it's short
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With her fall,
the cherubim went mad,
with sorrow and hate
she now sat on jagged rocks
     You glared at the sky, or whatever it was above you- the bottom side of heaven? whatever it was, this place was not the earth the angels created nor was it the hell your Lucifer was dammed to but there is one thing for sure- you fucking hated this shithole. There was no life here (no life that was thriving, all the nature that could have been here is now reduced to rotten carcasses of what they used to be), just barren land with not a single soul in sight- besides yours of course though your soul was practically torn to shreds. 
     For endless days of your damned punishment you'd scream at the top of your lungs, begging heaven for it's forgiveness, to be let back in- making empty promises of never betraying them again. You'd sob into your hands when your voice finally gave up, your tears felt unusually acidic and whenever you did cry a weird feeling over came your senses, almost as if you had to get your hands on whatever moved- just as long as it didn't watch you. Eventually, when your crying sessions would end, you'd make an attempt to fly to heaven though their skies, those clouds you'd always rest on, the clouds you and Lucifer would fly through in utter glee were now so far to reach, no matter how fast and strong you flew. For hours, you'd manage to make your wings fly and then- they'd give up, your feathers simply gave up just as much as you did then once again you'd plunge down into the mossy yet rocky ground.
     ˓˓ HEAVEN! ʾʾ you screamed out as you fell ˓˓ HEAVEN FORGIVE ME! I BEG YOU! ʾʾ though as always your words were never heard, you were sure they could hear you- at least even some of them, perhaps St. Peter?... yeah you heard of him, you heard of his arrival- from who or where you cannot remember but you knew he was now by the gates of heaven allowing good moral souls to enter- GOD FUCKING DAMN IT YOU ARE MEANT TO BE WITH THEM! those shitbags dont care about anyone but them, they're selfish little fucks who only want to see the good- never the bad! Cant they open their fucking eyes to see that they aren't perfect?! 
     Sharp rocks dug into your back as you landed on them for the umpteenth time for that day, or week, or month- you didn't know any more, time was a concept you lost the knowledge to a while go, as much as other things. Your old social behavior was sure to have faltered, gone wrong, your mind had probably twisted into something horrific. That Cherub that once thrived is now dead, in her wake a new angel- a weeper angel now takes her place.
Now with heaven's ignorance and silence
the weeper lost hope for salvation,
and then she turned to the ground beneath her feet
     Out of sheer anger of the lack of reply from the heavenly skies, you kicked yet another rock out of your way- while flying from where it once stood the rock broke into several pieces. It's been so long. So long of you begging and pleading with heaven for one more chance and they have done nothing but ignore you, you'd tried so many times to reach out to them you flew for hours- screamed for days- wept so loud you were sure all three worlds could hear you crystal clear. ˓˓ GOD DAMNIT ʾʾ kicking more things you looked above you ˓˓ CAELO TE DAMNO! TE ANGELOS PATHETICUS OMNES ʾʾ 〔 DAMN YOU HEAVEN! DAMN ALL YOU PATHETIC ANGELS 〕 if heaven will not answer your calls, then you'll turn to hell. While yes, you saw Heaven as a choice first it was mainly because you could not bare to see Lucifer again, after you failed to keep his place in heaven he would surely hate you, he's want you to suffer but seeing as even heaven will not take you- Hell was your only chance of escapism, but how would you get there? Would you be able to stomp onto the ground with such power that the ground would crack and open up?
     Perhaps not, after all what if you end up on the earth's land- with humans, eugh, the thought of them makes your stomach twist, full of virtue or full of vice they were disgusting mortals- your presence would send them into insanity, they'd all go mad and kill one another and plus they were dirty, vile creatures- you felt that if you even saw one, they'd end up dead by your hands. Something was wrong with you, you never thought that way before. It was this isolation that was breaking your mind, you needed to get out and fast.
     again, but how? There was no way you were willing to break the ground, and the only other way to even get there was through the extermination- yes this was another thing you were aware of, after all Angels needed to pass through your current home to get to hell, so maybe just maybe while they're flying through the portal you'd be able to sneak in too. There was only one problem, you dont know where the portal appears, it never appears in the same place and whenever it does appear you're too far away.
     But, it was your only chance and you had to take it, or else you'd go truly mad, turn into a beast and kill anyone and anything you set your glossed over eyes on. Now the waiting game begins, though it wont take long at all- the last extermination was 350 days ago, you counted. Only 15 days left until you could be free from this torture.
     Forget heaven, forget it all- now hell is your new destination.
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𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 ⠆(want to be reminded when I post a new chapter? Lmk!) ⸺ @reverse-soe @jellibean2018 @aliazy @sugarrush-blush @littledolly2345 @immahuman @marsilis @c0sm1cstqrsx @redqueeen99 @persephosposts
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otterlyinlove03x · 4 months
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
The Lucifer, big boss of hell himself. Confessed to you? Liking you? As in a romantic way? Confusion written all over your face.
Ah, now you get it. He is saying this because he is lonely. Feeling empty because Lilith is not with him. I mean he still has the ring on him… He is just confusing himself with loneliness with love. That must be it, right?
You shouldn’t put your hopes up, the king of hell? Liking you? Yeah no way. Especially how much he love his ex-wife. Yeah sure, you two have become close after Heaven VS hell and even before that. But it doesn’t mean he see you in that way..right?
So you brush it off, chuckling a bit. Doing a small curtsy towards him. “Majesty I think you confused yourself. Although I feel flattered, I don’t think you truly feel that way towards little ol me” and walked off to carry on doing your errands around the hotel.
Oh how you made him confused. Looking dumb-folded, watching you walk away. Was he not clear? With all the affections and actions towards to you, don’t you see that he only does that to you only? Just you. And only you.
After the confession, he made it his mission to show you how much you mean to him. How you capture his cold black heart.
But whenever he confessed to you over and over again. You would always quickly glance at his ring finger. His wedding ring still there. Doesn’t he know that he is hurting you? That you wish that he is telling the truth that he loves you? You want to accept it. You really do. But you don’t want to become his fling. A one time thing. No, it will just hurt to much.
So whenever he confess, you do a friendly sad smile. Pet his shoulder and walk away. Always making the king of hell confused. But he won’t give up. He found someone that fill his heart. No way is he giving up, especially he know how you feel towards to him. But why do you keep walking away?
If only the two knew what their love story will hold out for them…
{This is my ever first time writing anything- I hope whoever reads this enjoy this! My english is a bit rusty so I do apologise ♡}
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thatonefreakk-0 · 21 days
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➵Author: thatonefreakk-0
➵Content: Fluf, Smut, p in v, gentle sex, praise
➵Words: 2.844
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It's once again a hot day in hell, which is usually normal, but today is one of those EXTRA hot days. Everyone at the hotel is trying to desperately find ways to cool off a little.
Everyone seems to be wearing very little clothing to try and bypass the unbearable heat. You yourself are wearing a short skirt and tank top, which differs from your usual attire of having a lot of your body covered up. Though under these terrible temperatures you let it slide. Navigating through the hotel's long hallways, you enter the lobby and see Angel Dust and Husk on the couch, in front of a fan. You make your way over to them, "Can I join you two?" you say almost desperate to sit in front of that fan. "Of course!", Angel tells and you don't hesitate to jump in front of the fan with them. The cooling air of the fan hits your burning hot skin, you sigh and close your eyes, relaxing into the couch with the cooling breeze showering over you.
Most of the guys are topless, which is understandable, if you were a guy, you'd be topless right now as well. Thinking of this made you realise, you haven't seen Lucifer at all today. Lucifer and you are close, you call each other best friends, but there's definitely more.
Your head roams with thoughts of what he could possibly be doing right now, or what he's wearing. He always covers up, the most you've ever seen are his forearms from when he crumpled his sleeves to his elbows. You shake your head to get out of your train of thought and get up to walk to the kitchen, all this heat is making you thirsty after all.
Picking up a glass you fill it with cold water and chug it slowly, you set the glass down and let out a relieving sigh. Sweat pearls up on your forehead as the heat strikes you again, you wipe it away and look to your side. Your eyes widen as you see Lucifer in the lobby, talking to Charlie. Your eyes immediately dart to what he's wearing. He's topless, making his wings pop behind him and showing off his abs and well trained back. Your eyes fall further, he's wearing sweatpants, they look custom tailored to fit his tail. You just stare in awe at his striking beauty.
'Pull yourself together!', you tell yourself and snap out of the trance you were in. You decide to see what they're talking about. "Hey Luci, hey Charls, what's up", you ask mindlessly, trying to ignore Lucifer's breathtaking physique.
His head turns to face you and and his eyes widen a little, looking at your face before briefly checking you out. That's when you notice, you've never worn clothes that are as revealing as the ones you decided to wear today. A light blush crosses your cheeks but before you could think, you were cut off. "Hey y/n! Dad just wanted to tell me something real quick, what about you?", Charlie explains and I nod my head, showing that I acknowledged her words. "Ah- yes, I just went to get a drink real quick" you chuckle the notice Lucifer staring at you. "Y/n?", Lucifer says close to a whisper. "Yes, Luci?", you question his sudden mention of your name. "How are you dealing with this heat to today?", his voice shifts back to an innocent tone. "Oh, barely, it's so hot", I tell wiping pearls of sweat off my forehead. "I can tell, want to join me in my room? I have cooling". "You. Have. Cooling? And you didn't tell me?! Yes I'll join you!", you couldn't believe he had cooling this entire time. Lucifer chuckles, "Come with me then". With no further questions, you follow him to his room.
This isn't your first time in his room, you've been here countless amount of times. You enter his room and feel the shift in temperature instantly, relieved, you let yourself fall on his bed, sighing comfortably. Faint chuckling can be heard as you get comfortable on his cozy, smooth bed. He walks towards you, smiling, "Better in here isn't it?". "I'm never leaving your room, ever again". He laughs, "Is that so?". "Uh huh!", you stretch your arms then sit up on his bed when you suddenly notice his chest. You totally forgot he was topless and a faint blush creeps onto your cheeks. Lucifer seemed to notice this and sits beside you. His eyes darting different features of your body which he hasn't seen before and it's making you blush. "You know.. I really dont have a problem with you staying in my room", he explains. You were about to say something but he beats you to it, "I mean you can stay here any time you want-!" he notices what he said and embarrassingly tries to save himself. You laugh, "Relax~ I'd love to stay here, it's super comfy!", you smile at him and he seems to ease up again.
It's only now that you realise just how close you are sitting to him, thighs touching. Usually you wouldn't mind this, you and Luci hug each other a lot but something is just off with you today.. perhaps not only you are feeling 'off' today.
The tension hanging in the air is as thick as the awkward silence that was filling the room, until Lucifer broke it off, "You know uh.. I've never told you this but you're outstandingly beautiful". You can't help but blush at the compliment and look away embarrassed. "Oh stop it-", you smile nervously, trying to deny it. "Oh but you are", he speaks with new found confidence in his voice, which he definitely got from seeing you blush.
His fingers gently grab your chin and turn your head to face him. Your eyes widen slightly, flustered, you're now looking at him. His eyes dart to your lips, then meet your eyes again. His whisper breaks the silence once again, "You're so breathtaking..", he says in awe of your beauty, examining your face. Your heart starts pounding faster as he leans closer. 'Is this actually happening?? Are we about to kiss?!', you think to yourself. "Y/n..", he pauses, "may I kiss you..?". Your heart pounds out of your chest as those words leave his lips. You'd be a fool to deny it. You'd be a fool to deny him. You gather any amount of confidence left and answer boldly, "Do it". He seems taken aback by your bold answer but accepts it. His hands cup your face and he pulls you closer, "I've always wanted to kiss you", he whispers against your lips and kisses you gently.
Your heart skips a beat as you feel his lips on yours, soft and gentle, passionately kissing. Your mind eases a little, knowing the feeling is mutual now. Your hands reach up into his soft blonde hair and you kiss back, matching him perfectly. The kiss you share seems to have stopped time. You're completely lost in his sweet taste. His right hand moves gracefully to the small of your back and pulls you in closer. Your hands leave his hair and settle on his bare chest.
He separates the kiss and you both try to catch your air. You look up at him, pure love in his eyes as he meets your almost enchanting gaze. "That was.. amazing" you whisper. Both of your faces are flush pink, you want to kiss him again but you're unsure if he does too. 'He really did kiss me' you think to yourself in shock. The silence is loud, unspoken feelings are in the air and the oh so familiar tension between you two didn't seem to budge. "Y/n,..?" his smooth voice rips you out of thought and you nod. He seems to say something but all you see are his lips moving. "..y/n..? Are you listening?". You completely ignore his question, the kiss you shared with him just now fueled you. You want more so you gently grab his face, taking him off guard. "Kiss me again, I liked it". He smirks at your words and pulls you onto his lap, back your face heat up. "So eager hm~?", he whispers and kisses you deeply. This time, you both seem a bit more needy. His hands roaming your body carefully and pulling you even closer.
You separately the kiss to catch some air, look into his half lidded eyes which are full of love and lust? "Y/n..", he starts and you notice that you do see lust in his eyes. Before Lucifer could say anything, you kiss him deeply and a little rougher than before. Instantly he kiss back, the kiss is rough and sloppy, you're making out. Your hips start to involuntarily move back and forth, grinding against his crotch which makes him groan. His hands examine your body, moving down under your skirt, grabbing your ass and pulling you flush against him. "You sure you want this~? I advise you to be careful with your decisions~" he smirks. "What'll happen if we keep going~?", I tease dragging my fingertip from his chest downward. "That depends on how far you want to take this darling", he stops and leans in to whisper into my ear, "I'm willing to do whatever you'd like~". You blush. Calling you 'darling' then telling you that?? Butterflies.
"Now I'm curious~", you giggle. "We'll see how long that giggle lasts my love", he whispers and kisses you hard, making you moan into the kiss unexpectedly. You kiss back and decide to just go all out. Grinding yourself against his crotch. The groans he lets out only help to fuel your desire. You start to feel his erection growing and smirk during the kiss. "Someone's excited to see me~", you chuckle. "Always.. fuck you're so hot", he responds quick. You think you have him in a vulnerable state, but he proves you wrong and swiftly moves you onto the bed, getting on top of you. You gasp but he shushes you, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you", he winks and starts trailing small kisses down to your neck. The kisses start to get sloppy and you feel his teeth graze your skin. He bites making you gasp and choke back a moan. He notices, "Don't hide those sweet noises baby~", he orders, his voice lower than usual. He goes back to your neck when you feel him bite. "Mhh~". "That's my girl~", he breathes against your neck. He bites your neck until he finds your sweet spot. "Ah-!", you moan, making him bite harder. "Ah~ Lucifer..". He chuckles then puts on a little more serious tone, "Are you okay with us doing this love?". "Y-yes", you can't believe he asked for permission. With your conformation, he continues. You see his gold magic remove both of your clothes and you heat up. You can see his body now, wow.. He notices your staring, "Looks like you enjoy your sight just as much as I like mine~", he licks his lips looking at my body and I blush.
He moves down and spreads your legs, brushing his fingers between your wet lips, making you gasp. He finds your clit and massages it gently, you whimper at this, your stomach feels fuzzy. He enjoys your whimpering and rubs your clit faster. "Ah~ oh my- ngh~", you hold onto the bedsheets. "So sensitive hmm~", he says seductively, his voice very deep and low, which you have never heard before. You open your eyes to look at him, his eyes glowing red and his eyelids low. 'Shit he looks hot', you think to yourself then feel a finger at your entrance and gasp,pulling you out of thought. "You're soaking wet for me already~ You want me so bad hm~". You blush and look away embarrassed but he makes you face him with his other hand at your chin, "Tell me what you want sweetheart~ What is it you want me to do~". Your blush stays content, "I.. I want you". "Want me to what~", he teases. "To.. fuck me..". "That's my good girl~", he says as he lifts my legs over his shoulders,"You ready~? I'll start slow, if you want me to stop tell me alright?". 'He's so respectful..', you think and nod.
With that he presses his tip against your wet entrance, then pushes in slowly, making you groan as his big size stretches you out. Grabbing and holding on to the bedsheets as he pushes in further, inch by inch. "That's it, you're doing great my love~", he praises, suppressing his groans. He stays still, letting you adjust to his size. As he's letting you adjust you deside to ask out of curiosity, "Lucifer?". "Hm?". "How big are you-?", you can see his face flush a little as you ask. "Right now, about 12 inches". You look at him shocked, "12 inches- No wonder it hurts-, wait- what do you mean by 'Right now'?". He chuckles, "Size manipulation darling, 12 inches is my normal size but if you need more I can give you more". You blush, "Oh- I think 12 inches is more than enough". He laughs, "You ready for me to move?". You nod and he starts to slowly slide in and out of you, gaining groans and moans. He groans as well, his hands on your hips to hold you steady. He starts moving a little faster, making you moan more. He increases the speed of his thrusts more and more. You're a moaning mess now with unregulated breathing. "Ahh~ Ngh~ please f-faster Lucifer~", you beg and he happily obliges. He thrust even faster, "Ahh~ yes~!". Without a warning he thrusts faster and faster making you throw your head back and arch your back at the intense pleasure. "Fuck~! Ahh~!", you moan loudly, your hands making their way down to try and cover your pussy in 'protest' but he's not letting that slide. His demon tail swirls around your wrists and pins your hands above your head, "Behave darling~", he orders between his own groans. He continues to slam into you rougher and harder and you start loosing control over your body. You feel yourself getting close to a climax and make sure he knows too, "L-lucifer~! I-I'm close~nghh~". "Good, cum when you're ready baby~", he thrusts faster and harder, feeling your walls clench around his length. "Fuuuck~ Deeper~~!". He does as told and thrusts balls deep into you at an insane speed. "I'm- I'm coming~~!!", you shout as you release your liquid and orgasm. You moan relieved and he let's you ride out your orgasm then pulls out. "Do you mind uhm..", he looks down at his hard dick, he pulled out to not cum inside you. You quickly move and take him in your mouth, earning a rich moan from him. You suck him off hard and rough and not soon after he grabs your hair and finishes, shooting his cum down your throat moaning loudly, "Ah~ y/n~ fuck~!". He let's go of you and you look up at him swallowing his cum. Both of you trying to catch your breath.
Both of you manage to calm down again. "That felt just amazing" you tell him. "I'm glad you liked it", he smiles. You lay down and he drops next to you, stretching his arm out for you to lay on, which you do and snuggle against his warm body. "Lucifer..". "Yes?". "I love you". His breathing hitches as you told him that, "I.. I love you too y/n", he whispers as his hand brushes through your hair. You fall asleep.
You wake up cuddled against him still and sit up carefully. "Good morning beautiful", Lucifer tells you sitting up as well. "Good morning Luci", I smile. "Let's go get breakfast sha'll we?". You nod and watch him get up, so do you and you hear him chuckle, "Looks like you're having a little trouble walking there". "Mhmm, I wonder why that is", you say sarcastically. He snaps his fingers and you're both wearing his robes. It's a little big on you but it fits. Together, you two walk to the kitchen and see the others. You don't notice that they're all looking at you and Lucifer at first but then Angel says something, "Looks like someone had fun yesterday~" he teases and laughs. You blush a bit embarrassed and just groan in response.
Lucifer grabbed some tea for both you and himself and walked past his daughter Charlie, "You have a new mum now", he says out of nowhere and takes a sip of his tea as he finds his seat at the table. Your eyes widen at his words and blush embarrassed. Angel looked surprised and Husk spit his water out. Charlie looks dumbfounded, "W-What?", she looks at Lucifer shocked. "You heard me", he simply says and sits down, you joining him.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
BOOM, I haven't written smut in years and I've actually never written in the 3rd perspective so I hope it was alright!
If you have requests please tell me, I'd love to hear and write your ideas!
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buubsii · 4 months
Did some lucifer fanart.. so imma give it to yall!
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nyx-umbrakinesis · 15 days
I'm sorry if there's anyone else I've forgot to ask (because of brain fog and illness) but if you're feeling benevolent and would please please please like to gift me with some work based on this ask I would so very much appreciate it...
"I'm having a really hard day, could I please request a little comfort one shot or artwork where the reader has a health issue with their heart and just had an attack and Alastor and/or Lucifer are comforting and caring for them and are worried about them too (can be female or GN I don't mind, can have any character traits/ animalistic traits, but basically reader is feeling emotional and vulnerable and needy and in pain, can't get up because nearly collapsing, weak/ dizzy/ pain/ feeling nauseated when they try) (not projecting at all here lol) 🥺 it can go/ appear anyway you want, I'd just really like that included because I could cry rn with my struggles and I've got no-one..."
I just need to be bombarded with love and comfort today 💜💜💜
Tag me please and I will be eternally grateful
Tysm to @hazelfoureyes, @impale-me-radio-daddy and @inuhalfdemon for already gifting me some wonderful one shots, and to @aboyscriminalrecord for the wonderful artwork 💜💜💜 ILY all 💜🫶
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mimicmimikyuwrites · 3 months
A New Beginning - Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) x Fem!Reader
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Summary: The birth of your daughter with Lucifer brings some of his fears to the surface as he meets her for the first time, but you're there to help him.
Contents/Possible Warnings: Fluff, some angst, but mostly fluff
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The moment she came into the world you knew you'd always love her. Your sweet baby girl looked a lot like her father, and while she had gotten your eyes, everything else seemed to have come from Lucifer. She had the most stunning golden hair you had ever seen, and the lighter streaks of blonde running through it only added to her beauty. Her chubby little cheeks were the most adorable shade of a bright, rosy red, and when she smiled you felt a happiness stronger than you had ever experienced before.
She was perfect.
"God, she looks so much like Charlie when she was born." Gently leaning over, Lucifer held out a finger, and your daughter grabbed onto it, curious eyes looking up at him. "Hi, my baby," he cooed, gently taking her from you, and holding her in his arms. "You're so precious."
You melted at the sight, a warmth filling you as you watched the scene in front of you. He was being careful with her, almost as if he was afraid she'd break at any moment, and the soft way he spoke to her made you fall in love with him all over again. You had always thought you made the right choice all those months ago when you asked him to have a baby with you, and your belief only grew as you looked at them.
"Darling?" Lucifer asked you. "Are you crying?"
You sniffled, nodding in response. It was beautiful. The two loves of your life in front of you had brought you to tears of joy. You loved them so, so much. "I'm just so happy, Lucifer. You're such a great dad."
Your husband looked away, avoiding your gaze, smiling sadly. "I'm not—I could've–" He sighed, unable to find the words. He handed her back to you, and you tilted your head slightly in confusion as he took a few steps back and began to nervously fidget with his cane.
"I could've done better with Charlie." He looked at your baby, the same sad, pained smile on his face. "I'm probably going to fuck up with this one, too." He let out a small, humorless, bitter laugh. You frowned.
"Lucifer, honey." You motioned for him to come closer, and he did, letting you hold his face in one of your hands. "Not all of it's your fault, okay?" You reassured him. He had told you about Lilith, and how she would distance him from Charlie, and how that ultimately helped lead up to his current, rocky father-daughter relationship with her.
He fought back tears. "I–I know you're not Lilith, but–fuck—I'm scared that the same thing's gonna happen, or that I'll screw up some other way. I want to be a good father. I need to be a good father. For her."
"And you will be." You promised. "I can already tell how much you love her, and I know you'll do an amazing job. Think of this as a new beginning for you. A chance to do even better."
He frowned, still filled with self-doubt, but nodded in agreement. This would be a new start for him, and he wouldn't waste his chance. His frown turned into a grin as your daughter reached out her tiny hands towards him, wanting to be held by her father again, and he gladly took her from you.
"Oh!" He said suddenly, letting out a small laugh as he realized something. "We never gave her a name!" He was right. Amid all the emotions, both good and bad, you had both managed to forget about her name.
"What should we—"
"Stella." You decided, cutting him off. She was your little star, your bright light in the darkness, and the cosmic-themed name fit her excellently. A wonderful name for the wonderful little girl you had brought into the world.
"Stella." He said, testing the name out. "I like it." He smiled down at her. "I'll be the best dad you could ever ask for, Stella. I promise."
You knew he wouldn't let her down. She was his new beginning, and he'd stay true to his word.
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writeyouin · 4 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - Stories and Dolls
A/N – Okay, so I just quit my job and I’m freefalling right now. Time to channel my anxiety into fanfiction. Also, this chapter is darker so I’m raising the rating to M.
Rating – M
TAG-LIST: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch @reverse-soe @koirb @usernameunavailable2 @lavenderkita @kannakanan @mcueveryday @amarokofficial @mbruben-stein @tyrythewolf @lasagna-501 @bizzardvark @firefirefeline @kaylanotkk @missme-07 @memontica @angelsdemonsmonsters @tj4shy
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Lucifer had to admit, he was getting used to you. He enjoyed making breakfast a show in the morning, entertaining you with his parlour tricks and general showmanship. You were like a child, easily amused by flashing lights or some sleight of hand.
And of a night, he also found your company less than objectionable, whether you were reading a book in the library with Spick and Span curled up at your feet, in front of a roaring fire (you had conjured them medallions with their names on them, so as to tell them apart), or those nights when you came back from visiting the hotel and regaled him with the tales of its inhabitants. Lucifer was starting to like Angel Dust, even if he didn’t believe the porn star actually had a chance at redemption. Nifty also seemed entertaining, Husk could be a source of wisdom and comfort in equal measure, and Alastair… Well, he was there too, taking up too much of your attention.
Yet, despite his newfound almost-friendship with you, he couldn’t help thinking about what you had said on your first night in the manor.
‘You don’t even know why I’m down here, and you don’t want to know, right? ‘Cos all of us filthy Sinners must be the same.’
You were right. He didn’t know why you were there, and that was driving him crazy. He wanted to like you. Truly, he did. But how could he like you when he didn’t know your sin? People got sent to Hell for a reason! They wasted their free will. They sold drugs to kids, murdered people, trafficked victims, tricked and swindled others. For all Lucifer knew, you were there for drowning puppies.
The thought made him deeply uncomfortable.
Okay. He would ask you about it. No big deal. People probably talked about why they went to Hell a lot right? That was a normal conversation for Sinners, probably…
Lucifer wasn’t entirely wrong in thinking that. However, nearly all Sinners lied about what they went to Hell for, making it even more brutal or horrifying to try and earn some extra credit among their fellow Demons. Someone who had killed one person would claim to have been a serial killer. A low-life drug dealer would paint themselves as a mafioso with a drug empire, and arsonists… They didn’t have to lie much, as fires tended to spread quickly and they generally were as psychotic as they claimed to be.
It was all basic self-preservation in Hell. Be the toughest person there, so nobody could find new ways to hurt you. Kill or be killed (figuratively, since Demons couldn’t technically kill other Demons), sink or swim, do unto others before they did unto you.
Right. When Lucifer next saw you, he would ask.
“Hey Lucifer,” You said upon returning to the manor from the Hotel, “You doing okay?”
Lucifer froze. He hadn’t expected to see you so soon. Fuck.
“Hey bitch,” Lucifer greeted, feeling entirely awkward, yet trying to feign confidence.
“Uh… Back at ya,” You reciprocated confusedly.
“Sooooo,” Lucifer started, steepling his fingers together, and holding them to his mouth, his brow knitting together worriedly, “I have a question for you.”
“Oh.” You were surprised by Lucifer’s admission. While the two of you generally made conversation, he didn’t tend to ask too much. Besides, in the preface of announcing his question, it seemed that he was likely to ask you something personal.
You waved your hand casually, indicating that he was free to ask away.
“How- Uh how was everything at the Hotel? Is my little girl doing okay?”
As you smiled and fell into a description of how Charlie was doing and her general excitement about her meeting with Heaven, Lucifer cursed himself. He knew that what he wanted to ask was important, but it was just so personal. Well, at least he was happy to hear about his daughter. There were also some other colourful stories included in your conversation.
Finally, you wrapped up the conversation, effectively ending it when you casually said, “Anyway, I’m going to get ready for bed. I’m real tired, you know?”
Lucifer didn’t say much as you left, he was still pondering whether you might be a puppy killer or relative and accomplice to that Jeffrey Dahmer fellow, or something equally disturbing. If not… Why were you there?
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Having gotten ready for bed, you sighed, letting the day’s events wash over you, lifting a weight off your shoulders. You were tired, but the day had been a good productive one. Moreover, it was nice to end the day by standing out on the balcony, overlooking the rest of Hell.
There was a time when you had died, during which you stood atop a building in the main streets watching all the fights, looting, and maiming, and you were horrified. Then, you met Charlie, and she had been so wonderfully pure, good, and non-judgemental that you had to agree with her. Hell could be a home to you, and all the other Sinners who lived there, and Sinners could always change for the better.
While you held onto the balcony railing, leaning over it, and staring at the red horizon, Lucifer approached your open door at the entrance of your room, knocking despite the open invitation to come in.
You turned and smiled at him, your smile putting him at ease.
“Come in,” You offered.
He did so, crossing the large room and taking quick mental notes of the changes you had made. They were minor, but they spoke of your personality. You had lit scented candles, brightening the room – the official scent name was Tapioca Tit-play.
Subconsciously, Lucifer worked his magic to remove the off-smell that he had placed there; it was redundant when your candles covered it, and he didn’t mind your company so much anymore.
He also observed several other items. There was a photograph of everyone at the Hotel, though you had drawn Alastor on the end in crayon since he didn’t love to be captured in photographs (he could bear it unlike being filmed, but he didn’t care much for it.)
Wrapped around your bedposts were nightlights to keep out the dark. On your bed, you had a teddy of one of Sir Pentious’ egg-bois, a gift from him. Husk had gifted you with a bottle of his best Whiskey, though it remained unopened on the nightstand. There was a cockroach/daisy hybrid necklace wrapped around a book. The candles were from Angel Dust. Beneath your pillow was a dagger, gifted by Vaggie, for your protection. Alastor had given you a collection of books from the store in Cannibal Town, including several that were rumoured to have been stolen from Heaven’s library, though nobody was certain where that rumour started or if it was even true, though there were no copies of the books anywhere else in Hell.
Although Lucifer had no way of knowing these items were all presents from your friends at the Hazbin Hotel, he could tell that you cared deeply for the odd assortment by their placement on the two bedside tables; they had been positioned with care, and were well looked after.
Then, his eye caught the rubber duck, slightly hidden behind the picture frame. He remembered making that one. As a hellhound imitation, it was meant to teleport to whoever needed it most inside the Manor, offering protection should they come under attack. Naturally, he and his family didn’t need such protection, but he had been experimenting with what powers he might imbue unto yet another duck.
He decided not to mention it as he joined you on the balcony, looking you over in your pyjamas.
You also spared him a glance, noting that he seemed more relaxed. Although he was still in his usual attire, he had removed his top-hat-crown and his overcoat, revealing the waistcoat and shirt beneath; the sleeves were rolled up, giving him a more casual appearance.
“Hell’s skies are beautiful, aren’t they,” You stated, returning your gaze to the horizon.
Lucifer looked up, but all he saw was Heaven, the home that didn’t want him.
“(Y/N),” He started, forcing himself to look down, so he wouldn’t have to stare at the painfully beautiful golden glow above.
“How did you end up here?”
Your grip tightened on the railing drawing Lucifer’s gaze to the whites of your knuckles.
Your whole body became tense and you answered with a ragged breath, “I died.”
“Yes but-” Lucifer was about to lead into the question of your sins, but you spoke up again, seemingly misunderstanding the question as you continued, tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
“I was- I was murdered.”
Lucifer could have explained that the cause of your death wasn’t what he had been driving at, but now he was darkly fascinated. If you were the same kind-hearted, warm person in life, why would anyone wish to bring about your death?
He remained silent as you began recounting the manner in which you had been killed.
“I had a friend,” You started slowly, taking steady breaths between each part of the story that followed as if it would make it any easier. “I mean- I- I thought he was my friend. I loved him. He knew that. He counted on it.”
“I thought that he travelled for work. That’s what he told me. It’s why he was always coming and going. But no… He was just looking for more people like me. He found people. Made us fall for him. Then he- he took me out on a date. Blindfolded me. Said it was a surprise. I- I trusted him, but the blindfold just made it easier for him to- He knocked me out.”
You subconsciously touched the back of your head, remembering the blow that had come with no warning.
Lucifer turned to you, one hand holding onto the railing, the other planted firmly at his side.
“Did he-” He started to ask.
You shook your head. “It wasn’t rape. It was worse.”
You shivered, waiting until you were certain you weren’t going to vomit. Then you continued, your skin ashy.
“I woke up in a- It was like a cinderblock cell, but it had been sort of decorated to look like a fancy suite?”
You recalled the room. It was damp, and the floor was cheaply produced concrete, given away by the amount of air bubbles which had never been levelled and now pocked the surface, like a teenager with bad acne. The cinderblock walls were easy to see, though some talented artist had been paid to paint it with the likeness of the Ritz hotel or somewhere equally fancy. While that had made it look better, it was still clearly a cinderblock wall; then again, you can’t polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.
You had been handcuffed to a chair in the centre of the room. Your clothes had been taken, and you had been dressed in a skimpy shortened tuxedo, with a fitted vest instead of a jacket. You remembered screaming till your voice was raw. You screamed so much that you ended up spitting flecks of blood, but nobody came to save you.
“I- I was tied up,” You said simply, downplaying the memory to Lucifer, more for your own sake than his, though he could see the pain behind your eyes.  
Lucifer didn’t interrupt your story, but his anger was growing. Behind him his tail lashed furiously, his eyes became flaming red, and his fangs became sharper. You hadn’t noticed, you were lost in memory, and you had yet to look his way since beginning your story.
You sighed, thinking of the torture, humiliation, and suffering which followed, all at the hands of one man. It wasn’t your captor. It was who he had sold you to.
“It- I was- They were making snuff films. I don’t know how many people died there before or after me but- I was sold to an American. He- He liked to cut things. It was a while before- I don’t know if I bled out, or if my heart stopped, maybe both?”
For the first time, your skin changed colour, turning from your regular human shade to a pale seaweed-green. Against the colourful backdrop, Lucifer could see your now blinding white glowing scars. Upon your death they remained hidden, completely invisible, but now you were distressed… You seemingly did have something of a Demonic appearance after all.
You were a ragdoll.
There wasn’t a part of your body that hadn’t been cut, or originally sliced off, only to be repaired in death. In all likelihood, your real body was probably burned, buried, or dissolved in acid. In Hell, your scars were the stitches that held your body together. Lucifer now understood your human appearance since like a real ragdoll, you were good at playing dress-up. He bet that if you explored your abilities, you would have been able to look like anyone, a skin-changer, but you had adopted your appearance in life; it was likely an accident caused by the trauma of your memories.
“(Y/N),” Lucifer said through gritted teeth. He wanted to be comforting, but he was already thinking of all the ways he would punish your killer and any accomplice he may have had. There were worse things than Death in hell; he would torture those bastards for eternity, and then when he finally grew bored, he would end them with angelic weaponry, wiping their souls from existence, leaving no trace of such monsters.
You didn’t turn to face your King, who was now in his full Demonic form, his rage at its peak.
“Just go,” You murmured despondently, staring over the balcony, and down to the ground. A long drop and a short stop… It was a shame it wouldn’t kill you; at least the pain would end if you died.
“But-” Lucifer reached you to put a hand on your shoulder, his wings almost curling around you as if to envelop you.
“I- I would like to be alone. Please.”
Lucifer hesitantly withdrew his hand, “I’m sorry.”
That was all he said before walking away, leaving you alone.
You wished that you could have been left to wallow, but your phone soon buzzed and you opted to check it in case it was an emergency.
Retrieving it from the bed, you found a message from Charlie.
Damn it! If Charlie was texting you for this, it meant that Husk was either the cause or he wasn’t around to be the solution. Moreover, while Charlie would want to assist her friend, she was likely the last person Angel Dust wanted to see; sometimes, though she was well-intentioned, she just didn’t understand such issues or she could be a bit much.
Still stuck in your ragdoll body, you ran back to the balcony and vaulted over the edge. It wasn’t a smooth landing, and it hurt a lot. Anyone else would have broken their bones, but when you were like this, there wasn’t anything else that could be broken. Everything had already been torn off you. Ignoring the pain, you ran until you found a taxi. You took it to the Hotel.
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mysweetsmentality · 3 months
can someone please make a fanfic where the reader and lucifer are together and she found out his cheating on her and out of spite she made out with alastor
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midascrow · 3 months
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I love him so much
insta: Midas.S.Crow
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-Guess You're Stuck With Me-
-Lucifer Fluff One-Shot-
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A/N: Omg I'm finally writing again, I've been really busy for the past couple weeks, adjusting and stuff, but I can finally work on my unfinished projects now lol. Either way, flying kind of killed me, but I wrote some of this during it and I just finished it. Not my favorite, but I thought it was still cute. Hope you enjoy! <3333
Lucifer x Reader Fluff
Synopsis: The reader gets stuck in the airport, and during her wait she meets the King of Hell.
Surprisingly in Hell there are a few small flights that connected some of the outskirts of town. Unsurprisingly the security you go through is its own Hell in of itself. You already didn’t enjoy going through security in your lifetime, but you could swear on your afterlife that the hell born and sinners that ran the airports enjoyed the misery that they put everyone through. The constant changing rules that they would arrange became unreasonable in hell as they realized the control they had over the people that had to go through. Besides that, they are decidedly rude to everyone, yelling at everyone that came past, and unreasonably going through other’s luggage if they decide to on a whim. 
You were on your way to meet one of your friends on the other side of Hell, and after a long couple hours of checking in and working your way through the other processes you were finally on the other side of security waiting for your gate to announce your group. As you found a leather seat in the waiting area, you held your carry-on close, and took it. Notably nearly all the seats that surrounded you were empty, but you didn’t put much mind behind it. 
A heavy breath of relief escaped from your lips after finally being able to relax. As you sat, unwinding and leaning further back into the plump leather, you pulled out your Hell phone. Your thumbs tapped quickly against the small screen, after you selected your top contact. 
      [ At the airport now! Seeya soon! 🥰
After looking over the text a few times, a quiet whooshing sound resonated from the little speaker as you sent it. Pulling open your music app, you grabbed your beloved sound-proof headphones to set over your ears and selected a curated playlist for the day. You let out a long sigh as you slid further into the seat. Because you had gotten there quite early, you still had quite a bit of time before you had to board, so you allowed your eyes flutter shut, and decided it was best to just lounge around in this area as you waited. 
About 45 minutes later, your lids abruptly flew open as you felt a set of vibrations in your back-pocket. Sliding up into a more alert position, you pushed your large headphones back, and pulled your Hell-phone out of your pants, looking for what it could be. The moment you removed your headphones, sounds of continuous small thuds and sizzling flooded your ears, and you turned your head to the grand windows that lined the building.
Acid Rain, and not just a drizzle. Heavy, pouring, acid rain spilled down from the sky. The quick realization of your prolonged stay hit you like a bus, and a heavy groan reverberated past your throat as you turned your attention back to your device. As you thought, your flight was delayed for another few hours. Before you pushed your device back to its earlier position, another quick blurb of text was sent to your friend to let them know that you wouldn’t be able to see them for a while. 
       After realizing you were going to be in that airport for a lot longer, you picked up your things, stood from your seat, to find a more comfortable area. Once you had got up, you rolled your shoulders back, soothing the aching muscles in your back. You took a few steps out of the gate area, and looked around the building you would be staying in during the next dreaded period of time. Between the gates of the airport, the rest of the area was lined with bars, fast food joints, and shameless clubs to aid the long wait times between flights. You took your time walking down the hall, and eventually found a quaint, dingy bar close to the very end of the hall. Inside there was a mahogany counter, with various bottles of alcohol and glasses lining the wall behind it. The room was enveloped in a welcoming, dimmer lighting compared to the airport’s sickly incandescent lighting. As you spotted the quieter environment with homey seating along the walls, you took a step inside. 
       You approached the mahogany bar and looked over a small menu that sat on the wood, of course being in hell the prices were marked up to an atrocious price, but you ordered a simple drink anyway, and waited for a few moments. Looking along the wall in front of you, you fidgeted with your thumbs as you waited, until another man approached the bar beside you. He held an impish appearance, with two sweet, circular, white cheek marks and horns that bent back towards his head, but what took you aback was his smile. It was genuine and almost too charming. He ordered a fruit flavored drink with a smooth voice, and once he finished, he turned to spot you, basically gawking at him, and you swiftly turned your gaze away from him to the drink you ordered. A prideful smirk pulled at his lips, and he turned back forward waiting for his drink to arrive. After a few more moments you fell to the temptation to sneak another glance towards the man, and were met with his eyes looking over you before the bartender handed him his drink. Warmth flooded to your face as you were caught, and turned back away from him as you took another awkward sip and tried to focus on the soothing sound of rain that surrounds you. 
       Suddenly the sound of synced buzzes sounded between the two, and the both of you pulled out your phones to see the identical notification that the flight delay had another hour added onto it. Just more of this torturous wait for you to go through. A small groan ran past your lips, and the man beside you spoke up. 
      “You too?”
You lifted your head to look back at him a little confused, but it was explained easily after a small glimpse of the notification on his phone.
       “oh, haha yeah.” 
You answered and gave him a small smile as you continued the conversation. 
      “Annoying huh? Hopefully it stops pouring soon.” 
The man responded with his own charming smile that had your heart fluttering against your chest again. Your fingers felt the condensation against the cool glass as you wrapped your fingers around it and you lifted it to your face once again to take another long sip of your drink, trying to distract yourself from the flustering feeling. 
      “Where are you supposed to go?” 
As he continued the small exchange, you turned your head away from the glass to return your gaze back to him. 
      “Just outside of the city, I’m supposed to hang out with a dear friend of mine. Hopefully she doesn’t get too upset.” 
This gave you a small reminder to notify them, and you looked down towards your phone to give her yet another disappointing update on the status of your flight, and looked back towards the man who gave you a sympathetic smile. 
      “What about you?”
He responds fondly and enthusiastically. 
        “Oh I’m taking Ch- my daughter and her friends over to Lu Lu land! Heard of it?”
He stuttered for a moment, and you suppress a snort at his endearing enthusiasm. That wasn’t something you came across too often around Hell, and it definitely wasn’t something you were expecting to see. 
      “Definitely have heard of it, but sadly never have had the chance to go. I’ve always wanted to though.” 
You drifted off as you thought over what you imagined Lu Lu Land to be like in the past, and after you finished you looked back at him. Quickly you were surprised by the expression painted across the man’s face. His eyes basically sparkled, and his smile had grown wider to a prouder one. heh cute... wonder why? 
      “Oh you have to go! I- I mean it’s magical! Made for royalty by royalty!” 
Your company gestured widely and dramatically as he described the park, you smiled and laughed lightly at his small passionate rant. He felt entranced by your laughter. His grin didn't fade as looked back over to you with a raised eyebrow. 
     “Sorry, it’s just that you seem really sweet.” 
He was taken aback by your reasoning, Realizing a little too late that your statement was kind of bold you flushed slightly. Reasonings, excuses, and sorries started to fill your throat threatening to flow out, but before you could rescind or apologize, he spoke. 
      “You seem sweet too.”
You looked over to him with a warm smile, and soon he matched yours with his own. 
      Eventually the synced buzzes between your phones became a more welcome sound during your hours together, as you were both able to help soothe the painful wait you both had to go through. The conversations between the two of you flowed like an easy melody, and you moved to settle in a plush leather booth that sat in the corner of the room. You were grateful to be able to admire his features from a closer angle. 
      Your beloved company proudly was telling a story between him and his daughter when she was much younger. A laugh ripped from your throat before you took another sip of your drink. 
      “Luke! I can’t believe you did that!"
He joined in on your laughter as he defended himself. 
      “You don’t understand how cute she was! That little duck onsie was perfect! How could I not!?” 
You exclaimed towards him between your giggles. It was a really sweet story, but you couldn’t believe the indulgent manner of it all.
      “It was clean!! I made sure of it!” 
He leaned forward and nudged your side playfully to emphasize his point. His heart warmed seeing you laugh so genuinely and wholeheartedly. The man moved to sit back in the booth but spotted a piece of hair that had fallen to your face and mindlessly pushed it back. Time slowed as your breath stuttered, feeling the affectionate action, and you could almost feel his hot breath against your cheek. His eyes met yours in this frozen moment, and quickly the urges to lunge forward and kiss him weighed heavy on your mind. 
The seconds felt like hours during this tense moment, but time sped forward once again as repeated vibrations sounded once again in your back, and his coat pocket. Lucifer hesitantly resumed sitting back in his seat, and an awkward laugh fell from his lips after the interruption. 
      “Guess you’re stuck with me for a little longer.”
You returned the awkward laughter, and nodded with a smile. 
       “I really don’t mind” 
He gave you a affectionate grin, and the sentiment stuck in the air for a few moments before you stood to break the silence. 
      “I- I’m going to grab us more drinks, same thing?” 
Lucifer gave you a nod, and watched as you left the booth. Silently he cringed to himself over the hesitation over the previous moment, and the situation he had gotten himself into. This was one of the most genuine connections he had in a while, even after only meeting you that day, but he was conflicted on how to handle it. Would it change if you knew who he is? Would you run after finding out? 
       You on the other hand were reeling from the tender back and forth between the two of you. Even if it was awkward now maybe you had a chance? You ordered your drinks, and quickly returned to the man with a new found confidence. Handing over his drink, you allowed your fingers to graze his as you removed your own. A small gesture, but he noticed, looking down at his hand. The worrying thoughts were still were fresh in his mind. You looked over to him as he stared at his drink, and a pit started to stir in your stomach. Did you assume wrong? 
      “Something wrong?” 
You sat in the booth, across from him as you examined his face. He returned your gaze up to you and rigorously shook his head as he reassured you.
      “No no, just thinking.” 
He wasn’t very convincing, but you didn’t want to push him too much. 
      “Wanna talk about it?”
He bit his bottom lip in contemplation for a moment as he answered carefully. 
      “Do you still want to talk after this?
You were both concerned over the same thing. You sighed a little to yourself with a small laugh as he asked, and your heart banged against your chest as you continued. With the push of your new-found confidence and the liquid courage you’ve been drinking throughout your time with him, you looked him deeper in the eyes; you placed a hand to his chin running your thumb over the white spots on his cheeks. 
       “Yes, Do you?” 
He stuttered under your daring move, and gave you a nod. After the confirmation, you gently moved forward, moved some of his hair out of his face, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. 
       “Ask me out then.” 
He watched as you gave him a small teasing wink before pulling away to sit back in your seat. His lips turned up to a smile and he opened his mouth to do exactly as you said, but was interrupted once again by the sound of his usually cheery daughter, walking in. 
Charlie called loudly from across the room, searching for her father. A harsh wrinkle formed between his brows and his shoulders tensed before he gulped and called back. 
      “Over here sweetie!”
You looked up past him and towards his daughter, expecting a small imp woman who resembled her father, but instead was faced with the tall blonde princess of Hell. A few confusing milliseconds past before you fully comprehended what was happening. Shocked, you turned back to look over at who you now understood to be Lucifer Morningstar. He glanced to you apologetically, and turned back towards his daughter. 
       “What’s wrong?” 
For a moment a relieved look spread across the princess’s face as she turned to see her father recognizing his imp disguise, Then she turned her head slightly to see you across from him. 
      “We uh- should get going.” 
She looked between the two of you inquisitively, and Lucifer let out a sigh as his golden magic enclosed around him, revealing his true identity. For a moment your breath hitches seeing the king across your way.  Realizing that you had been flirting and touching royalty the entire time made your face flush in embarrassment. 
      “Why do we have to leave Char Char? Did something happen?” 
      “No, they canceled the flight, didn’t you see it?” 
You pulled out your phone to check on your own flight realizing that yours was canceled a while ago too. All of that wait for nothing. Well... not nothing... 
You pushed your phone back into your back pocket, before stepping out of the booth. The other two Morningstars turned their eyes to you in surprise, and Lucifer’s heart tugged. You turned towards the king and gave him a warm smile still feeling the heat in your face from embarrassment. 
      “My flight was canceled too. It was nice to meet you Luk- wait sorry um- Lucifer.. or your highness?” 
Your words broke into stutters as you tried to wish him goodbye. You were about to offer him an apology for your manners, but he stopped you. 
      “Lucifer hun.. Lucifer’s fine.” 
The butterflies returned your stomach at the sudden nickname, and you gave him a small nod and smile before leaving to buy the closest tickets possible and heading back. Charlie continued to look between the two of you curiously as Lucifer almost instinctively reached for you but stopped himself short of actually grabbing your wrist. He wondered if that was it. He never got any way to contact you, so he assumed that the two of you would end up like two ships passing each other in the night. 
As you held your things close and wandered back to the ticket counter at the front of the airport, you wondered how he felt about everything. What he actually said seemed truthful, and you didn’t doubt that all your conversations between the two of you were genuine, but a large portion of you worried that you were being deliberately delusional, looking for romance where it isn’t. He was the king after all.  
Once you were able to arrange replacement tickets, you decided to stay at a hotel connected to the airport because you were unable to travel under the acid storm. Next thing you know you were at the airport once again. You took the next flight to the outskirts of hell, hoping there wouldn’t be any more issues. You went through the dreadful security once again, making sure to do everything perfectly to avoid getting yelled at, and as you finally passed through check out and security once again you walked up towards your gate. 
This time you were able to actually board the plane at the time it was scheduled, and you settled in your seat as you waited for everyone else to board. You bent over and pushed your carry-on under the seat in front of you. Then after you turned down the brightness of the vox-tech screen attached to the seat in front of you, a long breath of relief passed your lips. 
As you sat back in your seat, others joined you, strolling towards and sitting in periodic seats throughout the plane, and soon you heard a cheerful and bubbly female voice not that far from you. Your eyes flutter back open to peer over your seat and look towards the entrance to view the blonde-haired princess walking in and enthusiastically inspecting her surroundings. A cold shiver runs down your spine as you recognized Charlie from the night before, and you quickly pulled out a magazine from the seat pocket in front of you as you slid down and hoped that she wouldn’t recognize you. You weren’t sure how you didn’t put it together that you could be on the same plane the next day, but your nerves were spiked as you flushed from the embarrassment of the night before. You opened a magazine wide, and pulled it to your face, as you, noticeably, peered over the magazine to watch her other friends walk through the aisle right behind her with her father being the last in line. He seemed almost bored as he looked around and fidgeted with his apple atop of his cane as he made his way down the plane. As you continued staring, the line had progressed enough for Charlie to spot you behind the paper you held. Her eyes narrowed for a moment, and popped open wide, giddily, as she realized who you were. She nudged her girlfriend behind her as she looked over to you, beaming. 
You whipped your head towards the princess as she giggled past you and looked back at her dad to see if he had noticed. Her line of guests kept walking with her, and her grin grew as she whispered excitedly with her girlfriend. You watched them walk by, and a spider-like demon looked you up and down with a smug smile and a prideful glint in his eye. Slightly confused, you met his eyes, searching for an answer until he eyed the magazine you held. Turning your eyes down to the issue, you recognized his resemblance on the cover and flushed as you felt your stomach drop. Frantically you rolled up the Valentino brand magazine and bunched it into the seat pocket. 
       “wait I- it isn’t, I wasn’t!”
Your panicked, and the failed attempts to cover yourself were picked up by the king and he observed past his line of guests. Once he spotted you his own heart broke into a quick rhythm, as his mind raced through things to say. You glanced towards him and met his eyes for only a moment before looking back at the porn star. The demon chuckled as he gave you a teasing wink and continued walking past the rows to his seat. The others followed with him, and you fiddled with your thumbs, hearing the loud drumming against your chest, as the man approached to walk past. Lucifer glanced towards you, and opened his mouth to say something, but came up silent. In the fleeting tense moment, against your own logic, you turned your head to give him an awkward smile, but a smile, nonetheless. His heart came to a shocked stop, and he gave a simple smile back, with a small bit of resurged confidence he was about to speak. However another sinner behind him had the gall to tap his shoulder, and he realized he was holding up the line behind him. You watched as he continued walking, joining the others in their assigned seats in first class. 
Once Lucifer had sat with his daughter and her residents of the hotel, he was bombarded with questions within her daughter’s excitement for him. He had resolved his daughter’s curiosity as he told her the night before what had happened between the two of you, and it seemed to only fuel the romantic in her. He on the other hand was still quite concerned with how you felt.
      “Soooooo!! Did you talk to her??”
He set aside his cane as the others joined her to stare over at him. 
     “Char Char, I only had a few seconds.. but no not really” 
Her disappointment only lasted a moment though, as he spotted a few napkins in their area. His nerves still held the reins, but he persevered as he grabbed a paper square, and summoned a golden fountain pen. 
      “Awwww! Dad, you're gonna write a note?”
A simple nod was sent her way as he bit his bottom lip, and he scrambled together a note. 
      [Wanna go out for drinks again? -Lucifer] 
His eyes scanned over the note, and he shook his head with a groan. 
      “What? no no no that sucks.” 
Lucifer murmured to himself. He then crumbled the note in his fist and bunched it into the seat pocket as he grabbed another blank square. Quickly he scribbled his cursive handwriting down again. 
      [Would it be weird if I asked you to go out with me?]
What? Don’t ask that! He thought as he scoffed at his second failed attempt, and repeated scrunching it up and shoving it down the seat pocket. He gained the others attention once again as they watched him continue to pull out napkins to only waste them away. 
        [Remember me? The guy who you had drinks with last night, and lied about his identity? Yeah wanna have drinks with him? He’d love it if you would! -Lucifer] 
As Charlie’s dad spoke through his last note with a exaggerated tone she took it from him, and tried to calm his rushing thoughts. 
      “Dad, just keep it simple! You’re thinking too much!” 
He looked over to his daughter who held his forearm, keeping him from starting another attempt. He let out a small sigh as he remembered the night before. Although the number of interactions were limited, just the thought of your smile was enough to give him butterflies again. Compared to before, Lucifer held a calmer exterior. His fingers held onto a corner of another napkin and placed it down to his tray and wrote simply. 
It had been quite a while since your brief interaction with the king of hell. You took in an understanding as the plane started to take flight that this was probably the last time you would interact with him, and tried to accept it as the plane finally was settled in the air. However your thoughts were interrupted as someone spoke over the intercom. The pilot had finally given the go ahead to use your trays, and quickly, with a small flourish of glittering, golden magic, yours had unlocked and laid in front of you. Then a rubber duck with Lucifer’s likeness appeared with a napkin in its beak. After the initial surprise, you brought the rubber creature closer to inspect. Memories of the stories Lucifer had told you the night before flooded in, and you giggled to yourself. Keeping the duck close, you removed the small note from its beak, and unfolded it. In graceful handwriting it said,
      [Thank you for last night. If you are still interested, would you like to go out for that date?  -Lucifer] 
Delight enraptured your heart as you felt butterflies, and you traced your thumb over the large glimmering signature over the bottom of the note. The burdensome worry that he wasn’t actually interested in you was chipping away. After a few moments, you pulled out your bag, and pulled out a few items to complete your response back to the king. You flipped over the napkin, finished your note, and folded the soft paper together, before looking for a flight attendant on the plane. Your small search was over as you found one was walking past a few rows checking on the flight guests, and you kindly asked her over before asking her to bring the note over to the King. With some convincing and a small payment, she finally agreed and took the note from you. 
Lucifer anxiously picked at his claws and bounced his leg as a short flight attendant strolled into first class.
       “This is for you.” 
She said straightly and handed him the slip before returning to her job. Lucifer abruptly faced her and ceased his fidgeting as he took the note back. Hope filled his soul and the others' anticipation grew, as he took in a deep breath, and unfolded the square. Warmth thrummed against his chest, as he stared down at your response.
      [I would love to.] 
A set of numbers and small mark of lipstick laid boldly next to your lettering, and Lucifer’s grin grew as he read and reread the simple note again and again.
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Lucifer x Fem! reader (SMUT)
cw: p in v, fingering, making out, biting, pinning, orgasm denial, tears, praise, uhmm am i missing anything else?
wc: 1.5k
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lucifer had pinned you to your guys shared bedroom door around 15 minutes ago, your shirt long on the floor from almost the second you stepped into the room, leaving you in a bra, underwear and a pair of shorts.
he is now slightly lifting you up, one of his hands holding the underneath of one of your thighs, then the other locking your wrists together,
your mouths pressed together in a lip-bruising kiss, now with the addition of your tongues dancing around eachother, soft breaths, or at this point, pants, coming from the two of you.
lucifer let go of your wrists. when he did that, your hands instantly went to his hair, as for his now freed hand, it slid under your shirt, then went down and gently pulled at the waistband of your skimpy pajama shorts.
before going any further, he broke away from the kiss, a string of your mixed saliva followed his lips, then he looked you in the eyes. “may i?” he muttered breathlessly, seeming rather desperate as he did.
you simply nodded, yet he didn’t do anything just yet, causing you to cock your head to the side just a little bit. “please, use your words, my love.” he leaned forward and nipped at the skin on your exposed neck.
“yes, you may, luci.” a soft chuckle escaped your lips before it got cut off with a sharp inhale because of the abrupt feeling of lucifer’s pointer and middle finger sliding down to your clothed clit.
his fingers started to create friction to get you stimulated by using a circular pattern on your clit for a bit of time while he was still kissing and nipping on your neck.
“mmh..” your grip on his pretty hair got a bit tighter.
he stopped and pulled his hand away, causing you to let out a needy whimper, making him let out a tiny chuckle before scooping you up in his arms, carrying you bridal style for just a little bit before he ever so carefully laid you down on the bed. his right hand now resting on the right side of your face as his left once again pinned your arms above your head by your wrists.
he continued to lean above you, his left hand keeping you in place as his right hand went to pull down your shorts and underwear, leaving him fully clothed as you were already practically naked besides from your bra covering your chest.
his pointer with ease slid into your already soaked pussy, starting off slower than needed to be.
“l—lucifer, please, faster.” you sounded desperate, in need for more. as he fulfilled your request, he added another finger and picked up the pace with his fingers. a quiet at first squelching sound could be heard from your drenched cunt greedily sucking in his fingers. “ha..!” your hips bucked upwards, trying to add more friction.
he curls his fingers slightly, just enhancing the already pleasurable feeling, hitting your g-spot perfectly with every soft yet quickened movement. he studied your facial expression, it was flushed, your mouth agape, letting out soft, quiet, moans with every movement of his fingers, your eyes locked on his right hand that was being used for your service, before they shifted to look in his eyes. an embarrassed look reached your already flushed face, but he just gave you a loving smile, in which you tried to reciprocate but quickly failed as he picked up the pace with his fingers again.
now, once again studying your face, as this was far from the first time you ever had sex with the king of hell himself, he can tell just by your facial expression if you’re close or not, which he could tell you are. so he pulled out his fingers, making you whine, then releasing the grip he had on your hands and instead sucked his two fingers before gently tapping on your chin, telling you to open your mouth and suck them just like he did, so you did.
with his left hand, he unbuckled his pants, unzipped them and let them fall to his ankles. your hands went to help him free his aching, throbbing, cock from his boxers, and not to your surprise, when you did, it was already leaking with precum. as you busied yourself with the task of taking his boxers off, he proceeded to take off his shirt, though it was a slight struggle with only one hand, but he made it work.
lucifer took his two fingers out of your mouth, ran them across your soaked folds, then used that hand to hold his cock for a moment to help him slide into you with ease, which it was super easy, saying how he already gave you foreplay and because you were already so aroused.
after pushing just the tip into you, you could already feel fuller already. he kept checking your face to see any signs of discomfort or pain from you, which he didn’t yet so that gave him the okay to keep inching himself in you before his cock was fully submerged into your pussy.
“tell me when it’s okay to move, okay, sweetheart?” he spoke in that same ever so gentle tone, wanting nothing but your complete comfort.
biting your bottom lip for a second, then you nodded. “y-you can move..” you gripped onto the bedsheets, preparing yourself.
lucifer wasted no time in starting to give soft, careful thrusts, his hands gripped onto your hips, then up to your chest, a tender grip on your covered breasts.
“lift your arms for me for a second?” you obediently followed his request, lifting your arms slightly as you felt his hands go underneath you for a second to unclip that said bra, throwing it to the side. “you can put them back down now, thank you, my love.” he took your hand gave it a small kiss on your knuckles and released it again.
his grip on your hips returned, he picked up the pace with his thrusts, they became deeper, hitting the right spot with each and every single slam of the hips, making your moans grow louder and your back arch farther in response.
“hng.. lucifer!” your hands went back to tightly holding the bedsheets, your knuckles turning white as he sent you into pure bliss. “gonna— cum! please— pleasee let me!” you cried out, the feeling in your stomach about to snap.
he pulled out almost instantly after you said that, then had you release your grip on the bedsheet before he flipped you over, having you lay on your stomach with your back arched and ass up. “hold it just a little bit longer, princess.” his hand slid up into your hair, ever so gently pushing your head to the side, so you could still breathe while he was pushing your face into the mattress. he pushed his cock back into you so suddenly, a slutty moan escaping you as he did.
“fuck! i- can’t hold it!” you whined, your voice slightly muffled from it being pressed against the mattress.
“oh, but you will, right?” he went terribly slow, yet rough, every single drag of his cock against your walls could be felt at such a agonizingly slow pace before just stopping all movements.
“hahh..! fine, yes— fuck, yes, i will, i will!” you agreed, tears starting to well up in your eyes from previous orgasm denial, and just the overall pleasure of it all.
“that’s my good girl, hold it just for a little bit longer, m’kay?” seeing your nod, lucifer instantly rutted his hips against yours, a drastic change in pace from what it originally was.
“hmmpf..! i— mmh!” every word your tried to spill out was cut off by a sharp moan, the bed by now was softly ramming into the wall and the brutal sound of him fucking you was louder than your moans.
“ngh.. cum for me, love.” lucifer groaned, leaning down and biting down on your shoulder, not enough to draw blood but only enough to make a small marking.
he felt you instantly clench around his cock, signaling your release. your legs were shaking and if it wasn’t for lucifer holding one of your hips, you probably would have collapsed on the bed at that point. shortly after you came, lucifer pulled out and flipped you back around, letting you lay flat on your back. he stroked his dick a few times before his ropes of cum shot down onto your stomach.
“good girl, you did so well for me..” the back of his hand brushed against your cheek, then he leaned down to softly kiss around your face, leaving one last kiss on your lips before poofing a towel in his hands and wiping up your cum that was leaking out of you, and the cum on your stomach.
after he cleaned you up, the rest of the night was spent with you laying on top of him, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck as he massaged any parts of you that could possibly be sore.
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this sucks ngl
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