#Luna Rambles About Her Sims Story
charmfamily · 1 year
There is nothing I simultaneously love and hate more than setting up a scene in a dining room.
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softpine · 1 year
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@minamill​ oh nooo tumblr definitely did eat your other message because i only got the other one :( but i’m so happy you sent it again!!
i enjoy writing from the perspective of teens more now than i did when i was actually a teenager, because now i have the gift of hindsight, but i’m not so far removed that i’m out of touch. i still viscerally remember how it felt to be in my first relationship, to base my self worth on other people, to feel responsible for someone else’s actions even if it didn’t actually have anything to do with me, etc. it makes me so happy to know that you and other people can relate to elaine, although i’m sorry you had to go through that pain! when i originally thought up austin in my mind, i had nooo idea the can of worms i was opening lmao, i couldn’t have guessed how controversial he would be, but it’s been a really fun (albeit stressful for me) experience. as always i try to stay true to my vision no matter what anyone thinks, but it’s interesting to see how the way he’s perceived has changed over time. now I’M rambling jfksjds but thank you so much for this, i really can’t thank you enough for reading and connecting with my story 🥺💖💖
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@maturation​ saaaame you have no idea how much i wish i could shake her and tell her your first boyfriend doesn’t mean shit about you as a person and you’re not doomed to repeat your parents mistakes 😭😭😭 she’s still so young though, she has plenty of time ;-;
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jskfjsdj honestly elaine wouldn’t even be mad as long as you phrase it like the taylor swift song
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that last line omgggg that’s the truest way to describe them (and i feel the same about my career choices...). austin didn’t have a long standing crush on elaine for ages before asking her out; he just saw her in class one day and thought “i’m gonna ask her out” and then he did. and elaine said yes because why shouldn’t she? and they’ve just continued to progress their relationship without much thought. this doesn’t mean they don’t love each other, because they do, it’s just that their relationship was the path of least resistance. “lost” is a great word to describe them, austin especially :(
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oh i was wondering if anyone would notice that choice of words...
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that would be WILD omg but no he’s not the arsonist fjksdjs i love that you’re thinking about it though!!
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@luna-aingel​ ahh thank you so much!!! i’m so happy you like it 🥺💗💗
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LMAO he was a little terror as a kid, but he wasn’t loud or annoying about it. he would just do dumb shit when no one was looking and then suffer the consequences. also i’m a vegetarian now but as a kid i was in a hot dog eating contest at the fair fjskdjs i definitely didn’t eat 16 of them but it was gross nonetheless 😔
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i think “hm” is the most positive reaction i’ve seen to elaine/austin at this point lmaoo
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sjksdjds i had to google it because i couldn’t remember what the actual word was but literally so true
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aww thank you!! i’ve always thought web comics are the most similar storytelling format to sims, so i love that you think of it like that!
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if only elaine knew how many tumblrinas are screaming at her to walk away 💔
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purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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Later that night, Hamuera and Piper sat together and had hot dogs for dinner. Hamuera excitedly rambled to Piper about a ghost hunting show he was watching, and all of the cool equipment they used. Piper grinned as her baby brother talked about how they caught a ghost of a pre-sim human and recorded them saying what sounded like mashed potatoes. Piper asked why they'd say that. Hamuera shrugged, and joked maybe the ghost was hungry.
After that, Piper practiced her siren song capabilities on her mom and sang and waved her arms to look melodic and ethereal. Luna bit back a laugh but she had to admit Piper’s voice sounded calming and made her sleepy. Meanwhile, Megan sat with Emily and reminisced on her wedding day. Emily listened in between rocking back and forth on the rocking chair. Emily giggled as her mom made playful intense thinking faces as she recalled special moments from the wedding like cutting the cake with Tess, and the two of them holding each other as they danced. "Was I in your tummy then?" Emily asked. "Not yet, nooboo. You were born next year, March 25." Emily rolled her eyes playfully (she'd learned it from her older cousin Piper). "Duh, mom, I know my own birthday." Megan gave Emily a look. "Watch your attitude, young lady." Megan said sternly in Mandarin, but she still smiled at her youngest daughter and continued to tell the story of the wedding.
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astrodances · 3 years
What class is the USS Klondike
That is a very good eye-opener of a question actually!
The easy/default answer is that she's a Galaxy-class ship, mainly because I haven't actually considered this question in depth before, but I guess so far that's just what I've assumed since Captain Scrooge is a parallel to Captain Picard and so many other things are TNG/DS9-era parallels for this AU, that it makes sense for the Klondike to be based on the Enterprise-D.
Tbh, that'll probably remain the case, since I don't have any immediate plans to go designing a new class or ship at the moment (though I mean, I am a huge fan of starships and spacecraft in all areas of life, so this could change in the future). And looking through the classes on Memory Alpha, none particularly jump out as a better fit (although that Luna-class is tempting...).
But let's delve a little deeper, shall we, into why the Galaxy-class is a good fit, if not as the sure-fire class then at least as a starting point for my own design.
(more under the cut)
Firstly, it's an exploration-type vessel. A must-have quality for any ship under McDuck's command. (It's gotta be able to take them to the stars.)
Second, it's a big ship. A huge, powerful ship. And besides the fact that I love big spaceships and them having a lot of rooms and all the complements and amenities you could think of (I was the type of kid who loved designing 100-story buildings with rock gyms and decked-out kitchens and super-cool basements with swimming pools and the like, and I've played The Sims all my life, you get the picture), it fits Scrooge. One, he's got the huge family, so they need the room. (And the Klondike is pretty much gonna be Duckburg in Space, so you need the room for all those underpaid employees officers, their families, citizens, sworn enemies, etc.) Second, he's the richest duck in the Federation world, but there's no need for money in said Federation (Scrooge: "The horrors!"), so I think the wealth and power and size of McDuck Manor/McDuck Industries/the Money Bin would translate nicely into a big ship for this AU. (Though back home on Earth, would he still have McDuck Manor from earlier times, if we let his immortality play out? He'd definitely still have Castle McDuck, and that little ol' cabin up in White Agony, where a certain glittering archaeologist likes to hide out between adventures, but I digress...)
(Wait totally unrelated thought but if Goldie is Vash and Magica is Q then that means after this AU's version of "Qpid" Goldie would go off with Magica to explore the galaxy through magical means, and then when Goldie comes back to station DS87 in "Q-Less", she could take over Quark's bar from there, and then the Klondike comes to port later and she and Louie team up for the bar and oh hO HO! IT WORKS!!)
*ahem* Anywho...
The Galaxy-class is a good fit for the Klondike. It's got a lot of room for all those kids running around, a well-placed engine room where the chief engineer can keep his distance from all the crazy family problems when he wants yet still be a part of things and take care of everybody in his own way, a lot of shuttles for adventuring and experimenting, and a lot of gyms and holodecks for (very-much-secret-spy-)training and unwinding (you just know that Scrooge has a holo-program of the Money Bin so he can swim around in it still).
(I just had another thought and that is, who would be the ship's CMO? And my quick answer to that was Ludwig von Drake, and since I can't remember anyone else who would be fitting, it's his sickbay now. And with Gyro as the science officer, there are two options for filling in the rest of the medical staff: 1) make a bunch of Li'l Bulbs to be nurses; 2) make a holographic program of von Drake (which we've basically seen) and have multiple copies of him running around sickbay, specializing in different things (holo-von Drake vs. the EMH doctor GO!) (I guarantee you no one on the Klondike will get hurt if they can help it - Ludwig will tell you all about his multiple degrees, and he'll do it all at once while patching up your leg when you came in for a plasma burn on your arm, and you end up staying longer for him to treat your new headache (which are rare occurrences in the world of Star Trek)); secret option 3) combine options 1 and 2, and add in Manny, who moonlights in sickbay and ends up with the reputation of "best bedside manner" even though one of the Li'l Bulbs has to do most of his handiwork for him.)
Sorry this post is turning into a lot of random AU headcanons and ramblings, but it is what it is. :) Long story short, the answer is Galaxy-class.
But if I were to design my own class? I'd start with the Galaxy and probably muscle her up a bunch in size and amenities. (Oooooh yet another random thought but if it was somehow hurricane-sized (or, y'know, compared to such a size) bc lyrics, and I called it the Hurricane-class! XD) There'd probably be a lot of personal duck universe touches added, with a hint of the Spear of Selene embedded into the hull's design (3 nacelles for the Spear's 3 legs? maybe), and as for a name, the Sunchaser-class did just cross my mind, but the one that's been with me all this post?
Aurum-class. ✨ Setting the gold standard for all of Starfleet. ;)
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kherinacurious · 5 years
Sims Magic Memories pt 2
 Ok this one is pre Witchey goodness in Sims 2, but I had a Harry Potter save. Of course I would I love Harry Potter! There were a lot of characters involved (more then my charmed save. I’m still gonna play a HP save just not an LP) and in one big lot with mods to allow more then 8 sims, so I’m watching Neville and Luna interact when I hear the noise to indicate a sim was caught cheating. I switch through about 20 sims to find Ron...”slapping” Hermione. I was shocked to find out a certain blonde who shall remain nameless had 3 bolts and had autonomously flirted, she had rejected him but Sim logic dictates she cheated and I was peeved. I didn’t want autonomous flirting to ruin any more of my otps so I could never play with Free will on.
Sims 3 Supernatural-So without free will my game got a bit boring, it was easier to make the sisters with traits instead of 5 aspirations and zodiacs dictating their personalities. When I played my Charmed save I made the sisters witches of course, but I also made Leo a fairy. I bought Dragon Valley at wal-mart not knowing it was a EA store world which was also a pita to figure out how to install. After I created a ASoIaF save I gave Wyatt a pet dragon again. Wyatt was actually born a fairy while his brother and sister were witches. Patty and Ben of course returned but Ben was “kidnapped” by the Seer and raised as her son. There is much more to this story though. But I know I’ll start rambling to the point were it won’t make sense.
I always made my legacy founders witches when they were introduced (and I’ve done a LOT of attempts. I WILL finish NSB!) My last founder in Sims 2 was a witch named Denise McKinley who had a son with Joe Carr I named Anakin who went to university with Meadow Thayer and when they returned they had twins (I may have used cheesecake to increase the possibility) who...I just HAD to name Luke and Leia. Leia was heir and this was my longest one after Anakin died I just couldn’t. If I had access to my old computer files I’d post a terrible MS paint I did using a pic of Anakin and Luke playing with Lightsabers, and the quote from ESB.
Sims 4 Realm of Magic-Can’t wait! 4 more days. But mods will take a while to update, and I have a LOT of big mods.
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simmancy · 7 years
I was wondering how you first started your berry legacy? Did you make a new simblr for it? How did you first start posting and getting into a routine? I really want to make a legacy myself but i'm scared that it would look really mediocre and unorganized! Any tips on how to plan out the storyline and start posting? Thank you!! (asking this to a few different blogs so sorry if yo see this question somewhere else)
I’m honestly super honored that you’re asking me! I’m still a pretty small simblr compared to a lot of people.
I’m going to put this under a cut, just so it doesn’t clutter up people’s dashes because I RAMBLE (like seriously, I’m re-reading it all now and I go on and on and on) but I’m gonna cover everything you asked!
TL;DR: get mildly inspired, get involved in the community and have fun with it!
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I cannot recommending creating a new blog enough. While it’s definitely easier to just create a sub-blog off your personal, you’ll have a harder go at keeping things separate once things take off. Plus then you probably won’t have ALL your million tumblr things that you’re already following mixed in with your sim stuff, making things so much harder to follow.
Once you start your simblr (whether a sub-blog or whole new tumblr), TAG EVERYTHING. XKIT SAVES LIVES. Not really, but it will save you a lot of time once you install the Quick Tags and make tag bundles. Seriously.
At least once a day, a “reblog if you’re a maxis match simblr” thing comes across my dash–don’t be afraid to reblog those when you’re starting out. (Or the alpha equivalent if that’s your thing).
Seriously, don’t be afraid to reach out to people and get involved. Ask for sim requests, reply to things, join a Discord server–don’t be afraid to talk to people! I’ve actually made a few good friends this time around. It’s awesome.
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This is just one of the unfortunate realities about things–if your pictures look good, you’ll get noticed quicker and blah blah. You can get by on just writing, but it’s a lot harder. This is still tumblr. It’s microblogging. LOOOOONG text posts (like this one lmao) are not what it’s geared towards.
Anyway. I play TS4 on Ultra, and that does a lot of work for me. Sometimes all you really need to do is sharpen and brighten things up. Reshade is another good alternative, if your computer can handle it–that takes a lot of the decision making out because it edits for you! I used to use PickyPikachu’s reshade presets. The downside is that it’s pretty resource heavy.
The basic point here is that having good lookin’ pictures goes a long way to making your stuff look “not mediocre.”
Also, and this is a side thing–find a good theme for your simblr, something that looks good for both text posts and pictures, probably something with either a sidebar or header (or both).
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This is the meat of the section and it’s all really Kit/Pastille-specific.
I started up the Pastel Pastilles because I saw Berry’s challenge–I had already read Splash of Color a long time ago, and had a (now obviously abandoned) TS3 rainbowcy. But TS4 was fun and ran like a beast and I liked berry sims, so I dove in. If you were to go back in my archives, though, you’d see that I started posting a TS3 LEPacy, and that’s not even my first one.
I’m not going to even talk about the Grims in this post, since they’re really new. But they’re a prime example of using community involvement to stay interested haha. I’m very excited to play with Ruby and her future family because of all the nice sims people sent for her to eat alive become friends with. 
Planning with the Pastilles
With the Pastilles, I honestly got a little tipsy one night and did my initial planning based around Halsey’s Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. Like… Not even gonna lie. That was honestly my starting point. You can almost see hints of this in some places. From there, I had certain scenes I wanted to hit.
Gen 1 - Luna - “Hopeless”; it’s about being in a shitty relationship and hoping that changes lmao (“I hope hopeless changes over time”). Luna and Dianthus were meant to have a much more obviously toxic relationship but Luna ended up having four kids by her second pregnancy and I just couldn’t play and write that fast. However, I always knew that Luna’s big moment would be telling Dianthus to get out.
Gen 2 - Verity Vine - “Now or Never”/“100 Letters” - There are a couple things that have stayed consistent in this gen: Veri and her dreams, the peach spouse’s dad was gonna be a dick and they would be separated for years, and they were gonna hook back up at a wedding. 
My very first concept was that Riesling was going to be a bit more wishy-washy and bend to his father’s will (hence “Now or Never” being the song). By the middle of the generation, it was clear that Veri would become the distant one (“he said ‘please don’t go away,’ I said ‘it’s too late’”).
Part of writing a sims legacy sometimes is… letting the sims do the writing for you. Meri and Forest weren’t supposed to be the ones getting married (it was supposed to be Chai Tea and Black Cherry) and they definitely weren’t supposed to have the twins but honestly the story is better for it, you know? And obv most of Veriling’s story isn’t the way I initially planned.
All this said, once I knew where I wanted the story to go, I knew I wanted to plan around a few set-pieces: the fountain scene where Riesling trips onto Veri and she realizes “OH SHIT,” the scene where Eiswein walks in, Punk!Veri’s “I don’t dream at all anymore,” and Riesling’s “Hi, I’m Riesling Puck, you might recognize me from your dreams.” Those were all scenes I knew I HAD to get.
Gen 3 - ??? - “Angel on Fire” - it’s about anxiety lmao so I don’t mind linking it, it’s pretty obvious. Gen 3 has an anxious heir, a song about anxiety was on the nose.
I don’t really recommend the getting tipsy part, but definitely do recommend going in with a basic concept.
The cool thing about challenges is that you already have the guidelines as a starting point. One of my favorite parts about this challenge in particular is seeing how people re-interpret the rules–for instance compare the Gumdrops, Frosts, Amours, Pastilles, Fairyflosses, Prisms–we all started from the same basic rules and there’s still a lot of variation, especially once you get past the initial introductions.
Also, SERIOUSLY: don’t be afraid to take inspiration from crazy places–a song you heard on the radio, a movie, your own life, whatever. Like, I decided Veri’s generation would have it’s first Act at Oxtail University because of the “dream of ivy covered walls and smoky french cafes” line in “Beautiful” (from the Heathers musical). The song otherwise has VERY LITTLE to do with Gen 2. It’s just that line became a starting point for me.
Keeping Things Lookin’ Snazzy with the Pastilles
Looking back, you can kind of see Gen 1 was a bit brighter and lighter/different in editing style than Gen 2. I purposefully set out to get a “dreamy” feel for Gen 2′s pictures. It works for me and the Pastilles–it might not for your legacy! Play around with things to see what works.
I’ve also noticed a lot of banners nowadays (they weren’t as big my first go around here on simblr, but they’re everywhere now). I think that helps to keep things “on brand,” organized and consistent too. I personally don’t use a banner for the Pastilles–I didn’t start with one, and now it looks super wrong to me when I try to use one…. So instead, I’d recommend looking at @frost-rainbowcy–she is SUPER on-brand. I can only aspire to reach that level of #a e s t h e t i c.
HOWEVER, I do keep everything on my blog hyper-organized–there’s a main page where everything’s pretty much linked, and the character page. 
TBH, you don’t need to go that in-depth. I just like leaving weird easter eggs in places. You might too.
Posting Consistently
So, I started posting the Pastilles officially almost a week after I made the first post with Luna. That’s because I played a BUNCH right at the beginning, so I’d have something consistent to post for a while. It wasn’t initially as story-heavy as it is now. That’s something you probably want to decide before you start posting.
Right now, I’m posting inconsistently because I’m trying to wait around for Cats and Dogs and not give into the temptation to give Veri and Ries the babies they keep wishing for, but….
I’m in game almost every day–I get off work most days between 2 and 4 now, so by 6 PM I’ve eaten/showered/started up TS4. Even if it’s just to make a sim for someone.
I tend to do all my picture editing on Sundays, as it’s my day off. Sometimes it bleeds over into Monday, my other day off. I don’t always write posts up those days, but I at least stick them in the queue so they’re THERE. For me, it helps giving myself that weird deadline lmao
As a result, I almost always have something queued up.
I utilize the queue like MAD. Right now it’s set at 6 posts a day between 3 PM and 12 AM EST, but I change it up depending on what I have going on and what I can crank out. Usually I leave it on 13 posts a day.
Basically, learn what works for you. It does take some trial and error, but you’ll get it eventually.
Now here’s the real truth: you won’t post consistently if you don’t love your game or your sims.
I love playing the Pastilles as much as I love writing them. To the point that I have them backed up in several places just in case. I’m genuinely attached to the family, and that makes it worth it to me. Sometimes that doesn’t happen immediately (I love Luna, and Vino, and even Dianthus that shitbag, but you can tell that I got invested with Veri and Ries–Gen 1 is 30 pages long on my blog. Gen 2 is 92 and counting).
Storywise, I stay interested because I love the fluffy romance bits and snappy dialogue as much as the Drama Bombs, and also (spoilers) I’m a sucker for supernatural stuff. So I tailored my legacy to fit that.
But when I don’t want to play sometimes I just go in game, grab a few pictures of them in CAS and redo the character page for the 25th time. And that’s okay too. I just always try to make sure I have something to post, even if it’s a small (even if it’s just Riesling’s face. Because I know that’s what y’all want. It’s cool. I get it).
I seriously rambled a lot, but I hope this helps!! Once you get started, please let me know too! I’m rooting for you, non, and any nons to come after you.
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purplesimmer455 · 5 years
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50 Questions for your Sim
I was tagged by the incredible @izayoichan ☺️😄 thank you! 
And I chose Maya Feldman to do this tag cause she’s so gorgeous and sweet and on of my fave sims, plus I based some of her on me (the anxiety part, the being Pakistani part, the awkward and tending to ramble part, etc.) also those pics are of her thru the gameplay 
1: How old is your sim? Oh man, I’d say 23 cause (for my own sims game since everyone has different aging) I just assumed that once my sims turn into young adults their aging slows down, plus I have MCCC so Maya has 1000 days left of being a YA
2. When is your sim’s birthday? June 23 ♋️
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Cancer 🦀
4. What is your sim’s ethnicity? Part Pakistani on her dad’s side (her dad’s bio mom and bio dad were from Rawalpindi and Islamabad respectively) and part Greek from her mom ☺️
5. Does your sim have any nicknames? Kaitlyn calls her Feldman
6. Do they have a job? If so what is it?  Maya is a freelance digital artist for now, cause tbh I love exploring any new career options that come with packs and and patches so I change up her career
7. Where does your sim live? she lives in Brindleton Bay 
8.Who does your sim live with? With her wife Kaitlyn, their daughter Luna, her sister Abby, Abby’s daughter Yaritza and the two pets, Cosmo and Coco
 9. What environment did your sims grow up in (strict, loving, cold etc.)? Very loving, and a little strict, but her mom and dad were also really affectionate with her and her siblings
10. What are your sim’s favorite food? Chocolate chip cookies 🍪 
11. What is your sim’s favorite drink? Coffee, especially cappuccinos 😄
12. If they have one what is your sim’s favorite color? Pink for sure 
13. Does your sim believe in any clichés (like love at first sight, etc)? Oh definitely, Maya felt like the first time she saw Kaitlyn, it was love at first sight
14. What is your sim’s sexuality? Lesbian 👩‍❤️‍👩
15. What is your sim’s gender identity? Female
16. Is your sim type a or type b? A for sure 
17. Is your sim introverted or extroverted? Maya’s kinda both, cause she likes socializing and being friendly, but she also likes time to herself to just read a book or play the Sims Forever
18. What is your sims favorite woohoo position? Oh my god 😳😅 um, that might be TMI also cause I’m like oh man which would it be? 😅
19. Is your sim a pet person? If so what is their favorite animal? Yup, Maya loves dogs, especially her pet pit bull Roxy and his son/her current dog Cosmo ☺️
20. Does your sim have a best friend? Kaitlyn, Miko, Abby and Salim for the most part ☺️
21. What is/was your sim’s favorite school subject? She loved English and Art 
22. Is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? Maya was a high achiever and did really well
23. Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? If so, what would be or what was their major? Yup, Maya went to Sims University (story wise in ts3) and she majored in Communications
24. What are your sims political beliefs (if they have them)?  Oh man, I’m not sure 🤔
25. What is one thing your sims wants to do before they die? Maybe see her future grandkids? One part of me wants to turn her into a vampire too cause I don’t want her to die 😅
26. Does your sim have a favorite TV show (cable) and/or movie? Strangerville Mysteries, where host Erin Vasquez and her crew investigates creepy mysteries and hauntings first in Strangerville and then the show expanded to include other places
27. Is your sim a Netflix viewer? If so what are their top 3 shows. Of course, Maya loves Rumor Gal(a TS4 version of gossip girl), Goosebumps & Young and Hungry
28. Does your sim like books? If so what’s their favorite one? Oh man, yup 😄 Maya loves the confessions of a shopaholic series, and anything with horror, mystery, scandal or comedy
29. Does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favorite one and do they play on PC or console? Yup, she loves The Sim Forever and plays it on her laptop
30. What is your sim’s personal style? Girly, but casual and comfy mostly as well
31. Does your sim have a lucky charm? Hmm, I don’t know, maybe the necklace Kaitlyn gave her that has ‘Kaitlyn’ engraved on it?
32. Is your sim religious? Not really
33. What kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favorite artist? Maya mainly loves pop songs, and also she loves Disney movie soundtracks, like the ones from Moana
34. Is your sim a festive person? If so what’s their favorite holiday? Maya loves festivities (it’s just that I keep forgetting to decorate for Winterfest and New Years Eve in game 😅) also Maya loves Harvestfest, especially a relaxing one spent with her family
35. What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? Spring weather, when it’s cool and fresh but also warm and sunny 
36. Does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? Neither option as well
37. Does your sim have a dream job? As a kid, she wanted to be a mermaid* who was also a fashion designer 🧜‍♀️ , and as she got older she wanted to be involved in fashion, but without the mermaid part (kinda, cause if the Island pack has mermaids she is so becoming a mermaid, also I love mermaids as well so yup)
38. Does your sim have any siblings? Yup. Luke is her older brother, Angie and Abby are her baby sisters and they’re twins
39. Does your sim get along with their family? Heck yeah, she loves her family, even if she and Angie used to bicker over the The most random and dumb things as teens
40 What is your sims favorite hobby? Reading or painting, it’s hard for her to choose between the two
41. What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? Someone with humor, and someone who she can goof around with and talk with and be herself with, and she found that with Kaitlyn 🥰
42. What is a secret about your sim? Okay so for some reason my mind’s blanking right now, but I might come back to this
43. What is a wish your sim has? That she’d never have to lose her family members and loved ones
44. What is a flaw your sim has? Stubborn, Maya can be pretty stubborn on things 
45. How do others generally perceive your sim? A lot of sims think that Maya’s friendly and sweet, and she’s always helping people out 
46. Does your sim have a greatest achievement? If so what is it? For Maya, it’s her baby Luna, and the fact that she and Kaitlyn raised such an amazing daughter so far. Maya’s really proud of Luna
47. If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Maya regrets that once she turned 14 she got so involved with other stuff (like her writing and art clubs and hanging out with her friends) that she spent less and less time with her dad even when he wanted to spend time with her like they used to do with their father daughter fishing trips or lunch outings, and then he passed away when she was 16
48. Does your sim have a favorite emoji? 🥰☺️
49. Does your sim use simstagram? If so what’s their @? Her simstagram is @MayaFeldman💛 And Yup, she posts cute pictures of her and Kaitlyn, Coco, Cosmo and her family and random funny stuff
50. What is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)? She sent this  to Kaitlyn: “Hey babe, do you want me to get you anything from Target? 🤔☺️”
Okay, so I tag @pink-chevalier @indecisivesimblr @kymmaisims @fataleromeo @nternet @ohphoebelay @citrusswig @sensitive-simmer @toffeetip @thedonutsquad @kris-sims @angelisims @klauseconfessions and anyone else who wants to do this tag 😄 (also it’s totally not mandatory so I don’t want anyone to feel like they have to do this tag, or do it right away or anything 🤔😊)
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