dragon-spaghetti · 4 months
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Keep getting notifs of some of yous liking my old hazbin art and,,
So many things to potentially redraw,, 👀👀
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I need someone, ANYONE to see what I'm seeing.
Wyll x Rion (Jaheira's sassy daughter).
Okay, okay, I know, but hear me out:
Wyll becomes Duke, Rion ranks up in the Flaming Fists. They meet again some time post game because of their jobs. Wyll trying to woo her while she is just struggling to keep him alive through assassination attempts and other political shenanigans. He tries so hard to have a romance straight out of a book, except he fails to realize that he's the princess and she's the knight in shining armor (and she's very grumpy about it).
They're both idealists and inherently good guys; they both want to protect Baldur's Gate as much as they can and help people. They're a perfect match in my heart.
He'd fall first, because maybe she reminds him of Florrick a little and maybe he sees the good she wants to do behind the grumpy sassy facade she shows the world and the love and care she has for her adopted siblings whom she practically raised. He would look at her and see how fierce and intense she is and maybe he would notice the assassin coming his way a tiiiiny bit before he shows it but she's always there to save him anyways and she looks really hot doing so, so what's the harm?
And she'd fall harder because she would be convinced at first that he's another one of those 'heroes' like her mum who in the pursuit of greatness forget to be good people but slowly she realizes that he's actually not like that at all, he's a 20-something romantic and a tiny bit goofy guy trying to take an entire city's wellbeing onto his shoulders both to honour his late dad and because he's just Like That and oh my god he's kinda cute actually what the fuck.
Wyll gets to be like "That's my wife!" *kicks feet* and Rion gets to be like "That's my husband!" *punches you in the face*
And their happily ever after would involve kids (adopted or not), awkward ballroom dancing with his very much not used to it wife, and reforming Baldur's Gate and the Flaming Fists to do better.
Does anyone understand my vision??? Please???
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ink-ghoul · 1 year
I'm having a sudden hermitcitizen brainrot ❗
I want to draw an hermitsona so badly, I saw some of them for last season like swaggon employees, candy factory workers, scientists, etc, they looked so fun
I also saw a recent post (sorry, forgot who) about bringing it but now with Scarland employees
Idk but I'd be spreading rumors about the Scarland utility corridors, heard there's wardens there making the park assistants disappear but the owner has been denying the rumors
I spend the evening imagining different roles for other hermits too
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oh yeah i hate this btw. lmao:
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#so she didnt know phoenix had a daughter but she knew kristoph well enough to imitate his voice and parallel his sprites?#cool cool cool aha *explodes*#ema skye#kristoph gavin#ace attorney apollo justice#it's the. implications of it. the idea that phoenix wasnt talking to her and she got assigned to the prosecutor who took him down#and then she has to work with /another/ gavin but this one is. nice. strange maybe but nice.#and the only other person around who seems to fully be on phoenix's side. his one real ally aside from her and one he actually talks to.#her relationship with apollo shows that she's willing to cooperate with DAs so long as they're connected to phoenix and kristoph was#so she probably had no qualms helping him. i wonder how much info about him he got from her and how much he used her#all while exchanging them for little hints about how phoenix was doing and what he was doing and if he was all right#i wonder if she passed the pin phoenix wears in his beanie through kristoph. just to remind him she was still there if he ever needed her#aa4 explain ANYTHING about kristoph challenge (impossible)#im pretty sure she got it from him too? no one else around her really crosses their arms like that.#phoenix doesnt klavier doesnt lana definitely doesnt... mayyyyybe edgeworth? but he tends to tuck his left hand under which is opposite#and the way she folds her arms in the investigation games is different. there she DOES tuck her left hand out of sight like edgeworth#so it's like she did imitate him a little at one point and kristoph somehow overwrote that. like he overwrites miles's place in nick's life#ahaaaa anyway im so normal about them
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firstweeklastweek · 2 years
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primadonna girl! 🫧🎀
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rooolt · 2 years
New hermster theory, he’s on earth because scam and jodie just kinda lost him and then forgot about it
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lavenderjewels · 9 months
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squishing him like a stress ball
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maremote · 1 year
my favourite tv shows are the ones where an absolutely insane transformative & traumatic amount of shit happens within the span of 1-2 years to a few characters and then at the end of the series it just. ends. and they have to go on with their lives that will never have the same intensity as they did during the events of the show
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alexibeeart · 1 month
I told myself i would use my art IG again after abandoning it last year from a complete lack of engagement on my posts, l told myself i would just share projects there on my own time, for my friends to see what I'm working on, not chase the algorithm etc etc, but like goddamn,
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fucking useless hellsite get absolutely fucked Instagram and get fucked Twitter while i'm at it
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bigolbadblog · 4 months
i really wanted to write something to celebrate Fat Tuesday, but that's tomorrow and so far i have not succeeded in making the brain go brain
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anemoflower · 4 months
I'm doing a lot of progress on the Nerina B-Day artwork :>
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I have begun with my art project! We're supposed to document a journey, real or fictional (applies to both journey and place). So, naturally, I'm sending someone into the Distortion.
The first cardboard box is done! There will be another, larger one underneath that's not immediately visible unless you open the door and I'll find a way to fit in little notes of some poor person's attempt at a diary to keep their senses in these corridors. (It won't work but that's the fun in it).
Anyway I'm really excited for this project and I'm super proud of the door so far!
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oh my god i didn't know this character was a woman (or at least fem aligned, according to the discord server she uses she/they) at first but now that i know. um hi hi hi hi hi hiiiiiiii <3
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jamtart-2 · 4 months
i'll be honest, off the top of my head, i can't think of any actresses who'd be good fits to play any of the Beatle Girls. or actors for the beatles, for that matter
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linagram · 8 months
me right after a new milgram song drops trying to assign it to one of my ocs
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0038-am · 9 months
I have a question for native english speakers here 👉🏼👈🏼. In an exercise we need to fill in the blanks and this is the sentence I came across:
"The pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and the world fell in love _______ her"
I said okay, easy, and wrote "with" in the blank. Then my professor said I was wrong and the correct word was "which". "The world fell in love which her" wtf? I was obviously thinking she was kidding with me but no. She asked me if I knew more about american english than british english and I told her yeah, I guess, so she said "well, this is british english, and there are differences".
So I don't know english well or is she actually really bad at this?
"The world fell in love which her" exists?
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