drmajalis · 2 months
This is my ongoing Signalis longfic, 18 chapters and 46.7k words in it has just finished it's first major arc. It is a reincarnation romance that takes place post-game, starring Vinetan War veteran Gefreiter Elyanna Yang, and newly initialized REAR-type Rhea Replika A-200 "Ari" as they grapple with memories of their old lives bleeding into their new ones, and the inevitable draw the two feel toward each other, all beset within an oppressive, totalitarian autocratic state that is determined to make sure a relationship such as theirs will not be tolerated. Bring tissues, there's a lot of heartbreak. I've put a ton of blood, sweat, and tears into this project and would be delighted if you gave it a read and let me know what you think.
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kungpowppppppppp · 4 months
new fic, may be part of a larger work?
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kikaikitai · 5 months
A Heart for a Heart ch2: My Brother, My Mother
Lo'ak searches for his family among the wreckage, unaware of what else has been lost. https://archiveofourown.org/works/47151964/chapters/133506613 As promised, a continuation. This is going to be very experimental. Similar to Recom Files, I want to keep the chapters as vignettes to explore how this affects everyone. Chapter word count: 478 Tags: what if, major character death, child death, Dark Neytiri, grief/mourning, whump, AU, sadfic
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kissgirly · 1 year
entre vinhos baratos e corações partidos.
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Gênero: sadfic Contagem de palavras: 597 essa fic contém: consumo de bebidas alcóolicas, conteúdo que possa causar gatilho (traição e término) SINOPSE: Os gregos acreditavam que existem sete tipos diferentes de amor, já outros, acreditam que o seu verdadeiro amor é conectado por um longo fio vermelho, onde as almas gêmeas passam a vida toda procurando a outra ponta. E de todas as opções, Sana acredita em todas elas, ou pelo menos, costumava acreditar. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · O álcool desce rasgando a garganta, a ardência incomoda e me deixa desnorteada, mas mesmo assim não paro de beber essa garrafa de bebida barata e de origem duvidosa.
A real é que nem sei como cheguei à essa situação, poucos dias atrás estávamos juntas e tudo parecia tão bem. Eu te amava, com todas as minhas forças, éramos feitas uma para a outra, mas parece que só eu via isso.
Éramos como o Sol e a Lua, eu como o Sol, que te amei com todas as minhas forças e te aquecendo e te iluminando com tudo que tinha em mim; Você como a Lua, fria, discreta e sempre mais fechada em relação aos sentimentos. Mas era apenas o seu jeito, certo?
Eu te amei profundamente, como o Sol amou a Lua, mas a Lua nunca lhe pertenceu, pois estava ocupada demais refletindo sobre o oceano.
Se eu te dei toda minha luz, por que você insistiu em iluminar outra pessoa? Entendo que nunca poderia ser minha, você nunca foi de qualquer forma, eu sei que quando olhava nos meus olhos você pensava em outra pessoa.
Não imaginei que meu mundo iria desmoronar em apenas cinco minutos, cinco minutos de tortura quando vi teus lábios colados aos de outra mulher. Suas mãos agarrando a cintura e puxando mais perto, em um ato libidinoso e proibido, os dedos escorriam sobre a pele da mulher. Enquanto lágrimas escorriam sobre meus olhos, a garganta doía e era cada vez mais difícil respirar. Você não viu, amor. Você não me viu desmoronar na tua frente.
Me aproximei lentamente, firmando os pés no chão e encarando o casal que parecia tão apaixonado. Você olhava pra ela como se ela fosse seu mundo, a coisa mais preciosa do universo. Você nunca me encarou daquela forma.
A garota me encarou, deu um sorriso e disse "boa noite", sua voz era tão doce… O sorriso dela era lindo. Percebi que você iria dizer o mesmo, até encarar meu rosto, marcado pelo desespero. A garota se questionou e eu não aguentei, saí correndo como se minha vida dependesse disso. Eu não estava acreditando, como pôde?
Corri vários e vários quarteirões até chegar em casa, abri a porta e caí de joelhos contra o chão gelado. 
— Não é possível… Isso não deveria estar acontecendo.  [...]
Era uma noite chuvosa e completava exatos trinta dias sem você. Sentia a cabeça doer, o gosto amargo do vinho nos lábios, a garganta doer com o choro preso por tantos dias. O choro aflito que um dia já foi a esperança que um dia voltaria. 
Não consegui segurar por muito tempo, a música melancólica e a taça de vinho pela metade entregava a angústia que por tanto tempo insistia em ficar no meu peito. Era notável as bochechas vermelhas e os olhos fundos, estava chorando por alguém que tanto prometeu me amar.
Ingênua, burra, idiota, sem graça, a culpa é sua. Totalmente sua. 
Os soluços foram ficando cada vez mais altos, estava sentada sobre o chão frio e abraçando meus próprios joelhos, ainda conseguia te enxergar ali. Correndo com o sorriso de orelha a orelha, dizendo que me amava e que ficaria comigo até a eternidade.
Se me amava, porque me deixou? Se realmente me amava, porque me trocou por outro alguém? A culpa é minha? Eu não fui o suficiente? 
As questões rondavam e rondavam minha cabeça, estava completamente sem rumo. Aquele era meu primeiro coração partido, a primeira vez que confiei em alguém que mal ligava pros meus sentimentos.
Eu só não sabia, que aquele era o primeiro de muitos.
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jeelooee · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid Characters: Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Jack Hotchner, Diana Reid, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Penelope Garcia, David Rossi, Tobias Hankel (references) Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, trigger warning: suicide, Attempted Suicide, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, no beta yet again, Good Friend Penelope Garcia, Good Friend David Rossi, Alcohol, Strong suicidal ideations, Suicidal Thoughts, suicide planning, Grief/Mourning, Whump, Spencer Reid Whump, Aaron Hotchner Whump, Aaron Hotchner Needs a Hug, Whumptober 2023, this is dark as fuck, You Have Been Warned Summary:
Not that he was going to go home and off himself immediately. No, he needed more time with Jack first. He needed to take him to go see his mom. He needed to make love to his husband, one final time.
He needed to visit Henry, go out to drinks with Morgan and Emily, and let Garcia finally teach him how to bake cookies without setting a small house fire. He needed to finish proofreading that book for Dave.
Spencer Reid decides to end his life. This is a depiction of his last few weeks.
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creatorofstarrealm · 1 year
Folly of the Sun (Mortal Kombat x My Little Pony Crossover)
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Summary: Princess Luna had visited many dreams. Good dreams, bad dreams and event dreams shrouded in mystery. Her job here in the dreamscape is to keep the ponies safe and ward off any nightmares. But this time, Princess Luna had stranded far away from the dreamscape.
This is a crossover fic. But this time it's dimension travel gone horribly wrong.
Princess Luna had visited many dreams. Good dreams, bad dreams and event dreams shrouded in mystery. Her job here in the dreamscape is to keep the ponies safe and ward off any nightmares. But this time, Princess Luna had stranded far away from the dreamscape. It felt strange. Like entering into the deepest part of the sea with no way of knowing whether or not it has a bottom. She felt like she was flying away from Equestria, likely traveling to the outer borders of Equestria. Regardless, she was on this journey to the bitter end. Perhaps there is a little pony that lives in the outer borders of Equestria and that pony needs her help. 
While she was flying she felt something was following her. The dreamscape had become eclipsed in darkness and Luna could no longer see where she was going. As she turned her head she noticed a giant beast hovering over her. It was a creature made out of stars. It had the body of a wingless dragon. It has multiple legs, its feet replaced with hands. It had a distinct humanoid face and its eyes. Its eyes swirl like galaxies. It growled at her. She had flown too far, she had to get out of here. With her wings she flew faster trying to outrun the beast. But It was catching up to her. She tried blasting magic at it. But it had no effect. It brushed it off like it was nothing. What was this creatures? Luna thought. Was it some kind of ancient Ursa major? No. Luna could feel its power. It was something much worse. It was like the tantabus but with a draconequus power. Destructive power but with the magic to create entire worlds. There was no way Luna could fight this creature. She flew faster but it was getting closer. It opens its jaw ready to devour her whole. 
But then she noticed the ocean below her. With one quick move Princess Luna drove headfirst  into the waters. She can only pray that it didn’t follow her down. The creature stops in its tracks. It glazed down at Luna, letting out a fearful growl, then turned around and hovering away disappearing into the pitch black of darkness. 
Princess Luna was too afraid to poke her head out of the waters. Perhaps she was experiencing
a nightmare. Yes, that was it. She would wake up and she would continue her royal duties as if nothing happened. But she found that she couldn’t wake up. In fact she felt like she was drowning. Princess Luna had completely forgotten that she was under water. She needed to breathe. She tried to swim her way up, but her fear of the beast had consumed her. Would it attack her if she poked her head out? Was it simply waiting for her to make her move before it would fly over and bite her head off? Luna was beginning to slip unconscious. She was going to die in this place. The beast had intrapped her in a fate worse than death. In her despair Luna could swear she saw the beast swimming around her like a predator stalking its prey. “Luna” It spoke “Luna” It spoke with her voice but with a much deeper sinister voice hiding beneath. “Luna. Younger sister to Princess Celestia. Moon princess of Equestria and ruler of the night sky” How did it know her name, her sister and her home. Perhaps this thing was an ancient evil that Luna accidently awoke. Wouldn’t be the first time.  “You are a being that I've never seen nor met. A creature with a horn and wings yet speaks like that of a mortal. And with the raw power of a God. Yes. I will enjoy devouring your soul” Luna weeped as the creature drew closer. 
- More on Ao3 -
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dagusttwoprojetc · 8 months
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👑 avaliação : @estionsyde
👑 betagem : @yeonjunrockeiro
👑 Designer : @lili_jun
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sleepylion · 3 months
[Yu-Gi-Oh! Fanfic Reading] 'The Friend That I Was Looking For' written b...
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cyberpunkpcy · 11 months
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bem vindos a you and my walkman
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Prayers to Broken Stone
Chapter 2/2
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deadsquidstudios · 2 years
It’s only going to get sadder from here on out folks...at least for a while.
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azifall · 2 years
my first good omens fanfic!
cw/tw: suicide, body horror, character death
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He raised the glass and, careful not to spill a drop, he wasn't ready yet, he needed to do this one thing, toasted the air. To Aziraphale, his only friend, even if he didn't feel the same way.
'I like to think none of this would have worked out if you weren't, at heart, a little bit of a good person.'
'And if you weren't, deep down, just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing.'
"To the world, angel."
inspired by @smudgeandfrank's art it would destroy you
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theonlywritter · 2 years
Short story: “Strangers with memories“
Inspired by “Strangers” by Taemin (SHINEE)
“You went past me today, without even sparing a look at me.
Not going to lie, at first, that action, so common lately, didn't even faze me, because it was something we agreed on, but then the pain came to me and I asked myself if that was really the best option for the both of us. Ignoring our shared memories, the things we’ve been through together, the laughter and the tears we shed in times of sorrow, the touch of our skin, the sounds of our love making, hidden under the blankets, in a small house, away from everyone.
Why did we resort to such an easy way out, instead of fighting for what we had? Was it because the pressure became too much, because the love was fading, because our promise didn’t hold anymore?
Had it all been just a dream of mine, trying to imagine a life with you where there was none? Believing that exists something more than just friendship between us? Me wishing to be loved so much that you just went with it, and then became something you couldn’t keep doing?
Was it my entire fault? Did I bring this upon myself? Is that why ignoring the life we once had seems so easy to you?
Sometimes, the thoughts that run through my head accused me of going too hard on you, of pushing you to do something you weren’t ready to do, on reading too much between the lines. Other times, I think that you are hiding your pain under smiles and activities, pretending to be living an easy life to not need to give explanations to other people, because you are someone so private and to yourself, something that seemed so mysterious when we first met.
Maybe I am holding myself onto a scrambled wishful thinking, wanting to have everything back, to feel safe, to feel loved, to feel like my life is still the same it was when I could feel your arms around me, your breath mixed with mine, hear your heartbeat and feel the warmth of your skin under my fingers.
We used to feel like two pieces of a puzzle fitting perfectly together, a jigsaw falling into place, two soulmates reuniting after a long search, so what went wrong? Where did we fall out of line? When we disconnected from each other?
The only thing that remains now is my regrets and my sorrow, a person trying to understand the unfairness of a situation we had no control over, no matter what I would like to think. Stepping away was something we chose to do, but it was caused by a myriad of events, a cataclysm so strong that none could’ve prevented from happening, even after so many tries.
We were caught slipping, swirling around useless feelings, putting ourselves inside of hurricanes and closing our eyes to ignore what the signs were saying this entire time, only pushing the inevitable pain to a point where it couldn’t be ignored no more.
“A point of no return”, those were the words you used and I couldn’t agree more.
A point where we couldn’t go past it, jump over, sweep under, run through. A point where the line that kept us together for so long was not able to renew itself and broke under our hands. A point where nothing in the world, no matter how strong, could prevent the rupture meant to happen.
It is weird to think that you know me more than I know myself, when our eyes don’t hold the same feelings. Weird to think of you as a stranger, when I could recognize you with my eyes closed. Weird to think at what happened as a misstep, when I would go through everything again, if it meant to hold you in my arms one more time.
We are now working on the hands of coincidence, a twisted fate, an unsaid rule, made by a ruthless and invisible force, molding our actions and laughing as we dance to their tune. The echoes of your footsteps, the smell of your perfume, the emotions on your face, the posture of your body, they obey the words we said to each other on that fateful night, the rain as a soundtrack of disgrace and misery.
The scenario where we stand is no longer the same, yours is an icy mountain, mine is an ocean full of sharks, and danger is commanding us just like it did in the beginning. Well, at least for me, the scenario reset, bringing me back to where I started, lost and scared, scared and crying. Is it selfish of me for wishing the scenario had reset for you too?
Like a mistake, our eyes meet once in a while, words I wish I could proffer, scream at you, locked in my throat, my heart pounding, my body sweating, and my mind running in overdrive. Like a mistake, I still wish for the past, when I know we won’t hold onto each other anymore. Like a mistake I can’t get over, I still crave for you.
Time passes and, even if I don’t say it in our relationship, all will remain as a piece of memory for you and I. Time passes, and the steps we took cannot be erased. Time passes, and you are still the one I had and then got away.
You went past me today, without even sparing a look at me. You, the only stranger in the passing people around me, a call that rings without rest on a busy street, where the lights never stop flashing. You, the only gap between the scattering noise and the world surrounding me, where time never stops running.
You went past me today, without even sparing a look at me. And as if I didn’t know you, I did the same.
After all, you and I are just strangers with memories.”
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gale-in-space · 3 months
Search Works:
- Gale (Baldur’s Gate)
- Angst
- Kudos (Descending)
- Tav/Astarion. Tav/Astarion. Gale/Astarion (Astarion-centric). Blood drinking. Blood drinking. E rating. E rating. E rating. E rating. E rating. E rating. E rating. E rating. E rating. E rating.
Update: Decided to change my queries to:
- Gale (Baldur’s Gate)
- Gale/Tav (M/M)
- Teen and up audiences
116 found (as opposed to the previous 2000+. And a good chunk of them are still about fucking Astarion).
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honestlyvan · 7 months
Title: Three movements in C minor Fandom: Alan Wake Tags: Alex Casey's Shit Life Syndrome, pre-AW2, Canon compliant on a technicality Summary: Introduction, development, recapitulation. Length: 1365 words
Dedicated to @saikkunen. Look at what you've done to me.
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persianflaw · 1 year
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
since i did this one for catfic, i'll do it for sadfic this time. i'll put it below a cut because the subject matter is very heavy. trigger warning for discussion of a prior attempted suicide
“Dad took the gun and left the house. He came back just a few minutes later without it. I asked him what he did with it and he said he threw it into the river.” Hawkeye’s voice was ragged and wobbly, barely audible. “I told him, I told him, ‘Dad, that was Mrs. Goldman’s husband’s gun, she’s going to wonder where it went,’ and he just said he’d pay her back for it, he couldn’t stand to have it anyw-” he choked, “–anywhere near us, and burst into tears.” Hawkeye’s mouth worked soundlessly for a moment as the tears finally started to roll down his cheeks. “I never saw my dad cry like that before. Not even when Mom died.”
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