#Luffy just has so much love to give he doesn’t want to be lonely gods i hurt over this concept
xamaxenta · 2 years
Has anyone ever loved Ace like Luffy has?
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lxffy · 2 years
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monster trio + law as the neighborhood songs
song association
ft. luffy, zoro, sanji, & law
note: no warnings ! this is a literal excuse to promote the nhbd because that’s all i listen to rn !
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luffy — you get me so high
you're my best friend, i'll love you forever
we could be the greatest, it doesn't matter if we're never rich or famous
it would get you so
high all the time, high all the time
i wanna be high all the time
would you come with me?
if you can just let me know if it’s okay
to call you when i’m lonely
when luffy falls in love, he’s going to fall in love hard. meeting you was probably the best thing that’s happened to him because now he feels like he’s on cloud nine 24/7. everything he does has to be done with you and it doesn’t matter what as long as you’re there with him.
zoro — compass
if i don't have you with me, i’m alone
you know I never know which way to go
i think i need you with me for all-time
when i need new direction for my mind
you listen to my lectures on the phone
you help me find the treasure in the hole
you'll tell me if i’m acting like a fool
i know that you're not something to lose, now
i’ve got something to confess
i keep you in my pocket to use
you're my only compass
i might get lost without you
zoro gets lost too many times to count, but he still finds his way back to you. it’s ironic though; zoro doesn’t think he’s in love and continues to deny his feelings, yet if he gets lost, his mind is set on finding his way back to you.
sanji — heaven
there's something 'bout you, baby
there's something 'bout the way
ya got me shaking like a seizure
no mistaking
i would die for your Heaven
i could lie here forever
every night we're together
if you'd like, i’ll do whatever
you really want
you remind me of my mom
you make me feel like God
and i’m watching you fall from above
sanji loves you like you’re divine figure. for once, he isn’t as bold when approaching someone as stunning as you; instead, his hands are clammy and his mind is racing. you’re like heaven itself and there’s is absolutely nothing that he won’t do for you.
law — the beach
if I told you that i loved you
tell me, what would you say?
if I told you that i hated you
would you go away?
now i need your help with everything that i do
i don't want to lie, i’ve been relying on you
fallin' again
i need a pick-me-up
i've been callin' you "friend,"
i might need to give it up
something law wasn’t looking for was love and he definitely didn’t expect to fall in love with one of his friends. and because of it, law feels guilty. your friendship means so much to him but he can’t bring himself to distance himself from you until his feelings go away. his mind is full of you, you, and you. he’s struggling to hide his feelings and is dying to know how you feel about him. he’s lovesick and your answer is the only cure.
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What do you think of comforting Luffy, Zoro and Sanji would be like when they're really sad?
I’m sorry for such a late reply my college semester just started so things have been a bit busy.
-I think Luffy is very attention oriented, however sometimes it’s not always safe for you as his companion to be near him when he’s upset.
-As we know, Luffy is very quick to act and quite impulsive when he’s angry or upset. These can lead to him physically lashing and hurting someone, even if it’s an accident.
-As his friend or partner I think it’s important to determine his mental state before trying to approach him. He’d never hurt a loved one on purpose but he can be irrational and quick to violence.
-If and when it’s safe to approach Luffy, he’ll probably need lots of physical attention. Holding him, playing with his hair, and rubbing his back are good ways to comfort him. Positive statements and reassurance also aren’t bad.
-Luffy is pretty gross when he cries so having tissues and wet wipes on hand is probably a good idea.
-Zoro likes to be alone when he’s upset. The quitet helps him process his feelings a lot better
- He’s doesn’t really like to talk about the mushy stuff. Don’t get me wrong he’d gladly listen to you talk about your feelings and needs all damn day but when it comes to himself, Zoro needs some coaxing.
-Even though he does want to be alone, after about an hour or so he starts getting lonely. He’ll never say it but a desire to be held will come over him. He doesn’t want to talk but he can’t stand the sight of his bedroom ceiling anymore.
-Please let him be the little spoon for a little bit, maybe even allow him to cry while you rub his back. Just try not to talk to him about what’s bothering him at the moment. He’ll get defensive and clam up
-Sanji is tricky because he’s a master at bottling up his feelings. I think it’s tricky for someone to tell when he’s upset about something for serious than Zoro’s dumb fucking face.
-Like a lot of the other Straw Hats, Sanji has frequent nightmares, usually about his sibling and father. He can’t stand the sight of them even in his dreams so I bet that Sanji doesn’t sleep much.
-Figuring out if he’s upset could probably be determined by how tired he is. Was he up last night cleaning out the freezer or going over Zeff’s old recipes. or even just pacing around the deck is a possibility.
-Approaching him about his feelings is also kind of tricky because he won’t want to talk about it because he feels like a burden. So he tries to turn the conversation back on you, because why are you up this late? How come you’re wandering around on the deck hm? You’ll catch a cold for god's sake!
-He will eventually break down and confess how he’s been feeling though. He doesn’t mind if you want to rub his back or give him comforting words, but more than anything is that he wants to be heard.
-He desperately wants to feel accepted and understood, so if you can provide him that and let him have a good cry will really make him feel better.
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Shanks Romantic Headcanons
▪️ I know he seems like he’d be the most perfect boyfriend/husband in the world, and in many cases he would be, but it’s incredibly 50/50.
▪️ This is the case with any pirate. He’s out at sea almost constantly, and that means he’s away from you almost constantly. And yes, this means you are not a part of his crew. He’s very serious about that.
▪️ However, he isn’t gone from you because he doesn’t truly love you or want to be with you. You’re always in his thoughts. When he goes to sleep at night, he wishes he could be back at home with you holding you in his arms. When he stares out at the sea, it’s as though he’s trying to look for you across the horizon. 
▪️ He returns as often as he can. He won’t go out of his way unless there is some dire reason, and his visits are rare (Maybe once or twice every two months).
▪️ When he returns, he always brings something back for you. It’s a promise he makes to himself and to you. Jewelry, clothes, gems, pictures, records - you gather a very large collection of gifts from his travels over time. Your favorite, though, is the wedding ring. 
▪️ You’d always assumed he’d never marry, or want any sort of commitment like that, but when he came back with that gift behind his back and surprised you with it, you knew you assumed wrong. It was a beautiful ring, and surely would have been expensive if it were actually purchased. You didn’t ask how he got it, the diamonds and the rubies laced throughout the piece, too enraptured to care.
▪️ He told you that, even though you likely won’t have some big, fancy wedding, the kind he knows you deserve, he wants you to know he loves you the way a husband loves his lover. The ring would mean he’d always come back for you.
▪️ Despite this promise, and that he keeps it true, it’s still lonely without him. In many ways, you can’t help but feel that you’ll never completely have Shanks. Rather, he’s taken by the sea. 
▪️ He always makes you laugh, no matter what. 
▪️ He’s a great judge of character, observant and keen, and can tell when you’re feeling sad about something. First he tries to make you laugh, succeeds, then he gives you that gentle look and caresses your cheek, asking you to tell him what’s wrong. You can’t tell if Shanks is purposefully manipulative or not, considering he knows just how to make you open up to him. 
▪️ Although he won’t let you officially be a part of his crew, he invites you to party with them all the time. He loves it, actually, and his crew of course love and respect you. 
▪️ If you’re the party type, that’s perfect. You’ll be drinking, singing, and dancing all day and all night. He always urges you to sing a song or dance for everyone, and if you do, everyone’s always cheering you on like you’re the best performer ever. 
▪️ Shanks watches you like you’re the most amazing thing in the world. Like you’re a gift from the heavens. He thinks you’re beautiful whether you’re shy about it or letting loose and being free. He just likes to watch you.
▪️ He’s not going to make a deal out of it if you don’t, but he does enjoy having a meal cooked for him when he visits you. Food is one thing, but your food is something else entirely. It’s best when you have his favorite food ready for him - Shanks is made the happiest man alive.
▪️ So proud of you. He doesn’t necessarily keep your relationship secret, but he doesn’t share it either. It’d be extremely difficult to keep you a secret anyway, and since he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s ashamed, he doesn’t.
▪️ So yes, whenever he gets the chance, he goes on and on about his S/O and how perfect they are and all the things you do, big or small. He can talk anyone’s ear off so long as it’s involving you.
▪️ Protective as he is over you, like anyone would be over their lover, if someone were to bad-mouth you he doesn’t let it get to him. It’s all talk. And if it isn’t? Well, Shanks is still a pirate.
▪️ Chases you around the house threatening to tickle you, laughing the entire time.
▪️ He’ll go on and on telling you about his travels, about how proud he is of Luffy and excited he is to see him again. 
▪️ Whenever he comes back again to see you, one of his favorite lines is: “My god! You’re even more beautiful than the last time I saw you!” 
▪️ He likes dancing with you. When you’re cooking, he’ll come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, swaying side to side. Or he’ll turn you around, take your hand, and just dance around all jolly. He enjoys dipping you backward too - anything that gets some sort of a reaction out of you.
▪️ He likes making you blush and shy, yes, but he likes making you smile most of all. If you’re smiling, then he knows you’re okay. 
▪️ Sharing your problems with him and talking to him puts other husbands to shame. He’s the best listener because he actually cares. He wants to hear everything you have to say, he doesn’t get annoyed or bored. 
▪️ Likes having you sit in his lap while. Just in general. He could be holding you, kissing you, or just casually being there. 
▪️ Likewise, he’s very touchy whether you’re in public or alone. It isn’t always sexual and most of the time isn’t. When it is, you’ll know.
▪️ A child is never planned with him. He doesn’t particularly want one, but he doesn’t not want one either. If you get pregnant, then so be it. A great part of him will regret it though, if only because he knows he isn’t the kind of man who can step away from pirate life to raise a child.
▪️ Like with you, he’d do his best. If you get pregnant, he promises to. If he weren’t a pirate, he’s guaranteed to be the best dad ever. 
▪️ During your pregnancy, he stays far longer on the island. If he has to leave, he tries to return as quickly as possible. He’d hate to think that something could happen to you in that vulnerable state and he wouldn’t be there. 
▪️ After the baby is born, every time he comes back it seems like it’s grown so much. It makes him feel as though he’s missing out on their life. Shanks doesn’t typically let things bother him, but this gets to him.
▪️ When he is home, he’s fantastic. Doing everything he can to make sure your child knows they have a daddy who loves them.
▪️ However, he doesn’t do much to dissuade them from being a pirate. He isn’t ashamed of what he is, after all, and telling his child to not be a pirate would make it seem as though he’s a bad guy. 
▪️ He loves kissing you everywhere, but especially your neck. His facial hair tickles your neck and always makes you giggle, which is a sound that he loves.
▪️ He’s a surprisingly good singer and can play the guitar, so chances are he’s going to sing some sort of cute ballad to you. He may or may not have written it while he was out at sea.
▪️ He loves to take walks with you and spend time out in nature. Stargazing with blankets on the grass beneath you is a preferred way to spend a night. 
▪️ Hates arguing, especially with you. If there’s something serious that you’re having a disagreement on, it’s very clear he’s doing everything he can to not let it result in anger. Very rarely does he get serious or angry with you, but on the off chance that he does, it’s pretty intimidating. 
▪️ He’ll never physically intimidate you on purpose or anything, but the seriousness in his tone and perhaps raising of his voice is startling. He’s also very tall, standing at 6′6″ ½ , and his stature and power is something you forget since he spends so much time being jovial and unassuming. 
▪️ Shanks isn’t the type to leave angry. He instantly apologizes, deflates the situation the best he can. It’s very easy to forgive him, since you know he doesn’t do anything with the intention of being cruel. 
▪️ But again, arguments are extremely rare. 
▪️ If you truly want to and you beg him, he’ll take you out on his ship with him and his crew. To some island that he knows isn’t going to be dangerous of course, and across safe waters. He’s very careful though, as if there’s constantly a lingering fear in the back of his mind while you’re with him. He isn’t the type to worry like that, but with you (And especially if you bring your child) he can’t help it. 
▪️ Then you remind him that he’s one of the Yonko and he says out loud, “Oh, I am, aren’t I? Ahahaha” As if he forgot how powerful he is in the first place. 
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authenticaussie · 7 years
MAS + truth spell, with angst
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“I actually really like cats.”
Ace stares at him, interrupted in the middle of a stirring tale of how he and Sabo used to pull cat tails and then scamper when they were turned on, and Sabo blinks, a frown coming to his face. He pushes his fingers curiously against his mouth, unable to deny the small surge of concern that trickles through him. “I didn’t- mean to say that.”
“What do you mean?” Ace asks, and Sabo takes a breath and means to say well I don’t like cats, actually-
“I didn’t want to tell the truth just then and I did.”
Sabo jolts, his hand slamming hard over his lips. “I-” he says, staring at Ace with wide eyes, “I don’t want to say any of this. I can’t stop talking.”
Ace looks back at him with the same amount of horror, worry burning wild in his eyes. He almost picks Sabo up with how hard he pulls at Sabo’s bicep, dragging him away from the table, but Sabo’s tongue is still spilling secrets and he can’t make it stop.
“Koala’s really pretty.”
“Sometimes when you sing in the shower I sit outside instead of coming in.”
“I stole Hack’s seaweed wrap. And I put it back but he didn’t notice so I stole it again.”
“I did try and punch a tsunami, I lied. When I heard you did it I wanted to try it.”
“I lied-” Sabo bites his tongue, the sharp shock of pain stopping him momentarily, but it’s like someone else is in charge of his mouth and he finds himself saying, “I lie to you all the time. When we first met I lied to you.”
“What?” Ace says, his hurried pace across the deck halted for a moment by the hitch in his step, but then he shakes his head and continues. “Yeah, I know. You said you were an orphan.”
“I don’t remember that,” Sabo says, and watches as this time Ace slows steadily, a frown of realisation taking form on his face. “I meant when I first met you. Or, when I remember first meeting you. You said you knew me and that I knew you but I didn’t, and I-” he heaves in a breath, bracing the heel of his palm against his lips and trying to ignore how Ace’s eyes have gone wide, but he can’t get himself to shut up. “I just thought that I could-” he chokes, the word dragged long and painful, his hand wrapped around his jaw, “use you- for the Whitebeards.”
 “You-  what?” Ace says, and his chest swells sharp and hard, his palm warm even through Sabo’s coat. He stops, and his voice is quiet when he asks, “But- now? Do you know me now?”
Sabo lets go of his mouth in a desperate attempt to reach forwards because he does-
“Do you remember me?”
The word pries his teeth open and slips out before he can stop it. “No.”
Ace stumbles away just as Sabo lunges forwards and grabs his biceps, tugging him close. “I have-!” he says desperately, even as Ace turns his face away and struggles to free himself, "There’s bits and pieces- sometimes when you tell stories I just- I know them before you’re finished! Or I know someone you’ve never mentioned before, and I get flashes, sometimes, and-”
"Let go of me!” Ace yells, his lips curled into a growl, but his hands are in claws instead of fists, scratching and shoving and savage in his desire to escape. "Get off me!”
Sabo’s palms burn and he flexes them against the heat, knowing it’s not just Ace’s fire that lets Ace stagger away. They’ve drawn a scene, but Sabo only has eyes for how Ace’s hands are shaking. “You lied,” Ace says, as though that were ever some big secret, and Sabo’s laugh is breathless and depreciating.
“I always lie.” He presses his fingers against his forehead, eyes screwed tightly shut as he sighs. "I’m not- the truth can hurt people, and I figured- that if you thought me to be someone else, why bother to correct you? You just wanted your brother back-” 
“Yeah, I did!” Ace snaps, and his hands are in fists but his shoulders are trembling, “I did want my brother back. I wanted what we had, and I wanted to forget being lonely, and I wanted- and you lied! You tried to-”
“I didn’t mean to!” Sabo defends, but then there’s a roaring in his ears and his legs go numb. Mercifully someone catches him before he hits the deck, but his head still swims until he manages to choke out, “I did- mean to- use you. I thought that you were dumb and too trusting, but I never set out to hurt any of you. I just- if I had someone, some way to have the loyalty of the Whitebeards-”
He blinks away blackness to see Marco watching him, blue eyes careful and guarded and sharp, but Marco’s still gentle helping him sit up, still worried as he watches Sabo’s mouth form words he has no control over.
“So you lied,” Marco says slowly, and Sabo’s lips quirk into a bitter smirk.
“I’m good at it.”
”What else did you lie about?“ Ace says, and Sabo looks at him; looks at the fact that Ace hasn’t shifted, only tensed. Somehow the knowledge that Ace hadn’t moved to catch him is what makes it sink in, that the ramifications he’d sometimes idly pondered are going to be far worse than he’d ever imagined. That whatever is forcing him to tell the sharp shards of the truth is going to tear down everything he’d taken for himself and force him to share what he’d used to justify his decisions, when his decisions had been about people he hadn’t known he’d known.
“I forgot your birthday,” Sabo says, his secrets sliding their way from where he keeps them, falling off his tongue as he recalls each one. “I lied about that, ‘cause I forgot. I lied about knowing who Luffy was, and I lied about knowing Shanks, ‘cause I thought you’d like it better if I said I’d thanked him for saving Luffy, too. I lied about my missions a couple of times so that I could leave here faster. And I lied about my missions so I could come visit, too, and-”
He grunts, pursing his lips together, and can’t help how his eyes slide to Marco, guilt flushing his cheeks.
“What else did you lie about?”
“I-” he whines, unable to help himself, and tucks his chin against his chest as though that could stop anything else from leaving him. He can feel Marco’s fingertips against his spine, the tiniest touch of pressure and comfort, and his throat tightens. “I- please- don’t make me say it.”
There’s a hollow silence, punctuated only by his heaving gasps, and for a moment he can almost believe that someone will ask him something. Will let him escape whatever penance he’s meant to be paying for keeping secrets. Will let him hide at least this.
But no-one asks him anything else, and when he looks up at Ace, his jaw is set hard.
Sabo’s mouth opens on a breathless nothing, and his eyes flutter closed. ”I- I lied when-” he exhales hard, every word agony, and finally spits out, “I lied when Marco confessed.”
Marco’s hand is gone from his back; no matter that they only barely touched, now that Marco was gone-
He tries to reach out but Marco’s already moved away from him.
“Why would you do that?” Marco asks, his voice laced with hurt, and Sabo wishes he could give a proper explanation, wishes he could lie through his fucking teeth, wishes he could say anything than what this stupid curse has demanded is the truth;
“I just didn’t care.”
Ace laughs hoarsely and turns away from him. His hair has fallen in dark tangles around his face, but Sabo can still see the sharp twist of his mouth and how his jaw keeps making tiny, uncontrollable jumps.
“It was because it didn’t matter to me either way,” he says, and wishes he had some way to twist it into something better. “It was because I thought that- I could keep you happy, that way. This way. By- being with you.”
“You think we’d be happy with you  pretending  you were in love with us?” Ace asks hoarsely, then whirls around with a snarl, fire in his eyes and his lip curled to showcase the sharp jut of his canines, “Why would you even want to keep us happy?”
“You’d trust me,” Sabo says. “If I made you happy then you’d trust me.”
He lets out a useless growl, the base of his palm thunking against the side of his head, and snaps, “But it wasn’t just that! It was never just that, I just never figured out why I wanted you to be happy and then once I did I just thought it wouldn’t matter-”
“Lying to us wouldn’t matter,” Marco says, and his voice is steady and vicious.
His nose is burning; it seems stupid that he’s having to blink more now, now with the thought of losing them,  then when he first realised that he’d accidentally trapped himself.
But then again, gods, then again, he’d trapped himself into something good with easy omissions and lies that he hadn’t realised were truths until later, trapped himself into something that made him happy. Against all odds he’d carved out a space filled with adoration and been allowed to call it his own. Had been invited to do such a thing, and hadn’t even realised how much he’d wanted that until he’d been faced with the thought of its loss.
And by that point, hadn’t it just been easier to keep silent? To laugh to himself about the oddities of fate, about lies that turned out to be true, about not knowing what he’d wanted but yet somehow ending up with it anyway?
And wasn’t it better, after all, to pretend that their relationship hadn’t been founded on a quick twist of his tongue? To pretend that they’d managed to figure out a way to be happy through bumbling confessions and laughter?
To pretend that his first goal wouldn’t have torn their hearts to shreds?
Ace breathes out hard and heavy, voice lilted into an almost hysterical laugh. “You haven’t even said sorry.”
“I’m not,” Sabo  says, because the last dregs of whatever compulsion he’d to tell the truth are still burning in his throat and to leave this unsaid feels like a weight worse than anything else he’d carried. Ace doesn’t wait for him to finish before he storms off, his teeth bared and a growl rumbling deep in his throat.
Sabo looks at Marco, who’s still poised at the edge of a crowd of people trying to look as though they’re not listening and doing an awful job of it, and flicks his tongue over his dry lips. “I had you,” he says, and can’t help how his lips curl into a bittersweet smile. “And I was happy.”
“You were selfish,” Marco says, and then he turns on his heel and shoves his hands into his pockets, following Ace.
And Sabo finds himself left to place his hands over his mouth and pray he doesn’t let any more secrets spill from his tongue.
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Ok so I've been going back through your blog and I found the jewel that is the parent headcannons.
I was wondering how Luffy would react if he found a baby in a basket drifting by in the water while he was stuck on an abandoned Island. And then how the crew would react to finding their captian with a baby. Maybe having Usopp as a cool uncle?
I love it. This is kind of long so the rest is under the cut off. Also I’m genuinely  touched that you’re looking back through my blog.
- Okay so Luffy is obviously such a soft soul, so if he finds an abandoned baby, he’s gonna keep it. Probably
-I mean he’s gonna do everything he can do to find its parent because children should be with their families, and Luffy’s understanding of familial bonds is incredibly strong.
-If he can’t find anyone to claim this baby or someone else to care for this kid, he’ll take on the challenge. 
-It’d be a god damn nightmare at first, like how this kid survived is a miracle honestly. It’s not that he’s not trying, but firstly in this scenario, he’s all alone and he’s barely twenty-one years old. Also, his own childhood was pretty messy so...
-I think it takes him about a week to get the hang of things and he spends a lot of his time thinking about Robin and what she would do in his shoes. He also thinks of Dadan and what she might say. Robin is more motherly than Dadan, but who better to think than his own mother.
-This does make him feel... lonely. Having this baby and being a pseudo father make him miss his crew, his brothers, and Dadan. Luffy misses his Grandpa. After a bit of a depressive slump, and having like a three-month-old baby he feels better and gets his shit together.
-When the crew does actually find him, Luffy is attached to this baby. In every sense of the word, this baby is now his kid. The crew is concerned, to say the least.
-The first thing they assume is that Luffy stole someone's kid. Lu is so happy to see his crew that he doesn’t even care about their accusations. He insists that Chopper take a look at his baby. Chopper has a hard time giving the baby a check-up because of Luffy’s anxious hovering.
-The crew does try to convince Luffy to drop that kid off at an orphanage or something but it’s too late. I’d like to think Luffy gets really emotional over this. He starts to cry a little and tells the crew that he can’t lose any more family, and this baby has never had a family.
-The crew does eventually come around of course, because Luffy always gets what he wants, especially when he cries. Nami is still skeptical that this kid wasn’t stolen.
-Usopp and Franky love kids so they warm up to the baby pretty quickly. Usopp is a little nervous to hold the baby at first and panics when it starts crying when he holds ‘em. Franky holding that baby makes Robins's heart melt, just a little bit. Brook is also on the baby train. It’s in his nature to make children happy, especially with music. It makes him feel very nostalgic.
-Honestly, Sanji and Zoro are not super stoked about this whole baby thing. Sanji doesn’t mind kids, it’s just they live a dangerous lifestyle and Luffy is pretty difficult to handle.
-Zoro on the other hand is great with kids, despite not enjoying them much. Furthermore his boyfriend suddenly just has this random kid. What’s he supposed to do with that? Then again... that baby makes Luffy so happy. Zoro may or may not start being one of the only crew members that can get the baby to fall asleep.
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authenticaussie · 7 years
Coffeshop au vs Fake marriage au vs Lady and Knight au vs Hogwarts au
aWWW man haha a big 4v4 going on,,,Damnnn. Okay okay so I love fake marriage aus man, just fake dating and anything is so good because of all of the pinning oh man it’s perfect. But then again!!! Anything that comes of a Lady & Knight au is just….perfect. All the time. Because you can have starts-off-as-betrayal-turns-into-utter-loyalty, or you can just have starts as loyalty and adventures and dragons and magic and!!! Oh boy just so cool so cool
Lady & Knight AU Headcanons:
For a betrayal au!!! Nam/Tash would be so good because you have royal lady Nami who’s adopted by Arlong and raised to be a selling point, basically, she always knew she was just going to get married off once she stopped being useful, so she decides to sell the whole kingdom out. 
Except when Arlong sends her capital she gets assigned this super-fucking-cute personal guard and she’s like shit I’m too gay for this. And Tashigi is at first a bit standoffish ‘cause she’s like that with everyone but just??? They end up being friends??? And Nami’s plan to betray the kingdom and go back to her rightful home starts falling to the wayside because she doesn’t want to betray Tashigi??
And Tashigi loves this place, loves the kingdom and capital and every person in it, and always helps out in town whenever Nami decides she wants to go out and just. 
God kill me okay I am 100% here for Nami seeing cruelty in everyone but Tashigi is just so-
Good. So heroic and kind and strong and Nami’s always been weak for loyalty ‘cause she’s never had it
Nami ends up confessing her plans to Tashigi but then saying she knew how to fix it and didn’t want to go through with it and Tashigi kiiiind of doesn’t believe her??? And she turns standoffish again and so cold, but she promises not to tell anyone, and Nami’s like fuck I gotta get her trust back i miss her so much—
And so Nami ends up twisting her plans and making it look like Arlong was blackmailing her and that it was his plans, ‘cause he wasn’t popular at court, and basically does this super clever coup and takes over his whole enterouge and deposing him as duke (or whatever tf he would be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
And arlong finds out that she betrayed him and so sends people to kill her but then Tashigi busts in and totally does awesome sword fighting and saves her life and they talk it over and be honest and just. Happily ever after ;u; 
And for the loyal af I’m gonna do Robin and Koala ‘cause it’s just so flippin’ cute
There was a coup when Robin was younger and the whole royal family was murdered but lil!Koala helped her sneak away and worked in the kitchens and gave information to the rebels, and she was so young, but so strong, and helped the rebellion take back Robin’s kingdom, and so in return Robin asked her what she wanted and Koala said that all she wanted was to be able to protect Robin. (Cue flustered and barely hiding it Robin, and utterly oblivious young koala)
Robin as this elegant and poised and utterly (literally) magical lady and Koala’s been head over heels for her for the longest time, ever since she was a page and saw Robin (as a teen) with her head held high and her voice so calm and strong as she dismissed warriors to help fight bandits and take care of her kingdom.
Before Robin’s coronation she’s meant to visit every single village and know the people and work with her land so she can understand what they live like and go through but Koala’s super worried because even though Robin is a powerful witch there’s still ways to get her and begs to accompany her
And Robin acquiesces (and is actually secretly super happy that Koala still cares enough to want to protect her, because a lot of other people see her as scary and cold and strange and she doesn’t mind, but sometimes it gets lonely)
Koala totally braids Robin’s hair at one point!!!! Because it was getting in the way and Robin was getting annoyed!!! And then agrees to do it for the rest of the trip!!!! And she dies inside because Robin is so beautiful and she loves her so fucking much!!!!!!
God okay kill me
They end up camping together on the road and it’s basically just domesticity and protecting each other and taking care of each other and Robin confides softly some of her fears of being queen and koala almost half-confesses that she’s worried one day they’ll be things she can’t protect anyone from
Their first kiss is totally in a waterfall. 
I don’t know why that thought occured to me but now that it has I can’t let it go
They get attacked by bandits and Koala fights them all off but ends up getting injured. And so they camp by this waterfall that opens into this really lovely cave system that’s lit by shards of glowing blue and purple crystal that Robin found ‘cause it’d help her healing magic (which she isn’t suuuuuper good at, ‘cause healing magic is innate and Robin is more of a learned witch, and has heaps of memorised spells, but isn’t good at just shoving raw power at a thing).
And in the soft glow of these crystals and she’s patching up Koala’s side she just…..Ends up tugging Koala’s chin and pressing a kiss to her lips and Koala’s like lajkhdgj holy FUCK
And she tries to kiss back properly but then ends up wincing and going all ow ow ow fuck that hurt
And Robin laughs and Koala’s like aw come on that’s not my fault. And basically ends up saying something about how she’s wanted to do that for ages is it her fault that she wants more than just one kiss???
And Robin’s like woah. excuse me, wait, what.
And Koala starts blushing furiously and gets super flustered and is spluttering and trying to explain and Robin just thinks it over while she’s spluttering and is like “So you…have loved me? For a long time?”
And Koala just ends up nodding kind of guilty but then Robin smiles at her and Koala’s fucking wrecked and Robin just says “Good,” and kisses her again!!!
And no misunderstandings occur and they keep travelling around just this time with  kisses and more affection and Koala not feeling careful around what she’s allowed to do, ‘cause before she didn’t feel like she could / should touch Robin and now finds out Robin fucking loves all the attention Koala gives her 
And when they get back and Robin is crowned it’s basically a fact that Koala is the kingdom’s other queen and when people on Robin’s council complain and says she needs to get married ‘cause she shouldn’t be queen without a king she just laughs in their face. 
She’s not 100% comfortable with being a mom, because she doesn’t remember much about her mom, ‘cause she died when Robin was so young and she was always so busy with being Queen, but Koala would love a kid, and she needs an heir….
(Little does she know that she’s already accidentally adopted all of the orphaned children in the castle, who she visits regularly and tells wonderful stories about the adventures she and Koala had and supports and helps with jobs and teaching and she gives them books and like okay these like 10 kids all see her and Koala as their moms)
But she needs a biological kid apparently (she’s contemplated firing this council, they’re fucking dumbasses) so she makes a kid and the kid has magic and there’s dorky magical shenanigans as she tries to get used to the fact that someone calls her mother and means it and Koala’s like Robin, pls, you’ve been looking after the castle kids for years why is this weird???
But it’s mine, Robin goes, frazzled, and Koala laughs quietly and soothes her with kisses and they raise this kickass kid and she and Koala live happily ever after. The end!!!!!
Fake Marriage AU Headcanons:
Uhh man tbqh I love fake dating more than I like fake marriages???? Idk why but it proooobably has something to do with my dislike of marriage and the fact that people use it like it’s an end-all-be-all and a solution to every problem imeanwhat???im not cynical
anyway!! I’m a drip for zolu and I haven’t written it for ages, so; 
Zoro runs this lowkey but really strong dojo along with his sister Kuina and they compete a lot in fights, but are confined to the stupid gender bullshit ‘cause Kuina’s dad won’t let her fight any guys. Kuina’s already the strongest female swordsman in the world, and demands that Zoro become the strongest man so they can have a fight and so who’s actually better, and who’s the strongest full stop.
But Zoro can’t beat mihawk. It’s annoying as fuck for him, especially when Mihawk constantly keeps asking when Zoro will find something stronger than his ambitions, when he’ll find something worth fighting for.
One day he finally snaps and points at Luffy, who’s the brother of a friend of a student that attends Kuina’s self defence class and goes, 
Luffy’s like wtf. Mihawk’s like ah. Well then. i shall leave you to spend time with your fiance, ‘cause you obviously don’t know well enough what i mean. 
luffy’s still like what the fuck. Mihawk leaves while Zoro’s yelling at him, and then he whirls on Luffy and Luffy’s like akjhjdg dude why are you glaring at me  
Then Kuina busts in and is like YOU HAVE A FIANCE?????
And Koala and Sabo are on her heels and Sabo’s like luffy how the hell did you keep this a secret!!! You’re a shit liar!!!
I- Wha- huh????? goes luffy, and Zoro’s like yep. He is. Fucking shit liar. It was meant to be a surprise but i got so angry at mihawk
WHO THE HELL ARE YOU demands sabo
my. fiance?????? luffy goes’cause he’s confused as all hells, bUT SABO THINKS HE’S CONFUSED AT SABO FOR NOT REALISING IT
There’s a lot of yelling. So much yelling. Luffy has no idea what’s going on. Zoro ends up dragging him away before they leave and kind of explains what’s going on - his rival says he needed something worth fighting for, and movies always say love makes you stronger (”only the cheesy ones,” luffy mumbles, but shuts up when Zoro glares at him, daring him to make another comment)
Luffy doesnt end up agreeing persay, but he doesnt say no either, and so they have to handle the inquisition in the form of friends and family and then find out a lot of the people they know know each other??? and it’s only weird luck they haven’t met before then??? So they just claim that they had met before then, and it’s ridiculous and dorky and they have to answer plans about marriage and where their rings are, and zoro says he didn’t want luffy to loose his and that he was always working and fighting and so they’d agreed not to get rings and
They end up going on dates where they try and get everything sorted and what they know about each other and luffy keeps making zoro laugh (which is annoying, fucking hell luffy, you’re a dumbass, zoro thinks with a roll of his eyes, but can’t deny that…weirdly enough luffy makes him really happy)
and once their friends know they’re getting married, they get shoved together a lot too, and so they go from not knowing each other very well to just learning so much about each other’s likes and dislikes and they get along really well????? like wtf it’s so weird????/ they just fit. Once Zoro stop acting so put-upon ofc tho (luffy yells at him, and tells him that it was zoro’s fault in the first place that they were stuck in this mess, so how could he get off on being so high and mighty all the time??? and zoro stops acting like a dick)
And their friends are just like oooohhh yeah i can see why you want to marry him now and zoro’s like laskhdgf fucking hell you guys you’re so thick, god i cant believe this is working he thinks as he texts back like 30 seconds after luffy replies, and smiles fondly at all the spelling mistakes and emojis he recieves in return
Finds out that Sabo gives Koala a lift to her self-defence classes and sometimes joins in as a demonstrator for them to practice on and Luffy doesn’t have anyone at home and he gets bored and lonely by himself so he comes along but is banned from the classroom and so Zoro starts teaching luffy how to fight and finds out that Luffy’s actually a good fighter but his basics are off
You know that trope where the characters stand super close to correct each other’s techniques???
Zoro you loser. 
And Zoro finds that his fighting has improved as well, ‘cause Luffy’s so wild and unpredictable and he needed a refresher on the basics too.
And one time when they’re sparing Luffy manages to pin him and crows in delight and victory and is sweaty and grins down at him and Zoro’s like
Oh shit.
Oh sweet fucking shit.
Welcome to Feelings Town tm, population: one utterly in love Roronoa Zoro who didn’t realise until it was TO FUCKING LATE
the “wedding” date they’d organised dawns nearer (Zoro tried to keep it as small and cheap as possible, ‘cause they’d planned for luffy to leave him at the altar (no way was zoro doing the leaving, everyone would kill him. Luffy is everyone’s sunshine) but luffy has so many fucking friends) and Mihawk agrees to fight zoro before they go on their “honeymoon” and there’s a bunch of people there cheering zoro on and it’s all these friends that he’s made/grown closer  to thanks to Luffy and then just about when he thinks he’s gonna loose there’s luffy, fists clenched, fire alight in his eyes, urging him on, and Zoro’s like fuck
fuck I want to make him proud. i don’t want to see him disappointed. I want to best mihawk and go get fucking married and go on our stupid honeymoon and be
because that’s how he’s felt. He’s felt happy with Luffy. He’s felt so happy with Luffy. 
Kicks mihawk’s ass and drops his sword into Kuina’s hands and bypasses everyone else to wear Luffy is standing and grinning and there’s stars in his eyes and Zoro basically just picks him up and like they’re reading each other’s minds Luffy just leans in and kisses him
It’s fucking perfect.
Zoro’s sweaty and hot and his blood still sings from the fight and it’s rushing in his ears but all he can feel and hear and see is Luffy 
And it’s perfect.
From behind him, Mihawk mumbles, “So you’ve finally found something stronger than ambition.”
Zoro pulls away and leans his forehead against luffy’s and replies, “Don’t go all cheesy family movie on me now, Mihawk.” 
and Luffy laughs and they kiss again and its!!!! so cheesy!!! so cute!!! so good!!!
And they end up putting the marriage off for a bit and dating for a few years but everyone still calls them fiances / the old married couple and one day when they’re sprawled on the couch Zoro just turns to luffy and goes, 
“Hey, do you want to finally actually get married?”
And luffy grins and zoro rolls his eyes and he’s like “yes i get that we practically already are, but I-”
“want to buy you a ring. And that stupid stuff. Alright?”
“Alright,” Luffy goes, still grinning super super wide, “but you might wanna put it on a necklace or smth ‘cause you know im gonna lose it.”
Zoro groans and is like dont i know it. half of our yearly pay’s gonna go to replace ur wedding ring. 
and just!!! laughter and happiness and happily ever after. The end!!!!
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