MAG003, Across The Street
Case #0070107, Amy Patel Release date: 27 March 2016 First listen: 13th Oct 2020 I think, I think I was on the grounds duty, listening before guests got in.
Ok, so the headache’s still here, maybe it is a little bit of a concussion. Amy Patel, same hat? Same bumped hat.
- The statement giver and set up to this one felt like quite the change in pace. We’ve had 2 statements from a student and a recent graduate respectively, trying to enjoy life and cut loose a little. Amy is trying to enjoy life as well, but she’s turning back to education to do so. I don’t think there’s any indication of her studying in order to better herself and her situation, this is for personal fulfilment rather than career progression. But it struck me that in this instance, her encounter, and it’s a long set up so bear with me, it feels like almost she’s being targeted for her curiosity. Her desire to learn and expand her knowledge.
- I don’t know about other folks, but when lock down kicked in, I signed up for online learning courses. I was still working, but the rotas were pared right back to minimise contact and on the days I wasn’t in work I had sat on my bed and spiralled. Until I had written myself out a timetable for the day in order to give myself some structure. Yay… probable undiagnosed neurodiversity… Anyway, I did a course on the history of royal fashion. Absolutely nothing to do with my line of work, but it was grounding and gave me something to do when we were all needed to isolate. So, yeah, I get it.
- I found it interesting that she mentions the alternative was ‘become and alcoholic’ and Graham was a ‘chain smoker’. And then her watching him day to day. In a lot of ways, The Magnus Archives could be used as a tool to examine addiction in a lot of different forms. I’m given to believe that this was examined in the final season, with some unpleasantness being the fall out leading to Jonny disclosing his own history with addiction. I’d like to explore it, but I highly doubt I have the tools to do it justice and with the care the topic deserves.
- Anyone who can and does take good notes during a lecture, impresses and frightens me in equal measure. I always preferred workshops and discussions over lectures. Although lab hours can bite me. I don’t know if it’s the dyslexia, but I’ve typically been an auditory learner. Possibly another reason why podcasts and audiobooks have such a grip on me…
- Ah, the ordeal of being a single woman trying to use public transport… At night… In London… been there. It’s incredible how many people will see you in a situation where you literally can not run, and think it’s a good time to interact with you.
- Amy may have been a good one for The Eye? Studying, looking to expand her knowledge, people watching, making observations, watching her Graham out of her flat window. Maybe it’s the need to be aware of your surroundings. Maybe it’s not.
- ‘Liked the guy fine, but I still didn’t like the idea of him knowing where I lived.’ Once again, the back ground radiation of ‘the experience’. (I’m hesitant to call it the ‘female experience’ because, exclusionary. Anyone got a better phrase? Y’know, the ‘I don’t have the protection of being a cis/het/white/man’ experience?) But that need for privacy, even if there is a lack of a threat. Just, the knowledge in the safety of being unknown. Wait, this is a statement of The Stranger, OK, makes a bit of sense now that I’m writing it out.
- And cue head injury. The vanishing ‘window box’. And the table.
- The table was an interesting one to me as I started to learn about the Entities and looking back, I think I thought it was possibly and artefact of The Spiral rather than The Web. The intricate carved pattern, the hole in the middle could have easily been a door as the vacated space of a spider at the centre of a web.
- Now that I’m thinking about it, at some points there is a very fine line between the deceit and the manipulation.
- She mentions, months later, how she’d not spoken to him since the head injury. She had been busy with work and had to drop out of the course, and beyond work, she doesn’t mention any social contact. Graham ‘may have had a rich fulfilling life outside of the flat’ but if it mirrored his existence within it at all, it was a solitary one. I think I heard somewhere that after giving their statements, a lot of folks fell prey to The Lonely, isolated by having experienced things that no one ought to. I think I heard that Elias was telling Peter where to go, but so many folks were ripe for The Lonely before they came to the Institute. Many before they even had their brush with the Entities. I wonder if the other Entities could sense it, could smell them out. Knew that fear could take such a firm root if there was no support system to help weed it out.
- I wonder what about a person decides if they can recognise the Not!Them. Is it something about the observer themselves? Is it a predisposition? Is it random? Or is it selected by when would sew the most fear? After all, the Not!Them is recognised by an acquaintance, Amy with Not!Graham, a one time meeting, Melanie with Not!Sasha, and the daughter of The Kindly Mother. All very different levels of relationship, but all have ripples that spread wide.
- The observer becomes the observed and The Eye stirs.
- ‘I moved out soon after and never saw him again.’ … My dear, are you sure? Because, we already have a president of Entities not really needing to be given an address to find people and that thing can change everything about itself.
- ‘Tim came through with this one.’ Yeah he did! ‘He better not be using institute funds to woo filing clerks again.’ ‘Institute funds’ is an odd name to potentially have for one’s dick but I’ve heard odder.
- ‘Keep watching.’ I’m 3 episodes in. And I don’t think I could do anything else.
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fractal-voidling · 2 months
MAG003 - #0070107 │ Across The Street
honestly I'm impressed at the patience and commitment it must take to spend 3 hours consuming a notebook
interesting that he didn't change in the Polaroid. what makes a Polaroid different?
keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching. keep watching.
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martinbabywood · 2 years
I’d forgotten that Graham from mag 3 had written “keep watching” in his creepy notebooks 😭
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MAG003 - Across the Street
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setnuscaseon · 1 year
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MAG003 - favorite episode
i open the door...
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web-stersdictionary · 5 months
TMagP Theory
The initial work I’m referencing comes from this post by @shootingstars-or-airplanes, regarding the meaning of the numbers immediately following CAT in each episode— 1 being person, 2 being place, and 3 being thing. some episodes combine the numbers if multiple categories apply
What I’m thinking is the letters that follow that have a similarly decipherable meaning.
so far we’ve seen RBC, RAB, C, RB, and RC.
I think that the R stands for “Rejected” or something similar, A stand for “Agent”, and C stands for “Catalyst”.
While we have very few non-R cases to compare to, the two we do have are both “C” cases
MAGP003: Man turns into a tree
MAGP004: Violin used to make violence.
while the “RC” cases are as follows:
MAGP002: Unsuccessful reshaping of self following an abnormal experience (with ink5oul) (RBC)
MAGP007: Stranger mosh pit in hilltop road, escaped. (RC)
MAGP008: Hungry architecture, student escaped. (RBC)
MAGP011: cemetery and the hypnotic tattoo. Affected unheard from. (RC)
All the RC cases are unfinished, in a way. The painter did not reach the “perfection” they strove for after being stopped by their roommate, the stranger mosh pit is escaped and the place shot up and subsequently set on fire, the student throws themself out a window to escape being eaten, and the corpse with the hypnotizing tattoo was stolen before whatever impact the tattoo had on the construction worker could be seen through.
Meanwhile, the C cases both have complete transformations, literally in MAG003’s case (with the man turning into a tree) and metaphorically in MAG004’s case (with the violin being fed blood or provoking massacres to feed itself).
Thus, I think that the C refers to the catalyzing/changing of something— of what I cannot say, but the pattern holds throughout.
We have one RA case, Red Canary’s case.
MAGP001.2: Red Canary in the Magnus Institute (RAB)
This isolated case seems to indicate Red Canary failed to become the agent or actionable entity that they could’ve been, with their eyes getting gouged out by the end.
The “RB” category is the most extensive, and the most bewildering.
MAGP001.1: unsuccessful resurrection following kidnapping by something abnormal (RBC)
MAGP001.2: Red Canary in the Magnus Institute (RAB)
MAGP002: Unsuccessful reshaping of self following an abnormal experience (with ink5oul) (RBC)
MAGP005: Person is invited to a personal screening of a horror movie that shows scenes of their life with a monster in it, never heard from again. (RB)
MAGP006: a person made of needles unsuccessfully attempts to intimidate a police officer (RB)
MAGP008: a student successfully escapes a building who’s inhabitants are abnormal (RBC)
MAGP009: A person gets killed by dice in the exact same way their friend was killed— possible compulsion? (RB)
MAGP010: Nigel Dickerson cannot escape Mr. Bonzo. (RB)
MAGP012: Mr. Bonzo murders a bachelor party at a strip club (RB)
MAGP013: A person ruins their life in an attempt to better their financial status and is punished for it by losing all their accumulated wealth. (RB)
MAGP014: Someone infected by something bursts into snakes. the snakes attempt to get to the inspector. (RB)
These all refer to people unable to keep themselves from falling one way or the other; fearing or causing fear. possibly the “B” refers to balance in some way, like Lena mentioned in TMAGP013:
“(speech-like) The world is full of opposing forces. Some benevolent, most not. In order for the wheels to keep on turning, all these forces need to be monitored and balanced. That is where we come in.”
It’s said like something Lena’s been told herself. Balance might have more application here than in TMA— the higher ups of OIAR might be trusted to be as neutral as possible— not fearing or being feared.
I’m excited to see any standalone A, RA, or B episodes— it seems that regardless whether my interpretation is correct or not, R is a prefix attached to different cases, and A, B, and C are combined as they are relevant.
Now, onto investigating the numbers after the letters…
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gammija · 2 years
@a-mag-a-day I didn't have time yesterday, but I'm back on track today for Thrown Away
I think one of the strengths of tma, especially in the early seasons before the plot has kicked in, is how jonny is able to sketch the different personalities of the statement givers, mention little details about their lives or jobs that make each one feel like their own person. Like how here, being a bin man is not just his job as a necessity for the story, he has opinions and an outlook on it that make sense, or how Amy from MAG003 has a clear speech pattern with lots of 'so... yeah's. It makes the world feel lived in, even if all we've heard is Jon speaking
On my running subject of Jon's skepticism: This episode has really nothing of the sort! He reads the statement, comments with what they could find, and lets it stand on it's own merits. Even says "Time generally makes people inclined to forget what they would rather not believe," which has always struck me as more of a 'believer in the supernatural' sentiment. But being so mean about Martin in the same sentence subtracts quite a few points from his 'reasonableness' score/j
On a final note, I've never known how to interpret 'all the exact same tooth". Does he mean they were all one kind of tooth, like, upper right canine? Or that they were all copies of one tooth, from presumably one person?
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wildgeese98 · 11 months
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A drawing for mag003 Across The Way. The statement giver says she couldn't see whether the not-them had a head or body before it got into Graham's window. The thought of it being just limbs really creeped me out so I wanted to try and draw it. The whole description of the thing is really creepy. This was the first ep. that properly spooked me.
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shadowsandstarlight · 2 years
Hey you’ll never guess who is going through TMA statement by statement taking notes on dates, names, Fears, artifacts/avatars/manifestations, etc. So y’know Graham Folger, who was in possession of the Web Table for a while and got Not-Them’d on April 7th 2007? Statement #0070107, MAG003, Amy Patel? Well. In MAG011, statement #0151403, we get “Antonio Blake.” This is a pseudonym of Oliver Banks, that one End avatar. In the statement, it is mentioned that shortly before the breakdown in which he first started having his prophetic death dreams, he had a rather rough breakup with his boyfriend of six years. The statement was given in 2015, the dreams started about eight years before. That puts the breakup in 2007. The boyfriend’s name was Graham.
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chemical-bunz · 2 years
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“𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙙 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙩, 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩.”
Mag003 - Across The Street
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skyberia · 4 years
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pour one out for graham, king of being gay and having spooky shit going on
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MAG011, Dreamer
Case #0151403, ‘Antonio Blake’ Release date: April 16, 2016 First listen: 14th October. On the walk home from work I think. Vaguely remember passing the hedge rows.
Wow, these Avatar statements are coming in thick and fast now aren’t they. Ah, ‘Antonio Blake’, a.k.a. Oliver Banks. Our sweet, tired, goth boy. As opposed to Gerard Keay, our sweet, angry, goth boy, but we’ll get back to him soon enough.
- So we get a little more of the scoop on Gertrude. At this point in the series, I still had the mental image of a lady in her golden years, kindly but more than likely absent minded and becoming more of a hindrance than a help at this stage in the archives. I was clearly very wrong and thinking exactly what Jonny wanted me to think. Well done sir.
- The stipulation of ‘apparent reality’ is an interesting one to bring up. From a practical stand point, makes sense, else the Institute could potentially drown under statements. Could be an asset to keep the organisation floundering and unable to move against The Entities, but also could mean a lot of having to sort the wheat from the chaff for The Eye to feed. Dreams may not illicit fear after all.
- But demanding a grounding in ‘apparent reality’ really gives The Spiral full quarter to go ham and go unchecked.
- A career in finance… ooof darling. Don’t envy you, trying to wrangle that particular school of black magic. High stress, fast passed, will chew you up if you slip. Urgh, no thank you. I’ll keep to messing around in the mud outside, thanks.
- I’m trying to work out a bit of a timeline here and ‘Antonio’ is vague on exact dates. Moved to London some 10 years before the statement was given, so loose start point of 2005. Undergraduate degree in Economics, 3 years give or take, putting us at around 2008. Role with Barclays ‘shortly after graduating, barely made it a year, so 2009, maybe 2010.
- But what I was trying to do with this timeline, that may or not be an accurate representation, was try to see if there was an event during his year with Barclays that was a definitive incident to cause a mental collapse, as opposed to ongoing high stress taking its’ toll. I wanted to see if there was a singular event. Thing is kids… You type ‘financial crisis’ and pretty much any year from the last 15 years or so into a search engine and you are going to get a hit. We have been fiscally boned for so long now my guys. We’ve seen environmental break down, mass extinction, financial ruin, on going war, continued legislative indignities and injustices, fuck we’re tired.
- Oliver Banks is such a millennial. It makes sense now.
- ‘I’d broken up with Graham’. Now this has been confirmed as the same Graham as in MAG003, who fell prey to the Not!Them… But Graham ‘died’ 7th April 2006… So either my numbers are well off, or possibly Jonny was still sorting out timelines. Or maybe ‘Antonio Blake’ is an Alexander Hamilton type and completed an undergraduate degree London School of Economics real quick.
- Graham died away from ‘Antonio’ and before he started getting these dreams, but I’m curious if a death from an Entity or Avatar leaves a ‘root’? While Gertrude was killed at the hand of an Avatar, she was killed by a bullet to the chest, (or three depending on how you slice the sound editing Mr Alexander Newall). Does someone thrown into The Coffin or consumed by The Distortion or Not!Them have a ‘root’?
- The pulsing light of the top of the tower, a heartbeat. OK, Jonny, I can completely understand ‘Antonio’ being vague about addresses in this statement, especially considering it was was for someone who more than likely knew London well, but you are going to be more precise for the country bumpkins in the audience. Are we talking about Canary Wharf tower as in One Canada Square? It stands higher than the Barclays building, and is 0.2miles away on the ground. But the whole of Canary Wharf seems like a twisting labyrinth of financial rat runs. A complex chamber of a place, that could be argued to keep the ‘life blood’ of finance and commerce pumping around the city, the county and indeed the world. And now I’ve thought about capitalism for too long and I need to go touch some grass.
(2 walks, a gym session and a cup of tea later.)
- The image of a circulatory system is evoked most through Jonny’s word choice, but there’s also a part of me thinking well ahead to MAG168 Roots. It’s a cheap reach to grasp for the old line of ‘money is the root of all evil’, and this idea of money and death mixes together in this statement but mortality itself is not evil. It can be unfair and cruel, but I don’t think it in itself is evil, only those who would weaponise it. It reminds me of the image Brennan Lee Mulligan creates in Dimension 20’s The Unsleeping City campaign, where money, once a resource to reach and realise dreams, was becoming a dream in its’ own right and choking out other dreams Nod, the Sixth Borough.
- ‘I would have expected this to wake me but instead I simply lay there, spasmed by dream-pain...’ Has anyone else had that? Because I very distinctly remember a dream from maybe 15 years ago, I was home, in the garden, it was dark, and I hear something, turn and there’s a wave of soldiers charging, uniform suggesting maybe WW2. Anyway, there’s no language to speak of, just yelling and one of them bayonets me in the gut and I fall face first, and just lie there… for an extended period of time. Lord Morpheus, begging your pardon, but what the fuck was that?
- On the faces, the ‘same rictus of surprise, pain and terrified confusion’. Maybe I’m too morbid and aware of my own mortality, but the fact that this look was on all the faces, says to me, maybe I’m missing something. Granted, no one expects to die, but that fact that everyone is shocked by their mortality...
- It’s stated that John Uzel actions were driven by the ‘loss of a bitter custody battle with his ex-wife’, but it doesn’t take too much poking around to find the statistics regarding financial crises and suicide rates. I don’t think the selection of a financier as an Avatar for The End was a mistake.
- The fact that ‘Antonio’ feels ‘invigorated’ by the dream is interesting. There’s no discomfort, only a sort of detached acceptance. Maybe experiencing a similar state of mind as Ms Georgie Barker as we will learn later on.  Possibly, the experience refocused ‘Antonio’ efforts during the waking hours.
- The location of the ‘deaths’ is interesting. I can’t quiet make out if the people are held in the exact spot where they will die, such as the hospitals described as being choked with these veins, or in locations that had some significance to them in life or the circumstances of their death, I don’t think it is said that John Uzel was found in his old office, having ‘left the company some time before (‘Antonio’s’) breakdown. While he may not have died there, could his presence there during life, perhaps his extended presence, neglecting home life and his relationship, have hastened the divorce and custody case that prompted his actions?
- The image of people slowly fading from the dreamscape puts me in mind of the shades of Greek mythology. Not so much ghosts, just shadows drifting from the land of the living, to be shepherded by one psychopomp or another to await processing on the banks of the River Styx.
- ‘Work selling crystals and tarot cards in a “magic” shop.’ I can’t help but hear a relieved sort of fondness in ‘Antonio’s’ voice, and the quotation marks around magic has an indulgence to it when delivered in the voice of the Archivist. But something’s pinging in the back of my brain, connecting Jane Prentiss and a magic shop. There are probably innumerable shops of that type in London, but I’m trying to remember if they cross paths.
- ‘Antonio’ seeing his father in the dreamscape. There’s a line in Rusty Quill Gaming episode 156 - In Memoriam. ‘Sometimes you can’t save the world, but you can save a person.’ I can’t say who delivers it with spoilers but every time I think about it and the circumstances that character is I when they commit the thought to paper, I am once again kicked in the chest. ‘Antonio’ tried to use this terrible gift, or curse, however you’d view it, to save one person. And he wasn’t able to. The fact that it’s his father, could be considered a selfish move. Why hadn’t he tried with anyone before this? And I think that ‘Antonio’ understood the inevitability of what he was witnessing, that he had no way of preventing something as natural and inescapable as death, and had no wish to try and be a hero. ‘Antonio’ has a terrible resignation and sadness to him, that no amount of health checks and preventative measures will lessen.
- I want to know what exactly it was about Gertrude’s impending demise that had the death dreamscape ‘feeling (like) something had changed’, that ‘something deeply wrong’. I wonder, was The End aware that something was in motion within The Magnus Institute, that The Eye was on the move and that Gertrude’s death was going to be the trigger for the cascade of events that would culminate in the Eyepocalypse and the subsequent slow starvation of The Entities? Did The End know the significance, but could do nothing to stop it, helpless against its’ own domain?
- ‘...leading me towards Vauxhall and the Thames. There were fewer people visible here – did rich people die less? Or perhaps they just had greater control over where they died? Or maybe they just couldn’t be seen, fighting off death for so long that when it came at last its icy tendrils covered every inch of them.’ The classism in death. Thing is, if you are of means, you can eat better, exercise more, potentially have a profession that doesn’t over tax the body, seek private medical care. I’m astounded how life is either so pricey or so cheap, depending on what serves the powers that be better.
- I don’t remember if we ever get an exact address for the Magnus Institute, but we’ve got ‘near the Embankment’. ‘Antonio’ doesn’t specify which bridge he crosses either, and it is undeniably a very swish spot in the centre of London, it’s also a very dense part of the city, with little regions all having their own identity.
- ‘(The building) possessed of a quiet dignity’...are we talking about the same Magnus Institute? Sure, the building may be nice but are we still talking about the same group of chucklefucks?
- So we’ve got a founding year of 1818. Let’s see, George III on the throne and well into mental infirmity, Prince Regent regrettably doing his thing, Tory government, Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ and Jane Austen’s ‘Northanger Abbey’ published, Napoleonic Wars ended a few years previously. Yeah, really bastard dandy man times.
- What is the red light about? Is it The End’s indicator of importance? Is The End highlighting Gertrude with neon pink ink saying ‘umm… what are we gonna do here?’
- The fact that ‘Antonio’ sees Gertrude sat at her desk has me leaning more towards the ‘places of importance’ idea rather than ‘exact spot they died’. I can’t remember precisely but I didn’t think Gertrude died at her desk. When she’s confronted she’s certainly moving around, dousing everything in accelerant if memory serves. It may have been in the tunnels themselves? Or she may have been moved down after the fact.
- ‘It was your face and the expression upon it was far more fearful than any I had seen in eight years of wandering this twilight city.’ Knowing what we know of Gertrude Robinson later on, this feels a little hard to believe, that she would face her death as anything other than the Bad Bitch she is. But I wonder if all the shocked and agonised faces of the shades aren’t from death precisely, but some terrible realisation that only they are privy to.
- ‘I have no responsibility to try and prevent whatever fate is coming for you’, but you tried, you good boy.
- ‘Lunatic story’. He sounds so tired.
- ‘Appointing a successor.’ Right, so if we go by the 10 day rule ‘Antonio’ talks of, Gertrude dies around the 22nd March 2015. Although MAG001 isn’t released until March 2016, it’s given that the Archivist is elevated to the role in 2015. The first ‘hot off the press’ statement I think we get is MAG022 Colony from Martin, dated 12th March 2016, which predates the release date of MAG001 Anglerfish in universe. It’s safe to assume that, at least at this stage, we are hearing events on a delay  of just shy of a year perhaps.
- ‘I’m not… entirely sure whether to bring this up with Elias or not.’ Oh honey…
- ‘I had Tim look into it, as I don’t entirely trust the others not to have written it as a practical joke.’  Don’t know how to feel about this. Because if this were a joke, not cool, really not cool. But if I had to pick an office comedian, although not for anything this cruel, I’d have pick Tim Stoker, our fun time guy. But this is a lovely little insight into Tim and Jon’s relationship. While Sasha is possibly the most competent out of the assistants and we are all too aware of Jon’s opinions of Martin, it’s Tim that he turns to in this moment of uncertainly. While Tim ‘slut rights’ Stoker is often played and seen as the light hearted soul of the archive, I think here we start to see indications of a side of him that is fiercely protective and dependable. After all, he was a big brother.
- Ms Rosie gets a mentioned, our Cerberus at the gates who’s watching and listening but always seems to get out of dodge at just the right moment, until she can’t.
- ‘But if anyone comes in ranting about dreaming my death, then I very much want to hear about it.’ Thinks about the Archivist’s nightmare zoo. Oh buddy...
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webtable · 3 years
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in old movies people scream / choking on their fists when they see shadows like these / but no one screams, 'cause it's just me
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avajpeg · 4 years
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sir please stop consuming paper i beg of u
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gerrydelano · 4 years
i can't get that ask that said something along the lines of "bi jon? bijon frise lol" and now i'm. thinking of "bi jon? bijon mustard lol" i'm sorry ❤️
bijon mustard.... somebody help this guy he’s Transforming
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midnightmurdershow · 4 years
what are your top 5 "trash, but pretty" movies? :0
Okay let me just say that I, at the very least, enjoy these movies. I’ll explain a couple choices but not all because, honestly, it should be obvious why they’re on the list.
The Cell - I unironically love this movie. It’s honestly breathtakingly beautiful even if like 90% of the acting is not great. Vincent D’Onofrio kills it though. The Void Thir13en Ghosts - That house is pretty and I stand by this choice.  The Neon Demon It Follows
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