metaladam · 6 months
Well, I never saw it coming. I should've started running A long, long time ago. And I never thought I'd doubt you, I'm better off without you More than you, more than you know. I'm slowly getting closure. I guess it's really over. I'm finally getting better. And now I'm picking up the pieces. I'm spending all of these years Putting my heart back together. 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, I got over you.
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Name: VOX
True Name: Eugene Vaux (head canon until otherwise stated)
A whole Lot of Sass ~
And not afraid to FRY your ass~
Back in place where it belongs.
For Important and Updated Information-- Read below the cut!
Step out of line in this guy's path and he'll show you real quick who runs the show. On the outside he wears a persona of high class charm and enthusiasm, charisma being one of his strongest suits -- However those who know him know that he's completely different off camera than he is when they're on--
And those who know him well-- know that he's FAR from stupid and petty as he acts and wants to make people believe-- This guy has a vendetta, a score to settle and an ulterior motive that he keeps behind the scenes hiding it behind an array of a sassy argumentative nature. It's a display and it's working. You Get what you Give with this man about 3 fold-- Give him a pleasant composition-- he'll give you charm. Bark at him? He'll Bark louder-- and show you his bite. It won't take much. It's all about how you present.
"First impressions are everything~ Babe!"
So long as it doesn't interfere with him personally, or any of his people on the grand scheme of things of what he's working to accomplish-- Then he really doesn't care about what anyone else is up to because his only one goal is getting back on top to make the city his.
"Go Big~ Or Go Home!"
His relationship with Valentino is a complicated one-- but in the end-- he got played and he didn't take it well-- Marking Val at the top of his shit list. But he'll continue the show to hide his goals so that he goes by un-noticed and doesn't stand out-- AND that Val lands that much harder when Vox pulls the rug from beneath his feet
--allegedly-- (That's the plan, anyway weather it will actually come to fruition is hard to tell as he both loves this man-- and loathes him.)
*Valentino (?) --its complicated--
*Angel Dust(?) -It's complicated...call it a crush?-
*Boots --theres something about their aesthetic that gets him going --
*High Class Lifestyle
*Making Deals
*Quick Wit
*Making bets
*To be Dramatic
(He's a showman and it's all an act!)
*Alastor (?) --Rival--
*Valentino (?) --its complicated--
Angel Dust (?)-- it's complicated he both likes and dislikes Angel mostly dependent on circumstances--
*Misplaced attitude (Get what you Give-- Give HIM attitude you GET attitude from him in return)
*Being played
*People who sell themselves short
Relationship Stance
When it comes to VOX and where you stand with him-- the way he sees it is this:
You're either with him, against him, or stay out of his fucking way...
As hard and complicated a display he portrays-- he has his moments. He values his workers--, talks them up and pays them well (Even though he also puts them through literal Hell). Harassment of his people or his employees will not be tolerated-- (only he's allowed to do that)
He Does his part to boost morale around his company be it pulling stupid antics or playing soft jokes and pranks for his own amusement as most of them are too afraid to prank him back, but if someone is brave enough to do so? Respect. He's charming, charismatic and funny by nature and enjoys good quip and banter.
Romance and Preferences (shipping)
*Open ship/multi ship*
*No Gender Preference whatsoever* (He's a TV demon, what shit does he have to say about who he beds?)
--Vox is a big ole romantic, if you have his romantic favors he will move hell and earth for you. Cherishes his lovers spoils them rotten with expensive gifts and extravagance (Fancy dates, flowers, thinking of you texts and spicy photos) makes sure they want for not. If he doesn't have time, he will make the time and re arrange his entire schedule to make time for you.
*Vox is a Switch, but is also a bit of a sadist so while he will bottom, he tops most times...(Except with Val)
Kinks and Turn ons (NSFW/Smut)
*Boots -- again it's something about their aesthetic. He just likes them, especially long and heeled. 10/10 in to his partner wearing boots on bed~
*Stimulation and Sensory play--
he prefers this over actual intercourse. He would much rather use toys to get off and get them off-- however this doesn't mean he won't have sex OR that he doesn't enjoy it. He can manipulate electricity and vibrations from any part of his body (ANY part ;) ) and he definitely can and WILL use it.
loves it. Giving and receiving. But especially giving!
he loves watching and being watched doesn't bother him either~
"Eyes on me!"
*Saying his name during Sex
*Over Stimulation
*Val Holds His Contract
"Made a bet, forged a deal, he got into my veins..."
He loves to play small pranks on his employees and ESPECIALLY on Val.
*Gossip troll
Loves to talk shit and start shit. This is fun for him.
*Actually Follows Through on his Deals
Sure, he’s still a dick about it. He’s still a prick, he’s still a shit, an asshole-- BUT A deal is a deal and He won’t go back on his.
--Cares about his “merchandise”
As a Boss he will take the faults for his contractee’s when nessasary-
--Will deny certain sales-- even if some would benefit him, he picks and chooses his deals carefully.
--Will protect his contractees
Earning at least SOME respect....though again--still very much an asshole.
--Rewards for a job well done
He’s an asshole boss---but not nessasairily a bad one.
--Has a little bit of a soft side
Though he doesn’t show it often...not obviously.
--Will Glitch out when flustered or damaged
--Likes to fuck with people
Primarily with Gossip or fucking with their head.
--Loves to Gossip/Listen to people spill their tea so to speak.
Yeah---he’s rather nosy and is ALWAYS gathering and collecting Information, the longer you stay in a conversation with this man, the more info you are giving him access to-- so be wary and guarded when talking with VOX
--Can both travel and teleport through screens/tvs
--Enjoys teaching people about new things, information and updated devices and technology.
He likes to be in the know. It makes him feel great when he feels like he knows a lot and can inform others.
--Praising him makes him happy.
It will make him blush and smile if he gets praised...he longs for that kind of attention and Appreciation
-- (NSFW) Can Manipulate electricty and Vibration from any part of his body.
(Including his hands, fingers and his dick)
--(NSFW) The bright Blue parts of him Glow when flushed, aroused, or about to come
(These parts include his claws, his nipples, and his dick)
#~ Forge A Deal~ (Asks)
#~Make A Bet~ (Anonymous)
#~Eyes On Me~ (Response)
#The Monster I'm In Love With... (Valentino)
#You Could Kill A Demon Twice Babe~ (Angel Dust)
#Video Killed The Radio Star~ (Alastor)
#All Work And No Play Makes Voxxy A Dull Toy~ (Vox)
~Ship Tags~
#❤️Shock! Awe~ and Star Struck❤️ (Vox X Angel Dust) (@spinningawebofsin )
#❤️~No Work and All Play~❤️ (Vox X Angel Dust) (@a-hazbin-spider )
#❤️Lights~ Camera~ Action!❤️ (Vox X Angel Dust) (@walking-in-a-spider-web )
#❤️Pleasure IS My Business!❤️ (Vox X Valentino) (@heavens-sinful-pimp )
#❤️~You Light Up My Dark Heart~❤️ (Vox X Astor) (@shadowofthehost )
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thoughts on charubs
so we understand that caliborn does not understand the concept of love as experienced either by humans or trolls. we see this in the way he attempts to interact with people he likes which boils down to death threats and borderline sexual harassments against dirk. He understands the story beats that love should have through traditonal media but doesn't understand where it goes as his natural progression for his janexroxy commissions was holding hands, marriage then eating the baby. which sounds like he is attempting to place charub romance ideals into the role of human romance.  so what does this mean for the story? well i think it means that for the time in the meteor, caliborn was not piloting gamzee overall to be destructive or in any intelligent design, but instead how one would play with dolls. lets break shit down. we know that caliborn knows that gamzee likes karkat so how does gamzee interact with him? vague death threats that go nowhere. how does caliborn interact with dirk? vauge death threats that go nowhere and we know caliborn had a thing for dirk. how does gamzee interact with equius? immediate violence and actual cutting insults, how does caliborn interact with john? someone whom he actually doesn't like, immediate violence and cutting insults.  everything is a reflection of how caliborn understands romance, relationships and most importantly, interactions.  so what is the terezi and gamzee thing a reflection of? we have no actual evidence of caliborn undergoing anything resembling a romance arc. i think that is him attempting to recreate what he believes is troll pitch heterosexuality. he understands that its based on hatred but the fact that its mutual alludes him. he just knows he has to act in a way thats infuriating to the partner.  meaning that he allows terezi to attempt to give some sort of pitched response but give a response that he knows will illict a negaitive response just not the right one. i think the most telling example would be gamzee suddenly saying "why are you hurting me...?" to terezi dureing the showdown. thats not the valid pitch response, thats someone pulling out a safe word when your going to far and terezi attempting to be a good kismises by keeping the relationship in some semblance of stability and getting punished by it, resulting in it being a total mindfuck because its utterly one sided. thing is, theres no such thing as fucking troll heterosexuality and its caliborn mashing dolls togather and saying werid shit. 
my final bit of evidance is neps death. that was so overwhelmingly edgy that i cannot imagine anyone but caliborn makeing that shit happen. 
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the-octic-scribe · 1 year
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I decided to frolic through the woods, looking for rocks, and found this little guy! Even though it wasn't what I was looking for, it was beautiful.
I think we miss out on the art of the world because we are too busy only seeing what we look for, or thinking we have seen it before.
So, as a favor, stop and see something inspiring hidden in what you see every day. Even if its bueaty is only apparent to you.
You might even enjoy it :)
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kiss-thiss-niss · 2 years
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Name: Arackniss
True Name: Johnathan D'Mayo (Head Canon until we get further information)
He hides in the shadows...
He's one with the night...
Fighting his darkness...
No hope for the light---
"Who's next?"
--For important updated information, read below the cut!--
Arackniss is the top hit man of the city-- and yet no matter what still doesn't seem to be good enough for his father. Arackniss is the oldest of 3 and as the oldest always got dealt the harder hand and put under the most pressure. He's covered for his brother many times-- though Angel may not be aware of this, this is because Niss never told him and tries to keep it that eay. He's gone numb to most things and even goes as far as self harm via putting out his cigars and cigarettes on his arms or pinching them out, just to feel something...
*Jurassic Park
*Corny Jokes
Though even he will admit his brother's food is better-- he will never say that directly to Angel himself, however.
*Short Jokes
*Disrespect of his family
*Disrespect of his lover
*Anyone speaking ill of his siblings
*Seeing his brother down/hurting/in pain
*His Father...--It's Complicated--
Relationship Stance
Niss is hard to get close to-- He keeps everyone at arms length. But if You're lucky enough for him to care enough about you, He'll protect you with his life and put it on the line every day for your safety and happiness. He doesn't really have a lot of friends and he doesn't make friends easy.
"Friends come an' go..."
However he will always put his family first.
"Family, first! You know that!"
Niss comes off stand offish and cold. He is Gruff, rough around the edges, and seems to always be in a grumpy mood. He has a short fuse and an easy temper to trigger. However, he's not fully "All work and no play". In fact, Niss can have moments of being silly, teasing and getting playful. He can appreciate a tame prank, but beware...you might be starting war.
Romance and Preferences (shipping)
*Open ship/multi ship*
*No Preferences that he can figure... (Pan-Curious)
--Niss is a soft Romantic. He likes to keep things private. He's not a huge fan of PDA. Hand holding and dates are perfectly fine but as far as cuddling smooching and fucking he prefers to keep that intimacy private just between him and his partner.
"It ain't no one's fuckin' bussiness any how!"
Kinks and Turn ons (NSFW/Smut)
*Over Stimulation
*Power Struggle
*Rough Sex
Head Canons
*Is not really as much  of an ass as he puts on
he is stand offish at first. and can be intimidating. He had a tough raising, with his responsibilities pretty much beaten into him growing up--both literally and figuratively-- so he is pretty much constantly living under the weight and pressure of his father even if he doesn’t agree to or enjoy doing what he does. 
*DOES like to have fun--
His idea of fun is just different from Anthony’s. He’s a thrill seeker but of a different type. Games like “Man Hunt” “Hunter vs. Predator” are things he enjoyed playing as a kid. He likes the thrill of the chase and gets bored if things are too easy for him. But he also enjoys things as simple as walking --preferably at night-- it’s calmer
*DOES actually have a “sense of humor”
He just doesn’t show it publicly especially not to his brother or his family. But he can actually be quite sarcastic, and a little bit silly depending on company he keeps. He plays tough but if he lets his guard down enough around you he will often be cheeky and mischivous in a playful realm. As far as his jokes go...he tries. --Personally, he thinks he’s fuckin’ hilarious and everyone else “just doesn’t have a GOOD sense of humor” No...No Niss...we just don’t get YOUR sense of humor..
*Likes Jurassic Park and Dinosaurs
*Drives a Black Supra.
*Says and acts like he doesn’t care-- but actually does care.
He often says he “hates” Anthony but this isn’t actually true. They are brothers. He’s always going to care about him, even if he doesn’t say so. Apologizing for him is hard. Emotions are weird. but he is trying. He does want to be there--to help-- he just doesn’t know how. So his relationship with his siblings, especially his brother is just really complicated. 10/10 lurks in allies, or somewhere near by to keep an eye on them once in a while. 10/10 has silenced a few creepers that followed them and tried to attack them. Anthony can take care of himself and he knows that but sometimes he still lends a silent hand.  Would do favors if asked. WANTS to take care of them..WANTS to be there...
To be relied on---
Just. Doesn’t. Know. How. 
Making pretty much any and every interaction with his brother a bit awkward at times and a little frustrating.
*Likes to be “Tall”
He’s a little guy. He knows it. he hates it. He likes to be tall. likes to feel big. And carries himself as such. he is a TOP. --he CAN switch and bottom but his partner would have to earn that usually by beating him, he gets off on a power struggle of sorts. Will not bottom unless “made to” --obviously speaking in consensual sex sense. (So technically a switch? with a HIGH KEY Top preference...and a little bit of a bratty nature.)
*Had a Fiancee in life--
Niss had a woman that his father wasn't fond of, he had originally planned to do one last job, take the money and scram to elope with her-- but wound up dying on the day they were supposed to get married...
*Was a father-to-be
Due to unfortunate circumstances a cruel fate led to the loss of his unborn daughter whom to this day he calls "Angelina" or "Angel" Which is the real reason why he hates calling his brother "Angel." For Niss, saying this name is like a constant reminder of his failures...he couldn't protect his fiancee enough to save their unborn child...
and he couldn't save his brother, either. Angel, however, is not aware of this part of Niss's life due to having died before Niss had the chance to tell him about it...
*Is eaten by his guilt.
He DOES feel guilty. Doesn’t know how to express it. But DOES want to change. IS trying.
#~I Am The Night~ (Arackniss)
#~Family Matters~ (used for Angels, Mollys and Henroins)
#Brotherly Banter (Dash Commentary between Angel and Arackniss)
#~That Kid Brotha'o Mine~ (Angel Dust)
#~Sista Molly~ (Molly)
#~Like Father Like Son: I'll Never Be Like You!~ (Henroin)
~Ship Tags~
#❤️~Riding In Style With Imps~❤️ (Striker X Arackniss) (@strikers-saloon )
#❤️~We Rule The Night~❤️ (Arackniss X Astor) (@shadowofthehost )
#❤️~Late Nights And Coffee~❤️ (Arackniss X Baxter) (@madscientistdonotdisturb)
#❤️~Home Is Where The Food Is Cooked~❤️ (Arackniss X Moxxie) (@sharpshooternomoremoxxie)
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arylleth · 2 months
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to love someone is firstly to confess: i'm prepared to be devastated by you. by A History of My Brief Body by Billy-Ray Belcourt
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septemberkisses · 9 months
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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katy-l-wood · 7 months
Don't get me wrong, I don't give two shits about the English Royal Family, but this PR crisis they're in right now is just wild. Every time you think they're done digging themselves deeper, they haul another bucket of shit up from the bottom of the well they're in.
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chipper-smol · 3 months
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bob-artist · 2 months
Since the Canada griffin was proudly mentioned recently I figure it can’t hurt to ask if you do happen to have plans to design Canada griffin goslings at some point in the future? (muse permitting)
I present to you
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avispatr · 3 days
I have walked among men and angels for three thousand years. Time has no end… no beginning… no purpose. I wander the earth, seeking forgiveness for my horrible crimes against God and man. I live to see death and destruction, evil… over the light, but the light cannot be extinguished. I live in a prison of my own demise. I am lost… in time
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I was inspired
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angel-dust-bitch · 2 years
Anjay: "Slut by Profession~ gentleman by choice!"
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movietonight · 7 months
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My friend Alicia made an ATLA meme
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sitronsangbody · 5 months
Please, please be considerate of your fat friends' needs and limitations. Fat bodies are heavy to carry around. I move about the world slower than my thin peers, and I've often had to choose between pushing myself to keep a pace that takes absolutely all my energy, or being left behind, when walking in a group. I don't always feel safe to ask that everyone walk slower, because there's a prevalent idea in society that fat people need to exert themselves as much as possible at all times in the service of weight loss, and that we never "really" need rest, therefore it's a good thing whenever we're exhausted. Fat people and thin people alike are taught that fatness is a flaw, one that fat people ourselves are to blame for, so we're not entitled to any accommodation or consideration. A friend of mine who is fat recently told me about a dinner party she went to where the chairs were far too small for her and she was sitting very uncomfortably. After the meal she politely suggested moving the party to the couch, but the others didn't want to. She spent another couple of hours in unnecessary pain, and didn't dare tell them about it. I love my thin friends, but some of them just don't realize that I weigh probably twice as much as them, and yet I balance it all on the same size feet and carry it on about the same size bones. I'm like if they had a whole other them to carry around at all times. Why would that not have an impact on how I function? Please - take us into consideration when we're part of activities. Ask us which activities work and which don't. Adjust the pace so no one has to be dry heaving and sweating barrels on what's supposed to be a casual walk. Make sure venues have seating that fits us. Make it safe for us to speak up if we need something. When we do, don't treat us like we're the problem. Finally: yes, we have heard of losing weight. Even those of us who might (and many never will, whether you like it or not), won't do it on a moment's notice. If your response to "fat people deserve accommodations" is "what if they weren't fat though", you're playing a fantasy game. It's pointless. We are fat and we are here and we do partake in society. Work with that.
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389 · 8 months
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Musings from Anna Fusco
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