#Lyanna Mormont icons
liesmyth · 6 months
Martin writes so many plot points and characters that should be the horniest and most mind ruining thing ever, but because of his style and the characters is the opposite. I dont know how many times Ive thought "Cersei would be a lesbian obsession if her fucking a woman as a power move wasnt written by anyone else" and "Jorah Mormont would be a pathetic sexy man icon if the woman he was simping wasn't a teenager"
To be fair I think GRRM forgets Dany is a teenager. I think he pulled the age numbers out of a hat in 1990, forgot how maths works or how actual teenagers are like, and has been regretting it ever since.
There's no excuse for what he did to Cersei/Taena. WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALL. ROLLING IN THE DEEP (<- of her myrish swamp)
(Genuinely. I think GRRM handles the coming-of-age parts of Jon and Robb's story arcs infinitely better than he handles Dany's, especially around sex and the concept of motherhood. Which is also why I don't think Lyanna having been 16 when he died says anything about any commentary GRRM meant to make about her and Rhaegar, he's just. not good at writing young women. rip)
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finitefall · 2 years
Some have been mentioning the Battle of the Bastards in their reblogs of my post, and I thought I’d give my two cents on it.
The thing is, Sansa’s loyalty to Jon can only go so far. Why? Because the writers needed their strong female character on the show. Many before me have been explaining why it could only be Sansa: D&D are sexists. We know this, there’s no debate about it unless you’re talking to someone very, very stupid. But the female audience of Game of Thrones couldn’t be entirely forgotten. So they needed their “feminist icon”, their “strong female character”, who could only be a main character to have a real impact and be significant.
That’s also why Sansa is whitewashed since the first season. They need her, because the other main female characters on the show don’t fit what they want in a woman, what the patriarchy wants women to be like, they don’t “conform to their gender” (like Arya, who they turned into a killer machine saying that most girls are stupid), they threaten the patriarchy and the status quo (like Daenerys, who’s definitely darker in the show even if we don’t talk about season 8), or they’re an antagonist (like Cersei).
Sansa is “traditionally feminine”, she doesn’t threaten the status quo, she doesn’t threaten the patriarchy, she’s not an antagonist, and she’s a “good victim” unlike Daenerys:
Without Littlefinger, and Ramsay and the rest, I would have stayed a Little Bird all my life.
(Sansa, 8x04)
Their strong female character needs badass moments. And show!Sansa stans will always remember when she was the one to save the day instead of Jon, when it was a woman instead of a man. She’s getting a leadership arc in season 6, because they put her in the North by changing her storyline in the books and giving her Jeyne’s. Because they love Sophie Turner in a creepy way, yes, but also because they needed her to go back North to give her a leadership arc.
When Sansa and Jon reunite, her efforts to convince him to take back Winterfell aren’t paying. Jon just died and came back to life, he’s done with the fighting, he’s just done in general. It’s only when Ramsay sends him a letter in that same episode that Sansa convinced him:
A monster has taken our home and our brother. We have to go back to Winterfell and save them both.
(Sansa, 6x04)
It’s Rickon. Rickon is still alive, Ramsay has him, and he’s their little brother. The rest of their family is dead, or presumed dead. Yes, Brienne saw Arya, but they have no idea if she’s still alive at that moment. No, right now the only family Jon has left is Sansa. He died, he came back, he doesn’t know why, the only thing he knows is that he doesn’t want to fight anymore. But Sansa came back, no matter that they didn’t get along at all when they last saw each other. And Rickon is still alive. He still has the two of them, Ramsay has the latter and is a threat to the first. That’s why he asks the help of the Free Folk, that’s why he tries to convince Northern Houses to fight with him.
I’ll skip the part where Sansa is absolutely unhelpful, gaslight both Davos and Lyanna Mormont, and think people will fight because she’s a Stark. Huh, no. They won’t, they didn’t. The ones who fought alongside Jon didn’t do it for her, and the Knight of the Vale didn’t do it for her either, but because she asked Littlefinger. They only did what he told them to do.
Back to trust and loyalty, she tells Brienne she trusts Jon:
Then why did you lie to him when he asked you how you learned about Riverrun?
(Brienne, 6x05)
It’s an interesting scene, because it ends here. Sansa doesn’t answer Brienne, so it’s up to the audience to guess the answer and people will have different opinions on what the reason is.
Before the battle, Sansa tells Jon they don’t have enough men (well, it’s not his fault that not enough Northern Houses will fight for you, Sansa), that he doesn’t know Ramsay like she does and will fall into his trap, that she needs to listen to him. And he does, actually:
All right, tell me. What should we do? How do we get Rickon back?
We'll never get him back.
(Jon & Sansa, 6x09)
She does know Ramsay. No, he won’t let Rickon live. But what was the reason that convinced Jon to fight Ramsay and take back Winterfell? Rickon. Rewind:
A monster has taken our home and our brother. We have to go back to Winterfell and save them both.
(Sansa, 6x04)
It was never about saving Rickon, and Sansa knew it. It was about taking back Winterfell, and revenge (no one can blame her for this, of course, I’d love to kill Ramsay Bolton). The fact is, at this point, the audience does wonder what Sansa is doing. Is she manipulating for her own gain? Does she not trust anyone anymore? We don’t know, and that’s not something the writers care about. What they care about is that Sansa is back North, they’ll take back Winterfell, and she’s having “badass” moments with some lines.
And when it does seem like Ramsay is going to win, who is surprised to see the Knights of the Vale coming to save the day? Not the audience. Now, this has be done many times, like in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. I absolutely love the Battle of Helm's Deep in this movie, and yes, the Uruk-hai seem to be winning. There doesn’t seem to be a chance for the men to win, even joined by Elves. But Gandalf arrives like he told Aragorn, and he brought Éomer and the Rohirrim cavalry. It’s a classic twist during a battle, and sometimes it works. The Battle of the Bastards is actually great to watch, but the issue is that, as mentioned by several people, Sansa who told Jon again and again that they didn’t have enough men didn’t tell him there were more men, didn’t tell him that she was gonna try to convince someone and not lose hope, and it’s being shot in a way that says: Sansa saved the day. Which, again, is exactly what the writers want it to look like, since they need their strong female character.
Did she? Save the day, I mean? Yes and no. Knowing more men would be here would have changed the battle plans. Men could have been saved. They could have used the Knight of the Vale either from the beginning, or when they decided to, as an element of surprise - either way, it should have been decided by the one leading the army. Why? Because that would have been smart, and that’s how a battle works. And for those who would think to argue this:
What should I do differently?
I don't know! I don't know anything about battles.
(Jon & Sansa, 6x09)
What does all of this mean, in conclusion? What can we say about Sansa and her actions? It depends, because the writing is just awful. Sansa being a good person who just doesn’t trust anyone anymore because of PTSD is all right. Sansa only trusting Jon is all right. Sansa becoming a player in the game of thrones who will put herself first and do anything to win is all right. But Sansa being a mix of all those different versions of Sansa doesn’t work, except for Sansa stans because what matters, again, is her having badass moments and getting a leadership arc, not good writing.
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magpieinthemorning · 2 years
Oh my Dog only now I realised Bella Ramsey was Lyanna Mormont in GoT!!!
Woah, what iconic characters ♥♥♥
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manshgola · 1 year
Bella Ramsey's Impact on Game of Thrones as Lyanna Mormont
Game of Thrones was undoubtedly one of the most talked-about television series of all time. With its massive fan base, gripping storyline, and complex characters, the show captivated audiences around the world. One of the characters that truly made an impact on viewers was Lyanna Mormont, played by British actress Bella Ramsey. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the impact that Bella Ramsey had on Game of Thrones as Lyanna Mormont.
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Who is Lyanna Mormont?
Lyanna Mormont was a young, fierce, and outspoken leader of House Mormont. She was the niece of the late Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jeor Mormont, and the cousin of the exiled Lord Commander, Jorah Mormont. Despite being only ten years old, Lyanna was a formidable character and quickly became a fan favorite. Her no-nonsense attitude and unwavering loyalty to House Stark made her a standout among the show's many characters.
Bella Ramsey's Performance
Bella Ramsey was only 12 years old when she was cast as Lyanna Mormont in Game of Thrones. Despite her young age and lack of experience, she delivered a performance that left a lasting impact on audiences and earned her critical acclaim. Ramsey perfectly captured the character's no-nonsense attitude, fierce loyalty, and unwavering determination. She brought a level of gravitas to the role that was well beyond her years.
Lyanna Mormont's Impact on the Show
Lyanna Mormont may have been a minor character in Game of Thrones, but she had a major impact on the show. Her fierce loyalty to House Stark and her determination to defend the North from the White Walkers made her an inspiration to many viewers. Her iconic speech at the Battle of Winterfell, in which she pledged the support of House Mormont to Jon Snow and Sansa Stark, is still talked about today.
Lyanna Mormont's impact was not limited to the show's storyline. She was also a symbol of empowerment for young girls and women around the world. Her character broke stereotypes and proved that women can be just as strong and capable as men. Her presence on the show helped to promote gender equality and inspire a new generation of female leaders.
In conclusion, Bella Ramsey's portrayal of Lyanna Mormont had a significant impact on Game of Thrones. Her performance brought depth and nuance to the character, and her character's impact on the show's storyline and broader themes helped to make it one of the most beloved characters in the series. Ramsey's talent and dedication to the role made her a fan favourite and helped to inspire a new generation of female leaders.
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Nonbinary actor Bella Ramsey leaves Twitter after change to anti-LGBTQ+ harassment ban
Nonbinary actor Bella Ramsey has left Twitter following the microblogging platform’s repeal of policies against LGBTQ+ harassment. “Twitter it’s been fun,” Ramsey wrote in an April 21 tweet. “My account will still be active for now but I will not be on here! Thank you my gay army and all the rest. Love you.” --- Related Stories Pedro Pascal posted Pride flag photos & the Internet went wild The Internet’s iconic “Daddy” of the moment took a stand for LGBTQ+ people. --- “My gay army” refers to Ramsey’s fans and supporters, particularly those who have supported Ramsey’s role as Ellie, a queer teen, in HBO’s TV series adaptation of the queer-inclusive 2013 zombie video game The Last of Us. In a March interview with The Last of Pods podcast, Ramsey referenced their gay army amid homophobic backlash to the series, stating, “I’m very aware that there’s a gay army who are on Twitter who are just supporting me and Ellie. They’re so much louder than any people who hate the show.” Twitter it’s been fun. My account will still be active for now but I will not be on here! Thank you my gay army and all the rest. Love you. pic.twitter.com/I99u43nBnO— Bella Ramsey (@BellaRamsey) April 21, 2023 While Ramsey didn’t provide a reason for their departure, they left the platform after the site quietly revoked a policy that protected transgender people from deliberate misgendering and deadnaming. Twitter’s billionaire owner Elon Musk has overseen a dramatic rise in anti-LGBTQ+ hate speech on the platform, making millions of dollars from hateful tweets. On March 31, Ramsey observed the Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) with a message to their younger self. The tweet said, “Happy TDOV to this little dude! I didn’t know the word nonbinary in this picture. But I knew what it meant. Inherently. Because I always was, and always will be. Lotsa love to all of my trans, enby (non-binary) and gender funky friends. #TransDayOfVisibility.” Happy TDOV to this little dude! I didn’t know the word non-binary in this picture. But I knew what it meant. Inherently. Because I always was, and always will be. Lotsa love to all of my trans, enby and gender funky friends. #TransDayOfVisibility pic.twitter.com/8T5Kq6SIOW— Bella Ramsey (@BellaRamsey) March 31, 2023 In a January interview with The New York Times, Ramsey came out as nonbinary, saying, “I’m very much just a person. Being gendered isn’t something that I particularly like, but in terms of pronouns, I really couldn’t care less.” Ramsey became famous by portraying Lyanna Mormont, a young powerful ruler, in HBO’s fantasy TV series Game of Thrones. They later voiced the lead character in the cartoon series Hilda and appeared in the 2021 queer horror short Requiem. http://dlvr.it/Sn2kVZ
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donamarocas · 3 years
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gameoficons · 5 years
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fruitycons · 7 years
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Game Of Thrones icons
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likedits · 7 years
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fivecolorsicons · 7 years
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westerosiladies · 5 years
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December’s here, so it’s about time for some wintery icons
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zuzcreation · 5 years
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Icons 200x200 of Bella Ramsey as Lyanna Mormont in Game of Thrones (x8)
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kaylahlarin · 5 years
@ all the women in this episode
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ellaria-archived · 6 years
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Lyanna Mormont in 6x10: The Winds of Winter
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fybadassladies · 5 years
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confirmedgoblin · 5 years
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Legends Only ™
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