thixcy · 4 months
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🎶: Nasty- Tinashe
in Texas ✨
I was dying from the heat. It was so disrespectful 😩
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haetrack · 4 months
writing for haechan… life is so good rn… this is what i was made for… my sweet haechan…
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diorstarr · 4 months
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cryptomiracle · 6 months
more creepypasta headcanons
(+ marble hornets)
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Ooc? Idk
I started this at 2 am and you can tell
I write on my phone so the format may be a little weird
Any brands, games, or characters mentioned in this do NOT belong to me, nor am I sponsored by them in any way.
This is very unserious, I've noticed that a lot of my other hcs usually take a "dark" turn and so I decided to make some that didn't.
You could even say they're a bit... silly.
You should totally check out my masterlist for more hcs (it's pinned)
Characters: masky, hoodie, ticci toby, jeff the killer, and BEN DROWNED.
he's extremely hard headed, he WILL argue/fight with someone over the dumbest things and he'll never stop arguing, even if he knows the other person is right.
He has an "emo accent"
He likes to start drama between people, and then leave the crime scene.
He is so ashy you could strike a match off of his elbow
He's been wearing the same beat up converse since 2012, them things are being held together by duct tape and a prayer.
His favorite animal is a raccoon, he says they're sneaky and nocturnal like him.
He refuses to get a new phone, he won't even steal one.
He curses all the time just cause he can, sometimes he'll even jumble random curse words together.
He listens to vocaloid and he doesn't play about miku
He runs one of those "rage bait" accounts that are painfully obviously bait
Still quotes old memes and refuses to let them die
Example: yeet, t-posing, and "sanic the hedgehog"
He scams old people on Facebook and e-daters, he doesn't feel bad about it either.
He uses the money he gets from scamming to buy v-bucks and overwatch coins
He once doxxed someone for dissing miku
slender had to take away his mic privileges because he was keeping everyone up at night by yelling bloody murder at people on fortnite/overwatch
once showed up at someones house because they emoted on him after killing him in game
He vapes, and thinks he's so cool cause he can do "vape tricks" and he makes people watch him while he does them
Someone once gave him apple cider, told him it was alcohol, and he pretended to be drunk.
His phone gallery is filled with random photos, like there'll be a low quality picture of a tree and then right beside it a picture of a ceiling. Just random stuff
Mint chocolate chip ice cream enjoyer
He's really flexible, although he has bad posture he can do back bends, the splits, etc
more on his terrible posture; when he sits he literally looks like this: ) )
When he first started working for slenderman, he REFUSED to live in the manor and lived outside. While he lived outside he became friends with a lot of the wildlife, slender eventually made him move into the manor because there was a rumor that toby was going to make a "possum army" and try to overthrow slender
He will fight anyone and anything he really doesn't care about his, or their well-being.
Had a "weeb" phase when he was in middle school and he still has nightmares about "naruto running" away from his bullies.
He can make a killer sandwich (lol) he's not the best at cooking other things, but if you get him to make you a sandwich, he'll bless your taste buds.
He loves karaoke, he can't sing for shit but he still does it anyway
He acts like a millennial (I'm sorry) not to the point where it's completely unbearable, but he will send people "relatable memes" every now and then
He enjoys online arguments, he'll never participate but he will scroll through different threads of people arguing for hours on end
He likes for people to say stuff like "GO WHITE BOY GO" to him
He blushes when he lies, he's a scarily good liar but if you ever want to catch him in a lie, point out the fact that his cheeks are red.
Whenever he has a drink with a straw, he holds the straw in-between his tooth gap.
he sends streaks.
He has a NASTYYY side eye, and sometimes he'll scrunch up his nose while side eyeing someone just to make it sting even more
Contemplated getting a mullet once, he never went through with it though.
He coughs like someone's grandfather who smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years
If someone says a word that reminds him lf a song he likes, it'll automatically get stuck in his head and he'll hum it all day after that.
he isn't weak when it comes to stinky smells, but if it's stinky enough to make him gag he's extremely overdramatic.
he learned how to sew because of how much he ripped his jeans, shirts, etc.
Sleeps so hard sometimes people think he's dead, he'll just be laying there looking casket ready but everyone is too scared to check on him cause he gets super grumpy when woken up.
he always keeps a little money hidden somewhere, even if it's just a 5 dollar bill.
he's superstitious, if he sees you attempt to walk under a ladder he will physically drag you back and make you walk around it.
he has a pair of brass knuckles which he only saves for "special occasions" they're his favorite things ever, he even named them.
he only uses his phone to call, text, or search something up, and that's it.
he doesn't even have YouTube installed.
I will be reading over this to check for any errors, ty for reading - M
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csainzoperator · 3 months
choked on my water when I read George’s text in the last post omfffgg! He does have gorgeous eyes though and it’s just the kinda thing his unhinged ass would come up with !
RIGHT?? like did y'all see the video where he removes carmen's cap to kiss her and puts it back on?? LAWDD HAVE MERCY HIS ASS WOULD SAY SOMETHING NASTYYY like ong i could match his 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴
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xxmyownsummerxx · 4 months
Is somebody gonna match my nastyyy
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ethernalium · 4 months
is somebody gonna match my freak?
is somebody gonna match my nasty
Nasty, nasty, nasty, nastyyy i've been a nasty girl
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pixlpxie · 2 months
Honestly- Nasty by Tinashe reminds me of you "IS SOMEBODY GON MATCH MY FREAK" its a bop tho IVE BIN A NASTYYY GIRLL <3
LMAO THANK YOUUU😭💕💕 this blog has made me even nastier i feel like 👹👹even i cant match my freak anymore 🤡
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immortalcockroach · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
asdfghjkl i know this was a thing about a week ago and i’m just hella slow ahhh 
big thanks to everyone who tagged me! ( @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @important-metaphors @iishallbelieve @iwearplaids @sassmasterblake @burninghoneyatdusk )
What is the color of your hairbrush? black, cheapest one from primark, you know it
Name a food you never eat? sushi…too raw.
Are you typically too warm or too cold? i have two moods: ‘i’m fucking freezing’ and ‘i’m fucking boiling’, never in-between
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i walked into the kitchen to prepare lunch then i realised it’s past midnight
What is your favorite candy bar? either reese’s peanut butter cups, or kinder happy hippo with cocoa cream
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? hell yeah; my sister’s boxing tournaments, a whole load of football matches when i was a kid, and a few handball matches
What is the last thing you said out loud? ‘aight imma head out’ … 
What is your favorite ice cream? stracciatella!! it’s just plain ice cream with chocolate chunks 
What was the last thing you had to drink? water!
Do you like your wallet? not really. i can never seem to get a wallet that i like, they’re never functional enough
What was the last thing you ate? a bowl of oatmeal…for breakfast (which was at 5pm)
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? haven’t bought clothes since january my dude
The last sporting event you watched? pretty sure it was a champions league game?? i think it was liverpool playing against someone. is liverpool even in champions league? don’t quote me on that
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? salty is the only valid one and if you like any other you’re a weirdo what even
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my flatmate
Ever go camping? yeah! been a few times with my family
Do you take vitamins? ehhh no, i tried but i’m really horrible at taking daily pills so i just gave up
Do you go to church every Sunday? i used to, but i’ve been to church a handful of times since i moved to scotland in september ‘18 since they’re not big on roman catholicism and i’m not a big believer…yeah
Do you have a tan? ahhh don’t get me started on this. i always have a tan. it doesn’t go away. i tan really easily and it literally does not go away even when a year has passed
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? pizza, i don’t like chinese and never understood the hype
Do you drink your soda with a straw? no?? save the turtles
What color socks do you usually wear? whatever i get for christmas, honestly. mostly monochrome or with little dots. rn i have white with little black flowers on them, kinda cute
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? hehehe driver’s licence who?
What terrifies you? death, failure, and the phrase ‘we need to talk’
Look to your left, what do you see? a bottle of water (stay hydrated folks!!)
What chore do you hate? laundry (but only bc it’s expensive :/)
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? oh yeah boy pls never stop talking
What’s your favorite soda? freeway cola, that’s the cheapest thing i get in lidl and AMAZING for curing hangovers
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? go in, as i never go anywhere with a car so it’s not even an option
Who’s the last person you talked to? same flatmate that i last texted
Favorite cut of beef? ??? i don’t even know what this means. i don’t really eat beef
Last song you listened to? sadderdaze by the neighbourhood; i was working on a story it’s perfect for
Last book you read? hitch hiker’s quide to the galaxy, currently reading it
Favorite day of the week? don’t have one?? 
Can you say the alphabet backwards? bruh i barely even know the alphabet 
How do you like your coffee? ok so hold up. so two teaspoons of sugar, two teaspoons of instant nescafe instant coffee, two teaspoons of boiling water, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. this is mixed until it’s a creamy texture, then poured over three quarters of milk with a bunch of ice. then mixed until it’s all one colour, left aside 5 - 10 mins for a sweet foam to form on top. it’s…a process. i don’t like any other coffee.
Favorite pair of shoes? i don’t have one. probs my burgundy boots cause they’re the most convenient since they have a zipper and i’m lazy
The time you normally go to sleep? ahhh i always aim for 2am but for the past few weeks, between 6am and 10am
The time you normally get up? between 12pm and 5pm. time is a social construct
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets!!
How many blankets on your bed? one blanket and one duvet
Describe your kitchen plates: we have a bunch of different ones , but the one i bought is baby blue and hella cute
Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? my flatmate’s homemade mojitos, or whatever i make when i show up to a party already drunk and see alcohol and mixers sitting about. i’ve been told the drinks i make on these occasions are absolutely amazing
Do you play cards? yep, it’s a family tradition and if you don’t play cards, then you’re considered a weirdo
What color is your car? my fam’s car is black
Can you change a tire? Yep
Your favorite province? …what provinces are we talking about?
Favorite job you’ve ever had? i was doing the dishes for a cafe a few years back, and i’d occasionally get to tend the bar, too, and chat with the customers and help out, plus my coworkers were really lovely and chatty, it was so much fun
How did you get your biggest scar? i was 12, i was shaving my legs and somehow managed to get a 10-inch long layer of skin shaved off. it was nastyyy 
What did you do today that made someone else happy? i gave my best friend some boy advice and reassurance, she seemed pretty chipper about that lol
i honestly have no clue who’s done this already and who hasn’t, so if you see this and want to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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