#Luna says
ladynicte · 10 months
I just know Nico was kicking his feet and twirling his little dark curls the night Percy remembered him on New Rome
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lunaraindrop · 2 years
Steddie Fic Idea:
We have seen in fic where Eddie's older Hellfire friends and band mates hate on Steve for being "King Steve", and/or giving Eddie shit for liking him. Instead of that, what I would love to see is those same friends seeing *the signs* of Eddie having feeling for someone, and go:
"Oh shit! Eddie has a crush! HIT THE DECK!"
Why? Because if you think Steve Harrington is a lovely, clingy sap as a boyfriend, you haven't seen *anything* until you see Eddie Munson in crush-mode.
Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Erica are there when the older friends make the realization. They have no idea why there are groans, whines, and one look of being traumatized.
"What the fuck, guys?"
The older Hellfirians explain.
Eddie is like a Peanuts holiday special and a Hallmark card on speed.
He waxes poetic aboutevery mundane thing they do.
He makes and sings songs about his *beloved*.
He makes NPC out of them for D&D (and everyone knows it and groans).
He picks flowers and does the "they love me, they love me not", and gets pouty when they "love him not".
He makes mixed tapes with sappy love songs and very suggestive heavy metal (he gets very focused on it, but ends up chickeing out and keepingthe mixed tape). He writes vague but thoughtful unsigned love letters...and leaves them on car windshields. Things like that.
And he gets super super sad after.
This has only happened maybe once or twice. But this time? Oh boy, it looks like *love* this time, and that is terrifying.
Because Steve offhandly said he was cold, and Eddie planned to make him a motherfucking *quilt*.
He never names names, though. Eddie is very careful to never say the "he" pronoun when talking about his "Tragic Love Snooky-Poo". But the heart eyes and sewing needles don't lie.
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babybluebex · 2 years
do y’all want a sneak peek of my eddie fic i’m working on? it’s inspired by this gifset and a conversation that ensued with @goldenspurr about how eddie meeting your parents would go down
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(gif credit to @you-will-be-found )
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pics-and-fanfics · 1 year
I could be worse
I went to a psychiatrist when I was like a little kid, early double digits, or close to double digits, idr, and I learned a few years ago that he told my mom when I was done, and this is what she’s said verbatim,
“Your daughter is scary smart. She could be the next rocket scientist or Jeffrey Dahmer .”
Low-key, that’s scary, but not happening.
I’d rather write shitty fanfiction and become the second author in the family (my grampa beat me to it 😭)
I dont like meat. Jeffrey Dahmer was a cannibal (I think)
So yeah. My moms just gonna be happy when I’m out of her house, but she might be mad if I don’t do something amazing, like cure cancer or smthn like that, idk
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mokeonn · 1 year
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princess of friendship? more like princess of no bitches
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dapper-lil-arts · 9 days
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I'm not the kind of person that's like "Here let me fix the canon" usually but like holy crap gen 5 implied a lot of messed up shit about our hero Twilight Sparkle lmao
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tangledinink · 9 months
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they're both winged pretty boys, so, do you think they'd be friends...?
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.... probably not.
( ; w ; i just really liked @livvylubug's lunanardo design and wanted to draw them together... at least luna's donnie and swannie's leo could maybe bond...?)
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juniepops · 24 days
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mewniemoon · 2 months
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They're kinda simular doncha think?
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bread-cat-luna · 11 days
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Happy pride month here's these two losers
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saturnsconstellation · 2 months
Barty Crouch Jr would be the uncle that would rant to 6 year old Luna about his issues with Evan while she paints his nails pink and puts hello kitty hair clips to hold his hair back, and then he would 100% follow her advice.
He’d be THAT bitch and that’s why he’s Luna’s favorite. (I’m kidding) (or am I)
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ladynicte · 8 months
It's actually so sad that Ashley can't believe for even a second that she's good enough for Andrew to like.
Like she just cannot believe that he would stay with her if he had any other options of any kind at all it's kinda depressing to think about
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lunaraindrop · 10 days
Now, for a real-life update with your friend, Luna. 😊
Hello, you wonderful wombats of love out there! I wanted to take a moment to give you an update of sort on my life.
As quite a lot of you know, I'm a preschool teacher. Quite a lot of you also know that I'm in grad school. And, finally, some of you know just how much I hate my job. (It isn’t the students, fyi)
To put it simply, I'm quitting.
Not quitting teaching, but quitting the school.
I have some interviews and some job offers. I'm trying to see what is best for me.
I have been with my school for three years...and I have horror stories. The place is not good for my mental, physical, and emotional health.
It is also not good for the students.
I have done the best I can to make sure my students have had a happy, safe environment. But there is only so much I can do.
I held off on posting this because...I'm pretty sure another teacher found me and added me on here. I'm just not sure what their name is on here. 🤷‍♀️
I did some writing today, which is cathartic.
I'm going to be okay, folks. I have to get through this hiccup to get to a good place again.
All job prospects have insurance and decent pay. I just have to see if their schedules fit what I need.
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babybluebex · 2 years
goddamn the it's a drabble -> it's a full-length fic -> it's a series pipeline
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puppyeared · 6 months
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updated Sleight ref!!
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apparently-artless · 5 months
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dedicated to Luna (@sattosugu)
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