holespoles · 1 year
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mula "Mirror"
mula 「鏡」
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marsprincess889 · 5 months
Basic themes of nakshatras
May edit this later, this is as far as I understand and have observed them, and I think it's pretty nice to see them simply.
Newness, freshness, the unmanifest, speed, energy, vitality, instinct, healing, fast healing, unlimited energy, self-expression, selfishness, blocking outside noise, trusting yourself, self-empowerment, unfiltered actions.
Things that remind me of Ashwini: bees, the sun, horses, two white horses, golden deserts, horses gallopping, honey, long hair flying in the wind, apples.
Love, death, sex, the female, the feminine, limitations, the material, fate, destiny, coming into the body, struggling against limitations, struggling against fate, mind trapped in its own hell because of the inevitable, dealing with the harshness of life, harshness of mothers and mother nature, the hierarchy, privileges and deprivations, desire, going after your true desire, the immortality of the soul, adapting to changes, passion, tragic love, bravery, facing the truth, choicelessness, nessecity, revenge, violence, gatekeeping, reduction, denial of access, conquering your fate, everlasting beauty, immortality, eternal love.
Things that remind me of Bharani: hot pink and black, darkness, roses, the yoni, gateways, keyholes, caverns, boats, rivers, the damsel in distress, fantasy, high fantasy.
Adam, the main character, naming things, language, rationality, precision, sharpness, criticism, the poet, the "it" person, simplicity, cleanliness, expressing oneself, selectivity, the heat, the knowledge, the light, masculine ideals, stoicism.
Things that remind me of Krittika: knives, razors, lighers, sparks, fire, hearth, cooking.
Eve, sugar babies, growth, receptivity, enjoyment, pleasure, unrefined, doted on, subconcious, absorbtion, sharing, union, creation, the youngest daughter, naivete, feeling no shame.
Things that remind me of Rohini: sugar, stickiness, sweetness, heaviness, red, pink, flowers, the A.I(lol).
Distraction, realization, fickleness, adventure, running away, chasing, the hunt, excitement, softness, pleasure, altering conciousness, magic substances(iykwim), curiosity, fulfillment, insatiability, teasing.
Things that remind me of Mrigashira: silver threads, deer, green forests, green and blue, running in the woods, alcohol, the moon, Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Disillusion, crying, lamenting, awareness of others, awarness of other's expectations, hyper-awarness of everything, intellect, the rational mind, pressures from society, rebelling against society, anxiety, hunting.
Things that remind me of Ardra: tears, water, storms, technology, teenage angst, emo culture, the rain, sad songs, dogs.
Mercy, forgiveness, permission, freedom, flying, expansion, gentleness, regrowing, realigning, returning, home, unconditional love and nurture, celebration, peace, peacefulness, centering oneself, sunlight, warmth, fostering, taking care, being taken care of, luck, unlimited fertile space, shelter, genuine kindness, believing in humanity again, cycles, patterns, seeing the cycles and the patterns, prophecies, the oracle, openness, second (and third, fouth...) chances, a comeback.
Things that remind me of Punarvasu: staying at home, pets, plants, cats, gentle rain, a bow and arrows, a target.
Asceticism, routines, self-restraint, servitude, control, self-control, working, working on yourself, patience, simplicity, striving for perfection, nurturing, nourishment, quiet ambition, symmetry.
Things that remind me of Pushya: milk, milkmaids, country life, milking, symmetry, goats, sheep, agriculture.
Manipulation, abuse, poison, emotional abuse, blackmail, resorting to everything for safety, protection, pent up energy, the nervous system, purity, water, sensitivity, cleanliness, energetic build-up, tension, restraint, preservation, self-preservation, virginity, feminine tactics, being "mean" for protection, lying for safety, sensuality, mother issues, agitation.
Things that remind me of Ashlesha: the color white, transparent things, cats, poisoning, snow white, Sofia Coppola films, teenage girlhood, ties, strings, knots, snakes.
Royalty, power, ancestry, family trees, history, the past, regality, honoring the past, honoring the elders, honoring the authority, religion, tradition, customs, confidence, ego.
Things that remind me of Magha: crowns, thrones, churches, goth culture, smoke, big hair(like the lion's mane).
Purva Phalguni:
Pleasure, enjoyment, being spoiled as the feminine, loving to spoil as the masculine, procreation, sex, leisure, art, holidays, parties, exclusivity, pride, charisma, sexual dispersion, love as a method of self-expression, admiration, directness, active pursuit of your passions, indulgence.
Things that remind me of Purva Phalguni: fruits, eating fruits topless, rose gold color, the "rizz"(lol), the phallus, dramaticism.
Uttara Phalguni:
Favors from friends, family and partners, contracts, beneficial agreements, the perfect wife, likeability, popularity, friendliness, appearing cool, stoicism, beneficial arrangements, gain through partnerships, self-expression through relationships, wife/girlrfiend material, harvest, family associations, marriage associations.
Things that remind me of Uttara Phalguni: the "chads", simplicity, genuine friends, loyal companions, family business, the perfect male stereotype, the "rich heiress running away" trope, wheat, gold, power couples.
The earth, the veiled feminine, manipulation, denial of access, materialism, cheating, everyday matters, empowerment of women, deception, skill, seeking knowledge, wanting to be in control, activism, street-smarts, manipulation of masses.
Things that remind me of Hasta: the hand, Goddess Persephone, skilled hands, thieves, easy money, fairies, witches, scammers.
Crafting, building, perspective, truth, law, gems, sacrifice for your craft, vanity, stereotypes, aesthetics, the truth in stereotypes, building based on the law and the truth, the surface of things, the appearance of things, the substance reflected in the vessel, gossip, cliques.
Things that remind me of Chitra: the god Hephestos, martian gods in general, jewelry, fashion, make-up, drama, pettiness, the coquette aesthetic, pranksters, Olivia Rodrigo(ig).
Space, the cosmos, shifting realities, love, rebellion, alternate realities, possibilities, seeing beauty in everything, inspiration, art, the cosmic egg, creation of the world, creation of worlds, microcosm and macrocosm, freedom through love.
Things that remind me of Swati: video games, the wind, plants beggining to sprout, the sword, technology, the Sims.
The lightning, snapping, splitting, joining opposites, compromise, marriage, repressed anger, repressed aggression, alter egos, passion, enthusiasm, standing up for yourself and others, repression and then expression, energy, love and hate.
Things that remind me of Vishakha: lighning bolts, Zeus, Thor and other lighning gods, superhero "Shazam", celebrations.
Friendship, devotion, depth, loyalty, unconditional loyalty, bonds, the occult, sex with love, numbers, gatherings, friend groups, groups, gentleness, humbleness, discipline, seriousness, organizing society, social groups.
Things that remind me of Anuradha: the color burgundy, dim lights, bunnies, "Sex Education" (tv show), sci-fi (for some reason), "The Vampire Diaries" (and very similar teen shows), frat boys, cheerleaders.
The battlefield, war, hunger, thirst, insatiability, conquering, the underdog, street-smarts, competition, strategy, extreme independence, mind games, the art of war, survival, ruling, rising above, self-reliance, wisdom, becoming the authority, the eldest, dryness, trust issues, enemies, destroying enemies, outsmarting all enemies.
Things that remind me of Jyeshta: grandmothers, owls, eagles, dry places, flags, marching, chess.
Horror, the abnormal, the truth, the core, the center, the absorbing darkness, the black hole, the roots, violence against falsehoods, seeking the truth, seeking the cause, seeking roots, uprooting, chaos, from chaos to order, the unchanging truth, taming beasts, holding to your truth.
Things that remind me of Mula: "Phanton of the Opera", "Twilight", final girls, horror movies, dark murky green, the wilderness.
Purva Ashadha:
Art, beauty, alliances, artistry, ideals, fighting for the ideal, discrimination, exclusivity, philosophies about beauty and art, passion for love and art, attachments, secrecy, luxury, vitality, vigor, going for victory.
Things that remind me of Purva Ashadha: the sea, seafoam, goddess Aphrodite, seashells, mermaids, sirens, fans (the ones you hold in your hand lol), Arwen from LotR.
Uttara Ashadha:
Victory, loneliness, individuality, government, empowerment, independence, being looked up to, composed self-expression, ease, simplicity but regality, confidence, self-assuredness, melancholy and hardships of aloneness but contentment, stoicism, invincibility, unapologetic behavior.
Things that remind me of Uttara Ashadha: earnest people, goddess Nike, mint color for some reason.
Connecting everything, secret knowledge, interest in everything, reading between the lines, subconcious access, extreme sensitivity, holding the humanity together, secret agencies, percieving what others can't percieve, saving humanity, navigating, receptivity, mysticism.
Things that remind me of Shravana: Superman, Geralt of Rivia, Aragorn, King arthur, pathways, footprints, ear, color blue, spies, astrology, outcasts, fringe societies.
Celebration, celebrities, fame, visibility, aggression, agitation, action, bringing people together, idols, propaganda, wealth from fame, that which attracts attention, public image, benefits and downsides of fame, openness and flashiness, branding.
Things that remind me of Dhanishta: supermodels, Princess Diana, dancing, rhythmic drums.
Complexities, seeing everything, lurking in shadows, holding the knowledge, secrets, secrecy, hiding, technology, innovation, being ahead of your time, advising but manipulating, society, the collective, trends, the conciousness of masses, propaganda.
Things that remind me of Shatabhisha: midnight sky, stars, the seas, water reservoirs, the circle, the all-seeing eye of Sauron(lol), Lord of the Rings, rings, the movie "Stardust" (the book too), the evil advisor/black cardinal trope.
Purva Bhadrapada:
Notoriety, expansion, uncontrolled expansion, persmissiveness, growth to ruin unless restrained, fighting for your soul, the scapegoat, going against society, getting tested, the point of no return.
Things that remind me of Purva Bhadrapada: gangs, famous criminals, laziness, femme fatales, the grotesque, deserts, werewolves, the black sheep.
Uttara Bhadrapada:
Finding grace, hardships, working, inner strength, steeliness, resilience, patience, restraint, contol, self-restraint and self-control, bravery, honesty, stubbornness, fighting for your truth, perfect control, freedom through limitations, seeking a permanent foundation built on truth, working for the foundation, long-term goals, innocence, purity of soul, stillness, refinement, honor and glory.
Things that remind me of Uttara Bhadrapada: butterflies, clouds, baby blue color, Cinderella, warriors, knights, knight orders, ice, coldness, queens, ice-queen, dragons, water dragons, deep waters, deep sea and its creatures, wings.
Ultimate freedom, creativity, wisdom, gentleness, compassion, guiding, herding, fun, laughter, mischief, lightnness, ease, finding peace, reaching the end, enjoying what you have, contentment, nurturing, open-mindedness, conclusions, gratefulness, freedom and free will, having choices, diversity, finding the truth, true wealth, parenthood, the guide, guidance, individuation.
Things that remind me of Revati: shepherds, herding, everything easy and light, the tricksters, the fool, jokes, Loki, The Joker, fish, comedy, the movie "A Fish Called Wanda", caring for everyone and everything, light and soft shades of green and blue.
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bouquetface · 3 months
Future Spouse Based on Nakshatra - Pt. Two
Please read the following for accuracy:
Check for which nakshatra of your dakarkaka.
You may want to check the nakshatra of your Venus (for wife) and Jupiter (for husband) as well.
You may want to read for your moon & AatmaKaaraka nakshatra to see if the traits apply to you.
DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind accuracy is influenced by the ENTIRE natal chart.
General Neutral traits:
Big lips esp lower. Long face - Oval or Oblong. Doe eyes. Larger facial features generally.
Friendly - easily connect with others.
Nurturing. Patient. Quiet. Kind. Considerate.
Likely religious. Stick to their morals over money. Sometimes have traditional values & dreams for the future.
Good communicators.
Negative traits:
Modern society may harshly judge one’s disinterest in materialism. If the disinterest is extreme, this person can have periods of life where they seriously struggle financially.
Some may feel they are so caring that they become suffocating to loved ones.
General Neutral traits:
Bold eye colour. Pointy chin. Often, fit due to their job requiring physical activity (ex: lots of walking)
They can prefer physically working - they may have physical hobbies.
Good memory. Curious person - open to learning/exploring more.
Generally, an honest person.
Negative Traits:
They can be impolite. Or anti-social to a point where they sometimes appear rude.
Like to indulge - must watch for overspending/overindulging in bad foods or bad habits.
Spend early life only looking out for themselves. Later in life, they undergo transformation to change for the better. Become more compassionate and religious/spiritual after a traumatic event.
General Neutral traits:
Often the most conventionally attractive in their family. Full lips. Small almond shaped eyes.
Clever. Good communicators.
Gain a good amount of wealth. Live comfortable.
Adventurous yet cautious.
Determined to reach their goals.
Negative traits:
Can be too focused on their goals. Neglect themselves and others until they see success. Others work and help is not always appreciated.
Self-destructive habits need to be broken. A few EXAMPLES: Stubborn to the point of being arrogant. Some have issues with lust & greed. Some have issues with anger.
Full lips. Dramatic eyes - can have dark circles, bold eye colour or big eyes. May appear tired. Innocent looking.
Often well liked. Likes attention. Entertaining person. Funny, witty, good at conversation.
Optimistic. Generally, stays true to their word - reliable.
Generally, gains moderate to high levels of wealth.
Negative traits:
Hot temper. Prone to feeling jealous.
Ego can be a problem.
Subconscious superiority complex when born into wealthy family. When wealth is gained themselves, they feel still feel superior but not as arrogant.
General Neutral traits:
Large eyes. Innocent looking. Youthful appearance. Close set eyes are likely. Prominent chin.
Independent. Good morals. Honest. Disciplined
Friendly. Optimistic. Persuasive communication.
Negative traits:
Disinterested in their family origins. This can change later in life when they have their own family.
Must learn to not over indulge - over spend/overdo.
Prone to isolate themselves due to being focused on their own personal goals/desires.
General Neutral traits:
Attractive. Commonly, have dimples. Prominent front teeth. Well groomed. Good style. Conventionally attractive.
Charismatic. Social. Independent.
Well educated. May not be formally. They may seek out good literature & art. They can enjoy philosophical ways of thinking.
Usually are a younger sibling or an only child.
Negative traits:
Vain. Can be overly worried about body and style. Can overthink in general.
Observant nature makes them very critical of everyone. Ego can be a problem.
Well known. But very few true friends. Many friends turn into enemies throughout their life.
Sometimes there can be issues related to fertility in these people’s lives.
General Neutral traits:
Prominent eyebrows. Medium to wide set eyes. Generally attractive. Unique looking.
Generally, likeable. Polite. Prone to over-talking, not listening. Intuitive. Intelligent. Helpful.
Generous & Compassionate. Stands up for people. Stands up for what they believe in.
Negative traits:
Sensitive. Often view themselves as a victim. Making it difficult to accept criticism & move forward in life.
Insecurities make them doubt their self worth.
General Neutral traits:
Strong jawline. Often hooded eyes. Long nose.
Disciplined. Hardworking. High goals. Optimistic. Generally, appear modest.
Good communicator. Popular. Often gain respect&influence at a later age.
Confident. Independent.
Good in leadership roles. & interest in helping others - social causes.
Negative traits:
Over indulgent.
Prone to overthink/anxious.
Will experience relationship struggles - often many relationships before finding the correct person for them.
General traits:
Attractive. Ethereal look. Innocent look. Wide to medium set eyes. Sharp jawline. Thin to medium lip. Strong bone structure.
Deeply empathetic but may not express it.
Strong & silent type. Have the ability to control their emotions - will do what is best for the family. As a result, often benefit from other people's money & resources - ex: inheritance or gifts.
Disciplined & hardworking. As a result, make a good level of wealth.
Rational. Good at giving advice. Stays neutral.
Generous person - often have good karma, it said they will defeat any haters/enemies.
Negative traits:
Struggle to express oneself can leave one feeling lonely & isolated. Repressed emotions can lead to emotional outburst later in life.
May unintentionally create many enemies throughout their life.
General traits:
Bunny teeth. Tall & muscular. Innocent looking. Generally attractive.
Independent & Confident. Often feel a strong sense of purpose. Determined & hardworking.
Passionate & protective. May be married to their achieving their “purpose” though.
Often desire a partner that is similarly hardworking & passionate about their work/goals.
Negative traits:
Requires to learn balance in their life. Can be overindulgent - potential examples: can enjoy gambling or unhealthy foods.
May have a slight controlling & possessive nature.
Worry a lot. Could experience periods of having difficulty managing anxiety throughout their lives.
General traits:
Full cheeks - often have a baby face through their 20s. Cute. Bold eye colour. Youthful.
Idealistic. Independent.
Adventurous. Youthful energy. Humorous. Often joyful.
Nurturing nature. Deep love for family.
Does well financially. Action orientated.
Negative traits:
Vengeful. Doesn’t forget or truly ever forgive. Many relationships turn sour throughout their life.
Impulsive. Short tempered.
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veronicawildest · 2 months
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disclaimer: all of my observations comes from my observations on celebrities and my social circle who has this nakshatras. if you're offended just block me mwah 💋💋💋
One of the most intelligent nakshatras that I know. Some would say that Saturn-ruled nakshatra comes from hard work, but may I add the intelligence in that.
Most of the time, I see this as an academically intelligent nakshatra for me.
(Unevolved) Anuradha women that I know are "pick me" girls. The Pick me definition of "they're like no other girls" and would do anything for men's attention.
Out of all the Saturn Vimshottari ruled nakshatras, this one has light-hearted vibes compared to Pushya and Uttara Bhadrapada, despite being the debilitation of the moon.
They hold grudges just like the sidereal waters would do, but the reason why Mars is debilitated in Cancer is that the anger that Cancer harbors is more detrimental to them, unlike in Scorpio. Yes, they will harbor anger, but they use that as motivation, and they are not "stuck" towards the past. Also, their approach to the problem is better than that of Cancer, which is passive aggressiveness.
They're more into connections and friends really. If you have an Anuradha friend, They're really great and loyal.
The characteristics I notice of Jyestha are strategic in life and their goals. Most of them have it.
When you're literally in a competition and your opponent is Jyestha. (ANY COMPETITION)
The deity of this nakshatra is Indra. No wonder they're literally on the top (besides Magha).
Weakness of this nakshatra? Ego and pride. To a certain extent, they're literally prone to sabotaging because of arrogance and being boastful. Most of us would agree that they're on the top, but they can attract enemies more than anyone.
f you want a guru/mentor about life (or skills in general), go to Jyestha!!!! They're literally OVERACHIEVERS!!
Jyestha natives, how can you all be so mature and childish at the same time?? I can't explain it, but you can observe this with your Jyestha friends/family
They have ties with the organ/piano instrument. Like the actor who played Davy Jones, who is a Jyestha sun.
You know how some nakshatras are so different yet also alike at the same time? Yes, I'm talking about Gandanta nakshatras (Revati - Ashwini, Ashlesha - Magha, and Jyestha - Mula).
Jyestha and Mula share characteristics that are the same for me: - The females I know are into spirituality (astrology, tarot, etc.). - They're both BLUNT and CUTTHROAT, especially the men with this nakshatra. - The billionaire nakshatras. Many rich people have Jyestha and/or Mula nakshatra. The difference is Mula is preachy (tied to Sagittarius rashi) while Jyestha is more factual or shares trivia.
Fun fact, Pope Francis has Mula sun. You know? Jupiter (Sagittarius ruled planet) tied to religion, beliefs, teaching, etc.
Ironically, Mula nakshatra (UNEVOLVED) are some of the unethical people that I know (personally and celebrity-wise). Jupiter + Ketu correlation. (Mastery towards wealth and expansion (Jupiter) and detachment of ethics/unhinged beliefs (Ketu))
In terms of animals, they really are the true animal lovers out there.
I've seen many Mula and Krittika nakshatra couples lately. I wonder why, and I haven't really an explanation for this.
Out of all the Ketu-ruled nakshatras, this one is consistent for portraying gay people, even though they're straight (Billie Eilish, Maya Hawk), especially women with this placement.
Purva Ashadha
Sidereal Sagittarius are preachy including this nakshatra!!!!!!
They're using humour to teach (just like common gurus do)
They're really great in color red (Purva ashadha looks great at color red because the birth nakshatra of Mars is Purva Ashadha)
Conflict between their philosophical beliefs about material world is a common problem
This nakshatra really great for standing up for yourself.
Ironically, Even though this nakshatra is Venus ruled vimshottari nakshatra, The Men who has this nakshatras are some of the worst misogynistic people that exist!
Great at arts especially drawing, painting things like related to visual.
Men with this nakshatra are WOMANIZER
Women with this nakshatra are intimidating compared to other Venus vimshottari ruled nakshatra.
Uttara Ashadha
Women with this nakshatra often have nude scenes in movie. Ex: Angeli Khang, Sydney Sweeney (both have uttara ashadha moons)
Uttara ashadha means latter victory, but it doesn't mean "late success". Ishowspeed has this sun and at the young age, as i was typing this, he's streaming and travelling different countries.
Uttara ashadha are common for gay people. (Looking directly for Caitlyn Jenner and Lil Nas X) If that makes sense.
They're also coquette pink and very girlish. If "sun" nakshatra comes to mind people would think "masculinity, strongest, fierest" but then you see the actual people who has this and very FEMININE AESTHETIC.
The stereotype that i find true to this nakshatra is they're independent and successful. If you're Uttara ashadha native and you feel you are not that successful, trust me it will happen!!
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The Nakshatra Colors
In Astrology, every Nakshatra has a color which it is associated with. The color of the Nakshatra works in two primary ways. Internally and externally. This article piece focused on the Internal.
On an internal level, the color of the Nakshatra has a psychological effect. According to color theory every hue, shade, and tone affects the spirit and consciousness. Every Nakshatra color internally takes on the psychological traits of color, integrating into the consciousness and personality.
The colors of Nakshatras internally are best applied to the Nakshatra placement of the Sun, Moon, Rahu, and Ketu. This is because all 4 of these planets relate directly to the internal consciousness.
The Traits of a Nakshatra Color brings the following traits into the inner self or personality:
Ashwini - Blood Red
Active Excitement Energy Invigoration High Metabolism Fearlessness Intensity Power Passion Fire Love Lust Arousal Affection Aggression Anger Violence Warfare Terror Survival
Bharani - Blood Red
Active Excitement Energy Invigoration High Metabolism Fearlessness Intensity Power Passion Fire Love Lust Arousal Affection Aggression Anger Violence Warfare Terror Survival
Krittika - White
Independence Youth Innocense Completeness Openness Blank Slates Possibilities Creativity Purity Virtue Cleanliness Simplicity Peace Tranquility Cleansing Efficiency Order Soothing Isolating Empty Boredom, Criticism
Rohini - White
Independence Youth Innocense Completeness Openness Blank Slates Possibilities Creativity Purity Virtue Cleanliness Simplicity Peace Tranquility Cleansing Efficiency Order Soothing Isolating Empty Boredom, Criticism
Mrigashira - Silver Grey
Fluid Sensitive Soothing Calming Restorative Reflection Intuition Clairvoyance Wealth Prestige Quiet Reserved Compromising Blending In Unemotional Indifferent Loner Isolated Depressing
Ardra - Green
Going Motion Equilibrium Balance Harmony Health Wellness Nutrition Vitamins Fitness Growth Fertility Prosperity Progress Wealth Freshness Renewal Stress Relief Relaxation, Nature Inexperienced Envy Greed Jealously
Punarvasu - Lead Grey
Intelligence Wisdom Dignity Experience Neutrality Balance Impartiality Clear Thoughts Compromising Faith Truthful Formal Modern Future Advancing Technology Protective Private Reserved Blending in Loner Isolated Background Existence
Pushya - Black Red
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Lethargy
Active Excitement Energy Invigoration High Metabolism Fearlessness Intensity Power Passion Fire Love Lust Arousal Affection Aggression Anger Violence Warfare Terror Survival
Ashlesha - Black Red
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Lethargy
Active Excitement Energy Invigoration High Metabolism Fearlessness Intensity Power Passion Fire Love Lust Arousal Affection Aggression Anger Violence Warfare Terror
Magha - Cream
Openness Seriousness Intense Respected Esteemed Admired Durability Sophistication Refinement Humility Athletic Ambitious Competitive Cautious Held Back Adversarial Sore Loser Antagonistic
Purva Phalguni - Light Brown/Tan
Natural Organic Warmth Comforting Cozy Calm Relaxed Logical Analytical Creative Artistic Security Luxury Elegance Conservative Dull
Uttara Phalguni - Bright Blue
Optimism Enthusiasm Bright Alert Peace Clam Tranquility Relaxed Meditative Zen Recharging Intelligence Concentration Focus Connection Strong Values Integrity Honesty Attractive Connection Helper Assister Rational Capable Composed Competent Precise Responsible Reliable Trustworthy Loyalty Social Cold Sad Down
Hasta - Dark Green
Bold Controlled Steadfast Conservative Edgy Fertility Drive Desire Money Materialism Hunger Indulgence Moody Oversaturated Overwhelming Flooded Overloaded Gluttony Excess Resentment Spite
Chitra - Black
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Letheragy
Swati - Black
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Letheragy
Vishakha - Gold
Optimism Positivity Charisma Passion Wisdom Understanding Enlightenment Success Knowledge Wisdom Great Understanding Triumph Achievement Reputation Wealth Quality Giving Compassionate Loving Selfishness Over-complexity
Anuradha - Reddish Brown/Maroon
Warmth Beauty Primal Emotional Passion Power Strength Determination Confidence Courage Spirited Depth Ambition Force Risk Creative Wise Spiritual Impulsive Anger
Jyestha - Cream
Openness Seriousness Intense Respected Esteemed Admired Durability Sophistication Refinement Humility Athletic Ambitious Competitive Cautious Held Back Adversarial Sore Loser Antagonistic
Mula - Bright Yellow
Happiness Positivity Cheerfulness Inspiring Illuminating Optimism Hope Promising Striking Insightful Wise Humerus Vibrant Stimulated Engaged Overpowering Intense Excessive Warning Caution Deceit Restless
Purva Ashadha - Black
Power Control Protection Elegance Formality Professionalism Standing Out Mystery Dramatic Enigmatic Aggression Anger Fear Anxiety Grief Despair Anxiety Sadness Evil Death Mourning Loneliness Lethargy
Uttara Ashadha - Copper
Down to Earth Warm Homely Wealth Comforting Impassioned Lively Energetic Strong Determined Supportive Genuine Classy Successful Accomplished Egotistical Cheeky Envy Hypocrisy Cynicism
Shravana - Light Blue
Feminine Welcoming Soft Comfortable Safe Calm Gentle Ethereal Peaceful Tranquil Soothing Refined Cultivated Stylish Approachable Concentration Focus Connection Strong Values Integrity Composed Competent Precise Responsible Reliable Trustworthy Superficial Delicate Frail Cold Sad Down
Dhanishta - Silver Grey
Fluid Sensitive Soothing Calming Restorative Reflection Intuition Clairvoyance Wealth Prestige Quiet Reserved Compromising Blending In Unemotional Indifferent Loner Isolated Depressing
Shatabhisha - Cyan/Aqua
Rational Liveliness Nature Healing Therapy Restoring Correcting Mending Remediation Stability Tranquility Clarity of Mind Emotional Balance Serenity Creativity Spirituality Dreams Fantasy Trances
Purva Bhadrapada - Silver Grey
Fluid Sensitive Soothing Calming Restorative Reflection Intuition Clairvoyance Wealth Prestige Quiet Reserved Compromising Blending In Unemotional Indifferent Loner Isolated Depressing
Uttara Bhadrapada - Purple
Power Wisdom Inspiration Creativity Imagination Fantasy Spiritual Devout Philosophical Future Minded Resourceful Selfless Humility Wealthy Luxury Nobility Extravagance Impractical Immature Arrogance Cynicism Melancholy
Revati - Brown
Sensual Sensitive Warm Comfortable Stability Reliable Secure Steadfast Natural Wholesome Dependable Structured Homely Sincere Reassuring Genuine Practical Supportive Dull Mundane Boring Predictable Inexpensive
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venussaidso · 7 months
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧-𝐑𝐚𝐡𝐮-𝐊𝐞𝐭𝐮: 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦
the prominent themes of vampirism such as desire, hunger, mystery and illusions tie so perfectly with the moon and its nodes. it wasn't surprising to find the nodes dominating this genre the most, along with the luminaries (moon & sun nakshatras, but more fittingly the moon). i will not be touching on the few sun nakshatras playing vampires, as the moon makes far more sense symbolizing true vampiric nature.
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So many vampire movie posters have this luminous glow to them, likely done consciously because of these creatures' affinity for nighttime, and generally being nocturnal as they're extremely sensitive to any type of sunlight.
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I've once briefly mentioned, in my "Moon Dominant Themes" post, that lunar natives can operate very secretly, such as 'working in the shadows'. And the whole lore of vampires always emphasizes their ability to hide themselves while still living among humans.
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Vampires undergoing periods of dormancy and resurgence is interesting as that can also be linked back to the moon's cycles of waxing & maning. The influence that the moon has on vampires, in some legends, is during certain lunar phases in which they become more active. A full moon could literally mean that their strength has enhanced, whilst a moonless night could mean their desire for blood is heightened.
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Rohini Sun Colin Farrell
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Claire Nakti explored, in her "TOP 3 Most Magical & Mystical Astrology Signs | Cults, Divination, & Occultism | Part 2 (Nakshatras)" documentary, on the ability of Moon nakshatra natives to brainwash/mind control/hypnotize.
daniel kaluuya is a hasta moon, not rohini.
As these natives are often cult leaders, their ability to influence the mind goes back to their lunar-rulership. The Moon rules over the mind, emotions and subconscious. A vampire's ability to hypnotize humans and other lesser beings is in parallel to the Moon's influence over the psyche and subconscious.
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This illusory nature found in vampires can be connected to the shadow planet, Rahu. As Rahu is illusions, desire, hunger. Rahu is very seductive and tempting; this could tie back to some legends in which vampires lure their prey giving them promises of pleasure.
Ardra Sun Tom Cruise.
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In "Interview with the Vampire", Tom Cruise plays Lestat who is an overindulgent, greedy vampire. Rahu governs desires and the pursuit of worldly pleasures. It's related to insatiable cravings that lead to greed. The lustful nature of Rahu is seen in Lestat's intense bloodlust and the chaos it brings.
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Rahu's associations with eclipses relates to their ability of being hidden in the shadows. Another hint is in Rahu being a Shadow planet itself, just like Ketu is which is also related to vampires.
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The story about Rahu's head getting decapitated by Vishnu for trying to get a drink out of the nectar of immortality can be brilliantly paralleled with vampirism. Due to Rahu's consumption of the drop of the nectar, he became the infamous dismembered immortal. His dismemberment a symbol of the detachment from humanity to vampirism.
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Rahu is considered an entity of darkness and malevolence, preying upon cosmic forces and defying the natural order of things (such as vampirism which does defy nature itself, ie. the dead becoming undead) in pursuit for immortality. Vampires are literal parasites, and Rahu is also parasitical. Vampires feed on humans without providing any benefit in the ecosystem in return, a one-sided relationship which resembles one between a parasite and its host. Rahu is depicted as insatiable and consuming, feeding and draining one's energy. It creates a cycle of thirsting for more without any fulfillment, a predicament vampires find themselves in.
Ashwini Sun Luke Evans
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Rahu and Ketu represent the lunar nodes, respectively depicted as the head and tail of the celestial serpent. Their energetic interaction can be likened to the endless chase between a vampire and a vampire hunter, villain and hero, the friction between unlikely lovers. It's obvious in how Rahu embodies the insatiable hunger for experiences and the craving for fulfillment that it can be the vampiric force in such a dynamic. Like a vampire, Rahu relentlessly pursues its desires, often leading to greed and excess. And then you have Ketu, on the other hand, which embodies detachment, spirituality, and liberation from worldly attachments. It quite literally symbolizes the renunciation of desires and the quest for enlightenment, opposing Rahu's restlessness for more. Ketu is a cutting force, and like a determined vampire hunter, is skilled in tracking down illusions and breaking free from temptations.
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Although it sounds like a more fitting interplay between Rahu as the evil force and Ketu as the hunter, it's actually more seen in the other way around.
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It is more so that Rahuvians are the vampire hunters, which I found so intriguing; showcasing how Rahu is both the parasitical (illusory), and also the one to be rid of parasites (disillusionment). And I have explored this particular theme in my Rahu post -- how Rahu natives experience a lot of disillusionment from their reality, wanting to cast away the illusions that drain the life force.
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The reversal of roles showcases the fluidity of the nodes; their roles almost always expected to reverse, illustrating just how Rahu and Ketu are deeply intertwined with the concept of karma, representing the push-&-pull between cosmic forces of destiny.
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More nodal-vampire movies, and other examples in which Rahu & Ketu find themselves on opposite sides of the same spectrum in which they are both vampires, similar to the friction seen between Louis (Ketu) and Lestat (Rahu) in "Interview with the Vampire".
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In the film "Fright Night", the one who has to kill the villainous vampire is an Ashwini native. It is also interesting how in "Queen of the Damned" (above, right), the villain is a Magha native who must be stopped by her Mula lover -- both being vampires.
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As mentioned in the figure image about the film "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter", where a nodal-ruled native is paired up with someone who is lunar-ruled, this is a type of pairing seen a lot in these supernatural stories.
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Similarly to "Twilight", as Edward was the one to turn Bella into a vampire, we see the planetary reversal of this in which the lunar-native is the one who turns the nodal-native.
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Or the film "Vamps" in which Hasta Sun, Shatabhisha Moon native Alicia Silverstone turns Mula Sun, Magha Moon native Krysten Ritter into a vampire.
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It isn't a surprise that the moon and its nodes are related to the extremities of the mind. These energies can cause isolation due to how polarizing they come off in regular society (furthermore validating its relation to vampirism), so they become attracted to one another -- especially the nodal natives to the moon natives, because of how much they feel magnetized by them, and vice versa.
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The presence of some Sun nakshatras in vampire stories is present and that could tie to the Sun's influence over the Moon despite the fact that solar symbolisms regarding vampirism don't exist, and vampires are far too sensitive to the Sun so much so that they get sunburn during the full moon where the sun's light reflects (interesting to think about). The whole point of a vampire is to lurk in the shadows or during nighttime, so the strict avoidance of the Sun could make sense in there being solar-natives in vampiric roles. It makes for an interesting contradiction, certainly.
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Ketu is the body of the severed demon Rahu following the consumption of the elixir. Much like Rahu, Ketu is also associated to darkness and illusions. But it symbolizes the darker, unseen aspects of reality -- all the hidden forces and energies as I've touched on in my Ketu exploration. Ketu and Rahu are two sides of the same coin, it isn't surprising to see them share many vampiric roles/stories.
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Ketu is about spiritual liberation, detachment (in this context, becoming a vampire means a harsh detachment from normality/the old life), transcendence; these existential themes are found in vampirism.
The character Louis in "Interview with the Vampire" played by Mula Sun Brad Pitt describes his existential crisis as a vampire to a Magha Sun human who interviews him.
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The enhanced strength, agility, speed, hearing and all these abilities are gained after the painful transformation process, going from human to vampire. This process is seen in the film "Interview with the Vampire", Mula Sun Brad Pitt's character going through excruciating pain when turning. My mind immediately takes me to Claire Nakti's first Mula nakshatra exploration, in which she touched on the interconnection of pain and evolution for access to more powers.
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robert pattinson is an ardra moon, not sun. and i accidentally used jk rowling's face as l.j smith, ugh! 💔
Vampires are caught between worlds, trapped in a liminal space between life & death. Ketu can cause feelings of entrapment. The yearning for release from their eternal existence is a common theme, as Ketu wants to escape its body. Louis de Pointe du Lac is the best character as example of rejecting one's own nature and wanting to cease to exist.
Mula Sun Brad Pitt
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nodals being so emo jfc
notes: colin farrell's birthtime accuracy is botched, he's definitely a mula ascendant. tom hiddleston stays a possible ashwini moon until he's not (until his birthtime is available and accurate).
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Rahu & Ketu: Abuse & Addiction
TW: drug overdose, death, suicide, abuse, childhood abuse
Nodal influence can be very destabilising and intoxicating. They're opposites but as they say the extremes of anything is a meeting point for it's opposite, so Rahu & Ketu share many similarities.
Rahu & Ketu are both shadow planets, Rahu is the head whereas Ketu is the tail. This in itself reveals much about the nature of the two. Rahu is over immersed in the world whereas Ketu is completely cut off from it.
When I say Rahu is over immersed/over stimulated, I don't mean they're profoundly connected to reality, I mean the opposite, they're deeply immersed in Maya/illusion that they often have no sense of reality. Rahu is the head, imagine if you lived in your head all the time? You'd be in your own la la land, disconnected from what is actually happening around you. This is Rahu energy. Without your body, you cannot use your senses, you cannot fully feel alive or experience reality. Rahu being the head means you're cut off from what is "real". You only live in your head and what happens in your head is very subjective and completely illusory.
They are so deeply immersed in an illusory world. This can manifest as substance addiction, video gaming, fame, material success, internet addiction, overly obsessed with "binging" content, maladaptive daydreaming etc, any experience that disconnects you from what is "real" and immerses you in something that feels very real but isn't real. Both Rahu and Ketu people suffer from addiction, Claire had mentioned that Nodal influence can make someone prone to addiction but why Rahu and Ketu are addicted tend to be very different. Rahu is overstimulated, they always need more of everything. There are people who spend 10 hours a day just watching YouTube videos or IG reels or whatever, that's because they need that much stimulation, since they live in their heads. Their minds need that kind of fodder to thrive off of. Once you start using any kind of substance, your brain builds a tolerance for it and you have to start using higher and higher doses to get the same high. When a Rahu native accumulates wealth, they start indulging in it but nothing is ever enough. They never feel "full", they don't have that fuse in their brain that flares up and says "this is enough". Basically they never know when to stop, they just keep going and going and going with anything they immerse themselves in. People play video games for 3-4 days straight without leaving their game set up. They don't ever feel satisfied. This is scary because "feeling full" is our brain's way of asking us to stop. Without that mechanism, we would overindulge and overdo everything which is what these natives do.
This is also why relationships are so tricky for Nodal people. They give too much and immerse themselves to the point where it's detrimental to the relationship. You either feel like you're losing part of yourself to it or the other person feels like you're consuming their energy too much (which makes them feel drained). Moderation does not exist for Nodal people either they're completely detached or they're completely obsessed.
Its similar to Jupiter energy in the sense that Jupiter is also very expansive and has the ability to immerse itself in everything and give so much but Jupiter has other principles that firmly ground it in reality as it is not a shadow planet like Rahu. It is not suspended in an illusion, Jupiter natives give so much or do so much because they have the internal space to do so, not out of a tendency to immerse themselves in Maya/illusion. Jupiter is the opposite, they see through Maya and find it hard to consciously part take in it.
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Taylor Swift- Ardra Moon
She works harder than anybody in the biz. Her concerts are like 3 hours long and she does like 40-50 shows on average. She's ALWAYS doing THE most. She releases a new album every 2 years or so, has other projects etc this is a positive manifestation of Rahu energy because it allows you to be deeply immersed in your craft and your world but it also means you live in a bubble and you are cut off from "real life".
Ketu is the tail, it is cut off from reality and feels profoundly disconnected to reality. It is hard for these natives to feel like they relate to anything. This is why Ketuvians struggle with addiction. They use substances because they want to feel something, want to feel tethered, want to feel connected. They have to use higher doses because it helps them feel heightened emotions when they usually don't feel anything at all.
Ketu is connected to spirituality because natives who feel disconnected from the real world to this extent find it easier to immerse themselves in the occult and in esoterica. It is more abstract and requires you to think non-logically, i.e, experientially, but this is something Ketuvians have a hard time with, they themselves feel very "abstract" or like they aren't real or don't exist, so while they're intrinsically drawn to the esoteric, they feel untethered/ungrounded by immersing themselves in it too much. They need something they can cling to, they need something solid that they can attach themselves to.
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All Rahuvian nakshatras belong to the Shudra caste, specifically the Butcher caste, this is very interesting because Shudra is the lowest caste (Mleccha is "outcaste" which means it exists outside the system entirely), to be Rahuvian means to operate on the lowest level. Butchers have to slaughter meat to make a living, that is unpleasant and brutal work, and only if they are disconnected from it can they keep doing it. They cannot be too focused on what they actually do because then it will be hard for them to do their tasks. They're not repulsed by it because they're disconnected from it.
2/3 Ketuvian naks are also Shudra caste whereas Ashwini is the only Ketu nak that is upper caste as it is a Vaishya nak.
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(table by me hehe)
Rahuvian naks are found in all 3 ganas (Swati is deva gana, Ardra is manushya gana, Shatabhisha is rakshasa gana)
2/3 Ketuvian naks are Rakshasa gana (Mula, Magha) with only Ashwini being a Deva gana nak
I feel like Ketuvians are always made to feel like the bad guy / people villainize them a lot. They're the "ugly ducklings" who have to "win" approval as they're never accepted for who they are.
Rahu needs to immerse itself in something because its sensory perception is limited and they need to really indulge to grasp what is "real". Its very common for people with heavy Rahuvian or Rahu in a malefic placement to experience hallucinations or feel like their grip on reality is very thin.
Ketu has nothing perceive with at all. Its like being completely lost in the shadows or the dark. There's no perception taking place at all, it makes the natives inwardly drawn because its truly hard for them to absorb from their surroundings unlike Rahu which absorbs easily and fully. Rahu is over immersed whereas Ketu lacks immersion at all.
Lets look at the yoni animals of Rahu & Ketu naks respectively
Rahu: Ardra -dog yoni, Shatabhisha- horse yoni, Swati-buffalo yoni
Ketu: Magha-rat yoni, Mula- dog yoni, Ashwini-horse yoni
one common theme is that all these animals are abused, mistreated and exploited
(rats are the go to animal for lab testing, dogs are valued for their loyalty and are at the mercy of their owners, horses are made to endure so much labour, buffalos are farm animals)
all of these animals are also associated with dirt/filth in some way or another which is perhaps why people with Nodal influence often have a dishevelled appearance. They're bad at taking care of themselves.
Both horse yoni & dog yoni are divided among Rahu & Ketu naks whereas the yoni consort for Swati is Hasta (Moon ruled) and Magha is Purvaphalguni (Venus ruled).
Horses are very strong but very fragile animals. They start walking almost immediately after birth, they sleep standing up but they require a lot of attention and care as their health tends to be very fragile. Even though horses are associated with working hard, its not exactly innately part of their nature, it's just that they've been domesticated into being that way. It represents a very powerful active energy, as horses can be highly temperamental and unpredictable.
Dog yoni on the other hand, makes a person very needy and eager to please others. Dogs depend on the affection of their owners and without it they feel unhappy. Both these nakshatras have obsessive tendencies and a people pleasing nature. They're also two nakshatras who endure abuse the most.
I've noticed that a lot of people tend to have both nodes in their chart and I wonder what its like to house such contradictions. On one hand you're extremely involved, on the other, you're supremely detached.
The entertainment industry is one where people with Nodal influence really thrive but also often, self-destruct themselves. Its immensely hard to balance these energies since Rahu heightens whatever is in it, the way Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Both planets make you feel manic but in different ways.
Addiction is the result of an overactive nervous system and a coping mechanism. Ketu feels cut off from society/life/the world so in order to feel connected, it over indulges. Rahu needs something that will help them fully lose themselves, idk if I'm explaining it properly but you know how the best movies you've watched are the ones where you feel like you were in them experiencing those things with the characters? Its like that
There is an unhappy pattern of Rahu & Ketu influenced people being abused, I have especially noted this among child actors but also others.
Taylor Momsen- Swati Moon
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Her parents signed her up with Ford Modeling when she was just 2 years old. "No 2-year-old wants to be working, but I had no choice. My whole life, I was in and out of school. I didn't have friends. I was working constantly and I didn't have a real life."
This theme of not experiencing "real life" or reality is very prominent in the lives of Rahuvian and Ketuvian people. It can be interpreted in many ways according to the context but there is always a sense of being deprived of what was "normal" or "real" as a result of which these natives had to live in their imagination or indulge in other things.
Like the child star who worked their whole life playing other people (acting is very Rahuvian) or the loner kid who spends all their time immersed in movies or video games because that feels more "real" to them.
Fame is also an inherently Rahuvian experience bc it's an illusion & a prison.
Judy Garland- Ardra Rising, Mula Moon
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She was emotionally abused and controlled by her mother who got her addicted to drugs by the time she was a teenager. She was also sexually abused by the studio executives she worked with. Judy had a very tough life.
Aaron Carter, Ardra Moon, Mula Rising
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Aaron Carter claimed that as a teen musician, his family spent $500 million of his money on 15 houses and 30 cars. He claimed that when his parents sold the houses, he didn't get a cut of the profits. He also alleged that his dad shot a .44 magnum near his ear — which resulted in him going 70% deaf in one ear — to force him into signing a $256,000 check.
Being heavily tattooed (more examples at the end of this post) is also a very Nodal thing to do.
He unfortunately passed away in 2022 from an accidental drug overdose. This is also a very unfortunate pattern among Nodal celebrities.
Macaulay Culkin- Shatabhisha Moon, Magha Sun & Mercury
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 Macaulay Culkin's father Kit managed him during his childhood career. Macaulay has shared that his father was controlling and had him on a very busy filming schedule in the early '90s. He added his father made him stay up every night to study the lines he would have to say the next day. Macaulay asserted that his father was "such a crazy person" that he forced him to do SNL without cue cards when he hosted the show at 11 years old. Macaulay has explained that he felt his father was jealous of him because “everything he tried to do in his life I excelled at before I was 10 years old.”When Macaulay stopped acting after his 1994 movie Richie Rich, he told his parents, “I’m done, guys — hope you all made your money because there is no more coming from me.”His parents were never married and after he stopped acting, his mother filed for custody. Macaulay ended up taking his parents to court to stop them from controlling his $17 million in earnings. Since then, he and his father have been estranged.
I feel like the "child star gone wild" is a trope meant specifically for Nodal people
Keke Palmer, Magha Sun & Mercury, Mula Moon
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Palmer shared on IG:
"Due to traveling and scheduling both of my parents had to stop working to support my career and be present for my three siblings, leaving me with the financial responsibility around age 12. Which I took great pride in because I knew what it would do for generations to come and a huge blessing that I could even help out. However it caused me a lot of pain because I essentially had to abandon my childhood feelings and desires, becoming like a parentalized child, which is something some of you can probably relate to in your own way. This was something that I have had to continuously work through because I am grateful but often feel like.. I missed “IT”. Life can be such a tragic comedy because how funny is it.. that now becoming an actual parent, and the responsibility I’ve always carried being more valid now than ever, has in fact given me the chance to feel what it’s like to be a kid again, I get a chance to explore a lot of the things I missed out on with my son, His freedom is like, the most priceless gift to me. He is already teaching me so much, it’s like he awakened the little me inside that I thought was long gone."
Ketu dominance = being your own parent, being neglected by your family or having to be your parent's parent.
Michael Jackson, Magha Sun & Mercury, Shatabhisha Rising
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From a young age Jackson was physically and mentally abused by his father, enduring incessant rehearsals, whippings and name-calling. Jackson's abuse as a child affected him throughout his grown life. reading about the lives of the Jackson siblings and how severely they were all abused is very perspective altering and sad
Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen, Magha Moon, Ashlesha Rising (inc the ashlesha placement bc its another nak often subject to control and abuse)
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“With what we were doing in business when we were younger, I don’t think it ever felt like we were actresses,” Mary-Kate “Because we spend so much more of our time not in front of the cameras, building a brand. Ashley agreed, saying: “I always looked at myself, even as a kid, as a business woman.” Mary-Kate said she wouldn't wish her childhood on anyone, and said she felt like a "monkey performer." 
they quit acting in the mid 2000s and rarely make public appearances and god only knows what they endured in the business bc neither of them will talk about it.
Sarah Michelle Geller, Ashwini Sun conjunct Ketu, Shatabhisha Moon
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Sarah herself enjoyed the path she'd ended up on, she has rules in place for her own daughter. Recalling the "industry abuses" she experienced as a teenager in Hollywood, she said she hoped she'd "set up a safety net for these actors that I didn't have," but that she and husband Freddie Prinze Jr. have "rules in place" that mean daughter Charlotte "can't be in front of a camera until she graduates high school."
Kylie Jenner, Swati Moon
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Kylie started appearing on her family's reality show when she was 10
In 2016, she told her sister Kim in an episode of the show: "I feel like I've had anxiety for too long. I feel too much, I care too much, I read too much. Some people are born for this life and some people aren’t. I just know I’m not supposed to be famous.” in an old IG post she said: "I’m proud of myself, my heart, and my strength. Growing up in the light with a million eyes on you just isn’t normal. I’ve lost friends along the way and I’ve lost myself too sometimes. My first tattoo was 'sanity' to remind myself everyday to keep it. I’ve struggled with anxiety my whole young adult life." "I know I don't want to be famous forever. There's gonna be a time where I feel comfortable, I'm at a good place in my life, and I just stop."
Natalie Wood, Ashwini Moon
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The late Natalie Wood was forced into acting by her mother, Maria, who missed her chance to become a performer and instead focussed her efforts on pushing her daughters to stardom.
While young Natalie had a natural talent for performing, it seemed that her reason for going to movie sets was more to please her mother than to quench any desire of her own. 
Bella Thorne, Mula Moon
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"I was sexually abused and physically growing up from the day I can remember till I was 14. When I finally had the courage to lock my door at night and sit by it. All damn night." She has also stated that she only started acting as a child to support her family.
Drew Barrymore, Shatabhisha Sun
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 Drew's mother took her to clubs and allowed her access to drugs and alcohol, ultimately leading to her institutionalization at the age of 13, and emancipating herself at 14. Drew described fame at such a young age as "a recipe for disaster."
Edith Piaf, Mula Sun & Mercury, Magha Mars
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Born in Paris practically on the streets, she struggled from day one, the daughter of street performers. The mother, a singer, eventually abandoned both Edith and her father for a solo career. Piaf spent her youth entertaining passers-by, receiving little formal education in the process. She often accompanied her father's acrobat street act with her singing and at various times was forced to live with various relatives, in alleys or in cheap hotels. An aborted love affair left her with a baby girl at age 17, but little Marcelle died of meningitis at 2 years old. Devastated, Piaf returned to the streets she knew, now performing solo. Her fortunes finally changed when an impresario, Louis Leplee, mesmerized by what he heard, offered the starving but talented urchin a contract. He alone was responsible for taking her off the streets at age 20 and changing her name from Edith Gassion to "La Mome Piaf" (or "Kid Sparrow"). Piaf grew in status entertaining in elegant cafés and cabarets and became a singing sensation amid the chic French society with her throbbing vocals and raw, emotional power. From 1936, Piaf recorded many albums and eventually became one of the highest paid stars in the world.
Later in life she became an addict and died in poverty at the age of 47.
Brittany Murphy, Swati Moon & Venus
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she was a child star who was managed by her controlling mom. she battled with eating disorders and drug addiction. rip britt.
Justin Bieber, Shatabhisha Sun conjunct Saturn
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Justin shot to fame at a very young age and was severely exploited by his management/everybody around him
Now here are some heavily tatted celebs and their placements
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L to R
Rihanna- Shatabhisha Sun
Paris Jackson- Ardra Moon
Cheryl Cole- Ardra Sun & Mars, Shatabhisha Moon
Demi Lovato- Magha Sun
Jungkook- Magha Moon, Mula Rising
Ruby Rose- Swati Rising
Machine Gun Kelly- Ashwini Sun
The 27 club refers to a phenomenon where several musicians have died by age 27, many from an overdose. Unfortunately many of them have Nodal influence.
Brian Jones- Shatabhisha Sun
Jimi Hendrix- Mula Rising
Amy Winehouse- Mula Moon
Kurt Cobain- Shatabhisha Sun, Ardra Moon,
Janis Joplin- Ardra Moon, Mula Mars, Asc conjunct Ketu (in Dhanishta)
Jim Morrison- Ketu conjunct Rising (in Shravana)
several other celebrities who have died from overdoses also tend to have prominent Nodal influence
John Belushi- Mula Rising
Phillip Seymour Hoffman- Mercury in Ardra 2h, Mars conjunct Ketu in Swati
Prince- Shatabhisha Moon, Ketu in Ashwini
Whitney Houston- Shatabhisha Rising
River Phoenix- Magha Sun conjunct Ketu, Swati Ascendant conjunct Jupiter
Elvis Presley- Shatabhisha Moon
Margaux Hemingway- Ashwini Rising
Nodal planets are shadow planets and it can be very difficult for these natives to manage this energy as it is energy without a source, Rahu & Ketu don't have physical form or existence, that is a lot of uncontrolled energy to possess within yourself. Many people turn to spirituality and other esoteric sources and good Rahu & Ketu influence is vital and necessary to study or gain access to gnosis, study astrology or other occult matters but when this energy is imbalanced in their chart, these natives are more prone to self-destruction than any other planetary dominance simply because the unbridled energy is impossible to contain and requires some kind of coping mechanism. I have dated several Nodal men and they all dealt with varying degrees of addiction to varying substances and they all spoke about "wanting to feel more real" or how "nothing feels solid". I will try to focus on the positive manifestations of the Nodes on a future post.
thanks for reading<333
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chitra111goddess · 7 months
Let's talk about Revati women ♡
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💗 Revati is ruled by Mercury the trickster and its a Pisces nakshatra so you can only imagine how these natives can cast an illusion, theyre like magicians or shifters. They're master manipulators (not in a bad way cuz they don't intend to harm others but it's like they know how to get their way and how to be perceived a certain way while being lowkey w their motives)
I noticed its easy for revati women to attract wealth through other people as well like having a sugar daddy or a provider or thro pretty privilege/using their femininity to attract. They make it seem effortless or they have this mentality of "work smart, not hard". I think its underrated how fking clever they are !
That's not to say that they can't do things on their own but they like it when others do it for them
they don't rly seem to get emotionally attached to people easily but once they do it's v deep , there's always smtg in it for them tho like they have to gain smtg from the people or the experience (mercury and jupiter influence of revati) ,, it's not wrong , cuz if it doesn't serve u why pursue it?
Example Shera seven (mercury in revati) + leighton meester as Blair in gossip girl (revati sun)
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she's so funny 💀 again the epitome of don't work hard work smart, using her femininity to get her way. Revati is the type to not "need" a man but they can use one lmaoo it sounds toxic but I mean .. it works. It just feels like revati energy don't rly come from a place of need or desperation , it feels more like "been there done that" (being the last nakshatra of pisces) kinda vibe so they're not easily phased or impressed and they use whatever they got now in order to attract more
💗 The duality of revati women never misses, which makes them so interesting. There's that sweet soft girly side but also dark feminine seductive side just like with other mercury nakshatras, but revati can pull off both light and dark
I mean look at Rihanna (revati moon and asc)
Pretty girlie + bad bitch essence in one (that comes from the tropical aries too imo)
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Revati women just seem unbothered like they don't rly care, which gives them this air of confidence, even if they're awkward at least they know how to PRETEND to be confident.
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(Anna wintour revati moon)
This again ties to how revati women can alter the perception of others of how they're being perceived by pretending or acting like it
Another example is kristen stewart (revati sun) even tho she can be awkward but she also seems unbothered and like she don't care. And ofc Angelina jolie especially in the movie *girl interrupted* her revati moon shines through
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That trickster smirk lol
They don't like to be labeled or put in a box I think revati women can be so fluid that goes to being gender fluid for some of them, they always wanna show different sides like they're not one way, they're multifaceted so people will have v different opinions on them
Im seeing alot of them rocking the Bob cut especially revati moon women
Also I have to mention revati women and their voice 👁👄👁 they always sound unique or feminine, and the way they talk is pleasing like I could listen to them all day.
Let me know ur thoughts and I might add to this later on
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cleopheanne · 5 months
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Vishakha, the star of purpose thus of dedication.
Vishaka translated from sanskrit means "the poison vessel", "forked" or "two-branched". Vishakha is "the power to achieve many fruits in life" this nakshatra is like pushya directed towards agriculture but I wanted to describe it's relation with fire in this moodboard.
The main deities are Indra and Agni who associate Vishakha with fire (Agni) and dedication and passion (Indra), Vishakha embodies the fire of dedication, it represents fixation. Indra is the one who create thunderbolt and thunderbolt create fire. The "poison vessel" refers also to the ability of fire to destroy indiscrimately and the "forked" refers to the duality of this nakshatra which is ruled by two deities also lies between two rashies: libra and scorpio, the separation of two individuals (I will elaborate on that later)
Devotion is also a proeminent theme of Vishakha: the burning passion that pushes an individual towards the achievement of his goal, not only that but also the burning passion between two individuals.
Vishakha is associated with Hestia, the goddess of the olympian fire who was charged by Zeus (thunder god and her boss) to keep the fire alive.
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cleowho · 6 months
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“Heads we go after Romana...”
The Pirate Planet - season 16 - 1978
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seesree · 8 months
Wolf Pretty 🐺 Mula Nakshatra(Mini Observation)
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Mula ASC, Priscilla Presley
This dreadful, tikshna nakshatra tend to possess a wolf-like mysterious beauty which reminiscent us of the moon at night completing cycles while wolf howls
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The nose of Mula’s tend to be wider and their noses are generally straight. They tend to manifest very ghostly, intense eyes. Their eyes give off an effect of them not being in touch with the real world but in some other dimension instead. Their eyes are generally bigger in shape, and downturned sometimes hooded. The lips of Mula tend to be long and full but very distinctive (similar to Ashwini). The eyebrows are generally thin.
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Edwige Fenech, Mula Sun
Big Gorgeous Dark Eyes with long, full lips with thin brows
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Mula Natives; Amy Winehouse(Moon), Priscilla Presley(ASC), Anita Sirene(Sun), Amy Jackson(Moon), Honey Bees Tarot(Moon) A liking for darker shades in their aesthetics and they often have distinct, unique hairstyles/hair.
I forgot to mention Mula’s tend to have dark thick hair just like the other 2 Ketu nakshatras. Ketu Blessings
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Mula Natives; Brooke Hogan(Moon), PriscillaPresley(ASC), Honey Bees Tarot(Moon), Naomi Watts(Moon), Emma Watson(Moon), Neve Campbell(Moon), Hoyeon Jung(Moon), Yaya DaCosta(ASC) and Judy Garland(Moon)
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Mula Moon, Rosie Huntington Whiteley
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holespoles · 3 months
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mula "Take Out"
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marsprincess889 · 27 days
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Part 3
More random and messy but still true
DISCLAIMER: if you consider some of these positive and others negative, then I want you guys to know that they come from my personal observations of real life. None of the nakshatras are better or worse, or positive or negative, these are just aspects of them, but nevertheless, true.
Magha people can have such an ego omg like I've said that before with rat yonis but P.Phalguni I think is nowhere near Magha in that department. Ashwini can also come off as egotistical, but it's moreso that they're unintentionally(or sometimes, intentionally) ignorant. Mula can also have egotistical tendencies, esp cause the galactic center(the black hole) is in Mula nakshatra, so they can have this "I'm the center of the world" attitude, but in my experience it manifests as just them mainly trusting themselves. All Ketu nakshatras have this theme of going inwards and shutting the world out, but since Magha is in the Sun ruled Leo (sun=ourselves, confidence) it can come off as undeservedely egotistical, different from Ashwinis aggressively(Aries/Mars) ignorant and Mula's relentlessly preachy(Sagittarius/Jupiter).
The Ashlesha to Jyeshta pipeline is actually very obvious, they're more connected than people realize. Obviously they're both Mercury nakshatras, but Ashlesha is often seen in a very sensual, feminine light and Jyeshta in a no-nonsense, cut to the chase light. The difference is that all that bottled up energy of Ashlesha, that was either healing or poisoning the native is ready to fight and be more direct in Jyeshta. They're both laser focused on survival and protecting themselves, desperately trying to realize themselves in the proccess, so it's a struggle. Both are trying to preserve their energy, but Ashlesha was trapped in the confines of the 4th house(family, roots,mother) and the sign of Cancer/Moon(emotions, fliudity, sensitivity), either for its safety or to its detriment, and was trying to get their energy out in a correct way. Jyeshta is out in the open, thrown in the sign of Scorpio/the 8th house/ passive Mars (transformation, rebirth, purging, sex, death, warfare, survival, defence. You and the other are one and the same in the 8th house). For Jyeshta, the only way to survive, is to win over everyone else, and when they eventually win, they gain dominion over others. So Jyeshta is kind of about revisiting that Ashlesha state and having the revenge, so to speak, because after gaining strength on your own, you eventually have to face the ones who you were so desperately trying to get away from(ashlesha).
Mulas can be so gentle and honestly at first I did not know where that came from, but since the last third of nakshatras are about transcending and mastering their ruling planet in a sense(btw, that does not mean that they embody the energy of the planet more, or that they're better) and Ketu is about primal instincts, then Mula is the place where the individual centers themselves in their truth and is unmoved by others, thus, avoiding unnecessary energy drainage. Of course, they can also be the most untamed of all, but in our civilized(mostly🙁) society, their natural demeanor is extremely calm.
Chitra natives are soooooo chaotic like calm down jesus. It makes sense when your consider that its gunas are TTT(tamas, tamas, tamas). Among the planets, Ketu is the most tamasic one(Chitra's ruler_Mars is also tamasic), but each nakshatra has their own guna(Ashwini is Rajas x3, Bharani is Rajas-Rajas-Tamas, Revati is Sattva x3, you get it). So Chitra people are the most chaotic, if I may say so. (Gotta credit The Hidden Octave's Chitra video for the observation). There are a lot of indicators that explain this but I've already written a lot in the previous ones😭 if you know basic vedic, this observation is of no surprise to you. They can also be prone to anxiety, but often they're unaware of it, so that has a detrimental effect on people around them.
Uttara Bhadrapadas are VERY hard to order around. Impossible even. Idk why someone would want to order someone else around but nevertheless, these natives can deal with any kind of unfairness with such grace, self-mastery and quiet strength that eventually nothing gets to them anymore. So if you see an U. Bhadra child disobey their superiors calmly and in a controlled but determined manner, you know why.
I really have a lot of respect for Uttara Ashadas(not all, lmao), because they just deal with stuff alone. And it's natural for them, and they don't do it for a goal(like in Jyeshta, which is not bad, it's just different) or for attention, it's just a way of life for them. Simplicity and stoicism 🤌
Okay, now a fun one: Moon girls (Rohini, Hasta and Shravana) are the blueprints of Y/N. If you guys don't know what Y/N please look it up. Not just Y/N, but characters like Bella Swan(hasta moon, rohini asc actress) and Elena Gilbert(shravana moon anctress) come to mind. Even popular instagram users who parody those movies/fanfics/characters have moon placements(@laframbuesaa_ rohini moon if i remember correctly and @yasmine_sahid_ shravana moon(?) on insta). Even Harry fcking styles, who is probably the most common love interest in those fanfics has hasta moon. If you know a little about nakshatras, this makes sooo much sense. Moon is something that masses can understand and digest easily, so it's not complicated and sometimes, it can verge on delusions(or an insane sensitivity and receptivity and the ability to read between the lines, but that's just for a number of their natives). Other nakshatras that can fall into the Y/N trope are venus and ketu nakshatras, but moon is the most classic example of it.
I want confirmation in the comments/reblogs for this one: Bharani natives love high fantasy, history(esp medieval), fantasy in general and/or just everything/anything with that vibe. Cause I'm bharani moon and I do, and I've seen some other examples. If not, then the Bharani natives themselves seem like they're out of those times/stories. I can't explain it in any other way. (This might be true for Bharani Ketu too.)
Alright, this is all. Reblog, comment, like. Interact please
Take care
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Can you please do mula nakshatra too? Thank you<3
Mula nakshatra
💠It's a teekshna - sharply pointed nakshatra.
💠It’s presiding deity is ‘Nritti’.
💠It's energies are highly aggressive & confident . Hot fiery sharp essence.
💠Moola means the’ innermost core’ . Thus it provides you a straight direct nature , someone who doesn’t beat around bush. It’s essence is the root of everything .
💠It’s planetry Lord Ketu influences you to go to the root of things that really matter to you. It helps you to put together the talents you have developed in your past lives , in a meaningful way . It provides you with a deep sense of inquiry .
💠It’s energy has a sense of destructive element which you can use to cut and destroy things , thought processes , behaviors , mindsets , situations that are unhealthy for you and others . Use this energy for regeneration & positive transformation in your life .
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Nakshatra Notes Masterpost
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What is a Nakshatra?
Nakshatras are the 27 sections of the celestial sky that sit above the familiar 12 zodiac constellations in astrology. They are also known as Lunar Mansions due to their historical significance. These sections of the sky are divided into equal areas of 13.20 degrees each, encompassing the entirety of the 360-degree zodiac, reaching a total of 27. Each Nakshatra comprises a set of fixed stars, bringing stories and ancient translations that influence human personality and decision-making. This master post is a collection of collected research showcasing the meaning and influence of the 27 nakshatras upon the human personality. Each Nakshatra is divided into its positive and negative manifestations. Nakshatra Notes
Ashwini Positive / Ashwini Negative
Bharani Positive / Bharani Negative
Krittika Positive / Krittika Negative
Rohini Positive / Rohini Negative
Mrighashira Positive / Mrigashira Negative
Ardra Positive / Ardra Negative
Punarvasu Positive / Punarvasu Negative
Pushya Positive / Pushya Negative
Ashlesha Positive / Ashlesha Negative
Magha Positive / Magha Negative
Purva Phalguni Positive / Purva Phalguni Negative
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venussaidso · 3 months
Look at this genre of girls. A pattern I'm seeing in Ketu-nakshatra female characters. I have examples of my own but Claire Nakti did provide more in her latest Mula/Magha exploration.
She didn't explain why this phenomena exists pertaining to Ketu but the pattern does exist, no doubt, and it's the most interesting thing ever because it's everything that Mercury has mastered. Perhaps it's a mastery from Mercury nakshatras that's passed down onto Ketuvians, further enhanced in the natives diving into sacred occult knowledge, doing extensive research and reading topics and lores that no average person cares for or knows about etc.
keywords: bookworm, valedictorian, child prodigy, "prude", "virgin", nerd, smart, bookish, intelligent, goody-two-shoes etc. etc.
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More examples:
The "Final Girl" Astrological Placement | Beauty Kills the Beast | Ketu-ruled nakshatras
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