#Lusthog Squad
pedroam-bang · 5 months
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Full Metal Jacket (1987)
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unis-trash-stash · 5 years
It’s a team of feral boys and Doc Jay is the tired dad friend
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Cowboy and Animal Mother fighting over you would include~
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(My gifs)(Requested by anonymous)
- Since it’s about the only place you’ll ever be around Cowboy and Animal Mother at the same time, lets say you’re stationed in Vietnam with the Lusthog squad (whether you’re a soldier, nurse, or what have you).
- You’re the only girl in a troop of soldiers and the only American, non “comfort woman” these boys have seen for months, all of them are going to be hounding you. But there’s one good thing that comes out of that: you and Cowboy become close. 
- Cowboy’s a sweetheart; at least when it comes to you, his genuine kindness and use of manners towards you ensures that the two of you become quite close very quickly. He keeps the other guys off your back, gets you some space to breathe and becomes a reassuring face in the wave of disaster that surrounds you. 
- Because of these reasons, you stick to his side, rarely straying far away when you don’t have to. And Cowboy couldn't be happier. A pretty, sweet girl keeping him company makes the long days a little bit shorter; even if it’s just because he spends a good amount of them looking at your beauty. 
- Animal Mother, on the other hand, isn’t nearly as friendly. To him, you’re just dead weight and a; most likely, unarmed ass he’ll have to cover if anything goes wrong. Sure, you’re pretty but you’re an unnecessary complication; especially if you aren’t gonna put out. 
- At least, that's what he first thought. Then he saw you doing your thing, proving yourself capable and useful and putting your foot down to someone and he decided that you weren’t so bad. And after that, you find yourself with two very different boys vying for your attention. 
- Animal mother is more obvious about his intentions; at least to his rival, while Cowboy is a bit more ambiguous about his feelings towards you. He’s the sort of person who denies knowing what someone's talking about when they question him, giving the stereotypical “I don’t know what you’re talking about” when Animal confronts him. 
- Obviously, Cowboys a lot more approachable and friendly. He’s the first person you’ll connect with and he’ll hold a special place in your heart. He’s the one you can talk with, share memories with, confess fears to, hug and touch without wondering if you’re “allowed” to. He’s like a friend you’ve known for years.
- He’s going to win you over with his personality but Animal will win you over with his heart and the impending feeling of necessity you’ll have when it comes to being around him. 
- It’s no secret that when you’re on the battlefield or in any kind of danger, you’ll want to have Animal Mother with you. If the mans good at or good for anything, it’s protecting his own and killing the enemy, and it’s during these moments of danger that the brute will earn himself a place in your good graces.
- He may be more rough around the edges and antagonistic, but he’s loyal and he cares about his crew whether he’ll admit it or not. All he needs is a chance to save your ass from something and he’s got his ticket into your life. And that’s exactly what happens. 
- You wind up in deep shit and he bails you out, arguably saving your life. Like any rational person, you’re grateful and while you find it a bit strange when he sits next to you later and asks if you’re alright, you certainly aren’t going to complain. 
- Soon enough, the two of you are warming up to each other and becoming friends in your own interesting little way. And that’s when the battle truly begins.
-  Cowboy is a bit more well spoken, more …delicate, delicate in a way that Animal Mother just isn't. Cowboy knows how to use his words, how to flirt in a way that most people are used to, while Mother is just more of a physical being by nature. 
- While Cowboy will compliment you and use his words to butter you up and make you blush, Animal will use his actions. Shoulder bumping, hair ruffling, pulling you around by your clothes, “teaching you” how to shoot a gun so that he has an excuse to be close, giving you looks or smiles that make your heart race; things like that. Sure, he’ll use his words to tease you, but it isn’t nearly as common. 
- Mother is always really smug when you choose to go over to him; especially when it’s during a scary situation since he sees it as proof that he’s more of a man than his rival. Cowboy doesn’t necessarily see your actions as having some deeper meaning. So you’re sitting with him, whatever, you’re allowed to converse with your other crew members the same as he is; and he won’t deny that Animals a good soldier. 
- Since he’s in a higher position; and was your first army friend, Cowboy can just use an excuse to pull you over to his side whenever he wanted to. 
- Animal is more likely to just tell you to come with him or sit down next to him without any subtly. You’re friends, aren’t you? And trust me, you’ll want to be his friend. 
- Animal definitely gets more jealous over everything. The joking around with cowboy, the looks, the being around other men. He’ll make pointed comments to you the next time you’re alone and do whatever he can to keep you away from the other man. 
- Cowboy is known to be more gentle and tactful so him brushing you off, helping you up, wiping something off your face, asking you if you’re alright and worrying over you is seen as normal. It’s something Animal yearns to do but it would be too out of character and would make him look like he’s gone totally soft. 
- Instead, Animal is more of a “back off, she’s alright” type of person; as though saying it will immediately make it a reality. Once he decides he likes you, he’ll become protective over you and come to really respect you so his confidence in your toughness will really be a testament to that. 
- Animal Mother, ever the instigating asshole, would be itching to get into a fight with the other man, and Cowboy might just get annoyed enough to take him up on the offer. But more likely than not, these are the moments that Cowboy can really get his revenge, all he has to do is rile animal up then leave him hanging, his chest still heaving and his hands balled up into fists.
- The other troops would definitely pick up on and joke about the feud between them. You’d probably just roll your eyes or not even be around to hear it but the two men would definitely exchange some fiery looks as the others laughed. 
- Once he decides to really confess, Animal is going to be blatant with his feelings towards you. It isn’t hard to see; even from the beginning, that he likes you more than his brothers in arms but now there’s going to be no mistake about the emotion behind his eyes. 
- Animals used to going into things head first with little thought so don’t be surprised if his “confession” really just consists of a kiss. 
- If you choose him, Animals going to be ridiculously smug. The minute you agree to be his, he’ll parade you around, flaunting your relationship and making sure Cowboy knows that he’s lost. 
- Cowboy would be more graceful with his confession. He’d let you know how he feels about you; maybe a bit shyly, and then he’d ask if you’d like to go out with him; and hopefully go on a date if you have the chance. Depending on your reaction, he’d ask if he could give you a kiss, giving you a little smile once you agree and taking your face between his hands to give you one. 
- He wouldn’t throw your newfound relationship in anyone's face but he’d show it off just enough so that everyone would know about it; and he’d sort of revel in the burning looks he’d get from Animal. 
- Cowboy would definitely be bothered if you chose animal but he’d accept it and let the two of you live. He may feel like he was the better choice but it’s your decision, right? He’ll still be there if you want him. 
- Animal wouldn’t be too keen on giving up the fight even if you choose Cowboy, he’d still try to win you over and continue to antagonize your boyfriend. If you decide later on that you want him, it won’t be nearly as easy to get him as it would be for Cowboy but he certainly isn’t going to turn you away; at least not for long. He just wants to make you work a little; like he did. 
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rokurookajima · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Full Metal Jacket (1987) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cowboy/Joker (Full Metal Jacket), Joker/His Inner Demons Characters: Joker (Full Metal Jacket), Cowboy (Full Metal Jacket), Lusthog Squad (Full Metal Jacket) Additional Tags: war is traumatic, joker being a whore, and also very depressed, Loss of Limbs, Hospital Sex, being in the hospital is just a good time to think about how bad things are, Vietnam War, Non-Linear Narrative, Sexual Content, Prostitution, Implied/Referenced Underage Prostitution, (in line with canon/history), Drug Use, Drug-Induced Sex, Character Study, Character Analysis, Canonical Character Death, Boys Being Boys, wasting away in a hospital, Hospice, Survivor Guilt Summary:
He's a shit head, yes, but even shit heads have feelings sometimes. / Joker, war, and the weight of all that laughing.
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rabidbuffalo · 4 years
he was not impressed that they’d sent a journalist---let alone a woman---into the field with them. this was no place for a lady, that much he was sure of. it wasn’t really his place to question what the higher ups did, he knew that, but did that stop him from being vocal about his belief that this was no fucking place for her? 
it did not.
aside from the blatant looks up and down and the thoughts in his head, though, he only joined in being loud about the fact that she was a woman when the others did. cowboy did a good job of keeping that to a minimum, though, even going as far as to bark at animal mother when he took a comment (or three) too far.
earlier that day, he had been ready to scoop her up and toss her over his shoulder to get her out of the shit the vietnamese began raining down on them, but she surprised him by rushing away before he even had the chance to bend down and grab her. she kept up with all of them and didn’t complain once, which was more than some of the men could say.
when they were finally settled, she was sat, leaned up against a tree making notes. he was lying on his stomach, head on his pack, his M-60 at his side as he watched her. most of the others were already asleep, but he was watching her.
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@quietresistance​ joined the lusthog squad!!!
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clamout-blog · 10 years
One for the corps
This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.My rifle, without me, is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will...My rifle and I know that what counts in war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit...My rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its barrel. I will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will...Before God, I swear this creed. My rifle and I are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but peace!
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rabidbuffalo · 4 years
Melody ( @summerxmelodies) & Ash’s letters, courtesy of Pvt. Joker!
Dear Mel, 
 Sorry I haven't written. It's been a hell of a time. ***** everywhere. That's what we call the Vietnamese. It only took me one try to get through boot camp. Couple of the guys that were with me failed. No idea what happened to them. Word is they're just sending them through over and over until they pass. I found someone to help me write to you. His name is Joker. He's a photographer. (I'm a Combat Correspondent.) 
 Cowboy, that's our squad leader, he says Joker will make us famous. I guess they're sending pictures and shit back home. (We are. There will be video footage as well.) I don't wanna be famous, I just wanna be home with you. 
 We're in a place called Hue (pronounced Way) right now. All the guys ask why I don't go with the hookers they bring in for us. Only one that knows I got a girl back home is Joker and that's 'cause he's writing to you. I figure no one will believe me anyway. Most of 'em are scared of me. (I'm not.) 
 Oh, I was sergeant of a platoon. Can you believe that? They let me be in charge of a bunch of grunts! 'Course it only lasted 'til I flipped the bird to a Colonel. Demoted me back down to Private. It was fun while it lasted. Cowboy says I got real skill, though. Never thought anyone would ever say that about me. Finally found something other than cars that I'm good at. 
 I really miss you. All the time. I hope you're doing okay. I can't wait 'til I'm done and I can come see you. I'll try to write again. I don't know how long Joker will be with us. I didn't really want to tell anyone else that I have trouble writing. He figured it out. I hope I get to see you real soon. I love you. I'll write again when I can. 
 (I made him sign it for you.)
Dear Ash, 
 It's so good to hear from you baby! I miss you so much. I can't tell you how proud of you I am. Come home to me, okay? You're amazing, baby. Why'd you flip a Colonel off? Maybe they'll let have command again. Just don't go flipping off the higher ups. 
 I'm doing good. Better now that I know you're alive. I never stopped writing, but I was so scared. I love you so much. I can't wait for you to be home. Even mom and dad are looking forward to you getting back. 
 Joker, thank you for writing for him. You don't know what hearing from him means to me. I can't thank you enough. Mom asked me to let you know that if you're ever in town to please stop by for dinner. 
 Love forever and always, 
Dear Mel, 
 Proud of me? You might want to wait on that. I promise I will come home to you. There's nothing more in the world I wanna do. 
 I flipped him the bird 'cause he was an asshole. Lots of shit happened since I last wrote. Cowboy went and got himself killed. I took command of the Lusthog Squad. That's my unit. Fuck them ***** in command. This is my squad now. Joker's not happy about it. (Could be worse!) 
I can't believe your mom and especially your dad are looking forward to me getting home. That's crazy. I thought they hated me. A lot. 
We're getting ready to move out again. Hopefully it won't be much longer. I'm fucking done with this shit stain place. I love you forever. 
 (Hi, Melody! You're welcome. I'm glad I can do this for you! All in all, Mother's a good guy. That's what we call him. Animal Mother. He still won't tell me why. He just grunts and laughs when I ask. Maybe that's why? Not sure! My real name is James, and now that he's found that out, he won't stop calling me Jimmy. If I'm ever in New York, I'll be sure to stop by! Never know where I'll end up! We really do have to move out, though. We'll write again when we can. Take care of yourself. -James)
Dear Ash, 
 Sorry to hear about Cowboy. You take care of your men and Joker. I know they're in good hands. 
 Lot has happened while you were away. They did, but I think they realize how happy you make me? They just disliked how old you are honestly. Plus that whole thing with the law. You've always been good to me so they've got no reason to dislike you for that. 
You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Big Bad Wolf. 
 I'm so ready for you to be home. 
Mel xoxo 
 ( Hi James. Please be careful. Watch out for Ash and yourself? I look forward to hearing from you both. I'm glad Ash has a friend over there. Be safe boys!)
Dear Mel, 
 I was really hoping we'd be back in the states by now. They're really dragging this bullshit out. We're just slaughtering ***** left and right. We don't even have a mission other than stay the fuck alive. 
Thanks about Cowboy. Haven't lost anybody else yet.
 I'm glad they see that. I wish they could see how God damn happy you make me. Bet they flipped their wigs when they found out how old I really am, didn't they? You're the only good thing I got back home, so I gotta take care of you. Promise I will forever, Little Red.  
I'm so ready to be home. Soon. (We hope.) 
 (He said he's not putting hugs and kisses, but I'll do it for him. XOXO! Wish you could see the way he lights up and smiles when a letter comes from you. I tried to capture it in the photo I enclosed.  There's one of me, too, just so you know who what I look like! And one of Cowboy from before. Hold onto that one for him. We got lucky and I found a way to develop some film. I wrote on the back of the photos for you! Thank you for the well wishes! Stay safe! - James)
Dear Ash, 
 I think everyone here is just as ready as you for the war to be over. I know I am. I'm glad everyone's still alive. 
 They did. Dad especially. Think he's still sore about it. He'll get over it. I know you will and I'll do the same. 
Always and forever, baby. My handsome Marine. I hate that you're over there, but you look really good in the pictures baby. Short hair suits you. So does that big gun. What is it? 
 (Thanks James. Wow. The pictures are amazing. I love them. Nice to be able to put a face to you. Why do the guys call you Joker? I've added a few photos of me. I know I sent Ash off with one, but he might need a new one. I know you guys have been through hell. Stay safe!)
Dear Mel, 
 Tell your dad I'm sorry I lied and I won't do it again. I just want to take care of you. Tell your mom I sure could use some of her meatloaf and that casserole I like that I never remember the name of. Joker thinks it's green bean but I don't remember a lot of green beans in it. 
 It's an M-60. I named her Melody. You shoulda seen me in boot camp. They shaved every bit of my God damn hair off! I miss my hair. Especially the way you used to play with it. Hell of a lot harder to do that now. 
 Thank you for the pictures. I didn't want to tell you but the original one you gave me got all fucked up and then I lost it when my helmet got knocked off in a fucking ditch. Joker keeps trying to take one of the pictures. He said you're gorgeous and there's no way you're real. (You look like an angel? It's just not possible! Haha! Mother's a lucky man!) 
Miss you. 
 (You truly are beautiful, Melody! Nice to put a face to the letters, too! They call me Joker because I have a tendency to make jokes. Mother says it's because I'm scared. Maybe he's right. I'm not gonna lie, it's scary as Hell here. Hopefully we'll be done soon. Take care of yourself! - James)
Dear Ash, 
 Mom and I cooked a bunch of food. Sweets and meals. Don't know if it'll make it to you in one piece or not, but we tried. Share some with Joker? And the other guys if enough survives. 
 You named that big gun after me? Dad told me it's a machine gun and people don't carry it around like that? 
God, I love you so much. Miss you even more. When you get home you can grow your hair out again. I miss playing with it too, but you are super handsome in your military stuff. 
 I wouldn't have been upset if you'd told me baby! I'm glad I sent you some new ones. Should I send one for him too? Glad he's there with you. 
I love you so much Ash. Miss you too baby. So much. Mom and Dad say you're welcome to stay with us when you get back. Spare room is yours. 
 ( Thank you! My mother says you're very handsome, but obviously I'm partial to Ash. I'm scared for all of you. Always thinking about you guys. Stay safe! Hope you all get to come home soon!)
Dear Mel, 
We got the sweets, but the rest of the shit didn't make it. But thank you! We shared what we could. People are starting to believe you might actually be a real girl now. (You should see the smirk on his face when he said that! Ha!) 
 Yeah. It's a machine gun. People don't carry it around like that but I do.  It's fully automatic. I just pull the trigger and rain hell down on those fucking *****. No don't send him one. (Yes, send me one!) 
 They're gonna let me stay there with you? Fuck, I must've done something right for a damn change, huh? Don't know what exactly I did, but I'm glad they changed their minds about me. 
 Command says just a few more weeks, but I'll believe it when I see it. My tour was supposed to be up three days ago and I'm still in the Crotch. Maybe soon. I miss you and I love you. 
 (Tell your mother I said thank you! Not that I don't love him, but it blows my mind that he got a doll like you. Maybe there's hope for me yet! Until next time, James)
Dear Ash, 
 Well I'm glad something made it to you guys! 
Are they? I'm glad. I know shit is ugly over there, but I am proud of you for how you've taken care of Joker and the others. You're a good man. 
 Wow. You really are the Big Bad Wolf. Love you. So much. 
 I've sent a few more pictures, just let him have one of the copies? 
 Yeah, they are. You're family. It's a long story that can wait until you get home. 
Love you more than anything and miss you more, baby. 
 (There's definitely hope! You're a good looking guy. Plus, you've been so sweet to write for him. I thought he was dead for the longest time, but I kept writing just hoping I was wrong. It was so hard. Hope you guys come home soon!)
Dear Mel, 
 We're supposed to be on a plane back to the States in a week. I don't know if this will make it to you before I do, but just know that we're headed back. What's left of the Lusthogs anyway. Joker included. 
 I let Jimmy (JAMES) have one of the pictures. He teases me that he's using it to jerk off to. Can't say I blame him for that one. We don't have anything pretty to look at over here. Just pictures of you. 
 I really hope they're not shitting us and we're headed home next week. I love you. 
 (Aw, gee, thanks, Mel! I do what I can. Despite popular belief, I'm actually very nice. I'm glad that I've been able to keep you two in touch. Mother's been much more tolerable since he's been able to write back to you. I can't imagine being on the other end of this and just waiting. Hopefully he'll be back to you soon. Don't know where I'm headed yet if they're telling us the truth and we're actually headed home in a week. It seems like a pipe dream that's too far away right now. We'll see. If not, we'll be writing again! Keep your head up! - James P.S. Thank you for the picture! I'm happy to know you!)
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unis-trash-stash · 5 years
The lusthog squad but they adopted the sniper
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Joker becomes a dad
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unis-trash-stash · 5 years
Concept,,,,,, joker and cowboy give animal mother a Mother’s Day card.
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He’s secretly the mom friend of the Lusthog Squad
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unis-trash-stash · 5 years
Concepts,,,,,,,,,, the lusthog squad is transported to modern times,,,,
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I instantly just thought of these two, and had an idea
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clamout-blog · 11 years
I'm in a world of shit. Yes. But I'm alive.and i am not afraid.
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clamout-blog · 11 years
Some people would rather be alive than free
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