#Mildred Hubble icons
lavellenchanted · 10 months
book recs!! anything witchy will do!
Oooh I love doing book recs, OKAY, witchy-themed books:
Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher - I finished this recently and it's a really lovely dark fairy tale style story, in which a princess seeks out magical help to kill the prince that's been abusing her sister.
The Scholomance trilogy by Naomi Novik - a fantastic trilogy set in a very dark, twisted magic school, following Galadriel 'El' Higgins as she tries her resist her destiny to become an evil sorceress.
Sorceror to the Crown by Zen Cho - a regency set fantasy following Zacharias Wythe, the first Black Sorceror Royal, who is trying to discover why Britain's magic stocks are drying up. A really fun read with a really interesting take on the fairy realm.
Literally anything by Diana Wynne Jones but for particular witch feels Witch Week is great - it's middle grade but still really fun to read as an adult, set in a boarding school where one of the students has been anoymously accused of being a witch in a world where witchcraft is illegal.
Wicked Like a Wildfire by Lana Popovic - Iris and her sister Malina are descended from a family of witches taught to keep their powers a secret and never to fall in love. But when their mother's attacked, they set out to find the truth and discover that there's a curse haunting their family.
Shades of Milk and Honey by Marie Robinette Kowal - another regency set one, that's very Jane Austen with magical powers, where manipulation of glamour is an essential accomplishment for young ladies.
A Madness of Angels by Kate Griffin - an urban fantasy following sorceror Matthew Swift who finds himself resurrected from the dead after being murdered three years ago. He's got two questions: who killed him? And who brought him back?
Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett - an absolutely stellar book, in which the witches Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat find meddling in royal affairs isn't that easy ...
The Witch Trade by Michael Molloy - I read this when I was eleven or twelve and it has etched itself into my pyche, and is such a fun, exciting middle grade adventure.
The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy - I don't care how old you are, if you haven't read this you should. Mildred Hubble's misadventures at Miss Cackle's Academy of Witches are just iconic.
Poison by Chris Wooding - this isn't about a witch, exactly, but it has very witchy, fairy tale vibes and I adore it so I'm going to include it. It follows a young woman called Poison who sets out to reclaim her sister from the fairies after she's stolen and replaced with a changeling, but finds a much bigger adventure waiting for her.
Okay, that's a lot of witchy books so I will stop there before this gets too unwieldy but I highly recommend all of these!!
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heathtrash · 2 years
bella ramsey's mildred hubble is now a nonbinary icon
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bella ramsey revealing themself as a nonbinary icon is not what i had on any kind of bingo but i am so proud of him!!
i LOVE the dimensions this brings to mildred hubble's character as well - there are so many aspects where mildred's gender feels at odds with the other students'/witches' attitudes towards gender, such as their use of things that are "for boys" such as a staff, and casual attitude towards socialising with boys (which is for some reason made a huge deal out of, in 2017)
it just makes so much sense the more you think about it!
mildred hubble has always felt like a character who exists outside the binary to me (that might be because i'm nonbinary though) and i'm so thrilled bella has felt comfortable enough to come out. really feel like doing a watch party of bella's era to celebrate and find new readings for!
annoyingly she pronoun-only article source for the quotations above (but what do you expect from the transphobic NYT at this stage): x
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rosie-love98 · 11 months
For The Love Of Constance Hardbroom And Severus Snape:
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Picture Links Found Here:
https://id.quora.com/Apakah-INTJ-dengan-ISTJ-cocok-menjadi-pasangan-kekasih  (In Hao Hao’s Answer): 
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sleeppaw · 1 month
Books that are held up as Classics (1950-2010)
The Chronicles of Narnia: Still popular after all these years. One of the forerunners of the Isekai Genre.
The Eagle of The Ninth: A Historical novel centred on a young Roman soldier, Marcus Aquila. The book is aimed at children, but is popular with young adults and adults due to it's depth.
The Lord of The Rings: Iconic and established many fantasy Tropes.
When Marnie was There: This children's novel tells the story of Anna, a young girl sent to live with her aunt and uncle
Tales of Earthsea: The book series centres on Ged, a young wizard who attends Roke, a boarding school for young wizards.
The Worst Witch: Tells the story of Mildred Hubble, a normal young girl who is sent to Miss Cackle's Academy for Young Witches and has a cruel teacher and a bully classmate. Sadly, the last book remains unfinished following Jill Murphy's death.
Watership Down: Tells the story of a band of rabbits, led by Hazel and his brother Fiver, as they travel to the titular hill following the destruction of their warren. Among the characters is Kehaar, a Black-Headed gull whose wing was injured and who eventually becomes an ally to Hazel and company, General Woundwort, the brutal Chief Rabbit of Efrafar, and Hyzenthlay, a doe who lives under Woundwort's reign and who manages to help Bigwig when he goes undercover in Efrafar before escaping with the other does to Watership Down.
Carrie's War: This novel by Nina Bawden centres on a woman, Carrie, who visits a village in Wales with her three children and tells them about the events thirty years earlier. Her children discover that Hepzibah, the housekeeper, and Mr. Johnny, Mrs. Gotobed's disabled cousin, are still alive and living at the converted barn; Carrie reunites with Albert Sandwich, a fellow evacuee, and learns that Albert still visits Johnny and Hepzibah, and learns that Evans died long ago. The book is read in schools in the UK for both it's literacy and historical interest; the novel is a frame story
The Brothers Lionheart: The novel tells the story of two early 20th Century brothers; when the youngest brother dies, he finds himself in a land in the middle of a war where his older brother, Johnathon, is leading the resistance.
The Neverending Story: This novel, published in 1979, centres on a bullied kid, Bastian, who steals a novel from a bookshop. Hiding in the attic, he reads about the warrior Arteyu, who has been tasked by the Childlike Empress to find a human that can help defeat "The Nothing".
Der Kleine Vampir: This 1979 German book series tells the story of Anton, a human boy, and his friendship with a young vampire boy named Rudiger.
Madame Doubtfire: This 1987 novel centres on a divorced couple, the dad wants to spend time with his children, having been barred by his ex-wife from seeing them. Disguising himself as an elderly housekeeper, "Madame Doubtfire", he spends time with his kids.
We're Going On A Bear Hunt: Michael Rosen's 1989 children's book is about a family and their dog who is searching for a bear. The book was used for the "Largest Reading Lesson" in 2014.
Holes: This novel, published in 1998, tells the story of Stanley Yelnats IV, a teenager who, in the case of mistaken identity, is sent to Camp Green Lake, a detention centre where teenagers must dig holes.
The Hunger Games: The story of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl who resides in a dystopian society where every year, as punishment for a failed uprising, each of the twelve Districts must send one boy and one girl to participate in "The Hunger Games", an event where failure means death. When her sister is chosen as the female representative for District 12, Katniss Volunteers in her sister's place. With a boy who long had a crush on her, and a surly drunk as Mentor, the odds are stacked against her.
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donamarocas · 3 years
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psychocandies · 6 years
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sybil hallow | the  worst witch  icons  ・゚
400 x 400 px twitter size
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100witches · 6 years
2- Nancy Downs (Fairuza Balk)
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2- Nancy Downs (Fairuza Balk). The Craft (1996).
I can’t tell if I love this movie because it holds a special place of witch nostalgia in my cold black heart, or if its actually a freaking great movie. I try to watch it several times a year, and it keeps just getting better and better. It is unquestioningly one of my all-time favorite movies about witchcraft, and conveys the practices of real witches in a way somewhat unparalleled in cinema. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that the film employed a Dianic Priestess and Information Officer of the Covenant of the Goddess (a multi-denominational Wiccan collective), who sought to couch realness and truths inside a medium she knew would nevertheless have grandiose Hollywood overtones. Or perhaps it has to do with the fact that witch icon Fairuza Balk is cast in an empowering, albeit tragic, character. Either way, The Craft, and Fairuza Balk, fundamentally shaped my witch-identity, and that of an entire generation of young witches, Pagans, and Wiccans alike.
The plot of the movie conveys dozens of classic themes about witchcraft. It begins with a group of social outcasts who reside in the margins of the hallways. They come from diverse backgrounds and various tribulations which have made them feel powerless. On one side, you have Rochelle (Rachel True #40) and her confrontations with racism, prejudice, and bigotry. On another, you have Bonnie (Neve Campbell) and her physical ailments and scars that, especially in high school, are perceived of as grotesque and ugly. On a third side, lies our dear Nancy, her alcoholic mother, abusive stepfather, sexual proclivity, and (as Rochelle puts it), her innate destiny as white trash. The three young girls, feeling powerless in their world, discover witchcraft as a means for gaining confidence, power, and protection. Witchcraft acts as a way to interpret the chaos around them, and can be used as an arbiter of justice against the world that has forsaken them. I get an all encompassing sense of deja vu every time I see the scenes of them walking down the hallways of their school, not just because I’ve seen this movie  a trillion times, but because my friends and I were those kids. We all had our problems and difficulties, and together found various forms of witchcraft, ceremonial magic, and other occult traditions as a means to understand the world around us.
You’d think by the length of this post already that we’d be halfway into the movie, but it hasn’t even started yet. While I’ve spoken at length in this series as to the power of three (Charmed #67, the Graeae/Moirai #64, the Weird Sisters #5, et. al), modern witchcraft and most denominations of Wicca continue this ever building strength in numbers to a notion of four-ness. The aforementioned girls, while attempting to practice magic, are held back as their circle in incomplete. Ritual witchcraft often has a Calling of the Corners/Quarters, East, South, West, North, which requires the participation of four practitioners. This is the actual plot of the movie, as the fourth arrives as another ostracized woman. Sarah Bailey (Robin Tunney) transfers in to the school. As if being a new kid wasn’t tragic enough, her mother has died, and Sarah now struggles with depression and suicide. Sarah is a perfect candidate for a new initiate into witchcraft— she too needs to find strength and order in the world around her.
Now complete, the coven truly begins to explore witchcraft and magic in earnest. Rochelle, as a swimmer and character who is surprisingly malleable and soft-hearted, takes the West—water. Bonnie, who suffers from tragic burn scares and self confidence issues, takes up the South—fire. Sarah, whose magic stems from her mother and hereditary witchcraft, takes up the North—earth. And Nancy, crazy, crazy Nancy, whose own imagination is her only limit, takes up the East—air. Together, the girls perform some of my favorite cinematic interpretations of actual magic. The classic “we are the weirdos” forest scene (“In perfect love, in perfect trust”), as well as the notorious beach invocation scene, are truly unrivaled interpretations of actual witchcraft and Wiccan rituals.
There are dozens of undercurrents of classic witch themes throughout this movie. The juxtaposition between natural, hereditary witches like Sarah, and learned occultists like Nancy, illustrates the differences in witch-lore between magic/power being innate versus acquired. While both are true (magic can be both natural and learned), this tension between those with magic and those who learn magic is reminiscent of a kind of Promethean battle for power and strength—who can steal the fire first. In the case with Sarah and Nancy, the hereditary witch ultimately wins (ugh they usually do). However, this is not due to increased ability or a genetic superiority/predisposition to magic. Instead, Sarah becomes the victor due to purity of heart and intent. The movie is wrought with the philosophy that magic is neither good nor bad, it is the intent and the person who can manipulate magic in either direction. As the bomb-ass witch in the occult shop, Lirio, puts it—Nancy takes it to a dark place.
I could certainly do a post on Sarah, and perhaps that could come after this 100. She is a great representation of a witch, from the strength of her mother to her defeating her own sisters who have turned on her. Sarah’s magic is some of the strongest we see, most notably her final binding of Nancy. In another great representation of Sympathetic Magic, we see Sarah perform a magical binding to prevent Nancy from doing harm to others or herself. By wrapping a ribbon around an image of Nancy while repeating the mantra, Sarah hopes to stop Nancy from her (self) destructive behavior. Sarah repeats the binding in their final fight scene, and in a moment of script writing brilliance, Nancy is thus fated to being truly bound to a bed in a psychiatric ward at the end of the movie. Unfortunately Nancy becomes institutionalized as she’s flown too close to the sun, but she is unquestioningly unable to do harm to anyone while in that padded room.
So, WHY NANCY? As a character, she is one of the most bad ass witches I can think of. Despite her flaws, she has a strong sense of morality and is fiercely protective of her sisters. She uses witchcraft to punish a sexual predator (….full transparency here, she kills him…) and sees power as a means of uplifting both herself and others. Her tragic flaw comes in her full and total submission to her religious philosophy (Minnie Castavet #19 and Bellatrix Lestrange #15). She is unfortunately unable to control herself once she realizes her full power, as she has invoked all the power of Manon*. Nancy illustrates the journey of many witches, from disenfranchised outcast, to an empowered and autonomous woman, to, yet again, a woman suffering from a mental health crisis. Solidifying The Craft in its explication of witch archetypes, Nancy conveys the long history of witchcraft in a single character.
I can’t think of another actor who has done as much for witch-lore as Fairuza Balk. In addition to her role in The Craft, Fairuza has appeared as Dorothy Gale in Return to Oz (1985, mentioned with Mombi #48), as Mildred Hubble in The Worst Witch, as well as  dozens of other, non witch related roles. Fairuza’s mother studied Egyptian, Turkish, and Moroccan traditional dance, and her father is allegedly of Romani and Cherokee ancestry. Fairuza has been acting since she was a young girl, and continues her career as a musician and artist. A quick visit to her website reveals that she sells and designs custom sigils, symbols which are imbued with certain magical principles. In many ways reminiscent of witch-icon Stevie Nicks (#59), rumors have been circulating as to whether or not Fairuza is a practicing witch for decades. It didn’t help when stories circulated about the Dianic expert allegedly initiating one of the cast members of the film, or when Fairuza herself purchased an occult shop in L.A. She has stated that she first learned about witchcraft through The Craft, as so many of us in my generation have. Whether or not she’s out of the broom closet is besides the point. Fairuza remains one of my all time witch-icons, and I am greatly indebted to her for her work in furthering the tradition.
*Manon is perhaps one of my favorite parts of the movie. Due to the fact that the actors were performing actual Wiccan rituals, they were advised against using the name of an actual existent deity. Instead, Manon was created to prevent any actual invocation from occurring, especially by young fans wanting to mimic the film. Good thing too, because the aforementioned beach scene invocation resulted in swarms of bats, crashing waves extinguishing the candles in the scene, and a total loss of power on the set. No joke—that all actually happened. The description of Manon, too, as the Stadium and Field on which God and the Devil play football, is beautifully illustrative of much of Pagan theology.
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rpschtuff · 5 years
Icon Pack - Bella Ramsey
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This post contains 150 plain 100x100 icons of Bella Ramsey in her role as Mildred Hubble in The Worst Witch - season 1, episodes 1 & 2. They were made from scratch by me.
Bella is a minor, so please use these icons appropriately.
Use for any roleplay related purposes, etc.
Like or reblog if you plan to use.
Edit these however you wish for personal use.
Credit me somewhere on your blog (not required but much appreciated).
Buy me a ko-fi, if you appreciate my work and feel so inclined.
Claim these as your own.
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chadsavage · 5 years
Halloween Saints Series 2 - Mildred Hubble Hoodie sweater - 20% OFF with coupon code TRANSWORLD thru the end of February! Link in bio or ShopSinister.com! As an artist who likes to draw and paint spooky things, I've mostly stayed away from depicting other people's characters. Then in the summer of 2015 I had this idea to do a series of portraits of characters that I like from movies and books centered around Halloween, and by mid-October I had completed 5. Fast forward to the Spring of 2017 and we have Series 2, featuring all female characters. This is Mildred Hubble from the 80's TV movie "The Worst Witch". A sporty hoodie with a soft inside. The iconic zip hoodie you see Silicon Valley big shots wearing - the understated yet classic look, giving off a youthful vibe. • Flex Fleece (50% Polyester / 50% Cotton Fleece) construction • Metal zipper • Hooded with White finished Polyester drawcord • Kangaroo pocket • Unisex size – women may prefer to order one size smaller Size guide XS S M L XL 2XL Chest (inches) 32-34 36-38 40-42 42-44 46-48 48-50 Waist (inches) 28-30 30-32 32-33 33-34 36-38 40-42 . . .
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boombermansblog · 3 years
The Worst Witch
รีวิว The Worst Witch - โอมเพี้ยง! แม่มดน้อยสู้ตาย
ซีรีส์แม่มดที่ให้ฟิลลิ่งแบบ Harry Potter ทั้งปราสาท การขี่ไม้กวาด วิชาต่าง ๆ ที่สอนในห้องเรียน ยูนิฟอร์มที่ใส่ แต่ทางเนื้อเรื่องจะออกไปท่าน่ารักใส ๆ เบาสมองมากกว่า (จริง ๆ ก็แอบมีดราม่าเล็ก ๆ แทรกไว้ซะด้วย) และยังแฝงข้อคิดเอาไว้ในทุก ๆ ตอนที่ได้ดู ที่สำคัญคือวิทยาลัยแค็กเกิลเป็นวิทยาลัยหญิงล้วน รีวิว The Worst Witch
ซีรีส์สร้างมาจากหนังสือของ Jill Murphy เล่าถึงเรื่องราวชีวิตในโรงเรียนของมิลเดร็ด ฮับเบิล แม่มดที่แย่ที่สุดที่โรงเรียนแม่มดของมิสแค็กเกิล ชีวิตในโรงเรียนของเธอนั้นห่างไกลจากคำว่าเงียบสงบ ทั้งต้องคอยรับมือกับอีเทล ฮาโลว์คู่อริ การจ้องจับผิดของมิสฮาร์ดบรูม
ไหนจะต้องระวังไม่ให้ถูกสาบเป็นคางคก เป็นนก เป็นหนู ทั้งที่แค่ระวังไม่ให้หม้อปรุงยาระเบิดก็แทบแย่แล้ว ถึงแม้ความโก๊ะของเธอก็ทำให้ใครต่อใครต้องปวดเศียรเวียนเกล้า แต่จิตใจที่งดงามของเธอก็ช่วยให้เรื่องร้าย ๆ ผ่านไปได้ด้วยดีเสมอ
ทาง Netflix Thailand มีการโพสต์ข้อความลงบน Twitter เกี่ยวกับการมาถึงของ Harry Potter บน Netflix ที่เหมือนทิ้งบอมบ์ให้คนทั้งประเทศฉงนใจ และอยากรู้ว่ามันจะมาลงใน Netflix จริงๆ หรือไม่ ส่วนตัวผมก็เป็นหนึ่งในคนที่ตื่นเต้นกับข่าวนี้มากๆ เลยครับ
ด้วยความที่เป็นสาวกของทั้งหนังสือและภาพยนตร์เรื่องนี้อย่างเหนียวแน่นมาตั้งแต่เด็กๆ แต่สำหรับใครที่รอไม่ไหวที่จะได้รับชมภาพยนตร์ที่ได้ชื่อว่าเป็น Icon แห่งยุคเรื่องนี้ละก็ วันนี้ผมมีซีรีส์แนะนำอีกหนึ่งเรื่อง ที่ให้กลิ่นอายของความเป็น Harry Potter แบบสมบูรณ์มากๆ ครับ
ไม่ต้องแปลกใจว่าฟังแล้วทำไมมันช่างละม้ายคล้ายแฮร์รี่ พอตเตอร์ จังนะ นั่นเพราะเจ.เค.เองก็โตมากับหนังสือชุดนี้ (ไม่มีเด็กหญิงชาวอังกฤษคนไหนไม่อ่านเวิร์สวิทซ์หรอก) เลยได้รับอิทธิพลไปเต็มๆ
(ซึ่งหนังสือแนวนี้ก็ได้รับอิทธิพลมาจาก อีนิด ไบล์ตันอีกที) หนำซ้ำเคท ดูเชนน์ที่เล่นเป็นมิสฮาร์ดบรูมก็เคยได้รับข้อเสนอให้เล่นเป็นศจ.มักกอนนากัล แต่เธอปฏิเสธเพราะอยากจะให้เกียรติบทมิสฮาร์ดบรูมที่ทำให้เธอมีชื่อเสียง
สำหรับ The Worst Witch เป็นซีรีส์อังกฤษที่สร้างจากหนังสือความยาว 8 เล่มโดยนักเขียนอย่าง Jill Murphy พูดถึง Mildred Hubble เด็กสาวธรรมดาๆ ที่วันหนึ่งเธอเกิดมองเห็นแม่มด กำลังขี่ไม้กวาดบินไปยังสถานที่บางอย่าง
แม่มดคนนั้นคือ Maud Spellbody แม่มดเนิร์ดที่กำลังจะเดินทางไปเข้าเรียนที่โรงเรียนเวทย์มนต์ในวันแรก แต่แล้วไม้กวาดของเธอกลับไม่เป็นไปอย่างที่เธอต้องการ และตกลงตรงหน้าอพาร์ทเมนต์ของ Mildred ทำให้เธอได้รู้จักแม่มด และท้ายที่สุด เธอก็ได้เข้าไปเรียนในโรงเรียนเวทย์มนต์ Miss Cackle's Academy for Witches
โรงเรียนเวทย์มนต์หญิงล้วนแห่งอังกฤษ ท่ามกลางเสียงคัดค้านจากเหล่าพ่อมดแม่มดในโลกเวทย์มนต์ที่มองเธอเป็นเพียงหญิงสาวธรรมดาที่จับพลัดจับผลูเข้ามาอย่างน่าขัน จนได้ชื่อว่า เป็น The Worst Witch หรือแม่มดที่แย่ที่สุดนั่นเอง
เป็นต้นแบบ Harry Potter ?
ด้วยความที่ตัวหนังสือเองออกวางจำหน่ายมาตั้งแต่ปี 1974 (Harry Potter เล่มแรกวางจำหน่ายในปี 1997) และดังเป็นพลุแตกจนถึงปัจจุบัน (เล่มล่าสุดวางจำหน่ายเมื่อปี 2018) เนื้อเรื่องภายในหนังสือและหนังนั้น พูดถึง การใช้ชีวิตในโรงเรียนเวทย์มนต์แบบเดียวกับที่ Hogwarts ของ J.K. Rowling ทำ
ทำให้ผมอดนำสองเรื่องดูหนังออนไลน์นี้มาเปรียบเทียบไม่ได้ การที่ตัวละครเอกมีลักษณะโดดเด่นที่คล้ายกัน แม้ว่าใน Harry Potter ภาคหลังๆ นั้น เรื่องราวจะซีเรียสกว่ามาก แต่ผมได้กลิ่นอายของ Harry Potter ภาคแรกและภาคสอง ตลอดการรับชมทั้งสามซีซั่นเลยทีเดียว
ตัวละครอย่าง Mildred นั้น ถูกกังขาโดยคนทั่วโลกผู้วิเศษว่า เป็นแม่มดที่แย่ที่สุด ขณะที่ Harry ก็ถูกนิยามว่าเป็นเด็กชายผู้รอดชีวิต ตัวละคร Maud ที่เหมือนกับ Hermione Granger เด็กสาวที่เก่งฉลาดที่สุดในชั้นและเป็นเพื่อนสนิทของ Harry หรือ Enid Nightshade ที่เป็นเด็กสาวจอมซนไม่เอาไหน
คล้าย Ron Weasley รวมถึง Mr. Cackles ที่ออกมาพิมพ์เดียวกับ Albus Dumbledore และตัวละครที่มีส่วนผสมของ ศาสตราจารย์ Mcgonagall และ ศาสตราจารย์ Snape อย่าง Miss Hardbroom นั้น น่าจะเป็นส่วนที่ชัดเจนที่สุดของการนำ Character มาใช้แบบเดียวกับ Harry Potter
ตอนที่ไถช่อง Netflix ไปเรื่อยๆ นั้น ผมไม่ได้คาดหวังจะดูด้วยซ้ำ ด้วยความที่ลักษณะของซีรีส์น่าจะเป็นซีรีส์เด็กๆ บวกกับความเป็นซีรีส์อังกฤษที่อาจทำให้ผมหลับตั้งแต่เปิด Intro เรื่องก็เป็นได้ แต่ตัวละครหลักอย่าง Mildred นี่แหละ ที่ชี้ชวนให้ผมเข้ามารับชม
เพราะเธอก็คือ แม่หมีสุดเดือดอันโด่งดังจาก Game Of Thrones อย่าง Bella Ramsey นั่นเอง การแสดงใน Game Of Thrones อันตราตรึงใจในฐานะแม่ทัพเด็กที่เข้าร่วมสงครามและต่อสู้กับยักษ์อย่างห้าวหาญนั้น ทำให้ผมอยากรู้ว่า การพลิกผันจากแฟนตาซี Epic แบบนั้นมาเป็นซีรีส์เด็กจะเป็นอย่างไร
เพียงตอนแรกเว็บดูหนังก็ทำให้ผมหลงรักตัวละคร Mildred ได้ง่ายๆ ผ่านการแสดงของเธอนี่เอง ตัวละครอื่นๆ ไม่ว่าจะเป็น เพื่อนสนิททั้งสองของเธออย่าง Maud และ Enid ก็ทำหน้าที่ของตัวเองได้เป็นอย่างดี
ขณะที่คู๋ปรับอย่าง Ethel Hallow คู่ปรับสาวผมบลอนด์ ที่ดูยังไงก็คือ Draco Malfoy ก็ทำหน้าที่เป็นสาวมั่นที่พร้อมจะแดกดัน Mildred อยู่ทุกเมื่อเชื่อวันอย่างน่าหมั่นไส้ และน่าเห็นใจในเวลาเดียวกัน การดำเนินเรื่องนั้นไม่ได้ซับซ้อนซ่อนเงื่อนอะไรเลย อย่างที่บอกไปตั้งแต่ต้นครับ
ด้วยความเป็นซีรีส์ที่มี Target เป็นเด็กเป็นหลัก ถ้าจะให้เปรียบเทียบก็คงอารมณ์แบบ ซีรีส์ทางช่อง Disney Channel ครับ แต่มีงาน Production ที่ดีงาม การแสดงและตัวละครที่มีเสน่ห์ดึงดูดให้ดูอยู่ทุกตอน
เกือบลืมพูดถึงภาพในเรื่อง เห็นแบบนี่แต่ภาพสวยใช้ได้เลย โทนสีภาพเห็นแล้วจะนึกถึงฟิลเตอร์ที่มีเวทมนตร์ตลอดเลย CG ในเรื่องก็ไม่แย่นะ ดูแล้วไม่ได้รู้สึกขัดใจอะไร และด้วยความที่เป็นซีรีส์ที่ดำเนินเรื่องแบบเป็นตอน ๆ มันเลยทำให้เราได้คิดตามเนื้อเรื่องตลอด ตอนไหนที่ดูแล้วเราเนื้อเรื่องถูกก่อนแบบเรื่องเป็นแบบที่เราคิดเอาไว้เลย เนี่ย เป็นความภูมิใจเล็ก ๆ ระหว่างที่ดูอะไรสักอย่าง
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พูดได้เต็มปากว่า ถ้าคุณคิดถึงการนั่งดู Harry Potter ไม่ว่าคุณจะอายุเท่าไหร่ก็ตาม ซีรีส์เรื่องนี้ก็เหมาะกับการนั่งดูในวันว่างที่คุณรู้สึกเบื่อๆ อย่างแน่นอนครับ Production ดี การแสดงดี ตัวละครดี เนื้อเรื่องกระชับฉับไว และไม่น่าเบื่ออย่างที่คิดเลยครับ
ใครที่คิดว่าอดรนทนไม่ไหวที่จะรอให้ Harry Potter มันมาลงใน Netflix สักที เรื่องนี้น่าจะทำให้คุณหายคิดถึงไปได้บ้าง แล้วเผลอๆ อาจจะได้มีซีรีส์ที่จะทำให้คุณกลายเป็นสาวกเพิ่มอีกเรื่องหนึ่งด้วยละครับ
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maywemeetotherrph · 7 years
~ Bella Ramsey rp icons~
Under the cut you’ll find 89 rp icons of Bella Ramsey in her role as Mildred Hubble (The Worst Witch, episode 7) as requested by anonymous. All these icons were made by me from scratch, so please do not claim as your own or repost them. Please like/reblog if you use/save them. Thanks and enjoy!!
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caredogstips · 7 years
How ‘Harry Potter’ Saved Young Adult Fiction
What would the children’s notebook world look like if” Harry Potter” had never popped into J.K. Rowling’s head, as she’s described it, fully formed? Hypotheticals are never easy, but a “Harry Potter” -less world — well, that’s just about impossible to imagine.
By the same token, elucidating Rowling’s influence from the greater arc of children’s literature during the past two decades is a fraught assignment. Her “Potter” tale invigorated frenzied freeing parties, floundering numbers of pre-orders, millions of words of fan story and, as it stands now, nine feature film: It’s an easy assumption that this seminal sequence fundamentally changed middle-grade and YA fiction.
And it surely did. The sell for this type of volumes, especially fantasy, explosion during the course of its early aughts, as” Harry Potter” took off. Not exactly lightweight line like” The Baby-Sitters Club” or one-offs like The Fault in Our Stars , either; publishers embarked offering teenagers blockbuster succession like” The Hunger Recreation ,” ” Twilight ,” and “Divergent.” Then again, spate of writers were already offering well-crafted fantasy and realism for young readers. What can really be laid to Rowling’s account?
PA Wire/ PA Images
Twenty years after Harry first went into the world with the initial booklet of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone , we’re still amazing what the phenomenon has really meant for girls works and the publishing world at large, and where we would be without it. “Harry Potter” activated a cult that seemed totally unprecedented in the world of children’s literature. The books themselves, though — not much about them was absolutely unprecedented.
Aside from the whole magic aspect, tales of Hogwarts fall firmly into the beloved tradition of volumes about kids away at academy.” Obviously it was improving not on precisely fantasy but the boarding school works ,” Peter Glassman, founder of the children’s bookshop Books of Wonder, told HuffPost. Tom Brown’s School Days , The Little Princess , Daddy-Long-Legs , Malory Towers and other boarding school volumes free up their youthful boosters for escapade by separating them from parents and family obligations, residence them in a location where the relations with other children, and their round-the-clock hijinks, can take center stage.
The boarding school has proven to be a perfect mounting for a imagination novel throughout the past century.” The mystical wizarding academy had been did before ,” pointed out Joe Monti, the editorial director of Saga Press and a longtime participate in the children’s literature arena, in an email to HuffPost. He specifically praised Ursula K. Le Guin’s classic series “Earthsea” and Diana Wynne Jones’s ” Chrestomanci ” heptalogy, but it was a much more permeating trope than we are able to realize in a post- “Potter” nature. ( Now, when you Google” wizarding school ,” the featured snippet and nine of the 10 first-page results are specifically about Rowling’s fictional schools, which include Hogwarts and other non-British schools she has identified, such as Beauxbatons and Ilvermorny. The 10 th is the Wikipedia page for fictional wizarding schools, which prominently boasts the “Harry Potter” universe .)
Before Hogwarts, there were a number of wizarding schools that featured a number of aspects of Rowling’s hit. In Jane Yolen’s 1991 Wizard’s Hall , an 11 -year-old boy named Henry ascertains himself reading incantations in a mystical school where decorates express. Jill Murphy’s” Worst Witch” series, initially begun in the 1970 s, featured the inept Mildred Hubble, a student at Miss Cackle’s Academy for Witches, who has two well-meaning friends and one nasty, aristocratic rival. Tamora Pierce wrote her” Circle of Magic” quadruplet, which also firstly published in 1997, about four fledgling mages who find themselves at Winding Circle, a synagogue community, and learn magic from expert dedicates who live there. Set against this backdrop, Hogwarts seems like only another observe in a familiar tune.
No one is totally original. Everyone builds on everyone else’s stories. Peter Glassman, founder of Books of Wonder
In an email interview with HuffPost, Pierce have also pointed out that the wizarding academy was only one of numerous tropes revisited by “Harry Potter.” ” The battlefield at the time ,” she wrote,” already had teenagers fighting through tough readings and unfair coaches; something strange going on at academy; hateful step-parents; boy heroes marked for Destiny with kill-crazy foes; boy heroes with a expand flubsy son crony and a super-smart girl crony; boy heroes with kindly mentors; boy heroes with pets; boy hero surprisingly good at athletics; son heroes with super influences/ magical/ artilleries; seemingly unkillable Big Bads with zillions of evil minions .”
Not that this should be the degree. Rowling may well be the first fantasy author some children read, or Hogwarts the first mystical academy some fallen in love with — but even if she wasn’t actually the first, so what?” No one is totally original ,” replied Glassman.” Everyone built around everyone else’s narrations. So originality isn’t the thing .”
Besides, Pierce added, the world of Hogwarts did furnish new revels.” Hidden school passageways and chambers in which children get into real bother( Hogwarts is the most unsafe institution ever !); a teach who physically tortures the boy hero; consistent law-breaking and’ right provided’ which rectifies nothing at all ,” she registered — those, along with the athletic of Quidditch, brought forward brand-new, or at the least newly popular, topics in children’s literature.
In our devastating eagerness to fete J.K. Rowling, though, it’s worth taking time to explore the full nature of children’s fiction and to recognize is not simply her forebears but her contemporaries and those who followed in her paces.” I think sometimes what get lost in the interference is the accomplishment of all those other scribes ,” Glassman articulated.” Yes, what[ Rowling] did was phenomenal. But a lot of other columnists are doing wonderful things — and I sometimes feel like, hey, what about them? And the ones who returned before ?”
mark peterson via Getty Images
Children standing online for a new “Harry Potter” journal at Glassman’s Books of Wonder, which has been devoted to children’s volumes, specially fantasy and fairy tales, since it opened in 1980.
Once Rowling — whom Glassman said he’s heard described as” a publisher’s dreaming “; good-looking, adept at being interviewed in any format, and a gifted author — embroiled onto the stage, it was quickly impossible for any other author to keep pace with her fame, force and acclaim. Children’s book columnists, specially fantasy scribes, who were once the masters of their realm discovered themselves ignored in media coverage and discussions among” Harry Potter .”
Pierce, “whove been” writing fantasize for boys for years by then, said she ever realise it” a spot of dignity never to be jealous of another generator .” Still, she found that” the bare mention of Harry or his scribe made me sulky .” For novelists “whove been” generating inventive, obliging imagination works for young readers for years, it must have been at least a little bit infuriating to interpret a brand-new writer scope in and garner all the recognition for introducing kids to the magical of decipher, and reading about magical. Then, Pierce alleged, she, along with other with YA writers and experts, participated in a board exclusively devoted to the popularity of the three then-published” Harry Potter” works. What was the secret sauce?
” By the time the members of the commission was over, I was free ,” she remembered.” Nobody knew . No one there could point to a determining factor that became the books popular .”
All of these components that girls seemed to latch onto in the sequence had been done before, they concluded. Rowling hadn’t detected some new formula or conception that had captivated a starved population of readers — she’d exploited known elements of children’s literature to write the right works at the right time for the right readers.
That doesn’t mean Rowling wasn’t extremely creative, from her absurdly fascinating wizarding vocabulary to the complex seven-book-long whodunit arc she crafted. In detail, her most massive innovation might well the present middle-grade and young adult fiction marketplace. If we think of favourite pre-Rowling authors as big fish in a small pond, they may now look like smaller fish for purposes of comparison — but the pond has become a Great Lake.
Harry Potter prepared the careers of numerous writers possible. Joe Monti, Editorial Director of Saga Press
The ” Potter ” furor, told Monti,” proliferated the market exponentially .” And when market expect originates, there are more a chance for the person or persons realizing the make — in such a case, that would be middle-grade and YA authors.” Harry Potter ,” he pronounced,” prepared the careers of numerous writers possible .” With minors( and, yes, adults) clamoring for something to read in the longer months and years between Rowling liberates, publishers had a lawful demand to meet: Fantasy sagas geared towards younger readers, and eventually any kind of myth written for middle-grade and young adult readers.
” When’ HP’ first strike[ the U.S .] in’ 98, it surely made an impact ,” responded Glassman. In his iconic children’s storage, Books of Wonder, he noticed that” parties were looking for books like that, because there was nothing else … “were in” selling a lot of Lloyd Alexander, E. Nesbit, plainly the “Narnia” volumes, The Hobbit , L.M. Boston .” Meanwhile, the publishing industry’s paraphernaliums were swerving. It takes a couple of years, Glassman pointed out, to jump on a brand-new, sudden publishing tendency. Editors and agents have to find people writing similar notebooks, acquire them, revise them and publish them , nothing of which can be accomplished overnight.
Eventually, though, it wasn’t just classics that were benefiting from the “Potter” mania. New generators were getting possibilities, more. Over the ensuing years, the sheer amount of volumes published for girls seems to have bagged; in 2011, The Atlantic reported that the number of YA journals had increased by a factor of 10 between 1997 and 2009. Those precise quantities have been feuded, but it’s not the only statistic. Year after year, annual sales statistics show that rising demand for children’s notebooks is bolstering the entire publishing industry.
Though realist writers like John Green have also prospered in” Harry Potter’s” wake, the effect seems to have been particularly potent for genre columnists. Gail Carson Levine, the Newbery Award-winning author of middle-grade fantasy tales, recalled that when she embarked paying close attention to the market in the 1990 s, most volumes for younger readers were general myth. After” Harry Potter ,” which debuted in the U.K. the same year that Carson Levine publicized her beloved fairy tale novel Ella Enchanted , she noticed that” there came to be more imagination. It was very good for fantasy because it was a market that parties knew existed .”
You can attract a dotted text to the mainstreaming of geek culture through ‘Harry Potter.’ Joe Monti
Glassman noted that some of the books that followed in Harry‘s paces may have been strictly simulated, but the enduring request the series had uncovered for fiction in young readers permitted ability in the category to flourish. Notebooks came out by fantasize authors who were encouraged by the Potter success, generators who might have thought to themselves,” I ever wanted to write like that but didn’t think I could sell them ,” he added.
It’s easy to forget, Monti clarified,” truly how disparaged fantasy was, as a category, in children’s and YA literature — a bias that intersected into adult as well. The information that’ Harry Potter’ midnight secrete parties were the contest to go to as a teen was altogether extraordinary in geek culture. You can draw a dotted route to the mainstreaming of geek culture through’ Harry Potter .'”
Pierce, who was already publishing high fantasize chronicles for girls when the” Potter” craze impressed, saluted this change.” Speaking as someone who was trashed to the dogs and back for speaking’ that rubbish’ and writing it ,” she said,” I am pleased about this .”
” It wasn’t a cult; we’re not going back ,” Monti read.” Fantasy is mainstream .”
Actually,” Harry Potter” blended several calibers that publishers previously thought didn’t appeal much to girls: The reasonably nerdy category of fantasize, particularly thick-skulled books, and a long serial with an overarching narrative arc that challenged you start at the beginning and read the whole way through. All of these occasions may have existed in middle-grade and YA markets before “Potter,” but the conventional wisdom was that they were indebtedness or ill-suited for the age group.
Carson Levine was, she speaks now, “astonished” at” how long [‘ Harry Potter’] was and how willing boys were to read that length. When I started, I was told at children’s volume meetings that you had to stay under 200 pages .” Though she acknowledges she didn’t stay under that target, service industries promise was clear.
Pierce reiterated that the” most major” affect of” Harry Potter” success was that it persuaded parties that children would read longer books.” I would have thought that the notoriety of Brian Jacques” Redwall’ books, beginning in the mid-1 980 s, would have reassured publishers kids required longer volumes, but it took’ Harry Potter ,'” she told.
Middle-grade and YA were once dominated by one-off volumes and by episodic line that seemed to have no inaugurating or dissolve –” Nancy Drew ,”” Sweet Valley High ,” “Baby-Sitters Club.” With the demand for Potter-esque dealerships, Carson Levine pointed out, succeeded an embrace of a different kind of YA brand. No longer did publishers assume that teenagers didn’t have the perseverance or notice distance for a single search split across two or more books. Grandiose sagas for children with” that very big tale arc ,” Carson Levine did –” Hunger Games ,” ” Twilight ,” “Divergent,” ” The Red Queen” — became popular.
Michael Hurcomb via Getty Images
After “Harry Potter, ” blockbuster Y.A. succession like “The Hunger Games became the new normal.
“Harry Potter” also did something both necessary, because of its length and massive fanbase, and risky, because it makes it difficult for new readers to binge-read the whole line. It embarked as a middle-grade serial, then originated steadily darker, longer and more challenging. By the time Deathly Hallows , the final notebook in the succession, produced, the series had clearly leveled up to young adults. The the main theme of budding virility, battlegrounds strewn with fatalities and ultimate self-sacrifice seem geared more toward boys than toward 10 -year-olds. Of track, the series’ initial followers got to grow up with the books and encounter out the whodunit that had hooked them from the beginning. But it’s a ticklish pattern for children’s literature; whereas you are able to read as many “Baby-Sitters Club” notebooks as you like for as long as you are in the target age scope and then stop, a tale like” Harry Potter” that evolves to span multiple age ranges stirs it more challenging for anyone to read the entire series within one year.
Despite the challenges posed by Harry’s, and the “Harry Potter” volumes ‘, coming of age, Jonathan Alexander, Chancellor’s Professor of English at the University of California, Irvine, interprets it as one of the line’ most powerful derives.” You don’t get a lot of those series such that the readers are growing up with the specific characteristics ,” he pointed out. There is precedent, of course; he quoth Anne of Green Gables , which was published over 100 years ago, and follows a spunky orphan from childhood into adulthood. Narratives about young men who come of age over the course of the toil have often, historically, been favourite — they’ve just been marketed toward adults. Even the serialized quality of the bildungsroman arc isn’t new.” It’s not at all dissimilar from David Copperfield , in which Dickens lays out […] the story of David Copperfield that you could follow over age, and watch him develop to adulthood ,” he pronounced.” That was pitched mainly to adults .”
Alexander argued that there’s a universal infatuation with growing up, even though works specifically about young people are frequently viewed as best suited for children.” I think we’re mesmerized by the development process ,” he told.” It’s not just for young readers to have a model, but for older readers themselves to meditate on how we grow up .” No wonder, then, that the” Potter” journals determined an anxious adult audience. As the line derived, it became more and more same to works that have, in the past, been sold to grown-ups: tales of young person discovering to make their road in a frightening and erratic macrocosm. The post-” Potter” Y.A. world-wide, Alexander recommended, has skewed more towards the sort of sophisticated, complex coming-of-age tales that have always appealed to adults — and adults and young adults alike are relishing them.
A health component of the brand-new popularity of young adult story can be attributed to these enthusiastic adult readers, but it seems that the” Harry Potter” phenomenon has also reinvigorated reading among young people. In 2011, McSweeney’s noted that according to the NEA, between 1982 and 2002, the number of young adults who speak literature had dropped by 20 percent. In 2009, the NEA found that this stat had rebounded — between 2002 and 2008, young adult readership had risen 21 percent.
Numbers can be tricky, though. We simply don’t know for sure how much of such an increase can be immediately find to “Harry Potter.” Much like Harry himself — an extraordinary hero whose victory over dark supernaturals likely depended on a legion of less-famous heroes, from Hermione and Ron to Neville Longbottom and Mrs. Weasley — the books are often singled out as the sole savior of YA, but it’s unlikely they alone built the abundant children’s literary landscape we have today. Perhaps the children’s journal world-wide was waiting for a savior, and Rowling just happened to arrive with the sword of Gryffindor. Perhaps the “Potter” phenomenon simply intensified an unavoidable raise in the sector.
” Speaking as someone who was trashed to the dogs and back for reading’ that garbage’ and writing[ fantasy ], I am pleased about this .” Tamora Pierce
With a health and prospering middle-grade and YA market, fortunes are we’ll never again see something like “Harry Potter”: A children’s book saga that captures the imagery of the whole world and leaves us forever changed. Inside the YA world, scribes and professionals who spoke to HuffPost replied parties aren’t expecting to find another ” Harry Potter .” Superstars, pointed out Glassman, “re coming out” specific circumstances.” Babe Ruth was just the right time to be the lore he was, ” he illustrated — and so was Rowling.” There’s never going to be another J.K. Rowling ,” Glassman replied.
Instead, today’s YA generators are playing inside a much greater sandbox, working for a known audience and pushing borders in other paths.” We’re lastly publicizing more fantasy — and specially science fiction — from express that have been marginalized in the past ,” suggested Monti. In Rowling’s notebooks, and in many past imagination ten-strikes, the central references were grey, straight, cisgender and able-bodied. Though the literary macrocosm remains far more grey, columnists like Sabaa Tahir ( An Ember in the Ashes ), Ellen Oh ( Prophecy ), and general story writer Angie Thomas ( The Hate U Give ) have begun to make inroads with most diverse exponents.” This pattern needs to keep ripening ,” Monti alleged,” because the idea that LGBTQ and brown kids don’t speak or sell is a rear opening scene .”
“Harry Potter” blew the roof off of children’s literature. But that doesn’t mean the work is done — for YA authors, it precisely entails more scope for the imagination.
From June 1 to 30, HuffPost is celebrating the 20 th commemoration of the very first” Harry Potter” book by reminiscing about all things Hogwarts. Accio childhood remembers .
Read more: http://ift.tt/hFWySe
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theroyallmess · 8 years
new icon because mildred hubble is my everyday mood
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