#Lucy Bannister
inevitablemoment · 7 months
A House For A Lamb and Crayon Sketches
Pairing: Frank Bannister/Lucy Lynskey Rating: General Warnings: None
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milton-dammers · 2 months
Fantômes contre Fantômes
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Another French edition of The Frighteners DVD has arrived in my collection! I love the metal box and that finally Milton is on the cover!
Plus cool posters!
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trulyatessfan · 7 months
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Day 15 of Inkember: Draw your favorite villain
I forgot to post this, but the grind is back ON
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jay-brooks-hugger · 29 days
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Finally finished my Frighteners chibi keychain designs! These took so long oh my lord. I didn't turn Stuart into one because I couldn't find a good picture of his fit in heaven then so yeah. Sorry y'all I promise I'll make him in my next set 😭. Anyways I'll print them out and shrink them tomorrow since it's late 💪🏿🙌🏿
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ellavorer · 2 years
The Key To His Heart
Okay, so... I’ve been meaning to rub my dirty vore hands on The Frighteners for a while now, and it was only now that I got a spark of inspiration for it. Even if people find it gross, at least I’ll be raising awareness of this criminally underrated movie. So watch the director’s cut twenty times before you do anything else today.
Trigger warning for an attempted suicide at the beginning, references to past spousal deaths, references to canon character deaths, references to canon-typical violence, references to a previous unhealthy marriage (Lucy and Ray), references to past unwilling vore, references to emeto.
Otherwise, enjoy and Happy Halloween!
“What was that in that cell, Frank?” Lucy demanded as soon as they stopped running. “I felt something crushing my heart.”
“I can’t fight him, Luce,” he lamented as he tried to catch his breath. “I can’t protect you.”
Whatever this thing was, it was responsible for Debra’s death.
It had taken his wife from him.
And just now, not only had it tried to take Lucy, it succeeded in destroying Stuart and Cyrus’ emanations.
He looked at the pistol that he had grabbed from Dammers, checking the cylinder and re-cocking it. “There’s only one way to deal with this thing. I gotta have an out-of-body experience...”
“What...” Lucy couldn’t even finish her sentence.
“And I gotta have it now.”
Frank pressed the pistol to his temple.
“No!” Lucy cried, her plea coming out in almost a harsh sob. “No!”
“Go away, Luce, just walk the other way,” he tried to coax her.
Despite the early autumn weather, sweat was beginning to form on his forehead as his finger tightened on the trigger. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Wait!” Lucy grabbed his shoulder. “Wait...”
With caution, she reached for the pistol, took hold of his hand, and gently pushed the weapon away from his head.
“There’s another way,” she said.
“What?” he asked, opening his eyes.
“Before you turned yourself in, Agent Dammers told me that you’re a pred lean,” she began.
Frank stiffened at her confession of her knowledge of where he stood on their society’s food chain. His stupid pred senses had told him that Lucy was a prey lean from the moment that he had stepped into her house.
“And I know that it... it would be safe,” she continued. “B-- besides, you didn’t even get to eat anything at the restaurant...”
“Luce...” he was afraid of where this conversation was headed.
Yes, his stomach was bordering on painfully empty; he hadn’t eaten since the morning of Ray’s funeral.
Well, he had... he had gulped Magda Rees-Jones down in order to try to protect her, but the car crash had caused him to vomit her up, leaving the now-tiny reporter at the mercy of the Reaper.
And he knew logically that it was unlikely that his system would make the mistake of digesting Lucy, but... what if she got hurt?
What if she ended up dying anyway?
She could die because of him, and he’d have--
Her sweet voice dragged him out of his thoughts.
“Frank, you forgot that I’m a doctor,” she reminded.
It wasn’t a scolding reminder, though. It was reassuring, as if telling him that she knew what she was doing.
“This was one of the many things I studied in med school,” she told him. “I know that in cases of protection, preds automatically neutralize the stomach acids for as long as needed--”
Her words were interrupted by a long, low, and loud gurgle from Frank’s middle. Even in the dimly lit alleyway, she could see him blushing.
“Oh my God, you’re really hungry, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Lu-- Luce--”
“Frank, have you eaten anything at all today?”
His belly growled again, and he bent over as a hunger pang hit him. Even though his body had already answered her for him, he said, “No.”
“Then it isn’t just about me, Frank,” she said. “You need to keep your strength up--”
“Luce, you’re already in enough danger--” he tried to argued.
“Frank, please,” she interrupted him, taking his hands into hers. “I’ll be fine; and it would help you. All you would do was drain some energy from me, and when the danger’s out of the way, you’ll be able to spit me up and unshrink me. I’ll be fine. I’ve done this before.”
“Really?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she confirmed. “Ray... he was a full pred. One of his ways of winning an argument was eating me until I agreed with him.”
He saw something sad in her eyes; a dark kind of sadness that suggested that there was more to when she told him that her marriage to Ray “wasn’t good.”
That gave him all the more reason to hesitate, even as his stomach rumbled again.
“Frank...” his name escaped her lips and her eyes landed on his stomach.
He gave a resigned sigh; if this was the only way to protect her...
“Fine, I’ll do it,” he relented. “But are you absolutely--”
“Yes!” she said, beginning to sound a little frustrated.
Gingerly, he placed his hand on her shoulder, too afraid of hurting her. She began to shrink under his touch and he reached out his free hand to catch her.
“You okay, Luce?” he asked almost immediately as she was sitting in his palm.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she told him, noting the hesitance still in his eyes. “Now... you... you just have to open up and let me climb in. Just let me take off my shoes first.”
As she removed her shoes and handed them to him so he could put them in his pocket, another hunger pang gurgled in his stomach. Despite how small she was now, he could hear Lucy wince in sympathy.
Why was she so concerned about him?
She was the one about to be eaten alive!
“Frank... I’ll be okay,” Lucy’s soft voice pierced that nasty voice in his head that sounded a little too much like Dammers.
Frank could only respond with a small whimper.
“Go ahead...”
He slowly moved her closer to his gaping maw, but stopped.
“Wait...” he said.
“What is it?” she asked.
“Could you just... climb in?” he asked. “I’m-- I might-- I’m afraid I--”
I’m afraid that I’ll bite you.
“I can do that,” Lucy assured him, offering him a comforting smile with a hint of teasing. “Well... open up...”
Frank closed his eyes and opened his mouth as wide as he could. Lucy climbed in, laying herself on his tongue.
His eyes shot open at her taste.
It was sweet-- but not like candy, which always seemed to turn his stomach.
It was sweet like cookies or cake... with cinnamon and a hint of something... flowery...
Lavender or...
Only when he heard her voice did he realize that he had pinned her to the roof of his mouth.
“Just swallow when you’re ready,” she told him. “Take all the time you need.”
He tried to find it in himself to swallow, to pull her down... but he couldn’t.
He couldn’t.
“Frank, it’s okay,” she continued to reassure him. “Just take your time.”
It baffled him that she was being so reassuring as she was lying on his tongue, but, in a strange way... it was comforting.
With a tightening of his muscles, he swallowed with a “GLRK,” tracing Lucy’s path with his finger.
Lucy kept her eyes closed as she was pulled further and further down Frank’s throat. She landed in a soft, wet chamber with a yelp.
Only when her new sanctuary gurgled did she dare to open her eyes again.
Just as she was about to reach out to touch the wall of the chamber, she froze. But it wasn’t from fear-- it was in absolute awe.
In medical school, she had meticulously studied the organs of the human body with such interest. Besides the gurglings of Frank’s stomach, she could hear his heart beating, the blood rushing through his veins, the air circulating his lungs...
It was incredible!
“Frank,” she called gently, finally pressing a hand to the wall of his belly. “Frank, I made it done okay.”
Above her-- no, around her-- she heard him gasp. His large hand pressed back at her.
“Luce?” he asked. “Luce, are you alright?”
“Frank, I told you, I made it done okay,” she repeated gently. “So far, no burning, no acid... just like I told you.”
He sighed. “Okay... but what about... are you... you comfortable?”
Lucy leaned forward into his touch. “Yeah. It’s really comfy in here. But what about you? How are you feeling?”
Frank looked down at his middle, realizing just what a poor job he had done of taking care of himself over the past five years. It was so obvious that he had acted on his pred instincts.
But he felt better than he had other the last five years.
“Good,” was all he answered. “Now, what do you want me to do now?”
“Go to the medical center, but spit me out before we get there,” she instructed. “If there’s an APB out for you, they’re not gonna let you in. But I know that place inside and out.”
He nodded. “Okay.”
Throughout his short journey, he kept his hand over his belly, to reassure Lucy as much as she had reassured him.
And if they made it through this...
He would love to try this again.
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oblivious-idiot · 1 year
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Don’t wanna see you crying anymore
Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader
Summary: after Lockwood deems you housebound while your injuries heal from a case (broken arm and cracked ribs), you reconnect with Kipps, which only makes Lockwood jealous
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of angst, language/swearing
Word count: 1.5k
Pairings: Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader, Quill Kipps x fem!Reader (in the past)
AN: This is my first bit of writing so I apologise if it's not the best haha, I also have no idea how to end these either oops. I'd love any feedback but please be kind!
You’d been working for Lockwood and Co. for a while by now, it had just been your first anniversary with the team when Lucy joined, and you were all the more grateful to have another girl in the building. After previously working for Fittes and then joining Lockwood and Co, you’d quite frankly needed a change of pace. You and George had been close friends while you worked at Fittes together, which is how you ended up joining the team at 35 Portland Row.
Lockwood you couldn’t quite get your head around - he always seemed to pay attention to you while you worked for Fittes, maybe it was because you were dating Kipps at the time, maybe it was just that he didn’t like Kipps all that much. The two of you had grown quite close in the past year though, you’d had your fair share of arguments and patching each other up after cases. It was only after Lucy had joined that you realised you had fallen for him and his soft security.
You and Lucy were getting ready in your shared room before your next case after having a disagreement with Lockwood in the kitchen if you should come or not. As you were going over a few newspaper clippings Lucy looks at you from the bathroom mirror.
“You should go easy on him, you know.”
“Go easy on him? What for Lu?” You scoff
“He’s just looking out for you y/n, he doesn’t want to see you hurt” she says as she walks over to you on the bed
You chuckle a little and look up at her “Lu, we fight ghosts for a living, I’d be surprised if we didn’t get hurt once in a while”
She takes hold of your hand “you know what I mean, smartass. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, it would break him to lose you”
You sit up straight and look at her soft smile, confused as to how she thinks he likes you “wha-, Lu he doesn’t-, we’re just friends”
“Just try not to be too reckless tonight, alright?” She gets up and smiles at you again, before heading downstairs.
Surprisingly, the case didn’t go as plan. The alleged Type One that you and George had been researching all week turned out to be a Type Two. You knew something didn’t feel right when you picked up this case, but Lockwood was so adamant in taking it that you didn’t want to crush him.
You and Lucy were trying your best to hold off the Type Two while Lockwood and George went to look for the source. You could tell that you’d began to tire and you didn’t know how long you could keep going. You looked at Lucy worriedly, but that was your mistake, because the ghost lunged towards you causing you to lose your footing. You fell down the first flight of stairs, your foot getting caught in the bannister and your body slams so hard into the wall you go out cold.
It had been about a week since the case when you were finally allowed to leave the hospital. Your arm was in a cast after breaking it in your fall, as well your chest and ankle being tightly bound - the doctors had told you that you’d cracked a rib as well as spraining your ankle from getting caught in the bannister. Lucy and George picked you up from the hospital, but when you asked about Lockwood, Lucy just smiled at you softly.
“It’s been really hard on him y/n, this past week. He’s been worried sick”
You look at them both confused “but it’s not like it was his fault, he didn’t push me down the stairs, did he?” you say a little sarcastically to try and lighten the mood.
George sighs and looks at you, “you know what he’s like y/n. He blames it on himself for not getting to the source fast enough.”
“He really cares about you y/n” Lucy chimes in “just go easy on him, okay?”
When you got back to 35 Portland Row, Lockwood was waiting in the kitchen. You smiled at him as you hobbled over to give him a hug. He looked like he hadn’t slept since you’d last seen him.
He sighed once you’d all gathered around the kitchen table. “I think it’s about time we had a talk” his eyes settling on you and your broken arm.
“Y/n, you’re not to go on any more cases until you’re fully healed.” He hangs his head when he sees your hurt expression. “This isn’t up for discussion. We cannot lose you, I-“ he cut himself off and left the kitchen before you could get a word in.
You hastily got up from your chair and followed him, trying not to hurt yourself as you went. "Lockwood!" you called after him, making him stop in the hall. Once you caught up to him you couldn’t read his face “I’m sorry y/n, you just need to heal. I can’t have my best agent getting more hurt on my watch.” He squeezed your hand and smiled before heading upstairs to his room.
After another week being housebound, you'd began to get restless. Although Lockwood was keeping his distance (you think he still feels guilty for your injuries), he almost scolded you for daring to put on your coat because you were out of milk. As an apology later that night he gave you one of his hoodies, in which the larger size made it easier for you to wear with your cast.
Shortly after the team left for another big case, you hear a ring at the door. You assumed it was George forgetting the chains again, but instead it was Quill Kipps.
"Hey," his voice was gentle as he studied you all bandaged up. "I, uh, I heard you were on house arrest, so I thought I'd stop by to check on you"
You smiled "I'm not your girlfriend anymore Kipps, you don't have to check on me." looking down, you notice the brown paper bag in his hand "I-, did you bring sandwiches?"
A big grin spreads across his face "Your favourite. I haven't had them since you left" You invite him in, knowing you didn't have much of a choice when Kipps made up his mind.
Over the next week, Kipps would stop by the house on his days off and have lunch with you. You hadn't told the team, you didn't know how they'd react, but it was nice to have the company every one in a while, the free food was good too.
One day Lucy and George went out to the store for food while you and Lockwood went over files for the current case you were all working on - Lockwood still wouldn't let you out in the field but it was nice to be included again. You hear ring of the doorbell and Lockwood goes up to answer it, the next thing you hear is his rapier unsheathing and raised voices.
You hobble your way out to the hall to see Lockwood pointing his rapier at Kipps, who was holding a bag of fresh sandwiches and... flowers?
"Anthony, put your bloody rapier down" you say, but he doesn't move. "Anthony, put it down" raising your voice this time.
"I'm curious to see what the weasel is doing here, trying to charm his way into stealing our cases now? Nice try Kipps but I don't like flowers" he smiles dryly.
"They're not for you, Tony, but I'll keep that in mind for Valentines" Kipps says sarcastically.
Lucy and George arrive back and they both give Kipps a strange look, before looking at you in the hallway. Kipps hands you the bag and flowers "I'll call you later" and he flashes Lockwood a look before leaving.
Once Kipps was gone, you brush past Lockwood to go sit in the Library. "Y/n!" he calls out after you, before following you into the room.
"What's going on y/n?" Lockwood says softly as he sits next to you, he sounded hurt. "If you needed anything while we were gone, you could've told me..."
"Anthony, I haven't left the house in weeks, I can't work, all I get are the four walls of this house." You look over at him "What I needed was company. I needed you. And Lucy and George"
He takes a hold of your free hand brushes your hair out of your face. "I'm sorry. I just-, you know how I get with you and Kipps, if he hurt you again..."
"Anthony look at me" you say as you squeeze his hand "I am never going back to him or Fittes ever again. This is my home now."
"Thank god," he chuckles softly "I remember the day you arrived here, looking for George. You were such a mess."
"Gee, thanks for making me feel better Lockwood" you laugh and push him away softly.
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I Hate You
Quill Kipps x (f)reader
Enemies to lovers
No one asked for this but I just think Kipps is such a fun character for enemies/rivals to lovers, definitely the type of guy to catch feelings and be mad about it. I didn't get anywhere near them being lovers so I guess this is a series now? (I'm envisioning 3 parts but I guess we'll find out)
Word count ~3000
Content warning: angst, death, minor injury (no blood), teenagers being idiots
Hope you enjoy :)
You were the latest addition to Lockwood and co, gifted with a talent for touch and a knack for the rapier. Kipps hated you. You'd applied at Fittes, Rotwells, and all of the major agencies, being accepted by most of them but instead chose to work for Lockwood. He hated that you had so many options and instead chose to squander your talents at the smallest and shabbiest agency in London when you clearly had the skills to have ended up on the top team at the top agency in the country. It was ridiculous.
You, however, were pleased with your decision, ending up at an agency that perhaps wasn't all that prestigious but seemed to value the right things. Lockwood, George and Lucy had all been very welcoming and friendly and it had just felt like the right decision. The four of you were sat in the kitchen now, all with cups of tea, discussing an upcoming job.
"Deprac have offered us this job specifically, as a one off, because apparently Barnes liked our style with Anabel Ward's case and they want to know what actually happened. Supposedly this is going to be quite high profile so if we can pull it off, we'll have no trouble finding cases," Lockwood announced, though the look on his face was contradicting the supposed perfection of the offer, "however, they want us to work with Kipps' crew."
The bombshell dropped, blowing the perfect case to pieces in front of them. George groaned while Lucy frowned. You just let out a heavy sigh before speaking up, "If the case is as good as you say it is Lockwood, surely we can set aside our feelings for a few nights and work with them. Sure Kipps is a knob but if we can prove ourselves then it'll be worth it right?"
With matching resigned looks, Lucy and George nodded their agreement. "I'm gonna need so much tea to put up with Bobby," Muttered George.
Lockwood grinned, "Excellent, I'll call Kipps and get him to meet us at the archives, George, Luce can you get the kit bags together, and (y/n) I need you to get a large box of doughnuts from Arifs as a peace offering; we're not blowing this case before it even starts." He then sprang from his chair, the meeting clearly at an end.
About an hour later the four agents were sat in the British archives alongside Kipps' crew, an awkward silence over the whole table. You sat between George and Kat and across from Kipps himself. He kept giving you looks like you were something on the bottom of his shoe. You just tried to ignore him.
"I don't see much point in all of this," said Bobby Vernon, cutting the silence, "the Fittes database already told us that the house has had one violent death associated with it, a young actress was pushed through a bannister, murdered by her husband there in the fifties. He was never convicted but everyone thought it was him. Surely that plus the descriptions of the ghost are enough to make a plan?"
George smirked at that, "Well what the database hasn't told you, because it doesn't go back that far, is that according to this record of land ownership for London, before the House was even built, the land was used for a school what was burned down in the great fire of London. The school was rebuilt at a different location and the land was converted into a public park before it was sold to a private developer in the early nineteenth century, when the house was built. Why does all of this matter? Well according to this book on missing people in seventeenth century London, there was a teacher working late on the night of the fire, whose body was never recovered. That death sounds pretty violent to me, Bobby." He finished with a sip of tea, earning disgruntled looks from Kipps' lot and a down right murderous glare from Bobby himself. You had to stifle a grin by the end of his lecture.
Kipps had recovered from the slight embarrassment enough to speak, "That's all well and good Karim, but how do we know that it has anything to do with the case? What makes that story more credible than the couple in the fifties?"
"Maybe nothing," you contributed, earning a sour look from Kipps, "but it would be terrible to go into things without all the relevant information, or does that only apply when it's not your team making the mistakes?"
At that, things seemed just about ready to blow. Kipps stood up, his hand shifting towards his rapier and his gaze fixed on your sly smile. It was Lucy however who spoke next. "It doesn't even matter who made what mistakes, what matters is we have the information now. So why don't we all start acting like grown ups," she shot a pointed look at you and Kipps who both had the gall to look shocked, "and get on with the case. Unless anyone has any more information, I think we're done here and we should meet at the house before sunset tonight."
When no one else spoke she nodded in confirmation before starting to pack things away, the others following suit. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Lockward punch George lightly in the arm and thought you heard the words 'bloody brilliant', earning an eye roll but also a smile nonetheless.
It was about six o'clock when both teams gathered again, this time outside the large, detached house. You noticed the slight peachy tone to the west, indicating the very beginning of sunset. There wouldn't be much time to set things up before ghosts started appearing. Lockwood stepped forward and announced "My team will take the upstairs and Kipps and your lot can take the downstairs." He said it with such certainty and began to walk towards the house.
"Hold on a second, Tony," said Kipps, "the whole point of my team being here is to make sure your rabble do things by the book. I'm not letting you run off and do things on your own. We'll split the teams evenly. You and Lucy take Bobby and Ned, Kat and I will take Karim and (y/n)."
"Fine, but we're still taking the upstairs." Spat lockwood and you rolled your eyes at his childishness before grabbing your kit bag and following Kipps into the house.
You set up an iron circle in the entryway and each of the rooms downstairs while the rest of your team took temperature readings at various points. It seemed that the house was coldest towards the back, though not as cold as would be expected if the source were in that room. You suspected that it was in the back room of the house but upstairs. You surveyed the downstairs room anyway, a kitchen-dining room, clearly renovated recently, the sleek, modern design not at all matching with the exterior of the house.
The sun was setting in earnest now. "Why don't you make use of that talent of yours (y/n)," said Kipps, frowning at you before muttering, "If you insist on wasting it on Lockwood you can at least make use of it now."
You shot him a glare but replied simply "fine, George will you watch my back while I'm under?" The boy nods with a smile and moves to stand beside you. Kipps looks on curiously, not having fully seen your talent in action and Kat looked positively bewildered. You reached out to touch the back wall of the house, closing your eyes and opening your other senses.
And suddenly I'm feeling with hands that aren't mine, fragments of images seen with someone else's eyes flash through my mind. I am kneeling, crawling along the floor and the stones beneath my palms that should be cold to the touch aren't. I shuffle along, my muscles protesting with every move and my lungs burning with every breath. The smoke clouds my eyes and my mind but the sharp pain of my burns keep me focused. I must get out. I must get out. I must get out. The mantra repeats in my mind and I am shaking now because I know that I won't. The crack of the ceiling above me is my only warning before it collapses, a whole new agony flashing across my body as I'm pinned beneath beams and buried.
You jolt as your eyes fly open, gasping for air like you've just broken the surface of the ocean. Your mind is still half in its depths as you look around to ground yourself in the present. Kat is looking at you with a frown, not understanding what just happened. George has a hand on your shoulder to steady you, a fact that you're grateful for because you're always a little wobbly and disoriented after visions. Kipps looks at you as though you're a lab animal to be studied, an analytical gase examining every part of you.
"What did you feel, (y/n)?" Asked George.
"I was the teacher, in the great fire. He was trying to crawl out of the building, that way," you gesture towards the garden, "but he was badly burned and moved too slowly to get out. He was buried when the building collapsed." You shuddered slightly at the memory but shook it off.
George was smirking slightly at the news, clearly pleased that he was right and by the sour look on Kipps' face, he knew it too. "Well there's nothing left of the school," said George," so the source must be his bones, and since the blueprints of both buildings show that the school extended further back into what is now the garden so I'm guessing that's where we'll find him."
He received no resistance so the four of you opened the garden door and trudged out onto the grass. Kat set up another iron circle out there while you, George and Kipps surveyed the area.
"Can you tell where he died, (y/n)? Do you recognise anything?" Asked Kipps.
"Not really, sorry. When I use my talent I don't see or hear much, just fragments that are a bit distorted. I mainly feel; emotions and physical sensations." You answer.
Kipps looked frustrated at this and was about to speak up when he was cut off. "So you felt..." Said Kat, trailing off before she could finish her question, but it was obvious what she was asking.
"Him die? Yeah," you say softly, "it was a nasty one too, he knew it was coming."
Kat looked horrified, "That's awful!"
"Not as bad as witnessing a murder from the killer's perspective," you say and the disturbed look on Kat's face somehow gets worse, "I refused to use my talent for nearly a month after that happened the first time."
George, in an attempt to lighten the mood, said "She threw up all over Lockwood. Looking back on it now, it's a little funny."
"Alright enough fangirling over (y/n) and her powers, although I do applaud the vomiting on Lockwood part. We need to focus and find the source. It's getting fully dark now so the visitor should appear soon and that will help with finding the bones." Said Kipps. It was as if the spirit had heard him because no sooner had he finished speaking, before a faint other light started glowing and a charred and mangled body formed in front of the group; a wraith.
Kipps took the lead, "Kat, Karim, you're going to dig in the spot where it formed, (y/n) and I are going to distract it." He drew his rapier, catching the wraith's attention and stepped out of the iron circle. You followed suit and together you walked round, drawing the visitor away from where it formed. As soon as Kat and George crossed to the spot, shovels in hand, you circled back placing yourself defensively between them and the ghost. It was clearly growing more agitated and as the night got later and the sky got darker, it was inevitably growing in strength too.
You planted your feet, rapier raised and cut patterns in the air to ward the ghost off. You could feel your limbs grow heavy and your movements slow as ghost lock began to take hold, the teacher clearly not pleased with you. You shook the fog from your mind though and continued your defensive maneuver.
Kipps slashed at the wraith, drawing its attention and relieving you of the visitor's heavy ghost lock. "How's it going back there guys?" You called to the others.
"We're working on it, there's a lot of earth to dig." Replied George, sounding a little out of breath.
Just then the wraith snapped, once again focused on you, launching itself in your direction. You lobbed a salt bomb as you stumbled back, your ankle folding as you did so. The salt had slowed the ghost enough for Kipps to jump between you and slash at the wraith with his rapier, holding it back further. You let out a small cry at the sharp pain in your ankle.
"You okay there, (y/n)?" Asked Kipps, his attention not wavering from the wraith.
"I think I sprained my ankle, but I'll be okay," You answered, steeling yourself for a moment before pushing yourself back to your feet. You hissed as you tentatively put weight on your ankle. It hurt like a bitch but held your weight, "Yep, definitely sprained."
You pushed forward, limping a little and joined Kipps, slashing your rapier at the visitor. It was only getting angrier, which you hoped meant that George and Kat were getting closer to the source.
As if he had heard your thoughts, George exclaimed "found it!" There was a moment of rustling and then the wraith disappeared. You turned to see both George and Kat, waist deep in a pit, covered in mud, and a large silver net over what you assumed was the teacher's bones. They both looked exhausted.
Kipps reached in and pulled both of them out with a grunt before turning back to you. "How's that ankle?" He asked.
"Hurts like hell and is definitely swelling up right now. It's gonna be a nightmare to get my boot off later, but I'll live," You answered with a small smile, "might have to take some time out of the field though. Looks like you've got a new research buddy George!"
You limped towards your kit bag, the adrenaline wearing off and making the pain in your ankle more noticeable. You went to pick it up but Kipps beat you to it, clearly taking pity on you. The four of you reentered the house and heard voices upstairs.
"Nice of you to help us, Lockwood!" Kipps called up bitterly and was answered only by footsteps on the stairs. The rest of your team appeared looking as disheveled as you probably did.
"We were a little bit busy with the ghost upstairs. How about you? Had a nice little chat in the kitchen, try to poach my agent?" Said Lockwood with a glare at Kipps before he saw the state of George and Kat and frowned.
"Oh shut up the pair of you!" You snapped, "I can't be arsed to deal with your bullshit right now, there were clearly two ghosts so everyone was fucking busy. Now get over yourselves because right now I just want to go home and get some ice on this sprain and my patience is wearing thin!" You grabbed your kit bag off Kipps and stormed past Lockwood who had the decency to look embarrassed.
Lucy joined you and took the bag back off you, rubbing a hand comfortingly over your back. You smiled at her and blocked out the voices behind you.
Later, back at Portland row, you were sat with your foot on a cushioned chair, a bag of frozen peas on your ankle and a cup of tea in hand. "So while you and Kipps were fighting me and Bobby compared notes and we're pretty sure that the renovations disturbed your murder victim and the presence of that ghost got our teacher all riled up which is how we ended up with two seemingly unrelated hauntings at once." Said George. You frowned at the mention of Lockwood and Kipps' argument, it had made it take almost twice as long to get home from the case. You weren't really mad at Lockwood, after all it was Kipps who started it, but you were tired and stupid teenage boys didn't help with that.
Lockwood added, "But however the visitors got there, Lucy got us the real story for the case Deprac were interested in and as a bonus we found the bones of a missing person from the seventeenth century. It's a publicity dream!"
"And your ankle is really okay (y/n)? Because I will break Kipps' leg for you if you want." Chimed Lucy, earning a small grin.
"I definitely appreciate the offer, Luce, but breaking his leg sounds a bit harsh considering I'll be fully healed in a few weeks, besides it wasn't really his fault anyway," You smile, finishing your tea before continuing, "but on that note I think I'm going to bed."
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farieshades · 2 years
Why couldn't Peter and Sue go back to narnia?
(Depending on the answer i might ruin our childhoods)
At the end of Prince Caspian, Peter announces that he and Susan won't be returning to Narnia because Aslan told them they are 'too old' and wouldn't be returning.
However we also see (in the film) Older Telmeranians going into the 'normal' world through the portal the Pevensie children walk through, so age doesn't actually appear to be a factor. We know there isn't a age limit because Peter and Susan aren't twins, and are, in the books 13 and 12 respectively at the time they are "too old", similarily when Dawn Treader happens Edmund and Lucy are "too old" at 12 and 10  respectively, whereas Eustace and Jill's adventures stop at age 16. 
Then, at the end of TLtWatW, they are definitely older than 16, as in THaHB Queen Susan is 26, King Edmund 24, and Queen Lucy 22 in Narnia while they are still living there which is happening when Peter, roughly 27-8, is fighting Giants in the North. So it isn't "Age" as time in years, but in knowledge learned as referenced at the end of the PC movie. 
Peter and Susan learned all that they needed to learn from Narnia and Aslan. This is supported in text by Caspian's uncle saying fairytails are for babies and Caspian should be thinking about battle and adventure instead. Susan and Peter are becoming more 'adult' in thinking, looking for the rational and the logical rather than the mystical and magical. 
Another factor to this is when Lucy alone sees Aslan across the valley area and Susan is rather condesending in her response of "Where did you Think you saw him?" There's disbelief, they're misunderstanding, and obviously if Susan didn't see it herself, it wasn't there and Lucy was just mistaken, seeing things that aren't actually there.
Edmund, notably in the film, backs his younger sister on if she saw Aslan, he believes her, and says so "When we first discovered Narnia a year ago—or a thousand years ago, whichever it is—it was Lucy who discovered it first and none of us would believe her. I was the worst of the lot, I know. Yet she was right after all. Wouldn’t it be fair to believe her this time?" 
There is a disconnect between the siblings' belief which is of course a potential allegory to the whole Jesus = Aslan type scenario but we'll ignore that as that's not really central to the question asked, nor is Narnia an allegory at all according to C.S.L.. 
Their (mostly Susans, but Peter's too) concerns through Prince Caspian show 'adultish' concerns, clothes not fitting in, believing eyes rather than hearts, thinking for explanations to the magical, they are becoming focused on the 'real world'. [This of course gives me a reminder to Doctor who, the older he becomes (Matt Smith in particular) the more carefree the audience can see him, but the more he's seen the darkness in the world and inside himself]. 
Now -- an interesting change happens with VotDT, in which neither Susan or Peter are there, but they are referenced. Peter is being tutored by Digory Kirke, the owner of the 'original' wardrobe portal while Susan goes to America. Susan is the 'pretty one' of the family which is further stressed again in TLB when Susan is "no longer a friend of Narnia[... more] interested in nothing now-a-days except nylons and lipstick and invitations", and this was an age she had been pretending to be since she was young and would pretend to be as she gets older. 
Susan speaks of Narnia as a place of make-believe that she and her siblings conjured during playtime as children. Susan's story remains unfinished as the story that would bring her to Aslan's country would be 'too grown up' than the rest of the books in the series and C.S.Lewis decided not to do so. He does, however, note  to Pauline Bannister in 1960 that there is a chance for her to reach her siblings in Aslan's country but that journey would be long and "as a woman of twenty-one who has just lost her entire family in a terrible crash, she will have much to work through; in the process, she might change to become truly the gentle person she has the potential for being" as is written in the footnotes in Companion to Narnia. 
Peter, on the other hand, as we know ruled Narnia for 15 years in the Tetrarchy with his siblings until at age 27-8 returned to age 13 abruptly, and after Caspian, he didn't return until TLB when he was 22 for a final time. A good 8 or so years since his last trip. 
In TLB Peter plays a small role, mostly in retrieving magic rings for Eustace and Jill to return to Narnia, which is one of the last scenes with him before the train crash. Now, afterwards, it is noted that the siblings are reunited in Aslan's country, meaning, theoretically, Peter did return after the events of Prince Caspian, however we also learn that this is the 'true' Narnia and the one from the Wardrobe that they knew before was "only a shadow or copy" of what Narnia is. 
In your ask you mention “Depending on the answer I might ruin our childhoods” in which I am assuming relates to, then, child soldiers. 
Really, these literal children are given weapons and expected to fight a battle with no training or fighting experience at all, and as Film!Susan says, "Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war". And yet, here they are, fighting a war. 
But unlike being given a weapon of mass destruction that can cause chaos with a few words, they also recieve gifts that will help, like the Horn that calls for aid, and the magical healing cordial, and okay yeah Rhindon and a shield and a bow and a dagger... not the best gifts for preteens but fair enough, considering at the time, this was actually happening. 
Children frequently fought in both the allied and axis forces, and there was even the entire establishment of 'Hitlerjugend' which trained youths and indoctrinated them which, at the onset of WW2, the Hitlerjugend had roughly 8.8 million members, although the number decreases to just over 1 million as the war begins as people get conscripted into the national army thus these kids were being taught by 16-17 year olds while they were maybe 8-15? 
The Axis also had the SS Youth division, with children 16-17. Not as bad as Lucy being 8, but then, the Soviet union had the Red Army, the UK had 'Dad's Army' (the last line of defence  as a home guard) and the US had the wonderful Calvin Graham (pls look him up his life is bloody insane) who enlisted at 12 years old "successfully" lying about his age and being definitely 18, you know. 
So during this time, child soldiers weren't 'new' but they certaintly attempted for 16+.
Of course, for Narnia films, the characters are aged up a bit, Peter is roughly 14-15 in the first movie I think, or depicted as such, and the others follow suit. 
It’s also not the only time we see Child Soldiers in fantasy; Harry Potter, Ender’s Game, Percy Jackson+, Warrior Cats, Animorphs, Septimus Heap, Game of Thrones, and that's just the books I can see on my shelf.  And theoretically The Avengers references it with Natasha’s backstory of taking young girls and making them soldiers.  
However, in that realm, “Peter and Susan are too old” would potentially mean they are too old to be child soldiers that Narnia requires which is an interesting take. Certainly not the one I hold, but an interesting thought bubble.
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fearsomeandwretched · 10 months
Hot and heavy - Lucy Dacus
Jackson - Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash
No choir - Florence + the Machine
Map on the wall - Lucy Dacus
Blue bannisters - Lana Del Rey
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inevitablemoment · 8 months
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Seeing as today marks twenty-six years since Frank and Lucy got married in my post-canon fic series Altered Perceptions, I commissioned the lovely @lilvicsart to draw one of Frank and Lucy's wedding pictures. This was taken at their hidden hill in between the ceremony and the reception.
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milton-dammers · 3 months
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The Frighteners [1996] dir. Peter Jackson
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fyeurdegrois · 1 year
The hall of the house was cool as a vault. Mrs. Dalloway raised her hand to her eyes, and, as the maid shut the door to, and she heard the swish of Lucy's skirts, she felt like a nun who has left the world and feels fold round her the familiar veils and the response to old devotions. The cook whistled in the kitchen. She heard the click of the typewriter. It was her life, and, bending her head over the hall table, she bowed beneath the influence, felt blessed and purified, saying to herself, as she took the pad with the telephone message on it, how moments like this are buds on the tree of life, flowers of darkness they are, she thought (as if some lovely rose had blossomed for her eyes only); not for a moment did she believe in God; but all the more, she thought, taking up the pad, must one repay in daily life to servants, yes, to dogs and canaries, above all to Richard her husband, who was the foundation of it—of the gay sounds, of the green lights, of the cook even whistling, for Mrs. Walker was Irish and whistled all day long—one must pay back from this secret deposit of exquisite moments, she thought, lifting the pad, while Lucy stood by her, trying to explain how
"Mr. Dalloway, ma'am"—
Clarissa read on the telephone pad, "Lady Bruton wishes to know if Mr. Dalloway will lunch with her to-day."
"Mr. Dalloway, ma'am, told me to tell you he would be lunching out."
"Dear!" said Clarissa, and Lucy shared as she meant her to her disappointment (but not the pang); felt the concord between them; took the hint; thought how the gentry love; gilded her own future with calm; and, taking Mrs. Dalloway's parasol, handled it like a sacred weapon which a Goddess, having acquitted herself honourably in the field of battle, sheds, and placed it in the umbrella stand.
"Fear no more," said Clarissa. Fear no more the heat o' the sun; for the shock of Lady Bruton asking Richard to lunch without her made the moment in which she had stood shiver, as a plant on the river-bed feels the shock of a passing oar and shivers: so she rocked: so she shivered.
Millicent Bruton, whose lunch parties were said to be extraordinarily amusing, had not asked her. No vulgar jealousy could separate her from Richard. But she feared time itself, and read on Lady Bruton's face, as if it had been a dial cut in impassive stone, the dwindling of life; how year by year her share was sliced; how little the margin that remained was capable any longer of stretching, of absorbing, as in the youthful years, the colours, salts, tones of existence, so that she filled the room she entered, and felt often as she stood hesitating one moment on the threshold of her drawing-room, an exquisite suspense, such as might stay a diver before plunging while the sea darkens and brightens beneath him, and the waves which threaten to break, but only gently split their surface, roll and conceal and encrust as they just turn over the weeds with pearl.
She put the pad on the hall table. She began to go slowly upstairs, with her hand on the bannisters, as if she had left a party, where now this friend now that had flashed back her face, her voice; had shut the door and gone out and stood alone, a single figure against the appalling night, or rather, to be accurate, against the stare of this matter-of-fact June morning; soft with the glow of rose petals for some, she knew, and felt it, as she paused by the open staircase window which let in blinds flapping, dogs barking, let in, she thought, feeling herself suddenly shrivelled, aged, breastless, the grinding, blowing, flowering of the day, out of doors, out of the window, out of her body and brain which now failed, since Lady Bruton, whose lunch parties were said to be extraordinarily amusing, had not asked her.
Like a nun withdrawing, or a child exploring a tower, she went upstairs, paused at the window, came to the bathroom. There was the green linoleum and a tap dripping. There was an emptiness about the heart of life; an attic room. Women must put off their rich apparel. At midday they must disrobe. She pierced the pincushion and laid her feathered yellow hat on the bed. The sheets were clean, tight stretched in a broad white band from side to side. Narrower and narrower would her bed be. The candle was half burnt down and she had read deep in Baron Marbot's Memoirs. She had read late at night of the retreat from Moscow. For the House sat so long that Richard insisted, after her illness, that she must sleep undisturbed. And really she preferred to read of the retreat from Moscow. He knew it. So the room was an attic; the bed narrow; and lying there reading, for she slept badly, she could not dispel a virginity preserved through childbirth which clung to her like a sheet. Lovely in girlhood, suddenly there came a moment—for example on the river beneath the woods at Clieveden—when, through some contraction of this cold spirit, she had failed him. And then at Constantinople, and again and again. She could see what she lacked. It was not beauty; it was not mind. It was something central which permeated; something warm which broke up surfaces and rippled the cold contact of man and woman, or of women together. For that she could dimly perceive. She resented it, had a scruple picked up Heaven knows where, or, as she felt, sent by Nature (who is invariably wise); yet she could not resist sometimes yielding to the charm of a woman, not a girl, of a woman confessing, as to her they often did, some scrape, some folly. And whether it was pity, or their beauty, or that she was older, or some accident—like a faint scent, or a violin next door (so strange is the power of sounds at certain moments), she did undoubtedly then feel what men felt. Only for a moment; but it was enough. It was a sudden revelation, a tinge like a blush which one tried to check and then, as it spread, one yielded to its expansion, and rushed to the farthest verge and there quivered and felt the world come closer, swollen with some astonishing significance, some pressure of rapture, which split its thin skin and gushed and poured with an extraordinary alleviation over the cracks and sores! Then, for that moment, she had seen an illumination; a match burning in a crocus; an inner meaning almost expressed. But the close withdrew; the hard softened. It was over—the moment. Against such moments (with women too) there contrasted (as she laid her hat down) the bed and Baron Marbot and the candle half-burnt. Lying awake, the floor creaked; the lit house was suddenly darkened, and if she raised her head she could just hear the click of the handle released as gently as possible by Richard, who slipped upstairs in his socks and then, as often as not, dropped his hot-water bottle and swore! How she laughed!
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jay-brooks-hugger · 1 month
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Hi Frighteners gang 😛. Decided to post my Frighteners merch/custom merch collection! It's pretty small but I love it. I plan on making some cute Frighteners key chains and a Johnny Bartlett clay chibi figure
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daryfromthefuture · 1 year
*takes a deep breath*
okay, i want to bring some order into my aus. thus i am making a post about every au that i feel is worth mentioning (some of these are very recent, some of them not lmao). some of them also have like zero content BUT i love them a lot and they're good for brainstorming.
warning. this is a lot
that being said, feel free to send me questions about any of the aus! i'll be only too happy to answer :D
as the title suggests, this is an au where doc and marty end up getting stuck in 1885 instead of going home to 1985 post bttf 3. it's obviously not a concept that i myself came up with, but rather my own version of it.
you can read my fic (titled "until i get home", thus the name for this au lol) for it here. i don't want to elaborate on the au further since i don't want to spoil the fic for those who may have interest in reading it. but yeah, that's the idea :)
okay, basic idea: there are two kinds of soulmates - romantic and platonic. you and your romantic soulmate share a mark (almost tattoo-like) on your right wrist, and you and your platonic one share one on your left wrist, romantic soulmarks are usually red-pinkish, and platonic ones are blue. they're in the form of a symbol that stands for your relationship (e.g. doc and clara would have a star because of their shared interest in space/astronomy).
when you haven't met your soulmate yet, your mark is grey. if your soulmate isn't born yet, it only has grey outlines. it turns fully colored as soon as you meet them. when your soulmate dies, your mark turns grey again and slowly starts disappearing. there's the possibility that you ruin your relationship to the point that the mark fades away without your soulmate being dead. if that happens, you have lost that person forever and your relationship cannot be restored (like, if a fight happened or something and you break up/quit your friendship).
doc and marty have a soulmark in the form of a flux capacitor. also its pretty wild for doc who meets his platonic soulmate possibly as early as in 1931, then marty leaves and the soulmark's outlines turn grey (because marty hasn't been born yet). he also believed that he didn't have a romantic soulmate because he didn't have a mark lol. he gets one as soon as he arrives in 1885 because clara was alive back then.
another perk is that the soulmates can feel each other's pain/emotions, so throughout the trilogy doc knows exactly how marty is feeling and where to find him because another thing is that the soulmates can communicate via thoughts.
okay i think that pretty much covers it-
the lovely @jayisnotdrawing and i came up with this back in january after watching the mjf film "the frighteners". the au is basically the plot of the movie but with bttf characters.(so. spoilers ahead)
marty is frank bannister, the guy who lives alone in an isolated house, talking to three ghosts - his bandmates who had mysteriously died a few years back. he has given up on music and became a paranormal investigator instead, as these weird death cases keep happening. he's also very upset because his best friend, doc, has died in a car crash due to marty not driving carefully enough (doc has not died because of the car crash but because of the myterious heart attack that also killed marty's bandmates). marty can't see doc's ghost, however. i dont remember why but i think it was bc marty's bandmates were kinda stuck between heaven and earth and thus had a part-life on earth idk
ALSO marty is the only one who can see ghosts because he basically witnessed doc being killed and was almost taken away himself.
he meets jennifer, who had just lost her roommate lucy to that heart attack. toegther, they team up to find out what's going on. turns out it's the ghost of the murderer kid tannen, who had died in a murder trial, and continues killing people by "squeezing" their hearts as a ghost. edna is still alive and helps him, and jennifer and marty have to stop them - and marty is their only hope because he's the one seeing ghosts.
he also ends up getting doc back by the way
THIS was a rant and i hope it makes sense-
this is my version of a bttf fairytale lmao
marty is the prince of the mcfly kingdom. however, he doesn't want to be a prince and his parents are getting fed up with him. so they send him on a quest to kill the "dangerous" dragon who has been hiding in a cave forever to get rid of him so he can prove himself as a knight/prince. marty leaves the castle, desperate for adventure, and reaches the cave.
however, upon getting go know the dragon, he realizes that he's quite nice. marty doesn't want to kill the dragon anymore and instead "moves in" with him, being sick of his life as a prince. he affectionately nicknames the dragon "doc" because the creature has a lot of science/alchemy equipment stashed in his cave.
marty's parents send for him and take him back home, disappointed that he didn't kill the dragon, and ground him. however, marty sneaks out and convinces doc to hide him from his parents. marty is very happy with his new dragon dad and actually feels respected for the firsf time in forever, but then gets kidnapped by evil wizard biff.
doc has to save him but gets wounded in a fight, and marty is convinced that he lost doc. it turns out that marty actually saved doc, who had been turned into a dragon by biff decades ago with the condition that only true loyalty to his dragon form would ever turn him back into a human. marty's friendship with the dragon and the way he cared for him when he was hurt allowed doc to become a human again. also doc is a wizard as well, a very powerful one at that, and he can finally turn biff to dust.
@fiddlstyx drew a very cute piece based on this, and you can find it here!
1940s AUs
stuck in the 40s au
au in which marty, on a road trip with doc, takes the delorean to explore los alamos in 1945. getting lost, he hides the delorean in a cave far away from the town and manages to catch a ride back. he finds him in the middle of the manhattan project, and sneaks in after finding doc there. however, he is suspected to be a spy and is not permitted to leave the base.
the first time he leaves is with doc, who had already accepted him in his life, to get the time machine back before the trinity test. well, who knew that the car was in the explosion range - and due to a delay marty and doc arrive five minutes before "the gadget" goes off...
(i wrote a 12k word story for this which is coming to ao3 soon, be a little patient please kdfgks)
famous scientist doc au
(working title for the au lol. i literally came up with this today)
the delorean malfunctions, and since this is the car from the animated series, it crashlands marty in new mexico instead of hill valley, where he actually wanted to be to get some answers concerning his family tree. again, marty meets doc in los alamos, who tells him he'd been offered a higher position at the manhattan project but considers turning it down. marty talks him into accepting it, wanting his friend to earn at least some respect.
back in 1985, marty finds out that due to his interference, doc had been made director of his project and had become world famous. he had been pressured into contributing to the hydrogen bomb, getting fed up to the point where he faked his death and moved into a village under a false name, isolating himself from society. marty has to convince doc to fix the delorean after crashlanding in said village so he can go back in time to fix things.
OKAY IM DONE. i think. yeah.
if anyone has made it until here - congrats. im proud of you.
i don't know what content i'm going to make for any of these aus, but i don't want them to get lost - so here they are, for y'all to read and enjoy!
thanks for reading jkdgfs
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listeningagent · 1 year
Brows furrowed for a moment before Lucy's eyes flew open an urgency pushing her out of bed even as she crumbled slightly to the side. Never before had she been so thankful for the fact that the attic came with its own washroom. In 15 seconds she was bent over the toilet heaving, sweat clinging to her forehead. The music student then laid there for a moment curled up and biting back groans as a hand clamped over her right side, as if holding onto the area hard enough would in anyway get rid of the pain.
Lucy had been up late working last night before she began to feel a bit unwell figuring that it was simple exhaustion leaving her so unsettled. Now she was sure that what she was doing was simply dying. She'd never felt so sweaty before thanking god that she had the hindsight not to sleep in long sleeves for once. She'd only been living in 35 Portland Row for a week. A singular week, this house was still new leaving her on edge, her roommates strangers, her bed not yet feeling like her own. She wanted to be home, wherever home was she wanted to be there instead. She was scared, so scared tears beading up in her eyes whether from the pain, the fear of the pain or the sorrow she was not sure.
Grabbing onto the wall Lucy pulled herself up the movement sending an excruciation shock of pain through her right side. Note to self she decided, do not reach upwards. Even bent over as she was, as long as she was on her feet and could make it down the stairs then she had a chance.
She finally got to the stairs one folded over and pained step at a time only to see and remember that the staircase had no banister. "Fucking hell." Lucy whispered to herself followed quickly by a groan. Dragging in a singular breath she clung to the wall the best she could, using her bare feet as traction. Once she was at the landing door slamming open and met with more stairs the brunette began to feel herself giving up, it just seemed too impossible. Maybe dying would be fine, but god she wanted to live, she had no idea what was happening and she wanted to live. Clinging to each bannister on her way down the pain sharpening and radiating at a greater rate she began calling out for her housemates with abandon. "George, Lockwood!" "PLEASE." "LOCKWOOD." "GEORGE." "HELP ME."
It kept her mind occupied as she finally reached the end choosing to finally crumble forward as she'd dreamed of with a groan, tightening her hold around her waist, head pressing to the floor, sweat slicking her skin, she once again contemplated just giving up if they didn't come to her fast enough. Still she continued to repeat her calls yo-yoing between quieter and groans and louder with added pleas for help. It was unbearable, it was too unbearable, every movement just getting down the stairs left her near ready to black out from the heightened pain. "Please." She cried mournfully trying to hold herself tighter.
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Halloween movie masterlist 🧡🍂
Sidney Prescott
Stu Macher
Tatum Riley
Randy Meeks
Gale Weathers
Dewey Riley
Kirby Reed
Mark Kincaid
Sam Carpenter
Wes Hicks
Tara Carpenter
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Dani Dennison
Thackery Binx
Eddie Kasprak
Richie Tozier
Bill Denbrough
Stanly Uris
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Beverley Marsh
28 Days/Weeks Later
Sergeant Doyle
Bodies Bodies Bodies
Dana Barrett
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Lucky Domingo
Ray Stantz
Winston Zeddemore
Janine Melnitz
Nightmare on elm street
Glen Lantz
Nancy Thompson
Kristen Parker
Lori Campbell
Will Rollins
Kia Waterson
Gibb Smith
Wrong Turn
Jessie Burlingame
Jake Washington
Nina Papas
Dan Torrance
Carrie White
Billy Peltzer
Grace Le Domas
Eric Draven
Clarice Starling
Lucy Lynskey
Ray Bronson
Eliza Esposito
Frank Bannister
Lydia Deetz
Rick O'connell
Emily corpse bride
Duncan Idaho
Regan Abbott
Duke Leto Atreides
Julie James
Seth Gecko
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