#M Mimikyu
Zantzu was walking in the dark cave, having his ice horn light up the area...though felt he might not be alone in there...
"Hello? Anyone?"
He said with a nervous tone as he never seen this cave ever in his life...
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The noises suddenly stop. The darkness is oppressive, enough to snuff out any produced light. The only thing visible is something in the distance. Something… red?
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Breathing audible in the distance, closer than the earlier sounds. With eyes that large, the creature looks far too large to exit the cavern. Still, it continues to approach…
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@mimikyufan000 @kutsukispast @iamyourdoubt @ask-a-wooper-n-mew @aro-pokeverse
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askappos · 5 months
gaea did you sleep well?
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askobliviatwo · 9 months
I like your style zlato
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saguaropokevariants · 9 months
Charcoal how is the egg doing?
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Charcoal: ...Do you mean... Child? Egg is... name of child. Am... Not good at name. But... Egg seem... happy with it. Egg is... very excitable and adventurous. Blue friend... said Egg is... ah... "Rye-oh-lew". Yes, yes... Not heard... of that. Also said... is Toe-geh-pee... and Pichu. Know Pichu... Can see on ears, ears are Pichu. Egg is... Strange. Blue Friend... Said Egg is... 'hybrid'. ...am... Unsure how to raise. But... will do best. Want to be... good dad for Egg.
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ask-sarah-and-co · 2 months
M has brought Pizzas Give you a box filled with your favorite pizza and if you don't like pizza the box has your favorite dessert
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Oh! She looks up in surprise, Thank you very much! I didn’t think anyone would bring tiramisu!
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asktrainerzoroark · 11 months
You going to eat him?(with a sticky note with poorly drawn fangs on the upper head)
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All Applesauce heard was "eat him", and he began to attack and squirm. Finding no way else out of this situation, his tail spike began to glow.
Applesauce used Poison Sting!
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Fuku was poisoned! Applesauce ran away!
Applesauce is no longer available for asks.
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martyryo · 10 months
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ghost besties
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lightofunova · 8 months
reshi wold you like some cake and I love ho you look
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“I kinda lost my appetite earlier. Sorry.” She says. “I appreciate the gesture though, I can tell you mean well!”
“Honestly I haven’t had modern day cake. Unovan baled goods tend to be quite spice-less. Very soft and warm tasting.”
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speaking of Pokemon, I've used the dlc to upgrade my third team, which includes my Dabi Mimikyu. And at first he was getting KILLED out there I felt so bad so I was like 'oh it's okay we'll just have a few of your big brothers and sisters on the team and you can get the shared exp for now!!' so I've since leveled him to mid-80s being more or less on the bench most of the time
But the last couple bosses in the dlc had some hands and were kicking my mains asses and MULTIPLE TIMES Dabi was the last pokemon I had and I would rescind to fate like 'baby I'm so sorry I gotta put you out here but it's okay we'll get 'em next time"
It eventually became a thing where if I was struggling I'd send out my skittering little demonic fairy in a raggedy sheet like SIC 'EM
and he would, in fact, sic 'em
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fairyprince7 · 2 years
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I stole this from the comments on my manga site cause I died laughing at it
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a-shy-mimiktwo · 6 months
"M gives Miki a strong bear hug"
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She claims she doesn't like it
Her tail says otherwise.
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wolf-m-the-hybrid · 11 months
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Doodles of various characters from different franchises. And me being all excited for FNAF SB Ruin.
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askappos · 1 year
Skye would you like to talk about it?
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"Tony always hated me, because everything I do is stupid and wrong! I groom my wings when I don't need too, I interrupt people without knowing it. I'm just too weird and rude for most folks to like me."
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pokemon-mature · 5 months
About Mimikyu
I'm not going to pretend that I'm some sort of pokemon veteran and act as if my first pokemon game wasn't just Pokemon Brick Bronze on Roblox. But I will share an idea I have, regardless of if it is lore-friendly or not.
Mimikyu has always been a pleasant enigma, although thanks to the audience that pokemon leans toward, we don't get to touch up much on the terrifying aspects that could be used to expand Mimikyu's potential.
{Before I continue with my idea, I'll tell you where this original idea came from. That being the indie game Pinocchiogoria on Itch.io. Pinocchiogoria is a lovely, albeit horrific take on the classic Pinocchio. Pinocchiogoria's plot is that a father- grieving his lost wife and son and being ungrateful for the daughter he has- attempts to recreate his idea of a perfect family using a puppet he created. This puppet being Pinocchio.}
The actual idea is beneath the cut.
The story idea I have for Mimikyu is similar, with a novice inventor named Carmine losing her younger brother, and being left with her father and her companion, who is in fact, a Mimikyu.
While Carmine has moved on despite her family's misfortunes, her father was not so content, and in a way, neither was the Mimikyu.
Despite Mimikyu being Carmine's most trusted companion and closest friend, it still desired to be closer to her, and in a way, yearned to be human, like her. This is where Carmine's father comes in.
Carmine's father builds Mimikyu a human body that resembles a grown version of his son under the guise that he will be able to be closer to Carmine this way.
In reality, Carmine's father plans on building another separate body that resembles his wife, and if the Mimikyu project proves successful, he plans on doing another similar project with another ghost-type pokemon in order to "bring his wife back" as well.
Judge me as you will, I understand this is unprofessional, but this is only a start. Only one idea that I'm putting here for the sake of keeping everything listed and professional for this likely unnecessarily extensive story.
Regardless of who you are, where you're from or if you like my ideas or not, feedback and questions are very much appreciated.
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mimikyufan000 · 8 months
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M: Thought I had a bit of time left till the spell wore off...
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M: Well it was fun being human again even if it was just for a while.
M has left the Gala
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asktrainerzoroark · 10 months
M in a life sized stuff toy of zuku: you have been waking up from your past would you like to talk about it? if not that ok. while offering fuku a mug of coffee
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"I never had nightmares when I was still in Hisui, or at least they're not that common? Never straight up nonstop like it is now."
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