itsdappleagain · 5 months
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day 5: AU!!
i decided to draw my own take on the "paper star and carmen escape VILE together" au that has been floating around in my head for months and has a near incoherent three thousand word brainstorming doc to prove it
i also tried to redesign carmen, who i've decided calls herself cardinal in this au because there is no cookie booker escape with the coat and hat (paper star also influences the name).
i took inspo from harajuku fashion which i think is what PS is designed on also? i figured that since carmen sandiego adopted the first article of clothing she ever put on as her trademark that cardinal would just copy paper stars style and i think thats fun
so anyway. they're messy, they're gay, and they definitely have a big dramatic betrayal where they realize that there was never a future in which they could be together or something like that
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starwarjotta · 2 months
Nine People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
ohh another tag game, I got tagged a while ago already but I was on a trip but now I’m back, thank you so much for the tags @insertmeaningfulusername and @smoosey <3 <3 very exciting Last Song: An End Once and For All by Clint Mansell and Sam Hulick, from Mass Effect 3 Favorite Color: two long time favorites are teal and the exact orange-y yellow I use for the 212th battalion armor paint color hehe Currently Watching: just some old Achievement Hunter let’s plays, thinking of rewatching Arcane though Sweet / Savory / Spicy: sweeeet, I mean I love me some savory and spicy foods, but sweet all the way Relationship Status: unattached, hermit :D as in, single Current Obsession: besides Cody? planning what to plant on my terrace once spring and summer finally arrive (it snowed again yesterday, like pls give it a rest already) and embroidery Last Thing You Googled: ikea koiralamppu (ikea doglamp xD in case anyone’s curious, it’s this one ) no pressure tags @merlyn-bane, @lttrsfrmlnrrgby, @dontbelasagnax, @meebles, @fox-trot, @babygirlbridger, @biscuityskies, and just anyone else who wants to do this, go for it! (honestly, I really love the tag games, but tagging other people gives me so much anxiety because I feel like I’m either bothering ppl by tagging them since maybe they’ve already been tagged a million times or something and I've just missed it, OR that I’m doing it wrong some other way, I don't dare to tag all the people I want and so on xD so pls, really, anyone who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged or if you don’t wanna do it, untagged)
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caus34concern · 1 year
i don't think i've seen people talk about jeremy's practically unhealthy idolization with christine and so i will talk about it myself because he is just like me .
since more than survive is literally just jeremy's brain, jeremy basically portrays christine to be this perfect girl who is the center of attention. she's always in the spotlight in his eyes, whenever she walks in, the music switches to a theme jeremy has specifically catered towards her. near the end, when jeremy sees her signing up for the play, he sees it as everyone surrounding and supporting christine because in his eyes, everyone loves her. but the truth is, they don't. there's the part in more than survive where jeremy is getting caught up in his head trying to figure out whether he should walk to school or take the bus, and in those moments where he's lost in thought, the others start entering what we can only assume is the bus and christine is shown being pushed around in the background by chloe and then rich respectively. she always has her head shoved in her book and no one really notices her until jeremy notices her because.. she's an outcast! she's probably a "loser" to everyone else too. she isn't popular or anything and it's not like she has any friend/s (or at least she wasn't shown to have any) like jeremy does. the only people who she really had a friendship with throughout the show are jeremy and jake and mind you, those two were literally trying to date her sooo...
jeremy's always had her up on this pedestal, believing she was too far away from him. that was until the halloween party. when jeremy found her all alone on the couch. without jake. and when she starts talking about her problems then he realizes in that moment "oh, she actually isn't all that perfect. she's here alone despite being at a party just like me. she isn't this flawless girl i envisioned." he realizes that he doesn't need to put her on a pedestal because they're not actually all that different. the only reason she was so hard to reach for him was because he kept believing that she was. which was why in that moment, when he felt so close to her (literally and figuratively), he confessed. (and honestly am i the only one who thinks that was kinda insensitive of him considering the fact she just poured her heart out about breaking up with jake)
and then there's that backstage scene with the two of them where jeremy is trying to get christine to take a squip, and he goes back to his "christine is too far to reach mindset" but instead of putting christine on a pedestal, he puts HIMSELF on a pedestal (because of the squip). he realizes christine isn't perfect, and it kinda makes him go "huh. christine is a loser like me. maybe i can 'fix' her."
i'd also like to say i think christine and jeremy are a good example of "two sides of the same coin." they're both going through the same thing. they're losers, outcasts, not popular, go unnoticed. they just deal with it differently and prioritize different things. jeremy prioritizes being cool and fitting in. he takes being an outcast to heart and believes there's something wrong with him while christine prioritizes being herself. like, yeah, she still wants to fit in but she wants to be herself more than anything. she believes that if people don't like her for her then they're not worth it. extra thing to mention is that they both change for the people they like (christine changing for jake, jeremy changing for christine)
i honestly don't know if any of this makes sense but WHATEVER! i love stagedorks both together and as their own seperate characters and they are so so important to me
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lucabyte · 2 months
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beachbummrr · 2 years
well last thought for the day abt the stream but the best received and accepted apology incidentally was the one he was caught off guard in and had no time to prepare for so he spoke and stumbled his way through. again smthn smthn he is loved for who he is, messiness included smthn smthn they dont want an eloquent protagonist they just want their friend smthn smthn he cant seem to accept that as fact he lives as character in his own life
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flowerygarrland · 3 months
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goldiipond · 6 months
hey nice fandom favorite m/f ship. yeah real nice it's cool. have you considered making it platonic though
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psychicpinenut · 7 months
microdosing on endorphin by watching past insta lives from the jatp cast
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potatobugz · 1 year
biggest problem with writing is that I have all the ideas and themes I want to express in my head, but when I try to write it down the words come out. wrong
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rivilu · 5 months
Hey hello can i be sad on main or will the heavens unleash 7 thousand ravenous hawks upon me
#river rambles#vent post#tw for basically everything bellow just saying it now#sorry the last 8 years of not a single reason to live are getting to me <3#i hate being alive i hate being trans I hate being autistic and not able to work like a normal person#to provide my transition to myself instead of having to rely on parents that kiind of support me? (dad) or are straight up pulling -#the 'you're making MEEE SUICIDAL!' card (mom)#i hate not being able to talk to people like a normal person#it's not even just the autism anymore i feel like i've been the worst version of me for such a long time i dont even know where to start#dysphoria is so fucking bad and getting worse every single day and any semblance of trans positivity winds up feeling toxic#like even body neutrality feels like an insult. im at a point where i want to tear myself apart just when i'm sitting still#i hate being told to wait for things to happen#the dreaded 'it'll get better'#it hasnt#it's been EIGHT. FUCKING. YEARS#nothing helps. i've exhausted every option within reach. no words of encouragement help at all#literally the only OPTION is to wait. and i've had! ENOUGH OF IT!#I've dreaded pride every year because it feels more and more like i'm living a lie being there. im not PROUD of being trans.#All i feel about it is misery. All the time. I hate my body so fucking much i cant do a single thing i want to do#most of my early years after figuring out im trans i tried to just ignore it and focus on pride about my sexuality#since i couln't transition then anyway#but as time went on and i became an adult and there's still not a single glimpse of light on the horizon. I can't focus on it anymore#because you know. those things are interconnected. So now i just feel like an unlovable piece of shit!#Like i will never be what i was meant to be. what i want to look like.#and i dont even want to try for any manner of relationship before that . because even if anyone DID like the current version of me#that's not even me#birth is a curse and existence is a prison etcetera
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etherylelixyr · 26 days
X hasn't texted me back today. Not spiralling because I'm too preoccupied thinking abt what I'm gonna wear tmrw. I also wanna buy smth nice for myself as a treat for finishing study stuff.
So might? Make a wishlist during my study break...
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1ouis · 2 months
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Haha can i do an entire illustration for the anniversary by tomorrow? Only time will tell 💀
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shitty-kinda-doodles · 3 months
Zilla is the Flotsam and Jetsam to Velvette's Ursula lol.
Lmaooo kind of? In a song where they manipulate an innocent person she would be for sure
#ask#hazbin hotel#velvette#oc#ive been thinking of their dynamic lately actually but i'll hide my ramblings here in the tags for the poor souls that don't care at all#so the funny thing about them is that they dont need each other at all#they have their own thing in different rings and theyre fine with it#but they do have a blast when they hang out#which is kinda torturous for them specifically bc theyre so self centered and controlling and selfish#that admitting that they JUST LIKE someone with no ulterior reason is humiliating#and any excuse they can make to see each other is flimsy at best#like 'hey help me get more souls and you can throw darts at them later' they can do that on their own. they dont need the other to do that#i imagine they try not to bring up it to preserve their own egos#in a more playful moment zilla would be like oohh you like meee and velvette would deny deny deny#in a more serious moment they both have rock hard evidence that the other likes her too and they both know it#if one ego goes down the other does too#this would be like...the first stages of liking each other i think#and when they get together theyd be like 'ok i have soft mushy feelings for this one person but that aside#im still the greatest overlord/murderous mastermind whatever'#until theyre defeated by the good guys i guess#what can i say i think evil friends to lovers to losers is hilarious#soooorry if you read this long ass thing#im hyperfixated and i have so many zillete thought and so much zilla lore in my pocket#i needed to puke a little bit out
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bloompompom · 1 year
hmmm i kinda wanna give myself a second alias cause sometimes i feel disconnected from y'all cause bloomy isn't a name lmfao
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floramau · 6 months
I'm trying so so hard to unlearn that talking about my ocs is cringe but each time someone asks me about them I instantly shut down
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