#Luz's writing ✧.*
rileyclaw · 1 year
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is this who you believe you are?
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
Endless things to say about these two...
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Luz means "light", while Hunter was named by Belos in accordance with witch hunters:
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Their encounters with one another in Hunting Palismen and Hollow Mind would set future events in motion:
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and also led up to Luz telling him "You're family now":
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What happened in Thanks to Them reflects the Hollow Mind paintings shown below:
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Belos took both of their lives, and we hear a contrast between Luz saying "I feel like I should be used to this by now, but...I still don't know what to say" and Hunter expressing the desires which he never dared to express in Belos's throne room, since the Titan had yet to pass the wisdom of choosing oneself to Luz:
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They were pulled out of the water in which they were sinking, by the parent of their adoptive sibling (who also cared about them deeply):
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The loved ones who revived them, passed them the last of their strength in order for these kids to have new life:
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And King's dad asked Luz to choose whether she'd receive his life force which he offered, while Belos coercively violated Hunter to use his body like he would a puppet.
The things that Luz and Hunter went through, in parallel, underscore the clash between Belos who told endless lies about the Titan's will, and the Titan himself - King's father - who had very different plans for the Isles. Caught in between:
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They were put through so much.
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(The big comparison post I made before thinking of this analysis - it's just a picset and not a meta/analysis - is here: link)
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amoritasart · 2 months
ALSO I just … NEED to mention this creature. LOOK AT HIM. WHAT IS HE. WHO IS HEEE? So this is what is supposed to be Beta Hunter or whatever. Interesting, but even more so that apart from his familial connection to Obron and his eventual bond with Luz (that starts off a bit antagonistic) he is SO different to what ended up in comparison to the other characters. But you know who he does remind me of though?
Red overalls. Blue eyes. JAGGED KNIFE SWORD. Avid witch HATER. ENGLISH?? ANYWAY-
This kiiiind of convinces me that Belos and Philip were originally different characters because ?? What is this. BECAUSE HE JUST STRAIGHT UP SOUNDS LIKE HOW I’D IMAGINE TWEEN PHILIP TO BE LOL a bratty witch hater who is too proud to ask for help, but will happily accept it. Except he would have gotten to actually interact and bond (EEEEP🥹!) with Luz as humans out of place. What a tragedy !!
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He sounds like such a little shit. But he’s cute! I ADORE HIM. All this time I thought William was the original Hunter… but this sounds more like he was the original Philip 😆 but contained in a time capsule instead of allowed to grow into a menace.
Alas, poor William went from witch lunatic, to knight prince, to being eradicated from existence. Such is fate. But parts of him live in Hunter and Philip. But just like the non existent Wittebane story… Won’t stop me from wondering what if !
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hecateisalesbian · 7 months
made this in like an hour
Lilith doesn’t like writing on walls doors
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goodwitchazurafan666 · 10 months
I see a lot of owl house fanfics and posts on various social media platforms that write Luz as though she's an idiot- usually in comparison to a smart, calculated Amity- and, like, did we watch the same show? Even without getting into the mischaracterization of Amity, Luz is like, canonically really smart, right?
I mean, she's taking EVERY TRACK, and not falling behind, she discovers the glyphs with only minimal help from the titan on the ice one, and she canonically gets a writing scholarship.
Not to mention that her main advantage in combat is her ability to think on her feet and come up with clever ways to win (think Luz vs Belos at the end of King's Tide), rather than raw power.
Like, I get that the principle said 'inconsistent grades' but that's probably more related to constant bullying and implied ADHD than to her intelligence.
Like, Luz is a canon genius. We really need to stop assuming that more happy-go-lucky characters are inherently dumb.
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pansexualnoodle5 · 2 years
I love how all Dana had to do was THIS
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And we were all immediately like "SIBLINGS"
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skeptical-rainbows · 1 year
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Double date!!!!
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morhido · 11 months
I've been lost in the owl house sauce for about three years and as a result i've mentally compiled a list of the characters' speech patterns and body language. Then i realised i should probably do something with that information and decided to jot it all down :>>
This is just gonna be the hexsquad for now since my lists for other characters are fairly sparse but additions/requests are welcome! Mayhaps i'll add to it in the future sjdkshskj
(The 'other' category is for general quirks, or things that just didn't fit the other categories)
• Happy/excited: stamps feet with high knees, squeaks/makes high pitched sounds, makes fists and brings them to her chest/face
• Sad: will initially deny if she's upset, whether she fesses up is up to circumstance. Lowers her head, can become unresponsive, becomes tired, voice will generally remain quiet and flat even if something cheers her up, empathetic crier
• Stressed/overwhelmed: repeats phrases over ("no no no, you're belos, you're just belos!"), falls to her knees or puts on hood when overwhelmed, acts overly casual to compensate for her panicking ("yikes, my dude"), protective of others when in physical danger (usually holds amity's head). More comedically, can often make unnecessary/dramatic gestures (e.g. spinning, cartwheeling, flopping to the floor) when stressed
• Angry: gets louder, sometimes unwilling to hear the other person out, becomes very physical, loses volume control (often to her own detriment), sticks her elbows out to look more intimidating. More comedically, will sometimes make animal noises/gestures (e.g. hissing and clawing)
• Other: often prematurely assumes that people will react poorly to her ("she's gonna embarrass herself, i can't watch!" / "if amity sees this, she'll think i'm such a loser!" / "what if the palisman doesn't like me?"), can accidentally be inconsiderate of other people in favour of her impulse, resorts to violence quickly and generally doesn't try to make peace with adults, very easily becomes rambly with strong emotion and can repeat words and phrases, can become loud and panicky during combat if her goal is self-preservation but becomes much more focused if fighting with/protecting other people
• Happy/excited: becomes very active and touchy, very straightforward, taps toes, will be oblivious if others are intimidated by her, voice pitches up when excited
• Sad: draws herself in, becomes quiet, looks down/closes her eyes, isolates herself, can become less responsive, talks to herself
• Stressed/overwhelmed: loses control of magic, covers hair, voice pitches up when extremely nervous, very rarely acts on impulse even when scared, high-pitched squeaks/screams when startled
• Angry: vines grow from the ground beneath her, shows vocal disdain for whatever is upsetting her, can become very sardonic ("you want me to give up? You want me to admit how stressed i am?"), can go from high and stern when upset ("you just met them, give them a chance!") to low and loud when fully angry ("what advice could you POSSIBLY give me??")
• Other: denial is default coping mechanism, very often does the gag of pretending to be intimidating and then doing something sweet/cute, will be oblivious to the other person's fear when this happens, love language is physical touch, makes her feelings known unless she's specifically not trying to upset people, can speak pretty formally ("enchanting!", "how dare you?"), talks to herself in second person when hyping herself up, takes offensive role in combat
• Happy/excited: voice can get louder, smiles with teeth when extremely excited, becomes more impulsive with what she says and does
• Sad: raises voice when trying to make a point, voice cracks, becomes quieter with remorse, remains very quiet and calm when comforting/confiding in someone else
• Stressed/overwhelmed: s1 amity would get extremely defensive if any vulnerability was exposed ("help? All you're doing is prying into your friends' lives!"), rambles when flustered, holds hem of skirt when she's nervous/doesn't know what to do, also generally moves hands a lot when nervous, attempts to leave situations that are upsetting her, high-pitched screams when startled (does this less throughout the series as she becomes more on-guard and impulsive)
• Angry: often gets louder and more animated (e.g. her trying to break out of the dome in clouds on the horizon), face turns red, pushes away the source of her anger, doesn't usually stay angry for long, moves her body forward (e.g. pointing, gesturing, or actually stepping forwards), will often stick her arms straight at her sides
• Other: generally uncomfortable leaving her comfort zone but extremely confident in fields that she already excels in, extremely accepting of change in other people, arguably the second most impulsive of the hexsquad (especially regarding luz's safety) and uses fire to solve a lot of her problems, will take control of a situation when she knows she's in the right ("you're gonna listen to me for once"), usually very perceptive to others' emotions
• Happy/excited: draws fists up to face, big gestures (especially with hands/arms)
• Sad: self-blames/depricates ("yeah. It's all my fault"), curls up with his arms and head on his knees, usually very vocal about being upset with something, "you've done it again, augustus" (in the context of being tricked by someone), can remain in this state for a long time, draws in on himself but doesn't push other people away
• Stressed/overwhelmed: loses control of magic (finds it difficult to discern reality from illusions), often hides behind willow when scared, laughs/smiles nervously when anxious or flustered, can get tunnel vision on the thing that's upsetting him
• Angry: stays level-headed and doesn't often raise his voice, speech becomes more emphatic, can become snarkier ("hey belos, remember me?"), remains distant from the subject of his anger, usually stays in a stance
• Other: very eager to prove himself whenever he has the opportunity (love language is acts of service), most willing to resort to violence ("nobody's dying" "not with that attitude", usually in a joking manner), most annoyed by his friends' shenanigans but always willing to tag along, makes big gestures (especially when emphasising something), sometimes repeats phrases when feeling strong emotions ("gus? Nickname? HUMAN nickname?? GUS???" / "wait × 6, is this really what you wanna be doing with your life?")
• Happy/excited: extremely animated with his hands, voice gets louder, becomes very confident. Is very playful and arrogant when in golden guard mode and will usually try to show off or start relying on empty threats
• Sad: voice goes quiet and airy, voice cracks, can become raspier
• Stressed/overwhelmed: doesn't like to be touched when upset, is overwhelmed by affection and will often start crying, goes silent and dissociates when processing upsetting information, voice cracks, becomes extremely snappy and irritable from long-term stress, freezes under pressure, draws in on himself when panicking, goes silent when flustered
• Angry: becomes grumpy when things don't go his way, is extremely animated and expressive when actually angry, can become sardonic, raises voice, makes small movements (e.g. shaking leg or pacing small area). As golden guard, would try to physically intimidate the other person (e.g. looming over or walking towards them)
• Other: doesn't tend to self-blame and will either pass the fault onto someone else ("you got us trapped in the emperor's mind!"), or acknowledge when someone else was in the wrong ("you were tricked. That's what belos does, he tricks people"). Almost never initiates combat and plays a more defensive role, extremely theatrical/expressive and talkative (will have to actively restrain himself to not talk about something), squeaks a lot
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yaekiss · 10 months
im thinking about the fact that wanderer doesn't need to breathe but every time he does it's so undeniably and obviously sexual i can't even process it & function normally after hearing it. Now i have brain rot god damn it
HIIIII LUZ!!! how've u been? ^^ (other than horny ofc)
ur right tho. I heard him like "breathe" (overheat?) during that sumeru archon quest cutscene while he's in his bigass gundam build and I had to pause and blink for a few moments before focusing back on what's happening LOL
anyways! robot fucking utc I guess
he's a little shit. he knows his breathing noises gets you worked up, so he plays it up. panting after the slightest bit of running or climbing. locking eyes with you as he does so, maybe making his little tongue peek out and lick his lips. the sly thing knows what he's doing to you and he'll press up on you, pretending to catch his breath when in reality, he's grinding against you, hoping you'll take the bait.
but the real show starts when you have him under you, bliss coursing through his every wire that makes up his being as you fuck him hard like he wanted. his neural network is flooded with raw desire, overriding his every programmed command when his hands find themselves scratching the expanse of your back. the motors in him send off sparks and whir extra loudly when your hand strokes his drooling cock (a blatant waste of fluid but he can't find it in himself to care), an artificial blush spreading across his face and skin and you can feel the sheer warmth radiating off him. when he cums, his vision quite literally whites out as his system hones in on every single overwhelming sensation, the assault of pleasure physically too high for your poor wanderer to handle.
can you really not call him human when he succumbs to your touch so easily?
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novelist-becca · 5 months
Once again, I hate hate hate it when certain people that saw TOH judge Luz based ONLY on how in episode 1 she brought fireworks to school and let loose live snakes and spiders.
And just boil her down to that.
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wyldeking · 3 months
I've rewatched the Owl House dozens of times now and my favorite scene (excluding season 3 because that shit is magical, pun intended,) is Hunter and Amity's fight at Eclipse Lake.
Earlier in the episode, Amity and Hunter have a chat where Hunter proclaims that they both have a lot at stake, unlike Eda and King. She attempts to argue but is interrupted by the sound of her Tamagotchi-Text thing, as Luz sends a text that Amity misinterprets as Luz threatening her with leaving if she doesn't return with the Titan Blood. Hunter almost directly after takes off and gets a massive head start to Eclipse Lake.
While Eda deals with the scouts and Kikimora, Amity chases after Hunter with King by her side. She enters the room to have this exchange with Hunter.
"Don't worry. I won't pick a fight. There's no Titan Blood."
"Then why are you digging?"
"Oh, it's simple really. Belos needs Titan Blood to make a new portal key. Can't get to the human realm without it."
"There's blood in the key?"
*Amity tightens her grip around the portal key.*
"Since I failed my last mission, I thought, 'Hey, a chance to make up for it.' But I can't go back empty-handed. Not again."
Hunter is noticeably hysterical, laughing between almost every sentence he speaks.
"Long story short, this is my grave. Want me to make you one too?"
"This is really bumming me out." King says simply.
"That's just life, rat. Everyone has a use, and if you don't pbtpbt bye-bye! Your friend gets it."
With the help of King, Amity finally learns how to interpret the text. Luz had never even thought of leaving her awesome girlfriend. Almost immediately after realizing, she becomes almost as bright and sunny as Luz is. With a burst of inspiration, she decides to give Hunter the best message she could think of.
"I grew up thinking that everything was an opportunity to justify existing, but there are people out there make you feel worthless. You just have to let yourself meet them."
She offers her hand, but unfortunately, Hunter notices the key sticking out of her coat, and a battle ensues. Hunter is sweating and incredibly anxious, which shows with the way he fights. Hunter keeps dashing around, making magical sparks fly everywhere. Meanwhile Amity is holding a poker face as she almost effortlessly dodges and blocks every one of his attacks. Every attack that she throws out has a very obviously calculated plan attached.
Hunter eventually tears the key away from Amity and they end up cornering each other. Despite that, Amity still very clearly has the upper hand, with a blade pointed at the neck of the battered Hunter that is caked in abomination goo. Hunter desperately thinking of a way out to give the blood to his uncle, tells Amity, quote;
"Listen, you're strong, and I'm tired. if this continues, you'll probably escape, but here's the thing: We know where to find you and your human. So just hand over the key."
Hunter's threat to kill Amity is completely empty, as they just displayed, Amity clearly has the upper hand. But Luz? The last time she saw her she was sick out of her mind and incredibly delirious. So Amity finally slips, the key cracks as her grip tightens, spilling half the blood. Hunter wins and slips away with the key.
This scene is so damn great because the emotions of the characters make perfect sense and intertwine with everything, we've known about them up until this point. Not to mention the music in this scene absolutely slaps ass and the animation is top-notch.
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balladofthe101st · 2 months
often think about how toye didn't have to pull luz closer to him to ask for a drink but he did anyways
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
The scenes towards the end of the finale were like an intersection of multiple characters experiencing the loss of father figures, in different shades:
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Luz's relationship to her late father took on a different form, after King's own father passed on and his glyph magic was gone for good. Manny gifting her the Azura books before his death, and Papa Titan offering her glyph magic before he too passed on, helped Luz find her place in the world and defeat Belos.
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Apparently this scene is what made Sarah Nicole-Robles bawl in the recording studio, right after she recorded the lines.
When these changes happen - when we experience the loss of a person, when our ties with them are wrangled into a new form, against our will - it can be devastatingly painful. Change and transformation make for fancy, dramatic scenes in fiction, and they always incur loss in some form, painful or not. It also made me so emotional when seeing how much 18-year-old Luz resembles Manny, and how her enrolment in the university is linked to both her biological father and Papa Titan.
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King's experience of seeing the majesty of his father, however brief, left him in awe and exhilaration. He can rest in the beautiful knowledge that Papa Titan was watching over him the whole time too. The message that his dad left him, relayed by Luz, is something he'll hold dear forever.
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Hunter will never be truly harmed by Belos ever again. But he can't discard the memories of Belos granting him attachment: even if the attachment ended up not being real in a sense. However, like what can be applied in real-life therapy, he can get guidance on how to rescript those memories.
Belos's lies about having good intentions don't change how it felt real to Hunter all those years ago. Hunter was a young child when receiving this 'love', and in a twisted way...the mission given to him by Belos kept him alive up till he could escape the Coven, because the mission gave his life meaning despite the circumstances being awfully terrible. A child cannot survive without attachment, and needs attachment even if the experience of attachment has been horrendous and scarring. And holy Titan don't get me started on how at age 16 (before the timeskip), he had yet to learn more grisly details about his predecessors - whom he might view as older brothers and fathers whom he never met - and the generational trauma in his Golden Guard family tree:
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which would have definitely been explored before he could experience that amazing hard-won serenity and peace at age 20.
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Even Philip's arc is inextricably tied to his manner of coping with how he murdered Caleb, who was the closest thing he had to a father, given how these two brothers were orphans. In the end, Philip meets his end while Luz gazes upon him the same way Caleb's ghost did. Philip won't be haunted by Caleb's ghost again, and he joins the person who was essentially his father figure in death. Till the very end, he was projecting onto another person because he didn't want to recognize the same traits in himself. He was the one responsible for his father figure's death.
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But grief doesn't mean the relationships in question have ended altogether. It's kind of like what this post about the finale (link) says, and it even extends to the relationship between us fans and the show itself.
The cliché "5 Stages of Grief" is the most commonly mentioned grief model, but I follow the development and advocacy of a newer perspective on grief that challenges it. In fact, the 5 Stages was originally just intended for terminally ill patients, but it was taken out of proportion. I began a serious investigation into the newer models after I went through something that parallels Hunter losing Flapjack...eerily, it happened to me two weeks before TTT's release date. No wonder I feel so close to Hunter as a blorbo, I guess.
Unlike what the 5 Stages of Grief says, grief and linear time don't mix well. Without "stages" to follow, there isn't an expectation of some deadline or permanent end of a tunnel in the newer models. Such pressure wouldn't be honoring the sacredness of connections between us. Instead, less famous grief perspectives like the dual-process model and continuing bonds model, are a better fit to honor relationships that mattered, since they aren't given an expiry date.
I wonder how Luz would be feeling on the day she graduates from the Wild Magic University, and how King feels each time he unlocks his own new glyphs since he is the new Titan to supply the Isles with magic. And I wonder how Hunter felt when his coven sigil was replaced with the Flapjack tattoo, and how he feels when he sees the Gravesfield town seal and Wittebane statues.
There are ways in which they can get creative to integrate their grief (notice I didn't say "get rid of", "remove", "erase" or even "manage"...the pain is what is to be managed, not the grief itself) the best they can. In canon, we have examples such as the Hexsquad agreeing to get their Flapjack tattoos together. Luz letting go of the light glyph sheet here:
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is also a fantastic representation of rituals like sending off a message in a bottle at a beach, tying a message to a balloon and letting it fly away (this happened in Reaching Out, didn't it?), or burning a message in a campfire to let it float up towards the sky in the form of embers.
It is a common recommendation to have exercises like letter-writing where the griever writes to the lost loved one. What many may not know is you can also do the reverse: you writing as your lost loved one, to yourself. Because the griever takes a piece of the lost loved one with them, that the griever has shaped within themselves. This is especially good if you need to extend forgiveness to yourself. An example from a book called Bearing the Unbearable:
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The author felt responsible for the stillbirth of her child, but had a "happy accident" where she intuitively asked for forgiveness and then received it, by invoking the love that her child would have shown to her in a world where said child had remained alive.
I think Hunter in particular could benefit from something like this, writing to himself as the uncle whom he saw as genuine and nurturing, and gaining ownership of that part of him even though Belos was a liar and is now gone for good. It can help him move forward especially since he won't be spared from nightmares in which his loss is re-enacted. With this kind of rescripting, historical accuracy doesn't actually need to matter. After all, our own minds lie to us at times and mess with historical accuracy anyway, like Luz's thoughts telling her she was as bad as Belos, and how true that felt.
A physical loved one is lost to death, and it can feel just as painful - only in a different way - if people become estranged or separated without a literal death having occurred. But the connection to them isn't lost, it is only adapted. The bond continues. For better or worse.
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I believe the pain in grieving is connected to each moment when we remember all over again that the one we loved isn't coming back.
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It's like the needle of a gramophone getting stuck in the loop of an unpleasant-sounding record scratch noise. It's a bit like what C.S. Lewis says in his book A Grief Observed: "In each of my friends there is something that only some other friend can fully bring out." I can't find the other part but he later said something like, therefore if a friendship is lost, the part of you that only that friend could bring out, is also lost. Something in you is locked away forever, though new things can also be unlocked after the loss.
It wasn't shown onscreen but I wouldn't be surprised if it's regular for Luz to come across a meme and be freshly reminded of her dad's absence, because she can't show him that meme. King would be wishing that a new funny cat video he discovers is something his dad could also laugh at along with him. Hunter would be hoping that Flapjack, the previous Golden Guards and Caleb are watching as he brings back palismen.
Bereavement, and any grief that is significant enough to alter our personhood forever, are the forms of love that can never really grasp how time flows in a linear way. They can't be reasoned with, only experienced.
"...the howling at the center of grief is raw and real. It is love in its most wild form" - Megan Devine.
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amoritasart · 6 months
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AU in which Luz is obsessed with fairytales and wants to be a princess instead of a witch.
Starting my year with Huntceda
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jubileemon · 4 months
Lumity Analysis: Why They're Perfect
"Lumity" refers to the ship between Luz Noceda and Amity Blight from the Disney animated series "The Owl House." Disney has made strides in LGBTQ+ representation in recent years. Historically, the company has been criticized for a lack of diversity in its characters, but there have been notable developments toward inclusivity.
Their Introduction
In the first season of "The Owl House," Luz Noceda and Amity Blight are initially introduced as classmates at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Amity is a skilled and popular student, while Luz is an enthusiastic human girl who lacks magical abilities. Their relationship starts with Amity being dismissive and condescending towards Luz, especially due to Luz's unconventional approach to magic.
As the season progresses, particularly in episodes like "Understanding Willow" and "Enchanting Grom Fright," their dynamic begins to shift. Luz learns more about Amity's struggles and challenges, and Amity starts to see Luz in a different light. The development of their friendship and eventual romantic undertones forms a significant part of the first season.
Understanding Amity Blight
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Amity Blight is portrayed as a prodigious young witch attending Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Initially portrayed as a competitive and dismissive character, the show explores the reasons behind her behavior, delving into her struggles with family expectations and her own desire to fit in. Instead of sticking to a one-dimensional "mean girl" persona, Amity's relationships with other characters, especially with Luz and Willow, showcase a more nuanced personality.
She once had a close friendship with Willow Park, but due to peer pressure and her desire to fit into her family's expectations, Amity distances herself from Willow. This storyline is explored in the episode "Understanding Willow," shedding light on the complexities of Amity's character.
Family Life and Abuse
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Her parents, Odalia and Alador Blight, are portrayed as strict and demanding figures, particularly her mother, Odalia. The show hints at emotional abuse from her mother, adding layers to Amity's internal conflicts. Amity has older siblings, twins named Emira and Edric Blight. They play a significant role in the series, as they really love their little sister and occasionally offer advice to her. While they share the Blight family ambition, they also display a more carefree and rebellious attitude compared to Amity.
Being the more overtly abusive parent, Odalia sets unrealistic expectations for Amity by pressuring her to conform to the Blight family's high standards. This constant pressure to excel and meet these expectations contributes to Amity's initial behavior as an arrogant rival and her internal struggles. Odalia's emotional manipulation and criticism shape Amity's sense of self-worth and contribute to her insecurities. The fear of disappointing her mother and the desire for approval become driving forces in Amity's life, affecting her interactions with others, including her peers like Luz.
On the other hand, Alador's neglect also plays a role in Amity's development. His lack of active involvement in her life might leave Amity feeling overlooked and contribute to a sense of loneliness. The absence of positive attention from a parental figure could impact her emotional well-being and contribute to her seeking validation elsewhere, whether through academic achievements or conforming to societal expectations.
Early Behavior
At the beginning of "The Owl House," Amity was introduced as an arrogant rival and a bit of a bully. Driven by her desire to excel academically and meet her family's expectations, she initially sees Luz as a threat and behaves dismissively and competitively.
One example of this was when she almost got Luz dissected by Principal Bump, mistaking her for an abomination. This incident shows her willingness to use any means to maintain her status, even if it means putting Luz in danger. This showcases the extent of her dedication to conforming to her family's standards.
Similarly, in the episode "Covention," Amity's actions, like stepping on King's cupcake, illustrate her inclination to follow the expectations set by her peers and her mother. These instances lay the groundwork for her eventual realization and character development as she begins to question the values she once upheld and develops a more authentic sense of self.
Why Luz Is A Positive Influence?
Amity's transformation into a better and more compassionate person was strongly influenced by her friendship with Luz Noceda. When Luz entered Amity's life, she challenged the rigid expectations set by Amity's family and offered genuine friendship. Luz's positive influence on Amity stems from her acceptance and encouragement. Since Luz doesn't judge Amity based on her family background or talents, this acceptance allows Amity to gradually break free from the toxic influences of her parents. Through various adventures and shared experiences, Luz helps Amity rediscover her own values and passions.
As their friendship evolves into a romantic relationship, Amity learns the importance of authenticity and staying true to herself. Luz's influence empowers Amity to challenge societal norms and expectations, fostering a sense of independence and self-discovery.
Her Friendship With Willow
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"Understanding Willow" is a pivotal episode in "The Owl House" where Amity confronts the regrets and pain she caused Willow due to her past actions and toxic friendships. In this episode, viewers witness the depth of Amity's character as she reflects on her role in distancing herself from Willow and succumbing to the toxic influence of her friend group, particularly Boscha and Skara.
This episode also marked a turning point for Amity as she decided to make amends with Willow. This act of vulnerability and apology demonstrates her willingness to break free from the toxic patterns in her life, thanks to Luz. It sets the stage for Amity's broader character development, paving the way for her eventual growth into a more better person.
Luz Is Amity's First Crush
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Amity's revelation of her attraction to women, particularly her crush on Luz, in "Enchanting Grom Fright" can be relatable to many teenagers discovering their own sexuality.
Amity's realization and expression of her feelings for Luz capture the uncertainty and excitement that often accompany one's first crush. When Grom attacks her, and Amity's worst fear is seen as being romantically rejected by someone unspecified, shown by Grom tearing up a note, Amity was seen throughout the episode. Luz reassures her it's alright and offers to go to Grom with her instead, as that's what friends do.
Amity and Luz then team up and fight Grom by dancing together, where they are portrayed to be extremely close while doing so. After their dance, it is revealed to the audience that it was Luz who Amity had been planning to ask out to Grom but didn't out of her fear of rejection.
Certainly, the intensity of Amity's feelings for Luz has been a notable and recurring theme in both Season 1 and Season 2 of "The Owl House." The blushing moments between Amity and Luz serve as visual cues to emphasize the romantic undertones of their relationship.
How They Fell In Love?
At first, Amity sees Luz as a rival and is dismissive of her unconventional approach to magic. Amity's uptightness and desire to maintain her status as the top student clash with Luz's spontaneous and chaotic nature. Despite their differences, Luz's persistence and kindness slowly break down Amity's initial resistance.
As Amity and Luz spend more time together, they begin to form a genuine connection. Amity starts to appreciate Luz's unique perspective and adventurous spirit, which contrasts with her own practical and regimented approach to magic. Throughout their adventures, these experiences deepen their bond and allow Amity to see Luz in a new light. As their friendship evolved, Amity began to realize her feelings for Luz. Despite her initial resistance and the societal expectations placed upon her, Amity embraces her love for Luz, recognizing that their differences complement each other. Ultimately, it's Luz's uniqueness, kindness, and unwavering support that lead Amity to fall in love with her.
Will They, Won't They?
The show subverted the common "Will They, Won't They" trope by providing a more nuanced and progressive approach to the development of romantic relationships, particularly the central one between Luz and Amity. Rather than drawing out the tension over multiple seasons, the show addresses Amity's feelings for Luz relatively early in the series. This allows for a more extended exploration of their relationship beyond the initial stage of uncertainty.
The show also doesn't rely heavily on misunderstandings or miscommunication between Luz and Amity to create drama. Instead, it focuses on their genuine connection, allowing the relationship to progress organically. This subverts the common trope of prolonged miscommunication, leading to unnecessary tension.
While the romantic aspect is crucial, the foundation of Luz and Amity's relationship is built on a strong and supportive friendship.
Becoming An Official Couple
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In the episode "Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door ", the Tunnel of Love scene shows the depth of their characters and the relatable challenges they face in expressing their feelings.
Luz's Perspective: Luz's awkwardness and reluctance in the Tunnel of Love stem from her past experiences of being mocked for her unconventional behavior. This fear of rejection has likely been exacerbated by instances where her crushes didn't reciprocate her feelings, making her cautious and hesitant in expressing herself romantically.
Luz's attempt to stop the ride and dismantle the romantic setting reflects her desire to show Amity a grand and unique romantic gesture. She may feel that Amity deserves something more extraordinary than what the Tunnel of Love provides, inadvertently overlooking the fact that Amity finds the gesture charming.
Amity's Perspective: On the other hand, Amity was seeking confirmation that Luz reciprocates her feelings. The romantic setting of the Tunnel of Love, despite its cheesiness, is a sign to Amity that Luz might share her romantic interest. Amity's genuine flattery and blushing indicate that she appreciates the gesture, but Luz's reaction misleads her. Amity's fear of rejection, rooted in past experiences such as Grom taking Luz's form and tearing her note, resurfaces. Luz's destructive response triggers Amity's trauma, as she believes Luz is rejecting her. The heartbroken expression mirrors the pain of potential rejection.
The episode hints at Luz's past experiences of bullying on Earth, likely due to her neurodivergence and inability to conform to societal norms. Amity's socially inept behavior is a result of her strict upbringing, making both characters relatable to those who have faced similar challenges.
Their First Kiss
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The first kiss between Luz and Amity in "Clouds on the Horizon" is a heartfelt moment in their relationship. Amity's vulnerability, coupled with Luz's genuine concern, sets the stage for a deepening emotional connection when Luz used vines to climb to Amity's room and the privacy provided by Amity's siblings leaving emphasize the intimacy of the moment.
Amity's uncertainty about Luz's safety adds a layer of tension that is beautifully resolved when they run to each other with joy upon realizing they are both safe. Luz's promise to take Amity on a real date showcases her commitment and care for Amity beyond the immediate circumstances. The unexpected kiss between Amity and Luz is a culmination of their growing feelings for each other. The blushing aftermath reflects the natural and tender awkwardness of two characters navigating new romantic territory.
Amity's decision to defend Luz against Odalia's dismissal is a powerful declaration of their relationship, marking a turning point in Amity's willingness to stand up for her feelings and challenge familial expectations.
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Finally, in the series finale, "Watching and Dreaming," Luz and Amity's love for each other shines through as they confront their greatest challenges yet. From supporting each other in the dream realm to sharing a heartfelt reunion after the final battle, their bond remains unbreakable. The tender moments they share, including a kiss on the cheek and their affectionate embrace, affirm the depth of their feelings and the enduring nature of their relationship.
From their initial interactions marked by misunderstandings to the development of a deep and supportive connection, Lumity stands out for its positive representation.
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maxiemumdamage · 6 months
What makes me sad is that there are very few RWBY crossovers — in general, but in this case specifically — that explore the hilarity of their weapons.
Like. The fandom has gotten so used to it to the point where we’re shocked when the melee weapon isn’t also a gun. We’re desensitized to things like “sniper-rifle-scythe” or “shotgun-gauntlets” or “katana-chain-scythe-handgun.” Non-RWBY characters, even those from an action series, will not be.
Luz Noceda would be alarmed if someone pulled out a seven foot tall sniper-scythe (though she’d fangirl before she’d panic in most circumstances). Percy Jackson will not know how to respond to a gun when he’s been fighting with a sword from antiquity. Adora She-Ra…is probably not gonna react that strongly, actually, but she’s a child soldier who unlocked magical girl powers and is friends with Entrapta, and as such is uniquely suited to cope with the insane bullshittery of RWBY weapons being thrown at her.
Anyway. Missed opportunity for comedy is all.
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