#ML Truth
sidsinning · 1 year
still miss them dearly sometimes 😭💔
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miraculousfanworks · 1 month
Writing Prompt: Well, it's true!
The akuma "Truth" manages to hit Adrien.
Truth: What is Marinette's secret?!? Adrien: Ma- Marinette is- is- Mul- Multimouse! everyone: what everyone: Who's Multimouse Marinette: How the h&ck do you know that
Prompt by: puss_in_leather
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broadwaycutie16 · 2 years
You know what’s the biggest proof that salt fic writers are hypocrites who refuse to acknowledge that Adrien is a good guy and the class aren’t Lila’s mindless drones? They pick and choose which episodes to include in the canon of their stories. Like, they make it so that Lies happened in their stories so Adrien and Kagami are broken up, but they pretend Truth never happened so they can keep their precious Lukanette ship in tact. So it’s okay to break up Adrigami and leave Adrien single, but Marinette can’t lose Luka, even though both couples broke up for the same reason? You know what that does, writer? That makes people be able to smell your bias from a mile away.
They refuse to acknowledge the episodes that show Adrien working to help Marinette, or Alya being a good, loyal friend to her, because it doesn’t support their belief that Adrien is a selfish coward who doesn’t give a s**t about Marinette, or that Alya is a toxic friend who leeches off of her kindness. Worse still, sometimes they pick and choose certain parts of the episode that support their theory. Like, they leave in the part from Ladybug where Lila models with Adrien, but leave out the part where he made a deal with her to clear Marinette’s name. It’s like after Chameleon, people decided to only acknowledge the BAD things Adrien and the class did, like they decided that only the BAD things they did mattered, and everything good they do from that point on doesn’t count. Like that one bad moment in Chameleon is what defines them.
The girl squad act concerned for Marinette in Gang of Secrets and try to help her get over her breakup? Doesn’t count, write a fic about them taking advantage of Marinette.
Alya does stellar work as Rena Furtive and even subs for Marinette while she’s gone, giving Marinette some much-needed support? Doesn’t count, write a fic about her neglecting Marinette for Lila.
Adrien makes a deal with the devil to clear Marinette’s name and secretly sacrifice himself to Lila to keep her from bullying Marinette? Doesn’t count because he didn’t save Marinette the way the author would have wanted him to, wrote a fic where he willingly allows Marinette to be tormented by Lila.
Because the characters did things THEIR own way with THEIR knowledge of events and THEIR morals, instead of handling things exactly the way the salters wanted them to, because they didn’t handle things in a way that would have completely served Marinette’s interest, because their actions inconvenienced her slightly for one or two episodes, salty fans write them off as poisonous influences in Marinette’s life, willfully ignoring every ten wonderful actions to Marinette to the one not-so-great action to her. They’re all “Marinette gets enough consequences”, and think that means that every single character should just bend over backwards to accommodate her to compensate for her bad luck, instead of having morals and opinions of their own. Which is why they like Luka, because his whole character revolves around pleasing her and serving her interests entirely.
The fact that the salt writers have to pick and choose which episodes that happened in the lore of their fanfictions, just to paint Adrien and the class as villains and sell the idea that “Marinette deserves better”, just goes to show that at this point, they’re grasping at straws.
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adrinoir · 2 years
Hot take: Lukanette was not a healthy relationship
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Not to be salty but to be honest.
Just as a disclaimer: It’s fine if you liked them! And I love Luka and Marinette as characters! The only thing I’m confused about is the people who like them more than the love square (I’ll talk more about that).
There is definitely a group of people in the fandom who don’t like Adrien and think Luka was the better option - I’ve seen fanfics - which boggles my mind. Like, are we watching the same show?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a second love interest in the show - as long as it’s done correctly. I feel Lukanette wasn’t executed properly, and that’s totally on the writers. Maybe it’s liked so much because it had that wasted potential? I definitely feel it had way too much wasted potential.
Luka is very chill and very sweet, but they made this a bad thing in his relationship with Marinette because he just accepts being her second choice. He takes the bit of affection she shows towards him and runs on that. But, this doesn’t make a healthy relationship. How can so many people be in support of an unhealthy relationship? How is that the better ship? That is what I don’t understand.
Marinette still loves Adrien and doesn’t really try to hide that when she’s around Luka, even when they were dating. We all know love square is end game - there’s no denying that. But, it was disappointing seeing her get with Luka and not moving on at all from Adrien. That was also another extremely unhealthy part of their relationship.
I like what they did in Star vs. the Forces of Evil because Star made an effort to move on from Marco to have a healthy relationship with Tom again. They gave Tom a great character arc which made him so desirable. I would’ve loved to see this kind of progression with Lukanette. Marinette starts moving on from Adrien and fully embraces a relationship with Luka.
I understand she was struggling to keep up with dates and couldn’t be honest with him since she almost constantly has to fight Hawk Moth, and it’s a valid reason for ending the relationship. But, the fact that she liked Adrien more and that wasn’t a 2nd factor in the breakup doesn’t make any sense. Luka should’ve explained, “I love you Marinette, but I can tell you love Adrien more, and I can’t deal with that.”
It’s almost as if Luka was made simply to prove that Adrien is the only one for Marinette. No one else has a chance. Notice how short the relationship was. They only had one episode when they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend, or at least trying to date. But, it ended right when that episode ended. Lukanette was given no time. Similar to Adrigami, it ended and they came to accept that Adrien and Marinette are the ones who are supposed to be together. It’s so disappointing because Lukanette could’ve been good.
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Then, Luka was the second friend of hers to figure out she’s Ladybug. But, the only thing that really came of that was him helping her out in Ephemeral because he knew it was Marinette telling him to rush to her room.
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I liked Adrigami because there were more get togethers between them. They snuck out together on multiple occasions. Adrien tried to get comfortable in their relationship but clearly wasn’t. He visibly looked discomforted when she first tried to kiss him. It was made obvious he didn’t know what he was doing at all. There was all that build up to their break up. They broke up for both the reason of him lying to leave their dates and him loving Marinette instead (without him having that bit of realization until Kagami found his lucky charm!) Although, similar to Lukanette, I still would’ve liked to see more of them.
Don’t get me wrong. I love Luka! He’s hot and he’s such a sweetie. But, I’m absolutely disappointed that the writers decided to make him okay with being Marinette’s 2nd option and have an uninteresting plot line. He deserves way better! I really mean that.
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sfigatino · 2 years
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Happy 4k followers to @akumatizedcamembert! I loved trying to make my own poster, and honestly, who else but Luka? <3
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lea-panthera · 2 years
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Huh. That's weird. Because like about ten episodes later:
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...so I guess Tikki needs to do a little fact checking?
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
If Dustin was Canon: Truth.
Truth: Whats Marinette’s secret!?
Dustin: She's in love with Adrien Agreste.
Truth: Oh, come on!
Dustin: Hey, it's not my fault you don't like my answer, dude.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I think in Truth Ladybug threw the sentimonster towards Cat Noir with her yo-yo. Or it was a coincidence. Or he would use his power if Ladybug told him to. In any case what happened wasn't his intention, as it seems.
Oh yeah, you're right. I thought it was on purpose, but looking back at the actual scene, nope. It turns out to be convenient though. I think it might have been Ladybug's plan? But it wasn't Chat's, he was surprised.
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anna-scribbles · 2 months
❌i hate adrien agreste❌
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theluckiestlb · 1 year
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girl...WHEN??? WHERE????
what are you talking about???? when you kept him isolated for 14 years??? when you robbed him of bodily autonomy???? when you exposed him to his mother's corpse to akumatize him, TWICE????
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wait, wait—OH you mean when he was terrified for his life, literally begging you to stop after you beat him up. my bad.
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no? OH, you mean when you forced him to leave the country and the love of his life.
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buggachat · 11 months
show!adrien would NEVER call a woman a "bitch". movie!adrien on the other hand....
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miraculousfanworks · 5 months
Writing Prompt
Truth alternate ending:
Truth: Tell me the truth! What’s your deepest secret Ladybug?!
Ladybug: I…I…am…
Chat Noir: Don’t do it Ladybug!
Ladybug: …am in love with Adrien Agreste
Truth: …
Chat Noir: …what…
Ladybug: It’s true…
Truth: Ughhhh you got to be KIDDING ME!!!! First Marinette, my girlfriend btw, is in love with Adrien and now you?! Is everyone in love with Adrien?! SMH…
Truth: mumbles I’m just gonna die alone
Chat Noir: WHAT!?!
Prompt by Mickeyfan1
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ozzo-the-wozzo · 11 months
the fandom is in absolute agreement to the point where its essentially canon on adhd marinette and nothing makes me happier but also everyone sleeps on autistic adrien in this essay I will
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mikauzoran · 2 years
LuXY (Luka/XY): “Hey! I was gonna eat that!” – LGBTIQA+ (One-Shot)
So, @janaikam made this post after Lies first aired, and I finally wrote a fic inspired by it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Read it on AO3:   LuXY (Luka/XY): “Hey! I was gonna eat that!” – LGBTIQA+
Summary: Set the day of Truth/Lies – Luka and XY meet at Prince Ali’s party, talk things out, and end up at McDonald’s.
Pairing: Luka Couffaine/Xavier-Yves “XY” Roth
Rating: T
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gale-gentlepenguin · 7 months
Movie!Gabriel saw Adrien as his son.
Show!Gabriel saw Adrien as a keepsake of Emilie.
This isn’t speculation, this is not a headcanon.
It is 100% fact.
The show writers may say otherwise, but that means nothing because it’s not what is conveyed.
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sidsinning · 1 year
girl rlly said "why would we invite you- you aint special?" and she was DEAD serious 😭😭😭
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