#Lukas Rolfe
moviesandmania · 5 months
HOMEBOUND Reviews and free on Plex, Prime, Roku, Tubi and Vudu
Homebound is a 2021 mystery horror film about a countryside trip that turns out to be far from idyllic for a father and his new fiancée. Written and directed by Sebastian Godwin making his feature directorial debut. Produced by Hugo Godwin and Emma Parsons. The British production stars Aisling Loftus (The Midwich Cuckoos TV series; Gun Shy; Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), Tom Goodman-Hill…
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minimutty · 11 months
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Ok! I finally finished Fire Emblem Echoes! Gonna share my thoughts on the game and stuff below. Of course there might be spoilers, I played this game almost blind except the stuff spoiled to me by FEH.
Here we goooo
Art and Voice Acting: 10/10 absolutely beautiful. I particularly love Berkut's he did an absolutely great job. Fernand also. VA also gave Mae and Boey some great and funny lines, really fleshed em out.
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A lot different than I was used to. The previous game I played was FE10, which was much more similar to the other FE games I played (6, 7, 8, 9). Healing/spells use HP. One inventory slot. No durability. No item management. No rescuing. It was different but not unmanageable. I did miss rescuing though. You could heal by eating flour, though, which was neat.
I played on Normal/Classic bc I'm a filthy casual, I think I only got Mathilda killed (I legit didn't even notice. Maybe I autobattled through it? I normally rewind if some1 dies.) Most enemies do like 1dmg, biggest thing was being ganged up on.
Nothing groundbreaking but not terrible imo. Guys go north, beat up dragon, shenanigans along the way. The relationship b/n Alm & Celica felt forced, I don't think any 10yo (however old they were) act that lovey dovey, felt very fairytale predestined unrealistic. Plus the whole beginning part of "your station doesnt matter" but oh look Alm is secretly destined to be King and he has a magic mark that makes him the chosen one so yeah nvm your station totally matters, haha. If I suddenly found out I was to be king after like 17years of not, I'd be a lil more reluctant than he was. I know about the controversy of Celica giving her soul but I won't get into that. She felt pressured into it so it's whatever. The revival of Celica felt a bit contrived, but I guess they gotta get married somehow, huh.
Alm: kinda fell off mid game until I gave him the Blessed Bow. Bows felt better on him until he got the final Weapon(tm), but he wasn't very strong most game for me.
Celica: Pretty good early game for me, fell off around mid, used mostly as a healbot and Seraphim spammer for the zombie characters. Not bad but not notable imo. I didn't get her super special weapon apparently but she was just healbot and Seraphiming by end game.
Clerics/Mages/etc: Entirely healbots by the end for me, their magic wasn't strong enough (aside from Seraphim) to be useful and using HP to cast spells made them really not worth it for him.
Archers: Absolutely nuts. 5+ range on basic archers? And I thought Rolf was crazy. I had Kliff, Leon, Alm, and Python as my dedicated archers. Kliff was the best for me.
Mercenary/Myrmidons: Insane. Saber was insane. 47 consistent crit and always doubles? He could legit toe with the final boss for a bit. Crazy movement range too. I had he solo parts of the map he was so good.
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Armor: Actually not bad. I didn't use them previous games bc they had too lil move and still got nuked by mages. Here mages aren't as bad and they made good tanks. Lukas is legit the best character in the game in terms of character. Ace rep hype, haha.
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Uhh, anyway. I had a good time with the game. The dungeon crawling parts were a bit annoying and exhaustive, so I had to take breaks from those, but other than that it wasn't bad. I had a good time. The upgraded graphics and animations were definitely a step up from RD imo.
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Directed By: Lukas Ridgeston
Featuring: Tony Elliot Alex Orioli
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renemartens · 10 months
Große Sorge um das Grimme-Institut und seine Preise
Mitglieder der Nominierungskommissionen und Jurys der Grimme-Preise appellieren in einem Schreiben an die Gesellschafter des Grimme-Instituts, das Institut und seine Preise zu schützen und zu stärken. Zu den Gesellschaftern gehören unter anderem das Land NRW, der WDR und das ZDF. Das Schreiben der Mitglieder ist im Folgenden dokumentiert.
Angesichts der jüngsten Nachrichten zur wirtschaftlichen Situation des Grimme-Instituts sehen wir uns als Mitglieder der Nominierungskommissionen und Jurys des Grimme-Preises und des Grimme Online Awards in der Verantwortung, einen dringenden Appell an die Gesellschafter:innen und Aufsichtsrät:innen zu richten.
Die aktuellen Nachrichten aus Marl sind ein Schock: Ein Drittel der Arbeitsplätze im Institut soll wegfallen. Das ist nicht nur für die Betroffenen katastrophal, die betriebsbedingten Kündigungen werden auch den Kernauftrag des Grimme-Instituts schwächen: die Preise. Ohne starkes Grimme-Institut gibt es keine starken Preise, keinen Grimme-Preis und keinen Grimme Online Award. Und ohne starke Preise ist das Grimme-Institut in Gefahr.
Das darf nicht passieren.
Die Preise des Grimme-Instituts zeichnen Qualitätsfernsehen und andere hochwertige Medieninhalte aus. Beiträge, deren Bedeutung in Zeiten, in denen Fehlinformationen bewusst gestreut und benutzt werden, um Menschen zu manipulieren, gar nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden kann. Wer die Preise schwächt, handelt gesellschaftlich fatal.
Das Besondere an den Auszeichnungen des Grimme-Instituts ist die unabhängige transparente Preisfindung. Wir sind stolz und dankbar, Teil davon sein zu dürfen, und wir wissen: Dieser komplexe Prozess kann nur dann weiterhin stattfinden, geschweige denn diesen höchsten Maßstäben genügen, wenn die Rahmenbedingungen stimmen. Die sehen wir schon seit einigen Wochen und nun ganz akut in größter Gefahr.
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Beim Festakt zum 50. Jubiläum des Grimme-Instituts wurde von vielen Seiten die Bedeutung des Instituts und speziell des Grimme-Preises als bekanntesten Preis des Instituts betont, gar von einem „Gralshüter der Qualität“ war die Rede. Dem müssen auch Taten folgen. Die Preise des Grimme-Instituts sind die renommiertesten in der Branche.
Wir appellieren dringend an die Träger:innen des Grimme-Instituts, eine adäquate finanzielle Ausstattung inklusive Assistenzstellen zu gewährleisten, um das Institut und seine Preise zu schützen. Die Qualitätsdiskussion am Grimme-Institut ist einzigartig und ein wertvoller Baustein der Kulturförderung und politischen Bildung in Deutschland. Das Institut und seine Preise müssen geschützt und gestärkt werden. Ihre Arbeit ist wichtiger denn je.
Die Mitglieder der Nominierungskommissionen und Jurys des Grimme-Preises und des Grimme Online Awards:
Kathrin Hollmer
René Martens
Prof. Anna Barbara Kurek 
Ascan Dieffenbach
Helen Dreyhaupt
Justin Hölzer
Senta Krasser
Klaus Raab
Tanja Weber
David Assmann
Gerd Hallenberger 
Isabella A. Caldart
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Jenni Zylka
Matthias Struch
Sandra Das
Antje Laacks
Gïti Hatef-Rossa
Heike Heinrich
Patrick Presch
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fenrirswood-hq · 2 years
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I'm happy to announce the winner of the FENRIR'S WOOD QUIZ! It was a close call point wise because everyone did extremely well, but I happily announce the winner: KIM! Congrats, your prize is a fan drawing of two characters of your choosing by me. Send your preference to the main [prompt, names, etc.].
I do want to thank everyone for participating! As this is a murder mystery rp, it has been fun to see all the answers and boy was I surprised at the freaking intelligence and wit shown in them, definitely giving me the impression that before the game is over (and the conclusion reached) you'll be able to figure it out together!
I will do another one of these in the future.
The answers to the quiz are below the read more!
QUESTION 1: Name three figures from Norse Mythology used in Fenrir’s Wood lore/locations/etc.
Fenrir's Wood - the Fenrir Wolf, son of Loki Hel Coven - Hel is ruler of the world of the dead, daughter of Loki Saga's Coven - Saga is the goddess associated with the locations of sunken river beds Lukas Thorsun - Thor is the god of Thunder Shrine of Måne - Måne is the moon personified and appears in the Poetic Edda
QUESTION 2: Where did the first murder happen?
In the bike parking lot of the Fenway Pool.
QUESTION 3: What was used to write the messages on the Fenway library and on the trees near the Trail?
Red paint. The police first thought it was blood, but closer inspection revealed it to be paint.
QUESTION 4: What’s Nico’s favourite animal that appears throughout Fenrir’s Wood rather often?
Ducks. : D
QUESTION 5: Why do covens have two leaders?
Division of power.
QUESTION 6: What do spirits like the most?
Gifts! Though I accept the following answer as well: chaos, praise, intense emotions.
QUESTION 7: How many murders have been committed so far?
10 murders have happened so far in relation to the mystery. Four in the summer, six during the winter.
QUESTION 8: What sense do you need to interact with the Wild Hunt?
Hearing. You can not see or smell or feel or taste the Wild Hunt, but you can hear them.
QUESTION 9: Which neighbourhood is the most often targeted?
Fenway. The first five murders all happened in Fenway.
QUESTION 10: What movie has the admin referred to when it comes to cops in Fenrir’s Wood?
Hot Fuzz (aka the best cop film ever). Admin Nico likes to refer to this movie whenever the police of Fenrir's Wood come up.
QUESTION 11: How often has the cloaked figure appeared in the fever dreams?
The Cloaked figure first appeared in the dreams of the SEVEN, later as a ferry man also in the dreams of the SEVEN, and then the same cloaked figure shows up in the dreams of all the Werewolves of Fenrir's Wood, bringing the number to 3.
QUESTION 12: Where did Merrin Rolf die?
In a public bathroom at Fenrir University
QUESTION 13: Which name in Fenrir’s Wood’s lore means Raven?
Brann's Peak is named after Brân (Raven in Celtic) a Celtic deity. Fun fact: I picked Brân for the comparison to a certain other body-less deity in Norse mythology: Mímir. Only Brân is said to bring entertainment in his headless form and Mímir brought knowledge and wisdom. Brân was known in medieval Welsh tales as "crowned king over this island" (meaning Great Britain), and local legend (aka Fenrir lore) says the severed head was moved from London to Fenrir's Wood.
QUESTION 14: Which norse monster of the apocalypse is missing? Which are the other two?
Ragnarok is said to be brought about by the Children of Loki, with three of them playing a central role in some retellings: the Fenrir Wolf; Hel, goddess of the Underworld; and Jormungadr, the Midgard Serpent. Fenrir & Hel are part of Fenrir lore, Jormungadr is missing (for now?). Sleipnir is also accepted as an answer, as is Surtr.
QUESTION 15: Which of the packs is named after a real city in the UK?
Slough is a city in the UK near London.
QUESTION 16: Are there actual ducks in Fenrir’s Wood?
This is the trick question. I've never mentioned there being actual ducks in Fenrir's Wood, aside from once in a the Fever Dreams. But yes, there are actual ducks in Fenrir's Wood, though I accept all jokes that were made on this question.
QUESTION 17: What happens when you get bitten by a Werewolf?
You either die after a long illness, or you become a Werewolf after a long illness. All jokes made on this question were likewise accepted.
QUESTION 18: How many days a year does it rain in Fenrir’s Wood on average?
So, since Fenrir's Wood is based on Oxford, the answer to this question is: 165 days a year on average.
QUESTION 19: What city is Fenrir’s Wood based on?
Good olde Oxford
QUESTION 20: When did Hel Coven come to Fenrir’s Wood?
Around one or two centuries ago, though not all its members came to Fenrir's Wood right away, they've been in the city for a century or two.
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danielanoitz · 2 years
Lukas kehrt zurück (4)
Lukas kehrt zurück (4)
Lukas wog die Schachtel in seinen Händen, drehte sie immer wieder hin und her, führte die Hand an den Griff, um sie zu öffnen, zog sie aber wieder zurück. Sybille und Rolf saßen ruhig neben ihm, als spürten sie, dass er seine Entscheidung selbst treffen musste. Endlich überwand er sich und hob den Deckel. Sofort quollen im unzählige Briefe entgegen. Es mussten wohl 100te sein, die seine Mutter in…
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
DISTRIBUTOR: Brainstorm Media
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SYNOPSIS:  A young woman, Holly, is traveling with her new husband to meet his estranged family for his daughter’s birthday. Upon arrival at the estate he finds his ex-wife is not home. A short time later he receives a text that she is away and will be back much later. As the day progresses the adults begin to wonder that she might be missing and, as their stay goes into the next day the children’s behavior becomes even stranger, more so towards Holly.
REVIEW: Sebastian Godwin’s HOMEBOUND  is a contemporary tale with traditional gothic elements that presents an atmosphere similar to Jack Clayton’s 1961 film “The Innocents,” based on Henry James’ "The Turn of the Screw."
The narrative presents Holly, Richard’s new wife, who is the outsider and clearly has been told little, if anything at all, by Richard about his ex and children. Richard is presented as a bit of a character whose dark side begins to present itself when they arrive and time passes. The older children present a closer relationship than they do with their younger sibling. They are on edge, and you can’t help but feel they are hiding something. Holly is the only one who acknowledges that something is wrong, as even Richard seems oblivious to the dark atmosphere in the house. The narrative presents an interesting character study, but it never presents a specific trigger as to why these events are transpiring. Clearly, there is no supernatural element present so we are to assume that there was some type of trauma that led to the situation. The tension builds to a climax where we are present with violence and a resolution that offers little explanation. We are left to assume there is some deeper psychological trauma, and possibly some of Richard’s passed on genetics are responsible for what transpires.
The film has an excellent location, a Victorian “cottage” in a rural setting with some, but many, modern comforts. The costumes are contemporary, but not lavish. The story takes place in this single location with some flashbacks. The cinematography adds a lot of atmosphere and creates this menacing under current. The editing keeps the tale moving along and holds the viewer’s interest. The framing of the shots also adds to the tension to the scenes.
This is an excellent ensemble cast. The family is simply creepy. They’re a contemporary Addams Family, without any of the satire. Raffiella Chapman and Lukas Rolfe create these brooding, dark characters. They are able to juxtapose a sense of innocence that is shrouded in a sinister mystery. Tom Goodman-Hill presents a character that has no business being a parent. There is a psychopathic element to his character that is terrifying. Caught up in this nightmare is Aisling Loftus as Holly. She comes across as Alice who has come to a Mad Hatters Tea Party that is darker than anything Lewis Carroll envisioned. She presents this emotional roller coaster ride that is as intense as it is frightening.
Sebastian Godwin weaves together a frightening feast that grates on the viewer's nerves as he builds to a climax that almost reaches an intensity as that of the “What’s in the Box” scene from “Se7en.” The director offers the viewer some resolution and leaves some to the imagination, empowering the film to linger in the viewer’s psyche beyond the end credits. It is a complex choreography between visuals, performances and the score. The story is not a totally original narrative, but Godwin presents contemporary characters and engages our emotions to take us on the ride. I fully enjoyed what he achieved here and am excited to see what he presents next. HOMEBOUND is well worth the viewing experience.
CAST: Aisling Loftus, Tom Goodman-Hill, Hattie Gotobed, Raffiella Chapman, and Lukas Rolfe CREW: Director/Screenplay - Sebastian Godwin; Producer - Hugo Godwin; Cinematographer - Sergi Vilanova Claudín; Score - Jeremy Warmsley; Editor - Rachel Durance; Production Designer - Zoe Payne; Costume Designer - Gabriela Yiaxis. OFFICIAL: www.brainmedia.com/films/homebound FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/11JABJG9qrU RELEASE DATE: In Theaters and On Demand May 13th, 2022
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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grande-caps · 7 years
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Sceencaps || Will - Season 1 GALLERY LINK : [x] Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 10507 files Resolution : 1280x720px
-Please like/reblog if taking! -Please credit grande_caps/kissthemgoodbye!
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fitzrove · 2 years
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Lukas Perman and Máté Kamarás on and off the stage, circa 2004-2006
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lehdenlaulu · 7 years
D’aaaawww, now Lukas Rolfe (the kid who plays Presto), as well as executive producer David Rambo, liked and shared my Will-praising tweets as well. ♥
It’s kind of fun when the fandom is so tiny this kind of stuff can easily happen -- but I still wish it was bigger.
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moviesandmania · 3 years
HOMEBOUND (2021) Reviews and release news
HOMEBOUND (2021) Reviews and release news
Homebound is a 2021 mystery horror film about a countryside trip that turns out to be far from idyllic for a father and his new fiancée. Written and directed by Sebastian Godwin making his feature directorial debut. Produced by Hugo Godwin and Emma Parsons. The British production stars Aisling Loftus (The Midwich Cuckoos TV series; Gun Shy; Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), Tom Goodman-Hill…
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elarafritzenwalden · 7 years
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Haus Vuille Murifeld - Bern, Switzerland; 1993-94
Rolf Mühlethaler, Lukas Bögli
see map
via "Werk, Bauen + Wohnen" 82 (1995)
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Directed By: Lukas Ridgeston
Featuring: Marco Bill Ariel Vanean
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mycstilleblog · 3 years
Zum Tag der Befreiung
Zum Tag der Befreiung
Heute, am 8. Mai, jährt sich das Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs zum 76. Mal. Es ist ein Tag der Befreiung und ein Tag der Niederlage des deutschen Faschismus. „Uns alle mahnt der 8. Mai dazu“ , schreibt Alexander Neu (MdB DIE LINKE) auf Facebook, „wachsam zu bleiben und uns jeden Tag aufs Neue für Frieden und gegen Ausgrenzung, rechte Ideologien, Faschismus und Gewalt einzusetzen. Auch darum muss…
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 years
Witness (1985) Review
Samuel a young Amish boy is the only witness to a murder he must be protected by Detective John Book, as the man murdered was an undercover police officer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading
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danielanoitz · 2 years
Luke returns (4)
Lukas weighed the box in his hands, turning it back and forth again and again, reaching for the handle to open it, but pulling it back again. Sybille and Rolf sat quietly next to him, as if they sensed that he had to make his own decision. Finally, he overcame himself and lifted the lid. Countless letters immediately poured out. It must have been 100s that his mother had written in the last 20…
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